Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1883, Image 1

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h 11IT LAl1 IbQI't BE .
- - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ . , . _ .
- - - T ti7\11 r1tTTTr it a . . . .
rlI T Xrn Tl ITT\rai rvr/ - - . . . _ a fl - _ _ .
MissoarP's ' Vcst Uurafl1ca by the
Tawny Chicflaiu Chancy i
Moataua ,
' , You May Take Oharlos to the
Reservation , But Ho Will .
Bo Death"
Pnthotic Indian 1&lognencnau(1 Whlt o
h'nced Brarndu ,
MlaaoULA , Mont „ September 12.-
Senator Veat and Delegate Mnginniss , of
mho Indian connnissiottars , roturncd to.
day front St , Mary's Mission , Bitter itoot
Vnlloy , M. the Flathead agency. The
L Indiana refused to sell any portion of
their reserve or move to another roser-
vation. They said they had no grievances ,
wore highly pleassd with their ti n t
Itonnn ; nil they desired wits to ko p
whisky away front their young men. 1'uu
doreillo And Itotunio , thu chiefs , mtdoraod
the abuvo , St. Ignnllus mission schools ,
, also on the rescrvation , wore visited by
, the commission rho schools are well
, r conducted by Sisters of Charity and
i priests. About fifty Indian girls and the
' same numbur of boys are being educated ,
, F and Show routnikablo proficiency it
the ditf ° rent classes. onator Vest
spoke highly of the teachers and
pupils. The council at St. Mary's
mission yesterlay was rather
dramatic. Chnrlus a flathead chief ,
with a few Indians , has steadily refuse
r to go upon the reservation. The India is
cultfvato n few ranches , but are steadil y
growing poorer and the valley is thickly
" settled by whites. The reservation ln
.Y . dimoved anti whites want the Indians ru
, . ed to the reservation to avoid antici-
t pated trouble. In the council Vera and
f. 1 " ' bi innoas sat opposite the chiefs an d
_ t inter1)rottor dd
brought an ) , ' Vest ox laine d
his mission. Charles , who is a noted
' bravo , gaud defiantly at Vest a momen t
, ) ; , and then began to reply : "We are only
few. We are poor and weak. You wan t
to place your foot upon our nook an d
, grind our face in the dust , but I will o dt t
g" 1'will o to the lain. "
" Perce
' ' Noz
' , Joseph tried to 8o to the
i' m.plains , / broke in Vest ; "look whore h °
1' { ' , ? m. Thorn are no plains now The whit °
, t mon were as thick ns la vee from ocean
'r to ocean. If you do not got a title t °
your lard hero like the white men the
' soldiers will come some day and plac o
" , ; . , ' you upon a reservation. "
"t. - "My hands and those of my people ar
, , , free from the white mats blood , sai d
r ' . ' n . Charles ; whoa the Nez Porcos came hero
we protected the whites. Why does th °
t , white take his heart front US now
'Ton ho tc ok Ulf his hat , threw it upo n
i " the floor , stamped upon it , aid will I
, , blariue eyes gazing upon Vest ho shout
ed : ' 'You may taku Cltarloa to the reserLit
, ' t vation , but there will be no breath in his
fA nostrils Charlos'wil ho dead. He will I
t never go thiore alive. "
1 r Senator Vest answered the tawn Y
ohinftain in language as ourph itic as hi a
. i ; : + { ra how fir that ho-must . obey the whitoanan' e
' t + , , ' , lbws as implicitly'ns did Ilia white lnan
.1 .b . u If ho did not ho must go where the gov .
" ' ernment chooses to send them.
Before the council broke up Charlo s
agreed to go to Washington with Agentoffi
Ronan and talk the matter over with tlt 0
great father.
The commission leave to niglit fo r
1 Helena and the Blackfoot agency , the n
to Fort Asainaboino to meet the northon I
fL L tribe ,
The Oklahoma Raiders.
WICIrITA , Its. , Septolnber 12.-Dave I ]
C. Payne , president , J , B , Cooper , tre , u
urer , C. B. Caltort , secretary , and A
1Y. Harris , assistant secretary , tit S
officers of the Oklahoma
company , an o
ganizntiou for tire purpose of locating an
entering Indian Territory , were arrestc d ly
hero today upon a warrant issued b Y
United States Commissioner.J. F. Slier
, ? map , on complain of the United State s
' attorney , J. ! t , llalbWOll , charging then
with conspiracy to violate the law of tit
. . United States , and commit certain o f
. . fences against the lands of the Unite a
.S. States by settling upon lands in Itulit n
' Territory ; that Payne and kin colonist f
have three times been expelled Ern n
there b order' of the President of th °
United States. I ; ayno , known as "Oki a ,
home Payne , " was brought before tb o
conuutssiuner , and the case was continue d ly
till tomorrow ,
p The Vtllarde tit t'urthtnd.
Ponm.tNn , Ore , , September 12-A1 I
the guests of the Villard party roaoho a
hero this morning at an early hour , lm
posing demonstrations of welcome won °
accorded the party. The decorations of t
15110 streets and public buildings wore tin 0
i.t finest and most elaborate aver aeon i 0n
, the northwest. The Wo
procession was tw 0
miles in length , representing all brauchn a the
of business and industry. At the , moil allo
ion speeches were made by , Hon , lit. C
George , representative ul congress offi
President Villard , Carl SchmrA , 1Vnt xns
Evarts and others. Thousaida of vfsi .
JS tam from all parts of the northwest an o
i in the city , General Grant attract. d
much , attention , but declined to ntalo a tre
' speech , ties tw
Tire Barbed 1YIre MUnopotlxlx. oth
C11roAao , September 12.-The 1Vash on
t burp rL Moon Manufacturing company arty
pntontecs of barbed tire flied a bill i u
t t court G ) daw to 1'eslrain all ntmndnctu n
fog eotupames from '
" manufacturing Hlar' °
that 26,000 tone of barbed wire annually
to contract. The damages to r
! , over tuauublcture nro htid at $100,000 ,
' Itaunlou ul'thu lion UvRnto ) ,
LA Cuossa , 11'i r , September 12.-Th °
reunion of the Old Iron lltigadu take s
pliice hero to ntnrrow and rloxtday' , Con
E , S , Bragg , the old commander of thi n
brigade , is expected to nght , to othc r Le
with a nutnbor of distinguished snilita
leaders in the first army corps ,
The Inunl Robburx Cnltlipnlln , at
Sa SAN FRANCISCO , September 12-Th ° the
ro posed i antio land steal
several million dollars ts urtl l f Unit e d g of
C States redwood timber lands has } u et
been brought to light , ; rho hide a ro
situ ited ut the northern part of Cal
fornia , comprised of the most valuabl o
redwood timber on the coast , The Pe at
voctol says , applications for posseesio n
were prepared and signed by duuttnio s , this
Several hundred applications of this kin a
have boon filed with the government at t
thoritiee hero , it being alleged the go P.
crnmcut nnicinls are acting in collusion
with the parties engineering the acLomo.
It the rromotcrs succeed ilia will con
trot otlu sixtlt of ibo total lumber supply
of t he state. Aflldnvits are now
proving fraudulent acquisition. The
United Sialeegrana jury will itn'esiignt0
! Lo subject ,
Sudden Death of n Noted Now Park
13ditor ,
Jlna'nut rlt BSACIi , September 12-
NugltJ , 11AStiugspropriutorefTLu\usv
Yuri , Cuuuuurcinl Advurttecr , dial lucre
at i 'Clock this evening. ,
M r. Hastings did well 1111 night boforu
lint. ElU then pABACII Il rCatlL'aS night ,
complained of great weakness.
Tue sday morning ntnemuuin in the loft
lung developed. 1)urin' the an ho was
very weak , Toward evening hu rallied.
His spirits at all limos wore cLaorf uh
His family ph'eicinn llr , S. Vander pool ,
snty Lim Y tl ovouin , Ho was thou
brig ht , his nos piratimi 20 , temperature
and raise 10U. Tlae morning he
had no favor whatever , but his resl ra
lira , tall. At 4JU : his nttcrnouu his
con dition was better then at au lima
since pneumonia eat in. At 7 o cluck ,
after partaking of some atinulnut , lie
suddenly expired without n word. Hu
was conscious to the lest , Dr. IlugLus
lprouv ucea death duo to paralysis of the
110At ,
Tw o Siullx Cracked 'With an Ax for
$ G3--Tlre Urcoa River Bridge
Cnavaxxs , September 12-Last Sat
urday too parts of n freight train sepaceleb
rate d because of a break in the coupling
and canto into collision over a bridge a
jour miles west of Groan river , brake
down tire structure nod wracked eleven
care. The bridge is now repaired and
trains are running regularly.
A bloody row occurred this morning on
the prairie three miles from Cheyenne.
James Knight a freighter , and two 111 ° 11 ,
H. Moore sits J. H. 1Vanzol elope an
Kni ght's wagon. About daytime Moore
arose , struck Knight with an axe ,
knocked him senseless and thou attacked
1Vonzol , who , after the first blow awoke
and fought , talking the sae from Moore ,
not ! .waver , until lie had received
another blow on the bond. Moore then
took his revolver and allot at Wonzel four
limos , 1Venzal has two ballot holes in
his cheat , one in his loft am and one
through the left hand. A soldier from
Fart ltulsull , out duck shooting , want to
the rescue , uua Dfo"ro fleaorsr the hips ,
1Ymizal's skull is fntctured ; and n ball
pass ed through both lanes. Knight's
skull is fractured. Neither is expected
to live , bfuoru'S ob oct was to got , Gt I
ss bleb was in lYaizel a satchel , but it fi r m a
unsuccessful. Ofliuers are iii pursuit.
1Venzul'e hmno is Clarion county , Pa.
Lit tle is known of Moore.
PITrsHVlto , September 12.-Delegate s
rtprese tiugOhicago ; 1'hiludolphia'Bal
tintgro , Pittsburg , 1VasLington , Rich.
mood , Indianapolis old St. Louie mat a
the DluitongultelA ] tense to day and or
gnnizud "Tau Union Association of Bas u
Ball Clubs , " by electing the followixi ug
offi cers : President , H. B , Bennett
Wa shington ; vice-president , Thomas J
Pratt , Philadelphia ; secretary and trans
urer , Wnt.11'urren 1Vhito , 1Yaehingtun
board of directors , A , H , Henderson ,
Chicago ; M. B , ScanlonVaehintGm
A. G Pratt , Pittsburg ; Thomas J , Pratt ,
Ptiludo1p11ia. ; Thu constitution and by
nwa of mho American association war 0
adapted with law changes. COmmuuica
thi ns from Hartford , Brooklyn and Mu-
waultae , encouraging the formation o [
the new association , were than road
After which the followine was unanimous n
adopted :
RcAOtccrl , That while we rocngniz o
the validity' of all contracts made by th o "n
League nod Amoticnn association , w u
cannot recognize any agreement whereby
any ntnnber of bill players may be ru
ser ved for any club for Huy time bayou 1
the t rnn of their contrasts with sal a [
club ,
A 111CYCLrrt LA ! ! ) Ul' .
SPR1xDFIELU , Ill. , September 12.-Ti 1frilly 1
the bicycle taco today , Nillinnt Wood
aide , Irish bicycle chmnpian , was violent'
throtvu , breaking Nix left arm in tw
places , to
"TIII : BTAT& 01 + ' IAICOTA ; '
Tbo I'ropnsed ConxtlUntlon Nonr1 ) ' '
Phdahed-A b9no Upoulu ; ;
for I'hmbc , ,
Srovx FALLS , Dal { , , September 12 , - St
man nulfragu was Woolly dealt with it
convattiun this evening. The attic ! u
wing women the ballot at school else
lions and granting her Ufa right to hot a A
ce pcrtnnring to school govorntnont
passed. The plan for taking tin
census of the proposed now stile wa
discussed uua adopted , the oxpouno 0 (
which is to be paid 1n scrip issued on th u
asurer of the now aGito. The celnmit .
s report an banking and ntmnicipuli A ,
involves taxation of railroad run 1
er curpnrahon properly And places i t aged
the Sawo briefs of taxation nn rat proS [ of
, ndter than cba'itablu , religious au 1
educational property. Thu miniuum I
Rmnbm of ruproaoutativice for the nor ' '
state is fixed at fill , maximum JOp , Sou are
ntors , minimum 2G , maximum ; /J / , ' [ 'ix ,
coaveution is dotting in its last tsnrk nor { out
bU9111CAa iii moving , . , surd colnplutior 1
rapidly ,
Piro ! , .card ,
LaxiNaTDN,11y , „ September 12A t
Afire this morning ul the aiahlua of tit °
xington Street Car Company , fit , J
mules , fourteen cars and the entire ! fit u I uphput
harness and stock , feed std the stables s
fatally destroyed. Loss LsliuuitL a hive
$10,000 ; wall insured. Unaonbtodl y
nark Oi incendiary , said
LowELL , Mass , , September 12.-Suva him
the thirtuun ice houses at NDrt h '
Chelmsford , belonging to mho Boston Ic ° who
Company , burned last nigh ! . who
The Labor Couunlsalon , bre
Haw YonE , Septombur 13-Job n [ ,
Roach , ship builder , resumed tastfrnun y
morning bolero the senators of th u
Education and Labor commissions , II o
rrlehcd to correct aomu ntianppruhonaIot to ! told
which eooxtod to exist in the uttuda of th u
public in regard to his previous testi
loony ,
1VAxinNATDN , September --soars
tary Lincoln returned from lotrn thi
mor ning and was at. ! Lo war department
to dny ,
Tile P5WMACOLA aUrrnnluU4 ,
C ommodore English , acting secretary
ut Ulo navy , loot night rocoivea the Inl
lowi ng telegram from Lieutenant Cam
ulmlacr R'oleh :
PltxaALY/LA , September 12-Tha noun 1
forc es will issue rations tomorrow to th °
dest itute o { the reserve , Cov. Blnzltaul
has never noticed the telegram soot bin
as au thorized by the department.
G reat indignnhat is felt at the navy
doparlmmlt at. the course pursued by th °
store authorities of Florida m not paying
any nttmttiuu 1D the necessity of caring
for the dcstiGltu ems the reservation o
1'uusar'll , rruu whoa appcnlal to by th °
nava l l tt ! furl ti ua.
Ye llow ( aver has brokmr out in ] Icrmca + lllo
Uuaynnusa and Dlnrntlul , Dloxier , . +
1'euanc'oln la still healthy. At mho tnt Y
yard eix uow cnacA and two dtlntllr y'uatonluy
The coal ndnara of Oa,1gu , City , Ka. , hnv
accun'd at advance of wages Autl the strike t
ended ,
'rh o ts arnn , aaaengerrAtaabetwemt Chiclf
rani Council ] ! lulls runxaiux unchnn , tld , olio
road s nut hnviug openly mat the lYabwlp. :
Th e now llnytinn war caaacl , built In Philn
delphia , will 6o umned "Duaaalino , " ts htlt
tran.ferrodtutbo Ifaytinu authentic , . 8h
laude a auccoaeful trial trip ,
Th e North Dakota convention mot gooier
day at Fa , ) . its object to to the ad
mlaeiun of tlo , southern half of the territory
into the aixtenccatl of states.
The 1'uliah dtiena of Chicago ycatorda P
celeb rated the two hundredth anulveronry n f
thn oxnuleion of t1a Turks from l'ulnnd , b Y
KmngJohn Subrioskn , by the victory at Vienna
Coomga F. Slossen hsa Issued a challenge t
, taCeSchaefer t0 playa game of billiards lox
the Balk Ilno dauuplanslrip emblem and n
stake of ti500 , theumo ; to he played within GO
The committee of , mho trunk line neigh t
agmttx fa in eesaion in Cleveland. Thu j + ro
coadiugs am-zealously aocruted. It. is eai d
that the bnsiuoxe fu hand is revision of th e
claaaificatiun of east bound freight.
Fi fty mombero uE the Union lltntual loser
AnLb A680ChttiOn , from vations state. , mot 3 n
annu al cauvontlon la Chicago yesterday. Th °
day was conaumoll in hearing reports lull die
cussing remedies for sulfa in the present busi
Mesa system + f tire association.
Tha signal corps station at Smithvilly , N
C. , report , to the chief signal office , that th o
maxhnuu velocity Of wbld there Tuesday , w
03 uilce , , aapd its average velocity tor six hour s
was i0milos. Tldrtamrvoeatllsnndpilutbunt
are nahnru or sunk. Of ills tnmly weasels t
tire 1Vihulugt + , n harbor , only two held thei r
uuehorye. ; The oldest ptuta ] any iu durudu n
and viulwue the atonn oxcoudod any they ova nr
exoriouced. ; The revenue cutter , Cu1fac ,
though in iramblcut peril for several hour n ,
rude ibo waves ,
The Union Paulllox Su/rar Anuthc r
1)cl'att fit the Ilnntls of the
I'Urt Ileircute by a Score
Uf G to : : .
'The j'ttino } 'eaterd ° yi + nl ± ivell piny. 11aaF
thrn tghoul and called into force all th 0
skill of the gentlemen from Diiehigan t
ena ble thorn to win. Thin decisions o f
the mupiro wore moat absurd and prove a
that gentleman one might say , entire ! ar
ignorant of the talcs of base ball , H is
Ignoratco clearly lost the game for th °
, P.'s. DIcolvy pitched n super b
gatno , Baker evidently playing in ha
Luck having to change off with Bandlu i n
the seventh innings his earn Land givin ng
out , Larkin ( late of St. Loins ) lilted th D
position of short stop in a highly crcai t.
able manner. Poor old self eacrifciH g
1Yhitnoy "guru up" to allow Funkhaus er
ch ance to scare running to second f U
the faceof aacad curtniuty of going uu t ,
supposing of course Fuukhaueur , tube tv , to !
third svuula mnbraeo the oppertulit y'
11'hat pussussud Lou to decline is
mystery , ' 1'hu Port Ilurona presented ns
their battery Beck and ' 1'hmnpann an d
who played nn elegant guuu , , Thu Pot t
lurwts play good ball and are drilled i + )
purFaction. Not n man in the miuW fe o f
tared n cLatco without minding himsu if
frilly . ' ! 'heir playing 1s like ifa ,
null oiled pioeu of nlachitnurp ,
! ' ! lair tluporhnuut on the field is n II
thutcoula be desires
mltkiugit n hlcasu ro
witness the gameA , rodny a gain roe
will prnvu unusually exciting as the r o
posted autunts have wannea the U. P. o8
, coneidorably and every nerve will h u
stra ined to hula the Wolverines down
'Phut o is nano misunderstanding as to tit u
lucntiun of ihu grounds and far tbu into r
nation of our friends from out of tole n
would state that the grounds are U n
, Mary's avotllto and only four bloc k a
from the Paxton hotel.
Neighborly h'cud Fatally Flnhixlue d
At Thayer County.
Correspondence of Tna nau
II > Duox , Nub , , September 12-G n
Sunday , Septmnber 0th , nLnut 0 O'cluc k cat
H a. , Darius bfnti and his non 1Villian ,
about 16 , drove up to the sago ut
Jauea Bishop , on Dry Creak , i , t of
Tbnyur county , the
111 tUellllbetween U1CAD parties wb o
near nuighbnra , bad existed for sots o
lulu , It that
nppoars Bishop tube w an
in front of his dugout grinding u
hntahut , torLia Mott tram crosxiu [ L is
plucu , An , tltorcatiou thou uusuua. T1 ru
bkttncLtimihat , bishop Ulrcatouiugl y bel
niqrnauhea , them with his hatchet , nl sa
uklpg ill ) tut nz ; that lie used uLuei vu the
uu'ua ro and mnau
throuteniu + dance l ord
shotimid that the bn , Len ick ud
the she t gun in their wu + nu nix o of
ut lbbho ! , , Thu Dfotte Claim to
beau limiting I , ruirio chicken ; .
Bishop claims tJtat .Mott drove in an d
called hat n cowardly nun of n b- a to
"lie was going to shout lx- out of that
; ' and that tired , mho
'ho two Matte claim ft was the L Dy
shot ; Bishop claims ft was the lath or and
aid stn shuotiug. sib
From twenty to fifty eltot entered ti to
ast and abdomen of hieliop' and w' 111
rolp ably result in in 'e death , a
De'puty ' Sheriff 1Y , Ii. Thompson a r '
rested the two bfnite and brought the m
Lcturu Justice Ifoudorahott who w' 111 u
them t ° await the result of ti l0
wounds , OccemaxAt.
Massachasells Repllb1icll Determine
to Bury Bailer with the Odors
of the Poor base ,
b Clarion Note From Dlniao on
Butler an Ptho Prosi-
, -
A 8orlrx of Colored COnundrumx
front n Ioutsvhi1e , 8tmtrsntnn.
Itlnlno amid Butler.
Al10UHTA , September 12-lilnino was
call ed upon t0 any' regarding the army
1nlblishod ' 'uoadny , pnrpnrting to give
his views touchmg Butler's ! , alitical
future. Blninu said ho rarely noticed
Aonaationnl 1par5rn1he ! of nnv tiind , but
ho would , in this also , any thin lira views
attributed to him wore prociaoly the cc-
verso of ! beau ho bola , lie din rapt believe
But ler could be
re-elected gnvornur of
Mas sachusetts , nod had the fullest con
tidmlco n republican pryajdent would be
cheaou nest year. Zho ' anblican party
ho a dded , would be fmiiil fur btnur r
in too elctions at 159,3 , ihml either ht
Phillips on Ilutler.
I3osrox , SuptmnLor 12.-Wendell
Philips was ill to-day , but when naked
whet ho bud to any relative fu the report
that ha hod become tlie3atisfica with UID
adm inistration and methods of Cov ,
But ler , ho wrote the following reply : pelf
1 prepare anything I Il ! foul it to you to -
mor row , but it will b ° denials. I have
not changed my mirth"a
Anpthtnx to pant llutlcr.
Bosrox , Sottombar ) 12.-Thu repubi ]
c to caucuses ut all th6 tiaras of the city
to nominate delegates to the stain con
vention were generally wall attended ,
quint and unanimous. So inn an ureter ,
.Woos are given th0dolegntcs favor Henry
L. Piorcotor.govomcr , the " , test man to
bent Butler. " '
Boeton'sdulogatiuu to the
cmtvontimr will be n strong one.
Cotorod Conunarunu.
LoU1eyILLa , September 12.-The nn
timtnl convention of colored men , to be
bola in this city September 24 , is attractthe
log widespread dnecuesidn among the col ,
area moo owing to dissousions moon'
, bum regarding the purposes of the ns
suinbly. E 1. Marra , a prominent col ,
urea Wiwi of Louisville , furnishes the
local pros with the following osproa
elan of his views : 'rho question is being
asked all over the coutiuout , 11'htt t
coos lira proposed colored nniiona 1
couvontian that is to meet. in this city
propose to lo ? It fe not in my po'vur t o
any what is in the mina. of those wh o
expect to be hare , but I will say drat th °
subject of educating thn Inaasus Altuul d
be one of the subjects , bufuru us au d
she uld b ° tharuugblyatiiscltssed ; second
huwto ; butte ourcm'n ; the a + ttlt
llii te,9 ( 1v7 la's th D
eolith or i p , vast ; fourth , what will b n
our political future ?
IN tlaN ,
A Few Bys W iih the Laltor Da f
Rev. W. E , Copeland IncUu'ee : Upo n ,
the Subjc.a of Mormonlsar.
A few days ago IIov.1V , E , Copu an d
ret urned from n trip t ° Silt Lake Oily ,
and on Sunday delivered an ixuterostixu1 g
dis course rat what lie saw whim in th D
bcautifdl loran of mho saints , 1lr , Cope '
Ana rays.
IIAt'iug .pent ° mouth in % iou , yU u !
Wray expect Hutt I should have sumuthiu 6
to any of the ruunnrked religion , to C
Dion its Must butter uumoies must uauli t
that it is tvuuaeltul that such a ruligiou s
sgatmu could httu , Atultod in the pus t
cen turies nod Nava matched such propo r bu
inns would be nothing surprising , bu t
tha t in this century , whoa thorn are rail
roads , talugnyh , uusvspnpera anti wiaul y
diff used iufulnutiiuu , only proves hot r
much credulity yet runmiux in hlllllal Ili i.
lure. But then cludulity will oat cx -
plxill Diarmouisn , , fur 1 Found many mud n
amid women ui unusual intelligence , nh o
svuro new or had been Mormons. I any
the ! neat of what urn calla iii ton upas be
tutus. It appears that when Dfonnuuinl n
brat started thorn were signs ale won
sore amid an unusual augrou of bruthorl y the
lave , it was a revival of of primitiv u are
clrristianity , , lee Smitht flaw visions ,
dre amed dreams , and a mat of no eau am
ion , yet tlo [ , ranched with great powo r
and eloquence , many of mho early utiea !
iutnrios wore man of eloquence and.aie . the
tinguieLed for their hues of salt duniul
they literally started out without puma a r bur
soup , depunamg on n power outside 0 (
Ulausulvus for guidance alts support Bu
they worn ulduubtedly 110ADat raid earn .
, uua in the curly history of tli u
church there was a apirituulit
and brotherly lava unknUSVU iii th u
church , thin attracted mthly parson ix
intullignncu into draw ilium away frwl t
various sects. ' 1'hwl ' tbu lifornun i
church is founded upon n literal iuturpr0 mime
tutfnn ut the Ruble , and avoids the fineu a
meanings glumn by sucbuinuS W vnriuu s pra
purtiona of the aurqturus , ; what tru s
written iuplnin black ana
wlatu wow a c the
cuptml , aural the must ignorant ands un
accatuua the uow reliiinn. ; blUruuu , a dec
ieve noitbur iii a iriulty or iii undlus s sally
misery by their cuatmn fit blgltiant fo r ax
dead Uruy propose to fulfill tell th u mire
inances amid t11U11 barU even the t the
lhon , They have bluntsl ; clear aF mnu y
ibo boniest dugutns which have lien n ft
stumbling blocks fu the
way of s0 mat y
Ana f must confuse that time barmen s
which 1 heard in the laburuaclu wore tL 0 enl
Wiest entirely consistent biblical sunny le
I ever boars-atrory practice , Uvu n alt
plural ntarringo , was sup'ported ' b y
numerous passages fromn the Scripture , the
on bforlnonien it is impossible t °
uidhed , , as roaainli n
sorrow preachers have tonal our to thud it
I Wawar now a people , wile hn d
lllDrO and faith 111 UOa and ill h is
'uidunco protection. Indeed thin t
nurnoY over mh'duina ' miner ihu gw ' d mho
nco of I ; rlhum l'oan' was the most r w fn
nmrkablu instance fn rllata of u con 1
plate trust in Goa , Not time sojourn x n
mho wildornras of time children of Israel or
the h egira of the binhonednue evidenced
such entire cenfidonco. A grout army
of men , xomon nod children , starting out
on n Journey of over ono tlouennd m11oa ,
through n trncklese xlidonlose to seek n
hotnu m ml unknown country , With scant
provisionm for thick journey , death. fro ,
quint , sutruring constant , and yet with
uo longing far tho'ttealupote of the Gomm-
tiles , pressing forward to the end. X11
the early history uF mho church nlpounda
in similar axon1acs. Almost sty of mho
early settlers Will lull roe ittetnucu utter
insta nce of airiuo interposition fn tire , ,
hohAlf ,
Phu result in' equally n'omlortul with
the hegirn , Salt Lake valley is n great
gnnleu ; ! loon cbnrnaugcity , Tlesniuts
burn prospered ; ' dunty and comfort is on
ever y baud , ' ! tauten orchartle
nod 6nrduue + tan dug nod elegant real-
deuc es , are to ho suuu ern + hur0 ,
1Vluttovur of tvrutohoduosa and ntiao is
conc ealed in lht + so homes , anti , Nato is
doub tless much , is not to o sera , on ilia
outaidu. Mormoniew fe ploneaut to look
look asat. All the oztotnnl evidences
of pr osperity nbouua , so fur Ae the etrnn
gar aIn dotuct. T'horo is leas o [ vice and
crim e nod poverty than in other corn ,
muultica of a ehnhnr sizeo l0 all this the
Moruluns { wint and say , verily , Cod has
blessed us ,
Ti me Dfonuou church of to doy tuts
grea tly natendof the early spirituality is
bmru n ulot'mnmlt ueeusaea of
grunt s pontnniot there in n theocracy ,
t duto
nor cam which the world uv r
saw. If ono thin ho not sou
dece ntly everything fa done in order , au a
and hie
Prosia t Counselors , 12 A pas
lice and their Couneulor thSovout
the lliehv t std thin Elders each olllc D
btu its duties defined and hi ovary fish
optic there ace taac turn trhu trit nl i
ftintilics in their word unco in too tr0oks
au that the condition of the whole ellttreli
fa a ccurately known. And the SainG1
are for the most port satisfied ; tide much
is sum , mho maigrnuta taken oLnrgo of by
the Mnrmous , mire bettor ofl that they
awns wore before. They have more iron ,
dent unmet tar more comfort that Utoy
over drontuod oft
Of course bformonienl has its dark
thick side , which , however , thou sojourmuorstor
is rarely able to eon ; Time worst feature
to my pond is not Polygamy , ( about
xhmh each a tremendous oxatWmout h as
been raised , as ! hough n Polygnoils , dotime
lied Divine as nollas , human law ; when
ther e is more co aillod Divine authority
for I'ulygamythen for Dfonogauybu ) t
the power of the Priesthood , the von ty
orde r of Mormoniemia the saddest thing
the people have absolutely no mina o f
thur { oa'n , IltUll Ilitd women ahoy are bu t
puppets in the hnuas of the I'rienGL
1Vhutuvor order I'ruaiduut John T.lylm
issues is absolute Nora alto end of time
church to the other , and should Polygn
uty ho , finally suppressed time
Mor mons will be no more loyal subject a
of the United Stites than the
nro to day amid tlw (3uutilas will 60 n 0
butter elf. A theocracy Uwrtups al 1
other govontmouts. God's will urns , L u
superior to utati a will , and s0 long
the Dfunnmt church continues there wtl 1
be elm same contest , thn sumo irropresai
tY1 , ; fl'.t butyy'nnnthelirhmonnna iii a
Ouiitihij I do nut nlch wunaor that flu o
Monnone ! rate the Quntilua. They h ° v D
lab ored Lard and long t ° taro n wade
aces into a garden ' 1'huy have corn a
tltuuaalas of ntilun to uaGtblieL rvhn t
the y believe u true church uua u tru o
govornmout , and how the llmltilo B
thrcatou to take nuny their tuhorituuc o '
and du so fur as lDSeiblu seize upon , th
gnvornmmst , On the nLolu , I think th
Dlonuona bear with axonrplary pntimic o
mho abuse lumped upon them maul the at
ample umda t ° avcitlurow thvir chafe !
fur the civil mul religions govormnun ta t
nro all the aloe. 'l'imo bforulmiS iii th a
past have connnittad attrocioue uuudur e
amid perhaps would do the atunu to an
aid they aura , But the Jews aid th uu u
same fn Old Tuatnnieut times , nod w u
lunch the clpildrou iii iLu Smldny echoa ,1
that they did tight. Now the Dtormon H
claim that they iuu the hwariha of Gu d ,
amid , r0sunt tally as uulch uvidencu n S
, ever 'ncaeutetl. ' I du nut b o
lave tint , nn of the muilinds nD , use od
will over settle the MUnnou Lruhlan i '
Puraucutiau Duly drives them loguthu f
ana struugthonA the power of time price t
hood , lirutu force Luny avail , but iil t
what shadow of authority can haute lure °
timed ? Thu btm'utuR Ayatmu , civi 1
govurnunent and all is n ruLgunl , just t o
much its ltonumisur , or Jluthodtaun , u 1'
Uuitnriuuiaun , cud ft the United State s
luivu the right t ° destroy ibo binrntuu x ,
they hnvo the mimic right to destroy I'ro s
bytrriuniaul anti kouuulixuL IF MerH1o1 r
rem is abunxinue to the pauplu of ib u
Unitas Slates , ana clot bu duelroyca , b y
and bye ltmnnninm or I'roteskutixm ran Y do
equally obnoxious , ana mny be d u
stroyud ; svhtch forever puma rat ana to rd I
igiuus hLorty , ! lutist bfarmoufaui wnr o
evil n thousand fold moro than the Y
than the lass of religious liberty
Nor cue the various churches Databliahu d
eng the Diurntuns avail anything t n
dnatrny mho power of the priesthood to r
hose cburchue prufuea to h0 faaldud ° 1n
annlu book on Which Dfunnouinrn i
f0U11aDd ; for it is nut oak of DlUnnon ia'
the lfuly Iiiblo , which is the Found a'
lion stone an which Dlormoniem rust a ,
t few are lea out of Dfarnoniam iut
ibnacclarinn churches , lYhun a Dfu r
ngutupostUlizos , hue fa through with Bib
ruiigiun nltOgothur ,
l'henu ngunts are destined to so ulodi ty ha
Dfurnuulem as to bring it into uccot d
with the rust of the United States , Ec 1'
ucntion , and iii this dirucliun the Sou is in
doing tt good wurl { Hurl deaurvu n ll 11'
ise , for they arc fnuudinggoodacbuu la
mall parts of the territory , tuul , Natal 'Y '
cungpulliug the Dloruunls to impros
ir Ow'II aC110U1H , An time D1a upun b 10
enure tntulligunt the power fit prluntbur ul
lines ; ilia upusGllu mire nhuuat uuivu F- I !
iutulltgunt. Cunmwrcu comes uux t
ratlruudn nntltiply and rho binruut ,
anupullca to unnglu with time Gunlil '
ir iuUdurulcu , is nuttgntud , iLuy b u' hug
coupe anlmHlcd of their polygauly ; iudau d ,
seen cmuue to coat tau moth to hit vu lus
muru ihau ruin tofu ; Choy buuomo aim o G
im'pntiunt ' of priestly dictation ; they ohm y . ] ,
y tlloau cnunualax which are cD u
vulnnt and niter a while cease t ° chum y N
ogether. ' 1'hh'a , a liberal religion , u fit
eonliuiug itself to the IluLruw Bible fie
text book of religion ; wLilu llw Mr , r J ,
mono will nut listen i ° the eucGtri at
proucllurs , they will listen to n libx rut
pronchur , amid unco convinced that ti u St
lluLrew Bible ib oat iufulliblu , they nn un '
witharat + fn whole or fu part frmn DG n
nludeni , l xus nuvur moro convincua nof
value ana pnwur Unibirinuism ih un '
by htiuf stay in Salt l.uku Cit y , F
1Yuuld aurae girt of turhuo untaLli nL 0 ,
Unitarian churches throughout Momma nLu
darn , and more would b- , done to emnn
oipala the bfornlone front ibo power of
the priosthowl than by all the other
churchrs cnnlbinod. ] fonuaniem } , to my
mina , is of grout value to ilia religious
worl d , it nlwxe the growth eta genesis
of n religion ; . ! lasts eta just } tun CtriA }
tinnlty mny have started and rotor it
repe ats mho hieto of the fire , rotorin
mho Christian so that the world
hue an object iosenn to xhich it
canna ! close its eyes , And Dfor
monism htrthcr .heirs in its cmn
plotcuoaA n truly Biblical church. With
no doubts , with nn concenlmattis , whim
no ttrixling ana turning , Mormonism
take s the Bible literally , fie it untst lw
Glkon if ft is n revelation , and ntnkns its
relig ious system according to mho plniu
tanclriu's of the hook , Dior unusm
shows the world , 'oat ts'hnt n ohurdn
f0uudca ou the liibln moat become if
loft to itself nntl not checked and
changed by external iulluanco. hero fu
lion ie n theocracy ouch fie Ulo Bible
tenches , such an all clntrclres would bu
conru which mare founded on ibo Bible
, tutu they relieved tram external infiu
unco , Other clnttohuA are modified ihu
acrnciuo , ! ho church UE ibo Latter Da } '
Sainte mho genuine thing. 1YD have
Euuud ft out of oral with ilia times ; it is
an we are drivmt to ibo
cehclttaiou flint its fountain , the Bible ,
belongs to another ago. We are coin-
pull out to listen to ibo voice of ( lot and
mor e or Ioae reduce our dupondeuce on
Elubrety scripture.
" " ° -
Due of Oar Omaha Physclaas ! Restores
a Bliud Ma > fs Eyes ,
A Vary ItemnrunUlo amid Interesting
Cane of Surgical .
M ention true male fn mho hut yesterday
day of an elderly elan Wanes Symjpsane ,
who hod ctnrio to Omaha to be ! ranted by
an oculist , mid whose sight bad bean to-
stor ed. Surmising that the pLyaclan } ro
fortes to might 6u Dc Craddy , time Bat
reporter whole attention was called to
time matter dropped in at mho doctor's
otllco yesterday to lunrn further pat ' I
ltculnle of mho smatter f [ ho know thorn ,
"Yes , mho old gtnttlomat ana n patient
of mime , sofa Dr , Qtuady , IEu 1s one
of the must intureatiug ease. of the kin , 1
I over know. Sovwltwn years ago Iii
eight began Atilfig } rather rapidly , and a E
the cud u [ n your lie was prncnenlly blind
mouth h ° so ever sluice. t
mmnthe ago he coma here , cud I faun d
kiln to be eufluring with
nnvnLa uATA11AVr ,
1 gnvo hint sane hope of relief and
t1uuD flays litter I ostntatud the cataract
frwu one eye. This proved in two wank a
to hi' w saittafnawry that hu decided to
h nvo ibo other eye operated uponnlau , '
" how ola is ! la }
r 'HD ; a eo1Sttcycigl ? ; ; y0arahlatuit °
fuoblo arid , iii that ; iii n auttd 'of "gutltra ) l
nuiritanma , n cmtditimt uufavmnblu to a 1
opuratiat , rbu intoroatiug feature is '
Lowuvur , that ha now sues , withou t
glasses , whet we cull twenty ttvuutiotLs '
or , in other words , unnltul distant visimn
1Vhtnt you consider that , with u nnhlnt l
uyo , vista , fit nixtyfivu , ie Duly a littl D
immu re that half of the ntandnrd tnkuu n s
uununh this becomes very fnturuating iu .
sued , Time eyes , by the chnngea wroughtstab
infra bueonw n sort of
oITICAL JNsrtvulxl' ; ;
for iufiuito o1tJCUls , objects at n diatatc rl
of t wenty tout or moro. IucL eye i s
oqunlly road , Uoili fie regwdn aiatalc ° n
ld reading. For + lm accepts a
gla ss of anne nh'tnn + th tLnt n fir rnu it
oJ'u weals at flitY livu/ mad tunas No , 1 +
or lirillinnt typo , "
"IYlult is regarded lu n fair , avurag o
res ult ? " nakun lhu reporter ,
' Thu boat nuthuritics upon time Subjuc t
any that with glnAAeA Esvuutysuronticth A
for aiatamcu old No. 14 , which is daub ! u
pic a , for rwuliug , mny b ° anluidurc a
u "I'o What do t'ou attribute ills extra
unlinay resulff'
" ' 1'huro are two abnnnnta cnndilions it t ut
ibo ayes , " acid Dr. Crnddy , "u bleb hnv o
probably oxiaiua tram birth. Lt th u
lira , pbtcu , the oyubnlla are ton lung , run
during him myopic , ( uuar st ; htua ) , nut 1
secondly , the index of rufrnctiuu of th u itt
uyroe , fa consiaurubly above the Wotan ! ]
No w , that tau lunsua mare extracted , whfcl 1
revese time rDGnctiun of time eye and Ut u
inaox uE rofntction of the hmuurn , n D
ubt reduced by nor , but still shown lh u
nurntnl , iLoru runnuua just Bnniciout u uf f
the excessive rofractiun power , to brio ( ;
ibo ruya of light lu n focus on the rutiun , Tim
'rhnnkutg time doctor far hie oxplal a the
lion the reporter folded hie heal { an d
witLdruw ,
_ .
-.c - -
The Sccoad Scssioa of the North Nc
hraska Couforcaco ,
Thuaocond eeSnion uE mho Hurt NoLrn t-
uuuunl coufurwlcu fit Limo l'Iuthodial
hpiacapal church convmlca thin uurenin
ibo ! brat bl , E , church Bishop tau n n
' , 1ViluY I nrasiding , In opening , tl 1 °
liishup rued part of time third cLnptu r ,
limit Lorinibiuns , std Iluv , ' 1' ' , B , Ioui uu up
pruyud , 1V , F. Warrtnt rvae thou aloe , Da
aearuta y , Soul A , Sulitb , nsnlaGutt ; 1
, Cnrtur , recording sucrotnry ; F ,
Ilhmm nod N , ! 1 , ( late , ntaUstictll seer 0 ,
farina , Thu 1 ° 11 cull showed ibo fella sr
utmnbura pecaont :
1YnL U , Cnrtur , 11'isnor ; Jumbos Chu r
, Hunpor.J ; , 1 + 'uwlur , 1S'ent Point ; Pi ,
, h'uwlurI , Q. A , 1 + 'lulturty , Oakdal ° l
J , I luLnrty , f ullurion ; J , It , ( juu r
hurt , St. Jauoe ; lY , I + ' Ormldy , Luil l 0 ;
, 11 , Gala ! flair ; C , Y. Iluywoud , Mum tl
luau ; Alfred llodgotie , Arlington ; J , Jf ,
LuudmnlVinnur ; D , Afnrquottc , Dakot ma ;
B. hhtxfiuld , J N. ] tichnras , J , P ,
liw , J , 11' , SluulkV. } . Stewart , Ox , t ,
ails ; Joel A , Smith , North Platte ; J , L'
, Clair , Albion ; J , 1 , lanlloozu r ,
I'u'pillion ' ; Nut , I + ' , 1VnrruR , 1 + 'rtnuot l t' ,
Rile 13.11'ilarny Columbus lYnt , Dl ,
11'orlu Ta'ramuh ; Janus 11 , Priu al '
1'oucaYl ) , U , Wiuablp , 1Vayuo ; E.
ox , I + 'ullurtuu ; It , W. Eato } a , Norfolk ;
W , Saoidb + 0l tranaforrua from Dunn 0sop
ara ,
1.1 tJ. ( ! 1.
A Princely Reward for Filly Years off' ' '
kUitary [ Service is Germany ,
The Sttttua of Irish Agitators To-
w ard the Ohuroh in America
to be Considered atflomo.
The Sobrieski Celebration at Vienna
-Time Fnlso Prophet'iuOceu
pallan Cone.
Gl > .NIItAle FUft IUN NE1YS.
A rtuxcr.'a ' IUSWA1ln.
LI1x110N , September 12.-The emperor
of ( lorutnuy has conferred upon Prince
rlloxmrur } , of Hrasu Cnssal , cvluutmtd of
mho Thtrteultth drngomta on the occasion
of ibo I'rinco'A complotiou of the fiftieUf ,
your of military satvtco. Prince Alex-
ande r cordially accepted time honor , ehaw-
ing that ho has nbnndnnetl all nuti Prus-
siuu tendonciee , nod that entente cordtnta
buttvwu the mnparor and hitnwlf hay
been TCatnred.
Ti me ap ) ointtnent of Con. Scmitz by
lira 1 + 'rouclt uvarnm ° nt as mnbnasadar to
St. Putarnbtbi creates at uufnvornblo
ingproeaion into Berlin mvius to his Alsaa
line origin ,
The enlist , during nu audience with
the Corntat Ambnaa'idor declared it mho
iuWntian of Turkm to Welborn to time
f oreshadowed by the Auetro Gennau
° linnc0.
It fa expected time czar will moat mho
emperor of Cunnnny before returning to
St. Petersburg.
THE anunlrsnt CSLannATION.
Ti me Subrioski festival continued 111 the
Vicuna prntur last evening , the principal -
pal features being a grand torchlight. .
procession and display of tiroworks ,
It is autuuucod that among the ques
tibns to be placed bolero time Propaganda.
amid American ; pralntos for diacueaen , at.
the cnnfaronco in Novenmbar , will be one
coltcanting the attitude of the Catholic. 1
clergy towards Irish agitators in Amer. .
nltoKsN UV IN 11VAINE49
Hipks Pasha , who loft Ihartmn will.
5,00 0 men for n campaign against Elma +
Nadi , the false prophet , telegraphs to time
lthoaivo ; that Lhnnhedi's religious iuflu
ottco is broken.
PAUts , September 12.-The National
says nhnula the pauding nogutintians ho-
twcun Fraucu anti China , as is feared , ,
not take a favorable turn , the French
cabi net are disposed to call an extraordinary -
dinary easstuu of the chamber of depu-
ties . It fa mtaursooa Chnlhnuol Lacour ,
EOrcigH miniator , is iu bluer of accuraiug
larg e conccasiats to Chinn iu mho interest.
of p eace. Ministers of war mul umritto ,
how ever , suns der inn matter of only Atta
hon or to ronist time encroachments of
Chinn in . , I
TDnquin.R . ,
-1 ag „
" " ' LEUltit sTAx@N. ht' '
Lnxnox , September 12.-Thu race for
St , Lc or aGikce fertuco car olds , run'
fit Dun nsGpr to aA } ' was won by Duke
IIIn111ltUI1'8 Aeaiau 0 , Lteul-
buret suuond , Lord Ellceuturu's Highland
Chief third.
m'It16oNNna ntscuAnaEU ,
DVISGIN , SeptOntlwr 12.-Time six men
who have boon confined in Tullamam
prison nn thq charge rif murloriug Coma-
stab le Ilrgwn , were discharged for lack of
' CAnLSC.GISoptcunbur 12-A panic ut
theater lust night ennead by n false
ulnrllm of tiro. 'rile drora wore found
lucked nod malty rondo their escape from
tvinaott s. Several pcratnla , were uturcd.
Loxuux , SSI'raJlllalt 12-A tolugrnm
from ! lung ! lung , to time Admiral states
tlud two 13ritiah gunboat. are now at
Cnnhu , mid that , to cunjuuclion with
Chinese 11001)5 ) rat duty a1 shorn , they
Atruinb sulliciuut guard for foreign eottlu-
mart. .
ruin cumnEsn Atiarv.
PAttrs , Soptuuibur l'-Tho Fignrt.
alntua that the Chinese nnvy catceutrnW
I'uliu , and uuly await uuu e of mho ar-
rival of French reinturcemeut at Pert
Said to iuvaao Tunquiu ,
llAYI'J'r x1C1 { ,
DU11LN , SopluutLor J2-bficLaol Dav-
is vary ill , with iutlauudiun of the
hlu + s , SiclntcAS necessitates iha canc0l-
lutiou of all hisuu nuHlenta ; ; to udarona t
mho National League meetings in vatieve
parts of ,
- t
Itallruud Accident.
WluJMANTIU , Conn , , September 12.-
e mngin0 of a section freight train on
Now York nod Now Englund railroad
bro ke from the train at Andover , Lis , ,
Horning , Thin train following crashed
into the rear. Eight curs wore wrecked
amid several dorailud. A brakeman had. 1
lug brokmn , Two care wale burned.
Tbn track is blocked.
They a uu't L'ay ,
IiAmtntxuata I'A , September 12.-The
Itausu thin niornin % after a length dis-
cueaionarced to ilia no-pay resolution ' I
aulotiaud by tLo sunutr that no umpire- +
prima be reported after tietcnrber
uzculIt for nllicera amid tumiploycs.
IFlxrrrdrtl , r + cuutca ,
1\'rw Yea { , SuptoutLcr 12.-Time Pun- ,
Amnw , hich urrtvet > , Crow LivelpnD' today ,
brought liftuun aiatressud acaueu , 'ricked '
from the NnitsecI'iiut burl { Cat culun ,
PURIFY i ! ! ' DL 001.7.
irIIS tnlrvrloua results of Iloal' . 6aralpatUla
utan all hwnanand low conditions of mho b1oa1
proru 1t Iho lxat 01.001) IdSnlClx& Fuca fur
Lrcnlheeucre.e ottam. arllde , a ; haute
, list Itcarly creq , orally S nl whole
nrlrnlarhoodr lava lwcn taking It at
Wo .sine lbue , It realtiro , N ! ! us
mid cnrtrLea the Dloal , Q cures dysyep
elaLaloumrre , , soda ! ! Q dclantemeau of
Uleelonuchmuacdby ' Onpun blood or
n drbl111alyd coaAl ilea of the perronr
erih' + n occaelonal S by ercea + lra wenLlt
or ybyalal are labor of dlealpauoA. it
rroAlataarrot i , does ! alt tool human ,
alYl ICelarN O aAd reaOrAtW 1110 Nh010
rprkm. A QO pcculttr Dalai In Ilaad'a
aana µ a + U le fa that it creates an ap
prnteand builds up aal rlreaAlhena mho
aretrmandProvcalnsmluaWenr a ytrptectbn tram
Aieasea that N Inato fit W + + aze + of Wu aesewu ,
of camnte anti u We.
) Ieeen , C. h float k Cod o.qIletnea-IC AtlonLr
' + , , ,
y U malt 11ni been uch Dut for some ewi
mvoenobUcdtolakeatoplooteorne ; yuan the
xan"aryoutaaraparUla. eWUUgauAhave ncrerfuuru It nntibUUrnutluttny tones i1a tur.Tetew ,
jI11W1ttl mYWta1 , I + arxna nyaplwtnte moat Yauu
. SteelkclfuU1yenta , . '
UIH uvar. 4. 1' 7uouN
sop , ° , . > , r.
aalAhy dru tdu , 1 rnrlq ; wnarelilor$6 „
U.h1tWnCO.Aputbnranre , n114alaw. „ .