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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1883)
. fT - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - , . t iL \ - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ v- . - . - - - . . . _ _ _ - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - y } - . . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ' ' 1 c I HE DAIL Y B EE EDN SDY Pti 4 ; : \ \ . ( _ w - ' -w i T T ; , \ S : \ I tfc SAVE YOU t\ \ r vLt TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY , if you buy your ! t : J , 'RO.CERIES& PRO VISIONS , . ) : crc1T ¶ PELk cc , ' 16 Main and 17 Pearl Strcet , Council Bluffs. I is 1 1 R. S. COLE & CO. , I MANUPACTUItEIt ANI ) DKALERS N ALL 1 4 AU the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods And Orimmenti. Also Voott . ati.I Iroti Punip . . , Woo. Tu1.ln anit (1am Pipe nnLI Pipe . FIiturc , for both No Feb , 604 South Ittain % oo.I attil . . . Iron . . . 1'ltiij.ii. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . . II1 . . . reccI . . . . . . e . pronit . . . . . . attentloti. . . BLUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER , cr : : F. c c rt i . New Store , Frui ) Goods , Low 1ricc and I'ollto Attendants. ' _ _ , _ / ij-sr { First Door east of Meti'opolitan Hotel , } LoRtHiWAY. t - . . . PETER C. MILLER , WhOLESALE ANt ) RETAIL 1IaIt-Paper and ? Indaw Shades and Painting In all its Branches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. . . . . . . . 1\Tc. 1.3 cu.tb. X'otirl t. Qtu2.c'il 1i.i.ff. . DEVOL & WRIGHT. ii : rdvirare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PItIaES.ON MAIL ORDERS. . . Broadway Steam Laundry ! ' 724. W'I' A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. . LATEST IMPROVED MAORINERY. Model Steam Laundty ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. . N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good / . - work , Please give me a trial. qr. COUNCIL BLUPI'S RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The following are thttnioot arrival and departure I trains from th. local depot. . The traIns start from k the Union PacIfl depot about ten minute. earlier tban below stated , and arrive at the depot about ten c mInutes later. Train , on pool lines and K. C. run on Chicago time , a bait hour faster than local. Wabash trains run on . St. Louis tmo , twenty minutes faster than local. 13. % . . . p. and Lincoln trains run on CouncU bluffs time. \ _ CIUCAOO , ROCK ! 8LAW AND PACIVIO. Depart. Arrive. Atlintlo Ext . . .5:50 p. m. Pacific Exj..0:4 : ° in 1z and Mali' . . .9:5O. : in. Ex and Mall'.6:5 : p. rn D Nobcoa. . .7:15a.rn. : Des Moines ac..6-3 p. in. cIlIcAoo , uuauaoroe . &ND QrnNcy. . \ Depart. Arrive. ' 4 , ' ChIcago Ex..35p.rn. CounaU Iiuff. ox..9.45 z ? Mailand Kx..945 m Mall anti Ex'.7OOp. : in. ( JIICAGO and eoar1lwBsTEaN. Depart. Arrive. . Atlantic Eat..15 p. in. Paciflc Ext . . . .9:15 : a. ui. Mail and Ext , . .920 ; a. in. Mali and Ex. .6:15 : p. in. ' AccomSat.5bOp.m. ( ) : - ILAXOAI3 CITY , MT. JO ! D COUCU BLUFFS. IcpBrt. Arrive. Mail and Er..9:55 : a. in. E'preas..5:35 : p. in. . . . . . . . . . . . p. in. Mail and Ri. .6:45 : p. in. iJION PACIFIC. Depart. A.irlvo. Overland Rx.1iSOa.m. : OverlandEx..4OOp. : in. Lincoln Ri..11S0 a. in. Denver Ex. . . .8:00 : a. in. Denver Ex..7:00 : p. In. Local Ex..0:30 a. in , Local . . . . . . . . a. in. " Ex..9:05 : a. in. Emigrant..20 p. in. " Ex..0:00 : i. in. WABASh , ST. LOUIS AND FACIFIC. Iiart. Arrio. Ma1IandE . . . . .9:45a. : in. Mailand Ex.,4:30p. : 01. tannon lia.1l..4f.Op. : in. Cannon BaIl..11:05a. : in. SIOUX CITT AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive ForSioux City.7:55 : a. in. : ForysriNiobrara Fnn Fort Niobrara ' . . . . . . . . . . : . in. Neb.6:50p.m. : For lit. Paul , . . .7:40 : 1' . in. St. Paul. .8:50 : ChICAGO , MILWAUEKII AND OT. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Mall and Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I PariuicEx. . . . 9:45 : a. in. AUantioEx. . . . 3:40p. : in. I5aU and Ex. . 7:25 : p. in. . . All trains ilaliy. CHICAGO , MII.WAUKXK AND MT. PAUL. Leaves Council IlinlYd. Arives Council flluff. Mail and Ex. . . . 1J:20 : a. m. Mail and Ex. . ' 6:55 : p. in. Atlantlo Er. . . . 15:15 : 1' . flI. Atlantic Er. . 19:10 : a. in. COUNCIL BLUW An OIIAIIA BTRNBT RAILWAY. LeAve Council liltilTs 1.ave Omaha. 6 a. in. 9 a. in I.e. I 8 a. m. 9 a. in. jOe. in. ii In. 1 P. In. 2p. in. 3 p.01.4 I a. in. 1 m. 2j. m. 3 1) . m. p. m. 5 p. in. 6 I' . in. I 4 P. 10. 5 I' ' . UI , 6 P. in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific der..t. On Sunday the mrs begin their tripe at 0 &aock a. in. , and run reguiariy durIng the day at 9 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and S o clock , and run to city time , CURE OR NO PAY. t Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named dis. Scrofula Ulcer. , l.a. _ Lse5 , erne p&7 lthuumtiem , , Larch all Illoodand Skin Ihoesse. , Dyopepiia , Liver Coin1laint , Itldnoy and Bladder LiseiBe ) , Oout , Neu. raii * and Aethom. The fiprings are the favorite resort of the tired and dcbiiltatud , and era the Y.ebie Ladle. best friI , hotel , Livery and Bathing iocofliuod&tiOUL Locality hIghly picturesque and healthy. ndi Tn. opTical , II , X. miT. OFFICER & PUSEY B BANKERS. . II. Council Iliuffi , 1856 EstabIihea - - and Domestic Exchange md IoalerS In Forgien Rome SecUrit1 I' II. J1 Ritou , l. B. , PHYSICIAN & SURaON fl1u" 222 BroadwaY , COUUCU _ w. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace Om&ha nd Council Bluffs. R&2 oit& $ and coflocUec igoaC7 D O4d 1 , 1xx.emS.TID Il&ak. SECOND IN1UL Fair ! OF THE Council Bluffs DBIYIN PABK & FAIR ASSOCIATION ! SEPTEMBER , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14. $ i.5.000 in Premiums I ,5cxI FOR BPEED. Liberal Premiums for every Product of the Farm , Workshop and Fireside. The lrottingItunningand Pacing Race. will ho The Most Exciting ! EVER WITNESSED. CHARIOT AND HURDLE RACES Rverylday. ThO Track , Expoeition Iluliding and grand utand equal to any in the West. EXCURSION hATES on all railroads oatremely low. low.lION. . TlIOS. A. IIF.NDRICIS , of Indiana , will deilver the Ol'lNINU AD1)liEt3S On thoafternoon of Tuesday. t4For premium list address THOMAS IIOWMAN. Secretary. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stock west of ChIcago of Wooden end Metallo Cases. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy C0mPCtitlon in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr Seorgan has served as undertaker for fortY years mu thoroughly understands his buel. ness. Wareroome , 311 liroadway. Ui'IIOLSTEiIiNO In all Its branches promptly attended to also carpet living and lainbrequius. TeIegraphi anti null Jers OIled without delay. R. Rice M. D. ' orothertumors removed with.utthe I1AHCIIR' I knife or drawing of blood. IIRONI B1BSB $ ° ' kinds e. specialty. Over thIrty year. practical experience. Otfice No. S leaii street , Council Bluffs , tCConultation tree. DII. 11ENDERSON I A regular graduate in . inedlolne. Over ilxteen O0d& ) I years practlce.-.twolv. in KA18AS lTY , 110. J Chicago. Authorized by the state to trea Chronic , Nervous and Private diseises , Asthma. Epile usy , Itheurnatlein , I'ileB , ' P ° Worm , t1rinmry and Skin Dis. ease' SemInal Weaknesanight loss. . ) , BexuLl Debility ( loss nfsrzual newer ) , SI guaranteed or money refunded. ch&rg. : . low , Thousands of se. cured. No Injurlon. inwil. rinse furnished o en to &tlenta at a distance. Con. .uItatlon tree anJconliintlal-cml1 or write age and experience are important A 1100K for both sexes- Illustrauud-and circular. of other thIng. sent baled for two 8 cent stamp. . Y1I15 MUSEUM LI In ad eod.w ABOON TO MEN All ii. . . . .ba from Iril.r.4I0nS. .u. ' . . . , r oIb , ci , . , , us . , .k , , .n.rvd. l. , pIrIi , pI.7IcsIy $ drslssd , .ed un&bIi Is perform lIre' . dull , . VruirlY. 55 be .ri&u.I , a. ii" , , toscb rrn'4I.i. ' . YMIu1io1 tIy cu ! ' & . . . . . , . , . 014 .IRrs .u1 uI. prr 5 TA. M.dical H.U5 7. plisefunhIg Nerves' fl.I.IIlt I'hy.I.MI iIrc.L. .te. , ' . Altl'J dIN IIli.lI 315,5 II % 'w"t'4 b ; 'lilY. it bupilc. ' cisc' . . .ur,4 fcii.ti. reuorstlo , . so roll isS per. toil , . . . .huod. 5pi.I rUeeiIv' . elsml , , I.u&oL. I. , tItI5 , , sot. pIs..elas Is. , . MItU'rli lIl.tIDY Ufi. . lb i. Ifti SI. , J.w Trk ' jI. , l..I.t (5 III gtm'.i. t.r I .ieuk' . .eiu e4'I To. Inc .urr ot ol sl. gIero , tie , . oruzeIs , fia'it Is , u , 5.dstko hvut liii insIruInwiit , II. . , l'l I Il'uI.Us CII 10111 of t.i..U ( ( I1 iwrn.rntIiug FOR IlurouI , hue OaSiS , r. . . . I I .11.1 ( . I IIn I' , Iue4iiIy 0 ( ( I'H lIt. Dot 'OflITII II , . , oitl Elsetrle Jw'Ia ' j.ll5311Md to run oIl Ills I , 0111 heal lo ts. ' It I" for iI. Oi I si.'ciIc vui l..e. . 11r.tIlr. i' I uII Inforinollon uddre , . . Cl.t ever h.r . . II.II * ' . , Iv v..Il. , .3 , , ? , i'Isl II Tl..ctric ; of th. bodY enlarged , devioped and strengthened bunlan d1nisrt5tiug a4vertbeincut icing run in olil eta , ii wW that thee. ji I. to inquiries we ssy reply In . peper. bnrntalg ibeul this. On tluO contrary DO .vident .1 highly indor.ed. IntSTC.tC' the idyertisOfl itO YetJ gel ie&1 ct $ giving IUJjA ° ° ' ' . . . r drnItrisIralOe.IlO.bea . I. . y.vlt.isde even. COUNCILBLUFFS. _ ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , FAIRSIGHTS. _ C'vnliaucd froTm SixI/s J'ajjc. The children wore OUt in full force yes. terday , the schools lo'lllg closed aiul all childrcll arlinitteil free. Squcakilli' baboons wore Ovell liloro plentiful , there being I1I1 average of Lwo to a child. IL SOUlILIed like 's national poultry show.'ul IOllil. The following ls the pruigralillue for to. ( Ia3 1 1At 9 o'clock , cmv. No. 1 , horseM of all work. At 10 o'clock cIa.ocs Nos. 17 noul 18 , jacks ; jOuIlet.3 811(1 littIIes , At 10:30 : o'cloCk , tim iiialo portion of ciases Nos. 21 , 22 , 8 , 2-I , 2'i , 20 au. ! 27 , vIII 1)0 ) BilOWO , elIcit breel forlulllg e dIstinct gloup. huh. three years oh aud upward , aliiiittod first. After they are dtsuiisscd , bulls two ear. 1)1(1 nun SO 00 , accurdliug to age. At 11. ( ) CICk , cia.vscu. Nos. 7 , , t ) , 10 , ii and 12 t'WOCIstflkO ' ( ) $ ) $ . Class 28 , much covs , vlil be eaninhied lit the stalls. TrottIng , freofor.all , purse lOOJouiti \V. \ Bitsoeli , Columbus , 0 , , 1) , gVlIl liouiiam. 1)V. . I hititer , KIunsa. . . City , Mu. , hr. s , Strahian. .Iniiuc , ) , InihI Ottuiuva , Iowa , b. s. Elisigli. 1.ow ( Unti 3I1L l'Ioaszuit , Iowa , I ) . g , lug S0011.V , 11. , Kitiglitttuii , I itil , b. g. \'Ill Cody , ( lounge iIioh1oti , Sheriiinu , Z. \ . , ii. g. St. Clouti , .1. I uUIIaM' 1103J I'aiisas City , 1lo. , b. in , Ilroiizo itiul s. UI. I.ilhiau. Protttiig , 2:2T : class , jutIrio SlOd-Colby & Brown. Fort ledge , Iowa hr. s , ( 'has. 1tnyo. .1. 1" . GlIbiruls , lt. Lotils f , g. it.gIlti. . .1 oliii \v. ilussoll , Columbus , b. u. g. Columbus. M. 1. tcllciirv , ] ock island , Ill. , Ii. g. George \V. Jr.V. . II , IlellilCo , Denver , Col , , hi. iii. ° .lauisI L. tI , Ilatchett lirowuville , Neb , , hr. s. McMahnmi. L. 0. 'itirauer , Iatues. vile , W'ls. , cli. in. itlnutl Ill. ] ttunntmig race iiilo heats , two in three , ilturufo $200Ira i'Iatner , Council hulls , hr. f. Jawu of Day. 11. Ii. Martin , 51'ayiorvillo , Ill. , I. . g. Sullivan.Villio Burke , Omaha , hr. g. Martin B. 'tYler & Co. , Comaucho , louvut , 1 , . in , Ratio B. S. \Vliiiuuius , llnvtiiigs , 1111mm. , b. in. Ella ] 3owett. - - flrahln'H 1iISI IteNtutlIrahlt , Those whu.s ntt4lnI the fair , as well na those who belong in the city , will find Braun's European reustAurant , 404 Broad. way , just the boss place for lucala. Diii. iicr is served from 10 o'clock in thu fore. noon until 3 o'clock in the afternoon , so those who wan' . an early dinner Call be aCColfllflodnted as ve11 as those yIio want a late dinner , Bramu's meals , as all 1(110w who have tried thorn , are moat ox celloist and his prices always voly reason able. Try him. Parents protect the lives of your little ones by koopin on hand Dr. Jofforia Council Bluffs diphtheria preventive and cure , Sovc'i years trial has proven it to ho infallible. For sale at oflice , No. 523 Sixth avenue. A. Booths's select oysters roeivcd daily at W.T. Braun's. PE1tSONALS , .1. 1.1. Butler and wife , of Neola , took diti. nor at the PacIfic yesterday. T. lii. C. Logan , of Logan , Iowa , visited time Bluffs anti ilinod at the l'acific. E. \Vaterunau , from Portland , Maine , registered at the Pacific yesterday. At the Pacific yesterday wore Ci. 'tv. ] iorry , of Maine , and A. F. Berry , of Atlantic Mr. and Mr. . Charles M. Horde have boon made happy by the arrival of a little daughter. J. A. Hake and M. A. hart , well known In Avoca , sat down a the Pacific house yoster. day. day.v. v. II. Linfor , of Walnut , is among the via. itors to Council Bluffs to take in the exposi. tion. rr. Williams and wife , of Missouri Valley , visited the city. They took rooms at the l'a. cific. iti : . A. Ellis and family , of Weston , caine to town to see the fair and stopped at the rIfic. D. A. Cadworth and C. S. Bailey , front Carroll , wore among the guests at the Ogden yesterday. E. II. Wills , editor of The Times , Missouri Valley , Pactook of refreshments at the Pacific yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. i'iuiiiips , of Neola , were at. tracted the city by thoexpositton. 'ritey took dinner at the Pacific , Friend Irouightan , of Tue Tabo Union , called at Tiis BXE oflico. lie was looking for a printer , and found ono , C. It. Ncitzsch and wife , reshlumuts of MIs. sour ! Valley , partook of the ihospitality of mine host Ferguson , yesterday. Judo harris and his soii , tim Irrepressible Bob , of Missoturl Valley , were In the city yes. tordny attentling the democratic doings amni the races , It. N. Jiough , of Neola , who is a candidate for the office of county Hlhperllmtendont of schools , on the donuocratic ticket. vum in the city yesterday. E , T. Beat , one of the beet of boy , editor of 'rho Harlan Tribuns , one of the ho of paora , and brother to the Best local editor of ' [ 'he I Council Bluffs Herald , called at Tits IIICH office. T. C. Palmner.of the Manning News , Is in town , taking In the city and iooklnK out for attractions for the Isfanning Union Fair and Driving Park association , of which he is sac. rctary , Remember you cansavo money by bu' . ing boots and shines at [ lie coriier of Maisi street and 1'irst avenue. DEMOCUATJC Tim County Convention hold Ycator. day nuil the Ticket Pslaile , Up. The democracy of this county met ill convention yestortlay at [ lie court house. sJ , C. Morgan called the convention to order , and on motion Col. Keatley vai made chairman and M. 0. Griffin and J , 0 , Do Haven , secretaries , After a cojnmittoo on credomitiala had beozi chosen and act at work , Judge liar. riB , of MiSIIIIJPI yalluy , was called on fem a speech , and responded in his usual stir ring manner , redictiIhg all sorts of mu rels for the demnocratic party in the future turo , Thu conv untion thou adlournod until afternoon. On reasseInbIlhig , the COiIihuijtteO CII credentials reported. A Foslalution was offered by ( jul. Tall mid unanimously adopted , endorsing tin democratic atatu Platform. . The ballot for nominee for state sona [ or resulted as follows : William CJrono I wog 70 , Babcack 12 , Tile nomination o r Mr. Oronoweg was then mmdc uiiani I For representatives on an Inforna p ballot , A. P. Cralnor received 52 ; Goorgi A. Holmes , 49 ; Joseph EllIs , 30 ; J , 0 Morizan , 27 ; 1. 11. llendino , 16 A. W , Moijait , 8 ; J. L. Fetter , 5 ; ( lulyvostor Dye , 4. The fornml ballot stood l. A. holmes , Ga ; A. 1' , Cranior , 80 ; .1 , 0. Morgan , 30 ; .1. II. 1101117 , 1(1. ( On motion the itoniiirntioiis of ' , fessrs , 110111103 nmiil Cramnor were made tihlaIhi. B1OUS. For auditor the first ballot stoo4 : Frank M , Crow , of Carson , 40 ; K A. Becker , of Council liltmfl , 24 ; F. Il. lltviiuan , Of the city , $ . No choice. Socoint ballot , Bowmnamt 81 , Crow .10 , Becker 22 , No choice , Third ballot , ilowInan 22 , Crow 57 , ileckor lii. F , r. Crow was ticelared the llOlIhihleO , nitl it svas , On hilotioll , 11111(10 tlhhanilnou. For county treasurer the ballot stooti : J , F. Cooper (2 ( , P. .J. itlc',1ahuutmm 81 , T. C. Miorgait 1. ? [ r. Coopor's nalnimiation vas iuiiitlo tlllahiitlUtlS. For sheritr six ballots voro fakell , ro 8111111mg ill time ltolhtiflfltkht of 0. II. lucas. A motion was hIultllO by J. .1 , Trnini'g that Ii. P. , hthdsOhl ho declarel tIme nomn. illoc for county survoyor. Col. 'l'ammi Ifloveul thmutt it be by acelalmuatiohu amid tlhIlUiitiitmfi. .1 . 1I. 1almnuur hmioved to lay flIt [ lie tahiti. It carried , but mm hmulhIjila. tioht Wits mnado for flint otlie. F'or Coullity Supolintululemmt--ll. N. lititigh , ( if Neola , was zionmimmatcil oh the fifths ballot. For County Supervisor-I I enry lush. toll 'CluB declared Limo liomninee nit the first 11:11101 : , amid \ . 0. Oruchta ii uts nIt lnotion immianimnously Chinseht by htCClttlllatiOll aim tim otittir supervisor. For Coroner-C. D.'altora uiuumim. immted by aCeIutiflflt'lOlt. All flttL'nlpt Wuts 1511(11) tO get I Iwmry Fratil's hlitlhlti ufllbsti. titted ( tip that \'alters , but it was lost. Ceil , .1 . S. 'I1ani vts chosemm chairman of the county comitxal Colfilnittec. - - Notice. 1 hierOly riflliOthhICO mnysclf to time voters of 1OLtMvltttamhtio COtmhity as nIt imtdopond. out cniididuttti for county surveyor. L. P. , lUlSON. CoUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. , Septelmuher 7 , 1883 , Bochitelo's 110W EurOpean rostnimrnmmt is having a rtlsh , but still everybody is be. big carefully wmtited on and well served. _ - - Fall catalogues free at. llarkness Broth. or ? , J , , T. Bliss has just received front Now York fall pattern hats. Call tutU sue the new atylls. For good square nicals go to the Bryant - ant house. 13. F. Allison , proprietor. Fall and winter cloaks now in stock at Harkuoss Brothers. Stock of carpotsofall descriptions is how complete and sold at lowest prices at Harknoss Brothers' . Mandel is offering special barptins in new and sccond.iiand furniture tins week , For the finest lineof fall goods and ' 'the stylisliost" goods in towut , call at Smith Teller's , 'taud ' 9 Maui street. homer , the Ciminalnan , 23 Maihi street. - .1 . , J. Bliss , 328 Broadway , time hoadilig Iflilliliery amid fancy goods house of the west. COMMERCIAl. . COUNCIL ImLUFI14 afAhuiCliT. Wheat-No. 2 spring , 71k ; No. 1 , 63c ; i.e. jectoti , flOe ; good iloinand. Corii-Doalora art , paying 31fPJ32c ; rejected corn , Chicago , 4O4tc ; now mixed .Ic ) ; white corn , 5IJ ) . time rocoijltu. ( If corn are light. Oata-carce and in good uieiiiand at 30c. Hay-I OO6 00 per toit ; bOo per bale. , ltyo-40c ; light supply. Corn Meal-i 25 iiar 100 pounds. Wood-Coed supply ; prices at yards , 5 OOG C Coal-Delivered , hard , 11 00 per Lou ; soft , 5 50 lor ton. Butter--l'ionty amid in fair demand at 2c ; creamery BOc. Egga-floady sale and plenty at 1O@IIc ior dozen. Lard-'airbaimk's , wholesaling at lie. Poultry-Finn ; dealers are paying for chickens itic ; live , 2 50 per dozen , Vegetabien-l'otatoos , 50c ; onions , 50c ; cab. bagos , 30@40c 1 ° dozen ; apples , : i &OtdJ.1 00 v ° ' . barrel. Fiouir-City flour , 1 OO3 ' 10. Brooine-2 0O@J3 00 ier doz. LivE IITOCK. Cattlo-3 OO3 flO ; calves , 5 0O7 50. hogs-Market for hogs rpulot , as the vack. lag Imusea are closed ; shippers arc paylmig 4 00 ® 1 75. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. Fight oil the Norl'ollc Trutiti. Sioux City .Tournal. Thursday ontho imicorningNorfolk train there was a row which for a [ hue caused iuteiiso excitement aimmommg time puuuaommgcre and. traimmien. At Emerson a gang of river 111011 eiigited in surfacimmg the track : got oii tue traimi to collie to lltmblmrd , Three of the IlUInber were drunk , and got iiiti a fight wiLls two brakemumiemi on till roar platform of the coacim , 'l'hio traimi % v103 runhming twenty umilemi au hour. Till fight was a desperate one , mmd just in 0110 of time 1)i'flkCSlIieIl mid his cohmibataul were chinched in ii scuflle .lowmi on tim floor , nimul Whuli it looked as though time iiext iimstaimt both imiomi would pitch of ] time jilatforni , Chutney Jlansommm , tin conductor , cammmo UI ) and reaching out o thio door grabbed the soctioim utah ant 1)UlIOd him inside , At this all three o ] time men jumped ( In ItlellImoIn , zumd bofort lie had tinie to defend iiiizisohf , Ito wam ( loWfl on time floor of the car and tlmi fallowa o'i top of him. JUSt at this excit bIg jUlmcturo of affairs the brakesmnen alit a few of time passengers made a simullatie ous attack on the section mcii and thoj wore sf011 begging for mercy. 'rime tlmrem mon who fVmentcd time trouble won pretty badlr pounded Ill ) , the brakcmnmmer iiaVillg got in soitie good licks , while thoj uccecded iii oecapumg witiiotmt mnarks ltansom had lila clothes toni , and tita was the sum total of his imurb , . It was i . lively scrimlflage for a few Immihlutes an. . caused great oxcitonient while it lasted I SPEOIAL NOTICES NOTICI.-HI'eCial advertIsement' , such as LOsI I Found , To Ioan , mor ilsie , To Rent , Watits , hoard I lug , etc. , vvhil be Inserted In this column at the lei rate of TEN CEETh lEhi LINE for the first lnssrtio ai.d . FIVE CENTS l'Elt LINE : for each subsequent hr I sertlon. Leave advertlsomnent.a at our iutllce , No , I l'earl httreet , near Uroaday ; _ St % T ANTEI-Every bo.Iy In Ccuiutil Imlult. . to ( * 1 V , 'hjimuhlv.uc. Iviivered by carrierat oruly teeni ( antS i week , \\rANTED-A boy , iths to drlitcr Tmus thu V .tNTIl-imuiituediatcly a first tnot , led 1referresl , at cmty l'arlor restaursiut. . C FOIt HALE leND BENT. WhtsALuIrousoaI3miotm.ortIIsvetcormie , , . : _ 'riutharmduroaIway. Jolts W. lIellue goodT'ej Apl.hiat : r IIENT-Fmlri.lshed . oumns wIth board , it N . 780 Myarter atreet. ) ACIIINU liOUtW. Volt HALE Oil tiY.NT-Tt I I Orri. l'ackinghousocap.clIy 100 bogs perds it with mU modern appuanoc. ; , eU located : for solo i iese. Apply to OIHLI ) , 1 IMY , , CcuiJ iiltmi , fs , Ilspk.inbct 19 , BItS. . IOWA lTItS , Tii re'celpt of the Mnrslmalltown tale Were ab.tmt . $3t ) ® . 'l'hio ' fire at leplann vtpc4 ( lIlt $20,000 wortim of ilrolerty , with DIlly $1,000 Imusur' Alice. , Tntnes C. Conklin , iVIIS 30CC3 acres of 1.)1)mt eOmflty % sell , CU whicim ho vy t hes Molmios lisuied slxty.threo extra imack atmil caluress licomises for fair neck , at I ( ) each , .iritItt Ii . tO IIi0. lii a lively mnammmter front thio sttions along the Illinois Central , 'l'iio treasurer of lumlniquo l'orrowed 13,000 to liquitlato city Oil the first of the hmiomitim. It cost hiiuicock county $5. 0 tO 1Htftthl lair lriommers for three inommths in the Cctro ( ionic cotthity jail. l'rt'obii , Is kickimtg loudly l.ctio thierall. mmii comlmammy liucknln stIlmin streets with traimui of cites. Thuo TCN.rLof time sumierlmitcmnlent. shows that there itmo 1mm thostitto I 1,2 $ 5011001 hoi.sos,28 . , . 081 teachers amid I00tl7 ) schmohurs. 'Flue sk'miipiis tuf Carsmm are oscited ( VCr thai liramiks of me crltabIo ghost that. the ( 'mltorlomm says liuimabi L atm tihuOCCIIldelmd temiimtt. 11010)0 1mm timuit tummeumilout village. 'l'liii Oulebolt Observer hums i.a'sott frommi the lIalmd4 of hlomnnlict & NoVels Into [ lie ommtroi of thuo ( ibverter i'uuilishmiitg colmmpuummy. 0. i , ( eotge tlhl tic the nlitor. At ( 'odor hltiliI.I thin otimer duty ,1llmht lUamik sPammkod a imuimlo , uttiti the m&o\t Instant vuia 111111CM 1)110 ) sub of liii face , vhIcii tlieeumtrnged brute's imeols neatly Uhlppeti oil. hiy hmmeamt i of a false key five jrisoiiers as. cumpt'd fnimm thto I .o.i . uths j all nit F riday. 'l'vvo ecm inn hiwit nimil captimeeti , butt time ( ) tlmor three vero ill at lunge at last aecohmmt.i. . 4 % , . slinrIber mmamuoul Uuur.lnor ( lepositoll 81,50(1 iii is Ia \t.imios . bank , socimrod a draft. anti dulliu'uitu ) for the amnon mit , aemid soon after ciu4lietl botlm , lie WItS taken Imi by the p. . . Ilco , 'i'lio foimmutiatlomi for the Congregatlommallst cinmrch at hock ituiphls Is coummpldtetl. 'rime omttruteturu. bavo ummtti the 1st of Jiutnary to tlmII)411 ) it , htmL lll imueve it ready for use BOO hOP. 'l'luroo COMeS of leprosy are reported to oxlst \\'Immmuoslmiok county this state. it Is nut couitagious , though citce contracted Is Immeura' ide auti fnnn title fact is inure dreaded tlmau lIlly otimuir eliseutse. Mrs. JV. . Finley , wimu. recently dioci in Iimbumque , left ami ustato of aboumt $70,000. Of timis aimiount about $20,000 is giveim in legacies to dllIoremtt parties , wimilo tue balance goes to time Fimiloy hOtiitltl. ) A mtcw eimtorprlso lIt tue northwestern Part of tue state Is a strolling outfit of it1.faimie , Which visits the small towitim , iitciios itim tent aini rolihaihis as long It.4 busimiess is gooui or the anitlIuritlos wI,1 iormuit. Thta glucose work. . . at Iowa City use I 000 , . 000 gallons of itter tinily , mid will olitalmi their supply of the water works colampmiiy pro' VIlCI they furutish it for ciiat it costs thtti factory to Iluimmi ) it front Its own Rolls. Dr. 0. 11. Prizor , of Brighton had 1 000 In bills auitl ii $1,000 imoto stolen fromii film at FIrf1eld , last week. Ito laid taken time iittiiey frumsi tue bank and started home , aitti whomm Iii the depot attul lii a crowd pickpockets rifled his iockotu , Near Rock Valley the other day is tramiip utealimig a ride drew it revolver tuiioim lie Cult. ductor , OCO. McCuclow. Au hour later thu sectloii melt found the tranip doubled up imi a ditcim , and It was two days before ho we. . able toresuimto his travels. Near Creston the other night , John C. \Voodruti wont Imito his barn the other muight with a lantern , whomi a vichuims horse kicked amId broke it , settimug the barn on fire amid burning it to thin groutiul. It was a very lute barn , three storleshlgim , and the loss Is put at $2,000 Alnit 3,000 iors0iis attomitlod divlmun service at the state fair gruimmuls at. Des s1olmios en fiummuhy , r at least that innimy eoro on time gruimnil. The RiI.otIng.ghtIlCiIe amid , were nl.o imm fuli blast , nmidsiui to rclieteprovod hi be oveut Ii greater attraction [ bait the rolig. lotus exercises. Spirit Lake iiauh a sensation tile other day. The head waiter of the Orleans hotel heonwo iutimnate with omai of the servant girls , Iellut Forester by minute. Mis wife , who had charge of the linen doiuertuont ; , suspected that soimms timimig Wa. . wrong amid kept her eyes oiieii for developments. Siio succeeded in detecting themn , anti stormned nd threatened and vowed to kill the girl. Tue latter loft the liotci mmii found oniploymmiemit iii the town of Spirit Lake near by. Sunday thin imifurlatoil wife , anued witii Ii razor , woiit to the hotel whore tito girl wits , ammd at once commenced carving opera. tions. She , .iaaiioil and gaabed thmo girl Imi a fearful iuuminhior , but without fatal result. Tue womlutim was arrested , but released tipoim an agreonmemmt imiado satisfactory to mill cun corned. To atrongtliems and build up the system a trial will convimico you that ltrowii'im iron Bitters is thin best lflediCille Immado. HNAICEH. . Somuic I'opmmlier l"ItlhaCieH Abomit Itep- Ihtcs.--IeI mNlomlH Alamimt 'l'belr l'otvcr of "OhumtvInIIhg. " N'cw Orleans 'l'imnes.Doinocrat , ' 'Everyone , " said mIi. Boycr , ' 'will mOnICa war Ott every Species of timmako , be it ever so hmarmiiless. Even thin innocuous I grass smialco , entirely free frommm volmommi , is , subject to uttumck. I p'eum it. Is time old scriptural ideut of brUislmmg the sorIont'a imead. " "All ammalces are itsit elmumgerousl" ' tBy Imi , nieamma. 'l'o sus1iect every I mmako of liolmIg Ihoisonomma is emttirely I ridiculous. If every child vorc t.atmglmt at I school wimich arc Imarlmiless 1131(1 'which mire veiiornous tlmore would be a very difflrelit I stitto of afi'aira. 'Flue distimmction iB entire. I . my neglected in time scimools , and it soemuis I. to mu lflost reimiarkablo tlmat sucim I should be time casa , Notlmimig can be 1 moore imnportammt timmi the knowledge of L of such difference. It is the general imn r lireBBLoim , for instance , that time snake I atimigs with lila tongue If tii slightest S attention wore 1)ai(1 ) to tIme colistructlon ci I time atilimitil timimu folly would be at omice . ( liscarded. Time tongue so popularly be 1 hieved to be the imistruimiont of terror . servos 6ifl11)ly as a guide , Tue tongue i1 f compoimod of two hair4iko parts , elidilm , ill fl great meavous comnpositlohi. I "l'hu , fact. that not every snake is pois I omiouB IS known toalmost everybody , Iui p iii a dangerous 0310 [ lie poisoli is soate ( , Bitt ! originated in glands bulmimid time cyei t wimonce it. is led tiirougii a cimaimnol to an I other amuuahler gland seated botweemi tin 1 root of the fang , or hollow tootim , and i sniall huoveablo bone attached to tIme tuax : iliiary hone. Omie or two fangs are in ac tion , but as soon as cue Imimotlhd break tiji . mioxt one of the smile commstruction-thier. . are no Mimer teeth but loiaoimous.fnmmg I. found jim time upper jaw-takes its lilaco . 'Fime pressure tif the fammg against. thai bommi H causes tue gland to secrete a drop of pm I , 5011 , wimichm rlmhis directly thirotmgim timi 7 tooth into the wound , luaralyzimig the bit ten part muter soumue timmie. . "A oed iloal has been mid about th . ' cimarmnumg I)0'er ) with which mimmakes .sr 3.said 3. LII ho emidoweti , and wImicit h sail 1 have its seat iii time eyes of time reptile. - . ' 'Tue eye of ii snake , especially of I I. IOisOIiOUti OhiU hiss certaimmly somnotlmin - fascinating if accurate attelitlon is jvu y ohily to thmiet orgalm. But timat tt has tii iiower 1)1 clmnrmmi'ing can iiot lie true , h CR1180 it IS tnucii too , smmiall to be mmmmmned i ately observed to such an extent. 'h word 'clmarm' in timiis case signifies mioti - 'S Imig but the state of terror into whtic - mmiau or beast is thrown timrough the uimu I pocted isiglmt of the reptile , as 1 once ha a good opportunity to experience iii tim ; forest of Central America , My dog foun I' , an armadillo ( daspus ) azid citaswL it mt ' 31 a hole , but in the same moment a Iarij simke ( rijjonooqatss as'orx ) rushed ot FURNITURE ! -THE-- - - - OH EAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture is AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEI ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. tif it and lirePatcul to strike. 1 vmts al. mmmost paralyzeil fnnmi teri'r and mtstomiishi. mmiomit , 1111(1 iutit ohIo to iminvo tmmttil imly dog the snuiko , umifortimmiritely to him OWli tlcatrimetion. 'i'lmo bumshmmmmmtster , aim the snake is ireuem1tly ( called , bit time poor ( lOs twice , time etl'ccta tif the iiOsOmi , kill'mmig it in less timami lmalf mmi hour , I ° l'hmo Bliltko lmavimig iloito time niischmief , tried to got. away , lint. I laid by titus timno recovered iiiyself , mtlUl a w'eil.elirected almot. hitlUlo itimu imarinless forever. 1 Ic mmiouu.tmretl six f.iotftmr : imichea imilengtitniud sevehi imicimes in circilmimferdnco. 'l'imo entire - tire nffe'ir dlii not. last. longer thmamt about two inimititos , but time eyes of thin snake I imover iioticed. 1 emily saw the tremneii. tliitms reptile tllrowihig back time broad amid tr'mamigular lionel , aliel liin'iii out. the tohigtie with lightning-like rapidity. itii. otiwr timmio I observed ono of the splendid grass grooms zoits "xilimosouna caoimia" as 1w vas hkhlen between the loaves of a breitd.uut tree "brosimnumu alicastriuma" , tryimmg to catch a bird. ' 'Thu little follow Could njarehIthy see notiuhig hut the tohigue of time smiako mis it was imrnvecl torin.lmko about to attract - tract the attention of time bird. A few inomuieiits litter , the latter caine close ehloUgii all i'as seized iiiimnediuttoly by tue shako , which , carrying oil' its prey , disap. pearcel between the thick foliage of the tree. "Tim niamimter ill which uiost. of the P0i6. ouious snakes capture their food is to wait-well hidden-a ) assing animal or bird , and , if close tunoimgii , to strike it , Tue aiiako does not ovoms try to hold the lltey , bnt , hciiowing tIme terribie ollecta of the bite , lets it run amid creeps Ut ) to time dead or dying creature to swallow it. Time latter process COIIBU1IIOO considerable timno , as tue tooth of the reptile are not. coiistructd IA ) niasticate nimd the prey coimsequemitly mnust be swallowed entire. "N011OiBOhlOUS BIlahCei either await tIther prey also or chIaso it into sonic crevice - ice , where it is caught and swallowud , either alive or after boilmg killed through the powcrfuh cmlcirclihmg POWOC of the elmaku. " Altinnigh l'ozzoiml'a mnodicat.eil complexion iovtier Is iorfoctly hmarmimiess ammd iion.uxplo. ive still it goes oil mui iiiuekoim me good roport. 801(1 by all tlrimggists. Creameries Iii NebraHica. Fall City Observer. "Thu citizens of Browuvihle raised $8 , . 000 501110 timne BihicO aimd established mm. creamery , which is already a ayiug bind. ness. ' [ 'his establishulmient hot emily so. cures the cronu frommi the vicinity of Brownvihlo , but it also buys the croani frommi the farmmiers in the hiorthieril portion of Iticlimurdimon county. They pay cihit. tech Celits It imotmnd for croamn whoa l aIls City froquomitly II1LYS these mIne farmers but 12A ccmmtu a Pomilid for butter. In this wuty nearly all the crenimi that has heretofore boon mimado ' into butter and brought to Falls City now goes to Brown- yule , This is tue cue reason that butter is so scarce hero. Uunmboldt also has a creamery , It is possible that Falls City , that we have been urging for a year in this mnnAter , may wake tmp to its interest amid establish a crenmimory. Thus Blair Bridge. Tue engineer in cimmirgo of the S. C. & I. bridge at. Blair ihiformnli the Missouri Valley Defender that tile bridge would be ready for running trains by the first of Novcmmmbor. Time steammi iiiiovol was being worked immcesnaiitly and time filling ill of the troBtluwork on time vest side of time river was almost comnploted. On the cast side time trestles vure alimiost ready for tue laying of tue track except where time ww.imotmt occimrresF wlmicii would lie remedy iii ii few days. The ommgimmeer 1115(1 said timmib the iJullutitmm accruimig front thu washout irm thmrowimig ill ) Itigli bnimks of munid anti foodwood ! would almost , if not : fully , equal time daimmago thereby. Thu Valley vullmor imitikus tIme prediction tlmat ill five years froni 11(1W 50 great will be time increase ( if busimiem along the line of this road that a double track will bc L heeled. S TWELVE JIOUJIS AFTEB. Dr. Henry heroes , the Tcmaiud Coffee Rerchamit , ( ( Houston street , How liavari , Cumin , , write , on May11 r lth feslimig of gratitude , and desire li benefit my feilow.insn that I write you tiucie few linus I . a , testimony to the value of the greatest of alt med 'lclnes. Kightycars hive I been a sufferer from kid , neydlsortIet".ud lnttaninatioi. of the lladder , Home i tine4 when passln water the I > aln. were aomethslnt . l lerrible , scal.hlng , burning sensatIon with retontior C'usliie , I1Ih uttipi ) Pains In roy aide , loin. , and back . eteiding clear to the back of mmy head , tended Li L moats life htulaerpblo. I have been trusted by a acm 1 her of ourbu.t lhYsiciIIIs , cmvi have used any numn S ber of proprietary medicine. , all to no avail , obtain . ing no relief. ilow iormg I would have contInued hi : i this way I do iuot kmiow ; lii tact I despaired of gettio a relief , until a neighbor , who 1usd boemt very bun . benefited by the use of lhuut's ib'mnedy , advised in . to try itainm ; although I haul no faith that it woul S , oachIfly CUO , yet a. be spoke so highly of its gre. I merits I decided to kite Ito trial and itsusu has bce Ft attcrisht'd ' with thq very bo.tpoaslbie results. TacIt hours uftertakimig the first dose I experienced relic : LI continued on In It. use until I iwlusad five bcttlei . whet. all the isaimisimad vanIshed , my otherwiec goo Li healtim returned , andi sin free tromit all 1aiii.mid ml - SI ie loan , I afl confident lily CUb his resulte froIli the use of lfuut. Remedy , and that ioes , 0 "What It hia dotio tot mile I am polttve it teCh .1 icr others. You are at hlb.rty to use my name Li this letter Ia mny ilmuhier you see fit. " ] l BURT BY A VALL. ri Witon onlym boy some tlulrttemm years old I was liul i quite badly by ii fall , and severely injured hey bac 11 and kidneys , amid was doctored by our beat ph3i U iciaius , sail tried auaiiy retouslies and they all failus n until flunt. Remedy was rerominended to us t I. friends that hail used it hsro in Mamuchestor with tI U greatest puocess. Wi. t.urcuased a bottle from I I. Foster Campbell's drug store , and found that I Ia ii proved very rapidly : was relieved of the pmiais I : - back , sad after using several bottles found that 1w. d completely owed , anti I cannot over.sstimnito lii 0 good hunt. Remedy ha , done me , and can mo. d heartily psoommenul it to thou. troubled with kidas 0 ooinplmiul ; and you an us. this 1.11cr as you oboe. . Ucepeotmull : yours , Am.oaao I' . ULumt&LL , it sg Orsag. St. , Wancbet.r , N , U.Iisy TtbdS. ' The use of the tcrn ' T.lne" In connection with the S H 0 H 'I corporate 1151153 ofa groatroa.1 , convey , au bles of list what.t ro.luli'et ) by the traveling pub. I I N E lie-mv .Sh.rt Line , Quick Time anti tIm boat of aceomnmods. U tloti.-all of whIch are turn. Litied by time greatest railway lii Aiiierkn. C tIOAGOMILWAUKEE , And St. Paul. hewn. mail opemtvs over 4,500 nillesof rouidin Northern Ihhimuals , Wisconsin , illiunosota , lows anti lakota ; send osi lii iuiimi hues , branches and connec. tIn. . . reach all tlio great business centres of th Northwest and l"nr Svcst , It naturally ami.wer. tha tlescriptioli of Short Line , atiti Ilest Route 1imtwen Chicago , Milwaukee , St. . i'aul mmiii Miiinealoiis. ChIcago , Sills ankee , IA Crosse rind V'imions. . Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberstecim and Ellemniala Chicago , ililsatikee , Eau Clairemul Stillwster' Chiengo , Milsatikec , ' , Vausau and Merrill. ChIcago , ililwaukee , ilotever Damn antI Oshkoeh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauke.ha and Ocomiemowoo , cmuieago , Milwaukee , Madison and i'ralrlelu Chian. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatomma asd Fairitault. Chicago , iholoit , Janeattile amid Mineral L'olut. . ChIcago , Elgin , liocklord and lubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island tonI Cedar Itapids. ChIcago , Council Bluffs and Omna1i Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fall. anti Yanklon. Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock hslamiil , lubuque , St. i'aul and MinneapolIs. ilamonport , Calniar , St. Patti amid Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers anti the Finest Dining Cars intli , world are run on the maIn liiues ottlie OH I AC MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULIRAI WA amid every attention ii. 1.01.1 do passengers by court. . ous ohiiiiOyeS of the cumapany. S. el. MERRILL , A. V. If. CARPENTER , Oemih Manager. Ocnl Pass. Agesit. J. T. CLARK , OhiO 11. IIItAFFO1CI ) , Gou'h Hup't. Aest Oeifl i'ass , Ag'S. ° Sear& I hare knowmi and watched the use of Swift's Spa- ciflu for over fifty years , and have never known of a failure t9 cure blood i'olsomt when nr.perly taken. I iisod It cmi my servants from 1850 to 1805 , as diti al.o anumnbcr of mny neighbor. , aliul in every case thru. Casio within my knowledge it ciTeeteit a cure. In muU may life I have never known a renio.Iy that would o fully accomplish what it isecomnniendod to do. 11. Is. DENNALII ) , l'crry , cia . .t I have known amid used Swift'i Specific for more thami twenty years , did have scoil won. wonderful p. ' suIts fromn its use than trommi aIIy rezanly iii or out of the l'hiarrnacopwia. It is me certain and eats antidote to mull sorb. of blood 001500. .1. LI1CKSON SMITII , II. P. , Atlanta , Ca. The Oreat Drug flouse of Chicago. We do not hesitate to say that for a year pa liavosold more of SwIft's SpticlfloS. S. 8. ) than 7 other Blood i'uirlflcri. combined , mmiii with most brushing results. One gentleman who , used half a 'I dozen bittlca says it baa Colic hihlie nioro good thami treatment whIch coot him $1,000. Another who ha. used it for it Herofulous affection reports a perinanenk cure froimi it. . use. VAN HIIAACK , STEVENSON & CO sI,000 Reward will ho 1aid to any Chemist who will tImid , on thus analysis of 100 bottle. S. S. 8. , If oils Particle of Mercury , Iodide 1otaaeium , or any 1 imulnoral substance. TIlE RWWI' SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , Wrlto for a co ly of the little book-free. i'ricc : Smuali s xc , 51.00 per bottlo. Large sire ( hold- IK double iluamitity ) 51.75 bottle. All druggist. . sell NOTICE I To the Traveling Public ! -TIlE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- ao1zs. , 1. ImOW undrgoizmg tlurorouglm resdrs , both withIn ante wIthout , and the liroi.rletor iiitemmd IL shall be 5150- p 0111) ' 10 NONE in Cite iRate , iuext to Oiimha. E. it. IILACKwELL , aug2t.2zn Proprietor. : EBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO , ) Ii.tim'riNas , NEIl. Capital , - - $250,000. ; JAR. fl. ZIKAI1TWELL , I'rosldenk. A. L. CLARKE. Vic..i're.ident. Ii. ( I. WEUSTEhijTreasuror. (3 , ' , WEIISTIt1L Caahier , DILIEYl'OltS : amuoi Alexander , Oswalit Olitor ii. L. Clarke , It. (3. Webster , . 'lao. U Pratt , dms. B. ) feartwcU , , P. M. McEl1iinn6y , irBt Mortgage Loans a Spooialt Thu Company furnishe. a p.nnanept home InMIta- fl where school floruds and oilier legally Issued Sin. dual Securities to Nebrsaka can ho negotiated . . most , avorable terms. Loans made oni mnproved m.mas In allwdl iettled counties of the state througis ; sponaibI. 0ueel oonoeuondoots. aT 4 g Nebraska Cornice -AND- Oliaiiiout ' oits ! ; , , MANUFACTUItEIIS Ol' GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES 41 ermox''W , 10 FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , 'P TIN , IRON AND SLA TE ROOF/NO , I lATENT METALIO SKYLIOIIT , ri Iron Fencing ! Crusting. , Imalustrades , Verandas , OtUcos.nd flank k ldaiiiiig. , Window and CeltapOuard , , Etc. . I. N. W. COil. NINTiI AND JONES 8T. WM. OAISEII , Manager. . MANHOOD RESTORED 0 A victim of early , causing naryoos d.bil.J IS ti , prematu. 1ecj.W. . having trieS tie vain sissy sown femsey. Is aiqo.r.d a aimpis n aes of ash an. , wolob hi. will sins FREtS to his f.llow..afns. , t 4draU.J.1L1tMVKd,43Chatham.iLNwYozk. . 3' MARUOOD-l'osiUvely lLo.tored in tra two to ia 'Lii. days by fisaican Vegetable Coeef.cUon. Seq p&rUotdai. iddia. San iietoo Medical On. 1' . 0. cx giSLou1iMo.