Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1883, Page 6, Image 7
we- I ( WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , ] 883. CUUNCIL BLUFFS , THE DAILY ] 3E1ECUUNCIL i'1IE DAILY COUNCIL BLU Wodnollday Morning , So SUUSCRIrr1ot ItAT ) : - re set By Cerrlet - - - . . - . - - - $1e lipwl Oman : o. T Pearl atreet , Near Broi Bopnbllcan County Conn The republicans of Pott count will meet in dele ate cat Coun at the court house in Thursday , September 13 , nt 10 iLion i of plncing for the purpose In , , followi Lion candidates for the to wit : One atato eonntor , two treasunr , etc l tivos , sheriff , . suporifltendont of pulIti voyor. and members of thu coroner , wi eu orvisors. Each township titled to the following represent Layton . . . Earle , let precinct . . . Llncxdn , . , Kane , 2d prodnct..8 , . . . . .7 Lewis. Kane , 3d precinct. Ia . Kane , 4th precincL.9 Diadem Boomer. . . . . . , . . . Bolknap. . . . , . . . ,3 Ncula , Croecent. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tiarwalk , , .3 lloasont. . . Carson Center , . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rockfurd. . ( Irovo. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sliver Cree 3&rner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 VnHe . hrdin..2 1Vash ngtol IlateIDell. . . . . . . . . . 2 WM1veland. Jainc . . . , . . . . . . . . .3 Wright , . . , Knot. . . . . . . . . . . 0 Yprk. . . . . . KegCraek..2 The orimarka in each townall otherwise ordered by thu town mitten , will be hold Monday , , . By order of 10 at 7 p m. JOHN W. B Chairman Co , ltop Co MINOR MENTI01 Nnw pattern hats at Bliaa' . See Jonoph RoiLor's fall good Additional local on oovonth i Cheap Railroad Tlckota at I At Iiraun'e European Restat nor fs earvvd from ton o'cloc thrco o'clock p. m. A "boa too. At the Ogden lioueo no cold for position in ti need apl)1 morn , glrla having boon subs waiters. There was a wild chariva night It the First ward , all tut in the naighborliood being use up the sweet alumbore of the 1 need once. Judge James Ilse redeemed laying alongside his line props Fourth ward one of the best si the city , an asplialtunt , whic dure for years. Good enough. ] At Braun's European rcatau is being sot one of the best di served to visitors to a fair. D -004 Broadway and try it. aorvod from 10 o'clock a , m. til p , m. so as to accommodate all Word was received hero yost burglary at Glenwood , by w ilansen of that place lost$160i It was thought thata watch tea a darkoy and nowat the poli might ho a part of time stolen s it does not answer the descript of the stolen goods , t Thorn was a happy gathering folks at the ronidenco of Mr. John Epenotor Monday night , c b p. his eon and daughter Cu Miss Maggie. v dant and merry dance was 1 now building erected ' . Eponotoranacoruico factory. Cal. E. R. George resigned tnon of steward of the Ogden 1. while ago , but the resignatfo tuko effect until yesterday , wh M. Copeland , of Cedar Ilitpide sumed the duties of that posi Copeland is well known to the , tic and will doubtless make ntoward. In the presence of a few ro intimrto fronds of the eontn ties , assembled at the rosidouc and Mrs. Win. Mooro,257 Son atrcot , Itov. Father MoMenom martingoMr. Oscar I iplinor Lizzie Colbort. Mrs , Ki dui , roe i tor of Moore , and the known as a popular salesman , of J. L. Putman , HINIEICluy t'ult II131 Hurrah 1br "rll7tun anQ Hon , Tinos. A. IIendricks o who was flavor vivo president S.r addressed s fair audience , $ morning in Boyliss park. drieka is a fine appearing gout ] is a good talker. But ho apps reaching after the unattnind long desired object he eubscN ; plainod was political ofiicos fur cratio arty , and the consequ Iiim of the funds of the nation Of course Mr. Hendricks t the tariIquestion. ( All politici do. Ho , like all the others , w of a redction of taxation , ot violent reduction , but a porsi 1 ual reduction. Not to say ai Iowa which lie might be oblit tract inPunspIvauia , caused lm 1 fate a little , but ho finally cx p { 1e was in favar of revenue would pruvido sufficient mono on the guverumemit , and w Atnoricau institutions , but v east on the laboring class , have no tendency to build up - ' 'hesu are the views held , us by all politicians . Mr. hleudricks has not m i . war cry of 1876 , and if titer thing he wanted morn titan it was "reform. " 'Flldeu am good , but llundricksandref"i 'rimero wasono expression th of heing rucordod lie said u itiztit is jealous of his ri hte the tights which ho is w Illirm with liia life if lfueeseary , is vpto as ho chooses , without ii mid vrithuut time corrupting stonuy , Uno of the bitterest cw xuadu against the republican ] . ubstauc0 that they bought domnocraUc vuka 111 Indiaua 1 lie also dwelt on the prohi lion , aid of course is a riot 11,100 man , but not a prohihl silo fame as other democrat ° o Mr. luldricks haa doul himself more popular with than lie was before. The U. P , band diseours nusio before and after the sp r Dr. West , dentist , it 1'oar n FAIfl SI IGHTS . : rowels Bcain Ponrin in D1rcCIiOnS. A Fine Exhibition and Ra On the Turf. On ' ) Notnllad Chlldren' ] t } 1'roarau toTe FO1ks-The To Day. for tit The weather was fine erday , which was really the o ; ) f what has every indication he boat exhibition over gin ) art of the country. Every to brought scores u ate Limo city tf visitors , while at an early 1 rolling in time folks fn pegan scent country. Time city itself rot of . M lively nppoarnnco. i decor especially ; hnnts have mid arnt11ed their $ uildings ) attractively for I lows very rile sidewalks were thronged , while atilt deuce crc : rowdcd , ) red about the street corm itriking machimica and vnrinu ) tailed their stnmls and act hour. 'or auckersmit an early A largo tout slow pitched its l nt 'acaut lots amid added ) red and sensational bauuers r to draw a crowd .ional pictures There wuro visible a good m imid mienka about time atreuta , ) ublic will do well to look wel ) ocketbooks and firesides. All was bustle , stir and act hour there was a it an early ) copla m ml tennis pouring t air grounds. t there was On the grounds tnco of a little city itself , dres ; ala day , Many of the exhib putting finishing touches vpon pinys , while crowds of visitors front ! loco to place , dwelling features of the display its part forested then. and waiting fo uxeitiug apart of the after11oou TILE EXPUaiTItN IIUILDi is very attractive , outaidu aid is one of time finest buildings i mid when in holiday trim is m beauty. Among the iuerch have displays of wares and got Mueller , Mutcalf Bros. , lieu ' Cooper tC McGee , Do Vol tC E. Semnnt , W. 1V. Chapinn Michnuls , Casady & Orcutt , Bros. , Matier& Craig , J. M Oliver .G Graham , E. Stocl Good , H. Fuedman , Burmihai Walters Bros. , E. Inabo , mi thus [ ) resenting a grunt vnriotl nod time booths worn never trinm ncd , and goods displayed tivd . M. Colo,1bin hits a h of oil aintfn ge ostly ) urti oxealluh his atudiu. The Time floral display is a bower while there is bwildernent needlework , pictures , and otlu tub products of hone. nm allow OF FItUIT is remarkable , and the long t tlma { mlatos of apples , pears , p the bunches of luscious grapes rations of flowers and plants , exhibition one of the most p ] attractive of all. Thu displa the wise tnanugament of A. S and Miss Rich , Mrs. Prouty play of apples front 1r. L , Pu and is excellent , there being 21 The nuraury display made by month , embraces 60 varieties Weis tt , Mairof the Ilillaidon hibit 100 varieties of apples , 4 ( and several of poara and plu this fruit was grown in the cut cit Bluffs , except ono Plato . Tlti grown near the asylum. good evidence that Council and Iowa can raise fruit , a kind of fruit , too. All wh the exhibit and who have se exhibit at Des : Minus , prom by far the 'rest. A. C. Out very Gnu gra ) ea , and othc worthy of attcntomi. OIAINH AND v1:0ETA1 : two plentifully exhibited. L. has alargo slinwiug furhis Co gardens. A bundle of Germ tracts attention it being grow Duoll of Garner townships 1 a bunch of awftch tail , tvl 1V. Crowadon cut on his nioa two , bias southeast of Mundi over 10 feet in ] eight , and six tons to the acre. Thu uxl reminder of time early day's variety of grass waa wuviimg ii so dense as to conceal approac moll. 1. B. Kissell has a flue veg which i le brought fro11t lhu lair. Thorn is sonu title curl Janes Rainbow , FAIIM Z AOIIINB1t1 C4lqueil rene wits very plentiful , one of tim greatest diatrlbutui the whole country for this eh puss , is able of itself to get up with slch houses as Van Brim suit tC Co. , E. Shugurt Ilnp Deere tL Co. , and others. are a number of oxhibitort where. Carria a a , wagoln a blued to maI.m the spaces all Uno thing was a little With all the showing of agric chinory , there was not one th Cld la of the grounds , TIIE HTOUK allIw is very good. There are nit 1 but those shown are oxrelh anti aba are many good horses of cattle , which urn very good mostly ahortliorus. Time awn duparhnent wl11 ho made to d ftoumys FBoM F1UNC Charles E. Jlumbert , of Coi has her , four as fume stalli over displayed at any weston are 1 orehoron Normiana , of vt well known huportar and hr last importatlun arrived edl ago direct front Franca , sad is hero , it being a threa ycai uightoon hands high and wee 1,1100 , pounds. Thu bonitos cci the utteimtlou of all who visit TIIE ItACra. Thu 2:40 : race was called fie 1diithcuw wurocwull fillud , buiii t specially duvoted to c a , IIu eock , f Kansas Ci starter in the races , U. ( Cedar ltapfds , and N , F. I city , as thu other Judges. thur , of Burlington , bout ' 1'leru were five starters , p1 Inwe : Glenwood , Lucy Mnfd , Rocky Mountain ' 1 tune , 'Those drawn were Goo. W. Jr. , Modjaeka , Vi Dable , and Maud S Thu first heat was a vurl and well trotted. Lorene Maid lodoff , and the horses well bunched , and there AM struggle on the last quarto wood won mho heat , Mountain Tom , second ; to Maid , third , Lucy B , and Lorono , fifth , Tinto anna the t number claimed 37 . A and insisted that the ti 2:27i : , made a mistakaof ten seconds , investigation the announcom corrected , the time bainK 2:2 : halt was made in 11k , in thisii wood dropped a hind shoo. The second heat was not sm was trotted with hardly a br skip , hecky .Mountain Tom lead 'wlth'Toronto Maid and Struggling for second place , foil briegi1 Lorene , and Olonwood ranr. mi coming in Lucy Bcat front and won the heat in'1:3C : Mountain Tom second , Luret Glenwood fourth , and Toros fifth , In the tltiul heat Lucy B led kept to the front to the finish , the boat in 2:30j. : flock Mou11 care in second , and Lorene , toird for a good part of the propped into fourth , giving tli , ronto ? laid , while Olenwood last. last.In time fourth heat Glen drawn. Lucy B took the lead it steadily to the finis ! , pocky ; Toni and Toronto Maid strug second , but Toni wiutminj it , third amid Loreno fourth. Tat TILE HUMMAItY , 2:40 : class , trottingpurso $40i $200 , $100 , $60 , $40. Harvey Cummning's br , tn. Lucy 11. John Sheedy's g , g. Rocky Mount 1'um . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mc 'roronto , litmus 11cKeoa'a hr , .in. . ' 1Vado Carev'a bik , in. Loroau. . . . . 1'cntntui . . Glunwo"1. . . .1. IL s o. g. 'rimmie , 2:27k' , 2:30i : , 2,30 , } , 2:31 } . Tit6 CIIARIOT 1tACI : , 1)110 of which is to be givomi o wits sandwiched iii between of timid proved qutto au attracti horses attached to each of the un0 of whichwwv driven by Null She was beaten by her male c0 and the tinmu wa but not badly , two minutes. As a novelty race the crowd greatly , Tim Y. lrVNNI N(1 . Iii this there wore four star ] Pintner's Dawn of Day , Fayelt Atwood , P. L. Lelliuts Bindd and S. C.Villiamita' Ella Rowot a Milo dash , $200 , mind was v ( runt. Dawn of Day took the wood following Ella Itowett a Prince. Thu horses kupt cloaol thu entire distaitco , and Atwot 1:461 : , Ella Rowott coming i1 Dawn of Day third , and Bin fourth. TIE F1tEn VOlt ALL 1'ACIN The entries in this wore Boll Sailor Boy , Limber Jack , Sit hilly Scott , Frank , and Uaroy There were fouratartora , plaeet loins : Limber Jack , Billy Sco Boy , and Belle Maho11u. In bout thiro was very little time scoring , time horses getting a spl mill , limo heat was neatly peel her Jack led of for tie' ' start , tli pretty well strung along , Belle trailing behind Time haft wits Limmiber Jack in 2:241 , Billy sco Sailor Boy third , hello Mahone Tim second heat was over aU Ott the amid off Limber Jack s time front , but broke badly and Billy Scott taking the load , So close alto him , and soon sailimi limber Jack did some good w was not able to conic to the from Boy winning the lent , Limber end , Billy Scott third , Belle fourth ; time 2:23k. : 'l'ime third heat was somewhat rational ono. A fine start was Limber Jack wits leading , w Scott close on him , Mitliomic am Boy following. Sailor Boy push but there not. being olougll roof Liulber Jack and Billy Scott , climbed onto Limber Jack , ama of thu latter's wheal mid bringim a standstill. Billy Scott came Belle Mahono second , Sailor amid Limber Jack wits given fun 2:20,4. : Thu judges decided t an n cideit for which no e1) Mono amid they wore all alluwl again and distance was fumed. The fourth heat was nn oxc nftor tie tedious scoring was b nn oud by an excellent ahrrt , Jnck led , followed by Billy Sc Boy and hello Maitomio. On 0 quarter Sailor Boy tushcd to ti lace and mit time lnilo had icad amid hold it to time finish w heat iii 2:22k : , Limber Jack sec Scott third sal Belle Muhomi Both situ and Billy Scott were f in tire roar to gut the flag had ii taker down by agroeue11t at tl Limo previous heat. In the fifth ltuat Saihr Boy t front and kept there till the Ii ping time heat mind rae in 2 : Scott } Rtahcd by Limmiber Jack r accost while hello M ahuno sum Linibor Jack droppiimg back t < HUMISAiIY. From forthh pucimig , purse $ IC -$200 , $100 , $00 and $40 Barry ' g. Sallur Buy J , 11. l'unumu cit. K hilly Scutt , . U. N , Momitroso b g. LltnberJack C. A. Dlahou Timo-21 } 2:23 } 2:0i 2 : } Tun ILUBDLH IACM was another introduced by fill She won the ride over four ; L63& TIIH Hl'BY.CII MAKING. There was so sumo , oratory that tlero was nano left for grounds , the Inoctiug in time p so prolonged that Governor could trot roach time fair at th signed. Ito appeared later , to patty with Commgroasnman Sprint nufe , and Senator Kenna , of glum , amid oilier notables , v races with much inlurcat. HUNDItY HQUilIS. Time eaU11g booths are trt ized , notably those of tie El old Baptist ladies , who sorvl yesterday to large nummibers , nn doubtless , ore Ile close of gather in many a nickel for t ' of thorn respective churches , 1'hineaa Cadwoll , of Logo marshal , his assistants bng C lord , of Woodbinu\V. ; F , G ' I lotdmnimi , mind Col , D , B , I Council Uluilit. 'Flo Union I'ncifio band gay muai0 for the races y'catenlay. f Several aide 9hova on the g , S whin each other in drawing outsfdu aim 4'iog of tight rep sword swallowing , amako coupled with hideous noises , ' " showdown 'Thu ) ronisod "baby down to pin usual ra " g bubies v throws for a aicklo , 'l'hiu wheel of fortune goes 'round and thu sound of "lot' ' g everywhere heard. D , GbfltlUUCi on Sct'eNffi ' t VISITORS TO .EITIIIt ON' THE 2 GREAT FAIRS SIIGULD SPEND AT LEAST H4alf .iD c x1e -AT THE- Carpet -OF- CASADY & ORCU 502 BROADWAY , I - - Council Bluffs - & PALMER MAYNE f DEALERS IN Lime Louisville PLASTEII , HAIR AND SEWER i'IPn , UAICD AND sam COAL AT LOWEST lwmaAN - COUNCIL YLUFI to , 639 Broadway , - SMITH & TOLLER , r II llil t. II + . , t fs. b e' ' k , 4.4 O ' it 'rl ) tl r , ' W t _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ - _ - - . CF W crc an , = a erse 7 and 9 Mtin Streot- ' 9 , BXa ' COTTNCIL DIRECTORY' , GENERAL MRItCIIANDISF. JOHN BENO & C ' , , 15 Main .trcet and 17 l'earl street IIOUSI : . hrtAx' : hat grit Grocery , 216 D1aln Street. llatol , 217 and 210 Slain street M D. Car cr Fta6 street and I'I f . lyl , B ARSTOVV , . , U a , J. F. W HI 1'E , Corns Slain and Fifth upstairs.I iteaidence , sea w1Do JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , , r , > o R URry . Otilco oaer American Express LiVEIIY AND FEED , 3 , S VVAG tv E : t , win contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourti J . M. . S . 1 , , JOH V & . CJCti I H BUYERS Whulcsalebuttei try and fruit. . Broadway. ) raft by return mail. 146 , ' BOOTANDSIIOESTOIIE NEW and First Corner Main A. PIERCE , , SIGN W 5371 AND , , uwrdl Bluffs , BENEDICT , omen sir Broadway ( D. A. Kt. CH . Suits made of reasonable TAILOR ! Aces , No , 506 D JA1 .OB . , Stock Complete. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , a , F , S 1Tg . Corner 7th and Broadway , I'lane and specifications furnish UEALE IN FINE IIARNESS. that b rhigs Iat ona 124 Mali 91 rr SHtrRMAN , f have the variety reasona"r TAILOR , 872 Broo JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and able charges FURNITURE STOVES , H VPE & SONS and Household Supplies. 303 Br ATTORNEYS ATLAW , . I'mctco [ l1) state and tethers LINDT & BART , James Blank. . . , Prop , L. Sorcrelgn bath house , 421 and 423 Uroadway. ' And S A N ITAR U iv ] . gomcry , DL I.1'hydclau. VETERINARY SURGEON , , . No , 12 Scott wADE CA Y Umco , Bray's stable. . JUSTICE on1eymincer. , 116 Br ELwIN 3..ABB iTT , Notary I. ubllo and General Cnv SDfIIc : NORTON , . , Iteatted ttl E . q ' iiEV .hE ll I USF , Uruadwa 1 o II .asite New SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN Ililocellios F1'OYlSiOIIS Boots aii , IMMICeS , REI.TION .A. Gl I7NTF.t. , 543 IiIIOAOWAY , ( it ) tiNt IIIELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE OF DANK DItMTSON ; TIIE , CRESTON HOUSE - - PROPI MAX MORN , - - n1G , i31T sweet 2J.a I51. M4tiixi 9troot , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , TILE LEADING DEALER IN . 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. HELT ON H ENDRICRS & RIC.1 TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLU FALL AND WINTER STOCIS NOW COMPLETE EMB RNGr MANY NOVEL' 1 fqT TO B E FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLIC ] - . S S ' To The Trade ! . such arrange. Vetakoplessuro in calling your attention to the fact sell that wohavemado . . .3 moats as will enable us to you Rllbber Etc. , Here , as Low as you can buy them East. Writs for further information , v T. CO. , 412-Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. a r Em kie Hardware Co , . t'r S gel n. . 1n _ fp1 . , ; Hardware ! e . Muni w. . t 100 and 111 S. Main Street , . l > ; COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , Metcalf arc p 9 WIXOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , 142 and 344 Broadway , - [ ce CreaM Frii e CollIechi onery and Picnics supplied on abort notice , and goods delivered to , Socmables . ? arties . Fine Cigars. all parts of the city , Vienna Bread , and Pies. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - 04 Wcat Broadway , - FIOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISough.t tired I3o1c. . Yd ane Loaned , Abstracts Furnished ] 2' . J. 1vr 1 A.IION COUNCIL BLUFFS Vo. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - II. ] J S r . A 1Wi. A 1 l . Special Sale for Thirty Days -COMMENCING- Sat-cLrc14 r .4E1.ULSt D To reduce our stock and make room for a large sleek of PALLANB Wli , offer at reduced prices our stock of 1ahOlley ! , .I'lilscOllaiioOlls ' Boots POTOGRAPII AND AUTOGRAPII ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY CDS ! Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. . . ' - . y Fire Screen F'r- ei7q WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , f X0115 W/W x t .W ® l 9 ConEistilig of all loud of ; Baskets---Clothes E askets and Hampers. ' ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. will Pay You to Cali' ' and ! Look at Our Bargains. Ha E. SEAMAN 405 Broadway , . - - - COUNCII ) BLUFFS , IOWA S