Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1883, Page 3, Image 4
- I * , - ML _ , - . . _ . - . - - . - - I - . - - _ _ _ _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - . - - - . - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - . - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - ' . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rF4 DAILY BEE-WEDNESDArq SEPTEMBER 12. 1t3j. 3 1 \ -The Nebraska National Bank. \ / ( / Up C atti . . $2floOo /9 1 % _ urp1us Fund. My 1U853 ? I 000 ' 4 DtnEm't8 : $ I 7OTINBON , PreIdent of Steele , 3ohn ' Co L TOUZAUN , Vic. Pret1ent , of Boeton. w. V. MOREE , of W. V. M0ft Co. Jon COLLINS. a H , k .7 8. Cc1lIn. . M. WOOLWORTH , CouneiIor Attorney t Liw. 8. REED , of Hymn fle'd 4 Co. % v. YAT81 iehIer , for itny yen cee1er ot ( be Thet NIUonii Bank of OrnA , . . ml , Dank opened t bu.1oeeeApfl 27 , 18S2 Tug rnREo1OR AND BTOCXUOLtXRS . .re Inong the Ietdlng bua1nree men o Otn&h , nd lii beeineeia Ii conducted with tpiet * ref.rence to the btt md Inexreng tntcTeteotIt4mercp.ntUe ptronL C0LLLCT0N ! reoctie ptomt itentIon I ohirgs loweet obteinabe here or caewhere. INTPItESTe1owedon time depoeltm upon t&yot &bla ( erme ndupon accounts of bine anil bankers FORPION F.XCIfN0) ) , Ooertnient flonde and 0000tT &nd City Sc.cunttee boubt mu cold. J. w fodder , Broke , ' , ' 8toekc flonde , Cotnmerdsl Paper nod all other C eecur1tke dealt In' Itoom 4 , No. 28 t'eazI St. , CouncIl lllue , la FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL Nxw YORK. Septcinber 11. Monoy-EMy : at 2@2 vr cent. l'dnie Papcr-50 POt cent , Exc1ingo blue , pilot at. $4.81 ; dcmanI , .c L- . . . _ _ $4.85. - - - - ; Govorumonts-Stoatly. Stocks-Stock % vero lower to-day at the opnlng , declined per cent , ooti became etrong anti advance per cent. Suso- e1uently a weaker tone lrcvailed , 'rho market Va8 heavy throughout the afternoon , with a general decline of 4 ? fier cent. Nortlmwot. em fell of 1 ier cent , St. Paul 1 per cent , Omaha 1 Per cent , Preferred 1 ier cent , Yabash 1 vor coot , Prcfcrred.lor conL The market cloced lerceutbelow last nilmt'me final figures. couroN9. S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ut , Pacific 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 t3TOCKS ANt ) SOND. American Expre&'e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Burl. , Cedar 1taiide & Northern 78 Central Iacifmc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & Altoim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do PI(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Chi , Burl. & Quiury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pfd , mueked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 FOTtVayime &Chago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 hannibal & St. Joseph a.ked. . . . . . . . 39 do do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . Thinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 led. , illoommi.Veitern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Kanszue & 'rexm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 r Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 101 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Northern l'acif'mc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 do do ff1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Northwcstnrmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 doi do Pid. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria Decatur & Evanavillo. . . . . . . . 14 Rock Is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 St. Patmi & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10I do do do ftI. . . . . . . . . . . 120 SI ; . l'aul , Mmcm. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 109. , - - - St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 / do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lul .0 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Wab.mmth , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . do do do pid. . . . . . . . . 33 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 81 'Asked. fEx. Diy. GILAIN AN ! ) L'IIOVISIONS. - ' e _ _ _ CHiCAGO CHICAO0 , September 11.-Flour-Quiet but I unchanged. Whoat-Itegular actIve but lower ; 06c for Septemnbe ; 9898Ac for October ; 94@94c for November ? 1 o0 for December- . 2 smrng , 90c ; No. 3 epriog , S5@86c ; Io. 2 red vjnter , 1 041 09. Corn-Demand active , unsettled and lower ; 50c for ca.ilt : 5ocro for September ; socaj Sic for October ; b050Ac for November ; 48 @ 48c for time year ; 5tJ@50c for May. Oabe-DuIl amid lower ; 2Gc for cash ; 2G@ 27c for September ; 27cc for October ; 28Ac for November ; 20qJ27c for the year ; 31o for May. Rye-Active and lower at 57c. 13ar1oy-Eaier at 59G0c. F1a Seed-Firmer at 1 30. Timothy - In good demand ; prime , 130@ 1 32 ; poor , 1 I2. m l'ork-la f.i ? demand and lower ; closed steady ; 11 25@11 30 for cash ; 11 25 for Sep. tomnber ; 11 9711 30 for Octoberhiid Novein- her ; it ) 93@10 97 for the year ; 11 67@11 70 for .January. Lard-Irregular and faIrly active ; 8 15cJ 8 17 for cuili , SeIenIber and October ; 7 9. 7 95 for Novemimber ; 7 90@7 92 for the year ; S 02@j8 05 for .January. Bulk Meats-Steuly and firm ; shoulders 5 75 ; short ribs , Ii 55 ; short clear , 7 00. Butter-Quiet mit 225j25c ; dairy , 15@21c. Egge-Firmuer atl8@ltc. ) WhIsky-Steady aud unchanged. Call Board-Wheat-Jim fair demand but lower ; declined ; lc for Soptemnber , e for Octo- her. Corn-Active , firm and higher ; advanced il C for Soptemiaber toni October ; c for Novem. her , c fur the year. Oats-Quiet amid steady ; advanced 4c for the year , c for May. l'ork-ln good demand ; advanced 2c for Novembee itic higher for January. Lard -Quiet mind 0mm' Sc higher for Octo. ber and November ; 12c hIgher for January. Cheese-Quiet and firm ; choice full cream odddaa-s , 9@J10c ; choice full cream flats , 10&@Llc ; fair to good cheddars and fiats , . .k 2j3c ; hard skims , 23c. P5rlIi _ , . 11ides-\larket unchanged ; green salt cured , light , Sc ; green salt dmmmnagod , Oc ; gresu salt hotvy , 8c ; green saft ca f , 12e ; dry salted , lic ; dry calf , lOc. 'l'allow-Unchanged ; No. 1 , 7c ; No. 2 , 6c ; cake , 7c. 0 TOt.EDO , Toe.xno , September 11Wheat - Active and higher ; No. 2 red winter , cash and Sep. tomnber , 1 18k. ' Corn-Quiet and firm ; No. 2 cash aud Sep. tember , 54o. , Oats-Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , cash and Sep. tember , 2dc. p $ EW YORK. . ' Nw YoRK , Soptemobor 11.-Wheat-Cash . © 1 cent lower ; oliOnne opened a trifle bet tsr , hut declIned cent anti cloeed firmer ; ungratlomi red , 90cu1 18 ; No. 4 red , 'Jic ; No. Srcd , 109J1 09k , delivomed ; steamer Iso. 2 red , I 11 ; No. 2 red , 1 I41 1Uj in elevator , 11 I51 10 afloat. , Corn-Opened ( agc better ; declined l@1c , closIng firmer amid ( aJo lmighor ; umigrathmd , t'J ' fii63c ; No. 2 , 03.1(031o ( fIuat. Oats-1c lower amid less active , closing firm ; mixel western , 32@35c ; white , 35@40o. 1ggs-Qulet..and firm. l'ork-Dull and unsettled ; moss , 13 00 , Lard-Strong ; 8 55J8 70. EANSMS CITY gcflflJ KAHAs CITY , September 11.-Time Daily In. dicator reports : Wheat-Lower ; No. 2 ret ! fall , B7o bid for cash and Otoher ; 8Sc for November. Corn-lower ; 38I8jc for September ; 37c , , C .4 bid for Ot.ober ; 33c bid for Novemober. ; Oats-Slow ; 21e bid for caslm no options. LIVICRFOOL LlvEal'ooL , Seimt.emnber 11. - Ilroadstuffs- firm. firm.Wzm&t.Winter . , Es 8df8s Od ; spring , &s Gd ' 3.8J9d. Corn -Nmw , Ss6d. bALTIMoRE. 1JALTIORE ! September 1l.-Wheat.-Weat- em , active hat lower and weak ; No. 2 winter roil. cash , 1 121 12. Corn-Western , dull and nominal ; mixed , jnixed , cash , G0@62C. Oats-Actho and firma ; western wldte , 36t 38c ; mnIxed,33lSc. 1to-QmIlet ; G6Q68O. 14uttr-Flrmn : western packed , 8lGc ; cr000mery , 18(23c. E-Actlvo and firm ; 2021c. \ hleky-Steaihy at I 1S1 18 , CINC1NATI CINcnexATm , SeVtembr 1t.-Wheat-1)ull weak and lower ; o. 2 red ilnter I 0l@1 0l for cash. ' Corn-Dti'1 and lower ; 2@S2e. Oats-Dull anti lower at 2@29c. Rye-Easier at t'G@5Tc. l'ork-'lull at 14,00. IMllUll anmi lower at 8 00. Ihulk Moats-Quiet and unchanged. Whlsky-Stoady and unchanged at 1 13. MILWAVIC ! , MILWAVK1R , September 11.-Wheat- Unsettled at 05c for cash and Septeube.r ; 97O for Od.ober. 99o for Noember. Corn-Uneettfed ; No. 2 SOc delivered. ) ats-Firmner ; No. 2 , 27c. Itye-1.ower ; No , 2 , & 0c. lharloy-Low.r ; G1c for cash. fiT. LOCIM. ' 3r I23e SepI.'tnbor 11.-Wheat-Market active : tnertt1ed aimil hmver : No. 2 red , 1 00jt 0lfor cash ; I 00 for September ; 1 03 ; for ( letimber ; 1 00 for November. Corn -Matket active nail lower ; 40@4Ti for cash ; 4Su fur Seitemnber ; 40c for Oc. tobor. Usto--Mnrket lower for cash - - ; 25@26jc ; 251c bbl for Septemuber ; 20c bitt for Octoler , liyo-lhetter ; ( ,0@50c bid , lbarley-Qmmiet ; t4@Sc. ( Btmtter-Uimchiammged ; dairy , 1217c ; ercom. cry , l720c. ggs-Virmer at l8(14c. ( Corn Meal---Vjrm at 2 15. WhIsky 1 15. simw 0ImL1CANS. NEw ORLRASa , Septemimber 11.-Corn- Scarce anil firma ; mixed and white , 00. Oats-Easier ; 3S@40c. Corn Moisl-lull at 2 353 40. Pork-QuIet and firm. Lard-Quiet and steady ; tacrec , 8@8 ; keg , 8A. Ilmilk Meats-Scarce and firma. \Vhisky-Stcady and unchzmiiged. mEommmA rImoIn5cE. Paonu , September 11.-Corn-high mixed , 4950c : No. 2 mimlxed , 483)4Dc ) , ltvo-Firimi : now No. 2 , &S@55c. Whisky-Firma at 1 10. IsLVR STOCK. chicAnO. ChIcAno , September 11-Time Droven'Josmr. imi reports : hogs-Market dtmll and ioir lower ; lack log , 4 55@ I 1)0 ) ; packing 00(1 shmipjiiig , 4 90t4 5 30 ; light , .1 oocs 40 ; skips , 3 2504 00 ; closed vaak ; 0000 unsold. Cattle-Easier ; sh1mimmg cattle lOc lower ; exports , I' 00@0 40 ; good to clmtlce ehmippimig , 11 3OcTdJS 110 ; conimnon. dull at 1 003J5 10 ; low grades iiclccted ; inferior tem Our cows , 2 10@ 4 25 ; medium to good , : 301 20wcke ; amid coders , :1 : oo@t 35 ; range c.ttlo strong ; ,1,100 he.bdwyomning 1,000@1,125 lbs. , solti at 4 20 (34 ( Go ; grass 'F00115 stronger at 3 75 © I 35 ; Amnericiens , 4 000 00. Slieep-1)ull maid 30@,0o lower titan last week ; Inferior to fair , 2 2553 30 11cr cat : mime- ( hum to good , 3 25@3 50 : Imoubs , 1 00@3 75 ver head ; Texas sheep , 2 25@4 00. H ? . LOUiS LIVR STOCK. Sr. Louis , September ii.-Cattlo-Oood demnamid for all grades amid prices firmmm : export. erg would find ready sales at S 850G 25 ; good to choice sliippilig 5 405 80 ; Texas steers in fair simpidy anti hrmn at 3 50t4 25 ; Indian steers , 3 5'4 ' 50. Sheep-Not imiuchi done ; common to me- (110111 , 2 503 25 ; fair to good , 3 5004 00 ; choice , 4 25. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS Cxrr , September 11.-The Indicator reports : Cattle- Steady ; natives , 5 35 ; stockers and feeders , 3 70@4 130. hogs-Lower at 4 70131J4 $5. Sheep-Quiet amid unchanged ; natives , 3 70. TILAFFIC. ILOUR AN ! ) GRAIN. ChicAGo , Septemlcr 11.-Receipts and ship- meats of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows ; - . lieceipte. Ship'ts. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 4.000 Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 205,000 6,000 Ccrmi , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 424,000 221,100 Oats , bushels. , . . . . . . . . . . 183,000 228,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000 9,0th ) Barley , busheLs. . . . . . . . . . 23,000 13,000 KANIASCITY , Seutomber 11.-Receipts and 5hIiiiO11t of grain for the past 24 hours have beau as follows ; flecelits. Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 38,000 29,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 28,000 NEW YonK , September 11-Receipts and shiptmmentsof flour and grain for the paat24 hours have been as follows ; fleceipte Shmp'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 148,000 48,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 140,000 48,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 132,000 25,000 LIVE STOCK. ChicAno , September 11.-Receipts amid ship. merits of live stock for the Past 21 hours have been mis follows ; ItOCeifltS. Ship'ta. liege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 . . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(9 Sr. LouisSeptemnbcr 11.-lleccitt.e amid Shil ) . meats of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Slitp'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 400 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,600 1,400 KANSAS CITY , September 1 1.-Recoifts atot shiiiiiemitii of live stock for the Past 24 hours have been moe follows : Receipts. Sliip'ts. Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . . . hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,900 . . , . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . _ _ lilty 0001)S. NEW YohiK , September 11.-lxllorto of do. mostic cotton guod tIme vast week , I 500 jack- ages ; since the first of .January , 115,780 1)ack. iIgesj a larger quantity than over before reached In the sammie time atmy previous year. In two aitctioii sales of cotton gonubs .July 26 and August 24 , nearly 80,0th ) packages of various kinds were uld. 'I'be quantity of hr uwii , lleaclied , finished and colored cottomni Included tliercltm , or such known as douziestics , will scarcely reach 22,000 liaCkale , yet since July 213 , the date of the first s.she , uxlmrbi of doimiostics luve beemm 23'J09 Packages. , Iob. bimig distribution comut'mimuos 'ery active fromn agents. 'I'lio inovemnemut baa 1)001) in excess time demmuol. riio elistriliutiomu of receipts lit execution of orders continues 0)1(1 is taking a large quantity of gootts. The seasotmable specialties are in short stillilly amitl cnnphsimits arc very veneral at thw tartlimiese of deliveries , Wlilttu nuuti scarlet flamummels are s'ery scarce , especially desirable grades. 'I'lio former is very largely oversoul. Mixtures , smndm as Irish ( reizo , arc scarce , .Jerseyn amid Jersey ClOth ) are In large request 011(1 ( 110 5liPPl. lress goods are in large delivery. l'rints are ilollug well , ( imighitmtms : are doing as well as could irn expected fur ( lie lmit.enuss of the sea. son , Umiilerwe'r Is active. Famicy knit woolens iii vh1o i'iuluest ; skirts in stoaly un- mmiaimd. ] 'riimtlmmg cluitlmu firui at 3 cents , or 1)1)1) per cent atIytuiic , .Atmoskeag : fiumcy and luRid skirti , mgs , also minjipeul amid plaid , flalIUIl chevlots , each nilvauiced 2 per cent. Mcmi's vear in woolen is lii better Ilem000i for heavy weight , TIm placing of orilers ( sIr spming goods is inure free. Wide shiectitigs are well ennui tinned. ] irowim amid bleached shicoti migs amid sliirtings iii steady deunamid. uIiurkct vem'y stoauly am ! bumyoms antI boilers feeling coutideiit. O5IA11t IltlcI'rs , \Vliilcsnle I'rlccs , I OivIcE or 'I'IIY. OICAIIA TIRE. Tuesday } vumilng , Septemuluer II , The following lric are charged retailers hjy jobbers , wholesalers anti comnimuission moor. chuants , with the exception of grain , which in quoted at the lUlCeSfUrnlshOd by the elevators and other local buyers : C ra ii. \VJIEAT-Cashi No. 2 , Tic ; No , 3 , 68c ; re Iccted 42c. lIAhtLEr.-Cahm No. 2 , IGe ; No. 3 , 40c. ItyR-Cashi , 41c. CORN-Mixed , 3fc. OATi-2Sc. TilYC Stock. FAT Snns-1Iighcr at 3 50@4 . FAT Ccs'rs-2 7f'g3 ( 15. htoos-4 25@I ( ' 0 , SIEEP-Firni at 2 7t3 15 , CALVini-'air quality 4 & 05 00 ; good butch' era' stock , 6 00. I Cured Mcnt. . 1LtIa-1414c. BACoN-Unchanged at 1213c. ShIOUI.RRM-1)thhj At 8@8o 1)imisn ligr.m.-10c. laAhI-'tt ( fl6jlOc ) in tlercoe , TALLOW-Firmul nt0 0c lit barrela. I'otmltry , 1.'ishs fttiU ( Imuno. ScRINO CIIICKIINC - Snuihl , unchanged , 1 25f2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 26. Prairie chickens , 2 i0t3 00 er doz , WhITE Fishi-Umichanged , tk10c. ; pike and lake trout the canuc. General l'rouluce , hiurren-Comamnon to good , 7@lOc ; choice .dalry , 10@17 : sweet , high celoroti grass , 12 ® 13c : cooking , 8c. 1'OTATOKS'-eV qtutet ami market vell sup. lulled at 80@10c Per tol. Omos-2iS5b0c tutm. Nsw CAIUAIIK705J85c luer dozemu , hlo1gv-Cnhifurumla , , iii comb , lor pound , 20 0i2lc ; strained , l0@12.c. Citgisg-Actlve : , \ \ e qumote t@llc. ) 'I'OI.tTOF.ii-1IOmtiO grown , 50C131J1 00 pr bush , Grcemi Fruits. 1EONs-OImiet ! at 6 0013137 130 vor box. 1'gAciIg..4-Nittives i ooei 25 1'r basket ; Cailformila at 2 25@2 130. CAI.m I'tmtNIt PLUMS-In geol domnamul ; 2 21313j2 130 P ° mix. 1iAN.N.t5--Umichmaiugch ; 11cr bummuclu , 2 00 © 4 00. Am'ri.m-s-3 OOtS'3 130 l'cr 1,1,1. , CAt. ) I'OIINIA lhmirmr : l'K.thts-Ihu good do. umusuiul at S I 00@ ) I 130 11cr lION , ( AL1 ! Iturnia 1)umchmos lluemro , Ciargeami , etc. 1)eus ) , Pr bOx , $3 ( )0@3 ) 130. GiA'Ki-2 ) ) O.)2 50 tier case , Flour amid iL1IlstmiITs. , \ \ I.Tghi'IIRATlest tjlmahit3' , luntehit , al 3 25I ( iS. SIcoNn : QUAm.ITY-2 1300)J3 ) 213. Sm'mtmo'IIEATBest , uahity , patent , at 3 13 )3 ) 05 , ScONI : QUAI.ITV-2 t'0 3'5. lIlIANt'Sc P ° ' COt. CiIom'm'Rn Fion-Per : 'JO hius. 813c. ( 'oliN MEAL-I 00i1 ( 10 11cr cwt , $ cmtxEilNo-00@70c 1r cwt. Grocets lust , CANNEn ( ioOD-Oysters ( Stamidaril ) , per case , : i 70@3 1)0 ) ; strawbermies , 2 lt , lcr case , 2 It ) ; raspberries , 2 II , , uer case , 3 130 ; Bartlett Ilelirs , case , 2 40 ; wliortloberrios , or case , 2 713 ; egg photos , 2 11 , , er ctbie , 2 90 ; grecim gages , 2 II , , per cuiso , 2 1)0 ) ; do choice , 3 lii , per case , 4 130 ; piiie apliles , 2 Ilu , tuer case , 4 000iJ 5 713 ; peaches , 2 Ib , 11cr Case , S 00 ; do 3 Ib , POt cace , 4 1'0@.t 130 ; ( II ) ( jib ) , 3 11 , , POt case , 2 60 ; do 1)10 ) , 0 II , , per do.on , 2 30. ltucg-Louiisimuua iurimno to choice , 7c ; fair Gc ; l'atmmun , n.c. Fisit-No. 1inackerel , , half brIe. , 7 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; fmumuiily mmiackerol , half brIe. , 5 25 ; famuily uimackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; I\o. 1 kIts .1 05. Svnum'-Stamitlarcl Coma. , Uic , bole ; tismidard do , 4. . gallomu kegs 1 S5 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 ( ; o. $ Om-lml lb PaPers , 3 30 tier case ; keg S Nmv 1'ICKLES-MCdittufl , itt barrels , 6 00 ; do itt half barrels , 3 130 ; sumall1 iii barrels , 7 00 ; (10 1mm half barrels , 4 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 8 00 ; do iii him1f barrels , 4 130. 'I'EAS'--Utmmipowder , good , 45@13Sc ! ; choice (30 ( ( d3713c ; good Imimiucrial , 4043c ; choice , 60@65c ; Young Ilysomi , gooI , 3(3Q00c ( ; choice , 6Sc41 00 ; .1 auaii iuatiural loaf , SSc ; .Japan , choice , 6075c ; oloimg , good , 35@40c ; Oo omig , choice , 40@SOc ; Souchommg , good , 35@J40c ; choice , 313CaI13c. ItOm'E-SiSlLl , d inch and larger , 10c , lic' inch , 11dc. \YOOtENVMtR-TWO hoop pails , 1 75 ; three hoop j > : iils 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 130 ; Pie 110cr wa.shboarils , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckets , 3 (10. LEAn-Bir , 1 05. SOAI's-liirk'a Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 (30 ( ; Kirk's standard , 3 713 ; Kirk's white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's mnagmiohia , doz. PorAshm-Ptunnsylvanla cans , 4 case , In cane , 3 35 ; Babbittn ball , 2doz. incase , 1 90.Anchor ; ball 2 doz. in cane , 1 50. 1'& , choice , red Tennessee , 12c lcr ib ; f'mmmcy white , 12c ! per lb ; raw-white Virizinia , raw lic ; roasted , 13o CANILES-iIOXoS , 40 lbs , iOn , 15c ; 8us , 15c ; boxes 40 ibe , 16 os. , Us , 15c. MATCIIES-l'er calho , 62c ; round , canoe , LI 10 ; square cases , 3 40. C0YrEEs-Ordinary grades , 3@9c ; fair 10 10e ; good ' 10@11c ; prime , 12@12c choice 13@l3c ; f'auiey grecmu and yellow , 14315c ; oh ! govornmemut .Iavn , 2020c ; Levering's roasted , 1 Ic : Arbuckle's ra5tod , lOc ; McLaughlin's xxxx roasted , 15c ; imitation Java , 16 ® 18&e , VINEGAR-NOW ork apple 1Cc ; Ohio all. 1)10 , 13c. SALT-D ray loads , uer bbl , ii ; Aiuht.on , iii sacks , 3 50 ; bbln dairy 60 , Se , 3 30. SUOAIIS-l'owdered , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; granulated , 9c ; confectioners' A , 'Jc ; Stand. ard extra C , 8c ; extra C , 8c ; medium yellow - low , 7c ; dark yellow , 74 ° . SrAhLClm-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , tIc ; Corn Starch , Pc ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corn , 8c. Sm'icns-Peppcr , 17c ; aliupmco ! , 15c ; cloven 25c cassia , 113c. diremsg-1'mill cream , I Ic. JuYR-AumiOncti ' 3 4o ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 713 ; N'orthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 65 ; Jewel ! lye , 2 715. Dry Goods. BROWN CorroNs-Atfantto A 8c ; Apple ton XX , 7c ; Atlamita A , Sc ; iloot F1 i1c , Buckeye Jul. , 4. . ) , 7u ; Cabot W , 7Jc ; Chitta. tmaimgo A tile ; Great Falls B 8c(1Ioos'iar , 0c ; liomueputViultm } , Sc ; Immullan 1 lent ! A , 8c ; Iilian , Stamudard A Sc ; Iiitliai Orchmard , d , w. , 6c ; t.awmemica .hLic ( ; Mystic Iliver , 7c ; I'txjuot A , 8c ; Utica C , , 5c ; Wachusot.t ll,7c ; di' A , 8c do B 48 , 12cc. FINE BmtowN CorroNs-Ahlendalo 4.4 7o , Alligator 3.4 , 3 ; Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Atfantia 14L , 6c ; Badger State .X 4.1 , 6c ; Bennington C , 4.4 , 6c ; Bmmckoyu S 4-4 , (3Ac ; liulhin Orcharti AA 9.8 , 8c ; Laconla 0 3' ) , 8c' Lehigh B .1.1 , Uc ; Pepperell N 30 , Vc ; (10 tJ 32 , 7jc ; do Jt 3t , 7c ; do B 39 , 8c ; l'ocansot 0 4.4 , 7c ; Waunsutta ' 1-4 , Lie. BLF.AChEh ( ) CorroNs-Androscoggimi L 4.-I tc ) ; Blaeknbumie AA. liollerial 8e ; do dl ) ball bleacheti .1.4 , 9 ; Cabot 4.4 , 8jc ; Fidelity 4.1 , ic ) ; Fruit Of the Loom , 0c ; do cairibria 4.1 , 19f' do WaterTwlst , 10c ; Great Falls Q , lie : [ mniamm head shrumik .1.4 , 12c ; Lonedale , bc ; I ) cammibric :37 : , 19c ; New Vork Stills , 12c ; Peu1iot , A , lOc ; J'ejloruh ) , N U Twllbu , ; I'ocahomitas .I..l , ti.c1 l'ocatset 5.1 , 8 ; Utica , lie ; \Vaiimnimtta 0 \ X , 12c. 1)CCKS ( Colorad-Alhiamiy ) E brown , Sc ; do C , ulruh I Ic ; do XX strljsusamiuj plaids , 12 1.2c ; uiu , XXk brnwi amid driul , , autmlleei mud plaids 12 l.2c ; Arliuigt.oti fancy , lUc ; Brunswick brown , 8'1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; ulo ax- trio heavy , 20c ; F'all Jtivcrbrowgm , extra heavy , Ii 1.2c ; Lmidlana A brown , 13e ; Nelonnet A bruiwmm , ISe , ' 1'csnus-Ammuuskeag : AC A32 , Itic ; do XX blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowumimia , (1 ( 3.2c ; Clara. iiwmit ill ) 15 l.2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l.2c ; Iliiimuiltoii ) , 11 b.2c ; Lewist.omi A : ; o , llSc ; l'dimm ' miehuahun 1. I , 20c ; Omega , smijair extra 4. I , 28c ; Pearl iliver 39 , 1 0 1-Ic ; i'utmiain X X blue stripe , 12c ; Shutuucket 5 , 10 1.2c ; do 58 , 12c ; Ycuirman's blue 29 , tic. lNI : us.-Amioskeig ) , blue and browrm,10 1.2c ; Jtmmduver 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Arliiigton X Idim Sciutchi , 18 l.2c' Ciummeorti 000 , lilmie amith brown , 12 1.2c ; tie AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; 4o xx t.j di , tb , if 1.2c ; hinymaker'as blue anti lirowii 9 1.2c ; Mystic Jiverllstriin { , , I01.2c ; Pearl iliver , blue and hnowmm , iCe ; Umicasvilhe , blue timuul browim , 14 1 .2c. CA'mnmucaB.irmmard , SAc ; Etldystone lining , 21 mcli ulotihile face , 8cGarmmer ; A glazeul , tie ; Alamuhiattan glimve titilshm , 5e ; Newport uhu , , t4c' : tin glaxeil , 5c ; l'uxjuot do , tic ; Lockwood kid ( hush1 ( Sc. Comnir .TEANs-Atnory ) An'hroscoggin ' natteen , 8c ; Ciarendon ( bc ; Cozuest.ogga sat. teens , 7c ; hfalioweil , $ c ; liitlian Orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , improved , 8c ; l'epperjll sat. teen , tc ) ; ltockpnrt , Sc , PnmNTSAllemus , 6 : American , 6c ; Arnohil , G'c ' ; Berwick , . 4c ; 'oehinoo 6 ; Cnneautoga,6c. ! latikirkc. Dunnell , , 647c ; Eddystone c ; ( Jloucaator , Gte : Ilarniony , bc ; Knickerboc1ker , (3c ; ! ulerrlmau 1) , 7c ; Mystic , Zc $ ; Spm'agues , Sc ; Snuthibridgo , Gc ; do Gioghiaui , Tc ; Marl- hero , Sic ; Oriental , 6c , GINUII.tsts-A mmiuiskeag , 9)c ) ; AzgyIe , bole ; Atlantic , 8c ; Cumaberlmund , 7c ; Iliglihamid , 7c ; JCejiilworth , Jlc ; 1'Juuktt , 'Jc ; Sussex , Sc. TRUE . Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a SO1CITIn oath that cannot be kept , because of the non-removal ofthc cause -liquor. Thewaytomake a man tcmpcratc is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car- 17 SO many bright intellects to prenlattire graves , 511(1 desolation , strife Slid tni- happiness into so many ftilflhIkS , Itisafact ! BROVU'STRO hITTERS , a true non'ahcoluoh. Ic tonic , made in Ilahtimuore , Mdby the Brown Chemical Company , who are old drug. 1ists and in cvcry partictm mr reliable , lil , by rcnmov. log tIme craving aPPetite of the drunkard , amid by curimug the nervousness , weakmicas , and general ifl hucaithi result- log from imitemaperamice , tie more to vromotc temalcrance , 1mm the tm-ictcst sense any oIlier means now kuiown , It is a well authenticated fact that lfl5i1 IflediCilles , C' bitters , ' are noth- 3g butcheap whiskeyvikly concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not tile case vith BnowN's IltoN IJITTIIItS. Itisailledi- Clue , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive organs - gans of the body , producing - ing good , rich blood , health and strength. Try OflC bot- tie. Frice I.OQ. ' , ) ' I ' II/i4hiI j _ I . ' ' I 4' Bk'S DR , FELIX LE a P7ItVENTIVE AND CUBE. FOR EITHER SEX. ml. remedy being Injected directly to the coat of Lbs dIsease , r&muires no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or pOIsinoti. medicines tote taken triton , oily. When ) $0i 5 preventive by cither sex , It I Impossible to contract any jrhvata dmeeano ; but In thu case of thees alrea4y unfortunately aiflicted we guar antco three boxes to cure , or we will refunU ( hi mousy. I'rlco by mall , postage pa14 , tS per box , o' three boxes tot $3. WItIrrEN GUARANTEES estiod by all authorIzed agents. Dr.Felix Le Biun &Co SOLE I'ROI'UETOIW. ) C. Y. Goodman , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha , Neb mAo v1v Health is Wealth Dr. Ii. 0. Went's Nerve amid lirsto Treatmituni , uarantced cpoeiflo for lIy.terl& , Dlzzlneesconvu ) lion , , Fits , Nervpus Neuralgia , Ilcidachie , ! iunt'u , ( 'rostratlon caused ha the uca of alcohol or tb&oo. Wakefulness Mental Ieiiresslon , Softening of tb firs ! ! ) , resulting In InsanIty and leadIng to mIners loamy arid death , I'remnatmre Old Ago , Barronnes. Loss of hiewer in sithior p05 , Involuntary Losse -permatorrhma ) mused by over exertIon. 4 brain , cell-abuse or over.Iiidulgonce. Each lain. one month'a treatment , $100 a box , , r boxtie for $5.00. Sent by mall pIt-paid cmi ruocipt price WE OUAIIANTF.K SIX BOXES ro euro any case. With each order received by u , for .fx boxes acoomajanlod with $5.00 , wewilleend ( Ii , i'urchier our written guarantee torefuad the menu ; if the treatment doe. riot affect a cure. Ouaranteoi luUedonlyby 0. P. GOODMAN me Wi Urn , tat Omaha Nub. Dit. HORTE'S Thmia Electric Bolt. will Cure time 1"ollow. ing Discast'ViUtout Medicine. Pain. Iii the hack , ilijis , JIca.I or Limb , , Nervous Iohiihty Lumuihiago , Gemioral iebhhity , itheumustisam , i'armulyuts , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Disease of the Iflihliry. Hjilriai } ) iseascu. 'rori.iii Liver , ( Jomit , Roxual i3ahaus. thor , , Seminal Euzisshris , , Asthma , heart lincao , 11) scpsla ; , Cr > iiutl1.atiozi . , VysIpoIan , Imihfgcstlni , hernia or Rtijturu , iiiiiotcmicy , Cat.armim , liIe. , E1l. hay , Iumnbuguu. . $5,000 Would Not Iluv It. iii. henna-i tiavu lined your Inuct'fo Imelt for collie ( hue , amid It hiss tiotie all uut your Agent clalineti for it , Any erie troubled with rheutruethmim or sciatica , I would say , buy lIormu'e Luctrio ; ! llehtfor ella of the thirty dnhisrs belLe cured mrs of thu above diurase iii a short Ihtiiu. Any nuic wlshihrg , to confer iuith roe , oem do so by iritlmig or cabiog at. miuy store 1420 Douglas ht.Onaha Nob. WIl.1.IAM IXONH. I chut.ertuhiy recainincuid llorno'ie Electrit , ilelt mis an ehilcierit cure fur rheunuetlumum , having wegm coo ( or that mnalady , Truly A. M. dNIW.ltflhIL For sale by Foster limo's Council Bluffs , Iowa. MAIN OEVICM-Opoiille I'OStAJtflee , yreimas , Block jfIor Halo at ( I. F , Ooodman' Drug ht.ore , 1110 I'axriamn Street Omaha JOHN CIJACOBS. , Formerly 011I & J&cobs UNDERTA1ER. THE NECESSITY FOl TH SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lluhnben acknosl.dged amirl morecod this day than any other. Tb. saiL ehd of medleal celence is ever inctsing , and its humnetoul brinebre are brought ncarr ihl nearer to perfection , c-nd TIC one moo esa any longer Kc-I ) Ihenu c-U liemuce the luseesilty for divItlIug the labor , AntI It I. Ira. biyond all doubt thut discs , . IITectln the n Itoutirusry organs coal nprdal , tiidy nor. than any. thIng edw , If we would understand c-nd know bow to treat them i.ruperly. tub. Ii , tVAUNEI ( I. fully aware that there are moan , phyclrlans , anti conuecenibIe t..ot.t , whw111 eondenm him ( or making thlsc-Ia , , ol thIcae , a cpu. tic-it ; , bst , ) ueksha11y to ( how that with most ptim)5 ) of reflmu.mueiit , aiiil Intelligent. a moore mullahicim. ( -II * Iea- I. taken of the sutijeot , and that the ; .hyclo. Ic-mu who deii'te , himuincif to rvllevlng the afflicted c-nil caving Ilnitn froiiu s or , , tItan death , Is no lee. a Phi lanttii-eph.t amid twitefactor to hI. race thami the cur geo'mu or lihysIclan she Ii- clove 5t'm'lkathiin ixtele In 5Iu ) ether ) 'rauirh of hIs I'tOfe'cion , Aluti fortuiuatcl , for huiiatt , , tluc ihir I , das miltug n lirti the fIe p's laiuthrii1hy that ( 'OtitlCflIOtt , hue I tit imim of folly or rimue , like' tht' Icier. titiler the Jewish law , to tile timursmrd forbes lweJavav. . A Few Reasons Why you chiouhil try the celebrated lit. II. ll'aglicr' , iiieLlioI of ruler ; 1. ' ' Pr , I I. IVagmior Is mu tmturnl itloslelsu , , " 0. S. ( 'tunis , , , The ( ireatct lItlmg , Plirciioht.glt. 2. " 1 ow ran ott' ) ) nm as a ulootor" I ) , , .1 , Smss , , . Thou IVomhti , , ( Irratet i'iivultigumoulst , , S. ' ' 1 ci , are vs u'iult-rfihiy , , iruitirkit hi our kou , , I. also of ultwio.c atid mualkines. " I ) , , .1 , MATtimXWR. 4 , , ' 'ilie RhhhietCit flutil mostly tlltf Itu our lire. elite. ln , .1 , 1' . 'Ir. ) II. Vagmcr , ii , u regular graihtiutu ( rein Ikhlesue Ilol.iinl , New lork city ; his hail v ry i'I tt.iiit ti hiwj.itaI . 1'riuctkt' , auth I. , thoroughly ) vitui (11) all briutiehies of hik , oil sduitt' , vs.eriahly emu cluromilti uhiceave , . " . Ins. Ilrowsti A Rwunuu. 6.'I lIt. II. \ aiier , has iumiutrta1Inti : , hluiutlf liv lil uvoiiulerul ( , hleou cry of cit'di ) m emictiiei for in' % nte anSI , ounl tlLstiltiit. ' % irgitula City ( 'itromulchti. . 7 , ' , flmoii.ouits , of liii ethIc tiurk to coo 1lmn-itun , I IliflCiiet ) Chirotilu lu. 8. "Flu Iis'tiris ( , h.uIg , eit'rleieo ) , as a ci'relallst chiouhil ri'miiler liiiiu ' . ' " . er' pceescfuul-ltecky ) Mono. tahim vens. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At one tiiiuo a , hi.cnslotm iii the nerveS sire vuas entire tireav ) t'iiIrit 19 ( lie i.rofeshiiti , niiit nieleal ) vv orks ud but a ( cit 3 curs ago ii itilti hum utI lime , , tioii IL lu-day thai i'hu , ileiiuii Is 'if is uuitlcrtii I oj Iiiltii , ; hue I , a" are that It. Is luhi ihuty.-ilt.ugrcoaliho ) thiotmghi it iiiay lie-to hiaiihlo ( liii mrnttcr u ithuiiimt. gitli Cs aimul ci.ouk ilahuil I' , shiismt it ; slid liiteliIciit liarents aimd gumarihiauis Iil tiiaiik hitiii for ilolig , i4i , . rho results iuttciiiihig , til ) tieetriictI ii ' . itt suero for. muierly miot tmiiihe'rtiaI , tir millS hin'i.erlY eMthiiOut eu 3 nit , ) III ) imiportamio , , hiciiig itttniheii ti , a suiject 0 lilchm 113 Its muutumre th.c lint lim Ito t lose hit ostigatloit , it. u a , 'I uiligIlgniiruii : 'Ihie habit is gntiemhly nimutractoil liv the yotmiug vs lullo attemittiug , iclioiil ; oiler eiiuiu aiiliniii through ( lair ovaiilI Ic , 11153 be respoitcililu fur It , or It. , niuy 1e aequmlreti tliroiugh iteultetit. 'I'Iuo cidtemiieit. , tiieo , cx. iieri.iienI , ( Ito iratlce t Ill I.e . re1 siui cii again sin ) tugahmi , utitil at lavi thu haul iivctiutciu ilrmiu aih , omn- hiletelY cuclsu ci tutu s lcthiiu. Memital slut , , eru tins at ihietlous itro umuuahly the mrliary , reihts lit , , elt.ahiiivo. Aimuong the Injurious eltects mumy be muettlumiuah , lassl tuile , dejcctloim or Irruu ibilicy of teuu1cr tutu general debility , Thu boy eekn , tecltitlni , nuiti rarely jiiltic lit the .porte of liI eoimi.niihiiiis. , If lie i.e a iiuing miiamm lie ut Ill lie little loimitit lii co,1u1aml ) vs Ithi the otluci sex , atid ts troulihi. , ! vs itli exteeihiiig aint iuimti'u , lug bashifiiliiesiu 1mm thick pm e'.eiicc. iiuiciu hues tlrenui , , einisslotis itulul erupt eu tIm face , etc. , tim u aluc IirOuiilncit , iymuu.toui . , . If thu iractlce Is s lolenthy ieruivtci ) lii , miuoro cerlo , , , disturtisitces take 115cc. ( kent , ut the heart , or oiLloItIc t'ovihiilout , , , tutu exieriemiecil , uniI tIn , iuhlerer 11153' faIl into a t'omnhiheto state tif idiocy before - fore , mhuiahly , , ltuthm relieves bite. 'I'ui gull tlio.o eiigagt'il tim tiil , isIgerous , practice , I would city , ( hrt iii all , , ttoj IL at iiuucu ; muako ou'cr3 Iioiilhie ) ellort Co di , so ; bitt if 3181 fail , II )0Ur lien univ 53utemfl I , airesity ti ) muiumeii , hiatteioih , auth eomsu , queuitl3' , 3lilmi' vt'lll.jios or hrokei , , take situtia 11cr ) C toiiie to uhf yiiii iii 3omr , effort. I lxvliig ( real yuiursell frititi thu liahilt , I uu ould flirtluer couiuicd yi'ii to gi through a rcgilar riulmrvo ut treatiiicuit , for ii Is a grey ; muistaku ttu , tIji0sO tint any erie may , for , numiuu tltiiti lu It cv cry ci , little , glu o hihuitwhl um1i to Chile faiuchuiiutliig butlauigcrous oxeiteinemit without aitITciimig ( ruin ftc 0 % II CiiiOiLiiCuilCi4 at somuiu future tliie. , 'Ilie mnminhiei ( if young mcmi ihiit are Inca , aeiate.i to OIl thu tuttle , emijohmiod 1)3' seiIiuk Is iuinrnihiigly 1st go , nuil Iii Rites ; of uehi eases this imiifirtumitato couiihltiitmi itt CluIng. cat be traccut to thio jiractlc-e ut , .eIf.ahiuye , u itldi hiatt beet abaiidomiodyears age. htithtieth , a few mniiutthtii' Irnetlet ut thil habit lii sithlteleuti to luittice u1crumiuutirrltina Im later ears , amiul I Inn e many of such cases umidor trexu. mimetiC at ( lie ltrceuit day. 'cntng Mei Who amy Ito cimfforliig fromum the effects of youthful follies or Itidlvcrcthou wIll rho u cii tti avail thieitu.elvoc of thIs , thu greatest luau user laid at , tIm sitar of cut' ferlttg htiituauiity. liii , % Vntiniu us Ill gumaraittcu to for. ( cit SOO for tutery oust ) of ceinlutal uuoakncsii , , r lirhate tII.eiiii of amty khiitl and charuCt4ir which lie umituier. take , to amid fails to cure. , j ( : . : : Middi ; AgedMen. There guru mushy at tim ago of 80 to 00 'whit , art- troimhiheil s ithi too freilimeuit uuacmati.t , . , , , itt ( lie lily , ) iler , ufien acxiumlpltJt lot lt' a slight siinurtiiig or hittrt. lug , eitstloii , situ a it eakeuiltig of thu o ctenm iii ii mttamuier thto jiatlctt ; iuuiitot itecittiit , for ( lit ornitilit lug ( lie umruitary de1iiak ii rt,1.y . sediieit. ; is Ill , iftett Ii , fouuiil , neil toimiuetite , , suttall iartk los of ahlommtieit us It uuiiicar , , ir the etihiir it lii Ito ut tltlim mull Lluli litie , uugahi vhtaitghitg C. , a Iark situ Ltrliiii apical alit-a. ' 111cm u Sri ili.tit3 iitcity itieti V. iii , tilt' iii titis tIhtulcuily , lgitiiniitt it ; the caiw , 0 hiieht is tutu ; - , . , , stagu , of , ientiital-u oak 1l05. Dr. V , vulhi guxtraitcv ; it 1erect ttmmti Itt ill case , niiil a healthy restitratiiut of Cliii goiiIto.uuriiiiury or gaits. L'iiiiltatloi : ; free. 'Itoroimghm } oxamnliiatioii smith au. 'ice , $3. 1 % ii t'iuiuiiiiilcatluuitti , chttuhl be null revue , ) , Dr. I lenr3 I li-li ry SVuu.guucr , I ' . 0. 23'9 , I lOll u or , Ciloruuti , , 'rue % 'tuiitg Malts Ituket , Coituj.utiui.t . ; , ity lr ) , Ii % Vaguter , Iii ntrli its tirighit Iii gold Li , ) OUtig itituli I'rkc , di,2t3. Remit by mush ( ii aimy aildress. Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Yagiter the eelthirrute.i , specialist tif lctver ) Colt , . , d4i I.uirliucr ; street , hichlouuuu him IeLtng ( thiuworlui ktttia- lust Ito II , , , attul is tltuhiug for titituuaihut , , l his fehiuwmttct. Iii , trtuatiiteuit fur lint miialuhiiticl Ic summo Li , n lit itluim a , iuutia , ( lust. u .uiutet-Ity sill htluss. Ict tliutinaitul testiutiiiuiyls froum till in or tittu hlitlteul $ late trcimi tiioeu ho has ctmriI , Is jirt.itf 1inlth u ( hat lie ultici cure thu worst cites ut thicsu 4Ieavcs , 'I'lto aulllcti.-t ( nun chiromile cliii cexuml illnesses itt ut cry kiuiul ut II. iiitI ! Itluit ( heir host ( cloud. Itenul his ails crtlsomiicmmt I , all our dy uniurn , alit ) call tilt ithiut for tel v lee , as iv I kmtuwyou sill corroht'iratui ui In cayliig lie It , ( lie sul fcrer'is tmuu trk-iid.-tockyMuuuimalmm ) Non.1 Relief to the Afflicted , ( mm mmietileIncs , as in science , tlto ipeclahlstii are ( iii tine , sviuoatwiuys curious to the Srotit au , ) a ci.iuithlsI grcat results , 'Ihuls remutuirk is enjieclahly iiphIcablu Ct to 1)r , II. Sviigner , of thuI city lie statutis at the toj of lilt , irofeulomi , turiti thu cures ho lertlirtlu for ( lit uimttortumiatu would seen , wonderful if uiifl iroicrl vlcwe.l iii the light of scientific ticsiiulreuiiomite. Ito I emidorseit Ity thu most emiilieuit of ( lie ineuhical fcuiit lii , olhico at 103 l.arantlr street , where lie will s.etuuiI by effecta cure for ( tie sutferingof cithtersex , uiu luster ( or how comiiIlcatn1 their coomplahmtt.-I'ouiwroyi Democrat , Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. I'croru'i ' at is thhstancet who whIm tobo treat-il by It , Svagmuor micuti not foul baekwartl lvtuuaiuivu it Iitahihlt ( A ) 5 lalt bhium. I f they st ill wi Ito ( ii thu ilcictor Ito WI seui a list of ( iiicstlifltv n'hilcli ciiuuhulcs hint Os smite miteditirtes , coumisci aiiul a , ) t hi , to tliuuicuuutuit , lie hat ituver cccii. lie hiss 1.atltuiits . Iti sultry city , tosii intO utatloit Pm ( kilorad , , , as well as dl , , ccr ( ho limuitiut $ ( let , Iil address lit ) il adtontlbeinelit.- I or 'Irlhumiu , Shall We Reform ? Hieciflo remodhtuu , for all uliec-suecs Is thttu theory iurtlcu at irusolit at uducateti amid omu.enlclice liii ) sinai ; , , aitd its all large taiutuiuiuttltlo Clay ItSYl theIr slitucl.ehtIoO , IA , excel Iii which tItu ) ' tlii oct thtel , , tuullcs anti iractlcu. 1)r , Wagiicr Is ii sutccute.ful II lustriutloit of this miundermu , of siueeialtlus. and hit tutIirece-tICiitsutI ilUcesuulS in the' treatmiicmtt ( it Inisati ilkeauie iii as wosulertul , its It is ti4tenlng.l'rof. . J Shtutie. 'Iliusu irsoiis St ho miesd muttudical relief for tIn , 100.1 ilt-Iltuutsu of diseases it-Ill lhtiti aim mucuuoitiliaieil , ) slid sue ct'.ful ' _ ltiYOhtIaui lit the Iersii of Dr. Wagner , No. 34J larluer street , who Iii hIghly rucotmiuuiemiIoii by thu iuietlical lrofo1.iCml at hiuimuu untO aboard.l'ouuieroy' Ilenuocrab Iilgiitry aitd ignorance miiusl give nay to nisdomn and thee a [ Mu llmslci bellottu lii lettluig hi , light shhmic tar the glory of bhi fellow muon. i'rliter's Ink I. tlio torch lie can Ucet mu to guide thu near ) aud .lck oh. to Slit' fouttaln of health. If tlil arthclt should Ito Instrumental as a "IOICC'IlIlt.Iil' set up. ( iii a lull to guide ulferluug hiimmnamilty ( oSIS hiurliiie , strvet , Ieivo-r , Colorado , II will c-n.e or the iiurI.o for which ii usas uirltten , Atidros. . DR. IIENItY WAONER , 1' , 0 , box 23)0 ) , or enU at IllS IArluier Street ' Deiiver , Cu'lo. tirfluael tlieceluuui beaded "Thu Necessity tsr the - - - - - -TE : : 0 Ras the Best Stook in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Price FURNITURE ! Mirrors Feathers , Bedding , , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture - ture and Upholstery Trade. Chas. Shiverick , . 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street. IN crEI& : DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LUCKS , &o. . . , :1. : a a ) T'ts.xiitm tac't PERPEOTIOI'T W4t Heating and Baking CIa only attained by using usingOAK OAK Stoves and Ranges , WIRE CU1E OVER DOORS TONROGERS&SONS (1MA11A II' . ItTIIcIaD : , MANUVArUitElt OF GaIvnized IroDCornices ; YDdOVi CasFiniaIs1 Skylights &o Thirteenth Street Nab "BURLINGTON I OUTE" . ( Chicago , BurlIngton & Qulnoy Railroad. ) J - - - - . - COINC EAST AND WEST. El.'gant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Radio trig Chairs ( seats free ) , Hmokfng Cal-s. with Ito' voivlng Cimnirs l'ullman I'alaca Hleeping CAm-ut and , lie tanuous C. ii. Q. Dining I 'are run daily to aim' ) 'ron , Chicago t Kansas City , Chicago ( 'ouneil tlItifTs , Cimicago it loui Molmias ( 'lilcago , St. J0. .t'ptu , Atchison & Topeka , Only through line be- wt'n Chicago , I.Jncolmu & Denver Through cars wtween Intlinmugupolle . Comincll hilutTis via l'eorf a .li ctiminioct.hnti Imuatltu In Union Depot.It ma kzuowti as the groatTIhitOUGlI CAR UN1 , COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. " Solid Trains of Elegant Dn' Coaches and Pullman - man l'alaco Sleeping Cars are run daily to and from SI Louis , via Hannibal , Qulney , Keokuk. liirlington , Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St I'aul and Minneapolis ; l'arlor Cars with ltecllnizui Clinics to e.nd from St Louis and l'earia and to and from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cam-s between St Louis and Des Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Jener. Colorado. . It ma unlveraesliyadinitted to be the FInot Equipped Railroad In the World for all Ciassos of Travol. T J I'OTTIIR , 3d Vlco-Prea'Iand ( leni Manager PERCIIVAL LOWELL , Gen Pass. Ag't , Chicago. I _ _ _ _ s..v , . ' . - - _ wIIac1'J' Boiler Sheet 11011 works I OMAHA , . . . . . - NEBRASKA. Build c-Il kinds of Steam 11011cr. , Smoke Stack , , lireeching Lard , Water , and Oil Tanks , eec ! do a genera . , plato-Iron business. Ittipairimig domiti in City and Couttry All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I 'icoond-hand hollers will be kept on hand. lIaviiig had loony YOc-td usporiuncuin th trade in different mnrta iif Chic coumitry I c-in conlidorit . 1 camu give satIsfactIon , havitig time bout situp aitil touI in thu State. Shop csr. 10th antjlercotltrent.s ! , j , M. WILSON Propriotor. , HENRY LEH'MANN JOBBER OF a11 Paper allifVliO \ ! Shaftes1. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FJtILNAM Si'ltJ1T , . . OMAHA NEB , iiLLT cEtc1T . On Lon j Tinso--Small Payments. At IIOllllfCllrOcS ! Frioos. A. lloso J Isle IRiGIi ) i4.'ltx : ! . M. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARt/AM STREET COP. 13TH , OMAHA , . , 0 NEB1AfiE - - , .