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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1883)
.g I 2 T'rIE DAILY BEE-'WEDNESDAY , CEP I EMBER 1'l , 1883. ' . 'U C : . : U , . : . . FJOS.1 GAAI1RI1EAEIlNJL : T'U T : L . , CRACKER COMPANY U : 1IALIIAL , 1V. _ 0 L DEST CRACKER MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES. Our Factory , 12thTand Jackson Streets , is the most complete establishment of its kind in this country. Our Goods are the best in the Market. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ' - , ALWAYS ASK FOR OARNEAU'S ' EAGLE BRAND OF CRACKERS AND YOU WILL GET TAE BEST. .Our exhibit at the State Fair will be the finest displwy of Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes ever seen in Nebraska. . . . . : ; II ° VISITORS TO OMAHA II. . ; U And the public generally desiring to examine the workings of our institution will be welcome ( 4 Jps : GARNEAU Cracker CompanyTwelfth and Jackson street L ! ' _ ; T _ % - , 4tdvortlsu ChoMet I ' : , , le ' , "IkhM bacerpoti comtnontq writo'tho , ,1 . . 'bgginnf' 'of an art' loin'an ulogant , into - to t' ar nor , ' r MTh itfn : somo'attvortlaomont , , ' that wo avoid all such , "And eimply call attention to the mor- 1ts of Hop Bittois in ns plain , honoat terms M oafblo "To induce oo to "To give thomono'trial , whichsolprovoa their value that theY will never uao anything - thing oleo , " - "Tirts REMSDY Bo favorable noticed in . all ispore , " toll ious and secular , fa "flaying a largo sale nd is aupl plant. all oter moicinoe , ' Thao is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant , and the propriotora of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness . "And ability . "In compoundfng a medicine whose virtues are so Pal1Pablo to every ono's ob- eorvation , " h t Did strelo ? " i ' "Not "Silo lingered and suffered nlong , pin. Lung away all the time for years , " "The doctors doing her no good ; " "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about , " ' ' ' " ' "IndocdtIndoodl' "How thankful we should bo for that medicine. " - - - - ' . A Daughter's Misery. r "Sloven years our daughtdr suffered on a bed of misery , ' ] From a complication of kidney , liver , rheumatic trouble old Nervous debility , "Under the care of the best h 'aieiane , lt "Who gave her disease various manes , "But no relief , , "And now she is restored to us in good health b as simply a remedy flop flit. taro that aswe had hunned or ears be. fore u it-Tax PARSNTU , i - Father Is Getting WoU. p . . "My bter .aa : much "ow bcU r tither la since he ueod ho 4 L "Ira A getting well otter his long suffering from ALeue declared incunble" "And we are as lad tbal be turd your DRter. " L Laor of Utica , N. Y. ' t I Have. Found It I r Wu the axciam&Uon of anunwheo be got a box st I utska Pile Olntmeot , wldoh le a dm Io sad sun eve for Vila sod aU Skis Disease. lofty cents by . .u , Poatpeld. The American Dfarnccea Cure , , 1 Ru stood the test for twenty rear. Sure our. So , ill. Never Fells. Dtanhaa , 11 Y sentar h and Cbole c I Morbua . Beauc's ' Fe cr all > o Tonic & Cordial II Ii Impoesible to supply the r i 1d sale of the same , SURE CUIU WARRANTED i for Feor sad Ague , and all Malarial trouble. PRICE , L00 , 9PiJ. WHITEHOUs E LAnOBATOtY,10TH ST OMAHA , Nltf. For Sale by all Druggists r sent by Express on reoelpl of prico. maMO BELLE VUB COLLEGE , Under the ere of the Prabytarlsn synod of N a gnats. Regina Sepkmbcr 10th. Cluwlool as adeuU5o ooumos wth reparatory dep.rtmarht ; als o Yuck 1 and Art Ue mot , au open to bath sex "a Tu1Uw low , rucat 0n bcauUSuland hoslmhtuL Onl stns mUai from Omalu on the 1L k M. 1G N A I vuu . N 4 n,1'ROF , w.Iy'IM m&a&wtm a DUFRENE & MENDEISSOHN , . ARCKITECT IttR tlOYitD TO OMAHA NATIONAL D , , Il V LT BECOMES OF TILE It G8 , alt Industry In Wh/oh / DAilofre of Capital are Invested. Milwaukee Evonhw 1Vlscoasln. William Franzon , one of the oldest and most experienced rag and paper stock dealers to the west , wM naked about his business and the possibility of its being a medium of bringing Asiatic diseases into the country. He said : Large quantities of rags from Egypt and Turkey mass through Milwauke their way to the paper smills at Noonah and Mnasha , oan actual ) largo uan- - tities-not relatively thelarge -for the greater proportion of the receipts of fern this country are 211 the oast. I don't hink however there is any danger of discaso originating ill Milwaukee by reason of the tag trade. The formgn rags are not picked over hero. Labor at the points of shipment is so much cheaper than hero that it pays to do all the necessary assorting before therngs are baled and sent oil. . In sup. port of my bulief that no danger of the of contagion in Milwaukee by the bales of foreign rags which Pisa through hero is to be , Ilcan say tluit I have been he ra bsiness fr 20 yearn-12 of then n this cit -mad have never had a sick day. I have ear to od from 12 to 50 hands in sorting rags durin Fall that uand have never knwn hicknusa to brak out among thou : from the handling of rags. I don't think there is any danger to be apprehended - hondod from the rags at the paper mills either , for the strong blanching materials used would be likely to act as a disin- fectanL" Mr. Franzen wont on to give some facia to , puovo that the rag business is ono of the staple industriea of the county. 'tTho business in rags a dune mounts " per inMilwaukeo alone persaid , "to $750,000 auliuall and furnishs employment to upward of 600 oraoe. Caefl estimates of the res. ant annual consumption of rag in the United States vlaco the a mount at :1,000,000 : , baloq vahod at $30,000,000. The arrivals of foreign rag stock at New York Cityare estimated at 000,000 bales annually , and those of domestic rag stock at 180,000 bales , Twenty-five thousand bales of s vvoro shipped of Milwaukee - waukoo during the ea1882. Moat of the domestic paper stock received hors cones fromn Iowa , Minnesota Wisconsin Nebraska , Dakta and Michigan. contribute Missouri and Illinois also large amounts. A considerable quantit y of foreign rags also mac throu lm this city the course of fi'hese during a year , come from all parts of Europe , England , France , Germany nd Turkey ' st freely. andEgy ti r e , I hve , often pass tluoubli tlnn cit limn destination of tins rags which ar o shipped from Iililwaukoo is dependent u nnn their quality , All the woolen rags timid the butler grades of cotton rugs o u time cast mostly to supply the fume 1 u po r mills and shoddy Willasa of Massachusetts New Hnurhshtre , Rhode Island , and t d 1 enneylvana , The cheaper grades u f , stock are used in time west in the mauu . faeturo of print and wrapping papers Thu foreign rags received ut Miilwaukea which are inferior ht quality to thee o Wade in this country , aruseby pe or 101115 at various poiua in this state , Tin o foreign rage , as I have said roach : thi market assorted and ready tar the mini ! ! . The domostio rags , on to contra in varisbl require the assorted hero. "It would astonish the uninlatod to so the number of distinct grades into whic h , diac ' . is a.lis rags ary phinted. ere t most of time ilTiparthut else aa pf fis 1 , r paFpori ook recognized in r Miiwnu Whiitos-Nos. 1 and 2 , thirds and blucs a' print , manila rope , mixed bagging , wrapping - ping stock , seamed cloth , wool s"ams , : mow clips , soft wools , print papers , manila papers , common papers , too paper , white shavings , mixed shavings , No , 1 book , No , 2 book strawboard clippings , skirtd delaines. It must not supposed - posed that the dilerontiation ends hero. Soft wools , for instance , are made in Milwaukee waukoo into one grado. In Cincinnati , Philadelphia and other cities east of Milwaukee there are a number of establishments - lishmonts which bury up suitable western stock and assort it for the woolen print- facturers. In these establishments what are known in Milwaukee by the one title of soft wools are sorted into 15 different grades. All time woolen rags shipped from hero go to eastern nanufacturers , b wlmmu they converted into shoddy. The better gades of cotton rare go to the east , where the are made into writing a r. Print rags and bagging are used ur the mmiufactu o of which is carried on in thu vast. Manilaro a is princi pall used in Ohio , whore it enters into the manufacture of a per flour bags. 1Yra p ping stock , which is the more refuse of this rag bin-iro cheapest grade of rags princiPall in nanu- made-is used ) the - faeturo of roofing felt. The western' mills whore this is ntado are mostly in Ohio , but there is one in this sate at Iloloit. All grades of woolen rags go , as heretofore stated , to the shoddy and manufacturers , ' 1'ho rentainin grades of stock msntionod in the above list are ccn vorted into wrapping lmpors in the west , principally in Wisconsin , 'rho Wisconsin - sin mills which make wrapping paper are at Sparta , Memusha , and Buloit. " Do not go to Elmo ut y without a bottle o Angostura Hitters to flavor your Soda and ronumadoamidkeopyour dlgaslveorgans in order. Be sure it is the genuine Angostura of world-wide tams and mmmfachued only by Dit , J. G , B. SIEGEItT A SON , JOIINY ItOAOI1' GAME , Why. Ho Loaned ' 1lldon ills Yacht , Now York Special to the Chicago Daily Nox. John Roach's yacht , tho'Yosomnite , has been hired by Mr. Tildon for a month , 'that is ono sie of the story , Time other side of it is that Mr. Roach hiss loaned her to the sago of Oroystono for a thirty. days' trial , and that thereafter if Tildon wnnta the boat ho is to buy her. Well , she wont be boughtThat is a dead sure thing. It doesn't count anythin b against time vessel wlmiclm is a very good ono , Time fact siui 1 is that Mr. Roach : has boon nmakimigphimself solid with Samuel by placing thin Yosourito at his disposal for as loin a tiuio as lie wants to use her , There is no doubt about Mr , John poach , gentle reader , Ho is up to anuil' , And what ever oleo ho isn't ' up to ion t very high. Doesn't ho know pretty null that Smnuel .1 , Tildon is keeping his far otr eye on the rosideneg1 Doesn't lie full ycon prchond that time afore said Sauuo is pretty allfrod likely to gut the nomination ? And isn't lie pretty ivoll aware that whoevorcatches time dlonrocratfo nominatien next year is going to rnako a lovely run for the white house ? And is not Jolun Roach build n b cruisersi And r doesn't ho know the value of being solid with possible prosidontal 0 , no ; I rather s think not , la ell , it acorns that Mr. , Tildon's doctor has urged him to take sea air for hla health. It doesn't come in time kind of bottles which tthogroat defrauded o ha. boon accustomed to consult for his health licrutoforo ; and it fa not labeled j. _ _ L 4 i _ . f ti fll ui. " That is why the mats who la ti p boon resident if his foot , 1't bliTiPsit looks unhappy whonlhio is t dg it. Ho usually goes aboard time omito about 11 o'clock in the morning with several guests and a couple of valets. Ho walks well enough , and when he puts his hands in iii. pockets nobody would notice anything to distinguish him from other well-preserved old men. But if ho reaches out to take hold of anything the palsy becomes evident. It ta ett concerned ad aso so far as lila hands are od , but it is not in his throat any more. Still , anybody who says Mr , Tildon's VOfee fa restored talks bosh. Ho speaks clearly in a rather mild conversational tone. But ho could no more make a speech that would bo distinctly heard across a tlmeater than he could knock out J , L , Sullivan , When I make these statemomts you may be sure I know what I amn saying. The points wore recently given me by sonicbod wire knows all ere is to kmiow about Mr , Tilden's physical condition , Ito the Yosemite ho as a very fast and a very acht. Ropretty ants It is the raft that Mr. ch to match against Mr. Jay Gould's Atalanta , That is to say , it is the craft which Mr. Roach professes lie wautatomatch against the Atalanta , There is no doubt that auclm a race would be interesting , But it would not necessarily fairly test the qualities of both vessels. In a rough sea the Atalanta is time best and speediest ship. Iii perfectly smooth water the Yosemite would probably win. One thing is pretty certain , there will be no race until 1'1r. ' Tilden lmm finished with the Yosemite. You won't catch Samivel risking imis precious life with all steam up , and wit , as Mr. Hay would observe , "a nigger squat on the aafuty.valvo , " henry's Carbolic Salve. The best salvo used in the world for Cuts , Bruises , I'flus , Sores , Ulcers , Salt ltheum , 'fetter , Chepod Hands , Chilblains Corns amid all Wads of Skin Eruptions , Frec'Idos ' and 1'implos. The Salve is guaranteed to give ; 'orfect ' miatisfactlon in every case. Be sure and et IiENItY'S CMIBOLIO SALVE , as all others are but imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. help ! For heaven's Sakol Thayer County Herald. At their Juno mooting the board of regents of the state univertsty added a medical department to that institution and the first annual amtounconent is be. fore us. So far , so good ) But what we want to call attention to is a little private circular i.SuOdU by a crank named Latta who scorns to temporarily occupy the position - sition of deamm. Below we publish time circular in full , and comment is unnecos- nary , Any man connected with a state instutition whowould send outauch adocu moat , should be immediately hoisted overboard. Lincoln , , Nab. , August 25th , 1883 , Dear Doctor ; 1 scud this day our announcement ; please examine it , and if it is a poiablo tlmuig , scud us one or two students for , time winter term , We have had a strug- Itlu with allopathy , and all that is watt- ing is for you now to acid us time students - dents to illako us triumphantly victorious. We o doing this work without mono without prico. Will you also do what you can for time good otime cause. Itiduco seine young nrau to come it costs co10 paratively nothing , and will be worth hundreds of dollars to him , oven if ho never practices , it would bo worth : thousands - sands o a lawyer , and only cast bfm his board , Remember everything depends on our making a good showing this season If we have comparatively no students this THE MORAL Or IT. We may moralize as much as we please about pain ; but the , fact is that we don't like it while 1t las and that we want to get rid of it as soon as we can. Whether caused by rheumatism , gout , disordered liver , weak nerves , Irregular kidneys , bad blood , or anything else that is just the reverse of what it should be , the sooner it is out of the system the happier we are , -Whether pain is the result of imprudence or of accident - dent , or is sent as a punishment for our sins , may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue ; but people - ple who are sufleringwant first to be rid of the pain , after which those who are fond of argument may argue the hatter to their hearts' content. Above all theory , argument , and philosophy , comes the eligtltful fact that BROWN'S I11oN BrrrEtts drives pain away , Sufferers run no risk in trying this medicine , the only compound - pound containing iron which carries no mischiefwith it. Those who have used it will tell you so ; and you can try for yourself by buying a bottle o the nearest druggist , 7 scasontlma institution will certainly die of inaution if indeed it is not still horned or worm an abortion. We have tloio our part , we have won the fist victory of the kind on record , Now , for Heaven's sake , send us some students , The life of our institution depends - pends oim it , and believe me , fraternally yours , 1V , S , LATTA , Iloraford's Acid I'hosplrato , Tontc for Overworked Men , Dr , J. 0. Wilson Philadelphia , Pa. , says , I have used it as a general tonic , and in particular fn the debility and dyapopsba of overworked coon , with sat. isfactory results , " A Big Vineyard lbr San Diego. San Diego Union August 20 , For cone months it has been currently stated that Frank Kimball had generously - ously offered a gift deed to any prl'son wino would accept 1000 acres of fruit lands with tine proviso that one-half , or 6000 acres thereof , should ho immediately put under cultivation by time plnutih $ of grape vines , ate. Yesterday Mr , Kimball informed - formed us that Arpad Ilaraazthy had acce pted his proposition with tine above conditions and the almost world-wide reputation of bfr. Ilaraszthy as a wino manufacturer is a sufliciomt guaranty that in from thrso to five years we alma ! ! have in San Diego county perhaps time largest winery on time Pacific coast , and that moatmtine largest in time wrld , Time land given by Mr. Kimball is in one body , and is ocated om the Encinitas ranctwo and ono-half miles fromn time Encinitas statnon , on time line of time Cali. forums Southern Railroad , Disease , l'ropemmsbty and I'Malon , brings Mankind numberless ailments , foromoet among them are Nervouanees , Nervous Debll it ) ' , and unnatural weakness of Generative Organ's ; Allen's Brain 1'ood succosafuliy over. conies these troublee and restores time sufferer to fans forumer viror. 81 , At drargists , Near Ottumwa the other day a baby fell from the window of a train going at full snood. The little one was found uninjured , sitting by the side of the track sod trying to mue a meal of its great toe , Anheuser-Busch r a " MpG M9R t k , f yr - , 'v i1 CELEBRATED . Keg and Bottled Beer This Excellent Boor speaks for itself , 'y Ap h s s. 11 SE DWIU E ORDERS FROM ANY PART OF T . RBUSCHfl . . , . , ' STATE OR THE ENTIRE WFS T r f STLOUIS , . M0 , Promptly Shipped. , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD Cif ® ur Guarantee' F. CHLIEF 7 Sole Agent for Omaha amid the West. Cor. 9th Street and Capitol Avenue , , GATE CITY . PLANING MILLS11 U MANiiPACT EBS OF , 1 Caroenters' Materials : -ALSO- Boors , Bills Stairs Stair Railin s Balastor Window & Door Framcs&cl r1rot chic facilities for the manufacture of all kinds of Moulding. . Panfng and Natchln jlstts , Orden from the country wiu be promptly executed. Areas all communications to A' MOYER , Proprietor , f r ' , 1 . f DIANUFAOTURER OF OF STIUOTLY FIIISr CLASS Carriages , BuaaiesRoaa , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. late and 13201iarney Street andjlo3 S. 15th Street , . 'OMAN A N U tntod Catalogue funlehud tree upon appuoMian , , 4 Ar H AII1Ew'r : , i MANUPAUr'URen OF FINE Carriages My Repository la oonstaatly war with a iclect slat heat Workmanship gpun nteat. i Office and factory S , W. Corner 18th and Capital Avenue , Qma y t < 1 1u . w .ytq