Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1883, Image 2
, 4 ( tL 7 J : , , L t&biL ) o c ii ' 1 b U U ' * & , . . Jjr JIj IROJHE OMAHA i DAILYBEE. : _ : - - _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' _ _ rHIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. WEDNESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER .12 , 1883. NO 74. BAB BLOOB ! SOROFULOUS. INHERITED , CONTAGIOUS I N iBTo SczoMoui Ulcer. broke out oa tn body until my breast wu ono nii of corniptlon. &ine of theeci1cc bcrc not than enc and on.haIf Inchei n ( tialneter. the rdgei rough , rgod and M'cuhInIy dead , the caIty op to the bonn and flhleil h oflcnL C InMtcr. E cr tiIn ) tuiown to the nnedieat factt va ttlod In ithi , Ura.ftrnllytbe bone iboif boenme tlI4eftnn4l , and theTi the eufTeIiig begati n eatiic $ . flnie U1ers 1)gan to teke tIit , plwi , , f thcwo btherto cn the eur1ae. I become e mae wreck. For months nt a time could not get my ) iaid. to my ben4 Lecauso ofextremo eoenoe. Could not turn In bo ' . Know not ehat It wa to be an hour cen frec horn iaIn. lied rcanon to look upon lifo IteIf n ( Inc. In the lunulier of 1Sd , cotor ten yore of tiIe ) wretched exI9teiIce , I began to n.e the Cuticura ttonedh . , amh after two i ors 'er.Lslent uo of theni the taMt Ulcer haf healed , The threah dIea.o hM euctutubed. AU over the brcost nhtre ' was once a maw efeorntpthon , Is now a heIthy , khn , My weight ha. Iucreaeh from one mi , drod aiiih teiity.thioe to one hitindivil nntt fifty clx poUiho , A.- and the goot WOr ) ( hO .thIl golugnu , I fool m3seht a now bat , , and Il through th CLItIcIr ItenioIhoii. . - J.ts. : . ItIChIAItlSON , . Cu4o'n hlousn , New OrIean. t Sworn to bcfoteUnItod Statoet'onitnj.shoio , J. I ) . CIUW'OID. TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD i Scrofulouc , InherItet and Cont.agInu Ilamora. aol thua rolnnve the niot jrohiflc cueu of human suffcting. ho dear the aiii if dbUgurltg b1othca , Ithhzig Torturcs , hiuiiihIfathn I'ruptjna : , atil Loath. tiotno ere caucd by Inherited ecrofuta , to pualfy and beautify the eJn ) , end fl9tOro the hair o that no traec of ihIcae remain , Cuticura Itesci1ont , the new blood 1uffler , arid thithcura and Cuticura Snap , the great khri Cue , and Iheauthfleni , are tnfalPble. They are the only re200rtIoi ttiat auceced ' .han phych. chat. and all other meane taft. Price of Cuticura , email boxo 5o ' large boxo. , gi. ( .utfcura Itco1vcnt , $1 per bot'tfe. Cuti ura Ioap ; 2c. Cuticura Shaniug 1oap , Ito. Soft ! by alt drugIet. . POTrEItD1tUO ANDCUlMIcALcO. , BOSTON. Banrord's Radical Cure I O thu hmtnedlatollo ! and onuanene euro 'T eer ? form of Catarrh , from a elm. 1 0 11ea4 Cold r lnfluouiza t.o the loei of Smell ' Taste and hoarfn. C.ugh' , Bron. chItfa , and In. Iplem 041fl 4umptlon. Complete Treat flient , with Inhaler , l , at nil dmggbtie. . Nxw UatxAes , Auuet 1 , 1883. TO THE PUBLIC ! InvostlgatoforYoursolvos. Poobna8ter.Ueneral lrosham having published a wIllful and malicious falachoud In regard to the char. actorol The Loulolana Btate Lottery Company , thi followlnRfact8are given tothe potAto to provu hI stAtement , that we are engaged to a fraudulent hue thoteto ; befal8o anduntrue : Amount of Irlzee paid by The Louisiana StAte Lot. tory Company from Januar 1 , 1 870 to prceont date : I'ald to SouthornExpreas & .uNowtrlnan ) , T. 11. Vescott , Manager . . . . . . . . . . . $ l,38,3O ( Fld to Loulelana National Bank. Joe. II. Oglceby , I'roeldent . . . . . . . . 483Oo Patti th Loulelana State National Bank , S. IL Kennodyl'reeldent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,1 ' raid to New Orleans flational Bank , A Raidwin I'reelcent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,588 P01(5 tO Union National dank , S. Charlaron , eiaehler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,488 Paid to tht.Izeiis' Bank , - C. L. Carriere , Pros dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87OQt . 'aid to Gennania Nat'onah Bank , ' ' . .1 JuIe.Cssasrd , Proeldont . . . . . . . . . . . . . ji Paid to lilbernia NatIonal Bank , Ir. . , Chaa. l'alfny. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87O - Paid toCanalBank , Ed. Toby , Cashier. . . . 13,150 PaId toMutuil National Bank. Jo. . Mitchel , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,2w Total paid ae above.$2,288,650 p I'aidinsumofunderilOO nt the various oflicea of the Comany I. 8irottghout thlJnItedattea..2,627,410 . . . . . . $4,8l 000 , * " - - - C Lruthot the above fa.t5 we refer the , udio $ otho officers of the above uankd corporations , and - . for our legality and st-ainhfng to the Mayorand Officer. .11 J. . eIthCity .f NwwOrlosne , totbe Louisiana , and also so the U. S. Officiate of Louisiana ctahn to be honest and correct In all out \ transactions , as much en as any business its the coon try. Our .tantllng Ii concieioJ by all who will loves gate , and our stock has for years been a id at ow Board of Broker. , and owned by many of our host known and respected citizen. . 88. A. DAUPIUN , President. trCAPITAL PRI2E $76,000. Tioketi On.t , Sharon In proporhon. l ! Louisi1atcLoyGofflan 'I We do hereby eertffp that we supervise th ai rawjementa br all LA , ' Monthly and Semi-A nnu.a. , Drawijs if the Louieiana State Lottery CoMepany dd ( nperaoa osaea/r and control the Lrawin theizeelvei , andtkat the same are conducted Will koneetyfairneu. and in iood/ailh toward oAf pat ' tees , we authorize the cotapaesy to use thit eec gificato ' with fac-eitoibt. uor signatures atiadtec 4 in lie a'dnertssetnent , . , C I COUtLIMJOIID.S. ! noreted in l for 25 year. by the logWMur , for oduc&stit'iinl and charitable purpueoe-with a cap ItaIofl,000,000-to which a reserve fwsd of eve , $880,000 has SInce been addod. By an overwhelming popular vote Ha franchia was made a part of the present state oonstitutio , . , d ed December 2d , A. 1) . 1870. Lottery ever voted on and etadorued bi MepeoP(8 of any state It never SeaIe4 or Poilpotw. . L. : lie gmnd einglu number drawinge take monthly A HPLF.NlID OPPOIITUNITT TO WIN A Ot TUMB. Ninth Grand Drawiog , Class I , at New 0 , loans. TIJEHDAY , SPPT. 11 , 1883-100th 3Zonthl Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , $25,000. 100,000 TICIP7TM at YIVIC DOLLARS EACh.ra. . Uons , In uittha in Proportion. nato , raizas. . 1 CAPLI'AL I'IUZI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I75,0 . I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O,0 2 PIS1ZBB 01 $6000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 12OG 5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jo do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , so do soo. . . . do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,005 800 d 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,055 3000 do 25 . . , , . , , . , , , . . , , , , . . . . . 25,055 prRoxIduo5 rRtzIA. 9 ApproxImation prize. of 2760 . . . . . . . . . 6,75s 9 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,505 9 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . ; l'rlzo. , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , Applkwtion for rates to clubs ehould be made enl $0 the othiou of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly giving tot sddrens. Slake I' . 0. Money Orders payable in6 addresa ltegi.frru'i ' Letters to NEW OItLdANLI NATIONAL BANK , New orleans , La. Orilniry letters by Mall or Express to SI A. 1)AUI'IhIN , ot11 A. IIAUI'IIIN , NewOrlean. , La. 601 Beventh St. , Wahlugtou , B. L _ , 1/ E * LOllISIAN STATE LOTTERY CO B1 Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , (1'ormerly 310 and 212 Broadway. N. Y. ) Jew Manager of Chloao Office. To whom fo , Iniormation and ticket. . 100th ) , Lorttl77 Drawing , Tuesday , Sept. 11. rr.t tapH4J Prize , $78,000. Iicluta $6. lSoU hi 315th. at $3 &th. Bee tub .c.bena. cisewbera. d COLD NICHTS FOR CORN. The Rcccnt Chill Rcucc Its Couthiloll Sccra1 Po1ll in the 001- cial Rcoar , MthBouri , Kansas and Nobranka the Only States Showing An Inoroaso. Tite' "i'Iient Ilarteat 17 jq. Cent Less 1lutti 141St Yetar-Thso liar- t'st Gette'tll3 . \VASIIINUTON , Septo'nbcr lO-Tito Sop. toinberruturns of thu Department of Agvi. culture intlicatu a lower cotiditioti of cotit titan itt Attgtis , in urory auction of thu coutitr' ttiid in Itearl ) ' oVCt'y statu. Thu thuVost in l'ilissotit'i ( ) tI' gauss in itru , Kttttnaa anti Nubritska in which a light itnprovcl1100t' is ilitliCattId , i'tIfIlhlUtOttt stands tLS lB Aut.usL ; At'kahts83 lnaku3 a gRill ef 0110 poitu ; Gcoritt and Ahtbaitia 1'OlflhIill P.S ifl .ugua , aitd alt thu other cottolt states eltotv a heavy decline. , Thu figures are abut ittuelt reduced for each of the ittiddle atatts anti corn aut'plus elates show changes as fohlotvs : tihiu , a redue. tioli front 89 to 82 ; Michigan , 68 to 60 ; Indiana , 95 to 85 ; Ilhinoie , 86 to 80 ; Ioii , 85 to 80. Thu ilicruaso its Missouri is 80 to 84 ; 1atisas , 00 to 101 ; NubraMin84 to 87. Thu decline iiiNev York in 00 to 77 , and Pennsylvania 09 to 8i. Thu general average cusidition on thu let of Septwuber was 84 pr cestt , a decrease of ii per ccitt during thu last iitoith. Thso cause of this rudueticn , so near'y ' universal , is drought , which is ret- ported from nearly every state of the Atlantic coast , Gulf coast , and the Ohio valley , , sisd from the MissiaBi1)1)j to the crest of the divide between that river and the Mii.souri. Between the Ohio river and the lakes the distribution af i'aiii has boon unequal , in a few places iii excess , while the deficiency is geiieral , The crop is nearly everywhere late requiring one to two weeks longer to mature. Whore Kansas and Missouri seed was planted in moro northern tern. tory , the cria is still later , Causing much apprehension as to ripening where plant. ing was later and early season too w t , Thu average temperature of the teumner , has beets hW , snaking full yield an iin possibility. Telegraphic communication with the state agents up to 3 o'clock this afternoon , shows that the recent frosts datimaged corn north of the 40tl parallel. The Ohio agent places tim injurp at 2 per ccitt. The Indiana agent estimates tue loss at 10 to 20 per cent. in time north- era belt , and 5 per cent. iii tIme middle belt. The lose . is heavy in Wisconsin and Minnesota. There is also nomno injury in Now York amid Pennsylvania , while the damage can- iiot yet be clearly determined. It is cer- Lain that frosts have already reduced the general average below 80 though much of the heavist corn.of the west is beyond serious injury. ' I1ludition of.whiiaL : wro har''est- ' 4 'ctd as.reported in the return averages 83 , which indicates a product of 17 per cent. less than the yield of lastyoar , or loss of 8,600,000 bushels. Thu crop of oats will be large , the general average being 99. Time promise for Potatoes is good , represented - resented by 05 , three points higher than the reported average of September , 1882 The Damage by the Frost. CIJICAGO , .SeItemnbcr 11.-Thio Far- mere' Review , froimi very extended ad. vices , will publish in to-morrow's isauw , the fohlowiiig conimnunt Ofl the injury to corn crops : Recent frosts of greater or loss suvenity have oeen experience throughout Minnesota , Wisconsiti , North- era temid itorliwosteirmi lena , northern illinois and Indiana , and tIme elitiro state of Michigan , causing serious iiiui-y to late corn. The extent of this injury is imuposiblu at this writing accurately to duterniiiie. lii all the territory visited by the frosts sonic fields were so fully matured as tO rcci'.o no dnimmge. In many parts corn cii highs ground escaped injury , while that on lOW ground was severely cut. it will ho safe , we think , to estimate the injury in the territory mistimed at 25 per cent of the os- tinmated crops. It may exceed this eati- inato. Throughout the eanmu territory where minor crops , such as tobacco , hops , tomatoes , and other tender garden vogu- tables , as well as grapes , were greatly injured - jured or utterly ruined. In Icansas , Nebraska , southern and western Iowa , southiern Illinois amid Itidiamus amidall other portions of tim corn-producing country no uv&terial injury is reported. Tiso Cohlasso iii Corn , ChicAGo , September 11.-The boom which time COIlS market experienced yea. terday suffered a re'actiois to-day. 'rho heavy speculation indulged in by outside customers in anticipation of a sharp risu in prices , lies aPParently resulted disas- trowsly fdr them. The market displayed signs of weakness from the opening and outside buying orders having fahloim ofl prices toll back verygonerahly where they stood Saturday. Oats wore steadier as comisared wills conim , though they wore shaded off slightly. Wheat also showed a decline under yesterday'a quotations , The ITarveht lii Now Eiigltsitl : , BOSTON , Septotilber 1 l.-Crop returns froiti Iaino , Now hampshire and Ver- liduit , shows is fair couthitiozi. 'I'bo yield iii ! slaiimu : \ ' heat will yield 712ti18 ! bitalt- cbs ; oats , 761,713 ; barley , 2)3,377 ( ) ; buck. wheat , 800,000 ; rye , 80,000. In Vttnin.oit graili of all k'snd looks flue. 'Fime ettitumeteti yield vi time iuhci- pal crops is : l'otatoes , 3,000,000 bush. els ; oath , 800,800 ; wheat , 812,000 ; ci'rim , 2,050,000 ; isanly , 178,500 ; buckwheat , :170,000 : , Thu seasotm has been favorable for time production of butter and cheese. Voul will probably fail below the aver- agft. agft.In New IIalnjshIiru the returns iiidi. cato a lar.o , yield of cereals and htotatous , 'lila fithlnwing is an estimate ; Corti , 1- 32&l26oata , 1,072.541 ; hsanlny , 77,287 ; wheat , 174,800 ; rye , 35,093 ; potatoes , 8,480,000. The 81)1k0r14' ' i'rogrese to pesitlisystl Poltrs.aND , Ore , , September I1.-Vii- lard's party reached Portland eluritig the night. All are enthusiastic over their trip , which has beeti full of Interesting iimcidonts , but free front any serious acci- dent. . Portiatmel is projisring to give her visitors a grand reception. The city is olbortely ( lecorateci , A procession , s1icochcs aiitt banquets are a Part of thmo programme hero and several days will be 3lOflt in Porthtmnl and vicinity. From time _ last spike driving to the rescnt Icr- IllSBUS there has been a ropctitIon of the previous lavish decorations at till towns amId cities passed and 'the same warm welcome. Tiflil JAMI8 ( itNO , The , Confbsslon of a flnd Member Nettle L'isbllo rot' time I'IrsL Time' , KANSAS CITY , Septenthor 1 1.-hi cohiseqtlenco of time recent publication of Dick Lidelihi's stateiiieiit rcgmsn1ing the history of the .hsnimes gang , l'eiico Coot. lnissioiier Craig tif lImits city hins givemi out the coiikssiomt of Clar.umee hue , tmiiulo to ohikials at ilehl'ersoii City , nut ! wimich is ltlbiiaItCl ) to.tlay. Clarence 1 I ito , time of the laiiti , was captured in Kentucky shortly after Lidtihl'mi sttrreu- der , hIeing coiiftmimtmtt by evitleiico of hilts 00111 phicity I ii'i nstot i ci lid Ill it o Cut Li fin i'oiilscm ice. lie liit'iuietl guilty in time Dtr'ess csuhity cm itsiiimal colts I. and vnis seittummced to 25 yeas s. This confuse. ion WiLts , simaciem before ( I4) ' . Oritteisticit , Coiimimmiss'moiier Craig zeisd ShmerihI 'l'iinber lithe of Clay county , soon after Ilito wts ; incarcerated iii Penitentiary atiti before thu eleatim of .leeso ( itisies last. February. hue u 1titiommed Oil necoummt. of failing hmt'slt : I itiitl died a few day'B after lie iuadc tue stateimmetit. Time account , of the moveutmits of the gang during lute's connection with it correshmonds in all essotitimel jiartictmha with Liddill'ts etory , and curruimi'ak.s in detail Liddihl' testhtimommy at Galhatiim , iimiplicatimig Frank Janice in time W'iuston robbery. It also accounts for Fiamik's participation in time Blue Cut robbery , as told by Liddill , and for which Jsmues is yet to be tried. Charles Ford took 1)art 1mm the Blue Cut robbery and is ox- jiected to testify. a also will Liddihl whioti the case is to be heard. SI'OItTING NOTES. Title cownova ANt ) TILlS BILLIARDIRIu. OAIcAc.o , Seliteinber 11.-Suvertl ru- imiors are afloat hero to-day. cue of which found its way into lnilit , regarditig the billiard players , Jacob Schiitefcr , thu world's chaimipionVtmi. . Sexton and Thee. Wallace , who have been to C.thifor. lull , amid are now Ofl thicir woy east. One is to the el7uet that they were captured by cowboys , micar Oeorgutowmm , Colorado , and held for a ratisoin , Another , dint they had a figiit with cowboys , atid that Schaefer was killed , All probably grew out of a telogratmi received here by Sclmae- fec's sister , saying "Jako is hurt , but not badly. " No further particulmira given. Inforimiation was received this evenilsg to the effect that they vere all in Demivor. A telegram sent by Brtmns- wick & Balksi company , to Sclmas.fer , asking - ing 1dm to ensue to Chicago at estee , to arrange abilliard ixiatcls with George Slog. aunt who is here amid says lie wamita to , play Schaefer for the chatupienthip , p- viderl Schaefer will play either in Chicago , or.Now'Y rk. 7 - . BAiI1I StALL. ToLEDo , September 11.-Quincy 8 , Toledo 7. BAY Cirv , September 11.-Springfield 4 , Bay City 8 , ten innings. EAST SAGINAW , September 11.-The Ft.Vaynos failed to appear to day uc- cording to schedule date amid Saginaw pailmis ] time gnome , though the mnattttr will ins referred to Secretary Mortoii. NEW YanK , September 11.-Buffalos 4 , New York 1. ( lanie called at the eighth inning on accoumit of darkness. I'IIILALKLI'JIIA , September 11-01ev.- mmmd 4 , Phtilmtdelphmia noise. ( laitto sue- pemided after first inning ; rain. BosToN , September 11-Bo.tona 3 , Chicagos 2. PuovIInEeE , September 11.-l'rovi- deimcc 7 , Dutroits none. PIOYIIHNC1I : IIACES , PhovinaNce , September 11.-Tho first meeting of the Narragmimisutt driving jimuk associatioli opened Nasrragamiautt. park to- ( liLy , Track in good condition. Class 2i29 , ( leergo V. Maxey Cobb second , Allegheny third , Breeze Modiutu fourth ; best titimu 2:20. : Class 2:24 : , umitinislied , five heats trotted ; Louise taking two first , Sleepy Joe two , Howard Jay 1 ; beet time 2:22 : , Extra uveiit WIts thiu trimil by pacers ltichbail and Westniont to beat the unrecorded time of 2:15.j : , made by Van- derbilt's Maud S and Alditie. 'lime isorsea were driven by J. 0. Campbell amid worked sulemmdidly together. They jogged flFOUlId time first nub iii 2:20 : } , though time last quarter wa. at a 2:17 : gait. Then they wore sent for time , 'l'iie restilt was as follows : Quarter 80k , half 1:10 : , three-quarters 1:46 : , mile , 2:29. : On the back stretch Jtichball'a girth snapped short oW , MyrtiuPeek , in tim quarter mile dash , , defeated President Barnaby's running horse , Rival , f r 100 , timue ; 27. seconds. Iii the utile and repeat race , between Myrtio Peck and Madamn Marantelle , Miss I'eek won both ; timno , 1:51 : , 2:001. : II0GAIIBUII UXATIIN , JtEAIINO ) , Pa. , September 11-Its the pigem siiootiiig match to-day. lea Eckert mind Oliver Ilinnttrahiihtz , of Forest club , each killed 45 birds out of 60 , hlorgardus toid semi , 43 TillS OltioLil I'OSTI'ONED , BALT8Moiu , Septenilscrll.-Thso open. inK curenloBies , including time grand stmect mtg0amt , , of the Jialtimnoru Oriole was jiodtJoimesl 5,11 ILCCOU Ut of rain , CINCINNATh ISEOA'VrA. CnicINsArl , Septetnber 1 -'I'lme no. gatta fti' ii lttmrso ( if 131,000 , otrured by 'l'hso Eliquirur , divided into ( titir pi'jzes , for single slmtlls , ovuma course of three miles cmi the Ohio river , took liace this afternoon , Eluven entries , divides ! limb ) two classes ; Iirst class to iow over the course and thou the second class ; timeti time best three of these two classes were to row the third heat , 'rho water was iii good condition. Jo the first heat , fins. mimer won ; titno , 22:10 : , Bniddy second , Ilticeland third , Plaisted atid Veisgar. ber declared out. 'Vito next class , Riley won , Lee seetond , Laybongor third , Kuock atmil Itiley out , Time final race no- suited in Ilosiner first , 22 rimimmutes ; Lee secoimd , 22:10 : ; Layborger third , Pnieldy fourth. The prizes wore awarded those four in the order , ] Ianlon rowed u exhibition heat over ( ho same course , his time was 2O47 ; , 'rime first half was up stream against the current , Jianlon imnid. a number of other oihibition feats. , MADDENED MONCOLIANS. All IllcpIofit 'Riot At Ganto orcs to Icasnro the Bopt of Pop n - lar ll&trcd. France and Ohina Aiaronty ] Driftii Rapidly Toward Tonqnin. Mc1)emsuott'H Sintememitlistorthoiim Coistitmue In Crontln anti . -'rime Cattle llseate. aENttlitii : IroitEtUN NR\VS. 11:1511 VOLlC } PUtt EIYI'T. LONl'ON , Septemnbor 11.-It is' stated I lint thu goverutnemit , in adoptimmg Cliuhnl Lloyd a . . % lggestiumi , tiecitltl to lorun the iiueiutms ( if ft mmclv Egyptian police from time Irish cOhmItabttlitry. E's1itt tslhjctts mitt a mismisthur of constables vmhl ho. asked to volunteer. Tint oAwroN ) loB. LonoN , Suvtemmibcr 11.-A dispatch fonit hlotig K'nmgmmtates thiat the Chinese mimob in Canton Imtmniiutl thu houses of mmcv- evl opitins miterehmatits , and thscir wharves v.1 'mtusitmg great constur'iittioit atnong . , , foreigmi re4idents isiost of vhcnt soti"hit refuge aboard tim vessels in time river. No violence was otl'imred the ler mitimis. A force of Chinese trOOl3 were called out , which quickly dispersed the rioters. On receipt of the intulhgoimceat Hung Joiig , several gunboata wore mi- imiediately sent to Ceuston to afl'ord ptcction to foreign inorchanta. TIlE 110W Al' CANTOS , LbNo , Se.toinber 11.-Time British Adimsiral was infonumied by telegraph of time oceuranoc of liighdisorder atCantois , but iso orders were transmnstted to the Emigiieh fleet imi Chinese waters in ccii- lioction therewith , the Adimmiral mit coin- timamid being leftto act as lie thInks best uimdor the circumstances of the case , It is stated that Matquis , who arrived in this city , will iuive an interview with Lord Orunmvillo , secretary of foreign affaire - faire , before returning to Paris. The Canton riot was caused by a nimni- bar of portu xuoee sailor. killing a China- immaii in an affray. The rioting caused great sensatioli in all circles and will , it is feared , result in a collision between the French and Chinese. . Two war etcaimmera started from long ICong to protect life amid property at Canton. During the riot time mob threw the con- touts of the buildhiig attacked upon the wharves aimd looted tliwmi. The riot lasted several hours. Ordorwasnot re- attired until the arrival of Olmimieso troops. 'I'hiu imativas are so excited against for- cigilera that a renewal of tim riot is iuonioiitanily expected. A dispatch from Paris states Tzng , Chinese ambassador , prior to leavhig Paris tsr Ltimidomt comnmuunite 'ma1lt , mel Lacour , Freinbh afLirs re1ati. to ? FIMsioh'T ' .1iz Chiahloinol Lacour said : Ho v' , tfpt0p tim dispatch of reimmforcenpii4.iido there is danger of war , andtlitsJffaony be roniovsmd by settlemcamnt of t' ' aaia upon which a treaty cami be mad . It is stated that L.rd Lyons , British ambassador to Framice , will shortly ruturn to I'ania without hlisiahmimig his vacation. There is reason to believe England is about to tender her good otiiees for delimitation - limitation of the 'I'omiquimm frontier. Admimiral Pierre , who returimedtoFrazico a few days ago from comnumand of time Frozicli fleet at Madagascar , died to-day from albunsimiura TIlS DItlOItiSiLH IN AOI1A3L. The fltimmgamim'n prime immimmister sump. mooed the priiieipnl imotables to Agramu , including time former bami , to consult upon the situatioii amid devise means for aup- pressing disorders. TIlE Ill CENTENARY ! .Iu1uT1ON Ot' VIBNNA by JoInt Sobieski was begun to-clay by the unveiling of a new tablet. 'fime primi- cipal cereiii.iiies coimmnionmorativo of tim triummiphs of &tbieski take place t.o-mor- row , which is the amitiivorsary of the fiuial victory over time Turks. IlIOTmNO IN OEOATIA. There is renewed rioting emi time north- erii froiitier of Croatia , wiser. the peas. antry are rising and iimsultinv tue Inuests. TIlE 81'IIEAD 1' CA'rrLB IIISEASE in nearly every portion of Emiglamid causes great uiieasiiiesn. lii seine sectiussa only American beef is iiow obtniimable. Time disease has not yet appeared in Scotland , TillS CISOLEItA. Numerous attacks of cimolora in Alexandria - andria still , but the average daily deaths is reduced to four. Thu mortality in time provinces is also rapidly diminishing. T11I2 COUVEIII4 QUALIYIES. l'AItlfl , September I1.-'rhie Figaro states the Coutitoss Chmaumbord autisonizee the publication of a atatemiment tiiat her decision regarding time position of chief mimourner of thu funeral of thie count , ins- plied no refusal on her jmart to recognize the indisputable right of the Orleamms princess. TIlE NIIIILIHT OIIOAN. The NisrodrajaVolja , time chief ozaii of time msiimihmatms , suppressed by thsa guy- ernmiieist Mlfle mimonthis ago , into again ic. stoned pubhicatiom. IE'OiCATSNU ) KINO TUDIJC. It is reported iii I'aris that the suc- cesaur of .King 'l'utluc , of Armimmium , will rccoivo time grand cordon of time Leigloim of Jlommor frommm time 1"remmcis govurimimmuimt , amid two immimmiatum-s timd. aigmied time treaty of IIuo will be immade commmmimarmdess of tiimtt order. 'I'ltu Bishop \ToszpniflJ , hungary , issued - sued a pastomal hotter , doclaniiigJuw bait- 11mg ummodt tincimnistiarm , amid expects time clergy to use all cmmdeavomie to divert their fiocku froimm fohiowiimg such daimg.roue paths , MIS. M'IY.IIMOVT't ) CAB ! ) . Jamnes Mcflenimmott , iii custody m1t Liv- eI1)Ol on time charge of beimig coummmectod with time dyimamimite conspiracy , was brought. iimtc , court to.clay , but again in- nmarmdeth , owing to the fact that time case for time prosecution wan not ready , Mc. Deu'imwtt , at his ireyiotms hiearimg , fur. imisimed the following document with a ic- quest of the press to Lr1mt it : "I mint imot pormtt cs ! toseo any newspapers amid n consequently ignorammt of what is go- iimg elm in time world outside of mity coil door. I have just beerm informed , 1mw. ever , that some person named Jaumes falley and styling hhnsolf a refugee from Corkhas been vomitilatitig lila opinion iii Atmienmeut throtigh time lmreas comtcenmtimmg met. Now I don't know atid never Iward before of Janiea Mmiiley ; that ho Is a fit. gitivo frommi justice in not only Possible bttt probable , btmt in clusitsiing to be a I iohticnl refugee from Cork , or elsewhere ill Ireinimd , there Is no doubt that James Mailoy is a mendacious liar slut a clam , . get-oils ImPostor , [ Sigimoti ] .IAllt.q McDanMorr. hail of l'nison , Walton. CitIMLN5i , iU'Clt1) . A 81I } vINE ! . CAine , lii. , Sclmtemmmbcr 11.-Last iilghmt a coloro I woimisin imammmed Kate Coltoim , win , , havmng ii spite ngailmst AIf ? mhihler because lie would not mmiamiy her , vcmmt to time lmotmse of louis McMurrav , Miller's father immlaw , amid naketi for a ctmp of colko Fitmdiimg miomme imiade situ volsmn. toored to immako a lint full to get one 1mev. self. Site was ginmiteti lmonmliimmsitmlm. After immakimi it , situ loft time hmouto atist saiti site would return naomi for a Not returmsimmg thsu fmtmmmmly himmielmed coukimmg ssmpper tutu eat dowmi to emit. In a ehiost. timmme tIme ) ' 'nero all takoim sick , mmml tome mmiumted Jerry 'I'Imotmmimsemn died , liii vife is very low , and AIf. ttliev amid Lutiise ? teMtsrraiy are tlmtlmgerotmsl ) ' ill lr. Sullivan wits catieti , amid h1iOtmoimiiced that time ) ' mill hind beems liosRmed. Kiute Coltots was arrested - ed tutU jailed , Simomtly tufter situ took 11018011 amid uvili vrobnbl ) ' tile. S5IARON'lc CACtI. SAN FmtANCISC0 , Septeumber 1 L-The case of oxScmmmutor Simurmti : , arrested inst. Smuttmn1muyoii time cimmurge of atlultury , uvac called mu the isolsee cotmrt timis mnonsstmmg. mmd at time request of ui8 CSuiitsOl the case was comitinued five weeks. ARSIONMEST SU1iTAINII ) , , N. V. , Soptommibor 11.- Thsc tnmaij ummmt tormmiiimtetl here in which time validity of the assigtmmnemit of F. Simaw & lire. to FerdmnandVymmmami line been sustained. ltAltjltOAI ) NOTES. 2'iIi ; WAI1ASIL CUr. CIlmcAao , Soptoluber 11.-Tho Walsshi road contimitmed to smell tickets betweems this city mid Com.nicil Bluffs to-day at the cut nato of $0.30. Comiipstiiig litmus , however , took no action to imsuet it , at least net openly , amid profess to care natlmimmg for this imew nmovo emi the hart. of the \Vabasis. RATES ON BULK SINATS. Ata meeting of time executive commit. too of the eruat-bostud pool today it was decided to mmmake au allowitmico of timrnu and one-half her cent on sitiliimiemita of bulk mmioits , which , it. is estitmsated , willie io equivmulont to time amnoumit of salt , leaving the ohargo on the actual woigist of nicate carried. - _ - AN EMIIItYO STATE. Soiso 'Points ( rain the Proposed Comi. st.itutloi or Dakota. The prOfibititnu1stamfro iiiaLng hoaday Jim' the co atitUtfon- anti eh4 pop1o will probably have to mnoottIme iasueof at the I)0113 when time coiistitution is submitted. A nuimserous prohibitioms petition was read to the convcdtiomm Thmo article relating to legislature nimd ocluca- tiomi wore athmimted to.dmuy. Moist of time cotnimuittecs have reported. There are safeguards securing ecoisomy in every bramscim of time constitutioms School muds are protected closely , 'I'hme state canmmot. IeCOlmie imsvolvod iii large debts of atiy chmarmuctur except in tiiiies of war. Time pardoimiumg imowur is likely to be takemi from time governor tumid vested in mu board csmumsistimig of three mmmcii elected by the mcoplo. A immeetitmg of delegates and other citi- Zeus of South Dakota is called f.r sonic day Prior to msdotirmmimmemmt to adopt a protest - test to the iirusmleimt migaitist time reap. Pointmmient. of Guy. Ordway. OAL'i'U tie NOTES. MONSY ORUF.1i3 TO hAWAII. \VAEIIINOT0N , Septeimibor 11'Fhe postal money order coimnectioms betwecim time Utmitcul States nlmd hawaiian islands , w1Ui sigumed to.diiy by I'osttimitster Gciiernl ( Ireshiama aimul time llmuwaiiaii imiimiimster , to go imito effect. .rismiuary 1. TlE nEvER. A dispatch frommi Puimsacoln , elated time 10dm , stays mull l)8tiemitms iii time navy yard and hospital are cuisvaltmscummt. . No imuw cases. Time Groat. AsitIuNt ( Jab , IlAunax , Septoummber ll--Tlie scimooms- or 'tV. A. SmmuiLim , ott which % Varremi immiithm , Lime onretnami , is su1tjtoscd to be lost , imams becim out since August. 27 , hiavimig sailed frommi Torreuco Bay two days before time great gale. 'Fimo folhowilmN are time titmice of limit party on board : B. Sluuughmeim , B. Shaughen , Jr. , Allots Slaugimoim , Johis Slaughemi , Jimmnems Slmuugimuzm , Warren SmmiithiViliio V1mitu mmd Joins Ityaum. Time lodios found ens time , mclmoonur Restless Immuve not boost rescogmmized , Sr. JoilNs , N. F' . , Seltolmmber 11.-Time cattle scimooimer Mary Biluim , front St. .Juhiime for Anmtigotmistn , sumik with nil hmatidmi imm time mstonmms of August 30 , l'ctitssyIvtulmi Legislature , HAIuitIShmLtiBJ , Scptommber : 11.-itepub- licaim acimmitora its ciLUcims resolved that seimators sitotmhd be hiremmeImb ohm every 'L'uesday , amid thou immmmmmediatcly adjourn instil Priday ; timots tmmeet. briefly mumtl miii. josmrn to i'uesday , mmtmil mitmmtimer mimake aimeucimes timemmmsulvtis lion ahlmiw mumy tim bu nmudu : by others , mmor witertuimi any proji. ositjmm or rcrnlutiomm wimittuver , Nitmu semitone will be relieved iuitunmateiy to go imotimo or do with thmemmmmsuis'es its time ) ' ace j1romul. ; 'l'wormty-tmimmu summators will be jmresomit 'l'Isurmsduy to jmass fiimuihy time aprojmniatiomm bill , l"Ins , itt Pit , i'iiiml , Sr. PAUL , Minim , , Supt.oimmber 11.-By a fire timia mmmonzmhigViistmmm & , loumk- hmouse , Bmgimtim atrout piaimitmg mmmiii , Jobmsm. still & urea. furniture Immalmuuactory , B. I' . liossford'a earmuitur aiioit , Ityhitma' cmii.- pouter elmop , Bjormmsted's stair buiidiimg ustublieimimmunt Were ) totally destroyed , Loss estiumated met 50,000 , - _ _ _ - Eciresi Fires. 1'&rmsissmuuito , Va. , uptsinber 11- Forest fires destroyed a hangs uimitmtiuy of valuable timber laisde , undergrowth asuci corulwood in adjucemmt counties , At last accounts it. was still burmmimmg. The fires extend over a large area. Jim sotmme in. stances wheat fiuld wore destroyed by the flames , FICHTINCDOCS IN DARKNESS A BrntI , B1ooy Fihto1 Et ! Cov- 1oys on aCo1orao llallc , They Look Thomanivea in Their Quartor8 and Fight With the Ferocity of Tigor8 , A f4tmtLleii Ptishbmulc tf Art ibles'y 1tutls the Bluntly Scine , 'lthm 81m lteit ' 't'Itesliig lit 'I'isclr llloott. Di1E'itt , Septeimsber 1 1.-Details of a blood ) ' iuil'rny wiiicis occurred at. MeLaiti rmuimcli , 1lbimrt county , Suutiuy : isigist , in wl : ichs eight. csm\vtl's ) i'tmgmgemb , hiuvu : jtmst rencimed t his city. Smtmmthty wit's a day oil' tumid mull weimt to Agate etmutloim , cmi time 1mstmsns l'mucitle rood , nint fsiiitimg 1mm with cotimpamliomma , 1)1)015Cc ! tIme festivities wiLls several uirimiks. 'Fimums they rode to mu miciglibositig iumichi , wiiuro time ) ' obtaimmed a stmpliy Of hiqtmor , amid atnrtocl'hmoimio. 0mm time wit ) ' two , mimummicel htossitesi nimul Tile- Keever , emigaged itt an mumgrydispmmte over mu trivial mmmnttur mmd mull rupuis'eet : to time herders' qitmmrters te ) settle die clilliculty , As sums Its immaitie time msmett ciiiiciittd mumid boIls fell to I iso groumid , fighting deeper- mutely , their commmimiummioma urging timomu oil. 'l'abics zummd benches vnre ruimmoved amid its a ring iniprovised the smiemu beat aud tore ouch mthiur with Limo furumcity of tigers. Oimlookers , in thmeir excitomnomst , bawled , danced tuhouit. , braimulisimimmg revolvers , cmi- commrngiiiif their favorite its time fight. It. Was mu ts'eirci , blood curdlitmg sight. 'sVhsiio time orgie vmus at its highest. an oil lammip Tmi5 kmioc'ked fromn its imuce amid tim roommi uvius iii elmsrkmmcsg. 'I'lmu mmimudmneim 150W sums upon each other , ani mu a minute after time light loud beemi cxtimmguiahmed time imitmleo wits icmmcmiul. ; 'I'Ime dtmr was locked and timero be'iimg no mfluamis of eu'cse , it was emucis inmun for imium- self , Amid time rosoumiding blows mund curses a pistol mmhiut rang out amid tue deaths cry of the victimn Immuralyzedi uvimmut- ever of rassomu was bitt in tue 1urt.y. Al- isiost before tim cry left. time lips of time utifortuimato mimmuti there was a wild fusi- lade tumid for a momsiemit by fitful flashes time gloom was lifted froims a bloody mmcomiu. Roasitor was dead , the two Jommea were weltcrimmg its tiscir blood , amid tlsree others voro wounded , mimic fmtt.aliy. itollitims ammd MclCttever were time only times miot imm j ured. 'l'isey fled and have miot yet been mupjrehemided. Couiiohl of Catholic l'relntes , BALTIMOmIN , Tilti. , September 11.-The coumncil of Catholic Prelates which will assoumblo here to-morrow , for the purpose of perfecting arrangclmielmtms for tiseir visit to home amid discussing tumid deciding ots matters to be presented to tIme l'opo , will bo of strictly private chuanuuct.r. None of the proceedings will be imimde public. Time coimforunce will take jmIe at the arch-Episcopal residomico ailjWiiiimg the ratliedral , . It i ixpedted Aeh,1iislop ? 400rrigan of- Now ' : Yrk , " co .juatdr-tc ( Cardinal . McCluskey ; Apth 11shoj ci.oJmaZi , Chlo.ugo ; Arch Bisltdp \ llhmaiims hiostomi ; Arch liimthup Iluiao1 Mi watt lie ; Bishio1i Ryan , St. Louitml 1JIM'7iI O'Ilara , Scrittitoti ; Bisimop Cimsrhmurd , Vmneclmmies timid Very ltov. Dr. Walsh , admuitiistrator of' the arch diocese of 1'lmiladelplmimi , will be present. Arcis ilisisop Gibbous of t.h3altimtsoro ammd lmnimtsmlto of Limo clmurclm in time United States will preside. Thio lsL St. [ souls Clii , ST. Louis , Scptemmmher I 1.-Special die. PateliOs fruits ll I'ast , , 'rex. , say Mary Clmurciiili , wise dimusspesruul : frommi liunimimimmo jim thus city four weeks ago , hums beets foutmml iii EL Paso Doltimirto , cim time Titexi- mmii side of the ltio ( lraimdu river , opposite - site El I'ASO , iii disrepumtahlu colmmpImiy : , but tim statemimemits are so comitratlmctory mmimd nppmuremitly to , uimroiiiuble timmit little credence is 1ilmucctl its theist. ( ml ( Jhmurchi- ill , time girl's ' fathmer , is usiimg every uihbrt. te > obtai is duhimmi Lu immfm mriimmutioim , is ! iii piur- immups time fitets its time case immimy be occur- timitmed to.dmuy. A. F. Cimlclweil , time mmiii wlmo is millsugtmdtohmave takuis lmslisms Cimurchs- ill to El l'a $ ( ) , amid left tier , is isow loon- ted by a corremqsondt'mst. Time 1t&m tv uiimhisiiisim Viutimmis , CINUINNATISoptommlber 11.-Four mmiore bodies wore found this mmiorlmilmg at time Dremmmmumm fire. 'l'hmuy fell to pieces when mittemimlitit uvuro immiutle to lift timemmm mutiui vero tmmmrttcogtmiviblo except. by bits of clothmus , amid that is not at all , uiclusive. 'l'wo of time victitims appeared to have died ciae1iud imm t.neim ( , thmer's murmmmis , CiEcIrnATI , Soimtember 11.-Time ro- Imluuilmilmg tlmice bodicH of tjmu victitmia of limo Dreummums rag waruimousu fire live heels foummd , but are mmot in mu condition to be idummtilk d. It ujmpears that timoy imati nil huddled together in the back Part of time building , whore thmny wore suffocated. Kmlglmts efl' litismom' . Naw Yoitmi , September 11-limo fourtii bleimimial convention of the Simprutime Lode of the Knights of hemmer amid Ladies of honor was hold here to-day. Itepresentatives were jrcmsent ( remit New York , Mnmtmsachuisetts , Mimssoumri , I'uiin. isylvatmia , Iowa , Tittlimuma , Ohio , Texas , I'ew Jersey , Miamsissihihmi alid Iiiiimo'is , 'Phmu coisvuitiomm , will jmrolntiiy be um eess'molm until time end of time tycuk. A lmutiiimmcr's ilimiiti'timriJ , OIuoAoo , Sepbotmiber 1 1-A ms1ieoial tulegrammi froimi Vimmcemmtmus , 1 mmd , , says J C. Ibedohi , wimi rujirusemitCl time coimm- hmijsimijolt house of TihiCorimttck e ibeelme , of ( Jim icago , hits ci iaempj n'mumud , lemiv log mmii imduimtcdtmeac , of 5O00 , , 'limo Cimiengo hirimi snys it. ill itt ItO SC1IY imifuetuil by lie- doll 'a goimig , as im is roliutiotme svmtim timemmi uvCt.u umot of a ciuarmuetur which coumid iii. solve thmeimm in mummy wumy , 'l'tmo 'Fittitmi 1mrs lii IttIt. Fight. Nuw Yotuic , Septeimmber 10.-harry i hill , stake hmolilur jim time Shade amid ! l1 itcimell fight imisuted time foilowimig smid- iimtutiotm oimd finally decides timid. ! mlitchmeli mititi Static lutist light within 100 immilea of New Onienimim , ' 'juts I nun itsaured no bites. feroimcu will take lilaco there , time figbt ii , collie cli' 'I'umceuiimyOctober23 mmcxl , eltimer mmutmtm faiiiiug to appear ism time nimug he. twecmi 8 to 12 a. iii , to fthfuit. Nutbumg cuui utiter my decision as I act ummiy iii fairuiess to both ImamLies anti the apomiimig 1ubhic. " ( Signed ) hlAmimsY luLl , " _ IIm'owistiI. Timv , N , Y. , September -Howard Stevemma stmd ( lounge flrowumwerudrowumod in Lake Chmaumphaimm , auzmr l'lmittmsburg , Uumiday , by tIme capsizing of a sail boat. A. J. Smith , , of the party , drifted ton isoutre , hanulimig on an Island , mmcl roacned' Phatt.eburg inst evening. IlulrsuboCotmtmty ltepnillcxsnms. Special lietatch to Tm , . Baa. ICEAII.YIcv , Neb , , September 11.-Time rCpulhiCAms jusdichul convention for the Tommtim district met hsoro , all counties - . ties being fully represented except leiti and Sioux. Samu L. Savklgo , of Itearnoy , for jssdgo , atul John W. Baxter , of North Platte , for district. attorney , wore mioin- immilted by iucclnmmiation , Boils muddrcseed time cotivetitiomi , ps'imiisiImg loyalty IA ) Limo repumblicamipanty amsil trsio services to the PC0PIe if elected , lfottier , of Kearmicy ; \Vail , of Loump City ; Chmtircim , of North Pliutte , ntmtl others immadu apeecimes tufter time straight republican style. TihiLtJiL.Wht NOTES , \Vmii. ii. Panimoli uvac arrested on thu charge 01 oummbOdeilmommt of S8i&k ) faint Siticlair & I .ntmgliliti u'imi , itisaio grocers , I'hiiuiclphiha. lie wai time firma's tsoukkeeper. Maildemu amiti Mitchell left Ruuas : City host miighmt fir New York , 'l'imoy soy they uvhlt mint ruti limo nick iii iimmimhhmmuomit ismuber thso low by t'mgiitltmg New trlnumi' , Limit imavo yet coins iittttis tiiit time mmiutcim : Will be mnadc for a tight itt ittico. 'J'imo i'rtrnctoii ' drmiglmt vimich has ibis. grunt thiumiimg tii crops \'irgiimiiu , misled yes. terebmy'ery hmo.mvy rains have fuhicim , bim too haLo , It tm feared , to do cons mimtmclm gotoi. A holier CS feet. loisc at Cleveland rolbin mmuiil commillaimy's bin.ct ( mmrnucc : iii the eighmteoimt want exploded inst evomlmmg : , eiemniileiitn time building. i tiozoms mmmii were workiimg near by bust emily four uvons hisiureti , some seriously. Iloimorts of elijimt frost Its Merniwothor cotsa. ty , ( lcurgia. No Time wm'cck of time steamer Rhourhisduba , of Cardiff , whmiclm uvuist misimore near P.urbay time 'riLis of , hummo litt ha. . , gmie to imiccoc. Notii1mm WI , . 501111 of lien ChIco tbio gale of tiso 2iJtim tilt. Time iboeton Ilitraiti says \Vmsdeil Phillips vihl tmot stmfport Bmmtlor for governor or fes ally other office. A serious ncckbtiist occurred inst cvcnimmg en time L.uiig Imsiammil rohiroud Imear Iltsmttor'c I'uint tiopet by which two immim worn kiilcd and eight hijured. Immelicatlons fat' To-day. WACIIIEOvoN , September 11.-For the tipper Mimstsistsi1ijii iusd Missouri valleys wanmim , fair weatimer dumriimg the day , fol- lowud by iimcreasimmg cioudumess in Missouri and Iowa , lower barommieter , with easterly to southerly wituls ExportH Ft'oimm New York , Naw YomuK , Septemmiber 11.-Exporta of domimestic produce from New York , fo time week eimded to-day , $6,012,012 , against $7,172,606 tim previous week. ' 1'stl exports slime Jamiumary 1 , $247,108- 007 , agmuimist $232,511,346 for the core- spoudimig period of 1882. , A ltowIngi1atch. e IIALWAX , Septemnber 11.-Thorowin auociatioul luis forwarded the New Yor Clipper nrticlea1 of ageomncnt in thprq liosuti racutif 13amnnt au1 UosaLlie. . . . pmvda fdr-It fumul conteatatht1Ojbr' - . efOtoL'et , $50ide.31ooursenamed ( - . ' , ' t 'I , Jl4--L . ' ' EUTLANh , t4 , Sopte IL. flmuveim was migfshm arrested 'yoaiurdn7 , charged with emubezzlimig $40,000 while troasuier of time ltutlalmd railroad coin- tany. Jimuil of $10,000 was furnished , - TilE ThIETIIOIIST CONFERENCXL I'rogrammsnie of lists Exercises Begin- miliig To-izsy at. the i N. K Chiiimcii , Thus mnorlsing time North Iebras- kit comsferemmcu of time Ti ! . B. church corn- ' mmmeimces , time immcetiimgms being held in the First M. B , cimurcis in title city , on Day. olmport strueL Las evomlilig there was a sormmmomm. Thus nmurning at 9 o'cioclc nime commferemmcu will be opened by Bishop Wiley. Dr. 0. H. Fowler , the secretary of tue Board of Miimsioiis , will sjcak , , amid its tim cvcnhimg Dr. Vincent. , secretary of the Sabbath school work. Secitimd dmuy , 'I'imurssday imsorn'mng , con- forcmmce busiises. Ims tue afternoon Brother and Sister Badley , returned mis.- mmimmimariea , will Clicluk. lii the ovemming 1)r. Kymielt , thsu secretary of tim church exteitwioli , will spunk. Third day , Friday Imioruilig , conference busitmesms , 1mm tIme ovemming Mr. Warrea will lsremucii tiso imsiasiotmary aenimiomi. Fourthi day , Saturday imiorziimmgcomifcr- once bumsimiosms. lii time evonimigDr. Hart. . ccii , secretary of the Freedmuan's . work , , will speak , Fiftim day , the Sabbath , announcement hereafter. Sarmutoga Ckips clan. 0. 0. Howard was greeted by a large auuliotice Sunday evening in his address - dress to the Union Sunday ach9ol , H. msiioilO iii imia usual pleasant maImer , hold- 11mg time closest attention of his hearers. Our school comnmmioncca imoxtMonday with F. Ti ! , Daily as pninciinul and MiM Ehiza Loinax as aseistant , Mrs. J , .1 Smititis titmd children of Bialr , mire viiiitnmg Limo Edwin Patrick of Cottag. 0rve , . 'Viii , Misses ( iruemmig hmavo returned frutms Frutnotmt mufter a vlcasamst yismt of aevoiiil weeks. ' Cucgoo. DYSPEPSIA Ies not get well of itself ; it rc.intres careful , per- ahaciut ttentlon niot a remedy tmmt will awlim umaturO to throw off the cAuses anil boo up the digestive organs tifi Usey pcrfonn their dutIes willingly. lira. Iiosworth , of Amberu , . II. , otter * rtng many 'surecurce' wiIbut benefit , found that Hood's Sarsaparilia bit the nell art lb. head and restored her to bealtS. Aiaong the ugoniri expertcnccst by the dyspeptic , too d.4re biforo or after eating , loss of appetite , bregn- Iarmiyofmho bowclswludor ge. and pain In Use stointoh , beart.burn , sour eteranch , ic. . causing , neutAij depreesJoo , nervous frmttaU.ltmy and , eeplcca. Ito. . it you are dboounmel be of good cheemnas4 try hood' . t.iranpartila. it baa cured banIIZe1IIt will cu.rcyuuUyouglvehtatalr chanca. totry Ilood'.Rarsa. .t1lI5 for toy wtt' a bt , baa been troubled with tia- ijigesijOOtoNt debility for sevra1 ear.wh1cia laa4 rash rtniiert.t lwrr ebme. S lieturo ph. b.4 takzn . the Ari bottle nor bcs1t oumornencecs to - i'ru , . . tLbe 5 floW t.tking th towth hiottie. amid ii has m a d roman ii Unproved , j PrtmnmtbrC.IIIOOD.tOo..Loweii.liua.htce $ . i.u all Set $1.00. told i Iiruielstg , . ' - ' - -