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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1883)
2 L , V / & ? ) JJ4LL / - . ' ; ' lIPEFTTV OMAHA . . . . DAILY , ' r-i BEE o.c I4 . ) \ _ _ - - - - ' . . . p rHIRTEENTII YBAR. - OMAHA. NEI3. WTEDNESDAY MORNTN. - S1PTFfTW1 ? 1' ) 1RS - - - ' -i BAD BLOOBI SCROFULOUS. INHERITED , CONTAGIOUS I Saofutoui Ulceii broc cut o * ln body : until tn' brrit u ona rns of cotnpUon. Sotn Cf the.euiec hcro no tinn ) no ind oni.ha1 Inche , In tIRtncter , the edges nnigh , raod &nd eiiInIv dead ' the cavity iipoii to th boao and fl1eI ii orttns'I C nrntter. EcrythIn known lo the medical faculty ttkd lit ' .nii. , UrntIrnItZo ) bone bo1t became ( I..ea8e4l , flfl ( thou Ute cuiTceing begati In canteL flono Ulcee began to take the $ st'e of thoto hitherto n the Mtrface. I become a Wreck. For inonthe at a time could not get my hatide to my hcn4 bccaut'e ofoxtrerno aoetioa , Could 1101 turn n bo I. Ithew not hat t wa to be an hour even free from ham , Had rcaoore to look upon life Itseff an cure. In the unhIeter Of 1SO , alter ten 701te of flits wretciloti existence , I began to ue the thitleflea Itoniedi i , and after tm , .ara' PrIotetlt lice of theut thu Iat Ulcer hail healed. Thu dread dIeuo ) 004 SUceutilbed. MI over th brct here was once a ttae olcorniption , I. . uuw a healthy akin , 1Iy weight . baa increaatd frotti one itttt droll anti tettty.threu to One IltlfldtOd anti fifty aix ltowtit anti ( tIC wttek t , gnott atiti goftigoti. I ievi nt3aeIi a now Ittali , nitti all through the Cuticura ItenlmtiNe. JAS. i. ittCIIAIWsoN , Cutone Ilnuat' , Now Orletena. Sworn to bcforuititod : Statottconunt.Iopo , , .1. D. Ctweronn. TO CLEANSE THC ULOOtI at Serofulouc , Ieticrited ) and ContagInu Itamora. nntl thus C0fl1U the Inoet roIlOc ctuqt of buntati ufferjig , , to clear tIe e"tti of dhflgurlig blotches , Itching Tortures , lIuinIllatIn I'rultIitio , anti t.vath. $01110 Sorei Ct1Ctt lty hulieriteil serofula , to Puify and beautify the akin , and rstoros tile hair o that no trace of ttltcte remain , Cuticura Ilesolsent , the now blood l'n'iller , and Cuticura and Cuticura Snaji , the great skin Cures and Besutiflera , are infallIble. They are the otiiy remotiles ttiat aucceed shon l3hYat ciatiasnd all otter ) means fall. Price of ( . 'utlcitra , sinali boxes 5'o : largo boxes , $1. t.titlcura Itesohent , 1 ler bottle. Cuti ore 8oap ; 25e. Cuticura Shaving $ oap , ito. Sold by all druggita. . ro.rrElt DRUG AND CUElICAL CO. , BOSTON. , sanford's Radical Cure or thu iuunedIate.tiot end enualione cute ' -IT every form of Catarrh , from a ltn. , te hind Cold st Influetiza Lo the toes of Smelt , Teats and heartof. Cc.ugh , Britu. cbltla , and Inripient Contutuptlo'i. Complete 'FrCiLt enent , With Inhaler , * 1 , at all druggists. New Uataxs , August 1 , 1883. TO THE PUBLIC ! Invostlgnto for Yourselves. Poetznaster.tjeuural tresham having published a Willful and malicious falsehood In regard to the char. atorof The LouIsiana State Lottsry Company , the foilowlngtactsare given totlie liubilo to prove ht atAcment , that we are etigagod In a fraudulent bus theta , to be false and untrue : Amount of prizes paid by The LouIsiana State LotThu tety Company front January 1 , 1870 , to present d4e : Paid to Southern Express tje , , Now Orleans , T. 11. Vtvtcott , Manager . . . . . . . . . . .iS6fl,3o , PaId to Louisiana National Bank. Joe H. Olesby , L'resident . . . . . . . . 483,900 raid to Loulalana State National Bank , alL KennodvL'resfdont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100 Paid to Now Orfeani National Bank , A ltaldwin l'rer4cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,550 $ Paid to Union NatIonal ( tank , S. Clsarlaron , Uashfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,450 Faid to dOzens' flank , - . - - E. 1. . Carr'Iere , Pros dont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 I'ald to Ocrinanla Nat'onal Bank , e JuletsC.essard , President . . . . . . . . . . . . . ralti to Ifibernia National Bank , ii Chad. I'alfrsy. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 Paid to Canal Bank , Ed. Tobv , Cashier. . . 13,160 Paid toMutu.lNatinnal Bank. Joe. MittheI , Ceebler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,800 , TOtal paid sit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , PedaneumofunderiO'0 ! at the VrtOU5 ofilces of the Compny I Wr0tttiout thUntt.ed&1ea. . . . . . . . . .2,627,410 , t'c4lp&iUfor&n . . 5. b--- the Lruth'Of the above fa.t t3 refer the pulIo lethe offloers of the above tiamed corporations , end I for our leialIty and etatliling to the Mayorand Otftoora . , ' \ oftht City .f Ns.sOrloans. lotlie StateaUtlloritie4of .t. Louisiana , and also to the U. S. Officials of Louisiana , We claim to be t-gal. honest and cnrreoi in all cue transactions , as much so as any busitiess in the coon try. Ourstanilliag iarunee'leJ byaltwhowtlltnves gate , and our stock has for years been a Id at out Board of Brokers , an8 owne'i by many of out bet known nd respected cItizens. If. A. DAUPhIN , President. C - _ - trCAPrrAL PRIZE $73,00o. Tioketi On1 , SIia.rea In rroporlion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lollisialla State Loftery Coma " We do Aeveby cerftfy haL we supervise hS at raugemenfs br alt th , Monthly aod Stnn.Annuea , fltawiteja qf the Louidano State fttery Coinpan , add nveraon e44Iale ! god coiUri the Drawvvj. of tketnaetra , and fAtal the some are Drawvvj.late Aoucstyarne5 : . and 9 goodfath toward all pat ttM , 0154 we authorize the , ouspany to use tMs eve I t , ti/cots ' isWtftze-aiitnil'a , vf eve aignature aUadsva de 4Th Ls a'drertiaesnevU. by inj I' ' , we , init , COtIMtssIOgxaI. wh 1noonorad In 1868 iyoara by the legislator' tom for educational and charitable purposes-with a cap ' Itel of $1,000,000-to which a reserve fund of oyt jur $580,000 has since been added. By an overwhelmIng popular oto Its franchi Ne was made a part of the present state oonstltutiot ted December Sd , A. 1) . 187L ; edL. ; . toUeril vf VOt(4 on and eadot-ied bp po aspeopis 0Ofl Sf515 110 Ii nevsr Scat4s or Postpone. . , 116 grand einglc number drawinge tak * 11cO nionthy. A BPLENDID OPPORTUNfl'T TO WIN A VOlt 'ruNs. Ninth Grand Drawing. Claiw 1 , at New Ot wh leans , TUEtIIAY , tl1'T. 11 , 18S3-100th Mouthl ter , Drawing. CAPITAL piuzg , rsooo. he 100.000 TK7fl4 at FIVIS DOLLARS RACIJ. g , . cu tions , In Fifth. In Proportloc. ill usvor raizze. tro I CAPAL PIIIZK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sig I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ito do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 , ou 2 PRIZES 0) ) ' esooo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 12,0 , pri e do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , sto 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 coi 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t0,0t sh 500 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 do 60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a , . , 1000 do 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4PrROxIMsON extras. 0 ApproximatiOn prires of * 760. . . . . . . . . . 6,785 0 do do 500 . . , . . , , , , , . 9 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . fro ; prices , SmoUnting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , iit Appliootion for rates to clubs should be made 0011 I III to the utlicu of the Company Iii New Orleans. el For further information write clearly giving tot attdrtvts. Make I' . 43. Money Order. ayablo totI I w address ltegifrrel Letters to NEW OitLtAN $ NATIONAL HANK , flu New Orleans , La. Orithary letters by Mali or Ilapruss to isa Si A. cl I 0 Ii A. DAUFIIIN New Orluan. , La. eel $ oyent.h lit. , Vashiugtou , II. C. 2 87 - L4 fuu8 ca ' ' 'l' LOU1SIN STATE LOTTERY CO 82 B. Frank Moore. 3 w 127 La Salle Street. ChicagoT I ( Formerly 8l and 212 Broadway. H. Y. ) T Jew Uinagor of Cbioago Iittc * . To whom apply Sc It inlormatiou cad tickets. IOOih Moth1y la Ursa-tog , ni Tuesday , Sept. 11. in tr That Caplta.1 Prize , 976,000. 1cleta $5. Sc188 I d fUth. at Il each. flee toll schema elsewhere. d a-t4dMW5W $ v COLD NIGHTS FOR CORN. Th c Rocct Chill Rcducc Its Coilfou 3ecra1 PoIn in thc 0111- cial ilceard , M iaouri , Kansas and Nobraaka the Only States Showing An Inoroa8o1 Tu e. % Vliint Ilarveat 17 Pci' Cent Iicxs 'Fitait Leust. Year-The Iltir- est GeItoa1l1) . \ V'ASIiINOTON , Scpto'nbor 10-Tue Sop. tot uberrettiritauf thu Dopattittunt of Agri. cul ture iiltliCtltU a lower coittlition of corn tha n iii Atigtist , in every xcction of thu cot iiit.ry ItitU iii )1Ca1'y ) e'ory xtnto. 'litu otil y gains in the \\'est are hi 1'.lissouri , ICt utsax ltlttl Ncbruektt in which a light. jtn1 irovoiitoiit 13 indicated , iIIilllusoUI sta nds its III Aui.ust ; ArkaII8a.9 iiittkoa a gni n of ono poitn ; Ucorii : tend Alctbttiit : 1Ci1 1t6il1 118 III .1LtIgUSt , tutU all tiio otliei cot ton xttttcx show a heavy declititi. , Thu fig ures are also much reduced for oncli of the inicidlu states and corit stiiplus status she w chaiigett as follotvs : Ohio , a reduc. Lie n froiti 89 to 82 ; Michigan , ( iS to 60 ; Iitd iniia , 95 to 85 ; Illinois , 86 to 80 ; iow a , 85 to 80. Thu incruaso in Mi ssouri is 80 to 84 ; iCaitsas , 09 to 101 ; No braeka,8-t to 87 , i'hio decline i6)Nuv ) Yo rk is 90 to 77 , mid l'uniisvlvania 09 to 8 $ . Thu gontiral avurago condition on the 1st of Soptumbor was 84 per ccitt , a dec ronso of 5 per ccitt during thu lust mo nth , Thin cause of this roducticn , so itea rly universal , is ( Irought , which is ro- per ted from nearly every state of thu AtI BI1LiC coast , Gulf coast , and the Ohio val ley , atid from the Mississippi to thu cre st of the divide between that river and tim Missouri. Between the Ohio riv er and the lakea the distribution .f mii i has boon unequal , i" a fuw Jlaces in exc ess , while the deficiency is guttural. Th o crop is nearly everywliero Into ruq uiritig OttO to two weeks longer to mat ure. Where Katisas and Missouri see d waa Plalited in tnoro northern tern. tory , the crop is still later , causing much app rehonsion as to ripening whore Plalit- ing was later anti early season too w t. Thu averagu temperature of thu sununor has been low , inikitig : full yield an liii. pos sibility. Telegraphic coinittunication is with the state agoitta up to 3 o'clock thi3and I afte rnoon , shows that thu recant frosts dam aged conti north of the 40th parallel. Putt Ohio agent places the injurp at 2 per ccitt. The Inliana ( agent estiniatex the loss at 10 to 20 per ccitt. in the north- era bolt , and 5 per ccitt. in not tlto middle belt. The loss is hea vy in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The re is also some injury in New York In and Pennsylvania , while the damage can- not yet be clearly determined. It is coy- ing thin that frosts have alreaclg reduced coyarra the gen eral average below 80 though much of son thu heaviest corn.of , the west is beyoudvide . o8 injul , . . whi ch indicats a pniduct of 17 per cent. less than the yield of lasLycar , or loss of 8,60 0,000 bushels. T hu crop of oats will be large , the 4 , gen eral average being )9. ) T he proiiiisu for potathos is good , rep.cord Ft. rese nted by 05 , three points htiiher titan tlto reported average of September , 1882 plaii bo The Danuege by the Irrost. . C uIcAo-o , September 11.-The Far- 4 , Blur s' Boviow , front very extended ad- vice s , will publish in to.tnoyrow's isaus , the following cuzuinunt on the injury to n crops : Recent frosts of greatur or 1)en lose stsvenity have 'ecli exponionco thr oughout Minnesota , Wisconsin , North- Chi urn and iiorhweatern iowa , northern illi nois and Indiana , and the entire state dun Michigan. causing serious inury to late conit. The extent of this injury is inip osible at this writing accurately to tormine. lii all the territory visited mee the frosts fields asso sonic were so fully ma tured as to receive no domago. In day ny parts corli on leigh ground uscalod : ury , while that on low ground was seco sev erely cut , it will 1)0 safe , fou think , to esticunte Lice injury in thu ritory nsnted at 25 von cent of the os trot tirn ated crops. It may exceed this esti. Joe to. Throughout the same territory ere minor crops , such as tobacco , hops , ltic tomtab atoes. and other tender garden voguder unr tab les , as well tot grapes , weno greatly in- der ed or utterly ruined. In iunsan , her braska , southern acid western lawn , and sou thern Illinois and Indiana andall ptiicr jog rtions of the corn-producing country the U1teris1 injury is reported , gai Th The ColLapse lii Corn. hal CltIcAoo , September 11.-The boom 2:2 : ich the . gir corn market experienced yes. dity suffered reaction , The avy speculation indulged in by outside def stomers in anticipation of a sharp rise her prices , has apparently resulted disan. usly for thorn. Thu market displayed My ns of weakness from the opening 0.11(1 ( Mi tside buying orders having fallen ofl ces fell bak verygenerully svhieru Utoy sid Saturday. Outs woru stsadiur as pg niarc'd with corn , though they wore an aded off slightly.Vhieat also showed ouc d ecline under ' yesterday's quotations , ant Tim lfarvet.t In Now England. BOSTON , Sejttniibur 11.-Crop tottirna m tlttiiitt , Nuw llitlnpshiru 81111 Vet- . big oitt , elms. ii fair condition , 'l'ho yield ti' Mautu. \ ' heat. vill yield 712,1198 bush- wa s ; stilts , 761,713 ; barley , 21)3,377 ) ; buck , heat , 800,000 ; rye , 80,000. lit Vermont graill of all kind bout ga e , Thu estimated yield of thu p1lici , 'I'hi l CrltK ) ix : l'otatoes , 85,000,000 btisli. , fo x ; oats , 809,800 ; wheat , 812,000 ; cirn , mi , 050,000 ; bsrly , 178,500 ; buckwheat1 I aft 0,000. Thu season hi : beun favorable I tw r the production of butter and cheese , co eel will 1trobably fall below thu aver th e' . to lii New Ilainpeinro the ruturns mdi - go to a laro yield of cereals uteri potntcrns , m luo tiltowing is an uatiiiiatu : ( Yorii , 1 , - ik hiI26oats , 1,072,541 ; barley , 77,287 ; he heat , 174,800 ; rye , 35,093 ; potutoos1 I W , 480,000. , K su hin 6PIkOfl' Progress to Poithisrid se POItTLANI ) , Ore , , September 1I--Vil . fo rd's party reached Portlsnd during thi I ) fo lit , All are enthusiastic over thei r ip , which has been full of intorestin th cidents. but free ( ruin any cerious acci - 'ri ent. , l'ortband is lrepInin to give he r cu isitors a grand reception. The city i a ot ela borately decorated , A procession , sP eeches anti banquets are a part of the pr ogramme hero and aovonil clays will be sP0 nt in rortlttntl and viwnity , From thmi e last spike driving to the present ter. mi nus there has been a epctttIon of the pr evious lavish decorations at sit towns ant I cltie passed and 'the same wnnit we lcome. TilE JttE8 GANG , Tim Confexalon ot a fleatt Meniber lletite l'uLIIu fett Site l"irst TI nit' . KANOAH CITY , Sopteinbet' 11.-hi COli seqtleIico of thu recent pttblk8tion of Dic k Lidd'ill's stitteinent regiutilig the hiis toi7 of the .inuies gang , l'olice Coiti. Inte siolIer Craig tif tlti city has out thu coiifessioii cit Claruicu Ilite , itiado to olhi cials at , Iellcrson City , and vhichi is Ptib lislicd to.tlny. Clarence ilitti , the yet iligest of the baud , was capttiretl iii ke ntucky tihiortly after Lithlill's atirrentha der , being coiifioutetl by evi(1c11c13 of his cr111 1 Illicity i iiVi iistou a ii (1 III u o Cut. Li iti lt robIni ies. 1 Iti Pleitdiedi guilty in thu Darvuss county ci iluiliol court and .witf s seuteuct'd tO 2t1 yt'ats , 'Flux confeits. ion ( ' 1t8 , inadsi before ( lw Onittendun , Con ititissiotier and ' ' Craig ShenitI 'l'iinltcu' lak e of Clay county , soon afte r hue wts : inearcurateul in pun ituntiary atiti bfttru tIm death of . lcsso ( nines last. February. lute si't I par doned on account of failing hituli : I and died a few day's after ho made tnu stat enictit. 'I' liu account of the niovemonts of the gan g during lute's conliectioti with it cor responds ill all essential particulars wit h Litldill' tory , and corroborates in det ail Liddill'J testimony at Gailtutiji. imp licating Frank James in the \Vinston rob bery. It also accounts for Finuk's Par ticipation in the Blue Cut robbery , as t old by Liddihl , and for which , Ttuines Is y et to bo tried. Charles Ford took Par t in the Blue Cut robbery and is ox- Pect ed to testify. a also will Liddill whe n the is to be heard. S1'OItTING NOTES. Ti lls COWBOYS ANt ) TilIl BILLIARDIRTII. us C AICAO0 , September 1I.-Sttvrtl ru- ill mor e are afloat hero to-dicy. one of which futii id its way into print , rogardiii" the billi ard players , Jacob Schaefer , thu worl d's ehaiujiioii , Vin. Sexton and The x. Wallace , who havu been to Cilifor. hilt , and are zisiw on their wily inst. Otto to the effect that . they were captured is ) ? C owboys , Iloar Georgetown , Colorado , and lucid for a r.tusotn. Another , dint tltoy had a light with cowboys , and that Scha efer was killed. All pi'obabiy grew out of a telegraun received hone by Seline- fer's aister , saying "Jako is hurt , but badly. " No further particulars give n. Information was received this uVen isg to the effect that they were all 'Vito D enver. A telegram Bout by Brutis- wick i Balke company , to Schaefer , ask- mom h im to come to Chicago at once , to arra nge a billiard match with Gooru Slos- , who is heroand says he waiits to , play Schaefer for the championship , vro.- mel vide d Schaefer ' . will play either in Chicago - , afrA'i nAiii Ai. the T OLEDO , September 11-Quincy 8 , Tole do 7. be B AY Cirv , September 11.-Springfield B ay City 8 , tell innings. upo E AST AOINAW , September 11.The . failed to to amb Waynos appear day tic- cord ing to schedule date and Saginaw to ua the game , though the ictattur will Time r eferred to Secretary Morton. rN uw Yea , Suptoinber 11.-Bufi'alos limi N ew York 1 , ( lame called at the eigh th inning on account of darkness. ft 1' tllLAlfldLi'liIA , September 11Olos' - Fre land 4 , Philadelphia Gaino aus- fron ded after that meting ; raun. B OtiTON , September 11.-Bostona 3 , 2. ca1os mnom 1' ltOVIDMNdlit , September 11.-l'rovi. incl ce 7 , Dutroits none. the 1ioYlnhiNcli : ItACItS. pres I' ltOVIDhiltCll , September 11.-Tho first Thu ting of thu Narragansett driving park by ciatioll opened Ntirniganautt park to- thmo . Track in good condition. Class cipa 2:29 , Ce'rge V. won , Maxoy Cobb triu nd , Allughony third , Breeze ! odiuiu row rth ; best time 2:20. : vict C lass 2:24 : , utifinislied , five heats ted ; Louise taking two first , Sleepy two , howard Jay 1 ; bust tittie 2:22. : urn E xtra event was the trial by pacers amitr hball and \Vestmont to beat the I ecorded time of 2:15f : , made by Van- bilt's Maud S and Aldino. Thu in ses were driven by J. 0. Campbell gro worked sulsmdidly together. They Am ged around the first mile in 2:291 : , dise ugh the last ( luartor was at a 2:17 : t. Then they wore aunt for time. u result was as follows : Qnarter 86k , and f 1:10 : , thurco-quartera 1:46 : , mile , is 9. tin the back stretch Itichball's th snapped short oft pro MyrtluPeek , in the quarter milo dash , eated President Barnaby's running se , Rival , t r $100 , tiuilti ; 2 , seconds , sta I n the tulle and repeat race , between thu rtio I'uek and Madam Marantellu , dec ss Peek won both ; timu , 1:54 : , 2:001. : iuuo IIOGAIWUH IIIiATKN. pli thu I tEAIuNO , i'a. , September 11.-hi thio ° shootitig iiiatch lisa Eckert d Oliver hliiunoraiiiltz , of f"orost club , h killed 45 birds out of 60 , ] torgardua i son , 43 of TillS 011101. ? 1'STIONEI ( ) . ern BA LTIMOIIn , Septonihur 11Pho upon- stit ceremonies , including the grand ' eet )11goant , of the Baltitnoro Oriole s jst1boIiddl ) till accouiit of rain , cus ClclNNATFl ! ROATrA. rec of CINCINNATI , Seliteniber l1.-'Vln' roititt Uti for ii horse of $1,000 , offered by of u Etiquirur , divided into fotir pt-izes , ord r singlu shells , over ii counw of tltruo les on the Ohio river , took tiaco tltis ernoon. Eleven otitrius , divided into su o classes ; first class to row over thu urse and thou thu second class ; tituti cle e 1)Cst. three of these two classes wore flo row the third heat. 'rite water was in I va od condition. In the first heat , lbs. ar won ; time , 22:10 : , Briddy second , iculand third , Pluistwl and SVeisgar. , ori r declared out , 'l'lio next class , ltiley - wi CO , Ioo tsttoond , Laybongstr third , I br uock and Riley out , Thus final race ye . rna ited in Iboamer first , 22 minutes ; Lot I fo cond , 22:10 : ; Layborger third , Pnicid ) , Du urth , 'Pita prizes were awarded titosu I ni ur in the order , qu hlanlon rowed .tn exhibition heat ovet r nee e saute course. Ibis time was 047 ; ' a te first half was up stream egainat flu I in rrent. htanlon mad. a number fluf f do her ozhtbition feats. ev M ADDENED MONCOLIANS. All IIICIDICUI : Rlet fit Canton $ ercs Ic Measure the llcpth of Ppu. I11 llatrc , Fr ance and Ohina Aparontly Drifting Rapidly Toward Tonquin1 Me lertnot's Stat cincut - DINoVIICI it Co utinuc Iii Croatia zinU Agintu . -'l'luti Cat t Ic lIscase. a EN liiItt ii 1O8E1GN NEvs , 1111811 l'Ol.ICII b'oIt Etl5'I'T. L ONIIN , September 11-It is' stated tha t thu govuriutnutit , in adopting Clillind Llo yd a uggestiou , tiucitled to toriti ilto tiuc lutis of a hew Egyptian Police front thttt mush constabulary. Eij.iht ofh'icors utuiti it tiumbur of constables vul1 lo. nsk(1 to v olunteer. rut CANToN tIOB , L oNno ; September 11.-A dispatch fro nt 1 Kttuigatntes that the Chinese iiistl i in Cuouttuti itunited the houses of sev. 5'II1 oiuItk , nt'rcliants , , and their wharves ' , I'tusilug great. couater'itition among . ' irutgn ) residents ittost. of wltctu unuti ght refuge aboard the vessels in the rive r. No violence was ornu'eel the per- still s. A force of Chinese troops were call ed out , which quickly dispersed the riot ers. On receipt of thu intelligence at Hu ng ioI1g , several gunboata wore binned med iately sent to Canton to afford pru tectioii to foreign merchants. TillS 110W AT CANTON , L bNoN , Soteinber 11.-Tue British Ad miral was informed by telegraph of the occuranco of high disorder at Canton , but iuo orders were transmitted to the Eng lish fleet iii Chinese waters in con. ilect ioti therewuth . , thu Adtiiiral in coin. Iuiali d being leftto act us lie thinks best und er thu circumstances of the case , It. st ated that Marquis Tzng , who arrived t his city , will have an interview with Lor d Graiivillo , secretary of foreign af. fairs , before returning to Paris. T he Canton riot was caused by a num. bar of porte U030 sailors killing a Chinanoth man in an ntl'ray. The riotiiig caused grea t aensatioli in all circles and will , it fe ared , result in a colliuioii between the French and Chinese. Two war steu niers started from [ long Kong to Prot ect life and ItroPorty at C.uiton , Duri ng the riot. the mob throw the con- tout s of the buiiding attacked upon conbulk wha rves and looted them. The riot.1eav iltatti d several hours , Orclerwa8notre. store d until tIme arrival of Chitmeso troops. of iintivss arc so excited against for- cign era that a renewal of the viet is entarily expected. A dispatch from Paris states Tzmtg , Chin ese ambassador , prior to leaving Pari s for London coumliliupoate iaJI Lacour , Frsnbli uti11tlceej' . ' rs , relati. to tlmo-IuIo , ( ' 1ih 1) ' ' - Ctial UflnOI iacour said : ilts' dispatch of ruiiiforccnpt4s'lii1e .pro ther e is danger of war , aiidtlilsLWa'O14y r emoved by settlumr.ent of aniaread A n which a treaty can bo mmmd . arti It is stated that L.rd Lyons , British assador to France , will shortly return P aris without finishing his vacation , rs is reason to believe England is bra abou t to tender her good flieoe for do- arc tation of the Tonquimi frontier. bec A dmiral Pierre , who returmied to Frauco fe w days ago from command of the nch fleet at Maddgascar , died to-day ( i albunuinura. TIlS flisOlWXlUt IN .6QILLU. T he fluiiganit'n pnitne tniiulstor suui- ied time prineipau notables to Agnimin , 7011 uding the former ban , to consult upon situation and devise imicana for sup- sing disorders. poi lU CIiNTJiNARY LIBERATION 01' VI1NNA J ohn Sobieski was begun to-slay by unveihiiug of a tiow tablet , The i'rn"- l ceneluu.nies coininemorativo of the ttiph of Sobicuiki take Place te-mor- pos , whelm is the iuunlversary of time huial time ory over the Turks. ( BIOTINO IN OKOATIA. go T here is renewed rioting on the north- frontier of Croatia , whmor. thue peas- I y are rising ittid insultutir the priests. 10t TilE 131'1t0.AU FcArLB HIHIUC ? n early every vortion of England causes can at Uneasiness. In soitlu sections only erican beef is imow obtainable. The ase has not yet appeared In Scotland. Tifli OKOLEIIA. er N umerous attacks of cholera In Alox. tue ria still , but. time average daily deaths bee r educed to four. Thu mortality in the fro viulces is also rapidly diminishing , gre of Thu couNtEsS QUALIYIES. I 'Alils 11.-The , Septoucuber - Figaro I tes time Couimtuss Chainbord authorizes I Siu publication of a statement that her . ision regarding time position of chiluf Re unilur of the funeral of thu count , iuii ed no refusal cii her part to rocognizt I cat indisputable right of time Orleatis I Jo humm Tuft NIhILIST 0115MM. T ime NarodruijaVoija , thu chiluf organ the tuihuihustut , suppressed by th' gov muiut. solute titontias agt , has again re . lic ned itullicatioli. se ' ' IJ'.CO1AT1NO E1N(1 TUIHJU. tui I L is reitorted in I'aris tiunt tluo suc . jo sur of King Tuduc , of Arunaun , wit 1 sii eive time grmeiid coitlon of the Legiou I flht hutton ( iota the 1"roiuch governinutit , On i two uiiluuisters that sigtied tIm truat r se Hue syill be jimade cuutuinatulema of thu I. go er. se ' l'hiu 11151101) \Toszpriln , lluiugary , is - be ed a p&itoitl ; letter , duulaniuigJuw but . itp g unehuniatiatu , 3 rgy to use all eiideavors to divert tiiui r cks froitu following such dangeruu 5 thms. a ho nil , M'lSIIMOVI'H ) CARL ) . 84) . lamea Mcliurinott , in custody tt Liv , . Il mol on thu charge of being cotinuctus I I3 th the dynamite conspiracy , wa a us ought into court. , but. ieguilm ru J umded , owing to the ( set that tue cas U r the prosecution was not ready. Mc . rmott , at his previous hearing , fur - simud the following document with a ye p. F est. of the press to Pflflt it : "I in U va t permit ed to see any newspapers SR ii co a consequently igimoratit of what is go I5.C g on in the world outsidu of my ccl It tm or. 1 huavu just broil informed , hoi , . s er , that some Itoran named Jauit 5 th M ahiey and stylingbiinsolfa refugee from Co rkhn.s been ventilating lii. opinion In A merica through time Ircss concerning too . Now I don't know sund never iieasd be fore of Janiee Malloy ; that. he is a fu gut uve ( rota jtmetico Is not only possible bu t. probable , but in chuiiining to ho a pol itical refugee frouti Cork , or elsewhere UiMa ireland , there Is no doubt that James Ma lley is a mendacious liar and a daim. ger ous hupostor. [ Signed ] JAMIlt : McDEnMorr. Hall of l'nison , % 'altoim. Clt.IMLNAIj 1tlCO1tI ) . A 81111 PNr ) . C Ante , Ill. , Septmmmbttr 1l.-I.ast night a c oloru I Wouumalu nautmeti iCato Coitotu , wii t , , haviuug a spite against Alt Miller Imec atuimo ho would hot Iumaniy her , went to the imotiso of 14o11i5 MoMttrrav , Miller's fat her uiultti , , anti naked for a cup of coil co Finding none matte she voluit- tee red to nutuko a pot futhi to got oiio hur. suit . She vns . rnumted Iwnlulissiolu , Aft er iiinkim it alto left titti hutu so aunt stutl : rho would return tote mi tot' a clip. Not rettlnuuimig thuo fanm'ily finiahuesi csokiulg stlppur inni sat. doivim to eat , In a shiomL tiumue they 'yor e all taken sick , amut one muuuied Iurty 1'luO iulsIli ) ) tiled , Ills vifo is % 'ery low , aunt Alt. tilhtnauiti Lotuiso l'itcMtirraty ' tue dttmugorously ill Dr. Sullivan wis call ed , atiti lt10iu0ttticctl that thuy all hitisi bee n Imoisunud. Kiuts Colton was arrestAs ed tutil jailed. Sitoitly tufter siio took l)018 0u1 nuid will probably die. SUAlloN't CASK. S AN FIIANCISCO , September 11.-Time case Gf ox-Senator Sharon , arrostoti last Stutt unlnyoui thuochuturgo of adultery , wa3 call ed nu the holice court this utoimming. nod at thu request of his c.tmtisol tIme case was continued five veeks , ARSIONMKND SUSTAINED , N oltTnvILLn , N. V. , Suptetumbor 1L- Time triiul just turuumiuntetl hero in whmichu the validity of thmo assigimiumeumlof F. Shtiw & B ro. to Furdimianul Wyuntut has been sus tained. ' 1t.A1Ii1to' ' ; ; 21111 WAIIASIX CUT. C iiicaoo , Septoimiber 11.-limo Wabash road continued to sell tickets between thus city and Couticil Bhull's to-duny at the cut rate of $9.80 , Couuupsttiimg litmus , how ever , took no action to uncut it , at leas t not openly , antI profess to care noth mmng for this now nuove on time Part of tim Wabash. RATES ON BULK MEATS , A t a intmnting of tue executive commit- Leo of the eant.bouimd Pool it. was ) deci ded to uuiako an allowance of tlirao and one-half per cont. on aimiinuuemmt.a of bulk meats , whichm , it is estimated , will equivalent to tire aiiir'uiit of salt , 1eav hmi the cimargo on tue actual weight. m eats carried. of to AN E1tIULtYO STATE. be Sein e PoLnt.s 11-eta time Proposed Con- of itlitutloit of Dtikntu. -om uua.-------- : . 't'he prUlibttiUit1iith0 . ; 31.- . bnbiy1uvo to iueet. } JmO'll1.headway ( poll s wheim time commatitution is .mibuuiittiti. , 1 n unmurous prohibition petition was read to time coiivedtioim to-day. Thio cle relating to legishiuturo antI educaof tiotm were adopted to.dtmy. Most of time be com nuttees have reported. Timers are ( safe guards securing economy in every nch of time coiustitution Schmoui latmuls protected closely. Time state canumot. ome iimvolved in large debts of ally cha racter except iii tiiues , of war. Thu ) par doning power is likely to be takutu rai n the govurimor and vested in a ill boa rd consisting of three amen elected by fou time lCOPlo. A iticeting of delegates auth other citm- 5 , , f South Dakota its called f.r sonic day prior to adjouruumeumt to ado1t mm prosund test to time prusidoimt against the reapcre ntitient of Guy. Ordway , ill to CAPIT Us NOTJ53 , MoNiSY ouibr.ns TO IIAWII , ttui \ VAiuuINaroN , Supterimbor 11.-Time tal Imuotcy order cotinuctiorm between ill Uimitud States and lliuwaiiaui islatuds , was siguucd to-day by l'ostiimtster : Guttural irc siuain anti tue hltuwtiuiaui miujumiater , to izmto effect .Juuiiuary 1. bo TiltS VIIVEIt , Dr A dispatch from Pensacola , dated time iutt h , says all patients itt thu navy yard un and coumvtulwuccuut. No imospital are new tui es. of The Groat. AtuKtisI Gale. I IALIY/.X , Supteuimber 11.'l'lte schuscmn. \V A , Sinitiu , on which Varrun Uiuuitlm , flu oarsman , is supposed to be host , has ti out since August 27 , having stilled m 'I'erreiico Bay two days before the I all at. gale. Time following are time imuones hu tiuc party oim board : E. Slaughuen , B. ugimun , Jr , , Allen Shiuglueui , Jolni ugimeim , James l3laugiuuii , Warremi iithu , Willie White and Johim Ryan. bi Thu bodice found on time seltosinci stless have not. boon reicoguuized. Sr. Jonnit , N. K , Suptuiiiber 11-Tin , R tle schooner Mary Ehieti , front St Y hns for Antigoiuistn , sunk with al I uuy nthu 1mm the ustorium of Atigust 30. Tl I'eiuiitylviit'Iti Legislature , eti HLiltItlluUiUi ) , Septeiuubcr 11.ROpU1)t aui suntiturut iii caucus renoicd tutu t nators should be Prescilt 5)11 eV4it 1'u csdtty1 toud then inuuiicdiateiy adjouri I te mtil Friday' tiuuiu miicut briefly anti tud . J urim to Tuesday , tuumsi neither iiuulc U m euiius tiuuuiisoiu'uts lair allow iuiiy tO b Lu , tlU ( by others , nsr uuuturtaiut ally 1)15)11 ) juu itioll or resoltittun whatever , Niuu U uuators will be ruisuved stituziuntely ti e du hioiuuu or (10 witiu tiucuitsulves as tiuu , y e troper. Twenty-iuiiiu seiuator wii 1 Presuilt 'l'huresuiay to pass finally tim 0 jropnzatiil ( bill. l'hro lit Hi ; , t'tuu , I. I PAUL , Mirmuu , , Septunuber 11-il y M fire tluis Vliuiu & , mnorniutg , , : - uuu use , ligittii street platting itihll , Julie u iui ) 11 e'l linus. furniture iiuaiiuIiICtOly , B. 1 I. N oasford's carpenter ftil ( ) ) , Ityicuuuut' Clii I. . fv xiter shop , Bjoriiustud's stair buildin fvc t.abiisimiuiuuut were tltauly uleattoyct I , ( Jfl5 etutietmated at $50,000. t tC I'rest Fires. f Pzrausuuita , Va. , Soptmnber 11.- - j orat fires destroyed a large uuntity I af luable timber laimds , uimdurgrowthm an Iid rdwuod in adjacent couiitieu. At In itt COUIItS it. was still burning. The fin L'S zteiid over a large area. hi 501Db Ii : i- S tances wheat. flulda were destroyed t ly iS i e flame. , S F ( CHTINC DOCS IN DARKNESS A Brutal , B1ooy FihIof EiL Coi- Iioys o aCoiorao R8ne. Th ey Look Themselves in Their Quarters Mid Pght With the Ferocity of Tigers , A 8 ttthls'ii P.uitllnsle sat Aut illery fluids tIme ittuosly Scene , \Vitlu Six itleim 'SYt'lt'iitlg lit 'VItett1115)5)11. ) . D mNvnu : , Septomimbor 11.-Details of a blu ntly itIhiity whuicim occurred at l1dcl.auiu tan eht , Elbert cotulity , Suntlay night , iii wi i c'lm eigimt covboys eluglIgeti , hmuvu : just rea cluesi thtin city , Stuinlay ivas a day stir timid nil wutit tt 4gtutu sltutiuii , on the lcut uiesits Pacific road , and fiulluuug itm with L'Olu ilI3uliOuts , leIuCtl time festivities with suv ermtl dtiuuks. ' .liiun they romlim to a iuei ghuboning ranch , where they obtaiiiesl a ui1 uphy Of liquor , amiti startodiuouuie. On the mvui' two , uuauned ltossite auth Tilenigh Ku ever , cimgagud in nut ammgrydisptute over it t rivuul iitattur aunt till ruptuimeet to the huci tlurn' slttltrtcra is ) settle the dithletulty. As 81)5111 ( US iluRido the umoum clitmeuued itimit bet im fell to flits grotuid , f'ugitting denper- ab ly , tlucir eutuiptui'uouua tmrgiumg tluunt tnu , i'n bln ansi beitchuctu vere ruuuuovcul mid in a ri ng mtiiirovisutl the tumult lteat tutid tore ette ht other with the fuuocity of tigers. Oti lookers , in thicir excitenmeumt , bawled , ditt mc'd , miliout , bramtdish'ung revolvers , ott- cotu rngiii their favorite ut tiuc fight. it wan a weird , bloodcurdling sight.Vhmilo the orgie vnn at. its huighuest nut oil lamp ? ( L3 knocked from its place nuid the rsonm wits III duurktt1ss , 'l'Iiu mumadiumui now mu upoim ouch other , nuud ilm ft iiuiimtito after the light Inset been extt nguuahued thu limeice Was geuiuflil. 11am dour was lsCkOd aitti there being ito litum ums of egress , it. was each tuna for him- I self . Amid thuo nesouimditmg blows mmd curs es a pistol shot rang out aimd the dea th cry of the victim lltralyzeul what- evu r of reason was loft imm time ltrty. Al. moa t buforo time cry left. the lips of the unf ortuuuato mmmii there wan a wild foal. lade and for a mlmoimmstimt. by fitful flashes the gloom watt liftuti fnouum a bloody scene. Ilos sitsir wan dead , time two Jones wore welt ening in their blood , and three others vor e wounded , some fatally. ltolliuun and MelCuevur were the only ones not. in urc d. ' .L'huy fled mud have nut yet been app rehmended. Council sf Catluolki I'rohatcs. B ALTIMOItS , Md. , September 11.-The cou ncil of Catholic Pruhuttea tvhiieh will anse imiblu hero to.morzow , for tue purmso ' p erfecting nrrammgommients for their visit i loimie amid diseunsiiig tumid deciding on umat ters to ito uresonted to the Pope , will o f strictly private cimaniuct.r. None t he lm'OCcedhIlga ) will bu iiiiidu public. The conforunce will take llttcO at the arch -Episcopal residence adjoinliug the catij edral , It is cxioctet1A.mhL1Jiahmop 1COr rigan of. New Car dinal MeO1osk"ey ; 4chu\ Bishop dp iq'a7"V ' &m11.flisiUflVi1ia1lms , Scrt untoim ; Busimop Chmsrlard , Vimzeeimuic'i uRd Very Rev. Dr. Walsh , auhiuiiuiatrator B t ime arch diocese of i'hmiladelpiiia , will present. Arch Bisimop Gibbons of (1ial tiitmoro aumil pniuitiitu of the churclu in I' ' time United Staten will preside. Tliss bust 631. LouIs Gill. S T. L0UI8 , Septeummbem' I 1.Specia1 dinl'r 1)ate hies fronm El Paso , 'rex. , say Mary Ulmu irchilil , who dinapemurcd front lueriuouiue t his city four weeks ags , hut been nd in El l5guts , Deiiusrto , on thue Idexi. call side of the llii , ( irusiudu river , Os' ) site El I'aso , in diaruptitahie coiuiloumly , but thu atateiumetuts uru 10) ctinLnudtctory sund appiureittly tstt untellable that littlu dence its pliucuti in tiieuum. Col ( Jiuurclu- , tiuu girl's fittimur , is rising every effort obtalut dehhuuitu iiu5niuuiutiouu , mutumi ltir. , a hump s the fiucts mum the case ixmtiy be ascur.o'c ned to.duey. A. F. Caldwell , thu tunas ( ) its isilugedtohutuvc takutu ithiss Church. to El l'tuuis , , and left tier , in now loca- ted by a COrrtlttjtntl'uiL. ) . The Hag Vasmlusutse Victiums. CIHwSNATIScpteuumber 11.-Four immore dies were fuuuud thin mumoriullug ot. tint I einan lire. 'l'iuey fell to pieces when oun1its voro uuuade to lift. thuetim (511(1 svcrc I recogiuivublu uxctijit.liy bits of clothes , d thutut is imot. at all u.tuuchusivu. Tws the victiuius appeared to have died siucd iuu vault oilier's anita , CINCINNATI , September 11-The rsr ina ituisug three bodice of tjtsm vmctmins vi I e Druuuan rag waruluousu tire have beet : I fou nd , but are not iii a cuiiditiezm to In ) ide ntified. It upears ) that. they hat huddled together Ill time back part o : e building , wiucruthey were sutlucated 1iilghis sft hutton. Nsw YniuK , Supteniber 11.-Time fourth otitilal convention of Limo Suipromi la LO (1O ( of time Kiuights of honor am I La dies of llutmor wait hiuhd here to-day elureseiutatiVen were jreaent frotum Nu ; sj ork , Massachusetts , Misatiiri , I'unn , hu ivauuiii , Iowa , Iiidiana , Olumo , 'Foxr&a uw .Jursey , MiSttissillli ) aisul illinon , Th u cotmvuiutiouu will probably be ii : m itsiII uiitil the end of this week , _ _ _ A Ih'unulner's ieluuitIrt. CuuluAoo , September 11.-A Pech Il G hgniuum from Viuuceuuiius , bid. , say ti , lkdell , whet nupruseiutetl thu Coin I- ission iLsU140 ( if ! uhCornuiuk , Ileuma f Oluictigo , Juits ci i suptsimrud : , leiuv ing a ; duhitutltu of $5,000. 'use Ciuietq itu says it is iii no truly aiructud by lit ll's gui tug , as hi iii nuliutiot us ivi thu t.h nil iuut of (6 ( diameter wlmiehs could it yo ke timein ii iuity way. - 'J'lus , 'rlulIIutLtu $ Ilitust Fight. Nuw Yoiti , Septuitibur 10-hart 3 c I ill , stake holder in the Sladu an iii itchell light itusuthi tue foilowiiti. anI. I. imtioti mid finally uiccidunt that , Ti1tcIit iul Slade iuititt. tigiut witiulut 100 nuiles ew Oiletaia , ' 'ins I ama ItSsUIul Its jute I. . renco will take place there , the light Is A ollie oti'1'uesthuyOCtobur23 tuxtuitiii Lr d failiuug Is ) 1tIletir ) iii time nuiug s 0 s weeis 8 to 12 a. itu. hi fthfcit. . Nutitu ig AlL alton amy tlocisioum flu I act oiuly iii airness to both 1mumtiea and the apontit ig i UliiC , cy " ( Sigimed ) hlAmiltY hiLt. " y _ _ yti - - - - -I--- ti 1)iswitetl. ri t Tiny , N. Y. , September -Howai r(1 L ' tevens and George Bruwimwunudrownt id l n Lamk ChuadmIplaili , sear I'hittsbur i e unday , by thu vispsizimmg of a sail boa . - . .k1J. Ij. 4 A. J. Smith , of the panty , drifted ten ho urs , handing on an Inland , and roacnes Pla ttsburg hint evening. hiurniho County 1te1inlhicnq , Siw clel iispatch to The flax. KnAme8xv , Nob. , September 11-The rep uithicaim judicial convention for th. 'rei ithm district tuot hero to.slay , all coun. . tics being fully represented except ICeiflu ALU l Sioux. b'tuim 14 , Savisigo , of Koarmmoy , for judge , (111(1 John W. Baxter , of North Pla tte for district , attorney , were noun- hun ted by neclanmatloim , lIotim addressed the convetutiout , promising loyalty to tue rep uhilicalu tatty nimsi trite services to the Pe'n lle if ehected. humor , of lCearimov ; \\'n hl , of l.otul ) City ; Church , of North l'hu tte , nini others uumtulu aIccciien after the straight reptibhican tyho. TfltLU1tAI'lI NOTES. W nm. II. 1'tttmehl va arrested on tint c'iarge 5)1 e fltlnzziuuuuott , of $ $ , TOs ) ( anti Siticluir & I . &tt & tgiuiitt vhuithsamlo , guners , i'iiui.oiciplmia. lie win tfuts tiruui'a bookkeejier. It htuithiut attul Mitciucil loft ltnusts City Inst nigh t fir Now ' ' ' 'tirk. 'l'hey they ivhll not mutt thu tisk siC l1ttltihttm13ttt titisler thu law by ligil tilug uucur New , lttmt have you siin , hoi os tlut tiuit ituatelu will be mnasle for a tight itt Zs luxlco. 'l' luo itatracteil drought which has slstti gre at sh.uuiigu to crops hut Virgituin , outloil yes. ters ity. \'ery heavy rAins imuvo f.ullii , butt toti hute , It Is feared , to do conim niuclu good. A holier o ; feet loui tmt Cleveland mum uttil l cotupoiy' , . blast fuurnacoltu tha cighutcotit yiu tI ox itittitl best OVOIlI tlg , slenm illiiting the hiull uhitug. shutout lfltliu won. , wurkitig near by bitt. only four woni lutjtresh , , soumo seriously , Il olorLq ) of elighit frost lim ? slerrlwothon comma. ty , Georgia. No ( latnhlgil , 'l' lmn wrcclc sit timsi steamer Rhowintlcha , of Citr eltiT , wluich wsiimt. ashore hoar 'riubay the 2iti i of , JUIIO Inst has gluil ) to iilec , . Noihiltu was seen of her viuuco tue gala of tini 2iJthu oil. T he lioston Ilerald says \Vcndehl Phulilipa will imid stuilitort ilmutlor for governor or tot ally other ohio , A serious aectelont occmmrrct ( last. evening sea the Ihaiuth mnilrout near Iltunter's Point thoio t by which two ittttti wore killed anti eigh t lumjured. ltttlls.'ations for To.tlay. W &uiiltsoroN , September 11.-For the upp er Mississippi maid Missouri valleys war m , fair weather during the day , fol- low esl by itmcreasing chouducas in Missouri mud iowa , lower baronieter , with easterly to s outherly wititla Exports F'r.iim Now York. N asv Yoitx , Supttnmlber 11.-Exports d otumo'atio iurosiuco front Now York , fo tue week oimded to-day , $6,012,012 , aga lumat $7,172,096 Limo 1)rovious week. 1'tL1 11 exhorts since January 1 , $247,100- 007 , against $232,511,346 , for tIm corro- spo udiug period of1882. . A hiosyleug ttutcli , I IAUIPAX , September 11.-The rowin nano ciatioul hums forwarded time Now Yor Clip per nrticlest of agreement iii tIme prq pos est race of I4atnmn an3. jto&s. 'LhQ7 pro vldcfcirn fiimui1 contest on thts1OLIs . . ofiO toL'ey $50 ( . . - , . v\ , , 1 , . i : 5 . . : - clutu rgeul vitim iii SuDtq ° j1.J. ii. ' trea surer of tue 1tuthijnulroiict corny - - - . ' yBail of $10,000 win. furmshmed. TiL E ) IETIIOIIST CONFEIIENCII. l'r ogratiiliiC ohtm Exercises fleglu- ilituif To-hay lit the I M. E. Ciuivcli , T his nmormmiug ( ho North N1obras. couifuneuicu of tIme M. B , church corn- uumu ncc's , tiuc meotitiga being held in thu Fir st Ti ! . B. churclm itt thus city , on Day- utip ort streuL Lieu evwmiug timers vms seriuwum , 'ntis niimning at 9 o'c iock sue coiufercimcu will 1w opened by Bis hop Wiley. Dr. C. H. Fowler , thu sec retary of time iluard of Mimuniomma , will .1tu ak , and iii time uvenilig Dr. Vincent , sec retary of the Sabbath school work. Second duly , Thursday muoniming , con- fer ciuco busiuuess. In time afternoon lir otimer and Sister lladiey , returned mitts- etio nanios , will speak. In time evening Dr Kynett , tlte secretary of time church ex tuumiiioii , wull speak. ' l'huiitl day , Friday lumorning , conference bu sitietta , Jim tIme evening Mr. 'Warren wi ll preuuchm time mummasmonary scrumoim. Fourth day , Saturday inornuimgL confer. busitset's. lii the evening Dr. hart- sel l , seomubU7 of the Frsicdmaxm's work , wi ll 1ieak , Fifth day , tue Sabbath , annouremnent he reafter. Saratoga. ChIpN Ostn. 0. 0. howard was greeted by a rge audieilce Sunday evening km hits ad- dr ess to the Uniomm Sutmulay ach9oL He eke iii his usual pleasamit manner , hold- g the closest attention of lila hmmureis. Oar school coinmuonces next Monday wi th F. M. Bully its jni11Cial amid MISS El iza Loinax as assistant. Itlre. J , .1 Sunitlm and children of Blair , a visiting thu Edwin Patrick of Cottage rove , . . 'Fhutu Misses ( iruenig hmavo returned ft- aiim Freinsout rifter a jleasamit visit o se veral weeks. CUCKOO , DYSPEPSIA 1) 205 iiot fret seell of lUeIl It rtqulrta creiil. pcv t stent ttcntl0n nttti mm remedy that will assist nature to throw off the C.tt1M5 cal tone ui the dlgut.ra rganeuUtheypcrfOnnthcirtlutbes willingly , Siex. osworUt , ci Amutiend , N. Ii. , idler trying manay ' ° " without tttflt , found ( lint Hood's Sarsaparilla U tths call on thewcit ) and restored hertohesith. uaOflg the Ilgoiltes eapertencet by the dyspeptic , ax. stre bomaor a515C ending , lou of eppeUte , inegxs. of the bowels. wihid or gas Anti pain In the tarneth , beart.burn , coot stomach , &c. , causing m ental deprewilon , nervous lirtinitlity and sleepless. ass , 1cvounr0disooumaredboofgIcbccran4T ioud'i ' BanaparUtl. it llx.I cueed bonfixuts , it wilt i.reyotstj0ugiYOttftt cihanni. lr.ssxs.C.1II000.tCO. , ( ; rnttoshselv-1 Wiha 5.erauSAed to try loo4 ip. . sustia for toy wilt' a b'i Ls * Iee , tmauutesx wuq in- lgesticu toot debilIty toi' several y .xe , which sOty rtn.ieitt iwrI e145. Iteforopite nets aLen the first totUe eve 0.NUth comuwecen So rota. saeianowtaIingue fourth boLLie.extd sy saiuu than pteadIly apd wnnex ptIy liupmvd. ? 4tK . flrrniytaiieveliuu.taMarsajzirmiLils soutiruitiwu nact , utu. W.t1OSWU1iflIAioberad.ii. . . . i } . . - - - - - - . . - - -