Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - LEE DAILI t1DAY , SEPTBi\EB1ft it , 1883 , I
: .
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. .
This is a ite' flhll beautiful a(1lition to Urn city of Omtihu situated
in the north p irt of the city , fronting on Slieriiiait avenue , aini is the
niost desirable locatioii , for resideitces , that 1ia hecii p1ieel 011 the inur-
ket for years. BEDTO1LD & SOIJER ,
. .
This property is divided into regular size cit.y lots aitti acre lots
which will le sold at reasonable vrices nud on easy terms.
Fronting 700 feet on Sherman Avenue. This property cannot fail
. to be desirable anti will be rapidly taken up atid improved. No hills to
. .clinih , m ) ravines to cross. in getting to KILKWOOD [ additioii. Re-
iueinbei , when you buy a lot in this addition. you will iioi have to pay
an amount eiuil to first price to grade your lot before building.
. .
, Kirkwood.
L. .
. Street cars will be run to this addition at an early day. These lots
-vill double in value in 12 months. Oall at our office and see pInt and
make selections early. BEDFORD & SOUER.
iIegant Building Sites and at half the price of any other lots in
the city of equal distance and location , on the best street in the city.
? r 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas.
: . Improved Property.
r4. 3OO-1 ; room b Uo , cor. 13tt and Cailforuta
btrCet8 , 8 ctoset , collar , city water , outhouses ,
h 7 2,7OO-6 room house on N. 15th street , closets ,
cellar , cistern , well , etc. llSOEoaD & Sousa.
"b 12 2,5OO-Oood six room house on Davenport , bet.
. % 23d and 24th , two story c octe , pantry cellir
' \ cistern , well , fruit 0d shrubbery , stable and
- 15 33 100-Full size lot on MeCantilish place , slth
- two frano cottages. one 5 room , ono 3 room.
For sole or exchange.
16 $2,100-Good two and a bait acre lot with five
room cottage , brick cellar , vcl1 , fruit trees , etc.
17 One of the best three story brick buiuess houses
on F.irnam street. Terin.s private.
18 3cOO-New7 room houss on N. 18th street. AU
modern improvemcnt. Good location. Cheap.
19 $5,300-New two story liouso Queen Aziii stlo.
All modern linprovewcnt , city atcr , lot box
i2 Two full to's St. tary'a avenue and 20th , with 3
houses.VllI ho Ilret.c1as bujlnes ProPerty.
24 $1,750-Lot OOxOO , with two houses. Chcap.
30 2&O0-Two houeas In Nelson's oddltlon , on Con.
toy 8trcct. Outnouses , cistern , fruit trcee , etc.
32 Ibuslneas house and lot on lougla strcetbeL
l4tn and 15th. Tcrin easy.
4 Now 8 room houscouchlcogo. bet. 24th and 25th.
All lmprovenicnt.
3,5 Two new houses , one ak and orher 8 rooms.
First-class and modern Improvements. Tcriius
Fwy. :
38 2,70O-Lot 100x132 , College Street , 1todIck'
suhdhIslozi , new 5 rooni house. 'cll lniprovcl.
.38 $2,000-Lot , bOxlS ) , Convent itrcct , 0 room cot.
tago , large basement ultab1o for rooms , barn ,
; etc.
etc.f,3OOfi aoin house , Thoruells additIon , barn ,
well , clsLrn , good lmprovomente , 500 , .
r. $1,800 on long tliiio.
4 ! t,200-7 roolia house on Davenport , bet. bOth
and 17th.
45 Lot 175x500 on Sherman , large house , barn end
other hnlproi rments. Lot lthout hiiiprovo
month is worth the money we ask for It.
, . :7 : 'Iwo new hiouos anti two full size lot on l'ark
- . avenue. Hot anti. coki water. and all modern
first class Improvements. houses would coet
what we aaklor ihiole. Katra good bargaIn.
49 02,000-Lot 82x1t0 , cor , 17th and Center , hiouae
4 rooms , ham , water , trees , outbuildings.
4n * 2,600-Fire room houac , 18ti bet. California &
Webster , Nice property. Terms easy ,
60 $ lfkjO-Lot 0 , block 14 , fihlnri's 2d addition. One
and a half story houao. Terms easy.
52 23,000-GOOd , 7 room house on Sherman. Modern
iniprovements , stable , whl , cistern. A bargain ,
63 8,000-FulI lot , oiie 8 room and one 0 room
house , new , 5 blocks from thoopera house. Very
62 1s,5QO-Splendtthhot on Dodge , hear 11th. Chea
03 ,0oo-Larire house iuiil small cottage. Esce
, lent locotlon , full size lot , Davenport , near 19th.
4O0O-Lot 00x260 , good 0 room house , modern
mprocments , near business , oi Sherman ave.
d $7,000-Two tulhlots , wIth two good 1iIU5OI , 25th
and Chicago. ( Will sell separately for cash. )
02 1,50O-Two lots , 120u14d , itht house stable etc.
03 * 1 ,600-LOt and a hat ! , good house , hledlck a sub.
dllsion , ( corner , )
95 Lot with room houae , Chicago , bet , 13th and
101 1soo-r.ot and 5 room houso. florbach's addi.
tion , well , cistern , etc. itverythlng hi good cc.
pair ,
202 0300-Lot and 4 room house , hz.ird , bet , bOth and
; : ' 17th.
: -
' .
l : '
\ +
+ + +
Unimproved Property
No. 4
2 $1,000-LotiJOxl27 , IndIana and DivisIon.
8 0700 each-Two 1ot 00x132 each , on 11th. Cheap ,
and lots 0f3x132 each on 10th.
11 $200 each-7 lots In Yatci & heed's addition.
23 V,200-12 full size hots , Ilanscom l'lace , one
block west of I'ark avenue.
25 h5O each-Two Iota on Park avenue. Bargains.
27 BusIness bIson Dodge , between 11th and 12th.
31 $400-Lot in Bhtnn's addition , on Seward street.
33 $3,000-Full lot , Reod'slst addition , on 25th and
40 $5,000-Six good lots In llanscoin I'lnco. Bar.
54 3oooLot & 0x120 , on Farnam , near 2oth. Yet
rO s-aood lot in Lowe's addition. Cash.
59 Fouracres inWost Omaha.
00 $5ro-Lot iii Isnacs & Se1den' addition.
as 'I'wo bus i Itli and Leavenworth , ( busIness lots. )
07 $325-Lot 12 , Alien's sub-divisIon OlxllO. A bar.
03 $175-Lot 1 , block I , Lowc's1st addition. Good
eb $1,000-Fine lot , lieddick's addition , Park are.
SIi0tl52 feet of block M , Sitirin's addition. Fine
hO O2,200-Lot llxGOun lath. BusIness Property ,
vorth twice the irice asked.
01 $3,500-Full sire graded lot on Chicago , bet.
13th and 14th.
08 S00-Oood lot , hilghlocation , south 10th.
100 Vb,000-33x33d on 10th , bet. hlarney and blow.
103 $750 each-Two extra good lot in hlanscorn' ,
addition. Coodhilghi location.
Bargains in Farms & Lands
10 27 rer acre-bOO acre improved farm , near Cros.
tuji , lone , 10 acres woodiand , 45 acres corn , 25
acres Tinotiiy and Clover.
13 I,000--40 acres 3 4 of a mile vest of It. Omaha ,
two hioues , twobarns , granary , corn crib , two
elIsS00 bearing fruit trees , 100 grape % ines.
vilI scd or exchange.
14 7,000-200 acres , half mile N.S' , hlkhorn , 140
acres Iii cultisation , balance ilasturo , Four room
house , stable etc. Terms easy ,
51 $060-100 acres good hand , 4 1.2 miles ( roes liur.
hlngton , Coffee county , llamas. Will exchange
for Omaha hroPcrtY.
rib i5o00 cash-One of the best stocked ranches In
this State , 1400 acres of deeded hand. Call for
particulars ,
CI 3,40O-210 acresadjoinlng city of Wilber , Saline
county. AU under fence arid weU linprovid.
This roperty Ischieap at i0,000.
CO 020 per acre-lao acres , 3 niile ( coin Waterloo ,
1)ouglasi county , Part in cultivation balance
meadow , all good land , Will sell or will arrange
with cattle man for co.partnershhp , or wilt con.
tract t1 feed 300 or 400 head of cattle.
70 to 82-10 000 acres in Merrick county. Goodi Ill.
able land , atid will be sold from $0 to 0 per
89 7 per acre-Will buy 100 acre , in Cedar Co.
DO * 15. pr acro-320 acres 2 mllee from Hamburg
97 p15. per acre-Improved near Logan Iowa.
101 Several hundred acres in Curnlng Co. Neb.
los Six thousand acres in Stanton Co. Neb.
207 1Q'ver acro-2200 acres timbered land in hay
Co.Mo. three sznahlfarrns ontnts land , baiancoli
good cottonwood timber , which will more than
pay tar Investment. For .alo or exchange
Omaha property.
CaU and examine other property not Isted.
213 5 , 14th. bet , Farmnn and Douglas
Ibuarsaws ,
hull ilogs ,
Green watermelons ,
Didn't know it was loadp ) pistols , '
OpIum 511011 ,
( bainthing tleii ,
liill razor. ,
Counterfeit notes ,
1l&ti hornq , ,
hornets' hosts , , ' j
LIghtning o.1 , , ' : :
ittiles' htfl4 legs , .
Nito B1ycerlnocans , , L +
Fort.rod wiskey. .
Weak stomach , ( coin which result Indigestion , 'tb e.
)4I' ) , atiti VddUS blood aftectlon ate also , signals
of ttiuiger which should ho heedetwitdiot delay , and
for which Ihtrthoek blood littler. are espodaUy aslap.
ted. The medicine renovates , tnirLfle , and atrongth.
ens tue circulatory organsthus building nil thoentite
ystein. A
+ w. A. Edgers , o 'ranviUe , Canada , auf'
+ t ( cccii ( miii a tliseto of the herr anti kit
11535 , that brought hihiti o low his life was
despaIred of ; ho lay for thirteen de3 5 with , .
out au operation of the tIt)5 cli ; after ink.
ing one bottle of Burdock Blood Bittcr ho
% va. , enablc.l to heat a his imi tunt ihrii o itit ,
Three bottles loon , c.iililete.t a cure , iiih
lie fl5 that lie Is Iion a loIter luau thou
lie has beui for twenty . ear' .
List ml' Iitet&i
flotitniuil ug uutcallu + td for I n the Oninlin icst.
sttllco Sciitombcr 8 , 1883 :
(1UNTbg5lP. .
+ .ihunt F Boors A
Ilaliler F- Buck V 11
Itiutwi , It F Itlokeloy S
llriiitwail T tt Iteckwith 1) A
Ib1iiivelt : } A-2 Babi , E 11
ltarr .7 IlirtIsall .1 F
1bker .1 0 Uorgcsnii U
Ibarrtttt 11 A Bacon C 0
Itranik C Convoy .1
Crovt'r .1 Corisout A C
Clialburg A 1' Clmrters 11 A
( + uIo F S Carey ( : I I
Calvert S 11 Conlun TiE
Cochroit .1 Ij Chadwick W II
Cady 1) Cooit E 11
Cleiients V J Colilli .1
Clark .1 A Conwell W
Curtis C Chambers C 1
Corey C \ \ ? ] ) o ) , N
1)odd (1 1)rnko S
1)ouoran TiE 0 1)ooriter 1'
1)overo N E 1)nanu B
1)illhii A E 1)nvis C
Deuiizu0W Dero3lr
Egau f-2 Everiui1kaiii J .7
Fischer .J 1"Iu1o F
Flaingait P Fey 1
1tir1tord 0 II Fischer C
Graham \V Cirists itt.
Guottol N OmiT 0 1.
od1rey C i : ' lEolinstoin F
llasbrtmk F 1) llacktlmrn J B
1Iarvel Ii lIniiier J
11011 1' 1) Iltiteblnson tV 11
Ibenvy iii 11111 N
ilinklo II Ihullistor IE A
IlciderU j
Hailer I ) haley 0
Haydoek T 0 11orschborg1I itt.
Ilayn A J hanson A.
Jacobsen C V-2 Johnson .1 VI'
Keifer F 1' ICeler J 1 ;
Kerston J It ICinser J W
Kryrbynick J Knowlton (7
Keegan J Kwspcr Ii .T
Kelistroin II Kaufman W
Lukey F Lynch F
lAnd K F Lundcl Mr
Leonie : i .1 Lukaiiltsch G
Lowell B 1.eitch T
Light C It Lesson L
Lcwiuan II + Mayo 11 11
Marrow \V Marahant VI" B
ittearl A .1 Muons itt
ittarali A J Mayer A A
Miller B Minty (7
Manitluig Ii Miller C
Mclteroii C 11 Marchotti S
McCall F MoAdarn G 1'
McGee T C McFadden J
\tcCormick j McLonoy J
McClnno , J McCormick I
Mcllono .1 McCarthy J
Newman C 11 Nelson G
Packer F 14 l'ncker Dr1" itt.
l'carl F Flatt F S
l'iety 11 Patterson , T
l'atterson .1 I'hullips .1 11
Pierce 11 N l'ortor itt. I.
l'cttorson 0 F l'oterson N F
Quiscnber U U Under It
ltoyinan : i TiE liocka B
Ilicliards (7 I-2 Rico J II
Rogers H itt Robinson It
Slialberg Mr Spence t'v It
Stafford T Snyder J H
Show C F Stinvan C S
Scheullug C Shatto B B
Sylvan B ( b Scott B 11
Stanley F SHIer F
Smith (7 SullIvan C
Schrain J Scott J
Sullivan .J Smith J G
St. .Tohn j itt. & Co Schultz 14
Staples 1 C Satim I
Taylor tV Tliompeon.\V IL
Tempest V Trice 1-2
TruedeilL IJIttey II
UndcreinerM Vanhorn itt
Vannurnaui .1 A.Verkmeistorlll
\VIlliains C \Vrlglit U B
V.'alilers IL Wiilow8 .1
Woodwortli 0-3 Watson tV B
Aboner ? ilrs S Mrs C C
Bargeit Mrs itt. Babcock Tiuisu TiE
Buris , Tithes K Iltirrbnis Mfs J
Bradley Miss J Burns Mis's K
Clitric Miss F Cobahaii Mrs
Clar'j Nra Cuuiuliigluun Mrs itt B
Collett Mr C .1 Cowaui Mrs K
1luuing : Tilbis tV Bificors Tibias Ti
Estella Tilhis Frecznxtui Titles A.
Fleming Miss N Gitforti Miii B
( ircoil .7 ( iodfroy Misi C
Guioes MissK ( logo Mrs it B
hawks C Iliustings Miss N
1d'iiiio Miss 1. ILughoy Tiuiss B
huron Mrs itt Ilnynea Mrs B
Iloustoui Itlias C Jbolthztiis Miss itt
Johnson K 1ono Miss .1 itt.
, Tehlerson ittrs TiE ICiinpp Mrs C
Kouiuloll Mr It Kutinc , itlrs IC
Kiotiach Mrs C Larsoit C S A
I4atsworth Mrs .1 Y LoIre Mris A C
Linoloy Titles L Legciui itins
Minor Mrs S 03 MoUnti ) itliss TiE
Mack Mrs U B Moore Mrs Ii
Norlea Mrs A. NeIllMiuu itt
Neilson ituiss C O'Brien Tiuisis N J
Pogg Mrs C l'roaclous Mrs T F
l'ot.orson Titles A. l'ottar Miss It
Unities Titles L Slack Mrs B
Smith Mrs S A Slverson B
.Svansson Titles 0 Shoe ) , Mcii B
SitbOt TiE St Choir Mrs A T4
Sluitons TiErs Ti Smith TiErs Ii
Sniith ! iIIn B StcwnrtMrs tV
'rrlintlo Mrs S itt. Thompson Miss 1 ? .1
'l'unneliffo Mrs S Tostim Mrs 11
Usio Miss T Wade Miss ¶ 1'
\Vliliiine : Miss .1 \t'ail ) 1
\Vclnort Miss TiE W'iml 'stlssB
Yates Titles A Miss C
1)aviea Mrs TiE Zavodsky Mrs A
Saui.tburg Miss A
F Chamberlain 1) tV DavEs
Mrs I. blauck
Cif.tii , K , COUTANT. Postmaster.
JpUepio (
"zRvup ; &JkUtfl1 F a I 1 1 ii
Bickuess , Convul.
cton , St. VItu Dance , Alcoholism ,
Opium Eating , Seminal lVcakrieas , ma'
) OtC11CY , Syphilis , Scroula , and all
Nervous and Blood Dlsoaaos.
'To Clergymen , Lawyers , LiteraryMen ,
Merchianin , flankers , Liolies and all sehiosti
sedentary employment causes Nervous l'rout.
tration , Irregularities of the blood stomach ,
boweia or kidneys , or who require a nerve
apetIZerot stlrnuleutt'uaaruan .Ti'cr-
tonIcs ?
wonderful I ! igor.
ant Eliot over sustain
ed slnktng cystein.
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ L.w , at Druggists , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MEDICAL CO. , Sols Proj C ER011 I .
1lotsIs , St. Jauph , M'I.
P'Dr $ lUd cltcul&r $ seufi atanp.
Biscoycrc Uncr a Fib of Ppc
B&cs ill a Book Store ,
An Inoipiont 31azo Extinniahtd
+ With a Buokot of Wator1
Vil1' ' ii. Ilaltu Arrcudetl on RItusLtleISl ,
Or Ilayluig 802 tim Uitt' .
The Iittlo'book mu ! slittioncry atom on
Elm 1107111 sitte of 1)odgo strout bettvoohl
Fifteenth atiti Sixteenth wa. ( lisCovoro,1
to bo on fire about eleven 'c1ock Suiidny
evening nitti tim incipient blaze oxtin.
gtiiehed. Further facts ill regard to it tie.
'VeipCtI after the crowti hail tiisporsed ,
The glass itt the door is auppoacti tO have
licohl broken by a 'I'lio cur.
tn'iiis to the wiiulowa veru tirawi , down ,
Chief Thiginiier Butler , AOsistahlt Chief
Ittitcheil nun Cnt , 1)onalnio of the iohice
force ,
( 'OMMbNCIiIl 'To INVIMTIU.tTi : :
ahI(1 lilado 501110 atarthitig d'tscovotie's , The
counter tit , the cast aitio , of thto store luau
boon jerkml + fatward to 1)tlt out the hilaze ,
811(1 thu loartls arotuni iaro blIrIleti black.
Thu hour wan sattirateti with kerosene.
lleroniitl nisoin two places under the long
row of show cases on the other side of
rooln voro found ihlgeniously contrived
1)1105 of paper boxes with three ahoit
candles tinder cacti pile , each set ill the
iuijdst of a ring of nluiavings. J oat behind
the i'raittit1 of luoxes vuro iuinced
Thtlthlli li)1'Th.hC $ 01' KlihiOSIN ,
uncorked , nIIu1 ready to catch the blaze
aiid carry ( iii the work of deslruietioit as
110011 flS the lire had reached the lroPer
height. Fortunately the lire was dis
covered early niitl the sciiutne fruistrateti.
There baa bucit little ( latuhlgo clone except
to the wood work and a stock of Colt ) '
books , all of which coulu be covereol by
a hundred dollars. 'l'hio hour tinner the
west cotiiiter in three places is reeking
Wills coal oil.
Everything voititotl to nit ihicehioliary ,
toVill B. hahn , the lrollriutor Of the
ostablishuntent , Captain Donahue sent au
oflicor to the depot , thiinkiiig that Ilahuhi ,
seeing his plaits fail , might attempt. to
heave town on soiiionighttraiii. Donahue
WENT TO HAhN'S ] lOUshi ,
11 south 15th street autci found him the r
0 having retired. lie toldhiin his atoro
had caught fire and to drc8s niitl como
out Ho did not arrest hint in the
house because ho did not wish to agithto
Habit's wife , who was Ill a delicate cou
dition , but as aooit as Ito stopped outside
the door ho htfornied liliti lie Wits a tins-
oner. Hahn said nothing atid got iii an
express wagon that wan waitiiig , atid rode
to the city jail. Oii the way ho exclaimed
oncein a low tone ,
'colt , MY tioil"
but said nothing else except that lie nitol
his wife were the only ones that had keys ;
that Ito vas at time store at suvemi o'clock
that evening , and lund since taken a walk
with his wife.Vhmen Deputy ( iorntaim
continciiccd to search him at the jail he
broke completely dowia.
A son of John Moville , fourteen years
old , living ill Simian's addition , was then
found and taken dowim to the
store , whore lie was a clerk ,
lie said that the last time lie had beaus
there was Saturday ovdning at ft o'clock ,
that ho then saw flO boxes piled up that
way and lie knew nothiingof them , timid
that ho imovor saw any kerosene in the
store before , because they had no use for
it. lie watt released and Hahn token
Tirdilday his fatherV. , . J. hahn ,
who is uiow employed ill uuiaking a tax list
for the city , visited time young luau , who
is about twenty.tiirco years old. It was
time first time that lie 1usd spokuut to his
sola ill two years , as they have been
estranged from each other. Accordilhg
to a street rumor Mr. hahn ,
when ho went west some years ago hind
all his ProlerLY placed in his wife's name ,
for prudential reasons , and his soim , dur.
ing his abscuice , 1)eroiuaded his mother to
deed it to him , mortgaged it amid almost
sutuik it.
Young Hahn declared his innocence to
imis father yesterday and said lie haul
bceum at time store early in the eVuuiing
and then , after walking wills his wife ,
had gouto haute and to bed. Jim father
told a reporter that if his sums was inhmo.
cent lie would do everything iii the
t'oriel lie could to hmoip hmiuim out. lie
gave his naiuio to .J udge Auidcrsoim thieii
for one thOlhstii(1 : dollars bail.
I , . , SEAMAN
was found by a reporter yesterday at
the scauiu of the lire looking over the
irolorty ) , which lie hiittl sold 1 mliii on
loui time. 'I'iio door was guurded by a
polmcehhlan. TiEr. Scamnaim lmati time iuisun-
alice liapera , winch read that time iiisur
aumce money should be paid to hiilhm until
the debt was satinliod. There were two
itolicies ill the l'hoonix , each for $2,000 ,
Hnimn was owilig Seaman about $3,800.
"If lie did this , " said Itir. Seanian , ' ' 1
doim't sea what uiiado him , because all the
book trade know that our boat business is
done in the coIning three months. " Time
store was considerably upact. On top of
one of time counters some one immul writtohm
in chalk , "stonE better next tune , "
Will B. Hahium was released OIl bail
about imoon , having waived oxalniliatioll ,
Although thus is a strong case of circuin-
Btalltial evidence , every latitude ahiould
be 1mowzi in drawing cOhIcluus'mohls upon it ,
because there is a possibility , and every-
Ohio 1101)05 that it may become a reality ,
that Mr. habIt may prove lila oimtiro iii'
hiOCOflCtt. lie i a young mali who has
grown up in Omaha , who Is well liked
aimd faorabiy known hero , wlmus has al.
ways bezi consilored upright in all hils
transactiohms , lie carded a lilme stock of
books , almd although in debt imad ovary
prospect ol relieving hijIhisehf front that
radual1y , because his cttatonm was stead-
hly increasing and becoming fixed ,
"IIonmo HveeuI. hIouie , "
'flits song Iu ( good mite way , but Is there lilly
sickness In the hiousoimolul ? If so , hiusine cnnuiuut
be always PIoiat1E , \Vu take apeciuil pleasure
In recornnuimuilng ltmrulocL Jtluoc.I BlUer : , a
fbi le and cestaimm cure for IIYSIIOPSILO , anti all ulis.
eases of time liver and kidneys.
Iteal Fsstato Trariareris ,
'l'ho following deeds wore filed for rec-
cord in time county clenlu'a office September
10 , reported for TUE hiss by Ames' real
estate agency ;
Elizabeth Kotiittzo , wife of hfonimuati
Koummtze , to August hianseum , q c d , lot 7 ,
block 7 , lcountzo anti Itutli add , $1 ,
Wrn. W , Bartlett and wife to Win.
Tlmayor , w d , lots 3 and 0 , block 180 ,
Florence , 820.
Wm. Thmayor to J. F. Ransom , w ii ,
lots 8 and 0 , block 130 , Florence , 840 ,
a. w , Aloes and wife to Gao. Kou-
s. d , lot. 3 , block 28 , Walnut 11111 ,
Atuguatus lCouuiizo et al. toVnu , Mac.
Diarniitl , tv ii lot 27 , 1)hoCk 10 , , 1to\iuitze
ittid Htitii'a atiti $1,100.
Thins. P. Tutdo aint vifo to Pierce C.
I Ilinebaugh , w ii lots 0 nimul 7 , block 8 ,
h1niisoimi Plco , $1,400.
Phiili1t CMaAdy am ! c1fo t4) Frederick
Drexel , 'V tl part coo 8 , tp 1.1 , r 18 , Iii
I uo.ioo acres , $1,872.
Itleked Omit.
htow 1Any i'ooplo thiero are who are atrtug.
giiutg to ris. itt Elite tutrl,1 thitit are kicked uIowti
and out by eiVIo'i rivals. Thsnmaa' AWafrie
( .ij uisver ilkicklj titit" Its ttr0uu , It , is true
l1tio. Fur t1mro. % affections , astluimma aiiti
eat.arrhm It. is a cortai auiui 1811101 ctmrs.
- - -
Thu It1Mt7LT OP jlCItINO ,
Ctilimiiitstis Intuia w altec I ) o
( aIIM of t lie Onmimo.
Saturday as the Lincoln trnhm vna huh.
lug out of the ute1ot 'I'IIP hun reporter
espied a tmuniber of ' 'thin lniys' ' hiarding
it , hinuilniltent nluoiig whioni were tIme
uionibers of thmo hi. 1' base huh club , : nmd
tlmiukiug thieve tas mimusk in the air u1tiiet
I ) ' sottleol donvit on tlitt Iuitmulsomno luouqitet
timt nolorned ( ho loft lappol dl
p liiltiht'it ' 'prhico albert , " ( ietei'hiiiuiei
to take ii inuiti iii any ftimi thiitt wa's go.
iilg. (1 en. I lull vts along , comisequently
it was not long liefore it la'cnume it be.
caine kiiovui that tIme 1 + , P'uu were to
juhisy 1uir : with the \'flhmOoii amid part with
time CoIummilths club atValno. . iltuacim.
ingVnlnto Itt 2:40 : were soon on ttmm'
way to the githlida , wimichi , by time \vay ,
are very iiicely arrangeti. As scout as
\Vnhmoo sut\T Salisbury , hlinioulo and Smiceol
gettimig into a gre ) ' miii. adormied with a
" 1C ' ' the unifornt of
big , time Cohmunbus
climb ) they indulged ium a granl kick , not.
vithistondiimg time ) ' hind lttc iColvoy itumul
Bnigga , of the U. P.'mm cuigageti , After
two imoimrs of Ioomd tohk moitul llourishmhmg of
111111) ' lucre , they elecidoti to play is gauime
butwomnm time "sure cuitmugim' ' ' cltibs ofVn. .
lmoo itimul Columnlus , , much to the satisfac.
tioum of a large crowd of spectotorn ,
among whmwim were a fair percentage of
\Vnlioo's fair daughters. At 1 :20 : thu
game was called with Donimy , of tue Wa. I
hmoo's , at the bat , futciiig 'tYake , who occu-
Pi01 time box in time interest + aof timo"Koy.
stommea , " Dorsoy atromck an easy otto to
3rd , vhmo mnomirtid , allowing iiiumi to make
first. 1mm nttwmipting to pilfer ( he bag on
tIme southwest coniioi' of time diamond , TiEr.
Dorsey got beautifully left. Dohmerty I
hoW followed , sawing 0)011 ; Fox likewise ,
rot'mniiig thu aide.
Loeb now canmo boldly to time front hutit
could uiot got on to Johmusoim and dropped
out on strikes. Backus potmuidcd air.
itumsrtin hit to third who iimoie gomlthmrow
to first , stopping Mr. hit. .
Second inning Ilagen hit hmiii to see- 1
end who dropp&l it , giving hiumum first ,
Thionuut followed withs a hit that gave
hiiit first but sacrificed hlagon cmi second ,
Thomas scoring on good hit by itlcNulhis ,
Time crossing time Plato Ofl , Johmmmson's imarol
slug past short , wiiiclm also brought Tile.
IConuioy imonie , getting secoinl hinisoif ,
Cinillithi got first ems a liii. Dorsey taking
first omm balls , advancing Frilllths to second
antI .Johinson to third and scoring oii aim
error of time iisams in charge of that bag.
Fox flied out leaving ( ] rillitii emi third.
\Vndo look first. Oil balls and second on I
ilaniniock's safe hit past Shsort on thiird I
oh a catmlker by Clawaoui , whmichs , by time
way , retired llaumiinock at second. Claw.
semi atole seccimmd , hail going out on a hot
oiio to .TohmmlsohI. .Jantzen pounded space
leaving SYnke on third istiol Ciawson omm
Ilagumo got ono whore second could 1
reads it , mmd took a rest. Thmoimias tried
it oh with time pitcimor and imiot time annie
fate.McNollis got one up iim time air above 1
second , vhmo captured it , retirimmg time I
Scott struck out , fnhlowed by Loob ,
who was miot fleet onougim to roach first. I
Backus hit aisle past Short , taking first ,
and stealing secommd , where lie was left by
Martin's s'aims efl'ort. to got Ohito .Tniiimson.
ltlcKiuiney hilt a hot one to first , whut i
gathered it hit ill great simio. Joimnsomi
gave time 5111110 goimLitilnaui a beautiful 1
clmniico on a high font lut lie decliiied. it.
lie accepted time imeit ball , however.
( iriflitii striking out retired thme aide ,
\Vako now faced TiEr. , Johmisoui anti got
fim'st oum a safe hit. liL8t second , wimero lie 1
80)011 followed ( ill a iitMM ) hall , scorihmg on
Ilamummimock's , who got lirat llhmd easily stole
aecommd. Ciawson got imm a Imit tiiit : mod-
vimuced time iujnui on Hecohmol bane. 1Itil :
going ttut cmi a fly 1(1 tlmird , Jaimizemi going
out ohm strikes. Scott , whto is a msluigger
frolim ' 'away back , " got. ihi ( time that , ommly I
for time wcat femice , would howe hcemm
going yet , hiringimig in I lainimiock itiul
Oltswsoii auitl hmimimaelf to time timird bane.
I.oub now followed with a hit that scored
Scott , toking first , where he atuyed ,
Backus going omit on strikes.
Dorsey out on first Doherty getting
timoro elm a close decision , stealing aCe.
ommd timid scoring on Fux'n lilt , over head
of center , whmua was playing up to close ,
Ilageli hilt hard to first , wimo accepted it
retiring Mr. hiagemi and Fox ,
Martimi died on final , Wake followed
with a imtt. hue to Short. who imap.
pumied to be iii the vicinity , a fact
that gave Mr. Wake a chamice to go up iii
timegrand stand and dnimmk a iumnohmmtde
with lila irI. hlamiimock now got iii a
darling hit for tlmroo bags , but was loft
there by Clawsomm who failed to got.
lila leather over time hiend of thie second ,
Timoinas hit to cemmter , MeNelils hmighm tote
to Wake , Itotim rotiriu ; MciCinnoy retmr-
immg time side by slow hit to hat.
halt retired cmi a fly to center , Jantzen
filmdimig nothing to hit after tryimugthmroo
times wont over and listened to thmo band ;
Scott. followed after trying to get to let
jim advance of time sphere.
, Eohmnaoum led ofr with a beautiful fly to
left field who failed to "catch eu , " anti
will put. out. in trying to reach 2d elm
( iniflitim's Imit , which gave thmiit guhltlehflhtli
let. amiti who stole secoummi ; hor-
lucy's hit advanced iiiimm to 3rd
: uumd gave Dorsuy bag No. 1 whittle they
ronmnimied by hohterty goimig tuit cmi strikes ,
Loeh took first out safe Imit , Backue going
tttit Oh fly to , Johmmsoii , Tilmirtium ettulig 11114
1)1000 ( III balls. tYako's hit. sacrificed imilui ,
but advimmiced Louh , amid Tilhlrtiim It base ,
however , vimert , llammmimiock wits hmmemm
eimough t + i ICILVO 'Clii ,
Eifl 11Th
llmogcim got tAt first aim a hmot. liner past
ilecoimd. 'I'hmOlhULtI drove cue into \S'alle's
iap , a fmimmmiliarity thmat guimthcimman resemit.
ud , by iuutining both TiEr , I fagami ithid
him , 'I'Imonas , by a beautiful double
McNclhis now by hmnru 1 work got. to tlmirti ,
whore his anxiety to gather iii tomi good
hard dollars , which a Wahoo luau said
was lila If itt' succeeded 1mm scorin , caused
hums to be a little reckless , ami imidiscro-
tioi which coat him his but , and Wahoo
time game. I think Ciawson got the first
bail away liii alnoiig the clouds anti
wlmlch was numired on time way down
niul scored , after a good deah'of . , hard
work , hail scoring oti Scott's two bagger ,
Loel , omit all a Ii ) ' . At timis stogo of time
gamulo limo \\'rdmoos objected to a ulecisioii of
the imlupiro , and fimiahly totircd froun the
field , a pmocediiig that riled Mr. Umpire ,
vhmo resented time actiomi by declaring
Coltmiiilnis time victors , 9 to 0. Ftmlly
$ s'iOOO vns at stoke on thmo gRub before
our tratit arrived , but which was dcclnr.
cml olr , VI alien dochimilmig to play with time
U. 1' . battery with Coitnubims , Time 'iVa.
imoos vmhl bo hoard front ngaimm. wimoii Lucre
will be fun ,
- - -
iCeeiuiuig Accounts ,
Mn , Thoiiins S. ChmappehlTroas , Dept. ,
\Vi liiiigton , D. C. , hind coimgcatioum of
thmo throat nimol says , thmat by time grog
Paium.cmmle , St. , Jncol)5 Oil , lie was cured ,
Tl'liB0 ILl L'l I NOTES.
l'ensacola coittluimics healthy ; flue death ,
hull (1110 hOW 0050 iii time lust iS hours at the
uiovy yard.
St. 'l'itoiumas vae visited by a tihml , : wat c itmiul
three cartlmqmmako shocks Auugmmst. 28. No uhtmii.
: tgtu dommo ,
¶ I'Iio report. of time I I III iiiestigiitioui eomImntt.
ti'uu has ltemi hauiul',1 , Soemc1nr3' 1tilger , lummE its
cimtemits , t em lint. imiulo : kiiowmu ,
Bmiiuimut. ( ) 'Neil , Elm Schiomicetaily ( N. \ . ) ito.
familter . , iloaded guilty to tlmocliorgo tuf forgery
ituiul t.ius semitomiced to 10 years 1mm tli statu
turisoim ,
\\'llliaui KiEzig , cmi a vuigcr , iiuuitortoik to
cllummli a stIr of It stop. 10t1 t'iiutoe iuiltio uf
trim lmtitmrs , iii Chicago , mimmul woimt lIlt 1 b mm.
tutes h
( iOerliOr lCiiott lia + ' dosigmiated October 2
aM time tiny ftm the ttxcumtioui of Ellis Craft
tt kot foimmal gimiit.y of a horrible oumtrogo ala1
immmmroler , itt Asilutuiul , iCy.
At Clifton , Arlz , , Billy Delammy vaiked mmp
to a gammiblimig talie , slit'S ' itmul killed I lomury
8avyor. I mm time fracas that. fidloweti two
tutlmer imtemi vure senlommely wLuundeui.
'i'huu Kutuisas ucigar ttrks at. 'I'tllOkfl. , tumrmmool
tiul ) 'cstum itor 20 lILrrolt. of isutrglmtmmmm sugar.
'l'lio iorks ll I toni oud. cute imti llitumm tuoumumits
this sonsiuui , 'l'lio tuiwii ii greumtl ) ' elated over
tiiO $ iICCCt4 of tiio vtirlns.
SiiaLuii laves h.ugaui aui,1 , Caimmonun , of
th iuoumto ctmmuhmultteo to ciluiMmIt with tim
Sloumx , rutlativo tu ) time jloJ ; utused tupeimi mig ( If tii
Siuttix meservation to sottlummmommt , reuteltud Ciii.
Cagil yastorulay cii their rottmnmm trili.
Sumtuurdumy uilgltt a uumolu of IU iuuukunt : iuien
forcibly omiteroit tlio 'l'oil coummty ( Amk. ) jail at
lnumvifle , seized .1 udmit Cotter mimmil I ) r. Fluod , ,
Luk thioumi to the irtui briulgo across h 'eliot .1 ( 'ohm
river mtimtl Iiuiumg thmcmmm froimi time cemmter spamm of
the CItlas boanm ,
'l'iie ware house of Limo Couisolluiatout Tank
IIimo cciii 1)011) ) ' Itt St. .J ° ° h , lm , Tilt , . , eunitnimmimmg
711,1)0(1 ) ( gallilimus of cli , was ommtirely dostruyctl
yostenoloy immoruiimmg' imiuuumrod for 820,000. 'rho
t. .losoiim , Stonimi l'rlntiumg house wits ( lodmi.
igmi $1I0,000 by tire ; lmmatmruol.
The Iou'sm ioiuido ( l ( imiut omidorso time opimi-
Oil of the Cliicago lntmikuu , as somit ( si time Aissl. I
iatouljurcas , that time imotos store a tall-
mro , Iimuuteitd , lImo immvarliilmlo eiumumient , of limma.
ness iiiemt itimol licotilo iii Ies Itloimies , Is omue
) f gratll'mcotltmi amid onduursommiomit ,
Private dlsiuatchmea nnmuoumnce time doatim , at.
Iibunui Commode , of Titmw. l'iuilllii Simml , of
Ioumbuvilio. She Wits the datuimtor of Ceorgo
ICcats , amid a imeico of .Toiuum heats , time cole.
rated Emiglishi 11uot. Slot va.u the mother of
loimu ( Iilmmmor Speed , until rocemmtiy umiauiagImig
uditor of . [ } me T'oy York \Vonid.
Shortly hefture 8 u'.iiuck last evommimig , time I I
oiler tmseut ity couttrutctors builuliumg us bridge at
LLerr'a islaumul , a short dliutanco frummm iulcglio- 1
my City , Pit. , exiuimloul witim tcinif'me force ,
c.tttorim , , leluris amid lint water 1mm oil ( iirec.
; iumius. : t ive luau at vork at tim tinto t'ero lii.
tired by being caldout or lilt titlm ilylmig do-
iris ,
( icomgo 'iVilliammus , a colored porter lit time
irat umatlouiai banhc of'egas N. itt. , do.
coluujuoul sigiis ( If iiisatiity yestenJay. lie inailo i
IL radii out thio bank 'ltlt lire arms , comumpeliimmg i
die teller clerics aiiui accoummtant.s to atnuid in
IL row whIle 103 ulniilutd them iii umilitary tactics.
lie vats fimially capttmreol umuuol sent to time I
'l'iio last six or eight weeks imutwo boon time
tiniest soasmuum Iii Caiio Coul lcmmowmm for years. +
Tlm protractml drotmtii anmi fruit mtmmd vine
% VOrluiM imavo cauiscml.umiuiclm havoc vIOi thmut great
craimborry holds of time Caio. ( .1mm ummaimy farina
vegtutatiomm Is so far gummo it canmiot mcmi by
frequent ctIiotiH ) zaimma ho revived , witim itimy
iOliOliCIal reammit. Time cattle ama amufforlmmg
through time Cape district , because of litter has.
Fnmim action by Chmlcumgo banks 011(1 a imumimi-
her of coimiliitiiit lhioml at tim postollico , It op.
iuears time iostai mites husmiod to tIme pumblic last i
tltmmtliuy , are already decinusi a failure iii that
ity. A jreumt uiiimiiy begaim to arrive there I
witlmimm a dim ) ' or tWo utter time first Issue , , soimt
iii bum of ( intmft.s for amnuuhi almiomints , muimol wore
it ( limee uleimusitomi time sauimo an clmmtkn or drafts.
Nimimmberless miIsttkus made by iuostmilastcra
5eulhillg thumut commuted the batikis to refuse to iwI I
c1t tliommm.
A iuocial t.u , tim Eli'fls ( ) 'rimmicli , jmist arrived ,
( OWN ltliixlciimi ticOifti are immiorchiug froimm As.
ommsIuumm Lu reiumforco Tilmijuir Valentine Ornate ,
mt , Ciuca Crutuido. Cimptaimm I'uichro hums also loft
hams for Cious ( iramimlo witlm is ilotnciiiumemit of
Limirty umum. TiIe.'msoumgers liumvo burnt isommt to
Iiergmurnc tii immurry lit' ' rciimfmurcommioiits , a dIs
ammee of elgimtytivo zmdles ( mum Jaimmis , ii ammihi
Aumorienum ittoxiczum twmm , , , sltuuttcul mnitlway
Liotwceim .fammutu antI Casatiraimmlmu.
CItIitlNAIj It.FCOIt1) .
Din'itohT , Soptemmmbem' 10.-Ilomm , I [ or-
iimii Itedlield , for ninny years oime of time
uiost. lhromtiihmeilt citiz ims of Tiloiiroe , vts
rooiiid dead yesterday aim his lot iii time
beimietery , imavimig eliot himself twice iii
Limo head iuiiti dice imi time breast , witim a
revolver. lie left. a hotter addressed. to
time prosecutimig attorney of time city , saying -
ing lie was goimig to die aim time only piece
of property ime owned iii time world , en-
cloning $38 for fuimoral oxpoimses. No
reasoim is kmiowms for time suicide. Ho was
supposed to be comfortably off. He
leaves a wife nuid daughter. He had
boon a immemmibor of time state sonata two
terms , was liii active democratic politicinim
aiid a iumost agreeable imman , ills deaths
by his own hand is ft great shock to tue
entire coinmiiuiiity , by whmoln lie was immuch
ctmteemmmed ,
1111CC Ilimli ,
Toanno , September 10-Toledo 15 ,
Quiimcy 11.
EAKTSAaINAw , September 1O-Sprimmg.
fibid nommo , Sagiiinwe 5.
GIOAN1)htAl'Ilfll ) , eptemmiber l0-Peorias
4 , Grand Itajuids 18.
BosToN , Septomiiber -Bostommum 4 ,
Cimicagos 6.
CniuAuo , September 10-An innowa.
tion was ummade hero in tIme walking
match line iii aim attemnpt. of Vmn. lCitzig ,
a laborer $2 years old , to inoumit a lligimt
of forty-five stairs thmroohsumidred tiummes
1mm tOll hours for a wagiur. Kitzig began
Limo task at 7:45 : this inornimig and made
time trip of one hundred timmie in time first
hour ahid is half amid at 12:30 : had. chimimbed
tue stairway 175 timimee , wbioii hie stopped
for dimner , amid displayed sigmis of futiguo.
- -
ltetmmmiiimig Simitcera ,
llrrLls Mha.soUIu , D. 'I' , , Septemmmber
Io.-'rime s1ociuti , train convoyimig sommme of
Villurmi's gmiesto who attoimded time core-
hiiOhiiCH of dr'iyimig time imiat spike passed
home at. 8 o'clock cmi m'outu to St. l'nul.
Ammmomij time promimimiehit. guests uveru Sucre-
tam.y ' .1 diem' , ( tos' , Ordway of Dakota ,
( iheorge itt. 'ullmnami , N. J. Leviimsoim ,
city editor of time Oregoniamm of l'oitlaimii ,
Marshal Field of Chicago , J. W. Domnie ,
COY , Hubbard of Minmmesota and United
States Senator Sabiim of Mimmlmosota ,
itlimiume ( tim Itmtlcr ,
BOSTON , Septolnber 10-Time herald
says there causes fronm Mailmo a well flu.
tiioimticatod story that certaiim local deimmo.
oratic loaders cahied en hhialno at Augus.
ta , and were contidomitially informed by
. )
VAI.lD , hiUT'roN ; TIIR STOHACII , nrf.1ES'g TI1I
lmOWEli hiEatJhATETJlg i.tvsn ANI ) ttfrREslr :
SYMPTOMS OF lf.T.NESu Al'PEAR , A 1101111 flU.
DEflhl.ITY , Bor.s , NOT UXIST , SO1D BY ALT.
imimim that lii Imis ( lilaino's ) opinion , if Oov-
eruor Butler could secure ro-elecion : lit
Massachumsotta this rear , imo would imtov-
itably become the omnocratic camilidato
for president , mid bo elected , hilaino
added that hme hm'mnisohf wits otmt of politics ,
aum(1 vommld under no circuniatAuices be in
time field for prcsmlemit mmexAyear.
- -
4tCCilOhmt In a Tlmeatm-c.
Ni\ : ! YanK , Septomnbnr 10-Wimiho a.
rehearsal .iu ; taking Place at Col-illo's
Fttmitemmitim street theatre to-day 1mm time
11110) ' of Otlmelim , , time bridge out wiiichm
Frederick Price and a iniumibor of stiller-
litlilimirutrics were atahidiuig gave way , pro-
cipitatiiig the entire party a distance of
12 feat , l'rico lmad his auklo dislocated.
amid received several 1rumiaes , Time others.
iiijurcd are Mrs. Ants Do Forest , aged.
80 , several ribs fracttmred ; Kate Burmis ,
aged i2Ti , severe shock aiml imijury to tIm
back ; August Nolsomi , $8 years old , left.
leg broken ; ( I. VI' . Bradley , aged 22 , foot.
uhistocateol ; Thomas ittonaitaim , aged 34 ,
contusions of thigh , amid Timoinan liyami ,
flgei 41 , slight iiijtiry to eyes. Time ned-
tkmmt. caimumot. be accounted for.
- -
Everybody eats (1 arimeau crackers.
Cam-us on the Rise.
CmlteAuo , September 10.-Thmo floors.
oil 'cimiige this imbruing s'ero crowded.
with specmmhators , nuid trading at time opals.
ihig was active utuid foil ! of oxcitememit ,
It ; viss expected that reports of frost ,
which occumrred in time 1ast two day8 ,
would serve as amm active imicentive mit
advaimcimi tIme ricos of corn ,
amiot this proveul iii a inoastmro
true. October options in corn
which closed at 50J. Saturday was rap-
icily advammccd to 52 at. 10:45 : , and appear-
11(1 steady at that figure. This is aim ad-
t'ahmce of 31 , over the closing quotation
for Friday of last week. Oats im synipa.
imy ramm u ) to 28jE728 , and 27k for Use
oar or aim advance of 1 cemit over Satur-
lay's closing , Wimeat ems time cont.m'am-y ,
itumed oil throe.oighithms. + . . . - . . + _ .
Chocolate sitaps niado by Garnean is.
) iiO of the finest. lOmnl.w
A Brutal Bully , Col. , September 10.-Thmis.
miornimig Edward D. Cowan , city editor
Lf the Leadville Herald , was brutally as-
unultod by Ahdorimiams Joy of that city.
Phme itutrties vcre discussing local politics ,
whemm Joy took excoptiomm to a remark
:1 Cowan's , kimocked imium dovn and with
drawms revolver kept the cros'd at. bay ,
rumupel on his face with heavy boots ,
tad kicked mmd stamped liimmi until lmo was
almost tmimrccogmmizabio and vih1 probably
ime. Joy escaped by time mountains ,
Garneatm's Criumiped Edge City Soda.
tirnekers imiult in your mouth , l0iuilw
All lirat.chmtsim Olotlmimtg Houses can tell
you who Lmmt'ix'r , LEAK Co. are.
slO ino&w
Garnoau's Oinalma Oyster , tue beat.
cracker made. lOmiw
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
-We unommtiomiool last week the fact that.
l'dr ' , .9 , itt , Wilcox liii. wssummnool charge of tlmo
onerat circulation of Tue Christian hour.
We ore now glad to rocorml that his first trip
n time iimtoroistii of time leIcr was very success-
ml. lie , isitod LlmmcotnVahoo , Waterloo
anti 1)atIliion , and ecurod Imandusmno clubs of
uuulascribors 1mm eachi place. Ho will start to-
might for North l'iatto amid seine of time more
mnport.tumt t.owmius of tiioi westerim Itart of time
utato ,
All grocers sell Oarneau'a crackers be- .
ause timoy are time best. lOntiw
J'rof.Valtor P. llnrdhmmg , late of Neliraska.
lty , was thIs mumorlmhuig aiiointed organist ami
imumsical director of Trlmmity catheolral , timis
: ity , toumol will rehouse to Oinmima : on or about
lmo,11itli of October ,
ST U ' districts Zumfater , iii and tropical
D CflEBIA'ER anti ethel regions
visited bye ddtuinic. ,
! soil iuitlueI ii , alt
- localities where ( lie
( OlumIiiOTul ( are uui-
, . 'vu. . . ' . . favorable to health ,
. fi vvIl this faiuuous vegeta-
I9t4 'W + M . , LIe imtgorimnt antI
ahterativu , hlostot.
'I-i.'E : . : : Tt. : ter's Stomach lIlt.
tens , has been fouamt
a patent safeguard
eveuito feeble constl-
. tutlons and fragile
frames , while i a.
. - wcure for lndlge&'tiozm ,
-w-- biliousness anti kin.
$ TOMAC $ tIred complaint. , it.
' 5 is without a rival.
I 'ITEB Vor sale by all
. DruggIsts anti Deal.
cr5 generally.
$30,000 for $2.
Regular Monthly Drawin wilitake plume.
I In thu 5lonio 11am , , Muonio 7emphe Build.
S I log , in Louisville , Ky ,
TIursday , September 27 , 1883 ,
A Lawful Lottery and a1r flrawlnp ,
chiarinred by thuu logisiaturoof Ky , , and twice deciar-
ed legal b thu highest court in the State. blond.
gileli to i cuiry Cougitv iii thur .umut of $100,000 for ( ha
hrouililt 110)luleflt of all prizes sold.
tsrEu crY ticket holder lila own .upervtsor , calm cat !
oult thu nuuunber on bile ticket aumd see thu correspond.
lug uuuuiiber cii ( hue tag lilarcd in thio white ) in his
rebcncu. 'Ihiesu ( irutwiuug , will occur on the last
.hiursdumy of every month. Read the muagntficemmt
September Scheme.
l'rito , , , , . , . . , I
I t0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1 l'rizo , , + , , , , , . . , . , . . , , . , . , . . , . . . . . . . , , . bO,00G
1 i'rito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
2 i'riies , ! .it00 each..a . . , . . , . , 6,000 +
5 h'rhzvs , 1,000e.tthi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 l'izc , 500 acii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , _ , , , , 10,000
100 , 1(0 eaclm , . , . , , . , , , . , . , , , , . , , , . 10.000
200 rizei , SO cacti , , , , , . . . , . . , , , , , , , , . _ _ , , ioooo
5(10 i'riZei , 20 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0O
1000 l'rizes , 10 couch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
lb i'rizes , 300 cacli ApproxiniaUou Prizes 2,700
9 l'rizes , 200) rachi 1 H 1,800
0 Prizes , 100 each " " 000
1,857 l'ritui. $110,400
Whole Tickets , $2. half Tickets , $1 ,
21 Tickets , $00. D5 Tickets , 10O.
Itemit money or Bank Draft mm Letter. or rend by
51 Cb4 1)OF tiitNl ) flY IIEGISTEIIKI ) LII7E1t.
Ohtt'OSTOFFICEOlIDIIIIuntil furthernotlee. Oil
dora of $3 and upward by express , can b. sent at our
expense. Address sU orders to J , J. DOUGLAS5 S
L.ouisvilhoKy , da.t.thwlfl3w
-5 + + - - . _ ft.ts- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _