- - - - - - - . - -V- - - - - - . - - - - - - . ------r _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . FFER DUL ! BEE mTUESDA1 , SEPTEMBER 11. 18b3. Th6 Nebraska National Bai4fr Cr O3SAU , B. , ' * Ic % Up Capttal . . ooo \ _ Inrp1ij Fund. Xay.1I , 'ooo " \ % U. 3OIINSON , 1'tident , ot toele. 3ohne ' Co L TOVL&.AN , Vice Ptedent , of floVon. w. y tOTtsg , t w. V. oitsi & Co. JOL COLtINS. U. U. & J 8. CollIns. M. WOOtWOItTIT , CouneUor & Attorney t taw S. UIED , of flyron ltce4 & Co. IL W. YATESCiterfor inny yen Cs.ehiet of the } lM Natlons1 fltnk of Om&h * . ThIe flank opcned for busnnuAprU 27 , ISS2 Th1 blfUCCIOltS AND STOCXIOLDEIt ! ir oong the Iesdthg busIne men of Oni1& , snd K. bwdno.i Ii eonductc4 rlth osfeL.l reference to th bct ijid tnezeMIng tntarretofItamercntIle 1tron. . COLLCTlONS rocelte pronpt ittentlon .l ohrgc lowest obtalosble hero or elsewhere. 1NTEaT ijlowed on tIme depoeIte upon fsor. &b3 terms nd UPOn CCOUflt of bank. &nd bsnker. FORF.IGN EXChANGE , Ooernment Bond. md Cowdy &nd City Hecuntle , bourhi &nil sold. J. w. Rodefer , Broker , 8ocks , Ilonds , Commerelml raper and all other ( deciuItlcs deftlt In' ILoom 4 , No. 2d Pcs.rSt. , Council flIuff , , ts FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAIi Nzw Yoiuc. September 10. Monoy-1ay at 2@2 Pe vent. Prime 1'por-5G par cent. Exchange bills , l.81 ; doinatul , 81.85. Governments-Steady. - 8tock-Stock mnarket opened weak and depressed. On rolorts of corn Crop bemig " seriously damaged , declined . ' ® 1 in first 15 minutes ; time temper of speculation tnrned and much stronger fceIh lrovailed ; the change vas duo to advices that report. , of damages hare ; been exaggerated and the loss Is confined to sections where ammnnal Production was compar. ativoly light ; prices rose @ 2 ; whole list par. ticipated In the adranco. After 2:00 : prices receded In last half Imour , howorcr , marked movot up to best figures of the day , which were @ 3 above lowest ; in final sales there a reaction of as compared with c1oing PTiC5 , which are © 1 highor. COUPONS. S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4'8 COUIOfls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 _ 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit ) Padfio 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 BTOCIS ANI ) 13051)5. American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 BurL , Catlar itapil3 & Northern 78 Central l'ncific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicigo & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 do do pfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Clii. , Burl. & Quhny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 do phi , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Fort Wayne &Oh'mgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Hannibal & St. Jceeph asked. . . . . . . . 39 do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Lid. , Bloom.Vestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 'I Kansas & 'rexas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 103 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-ti MIS8OUCI Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Northern Thcific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 do do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127& do 'pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . Peoria Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 14 I. Bock island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 K St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 A do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 121 0 # St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . l09 . .07 St. Patti & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l42 , ' . do do pf&l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21. do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 34 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Askod. fEx. Diy. ' , y - GRAIN AND PIIOVISIONS. 4t ) CHICAGO 4 ' . ChICAGO , Septemnber 10.-Flour-Qulotbnt \ steady. \ Wheat-Regular , OO(1 demand unsettled % _ nndgonerally lower at 9o for § eptember ; 9999Ac for October ; 1 0l@1 0l for Novemn. bor ; 1 02 for December No. 2 ring , 97c ; No. 3 sning , 86@88oN'o. ; 2 red winter , 1 04. Corn-Excited unsettled and higher ; 51 51o for cash , 3eptomnber and October ; 50 for November ; 49.1@49Rc for the year ; 50c for May. Oats-Strong and higher and very unset. tied ; 27c for caah27.e ; for September ; 2Ac for October ; 28c for November and tim year ; 3Ic for May. Rye-Higher at fi8c. , E Barley-Quiet and unchanged at flOc. Flax Seed-Quiet and unchatiged 1 29. Timothy -Easier ; prilno , 1 30cIj1 32 ; comnmon t4 : , fair , 125@128. Pork-Irregular and fairly active ; closed higher. 11 15l11 60 for caah ; 11 5O11 55 for Septcmnbor ; 11 02@11 CS for October ; 11 fi8 @ 11 70 for November ; 11 40J11 421 for the year ; 120012 02. for January. Lard-Demand active and Irregular ; cloed higher ; 8 37@8 40 for cash and Septeniher ; 8 40 for Octoher ; 8 20@8 22. for Novoimiher ; 8 108 12 for the year ; 8 22&@j8 2 for Jan Bulk Meats-Steady and firimi ; shoulders m 5 75 ; short ribs , 6 70 ; short clear , 7 00. Butter-Finner at 22@25c ; ( lairy , 15@21c. Eggs-In good domnamid at 17@18c. Whisky-Steady and unchanged. Froights-Corn to Buffalo , 4c. Call I3oard-\Vhoat-lim fair demand but at tower rates ; declined Ac. Corn-Active , firlu and higher ; 515lRc i for October ; 51c for November ammO Mny. Oats-Quiet anl finn ; advanced he. Pork-In fair demand ; declined 2o for Oc. tober ; Sc hIgher for November. Lard -hull and Iower advanced 2c for Oc. , tober ; declined 2c for Invcmnber. OnCaU-Sales regular wheat 150,000bush. clei. Corn , 1 950000 bushels. Oats 65,000 - bushels. Porfc , 6,000 barrels. Lard , 65,600 . tiorces. C &r4C Choose-Market univ choice full cream cheddars , 'J@10c ; clmofco full cream flats , l0@t1c ; fair to good cheddars and flats , 293c ; hard HkiInI4 , hides-Market unchanged ; green salt cured , light , 8c ; green salt damaged , tic ; green salt heavy , Sc ; peon salt calf , 120 ; dry salted , lie ; dry calf , Inc. 'allow-Unciianed ; No. 1 , Tc ; No. 2 , 6c ; I calce , 7c. ? .roLy.uO. S ToLEno , September 10.Wheat - Active and lower No. 2 red winter , cash , i 08. Corn-opened firm and higher , closing cmw icr No. 2 cash , 555Gc. oats-Steady. NEW YoRK. Nmw YoRK , September 10.-Wheat--Low. r ; uugradetl reti , 85c1 20 ; No , 4 red D5c ; No. 3red , I 09@1 10k ; No , 2 rotl , i 15tJ1 1S in elevator , 1 16@l 17 afloat atitl delivered. Corn-Cash , (1o better ; options ojteneml @ 1o higher , nmle.i weaker closing a shade over Iowvet Itulmit ; umigradod , 6l@64c ; No. 2 , 6-Ia in elevator ; t3I65o afloat. Oats-Mixed western , 30@J36c ; white , 35 61j12c. Egge-Demamid fair anti market firmim. Pork-Stronger ; Incas , 12 9013 05. Lard-higher ; Plumb stoamn , 8 77@j8 80. hlutter-IJomand fair mtiitl market firm at. 9j25c. JANSfAS CITY lBOlUC13 , C # . . "t KANSAS Ciry , Sept.emnborlo.-ThelaIlyln. I , ) .hic.tor ruortts : -1 _ . .1VheatLower ; No , 2 rod fall , 88c for Oc. .r f.ober ; 8to ) for November , / % Oorn-Luvor atd394c ) for csht ; 37c bid I for October ; 3Ic bid for November. Oats-Nomnlnal , LIVEIII'oOL J1venmooL , .Septcmnber 10. - Iireaistuffs- $ tetly , Wtie.'st-Winter. 8te 8d ; spring , Se fld@8e lId ; Corn -li 1W , 5 7th. IJALrIsIOImE. lLuTIm4ong , September 10.-Wheat-Wont. . CIII , lower and dull ; No. 2 winter rod , ca.qhs , I 13 asked. C Corn-Western , rminIxed1 ; cash , 2c asked for September , 60e blil. Oats-Firm ; western white , 36@SSc ; mixed , 33aSc. ( ltye-Steady at 87o. Butter-Firmer ; western packed , 8lOc ; creanmery 18@23c. } rgs-i1Igher at 20j2lc. \ hisky-Stoady at 1 181 18k , l'OItlA PI100UCS. PEoftIA , September 10.-Corn-irm snd higher : high mixed , ti0@51c ; No. 2 ittixed , 491'3140c. flo-Firm ; No. 2 , Ni55e , Whisky-i 15. IIILWAUKIIE. Mu.wAuKxx , September I0.-\Vlmemtt- Stronger at 'JTc for cash and September ; tltlc forOctober ; 1 01 for November , Corn-higher ; No. 2 tshlc. Oats-higher ; No , 2 , 27&c. ilyc-Iligher ; No. 2 , i7c. Bmsrloy-Unsottled ; No. 2 , 62c , CINCINNATI , CINCINNATI , Soptemnber I0.-\Vhoat-1"irm ; No. 2 red winter 1 0l 05 for cash. Crn , , - Fl mner ; No , 3 mIxed , 52.c. flat'iStrmtmg at 29I30c , IfycQuItt itt 5"c. l'ork 5te.y at 14,00 , 1artiFirmiter at 8 15. hulk Meat.--11rmcr , \VliIicy-Stoady nut ! unchanged at 1 13. ST. lOUIS. ; r 1.vH Sept-nmnber iO.-'tVhnt-Mn.rket utcttIcil and Ituver ; No. 2 red , I 01@I 02 for cash I 0l1 0l lilt ! for Sopteniber ; 1 oigi 04 for October ; 1 0T1 O , for November , Corn-Market higher and active ; espochihly for October and year ; 479-l7 for cash ; 44@J 44c for September ; 476jlh7.c for October. Oats-Market higher but slow ; 261@27c for cash ; 2Ujlj2tic for September ; 26Aj27 for Ockber , Rye-Slow ; 4Gc. iharley-Qulot ; 605j65c. lhuttcr-ljtmchanged ; ifairy , 12@l7c ; ereomu. cry i720c. 1ggs-Firmer at 1361J14c. Corn Moal-Firmim at 2 15. Whisky 1 14.5KW 5KW ORLaANs. NEw Olt.mANS , September 10.-Corn- Scarce and firln ; mixed itimil white , 60. O.tts-Easier ; 39@40c. Corn Meal-Dull mit 2 3C5J3 .10. l'ork-Quiet ammti firm. Lard-Quiet and steady ; tierce , 8@8 ; keg , 8. Ilmilk Moats-Scarco anti firm , Whisky-Steady and umicimangod. LtVIS S't'OCIC. ChICAGO. CHICAnO , Soptemnber 10.-Time Drovors'Jour. nal reports : hogs-Market brisk mimi fSlOo Imigimer ; packing 4 60 ; packing anti shmipdimg , 5 00@1 S 40 ; i8ht , s 005aj5 60 ; SIdIS , 3 t)05jl 00 ; closed weak. Cattho-Gootl cattle scarce ; demand strong ; exports , C l5@fl 50 ; good to choice . , itipping , 5 40)8 ) 00 ; common to inedjtun , 4 000iJS lIt ) ; C t inferior to fair cows , 2 4oc , . ' 50 ; mnotliumn to I good , 3 604 00 ; stockers , 3 0O@3 75 ; feed. Cr , , 3 90@4 25' range c.tttlo strong ; 398 Wyo. Ining , i,3311 ifs. , 5 65 ; 105 Montana , 1,550 lbs. , 5 10 ; 8th half breeds , i,065 lbs , , 4 35 ; 237 1 Colorado , 1i53 lbs. , 4.20 ; 323 half breeds , I 1,053 Ibs , , 4 00 ; 185 half lreeds , 1,127 lbs. , 4 i7 ; 370 Wyoming , 1,212 lbs. , 4 25 ; 123 Texans , 087 lbs. , 5 2t , ; groan Texans stronger at 3 604 25 ; Americamis , 4 00@5 65 ; half breed , 3 t'0@4 ' 40. ( Slmep-Sbnv and steady ; inferior to fair , : 2 7553 50 ; mediumn to good , 3 75@4 25 ; choice C : to extra , 4 ° @ 4 60 ; Texas , 3 00@4 00 ; lambs , C : 1 256J4 00 Per head. The 1)rovern'JournnllAverjrnolcablo special I says : No particular change in top Amnerican cattle ; 15c estinmted dead weight ; simeej ) , , best quality , 17c. 53 ? . LOUIS LIVIC STOCK. Sr. LOUIS , September 10.-Cattle-Scarce amid strong ; Ito good natives hero ; exports would bring 5 O0aG 25 ; good to choice ship. ping , 5 405 85 ; Texas steers , 3 & 04 20 ; 1mm. 1 diati , 3 5J@4 50. Sheep-Quiet ; common to fair , 2 50@3 25 ; good to choice , 3 50@4 00 ; extra , 4 22. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , September 10.-Thu Indicator reptrts : Cattle-Finn am ! fairly active ; natives , 5 25 @ 5 45 ; common , 2 7@3 00 ; stockers and feeders , 3 503J4 50 ; Texans , 3 l5@3 85. Hogs-Hiherrtuigimmg at 4 805 00 ; bulk of stales at 4 80@4 90. Sheop-Nat1'.es , 3 70. - TItAI"PlO. . 1LOUIt AND ORAlS. CnIcAao , September iO.-llcceipts and ship. meats of flour aitti grain for tim past 24 hours have beomi ws follows : Roceipt. Ship'tn , Flour , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12.000 f Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 139,000 153,000 ° C.rn , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 80,100 1 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 195,000 282,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 73,0X ( ) Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . 30,000 10,000 , RAN'AH CITY , Sontemmiber i0.-llcceipttt and i Ch1iImItemtt of grailt for the past 21 hours have been as follows : - ' Receipts. Shiip'tn. . Vhteat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 23,000 35,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 10,000 NEw Yomuc , September l0.-Roceiittts and mhipinentsof flour amid grain for the 1)t 2 I hours mare been on follows : t flocoipts Simjt't.s , Wheat , bmisholis. . . . . . . . . . 469,000 58,000 II Crn , bmmshiels. . . . . . . . . . . . 406,500 .18,000 lat.q , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 218,000 31,000 LIVS STOCK. CHICAGO , Septohilbur 10.-Iiocoipb , and ship. flCIIts of live stock for thio 1ast 21 hours have Joel ) 103 follows : j Receipts. Ship'ts. I Flogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 3,200 ( Jattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 5,500 , sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 600 Sr. LOUISSetteinber 10.-Itecoipts anti shmij , . 1 UCIILH of live stOck for the past 24 bourn have \ 3com ) on fOiloWfH Receipts. ShIp'ts. 9 Jattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 100 800 Ii 3hecp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900 300 ICANHAS CITY , Saittemober 10.-Receipts and hip&nomits of live stock for the vast 24 hours ave been on follows ; ReceIpts. Shilp't.s , Jattlo , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . . Flogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 . . . . heep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ( I MISOE41JANjOUH , IJICITISII ORAlS TICAIS. Lonos , SOptCIfllCr 10.--Tlzo Mark Lana 1 FXpross , in Its revIew 01 th Jiritlehi grain ratIo the past week , says tlmo harvest pro. b fressod slowly. Trade mu foreign wheat off. itands slow , though there is no uuotable do. I dimte itt Prices. liariqy , maize and linseed are heapor , Cargoes oil coast neglected , imino I mrrmval , twu sales. twelve withdrawn , eight , remain 011 silo. : Salon of Emmglinh wheat thin , ast week 51,188 qllartorms at 41s 8d against 12,213 qIlartens at 45s lId tIme eorre.spomnillmg voek last year. i - - Ii OMAII4t MARKETS. VImo1esalo 1'rIces trmei : om 'J'iIE OIIAIfA 11513 , , lomm'I3my ' lvuImIhmz , September 10. f hm5S'ISW op 'rils wim'i , The following irfces are charged retailers Jy joimbcrn , wholetsalers timid eOhIIIniMSitIl mimer. thants , with the tCXCChitIOn grain , which Is t jimOtod at tlo prices furnished by the elevators smmtl otimer meal bmiyern : GrIsIIl. : WIJIAT-Caash No. 2 , 77c ; No. 3 , ( Ne ; me. Oct01l2c. . IIAICLSYCash No. 2 , 15(3 ; No. 3 , 42e. JIYE-CaC4lI , 4lc. COICN-MiieI , ale. OATS-25o. LfvoSIotk , FAT STICSIC-hllgher mmt 3 50@ I 00 , si I'AT Ccyom-2 7'l3 ( 15. i h1OG5-I25(450. ShII'ICP-l"jflfl at 2 7rj3 15. CC Otr.VeS-I'airqmtahity.I & 0500'good ; butchs rs' stock , U 00. a : Cured Meats. 11AM s-14@I4c. IIACON-UImclumngesl itt 12@13c. SIIOULIP.lti5-Duhl at $ c8o inir.n hiErs-Ir'c. IiAftI-At D10C in tlerces. TAtm.oy-Fjrmn at66o in barrels. Poultry , FJslm atmil Omuno , SCICING CIIICKV.NS - SInahi , 1ImchanFed , 1 2552 00 ; hugo , quiet at 3 00 ; old , m 25 : Pralrme chickens , 203 Ooper dot. \'IIITE } 'isit-i.Jnclmanged , 9lOc. ; pike and lake trout the SIIIIIO. General l'rtntiteo. lnoms-lSc , 1urrv.me-Conunon ; to oth , 7@ilOc ; choice dairy , i5@l7l sweet , high colored grass , l2 ® 13c ; cooking , Se' . l'oTAromos-Now tpmiet anti market well smip. plied at 30Q.I0o I'er ONloNs-25'501 Pr btm. NKw CAhmImAnmc-70@S5o lser tiozen. hlosEr-Cailforlmia , Iii comb , per pounmi , 20 @ 2hc ; straitmed , i0l2c , ( JIitis-Act-o ( , Vs o quote D@ltc , TOMATOE.'I-hIolmtO growhi , ( ) OC1 00 Imer imsim , GVCCII Prim Its , ltoNs-Quiet at 6 00@7 50 per box. I'KACIIIs-Nativc.s : I t)0 ) ( jl 25 l'cr basket ; California at 2 25@2 50. CAI.i 5t)5 ) PLUMm-h1 goexi demand ; 2 25'J2 ( Ml Ier box. ILtN.N.S-Unc1mammgciI ; Ior Imunch , 2 00@ 4 00. Ai'rI.Kis-3 0051I3 50 Iter 1,1,1 , , , C.tiiommi. 1ltimit.ii l'tim-Imm ixh the. mimnnl at SI 0@ I 50 , er itox. California ltmelmes iluerre , Clargenmi , etc. i'oan ' , per box , 3 (0@8 ( 50. CAI.lIoImIA GIIAI'KS-2 0052 50 caao. . Flour anti IlIlIstiWs , , \\INTIII W'IlE.tT-1icst. quality , patomit , at 3 2iSj3 t ; . SECONI ) Qmiliv-2 : t)0fig3 ) 25. SlIilN(1VhIFArhIost ( quality , patent , at 8 t9@3 05. SEI'Nl ) Qu.tmrv-2 50S3 25. lIlIANSSc ier CV.t. CiIom'i'mn FIFII'r 'JO lbs SSc , ( 'OlIN 5lpi.-I O0ai 10 cwt , ScuElNINc-fl0@TOc : pee' cwt. GrocerM lust. Ctss i Goon's-4)ynters ) ( Staittlard ) , ior case , 3 7(1(33 ( ( lIt ) ; str.twherries , 2 lii , Itor enact , 2 10 ; rasiileriie.s , 2 lii , , et CnaO , 8 50 ; Bartlett ear:4 , fIcI C.LSO , 2 40 ; wlurtlcberrletm , , ier case , 2 75 ; t'g lhllOls , 2 lii , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 II I , ei c.ese , 2 90 ; ( IC ) ehmtieo , , 3 II , , er case , 4 50 ; isi i ) mtqIes , , 2 Il , , per case , 1 00@ 5 75 ; to.tchcs , 2 II , , tet. cIso : , 8 (1(1 ( ; ( IC ) 3 ll , l'er ' case , 4 00h ( .1 50 ; tlt , ( pie ) , 8 II' ' , Pr Case , 2 00 ; do p1 em , I' , 11 , , or , loett , 2 80. I h I u i. I .tthiiaita lirmimmu to choice , Tc ; fair Iic ; l'AtIiot , F1. ii No. I mmackerel , , led f irla. , , 7 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , I ( K ) ; fiutilly imackorel , imztlf bris. , S 25 ; fmunily iminekerel , kits. 85c ; No. 1 white fish , hell lrls. , , 7 00 ; ? ti' . I kits 1 05. S V ICU Staimdartl Commi. , SSc , lnls ; , tetmdmrd : in , .I gIIhlotm kegs 1 S'i ; Stumtlanl sit , , 4 gallon keg4. I 00. OI.t - I n lb palters , 8 30 I'er ' case ; keg C NEsv 1' ICI LI3 -\t cdi mmmii , i it 1arrc-ln , 0 00 ; tIn hal I l.rrel'C , 3 50 ; nmaial I , i mm larrtmln , , 7 ( JO ; tlt Ii hiiIf : han-em , l 00 ; glteikitis itt barrels , S ( JO ; lo ill half b.errela , 4 50. 'J'EACI---t blllflovuier , gel , , 45@SSc ; chmuico CO iT5c ; good lmnperi.iI. .I0@ Ile ; vlttieo , , tiijGSv ( ) ( ; 'oullg I I 3 s(1ll , gooti , 8flS0e ; chmoico , i5c(1 ( 00 ; .1 : s , .Ilm , natural loaf , 85c ; .1 ap.tlm , hmoice , tiO@TSc ; ( ) oluitg , gooI , 35@ IOc ; On tlig , imoice , 40@SSc ; Souchioug , good , 35@-tOc ; hoieo , 35aj'Ii5c. ltoi'-Siaal , inch and larger , 10c , IIIt.b , L1c ' inch , 11c. V's'oOIRNCVAICE-Two ' hoop pails , I 75 ; - lmroo hoop maiIs 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pi , ) leer wn.shtoartls , 1 85 ; loublo Crowit 2 00 ; VoIlbuckeets , 3 50. LEAI-Bttr , 1 65. SOAPS-Kirk's Stsvon Imperial , 8 411 ; Kirk's atinet , 3 00 ; Kirk's staimlarcl , , 3 75 ; Iirk'a vhiito Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ; Cirk's l'rairio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 41k ; Kirk's fllLIIOhItI , doz. 1 orAsiI-Fennsylvania CAllS , 4 case , In case , I 35 ; Babbitts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor mU , 2 doz. iii case , 1 50. PEANUTS-Itoasted , choice , red Tennessee , L2c ib ; fincy white , 12eper1braw-wiilto ; Virginia , raw , lie ; roasted , i3c CANnLES-Boxes , 40 lbs , iOn , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; exes 40 lbe , lii oz. , 65 , i5c ! , MATCIIES-l'er caddie , 62c ; round , canoe , ; 10 ; square cases , 3 40. CoFEas-Ortiinary grades , 3tic ; fair lO ® 0c ; good 10@iic ; lrimlIe , 12i2c cholco 3@13c ; ! ancy green and yellow , 14cii5c ; oid overnmnent Java , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted , .4c ; Arbucklo's roasted , ific ; McLaughlin's ] x.xx roasted , iSo ; imItation Java , 1f3 ® 8Jc.VINEUAnNow VINEUAn-Now York apple ilk ; 01mb ap tie , 13c. SALT-D ray loath , , per l.bl , 11 ; Ashton , in Z aches , 3 so ; bbls dairy GO , 5 , 3 30. SUUAIUS-PoWdorod , ilIAc ; cut loaf , iOAc ; ranulated , 9c ; confectioners' A , tic ; Stamml. , rd extra C , 8c ; eatra C , 8.jc ; medium Ol ow , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c. SrAncn-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Corn itarht , tic ; Excelsior Gloss , 7Ac ; Corn , 8c , Sm'Icios-Pepper , 17c ; allspice , iSv ; cloves sa. cassin , lbc. CilErsa-Full creamn , lb. LYK-Amnericaim 3 Io ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Veatorn , 2 75 ; trtlt Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye 65 ; Joweil lye , 2 75. Iry Goods , ] hmtow Corross-Atlamitmc A , 8c ; ApIo , g oIl 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; hImmt , , FF' 8c , I iuckoyo Lie , 4.4 , iv : C.tlnt \ ' , 7.Jc ; Cimitte. q amigo A 04c Gre.t l'zthls F 8c ; lIcmnlmr , , , tic ; hiiestt'idtfm , , Sc ; hioiitn ; I ioal , i % , Sc ; Indiati ttiulard : A Sc ; italian Orchard , d. w. , t'c ! ; L $ IWIoflco Il4 , 6'c ' ; Mystic Iliver , The ; l'oquot S , 8e ; Utica 0 , 5cVachusett ; Til , 7c ; tb h t. , 8c ii , ) E 48 , I2c. FINS IiImowN Corz-ons-Allanlale , 4.4 7c , flhigatur 8.-I , 3c : Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; AtfaIltic I4 , ( ic ; li.ulger itatu X 4.-I , ( c ; Jbeiiimlimgtomt I ) 4. ( , Ole ; Buckeye S1.1 , SAc ; Inihian Orcham-ti t' 9.8 , 8.c ; Iciuiia (1 : io , 8c ; Lehigh E .1. I , P e ; I'uIlhIeI'ell N so , 7c ; do (1 32 , 74c ; sit , It 0 , 7.c ; tin i ; 89 , 8c ; l'ocasset 0 4.4 , 7 c ; VltlllsUttL ; 4.-I , 13c. - IJLEACIIEI ) Coiiossm-Aimtlroscoggin Ii 4.-I , c ; l0ackstmmao , Ait. inmiwrial 8c ; do tin half leached ' 1.-I , tIc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8'c ; Fitlelity 4.4 , c ; Frtiit. of time Loumrm , Ujc ; do cambric 4-1 , 2.f : tic , Vttter Twist , l0c ; Gmoat Falls Q , lIe : imiliati hleol shrunk 4.4 , i2c ; Loiisdalo , iOc cnhl1)liC ! 37 , l9c ; Now York Slills , i2c ; 'e,1iut , A , hOc ; I'epperul , N U 'l'wIIIm , 12c ; 'lcahlmmtas ) , 1.4 , 9c ; l'oca.snet 5-4 , 8 ; Utica , he ; Wamimsutta 0 X X , 12c. iet KS ( Colored-Alhaiiy ) B brown , 8c ; do , , .Irth , I Ic ; tlts XX stripes amid lilaltis , 12 i.2c ; ( ) xxx brown anti drab , stripes and Imlalds , 2 l.2c ; Arhilmgtcnm fancy , ilk ; lirmittawick i-lwlm , 8 l.2c ; ( Jimariot fancy , 12 i.2c ; do ox. ro imo.svy , 20c ; l'Csll I liver brtwn , extra himavy , 1 l.2c ; I inliamia A brnwzm , 18c ; Neponnet A 111511 , ISe , Tmciisus-Amnoskoag AC A32 , 19c ; do XX lie , 32 , 18 1.2c ; Ariimwntsia , , .1 1.20 ; ( iaro. twit 1111 , 15 1.20 ; Comiestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ; luitilltim 0 , 1 1 1.2c ; Lowistomt A 30 , lr ; Ithiri elmlci .1.4 20c . , . , ; Oiat.ga , siiier extra 4.-I , 28c ; & ' 0.41 I fUror :12 : , is I'Ic I ; I'imtiiaimi XX blue U LIjjn ) , 12c Shmotucket 5 , 10 1.2c ; do 135 , 12c ; ( eimztaim's 1)1110 29 , lIe. 1)xiit-s : - AIllthCkO.Ig. blue nitil browsiIC1.2c ; itili 'ver I ) I ) Id no , I S I .2c ; A ri I ugt.ou N hI on tatefi , 18 I.2c ; ( jisiictmrtl ( MO ) , Iuhiie amid 5 I IWO , I 2 1 .2e ; do i4t A , II , ) sin , I 3 1 .2 ; thu N t. s i l , sb , II I I .2c ; I I nyimmakur's lilito amid ( ; ros'h , ft I .2e ; Slystle fUror 1)1) , itrijo , , 10 I.2c ; 'e.cm-f I 1 or , hi III ansI Irowii , lOc ; Umicatsvilhu , I I lime mtimil lsrtswil. II l-c. M Cd 'I It IIIiS I lam-narl , , SLc ; 1tIlyxt.oimo , lining , I imicli , Iouiblo face , 8'c ' ; Ianior A glazed , 5 ! .i ; ( I I ztiihatt.ui , glovim Ii ititIm , tic ; Nowisni-t iltu , 5v ; , sglzecl , 55c ; i'iutjt tlm , , Sc ; I ackwsssi kiti tush , lc ; , Coitss.r .J EASsi-i Illiry , Antlroscsgglis at atteeti , 8'c ; Clareitim , , Ole ; Coiiesbtggn sat. Cl cells , 7c ; Ilalloweli , Sc ; Jiohiati Orcitaril , 7c ; " arrisisett , , imtijirovetl , 8 ( ; l'eltlsirihl sat. (1 ( ccli , ( ) , c ; lbck1srt , Ce. C I I 'it I NI I - 4 I leiis , t ; ' : ; A inortenlm , (110 ( ; A rnItl , c ; hlorwick , I'c ; ( Jslies , , , t ; Coiiostciga , f1c ; e ) amtkirk , e ; I ) it noel I , (9:7c ( ; Ehi , VHtollo 7c ; tI Iimieester , , 0t' ; I I : tralmimly , , 5c ; IclmIc1e.3rIsgker , \Ierriuiiao ; I ) , ic ; Sly.4tiu , Sic ; Sprtegimos , C ; Suiitlibrii1n , 6c ; sit , ( ilmcghiamns , Tc ; ! slari. I orl , , Si'c ; Oriental , fi1c , v.1 ( iIschhIAIlss-Ahllsl4eeag ftc ; Argyle , l0.c ; at ' tIamiUc , Sc ; CllllberlautI , 71c ; IhighianI , , 7e ; " elliIWllrth , iJr ; l'huukitt , tLc ; Sussex , 8c. I ConoNAnr.s-ibluorvlIIo , l3e ; Agate , 20c ; . itserIcan , lie ; Artfslan , 20c ; Cairo I ) ammil ' 1' , 3c ; Clam-bin I ) and 'F , 17c ; Pecan Cs , . pj lrlJses I ) anil ' .1' , 16c Keystone , 13o ; Nan C lcket , 1(1e ( Ntmnpareif , ice ; Ocean 1) and T , 0 Ie ; itoyaf , 10c ; Sussex , 12c ; 'I'Ioga , Vachmu. itt shirtlig , citecks , 12&c ; ( It ) Nankin 12cs mork , plaimm Nankin , 1'4o ; do chocks , stripes ' immi fancy , i2c ; do 8 or , 20c , TRUE Temperance Is not signing a pledge ortakingasolernn oath that cannot be kt.'pt , because of the flOn.rCflloVaI ofthe cause -liquor. Thcwayto make a flIfl temperate is to kill the dcsire fortilose dreadful artificial stimulants that carry - ry so fllafl ) ' bright intellects to lrciIlattlIc graves , and desolation , strife and tii- happiness into SO Illally fiitiiilies. Itisafact I BRows's IRON 1hITTEIS , a true iion.alcohiol. Ic tonic , fl1atlC in Baltinmore , IId.by the Brown Cimenucal Company , vto are old drug. gists and in cvcry lmauicu far reliable , 'iII , by remor. ing the craving appetite of . the tirunkaril , and by curing the imcrousncss , veakncss , and general ill health result. ing from intcmmiperancc , do more to prOtitOte temupcra'ce , in the strictest sense titan any other means now known , It s a vell atltllcflticated fact that fl1aII lflCdkiflcs , especially' hitters , ' arc notil- lig butcheap vliiskey vilely concocted for tlSC Ill local ( )1)tiOll CotilitrieS. Such k tiot tile C8SC 'itli BROV'N'S 1 RON I3rrl'EIIS. It is a flIedi- clue , a Ct1FC for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive or- galls of the body , produc. itlg good , rich blood , health nnd strength. Try one bot- tie. Price $ i.oo , JOHN CIJACOBS. Formerly Utah & Jacobs UNDERTAKER. ! ANHOOD RESTORED. Avlctlm ofearlImprndence causlugnertosadebjl. 7 , premature decay etc. , b&vhng tried In , aIn eve flown remt'd his. dlsoo.retl a simple mesas of set LitS , WhIleS So will send 1-'REH to his 1.1 tow..uffersts. Addrci , .1. IL IU1VES. 43 CSMSam It. . New York. DR , FELIX LE BRYN'S G PI1JWENTIVE AND GUIlE. 'OR EITHER SEX. ThIs remedy beftig Injected directly to the scat of he dIeasu , requires no change of dIet or nauseous , mercurial or poinNllous InotlIclijes to ho takeli Intern. fly. When ised.a a provcntlye by either sex , K Is 0)01b10 to contract any private dmsoaso ; but In the i ass sf those slrencly unfortulatelyat13lctolwo , goaT. ntco three boxes to cure , or we ulil refund the nImoy. I'rlco by mall , POK paid , $2 pqr box , ot hree buzo. for $3. WIIITrEN aVAflAN'rEl8 isuod by all suthorized ageat. . Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co 90IA i'ROPRIETOIl , ° . C. V. Ooodman , Druggist , Solo Aetit , for Omahti , rob m&owly Health is Wealth Or. K. U. % Vont's Nerve aitd Uralit 1'rvmttltoltL , usranteed sjocitIo for hysteria , 1.flrzinessConvu ons , FIts , Nervous Neuralgia , lIealv.che , Nertoc roetrattoit cat't'cI lix tIe , inc of alcohol ' , r tttbacet h'akefulnesn Mental lie .ressjon , HcfteiIng , , ? t ) rain , resulting imi Ii4anty ( and Icatltitg to niIser ecay anti death , I'roiuaturc ( lid Age , llarrunmmeiv. o8s of itoser itt cffhcr ccx , involuntary 1owe Iermv.torrh ( eaneud by over exertIons if rain , .clf.mhune or ovor.IlIIlmiemlco. Eacil sIn. cue inonth'is treetttiejit. $1.00 a box , , r oxen for $3.00. Sent by lacil PrePafti on roeclit rice wi ; OUAICANTEE SIX BOXES o cites Icily COCO. With cad , artier rcccfvod by U , r.Ix boxes accomopanioti situ t3.OO. tewlIlentt Cit. 1 urchaaer ctmr wrlttoii guarantee to refimnil tbolnono I the treatment does not slYt-et a euro. OtmarAntev , noo't olily hit' , ( J. F. 000IfiIAN , n&i , wi _ _ lh-w tnt Omaha Neb csteiii Coioice-Iorks1 IIION ANt ) SLATE ItlOFINU , I SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. . . ' Otnv.hm , Nob. RANUFAtTTUItEIt OF Ikivanizoc Iron Cdrnices g1)ormner ) % Ymnonwc. , Finni. TIn , loin v.ntl Slat. onflrig HIerbtt' . itatcnt ietafiic Skylight , l'atel , lJustol Itstcltut liar and hiracket flhelvimig , I ma so general agemit for the abou line of good. . fm ; vflCIllg , tJre.tliigs Iiafu4raden , Veranda. , Iromi limni stooge , WfntIw iUml. ( , Cellar OusmlIa : . , lie gmnerm rent t.j' Peemson Sc 11111 ; , atent Inside 1tIImd. rho TiRh1)GE IUJILDERS. Notice i livmschiy give , , that the Ihiarl of Coimmtty iiitmlseInern , of ( isiuCoimicty NaIrtsalca si I receive rtipoale , with lists v.isiI ' &tfoitii , br the trio. oIl Of v. lrIiige 0C004 thu lOg III cm , ( tf u on section , towi 4 H rth , ratigu b icear the ColilwuII ills. 'ilin luridgo IlleoliClet lit two nans of oo , , litmiudreil tb ) S.d t'tcIi , if WI Ill IrSo , r CtltIllCatlOtl. ) , , w IHi ailwayof sIxteen ( Iii ) feet , amid to rest. u4'ii a slit , . rimcturu of thIrty three (3-i ( ) ( Jak PIleS , ICCICtI amid IOrIimIIIy iwaohitJI , I'lltis I 0 io at leant slatorli ( III ) Itiches iii 'Ilmitictem liuti atid tIcImI-(3) ( ) ) feet In length to be firmly drIs. I antI I fiorouglcly bolted aitil Ira. of aitd taj ; of Itfitliiaberot , ICC4 tlt1tim tatI.e(12)Iiichc. ( ) by twIvo 2) ) IncIte , . Ifs ) two aiioaelie , omiecif forty (40) ( ) feet and one r htmlldrwl ajid Iseitt'.tlsu (123) ( ) feet , All mnatcrIsI t4i Ito tStlIjCCt t the InsectIni of tltu I uIity oniimilsslotere , ( or thOm accelteilcu or moire. I ( ill , 'the lirItIg sial aItlImoaCilCI. IllS ) ' IC let together II , jeirstely. I Ito smtcehIt9 , 1111111Cr or blilileme wIll hiu reuuIruI ' 5IiO boicil (0 tIc county sItu at least two gonl ctl sultIcIeit .Ilrvt Ion , Iii a SUIrI eqtal ti eloulile , I Ice noililt of thu eiitlrac.t , , to be aItrocd IIy the ) lii. Isslomiere , taliilltlomiwl ) for ftc faithful ICrfrlasiicu the eCotract. " 'lily eolitimllsionem , reserve tIi rIght to reject any I all lIIdC. All I'rl'Ini.als mutt be , calel arid endomeod "lIrlilgo roj'on&ls' and addressed to the Board of County C ) ItciIilndlotcer , of ( Jagucounty. Beatrice , Hehraaka , I Of before noon of October 10 , 1553 , at which tilitu I itt place all prnoetl ( s ill be OIW.iCCil , fly order of tIle Cuuuty CumIimnIvdolers this 213th 'V tf AUgUSt , 1b83. PhILL.J A.J , 115'fIlOhJD , oeI'L4.l1.182 touaty CIrk THE NECESSITY - FOI THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lii. long been .ctnosledgetl and more so st ( hI. day than mnyothr. The cant flelil of medical pelene' , Is ever Ilicrt'malng , and Its numerous btmnhe-s mrs lrought neater and nearer to l'.vfectIon , and no one man CMI any longer grasp thnm all Itches the ncees.ity tot dIIlIng the fiber , Amid It Is true beyond all doubt that dtseaa , affectIng the gee Ito.uiInm , organs nre"l spreIal study more than any' . thing else , If se soulI utick'rstand intl know iio3x to tint them j.ropetly. 1)11. II , YAUNEI1 Is fully aware that there are niammv rhaIcIans , mitil sonic , , n.lhlo ICOPIe , huscIII conleinn him for mIlkIng this vls.s of ilIicss. a cIalty , but hot.i hmIIt3 tti lcnnw that iclth most tIer. 511115 Of retlnenient mnl IntetlIgnce a mire enltghien. etl VIew In ( stan of the sithjevt , anti thit the l'h3mk Ian who ds te , hlmnavlf to relIoIng the anticted mail sat lug thimi from Horse than death , I , no less a Phi lanthmohilet anti benefactor to his rare than the seme. geon or l'hl'slcIan hio by clone apulleatlori exc'el * In aii tIther brv.nch of his lIrofeseloll. And fortimnatel , for htmlmtv.ilty , the slay iii clawnilig shen the false temthrct1lm' that ronitciuiiei the tictlms of folly or erliite , likethe lepers lIIdcF , the Jeat Isi , ' , to dIe UltctrtI forliv. Iswlawav , A Few Reasons Why you should try the celebrated Br , It. Wagucr' iiivthods of cure : 1. ' 1)r. II.'ngtier Is a liatitral ibysIdim. ' 0 , S. t'owl.imn , . 'lhi,3 , flrt'atet t.hliig I'htteitoIogIt. 2. " 1 civ ran cet'l ou as a doctor , " ICs , J , Sniss , . 'hlte Vs'orItl' , Orcatet I'Iii , Itigioitlst. , , : m , " on are WiIiIlmtftIll3 IrIifleICtthluur ! kIloul tlge of tlIt'avo amid iiietlIcIiei. " Ba. .1. MATiiiws. ; 4. "The nfflIctl flmiil meatlv relIef fit , our lire's. lItco. , " Ils. .1 , Snuss. 1' . "Ir. II , Vagner Is a regular graibtate from lk'llcvuo fIoiItal , New York cIty ; 1mw lail very e. teiieI U hio1Ital I'rctIce , mntl Is thoroughly l'osietI on all branelimi. of IiI bvloi vu scIence' , I'ce'tatly on chouIo OI'icases. " tIns. Iirowmm.t. Ewixti. 6. "Dr. II. 'iS'agncr ha , Inimtiotallzvt IIIlnclf by lil s ontlerful IliliCOl Cr3' of jiet-Ifln remnt'lIes for 1'ri' % nte iuil , 'etmaI tlInM.n."VIrgIItft , City Chronicle. 7. ' ' 'llomamil. of list v.ItIi ) tiock to see hlin-San l-'rTulmi.to CIn-tokle , S. 'lIie locttir'i ) , long Ci.liClItilC'ti 05 a , lmonll retiikr him ' . cry sicvvsnful.-ltoeky loun. talll New , . Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one ( lute a tllseussiomi of tlto secret tee ii as en tlrely n oIki by tIt iroftsiiili anti lntttlctl IC ork. tif hilt a few . % ears v.gt ) s oulil barth v nieiitloii It. I'o.tl ) ' the 1)1) ) sicIami 4 of it , lltTcrent ipliiliii ; ho I its-are tltret Ii. I. Iik , Iut-.lIatgrctiatilo thomgh it iisay lie-to hv.litilo I hI iiiattur u Itittait gui , tin aiiI s1eak llaIitlS' about it ; aiil IntellIgent Inretite mid guartiisili , iIi thank Idtn for iioiiig si. ' 1lie rtsuhtn attellillig tlil , IcstrtI'tIitl rIce , e're for. llit'rl ) ' IiI , iiittlcritioI , or 11,11. IrolerlY eutitnateil : 110 iiilptrtalce , It'Iitg attarlieti to a suliject u tileli Iiy Itn liaturo , lte hot. In' . Ito ito Iii vi Igatitit ; , It non nillhigiy i3lilIre't 'the habIt In gciernlly t'tint racial lii' t ho oung ii title atteitillng shI.Il ; ililer ) through their lixalItlIle' , ntay ho rt'piiii,4hlu for It , or I llty , : Li sc"iumime-tt through aceiicuii. 'I tie e'tt'lteitent . .nee cx. I'emlvne'eti , the 11mm-tIre % i Ill IC rc1itatt-tt nrithti mitl again , until at. hat thin tialilt itctiiiv' , , . tlmiil uiit t out. IIcte13' Lllt.t % Us the Id liii .Me lital niiil , ier , iums at. tlIctin are tIiiiI1ii3' ( liii trillisrY i e'itiit 4 III , elf.nhiue. AtfltIlg the InJurioi. ITe'titn iuuay lie nuetitlnuiel lcI. tule , dt'joetIn or Imran IiIIItv .if temutr ( niI general ileblllty. The hnv seehi. , e-ltSiIII , anil rarely jiiimt , Iii the shorts of h1. 'iiiii aliiiiitn. I f lie litu v. u otmiig 111011 ftc u ill tie little fotuil iii c'tilnusiiy 0 liii t tie ut Iter lie , . nitit ii trtitmhilt't n liii etcclIiig niil 01111113 lug basltftthiit.ss lii I ticir lii Cleitte. h.nst-Ii ItliC drt'aiiiii , vinlsnlinn cliii ert,5tloiin on the face , etc. , ccc also i'rommItielt 5) tllIitiimili. If thic tractiLo is ' . IdeaLly Iierstte'L In , lucre , erious tIaturbaticen take Ilace. ( treat. talliltatli , , , of Chic heart , or CIIht'Itie con t tilalonti , arc caICtielletud , alit the , , ulTerer lila ) ' fitli fitCh a c.IIIII1CCO ) state ofidlocy be. fore , ttliahiy , death rellci c. hilti , . 'cc all thione eligngei Ill thin daigtriii. , hirsetlee , I woull soy , ttrst. of oil , stuj , it at , llt-e ; iiido et cry fitiiisltiltt tiT'rt teu .ln so ; but if on ( all , If otir lieru otmn H'stcilt Is already ttii , much , hiatterel , 01111 colisti. jucutly , your uulhi.ItIuer hirokell , tutu semite Icrvo , Itilile to alit ' vtti Iii oiir ehlort. liar lug froth ytiursell froiti thu hia'hlt , I ii i > , iliI further ciuue.-l on to gu through a regular cimrsu uI trc-tittncnt , for It ii a great itiictako to niit'i lose Clout all ) ' tInu tea ) ' , fur , uiIne I lieu , lie It cu cry ii , ) little gli U Iiiiro lf u ' to tlil ( osculatIng hut claitgerotin excltenittt wl0iou nutTerilig frolil itn UI II COlitICitmCtILCn at 501110 future tinio. 'I'Iiu iiuiimlcr of ouilg etcH ho are Illealaclitteil to hill the .Iuhic. LumIjOlltCI.t by uu ullock I , alarmingly large , and In imiost iii etielt canes thu imlifOrtUltatti cotitlitlou , If thihiign Call tic traced ttm tlio htnLic tif , clf.tdiue , % % hIIcfl hail lcen batidilietl years ago. Intlecil , a few lImItithtC I1lCtICe if this habit In suthiriclit to Induce slorlitatorrliioo In later ycarnand I htau tnauy tf such case. under treat. iieitI , at the lrcent do ) ' . Young Mez Whit , may ICC sumfTcrlllg fr.in tln cfTect. of youthful Inlhlci ir Iliuliqeret bits x III do u-cIl Ct ) 0 % oIl tIlelilselt us LI ! tll. , the greatest hoti , ci yr lalil at. thu &Itar of suf roilig litunanlty. tilt. W'AiiHr.It usIll gilaroittuc to forrn c-It OOforc'ury cancel , .ciitIial ; u.cakitwnor jirlsate hiL'OSO of any kittil oral character hiIchi lie tinder. Lakes toaidtalhntocuru. - iir : Middle AgedMen. There arc filiaily at the ago of 130 to Oralto ) are Irinmilut u Ithi tot ) ( lelIllelli. U , tCtmItIitliII : ( if ( Ito blad. kr , ifteil aC'AlliIittilCil ) hy a il IgIit sitiottllig tir burn. ilK seiiiatloi , , aiii a ti cakeliltig of the , 'ytenI Ill S u-oilier tttu latlelit t4lil4It It'CCCUII C fur. ( lit cTalliIn. hg t lie iirliiary , Iu1sIt a rii5i' eilIiiiciit % vlll ifteii lie liummil , iiiiii Miliiei lutes , .iiiiIl i artIics of iillu 111(11 V. III 1iher , em the i , iliir tsiII ho ut ttiliu nillklshi hue , agalti IiuiigItg : Cii a dark aiiI CIIrIIIII OllCOCOIICU. 'Thierii are Illally Ilielly lileli % i lii , ill , . flf thin , IlhlIcuIty , Igntirant of I lie cxii o , 0 IllitI II t tie ct'iiil , stagu 1,1 , elnliial.n eak. loin. ICr , V. n III gularalitcu xc perfect ctmro Iii alt canes intl a healthy nistoratlzi of thu genltu.urlnary ( Cr. ah's. ' C.iibiIItatIouI , free. 'Ihorough eCallilliotiorl aiiil ad ilco , 3. A II CiItllIlillIlCAt Inns iihtnlli lie aIIlrenMcil , 1)r. hlemiry I leery SYagner , I' . C S. tUISO , I ) cn t or , Colorado 'Iltu 'oiltlg Nail's loeket. Collil ahiloll , by hr. II Wagner , Is wirtl , Its n eight In gold Li , yoitiig 111011 , L'rko , l,2t. Sent. hi ) ' ittaIl to aiiy addmvsc. Let 'your Light Shine. lr. Vflgllet thu cehibratcil , iiocIalInt of 1)emmer iili , . , 8d3 I.v.rnler ( street , hCIIUICs III letdlig thiuworlJ < plow s hat lie cotil , Iu , amct In iltillig for thui.-uid , tif Iiln fdlia 111011 , 1 lln truatillelit fur lint lilarillooll Ii , .iIru to v , Iii 111111 a Clonic IliaC I itinterily n-Ill tlns. 'rcmi Iioiiiiaiiil teNtlullili IOn front all over tile UnIted State. mitt thiocu ho lion curul , In jiruif liticItli C that , lie tlie , Mile thai worst cisc , of thce , hIneanu. 'rho alIhIcteI rOut chronic 0110 susual dlnoanes Of over ) ' kInd n Ill ittiil hihiii theIr bent fmlinitl. hicail liii ztil ertisenloOt Ill tll our cIty loller. , arid OIl tutu for udilco , as we lIiiW UU wIll ctimmoborv.ti , us In sayIng ho In the auf crum'i. true frlcmld.-Itocky Iiouiiralu New.1 Relief to the Afflicted. III meiticinun , an In science , the specialIsts are the -turn who always ( olflCS to tIlt ) front imt1 aceInhll.hI rcat results. ' 1'hit remark Is especIally applIcable to u ICr. II , Va"ner , of tItle city , lie stands at time toj ) f hils1rofmsiruii , auil this curun lie lerfomlus for the LItifOfCllliLtO would seelli wuudurui If not lirolerl ) ' vIewed In thiollIttuf sclUlitlhlO ooiillrenisiitn. lIe I. ntIirsud , by the 1004 elnItiCIlt of tile medIcal faculty , hlln ittles at 3G l.v.rorimlr street , where lie will speedI. ily iit1eta cure for this suffer-big cit eIther sex , no Inat. Icr how contpltcated theIr oomtmliiallut-1oumeroys Lcmnoerat. . Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure , I'crnon , at a tlIteiicu who wish , to lie tmct.il by Ir Wagner CieeJ miot feel baekwarll biatmne of IllablIlt ) i , SInK hilom , if tIny III smite to tue doctor lie wIll lelIll II lId of i1Uentlolis which cialjles 111111 to seicil IIIUIIICIICVS , oiun.uI : v.iiit mdskt , to thiou.anihs ho lois lever MtOi. 110 tIM 1v.tlmtt lii eery CIty , town and itatlOll In ( ioloraili , as sell as alltiser thIti ( Itilteol teU's. $ tu bin adirtoS In illS ails crtisullieiItDcli ow 'Irihiumlo. Shall We Reform ? Hl1Ill0 mCmlWdli $ for all disease's Is tice theory IIrCtI ( u at IresemIt of otltteatuil amitl umlerlerice Ihi'k'lans , auth In all large ootliIiiulICItltii they fia mdc specIaltIes , to cot ml Ill whilehi they direct tutu ittilles and IractIiu , hr. Wagner Id 0 stiisssful II. IilsteatIii of tlil Ilioilrgm school of sieclltle. and hIs ) iiIiriiixiICtitCd miiecoiis In thu treatllwmct. of Ilnasa. Is iii , WOlCtIrfUl as It is liotterluig , t rot. J , ililiulin. 'lhuiso l'crnoils who licuill llitiIlIVai relief for tlio 111051 lelltuoto of tIL.o.oie n Iii thud an 0000lllpIl.hitsI alit eUa ussful lIiii.IcJ.ul Pu thu lermimi of ir , % Vogitcr , No. 133 I.ariinmr street , ' .4 liii Is hIghly rucollinanhled hiythic noihlcal Imotenluli at homiiu Iluil v.lioisrd.-IiilIieroy't ivncoerat. BIgotry auud Iglioraulco lliUCt glee way to Iniloin suid thu n Isu Iihm)5ICIi lelIuis lii lcttliig file lIght , .hiliu , for thic gloryol hId kllow mcli , l'rluitcrs liuk in the torch lie caii host iso to guIde the weary md sick OliU to ( ho fountain of health. If tliI article ihiouhl ho Iretniriientah as a 'TOICOIiIltiIl' set uii. ill ahifli to guide sutlrrliig humanIty teStt LamInoim , tet , Imomier. ( Julorwlo , It sIll v.1155cm the , umiiotiu or slikht Ii. .as WILLCII. Atldrese Dit. IIENItY wAaNER , 1' . 0. box 21811cir eall at 3-45 iArlmner Steet lJellyr , CtiO. triuwi thu columu beaded "Thu NecessIty for the IhJUcI.0114t Has the Best Stock In Omaha and Makes the LowestPricoa FURNITUREI Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , And Everything pertaining to the Furni. U ture and Upholstery Trade. . Chas. Shiverick , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street. U I : . I3 DEALERS IN Hail's Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIlE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e. 1o a ) 'z.rz3zlm tx'ot , ia.zt'iz. . ' PERPEOTION IN Fj ( Heating and Baking ; , Is only attained by using 9-r-0 CHARTER OAK IfJ ( ' Stoves and Ranges , . WITH MIIIE CAU1E OVER , OUOHS .1 'e i. _ _ : _ ! . - For salu by : ; vp \ . MILTONROGERS&SONS r flMATIA 'Ill. MANUFAtU1CElL OP aIvaDiled IronCornices1 iudo CapsFioialsi ; SkylIghts .to Thirteenth Street Nub BURLINGTON I OUTE"1 flurllngton& Qulnoy Railroad. ) - 01 z I DA - 'La' A- ' . ' - 1. . . . . . ; ' I ill , _ . - * 1 x ' 01 a 141 'f3 a ma. , : : " _ L _ , UZ5fl , COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. Ehegant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with ThuclIn Solid Tmlns of Eleent Da Coaches and PuB lug ChaIrs ( v.eat free ) , Smoking ( Jars , wItfI 1to man Palace SleepIng Cars are run daily to and yokIng ClinK. lnllman Palace SleepIng Cars anul from SC Louis , vIa HannIbal , Qulncy , Keokuk. thin ( atones C. ii. & Q , Bluing Cars run daily to and lhi'rllngton. ' Cedar lteplds and Albert Lao to St ( mime ChIcago & Kansas CIty. ( 'liicago .t Council . l'aul and ItlInneapollit i'arlorCarswfth Roclinta ilhumfie , Chicago & Des MoInes. ( 'hilcago , St. J0. ChoIrs to nnd from fit Louis and looria and to sClhi , AtchIson Topeka. Only through lIne be' and from St Louis and Ottuinwa , Only on tuvcemi . Chicago , Lincoln A Deliver Thmrougti cars change of calm between St Louis and tuutwct.n Inlihanapollil & CouncIl lllulffM vhs l'enrfa , Moines lows , LIncoln , Nebroka , sad Denver Alt connectIons math , In Union lepotus. II ma Colorado. known as Cite groatTIIR000lL GAIt LINn. It ma unlversallyadmitted to bo the Finest Equipped RaIlroad In the World for all Classes of TravOl. rJ.I'OTI'ER , 3d Vlco.i'rcs'tand ( lent flnnager PERCICVAL LOWELL , Gen Pass. Ag't , ChicaO Boiler Sheet Iroll rK I OMAHA , . . . . . NEBRASKA. iuId ! all kind , of Strain . BoIler. . Smoke Stacks , Brcodmlng Lard , Watex antI oil Tank. , and do a genera 1latu.Iroll butsliess. , Itepalrllig doria In City and Country , All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I lecond.hmntl Boiler. will ho kepton hand , having hail ieamty year. oxpurlencotmi . this trade lit dlileront parts if thin coontry I ama coiifiitunt I can gIve satIsfactIon , having the bent .hop anit tools In the State. hibop nrlDthiandl'lercohtreetis. J. M. WILSON Proprietor. HENRY LEHMANN a JOBBER OF a11 Paper anifWdo \ Shaes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED tuB FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA NED. t-LiiEbec1 : iii 1BI Sprill Alladilifidfit ( NOT I'ATIINTID ) . 1L Silfipsofi , I TIlE LEADING iIij - CarriageFactory 1401) ) ahld 1411 Dodge Street , OMAHA , - - - . - . NEBRASKA. - a-