Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1883, Image 1

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RefeiTing to our introductory announcements , we are Pleasecl to state that the improvements on our building are completed , and with this ( sane
we formally announce that our GRAND OPENING will take place
w e trust no lady will neglect the opportunity of visiting our establishment on this occasion as the attractions in decorations and display of
Goods shall and will create a lasting impression on the minds of our visitors ' and b Placing before the Iniblic an assortment of goods in a 11 the departments -
partments , which our patrons will always find full and complete , we earnestl Y t + hoPa to merit the patronage of the people.
. ,
' Will be under a personal charge o e following a erience Ladies' an Gentlemen e . . .
. . ' The Silk Department---Mr. L. Swartz formerly with Lord & Taylor , New York. .
The Black Goods Mr. C , D S dnor A , Cruickshank & Co , Omaha , .
The Dress Goods lY r. G , W , Lucas Y' , R V. Hfas Chicago.
The Domestic Mr. P F Andre en . L , B. Williams & Son Omaha.
ti The Linen Mr. Wm Barrie , J , Edward Bird & Co , Baltimore ,
- "
ti The Wrap . . . Miss H , Ruane , ' J. . .
The Trimming TYfiss M , Heelan. : r ; '
Our force of assistants personally request the pleasure of a visit fi om then friends and acquaintances ; and hope that their endeavors to please and
r satisfy the wants of their customers - , will secure for them the patronage. In tendering everY , one a hearty welcome we will state that our GRAND
OPENING. Monday and Tuesday , September 10th and 11th/ will be an occasion never before witnessed in Omaha ,
1 , r ' r . . . . . . . . . { NaV 1 f. ? ; Yu M TI
, . : . ' .
i G'R'UENEBAUM ; BROS..s : 1309 Farnani Street. . 's
t- :
Reports From all States Visited by the
1m' Recent Frosts ; 1
The Damage Confined to Potatoes -
toes , Tomatoes , Tobacco and
t Lowland Corn ,
Cucumbers and Buckwheat Nipped
i In Spots-The Aggregate Less
Close on a Quarter of
a Million.
IOWA CITY , September 10.-A heavy
frost foil Sunday morning , but did but
little damage to corn in this county.
MUSCATrxn , Ia. , September 10.-A
slight frost hero Friday and Saturday
/ nights. Thu datpago generally slight ,
I but on some low ground corn is conaidor
" g ably injured.
DUBUQUE , Iowa , September 10.-The
x frost on Saturday night nipped the vines
in this vicinity , ut so far as learned it
T has not seriously injured fruit. Corn is
" + not injured unless a little in the valley ,
and that not to any extent. The average
, , of it , it is believed , is by no means as
} serious as was expected , and crops as a
whole have received little damage. No
" frost last night.
S. ROOK IsI.ANU , September 10.-Advices
from the country represent the frost of
, Sunday morning as doing great damage
on low lands. The late corn and pota
toes are generally killed. On the high
. ground the damage is trifling , if any.
, The real loss that farmers austaig is on
, , the potatoes , as tlio corn that has boon
n killed was not counted as good for much
l , except for stock feed.
. . Hunow , DAU. , September 10.-Frost
. was light and did little damage in this
. . section. Twothirds of the corm crop has
' matured while the Sreator portion of the
? 7. . , remainder is uninjured.
, } , DES MOINES , IA. , September 10.-
Only a slight frost Sunday morning in
this section. Corn not materially dam.
, 1'x , F aged. Tomatoes sweet potatoes and
pumpkin vines did notfaro as well. No
frost Sunday night.
DAVENPORT , Iowa , September 10.-
, ' 7 The frost of the last three mornings have
injured corn in the low lands , but that
I on the high grounds has not been
1 MAInIIALLTOWN , , Ia , September 10.-
1 The severe frosts of Friday and Saturday
yf'r'f mornings affected corn on low lames.
II ' Conversation with leading farmers midi.
- cato the corn crop is injured ono third in
Marshall county.
STERLINa , , September 10.-Frost
in this section yesterday morning dam ,
aged low lapel corn ; upland uninjured ,
No other vegetation hurt. Thu damage ; ,
to corn is riot very great.
DETltoir , September 10.-Frost ( quite
general throughout Michigan last night.
do not indicate heavy charac
ter but suflicient to cut down partly
grown vegetables. Corn is somewhat
} late , but it is thought not to be seriously
OTrUUwA , Iowa , September 10.-Very
light frost Saturday night and a trtflo
last night. Practically no injury anywhere -
where in this region. Generally the
frosts wore not suficient to kill oven ten ,
der vines ,
BDntiNaroN , Iowa , September 10.-
Frosta in this part of Iowa Friday and
Saturday night , but no damage to crops
Sr. PAUL , September 10.-The C , St.
P , , M. C 0 , road received general re
ports from stations today in ting the
frost was severe tlirougltou Southern
Minnesota , Northern Iowa and Eastern
Nebraska , and corn was badly injured.
Drs MoINEH , September 10.-Tho
State Register's reports from a goodly
portion of the state m regard to the late
frosts will show that the damage to crops
is trifling. The corn on the uplands has
not been damnaced , mid on the low wet
lands it appears to be the Kansas seed
corn that has suffered ,
ELMIRA , N Y. , September 10.-Tho
Chemung valley tobacco crop was ( lain.
aged $100,000 by frost last night. Buck ,
wheat and corn were also damaged ,
Boltar.NTOWN , N , .i. , September 10.-
Tim first frost of the season this morning
slightly injured buckwheat , but no dam.
ago was dote to corn , as the crop is too
far advanced ,
JACxHON , Mich , , Septemberl0.-Heavy
frosts prevailed in this section of the
state on Saturday and Sunday nights
and the corn crop throughout this part
of the country is thought to be almost
entirely destroyed.
SI'IUNGFICLU , Ill. , September 10.-
There has been a light frost in this soc
Lion the past three evenings , but no
damage was done to corn , owing to the
extreme dry weather that has prevailed
for the past month.
CEDAn BAFIDH , Ia. , September 10.-
Farmers report the recent frost damaged
only late corn in low lamids. The crop
on high lands is uninjured and ripening
is hastened in this and adjoining
ST. LouIH , September 10-A dispatch
from a well posted and able correspon
dent at Topeka , says ho cannot learn that
there has been any frost in Kansas , at
any rata riot enough to do any damage.
Corn , in most sections of the state , is out
of danger of frost. Much of it is already
in time shock.
Locuronr , N. Y. , Septaniber 10.-
A heavy white frost visited Niagara
county last night. 'l'imo corn and tona
toes tire said to be greatly injured , but
fruit generally escaped uninjured.
Mlr.weuxEE , September 10.-There
was a heavy froat in Milwaukee county
last night and corn on low lands was
killed , Buckwheat also sufcred. ' 19io
whole cuubor industry was ruined. The
loss in this enterprise alone is placed at
$50,000. A specialty is made of cucumr
hers by many farmers because of the
largo pickle factory iii Wauwatosa. A
dispatch from Caldwell's prairie says
tlnero was alight frost Friday and batur-
da ' nights and a heavy one on Sunday ,
doing great damage.
Sioux Crry , September 10.-There has
bean mo frost in this section since Friday
night. The damage to corn Is
isolated s iots in valleys. About half
time corn crop is out of ducggoe from frost.
WAHIIiNOTON Su ptOmbor 10-Special
dispatches from southwestern Paine 1
vania eastern Ohio and West Vi ginia
report damage to crops light in high lands
and somewhat severe in low lands. Late
corn badly injured.
WASUINGTON , September 10The
September cotton returns of the department -
mont of agriculture is less favorable than
those of August. The general average is
reduced to 74 per sent ; in September ,
1883 , thegemieral average was 94 ,
The Dakota State Makers.
Stour FALLS , Septanbor 8.-At a
meeting of the convention this morning
very little business was done. Time committee -
mittee on elections and suffrage reported
in favor of time insertion of the word
"male" in the constitution and of women
voting at school elections and being
eligible to holding office pertaining to time
management of schools. The committee
on address offered a resolution , which
was adopted , to instruct the president to
appoint a committee of nine to prepare
an address to the peojplo of the proposed
now state urging their support of time
constitution adopted by thus convention.
Time convention adjourned until llfonday.
Sioux FALLH , D. T. , September 10.-
Reports of time committees on military
amisuffrage was adopted with slight
modifications , amid time conhnittcos on
education and preamble subnmittod a report -
port which went ovor. A vigorous cam ,
paign is being waged by the prohibi
The Defenders of Baltimore.
BALTIalomui , September 9.-Pima rein-
nant of the association of Defenders of
Baltimiiore in 1812 , fourteen , attended
religious services today , For many
years it has been the custom of the association -
ciation to aesomblo at their hall on Sunday -
day preceding the anniversary of North
Point , and after marching around the
battle monument proceed to church.
Today the nmoeting mid marching wore
omitted because of the infirmities of the
members , aid they were taken to church
fro11 their homes in carriages under time
escort of Wilson post , 0 , A , It , Thorn
were only six defenders present , the ro
maiuug living memnbers , eight in num
her , were too mfirmn to participate.
- . _
Fatal Fire ,
, IACHHONI'ILLP. , ILL , , September 10-
Wliilo a freight train was coning { vest ,
three miles cast of this city tonight a
stock car , containing two ftuehorses , was
discovered iii flames , Time train was
etOpped and a maim supposed to be Scott
1 Nkerell , who had charge of the horses ,
proceeded to the car ( a slat stock car , )
1Yhel ho entered it lie was iii 8(11110 wa
overpowered by time smoke from time
burning straw orbrobablyinjured by om6
of the horses amid was burned to death
together with time horses. The stook was
consigned to S , Pickerell , Alexis , Ill ,
'l'imo New Gulls Tlmentm'o.
KANHAH CITv , Sopteiubor I0.-Thmo
Gillia house mow Theater , corner Fifth
and Walnut streets , opened tonight by
Mlle , Rhea as Adrienne Loeouvreur , by
a large audience. The theatre seats ,
1,600 , is valued at $225,000 and was
built by the trustees as provided by
time will of time late Mrs. Mary Troost , as
a monument to l'1m , Gillis , deceased.
'rho revenue from time property is donated
ill perpetuity to support "Our Orphans
Hone' which will ho founded under time
provisions of the same will.
Two Letters Frem the Kidnappers
I Foand Among the Papers of a
Dcad Detcclre ,
The Failure to Pay $20,000 ,
Ransom Results in the Murder -
der of the Boy. '
Tim Bloody Determination of the
Crimniuals Falls In Its Object.
NnWAiIK , N. J , , September 10.-Time
Evci mg News revives of time kidnapping
of Cliarlio Ross , July 1st , 1874 , from his
father's residunco in Germantown. Time
chief detective of police of Philadelphia ,
1Ymim , It , Ileins , recently died and aumon g
his papers were found tw > letters tied
securely in a separate package , maim which
being xainined/ wae fouto have
beet written to Mr. Boss by the abductors -
tors declaring if ho did not come to terms
the blood of his son would be on his own
head. The letters were not shown time
fatlmor of little Charlie beeaueo they
would only distress him more. At the
mine time Mrs. Itoas was so prostrate
that all letters and information concerting -
ing time case were turned over to her
brother , Joseph Mears , who then con ,
suited Heins tread of the detective suad.
Thn letters just discovered are dated
November 22d and 24th of time year
of time abduction. The firatlottor of Limo
abductors say , "We have now arrived at
a critical point , We have decided to fix
time day when this ( natter shall be settled.
Wo must have $20,000 or you will never
son your boy. It seems to us you think
more of time money than you do your
child or you would have settled this bt a
inesms long ago. You can look at your
$20 000 a thousand times , but it will not
orimig back your child , have never boon
blessed with a child , but it soemna to mime
if I was a father I would have long since
1 mid the mnonoy and got possessNnm of
imimu. We are not murdoroumi of God
forbid , but unless you meet us in Now
York ext Tuesday , he 24th , thts buai
incas will be ovforeve , 'T'wo of
uH kidnapped time bOy mid two have
him in their prHsession ever since , Your
$20,000 would be wt $5,000 apiece ,
'hat is notion to at we expect to
make out of limo acimono in lucid. If we
had known your financial condition we
would not have tkemi your boy. Now
that we have him we must have the ran ,
son , so that November 24th we must
have mmmonuy or his blend will be upon
your hcati , You say you want more
proof that wo have your boy. You fail
to mice us or our agent in New York No.
vonber 24th amid you will have such nw-
f ul proof that we have him , "
' 1'lion'tlme father ( who hover got a
glimpse of time dreadful threats , is irect-
ud to change his aignaturo , "Saul , of
laraus , to newspaper advortisornunts
notifying time villiana of time receipt of
their letters , to "Abraham. " rime note
proceeds , "Timis is time last chauee we will
give you in this business. We tried to
meet you before , and waited sonmo nano ,
but you did not cane and we left , We
give you four days more. If you don't
moot us that decides our chill's fate , "
The second letter was sent by which
loss is impressed with the gravity of the
situation. This last letter ovum' pouied
by time actors in this great crime bore the
post mark New York , mid was dated
November 22 , 1874. "W0 wrote you
yesterday , " it begins saying we
would settle this business Tuesday
November 24 , This is such serious
business we write you again to lot you
know this afiiair must be settled. We
saw your boy as we came over and lie is
all right. Ross , limos matter must be sot ,
tied or it will bo too Into. Your boy is
in charge of our two confederates. If
the matter is settled satisfactorily we cram
send b wire/"all right , " amid isdolivared
all right to you ; if we scud "all wrong"
no power on earth can restore
mini to you alive , This matter must
therm be settled by Tuesday , Novemnbut
24 , at noon or never , If you want your
child alive keep true faith and uteet us
in Now York , ' Upon the heel of this
latter eanme another , it proved to be one
dated November 22 , with time addition of
a foot note saying , "we scud you a copy
of lot ter mailed today , 'Phis subject is
so iumpurtant we scud you two letters so
you will be sure to got ono or tlmu other. "
LONDON , September 10.-Tim Post's
Berlin correspoudot says the agents of
the czar in Bulgaria are acting in a thoroughly -
oughly revolutionary manner and do not
oven disdain a coalition with time nihilists.
It is fear d their actions will bring about
a ariuis that will lead to the
roopemling of time witolo eastari question ,
Time Tejegraph's Vienna correspondent
ruferrium to affairs in Bulgaria says it can
be posittvol stated time object or Russia
is to got rid of Prince and
'place ' its own nominee utpoi the throne.
Nano of the powers however , tolerate
time usurpatin of limo throne of Bulgaria
by a Itussimm pretender , oven thou rim ho
sl uld irovo o be Grad Duke Sir b gius
or Oratid Duke Paul ,
Time Standard's Barium correspondent
status time joining of Itoumaiuin in time
alliance with Austria and Cernany is time
answer to Russia.
Ile adds that tharclations now existing
between Germany and Russia are more
than cold amid says it is reported Russians
are concentrating aim armed force north of
river Pruth , botwuen Ituumnania , trod
Right loan , Ifugh Iaw , Q. C , Lord
Cluutcullor of Ireland , is dead ,
ritANC1 : ANI , J/TINA
7'ho Paris Figaro states a suconml inter.
view took plaeu betweeim Challum el Ia-
cour , Fruuch niimistur of foreign affairs ,
and bfarquis'l'zngt Chunuso ambassador ,
at which time ( uustiou of time location of
time frontier of 'I'Onuiu amid the undo om
dunce of Anmm was discussed , fine
couforonco , however , concluded without
mummy dolinito result ,
LoxnoN , September 10-A Paris cbr
respouduut of time Standard regards time
atatemeuts made in the Figaro , Satur
day , touching the proposiliomma subruitlod
l by time Oldiesu aumbassador for time settle
uncut of the 'onquimi difficulties as um
reliable ,
It is stated that Gorniamy has advised
Chins to arrive at aim agreenont with
France. The Chminoso govornmoit has
taken greatest precautions to protect time
foreign representatives at Poknm.
WAlt A QrI 4TION of tmAYH ,
If time article in the Rupublique Fran-
caiso roprosoits time views of the Frunch
ministo , Chinese war is merely a quos-
tum of days and will involve time expulsion
sion of time ministry that entered upon
war ,
The Paris Tmnps editorially recon-
mcnds that during time peideIicy of negotiations -
tiations between Challeumol Laeour and
Marquis Tzeug the dispatch of reinforce.
manta to Tonquin should be eomtinued
with unabated vigor. Time Times , coin-
mauLing upon time above reeoumenda- ,
Lieu , expresses fear that such action might
cause the Chinese Governmeit to think
Franco was only trying to gain time and
it might thwart time design by suddenly
beginning hostilities ,
The Rome Monitour says : Time Amer
icaims bishops mentioned as expected to
arrive in Nvember will not reach this
city at thattinmo. Only a few of their
nuumber will participate in thecomiforenco
to be hold during that month , which will
simply settle upon questions to be discussed -
cussed st time general council at n ater
rho Telegraphs Madrid special assorts
the Spanish agitators in Paris sought
to promote a rising in Cuba , but time
scheme failed , ownmg to time fiucoin
Spain ,
A DYNAMITE Imiscovamty ,
The police discovered that a man
nanmod Teruuco McDerniot purchased
iii Glasgow two iota of glycernme several
weeks before the explosions thorn took
, lace and carried thoto Whitohcad's
factory at Birnin giamwhere mwere
probably converted into mitro gl oriuo
nd useiii the atteimi pt to destroy time
public buildi6 s of Glas g ow ,
The demonstratiom at Waterford Sumu
tiny , under the auspices of time Irish Na
tional Lague , was attended by over 30 ,
000 parsons , Time city was profusely
decorated with flags amid onblane , and
there was mi inmposing procession with
banners and several bands of music , 'l'imo
nieotimig passed rosulutioms duumanding u
rlianmeitt for Ireland , not oily in namme
out ii reality , amid declaring thatlrelmid
must have tht wlmiuhEm land by necessi
t of time ranted Camadu becuse Can
uduu was rebellious , Thu adoption of the
ruaolutions was greeted with loud cheers ,
Michael Davitt denounced time laud act
as entirely inadequate to time needs of
Ireland , lie stated that miot otie.sixth of
time land eases bad yet boom heard and
that whom Lucy h aul all bee , settled time
reduction in rnt not auouut to
omit nmilliomi pounds.
The Walaslm Cuts time Iowa fool.
CuluAOo , Septenbur 10-The Wabash
mad today aumouwed a cut between
Chicago amid Council Blufie fren $14,50 ;
time regular passenger rates , to $9.60.
Thu cut is based on time claim that time
Clmicago , Milwaukee , L St. Paul , amid
other lines , Imavo beet allowing scalpers
a conunissioi of $5,00. None of time
other roads have met time redueliou , but
it is believed they will be forced to do so
tomorrow ,
The Distinguished Loafer Re1ierod of
Duties He Rarely Performed ,
His Record in Office a Oontinn-
.ous Disregard of Orders
and Work. .
Summering at Soda Springs and
Reporting IIinmselr at Omaha-
The Boo's Charges 0111.
daily Proven ,
WASItINaroN , September 10-It is un-
doretood Paul Vandorvoort , late chief
clerk of time railway mail service at Omaha -
ha , recently removed by Postmnaster Gon-
cml Gresham for neglect of duty , will
shortly make a personal appeal to the
president for rciustatomont. It. is said
at the postofico department that time ree-
ords of that department , so far as they
relate to this case , show the following
state of facts : Yandorvoort has boon ab-
swmt from hits post of duty most of the
time for a year past. During this period
hits official duties had either
been parforaed by a elork or
had boon entirely neglected. His
division su erintomlent has frequently
thin service in that spctmion
b reason of Vandorvoort's
neglect of duty. During the year ended
Jul 31 , 1883 , lie was bsent from ] cis
pnet 265 days , most of which was spout
in working for the Grand Arm of time Re-
publmo to time entire neglect of his ofltcial
When remonstrated with b his division -
vision su ortntendomt in regard to his absence -
senco lee romisedinuncdiatel after ad-
'ouriment of time Grand Arm of the Re
public at Demiver lie would o to Omaha
and attend to his pro mor work , Instead
of doing so , however lie went to Soda
S primm g9 Iaho and renained there until
the dote of his romoval. During art of
this timie he reported himself toopbe at
Oumahuu doin uflico work , lie also reported
ported while at soda Springs lto was
arrau gin gg service on timOo on Short
Line and tole gra mimed to Omaha directing
his clerk tb do that work , lie has ab
semmtuti himself f roe his post of duty with ,
out leave amid has nogiectod hits duty to
such au extant as to call for repeated
eunatire from his dtvisiom superintendent.
His record in he dupartmimeno for a long
timiic past has bean cite continuous disregard -
gard of orders. Fur these reasons , and
upom the reconummidationof Col. Thmomp
sun , superintendent of time railway mail
service , lee was rontoved by time postmiiaa-
tar germural.
Evaugollzhmg Ireland ,
CuuuAao , September 10-Messrs , Mo
Granalian and Whlittl0 evangelists , leave
this country October 2d forlrlandwhoro s
they coutnm plate Carrying min an active
tuisiotmary campaign. By advice of Mr.
Moody timeY ill work n the south of
Ireland , where , notwithstanding the pro , j
ondoanco of Roman Catliolieseatimnen
they are asurod of a fair and respectful
huarumg by reason of being Americans ,