Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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* j
8 - - THE DAILY BEE'GAHA , MONDAY , SEPTJMfl1 ioi88J , _ _ :
Monday MorningSoptomber , 10.
-Sonti for cM&1ogrn oYyinn Comincr
tiii ; Onhi. The IntuUnn I prn.
Iwru. Juy9orn.m&o 8t I
-VAcrEfl-A econ11 cook ftT14 flrt.c1nq
ptry ck UtI tWfl bell EwyM flt th Cozzow
ILOUMO , tt anti 11nr11e3 .
- "Now I a Unto for ( lliIflaflflg , " nn(1
coining out ngnit In winter ) iabfllmont.R. Jn't
; L 1mtt.y ?
-Ileyn , tim 1'hot.cgrn11ier. is rUhCI ( with
ItIflC1t Fine work teI1 the tale at 1tOl
1)otgI Ntrcet. .
-Ono hundred million btiho1 i thn esti.
, nnt on NebrMka ) rn thL year , About
ccnnd a half million buhoI of Ia8t yelw'i
' trot ) tiII rcuui1n In the
-Mr. John Rcgn ztnd MI A. C. HolIIii.
: gr vero married nt. thu pnrsonngo of tim FlrHt
' . i : , church on tim cciilng of opt.irnbcr
Tth y for. CharIeV. . 3ah1go.
-TIio tIiirtl tory zuhiltion to William's
block i ready for the cornice , am ! will proba.
bly ho roofed this weok.Vhon conipicted
this il1 ho one of the finest hlockstntho
-'rho little Nklilgan chatnpionn , tIm Port
IlulOn bwo bafl cIuh will pifty the Union Pit.
cfici cvcrj' afternoon thia week , except Mon
J .day , on tim grotititiM of t.lio Union l'adfio
I club , TIio gamon will ho callel at 4 o'clock.
-I Ion. N. .1. Burnhain , by RiCi invitit
I tionfrom the 1urt county agricultural ocicty ,
delivered the addrc at. tlio fair hold at Oak.
land , on Thursday , to an alLilionco of about
3,000 pcollo. Tim adtlrcis i very highly
MpftkCn 01 by thee who heard It.
I -It ii said that a wolI.known Iron moultier
In the U. P. shops lcippcd the town Fri.
. ih3 , 1eving numcroui little debts behind , in
I. , cliuliug a thirty deliar board bill , a wMh bill
i.o a WOlflafl anti a bill at some itoro ror
. two dresici for hi laily love.
. -Katlo Putnam and the Fay Templeton
Opera Company w ill ho the attritctionn at
B0yd4 Opera IlouHe thin week , Miss Put.
Iftm'i. company appearing Monilay , Thestlay
\Vodnetlay , in the Mzulciip , "
' 'Oil Cui-lo ity Shot , , ' ' anti ' 'Chill of the 1f.
I ImcnL" The Templeton coxnlI.tuy rvpcrtolro
La : "Olivotto , " Tinuiday , "Pirates , " Friday ,
"Iolanthc , " matinee , and 'Ia&cotte , " atur.
day ni lit
BnwioirN ftxnic aIvo.
I p The greateit medical wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Thirnii , Cuta , UI.
cere BAit lUieutn , Fever Soree , CanconPllos
hIbIaIu , C.rni , Totter , Chapped lmndiiand
, .n BkIn eruItionhs , guaranteed to cure in ovary
natanco or money refunded. 25 cout oar
- _ _
Everybody onto ( larnoau crackers.
inrrnw Eticnpo Froiit z Firt , on
1)otlgo Street.
S1iorly before inidnigli huit night a
I hro broke out. on Dodge street , 'botwoen
; Wiftouiitli anti Sixteenth , in fine's
music and book store , in the very center
of the room atul a lot of books.
I It was discovered by some ,
I snd one of them kicked iii the iilato glaiis
door patio am ! woiit for the flames , while
another turned in an alarm of flro front
ho , : 15.
Thu departtucnt responded promltly )
and a lute of hose was laid , but the fire
I wait ( Jut before water was turned on , and
thus the stock escapctd a drenching. The
lo&iwas very slight. TIm origin of the
I fire is not known.
To Publishers.
The unidersigned duirca a position as
; . editor and manager of a weekly newspa
per. Fifteen years' experience , and a
thorough Practical ktowledge of the itto-
chnuical part of the
Addrces , W. IL. Corso ,
. Council Bluf1h Iowa.
, . . , . . -
. , . The CozOiis.
OtA1i.t. Sopteniber .1 , 1888.
I ' SVtt hiwo this tlay leased the Itotol I
known as the Clran(1 Pacific , formerly
kept by us , and known thou throughout
I the west as the Coizens , by which ittuno it :
will hereafter 1)0 known. To our patroits
, of tito Palace hotel , Santa Fe , New Mox-
icol idnoy Itnuse , Sidney. Nob. and the
Iaraniia hotel , Lanunii City , \Vyoming
Tirritory , it is needless for us to make
any prolilisos , other tItan tliat the Coz-
zone wiLl be second to unite in Nebraska.
The house is entirely iiuw , Ifandsomoly
furnished , and the table will ho the very
best the market affords. The bar will
1)0 stocked with the choicest liquors.
Jtates-2.OO , 2. 50 and $3.00 per ( lay ,
according to hoer. Nb iiisido or dark
rooms in the house.
I ) . ItuMsiw & Co.
llMtII Estate Trnnsfors.
. . 'l'he followizig deeds were filed for reo
cord in the county clorli 'a office September
z reported for Tus Bse by Ames' real
eatato agency :
. Fred L. fled and wife to Henry 0
Jtnicti , w ii , lot 4 , Iltrt ) uw j nw , see 8 ,
. t1i 15 , i 13 , 81,000.
JoInt Baley and wife to Luvorett M.
Anderson , w .1 , vart s 1 aw 83 , 15 , 18 ,
part nw 4 , 14 , 13 , Part U no 5 , 14 , 18 ,
JesseT. Ilandyot a ! to henry O.Joiws ,
deed , a so nail sec 8 , 15 , 12 , mmd a , no
I sea 10 , 111 , 12 , 160 acres , 81.
'Icliolas Spelinuni anti wife to Mary
Driscoll , w. U , , lots 4 zimid 5 , b'ock ' 1 , iii
Dwight $ ; Lymnmin's add , , $ -100
John Ilagley amid wife to John Hagley ,
Jr. , ti , C. d. , Jar 5 , no.3-14-13 , 8- .
Vmn. Steinbeck and wife to .lolimn L
lull , w. d. , pnrt sw. j w. j 8-i 15..13
Freil Knight. to Jolmi : A. Amidorson ama
I'ctur A. Magausson , w ii lot 28 , in Mc.
Caudlisk Place. $1,050.
Jim. 1 , llorbaclm and ivifu to Win. S
S. Iledmuan , south 1.0 of lot .1 , block 8
Omaha , $400.
Edward laoyolaud to Jsai.sVau Kuran
p lot. 1 , block 03 , Omaha , $1.00.
Wzn. W , lhrtlett and wife to Clutrlo
i. Iaiues w ii , iota 1 , 2 , 5 , 7 , 10 , 11 , 12
liJm 14 flfld 17 , litOck 10ti city of Flor
emicu , $100.
Samni. E. Itogorsand wife to Ifoinrici I
Qua4o nnd wife , w d , lots 0 and 10 , bled
13 in Itnprovenuont Association , add
$500. .
, . Phobo and Peter Ilowor to P. J
Qutaloy , w d , lots 8 and 0 , block 8
" - Dwight and Lyman's add , $225.
itlioda Brown to hampton lit Stor
t anti Jtsaao CaSJ ) , w d , lot 8 , block t
1)vllono's add to Ontaha , $200.
- - - -
Eycry Iniotionofall Ilillildilse Sac
Exhibit8 ill Stqjk and Maohinory
Endlo8s in Number ,
And the Diaplay the Fino8t Ever
Seen in the Wont ,
The Present Situation at the Fair
Grounds ,
it i , - Itlimis , Visitors from itlirimitit.
' . There were many evidences about the city
yostertlay of the fact that wmiicthuiig uiIuMual
going on , and even a stranger uluNt have ,
tiietsetI at the misturo of tim aycnt.
Instoal of the tisuitl quiet which reigns
lit Omisima on the Sabbath , it wa rutir every.
where. The hotels began filling up the latter
part of the wcok anti thou offices now rejuimcI
with the htinm of oicos , backs am kept busy
running to amni fin , and thio mtrcets and side.
walks ama covered with vehicles ni't ' visitors.
At tim de1ot gumosti are coming iii tin every
passenger traimi , mimiul car huls , : of stock mid
other exhibits ( fl every immeomnitig freight , time
latter being hauled immediately to the fair
sliling. Th 'so who isited the fair gromniin
could hot hut feel mumtotuishioul at thu amivaimeuti
, , tate of the prc.arations , and at the life ox-
hmil4i ted oil every sum , nimml , iii fiict , though Ito
muhimmisusimut fee was cimarge , it mioty ho saul that
the fair wag really limmuigitrateil yosterttey.
TiUt ItOtrn'.To 'nIu : aItnt4is
along Sixteenth street amid Shermnais mivemimutu
wits a sight to eo. On time former 81111cm Iii.
tcuuieimt Uraiut has emimmuidoted the misimimalt Pt °
uncut froimu Ctihilurrmlit to Izuirit street , mmmiii will
timmish time lie I mlocks to.thuty ummul tlmrw , theom
impeil ' 1'uoulay umuur.iiimg . for travel. lit , pro
minim mucus the work tim host yet mtmuime i n Ommuihmit
and it 15 certainly a beautiful hmavemmuemmt amid
( leIigimtum allwliosecit ortimivo merit.
On .Shicrmnan avenue which the cmuimdfl mit. mm
late .lny oruluroul brought to grauto , work uvas
carried emi over Sunmhmmy umiul it was iracticalb
comnplotoml. Vito sprinIchin carts were kept
liusy all day humyimmg the ( lust on thmo avommno to
tIuu entrance of tue gnmummmi. , timid it will be
found in fine ooimdit.iuu amid a mmmcli lmanuisomnor
drh.o way tlmaii It was bust year.
- axmiuaiis rouuulNa IH.
From tiayllglmt to dark yesterday thru was
a constant stream of wagons lomudot vith all
concclvahIu kinds of articles forexlilbitlon.
The bulk of time stuff was of thmum haavior elMs ,
moich as agricultural imuplomoimts and machinery
chinory , while tim ilghtor goods wIll be takemu
out early this morning. There was itlo heavy
arrivals of stock of alt kInds In addition to
that already out the grounuls. Ilunmlrcdn of
people vIsIted the ul1o anmi not only vws the
attendance larger titan on the first tIny of pro
volus fairs but the umuanagormm admitted that
the display wits mthm4 ( , finer meid that they were
puuled to accommodate mill.
oumirnn imme GAits
a smnruhl village of hoer stands and bopthiu ,
newly constructed , futces the Krounds front time
east , and some of theni wore already open umiil
doing a good busimmess. Time nimmuibur is greater
titan It. was last year , amid thu line is exteumhimug
dowmm toward time city mum the city Is extending
toward it.
OH viii : ammus
the scene was a busyono , and it was evidently
anytlmiiug but ii day of rest for a'clmlbiturs.
$ evorai great imimprovomuiemuts imuivo lately been
zumado by tim board and thin first notable one
l1i time m-ommtoval of mime Imamidsomito little litmildiuig
erected lust year by time 11. & M. folks to ii
piaco alommgsiutu tlmolmeadmtuartersnf timotlicura ,
mit thu right of time timumimi omitrammee where the
two hmUilliflga have itceum J.uimicd lute one
amid fmmrmul.h huiiteN : at oimce conveumiumit mmmiii
commodious. 'rime treasurer's othico Is locatiul
iii time mmciv wing , wlmich is en the east side ,
anul doors letidinto time imrosiuIonts roomum , the
cHico of time board of niammagers amid time oltico
of tim gommeruil suporimitemolomut , In time order
umumumed , oaelm lmavimmg a door leadi mug out iii
frumut to the iduutfonmi. A sinaI ! umimglo on time
outside hits teen utilized by being boarded mmii
amid auntie into
A T5LKrmloN5orymCm ,
three instrmmtmout , beimmg reuidy 'iii tiu grmnnuhs
for misc duiimmg the weoic. ( Jute of timesij , ' 'No.
245 , " is fem time oxchmmive use of time buumrml , , one
for lbs ugmioulturail imnplcmmmemmt amen timid time
other mm 1iumlmhic telephone. Time Americium
I)1tdc ! ilemusemmger Company , has aforco of
tlmt-ir imlforimiout boys eu time grummmimhc ammd fur.
mush convenient facilities fur smmmmdiimg iuassmtgcs
or lmrces to mimmy liturt of time gmommmmtls or bi the
city. 'I'Imig hi a imuw mmml mimlnmirablo fo.ituro.
'nsvs1'Ai'RmI now
l limit yet. Imikemi Imp , amnil It is doubtful if tIme
city iiutikN wil I have so immiuimy tout-i mmii this as last. Soveruti fo rtuim airm immtvu
irmamlo ith jilicmmtion fur i 1m : fur tummtii , umme muf
tlmosti being ' 'Thmu I { mmuino lit mutimmfactmu cc aimul
AgriculturalIst. " Mr.V. . Allomm , of time
' ' 1 ( mind NiImnmska , " wil I him t mm p a itmiguu toot mit
the right if thu ummtraimmco fit it with tables umimmi
immahu I t I mmamultimmarters joe mill ruiuuirtormu eimm ,
cimmaauu to accept liii In s1iit di ty. hul ii mwi mug
time mtvcnmmn fenced 1mm for cmiii immgmul muimmi lutmuiiiug
to the north iiuie of time grimmmmmmis time new
builmiing ctiistmumctcm1 for tIme cmiummt.v ximibiLsof
LIUIIT . 'iSI ) V.tH1iI5ToN ;
comes first It it , a smmlmtummmtiml : mmmml gooml look.
house nuil is quite cmi urmmmmummommt to time grimuiimls.
'l'ime stumir iuu mill somut ilmuwim miumml is Imeimig
fuumt iii iulttm ui li ummI I itly. ( ) tImer ciutimmtu'm ( mire re.
1irti ug nmipitIl , utvmmrml , tml cmi ick mumtml I I mill
eximlhits mill arriving yemitemmhmy. ! iioMt of them
s ill be zmwmudcd imce In Plural huh.
I.IsI AiI'rmu hALt.
WA ) , eimttty yostermlmmy of miii hut it display of
immrbtcu tvork muid mi cmuuiile of cwcji of fume
slmecimnemms of carveil mmd 1oilsimrmt , SYOmmIIs ofimll
varieties. 'Vlmls ulepotmmummmt with liii Illicit UI )
by to-night , as immust of tIme mamace limes niteamly
beoum reserved , Passimmg m immummmhmor of mefaush.
memit atumimmls , Limo mmgrlcultimrmtl immijmlomnommt die.
hilly I the mmoxt tImIng amid Limis wilt
AwroNlsmm TilS NtTIVFuI
mmml excel mmnythmimmg of time ktimml ever before
Pt'mim west. of the MIsmmisituiuh , Time mitnuot
Imom tim of the track froimm tlmls lsmmnt to tutu simeop
pouts iii a mnimmiaturo village mum full of miutivity
miii a boo hive. icore of new imlatfmrmne , mumut
imitvhlimimii miTt , erected mimmd filled with bnigimt ,
item ? mnmtchulmiory , a hmito temmt gloitimi 1mm time sun
from all mjuartors ammm ( uvimmul immills with their
flutturhxmg sails Immummu up like gigaimtio gi.mimt.
PetN on every lule.
: own : hALt ,
its flllimmg up , tjio ummgimie mmmiii aimmifthmig mime all
reauty tmi sot evorytimimig in mnotlomm thu mmumimnommt
mitemumi Is tmmrimed him , amid by time timmmu this Is
rcmttt by a mmmajorlty ot our smibserlhmons Llmuit ,
i ill lie emmomigli immacimimmery goimig tmi tie mill time
i'ork in seven xmtmmmtIomm. It ; ii hmnpmmsxlblo to
( iverstmmto time extummt mmmiii iimimortiimcti of the e.
hibitlmfl Iii this imt time gruummds. It heat-s
everything , oven four mmcmc ,
A VLtrhmt hIm1'A
lmtms hoomi earriemi omit by our Imical himmiuhemmicuut
limmutt'ti ammmt other mmierchiumts mmmiii mmmmmmmuifmmctmmmors
uthmicim vlil iiulii tO swell the creed , 'I'Imu )
imuivo each isemiemi elrcmmiumrs tm , their vmmtrmumms 1mm.
iti mug them to time ci ty ulu1 I mug fmmir week , mmmuml
ilium lmmg that tiimmu to emitertumlim imimul
I boanut timemmi mmmmml their oxpumisos of every
sort , 'I'lwy' imavo eru tout in the coutrr
hf vlmiut mmmliiit * is caliomi Agricultural
avommuo a grammmistaumd overliskiumg thu omutirt
truck m.iti ; goummimmiw , so that , iht.ois calm at nmm
p ( into wmitclm ii Intuit trottoml mmml go hack to thou
iimmmpeutmomm of mnmmuhlmmury iLtImommt wmmlkimmg lift )
I feet. In this euimimmeetlon It may be mnent1mnme
k guimur to be In fimm cusps' anti a twee tea
: emuguiged in micrsimiug ammul grmuiimg ( It yostunhity
'rime rsss Ii cut. iii the space Imnmimttimu rimig
amid It- looks very itico In tune.
i Time display of fume stock of all kltmmls I
nearly or tjtmtto at , miurprislng austimuit of fmirhmmhui
I immmivimimmery.
vms nomuma STALLS
. omutondtug the lent1m of time grouuds on tim
utonth tilde re all taken , and nearly all war
I eccuiuled Laturday ovcmdmmg , though many
. miteud withoymu1 blood In Ms vein
yas to ho scuim yesterday on tim
it route to the gmuuttu. Among the notabl
uhisplays Ia this departmmwnt , wLlch whl
be doscmliiemi more In detail t1mon counplotcul
is timmit hun } 'ry mind Fmmrbauglm , whose farm
lies hear York. They imavo head
of inuugnificent animals mnInc1pithly Clydesdale -
dale mind Norman , Inciumng some almost as
noted n.e timeir aristocratic ancestors.
Tmia smirsu' rr.N.4
are filling umpa great , ilsplay ( if Cotswoidsmmnml
Oxioruisbeing nuzmd by C. If. Jialhinger , of
Phuitmm Creek , and mu fine anti large drove of
Merinos bolommgimmg to a Now York maim ,
iimn CArTLi m4Ttt.t.4 ,
whicim were all taken a week ago , are filling
imp fast niuut fifty IflttO were constructed yes.
terilay , wlmlchm will every ammo ho taken , Among
time imerd already in arc those of Inlmn
llonlammd , of Stantmi enmity' it. 1)ittmtols ,
of 8army coutmty , tmnd of Limo Atato griciml'
tonal College farm. In time laniels imerd Is
ml four year mmlii ateor weigimhumg 2,850 pounds
nod ioiiovcd to be time finest for its mto Iii time
Ummitemi States. A thmree.year-oluI In time tuummo
herd lmrmlmmisc4 tim ho umearly mom good. Time
state farni semis a imcrml of twenty lwdlnl black
4flt1h8 cattle , saimi tm ) be time coining imreemt of
csttle for thl coummtry , cml ycriy growing
1mm fnt'mt' . A few , lcrseyn and Devomma corn.
i'icte ' time cmmikgn hmermi. lovoral trains of cat-
tie nrrlt'nl late In time efterimoomu ittiml wore Un.
humMhed too into to be cccii , Thu entries in
thus uiomartmemmt ; we mire Informed , Is a imaif
larger timatm last year.
'limit 51hiIIAMK.t aI.tNl' ,
In the cattle himmo , comes frmmi time farm of .1.
4. ( burtomm , amm ohmi remittent , farmner and cattle
raiser , mmear Vilhumr. Saline county. lie is a
regular nunummimmotim , atimi , being less than timreo
years ahmi , thmero hi no tehhimmg what ime will numb
to before imo get-mm tiirommgh. lie is now six feet
amid two immchmes in height , mmml ii tail momma
stmimmuiiimg by hmimim cmiii barely roach tlmo centre
of his back with him , linger ti1ms. 'rime animal
ii ciovemi feat in lemmgth frommi stemul to stermu , anul
its 1 mroadtit of lwaummin I mm iurolartiomm , mmaughty.
snlly speaking. I us torc'mmrmmu mmmeasmmrcs2i immehes
in clrcmmrmmfercmmcc , time tiammk ut time leg 40
incimes. niul time iauLerim joitmt l-P , iuclmets. I to
Iouuicuu hikum an elrpimatmt : mmmul hits mmmmmvcmemmtuu in.
crease time reumeamblamuce. 'utr. ( artuun , uiys : he
is aim Oregoim-.Iersoy. lEe is 1mm mm tumumt of imis
.Jwmm witim a smith mcnumgcriu of fmnetu white
mmibbits , u'imito mmmice etc. , all raised fy time
moummm fmirmmmcr. ' ] 'imbu Is time first trilm tim big ox
cm or mmmdc mmv.umy frommm ) mminu. ,
711mb UNION i'.rtrie
hi preparing for an immumneum'o uhism1umy mmml baum
lmruummgimt dumwmm mm Car imumui of csurgreons ( rmmmm
time mnoimimtmmlime tim mimI to time attractions of
timmilr heat cottage ,
'I'ima I 'eycko hmmilmlimmg miamI Limo nun ocduhmiemi
hmy Jcwey & Stone amid trcimarml ) & Ilcaum mmrc
hittimig imp , mimmJ tIme latter ssili be all ready timi'u
rI.ommu. mm.tiJ ,
imas as yet. miotiming oltemmod mm i ' bmmt Limo uiiiimhay
umi cutlery , scales , etc. Time ( imirmienu cracker
factory is turning lmuso aummi will ummirjmrhuo lmem , .
mlu winu timimmk timoy kmumw crackers wimen tlmey
mice timcmmm ,
Time wiumariummuu mire nut uim yet , bitt time tanks
mire ready.
umMcLm.MmoUs. : :
Max Meyer & liro. are getting their Swiss
mxmttago stocked umiu.
Time Garlield dinimmg hail , east of floral hall ,
ii , ilumiug mm gooml lnmsuimemuu anti ham beomu running
four days , They foul 140 vorsomms for uhinmmmr
tin Matuemlay and double time mmumubor yotutcr.
day. They svill bullmi an addition to-clay.
The police force is beIng well orgiumizemt and
Santo nra on duty imow , AlIt will be sworn In
mu , deputy sheriffs. ,
Time dwelling in the southeamit corner of the
grotmnde will be used to store express goods ,
two car loads of wimich are lying mit the depot
waiting to be delivered.
Time dime museum and time "Man with the
Iron .3awt mire on deck with three big tents.
Bofroumimmnontmu stands nmul cigar mitammds are
thick about time mtmnphitimoatro.
All the mmmanagers want mmow hi fair weather
mind time fair will ho aim icuinemiso success ,
Itifom'mmmmtt l'or Vlumitors ,
1tOTiJ , , % CCObtbIOIATION1I.
Time followlmmg list miimowuutlmo IurhmdIPal hotels
of Omumumim , locatIon , number thmmit can be accomn-
mmmodmmteml at cacti , timid rate imr day :
1'x1on lIomwc , cor. 15th amid Fmmrnam , 300 ;
:3.00 : luer duty.
Millartl Ilota , cor. 13th mmml Iouglas , 353 ;
( mmcuua Jtouic' , ( ftmtuumi'rly' C ram ! l'acifie , ) Uilm
anti Ilirmuuuy , 250 ; $2.00 , ts2.fsJ mumd $3.00.
I uimtkld Jlomm'c , 'Jth amid l"armmammm ; 200 : $ .00.
.ifdi ojk.iihmlm , 12th amid D.umgias , 450 , in
clmmthhmig ctmt.s : $2.00.
I'titnter's llotlSC , 10th cmnml Toulgo , 50 ; $2.00.
I'umeu'/tc house , 10th amid ( ialmital avenue , -10 ;
$1.50. ,
UccideuUmil lick ! , 10th amid Howard , 200 ;
it ) imhmAdit TII m : a mtoum is.
SIrcc ( mirs-Tmmko Sixteomutim or Eghtenmmtim
utrm'tt cars mit U. P. mleimmut Lu ) , where
trammsfcr is mv'h , tu , the grummmnds. Fare 15 commtmi.
Ii ) reach lltm , . : tmmmm iimrk , tmtko St. Mary's itud
I ' irk : m'tmimo , wimicim pass the I'axtomm
uuvely twemmt.y uimIimtmto. , Fimro 5 ccmmtu.
llumiom I'tmcifir , 'L'ma'tmmM mmrm'm-y imotmr from time
10th mutm-ee criosimmg. } 'are 2b cummmt.m for time
rmmmim'd tmiii.
( ' . , , 't. it. , ir. .c. t.m. II. li. , Trnin hourly
frodm time depit , cnter \Vnhimter mtmmd 111th
mutmeottu , whmthm cmtmm ho re mclmcd by ifutim mitreot
cars. F'mmro Imur i-mmtmmmul tmiIu 20 cents.
Ve/miclcv / , Cumnmymmhim4 muid expresses run from
time postuttiemu Curlier megulmirly. Vitro 2.Scemmts.
Ilmicks 50 commts.
i'i.tcs : or , tmciuigr. :
! Joyul's Opens llommae , cmmr IStim mmiii ! Fmmrmmarn
streets. huitio l'mmtmmmimmm , ulommmlmiy .uvummiumg , iii
, I time 'uh miule.ip ; " 'l'mmeummlay , ' 'fihmt i uriumsi. ,
ty' SitupVetiimeshmty ; , "ihmo Iittle lot'ct.
I vim. ' ' 1miy 'I'ommplutomm , , 'I'lmi mrmumimmy i.etmimtg , iii
' ' ' ' ' ' ' of I ' ' '
'Oil vuittu ; Frimimy. 'I'irmmtm's 'tmmmzluuca ;
Smttimrmiay ' 'M uuuucotte ; " jatmmrdmiy mmmmmtimmee ,
' ' ' ' '
'Ilillie l'mmyimr.
ii ramlutumy of Amiefr , lnutghmmti ) , hmtttweemt 13th
aummi 11dm strettu. 'limit Chmlumgi u Ciu.'etiy Omummi-
homily , : t omtmlJI ) ' .uvmuutimmI I mm ' l tosemlimluum' ' Tmmmas-
' 'iit ) , ' 'Octmi'liiumm : ' ' \'tdmmsmltiy , , ' 'JCmmtiui neum
ml mivommi mmccii ; ' ' 'Fimtiruumimy : , ' ' Fl i rtatmtmm ; ' ' 1rl.
lIlly , ' ' 1 Imwier ( ) mtui.V'I lobe ; ' ' aLurduiy mmmuit-
Immemu , ' "l'in J'hiumti'r'mm . 'i fu , ' '
Tlsruiei' I omiulmw , ( air. 12th mind 1)oJgu )
streets , \Tzmr'mntks uvtmrv umvommiumg.
m _ - -
NeVi Clvi , Liii.
If mire sutTcrlmmg tItli tow muiuml u1oprtumsou1
imirib , lois mu milulusutite , getmurmml debility , ills.
'unbred blood , weak constitmmtlmmm , hmemmulacimo , or
uGly disease of cm. iutliuus tuatimee , by mitt mmuanmu
riumro a bottt of llectrio Ititters. Yeam
will be mumrprisotl to mire time rmqmltl lnmpruvemnent
that bSIlt follow ; you trill isu lrmsmlrmui ; with muow
hlftm ; stnmgtim anti activity will return ; htmdmm
anmi mtdsory will cease , aimmi imommceforth you vIll
reoico in time 1mm time prmmb of Eloctria tittsrs.
Soul mit fifty cent-s mm bottle my 0 , F. ( lusiul.
- _ - _ -
SOiLItOi-1)RU-Tmm timis city. Suimtemmuimm'r 0 , at
.7 a. mu. , Emitolhum E. , wife mf Vu.m-uiimmammtl
Schroeder , au 25 yearn smut S mumnmtiis.
Notice of ( mineral . - _ vmll ho _ gleeui lmoruafter ,
ltmuIhmQ'H Ihisbia Salvo it. tmnoqtmaileul for
cimilblaicme , vlmmipmed hmnuts , frost bites , etc.
'l'ry it.
( ianmmeau'ms Crimped Edge City Sodmi
Crackers ntoltiim yonrnmouthm , I0immlw
Timtm'usemmt Ctlt.
l'utrse. ' ( ileason laid howard have just
completed mtrrmuugeimmeuta to imubiislm the
\Vestermm CelL ii : Otmmahum. It vii1 be do.
voted to time interest of time lush nice in
tito vest and time state of Nebraska liar.
ticularly , It. itlil be Catholic iii scutiimmemut.
Itm : immissiun viil be to umimite , edtmcite : mind
elevate time gl'owimmg eiommteut of Irish
Aimmericaims in this portiomi of time wont.
it will be tue nitty PSPUt ( if that kind in
the state. 1'lmotmgim it. will nut be jmar.
m timmaim2 it will not be neutral iii Nebrnskmm
politics. IL will mdiii to supply the Irish
amid Catholic Imoimmemi of the state , with it
national , reliable anulntomai newspaper.
\Vlmuu 1mm Fremmmunt , 1'mb , , call at tin
S Now York hotel , where you will timid bet
, ( or necommunodations than imt any hotel
I west of Oituilut Uouae entirely imeti
mind very handaoimioly furnished , thmm1u
Y , nr'z. a.
Time association line roparcd a very ut
Inactive imgutmmio of free entertain
S mnents to be lwld 1mm their ball each oven
U 11mg of timEs week. All friends are invited
a A toamporary reading room will also bu
C opomlod omn the fair grounds. Time ladiom
: aMist this week greatly by furidali
1 jag flowers ,
Jade hallnon , of flakoI , Ta1k to
the Indian COllllluiSSiOll ,
And Asserts that the Sioux
Treaty was Honestly
Boys Sutlut to ifutte Signed Liii , Treaty
cit ilhtmmmmmimm's Order.
'rime arrival of tIme Sioux Indian commm.
mission Friday night , han already bcc
announced , and a notice made of their
being mulct hero by a committee from time
constitutiomial convcntimmi flow in session
at.Sioux Falls , Dakota.
Tilt : e0MMI88Xo
sat Saturday in parlor 25 at the Paz-
ton , to listen to time statement of Judge
Shmumnoim , of Dakota , Senator Dawcmm
Iresiding , amid a stcmmogralimcr being pros-
omit to t.mlo down time testimony. To
make time immatter clear , a little statement
is Imocossary. It scommms that. a year ago
the secretary of time immtarior appointed a
comnmnittee to visit tIme various agencies of
the Sioux nation , consistimig ofEdmntunds ,
Shannon amal Ilimumumam , wlmose business it
uuimould ho to ummako a treaty with the 1mm-
dians to code part of their land to time
giverflhmmolmt. 'J'Ime treaty was mumade , but
it in now claimed tlmrit it wits oui1y brouu'imt
about by immisrepresentation to the iii.
diuum , and that they new Irotest against
itis terms.
It wnii for the purpose of examining
mute timis trouble that the senate comnmmmit.
bee wan npoimmted commsistimmg of Sehmtormm
Dmiwes , Cmmtmmeron , iigamm , Vest amid l'mlor.
giut of jlnbammma , witim iteprescmmtatives
i1cCimmmmis , Iiuumcall amid Rico invited to
neeomnpammy thom , [ essrs. Vest mimic !
Itico are now actimig as a sub.commmmuittoe
to visit the limdimmtms of mmortlmern Iu1on-
tammn. A reporter of 'ruin Baa was reliably -
bly informed Saturdey that wherever
time comnnlssion went they hint ! foumid the
expressed by time Imidinmum 'at the treaty of
which timoy had so blindly signed. Thir-
teoii timousand acres of Indian land were ,
by this treaty , to be ceded to Limo United
States for twonty.fivo thousand cows and
emma thousand bulls , which , valuing the
cows at $35 and time bulls at 50 would
make the land sold at about
throo.fourtlms of a cent an nerd There has
boomi much scandal about this. 0mm sharp
old Indian , who realized that twenty-five
thousand cows macant about one cow to
each man , told a macamber of the comnmis-
siomm that one old cow had been brotmghtt
around always , to trade , until they were
tired of it.
in his stutemnent Saturday described
time tour of the reservation which lie and
his coileutguos had made , and explained
timim relation of time Santeca to the other
Sioux and the interest they had in the
laud , being part of time Sioux confedra.
tioht mind no considered in the treaty of
' 68. TIme comninittee hunt visited Rosebud
muid Pine JUdge agency and time
lmmdiamms had willingly and glad.
ly signed time treaty whiomi Dr.
Ilimmmmmmmm : explaimmed to theta wimat
thu extent of time territory was that thmoy
uvore g'tvimmg mcway , all tim laud between
the Vhito mind the Cimoyenuo river amid
west of time 101st mueridian. Dr. Him-
mmmanm did time talking becaimso of the illiteracy -
eracy Of time agemmey interpreters wimo
were mmlways , by law , half broods.
Judge Simaimuion said that at Pine
Ridge ho met
Dm51101 JIAn
of time Episcomal church , wimo warmly
agreed witim time terms of time treaty ; and
he had also received a letter , which lie
road to the cornmmbissiofl , from Bishop
Mitttin , of the Catholic church , expressing -
ing aumtommisimmnent timat Simannon and his
associatOs mmlmoumld limivo boon accused of
having conipolied time Imidians to sign the
trinity. lie thotmghmt it was the beat thing
timat lund over beemm dommo fur time Dakotas.
Mr. Simnmmmmon agreed with time nmemnbcrsof
time comnmmmissiou , however , that time socre-
tutry of time interior lmaut no right to imm-
strtmct Mr. Ilinmnami to secure additional
'l'imo csmnmnission imeld mm bug sessiomm at
time sammmo place , iii. time afternoon , and
listened to mmbio mirgumnummts front IuIessrs.
f1umIy' ) , Omumitiold mmd 1oIltmmmm , of timeDa-
kohi CmImhImmissiomm ) , imm favor of opommimmg up
time Siommx rcscrvmttiumm , amid millegimmg tlmat
time Sioimx comumimmissiommers wore gimilty of
gross irregimlmtritics. They urged -
od particiminely time necessity
iii rummwmvimmg time lmmdiutims met a vital step to
time perfect imrosperity of time territory.
' [ 'Ito commmummissiomm took the wimole mutattur
ummmder aulvisemncmmt and left for Cimicago iii
timeir spco'itml caryestbrdmiy afttmrumoomm via'
time 0 , M. it : ; St. P. It. IL , havimmg provi-
oumuly becmm drivemm totimo simmcltimmg works ,
barracks amid state fair grommnds.
Time 1)akota deIcgatioim1oft for itommmo in
time evemmiimg via time S. C. P. feeling
very commhldent of imavimmg mmmdc a favor.
miltle immmlmresnion on ) senators.
it Ii-ent Jimiucovery.
That iii daily bmlmmglmmg joy to the homes of
timnusmupuds by muaviumg nbmmnr of their dear ommo.u
froumu an early grave. 'lruly 1mm Dr. Klmmg'ms
New liscavery ) for Commmitmmnption Cougims ,
Colmimu , Asthma , Bronchitis hay I'aver , Josuu
of Voice , TicklIng in time 'I'Imroat , Pain in Sub
and Chest , or any ( tisCmuuo of the Timrummt ammmh
i4nmmgs , a lmoaIIIYt ) cure. ( iuarammteeml. Trial
ilottitus free at O F. ( loodrnmmu'mu 1)rug Store. miize $1.00.
Chocolate msimttps minnie by ( mmrneau is
( 'lie ' of the timmost. lOmmuiw
- -
Asiulinhi 4th AiuhuhltU to Cimollurn.
Time following interesting itemmi is takemm
( remit Time Edimmbtmrglm Cnmmmaimt , 'uVedmies.
U my , August 22 , 4883 :
Sin-At a timmme wimomm mu.tnitumry immuipee-
tore mind Imenitim officers utre entice alert as
to time Prevemitiom ) of eidclemmmio diseases ,
it namy not be unit ( if iulnco to relate time
following facts mum to time antiseptic prop
urties of asphalt : IL is aim veil to satc
imeme timmit couti tar asphalt imamm IUt time
851110 qualities , although , oftemm mmscI instead -
stead of genuimmo nelmimalt. 1)mmrimmg a so-
were epiclcniio cf cimolora in time island of
'I'mimmklad , seine thirty ycarmeago , timuburmt-
lug of asphalt tiurougliout time towim of
l'ort of Stumuimi , worked wommdurs in stay-
time disease , amid acted as an antidote
I . ( I time cholera poisohi.
I Time local govomimmmmemmt caused nsplmmmlt
. to ho burned around time towim at thirty.
two imoimits of time eommmpmwn , mmiglmt. anti
day , amid time fit-at day after time fires wcrc
lit there was a marked and material tie'
. dOMe in time death ritto , aitlmougim provi
. otm3iy time registered mmiortahity ammmoummtetl
. to one hundred per day in time I'ort ol
. Slmammm , with a 1mo1nmlatiumm of only aboul
) 15,000. In all proimiliws which immiti th
S ground floor iiaved with asphalt then
wits not a single iloathi from cholera , emit
those families who burnt tta1mhmalt Ui thou
houses enjoyed an immunity front an attack -
tack of time pestilence. At La Urea ,
where time aspimalt lake is aitimatcd , timero
wu not a shmglo case of cholera , although
time district is surrounded by swanmjmu. A
simnmiiar mnuit from bmmrmming asphalt
timrougimut time town was oxperioimced
durummg time smallpox eiuidemic in 1800 ,
I cmii , &c. , Ilmimrisiismt.
Edinburgh , August20 , 1888.
Inmportammt i1mtss IUC'thIig.
A meeting of a number of colored citi.
zeums of this county , emi last Monday ovcmm
img ) , took time prolimmiinary steps to formmm ii
city ropublicami central chub.V IL C.
Stephenson was cimomuemm clmairmmiamm , ama !
Peter K. II , Cole , secretary it was
ProPosed by time ruigmiera to cr11 a mass
mimatting of the colored citizens of Iotmg-
Ins county on Momiday evomming , Septum-
her 15 , for time utmrposo of formmiaily or.
ganizimig time saiti club. Time foiiuwimmg
are time persons emmroiled : W It. Gammm-
bie , E. it Overall , i'rico Saunders , .1.
II. Curry , John Ilimidsey , W. ( I. Robinson -
sonV. . 11. Butler , Lewis Johnson ,
Peter K. it. Cole , W. II , Cossloy , W
If. C. Stupimommson.
4ti1 grocers mmcli Garmieau'a crackers bc.
cause they are time best. l0mmmlw
Time Iimties iii ( isO flour.
Time ilomi. Joint itush is to deliver a
lecture before tue lush National League
of Ammmcrica , aim IIommdny mmigimt , Septemmb-
her iflUm , at timeir Imaii cmi Douglas street
letweomi 18th amid l4tim. Subject , "Time
Dtmties of time hour. " I'very one iii symmi.
1)atimY With time purposes of the league is
invited to attommd , ? ulr. Itush hover fails
to interest amid edify Let time imaul be
1111cm ! . Regular mmmeetings of time league
time second ammil fourth 1loimda ) ' mmigimta in
eacim mmmomitiu.
For I'ille ' COlllplOX011S5 [
Positirorellefand imntunl-
ty from complexional blent-
Lshes 111fl ho lound in lEagan's
ilagnolia linim. A delicate
, and 1iarni1ess article. sold
by ( lruggist8 everywhere.
It Iii1iitrt3 ) the most brhl-
hauL 1111(1 life-like tints , and
the chosest scrutiny cannot
detect its use. All unsightly
IMseoloratlons , Eruptions ,
{ 1ng Marks under the eyes ,
Sallowness Redness , Rough-
11088 , 811(1 ( 1110 flush of fatigue
aitul excitement are at once
( liSJCllCd ) by the Magnolla
It is the one Incomparable
asrSpectais will Positively not be inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Idonoy.
1ONF.V FO LOAN-Time Omaha Smstlnum Hank Is
lu imcw mremu&rml to make loans oi0mua city or
flutugla'm cotmmmt ) raI estate at current rate of Interest.
No commmmmmIsIomi charged. S5S-tf
1 ONES' TO LoAN-The hOttest rates of Imuturest
i _ ilemnik' Loan Agommcy , mntm & DottgIa. .nt tt
- ( ) NIY TO LOAN-Call itt Law 0111cc of U. L
.1 Thomas , root , , S. flank.
IrONEY LOANED-Ott Chattem room 7
fllNebramuica National Bank flmmlJdltm. : j54. jf
' oNhY TO LOAN-S. T. hicatty oamme on
Iv property , : : m3 South 14th St.
. HBLP wM'vrsii.
rpMl.oit WANTuI-To do emmernhItsmloing , both
I cuttlmmr anti workIng on bench. btOauhy umork
iooii may to time might mitt. Apply for otis isek at
a. ii. AVIILS , t'ommea , Nob. 52l-14
. % ) - dlnmnrnoi , girl anti acimani.
\ ber mm1tm mmmmd iammtmt1r girls inmnmcuhiatolymmt time
City hutch. LS-Ih
' . ' ° -Youmiv oman forlmrdw.mroimtoro Sour
boy for mhotgmpim gmmllcry. Yuummgmmman to at-
teumd to tu.umim and thu cimores. Smeady oinloymmment.
ImmmmuloymmietmtllutCSU , 1I N. mCtim mutmtt. nms.1O
'I 7ANTaO--A goo.m 1i for gumerni imoussaork at
, Cfth and Maun. taii timi. . eteuming. b3T.b
\TANTaI-FIr.t-chaus conk and launmim-ustu at Z42O
S mtarmtey trceL
' TANTIii-Giri for houuioworic. Gernman or Swede
, , Ireferrot. hit mioumth 15th street. tad-me
, ' rAN1'Fi-Youmir : m.mdy a Ishetu asltmmstlorm mom copy.
I 1 Int. jttimire ' i. It" 205 1 tIm street.
9AAntmE watmtctl for 1euee : work. . 1' . J. Em.
_ uuu. , ucdy , Couutractur.imply
hi. itAl'lNV'EmIait ,
Lui.ti1 11th Street , Imoir h'mrmmanm.
1Awr1muooEl : girl. Must Ituagooti cOok. Call
1 i t tHilmitrect and Mlehlxummm mivetmue. tim-mi
) - anti young mumcniiutlulna toumrtm
, Sm to .I emery day quietly at their imummiesor
fttrnlimttm : Send by mail ; miii e4nvae4lumC ; mm , ) ' 4511115
rem irci for rumly , i'lfmao adtlreu'u mmnvmui : hAVIS
& (0. , LS P1. iiahmm St. , mall hiluer Mmmsu ik-m2
t % ' AN'lEli , t womtimt to sash anti Irorm. at time
Emnmct ilommw. 465151
\71tNTEI-.t genii gIrl for cuneral hmctuseork hum
V V mimmmahl family. Apply mit 42tJ N. 18th St. MT-lOt
' ' % TANTI-D GIrt for general hotmmiesorir , H. W.
1 1 cor. Cmmldnmhl amid I-icr streets , $ hlnns additIon.
7/iNTEI-Fluo ) or sIt carpcmmtcrs , Autimhy cur ,
, 1 IStim attul liosaid IIommmia3 mmmortmln. Li2Sl
- - - - - - -I-
T.rEI- t ftrst-ciass carpet layer. Apply it
I J. mm. tetumller'ti , 1515 Farasmmm htreet. &i3.t
TANTED-Tit0 tooii boys , shout if. years ulil. at
, 1 Ommmtiia ) iiroonm Works , 1t.ttm amid m'aitm.
U'ANTHPIA dItmhm roonm glz . . mit tim. ( Jrtlghtomm ,
. ' . .
VT House 'L
TA1EU-ir.t-CIaM Pi.try mimmul iThort Order
V I cook , mit 111)6 i'armuammm street.
: - . - at Iiottmn lkstaurmmnt ,
\ ten I liii and iitm ! mitnct , oh homttltu.
\\MrnL ) Otto puwltmuc girl soil tiso mmupretmtlcu. ,
tm ) .10 mlrit-cituatu work , mit IdLJSL liar ) mm mutemutmu.
Mi-sh Ilium. C'Olii'l'F ,
: - for fair wick , lucgimmtmim ulotm
ulay , Svpt. hum. Tumm ditmlmmg roommu girls scud hi
girls to wash dlsimee.
rANTh. ) Tvtm : oo4 cracker bmlers. ApitIy at
' 1 ones to dOS. ( IAIINEAU
Jimi 5' Cricker I-actery , 121km amid , mackmiou.
TANTE1)-Ten carpenters. Apply at mioutlmmuut4
I ! cosnur 20th antI Luuglas , or liii uortiu2Olhi suit
( hr-semi strust. S. T. MUIII'ilY.
efANTiDooo.i : rlrl for gutteral lmomm.sumsmirk at
, , iTt ? ChIcago street.
1TANTED-A good carrIau bhsci.omultb No. tOt it.
V I maui street , hiammaun & lfotm. 471 imi
ITANTHI-A uoraau to wash awl iron at the
, V } : wnmumtt hmousuu. 4558 *
, 1TANTED-Tiio Slit tdau. . at 1 , W , j ) .
I X' n'CoanummfId.
'PsTANTEfl-Ts 0 gIrls at tito OccIdental botch tin-
, I mediately , 457.10
. 'tT.tN'rED-Thc best glri4 1mm time e4ty for the Lesi
I situation. uultim tirstebie fautmilles. Good bounce
I and buit W54(5. ; OaU at once , 217 N. 16th striwt.
r 43851
u7ANrEtilady agents for the " ( Uuen l'r.tect
1 V or , . A now under gutuent for isi.Uci. mad. of
I soil , IkitUs rubber. Sure peotcctlon to lime under.
I SC&X. whmn necessary to b's worn. itetahli for $ ttlO
I Is ( Mt U Sjttmti can . ithow It. large prodie. Address
tiith stium.p , "lAdleS. udogwent MsnuseLunia
1 No U it .thmiy street , Ch1rso , I. ! . T90-8mn
- -
_ -
. _
Infants and ChIthCfl
Wftliont Morphlno or Nar.2
What gives our Chltdm'rm rosy clmeu'ius , ,
What cures their fevers , makets thenu slot P.
I' 'rig astort.
Then Ibibleum fret , and cry by tuirns ,
% 1at cmnca their colic , kflls tht'lr worma ,
Slut Ciuttorla.
What quIckly cimreq Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Immdlgusutmon
Slut Cmutnri
Farewell then to Morpimino Synmps ,
Coaler Oil and i'An'gorhc , smut
smutHnhi Cmmetorhrt. .
Centaur LInlmont-j. .
solute euro for Rhouzuntiam ,
Sprain. , Burns , & . , sued isa
tnsthnthiioouii PaIxm'-rciioeax- .
- -
Broom Corn
: E 1 ? ,
Z'c , ' tstob. , .
The Besi in the Market
Manufactured by
byC. . 0. COLTON itt CO. ,
Oaiciberg , II.
8fSemmd for Circulanuuiml I'rfcLfet.
I _
The Product of American Industry !
Full assoetmaunt commtmtammtiy mm llama ! and for sale by'
t llB-RY : P1JIIRMAN , Fremont , Neb.
7ANTEU-A' once , ii 1rn mmtCanfleld's Overall
' V } aetob1107 hlamiieystrcut , 3d hoer. 415.U
't'TANfE13iTht i. lOSlmemmanavcntio.
v St-tf imuts.j. i. COUNSMAN.
7'ANTEIm-lmy a youmm msci , O ycartuotl ) , .mpouul. .
' tlon to ivork abommt itrenLee In unmu ate family.
Address " 11. IL" Bee oSlo , . & 45-1o
TAWFEl ) - Situation as c'erk ho store by a young
VT lady. SIie.dms German stud Engllum. ) Expcr. .
Iencotmmmtt beet of references. . .tddress"A A. C.
L'ouutothloc. 5&O'lOl
TANTEl-situatloim. by two flruus-ciawu cooks.
V S Best of references. Address "X. Y Z' Itee
office. tO6-i Si
r AimlP Oil YOU.u MN him city or commntry to
.1A take nIce. light anti ileasant work at their own
hotties ; $2 to ta mm day easily and quietly made ; work
soot h3' mail ; no caumuaumslimg ; no stamp toe reply.
I'Iemmumo a.ldre'm.m itelmalilo uIan'Vg. Co. , i'hiiai'a. 1a. ,
drawer ' 1:1' : . 4TS4mo *
7TANTE1)-A , .itmmietlon as tither by a yougiii ?
, V Oman. humqumlre at I'eter Goos'ui , t'anmmanm street ,
betweemi ittim smuG 10th Lu-id
1TANTEm3ltuatlon ty a gonul printer oniuho
y understands job sork amid pressitork thorough
ir , ii a mtmarrkdman anti tiIhio mittmtdy m'nmpmoyinemit.
Addrcs mit ( Oldu ) to Itox 27 Mimutem Nub. 4C.'S.S '
% TANTt11tiod mhetIcam tlmmmter , stead ) ' Jot , , 4O
V iwrmontlm. LOUIS SWANSON ,
p37-mint umysi's , Nub.
- furnlulmedroomu. Amdreiitil' . 0.
\ yANTELi-Two
- ' \ 7ANTEJltooimIi ultahlc for dresi.nmakimig.
Must be tlrt-clsmt loallty. Address ' '
maker , " ike otlheu. Lie
tmmoumt.ammim mummies to go ii. Mo' .
S V Iduct's to have thmiir mIrus.umiakIng dune , 07
north 111th street. 12-mO'
'YAmD--Th'ee : mtrozme to mittniI night school.
S Sitmm.mtiotms lurimimlmud , lame Dangle , , trett.
490-ti J. mm. SM ! I'll.
V 7t.Tin-aooo : lttmsheis of fresh PlCkCd , riumm ; to
mnatoes , at htarnls & Fmhcr'um , : metf
1lilt I1ENT-Ti.o iluirs auth baiement. Elevator
i1 attach , ii. lCit7 Farnimn street. 20.inio
I - ENT-A mmieehy lmmrmmit.hied room 13h $ Jmmcksoim
smreet. & 42-14u
I IIENT---A new cottage neatly tnrmmmshed in-
tmtmtlii1 gixumi miarmo m'ry cheap , ti&OO twr mnoumtim
rmochildrcmu , sth hmuusu ciortim of St. Mar'mu ave. omm
COtim St. , caut club bt. 580.10
I 1tEN1'- . % heW ttIck store SC feet dct1 , oil
hlowarim uutret , betieen ILth amid ititim street.
ltmqu're mit fluslmnians dry gnoil store. m 3I-tf
I iOlt RENT-Nicely furimlehed front mom , 2117
Wmhster street. Lit-Il
1 I1ENF-llouse a riomnu , kltchecm , closet , Imt.
try , 8131 Sluurtmmatm mmtcmmut' . 457-8 *
' ' ( ill htENriloitso 9 room-u. two clutstuu mirmd good
r ltaCmt1tmmt. hOmed and soft water. 2Uoo mr
month. Cur. I 4th until iebiter ,
F mum'-"r-w'uII furumtemed roumns mit 1914 Web-
. stutr street.
° " ItEiTFurnluhmtd atonus At 2013 Cmit itteit.
biIt ( IIENT i720umpitoi mmvenuefuruWied rooms
suite or mulzmrle , to geriUenman and wIfe , or gen-
tlemmiemm. Trmmtmclemmts aceomntmmodat.d fair week.
I 710it mIEN-F-A nIce , now cotucmso , 22s40 , 6 rooms ,
S'uete , hail miamI pantry , cellar anti fuel room ,
hmarmi meid soft water , Cotu ummiemit , plemmaammt. locality ,
one tuck from street car himmt'ipmmy whim referenc. . ,
at 1213 north lOtim btreet. we-ia.
FOIL RF.NT-Two nicely furnished rooms 1mm brick
house , h416 Chicegostroet. 450-13'
'uomt mui'r-stmttof fmmrnlslmcd moms alth boanL
.N. E. cur. 17th scud Clark. 437.8
I " ° " IIEN'F-A furmuituhu'ul mob sith bo.mrdga.urumd
bmmthroomnmmtmTlii hothgo street. wi-met
iLENT.-lto sell fuimilehmed front roommi with
dmceslng room for one or two gentlemen. iteler.
utile-s required , No. ill t.outh 1ttlm lit. 477.114
i'uit siNT-s roommi cottage , new , Seward street ,
,1 liutseemi Campbsil anmi irwic , ithtmmui addition.
4711-ill . C
jOtt flENT-VmmntWitdroomewIthbumtrd , lnprlviute
Ifsunhhy mild lAmu unitort Si , 480-81
I 'OIt RENT-Ti. . ii maim amid title , without children ,
4 chammmbtre ttry commusnlummt for lmou.ekm.viing
Front memut our ummtramtci' , barth and soft tistur. 310
Nortim iTthmitrtvt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4f.S.Lf
1'Oit itE.NT-Ummfurnlshctt roams , 1724 1)ouIa * .
I mO&08f
o1I1 ltENI'-NlcIy ) xoomn&u , 18th btreet ,
I bit. Issigo mmrmd Omuimitol atenue. _ _ 433-8'
OIt IIENT-CottagouOroomfls , corner Chicago
and l11tlm stmcet. S. h.l.ilMAN.
4 12-tI
10lt ItENT-iT imotaw's 57 to 575 ; or itmontim.
J 'i-m2 emrrivaim& UELL , 1' , 0 ,
itmmluurumut hio.pu'
tnumlo and art store , Iodiu street. tOotf
T--Iirtck . Imimitmiru at uirmiy store
itS - ' - store. ,
I , _ csr. ilIUm and tougias mitrue. 810-If
loit 1IENTTwo ittuors acid bmisetucut. Elevator
I' attaciwd. ii,07 Farmoun street. STe If
Icgcr-A piuissnt Scoot room ; also smaller
I 4 room , with board. 1812 Dodge lit Oli-munol
" ' k'uimL.dmod anti unfmimnl.tmud rennet.
I" . L'ECE , Otp. 1' . 0.
r'iE-inrjenms amid store ijuilm1Ini. lIED.
I FURL ) & HOUSE , Heal Estate Agency. 0113cm ,
east sidu 111dm mitiout , tuuOmucn i'mircmam amid liomuiss
ptrt'eti. _ _ _
atii.7iroui : :
4 street. J. I MAII5Lm4.
it I4ALF.-Ctmolec acre lots.'ln city limits , sery
cimeap. EVANS , ldthsmmd Dodge , fLaIl
FOht IALLA boarding house iiitim eststdliluoi
L.ualuemia , In gooit iocaUoum. Uood resooo gum
forsclilng. Spetmnan , Itthsndfluugiss. t54.1LI
° ' SALE-i'munlor fmurrmittmru mit 313 221 street. be-
I tw..uu ClitaiU and Lmuenport. L32- * $
FOIL SALIi-Ilouso ! 4 feet , with 7 room , , slUm
half act's lot , near I"ort Ommuba. Price idOOcash ,
or3700 on Iliac. Addrcs , James A. Taylor. Fort
Omaha. 336-131
tohi SATE-Acm excellent opportunity to buy a
i. homno elm map on north 20th mutt-eeL Must be sold
soomm. S. f. Marble , 217 N. 10th.
I 'IOII SALE-Nice cottage mis rooms , Situ and
fmmfl4ot , trees and mmhmnmbiwry. BeautIful location ,
t-2so , .io0 neth , balance $2APvr mouth.
404-10 ( ) matm NsLlonaIliankIiui.hdhug.
Jomt SALfi-I'hautocucheap for cash. i'arty wants
to'leas'e town. 440 34 itrc.11bt.t. liamney sad
St. Mary's avemmmmo , . . . 510-13
' i'OItSALH-Threo Ibis , onamilcely graded , and two
suith houses , 6 blocks. from hia.totham t a
gmdmm , VECK , opposite P. 0.
F ° R SALE-Ituneum timid half lot on noeth iOti
street house 2OxQOm good loeatiotm. L'aiceliLO.
* 108 cash , lialammee 20 per inmintlm.
It 1.Ll S&.MO'VFEII ,
430.8 itoom 20 , Omaha National hank Imsilding.
iiullt : ; s.tnn-Ntce house and Itt o . Oourgia ova-
-1 imuo. El.gatmt % iew , ilno location , 2,5uO ,
CAsh , balance $30 cuonthm. mIlLS
} iOht SALE-A nearly itew leamhmur top m.lmlo bat bugS'
gy at No. 2310 m't. tarye avenue 455-lot
1-'oIt IIALE-Teo lots cottage a rooms , 2 , mlsterns ,
iT barn , 2hlocks frotn hhighsehooi , liattsmmuiuth to
exchange for Oun mba mrmporty.
Forum hoauUful West lruttlots , Georgia ave. hans.-
coma Ilace 22,800.
Two iotmu tmcw house , beautiful ri'sldcnoe Georgia *
live. IV. front , 3Ooo.
Forty acre tr.ct tmcarclty , 15,000.
Nut' tidin nsidemtct. 0 rooms , in 10th itt , iP front. ' ,
474-mm StihttVEIt& lmmEL.
I 0it ILLLE-ithttmlmmger Orgamt , floP stop , two knee
sumellmt. InquIre mit N. I' . Lindquist's , 2td street ,
! E ! , : leavenwortim arid Muison. 456-lot _ , ,
Jolt SALE-Spkmidld upmioctummity for party with ;
minim capital. A first-class drug store 1cm a pros-
mtcrous town. iVill ho sold umm sery easy terms. Uoemt
rea' + oums for toilIng. Apply to Luck lies 042 Htarrmey
I OIt HAIE.-At aba gain , a small to-tier , hiaiotann
amid Co's tire Ireef sale. humq Ire at timis 051cc.
1'Oit SALmi-'our hots In south Omnalma. ( load In.
i rtmtiotm , 2Lo. each. Inquire at Boo 0111cc.
_ _ _ _ 334-U
jiomt SALE-A clean stock hardwatc. IlargaIa.
.1 Easy terms. Addrcs it. J. Work , Mihford , Ncb.
311'mtot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F ° R SALE-Ommo fresh tmmihk cow , also voting calf
1 hmmqulro at Etilmelnu and Ericksomm's Jewelry store
_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . 21K-ti
olt SALE-A number urun hone , aili mirivu single
or double and will be 54)13 at a baraira hujmmiru
at the oilico of the Orammd Umlomi , Tea Ce , , 113 3. lLth
' ! _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ldi-tf
iioii HALmi-smalm house , now , about one-halt acre
I lot , laey : tunas. I'riee only $5 0.
1 lttf 1500 Farnatmm m4trtus.L
) IIHAL-200 Ewes.
4 _ _ 100.itn' JOhN 51. snmt.T. :
° SALE OIIEA1'-At 11th street , south
P uf Ileilovue rotul.or 60 $ North 13th itt. 95d.lnml
1IOIIHALE-Fimuo farm chose to the city , t
2 tttS-tf I'Ecmt , Opas.lto P. 0.
C :10(1 : yearling heifer's.
2ut ) Iwo 3ear old hiolfers.
4CC mmmlxed calves , Ottohidelivery. .
200 hunt yo.mrlingiutemmrs , 0toter delivery.
701 heW smooth two ammd timmno year olul shari.
Iowa ustcmk.
STIIANUE r.uto's.
Cattle Oontmactors , hide , Yool amid Tallow draloiui ,
hiot _ City , 1ow _ _ _ _ SALE-A first class mteconti hanti top buggy.
_ i Vail at mats liamnoy street.
-iou SALII-ite.uidetmco amid bmmuuhmmest. ltroh.erty in
ami parts of Omaha , and Farmim Latmds Lit all parts
of the State. IiEDFOitD 8OUlft ,
703-ti 213 8. 14th St. butt. Fmiitmamn and foustes.
bOit SALE OR EXOIIANUE-Fuhi lm.tandthme. .
I dwellings corner 01 hIlt and I'achilo streets. .
Nine lots in south Omalmit. Also 160 acres of is.f # 5'
near itantomi , Nebraska , tmemd buildiimg antI stock o
chothimig No. 804 Tenth etrmiet. Will ochanu fat
Nebmmvuka farm lands. Ftmrther iterticulars at Gee.
II. Petertion'e Clothing Store , 804 Tenth treoi.
Iit HALE-Old resepmmpormu itt large and entaIl
F acrmtitiee it thi. oflics. _ ti
routIne zmt 1sc0in Itemise , moth and Divoupoet.
534 31 ILtNI ( DAVIS , 5'.prictor ,
' . - lmidiee brown hsmiilwgwiUm initials' '
Contalne4lagrlemu stimu Iturso ammul sonmo motley
l'leat'c leave mmtlliS F.mrumsmn street
r OST-Detaren ( 'imtnlng strtet and Fair grounds ,
.L.l ladles' almasi. I'limder will Ileae leaum mit lice
ocrA ttmay book of Cigar .Mmmkcm-'ui Ummlon No. ai.
.4 l'Iut.s leauc at lieu amOco , * 21.5'
S TIuAymn : oIl bTOLENOtmu bi brown horse ,
'S bite Imicmd feet star 1mm lieat itimltu , mummotbchlmmd
tIme left tier. All- immfotmnatjetm wilt Ito mesam-ded t'y
miermullumy to iY , U , ilensimaw , hmmummders md Coining '
stied. L14-mi
UOAIIIINi-lly the day or eek mit 415 11. Mb
I I mitre-ut , bttsetmm ilosard and hlarney Iltfltet5.
_ j.m3t p
'T1IAVELJ-A ttiooloy biludlo ow , Eluder wIll
rocelve i.O0reiiarii by rvtumning sauna to 28th
and ( jimmie , Hunter' . brIckard.
410-8' .JOlIH hUNTER.
.4ilS. .lt'lIA SCIIIIOIEIi , Chicago , the most
til PacHul tnam.etIo Imemmier located all ham a mimi
mmml duonm.e , Cur , , all those miiieu up by oilier mihy. I'
slclamms. Consultation free , S. W. rem 15th and Cap.
toh atunun , htoonm 8. 415-8 *
100N1)-Ttiomicts of mhtglo harness , a hammock
aitti a mIlk can , ( tuner can have same by calling
at Sath mind L'bicagomt.IIuumter's brickyari , smmtipim ) . )
leg charges , 370Lt *
express or car.
.14 riages , to amm.u- part of the city , at 215 8. 13th lIt.
Tileithummo No. 1435 , A. KELLNEIL
JFyou want pUiidiueu funny pw.ose , seeiV
hued ( 'antluld house , ii.tni
ALI4 ? . 483 Tenth strict. beiweea i'szn&m and Usm.
1w7 , will , with the aid of guardian spirIts , vbt&b (31 (
In , one a Klaoo of th peat sad pennant , 4 On
rertsbmos.UUoasIrt.tuture. l Hand 8III to 'gSer , Vuzto satIsfaction asraote .
_ _
_ 4' -