- - - . . . . f T .CiiE DAILY 3Er. ° 1IQNDAY , SEPTEMBER 10. , 1S8 7 , ic \ . . . I1.1 1@iS LlE Yid .JLte lA t' iL a ; 1ELTE : : ± ar.jiEIi : : , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. - - - - - . ] Proprietor of : 1tal + ir Bull nud General 11lnnnger for the Celebrated a Western Cottage Organ Co1 , Of Mendota , Illfor 1Yestern Iowa , Northern luutsas and Mi4souri , Nebrkska , Sautlie'n Minnclota , cold h Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Mntchless WEBER , , t AND HARDMAN 1 . , ano.s -ALSO- ( BTTPdXBTT . -AND- „ f f r . , , , 1t COTTAGE ORGANS ! 1o o M ' AIL KINDS O- MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , - SUCY AS- VIOLINS , GUITARS , - -A FULL LINE * ) F- ' o i' ' Music Boxes Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders , , Sheet Music Etc Et i Also a Fine Stock of Fancy Goods. M L All Kinds of Games and Toys. Asa specialty in the Piano line , i would recoumeud uoat heartily the . l Ilardmaia ia' c ! A SIGe tone , finely finished , ftrst'elass instrument in every respect ; they are not the clieapost Pianos , but within the reach of all who really desire something that will last a lifetime , TItY TIIEM. They arc fully wnrranted for SEVEN YEA RS. SHODDY PIANO AND ORGANS , I so largely advertised like patatt medicine , rout like it , good for everything hand nothing in pa'ticilar,1 ( JO NOT KEIIP IN STOCK , I cannot afford to sell than , au I live too near home , lint if desired I a pre. pared to furnish any of these Cheap Pianos lull Organs at eaHie'a prices , Brave freight , provided I auu not held a u ves1)onslble. rll connection with this I will State that mV Or6auH colltaln M full octaves of Rerrls to one sot , 4 ' 'id do not cal ! It single octave of re ) ds , a full set , as advertised by shoddy mgkors end dealers , r I sell Pianos and Organs on Blonthly and Quarterly Pilylueiits ; also for cash , with smltll extra discoluit , ad for circular. Address . ' I J. MUELLER , , i 1Oil South Main Street , Councfl Bl offs } Iowa. SEOONU . NNUx L Fair ! OF THE Council Bluffs 0I IG PARK & fAlfl ASSOCIATION I SEPTEMBER , 10 , 11 , Id , $16.000 in Premiums ! eGUO r01t spEFU. lAbornl 1'retitus for every Product of the Fani\Varkslop and Fireside , The 7rottIt , ltunnlugand I'adngltsceswill le The Most Exciting ! tv'Fn : WITNI 591:1) : . C11A1UOT AND 11UItDIAE ] LACES Crct ) 1 y. The Track , lsp sdllon Bullding amid grand slain alual to u3' lu thu { vc.t F\ct'ItsloN : itATES on all railroads cnrcmcly iOw' . IIN , THUS. A , IIINml1CKs : , of Indiana , will tether the OI'ININi : ADIIt ) ) Ss un ( be tternoon of 7lrwlay. tdror prrmlum114 nddreAs 7'IIUMAS IoWMAN. Sccr'tary , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , The 0net qunllty met largcsttnekwet of Chicago of Wootku caul Stet 1IO Cases. Call , atlendnl to .t all hntlrn. We defy asnpetltton In quaftty of gale or prlcrn. Our Mr norgan has aortal a. undcrtaler for forty yeare ant thoroughly nadeTatandA his busi now. { S'nreroonutallliraulw'oya UI'IIOISTEItINO In all Ito branches pronupt13 attended to , lea CAt t laying and ianduequlua Tekgtaphlo and wall x ere fillal wlthoutdelav. R. Rice Me Da or other tumor. removed lthoulth. CANCERS 1 knlfe or drowing of bloo.l. CHRONIC DISEASES of klnd. a epeal.lty , Omer thirty years pacttal expeticnea OOleo No. b l'arl etrrct , ( iouncll Dluffe , dsrCenaultatlon trop. COUNOIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Th. followlng are oho time of arrlral and drpsrturo f tmin. from the local depot. . The tr.lnstad from oho Union l'aslfio depot about ten utinutw eariler than below eteteJ , and nrrlao at the depot about ten minutes later. Tralne on Iooh Bnea and K. C , nun on Cldago thine , a hall hour haler than local. 1t'abah tralna nun en St Lout. time , twenty mhnites Gisler than local , U. P , and Uncotn trniua mom on Council lllnff , time. C7tICAno , ROCK ISLAxb AD I'ACIYIC. Depart. Arrive , AtlanUohxt..5,30p.in. , PaelfoFr ) . . . . . 0:4 : ° in Ex and 31.11' . , D:50 : + Iii. txand .fall.0:5 p. iii , nos Munedae'.7t15n , m. 1)es ) Molno , ac. ,8 t3 p , nu. CIIICA.IO , UURWNOION AD QUINCT. 1)e art Arrive. ChkngeEr' . ,6I55p.m. COunJlWllff.ur. . . .0.45 MJ ) and FLY , . . .945 nn Mall and Er „ 7t0o p. m C1UCA00 and NOarllwasTanN. . Arebe , AUantlo Eat . . . .515 ; p. m. Pacifo Ext,9:15 : a. in. ILaU nd Eat' , ,9:20 : a. nn. Mall and Ex'095 p. m. AooomSat,5:50p.uL : AocomMon.145p.rn. ( ) RANNA i CITY , ar , Joa AND COUNCIL RLorra Depart , Arrive , MAtlandEr..9:55&m : , Ex rese , . . . . , 6:35p.in. : , Kxpnx. . . . , . . . . . 5 p. in. Marl and Ex , , .6:4. : p. w , ualoN rACrnc. I e art. Arrlvo. Overland Ex..11:30a , m. OvadandKx.4:00 : p , min , UnoolnEz..U:30a.in. : Denver Ex , , , .8 .00 a. in. Denver Ez,7:00P.ta : Local Ex „ , , .6,30 , n. In. Local Er. . . . . . . 7:25a m. " Ex. . . . .9:05 : a. nu. Emigrant. . . . . . . . . . . ' _ p. in. " Ex..6 0O a , m. WADAII.r. LOUIS ANU t'ACIYIC. Ikpart. Arrive. Mop and E c. . , , 0:45 : a , m , Stall and Ex , „ 4:30 : p , m t5mnonBall. . . .4:5Op.m : , I Cannon Uail , I1:05a : m. , roux CITY AND 1 ACIYIC. Depart. Arrive ForBloux City.7:55 : a. in. FrmSlouxCitOfAp.m. ; For F.rtNlobrara F'em Fort Niobrara Ncb' . . , , . .7&i. in. Nob.&rOp.un. ForSt I'aul. , 7:40p. m. FrmSt.l'aul.8tOa.m. : CIIICAGO , MILWAUKRx AND BT , PAUL' LavinOmaha. Arive. at Omaha. Mall and Ex , . , , 7:45 : a. in. I I'aeffiohx. . , , 045 ; a , m , Atlantlo Ex. . . , 3,40 , p in. I Man and Ex , 725 ; p. m. Alltraine dally , ChIICAnO , MILWAUK.a AND RT. PAUL , Lcavea Council I lufYd. Arive Council Bluff. . Mail and Ex. . , . 'D 0 a. min. Mail andEx0:55 : p. m Atlantic ix. . , . [ 595 p. m , Atlantic Ix..10:10 : a. nu , COUNCIL , LUYP , ANa O\IAIIA HTRRRT RAILWAY. Lave Council Bluffd Lemo Omaha. 8 a rn. D a. m 10 a , m.1. a. 18 n. In. 0 a. In. 10 a , m. U m. l p. m , 2 p , m , 3 p , uo , 4 I a , m. l m. 2p. m. 3 p. ni , p. m 5 4 , in. O p. min. 14 p. m. 5 p , In. O p , m. Stuvct am rum half hourly to the Colon I'aci0c depot. On Sunday the cam Ile In } hoer tripe at 0 o'clock a in. , and run regularly during the day at D , U , 2 , 4 , 5 , mud 0 o' clock , and mom to city thno. CURE OR NO PAY. 151ILO. .M Mineral Springs ! % , o guarantee the cure of the followlng named di. . cae. , or no ay : Ii eiim ati.mii , Serofula , Ulcers , Cn tarrh , all liloslaid Skli , IheaXCg , Dyepcjela , Llier Complaint , Kidney mud Bladder Dleca.e. , Gout , Neu ml do and Asthma. The.oHring. are the faroritoroairt of the tired and debilitated , and are the Fecblu Ladles' best friend. Good hotel , Livery and Ilathing accommnodatluna Locality highly picturekquo and healthy , COrerap011donc0 , Ollelted , Addres. Itev. DL 51. T110MPSONManager. Hlloam , Genlry'Co.Mi TJIOR. OYYICaR , it. L. UU.Y. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluffs , la Esfablishea - - 1856 Dalera in Forgleu and Doncetla Excaugoand ifornu Securitic + i. Mrs H J. Hilton M II , , . , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broa4way , Council Btufi , W. R. VAUGHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blutte , Vaal eatata . )4 oolleollon.xency , n old Fellow' . ( dock , over Halnv. Bank. JaMyl COMMI ROiAL , COUNCIL IILUYYa MASKXT. Whoat' Nu , 2 Rprfug , TOe ; No , 3 , 63c ; rv Iected , flee ; good demand. Corn-Ieaiesn are paying 31(32o ( ; releetol ours , Chicago , 4o4ra ; now rdxod 49o ; who to corn , tAc' the rocolits ) of corn are iight , ( ) ats-hcnrco amt In good demand at 30c. Hay-4 OOif 00 ier ton ; 1 Oo pcr bale. Ityo-too ; light atpply' . Cori ] Heal-1 2i per 100 pounds , Wood-lord ( supply ; pricei at yard. , t OO r f Goal-1)oliverod , loard,1100 ier ten ; soft , 5 to per ton , Jiuttor-'p'lumy and In Gir demand at 25c ; creamery , 3Uc. Eggs-lfeady sale and plenty at 10Jl In po T ( lnze1L Lard -F'airbank's , svholusaling at lie. Poultry-Firnl ; dealers are paying fo r Cldckonx IOc ; live , 210 per dozer Vegetable.-'Potatoes , GOc ; onions , tOc ; cub bagos , 3o@ lOc iar dozen ; applch , J GOp ) I P ° r barrel , ] Tour-City pour , 11.O(3 ( 10 , Brains0O(3 W per dot. LIw& 14TOCK. Cdtlu3 : 003 fo ; calves , s 007 so , IfogeMarket ( or tars ; gniot , as the pack howoa aru cluaod ; skippers are paying 4 Of , Invalid whrn and motluns quickly ro atorod km health by using I1rown's fro n } litters , A true tuue. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NE11'S , i)1MOOUtTIC DOINOH , They Cheese helrunten to the County Convention-Pint ntthei i trtIt Wnrtl + l'rlttnrles. 1'110 deacrats utut fu word priutnthes Saturday evening , and selected delegates to thu 11O1110C1aliU Cuuly couvetliou , which is to niect at the court 1101150 to. morrow uturniug , ' [ 'lie follnwing is a list of those chosen ; First lVard-John Linder , E.P.Brooks C , E , DIN'aal , ( I , 11 , Jackson , J. 11 , l'nlnrur , 0 , 1),11'alters , Cotnnitteeuan , B Bain. Second 11'nrl-J , C. 1)ollo en , .1 (11111 k , lldes , J. O , 'Tipton 1' , itoclttelo , .1 , , I , 11'Ititu , Ira 1lculricks , C , E , Stone and J , 11 , lieatlu : with Frank hunter , J , 11' , Mikesel and .I , C , Leo is throe alter' codes , Contluitteenan , Ai , F' . Rohrer , 'I'hinl 1VnnlA. . C , ( iraliat , M , Kent. ing l. , A , Becker , ( ice , Blnekism , N , D , liukl : , C. Guise , t'ourth 11'arl-J , 1 , hulz , U , P , ! Vick. hate , J , 0 , Lange , ] 11. (1 , frililu ; , J(11111 .1 , Fntitwy,1' . ( luunuudl ) , .1 , E. Apple , It , Alit ) ' , C , lt , llitelt 1 , Chnirnnn , , II. Hare. ' ] glue 01113' SCU110 of special contest was it the Fourth ward , whore there wore nbout euvottyftvo gathered , City Clerk 'Prouhnat called the meeting to order , and on notion of J , .I,1 rainey,11I , O , Orihlht { vas chosen chairman , cold TiIr. Largo sucrutary , Mr. Troutman noved that they proceed to ballot for nine dole. gates , cote at a tinie. Mr , b'rniney , who Iiuti" n ) ro [ trod list of nine men moved to amoid balloting for all at one [ lute instead of su ! tar teny. This nmenltont carried and the original action as nulondud was declared carried , 'Phut ) all sorts of motions Caine flying in but the chnirlitan kept insisting thntas oho caucus had already dnehded to vote far all nine delegates at one [ into and by ballot , tlucy lutist be hold to that until reconsidered , ltir. Frainoy ntovud to declare the nine mm 0s rend by hint elected. This was decided out of orlm' . Jir , Keys moved to reconsider oho whole proceedings , ' ] 'Iris was host , ' ] ' ] tot there was n stormn of talk and a flurxy of notions and , /edge / Ayleslvorlh again ntovud to reconsider all tlutt hind been done , 'i'bis was ruled out of ceder ou the ground that no business hod been dote siuco that same niution was put and lost before , Mr. Connor [ lion moved to elect the delegates uatod by acclamation. Thus was ruled out of order. Then after some more tidk and more motions , a motion to adjourn was insisted on whhlo there was a vote boin counted b division of the louse. Thus was ruled out of order , until oho vote should bo counted. When the final vote on delegation was reached it etie(1 GO to Ili , the chairman lowing ruled that too votes could be cast for persons oven if they were not on the list of those ) resented , The whole affair was a tumultuous anti noisy one , and runny charges and re charges of packing and gel hlin , g were made , and it is claimed that the dissatis lied ones will hold another caucus , - - a- CINCINNATI , 0.-The 1'1mc8.Sarsa ( s , [ lint am a remedy for rheumatism , and a cure for mini t , Jacobs Oil taes oho lead. -a-- I F ItSONA1S. . Chief Templeton , cf the fire departmoot , has roturnecl from 1Viscunsbr. Sam lions loft for Chicago Saturday with a shlnnent ) of 300 cattle from his Nyouthng ranch , Capt. L , larscht hay rotor cd ( rum Atchi Boll , whither ho ss mrt In company of his auu Lcenarl , who ha to remain there at St , done. diet cnliege , Ex Senate r John 1 : , Kenna , of Newt Vir- ginla , way at the Ogden over Sunday , Joss Nellie Burke arrived hero yesterday , Al. Swearingen , of Dtmndota , III. , the pool , ellvr , arrived here yesterday , Ai Itlbrook , , time 11itsouri Valley banker , avns in time city yesterday , Mr , A , B.1Vnikor and dnughtor have re turned humor thcirSan Fraocleco trip. Jacob Suns , of Slrns & Caldwell , returned Saturday night ( rout Nebraska , where he ham , hems attending to legal busineae. Voter 1)rury , who for u long time iota boon chief bill clerknf the Empkie Ilardwaro com pally , has accepted a posltion with Do Vol & Wright , Fraok hall is now a hnppiy parent , 1r. ] larkeI being time godfather of time newcomer , which Is it buy , ilrsI.1Jhiexstarted ) for the vast last oveniog to pnrcbnue Immure goods for her homily custune s la the millinery hue , Misa Busoloutague , formerly of this city , now of Ouunha , crossed too river Suhudity to vislt mm orem friends im this city , N. L , 1ethunl , of Alnrslmhltow'n , is la the city , Dinnia Cortwright , of FtVayno , whose nan10 is pretty well known in connection with wngoas , and whoo "little factory" tuns out arty 12,000 a'year , is in thin city , and svlll at. turd the fairs on both sides of oho river , Dr.Vndo Carey nrdvcd yesterday from Clatlada , with , Loreno nod ( leroy Owen , Lureno won the free for all at Cl uhnda , thee best thee being 2:39 : , and also the 240 ; race , Lust time 3:3Hf. : Carey Owurt won tom ( reefer - for allpact , at Clarinda , bat time 23T1 ; , 1Vut. Ryan , of ( ; eeen River , { Vyening , at. rived at the l'achfIc yesterday. A mat suhY'ering from debility ( cod loss of upputite ; tatktwo bottles of Ilooti's hansnanlla ) , gained ton pounds and got well , uYhlnno ) of' CeluhrUcd .llrn , I'In ' cuuhglcal .1Ollrlah , Some anmsitg features f1'omt the lives of celebrated met have boot brought together by n Oornun writer. Aube' wrotu on horseback ; it was mot possible for hrln tat writ ) in any other ace than fn Paris , however beautiful another residence aught bu and howovice ninny attractions it mightolfa' . Adancougiosed bust when hu lay , with his clothes min , in hod , and slowed as great untipatluy to all laudsaapu beauty as love to his cats. Thu suio rtntipnthy to all natural beauty is when tr 1)oili'.etti who always she'of ' lie welt a on li journey , when to ehodd have given his attenin tom too romantic scenery of Switzcrlnndand Itttl , Ciumrn5n could ot write without Gavin g IL lot of friends around Jtiut , with whoa ) o kept up min naive tutvuraatiou : ( about art matters , Sacchiini's ' train of thought was interrupted when his eats did nu t play their antics upon his writing dusk , Surtt could ono become his iirud in a room without furniture and which was dimly dig d hted. SIwntiui could only compose F'U'RNITURE ' : -TIIE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -9 AT - DEWEY & STONE'S They always Unvo t'r largest and best stock , ' NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR 'PU THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. in the dark , nud lfoyerbour composed best during violent thunderstorms , under the roof off his house. Saliuri gained his insIiratiou while ho walked cluickl' through the streets filled with a ltlunnu throng , noautiuut cntiug a grant quantity of co ifLectioiis. hlal'dn , in order to compose , sat in a soft nrn clrair , with his gaze directed to honvoll , Cluck eontlnued in too open air , best in the glaring sunshine , lie liked cluuupogno Ii g his { srork , and gesticulated very violently , as if ho wore an actor on the buanls , 1hnudel wandered in the church- I'nrl , and avhe ho Svlshed to beeone inspired ho sot lifntself down in eau corner - nor of it which wits shaded by wtiepiug willows. Paosiello composed fit bed , tad did nut leave it until lie hind tiuishd a whole operatic scone or act , lliuhul was a great worshipper of flowers , and often fell into ailout reverie in observing them. lie felt happiest in n quiet garden. Mozartn nett his ins thratioi from emain g hooter , Dante Potrareh ; 1 erli nuat rend pssages front Shakapenre , Goethe , Schillor Ossian , and Victor 1iu go , Selullor inspired his muse b the entull of rotten apples , ho kept. conatant- 1 iii his drat ( ' esides thus , liked to live lurid eurromndib s corresponding to the subject on which ho worked , \Vluon he wrote the last act to "Mary Stuart" Ire hind his servants clothed in black ; amid so inug as ire worked on " 1Vadloluatein" to neglected no review or other military spectacle , and at hone Yule wife must aiug battle-pieces to Glut. Goodie loved to harp plastic works of art before him as ho wrote. It is known that in the creation of his Iphigonia lie } Ind the image of an antique female before him , in order to see if that which he umde his uoroino say would suit [ ho features before him , Jean Paul replenished hha ideas while taking n walk , and drank a glass of boor now and then on [ lie way. In writin ho loved too strung smell of flowers , gHerr van Kloist worked with Treat difficulty , and when lie made poetry , it was as if ho had a conflict with an invieiblu fond. Just the opposite was [ lie also with Father 1Viehaud. lit nnking his cone ho trilled a lived song and sometimes would spring away ( rlit life workand cutaca pein tie air , Katzobuo in the composing 1 of hula dramas was also actor. Hhimslf acted single scenes in hie study. It is related [ lint when Sand nlunlered hint his little eon him ho saw hilt reel aunt then writhe upon the grow ( l , cried to his mother , "Seomaunalfather plays comedy ngainl" Burger , [ lie umb er- tal pout of Leoore , is said to have whistled street songs as ho wrote his verses out m or , His conversation in such niommnts is avid to have beat obscene. Ilolderlin was efton found crying whet he coui'used ' poonis. Sintilitr things are said of [ lie French romttuce writer , Lafontnino. Ills wile oleo found hint before his writing-desk swimming in tears. "Oh , it is too sad , " he si ghud , ' don't go at all , " hue sobbed ; ' 1 nun still in [ lo first volume. " PIlatthisoi wrote his looms by moonlight , while standing at [ ho window , Lauiartine wrote his hest tllinls ; in too morning , bofdro breakfast , while sitting before [ ho fire. A contemporary of Dumas wrote thins ; " 'l'oo writiuh desk of Aluxutnder Dumas ! ) resents it , tcturo of classical dnorlor. 1'hte study floor is covered with books and lu o rsr bhhud which ho is seated for- iahly baricadod , Also a quantity of do6ger emits , tmaltrYr l ) igcone , auu 6 gin6 birds arc to be scull around , and these ho foods out of mischief while writing. In the back round atnnd a minter of Ipriutur's devils waiting for coIYr and booksellers and such poolho , who have busiueaa with hint , lie writes very rapidly - ly , 1111(1 carries on , very often , a convor- stition mot the aaolo time , lie is very tlegligert ill hiis dross , " TWELVE HOURS AFTER. Dr , henry Ilarnee , the Teanud Coact Merchant , 50 IUuston street , Newllava" , Coca , writes eu May I/ , 1Wl3 : "R is with feeling of gratltudo , and dusiru to bcuetit my fellow uuanthat l write you thesufew hue , a , tustiwouy to thou tuluo of tlw'gretust of all mod' IClnus. 13ght years harm I bean a .uffurer front kid' noydl.onlur ; caul t"Ilanmation of the hla.lder , Numu. times whoa paweloq water the pal" . were sonothiog terrible , a scalding hnmeingeneattori with retention of urlne , wlth.harp palms Iii my auto , loln.and back , eatondln ricer to the hack of sry head , tondud to make life wleerablo. I have been ( rated by a aum- her of ourbest phy.lcl.ne , and hole used any nua bet of pr"prlelary medicine. , all to 1io auall , obtain. pug nu teliut blow long I would base continued his thin way t do not know ; In tact I despaired of getting relief , until a neighbor , who lad been very unucn beneflted by the use of blunt' , Remedy , adsl.ail one to try It ; anal although I had no faith that ii would reach new case , yet as le .potu.o highly of it. . great merit. I decided to give it a trial and Its use has bison attended wlth the sery bo.tpoJhlo reemlt. . Tsehvu hours after taklrq thu Br.t dosefrl axperiencal relief. 1 continual min In it. use until l huadused ar.botUe , , when all the palnahad yanllhed , my utherwhe good health r.turned , arid I am free from oU painsand am awe man. 1 sin an8dent my cure loss resulted frmn the use of lluut's Ileinedy , and that alone , "What It ha. done for me 1 con posltltu It will do fur others , You art at liberty to use toy uamu or this loiter kn any ruanoer uu see lit. " BURT BY A FALL , When oniya boy some thlrteeuyar. old 1 waolmrt quitu115111 byafall , arldicterely IIIJInuUd iuoy hack and kldnuys , mood was ductotel by our brst ples Iclans , and trlai iany ruumdles , nud they aU fallul , until IIunt's Ituunaly w'aa rcgnumended to us by trlends that had used It 14uru ins Manchustur oIth thou gradust ,000VM , { t'o pur'Iea.rd a Little froth ! , Foster Uampboll's drug atoru , mood found that I hum. pro , edscry rapidly ; was relics ed of the palm , he hack , and alter using eon oral bottles mobil that I was reunplrtelycerd , and I sanuot utcr estluoatu thou good Ilunt's Itunudy bus douc ow , nud ears umoost local Lily reounuuound It to thoot troubled wllh kldnuy eoiryolai"t ; audyou au usu (1114letteras ( you choose nespectfully Sour , Atu\tu t' , IIAeilAL4 , 0'J Orange St. , Manehotur , N , 11.May 7,1sSJ F'TsI3FJON.A.Lt-1'arU of the hutuan body enlarged , developed and strengthened , eta , ti and interesting adtcrtisemen $ long non in our paper. ! n rc dy to Iuyulries Wu will a.y that there Je no eYfdeneu Ihtunbugabout this. On the contrary the adrriieere are very highly indorsed. Interacted person , may get .ualud circulars ghing all particulaw hey wldrtaing Free Medial W.,1' U box 619Duffahp )1 ) , V wrrondu Lvvo. ts17 ly The ucof the term "Short S H 0 RI tluo" tin rominectlon wlththa eerporate narsa of a greatrrad , storeys an idea of tut shaft rcqulral by the tarrang , uM I I N E lid-a Short idne , Qulck Tim. and the best of ac ommala I timis-ail of which , are horn. Isheth by the greatest railway in Amerlw. C HWA00 , M ILWAUgEE And St. Paul. ( towns and olsOrntea ov.r 4'Aq mtlcaof roadia Northern iilinot + , Wiaromhu , lllmiosota , low. anl Dakota ; and mil to main line branches and conneo- then. roach all the Raat buainesa eentr. , of th. Northwestand lhrWest , it thu descrlplion of Short Llne , and hest Route between Chicago , MUwaukau , St. Paul and Mlnneapolla Chicago , Milwaukee , in Crosse and Winona. Chlea o , NltwaukeeAbenleenand Ellendata Chicago , ltUwaukee , Eau Claire and Stillwater Cldcagu , MUwaukoe , { { 'au'an and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , llcaver Ben , soil Oskkosh Chicago , kfllwaukee , IVaukeelu mid Oconemowoo. , Chicago , Milwaukee , Madisoln and 1'airhedu Chico. Chicago , Milwaukee , Oscalonna aad raldbault. Chlago , Iteloit , JMe + rl'ie and Mineral Point Chicago , Blgln , Itoetfunl numb lhennque. Chicago , t9lnton , Rock I'laud and Cedar Ilophla Chicago , Council tlluffsaud Omaha. Chicago , Slnux City , Slot. Fulls mood Yankton. Chicago. Milwaukee , Mllcrll ) end Chambedahu. Rack lelmwl , lluhugotc , St t'nul and llinncspn11a flat capon , Calmar , St. Pant amid Mhnoapolla Pulhnnn Sleepers caul the Finest DlningC rs In the world are m" on the nahiiinc + ofthoCHIC AGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RpILWA'/ every attcnttou Is pahi to pa..oogers by court. sus umployos of the euugany. S. d. MEItiLlTT5 A. V , 11. CAiIPENTEII , Oenl Manager , ( icu'l t'aev. Agent J , T. CIAIIK , GEO.11. iIEAFFORD , Oen'I Supt Asst Gcn'1 Faso. Ag'L 5o9'e ar 1 have known and watchat the use of Swift' . lips. elan for over fifty years , mod have never known of a failure to curt Blood l'olaon when pr.perly taken , I usetl it on my servants (10111 1850 to 1865 , m did also a number of my neighbor , , and In every a.e that aao witldn ray knowledge it cffectdd a cure. In alt my life 1 have neon' known a ronuely that wound o fully accomplish s hat it ls recoimnem'ed ' to do. Ii. I. . iENNAItD ) , Perry , tie Ihau knorn and used Snlft'n Specific for more lhau twenty year , , and have iron more wonderful r. suit. . from hs use than front any remedy in or out of the i'larnmco neia. It teacertaln and to Jlsorts of Ilhedpol + on. J. DIC11IION SMITII , M , D. , Atlanta , Ga : The Great Drug ) louse of Chicago. We mb not hesltato to say that for a year a have sold mom of Swift' . S'weiau ' ( S. S. h , ) than other itond I'urihlera conibinad , and with mow IA tmdshdng resulta. Ore gentleman who used half a dorm buttlcd says It home loons hlun moro gout than treatment which cost hhu $1,000. Auuthor who low uetl it for a Scrofulous airectiou reports a permanent curofrnm its use. VAN HIiAACKSTRVENSON kCO , , S I 00 Rowa rd will ho laid loony Chemist who tbuu fled , on thou analy sus of Bn bottles S , S. S. , one partlcio of Mercury , lodlde Ibta.Mlum , or any mhwal substauro. substauro.TILE sw1F'r si'uCwlo co. Drawer 3 , Atinmita , tie. , Write for aeo'y ' of time lltlle lank-free , 1'rueo : Small .1w , eia ) per botlhu , Large Odra ( hold. hugdoublaquantity ) $ LTbbottle. All ' it. . NOTICE ! Tiaveling Public ! , -"lug- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- - ooo1i * , Nob. , 1. now undergoing tlrornugh repair. , both w it hu and without , a"d time proprietor luanda It shall be NEC' OND'IO NONE h , thou Bbt. , next to Onaha , iLlt 11LAtiKWELL , aug 21.2m I'roprletor. r graduate DR HENBERSON , medicine. ( h'ar sixteen f OO5and6O5WyandottuHt ycar.'practice-twelve In KANSAS OITv , Mo. Chiagu. Authorlxod by the state to tees , Cleronlc , Nenrous and l'riratodlseasee , A Asthma , Eplir1.syiCoemuatiano Plies , tl'ral a Warn , Uriuury amid Sklu Di. Last , , Boni nal Weal , miens ( nlghU uses . n ' Hoxual IcbUltyloss of sexiLal wer ) , eta Curei guaratecmb or mmi. reioumded. t.hargee low , Thousands of cases curet No lndrio4s mcdl. clna furulehol even to oatienttl at a iliataloee. Con , sultatlon free and confldcntial-call or write' ego and experience are lmpwrtant. A BOOK for both cexe.- illu.tratud-and circular , of other thing. sent sealed for tso b omit itampe. FREE MUSECM 1I ieedeod w EBRASIIA LUAN AND TRUST.C Q IIASTINOS , NEIL , Capital , - - $250,000. JAS. B. IIEARTWELL , I'realdcat A , I. . CLAIIKE Vlce l'reeident E. C. WKiISTEltYlreaaurer , C , I' . WEBSTER. Caehfer , UIitEcToit9 : g aloudl Aici nder , O.wald Outer 1. I , . Clarke , E. C. Webte' , Nto It i'ratt , Jam . h Ilartwell , D. 51. McElll/nneyl / rii'st MoltgageLoans a SPooialty Thb Company burnishes a permanent hiomn lnetitu 7r where school Bonds and other legally l µ ued Mu. copal s'emales to Nebraska m u be ocguthuttd en 1510 , , atorablu turno. Loan , made oil mpruved , n.s Ic all sell settled cuuntluu of thu etatu throush rronsible Oralcoreetwndcnts , sv Nebraska Cornice -AND , Viorksa w 5fNl'F.t'rluas ) : ( II' , CALVANIIED IRON CORNICES aorx for QV iazd0 CYPfl , 1''I ' N 1A1S,1VINDO\V OAT'S , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , I'ATbNT : M TALiC SIYLIUII'r , Iron Fencing ! I g Cn AnnqsBahustmdeaVerandas , OSeeanil ILVst ! tailings , Wluduw and CcaarUuurds , F3. : i N. W. ( 'Olt. NINTII AND JONIS hit'S. WM. U.tLSEll , MAUoLr. 4 ; Ar