Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    ; 1'rIE DAILY BEE"-MONDAY , CEP [ EMBER 10 , 1883.
: . . : . ¶ I JOS. GAiEAI [ . : f ; J
Our Factory , 12th and Jackson Streets , is ' the most complete establishment of its kind in this country , .
Our Goods one the best in the Market.
. . . . . . . . .
> : .L. SALE EVERYWHERE. . : , .
x .
Our exhibit at the State Fair will be the finest displ : y of Cracker , Biscuits and Cakes ever seen in.
i ; ' Nebraska.
H1 : , : . J _
.Andd the public generally desiring to examine the workings of our institution will be welcome.
! . JOS. GARNEAU Cracker Cpa n y , - ' - - - Twelfth d and Jackson streets.
) s
' : 'TRUE
II t Temperance
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept , because of
thenon-removal of the cause
-liquor. Thewaytoniake
a man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
' ' artificial stimulants that car-
1' ' ry so many bright intellects
to premature graves , and
I desolation , strife and un-
i happiness , into so many
11 families.
I Itisafactt naowN'sIaoN
i D1rrEasalrroenon alcohol
lc tonic , made In naltimore ,
MdbytheBrown Chcmkal
Company , who are old drug.
i gists , and to every Particu
lar reliable , will , by remov
ing the craving a ) petite of
' the.drunkard , and by curing
' the nervousness , weakness ,
and general ill halda result.
f ' ing from intemperance , do
i . , more topromote ,
in the strictest sense then
anyothcr means now known ,
It is a well authenticated
fact that many medicines ,
especially'bitters ; arc noth-
. IngbutcheaPwhisksYvilel Y
concocted for use in local
option countries. Such is
not the case with BROWN'S
IRONBITTERS , Itisamedi-
e tine , a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous ,
muscular , and digestive orb -
l b gans of the body , roduc-
i lug good , rich blood , health
awl strength. Try one bot-
I tilt Price $ i.o .
1ILD. IlBDdL , Pi11IB , 1819
Warnwtud abaolufelu pur
Cocoa , from which oho cxceas a
Oilliu bccu rcmurr4. It has thrc
l Maui fire sfrrngth of Caron ndxe
will , Starch.lrrowruutur Hutiir
l uud Is ll.trufuro far more ecauuuI
1 cat , It i + deneIKal , nourIibtn g
1 alrco tlanlnj , caany dlgeded , gI
admlmbly odaptrd fur Iutaflds a
t sellafurp rsonaInlwultb ,
field by Urorera rrerynhere.
i Wa BAKER & CO , , DorchcstcrI Mass
mU n o ,
Graphic Bcscriptiou of a Moaataia
. Ghuih ,
Grey's , Peak Seen and Soon From
at Sunrise ,
A 11lagnlfiernt. I'anOrallla Presontcd
to (110 Eyo.
1)onvor NOwN.
The trip to Gray's pool : fa doubtless
the most lonsant of nay of the nuaor
ous ascelseus that can be made in Colo-
rado. It is easy , and Ikea yet gat there
you are away up , Gray's punk bang the
third highest peak in the sotto , only
Blanco told Unconphagro exceeding it
turd they too slightly to crow ova' the
circumstance much , Aa for Pike's it is
° 00 feet below par , though interested
parties have paired it porsistontly. To
climb it is tedious , and souevhnt dal
gorouu , ando oniust gosevonty live miles
from Dutivar to gat n start , lint 's soak
is situated fourteen miles front yGea e.
town and to roach Georgetown ip p robab
1 the most delightful .hort ii ountain
ride that any railYwe.Y affords. At least
during the present season. Of ojir trip
to Green lake the former hitter spoke.
After getting a good flights rest we turned -
ed out of bed at 4 p , m , Tlero was seine-
thing depressing nu this but it soon wore
oft. By 430 ; ur carriage , with extra
horses behind , was rollinfrom the
hotel , \Yo hil a tin pail full f cold pie
and truck to keep our stomachs with us
till breakfast this luxury being obtained
at 1oleo cabin , four milefrom the sum-
mit. It wan giW dark , and cool enough
to make overcoats a necessity , 'l'ire road
was good and wound along toward Silver
Plume , above the wonderful railway
grano that was just visible , Iron is be.
rag laid on this , and when cars run on it
the traveler will see what will make much
wonderful engineering scan tame by cony
parison , In one plaeo there is a coin.
photo lock , the road crossing itself by a
maguifIceii bridge wtth abutnmonts of the
gray granite that abounds on every hand.
In another place there are
and all along are the most unexpected
turns and double bowknots , Much of
the way the bed is solid rook.
At Silver Plano it was daylight , but
tow co le wore up , nail we hurried
through the little . It is situated
' most cosily in a nook evidently nmdu for
it. Furter aloe are houes ) orclied
e1 either side of the road and there are
mines , mills and granite quarries clear
, through the gulch. A surprising number
of people live in it , The road continued
e good. As we progressed several line
d views war afhrdod by looking either up
. at the towering walls r down of ale rai.
' road grade ait lost itself la a nurrow
, dufileb At llakerville the grade ends
I and hero with a sharp turn to tholeft the
a horses begun their real climb ; Soon
dense woods wuro on every hand liunitiu
the view , but ( lowers blossomed close to
tlm wheels , brilliant and sweet. There
, wore loan ) varieties , rod , whitol blue and
yellow , one of the first see nog nmo11
ike ) hlox , oul g differoutly clustered ,
'flue pines thteniaulves showed a peculiar
growth , each sten resonmbliu6 1plume
On Kelso mountain to the right could
: . . . _ . , .
be soon a cabin hanging as dizzily as an
eagle's host fm' above timber lino. We
were not near enough to see by what
moans gmvitatiei a nd the mcnory of Sir
Isaac were defined. Beyond , w o saw for
the first time the lofty point for which we
were making. Directly ahead were cliffs
having the general incline of the side of
a house , though with their surface seamed
and brokom. It did not seem possible
that moa could even struggle up then ,
but they had , for tunnels could be scan
almost at the very crest , their mouths
npparontly too small to admit a jack
rabbit. Further down , on jutting crags
were balanced 1tAuses They wuro too
high to be soon in detail , but wuro painted -
ed white. It must have boot a terrible
tusk to carry tlm material over such trails
as could be faintly discernod. To some
of the cabins no tritil appeared , , and no
way of reaching thoni developed except
an bsolute scramble flout rack to rock.
No clifl' dweller of old over had a wilder
resting pinto. People talk of rents taking
a tunable. hero houses and ill might ,
easily do it.
By this time we hind stopped at a ucat
log cabin which was found to be Kelsris
it stands
hero we got breakfast. The driver mi
harassed and sidled the horses. Away
wo wont , and were soon enjoying a
Sabbath along the trail , for all this time
we had been in the shadow of soumo cliil.
hag hill or other. The air was delightful.
I broke a suspender inhaling it. Sooi it
became quito warns. There was no wind
timid tire sky was clear. Ahead Gray's
Peak knocked ti huge black scallop in the
otherwise azure heavens. Behind there
stretched the little valley with its murmuring -
muring stream , Time water looked dark
because reining over a bed of dark
pebbles , but was really as putoasartosian.
Thera were no more trees , but the short
grass was groan and thick. We were
titan the mighty cliffs , and et the
but that marked the tot of Gray s Weak
ortion general
resembled in ro and
style a cigar box. This was discouraging ,
buwe kept on. After reaching the
mountain itself and twisting about in a
few eccentric circles tire trail resolved
itself into a sot of regular inclines suggos.
tine of railway switchbacks. We could
look upward nd see thin cris-cross work
to the vo cabin. It reminded mo of an
old fashioted worm fence standing eu i
bend. Therm are no dangerous places ,
By a violent effort one might
TII1cOW hIMSELF rnon Ins IiOiO4i
and roll seven feet. From adistance tir e
entire peak looks ennoth , but the forma
tionis broken stone asked in the trail s o
as to allow good footing. One of th o
Hart began to think that ho had head
actin iurtl ) al ! tntion Of the heart , but a
he did not die at once the delualon wore
oil amid everybody reached the top in hler
feet health and spirits. Do not uniseon
strue the ward spirits , lest you do some
cold orator advocates au injustice. Near
ly all tire way flowers wore growing
Theo were blue.bolls , honey suckles , a
sirr liku white blossonm , buttercups n
nminiaturo and tie most perfect ferns e
deep crimson. One dnut was like wa
and hnndsoumo both far bloom and foliage '
but or buiiq plucked it quickly withered
Gritss brei % in tufts within 100 foot of tlr
top , but the top itself as
. % ) i IIAI.m AS AN gOO ,
1 su ) pose it was the proper tldnig to tak 0
the last upward turn with ' bated breath , '
I tried to bate mine. Tine occasion do
monde it.Vhilo on earth I never oxpoe t
a view more glorious. No pen can describe
scribe It amid this is mncrel the stub of a
five-cent pencil. If in some sphere af
, , s
tire future tln o is a Panorama more
grand in its roe ghness , m"ro magnificent
in its extent mid less adopted to general
transportation , nowonderthat theinhabit.
ants iravo wings. Ijow seldom we real.
izo tire massiveness of nature when she
really humps Irar back. This back is a
crooked one with more spurs and ramif-
cations than a devil fish. But these
s'lurs ' arc below you mid you can see
them , thrown hi wildly but not aimlessly -
ly , for they always seek the farout range.
At times they aspire to the loftiness of
Cray's , but got tired. While we were
there the sun "gilded their tops" and got
in nil his regular work , for which tire
reader is respectively refer ed to the ac-
couuts of who corresponds -
ponds , But indeed tire picture is not
om to excite army but thoughts of rover-
elce. It is a piture not only of vast-
11(158 , but of lovely effect in light and
shae , Tire mounains stretch awe.Y m r
til they area
oIANTIC ( , I Uftr'Ln wnEH ,
sneoth in outliuo , tlreir herculean statuary -
ary , turd piling and bas relief lost in
distanco. We could coo tire gleam of the
holy Cross , milesamdmilesaway. Long's
seemed alnrost neighborly , so far did tire
eye reach bo ono it. Fast of south
Pike's loenea u ranking a very good
average. Toros only a fw foot below
us , n ) oarcd as tf a stoo's tlrrow , but to
roch it would have been a dreary climb.
The valleys of tire Blue and Snake
meandered awa and we could follow tire
depressions , locating in our minds tire
tmns Wu kow were thoro. Dillon was
in sight and Decatur very near , but
kidder by a red.headed attache of time
range. We could see tire trails traversing
the freights fu every direction. Close at
hand , gleauring is a pretty little valley
were two lakes colored green. None of
us know their uanmos bt are of then
was at least ono-third of a mile long. Our
glasses did good service but before waled
time to use tlieni
settled over the plains , Whether or not
we saw Denver will always remain a bone
of contention , It is certain we looked
in tire direction it should have boon , and
saw something that aught to have bueu
it. Clouds began to gather , thoui black
ahadows aailing like great ships over
mnountain rid park alike. We could see
all time great parka in the state , which is
a very extensive see.
But I um about done , We loft Kelso
at 7:40 , arrived at the roofless stone but
at fh:30 : rode back to Kelso , pausing only
to pick flowers by time way in one hour
and twenty minutes. Got to Georgetown
at 3 , took lire 8:30 : train for Idaho
Springs , bathed in the wondrous maul.
moth bath , drank a gallon of water
I apiece , ate n hearty supper and wed to
LIKE uiONEsT d5.
not lame nor sore but happy. Our' vary
last iglinipsoof thopeakdiscoverednuuuto
specks upon it defined n ainat a white
cloud whicia we knuw were horaenen
for we lead passed therm as we cauru
Many start ( rein Georgetown jn the
evenili g amid stay at Kelso over' night
atartimuh in time n lire morlug to sco
the son rise. It's tire same old mill you
I see in Dourer but in viewing it fromm an
altitude of 14,411 feet in greets tire
morn with a lucre haniunts auitlo , anti
us it simrt ono peak after mother
' the looser on will doff his lint to tine In.
ominous nrtfbt.
Thu way now nocoeaitatca tire taking of
. horses and carriages at Georgetown , ut
when thorailrond completed to linker.
f yule , eaddlos may be takn only six miles
from the top. Finally it is a trip forany-
one except tire pronounced invalid and
the dude , for the dude could not tolerate
tire sunburned nose.
- - - - - -
Another LlfC Saved.
Mrs. Ifarriet Cummings , Cincinnati , Ohio ,
writes ;
Early last winter my daughter was attacked
with a severe cold whack settled on her fungH.
\S tried several medicines , none of which
semmed to do her amiy good , but Kilo contimiuod
to get worse and tinalhp called in a famlly
physician , flat he failed to do her any good.
1Vo then called in a physician-a roost skillful
professor in one of our collegeH-ho said that
she could not get well. At this time a friend
who had been cured by DR. NM. 1ALL S
BALSAM FOlt TILL LUNGS , advised mute
to give it a trial.Ve then got a bottle and
before , he had used it all up she began to frn
prove , and by tire use of three bottles waH cn
tirely cured. _
River Falls , Wis. , iaitd by a black
frost Friday night , killing the entire Knrghpmii
crop mid other perishale crops , including
corn , which was ruined ,
n making tire assertion that J'ozzom s Med
icated Complexion Powder hi entirely free
front injurfouM or deadly 1uisous we do it imp.
on tire authority of a thorough cf ierntcai anaiy.
, , I , , . It is ono of the oldest face tusvdem in tire
Anrerican market , and is used iii tire families
of sonic of our most prominent medical upon ,
who have personally ackmiowleclged to tlo
'proprietor ' that they not only cousidor it liana.
JosH , but esteemed it higidy lenofkial in overq
respect , not rndy for the use of ladies and chi l
dren , but for the "lord of creation" himself.
Sold by all druggistx.
Gowan authorizes of the re.
hurt that tire Heading railroad has made any
atraugements whatever to said coal to New
England by the Stonn King railroad bridge
_ -
A Happy Family.
fulled from the breast , ejucozal from the bottle
atdrnachs win sour and milk will curdle ;
nahy hallelujah all that night ,
household bumping hcala to awful fright.
Iou't deny 'twas thus situ Victoria
night wuhideous withonlCASTORIA ;
when colic left ; for pvnccful slumber ,
All Bald thclr prayersaml dept like thunder.
The great forest - lureswhich irnro been raging
in Aycr , ( iratun and Littloton , Mass , , slnoe
last Monday are now Hader control , About
seven hundred acres of land were burned over ,
Whether you Prefe eeze or the
bracing mountain air for yoursmnmervacation
you Hhould not omit to provide yourself with a
bottle of Angostura litters , which is the
acknowledged stmutard regulator of tire diqas
tivo organK , lie sure to get the gennhme article
manufactured orlybylr. J , ( L Ii. SIEGEIt'11
A disease has brok t among swine at
Springfield , I. I , , believed to he hog cholera.
Many fanners have hogs sick with the disease.
Two of them lost fifteen in nine night ,
Allen's Brain Fond butauical extract
strengtlimms the Brain and positively cures
Nervous 1)ebility , Norrou rucxs , headache ,
unnatural losses , and all woakemiess of Genar
ative Sy atem ; It never fails. 81 pkg , ; U for
85.At druggiKts , or Allen's I'larmaey , 816 ,
First Ave , , N , Y.
J. It. Sago has sold r s stack hr time Cedar
ltapids Daily ltcuublicau to John Briglramn ,
who asurlres the 1esftioa of etlltor in chief ,
MANY erii uhl to nurse their
children. In such caves the host uubstitato to
be fouud is .lupin's Foul , protparoni an
Liebig's formaulawhkh has proved plm } siologi
caliy to corre pond with nothera' milk. Sold
everywhere fry druggist ,
At the lnstance of t e Northern l'aclfmu F x
Areas ccunpauipVolls l'argsexpress Imas been
enjoined etablishiug ageueies \Vashingtm ,
Idaho amid Aluutnnu.
1loelbrtl's Add 1'hosplrrrtc.
For Women and Children ,
Dr , Joe , Ilolt , Now Orleans,44. , says
"I have frequently round it of oxecllunt
service in cases of debility , loss of 01)P0.
tito , and in canvalesconco from oxhnus
tire illness , and particularly service
in treatment of women and children , "
( Chicago , Burlingt.n dim Qulnoy Railroad. )
p d $ T Ace , W
'I Qa _ a. .
A ,
0 p ace.
ly 8 a . .
. \s\ : :
, . , ,
'I , rs ° r
ti Mo
0 m , c r a 'g
. .w ic d r is
Elegant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Rerun Solid Trains of Elegant Da ! Coaches and Pull
lag Chairs ( scats free ) , Smoking Cars , with Ito' man Palace Sleeping Cars are run dolly to and
volvingChairs. PulhnanPalace uteepingCars and from St Louis , via Hannibal , culnc , Keokuk ,
the famous C. Ii. & Q Dining Cars run daily to and lmnrlingmn , Cedar Rapids and Albert to St
from Chicago t Kansa.City , Chicago & Council Paul and Minneapolis ; I'arlorCarswithReclining c
Rlutls , Chicago & Des Moines , . Chicago , St. J0. Chairs to and from St Iuuls and Peoria and to
seph , Atchison & Topeka. Only through Une be' and from Ht Louis and Ottumwa. Only one
twccn Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars change of cars between St Loma and Des
betweenIndianapolis &Council Bluffs viaeorAloines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver ,
All eonnecnons made In Union Depots It re Colorado ,
known aathegreatTImOUGHCARLfNE , It is unlversaUyadmlttedto be the
Flnost Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel.
T , J , POTTER , 3d Vlce Pres't and Oen'l Manager PERCEVAL LOWELL , Oon. Pass. Ag't , Chlcyo ,
I +
WIL 15icx1'T'Si
Boiler 1
liuild all kinds of Steam holler. . Smoke Stack , , nreoching Lard , hater and Oil Tanks , and do a genera
plate iron business. nepairing done in City and Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
Second handnollerewill bekept onlund. Ifavinghid many yeareexperioncolethe tradeIn dl eroat part ,
of thecountry Iameonadenticangirueatlefaction , having the beet shop and tools N the State , Hbop
eorlmhandPlerceatrects. J. M. WILSON Proprietor.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Tritmuings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Ifoso , Brass and Iron Fittings
Ste , mm Packing at wholesale and roial. ILALLADAY WIND MILLs , CftUItClI 1
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb.
. -
Tuts Flour is made at Salem , lUchudmun Cor , Nebraska , to the Oombtaed Roller Stone System : , w
give CLV rite tai 1 e t a Addmiooo peer um Ia a pLsae' We have opened a branch at leis capitol Gr snu
Q8 = a > Ei1 T'I'Y > : QI iAs R > L IPPY.
I1aem ) bt Omaha , Mb.