- - - - _ _ IT- ; : LY THEDA1LY _ _ OIVL.EA. Saturday Morning , Soptinbor 8 ItIUCflkfls fet Tndn3. For the ippcr MissMipp and Misouri vMleys , ; 1cat rnins followed by ckniig voider weather in ( ho nortlient 1ortlo , with higher baroniotor , dearer fair weather , north to cast wn(1s 811(1 rising haronietcr in 1lio OllUV'CI by falling tiorerii port bus. - - - LOOAL BREVITILS. $ -Tho little 311d4g8n c1inuiiIoii , ttio I'uit Turon bao ball e1ti , v1lI play tlic Uuilim l'a. ceifics crery nftrnoui nct. week , occptMoii ( biy , on thc griuiti 01 the Union 1'acfic ctiK The gaunc vI11 ho cllciI at. 4 ocloek. -"Italian , TiC , " of thc new J'sitoii lioiiio barber 1rni ) , h4 IbIS gOOIR lovkI on yotcrday by a labor judginen In ( a or of Phil. , Tcrrnlcl , flow working tt the ilfllard 1io1i. U1wII set. ticinent. of tita Chdlfl , t.hO sierlfT ) rcttirticd tim fixing ; rinil nil Is now onooth. - -1io . Willard cot return to.day , Lint ) vIii in tiio St. Mary's Aenuo Con. : grcgatlonal church not Sunday. -lfcrmaiis now building opposite the l'nx i ton will flII1ICd by 1)eceunbor 't : nnd will bo tiio ( rockery finn of I BHsa & lsaacs , -Tho Union Frcfic will run a Ficclal oil I their ron/I next. TIiorday for state fair excurs 1 onits. 1tvii1 rtivo Irc nt.11 in the * ing 1UU Icavo at I in the ovoning. . -ThD " 1'rariO Lk'iits" sndVIlil , i " % Vorkt' & ' unsionat' iociotieM f tim Con ationa1 chiirIi meet todny , Soptei' al , .8 , 1c83 , t 4 p. in. , In the church parjcrM ' , \v. . Alloii , i.ocrot.ary. -Catididates are icglibning to loom t 1Iio ; to i , ii.i t the coiultii 1ocUon , an thocontctprcmics tobo.nlivc1 EflO. A f1bt will be made on at Ic a4 tw 'candidates who will asic fcr a imeond term. -Fanoy ca'tcni poachei and oaUag npi > lo .ntVIoncrs' . -Thoro will bo a rquIar moothig of Lb - 1uth Robehab dogrvo sdgo , Saturday cvoii iug , 8c14ombcrSUz , athaif past. iiovcn in tb : i. o. 0. 1' . hall. Mrg. H. J. secre tary. tary.It -It % lriU bi ruuemb3rotl that a few nghL . ngo a young womlin or.apioyed lii the faniily 0 Mr. Lowlg Brath W841 amau1t.od by a black vii lain while flaMing thrugia the high sdo : grounds and recusdby some paorn by. Th I hat ; hasfThco boon found and IL is possi I 1)10 will be the meanc of identifying the part ) 1 nnd loading to his ocnvction. ! -Tho Aniorican DistHet Telegraph corn .pany have received. sovonty.fisro of tim tw 1 iJiundrod Btandarti nlckol.platc bozos "thoy had ordered to Lake tim piaco of the irni 4 - boxes. They &oa great Improvement on tb - . ( lid pattern , and will bo an ornament to .ti Troom. The iron boxes will bo taken out ant -tho now ono dbatItutcd an fast M pos -A circular fasuod iy Llio Chicago , hf. l'aul I : fInnlIs & tjzinjji railway , front the gem ira1 supcrlnfondoiL's office , St. l'aul , Minn. t -dated September 1 , 1883 , announces that Dr James II. Fosbody Is appointed general enr for this company , in Nebraska ; licad .quartorB , Onialia. Ire will eppoint and kiwi I . _ ssupervIsIon over local surgeons on tim rniili Jiio andbriinchoe of the Nebraska division. , 4 -Thursday night alitUotbrco yoaroldcblldo Mr. and Mrs. Roberts1 of Boll Crook , tiled a J i-thEmmett bouso , of a disease of tiic throat . ii :11 ; was brought to t1tI city by fLit parenti t 1 undcrgo a surgical operation but IL wait the aid of skilled lllYsiCIafls. The remain were taken home yesterday by the boreavot I -One by one tim Omaha people VIIO wen . .ncross the Atlantic to spend the unmer ii ] 'UrQlO , aro.returnlng home. There svs. regidar hegira of our solid ( lorinan citizoni 4 who vent beck to visit the fatherland ant aovoral ef theiio returned with thirty to fort friends each to swell the popWMion of No , t 1jraska. The 1a4 man to arrive Is Mr. leiir . - 1)olilo , the Farnarn street shoe niorchant , wlo t 'cobnols back with hiii family after a ilOMaflh itrip to Germany. lEa mectis with a want 'wclcomo for there is no idcwsantcr or mom f , oiiulnr business man In tim city titan Ilonry nd hawaii groaUy missed by all his fniend - I ILEI ) . I ! DIJTSON-Jaincit , infant son of Mr. am Miii. l3ainuoi Dutson1 died Sept , 6 , 1883 , a Tbo funeral took ilaeo at 4 p. ui. yostortin : 1mm the residence , No. 113 North Tent ) I iitreot. Interment at the holy Sopuiclic ( umotory. I - I ' Aftii'ent ; IJiiicovory. That Is daUy bringing joy to the hornet. ii - thouiiaotis by saving uiiany of their dear outo : g from zui early grave. ' 1 tidy ii hr. King' ' ? ow Discovery for Consumption Coughs . CISiAathma Bronchitis hay 1/over i.oii \ of the Throat l'aiii VouceTickIngIu , in Sit ! and Chetit , or any 4oaao ! of the Throat anu ' :14.10:15 : : , a lo4tiv& cure. Guaranteed. Triti liotueii free at C. F. Goodinan'ii Drug Stern L&z'o ISIZO $1.00. Real Eatat4 Tranorsi. Tlio following deeds were filed for roc cord in the county clonli ' ofilco f3optoznbo Z.ioporthd for TuE BEzi by Amos' roe eitto agency : Fred L. fliud anti wife to henry 0 Jones , w ii , lot 4. iar nw .j ius 8 ip 15 , r 13 , $1,000. . John Bagloy and wife to Lovarott M Anderson , w ii , part a 1 w 33 , 15 , 13 paui nw 4 , 14 , 1'J , part o ii - no 5 , 14 , 13 * 32,222. JcueT. Ifandyct iii tollonry O.Jones deed , so and soc 3 , 15 , 12 , and it r iI :1 aec 10 , 15 , 12 , 160 acres , 1. 1Icho1az Spoilinan and wife to Mar Driscoll , v. d. , Iota 4 antI 5 , block 1 , i - Dwight & Lyman's add. , 4O0 Joliui liagloy and who In John Bagloy Jr. . q. C. iL , part a. zuo.,3-14-13 , 8- Win , Steinbeck nut ! wife t Jul111 L Hill , sy. d. , vart ow. .l no. tti-ltI-13 ; $1,300. 1l"rod Kuuigitt to John A. Anderson an Pefer A. Magiiusson , w d lot 28 , in Mc Caudlisi : Place , $1,050. Jilt ) . 11. Horbacli and who to Wtn. S .s. Itodmaui , 8outli 1.6 of lot 4 , block 8 ; Omaha , $400. Edward Loveland to Isaao Van 1Urauu 1 11 lot 1 , block 93 , ( ) mahft , $1.00 , Noyer ( live Up. If you are suffering % itb low and doprosse ijh1t , ! oeia of aPPUte , general debility , dl ttidured bloods weAk oontItutIon , hoada ho , o auyseaso of a bilious nature , by all meion ItOOUO a bottle of 1loctijc hitter. . Yet will bi 1.UrrIbOd ) to the rapid improsomeni Uia 1t ! toUow ; you will be inipire4 with nosi liua strezth nd iicthity wtU return ; p1i kn4 i'dery . , i1J cease , and henceforth you , , rojolco in the J the praise of Electric )3Itten , &ioW M IJftY c.wsti A bottle by 0. F. ( lonti _ _ * s - : SENTORIMJOJOURNERS. Thc 1llfiu1 COIIIIIIECD ( of ftc llnc ( 1a1cs oiia1c iii Ollthh1 Tlioy Will Itcujinin Scv'ial 1) Make lIP Their 1io ri. A ilispateli fioiui ValoultiI't , , , Nebraska , has been received by the hotel , scuit by Assistant Amos Christie , ( if tim United ' Atntes seutate , en gaghig looms for tiij uiembers of the t.Tuiitetl Slates senate cornuuuittco on Indian aIfltiis , atid it. vtts C , t1ectcd that the dit. tiiigtuishcd visitors uil arrive on the 0. , St. 1' . , 1I. 1c : 0. rjj at 4ii0 yesterday , coining ( IOWIt from Valentine on the Sioux City Pacituic. . St. .vort SAVNI)11U4 , who has jur , returned frouui a nioiith's trip iii the ct with his son , Mr.Chanlcs Saututlers , as found in tlio l'axtoui , auid in ahuawer : to iui inquiry ne to the object of the Ccoznittoo 'colnuuig to Oiuulin , saiti ' 'Ti j , , h acloctsoiuuunittco , appointed ly Co ft2rocj to aecentniut facta Couuceruung the T , iidiitnn , wit ) : regard to clirtaulbuug tlid g resurvationic ' ] iioy are expected , a1t ether , to fnviilianizo themselves with In iii'r.fiairs in general , anti hiariuug vis. it teL : the uiortiica rosorvatuoiuiu I presume t lucy urro coining to Omaha to D1TAI ( A ummsr : before going ( t1 \Vasliingtoii , mud to iiiakc out their report hero. 'I'hoy vihl 1robabhy rcr.iaimi several tinys in time citf , ? . " ' \Vho counposo the . "Souiathr henry Ii. Dawes , of Maasa. r chuiuutts , is chairman ; Senators Angus . Caiuieruum , \Viicouisimi , and John A. Logan , of Illinois , are niomIors , but the r liAbliC'S of the others 1 canuiot recalL" . , "Tlioy will prolably be entertained 'while huroV' "Well , I hope so. Suchi promniuiunt mmcli Rhiould not visit Ounahmmi vithout being ehiown the city , at least. . " S Tim eoiiator was thou asked if ho ENJO'EI ) 1118 TRhI. 6 a' Very unumli indeed , " re1hied , thuu son. . ator. "We have see , , the fluiest country 0 of Limo great west We vemt first th St. - I'nuinuid thou out on time Northern l'acm. tIc te Ilaumock nuid llolemrn , crossed tue Rocky range , wcmd to Door Park and I Butte , and thou tiowii to Doziver , Cob. . ratio Springs and Idaho Springs. One of I time 1)OimIt that interested inc moat. ua about 60 or 70 uiiilos title side of helena , m . where three rivers , the Galiatin , the Jet. . [ orson and. the Madisoui unite to join the Missouri. Three streams seldom come toethor in such immediate junetmoui as . this , hero ate the hieadwatcrs of the ) Missouri , clear , cold nuid beautiful. I TbE MISSOiJ1I IUS'Efl I does not get muddy unil it IsOs time I mnouth of the Yellowstone. That part of Montana iii a woll.watorod country , full I of little , running streams. The country . is thinly inliabitedna yet , but people are licilug drawn in. I don't know a place the aizo of Helena-they claim 7000-so I . lively and businesa.liko , The Northern Pacific line given it a boom , it is the capS , jUt ! niid it is full of capital , " . ( hero time . somiator smiled a little ) "and is the headquarters - . quarters of the cattle mon and miners of . Uiat region. " i AILILIVAL OF TilE COMMISSION. 1 A special train caine III shortly after midnight last uiight , over the Sioux City I anti Pacific road. Itim comn- t pnisod the following diatimiguishiodgontlo. . men : lion. H. L. Dawes , United States 0 senator from Massachusetts ; Iromi. John t A. Logan , United States senator from S Jilinois ; Hoii. Angus Camnoron , United I States senator fromn Wisconsin ; Cheater v. Dawea , clerk of the comnmnissiomi ; Hon. Jamics J. Olinistio , assistamit acrgoant.at. L arms of the United States sonata ; Nelson Parker , Dr. V. P. Mc0ihlicuddy , Indian agent at Pine Itidgo Agency , and Liout. Tliomnas of the army. I The mombera of the comminaioli were tired out and had little to say. They . will meet thmia niorniti and hear the Ja. p kota delegation , stopping over in Omnahii ) a coupbo of days to complete their busi. t bless before procoodimig t'i Chicago. I T3tb D.tlOTA DIZOATION. 3 The Dakwta constitutional convention at Sioux Falls Iimti adopted a muommionial to : 01)011 the great Sioux reservation and i' ' pointed a coumnittee to lay it before thu soumatonial cnimmitsion , while iii Omaha. I Messrs. Moody , } lager anti Kehlam , of t thin committee , amid a juLrtr , of follow Da. kotamia ; rnivud last evening amid are ut , tIme Piuxton. They will presemit thu mae. I inorial to.day , and if the business cauumiut r be concluded during the stay of time coma. zutiasiOli will V.CC0IIblAIIY tlmomui to Chicago. ' 1 hrn Dakota uity registered as follows : A. W. linger , Mitelicil ; Porter Vmurnur , Deadwood ; I' . E. Shamuumomi , Yankton ; it. . . f 0. Lake amid wife , Dakota ; 0. 0. Moody , S Deadwood ; Newton Edununds mud wife , N Yiinkton ; B. D. hhinmiuui , Yunktomu ; A. h ( I , Icoliau : and wife , Chamuberlaimi ; 11. (1 , 0 CaulfIeld , Deadwood. I A I'ino htidgu dispatch of the 3d says : 1 "Thu Senate couuumnittoc to.day held a I. council before the Ogalalla band of the Sioux. The principal speaker was thu noted chdof , ited Cloud. Like all other . Sioux , the Indians claim to have simied . the Edmunde agreement under a Inisap. 2 prehension of its terms. One surprising 1 surprisimig fact was developed t.o.day. It 4 will be tonuounburod that time treaty i I 1868 jroded that all aubsoquont agree. inoimta , in order to be bimulimig on thy' Iii. , diana , maust be ak'ued by thruu.fourtlis of the adult uiimulcs of tue tribe , Of course . tue Edmnumid5 ngroommieiuta was covered , by this vroviiomu. It. how up. l)0a timat a large ntmmnbor of I the aigliors of this ugreemumit were boya between time ages of S mumid 12. 'I'iuu L ; Indians rotor in terms far froni comupli. mncimtary to the 11ev. 13. D , ilimunamm , who noted as interpreter for thu Etimimummthd V Ii UimubmfliBIiiuI , , amid WiI ( ) butts bueui veiy flu. tive imi ) rocuvimig aiguuaturus to time agree. macmit , uuieluding those of time ciiiltlren . ' above referred to. 'I'hioy also any thiut ' . 1l r. ilimmimiamu prommused thmummu a strip Of hutiitl imm Nubmzm.slua iii cimiaideruitiouiof , thu'r I cussk'uiiim D.tkotn. This imardly soumum LI probable , however , its ho cem'taimmly iutd . lie auitimonity to do so , 4th tIme Imiuts iumo gmuthiur&xI by time cinimmuittee , time mmioro cvi- demit it iwcomnua thuit the Edmnumnis agree. mumuuit is no oxcpLi'm ' to tim utile of comi. I duct wlich ; humum iso mug uisgraeod time gm'yonmimmomit in its troatumiomit oi time In. ' thinimms. 'l'huu comummihtto leave to.mmiorrow fur time Itumobud agency. Time Cozomis. I OAuA , September 4 , 1883. r \ \ have this day leased the hioU'l : known 153 thu Ommid Pacific , formerly kept by us , amid known then timrougiuout tIm writ as the Cozzen , by which namno it I will hereafter ho known. To ourpatroum . , of limo Palace hotel , Santa Fe , Now Mex. lco ; Sldnuy houzo , Sidmiey , Neb , mmd thmo - . , . : - : ' T ' - . - - - - - - imnia ; botch , I'mrnmnio City , Wyonming Territory5 it is iiecdle for its to make any promises , other than that time Coz. Zeus vil1 be accomul to noun in Nebraska , Time house is entirely umow , hiandsomnely furn'msimod , auni time tabbo viIl ice time very boat the market alFords , 'l'hio bar will be stocked with tim choicest liquors. It.atos-.00 . , $ 2.ti0 and 'J.0O per ( lay , accorditig ti hoot. No immside or dank 1 00185 in time house. I , . 1t.uisr.v . & Co. - MAX AND MENAI ilovol uut Ptiiill 111 the Conri , The lnjor NIkeli4 ! u Cai Iipilcntcd lii Onmnhma. On tIme 31st tiny of May last , a petition for divorce wa..i flied in time district court by Max Len ? , against hits wife , Mean l4eiiz. 'I'imo ahicgatioumti .oimtnimied in title pot1. tiomi were , in brief , thud ; mlaimmtiff had rc sided in Onmalma for time past scveimtcomi years , that he was married imi Decenibor 1871 , tothio defendant ; thmat time defend. imit became aim imabitual drummknrd mmmd has been so over simico , aummi that site had 1mm mnammy other vays violated time ummarriago I vow. vow.Mrs. . Lemma 'h3iuIg abaoimt from thu city irntico of time simit was pu1Iislmed in time \Vatchiman , amid time decree was obt.niumed at time imext euiatuimig turin of court. A few ( lays ago Mrs. Lou ; througii her attorneys , Smnythmo & ; hieumuuett , 1110(1 ii ummotion to sot aside this decree. lii 1mev ahi'mtlavit she deposes timat on or aboimt. time Jst day of lnnurury , at time urgcmmt ict1uost aiid solicit.atioim of hun humsbamid alto left Oimmaima to visit lien friends mmd relatives in Germnany aumd for time benefit of her hmoalthm. When alma left Onmahma it wan the understanding that time visit shmotmid not extend over a period of mmioru than three unontims , but thmat alma I imad no soommr landed at her dostimmation thmnmi' her imusbamid began writimmg liar let. tons to extend liar stay mnuchm lomiger , amid giving certain reasoims timerefor. The first tif these letters is dated Dec. 8thm , lie writes his brotimer.in.law of imia intention to scud his wif over there on a visit , speaks of thie heavy cost , route , etc. , and says lie sends her for her health mumuui that she will leave Ommmaha about time first of February. Time second kittor is dated .Tnnuary7thm. Mr. Lcnz states that lie is goimig out of time anlootu business and going west , as his owIm imcaithi imas boon bad. lie appears to feel iimsultod at the contents of batter No. 1 , and says "Now I will make you a pro. positiomi. If you will stay out there 1 will saud you 2,000 marks macro amid thorn I will go mumy own ways and you can another man and I will got another wmfe. The cost of Urn divorce suit I will PAY with pleasure and you need not bother yourself abomut anything. " hum iottr No. 3 time writer again an- flounces hula immt.antion of soiling out mmd goimig vest to Moumtairn or WashmilmgtOIm. "My wife can stay in Gormaumy until 1 get a home oimco muoro. It is foolish for liar to think of coining home already as the doctor told her to stay there six or eight months and get the blood poisoning out of liar and all the whisky alma drank. " Thou follows some further advice on time sarno subject whmich is hardly fit for print , in which such ammdeanimmg terms its "imor" and so on arc used. Ho continues by saying that if alma comes sooner than oighmt mouths lie will umot live with imar , and that lie can got a di. vorce at any time. On May the 8th lie writes that Henry Eicke has gone to Germany amid that lie viiI visit them and try to atraigliteim out time difficulty l > otwecn timani. The obligatiomma in time motion to sot aside the docrea then go on to say that Mm-n. Lana behieviumg in her iiuimbammd's siimcarity wont to Ocrmnaumy in coumipliaumcu with lila request nmmd-mmmucit against her own in hlnation-remuained there eight iuioumthi : that sue imevur gave up liar place of rosidoimco in Omnalma amid thmat 1mev lmousahmold goods remained imm Omnalma all time time during her nbmnmco. Thu steps takemi to socura thma divorce arc thmero ant forth , ammdMra. Lonz swears that she did not kmmow anytimimig aboul time decree entered against her tuumtil 1mev mirnival uim Cotmumcil huh's omm time 28dm tlmty of August , nut ! that alto iota complete ( IC. louise agaimust time claummi uumndo by her bus baud ut his imutitiomm for divorce. 'i'lmo above facts are duly sworn to be' fnre Moses O'Brieum , notary public. 1'E1tSONstti4 , 'l'hma following are zunomig Limo arrivals at. thmt 1'gctoii yesterday : IL. C. 'rouiil , Kuumaa.i City tommm .1. 1)aeis , l'ckln , Iii ; C. S. Blair , St. lambs ; Mr. amid Mrs. D. V. ' . I'cavy , hurling t.Lnm000. ; F. Bordemi , I1oiyiko , ? ilns. ; .1. C' , Oigood , Iiurhimmgton ; K. 11. Vnmm Litert , Juliet : S. M.'Tcray , Iammbury , Ct. ; IL. C. V'iltl , BtI , Limit no ; Jummius Mahoumoy , Council hlltmhts 11 S. McEvary ; hulby ; IL. Ii. Antimony , Chinks T. W. It. hilmucklitirn , City W. F. Eimunctt haley , Iowa ; Josoiiit J4andelamul , IIa.stimmgn lowum ; hommjmunlmm ! Ciumophehl , lilhumnonioiis ; F Dtirsoy , J. B , 1)av Is amid OscuK. . InvIs , iii of'uuhioo ; I : . hi. Morrow , Council Bluffs ; 'i' ' , ' , .T , lhtmmmmls , AbhmIuuth , Nebraska ; i1rs. Bumshm California ; D. 0. Adams , Salt Lake ; .T , Good all , U. S. A. ; ii. \Vihilamns , ChIc.ugo ; II. C Todd , Ksnsa. City ; Jul111 Vaii Lavi umnul wife Yamm Wont , ( ) hmlo ; Ii. W. Osborn , Blair , Nob. It , P. Yorkatono , St. Louis ; M.V , Ilili , C It. . . Gilmumamm , E. C. iInmnn , , 1. 0. 11umni'lmy ' , N Y , ; 1. F. Colhimis , is. B. Dozier , St. Limuls I'e&miotio Joimci , F. S. Shoehy , ] ) ctrolt ; 0. S hiliucknumum , ( bongo C , Tadt , .1 , J. ICurtu , II , I , . .MoNainara , II. Is Vmiiiaumis , ChmIcLi,0 Julia Martin , SIuum City' Al' . iii Saumuidars Cimarius b. Saimmitlers , O'Nuhl City ; J. Fargo Miii amid atom , Froimuommt ; Otto N. Von Sclirjmo dam' , St. Lummis ; i. J. m1artimi , Quincy ; C. ' 1' , Vnlhmt , ! ) ei ? mIulimas ; F. S. l'otvimmV. . M , heoimanui , J. Vahhhimfoi'd , Ciia.Vest , vift aim , ! 130mm , , lemiumteVhlhlmoumoy , Liiieohim , Nab. Arnold ihurbor , floury l.cwvu , Now York Viim. 'l'wi'y , 'recummmmshi , Nob. ; 1' . J. Brati ) ' , Cimmeago ; litunry 0 , Thuahuer , Johmmm 11 , Cole , l'rovltlcimco , It. . . I. ; A.V. . linger , Mitcimel , B , 'I' . ; l'.irtorVanimor , hoadnooti ; 1' . 0. Shamu mmliii'smsktomm ; It. 0. Lake amid wife , Dakotn a. a. Zdoothy , Ioadwooti ; Nowtoim ltIiimuiith , tutu ) wife , 8 , 1) ) . Itumnean , Yankton ; A. ti , iCulamn mummd wit. , , Chitumibemialu ; 11. 0 , Caim. ft 'It . 1)ettlmvod ; P. S. Vi.pmrms , Phlhmulehpl.Ia ; N. hirceimer , ChmiclmmmmattV. ; . 11. McDolo , - v , \ \Vatson ' , Fairbury ; F , E. l'oarson iun wife , Muudisomm ; S. T. Cony anti wilts , Crete , Nob. , J. T , Welch , S. A. Banlteamm , luliuyvjhle Mo , ; Is. 11. D.mw8on , Llnoohn ; Isaac Ilighy , I'oio ; Cities , l'cgerow , Chicago ; K S. Ikuttum , , Nonthavmiptou ; Aho. MLlunon , Counct Bluhls ; Dr. J. V. hIht.cimcad , Cohnldge , Mo , tok the clothmimmghouscs who Lzri'urx LLIIc Co. arc. THE LATESTMODES , The How tie of th B # i11i n aii Us AttrRctiollhis1 A 1'incVImeme GemmtlmimeIt CUlL Fhim(1 1ver3timhmmg In Style. Time imow aumd olegamutly fhuuiabied store mommi , 1.1013 Fanimam streat , 1mm been takemi numd OCCU1kal by Ed. B. Vihliamns , the dealer in gcmithamncim'mu fumrim'msliimmg goods. Ha leaves imis former quarters ill the Millard lmotei , where time first year's business has been so succesafumily carried on , to come over onto Farnaumi street. It is soltlommi so rapid a growth is made in ami ) ' limma of bimalimess as this has been , Thus rood fortune of TiIr.Vihhmamns in drawimig so oxteumaive a cuatoumi hints arisen frouui time fact timat hme mmd those lie employs have time hmampy kumaci : of cater. mug TO Tilfi r.Lwr T.tSTfl of their patroums , who are imuumibared ammmo.mg time macat particuhiu of Omaha ammd time state. For timhm house has not rested coumtouit witim only sumplying imouno demumamids , but Imas built UI ) an uxteimsivu triulo in tIme west and south , based on axceilence amid satisfaction of work. Time best of goods arc kept in time taihi'nimmg ' daiiartmmmemit amid iuiiloi'tatioIms ) are uuiade direct to time store. Mr. 0. \ V.Vedell is time cumtter , an ex permenced mmian vii lots mmiado quite a re- lUtat'ioil for always hmittimmg winit is Comm. sidered time correct timiumg iii hmis work. TIlE STOII } ITSElF ma beautifimily nrraumged , mmd is lit mu. liammtly with time electric lammmp. Time shioi' : windows are filled with time latent ibm- ported goods for time coimmimug fail amid wium- I ter wcnr. 1'Iie tables iumside time stone are : also loaded with a full hue of eassimmiecs , cloths , Scotch goods amid broadcloth iii the gm'eatost coimfusiomm , Time show cases COIit4tiIt a beautiful amid bewildering dis. play of ties and scarfs imi nil time imew folds iuuiti all time now colors , of imma amid orna- unoumts rich in color and variety , af cu1l btmttoims , studs , bosoni puma and nil THAT A OENTLEMAN CAN imeed. Underwear anti otimer articles of thmat kind , with a very coimmimieto himmo of hmammdsomimu hosiery burden the shelves. In time roar part of time store Mr. Williaumms vrcaidcs ma a neat office. Time basement is used as a storage rooimm , aumd the third floor as a tailor simop , where are a lar1p force of men constammt- I jy busy answering the dcnmaumda on that dapartmimeumt Time establisimunant is very comimpleto and shows clearly that umotimiumg succeeds like success. ' A Happy FamIly. I'uilcd from the breaat , squeezed from the bottI Stomachs wimu .our anti mmlk will curdle ; liahy hallelujah all that night , household humping heads In awful fright Don't deny ' ( was Limos with Victoria. ighit waa hidcou without CAST0ItIA ; Vlmii coiio loft ; for yeacefui slumber. Mi said their iirayerani Iept like thunder. DOUGLAS' DADS. The Late Procecthlls of tic Coantv . , Cofflmissiollrs. A. Variety ( f Busiumess , More or Less lfliiOL'tiuimt , Saturday , SOpt 1 , 1883. Board met puritmant to adjourmmtent. Present , ComthMioners Cprliss and Knight , Commniathonor O'Keefa being absent - sent on account of sickness caused by falling from a bridge near Preston Brown's , while inspectimmg said bridge , mmd thereby sustaining severe ilmjury. The following was adopted : JC.9OlL7C(1 , That tIme county clerk be : amid is imeraby directed to reduce time p or- soimal tax of E. Egors fromum $250 to $50 cmi ' accoummt , if error of assessor. Time following accounta wore allowed from time CENE11AL FUND. I D. L. Miller , boarding prisoners , etc. , ( August ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $335JO Bomij. 1' . Ktiiglut , salary its comnmni8. abner , ( August ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17g. 00 J. .1. 1'oiiut , aaiary nit county simper. iiitcndemmt , ( August. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.00 .Iiummcs O'Boyle , biiif1s . . . . . . . . . . ' . 1. N. l'iercoaumper'mntondent veer fanim nait : Several l'eIsomms ' , wages at poor farm. . 109.00 State Journal Co. , blamiks for county. 1.10 Soveraul persoils , grocenios , etc. , for county. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290,50 Nolirtoika ( .iw Company , gas for of Ike nut jail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4p,35 Jamnos Forsyth unoilicino for poor. . . .75 Sciirotor & Bccimt , medicine ( or poor. 24.87 0. F. Gootiuman , oil for farm. . . . . . . . . . &t,11 nuImitiIc lUNI ) . .T. 11. Brack , beildimigbritlges. . . . . . . . 16.00 I \Vaim. VnnIohren , hmmhltling bridgcti ; mind Immiamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172.81 IbM ) FUEl ) . . .Sovemm peniOns , work eu roabi. . . . . . . . F' . B. ( , oior , , scrapers fur eoumnty. . . . 22,50 Vmim. Bowling , wiirk iiim road. . . . . . . . 63.00 ; E.V. . Jtluuuson. grathhmmg. . . . . . . . , . . . . 25.00 . Adjourpeel . toIrd 1nst Joui BAUMEmm , I County Clerk. ; MONDAY , c1mt. :3 : , issa. ' Boai'd imiet JUIsuaut tti ndjotmrnmnent. , Present as before. I Simouihl'D. N. Miller filed a certificate 0J1)hPm11t1mmO1mt of Tlmoimias S. Piaronet ' aim deiiimty milmerihl' , aumul hmr bond was up. . proveti. The board took umitlor consideration road :124 : II , and , nil immtcrostcd parties : bamii present amid time lmartl imavimmg ' provously oXaimlimleti time grormmmtl ummud . couismtlured mull olijectiomum tlmereto directed , time coummty surveyor to umiake a survey ; for a locatiomi between time other two , . vms : tim olti road aumd Limo road IttitiOmiCh , for , which they believe butter than either ; . Of Urn others , amid report as sooim as con. ' vommient ttm time coumumty clerk , ivimoim time . btartl will take U ! ) time imaummu for fimmal . aetioim , , 'h'imo following accoumuts were nhlowel ( vomit time . SeAl ) FUEl ) , I Thmnoti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 00 ; I Iaiiitt urn , . . & Ce , , scralieril. . . . . . . . . 20 80 ; Freuk lte1'c , vurk cmi ioatl. . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 00 I uimonas rUNm' . , Mr. Swazoy road for , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 , IarneiVasli ! , work on bnidgns. . . . . . . . ( ; 9 nO , Auljeurned to 11th lust. I JoaN BAWdEII , Co. Clerk , I \Vcdnesday , Sept. 5 , 183 , Board met PUmsuummit to ndjourummmmemmt. PreseImt , its before. This day tIm board uxmummimmed the voucher of John F. Cools for labor nail immaterial fumiiLh t1 as estitmiate NO. 18 , anti ahiowed time miamimo froimm time , ( ) ENEIItL FUND. : 011 Cootseatjnto No. Atijounimod to 8th lust. JoaN MEit , Co. Clerk , - _ 4tSiCOJ ) . The death of little Maude Farnith , in- humt daughter of Mr. amid Mrs. Ihonry I'arrishm is , ' .t1lft.tvommment . to time parenta 'vhuuth ait syimmpathmy of their friends Catinol iYisuage. Time chmiil ( was inmt eight iuouth'.s of ago , and for several vceks it imstbeen gniulually becoumming inth'o dcii. onto , tmumtil at last time sboumdorcimortl which bound its life to thus world was broke : : , and it wcmmt to that kimmgdorn which time Savior saiti was made of amuck little ones. Time fumieral took place Thmmuraday at 4 o'clock , services beimig imehd at time family residence by Bisiio1m Ciarkson , nmmd the funeral contcgo timeum followed time rclmains to I'rospect Hill cenietory where tiiey tvcre laid to rest. Time body as it ay in its beautiful sumov.whmlta ciumkat scouneti to be still hiivo amid sleeping iui time bed of tuber. roses aunt graumiummi loaves with whmieh it saa smmrrouumdctl. Iimstaad of beiumg laid out iii tIme umsumal way so suggestive of death it rechmmed atm ommo side , its niimt arm throwim about its head as if lmavmmm gone into a sweet Ricej ) . Time other hmaum rested gently on its breast amid clasped a tiny boquot of time annie delicate flowers so profusely scattered about it. Cortaim : . ly tima last glimpse its vareiL hind of it ( iii earth could mmot but colmvimmca thuemmi that it bore time seal of time ammgels on its face. I3uitjKien's AutiIca Saivo. Tim greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily curs Burns , Cuts , UI. cons , Salt : 1tioiinm , Fever Sores , CancorsPilcs Cimilblnins , Corns , Totter , Chapped hammdsamcl : , ull skhmi eruptions , gumaramitcoil to cure in every instance , or money refuuIed. , 25 cents ncr 'tilT - - trimmy Om'leri. Time comnmnaumdimig officer , Fort Omaha , will scud under suitable gurrd and with tao necessary Papers It their cases to tlma Fort Lcavemmworthi mmmilitary prison , all military prisolmers now at his Post await. ing traimsfcr to that jmrisomm. So nmuch of paragrajihu 4 , special orders No. 88 , current series front tlmcse head. quarter , as details Sergeant Mntimaw E. Flyimmi , comnamiy 1 , Fourteenth iumfanti'y , for duty in connection with dopartmemt rifle contest , is hereby so amlmended as to desigmiato Sergeant 1"lynn as counpany representative to the department contest , mmd h3 will ho aent by hula post coam- mnander to report mit Fort Omaha , Neb. , by September 10. Ium conipliamice with : instructions of the hmonorabbe , tima secretary of : var , of time 5th inst. , First Lieutemmaimt Guy Howard , Twelfth immfantry , A. D. C , will proceed to the Shmoshmone and Bannock Iimdian agency , to inspeot and report on time quality and manner of delivery of the annuity - nuity goods to bo delivered under contract - tract to thuo Indians at that agalmcy , amid on completion thereof will return to his station at these hieadqtmarters. TUTT PLLS TORPID 3OWELS , DBSORDERED LIVER , ' and MALARIA. Prom theae nourcee arbo throc'ourtlto of 11)0 ilisnuecs of ( ho human race. Them symptoms Indicate theiroxistonco : Logi ot : pmCtite , oWoIO costive , icic head- cite , luUiuoeS after eatluag , aversion to exertion of body or mind , Eructaticul of 'oouI , hrrltaWty of tcmnpcr , Low iptrft , A fooling of iaving neglected iuinodnty , flhzzuimosaF1utcring.t the heart lots berore tiso eyes , bIghiycol- ored brine , CONST1PA'I'iOV , and tie. manth the use ofa remedythat acts dIreCti' oil the 1.tvcr. .saLIvermcdIcIttoTUTT' . . . PILLS Imiwo no equal. TlmcLr notionon the ICidnoyannil SiIn is also prompt ; removing all impurities through timcso three "aca'v- etlgttrl ot the yOtcm , " proiuclng tippo. tito , sound digestion , regular stools. P. clear slclnandavlgorousbodv. ! ECTT' $ PELLS cause no nausea or griping nor intetcro with tliihlv worI and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA Soideyt'ryvi.ronr.o. ) Ott1'n.dii1irrty8l.N.Y. , , Tofts DYE. OmiAr hAm OR Wmiislrr.r.s changed in. shuitly to a Gr.OSSY flLAct b > ' a simigla tip. pilcation of ilila ITI. 801' ' ! cy Druggists , or. Soot by oxpresm nit receipt of $1. Oflico. 44)Iurrny Strettt , New York. T'tsT'S fmHlJAL OFISEFIH ] flFIPTS ( FREE. SPECIAL NOTICES. tr8poctimie will Positively not be Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. - ' ONEY TO LOAN-The Omaha Sailngs Hank is _ 1 , new irelrcd to inaku Ioan on Omaha city or Douglas munty real estate at current rate of iiitcreL No couiunitslon charge. ) . 3S.tf - ' IONEY TO LOAN-The lowcot rates of litercst , Isi liemIs' Loan Agonc , 15th & iouigh.i. 23)-if ) 'fONEV To lOAN-Oall at Law 015cc of P. L. lu. Thoma , , room8.Croiibm _ ) umock. 4ONEY LOANEI-On Chattel mortgage , room I .1YL Nebraska National hank Iluildinc. 181. U fONIiY TO LOAN-J. T. batty oans on chattel .151 property , 213 SoUth 14th St. s'ptlO BELl' WAwrip. I , ! Oumba Broom Works , ibtbi anti l'acf tic. 522.101 AT.NTit-A dining u-noun girl at the Creighton yr blouse. 234)-ti ) \TANTtL-Firt-c1aM P.tatry arid Short Order V 7 cook , at 1100 Farosi , , street. " 7ANTED-Two Laundry ii onion at the family "S V laundry , 15th a.1S'ebotcr. , _ _ _ _ _ ' TANTID-OirI for getiural liouseuiuric. A. illake. V Il , 1018 MIsoul ! t.I. , , 5071' W TANTEI-.t iltcrat the 1iton Ibid Barht shop. 5o57f \ TANTEDi'irst.tlascook at Iloito , , Itobtiluraut , betven Uti ) aijUlith street , on Douglas. 5i2-iOl TANTEflat Oantteld Jlou.u. 4 tunIng room p girls , one iiicat cook , Iiniuutllatov. , 517.T . 1 % ' . If. lcCOY , . ' . sewing girl tuid tso ' \7'ANTED.Ontu to do first-claps umork , at iSm3St. Mary a aseue , , 515.81 ilItfi. COltmui'l'F. . . ' TA.EI-25gIrI ( for fair ittek , beglniuiig , 3kn. da , I301)t. lutil , i'ttU ilkihig noon , girls and 15 girl. to 'tush dlaliei. 510.8 MI7VIIOI'OLIT.tN IIOTEt. \TANTim-Tcii : gte. ! cracker kikor. . Apply at I 1 once to .105. GAIINEAC 3168 Cracker l'actory , 12th cud Jackson. ' 7AN'TILiTen : carpenters. Ai'ily at southwest V P teriier 26th iuii.l Imitiglas , or 1511 iiorthi2Oth atiti Ora street. (44.StJ ( , t. T , MUmti'IIV. lb \ : ( , girl for general liouaeork at - niI _ Ciicagostrvet. 185-Sf \ ' rxrin : imiiic.iittely , a woutian for general a liuiesor5 , IiUckVt ) Moat Market , 15th and 2daboii streets. . ) - gIrl tililing to aslst with semuitig ' \TANTEI-A a,1 , , cittIdreit. iluist be able in board at hiottie. lnqulr 8. E. our. 13th and Cs1'itci smeliuc , north door. Ibd.tf 1T.tN'1'Ei ) Itnituttliately. tnt , tTlnrluncu.l sties V V latliet , at , McDonaid' Etuporiutit of Fashion , 423-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "T.tN'lE1)-lmtimediately , an vxperiutuccd sales- 1 1 itiati. Onu slo tiitdt'rstauti thu notlo , , depart mcmi l'referi. 4411)11 at ilcLknalds , Emiorlutn of Fashion , _ _ _ 4113.7 ' % TANTEh-A ) girl for gemwrei hiousewonic at 2020 I I Farnain street. 41)8.7 % T.NTED-Two flr.t class coat makers. Steady V Y work , good ; tri' , F.nrjulre at John ituitet' . saloon , 811 south Tenth stnnt , rican depot , Omaha. trAl'-rF.D-A ; good caniage UackstnlIlm No.5215. T V mIth strvet. hanson Son. tlm'uil -flTAN'rEnwomau : : : to missli and lieu at the T V Emnmetthouae , 1T.tNTED-Two ItraicLea , barbeus. at 1' IV , 1h11 ' V s.'fl't , Oouucll muss. I - - - - - - - _ . rt4ill ! Jfl . for Infants and Children. ( ngfom'Imtlr911101'S Digestion nuitt overcoimmes Hiuttuleliceoustipa. . thou , Sotme Stonincii , Diarrhmci'a , iuml Foverisimumess. It imisures health amuti natural sleep , t'ithiout nuorphine. . .4 Caatcn-Ia is so well zmdaptt4 to Clmiidrom : that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me. " 11. A. Ancimn , M. P. , s2'ro-thanti Ave. , Br'xkiyn , N. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT-ami absolute cure for ItImoillun- tismim , Sprains , Btirui , Galls , &c. Time iliOSt Powerflhl auth i'onO- trating Pain-relieving 1IL(1 Healing Remmiedy kimown to man. THE BESTTIREAD ! FOR SEWING MACHINES SIX = CORB SPOOL COTTON IS ] iNTII1ELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WO1LD FOR hAND AND MAChINE SEWING. Full asortrnent commctauitly omm Hand and for sale by - HENRY PIJHRMAN , Premont , Neb. I TANTED-Two giri at the Occidental hotel lm- V mediately. 437.jQ \ 7ANTED-T1ie 1est girls in thu city for the best V situations with first'eiats lattuihtes. Coot ! homea anti beet tuages. Call at once , 211 N. 16th street. mac-si 1TANTED-At once , 15 gIrls at Cantkhd's Overall V 5 Factory , 1107 llarney street , 34 thur. 4.5-tf , ' TAN'1'ED-Thirty ntcn totvork on atrect. Apply to Pat roam , at Steitlieiitoii't. 10th street. Also 1' ) moon to work on i6th str , ci. Apply I , . . Pat. Mc- Ardbo. iStharutiChicago otreets. 418-7 IXTANTED-Glrl , at No. 1080 Shennan avenue. vi 234-tf iIllS.J. 1 ! . COUNSMAN. - ' XTANTED-Lady agents for the 'Queen ' l'rstcct. V or.A new Under garmct , for ladles , made of soft , tlexihle rubber. Sure Protection to the munder. wear , thtn nccesaary to be u'ont. ilotalis for LLOO asfeetas aitscan , ehiowIt Large profits. Address with stati , "Ladles' Utiodorgarunent lianufacturing Co. , No 0 .May street. Chicago , 1.1. 700-Am SiTUATIONS WANTED. TAN'I'EI-Situations by ttto first-class cooks. I S flest of references. Address "X. Y. Z " flee 0111cc. 508-131 T ADU4 Oil YOUNG MKN in city or country to _ Lj take time , light and iIem'att , work at their own homes ; 2 to $5 u day ea.liy siii quletl made ; work sent by mail ; no canvassing ; tic , stamp for reply. Pies-c a'l,1res ltelibit , 3laum'fg Co. , I'hlla1'a. l'zt. , tlgaworTF. 478-lionS 1.TANTED-A situation as ) akir hvayou.g Ocr T W lita , , . Inquire at i'ctee Gout's , Farnam street , betweeii 15th and 10th 515.101 'Vs TANTED-Sltuation by a good ltriitcr , on" tsho Uridcrstaods job work and ltreswork thoi-nuh 1) ' , is a inserted imiati anti tvIltcs steady eiujluymeiit. Address at once to box ST Mlnden Neb. 425-8 % TANTEU-Oocd , irncticl tinner , steady job , 1o VI permooth , 037.lmt U13-secs , Nub , , MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 17ANTED-Iionh'1s ' suitable ( or tlres.tnakilI. V S Must. be first-class locality. Address " 1)icss- maker , " lice 0111cc. 513 8 - ' \rANT1D-T.n znousaiu macace to go to Airs. Und's to hame their tiress-inaking done. 207 north 10th street 42S-1O' -V TtNTED-Th'eo iron to atfend night school. Situations furnished , 1510 Dougias street. jog-st -.1. Ii. SMITIL. 1TANTED-To purchase , So or 40 yards of second ! S handearpet. $ ddrus ill north 14th street 500-7 * irAN'rED-3ooo bushels of fresh b)1Ckt , ripe ts V V niatoes , at harris & Fisher's. 'J27.tf FOIL RENT---Eouimen and Lots. ' ? _ I _ try , 1131 Sheniniu , at cone. 457-85 L. out REN'F-ll.use , 9 iooio. two closets situ good ! ltasemeiL , liani atiti soft isator. 826.00 ocr month. Cur. 14th ajid Webster. to3.t ; JAS. CALLAhAN. OR blENT-Well furnislieti rooms at 1914 Web. stor street. . 500.11 F htr.T-Furiilshied ; rooms at 20i3 ( toe stied. 504-10 I ; 'emi IIuNT-m720 Cnpitoi avenuefurni-hied root , , . utile or single , to gentlema. and tutu , or gun. tlcnen. Traucielits aecoiimiodatstl fair ucek. 508-131 I ; ioit IIENT-A itico , now cuttage , 22i10 , 8 roono , 3 ciosets , hail nild pantry , cellar atuil fitch room , hard and soft sater. Convenient , I)1dsait hotality , one Ilock , front street car iiiu. , . % ptl > tmmth rcfereimcc , at 1213 north 10th street. 502-13 Foil IIENT-Tao nicely furnished ro.us In brick house , 1 itO Ciilcagostree. iSO-la' 7'011 itE1'T-SutIl. of furiithc,4 roonus wit ! , hoard. N. fi. eon. 17th and ClonIc. 'tOlt IIENTt furisheI , , root , , s iti board , gas soul b.tth room , at iTIS 1)olgu street , 501.1St Foul ltET-lArawehi furnished front rom tsitii , lrotsing roots , for one or two gesitlenten. Refer. ecs , , required , N. ' . mu south 1tlm St. 477.8 * I ° " RENT-a rootnoAtage , mica. Seward street , between ( 'a1u1lt'iI atid Irene , Shims , , ' . , addition. 478-lit I'Oi1 IIENT-I'urssishicdroomsiithboartilnpriyatc 1ainUy Sal I D-mvenpovt St. 480 8 F ° ' IIENT-T.i mu ntiii ast , it itu , wltlsust c'liltlren , , 4 cimasnlwrs t'ry euinemltst ( or Irosmt atiti Itomr entrance , liarl tnt , soft minter. 310 Norttml7thstrovt. 453-tI i'otm RENT-Unfunihmud roisis , 1724 Douglas. I 1 IIENT--Nlculy furni.hed rooms , 15th street , bet. Dodge anti Capitol atonue. 450-8' I SlEET-Cottage ol ( I rootims , corner Chicago anti 18th stcet. H. LEhMAN' . 412-ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F Oil ItflN"I'-iTlousu , , 47 to 75 , 'er inoutim. 420-12 siriiviit hElL , m' . 0. imqusruat jiossf ) , ittuisic axtil art etore , iudgu street , 390th I ' " lIE T-flrkk store. Inquire sit tirug store , con. 1011' aittI hioughts stied. 310-ti I 31011 RENT-Two floors situ hiaseitrt. lacuator attached. hug l'aniais , street 27011 _ rut iii root , , , wit ) , Isoni ) . lSiS hktlgt , 131 1145.hmof ' ' ° ' ° I' ' and unfuritlahod rooms. I' FIne lotation. 1'IiCK , Opm. 1' . 0. 85041 _ _ -jzffif i FORm ) & 5OCt11 , heal Estate Agency. ( Rites east aide 14th trctt , bctsct.ii Farnamu end Iotsglai streets. . . 702.1 - - - - - * - LcOit 1IAIE. riic I half acre lot , near 1-ort Ouoha. Price $ dscasb , or 700 on mime. Address dunes A. Tsinr. I cvi Oma.ha. 525-135 Io1L 8PuLE-.th xcnmment opportunity to buys Imonto cli ai . ) ii smart ) , Seth sLecuL Must be sold soon. ti. L. Marble , 2i7 N. 10th. 1.26. 3 i'oti 5.tLt-Eiec cottage six rota. . barn antI I full lot. trees and thsniIsbery. Ilesutiful location , $2sOQ , * 100 cs.a8 , bniuicer.5 per month. ROLLINS & MFFEIi , 4gm-to Ouitsits NatIonal hlsak liuuldthe. i'out SALi-l'h tw , cheap for cash , Party wants I to teams toan. 410 2id street , bet. Jtszoey and .Mt. Mary' avenue. tao-ma' \Vhat gives omme Cutl50fl ) roav cheeks , \hat cures their tavere , makes them etc'cp 'Ti. Cnstnrln. \lmen hmrtbi fret rmnl , cry by turns , What cures their euhic , kills their worms , Bitt Castonia. V1sat quickly cmmres Constipatfon , h3our 8tonmnch , Colds , Indigestion , hut Cnstori. Faratsehl then to 3torphiito Syrups , Castor Oil anti rarn-oric , andhail hail Castoria ! } o1t8.tLtTiroo lots , cite nicely graded , and two with houses , 5 bicks truism pu.t.itttce , 1.1 ft bar- gain. 1485-SI i'ECK , opposite P. 0. Foil SALt-llouse and lisiif lot on north 111th street. Ifousu 20x20 , good location. l'nicc3i,21o. i0o cash. lialance 20 per tiiomsth. It h.Lh8&llOUER , .1068 floon , 20 , Omaha National hank Buihdln. JOht S.tLE-Nice house and It ot ( loorgia at-c. flute. Elegant tiew , Soc location , $ -2,500 , $00 ( 'ash , balance 350 per month. 41)5-8 I 1ORSALE-A ticarly new leather top shdebar bug. gy at SO. 2510 St. Mary's aveisue 453-10) ) phi SALE-Two lots cottage 8 rooms , 2 , lsterm. . , bar , , , 2 blocks Itoin high School , i'tattsnoth to exchange for Orniha property. Four beautiful West frontiots , Oeoria aye. hiatus. con , Place 2t00. 'Fwt , lots new houme , beautiful residence Georgia Ave. W. front , 3O0O. Forty acre tract near city , $4,000. Splendiu residence 0 rooms , osm 10th St. . eset front. 471-11 simnivuit& BELL. F OitSALE-Shonlnger Organ , Bell stop , two krueu swelis. hiquire at N. 1' . Lisitiqulit's , 22d street , lict Letvcnusortli , nut ! Aiuuon. 458.101 F Oil SALC-Sjleiidhd OhtiOttUflit ) ' for luarty with small capItal. A lIrat-class drugstore in a pros. umcrous tow , , . Will be sold on very easy tormv. CactI . reasons br selling. .tmiply to Lock fox 042 Kt turney , Nob. 43.1-81 t"oit SALE-Two and one-half atid S acm tracts , .1. N. IY. on caiytcrssis , at $100. ler acre , Two lots near 1ark ave. car line , hou 5 rooiuetc. bargata 83.800. Three lots 11th and Vinton , 2 Imouses cheap , $9.SOJ. T4o lotahouse7 roomsetc. , Georgia Mu. cheap , $3 000. i'nrkerSi. Low&s 1st Addition , Imonso 2 rooms etc. 'Otto iota on Park aue. , car ilnobargain , 81.50o. Cheap Lola in weat End Addition , Cas ) turing- Coil at cfllce and get omat. 421.7 snullvEmt& BELL. Foil SALE-At aba'gain , a small 'I osler , hia'intunn arid Co's fire 1)coof safu. lnq.1ro at this ollico. Foul SALE-Four Iota him south ( imatma. , ( load to. catIon , 8250. each. Inquire at lice uSlec 331 Il FOR SALE-A clean stock ) iardwnio. liargaln. Easy tennis , .Addree A ! . J. Wrk , Milford , Nob. CU-mini 1OII SALi-lIoue anti two lots is , south Onmaha , _ I _ cheap arid easy payment. itiquiro Cites. Jo'.cph , 10th anti Castullar street , Kochs Jiecr tar.hen. 995.7' ; "oti SALE-One fresh nilik cute , alpo v.ursg calf Inquire at Edholni and Erhckosms Jestuiry store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 218-ti F SALE-A tiumber one lnso , i.iih tlniviiiile or double and uvhli be sold at a bargain. Inquire at the 01)1cc ) of the Oratid Unloti Tea Un. . 110 14. 111th ! _ 1uf F ORALI--Snuall house , stew , about onhalt acre tot F.sy lemma. l'rice nitty itS AMI'S ' , 141-ti 150(1 f'armatmtre.it. i it SAI.E-2t8) Cwes. _ L 100-Ire' JOIIEM. SIEET.V. ) lUCK FOil SALO ChlEA1-At 15th gtret. south B of Ilellevue rool. or 608 Norti , 1tl : ; , sI. 950-lt,4 'OltAh.E-Flio tarot close 1 ( , time city. 818-ti I'ECKOpposito P. 0. I.E FOil SALE- O 300 yearling iclfers. , 20(1 two ) IOC old imoltcrs. 41)1) itilied cahu us , Ottolnr deilver' . 200 he Id euriismg steers , Ot'ler , lehivcry. 7011 imeati smooth two stud Ilirue t car do sleeve. Iowa stosk. S1'flANfli 01108 , ( ' .tttle Contractors , liitle , Woo ) a , , , ! ' 11,1mw dtsitrs. Sioux City , iowa. SIll.lns -"Oil SALE-A lirmt , + Iae. second im'm.md . ros iesggy. Call at 1311) hlarrev , street. 'r' Felt SALO-Itesidenco and busmtost jrorty mu all parts of Omaha , and Farm , Latda , in nil mxrts of the State. UEDI'Jtt ) .t 8011)01 ) , 703-ti 213 5. 11th St bet. k'arimanm and Ilouglas. 1 lOU SALtS Oil EXCIIANUE-Fitil lot and three dwelimrsga corner of 11th aii Puciflo streets. ? 4ina iota iii south Omaha. Al.o itt ) acrid "I 1usd hear Santen , Nebraska , and bumlidhsig arI , stock of clathim No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange for Nohrasla farm lands. Further l'nrticulara at Coo , U. 1'etcrson Clothing Store , 1101 Tenth street 431)4041-ti 'iToii _ _ SALE-Old resapapors in macgo anU entail . l _ m' iiUtles at this t2cs. tt MISCELLAiICOUR. iI-A G7Kok of Cigv .M aer'm. ( It , ic ii No. mE ii i'leau hate at flee once , - ' TIIAYEI ) Oil S1'OLEN .4)iie ) ily , irow , , a liii 0 Iiini rect star in ie.sd.'hmt , ) , ' sisat liItmt ) limit left car. itti ) , , , , sill be resmsrded by sending to IV , ii. hientimaw , 8aumsders cud Coming street. 514.15 I . -a OAIIDINU-11) ' the iiay or u. tek at 4 iS 8. 8th I. ' slit-ut , Imeteec , , liosord and hlarimey Stvettt. o.r-s.a.t set iii. , .1 1.iik coral iu , kit u there I _ 4 str , mIs. .1 Imaid.oitu , rewsrj ui Ii ho eI I for ltd rettarti if It-ft at time tIes .titlcu . , or for i ftnt4tiou ir.sdiiig to its tetlIOr ) ' . Addes 'Corai" live omlico , 40' ) 75 riiXYoI-a iflouhttel' , Ilu V. w.ilr.dtTwiii ri-eel t , , t'.i'o renard 1 y tvtuimsing same to 28th anti ( loss , hunter's brick ) ted , 450-8' .10112 ; JIUNTF.lt. itt ) . JULIA SChiIULIEII ) , Chicago , the titoet .t. . powerful timagmtotic ht.tlt'r loc-umlutI a'l , mji : a rid aim1) silsease. Cute. a nil those h e , , up ty ot her i1my. alciarts. roiusuitatoi , free. , . IV. i-or Lth alit ) C.i1- toi amoliuc. ltooni 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ 413-Si B USINES $ CIIANCE-flut clanee , to invest small capita ) in Iota or Edt. miouscholtl mnosmopdy , l ) bIg Call for flue lIa)5 at 1410 Iouias St. , I rota e It ) .ix. J.AOII1SVOLD. 1 ° l.73 F0uNI-h\vo acts of mIsmgltm harness , a hamindek , - 4 ends tuilk can. Owner can h.eve same ly csihing ' / at Seth asirl Ch1aigoa1 Shunter' . bricturd , aimdp4)4 lug charges. 'J7u-m'L * : L EAVE OliDEiki-Yor ) 'aA.agu , riaget , to any pant of the city , at 213 8. 13th St Telopimoumo No. 1102 , A. 1' , EELLNEIL 221.mrn I I wisit piltid dnmsen fors.uy purpose , sea hiF i3ydt.ntield hloujic. 2cm-un EDWARD KUEHI M&GISTER 0 ? I'ALMYSTEIIY AN CONDiTION . ALtwr. 403 Tenth street , betweco F&rnsm and 17 s hey , ii ti , with the alt oh guardian .pir5ta , obtaja I &ayonoagiscoofti , ipast and prtrst , sad 0 ' aieentIlUonuirtofutura 2am Iaad , Si s rzado to ceder. P64185 uUalsctioa umru'tced. -