- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - . . - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - -T---- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 --r----- ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - ; rilE DAJL dEi.-SATUR.DAY , SEP'l'1MEE . . ! j . - - - - - - - - - -fl--- - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ YOL TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY \ if ( ) tl buy your ' ¶ J " ' : ' _ . .4ROCERIES&P / OVISIONS , -OF-- - - - - : Ic'cD1T 9 c. iii Mnm anti 17 Peiu1 Street , Council BIufTs. . - - R. S. COLE & CO. , . tu 1)EA.1118 All the Most Improved Kinds of Lightning Rod , . \Vtd TtiInj ntnt fl , Ppc niul Pipe littire , for h nd Ornatnent A1nVcst aii Iron IuInp . , ttcntIon. \VIHI RIld . Iron Punips. Urdcn v1I reccivi . irnit COUNCIL BLtFPS , lOW rio Fete , O4 lb.eoit.tf SOuti Main Street M GALLAGHER , _ _ cr c c I Stott , 1'rtsi ) ( otid41 L4IW Prlcva nn' I'Ito ) tteudant. .t First Door oust of Meti'opolitan Hotel , } 'i - . PETER C. MILLER , WitoI.1SALI : AN ! ) ItlTAIt YaII-Pacr and YIAdav Shades ad PaiohIHg In all its Diaoches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 18 3Qizth. Iot1 t. tai1 1iiii , ' DEVOL & WRICHT ' : : a 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Ma , , , Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION A'ND CLOSE PPJOBS ON MAIL OBJDBTh . Broadway Steam Laundry 72'1. W3iI' W-- . A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprieto LATEST iMPROVED MACHINERY. 1ode1 3team Laundry 712 IIROADWAY , COUNCIl. . BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - Proprieto : iml well fitted searn laundry. Guuraiitee go rrns just opened a new : works Please give me it trit1. I . / - ' COUNCIL BLUFFS RAIUtOAD TIME TABI ri1 ; arrhal and tlepart The foflowing RrO thottmoof : t trIn trout thu local dcpot. The trains tat h the Uninn I'aeiflo (101)Ot ahout ten iiilnute ear than bclow tatcJ , and arrive at the depot about later. mirn1te3 FralnR on poe1 llnc and K. C. run on ChIcago ti a ) aU hour faster titan local.Valash tralti em : St. IItIl.3 tIme , tWCflt tntflUte faster than lOCAl. thne. 1. a.ntl Lincoln trains ema on Council fllutT cIIICAOO , aoc 1SLAD ACA FACIVIC. Arrive. DctarL AtIantkE'.5:3Op. : m. PaclflcIxt . 0:3 : ° h E'e anti MaU. .9O In. Fx ani Nnli. .O : J. I ' - * Ds Motica..7:15a.iu. : lJc Ioino,4 , Ac. .O f3 p CUICAG0 , eur.uauroN MDUICY , \ _ . 1)epart. Arrive. ' . . .Chlcogo : ' ( . . . ,5:25Ii.m. Counail JJUff4cx . I. 1aiI arid Es : . . . .045 ut Mail aIItt E..7OO : v ChICAGO and oaritwirsrKIr.v. . Arri'.c. Depart. Atkntio EM . . . .5 .15 p. oh. Pacific Fxt . . . .0:15 a. tall and le. .0:20 : a. iii. Mail and lx . .6:15 : p tccom ( Sat ) . . . . .5 : . Q I ) . Acconi ( Moii ) . .1:4 : v.ASHM CITV , T. JOfl AM ) COUSCIt RIUII $ . . Arri C. Depart. t. ti1 and I : : . . . . . 0:03 : n.m. 1preei . ' . :05 : p 1xtrv . . . . . . S:2 p. rn Mail atiti lx . . 6 ; ' UNION vACIUC. flePart. Airive. Th Cr1AI1 . . .11OOn in. OvcrjaidE , . .4:00 : p Lthcoln Ex . 1lO : a. in. Iciiver 1. . . .8O0 : a Denver l . 7:00 p. n. Local Ex . OO a 'Local ) x 7:25 : a. m. ' 1x . 0OS : a Emigrant . . . . : O p. in. " l' . . . . 0:00 : a WAUAHU , u LOClk AD FACIIIC. 1)evart. AIrio Mafl and Ex 0:45 : a. in. Mall an4t 1'c. .4:30 : p 'cannon iall . . . 4:50 p. in. Carmen iJall . . l1:0 a * uoUx CLtY AND I.tCIEIC. flepsrt. Arrive For Ioiix Ct3 .7:55 : a. 01. Friii City8tO : ForF rtNiobrara Frm Feat Niobrara Ncb . T:5. : n. Neb . ' 6:5Oi : For St. IauI . . . . 7:40 : p. iii. j Frni St. IaLIt. .8fi0 CJIICMIO , MILWAWX AI ) T. VAW. Leaves Omaha. Arzls et at Omaha. 1aU a . . . . 7:15 a. m , taciflc } . . . . 0:45 : a Athint1cE. . . . 3:40 : p. in. Mali and ir. 7:25 P All trains daily. CUICADO , MIWAIJKO ! ) AD NT. FAUr. LeavN Council UlulI. Arivet Council flhtif Wl and } x. . . .0:20 : a. m. Mail aiidl. . 'i3:55 : ii At-iaatlo Ix . , . l5 p. lu. Atlantic l . .Dlo a CCCNCth I3LUYP AN ObIAIIA BTRXIT RAILWAY. Lease Council ilti0 Leave Omaha. 8 . m. 0 a. In 10a.m. l.a. I 8 a. UI. 9 a. III. ba. n -In. I ii. in. 2 p. in. 3 pui.4 a. III. I in. 21. . m. 3 . . l I 4 . at. 5 p. III. C p. u P. 'fl. 6 1' . in. 6 p. m. p. ' tr.at care run half hourly to the Union l' .deV4t. On Sunday thu cars be ° in their trliai tIurln the day o'clock a. IlL , and rita regularly 11 , 2 , 4 , , md 6 o clock , and run to city tIme. CURE OR NO PA . Mineral Spring : Ve iarantee the ctlro of the folIOwIII named lthenmatim , Scrofula , Ulceri . : ea.e , or no pay tarrh , &ll Bioo.Iaml likin Liease , DympepIa , , I ( omplalnt , Kidney aud liladder 1Mscaae , ( out , , aIcIs and Asthma. resort of the are thu favorite These Iprlngs _ tncl debilitated , amId are the Feblo Ladies ( jlcnd. ( ; ncd Ifotel , Livery antI flatlihig ACCOflUflO4lat Lo'aIity Jilghiy pictUl esllIu aod ileallily. Correpojolenco sullelteI. .4ddre , lev. 0.1 M. TJlOMlSONMIIa Illoam. Oentry Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . II. IL. FVSNY orYICxR , .Th0. OFFICER & PUSE EANKERS Council IiluY , . . Estab/islicti - - U Pcalen4 Iii Forluim and Dometlc Exchang flume 8tcurittm. , . Mrs. 11 , J. Hultaii1 M , B. , ; i 1 ' PHYSIOIAN& SURGEC 222 Broadway , Council lUuUs. R1 VAUGHAII ( Justice of the Pea Ornha and Council Ifluffi. YeaJ estate and cellectlon seaey. D 014 Fe l4uck1 over SaYiag6 Auik. jaa comD : ThTU F.air OF THE Council Bluffs DllIVItIE PARK & FAIR ASSOCI SEPTEMBEfl , 10 , 11 , 12 , 11 $15.000 in Pemit 5,50Q FOR Si'EID. Liberal Premiums for every Pro the Farm , Workshop and Fin The ' 1 rottIng , RIUhfl lug and laclng Itacc The Most Exciti lWIIVITNFSSII ) . CIIAIUOT AND 1LUItDLE U. l : cry , day. Thu Track , IaposltIon Bull grand stand equal to all ) In the \V EXCUIISION RATES on all miiroad low. low.lION. . TItO A. lllNlltlCK3 , of Ind deliver the OIEN1NU AlDIilSS on thuafi 1'ucsday. For premiumllst ahldres THOMAS BOSVMM ( . Sccr V MORGAN , KELLER , & C UNDERTAKE The flnct quality and largest stockwest of Woo.kri and Metaio ! Cases. cjaii aUci ali liour. We defy competitIon In quallt or l.rices. Our Mr. luorgan iia served a m uudert.and for forty ycar anu thoroughly nesa. % 'nrCrooIn.,3lI Uroadway. LIPIIOL III all lt bramiches promptly attended to ; a layIIi and lambrequins. 'feiegraphlo gerd tilled without delay. R. Rice M. D (1 1JflPD(1 or other tumors remnove.l a ( ) J1i uLiLtu1 knife or draalri of blood. C11BONIG B1SEASE ° k1nd me Over thirty years prctlcl experience. 5 l'eaTl street , CouHeil fliulTd , t3fConioiltatlon tree. Iii. . II9.i ; : ) f ) . I , II UI II ; .l I . 14111 IfllflhinhIIoim a IiIm I. lvIrIm JtIt f 1'I IV.pIiIrt , , , t 4 $ All tIo. , .h , frn. IuIIcuiion ; , . .e , . , , , .r ott. , .k , uoi.r.4 I' ' . . .IrIt,4 , $ h7ac&II , .Ir.io.d. s . iir dutIes IroIriY. cat. bo e.IiflIj perl.riu . . , . , , IItw. i.g&ty cur I , oItt.o.m ton.t : 'Iw.ttr. .u4 U , . mrp.s , Tim. M..Sl II U5y . . . . IeIIIt $ l'Iy.kul II CtrtIne nu. Ct. I , . . hIIy .UI.t. .1 , I t.y t ii i- : iI , lP.I' ( ) 111 I . . . . .gr. ' % of , . , t.ir. ir.m.ri lu , I I . ii.iiiIoiI. ro.t. J.1 t itT. rib , g.gy. ! pe. f.tt . .II.t I' .o. ' .ul , , . , ( l. I I. % titn ( ltq , . I. t 'I ' , . . .r. , . . ' ' . . .u _ : , I. estero Cornice-SN IRON ANI ) $ L.ATI ltOOtINO. C. SPECHT , P1 1111 Doula St . Otnalt MANuFAru1ti:1I ot CaIvan/zC ( ! iron Cori LirBormer WInunal , Flnmal. Tin , icc Rooting , SItecltts PtC1)t Metallic flkllJ S4jUbtCd hatchet Bar and llracket fThell the jrencrsl agent for the above line of g Yenclng , ( .retlngi , Iialutra.le. Verandss Jt&hmngv , WInduw BlInd , , Cellar Ouartb. ; agcn tsr Peerson & JILU patent buds lii - - COUNCIL3LUFFS ! _ A1)iiTIOA14 LOCATi E , LLt1b1tO4I ) lt.tCI1T. 1'lso town. I'otI TrtiIIIiIt'IL 4tl ) ( UI1I4)II PnoIm , . The iowa 1)001 lines nro ut prc the anxious bench , flOt knowing hOW to go at. tlio Union Pacitic 10111(0 thU 1ittor divide rates cqtit lneOtillgOf tilt ) gonentil lual1ngOrfl orni freight igenth was 1101(1 fit Cli Tliurday Inst for tilt ) PtlP030 of di tile matter , nitti the otails of the once is tIltIs given by Thu Tribune Thu lilatter WA3 discussed for hours , niitl , nititought it vits thu lflOtLS OilliOlL that. the lown P0 vero being tllIjtlt1y tretetl : by till POCIfiC ifl the matter of divisi through ratea between atAtkns Union i'acitic rniiwny to 1)0111t3 east of the Mississippi tiver , yet nt \vns takeii. Titu comInissioner Strtlctetl to nrnuigo fern meeting , lix practicable , 1twceu [ ho Freight Agoiits of the Iowi po. and FroigllL.'I'rnltie tmuiiigcr Vin thu tTltiOtt lttCiIiC , tAm mrcparo ACIlI by which it Inure eqtlitablu div through i ates ciut be llUtdO than It iieretofoie. Tie Union PacUic , it eeenms , It : Very nnliitrarily in this matter , ellorts titus far nmdo by time Iowa bring about a conference at wi difficulties commiti bo discussed am satisfactory arratemmtemm ho load beemi ignored by tue Union Pac cials. 'I'Imu ljmmioim Pucitie , it. is las tmutler time present. arrammgeni right to make the rates on busines froiti Union l'acifle points. it hm misc of this privilege witItottt COt time Iowa lutes , an I granted rt certain slmippers vhtich it conqi Iowa hues to PitY. claim of $ it &is .statcd , Juts titus Imeeti pr by thu Union Pacilic mimid paid protest by the Iowa lutes. 'rite lit unwilling to vaY any 111010 and demand a voice iii immaking itm divisions. Tue continuation of ti billing by the Union l'aeitic , a recognition of time basis of divisin flint real , it is cinimimoti , : tl0 fnuigl extretnu ltoriI to the roads east i\Iissouii ; hence , ilk se1f.protect tittte otigltt to be Ims iu so tnodify ttrratigoimmemtts so as to retititro hoc to bo mmnule alike by west and etsl : Missouri with such asmistauce at or coniputitive points as may b necessary. Sonic decisive action regardil troublu would ito doubt have beci taken before now but for the fit 110110 of the roads are willing t themselves on record individuall big that tite Uition Pacific lmmay such line or lilies by fitwonimig ti roads , and for this reason extra tiomis itao titus far been taken to tire proccedimigs front being Cl ) ( the laiC. In order to p1ev Union Pacific fromit practicing dis tion agtii1s : one of the lines deemed necessary by time IOWP. Line .ssoci stidmt to secure entire ii in this umatter letlveeu all the 1 fore faking decisive action. - - - - - - - A. Booth's select oyatcrs ' ' . Bi.tun'mm. daily at W. 1' 11 111(1 OIl Sofl Coal. There hits been munch talk , an still kept up , about the injunci straining the USC of 8oft coal Bloomer school building. Thu educatioii threaten to shut p tli unless the injunction is dissolv the public sympathy seems to rio ill favor of the board. In talkii settle of the cotuplaimiants ycst va.s learned tinit they would re as much as ammy , rind it was intimna titoy would simek iomno other way edyimig the matter before they force time board to aimy Hue1 ! thin of them said tlmat all time commm Panties wanted was sinmply to board to take steps to abate time nuisance. Tf they could not do then , they would subimmit like go i'.ens rather timan have the school but if it could he (10:10 , they va nuisance abated Tue coxmmiuinim1g parties nyu Ut Wright , .J. Lymmnum , Rebecca liii S. Guernsey , Kate E. Rising Brown , \V. \Viglitmmian , .1. ? klarslmall Key anti , Joliim N. Bald' the petition sets forth in mmntiut the causes of timoir objection to si They say that clouds of demis smnoke are constantly escapimmg , soot falls on time surrounding p penetrates ( lwoilings , getting imm 1100k , corner and crevice. it ful roofs of dwelhimmgs , and is by ( alhi washed into cisterIm8 and open vt during time water unfit for use. falls on the surface of dweihii fences , mmmdc moist by dew , or ti tune of time atmosphere , adhere destroys the paint and time good aimco of the samne. It falls on wu timat clothes lowe to be rowa8lmed gets immto time iiouse amid into t time funmiitumo , pianos , libraries , 1 bcddimmg , and by falling n time tramped in upon the fIoor and depreciating time Irclmiises amid 50 per cent. Smch are the COIHI ) forth , even snore imminutely titan time Imetition. If timis illjmlmmetiil ) is mna.le to ifi predicted tlmitt time ttmiils amid faic svlmicim tim mmmo mtim 1 10110 tot j flint my I be alao Iizille. The matter is , t one jim wimicii ' 'haste simould 1 slowly. " Council IllmilFs imduati , kilmds need all tue encomlragummit eami iegitimnateiy ho given. i'orim day time city may be iargu etmoug rumt a gemmeral war on soft coal , far frommi bcitmg a Pittsburg yet. It soommis , tiiougii , timat ionm comltl bu 11111(10 by which time cast plaimmt jim time Bloomer scimool buil could ho dana : nm'ay with , A im panittils mmsigimt be needed , hi lmtmiidimmg is imeated by steamim , tin lU ) steed of c1maniimg time pipes imps not the boihor. If a somali tmmmo ttmitid remimudy time trouble , to be memmmediotl , but ifns sonic s cost $2,000 to $3,000 , busldcs Lionimi cost of coal , there slmommid great catisu of griuvmtlmco to worn cimaimgo at present. Non ( oolH , New cirputs : nrnivimmg ( holy II & -----a- A slightSuimme. . Yesterday mimormmilmg there was escape frumu it daiiimmgimmg firu a ilaugimmi's residummeti on Iirst avem I kintliitmis itt time kitchen imear tim mItOVO catchmhiig on fmru , and U I iinctiimg with aim oil calm , - .I.t _ _ J ztl imp tlio wa li mo1thttg pretty but John W'emsver and omuo of 1 who cimanced to be at. nCUii : ed ma and smtcceomlotl in pmitthimg it fro any veryoxtemisivotlamago v * iiydja I. i'iimkhttmmn's Vegetahi 1)0111111 cures itit female coumimlaint moving the cause. - - - Itnl Estate 'i'rammNflmt. Time following deeds were filemi cord itt the recorder's office , Sp1 7 , reported for time Bir. by P. Mahon , real estate agent : E. . \\OOdbUl7 to lhirammm ifi t ) nmil 10 , block 18 , llttnmms It $200. Charles .1. 110th to B. M. Mmtu of lot Ifl , original pint , $1,400. ' u. it , ( 'o. I C , , U. 1. & 1 : . iticlmnrds , lot. 1 , block 0 , Carson , Total sales , $ tO0. . I"LMImt S3TItttlSO , N. i. . S. felt vcak amimi iangmmld ; hiatt 1tlimi : the Imoart ntmd imumnltmmct.oi of tIi& I h iii i , locA IIlotZ fl.Ifrrs . hate erLilttiv : veil , They itt-u mmiust oxe1liumt. " Mr. .1. M. i'Ilt8ONitIiS. Coustmlrlo A. F. (1sttorhmmck rt t'mt , terilay frtmn a trhi timrommgimHimmme , \Viseotittm , Imavimig eti3tyeil hIlIImt'I I itt' mtveral of time favorite t.tmmmmmmier mettrt I , hmtes. \ . I I.timtmmm , ot Giramil , ? ttcit. , alI V. ' rlIstrImg , Or Iotroit , LIVU lit ti. ' gilett ; ( If , l. 13. tktmms. Mr. I ) . \ic\Vorlmtmamm left. ye.4t't Pargo , to nssmmtmmo imis imew PoMittitmi I ieeper fur time \\'aitor .A. \\t4tIi ( ( tIiI wimichi ix.Alderiimamt Newell , f.rmiicrl ci ty , itm mitoy Limo locAl mmmumagor. llot . \ ' . l. I Immmiitomm , ltt ) iIa lit acceptably time ltttrmmtu of thu M church itt llnnittmm , Preicitol hiM Itmot 111011 to.mmmorrn % , litivimig itceepteil the Of pm.mfesor . of mimmthmomt&tmtiat I ii thie Cemtommmomry college at I midlaiicda. \ lr.liersoIt , Of Curydomi'aymmo IOWA , lmttt' during time lInt week mlimtt : car load of horbes t thu itabia oflr I luihuol , time iittthii i.troet livery mumim : cjorts the muarkut hero essim , nmmtl L1tt II1t'4 foimmul. I to I.rOIIIIsO. to eutItO ngmI : .1. F. ] ! mtrrnr , the propmiotor of iIttmt4o , 114 suffentmmg fromim a severe attack niatisni. .1. It.Vililmumts , time lila l rtwo ethi him time city ycltCrdtt ) , ill was also Mr IcC1oy of Itiit Urovo. v. a. IUtclik , of titiscity , imzi. hood mug a mocoting of muntos him PeA Mul in tim state fal eek , as voll as taking Charles 1)uqtmetto , of 1)mmtiuette , U Co. , imts : returned frotma Situ Vrammciscu , loimmm N Baitltvimi rottIrImed yosterti Chiictgo. : lie says time crimsit at I JtrtImtr't ) necoptioli the vtimst Ito o 4rCIIIO1cCoitiii , of hoot foot faitmu itm tue city yestorlay. I ) . 11. SolomilOll , time vch1 knowit yo4cr.iay , ate tommiey , was ill the city to a case ill comirt Lii whichi the \Val conecnited. .Jtmdgo boofbommrrow hat rottmrmteii Ir 'tIoitte ttntl ittteIliOd to court mititli lay. . . .tStroitg , of Chicago , \tas ut ti ycstemdy. , .1. ] . Iitrtiii ; of Chicago , reached L yc.terday. llimnnm 11. Co.sci , of 1oIimie , Iii. , v LIt ) ' yesterdtt ) ' , htUiig nt tIme l'acifi II.V Sweet Ru , i. Klein weme imm : tertlay's Cimicagoamui at time i'ttchlic. Charles \'ctttnntl fanmiiy , of Line at tite Ogdcit yesterday. Cml. B. 1)Ot , of 1co1cmmk , tlmim Unit miiarshitml of tue .mouthicrmm ( hi5trmct , Wi Pacific yttsturiiay. 1 : . B. 'J'rask : mimil vhfu , of Sliver Ci were jim thu city yesterday. j. , J. Evcriitgliaimi , ( if Chicago , tim , l'imcihic yesterday. V ttr. 1. lamtbummn , Of 1mlIImlt , , Nc aiimt one of till ili CCI ) ' of this city , thin cigar business , tvim ill the city for tue lmrImse of ciosimig the : mle of erty niid furmncr residolico oil the Seventh trOct \Vasbimigtomi mmvommi I ledenimohml , of ( ) innlma , a IlItIChminiHt. I ploy of the 1Tjzjit I 'itcillo niti irotni , w claity is in tito nIamnhfacturu of till ) 1 coupling. lr. lledcimdohii htmtunmis mu family to thim ahli of thin river Ill fmmtnro. .1 uthgum ut . V. I : mrimxIer is tmt. hoinu ui .1. 11. Bradley , ( if Cimicago , ( silt ) III 1)aviul lirmdley & Co. , its him tit , cit - - lIosflrtN Add i'JiOHlllit For Women and Children lr. dos. ilolt , Now Onleammim , I ' 'I Imavo frequumitly fouimd it of service lIm C1tSC1I of dehiiity , loss titu , and in cnmmvmluacemmco ( room thu illness , nimmi ritrticuiimnly of ill treatmmeimt of women ittid elmild _ . - -.4 ---I- C0MMmWIAIi ; COJNVIb lIbUb'it MAlIKl r. WImettt-No. 2 sm 1ug , 76c ; No. 1 I octet ! , 50c ; good ( leimmanl. Conum-1)ctmlcns are paying 31j32c ; ccvii , Chicago , 1O@ 15c ; now mixemi , 1 corn , 50c the recoljd..4 ( If corim are II Oats-3carco tool In good demunumu Ilay- OOIi ( 00 ICr tftim tOo per 1 Jtyo-lOc ; light supply. Corn ? tical-l 25 100 1ommimti. \Vood-Uootl smmpiy lrice St Ylti . . I Coai-1)oiivtiretl , imard , 11 00 pem ziro1crthim. hitttter-I'letmty amid iii fair domnam creammiory 30c. Eggs-ieady sale anti plccmty at II (1010mm. Lmmrd-'ar1jaimk' ! , whmoloMahimig umi. Jbouitry1ririrm ; doler itro i cimickomm hic ; live , 2 tO lr ( lien , Vegetables'cmtatoos , roc ; tmrmlcus I IflI4fU4 , i ( ) ( tOo i wr ilczot , ; 1(1)1101 , lmarroi , tier FIttir-City hair , 1 f.O@3 .10. Iirooins2 00@.1 04) jtvi HTOCK. ( attli.-3 oo@I ; : rM ; calvtm , i , O0@ ; ) I It > g -.1zcrhut . for IIOI mtIut , mis 4 himg Ii OISUS are c1uI ; sImIiluors urn i ® 1 V - V 'Jim stremmgthmeit arid build ( ii , Li t Ii tmiiil will convilico you that 1 Ii otm Bitters is timmi imest _ ltmeliciI - % 'l ) ) Sot % ( ( litti I ) L New York llcrali. i'lmum-o mire still living imm N limimil VlU , With scutijied several umiid who is imow biid.itendwl. : ( IwImmi his owmm scnljm , mmml aomim'ti hr I I. oil t OIl 8 S mi imminy imft ermlooim itt it vitIi t0H'1Or zeeoljecLjo tvouhil it ittit 1w wise nimil patlin SOt mmitoms ( iotml. Ii tig imimd 1 ilimi ito tc y time scalps 1mm their j0513U118kli , 5 ( mm unto imis own 1 - - - - : : I ) Invalid wives mimitI motiim.mrs tj H stored to health by usiti Bro ( I hitters , A trite tonic , liv ltVnll MOORE. 4tDa , nmothmt'r , POCOitS'tler what yrdy" 4tNn , l"lcta , dear , 'twill be all best. " 'l'hle t'irstspeakor vns F'leta Iloll it bright girl of eighteen years , w become infatuated with ( . ) switt Cli a ilissiirntemi youth. 'I'imat site was aye , mmmadiy itt love with bimmi , rn emiced by Imor every action. S several thimmes becit repnimmmamtded immotimer , hIlt. miii for mmuglmt. Sepim mitatters were bi'comnimmg ttloro em fitmal eliort wits mmmdc to disstmtule a datmglmtor froimm rmtsimhm Imeatlinimg abyss out of wimicim it. . would take gain frcpdommm. S 'Ii itt , 111(1 thtiti (10 3)tt immit thitimk tet mmci. so ? " ( Vos , dear ; in yuum' it tim ( lint vny , but tomuetimlior , ytin ii young and httexponiotmeed ; you hiimv seen timim evil chibets of (1110k , at can imeip it. you novur vihi. 0 t'lota , I know you think I omit tim . thit' vorh1 imar(1.Ilpmrtt'l timother 1mm know time dilEuretmee , I immtvc oxamuples , atmml can tlmatmk time tlmmmt. hitvitmg witmmessed timemmi 1 iiit timeroby. " 4. ittmt , imiotitur , 1 klmtt 1 can 0st in. " ' ' ! Sitnplo girl. I low mimany ii iteatt imas iCttit ) led iWL % ) , iiow 1111111 blighted mind mum otimemiso bright vreckeI by jmmst. stmeit a thmoimgimt. I thy mlonr , io fitisoiy iiimiressed ; w dtities of a ntmformmier , mnoni vimtmmm time subject is otto , wimo , like Clmaltmmcrtt. is so ternilmiy atimlicted t No , 1mm ) . cli ild , t Ito mmmntm is mm It vt ) sacrifice. " ' 'Ohm , itiotimot , vim' be so harsh i jmmdgtmtent. Ytnm mummst know time attn timmit has srmmg tl ) b0tCluli mIs ; vi ' ' miot 1)0 lflmre lommimimiti' ' 'F'luta , t'OU hmavt gomig tIlt ) far ; I en t icimi ilflmnmclt t , I I ltor i I , iht ii aias , Idimmdtnl by yotmtimfmti foil ) ' aIR htYe , still cling to ( Ilimi svimo would your future life is tlmtmrny ammd rmiggt with not oven an occtsiotmml : rot fragraitcu of wimicim mmmigimti ahlevi IAIIgS of itartluiiiiI ) whicli you imimist 'lhmt , immotimeryomm ktlOlV timat Imis Judge Oimailmmuntm , is wealthy , iuml mimivor seti Oswin imi ( liSt.VetS. " "l'or simaimme , girl ; I resmect 0 cimammie It timomtsutmmd tiimmus mimoro ti : \\'imat does lie knowlVimn could liimllid lie imo left to imis own rca Ills fittiter is wealthy , Imtit why sh ( be depontlamit oil imimn lie vihl Ill a immnmm , ( lear. This fact. ill itself w it stitliciuiit olstaclc ) , uvelm (11(1 drink. Comimo , timiar , bogovumned I mnotimmir , itmmtl believe mite , you regret it. " ' 'Ohm , you arc too overbearing ; mlmirensolIlmliu. I viil immanmy Oa ' ' She ( no there , now. utrosu imaif-kiieeliimg pot4it011 simu lout a : itt her iimotlmcr'mm kitcu iuitl left LII ) \li s. hollywood buried her fac imammds. it was but ammutimer of Lu clotuls 'n1micii imitmi mmmadu her life aIm hii one. She iiumd becim itimitlo a tImutm Fluta was intl. a year old husbamid , a sua.captaimi , was lost amid miever imeard of. lie limul left ct ; tblo property , wimicim greedy Jaw ) ' slmarett , itimil left bitt little to time i OWIIC1' . Flota hind lrneti ethmcmttcd n a aoi wlmoro simo Imnil beomi simmee sue was timid comiacqimuntly knew bmit lii iumotlmmir's love. Ommu year before cidemmtrm just. related , while Iwino cation , siw ltitd becamnu mnitttmn % will Cimalmimers , Wilt ) timougim of remmt.age , wits mi worthless chill ) . ' .1 tilimimey ripened imto love of the 'mm siommate kitmil. On rottmrnilmg to correspommdence wits conmmnoimco abommt Clmristmmmaa aim ( JIO1)elmttllkt f Itioiviiie fenmalo uoimmiimimiy was oni ed through time good jtmdgmncimt professor jim cimarge. Oawimm C hiimd plitimimeti that tlicty meet ott LI amid lIfter buumig vedded they vi timrn to Ida friLlier's house , wi would ho iii retubneas to rccei' 'L'ime letter contimitmimmig mmcli hmmsL was iimtcrcopted timid the clopun 1)OItt1IOliCd. 'l'liis evemit caused a commilmiotu ci Flota's nnmmmner. 'lime sclmooiroomi , iimo imitti beomi reared , amid which ii futi' been a imoimie to lien , imad cimmirimma , ammil time ( hilly exercises , imimd Imuretofuro imrovctl fmumeiimatimm 110W ft Imumie. Situ Wit ( ) 1111(1 beemm class imimil lost. time 1)111CC. \Viiitt nienly ut , icanure vmum now ii COmfidCl i a no one. 'i'imose ( huh situ wii womkt to take with a coi tvcru how t.akumi aioimu , that mmi brood alone over what aimo miecumme fortmmimo. 'l'hius she had acted till was brommgimt omm , wimicim litICOsBitli leaving Limo sumimillary ore time t closed. It requireti bit it Bimort. stay at rcetilmcnmItu. ( ) swimm Cimalmiwrs w visitor imotwitimst1llmding I ( jimelmt , ronmonstrammeos. it comilti not be trutimfully i F10t41 lloilwood wits a badly iimchii she Imad of into become wayward was oniy one of Limo mnitimy itistamic love being aim incentive time g away , to be goverimod by no one , a kiimd mother. How uiaimy iiiui of a like nature do we ace ; aye , miot umfortummntely of daily oct amid time victims , wimotmm do they No ormo. To biamirn would be tc timeumsulvos ; amid. they isilently Ii their o' ' sorrow brought on by Timey I'immd out time ritalmtieits of I which Lucy imitvc takeim , bitt , late. late.BimL to remmimlilu the story. Os 10015' visits becammie more I . Fletiu'ii infatuation was grow'mmlg aimd her mmmotimcr detonmimmimed on tue iiiIpOlililmg evil , witim what r r already know.Vhmcmm Fiuta loft . titid. tiny little did timtttfoimd mutt ) of imer resolve , 1 % * 1 * ' ' mnnrlmilmg aimd 1'cui4 a May , that skirted the jilaimi cottage I hollywood immid ttioniiimed titiut You . that. itatuimu inustinva at this eeati I. ) twittoning imirtin miayiitg ut Imimlu tlirItmghl timim mIitIItt1t 1omfiemms ciunlell ii feeling of jo it Isetilmu of iii mi timid iui m to ' t nttimmaii.hitmitI. . I I impi Ii litIMi iletlililO . cimomwmm timis spilt mc a restilmg l.iim iit , IIOV ( deetm1tive , Ilmimi it to itsoif wiligs imimil liuwit ams'ny it t have cmiised : a giwitur change mu itomimu. ( ) VCl timi once itumitimy P site heft lien I IttIt mctut'mwml simmemi ( ) into toothier. ill A liiwistimlgu liuni itceim soimt a . ii is , I ( ) ) ' ( ) ( titiut PlutO. ? . lVeldCh ( ( IA ) 0wiim ( Jimitittiurs. tim is I I tfomiimmutiom t ( 'OI miily iii oh u vuiojmmiuimts. Omie day itssot it itcxt brought Fiut-it immmmi lion mmci iIUtIiitii(1 , lb itmitmie gm'tmat 1mrIt i.aa apmarolitIy ho imoitost. iii I ) . tiojis timid. it ruiiuirud but it siwi ii iugmathttu ititnaull imto , time good Iiims miiotltui.iit.litw , 't'hmoy ittud visit , and In a WCOI ( to move tea . . - a situihl toivn wittire Oswin was t ( Jl0rgo of the books of a large lima 11r411.it concern , 'Fhto thou for their mire mm-iyed , and with a imiotlmer'e 1 they took their leave. * $ * 4 * Tlmreo , trioitths haVe passed an ( fuolmt letters tolI of 0win's gc luivior. I ho haul gnimmeI ( a iim ) smtmco imis C0tI1l1lI. , flmIl liOB imoith I junction with his fernier ( IIttie , Lion of Imuiro tru3t. Five mutimtims 1111(1 timero wn a ierceimtibio ( lrcrv the mmmmmuber Icu ers. Christmas eitime anti passed , ni 110w year , vith its nsantio of snom imere. 11t's. hIohl't'wopil hind tiot. to titite hearth froimi liuta , and Imer fo ilmgs t era tiimt. good. .Iumlgo Oh lied beolt tO see imer anti toll Imom c-anchor tiiitt imo wa nirmid that 1111(1 gotmo liutek to his old tricks. I liohlywooti was umiensy before , aim made doubly no by this oxpositiomi , atmhl hoped for thu best , btmt nlits a Imitlatemi lmt'r t'xpoctatoma , attul a in Per ( letailnmg nIt account of a 1at Li eaziemnemtt comitinmnemi imor fears. 0wmim ( or timmee or fumir timontlia I nil oxumttmi1tury career , lie saw izom witim'mmi his grasi , A moore lmterativ Ocmmt vima imis iuirmtrmh. I mm this idiot him hitch gflhimci thu coithiilcnce niol ( If mitt only his tmnpin'ors , htmL of imtti iy imuuk mtcqmmiiimmtimtccs. 'l'hmu tI cattle. I I e yennimed for imis old ) itntts I.t , ( ) lt's iiiiicttiai , 'I'hmat ni it ) wimmcit bami eimarnetuvizeml ids mimovemimu'tit. lout of late aimormi ii wuoketmimmg. I 1 ii ; eyes , ( Lice RO fmihl 1m1.t'851011 , vorO Iosiimg timuin brigi I I i mts gl&tmlttuilly losing that free , ( mu immitulier tlmat. coimmmutumnied hint utimpleiycma. I'h&ita ; noticed itil . .immttmgius , lImit at.1)'ed her imalld wlmci to write to timitt. dent' mmmothr , vIi tOld thomit. 'lime l4Cllir umonmtur II Pill loul also not ed a cimtmngo in C ( imitiluammor , amid suggested to other liens timii pmiriuty of cmi imiventigut hill nectnmtits. 'l'lmti clout ! hail lmimrzit. , Oawin Ohm ivas aim emtmio.'zzter. lie was arrust 1)1)11(15 ) r&mfmmsed.Vimilmi ucgotiat'momu jIm IVtCBB v1iettihiy a cstnltromniami io offluctemi , thu t'ommmmmmtmtmity wemu a 01111 mtmornumg II ) ' tlmo itmiemulo of wimmi itul imntmgeuh himself in his ccli ijilti ilig Limo vti rid of one into , limimi heomm for ( lrink , mmmigitt. Iimsvo becti at mmiolit to 5ccety. I to itmul joiiiod tlmitt. mmriimy of t ltc nitj lust it ) itil amiso of m whose otto object imm life is In seek iltit lOll mUlti becommmo wot1micas , be mi 1 to Cit'ihiZatili amid fill utitinmoly gre FIett rimtunimeil to tliimt iioiio , v lovimmg imiotimer V1tS over lead ) ' to I 1mev , amid timrnmgim Imavo 1)11550 camimiot forgot vimnL tuiti site bromt herself liv lion vilfmi1mmeas. 'l'lwre umitbiLtil ( if that union , a cinibby goidemm.iiaimed yotimigatur , amid mis lie through thu house. Ito htrutlicea immi ' kmmow svhi mitcatims , ammml mimay Immivom' iloit't come imomuc , ikHL4 SIIV4IihiliVlltIL is ( lcsigiieml to mIiccL Litti tvimlitm4 of miiedictmiu to build tlme \l'lm ( ) imeeti It give titemim mimi appetite , immrif' timcui immtl oil ill ) thu muitelmimmery of timeir : No otlici' article takes imold of thu mmd Jilts exactly time spot like Sarsaptnihla. : lt works lmko Immagie , lug cver' 1mtit : ( If tltuimimimmatt lly t ( ito Ilooml , giving to nil roimuwwi I energy , $1 a bottle ; six for $ ii , TWELVE IIOUIU3 AFTER. Ir. ) Ilcory mLlrIleH , the Tcaainl Coltoc lcr llouton street , Nuit miavan , Cu , , . write , . a lISS : "It is aiti ) tecllum of gratitude , coal beiuclit my telIaw.itaiittittt I ante ) oitltes a tC.ttimliIltl3 te the AItio of tltt greatest o Icliucs , ligItt years have I been a sufferer ioy'itisordor aol liullsuimnatloui of the blahi tintes trite , water thu i.aiims Yero 5 terrillo , a scaldInj , iturnlrty sensatIon tttii of itrimie , a liii .Iuarp lii III ) side , louts , uxteiutllit clear to the lacI of iilV head , I 111:110 JIb IlIserlibTe. I have boci treated b her of curliest ) , anti hate tisetl I Icr of rrolrictarY iulleiito. , all to no a'aI Il no relief. I IW , , , I a otilil itao eon tll t sy I ilo hot 110)5 ; In tact I Iel.aIretl relief , lititli lb iueIlihor , who luau been v. . tenefiteti tI ) tita lIMO of IfmiItti lt"itiot ! . Iii ti ) try It ; nil altltoiit I hal tie faith that reach itty CAMe , yet All ho ipoko 0 liIuIy itierits I ileelitel to glee It a trial aiuI its usc UttCdC'I sItu tluu very Iot1osilIio roamits luotira after takli , the lirot tIe 1 oxperLcI I coiithttIctt oh In Its tuso iuiutit I hat Used II' ' when all thu lets iut1 aIi 'liel , Itty ttlior iaahtii returoLil , tutu I 11111 tree froiti all lair a We liar ) . i ala confident my cure lua from tie Iso Of lImiIit'4 ' iteillody , amid that a " 'Ittt Ii has iflt , for mu I arum iOsitIvo toe otlicrri. You are at liberty to use may ills I. . iter In elm ) ' muIcoIricr you see lIt. " IIUItT BY A PALL. SYluemi onlyls Ity semIte thirteen years old quite badly by a fall , oral severely Luijurcd anti khlitoys , emil wa doctored by our Ii lelans , aid tried imlally reruotIie , aimil they iuiitil limit' , . itoimutily ass reconumuturidud hiuuiht , that hal maul It lore Iii Morichotcu greatest ucces' . We lIurcIlasod a bottl F0OIA'r ' Campbell's drug stun , , anti found trove , ! tory rr.Ikiiy aes relieved of tint back , amiul after uoiru iuvural bottius fotmiud completely cmuetl , and I cannot nvcr.ostl good hut's lCmedy ha doria mc , and heartily recommend It to 111056 troubled wi COiiIIIlalflt aznlyou can Use this lotteras y Itespeettully your ALoszo I' . Ms 0J Orsmie 81. , Manchester , N. 1i.May 7 Nebraska Con -AND- Oliollt 'OI MANU/fJTIIIIEILH OP GALVANIZED IRON COft , Qxmor WixLcIc' FINIALS , WINDOW CA ] TIN , iRON AND SLATE RU I'ATINr : SIETAIlO 8YU0ir Iron Fencii I Crestim's , Ilaltistratici , Verarutias , ome. iLalfiri , % 'IJftlOW and Cellar Uuard I , w. con. NINTh AND JONEH I WM. oMMlht : , I Have Found' I Wall thu oxclamnailort at a atari aintri Ito 3 ! Euroltri i'Ilu Oiutirteitt , which Is a p Skiut Disussis. } lure br IItus rumd all S muall , Io5tIaitI. t LI The 1Jno'ican Diarr/iwa 1 hat. stool thu test for taouuty years. 8 . ml. 7'uer FiIti. Plarhuaea , 1)ysutitary ca 3iorbtis. Duallo's ' FoYll1 a ! ! Ati Tollic 8 It Id 11111OSsiblO to supply ih rapid ; aio o U SUItE CUit } YARitANVV.D I. Vor Fner and Aiiuu , ant all Malarial U l'itiCk , # 1.00. W.J.WHITEHO LABORATORY , 10111 ST. , OMFiifA : c Sale by all Drugg it C sent by Expettex otu recuipt ci p4cc , v- . . CRAY ' S SPECIFIC rVflfDlCINlt TIiAD MAflI TitaCiusit Etca.TRADE MAPIK LIBI ! An V % mflIMlln elIte for - SemInal Weak. , , . , - that follcs q 't1mCflCe Of Belt. ' - : ' , EfFCETAklKO.alrA.tmudel'n AFTER TAIN. II th. Peek , 1mnc , of Vision , Psemteire , old Aie , Snit lnxny ther.ml'eac that Icat ! toinarlty orCon. tumptior , anil a Pimatitr ( iran , , lirWARPI cf aIertiemcMa to reforsi money , when Irliggusth fiem hoe. the n1tIlctn , Is bonglit cm soC refhnt , litit refer yoi Sc , Uuo manutctnrcvs , Snil the rtqtiirt'ment , are srtch trt they are ulefom , / , rer ? iuI3tIiNI a itI. 800 th"r wrkn rauadeo. A trlaf rlt true single jnckana cut fi'e iipcc91e will eonmkuoe hemet skeptteit .4 k roil Inents. O'a areount cml coutt4ite , we hens etloplel the rriiaw Wrapper ; tiwi oily snnSne. t4jryiiml lartIcmIm In ot' p.mauhlet , which we tie. Ire n'Scmt tree l mail b .wwry otto. , trIbc Spe. lflo , ' , , tIdmnt is aIlu' zwik'tWa at em par ptwk. ice. ort P.1CkC for flY 1.111 be soot f , , , , by uiail Oi ) le receIpt of the mnw by n.lIrcsen TIlE UIIAY mitirfain , Z. Y. SoIl In Omaha by C. P Jy IPm&.eu " The sos of Ihe teem " t.Irie In corumeetlon with Ib , S H 0 111" COflOtD.te itame eta grOAtTOi45 convoys am , tle of tmt whati teiulred by tl , trareling pub. lie MilSit I.Inr , quIck Tim , ' L I N E aol ti , , bct ol acconimotia- a tloiui'-alI of which are turn. hett ty ( hue greatest ralIwy in Macrica. L HICAGO , MILwAmc And St. Paul. It UI , , , arul elerri,5 orer 4,1 miles ot reedi a ertIucni Illinois , Vlseoitlru , itlltitiosota , lows an ) lakotal arl IL tiS ( , talti llcuc. , trarreijes ant cnemnoc. lemu rsach all tIn , irnat busiiiei contrue 01 the - orthuet art Far 1at , Ii jaturally aiwere the ICterlItIofl It I4hort t.iao , arl mitt Itnuto betwesn Chlcagr , iiiia-aultee , ilL laul emit MiIlnet'ohti. Ciutuugo , Milsaukee , La i'roao , til Wlnnrut. ChIcago1 ltilwnukto , Atomdecm , anti RlItrmtiaI L'hulcago , MitWmmkco , Eati Claire atuil Stiliwiter ( lukage , illismukee , $ aui'atm artt Merritt. ChIcago , Milwaukee , fleaer ilani tint OsIlko&t. Ctika'o , ililsuoukec , % uuke.ia aru.i Ocomnuruowo. ChIiCAl , , Milsaultee , Maiiori , cal Irniriodu CW.a. ( VutIlL'ago , ii lie. ntikeo , ( Ia atonria amit bnIcttxttti. ( 'ltleno , itelait , Jaitesrilie amil Muter-al i'olmmt. ChIcago , Elgiri , Iloelford antI tniuun. ) , Chuietug , , Clinton , Itotk ltariI anti Cedar l.apihi. C1IIVIgo , Coliucil lllitls anti tmnalur. ) . ( 'lkayo , ttoti City , HIoux i'rIl antI Yauiktn. ( Thteag , MlI iutkeo , Mitchell crud Chamberlain. hock IIanl , illbuqtre , St. Paul teal Miniueeupolta. ia ) enitort , Calmoar , 81. I'nui amut Minuueapoll& I'tiiinuatu Oteeper. taud tlto 1'ituest Biruing Car , , In th. orlil ire nra n , the maMa ihe' of the C H I CAC V1ILWAUKEE .t ST. PAUL RAILWA rtt mt cry attention 1t InILI 10 ) A5WIgCT5 by coucto- 105 eutplo3es of thu cuup.uy. 4. :1. MUIIIIIIT , , A. V. Ii. CAIL1'ENTEC , ( html itauut4'er. ( lemu'l i'ass. AgeoL I. 'P Cl.AIK , OEO. II. IIEAFFOILD , ( toil Stipt. . _ _ A's't flu'l Pats. Aq't. i litre kimoi coal watcded the too of Owltts Silo. lIla for , Iver fifty 3OMP , aitil lrae never knowiu ot tailtirotu , cure tiloo.i l'Olsor , almoru IrMIcrly taken. umsetl It tim roy scrvantq trots 1S50 to 186tJ , as did als.s I niuumtlcr of unuy ire'lglmbors , arul in every case that nato ttlUiiru by knmowleitu it effected a core. lit all kilotemi a reimietly that would so Ily life I hat il recur lml3 ttcCOiitIUslI 1 hat It I. rconitimeitded tn tie. II. I. . DONNAIII ) , l'erry , ia I have kno , , a tat.l mmoI Hvilt' Siweilic for more . Lltiu twemttyycars , aii.I have scemm muoretvondcrtul re. fromum rolmucily lii or out of tilts froth Its lie titan ally ito i'Itarimuaeui.mila. It. i a cortalim ruti rats mlmmtltiotn ti all sortq of ii&aai , ii.omm. .1. 1IICOSON SMiTh , B. fl. , Atlanta , Ga. The Great Drug house of Chicago. \,4 , ito itot hesitate to nay that toe a year ma have sell Inure cut Haiti's SPCCIIIC (8. 8. 13. ) tlmait . oiler llloal l'erriflcrs coinbled , aiuei alUm nuos Ii. toniIelmIi remit , . Otto gcntlcmanm who used iuait a. ulozuru Initles sa ii. ha. lure hInt moor , good thm . Another echo Isa' treatment 'tltlehm eat ldnuet,000. sal It for a ilerotuiou ueITetlouu reports ii iwnuuauserIt Its t.o. , Clint from VAN 8IIAAUI , STVENR0N CO. eiiibo Ilattltaany Chemist who Sl,000 trill iluti , Rownrd on ttto armafysi' . of mat ) bottles S. H. 8. , lImo Ilarticlo of Mercmmry , iodide i'ota.'ulum , , or atuy imiltirrul amrbt.auce. , TILE SWIFT Si'ECIFIO CO. lrawer ) 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , Write for it copy of the little book-free. . I'rlee South size , m.UO yer bottle. Luuio size ( hell. hmf , tooii quantIty ) I.7. bottle. All dnugijbshs aol ) NOTICE ! To the Traveling Public ! -TIlE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! -AT- COQ1EL , , throrougis repairs , botlm within ansi 1,5 HOW mutdcrltig . wittsotmt , amid tue lrmrlctOr Imitelud3 It shall be SEC. 081) ' 10 NON1 In thu State , next to Omaha. R. It. oIbAnmwLL : , amrgiil.hui L'rojmrictor. ii iitiiiiThnonii A reuiar graduate In Bill 11iLiUflhlOUIl1 medIcIne. Over mixteen Ia 13011 amul ( IOI Wyandotte SL yea Prctl-tWeiYO KANSAS CiTY , MO. Chicago. Authorired by the tate to tre. l'rlvato disease. , - ChronIc , Ncrvousand Astlunia , Epilepsy , lthcut'ttlsm Piles , Skin . A Worm , Urinary anti Dl. Vcakrucssnlght hoMe. ) , V 'cases , SemInal ( V SexOal DebliityQoes afsexmuahpclwcr ) , etc. thlres guaranteed or mooney refunded. Ulargee . moth. . No Injurious low. Tlmousammdd of ses cured. . . Con. dries ttirnlshed even to luattemuth at a diatance. suhtatlon free amid conlldcntlai-ctthi or wiutc age an ) oxpericitco art , Inuportanit. A BOOK for both 8oxe- ihlustrMed-auud clrcimlire of other things scat ieaie.t for two 5 amat atampe. FIIEK . MUSEUM umardeod.w EBRAK LOAN AND TRUST C L1AETZNO8 , NED. $250,000. Capital , - - , JAfl.B. IIEAILTWELL. I'reeIieok. A. I. . CIsA1UtE , VIce.Preeideuit. K. V. WEWITEItfI'reaaurer. U. P. WE1I8TEtL Cashier. DUIECTORS : animiel Alexander. Oswald Oliver ' . L. Clarke. E. C. Webster , mo , U Pratt , Jas. B , IIcartwclI , B. M. MclWitnney.f e irst Mortgage Loans a Bpeoialtv This furnishes a permanent home Institu- Company . or. where .sciiooi Bonds arid othcrhgaily IsUcd Mu. clpai Securities to Nebraska cart be negotiated ea most avorabie terms. Loans made eel niprovect , .mrJ In all well settled countlea Of the state through onsltle oomi corresuonelenti' ' . fr Broom Corn MACHINERY I A FulL LlNlcONSlSTiNC1 : OF' i : ; , 001/OLE CYLiNDER 6 CRAPRS HORSE POWERS 'X'cs 1Sztto13. I The Best in the Market lJ ' ts itmrel b' , a. U. CbLTON & CO. , ( laiealar , IL tiJiieud for Clr ulsr reid I'rko Lint. 0 tote a eaUn capacity of ? G00. " , _ - V a