IL DAILY BEE---COUNCIL 73i.UI&PS , S1TUItDAY , 5LP'CLi1K13LR 8 , 1883. . . ' I. l'llEBEE. . CN CxL BLUFFS. Saturdal Morning , Soptolnbor 8 , -SUDSCnnmoH ItATFS : Jr Carrav - - . . . . 20 ante per wtek Dy Mal - . . Etaoo pctYc + r b. 7 Pearl Dtroet , clear Droadway. I1epuUllcan Conuty Convcnlion. Tlto republcans of PoUawattamjc count will moot in delegate oonvc thci at the court hourso in Council BlutT , Thurada } , Scptambor 13 , at 10 o'clnck ' a , 'in , , the pu ese of placing in mmnfnn ticandidutea for the following offices , to wit : Ono state senator , two roprosou tkcs , shcrll , treasurer , auditor , sur- voyor. supolintOndmnt of public schools , coroner , and members of the board of ' . Each t ° w nship will ho entitled titled to the following tcprosentttiolc Kane , 1st prectnct..5 Layton . . . . .4 Kane , 24 prccinct . .8 Ihncoln „ . . . . . 2 Kane , 3d prccinct , .7 Lewis ICnnb , 4th product. .0 111ncctloma . . . . . . . .1 . Boomer . . . . . . . . , 2 Mindon.2 Bclknnp..3 loofa. . . . , . " . . . . . 3 Crescent. . , , . . . . . \mwali , . . . . . . .2 Carson . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1'lonenat . . . . . . . . . 2 , Conter. . . . . . . . .4 llocktanl. . . , . , . , . . 2 Grovo. , . .3 Silver Crock , . . , . .2 Garner , .i. . . . . . 2 Valle . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ilanlin. . . . . . . . . . . .2 1Vaslp ngtnli . . . . . . . IiazelDell . . . . . 2 Wnveland. . . . . . ' . ' .Talnae. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Wil ht. . . . . . . . . Knox . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ; Yor . . . . . . . . .I. . . . ICt1 Creck . . .2 l Thin priulnrics in each township , ttnl o tliorwiso nniered'uJ thin townafiiI p wni osnittco , will be held Mondny , Scptctnbo r { 10 of 7 p m. By Order of Ilolui W BA11tn , ChsirmunlCo Itep. Cun. Conn MINOR MENTION. Sco Joseph halter's fall goods , Additional ) octl on sovuuth page. School books at II. L Seaman's. Cheap Railroad Tickets nt Bushim 11 s The democrats hold their primaries this ovenin ; , Bismark hIM commenced on the net v irasouic tmgplo. The republicami primnrios are to be held Monday night. Conrad Goiso prolotcs to sink mnotho artesiiu well at his brovo my , Ccl. 'ICoatloy is to stir up the Siou x City folk tonight by n political speech All children under fourteen yenta o ago are to be admitted free to the f i next Tuesday , Miss Carrie Crandall is now atrurin froma fractured arm , the result of fallin from a hourso. An elegant street 1a1np has boon socu ed for l3oeltelln's new hotel , and is no in C. Bixby'a shop , JameslGoulden proposes to put up da fall a brick building 22x80 feet on lima ho near the Trwmont house. The Indian war races and the cllari raeosaro novelties which will draw at di driving park next week. It is expected that Governor $ henna wf11 bo hare next Thursday and give n address tit the driving park. High ,41oss the lately retired mail caner r nor , has made an arrangement to lee after the circulation of Thu Herald , Lull. Cake , Clarinda's pot writer an h umoristhas , pro arod some ropublica ' campaign sonfirer which are' taking well. Next Thursday is to be citizens' day a the fair , and all stores and ofilces are t bo closed , that all hands may go to th driving park , David Bradley & Co , have a landsom gray truck Lean. and the whole outfi looks quite metropolitan , and attract much attention. Reuben Morse , a baggagommater o the C. B. . & Q. , died at No. 700 Fount ] atrcot , in this city , Thursday afternoon u of typhoid favor. L T SpangTr's warehouse , at Walnu t gave waythe other day with a pressure o 4,000 bushels of shelled corn. It made ball lookiiig wreck. A drive well was being sunk yesterds y on Baucroft street , for the use of t lIt l builders of the now Masonic temple. was put down about 70 feet , E. It. Stornhiller is reported its luavin sold an intorcet in his furniture factory t w T. Wilson , of Dunlap , and that no tllolestablishmont will be enlarged. Tlio jury in the supreme court rv as yesterday diocharged for the Soptombo termtho cases .whiclrthey were oxpoeto to decide being otherwise disposed e f The explosion of a kerosene lamp in a billiard hall at Griswold , gave that plac a narros escape from a big Oro. As f was blankets were promptly used , an the damage eanfinod to $50. Stepswere tacon yesterday to ahais lace Mrs. Sylvia Gardner , of this cut under troatmontat the ineno asylum a Mt. Pleasant , front which iuatituiion sin was discharged a thort tine ago. "Asleep orawakot they arc about ou bed and path. " Spiritual Circle to anor row ( Sunday ) afternoon and evening , i I 13hugart& lions block , rooms Nos. and 8 , colnmouciuf at 2 and 7tr o'clock Postmaster Armour roporta that ovu one hundred of the now postal note have been issued from 1mIs otlico durin g the past five days. It would scum by thi as though the notes wore fast coining jut favor. Over $50 in cash , besides groceries ant clothing , has been raised for the bonefi of Mrs. Elhinbcr , whose husband was r u ce rfly killed mil the Northwestern and e almh who is hursulf in poor conditiu having just given birth ta child , Governor Hendricks , of Indiana , is t speak at the fair grounds next Tuesda afternoon. In time fpronoon of thu suul day ho will give a political address i 13a doss park. lie is an orator whom a will be dad to bear , oven those who d not agree with hhis politically. The news reached hero yootorday 1k : Matt 'rubur , u brakeman on thn itoc Island , had beunknocked off a . froigl tuna while passtag throu h the eovuru ' bridge east of Minden , antf'badly injure d probably fatally , his skull being fracture and nose brokemi. His home is in Sloan a Council Bluffs will have lice hi ge ' ' crows ntxt week thiatover gathered cur ? ; ito races and exposition are so crowdo ° with attractions that everybody se. s the and their sjstora and thir cusins an tlwir aunts are coming. Thu fair folk have laid thems out for a big slim and they harogotit , sure , In the circuit court yesterday , la point worn D fig gucd in the aao offlion r - ; vs , The Wabash t's. lway. Thu railway commissioner otemined jute JitdhoBond's claiut that the railway discrunlnated nhdnSL ; lout by not purchasing cars for his grain , and assessed damages. lie new to enforce pa unmet , The case is taklm wider advisement. At the democratic meeting held at time court louse last cvoUng there was quilo a large attendance and the audience was quito enthusiastic , Cnugnessman Pusoy talked for about two hours , followed by C It , Scott. The quartotlo of dusky maideus charged with threatening to repose .iuu nio a white woman , of every drop of blood in lien bud' , wore in court ngamn yesterday , and all were disclmm 6gild , except cept Mrs. .loiie , who is to lmvo still more of a hcarng ml time 17th , She claims .lonnio was fooling around with her man , and that made for mad. The Presmrtatimt of they $75 sewing machine to the boss $ irl \Vcstorn Iowa is to take place Friday afternoon of next week , at 2 o'clock , in time oxpositIou building , the resentatton to ho by Bill N u The Bomnernu nmau. Candidates s10111(1 favor the judges with sliowiim s o f their cooking and sowing ability , es uci ally cooking. Yesterday n matt named h.arsou , living \Vasliingt m avemiuoWas complained u f by some of his nuihlibors who say that though apt to be quito cruel , ho yestur day exceeded his own botmds by tnumior cifully pnuuthn his dog , Ito haswg time 'nor brute tied imp to n tree. Larson was arrested for cruel ) to auinmla , timid is to have a imonrimig before .Judge AYlcs worth today. Postmaster Armour hris received from \Vnshington , illstructinmms to get sous civil ongincur to prepare n plat of the sit n of time proposed government buildin g withm grade , etc , amid scud u m snit its pus sibla. It begins to 1(1(1k ( ( as if the government mont building hail not been altogutlo r forgotten , and that possibly work uugh connnemIce this fall. Ivanhoe Commnmmdery No. 17,1Cnight a Tomtlnr , have elected for officers for tlm enaung year : Sir. .J. C. llotfnmyr , cmi nont commander ; Sir C. E. 11. Cutup bull , gtloralissinio ; ; Sir 1' . S. Couch , cap Gain general ; Sir 'P. J. Mackay , prclntu Sir J. 11 , Atkins , treasurer ; Sir Thos. It Lncoy , recorder ; Sir .f , II. Marshall senior warden ; Sir Ed. Mott , juumo warden. ' [ 'Ice St. Patrick's Benevolent Societ at their regular mooting oct Thursday September 0 , elected the following elli Corti for time next six months : M. G r Grifiu , president ; James \Vickhaom , vice president ; .1. J. Sullivan , treasurer ; 'l J , McCto timid E. A. Wickham , secru ta riea ; John Montgonmery , sergeant a t f antis ; Rev. B. P. McMemmomy , chaphum 1 r Time council has takmi no definite a' tiomi yet in regard to the vucntiort of g Portion of n street in order to give the g C. , B , & Q. room to build n now depot The building proposed is a two stor brick , amid will certainly be ms improv r stunt over time onto now used. Couuc sv Bluffs needs hotter local Idiots , am , scuds them badly , and it is to he hope is that within n year there will be scum f great changes made in this respect. There is alrondya showof nmchncdvit of at time fair grounds , Itruparutory to tii e doings of next wool : . 'fhu track ha been placed 1mi time best possible condi lion , the grounds made ready , time stall n and sleds tut in shape , and mnu wlu li are to exhibit farm mnchiuo tine alrcad tit work getting eve thin n readiness 'rime fast horses will cirri re to da and to k morrow , and front now on there will b lively ties at the drivilmg park. d A man nand Ifannmm was brought ten hare oaterda from Ave a and laced i jail to await time meeting of time tlistric court , the charge being assault with fn t tent o do great bodily inju ' Ifauno , I ) was lore about time 4th , amid served a fo w e d sys for assault , and thou l swore von geaneo nn those who hind boon arrested 0 ! tip 'oars ' that whmmi Ito of a little fun t of fighting whisky the other day lee a s tetnted o carry hese throats into cxc eution and dwin r a knife rushed of his enemies , who wore too much for him i throw him down , got his knife away , ant now lie is looked uP again A boy namncd Wilson was arrested yes tordny niorning on time charge of vagrancy tf but wtia discharged. Young \Vilson wit on hanging around hare smmie months ago n and served ti turn of fiftemi days fo stealing a revolver. After that ho we. arrested for vagrancy , but broke out ° o time calaboose maid has since kept awn It front lucre until Into1 , Ho convince time 'ud u yestorda that ho had boon n work id Des Moiyua whore his tun g live , unt the coal uminers of on a atriad ° whn loft and eanmo cure. Ito let w boun at work in a restauramit hero , amt dL. wits Igoing yesterday to Duulnp to war in a hotel , when 1o outs arrested , the td r floor net knuwismg that ho hind o thor d oughly reforunedl as his previous reca rl was bail , ha a term iii th reforut chool before his exploits hero Youmm g IVilaon did ono valiant decd a fur ° t days o. A horse attached to n bug g in hich were seated two ladies caul d rushing along Broadway , the lines drag ging on limo ground , and time Indies i 1 dm or of beiim g throw out. Ile rusle , up limo street amid bravely stopped th t runaway , titus tnuritimi n rediark t e ohut sumo of time discredits. A few days ago Tun Bin gave voice t r tlau complaints mimdu by some concorniui the general warrant fund of time city. 1 mess claimed by those who complain the the council in transferring $500 frum tie ' police fund to the sinking fumd for tukha r up old warrnnts and $2,000 to time hun a urd fund , was snaking a diacriminatton there being some recent general tun U s warrants aad irons ptl while old ware o rant , had to wait until ytho wore enllo ni , there being but $500 a imoath devote d to pu in loads , inquiry of the city , etlieiii to the ' that th t plamm of m imm g is nbuut ns follows ; 'Firs , council ltransters from time police turn about $500 a month to moot old goiters ' tumid warrants , and the omit recent 'roe oral fund which asimil snu rums are ii , cash are tliosu which are so indicated em y their taco. std which call for maim , in nee e cordnmicu with time coutrnctsmmmdu , Sinn mm labor is Paid for in thusu Maim warrants mud souuiu purchases are mndu mud con e tracts outuretl into Out a easlt basis , nu on which cash hums to be paid. ' 1'hesu mimic t these roily are paid fur lmm cash warrautti k 'I'hmu other general fund warramts intro t mt tuku their regular course and as fast d time siukimig humid creeps up to them the are to bu paid. By continually acid sy cl teiunttally Ipa uag oil the old warrant t. the credit of tint city is not only ainin st null the 6gumiurnl warants advaoiub bum time theme is approaching wham the cit i calm be in slepu to pay cash for n11 it kills. . . y - - - - - - d Notice. S I hereby anuoueo myself to time vote : V of Pottawottanmio county as nn iadepeum d out candidate for county surveyor , w COUNCIL I3LUFEs , ] s , Suptuinbor a I 166i : , 14 , P. JUDs0N , + lutTI'sST 1 1toM 1d.WIS. Ills Own statement lu Regard to time itllling of Vngnn , Molly Louis , time young ionic who killed Fagan at Ios Moines , nrrivcd at llishome here yesterday , haiimig stopped over at Marto time clay prvious.Vhiio lie re. greaa deeply the whole aiTir , yet feels confident of producing witnesses to corroborate roborato hula atatetnentof limo tragedy , and of mnaking a compioto defense , lllost of time details iuave already been m lde pub , lie , but sonic vary important incidents hare boon overlooked. After the first trouble in time roots , and after Fagan and hi , cousin Davis , and time ymulg man Towmmaond had gone omit. Towusond cnuno back acid warned Lewis that there would be trouble , amid ' .hi it. time boys would make him give up time room. Sono ladies jut the house heard the threats which Fagan m1 his cousin made to Lewis when they mmt out , They had bon drinkun 6 tu , it being tee or cloveum o'clock , \ \ lmmi they crone back after mnidnight timers was n Swede sitting on time front porch wait , lug for mimic limo he expected to coupe after hint with a wagon. Time young miu mi pitclucd into lmiui , without any up. parent cause otioer thnn the inspimtuu of bad whisky , and potumlled hun up pretty svull. It was not until iuu heard tlu I rosy with time Swede 111111. young I.ewis got up and dressed lminuself lie first picked up n bottle to defend 1miulsclf with , limit than loappenlug to kink that there svgs a hnrucss makcrs' knife there which Fagan hamd to emit hfa corns with , ice got Hutt nlalead , and nrnued with thin ice wmlt back to bed again. Olm altering flue roono J'mi ' g n mid his couu rammiomi be. n u their utttuuaic strikimm him twice 1n tie chest amt 1mumbob hint cut of lied , and It Name nil this sculile timat lie iltumged tie knife into Fn gamm's heart killimu Iuiu1 , With1 timers wit messes to show the threats tolm lutving time roost the first time nail their qunrrulsmnodisiesituml ammddrlnmken coudttiou 011 ruturnnmg two hours later , e young Lewis expects to uunhu out time ' strnngeat sort of a ease of self-defense. ' lbu feels particularly grateful to his Maroc lrimuds.Vhun time hail was fixed Jutlgo Cole , as his counsel , tried to get it ' reduced from $7,500 to $5,000 , amid cx- , pruiscd doubt of time ability to furnish us cu tlmt niununt , but time 111nrno friends of limo young tuna spoke up promptly amid y t jd $7,500 wits none too high , mod if , $10,000 was waited or even more , they - would furniali it , amid time fact that Limo , signers of time bond proniptiy qunlilied itm thu aunt of $10,000 tthowed that they uutennt it amid wore able to furnish time required ammeunt , while others stood reedy to swell time list . jf needed. Young Lewis says that not only that mark of confudonce , but e.1 . time kindly reception given him when he at i\larue sts rod over \ was n p reci ited e cis n'actical uc n oitlm shown to a y ; mama iii tire deepest trnouble caul ho n'1mru I ' ciatctl it flu Ilse desired that time public ahall I know exactly of the utamn'r mil which l W B , Vnughal , who was in Des Moines , C worked in his behalf. lie says Mr. Vaughan did overyshllmg possible to hmeip Iiinm , amid to got time truth of time mum ttter Y before time public , amid to prevent time It uatural irojudico which arisnu quickly a upon such a ten6andY. s Dr. West , dentist. 14 Pearl street. V A BUSY RNE.tIC. lie 11asAccunuilatodQultcnstouk01 Li ShttsSleeve Hutumisamid Albums. I u There has been captured at Ifarlmul n t young man giving his namiie as J. W. 1 Dickey , whin aeonls to have been running quite a career in that vicinity as a sneak thief , and a few niglta ago , it is said , l lto attomiipted burglary. Mr. Jnmea Newby , living southeast of time town , . hoard some one at time frmit door , and I discovered the fellow lighting nmatehes 1 and trying time lock. Failing in this time follow thou tried time back door , which has two glass panels , amid as ho timers ' lighted umatclmes also hie features were g clearly scout , Mr , Newby in gutting his gun alarned time bur glnrious fellow , who , skipped , Ho was tracked time next orn. r imm6 o an ndjoiniu g school house. It s seoums that time fellow had carried oil f broad amid raspberries from Mr. Newby's a cellar before trying to cuter time upper cart of time house and reuumnts of these t were found iii Limo school house , amid suumu a of limo raspberry juice hind sained his face , 'l'ime young thief dmuieti cvury tiling , but was sent to jail for ton days. L. Since tbon his valise has been uxmuinud , and time follows career traced buck , timid - sundry charges lodged against hlilml for larcmmy. . .1V Davis idmtiiied a coat , vest , watch mmd chnjn stolen Inst sprimmg. Li Dave Mason idctmtifcd n night shirt , .1 ; W. Mosby also two shirts. Besides those articles there is nil album contain. o ing time photograph of Shorilr Cliatburi , and an autoIgraph album bolunging to Miss Kato Dohium of Avoca. Dicke lum d a supply of jowei'y , alcove buttons , etc , , n line back suit of clothtea and another e photograph album n ot identified , It n looks as if Dickey would hove new about moro larcoumcaseto attend to titan hoe o can well oxharo away. lIe cluimius to g have rcluttlven livin fn udubon couiEY gt Dr. 'mhos , Jull'rics , of Council Bluffs , t Iowa , diphtheria medicine cures eve y .1 o case , No p..ysicinn noccasary. Dlstiolutlon , = Time 1pnrtnerahiIp heretofore oxistimmB be. tweun the undersigned , under time lion nano of Nugent & Smltlm , has this day d beau by mutual comisout dissolved , tie d ftrnt of Smith & 'I'oller to succeed them , Smith &Toller agree to pay all uccouuts e of the old drum , mud they arc hereby au. u tie ized to collect all accounts duo said 1 drum , ' 1' , 'V. NUO&NT , 1 J , M. Sannil Caulmoil Blufrs , Supt , 4tlu , 1883 m ' SPI + CIAL _ NOTICES. e NoT1C1u1eclal advuriruments , amch as newt , , Found , TO Lot , , , For Sale , Tam sent , wants , Iknnl big , etc , , will t. Inaerwl Iii this column at thu lewd d ealu of TIN CENTS I'Ea LINE for the ant Inwrtlon d and F1PE cnhTd 1'lll IJNE for caclu aubsuquunt in. . sertlon. lv avu adrorliemcnts at our oake , Nu , 7 e Pearl Street , scar Imruadway - - - - - - - - - - - ; ---WANTS , g 1 ANTED-Every bomy u , Council Dluaa to tslu Taalman , lieilrcred by esrrlerat only tacaty a vents a wuok. g t TANTID-A : boy , with tang , to dells er Tu , Uaa , tY TANTIU-A : nrut elaas 1)001 ail shoo mater , s ' Nouu utlacr cited apply , 2e. tl. Dlani abort. SNTEU-1ma , ate y a ant rl.u. cook , lai ' _ _ pruterred , atC9tr Parlor restaurant. s FOR BALE AND BENT , T OIIHALEatouau and mom ' aocthweat oornor , Tenth and Brwdway. Jom , W IbuiD ' , OIIIIENT-Ilunlhodroom4ii1mbboard , at No 7ssDlynste'r stiuvt. J , N. CASADY F. IL ORCUIT. ' CABSADY & OBtCUTT f 502 Broadway- , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WIIOLLSALE AND hi TAIL Camels and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS ; Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETI t attCK OF CIiOICE I FurilisililigNove11ie n Mail Orders "promptl ' Filled , CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. MAINE & PALMER 1 DuALEl1S IN Liffle Louisville& . DiICIIIOAN PLASTER , iAIR AND SEIVEII I'II' ' } , IIAIID AND SOIT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 090 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFF8 , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , p 1 w t N wO O t h. . . C' N4 Y S ' ' W } lo' 4 I W ' 1 = I I = _ , 7 - - w MerchantTailors. 4 I2 . . 7 amid 9 Vain Street. xR cTOR.CctTNcXCa Tr3 > VVT'3'a51 , X2- . JOHN BEND & Cal GENtiRALanRCHANlstre : . , 18 Dlaln atrcct and 171'ear street. LvI M n 1Ylu if i , Grocery , 216 Dfaln Street. h fo tcl MOUSE , 217 mid , 210 Jlaln street. J. Mr B ARSTOW M D. . , . , Corner Fifth street and rifth ave. UK J F WHITE Comer Slain and Fifth up stalrs. OFFICE Residence , , 1100 Willow avenue. N. SC d URZ. eve erlcau l'EACE . . Onico r An Express. . S . S WAGNER , Wall contract for fwerola LiVEItYAND at reasonable FEED , rates. 22 Fourth atrcct. , J. M. Sr. I JOHN & CU..CA a IE BUYERS. Wholesalobutter tryand fruit. 8hlptous. eggs peel Draft by return wall. 140 Broadway , NEW BOOTANDtlIlOE9TOli1 : , S A PIERCE . Corner Blain and First avenue. D , A , BENEDICT , 91ONOillcel137 Broad ay , Council Blu/te / , Iowa JACOB Ku OH , Stock Complete. Suits t made at reasonable TAILOR prose , No. 60u Main St. G F S vi 1TH . Corner 7th and Broadway. CON'fRACTOII 1'lans AND and BUILDER specificatIons , furnlalud. IN FINE HARNESS. vv . SHERMAN , I hare the variety that brluge patronage. 124 Dlala street , JAMES . , Artistic Work a CHANT le TAILOR. clmarm ea 872 Broadway. H & SON FURNITUIIE STOVES , IWE t and Ilousehold Supplles. 809 Broadway. & 6 ATT011 l cacti oTln state LINDT ART , James Blo k. and federal courts. And bath house , 421 and 429 Broadway , Ix Sovereign , Prop. J. Bout. SAN ( TAR U Nl gomeq , B. 11,1'hysldan. WADE CA Y , Olece , Bray's stable VETEItINARY , SURGEON , No. 12 Scott street. EIIWIN J , ABBOTT , Notary 1'ublla mid JUSTICE General OF nteym antet 416 Broadway. Et EVr.I . E Hi'USE. , Broadway oppoalteNew0icraBouso SMIT11 A NOWION , , lteattod$1.1.5Owrday SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN [ trocorios , FOiSOliS ! , lOOtS aM lioos IM1tetI4 1 RBTION .aGFI3NTJB. DIIAFTSON T11E BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , Felt SALE , 949 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE' MAX MORN - PROPRIETOR , - - - 218 , f17 and 3319 f9. Maio f3troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D. A. BENEDICT s TIIF LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council 13/tills. / SKELTON HENDRICK S & RICE TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFF FA L AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED _ J - - . ' . . . . : , ui To The Trade I r. Wotakol ; lcasuro in calling your attention to limo fact.that. wohavomado such arrange. meats as will enable us to soil you . Eto1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East. ' 1Vritc for further infonnntlon , ' za T CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. : ' A a r Em kie Hardware Ca nr , t c k , I 'Va"130ia1 > , ELL3 t , . . I 1 I ; xmyi ' Hardware ! ' . 109 and 111 S Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS - IOWA 9 WI1or.ESAL1 : DEALE1lS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , - ' - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CreaiiiFruts , ! Parties , Socmbles and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and I'ies. Fine Cigars. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS GBou ht z cI l5old. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished . . ' 'T Mot xxOi' No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS 11. ] 1 e. si 6A .Z L 11 N1 Special Sale for Thirty Days _ Y -COMMENCING- , i Sat'ta.rcta .P4. . 'ti t f2 Tv reduce our stock and make room for a large stock of 1h 1 h 4 FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS { I 1 ; We offer at reducedprices ; our stock of + Toys , 1OllOy , iSOO1IliOOllS ! llOOS 1 PHOTOGRAPH AND AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS , I Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY CODS Steel Engravings and Other Pictuees---Cabinet Photograph - a graph Frames , Parlor Easels. Fixecree . F" i WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , : DOlhS whx x. c w W amt : Consisting ofull kind of Baskets--Olothes Baskets and - - Hampers. O l' 1 ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMPNT OF OTHEII GOODS. Will Pay You to Call' and Look at Our Bargains. Ha E. SEAMAN 1 4 1 405 Broadway , j - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA . - .g-