Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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_ _ 4 - THE DAILY a , 188g. _ _ _
rithlkhM eter ) . eceptj SUti13y. The
n ! ) 3Ofld inomIn delly.
IRM. T ) itt.
lie Year t1O.OO ThreeMAnth LtOO
U3tonthe. . , . . . . 6.00 OnoMenth , . . . . . . . 1.00
ta wixLT rUeLteHItDXr7.T 0lDAT.
TIIRWC:1 : 0TrAlD.
OneYcr z oc ThrceMonth $ t0
elt Month . . . . . 1.00 One Month . , . . . . . 20 Noei Compny , So1eAcnLsebde&l.
sri In the 1Jnted Ststee.
fr0ftRT.f0cDLC ,
A CommunIcaIton re1atIn In , ncl FAItorIaI
mttcri hou1d be 0tresod to the EDfl0e0r Tu
pt'qxti , LITT'
AU flunc ! Letteri cml 1teuittnec ehould be
Jrec4 to Tui flhiii Pvtttca COt4PLNY , ( ) MAUA.
DbtL , Chtck end 1tomc orlera to 1,0 tni4e p& )
ite o the order of the cornpny.
Mit. NEW has iiot regncd yet , ni.
wIiM , a moro , he L not going to.
I i Frank 7a111C8 s1ioiM follow Dorzey'
'entI)1e ) % and gko us soinu of 1ii confes.
$ iIIS they rou1(1 make a very iiitcfstiiig
_ _ _ _ _ _
SINTron ; LOIAN does not propose to bo
interviewed. on the "PrCMleIttial ( mit-
look , " but ho carries it very big prcsi
dcntial bee In lih ; bonnet nil the annie.
t1'J1Efti are ordinancea pro1nbtiiig had : .
01011 , express wagons and omnibus hues
front overcharging , but the street rail.
roati line can double its regular rates
every time we have a state fair , and there
is no peutalty.Vluy cAn't the council
mat a atop to such imposition ?
TIIR iuidoicuiieuifJ d Savage by
the Auiti.Monopolists of ebraaka will
COuuule1 the itepublican convuittion to pt
forward some man of established reputation -
tion niud umiupeacimblo record. TIm
actiout of the Anti.ITonopohista vihl , in
aiiy event , prove beneficial to the corn.
Tin : great railroads of Nobra.qka do not
seem to realize that they are required to
give auiiple nccornuiiodations to their pat-
rons.-whuothor they pay full fare or travel
out excursion tickets. The utter disregard -
gard of their uhuigations to ziortl corn-
fortable convoyano to pasacugora waa
8trikingly illustrated in the treatment of
people-of all sexes and ages-who were
iii attendance at tb Orand Army remi-
jolt at hastings.
TILE grand jury that indicted Frask
James , the highwayman , for murder ,
have shown alainontablo ignorance of thu
laws of Missouri. Tim verdict of twelve
cx busliwliackors , good nuni true , ahows
that the passengora shot down by .hunea
auud his associate bandits , caine to their
death for refusing to throw up their
htads , and interfering itht the viirsuit
of liappinoss , which the constitution of
Missouri guarantees to all loon , nuiti especially -
pecially to road agents.
PAul. VANnnItvooItr has notbcon diii-
mitsed from the iostnl service because 1w
Juts aerved us counnmnder of the Grand
Avniy. Ho has boon dispensed with because -
cause for years before he was elevated to
the command of tIm Grand Army and
over SIZLCO he was retired from that corn-
rnand , ho has rendered no service what.
over to the government , in thu position
Lor which ho has been draving pay. Mr.
Vanderroort had outgrown the postal
aervico and Postmaster-Cl ouieritl Grcsluiuu
lim simply , tlodo his duty in placing a
man at the head of tlui itiIway mitil sor-
.vico of this section who has no other bus-
incas thaui the supervision of tIm uirnil
Tuiui advocates of a vostnl telegraph who
(10 not want the gororinneuit to bit3' out
thiL liresouit system. lowe evidently git'n
the subject very little thought. There
Gait ho no such t1uiuui as competition in
LoICgra)1iy. ) The lowest into eshublislied
one uiystcun of to1egrahy.niusL necea-
uarily govern till thu others. 'iVithu tuuu-
liiiuit.ed caluititi , and with no d.vidrnids to
( lechitro , thio governuuicuit. could 1ittt ritici
down no low that uio to1cgrahi 0011lpauiy
could afford to renuiuiui in thin ijelul , Thou
property would. thus 1)ecorno wortli1ea
oxcupt what could be ieahize
for old voles , wires and other nmtorinhs ,
Iii other words , to for'c the uxistilug corn
; Iauiies to co ii1eto with the governinen
lii the telegraph busiuiwus would incait do
ntruction of property and confusciutiout
SVhuilet1i telegraph monopoly huuus 1ovie (
eulornious taxes ontho moploit would ha
unjust andcontrary to the apiiit of our aye
teuui of government to ruin and destro
their proiurty.'hint the goveruunen
ahiouhJ. do le to Purchase all existing hue
at. a fair valuation.
'rho Cincinnati Cumnucrv1u.Gucg1c i
its issue of the 6th iuistauit , cays : \\hujl
tIm worst of the rurnora about. Judg
iloadly's conditioH are uiot velI founded
it. is a fact that his health is so Beriotiel
inipairgd that some of his 1111)1St ilcot
frieiuii..e have urged him to yithitlriuw fiou
the political contest , iii which lila iiiuuui
Juts boon co largely associated , and it.
utterly improbable that lie i'ill uuuitko au
move liolitiral s1)000hee this eon
iuur. U1 denials of the stateuncu
that hue is iii a seriously shatterc
state are fuuhao nuid cruel. Whether I
- will actually retire ( rout the ticket d
ponds upon his own tihserutlon uuuuul II
veihit of the juulgniuuit uf his medic
: advhmzis.
Tlihm mstutoiuiouit. bears tupoui it fco ti
uit.auuilJ of fairness. Judgu ] Joadluy
withiout doubt. forced to retire from tI
r c&nvai by failing health timid general vro
traUoui , Judge Itoadloy's condittoui uui
or may uob IEWU buoui brought about I
1iatt.erod hopes and furobodings of d
&mstor. t3uifflco It to eny that his forct
rutiruniont from thu cauiujinign in whih
ILC as the foreuumoat luvuder will utah
doubly euro time almost inevitable aucce
. , of the ropublicaus unil the triumphmam
election of Judge Forcaker.
- - - - - -
. . :
- - - : : :
I'ubhie interest in Great Britain since
l'arhlarncnt lute closed its laborn hmn con.
tered mainly on the dcvohopmont of in.
dustriat and commercial channels. . .
number of arroats huavo been made during
the pn.d week of parties suspected with
couuiphicity in dyumamnito plots , and several
prouuuinent Ideli agitators have 1)0011
llftCOl under strict. police surveillance ,
Beyond titus absolutely nothing huas
transpired in the three kimugdomun that
would be worthy of comment. The rola.
tione 1)OtWCOfl Franco and China since
thio conclusion of the treaty with Annam
are very strained. Iteports have reached
l'aris tluat a large body of Chinese trnops
are massing on the Tonquin frontier , and
the French 1iatic aqumadron huts been
charged with the duty of notifying
Cidna of the signing of the
hue treaty , whereby France has
assumed a irotoctorato over Anew.
A Chinese cmnlaasador , thu Marquis
Tsoumg , has gouie to Paris to negotiate
with the French authorities , and it. is in.
timated that. Englanul woUIl be asked to
arbitrate between the French and Old-
21050 in case the negotiations at l'aris fail.
Meantime the French are inching preparations -
rations for a hOS5IihhO ) war with China ,
which would teat. to the utmost ,
the rsourccs of time republic.
Much uncasincas is still felt. in 'France
over the attitude of Germany , umotwith.
standing the aesuiranco of B'maunarck'ii
pe'oumal organ , time . .Norltcrman
O'ldllc , "that in all questions ucrtaining
to itS foreign policy since the last war the
government of Germany has strictly oh'
served toward Francu a benevolent and
frieunIy attitude , amid is prepared to ob.
servo the amino attitude in future when.
ever France sees lit to tussert her intoreet
in a legitimate manner. "
Whatever the uncut at present. lumaumaging
tIme affluita of the French republic nmay do
abroad , it is evident that. the republic
itself is doing very well at home. Time
results of the recent eloctioumut for the
councils general which took imlnco for ouic
lislE the doparlmoumta of France is of far
immure intrinsic iunportamice with reference
to time future of the country timaum the cimnuig.
ing fortunes of time Annamn expedition , or
of time echionmos which the mimimmistons are imi-
du1gin as to Madagascar , for time excessive
adventurousness of Limo goverumuneumtwill 1)0
ummore readily checked by a P001)lO really at'
tacimed to republican principles and mciii-
oils titan by oumo indifFeremmt to ihioso and
iuiclined to umilow one or oilier of the
mnoimarcimiul pretoumtlaumta to sot. imp a tlmroumo
ouice inure in France. tip to thu August
elections this year the coalition of J4egiti'
mists , Orioaum'msts and Iuumporinhusts hold
570 and time republicans 875 of time 1,445
seats which bocammuc vacant , aumd time coalition -
tion lied a uminjorily in each of aixtecum
( lcpartmmiontn. 1mm timoso elections time ro-
imuiblicamma gained 103 seats amid lost 34 ,
leaving a mmcl. gain of 129 seats nuiti socur-
iumg a mnuijority iii five of time dopartinoutta
formmmuriy commtrohled by time roactioumists.
Aumiong time dupartuments gained was that
of Corsica , iii which the Boumalartists )
have imiwnys enjoyed a sort of vested an-
prummincy , and which , oven this year , was
uupjozod to l'o ' secured to thorn.
This gradual amid steady miovolopmnoumt
of republican strength mutuaL be sot dowum ,
tunquesiioumabiy , iii Part to time immtluenco
of pairommagu. Time republican politicians
are , for time utmost , firm bohiuvorB iii limo
theory that iii Ilmeso coimlosus time victors
have a right to time spoils , amid they have
backed their view of this umiattor by 'time
PItriOtic proposition timat. their cuiemnies
arc really eumommuies of Limo rupnbiio mmd
imot commtostnmmta with timomimsolves fom' time
' of time ' .
prit'ulege ummammutgiuig govem'mmmncumt.
I3imt. it mntmst. bo roummemmiborod timat thu
plea , whmutimor it. be sincerely ummado or
mmol , is actually trite , that every reumc-
tinumary cau4itiatu ummakes imo secret
of his ( lesiru to gut imwer to
ulmecut. time rohmibhic. It. nmust be rummmemmm-
imereti , also , that time gm'cat victories of lime
Republicaums , of which those later mmcii are
I , but limo umatmmrnl soquuumco or limo commfirummn.
tinum , were won umgaiumat. time use amid abtust
of patronage 1mm its nmoet ofrommeivo , opres.
I aivo amid corrupt fot'umm. Vhatevor mmmuty
L 1)0 lime liresommi tuu.miics of tim itepumblicami
. leathers , timoy do mmut venture to ropresu
time libeu'Lies of their opponents , as tiiuii
1. . lPomiouits ) m'cpreasuul timoso of itopublicammu
tmp to 1870. TIme gaimm mnuudo by the Ito
pubileami party is a aubstammliai amid vrob
111)1) ' it permmimimiemmt one , and it afFords tin
L . best possible 1)rqoE that time propimots a
evil fur Frautco are far ( remit boimmg josh
licul by time fumete ,
5 Time cifOrta of Bueumuarek to commibiui
mmiommarchmal Europe iii aim alliance , If umo
a miiuust Fraumco , mit mill eveuits iii ommeommmih
tmmmg hint republic , seonm for thu vreeeum
mm successful. It has boon Ihouught b
U that limo uImmlmrial Geuuuami statcemnam
U looks to time ultmmmmnto tlismmmemmbermmieumt , o
time Freumclm territory and the fuel cx
I himmclion of the 1"ronuim govorunmioimt. TIr
y mumohivo witlmthe ( iermmmmm leader mummy ha
ml considered to be two.foitl : Traditiommn
mm ( hiatflhumt amid imuitm'ed of LImo lrummchm amni
Lu ( Idaho to oxtimmgumlmsii mcpubiicammlsmmm
wimmeim han gmoivmi to be a mimemmac
iii mum time very heart of ICummopu. 'l'hm
L course of time uuilmit-immomiarcimimits 1mm mum
m. imitln mmor cas' , Time ohti iiea tinut. tim
it. . ioOple ) exist for kings is not. emily qmto
t 1 tiommeti iii this ( iuty , but. is 1)m1lY , if Ito
dufimmhly mi1mlmmtdl , iy time cumnummomm semis
mu of mu large put'Lioui of time i)0mliU ) of uuu"
0 govom'immmmumit. f cmmllghmtuimmumeumt. iii t i
mu womlul. 'I'hmu emmisimuved amid sudden iimtel
, I iccls of mm hmmumnli'ed years ago , wimicim di
imut. vul'cdivo timmit time omd3' true object. (1
gorurimumoumh s'na to servo thu immtercmdazmim
mu execulu time trill of time people , immive uivc
is phiuco to time ratiommumi advociutes c
1immmlar rht.'iihs . auth universal hibort
. 1Ioumam'cimienl gos'erznmmemmta , mimoveul by t1
5. ( ivill umuiti '
hmommcrtsl boumidiuss iummb'tjoui o
ty Lb o Ci cimnuni chammcehlom' , mmmay commibi ii
) v utgmdimst. rupimbllcamm Fnmmmce , but. it by mm
. lumcums follows that time body of lImo iwold
of those govtmrummmummts ctn ho rehird uipui
d imi this rinpoct to execute time ileoroo ci
di hereditary jovur. 'rimtms whzm time cor
:0 timmeumt Is icJIArOimtiy ummiteti ugaumlBt lii
Is republic , time great. mmmaes of time IuOOPI
may 1mm tact be tim close aymmmlathmv with tim
mt. IritmChlit)1i ) UlOil ) which it is basot
'hmoim time commfllct caine betwoomi Cci
mnany aimd France , fiftoemi ycar ago ,
time French wore led by an autocrat
and Limo territory of time Gormamus was in
VadCl aunt time safety as well as time umman-
imood of time Gennaum people was assailed.
Every prompting of patm'motizmm impelled
limo Gernmatma to tinily aunt resentment.
TIme conditions now nrc widely changed.
Time Fromucim are no longer aggreimsivo iim
Europe. Their ieadcrs are no longer limo
traditional omiomnics of Germany , nor time
oxpoumoumts of it despotism , It would be
a unarvol if time Gormaum peopio couid ho
lmow united , as ium 1870 , in an offonsmve
campaign aainst. time republicans of
Fruumco , Ncmthor time national prude nor
time general safety prompts timomn to cc-
Lion ,
3ingtmiur1y : , enoumlm France is oxporu'
cmicimi trouble with hot corponutuomma
very smmniiar to timoso whmicim coimiront ourselves -
selves , It is an urgent c1uostion wimetimer
time Frnmmch mnouiopohee such rumie time
clmammibor , mind timrouglm it time country , or
wimetimor Limo ieopie imimail enjoy time lmmmo.
fits of time just cud cqmmnl governnicnt
guaramitceti to timoun by time republic , 1mm
time chamnbor advocates of POPUlar rigimts
mmd mu pure admimmustratiomu imavo oponiy
demmouumccd. the corrupt , imifluoucce cia-
piOyed upon French legislators by time
railroad i amid other corporations , amid
there is a grosvuumg disposition amnotmg time
umlasecs itil over time country amul in timc
larger cities , as vcIl as iii time proriuuciuul
districts , imm auI)1)orL ) of anti-mum mmopoly
mmvii , Time svimolo trommbio iii Frammco , mmii in
( air cimvlm coumimiry , iii that time corporations
have already begumm to oommtrol time dcc.
tiomma , Every year time Frumimeim assembly
rmss'minhiates immure umeat'iy to time counpiox'
iou of time iower house of the Engiiaiu ncr.
hiamnemit , which is commupoacci of capitalists
cml stockholders. So deeply rooted is
tue approimommamoim of daumgur frommi timis
source , timat in nil probability wo simail
hoar of an amitm.uumonupoiy test bcimmg es
t8iiuiiumed to precede tmuumiimmati ams , maid
timat time whole qtmestioui will resolve ihsoil
immto a Icaditmg issue , out time strength om
weakimess of which time next political bat'
tb nitty be fought.
For vmomnotimimmg moore thmnmm 0mw hundred
years time thirty umuillions of IoPie inimab.
itimig limo usiammds of Great Britaiui amid
Croiaumd Imave rumledtwo hmummdrod and forty
uuiiihioummu ium Imidia. Time Iopumiation of In.
dia is just about. that , of Immropo without
Russia , mmd its territory of about one mmd
a Irnif immillioum square mumiles iii nearly as
large. Time little islauid of time west coast
of Europe titus 1101(15 in subject'moum a 1)00'
1)10 eight tiummes as numerous as its owum.
This is a triumupim at omico of brumimm amid ol
force. Thmmu English have hmad time good
seumso mmd time tact to ummako allies of In.
diaui cimiofa ngd thus outhit time mma
tivos iii time force timat lucid time country iii
smmbjectioum. Time cla'mmn , of course , is tlmal
under llritusum rule time empire has ad.
vnnccd in civilizati um. Undoubtedly limo
chiefs have been bommefited by immtcrcommnsc
vithi European society amid time opportu
imilies alibrded by Eumroimoami scimoois. But
time umiasaca of time people have been
drained of lime products of timeir toil.
I'orhmaps this wouid hmavo been limo cast
immmder native cimiofa , btmt time fact ccii be
used as one of time roemmits of British rumlo.
A. Londomm dispatch says : ' 'There is e
cloud gatimering hi India , cud time uumeasy
mnurummuns deumotu a growing diBsatusfactior
aumd uumi'ost. " Time wonder is , not tima
time 014)1mm ! 1)3 ) gatimerimug now , but. timat. ii
imas mmot gathered soomier.
Them l'Iumt flmrmn Adopted aunt itegenti
The following uiomninatiouis for regemi
of time university wcro macdo ; For tin
longest term , David Butler , of Pawnee
for socoimd longest. term , J. IL Anmer , 0
Lnumcumster. To fill vncaumcy , J. F. Mor
i'itl , of Ammtoiopu couimty. Mr. Merritt ii
0110 of time Prcsoumt regents , amid vil
probably lie endorsed by time ropubli
rimu : 1'lTFOIISI ,
Time conmuimithee emu resolutioums submit
ted time followiumg report :
'Vitmitats , Time comistitumlion of Nebras
ka , adopted jut 1875 , exisressly provide
thief ; time leghminttmro slicil emmact. laws pro
imibitimug extortion amid discu'iumiimiatiomm b
Irausportatioum conmputmmies , amid to pro
sc'ri mc mummtximmmummi rumba of tramisportatmomi
a mmd
\\'uil'nuAR After a lapse of eight years
wihit ( muir comnmocimtivo legi8ithuroi thin
mcro by a largu ummajority republican , tim
provisioumsof tim commet : : mmtioii were ignorom
mtmitl ln'odtmcos amid aimillora are subjoctei
to time uummestrictecl caprice mmd greed a
. corportte mimomiopolios ; amid
\Yuiaitu.te : , 'l'Imo dotmuimmammt party Imum
iimnde limo mmmost solemn imledges to cumac
wimoieaommmo m'uuilroad inwa amid ommforc
cqtmtl : taxaliomm of nil classes of properly
muumul timese pledges imavu boon grossly via
hated ; therefore be it.
JksOtt'Cl ' , By time Anli-Moumopoiist.a i
, comivoimtiomm assemmiblod , that we call upe
time voters of Nebraska to raiiy arommn
limo Ammti Itumioioiy atamitarti iii defeumeo
righmt nmd commntitutiummnl privileges. mV
declare :
1 , 'runt. ctmrporatiomme , time creation
tim state , aimall be comitroilod by law.
2. That we demuaumd a immaterial rodu
- lieu iii passeumger mmcl fm-eight tolls b
. icgni enmmctummoimt tiuroumglm couigress aim
our legislatures.
S : , , 'Flint we carumeelly favor time witch
I hisimmmioumt of a l)05ta1 telegrapim.
4. Thmrut we demiotmmmco an ummjust mmmi
buiudemmsuimmo time cxeimmptiomi lrommi taxes c
ra'mlrosd iIumls : wimetimer patented or em
pat cmi bed
5. 'rimuit favor a radical revision m
time tarifF adjusted so as to foster itmumor
ccii iimdustry witimout creating nmonoimolii
or phacimm mmecdlcss burdcmms out time com
V miummmer.
( I , Thmat tiiscviniimmatiomm jim favor of gral
amid coal dealers ammd time creator of gral
and coal uumommopohles sumould ho proim'mbitc
by law mmii cqtuiti facilities grammtcd to a
I shipIers.
JC80tl'CI , ' , 'l'imat labor , its imumportaw
a time conditiom ) of nil hroiiidtmoum , aim
its just vclatiomm mitim caldtai , simouicl I
U rccogmm'izecl uuutti its rigimt liroloctoul I
t litmt' . Labor savimmg mmmachmimmery , immstond
ummdmuiy enm'ichming time capitalist oimgmt I
U meducu time imouns of humor without mcdii
imig wutee , lit ) limo vomkiumgummcum mmmay 1mm
mumoro tnmmu for recientiomi utmmcl imumprov
U mmmcmmt. 'I'Ime riglmt. of haimomimmg ummeim I
V. iiiiitl public imiuethimge for lmeaceallo di
, dumssioum Huiluuid be litOctcd ) by. him
Li State 1)m'i51m5 utumul imoimttcmmtinm.ies a
I ustumbiusumod to prevemmt. oiiummo tumid refer
I criummhmumus , umot. to mmmimko lirohita fur iriv.uI
: nensmms or to iimjmmmc time imitereats of mba
'I'Jmem'cfomo , time contract syettsmu imm them
l jimst'mtmmt'mnmms aumouicl be mubohisimed , atmiti ti
' hitliom' of time comiviets be so crmiployed
i ; not. to immjumre time immterestM of ummerchmamm
mmmiii imbomlimg : mmmcmi.
U 'i'imo niumtfurmmm was utciopteul except ti
U fiftim phmumk , wimicim was ummoditied so as
mm dummimtmmd a timritE for revi'mmue omiiy.
I'iit Iipomm Ills Feet.
o ' 'Sot Imi , In bed amul couighoth till Limo chothi
U wet with jeisptratloum. My vi1o Iuskt
that I use 2'Iosnae' , 1 ctccfric Oil. Time Iii
I ) teapoommfui roiluvei mac , maid twu btttiec hum
cumeit ammo , I c'um Imocestly recoummmmummtt It. "
r Ii , h'erkhmm , Creek Ouumtm-o , N. Y.
- - -
- -
Mtsic4r , , tI ) IICc1IATIC.
rcjdncssocimcap actors timnmaten toImuiaJo Ncmm'
\ ork ,
There will ins at. least eigimt1aiihnon 8luuarC
cornIanic.m , Oti the road this i.caon ,
lMOplL .leflorsnmm commenceM i1I coining
seaii : as ( 'dab 1'Itmmmer him "Cricket on the
I hiarti , . "
Miss l3icmm Cummmnhtm ilaM heoum 'ngngcil to
play tim leading Iei..nio roles with idwhmm s couumpany ,
Lawrence ] uarrchl's setusomm was simcce'sftmiiy
opened at tue Now York .Mtar theater Monday
evening with "Fnamucesca us itimini , "
Miss Minnie Uranger , this poimmhar actrcs ,
him her now jiay' " 11cr SCCofld l.ove"iiuu lecum
secumreii for tiio L'imestmnut strr' theater , l'huia
dolphin ,
itiio. lthmea has aiieii f' . ' iec to her
repertoire , "IUcheilcmm'iS14 ( "ltmt of time
Beaten l'ntii " "Tico School I , e.tmidal" aims !
' 'Frau-Frau. "
Mrs. T.nmmgtry , who 'i'm pcrlorunhmmg him Man'
chester , Is 11011mg receIved witim eumthumslamuim ,
flhm(1 his , been ihayhuig tO excellent buushimess
hmiec sue iemued hcre.
'fhmo Timeatre Itailen him Paris Is to be lmmmugmm.
rated witim a lKmtformniihIco of Verdi's operui ,
' 4hmrmoim Iloccnnegra , " whilcim viii lirohiably ho
eondumctcd hj , ' tue c.'eunposcr.
mllMq liiemmTorry makes hierAmiicm-fcammu iiobmmt
I ii "Z11 n'ii Ado 4\hOtIt Notimi mig , ' ' svhmicim foi.
homns ' "I'Imo Jtoii , " time immasugmirni tilny of
1. mhmig'ii New York euigngcmneuii.
iIr. lulRmummo cI'Ahbert , the youthful idmmmmlmt ,
m imas hiocim Iii' . Iteti to comnpoo a symapimommy for
the Birmningimamim imitisical ( osttvni lii 18B. , ama !
Is 1)oreolmauIy commduict Its inrformnanco.
Itlnrcciia Scuuhirlcim , , Abbey's prinma ilosmuma , is
I going to nmnrry her Iirst teacimer , Mr. V , ' . lieu.
zsmi , lii licsdrom , before she starts for America ,
ma stated by 'lime iie1on Nnclniclmten ,
In nut operatic row \ltmimtroal , llrignohi
cized tim drimmims and scemmery belonging to
Caummjmbeiio , ehmarghiig tivmt time latter diii imot
I Pay imuimm time tiiimlateii 8 per cent of time net
I rcceits.
I 'I'imu oetmhimg of , Tshmmm .teCuiiomigli's season at
Tcnmcr Is repork'i asumcccss , amid the trngodiamm
is said to hack mmoume of time old tire , Mis Nit.
I teumeVhhlct , who mmow iiay Virginia , I svcil
snokon el.
. A Pretty' im1 , Zoiio do rmussaum , vitim a voice
wimicim is said to ho very tommiutifiii , , has becim engaged -
. gaged to slug him Timeoiloro 'I'hmoumas' concert , ' ,
.iurimig time tour which that gcmiticnmnn is soon
to mmmnke.
. 4 % . . mnommstcr uimiuttrc1 fs'Mtivai , a in thin dra.
L mactic one is to be hick ! hum time Ciuicinmiati
, mumumsic html f eamiy I a the comnhuig season. ( .
amid C. Froimnummus whit oumileavor to boom the
Time eltiesh daugiator of Marony , the greatest
I of imaM dorcioped immuslcai
I ability of thus , must umarkeil descrlimtioui , and
, ama ! is studying with nut operatic usimmi. 'mliss
. Saroumy 114 a gradtmnte of Vassar ,
] 'rnmi1c J. Aiidim , Miss Gemioviove Rogers
amid .h If. Lang.loum imam'o beoum secmmrod for the
' 'itotmmmtnium l'lmmk" couumb'mrmnttoim. 1mtr. Aikin
will play Capt. Bommumory , Miss Itogons , Non.
' ilne , and Langdomm , of olurt4o , time irinciimal
m Miilocckers "Beggar Stumdommt" is proumoumnc-
ad the utmost simccessuuml operetta ever produce !
' in Bomihim. Already' it has heon giveut 2Q0
nirimts tic smmcccssiomm , amid still it is difbcult to
secure tickets , time hmouso huauiumg beets sob ! oimt
I every' eveumimig during time season.
l.1.diJcakas comnpmsfly for time vresoumt seasomi
machides the fuliowing nammmes : Mnumrico 11.
I ] larrymmsorc , Frank Cloummommts , Mary Shaw ,
Clkra EliisonV. . F. Owen , Forbes flawsoim
I Edwin Cicam'y , T. F' . Colcmnmin , mu Robertson -
son , tao mannger ; . .T.Vzstens , vronmpter ;
lntimes Co.qer i.dlla Sager , H. B. Nerinnmm ,
, Tohui B. llarrmsoui , J. I. Itleimmaum , troastmmcr ,
I Belie Inmnan.
r The nmmnagcuemmt of time Emma Abltt
1 Opera coummlauIy aummmotmnccs time followimig en-
t. gageumiamit'i for the coimming soasoim : Emma Ab-
Ijott , .Jmmhla 1loovimisI nmmml Zeida SeguminT,1. .
entitue Fmubrlimi , Victor Noveuio amid Vihiimun
Casmtie ; Walter Alioum , Wiliiaumm Broderick and
Sigumor Glavammnms Tagitapiotra ; .J. Ii. lloe.
vuld , nftumical director. Limo company mmuuim-
hers sixt3"fivo persons.
4 1tFLlGIOUS ,
Archbishop \Viliicns , of Boston , imas licemi
I simnimmioumed to lbmmu ,
) o the Catitolhobbiimops lit tide country , six
t. . tecmm are imustlrosof Germany.
f. China has 452 native Catimoiic ! ) riest and a
. Cathmoiic population of 1,092,818.
B A Chuistian convention is to be hold lii Far'
- vehI lush ' Clm'mcu o , Septemumber 18 , 19 and 20 ,
1 to be comu'Itmcteil by Mr. 1) , [ . Moody.
Time next immttloiiai coumucil of time Congrega.
tioummil chmmrehcs in time United States will be
held 1mm Concord , N. 11. , hegiuiumlngon October
Time ( lermummum Baptists organizes ! six new
cimiurches hint year , nmaking 108 in mmli , witim a
- imuoiumbornhip of 80,448. agaiumst 28,950 last
B year.
. 'l'imo United l'rcsbyteriamms have an ' 'Anti.
? Imluslc" Party. At a muatmommal comivuntioum ro.
. coimtiy held in Allegheny City rcccimtly tva
. hmuiuclrod ummln'istertm were prsemmt.
Cardlumni Schmwarzenberg iman received at thc
fiftieth aummuiversary of his ordimmatioum a comm.
, gr.mttmhtttory autograpimie hotter frouum d10 l'ape ,
t mimul Otto froimm thmo Emperor of Amistuhi.
0 Vm'hoim 11cr. Robert Coliyer PreacimCtl at Ilk
ii iey , Emmglammd , this stumunutmu , imu s'as aide tc
LI poitmt to the churchmynril gates a'm the work at
f his owti Imamiti mvlmsmmm 1w was a toiler at time forge ,
item' . Dmviglit Sloumcer itci obta'mmmomi thu
S nocdes ! for time oreetioti of am Itaptist
5 imouso of worsimip at Salt Lake City , ucumul inn
retmurimod to Utah to smmporimmttummtl the ertuctioui
0 of time building ,
, Grace church spire In New \'orlr is to iC
. 219 feet ii'mgim weigh 600 thims , anti cost 61),0)0 ) ( )
Constructively. it mviii he aim hiatt tower
mm crud wIth white ummarido ( room Jiutlaimsi't ,
Time old toaer s'ums wood.
ti The Catimoltu Blshmopti of Primssim : immure begnu
c to muse time powers grmmimted timoumm mottler time pro
) lsiomis of time goverummimdumt.'s church bill re
0 centiy imasod , l'imoy have ordered nil vicarm
mmii cummithidates for time priesthood to rotuurn t
if l'rtmsda.
Time leserut. News , a Morummomi journal , saym
i thmat in hades wmmtcr Ic imot imloitty. aiim ! baptisim
' 7 cemimtot be adunimmistoucd-Ioumst C ) ! cli , baptimum
"I by itmmmumerslomu , But ito omw ccii be saved win
I is not iaptiseti. Timerefore , ' 'time living mna
at.aimd hum time place of time thoad and receive tin
I. ordiimnimco vicariously , " 'l'imis is baptism for timi
cletid. "
d At a conmoumtlomm of time l'rotostauut Eplaco
If mmi cimtmrchm recently heiti hum Cimattammooga
route. , couumposotl of bisimops , mmmimmistars , aims
m- itmymuon froom time thuirtecim outhmerim states I
wits resolved to be time settee of time body dam
) .f time general convtnmtlon at time cimurchm , which
1ummeots this fali , be nmoIntriailZeti to establish
s cimools jot' time edtmcmutioum of cohoret ! nmoum mvin
slosh-u to cutter time mumlumletry of that chnuch
m' tamml that all coinroti usmimuisters of timmut cimurci
ima'o oqmmai rights anti tuosrers imm mmli cimuucl
um couimmells.
lit 'l'ime celebration of Luther's blrtimdmsy , t
id mm'itidm lumqterorVihihttun recently called atten
ii ilium by irociaimmumtion , , is to ito out a great tumul
imnp4oimmg scale timroltghmttut time l'retestmumt
of ( Iim ltamumburg for irmetammee
. lerummammy. , ,
. ,
e coumumuittee commsisthttg of iroumshumotit , chmtmrcimummei
ii anti lusymnon Imave beoum formumeti. cud itas result
Jo 0(1 to erect a cimtmrcim imi imoumor of the great r
my mornmi'r , to be indies ! time 1.mmtlmor cimurclm. Tim
rmf mnmiouimt roqmmlrotl for timis , tmrise svhll ho milieu
_ _ _ _ _
C. ImumImltumulm4.
: A muportur of time WTasimiumgton Criti
imiterviewed time bar.temmdum' of timuNatiomm
. hotel iii thmmit. city' , mmmiii t > btnimme1 tim
v B. fohlowiumg iumformmmmtt.iomm m'r'gardimmg tim
i'd ; favorite hoveruiges of scuimitons , m'epu'emseuI
iii tatives timid otimur prmmmimmemmt. mmmcmi at tim
, cahitai ) ,
' ' \S'hmmmt seenis to be time favorite mlm'imm
' "
S : ' "Flint dcpemmda on time sect 'scum of commntu'
m tlmat ito cuatomimens coimmo froimu , as a mimIc
as tim Now , ii New Eimglaumd mmmcmi likes rumuim ; tim
otstemmm mmmutui , vmisky ) , while limo usoutimer
tutu westeuui ummum tire heAvy' cmi mmmixcm
to me ilriuikmi , I'ilemt ' dilItsm' , hmnweyem' , iii tlmei
tastes. There mmis old Semmator Bogy ,
couitl almm'mtya toil m'imnt lie wammteul , aim
wheum ime cameo 1mm I would set it out with
out asking a questiomi-giul and Bugmir tss
tmi lds clrimmk. Senator Furry umovur cammie iumt
ot limo bar , but hue was a great drimmkor
, usimurry iii Ids roommi , Davis , ofVc :
E , Virginia , generally took straight whisk
hiu was umot mmtucit of a drinker , titouug
lttitz ass
lltuU dome. ,
( ircin tsatcrirtiIg , ,
1)Islnt know it a' io.IctI
Opitmnm shops ,
( latiltIng tictis ,
Ihmli razors ,
Coimntortelt note , ,
Ithnms 1torn ,
iforuiets' tied" ,
Liglitiming roil , ,
Mu7e' hIn tegi ,
Nito rlyccrino cii- , ,
Forty.rod si 1,1(53.
Vcak stotnacltrom mihki , result limihigestioti , lya-
pepsis , and rariosu blood aftcetknoi see aIo signaim
of tiangef which ichotihi he heeded wlthoutileiay , ant
for stikh lutirluek Bh'od Ilitters are especially wlp-
ted. The modichic renovate' , Iurifli attil strength'
ens tIcelrrtmlatoryorgansthu , , buImt1lir , up thocmmtlre
IV. A. E.IgeN , of FrankrIiIe , Caltall , smf'
ferrd frotmu ft t1Icaic of the liter and lull.
11535 , that brought 1dm a , low liii life wa
tlc'tiiaItetl of ; imo 153' for thirteen days
out an operation of the bowel , ; after tmtlu.
tnt : one 15)1110 of ltsmrilocic miiood Bitters lie
% sa , ettlilett to leatti Itti lied and unto wit ,
'I'Iireu Iitittleij Immoro ccimnpletetl a eltre , Kilt
tic 5535 that imu ii now is better man tieni
lie ha' beeti for twenty year' .
.1 udgo Davis never cammmo to lime bat' , bumt
hiatt simerry' ammd whisky soul to his room ,
Mmtxey , of Texas , umevcm takes nuiytimimmg
strommgor hunts a leummomitulo. Coke takes
sugar amid wimisky. Baynrd takes time
samime. l'eumtllelin is s'cry' fond of a
whisky pummcim. Jommcs , of Florida , hover
ummixes nuiytlmimig m'itlt imis. lie drinks
wimisky timid tithes it oumt of a water glass ,
imavium" ' amm avonsiomi to summimli glasses. , Iommas
cmiii \'est , mmii a rumie , bake it vitim a little
sugar. Eatomi , of Conmiecticut , was pretty
regular. lie somnotimmmcs took whisky , butt
utmost geimcm'ahiy m1mme , lie seldom cammic
jim with mmyommo. lIe would driuik a smmuall
bottle of Pitumimmn's extra dry , Pty : for it ,
amid walk omit. 'J'imere was old Senator
Dave Arumustrong , of Missouri. lie always
took ss'htisky timid humnomm , forty drops.
Lapimamum , of New York , would start omm
whisky , bmit. thieve was ito lolling vimat lie
would. s'immd up .inm. Joimmi 13. Clark , of
Missouri , gemmeraily look it straight. So
did Vaus formic. l'roctor Knott umever
ummixed it , mmd always vauitod 'Old Bot'r-
1)011. ' I'mmge , of California , and George ,
of Oregon , as a rule , took straight wimisky.
Time great. objector , Mr. llolmnamm , used
sugar and water. Alexaumder Stepimemis
umever caummo limb time bar.rootmm , though ime
was a rogtmlar driuiker , lie carried a little
cigiui.oummco vial of time very best. wimisky
in his pocket. Con. Phil , Cook , of Georgia ,
is one of time rnostjoviai congressummen that
comumes in here. lie takes a little sugar iii
his whis1cr. "
' 'How is it umommo of thmemmm tlrnmk beer ? "
"Very few of time aid-time fellows ( irhuik
beer , especially inert froums time south. TIme
youimg nmcn are time beer driuikers. "
"Did you eveu ace Judge Edmmmummds itt
here ? "
"Oh , yea. On a few occasioums lie aumd
Seumator Anthony tumid Boa. Perloy Poore
would ( li'ol ) imm. 'rlmey alss'ays took straight.
whIsky. Senator Beck is a great lover of
hot Scolcim. mmd Semmator Willinumis of a
whisky toddy. "
"It doosui't appear that any of our
atatcsummtutm immdulga in fancy ( lrinksi"
"No , sir. If you want. to see fancy
drinks demnoiisimed you j ust watch a crowd
of young bloods from the south cmi west
got up to time counter. 'l1hmero unity be a
Imaif dozen iii the crowd , raid each of
timomsi will take a diflerent fiumcy drink. "
THE CATI'imE A1t ,
'Vtrc Fezmclmmg anti 'tVliolcsmule Appro.
Ii'iflh lout of Laud at time
I3ottoumm oi'It.
DALL.tS , Tex. , September 2. - Hon.
Joimut Mc ommib , of Montgomery county ,
was in the city cmi route home from
\Vuse cud adjoining Northwest Texas
counties. Ho represents great trouble is
anticipated ausd liable to occur at almuost
any mnoummeuit. iii that secliomi botweous the
. large stock ranch owimers , on time one
side , mind time nestens , as time cattle maca
of summahl posessions are termed , and a
certain elcuumoumt of cow boys , ummostiy those
uuionmployed , on time obimc'r side. Time
. wire fcmmco cutting is the cause of lime
timrcatemied conflict. , McConsb represents
both aides of time controversy as quietly
arnmiuig amid overythmimig foroslmadowiumg
bloodsumed. lb says that time causca of
time tmommblo ale timtt : limo big cattle coumi-
. pzutmics femmco UI ) largo tracts of land that
! they have umot ptmrcimascth , and iii umsammy
immstaiices vast. amnountstimat they have no
cimuitmi to. 'L1imoy keep their own stock ammd
everybody else off thesa unclosed lands ,
; timid lot. thick' own herds graze ous the
m COiiStiiOii ramige till time grass is cx.
lucusteti , mmd then tuurui their stock imi
I emi time wire'fonco rammgo mumd exclude time
iueslcr eieuneumt. Time laltcm swear that
m cml demand a conimnan rammgu for all.
. Timoy say that. they immuve as nmuchm right to
. time range of time big cattle corporations
3 as time last umazimed have to the cornmmtomi
) riumge , a"tl that us no evoimt have the big
C cotnpamnos time right to feisce in aimy of
I time public domain and get time exclusive
I bemmet'mt of it. Time ummiemnploycd cowboys
i mmnlurahiy aide with time umostorsas a immat.
r fjr of aelf.iuitoresmt , as time erectioum of wire
3 fomices would give their imuunerouus fritter.
: i umity labor timey imavo Imeemi deprived of.
. Time wire feumce trouble cxtemsda over
mtn urea of iiumdrcda of nmiies mmd in'
I volvos several thmousand umieui , amid as botim
I. sides
AimIiAht ISQUALITY naTnmmMlnm ,
m Mr. McOouumb says ime cisuinot see how an
J 01)015 war calm be averted. Both skies are
qtiiotiy arimmimig for time athlay. In addi.
tm tion to time fommco cuttitmg , time nester and
time cowboys swear that they will fire time
0 raume , bmmrum all time grass amid let stock
. perish ill coimmmmmoms before timoy will miubmnit
1 to wimat. timey tem'mmm time mmmoumopoly uumiul auto.
cracy of time ranges.
It T1Y.IUt IC MUCh CAl ) ItLOGI ) ,
, . imititmimil dislike betmveon time stockummeis anti
; mmestens. Time latter are regarded by time
it formumer its itmtruders cncroachmimmg on their
God-giveus domimtuimm , amid are ostrmtciscd
ammd miimmmost. imoycotted. There was
commecived those large cattie coumpanies
C ss'hoso wealth maid mmmagumitude imQvo becum
ml hmoaril far imimd wide.Viiero \ cxsmstcd bo
C fume ii hcs'emaity of bimirty or forty mmmcii
4) umow illlmenrtutl nut immcimrpornto hotly pmvem-
I. fiml in thick' ummijumitoti immigimt , Their
C pti)0S0 is obvhuB , to ruumdci' mmgricimitumral
tirstmita imumpractk'abio by iimmpediimg coin-
k ummuum'mcations aumti utmomsoptmliziumg time term'i.
ttmry. 'l'imu mimuthiod adopted by thmummi maul
S time stocknion iii gemmertul was to tmicimasu
m , nitermmcte sotioims iii a body of itumid iiumti
0 timemi
ml One ernie is iimstiiutccd imi wimiehm a coumi-
i , l'Y ' , whose pasttmm'e coumipriso 180,000
I micros , noasces a title to emmy ) a aimmahl
( I aimmouumt imm oxcesim of 20,000 acres , Time
m mmcsturs ebmium cii equal iuitereat ill time Un-
5 occuimieti land with time etockmmiemi , amid a ! .
,0 loge that timoy should imot. be fenced ofh
) f ( tome it except by the real owners. In
it. speaking of time secret order of time neat.
r ; era , mm correapomident. says : "lii its nmovo-
1. immeuita titii iiiutlmods it aesimniltes time 1)01.
w Ii C H SA T T1i
Dry Goods/ !
SAM'L C. DAVIS & Co. ,
Washington Avenue and ElIth Street , - 'T ' LOUIS. MC
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
On Long Time--Small Payments.
At ID1llflfOtllrOcS Fricos. A. lloso Jr
A1. II. : IDAIImErr : ,
Buios , Cirros ! aii 1'1ll ¶ OIIS
. .
My Repository is constantly cima with a se1ct stock. Best Workmanship guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avtsnue , Qmaha
icy of time old Kim Klux Klaus. But re-
ceimtiy born , it is mutmumagod with an admmiir-
able dusciphimie , whmich betokens time cx-
perionco of years. It operates in darkness -
ness ; its nieetiuigs are mmmmder time cover of
darkness , aumtl its umienibersimip is as deep.
ly vailed. It is a desperate league to ox-
terrniuiate time m'iro fence and its power is
aumiazimmgly illustrated in time terrible blows
wlmiclm hmave already beets dealt. It was
ruimiorcd yesterday that a line rider , end
who iookes after time fences , was lynched
its Jack commnty for interferimig with a
party engaged iii demolishing tue wire.
'rime report urn not yet booms confirmed ,
but it is umot at all improbable ; such incas-
mires are not incompatible with tue spirit
which now prevails. lii fact , it would
frons limo leaders of time secret orgaumiza.
tion to inaugurate a terribly uzmliimmchmiusg
coumtest-a border warfare , in wimich time
black flag would bo raised ; brother arrayed -
ed against brotimer , frieusd. agaiumsl fri nd ,
and imeigimbor against neighbor. Time
most conservative men anticipate it.
Said one to me to day : We arc border-
imig ott the issost desperate state of aflhmrs
Texas Jams over experienced. Uumiess
someliming is speedily douse time outconic
will be bloodshed , amid time old ( lays of time
Texas desperadoes will fumrnisim notlm'mug to
compare with it. Already timero are low
imiutterings of aim iustonlious to burn out
time entire range. Timore is umo doubt but
list prelitninaty stops are beius taken to
render it effective. Eveum now time bub-
blu is about to burst. Last Suusday there
was a large prairie hire in Clay county.
but time extemmt I could not tell. "
Time correspomdont concludes Imis re-
pom't :
"Wimo camm estinsate limo daunage that
will accrue whmcus timus booums explodes.
iitINnhimois ou. TJIOUSANiS OF CATrLF.
will die of starvation ; millions of dollars
vill be detracted fromms the wealth of time
state ; muilliouss mmmore will be withdrawn iii
disgust , anti to Texas will be restored her
old reputation for lawlessumoss ; ammd thus is
mmot. all.Vimcms limo worst conies umo iomver
cams check time retaliation of the stock-
nieum. Timey represent. wealth ; wealth
ropresemits Iower. Blood will flow free.
ly ; vigilance comisinittecs will be organ.
izctl , : tusd time dreadful ticcimes of time cruelly -
ly of guerilla warefaro. Texas is tibout
to lie set back twenty years is the verdict
of a gemmtlcmmman long a i'csideut of this see-
liommiumtohiigomit , conservative nmmd proumsi.
usoumt , in time itigimest circle , Mummy citizens
of time mnemmaccd section are deimmausding
timat Coy. Ireland call cmi extra sessiomi of
time legislature to lake action to settle limo
range troubles , amid avert cii opeus comm.
Il'tct , wimichm , if once iisaumgurated , could
not be qtmellod by time entire ozzaumized ,
force of time state. "
Skill vs. Igumomaumec.
&B a perfect Pismurmnaccuitical propara-
tioum , we are told that Hood's Sarsaparihia
flUrILiSSOS sLimy 1)roprietary ar tide Uil
time ummarket. Even to our inexperienced
eye we see positive iimdicatiouss of time
trullm of time foregoing. A glance at time
article shows time scrupulous ncmitusessammd
care with wim'icim time detail of its niaumu-
facture and puttimmg up umumat be coisduct.
od. These points are of importance in
any busuumes ; 1)Ut iii time muianipulat'mons of
romumedios for time i'ehiefof huzmsanaufferiumg
they lmcorno of etmpremne immiportamico , ant !
ommly such niedicimmes are worthy public
cotml'mdeume e ,
: crcsi Upuum Acres of hot Springs ,
Yellowstouuo Park Currespoumdcmce.
'I'hmero ms a tract of commmmtry about 3
uumiles widu umuid ( iS immiies lommg , covered at
iumtervalmi with hot boiling sprimsgs , 51)out.-
iumg geysers , mituupeimdoums wnter'failmsmitsow-
clad umsouumtaimm leaks ) , laimmt.Pobs ) and iumk.
Pots , caimoims aimtl so 0mm. 'rime oxubertmumcc
and absolute profligacy witim whmiclm mmaturo
hiss tlummmpetl titut izmto time Nistioumal Park
time grauni , gorgeous tumid awful creations
tIIftmsIiauwewleoiil.sI. TIlE GIIEAT GERMA1
ifrh.clFnhtI1r.cuI11Ll1I ! ' E M ED' !
rfw Ffl
F U ffl
1 ; . gf'.m ' Itellet ii tmid . . ItriM
I I I I l'U h 4YI1ISIU1
! iI ' hUWmdni.c' : : : i Sciatica Neuralgia ; LUrnba9O , ,
SQItnSS , Cuts , iirumlsei ,
fiI , si1\'CItIl ! ' i'ilO ; i'Imi'm'is : ,
I 1hI'lzs , tt' . % 5.1)54 ,
I. mitt Ktl till , , r Iintlly etbia
1 ituti
rtpitJu teen r .uJdliyali2)rui isIismm4
. ? , lrec&us mum mm
, Ihe Cimades A , Vcelar Co.
'I .tUi I5.oniA.YlsJIU.LKcOl
5'---LL _ _ _ umtimae , Vi. '
of imer infinite power , fill tlmo tommrist with
umsspeaknblo awe and amazemnoust , and
furnish such illimitable umiaterial that tin ,
1)011 15 puzzled boti for a bcgiuimming point
and for lamsguage to convey even mm feeble
descrintioms. Time boldest and unost sue-
ceseful effort of the ablest. exaggeration
would fall far simort of time bold rcaUlies
timat meet limo eye at every step us this
"goblin laud. " hmmiagine timousantla of
timese hot , cold and boiiiumg sprimigs scat-
bred over tisis immense territory , shooting -
ing up their infernal fbuntains fronm 1
foot to 250 feet in thso air , souno of theta
every ummimsute , some of thens lmourlysonme
daily , some weekly , but all of them with
specific regularity ; imusagimme , furthermore ,
aommma of these stri1ugs to issue limpid and.
5iffl5 some to issue drab nmsd. col-
01Cd streaumms , jun pregnatod witis brim-
atomic cud mnmuuuy otimer mineral amid chemical -
ical lrolerhes : thou imnagiuso still other
great basimms , 25 to 100 feet in diameter ,
called taunt-pots , to be fiIlsd witim every
shade ammd color of a ilium , ummusimy imsud
coumsistency , boiiiumg and sputtering and
seetimimmg forever , and presemshimsg the appearance -
pearanco of boiling paimmt ; go furtimer still .
amid iumtngimme great basiums of black and -
ever boiliusg liii : , called ink pots , and you
will imave but a faimmt cud imperfect idea
of these ajueouma auuel gaseous wousdons.
ix cumunso
Epileptic Fits ,
" F al I I a
R v"
3fcknemis , Comivul- _
shone , St. Vitna Dance , .Mcolmohlsm ,
Opium Eating , Seminal lVeakneealm- /
potcncy , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all ,
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
t5To Clergymen , Lawyers , LlterarjMcn ,
Merchants , Bankers , Ladies and all wimoso
sedentary cmpoyment causes Nervous Pros-
trattoit , irregularitIes of limo blOOd stomach ,
bowels or kidneys , or wimo require a nerve
tonic tmnpctlzcror mittmulcmmtSamaruan .llucr-
( 'file Is fmsvalmmable.
Thousands ( T1GREAT )
proclaim it time most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
wondcrfsul L"igor-
ant that ever sustain.
ed a sltmktng system. IEIRIVI
$1.50 , at Druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
prictors , St. Joseph , Mo.
t For tcst1mnozmiai and cmrcuinrs scud etomp. (18) (
' ' Iii Icier aunt AgiLLS
OsTE'r1'E ilistricts , in tropical
mit oilier regions
. ELEUATLD ii.itcsi tivcpldemlcs ,
mumd ititfeemt In all
iocalitle' witeru tim
couudltlnrts are Un.
favorable to health ,
this fainou vegeta.
- ble Itvlgoraumt and
, . . , ; s : : altoratlm'e , ifostet-
. ' - ' . tcrs Stomach lilt.
- . . tore , has lice , , found
; a puleimt wufegummrd
- . .2 . eelmtofLebounstI.
tutionli miiiI fragile
fraunni , utiulo isi a
( sIrs for iitdlgtkn ,
iIiiousiies niuil kin.
STOMACH deeti eoiuiIatimt.s ; , mt
Ii , mittomit ) a rind.
II1lu1sER For Iu liv all
1)rugglsts ) anf Peat'
ers generally.
$30,000 for $2.
Month4rDrawing wilItake pLee
I ill the tasooio hint , Slasotito Temple Building -
ST ing , to Loolsi tile , Ky.
Thursday , September 27 , 1883 ,
A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawlap ,
cimartercit 1)3' the Iccismatureof Ky. , and tw'o ticoar-
cil legal by the highest court It , tIme ht&t'i. Beau
gtteii to hear ) ' Cottutti in ( ho sub ofiO0Oi5l for the
vrouIuIt i'u1mUflI of mdl lirizu' soul ,
rFrcrv : ticket Iildcr imisowum uperyior , can a1.l
omit ( lie jimumber , on his tIcket suit see the caere's uonul.
log imnuitber aim time tag liacui lum time wheel in
° ° " ° TttbO tlrawirmgs silil occur on the Iset
fitursduu ) of earry 11,005. Beau time nmaguificent
September Scheme ,
S l'rize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5)Q
1 t'rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
1 i'rlo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 t'rtiem , 2,1AtJuuwm. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aooo
0 I'rlres , 1,000 eaclm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.0 t'rl : , , too isci , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . moooo
mcmi mri' , II 0 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'eo i'dzcw , ( .1) ) each. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
m i'rmres , 2i ) acI , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . looco
hid l'rlto' , 10 catIm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
0 irtzo , , 104 , each Arvrox1mmttm i'alzcs 2 7s ( )
0 trL74us , s ) tescm , " "
' it I'utz.e , 104) cant " " ms )
Whole Tickets , $2. flail ' 1ichete , $1\
S7Tlcuetsst. 5'1ickets , ieo , ,
Ittmtiiit mimnneyir [ tuk hr.ult um I ettur. or send by
vxuures. 1)ON ) V SEND flV imnnisymimtn : l.LiTEE
( lit lOST oi'm'mc.IFouttIlm : : , utttil furth notice. Or
tIers sit .5 aimd tuievard by ecguri'.s , caim be se.t , at our 41t
espouse. ALILIt..5 all ordca , to J , .1 , DOtiOIJti ,
LouisiUlelcy , It sat.tu.tb.m 1t SW 001