' . _ _ - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. - ' I- - I 'I n.ri N S14'TtI'PxITri , Q IQQ. . . - _ _ - _ _ The Nebraska ( ( attonal Rank. CF O&t1 , . . N ; 'a.a Can1t1 . svo,000 \ Buxpn rnnd , May 1BfiS3 000 bl1tF'S : ' , \ . U. . JOt1SON , Prckcnt , of Stccle , Johntt i 's C A. T. TOUZAtt , % 'cc 1'reidont , of l3oston. Y. V. MOItS , of W. V. t0usi ; & Co. .ou COXL1XS. , H. & J S. Col1ln. .1. t. wOOLWOItTLt , Cotrntttor & Attorney it law. L. a. lti : , ni Hymn flced & Co. If. W. YATES , Cahlcr , br many ycre Caher of th. 11Nt NAtfoflal fl.nk of Omti. Thu Bank opciiot for btsInc Apr11 27 , 18S2 TI1l DhItlcTors AND STOCK1IOLDE1l ire Imon the leading busIno tncn of Omaha , mu lii buthnos fN condnctc.I Ith CCk1 rtcrcnco to the best and IncreaIiig Interostotfttnercntf1o latronL CoLLCTfoNs : reccivo prompt attention iou charc lowest obtatnablo lucre or ca here. IN'rEItIsT aJlocd on thu. ufepofth upon faor. ibfe tenu and.upon aecount of banks and bnuer YOItlUN EXClINflt , Dovcrnrncnt BouuL , .oui u County anif City Sectrntieui bouuchl ruul iold. i d. W. Rodofer , Broker , u' Stucu ) , flonu1 , Connncrdat I'apr end nil other tpocurtfc4 dea't ' n' Room 4 , Nt. 2S LeatI St. , C tiiicfl IfluTs ( , Za FINAWE AND COMMERCE. NE\v YO1U Septeinbor T. Stotiey-lii goo(1 sttiu1y at 12 per ecot , CIOBOLI nt 2 fior COIIt. Prinio ? ulercatitilo ' - , ( per ecut. StA3rllflg Exchango-Baiikcrs' bil1 , quiet . t $1.S1 ; t1eittu1 , ( overrnnents-Stoady. StucksTilu ) inaketwn tctho and buu3yaut the forenoon , with prices 1@ ? i' cent. hirler thui tIn' close tr1it.ulay In the early p afternoon tlit market va lc.H active arni there Wdru ) wide flnctuattoiou. In the first 1)att of the JnMt linur thu inurkot wn quite firm , hut tt 2:15 : began tO decline , continuel LIII the cloc. It was reported that there hiaj been fro8t in 1lllimi , vhiiche ( lamaged corn slightly , anl the bears took advnitap-e of thbi nn 4 nounceixient to force vrieei down. In regard to the rice hi Denver , it is boiovcd the pret. dent lua. 1jCII decided upon , although strict iccrocy is niaiiitalneul by the oflicial of tim @ road. As conipared with yo8t.erday's clositig 1)riccs are :1 : © pe cent higher , cxc(31)t ) Chicago , Burlington & Quilicy , Oniahia , Northveitern , flock lslaitd axhl a few othien. to coTpos. : S's 103 4Coutuons 112 4g. . 119 Pacific G'd of ' 93. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 STOCKS &t ) BONDS. American Ecprcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si ® Burl. , Ocular ltapidii & Northern 80 Central Padic. [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago t Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131. do do 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Chit , Burl. & Quiiry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 do pfdaskc'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78. Port Vu'ayno & Cltago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 @ llaiiiiibal & St. .Toaph a.ked. . . . . . . . ' 39 tin tb 1O ) fl. . . . . . . . . . . Ihliii is Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 md. , Blornu. & Wcstern. . . . . . . . . . . . Kaiisau & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 103 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86. Missouri I'adliic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Nprthorn l'aciflc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 have J do do 1ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . JNorthwe.stMrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12S. s i' do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 New York Cantral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Cern . ; Ohio & MisSiSSiI)1)i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Oats & do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Rye , : Peoria. Docat & Evansville. . . . . . . . 14 Rock Is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 123 St. I'aul & Milwaukeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 do do do 1)1(1 . . . . . 122 boemi St. Paul , Mian. & Manitba. . . . . . . . 110 St. PAUl & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 do do iufI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 , Corn Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04. Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 35. have t . . . ? Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 ' \ ASkCd. fEx. jut. Whea p k , ' Corn - ' , - GRAIN ANt ) t'ItOVISIONS. Oats CHICAGO CHICAr.o , September 7.-Flour-Dufl and month nominally unchanged. been Whicat-itegular , demunid active and unset. c tied and closed btrenlg and 1Igher ; 9 for Sep. Hogs t.embcr ; OIM for October ; 1 01 for November ; Cattle 1 03 for lJecetnber ; No. 2 uqurumug , 97j@97&c ; Sheep No. 3 srng , 8O,87c ; No. 2 red wintar , 1 05. Corn-Active , lirmu and higher ; 49c for shiummu cash and Seuternber ; 4848Ae for October ; have 17c for November ; 15 for the year ; 46Z for May. Cattle Oats-lu oed demand and prices a shade Ilogeu. u higher ; 25 a 26c for cash ; 26@2U for Soptomn. Sheep ber ; 26c for October and November ; 20Ac Sr. f for the year ; 29jc for May. mnents Rye-.F'iruicr at 5G.c. beeui Barley-Firmer at 58c. c Flax coti-Firizier at 1 29 , Cattle TimnotimyQuiet ; 1 30@1 35 for September. Sheep l'ork-In good demand ; active. uumeLtlad andbigher ; 11 30@11 35 for cash and Septem. berl337.jIl ; 40 for October ; 11 22@11 25 for Novomnlcr ; 11 27@11 30 for the year ; 11 60J 11 62 for January. , t 1.'UIII1 fair demand and firm ; 8 17 8 25 for ca.hu , September and October ; 8 79C ) S 8' ) for November ; 7 t)2@7 ) 05 for the year ; 7 97@8 00 for . ) anuary. Bulk Mcatu-Steady and firm ; shoulders 5 75 ; u4hluflt ribs , 6 60 ; short clear , 7 0. ) , Thu Butter-Firumu creamery , 17@25e ; lniry , by : 14@19c. cliaimt.s } ggs-Qtuiet and unchanged , Whisky-Steady and uncIinged. cjtmmutcd Cheese-Market steadyand firm ; choice full antI cream choddaruu , 9@10c ; cholca ftiIl ercaimu flats , 10@t0tc ; fair to good cheddars and tiats 2@23c ; hard skims , 2@3c. WII 11ideuu-Maket uncimamugod ; green ealt cured , lectomi UAII light , Sc ; green salt damnagoul , Oc ; green salt Ryll heavy , Sc ISo. ; green salt ca f , 12c ; dry salted , lIe ; ( iomm 'lmUlow-Uuchanged ; No. 1 , To ; No. 2 , 6.jc ; OAT cahe , 7c. NEW YORK. FAT NKw Yon , September 7.-\Theat--Cs.h , @ 3 strong atid @e lower ; roacheul j1Ac , ci o. FAT ing barely steady ; ungraded red , t)8c@I ) 20 ; llou No. 4red,95c 'o. 3red , 1 1OjQU 10 ; No.2 Suimn red 1 15@1 k i elevator , i i@ui 17 do. OAI. livored. ors' Corn-Cahu , better ; options opened lower , ZeaCteti 1@1c. ciosimug weak ; umugrded , f3G2c ; No. 2. fJ1'c f. o , Ii. , tIl@62e In ole. ystor , 0:1 : @ 621o afloat. 1fA Oats-@lC higher ; mixed western , 33 ® ltsc 350 ; whtIt , 3512c. SIIO 1'ork-Stoad3 amid moderately active ; now 1)mu mess , 13 00. ' IAuu Lard-Firm ; Prime mutcamn , 8 .I0@8 65. 'rAL Ilutter-F1r1x1 923e. S gMumAu4 CIII 1'RODUCI. JCANIuAS CITY , September 7.-The Daily in SPIU I 25Ce dicator r0IOrtuu \ S'heatihighior No. 2 rod fall 88@S8.o l'r.mlri for cash ; 88@89o for October ; 13tc luld for Vn uinti l November. Corn-SteaulY 37u for ea.uh ; 35o bid for October ; : ; 2Jo hd for Novomiulor. Oatu-ftuw ; 214c huM for chu ; no options. Euu flt I.TI ioum , . hiu'r BAI.TIbtOIIe , St3ptomflher -Wiuoat-Wet. . daisy em , a hadu better ; No. 2 winter roth , cash , 130 l'or ; I _ 'Vustern , higher ; ndxcd , cash , & ® julioul ONI s,41 t-Steady and fair demand ; western Ni 1,1 v1etu , 36j.38c ; lxed. 33i35c. J 1o 1" . . - ' Jtye-QuIet at ( iSaj6Tc. ® 21e CIIr p. liutter-FirmLI wostra packed , S@16c ; 'i'osi 1&23c. cj3aTumery Egg - ' Irun at 20c. bush. V1dsky-StOMIY at 1 18@l i8. LJVEIU'OOL LEM L1vIIPOL : , September 7. - iireadstuffs- 1'EA easier. Califo Whueat.Wht.n , 8a 8d9 Jd ; spring , & C.&L Od@&s : lid. 2 25 ® , .jorn-New , 1d Id. ] IAN bT. LOt1I. ? 4 Ai'r Sr Lorl , fle14ember 7.-Whont-Maxket CAL vpeeed lower aud advanced ; c1ose1 higher and mnanel firm ; trailing nctlve ; No. 2 reel I 0210'2. for ca 'hu ; I tY2 for ScImteInbr ; I OIQ'i O.u for Octo ber ; 1 O6@1 07 for Novemuber. Co rn- Market sh"w anti higher : 46ct6 for cn.hm ; 45.'o for Setutcunber ; 'ISj45c for Octo. ber. Oa ts-Market higher but iumnctio ; 2GQ2tue for cai4i ; 25@25o for September ; 25e for Limo y ear. Ity c-Duhl ; 'ISo bi1. 1a % rioy-QnIot ; northern , ( ' 0i'fo. 1iu tterUmmchatmgcd ; ulairy , 12@lTc ; ercutn cry , 1720C. 1g gs-Virmcr at 13@14c. Co rn Meal-Firmer at 2 15. law.'h uisky1 1 1. ) uILwtCxr.m. . \tI I.W.UK1R , Sejutemmulmor 7'-\'hmeat-lrm. ottlo tl ; 9GQ'.tTo ) for cash anti Sept.emnber ; tWo for O ctober ; 1 01 fur Novomluor. Cor n- Scarce aiim ! f'mrmn : No. 2 , soc ; rejecteul Ont s-Firnuor ; No. 2 , 26c. k fly c-Firmner ; No. 2,51k' . liar loy-hligluci ; No. 2 , October , OSe. C ! CSAT ! . CI CNNAT1 , Sevtemnber 7.-Whmeat-1nirIy nctiv o mu1 higher ; No. 2 red winter , 1 05 for cash , Coi n - Stronger itt. 52e , Oat 'u-Strong anul lulgimer at. 28v. ily c-Stiomuger at c. I'uum klmmhl at 12 75. Lar d hlmnmor at S 00. hul k Mcats-Fij'immer. \Vl miky---St.cadv mumiul lirun at I 18. NR ORt.KNS. Nm w Omtrt.t ; , Sciuteumluer 7.-Corn--Quiet molt ! lr regmulnrmuui.ed , 58 ; huI to amiul ychlov , 60. ( ) at s-Qtilct numul lirimi nt40c. nt40c.'I'o. Cor n ? d cal-i n fair dcumunumd nuni uiouettleuh ; 2 25cJ 2 ( ; 5. l'nr k-h.ower anul scarce ; 12 75.1'2 ST. Lar d-lmmhl niuul lower ; tierce , 8 ; keg , 8. Bul k ? uleat'4-Stcaly. \Vlm isky-Stoamiy anti unchammgctl. To.EflO. ! 'for , Eto , Septcnmber 7.W'hoat Active and Id gimer : No. 2 mcii ' 1tmter , cash hunt Seji. touuule r I 07. ' . Cor mu-lulI ; Ii 0. 2 caslu , t : ; ? m , Ic. Oat s-Quiet anti firun ; No. 2 cash anti Seju. \ tcuumbc r , 2V.c. T4L'E STOCK. cuirnAno. Cmti c.tcmo , September 7.-TIme Drovers' Jour. nal re poits : 3 hog s-Market brisk aumul Si0o Imigher ; packim ug , 1 t5f I 75 ; jackiumg mull s1miiuhumg , 85j ) 5 25 ; light , 1 S0l5 20 ; mukup.i , 3 40cI SO ; closed weaker. \ Cat tlo-Market strong and active ; gooti cattle scarce ; expert , 6 l0@6 35 ; good to ) choice , 5 S06 00 ; contInuum to ummedimmmn , 4 00 5 2 5 inferior to fair 5 ; cmnts , 2 ' 10Cw3 I0 ; me- uliuuui to good , : i 60cJ4 50 ; stockers , 3 80@3 7m5 ; feeder s , J S5aJ4 ' 10. Shmn ep-Steauly ; immforior to fair , 2 75j'3 ( 50 c vt. ; mimediutmi to good , 3 7t1(5j4 ( 25 ; choicu ex tra , 4 40@4 GO ; lambs , 1 25 l 00 per head. KANSAS CITY. KA NSAS CITY , September 7.-Timo Indicator iula repor ts : Cat tle-Steady ammul fairly active. llng s-IIiherhighmt ; , 4 80j1 90 ; heavy , 'I 70 4 VC . She ep-Quiet ; natives , 3 25. ard M1 , . LOUIS LIVE STOC ! . low Sr. Louis , September 7.-Cattle-Scarce , strong and better : expert , 5 00j6 25 ; heavy shmimpi tig , 1 80@5 25 ; enmnimmon , 4 25@4 ' 10 ; 25c ' ' grass 'l'exaas , 3 50@4 10 ; Induans , 3 50@4 ' 10. Sime op-Steady amid slow ; fair to oed , 3 25 .1 00 ; primmie , 4 25 ; 'rexamms , 2 fl0@3 00. \ 4 ( T1F11O. FLOUI ! AND GIIAIN. Cni vAc.o , Septoumber 7.-Receipts and m.hip. ton inemts of flour and grain for the 1)ast 24 hours beomi mis follows : llocciuts. Shiu'ts. Flour , bb1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9ooo 7.000 Whea t , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 137,000 3.5,000 A , , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 160,000 , 175,000 A , , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 211,000 168,000 , b ushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 50,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 17,000 3,000 l..Ij hA' sAS Curv , Seuteunber 7.-Receipts atmd 0 sliipmmm emmts of grain for the past 24 hours lowe 9c AA a s follows : 36. B000iptP. . Sldp'ts. Whea t , bmishmc1 . . . . . . . . . . .V,000 40,000 , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 21,000 9).c ) NE w YonK , September 7.-Receipts and eutsof flour and grain for the vast2l hours tJc b een as follows : l2 flecoipt. S1i11'ts. Iujiau t , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 46,000 36,000 0 , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 82,000 47,000 l'eqoo , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 1,800 l'oeaii LIVE STOCK. lie Chi cAno , September 7.-ltecolpts and ship. of live stock for the Past 24 hours have C , do as follows : Receipts , Shiij'ts. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 . . . . brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,400 . , . . tra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 100 . . . , 11 brown KAN SAS CITY , September 7.-flccoipts and ommts of live stock for the past 24 hours blue b een as follows : immomit Receipts. Shlp'ts. Ilmsmnil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 , . . . . uiehahi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,800 . . . . Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . stijQ ) . Looms , Soptomnbor7.-llocoipts and ship. Yeom ( ml llvo stock for the past 24 hours have a s follows : juidov ReCeiptS. Ship'Ls. Scotch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 1,200 brtwn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,000 XX brown Ot1LA MAItICETS. ] 'oarh huhmic OAm Wholesale l'rices. 21 Miuuita do OFyIcs 01' 'i'll ! : O'IA1IA lfts. flumishm 1' rummy Evemmimmt , Septemmmbcr 7. Cole iolt'uwimug hurices toe cli iricul retailers satteeu teemm joim bars , wiuules.tlem's amid commummuisiomu mimerNmu'rag . , with the excoptiuui of gralum , wlmieli is taunt , at thm firices furnished by tim elevators l'ltu her local ( iso ; ot buyers : I5miuhd Gm'aeln. Glouce - EAT-Cashi No. 2 , 85c ; No. 3 , We ; ro 6c ; l2c. ( js : ; LRYCash Nu. 2 , 52e ; No. 3 , 42c. burn , - Casil13c. . UIN N-Ihixed , 31c. Atlant us-29c. Kouullw Cov Ilo Stock , imnerl 131c ; STEEaS-QImIot and uuchangod at 3 00 uutrljmos 50 . tuckot Cc v't-3 O0@3 25. l8ic ; s-4 25J1 SO. iett ci'-Finn at 3 0O@3 fuO. Yrk , , . VKS-FaIr quality 505 OOgood ; butch- aunt sW ek , ii 00. SIumn 1) ) . 1 , Cured Meats , F'rtuit ns-14Jl4.e. ( 1)8 ) , ( ) N-UIuchmangnul at I2I3o. ( 10.-I , ULIERS-lJtmhl at 8 8c lflc ; Em llui-15c. Utica I , -At 94)1u ) ( ) iii tkrcoi. Lv-FIrmmt ( at. 6411 ; 0 In barrels , iieu l'uimlt iy , FI1t utuuil ( iiiu. Achul N4I Cm i Iu.ENs - Somali , unchanged 70o ; , 2 ( II ! ; large , u tilot at 8 00 ; (11(1 ( , 8 2mu. uuui-um II , , 711 o chiekoums , 2iuuI8 90 pier tloz , , ' 1 2n irt : I'IsIi 1JmmcLimmgod , tkjI0c. ; julko ku trmnit thu sanmuu. lutire , Oil , O No. 8 Gruuti'al , I'i'oul lice. ( iii , O m-8c , 1 XV' . 'EII-Comnlnon to good , TQlOc ) ; choice Iodide , 1'I4l6 : wuet , high coluireul gras.i , l2iJ Suhhuhia unkimug , Sc. flour , rouns-New quiet and immarket. % 'ehl stup. at 30j IOu her lieu. . oN5-25@5Oe hutr liii. Oui.s w C.tujuuiear-7085c beauhll - per dozoii , . -California : , lii comb , per POUIUi , 20 uiceul l.er gie ; strained , Ikl2c. ( ) , .N1SE-Actjvo , Vi mm quote O@IIc. gill No , luumi I , ATozs-1Iomo grown , t'OcI 00 bum , I 5hCflfl ) ( r4moll I"z iiltus. . per ga No. 1 , ONS-Quiet at H 00I7 ( riO bor. summue CltkS-NRtIvos 1 OOJI 25 huer basket ; lomi , 3F rnia at 2 25(2 ( I'iO. 80e tu fl'OIINIA 1'LUSH-Jn ; - good domauuti ; ir ga 2 so box. 1'AI AN.th-Uncliangcti ; per bunch , 2 O0 ® Cc ; wh ams-3 O0@3 SO or bbh , seal grOcul , IFORNIA IIAIITLRT l'EARS-In good tie. jlnc. i at 1 OO1 50 huer box , California wist , l - - 1)uehi csq linerre , Clargeaum , ole. jears , per box , $3 OO 3 (0. CA LIu-oueI.t : ( Rrs-2OO2 SO verco. homer nutit th1I8fuITl. WI N-Tr.R WIHxr-lkst quality , patent , at 3 25 3 fl.5. SIC : OI ) Qt'\t.ITY-2 003 25 , t' \\'ititi-1lost ( itmatity , luatelut , At 3 50c ' 3 os , SBC 'OM QtAI.lrr-2 , t.OJ3 25. Iiue. tqS5c , er cwt. Cuu ou'rr.n 1"ERI-l'cr 90 lbs , SSc. CO RN M1At-1 0O1 10 lcr cwt. ScI mutSINt-00cjTOo ! her cwt. Grocers List. CA NNFn GOOI-OystCN ( Stauudarti ) , pcr case , 3 7Ot3 1)0 ) ; strawberrIes , 2 It' , poe case , 2 10 ; raspberrIes , 2 llu , tier case , 3 ISO ; Bartlett jicars , per case , 2 40 ; vImort1eberrios , lcr case , 2 75 ; egg plums , 2 It' , her c.so , 2 1)0 ) ; green gages , 2 it , , ver case , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 Ib , per case , -I tO' julume npphc5 , 2 tti , iiar v.eso , 'I 006j5 5 75 ; leaciue' , 2 ib , per C.IRC , 3 00 ; thu 3 II , , ir case , 4 O0(4 ( ' 0 ; thu ( i4o ) , 8 Ii , , per 2 60 ; do i'm , ( I lb. per tiuzon , 2 80 , lIc i-Louisiauma : prime to choice , 7.7c ; fair , 7tJ7 ; l'atma , (1c. ( Fus ut-No. 1 uumackcu-ol , luau lu-Is. , 7 00 ; No. I mac kerel , klts , 1 00 ; fatuIty mackerel , half bris. , S 25 ; tautly umnekerci kits , SSc ; No. 1 white fish , half brlq. , 7 00 ; n. 1 kits I 05. Svu ier'-Stnuudac.l : Coin. , 3"u. , , louIs ; kuuuulard b , , 4 , gallon kegs 1 S5 ; St.'uuiard do , 1 gallon keg4 , 1 60. lb imaiCI , 3 :10 : cne ; keg A 'I : r l'ucKtr.s-Methluummm , in Iiarrds , 6 50 ; Iii hal f baei'els , 8 70 ; small 1mm imnru'ul , 7hO ; do hum lua U harmels , S ' 12 ; ghcrkns In barrels , 8 40 ; dO in half b.errcls 70. 'I'o. sGumupovt1eugod , 45@SSc ; choice ( XI tI.7u5c ' ; gooui Ilumliet huh , 41' ' @ 13c ; choice , 60i.5c ( ( ; 'ouuuu g I I suui , , $ i5i5Oc : choice , 65crj.)1 ) 0(1 ; , : , , mmatmual leaf , 8'Sc ; Jnpaui , choice , 60j7Si ; ( Julong , goomi , 85tI40c ; Ouu.oumg , choice , I0S5c ( ; Sommelmouug , good , 8S ® Ic ( ) choice , 35is. : . 1 ltot 'i-SisuI : , melt amid larger , 1Oe , tic : inch , I I .c. \Vo onoNw'Ammu-Tvum : ( ' ) j'ails , 1 711 ; thu-co hmnoi ILiIs 2 0(1. ( TimIms , No. I , 8 50 ; 1 'iui neer vashiboart , 1 S5 ; Double Crown 2 'JO ; at \Vehlb uckts , 8 ( uP. LEt n-linr , 1 (15. ( 22 So. rm-KirlCs Savome lunpeilni , 8 45 ; } h-k's satluie t , 3 60 ; 1'irk's stauidard , 3 711 ; Xlii. - ' white 1ttsslaii , 5 25 ; Xlrk's outoca , 2 1 Kirk's l'rtluio : Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40e ; KIuL ummagumo lla , , loi. . 1'OT ASII-PemuuIsvIvaumla calls , -I case , 1mm case , 85 ; B ahbitts ball , 2 , loz. in ca.so , 1 00 ; 4tneluor ball , 2 tInz. In case , I SO. 1eA NtJTS-1huasted , choice , red ! I'cnnessoo , 12c pe r Ib ; f'umcy 'hite , 12e per lbraw-whito ; \Tirgin hme , raw lie ; roasted , 13c CtN DLES-IItXC5 , IO his i6 , 1&c ; 8s , 15c ; ioxes .10 lbs 16 oz. , Os , 1S'c , MAr dI is-l'er caddie , 62c ; rtuud , cases , 10 ; s quare cases , 310. . tb Cou Fmus-Orduuuarygradcs,3a0c ; fair lO ® i0c ; g oed 1O.11c ; priummo , 12 a 12c choice 18@1J c ; ? ancy gm-comm mmcl yellow , 1'1f1ht1c ; ii , goverm unent .lava , 20@26c ; I .ovcring's roasted , It ) lIVe' Arbucklo's roamuteti I Sc ' , ; McLauglmhun'uIc xxk x roasted , lSc ; Imitation Java , 166j -Ic 18e. Vis .tmt-Now york apple 16c ; Ohio apN.u , 13 c. Sa' r-1) ray led , per idA , 11 ; Ashtoum , lii sacks , 8 110 ; lbhs dairy 60 , Ss , 3 30. SCG AnS-Powdcrcul , 10c ; cut loaf , 10c ; ( granul ated , 9c ; cmmfectiouiers' A , OAc : Stand. per e xtra C , Se ; extra 0 , 8.c ; medium ye1- , 8. c ; dark yellow , 7c. nH Sr.ti : ci-1'earh , 4.c ; Silver Gloss , lie ; Curie -I Stierci m , Pc ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , Sc. Src tM-l'eupcr : [ , lVc ; allspice , The ; cloves c assla , ISo. d umR rsE-1um1h cream , I he. I.vr. -Amneriuau : , 3 4ti ; Greenwich , 40 ; \Vesto rn , 2 rn ; orthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' Iyo iS ; J ewehl lye , 2 711. r Iry GooUs. Buo wN CorroNs-Atlantm A , 8c ; Apple faic X X , Vc ; Atlanta it , Sc ; Boot FF Sic , Bucke yc LI , , 4.-I , 7c : Cabot W , 7jc ; Cluitto. 1010gm ) A 6.jc ; Great Falls E Sc ; 1-loomuier , ( c ; IltuulaM t\it1tli , Sc ; Imulian Ioae1 A , Sc ; Indian extra Stand ard A , Sc ; Imutlian Orchmartl , d. sv. , 6'c ; proof 1 Lawre nce Lb , 6c ; Mystic ills-er , 7Ac ; l'cquut 8'c ; Utica Ci , SIc ; Wachusett 13 , 7c ; do 1 8.e e1e E 48 , 12.c. ' FiN E 13ItOWN CorroNs-Allontlalo .1.1 7c , Alliga tor 8.4 , 2c Argyle .1.4 , 7'c ; Atlantic , 6 c ; Badger State X 4.4 , 6c ; Bennington 1 40 4.4 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4.4 , ( ic ; Indian Orchard ' 3. 8 , Sac ; Lacoula 0 30 , 8c ; Lehigh E 4.4 , ; l' elpercll N 30 , Tc ; do 0 32 , 73e ; do It 2 72 c ; do E 39 , 8c ; l'ocasset 0 4.- ! , 7c ; Wamns utta 4.4 , 13c. BLE AChED CorroNs-Androscoggin L 4.1 34 ; B laekstono AA iuumperial 8c ; do do hmal breht euI 4.4 , tIc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.4 , ; F ruit of the Loom , Ole ; do cambric 4.4 , d o Water 'rvist , iOc ; Great Falls Q , 'Jo : 13l.r i Head shrunk 4.4 ® , 12c ; Lonsdalo , lOc ; cauuu bric 37 , 12c ; New York Mills , 1l2.c ; washe t A , lOc ; Pejlerei , N G Twills , 1t.c ; 28c ontmes 4.4 , 9c ; l'ocmuuset 5.4 , 8 ! ; Utica , ; W ainsutta 0 X X , 12c , Duc Ks ( Coiored-Albany ) B brown , 8c ; do dra b lic do XX and . 6Cc ; stripes plaids , 12 1.2c ; Crown XX k brown mid drab , striles and plaids , 1.2c ; Arlingt.n fancy , 1'Jc ' ; Brunswick , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ox. ham he avy , QOo ; FudI ltivcr brown , extra heavy , 2 oz 1.2c ; Indiana A browxm , 13e ; Neponsot A Not-thu Seal , iSo , - TICK INGS-Anmoskeag A C A32 , lOc ; do XX oz. , 3 2 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1.2c ; Claro. Nod ) SB 15 1.2c ; Commestoga , extra , 17 1.2e ; toum 11 , 111.2e ; Lewiston A30 , iSo ; Mm horse ' e4.4 , 20c ; Omega , super oxtral.4 , 28c ; soy's liver 32 , 16 l.4c ; Putnam XX blue ) , I2fl Shotuckot 5 , 10 i.2c ; do 58 , 12c ; an's blue 29 , tic. 1JiN 1mus-Amos1ccmeg. blue and brownlfl 1.2c ; er Dl ) 'ohio , 15 1.2c ; Arlington N. blue , 18 1.2o' Concord 000 , blue mind , 12 1.2c ; tfi ) AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do to do do , 1-I 1.2c ; Ilayumumekor's blue and 9 i.2c ; Mystic ltivcrlDstripo , 16 1.2c ; I liver , biuo amid brom , lOc ; Uncasvlhlo , am id browum , 14 1.2c. FO uu1ucs-Baruiazuh , Ste ; Eddystono hiuming , lumcl i double taco , &c ; Umernuir A glazed , Sic ; tils ? ttaui glovefuuuishe , 5c ; Newjsert do , tuc the glaz ed , &c ; i'equot do , Sc ; Lockwood kit ! uiwrcu , Oc. .ily. ! sEr . } - Amnlroutcoggiui immu.oue4 ! i , 8c ; Ciareuidmun ( u'c' Cuiume.stogga sat. casti , 7c ; linilowehl , Sc ; InIflin : Orchu-uI : , 7c ; amitco numsott , iiuulrovcd , 8c ; J'epperill sat. thrcu uituuliey. tl &c & ; Itock1srt ; c. TS-A1leJu8 , . : Amnercan , 6c ; Arnold , ] I erwlclc , 4le ; Cocheoo 6j ; Comuostnga , Ole ; eauouI rkc ; 1)unmioll ) , 6c7c ; Etldyuttomo , 7c ; ster , 6c ; IlarAmony , SIc ; KuflckerbocI < eu- , M orrimnac Ii , Ic ; Mystic , 5c ; Spragucs , Dr Snu tlibridgo , ( Ic ; ulo Ginghumuns , 7c ; Marl. 5 c ; Orleutal , 6c. OIuAmIN-4'eunoskemmg Ole ; Argyle , 10.c ; ic , So ; Cumoherhiucl , 7c ; Ilighiand , 7c ; 0. ortli , Oe ; 1'lunktt , t4c ; Suutsex , So. Nub roNADEn-Ablervlhlo , 131u ; gere : , 20c ; cmeum , lie ; .Artlutlau , 20c ; cairo 1) mend 'r , Churlomu 1) toni T , I7 ; Pecan Co. H 1) nuitl T , IOc lCeyuut.ummo . , 18c ; Nan , lOc' Nonpareil , 16c ; Ocean 1. ) and T , I toyaf , I6c' Sussex , 12c ; 'flnga , Wachu. svi uth irtliug cimeeftut , 12c ; do Nankin l2cu , 1laln Nanklum , l2c ; do checks , stripes fa utcy , 12kv ; iii ) 8 tuz , 2Cc. c'rINums-Aulrsci. gluu 10.1 27c ; do I , 28 c ; do 8. I , 32o : Cnitlnentmml Ci12. . ho ; - of the 1Ouu1 10-I ; 27.c ; New York in its 85 c ; ulu ) 78 , 80c ; ci , , 58 , 22c ; l'cmnhroko 2 5o ; l'isjuuiut 10-i , 28c ; do 7-1 , 1'Jc ' ; do 'Ill , t' ejpeml ! 06 , 20c ; uhu , ( u7 , 21c ; mb : z , ISo ; Pr , lid , 36a ; do 5S,22e ; do18 , 17c. uaraut 110t25 , Iruugs4 lrostra ' os ' AI't ) Cjntmuctuu-/tclt1 : , Carbolic , 'ISc ; iJrIu Wakcfu , l'murtaric , SSc ; Itmdsumi : Copebla , jior his , Ieca ) ' Il uuuk , Saraefres , 11cr lii , 12cr Celonmul liar Los , , c ; Cluuuimouihhla , suer oz , Si 05 ; chuloi-o. 'porumma iuer 11 , , 8S' hover's l'uwtierui , ier ii , , turaiti , ; ljistiiui Silts , , er ii , , 8c ; ( flycerimio , tuixes malmis i ucr lb 30cr ' 1cmu1 , Aceteto : , pr II , , 22c ; price ust-or. N' , , . i. per gal i 40 , 0 Cuter , , luor gui. 81 2(1 ( ; OIl , olive , pergal. bl (0 Io cure rugamiuuim , bc ) ; Oiuluuuui , 811 00 ; ( ufnIumo , I' , for slut amid It , & 3 , ( iZ ml 'JO ; t'uitassiuuui uurcIas , juer Ib , .si 65 Sallchmi , it the ' ; per oz , 40c ; Ilubuit , ! tu Hf 'slorphlume , suer o ; 3 711 ; Sulphur tn& 1 1cr ii , , 4e ; St.ryehuulmme , iuer o , $1 2. ' , l'uel IIIH , Oils : eututl 'am'nisIuou. -110 ° carlsm , ver gallon i2c ; 150 ° De ghit , icr gallon. , l4c ; 1711 6 licauhllghit , hluimi , lUc ; hf'u ( ) wietuir vhuito , lHc ; liii. r aw , per gahliumi , 5kj ( ; ilnutcod , boileul , jier , SOc ; laTf , ' . % litter str'd , er guuhlun , , 85cm R 75cNo. ; 2 , 7So ; castor , XXX , juer gal ' 10 ; No , 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , l'r gallon Sr. \V. ii. , ier gallon , I co ; fishS. . II , ; Ariul tlon , fl-Sc ; micatuuloot extra , nor gafion , OOc ; 75cr lubricating , zero , jier gallon , 80c ; 110PM r , ISo ; golden unachuinu , No , I , per gal. c ; No. 2 , 25c ; wjienn , sIgnal , gallon a rpexit.lne , jicr gallon , SSc ; najutha , 7-I ° llon , It'e. NTS IN Ols-Whitu leaul , Omaha 1' . P. , Car lto lead , St. Loul , lutire , 61c ; Marseilles 1 to 5 lb camiut , 2Cc- French zinc green Jobbt 1 2c ; French zinc , re seal. Bc ; krermch n varnIsh east , 20cr Fiuticit zInc , in oil oil Niuw han rc ; raw anti burnt umber , I lb cans , be ; raw aunt bitnut. Sienna , IOo ; ' * mmityko brown 13c ; r efineti lampblsck , 12c ; coach black , anti Ivory Imlack , hOe ; timim bIak , i6e i'nm.Ian lIne , 80cr tmltrsmnas4uio blue ' ISo ; chrome green ii. \1 , & I ) . lk' ( ; bliuid aIR'I alnuttor green , I , M. & I ) . iCe I'iuls , ; green , 180 ; hunllste rod , ISo ; Vemmetinu i-eel , ho ; 1\uscan roil , 22e Aine-rI. can Venuilhion 1 , . P. , 18c elmnuno 'eh1ow 1. . M . , 0 , & 1) ) . 0. , lc ; yellow velure , Ltc ; gt.htlc n nchut-o , hOc , 1uatent dryer , Sc ; graluiliug ct'htrs , . tIght oak , dark o.k , vahmnt , elmnstumut niuti a sh , lt'e. lL'3' ) l'fltflR. uVh ilto lomul , Sc' Frouuclu clime tOe ; l'iuis vhitl uig 2c rhitluig gileloes , lye : whiting cnmn'l Ile ; lanujubincic , ( ioruumaumtum'mm , I Ic ; lampl itack , ordinary , IOo ; l'russlaum bleun , t5e ; nitfa marhie , iSo ; Vahuttyke ? , lmt-wu , Sc ; umber , burnt , -Ic ; : Unb'r , raw ' -Ic ; plenna , 1tirmttIc ; sienn a , ra'Ic ; I'ar'ls green , gomeetino , 2'e ; 1'mu-1 gTeen , couutuumoum12Occhmrtnnogreeum ; , N.Y. , 2Cc ; c hironie grcouu , ] . , 12c' voruuulhllomi , ln' , , Toe ; eruudhlIoum , 4umtcrkatu , 18c ; humuhlan u-tl , lOc ; r eco iuluik , I Ic ; V0imetlamu rod , Coktqs , 2c ; Vetiettan i-ed , American , 1c ! : I-ut ! luau , 7C ; c hronic yellow , geuutuhee , 20o ; chrenno 3-ni. leuw , K. , 12e euchre , rtcitehto , 8eochiro ; , Ft-ouch , 2c ; , churo , Ainoiican , e : \vluuter's unlmmer.tl , 2c ; l ehigh hi-own , 2c ; SIauuishl tn-owuu , 2e ; 1 rluuc os nil nriei. Sc. \T. ImNusuus : _ ltnri-els luor gallon : 1uirumI. turo , extra , SI 10 ; furumturo % , n. 1 , 81 ; e'uimmciu , extra , $1 .I0 coach , No. I , $1 2O ; Ianrn.r , t3-tt-a , $1 7e5 ; .1 iqiat , , 7Oc musluhlaltlttn , extra , SSc ; JucIha o , t tuO ; limit-ui oil Ihuuislu , i ( ' 0 l'uit tier , I , 1 I i soiti 8c to .Ic : heunlock stmlo2& to 3.c : - ' 3. hIp , 80 to I ( Xl ; cornier OSu to SOc ; uu to t k calf , SSu to I 20 ; hemlock upper , 2' to 26c ; naic tipper 2 Ic ; alligator 00 to 11 ( ' 0 ; calf k id , t'i85 : t.rt'1uout huti , 2 110 t , ' 2 711 ; oak ku' , 5 (10 ( to 1 00 ; tusk cmiii , I 20 teu 1 80 ; Freumehu ki1i , 1 10 to I AS : Fromiehi calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : ruu. sets , ( ' ( uP t , ) 7tu0 ; hiuthmys , 600 to It ) fut ) ; ti,1 , , . 1)inm , ft 00 to 10 110 ; ii , I , : h. > u-ic't' , 8ie ( to 3.'ic ; O 0. 1)ltrocvn , , 15c ; i-hmmon , 2 ( si t , , : n , I I .u oIsiNi : , . 1 st-ar tiik12c ; No 2 tIm. 39c : No. I Ohio 'ink , 1c : No. 2 do , 85o ; Nt , . 'ihil vrnkeo c : No. 2 do 3 Ii' . ( Lu in ter. \V'o upmoto lmntmer lath nut ! mtumIutgle.mmmu cams Onm alma at the followluig i'ricn : .tots i ANti StiN'ILIN--16 , ft. cud muttler tO 00 ; 18 ft , 23 110. 'I'u , , mnus-1fl : : feet and muiilcr , 2'2 0. , : umEle .tNI ) , loumsr--18 ft , 23 110 ; 20 ft , 23110 ; - "II 110 ; 21 ft , 26 50. , ixa-No. I , .1 anil ( 3 1mm , , 2 1 00 ; No. 2 , 2 ( tO. SIII : c'rING-Nu. I (2e1 ( coumitnon boartlut ) , 20 00 ; No , 2 , iS 00. LtM g-1'eu bitt-i-cl , 1 25 : bulle tier lutisliel' 85c ; comncmm t , hulul , 2 25 ; Iow'a haitttr lubi , 2 110 ; humOr Per liii . ( 'Oc ; 'I'mem-red felt , 100 Ii's ' , 8 110 ; straw board , 3 5 ° . 1 I eit.3' I tnm'ulvarn IIst. , Irtiu i , rates , 2 60 : iu1ov steel special cast , 7c ' crue'ulu lo , Sc ; sped mel or ( cu-niauu , Oc ; cunt tool 5CC , 1S fii20vmegiuuu ; spokes , set , 2 25C8 00 ; htuuhus so t , 1 25 ; fumlhuous , smevcd dry , 1 10 ; toughs , SI each , 7OSric ( ; mex1s , each , Vruc ; sotuaro uitmt , er , 7 © hie : % % ' 1L11CD , ucr lb1 8juISc ( ; rivets , tuer , lie ; coil chiaium , ver it. ' , ( , © 12c ; numelloablo , Sc ; iii iron 'cdges , ( ic ; crowbars Oc ; harrow tooth , It. ; ing tech 7C5So iturdcui's lmom-muchuumes 'C spr , ; , II 25 ; Btudo n'ui ummumlcshioos , 625 , B.it uiuu \'muu-1uu : car lob' , Gjo per 100. CC N.u tsflutes , 10 to 60 , 3 85 , Sno -Shot , I 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; . .ricntai I Iminvile r , lci'gts , 6tO ; ( Ii ) . , limO ! kegs , 8IS ; dii. , mat-to kegs , 1 88 ; lulmeettueg , kegs , 3 8.5 ; femse , i 10 0 feet , 50g. Co , u-Ciumubcrlueuid blacksmnith , 12 00 : Mor. tIlde run Itlossimurg , 12 \Vhtitebroast ; , 00 ; \ Vhtit-olureast hut , .1 00 ; iowa ituutipI 00 ; lii Iowa m it1 00 ; flock Spring , 7 00 ; Ammthrmi mutate cites , 11 hi0@12 00 ; Canout City , 7 00 , per tuuu. I-ox ' 1torcs and Itmiles. Ext ra draft horses , l7t1fJ22i ; couumnmon draft I horses , l0)ItuO ) ; extra faruu lutursos , 1i0111J125 ; cununi oum to gumuxi fmtrimi hum-sos , 0O@lO0 ; oxtrme lit-art the logs , 60111J7tt ; Ctiuuuuumofl 20@-IO. fore MUt , LS-Extrme , 1211zI5O ( : good , lO0@1-lO ; ' , T 5lOO ; conummeon , 6O@75. \ ' Liquors. . ' ALc omIor.-1S8 proof , 2 2t ° per wiumo gallon ; tomile Cailforuuin spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 per fr.imm gallon ; triple refimuod sj'uriti , 187 proof , 23 Cr lroof gahhuuui ; ro.ttIstihlod whiskies , OOtiJ ; 1 liP ; flume blended , 1 5O(2 ( 541 ; ICetu. iii , tucky bonrlomui , 2 007 00 ; Kentucky amid l'onius ylvuuuuime ryes , 2 0O@7 00. lii C' . ii Bue.t summcs-huumisurtoel , 600@1600 ; ilomnemitic 400. lit GiN s-Imported , 4 5o@r ; , 00 ; domestic , 110 lie 13OO. ituM B-Imupurted , 4 0(1 ( 00 ; Now Eumglaimtl , ( if OO@ 4 00 ; elonmciutic , IISO@3 SO. later 1'F.t cul iNu ArI'LE BI1ANIY-1 75fJ-1 00. mimomt Omrt 3u1'AnNues-Imported 11cr ca.sO , 28 00 © 00 ; Auuw-ir.anllcrcaso , 12 OO@16 00. Wool. Mor itmo unwashed , light l4QIISc ; heavy , . x ; iumoclinuui uuiwaslicel , light , ISQl2Oe ; IVimo d , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; tubauud washed , .11 fouls ; b uu-ry , blauhc and cotted wool , 2@jCo toss. luring felt Tobaccos. ihiie-uco FIN E Curr-Comutumion , 20@30c ; good , 45t takes ; il ese Loaf , 7Cc ; Preumutumn , GSc ; Dimunond , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. Sue : musa-O. S. , 2Cc ; Muskovy , 2ric ; Dur. , 8 oz. , SOc ; Iorinun , 4 oz. bc ; 1)urhimemn , , , Silo' Soid of North Cmerofiuia , 8 oz. , 4 Ic ; o f } ortlu Carolina , 4 oz. 4l' ; Somd of Carolina , 2 oz.iSo ; 0. k. Immrhiaun , 4 uler trouble 28 c ; 0. K. Dot-hair , 2 oz. , SOc ; ( Juclum inK , , 'ut , 2Ic ; Tom zumuel Jerry , 23c. mumahitler Pru a ToumAcco-Chimax , tuOc ; Bullion , tOc ; tug shoe , 48c ; SLtrIBc ; Ruddy , 4-Ic ; 11cr. fouimI , - 18c ; Blade , 3S5J4OC. aluheir chiammgim , immclmy BR , FELIXLEBRUM'SammO ammO a LrrnQ KIt"tiommq liner ice All , PIEVENTIVB NI ) CUIt1. Tim Vaguie R EITHER SEX , l'rke r emedy imelmug Injeetccl directly to time utet of dis ease , rolpuires no chmu"o , of .Itet out nauseous , , iaI or poissuiomus mouitcGieui to tue tuikemi Immtermi. I Vimemi useti ut , , , a iuremcuith-e by either sex , It Is Br. blo to coimtract sumy PrIIato tIicwt1 lint Iii ( lie ( Jhuu. cut thorn aireauly nimforturiately atIttcteuI so guise. Imumua' t hree fmxes to cure , 'ir we tutu refuuuul the hubs . I'rlco by mail , iustago paid , 2 pr box , or mru fi uxeut for . thiuuuisam ; wurriN UUAI1ANTEF-S Iriummu cure b y all authorized ageuuts. train hituil .Felix Le Brun &Co ferer's kmmow all our SOLE l'itOI'Itl ITOItB. F , Ooodumman , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha , tn&o wIy I , , ealth is Wealth great tines to Br. v _ of hilsi ! JiLALlt tnmfortu : WL' . tusai , endoru.u ills ' , 2 byftc ( yr . 1)cimmoc te' LTMC ; ( Chr 11 . 0. West's Nerve amuI Ifralum 'I'fc'atimt-nt , eed ajiucifto for hysteria , IeeimiessConvul ) F it-ut , 1'urruums ' ! Neuralgia , Ileadat-lie , ) 'iervum , tlomi cflhuliCI lix ( lie usu of ulceliel or tobacco lumesi , M-uut.aI 1njurosloui , Softemuluig of ( hi I'crso r esulting In IiauuIty and iea4Imui to misery IVicgme q uid death , I'runisturu ( lit Ago , Itarreummit-si IA ) skit of fuowt-f Iii cHime : sos , Imiyolmmuitary I.osuso , leuu ( S tuirrura ) uui.tI by over ciertliuuiut f itui-ulit tu tlf.abuso or us'er.iumIemlemicc. , , tacli mauler , mio ummomuth'u trcatmncuL , ! .OO us lioxr .itatiomi f or * iOO. Sent by umutil lYcialuI on rectipt States. icr 'hml WI OIJA1ANTY. } ' SIX BOXES soy case , IVItI , cacti order ret'u'hol by II , boxes uccomnpmuuIest will , e5.oo , % iiihViiIlt'litl ( lit cr our ui-riCher , guarantee torclumidtlusmnunue ; tr eatmoemit does : m.4 Silt-ct a cure. ( JuAruitoo , ( s Ill ) ' by C. i , ( ( ) ( ) IUAfl & o WI lJruui' but ( ) mual5 j-eti. Hi.ecl Iurwtii- uIyskh , xter L. ThomaB & Bro , studies their , iu.trati iS'I ! IOY ! PuN ! ) fEIf tmuulurec itih4a5- eal Estate ! ulL-ilcato Simumumu 'I'iios cesfuI transact all IJubtnc44 curerttx.teul UicroItlt , ala Iar l'ay 'faxes , Htumt amid It-emit lloutus. imeulica , B _ . _ CtEII'f11 ( fll.OCU. wisulemm liemnoe light .1 o. p. MULDOO , soul ink lii sic t riago & WaouMa1cor ihmoutid Oh hi1 stCcyt , I JLACKSIfJ'I'IINtI , IIOIIESJIOEINO , fur whil u of alt Kineta Promptly Attondoui To , 1' , 0. and becu4uuI luamid tuumgcIcs ito ! wagouis telsa. d. ( lEO. 1' . ILJtDJON , ut1 i ( -ur , Ilitu axutl 1.sabeuwQrtIm. T HE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , D R. H. WAGNER , IlMlcu , , C been * eluuoslotel , , anil u.m-e n at thl tiny tlusna umycutluer , 'The at tielul at immetIIeal st-knee Ii Cher I mcteiiuu , , 511(1 Its uhmncnutibumrltut , , , are Iurou 7t , mitauvtand itt-seer to l'rft-etk1tl. soil tium o um uumlun cami 5113' lomicr gr&p tImtii mOl tiouco the nect'-.ity for tti tiling time IM.er. , iul , it is tub l' e3unut all , hunht that , lktatalTeetluug the gen- ito-tuI muarv * tuno.l - . - cugmus iut-cial ltu.li- tumors tinim nu , ' . % ) umu % else , If ci e e numhul umuuterutnnul , uitl kiun- liner to treat t hu-mu 1'ru'l'rx. lilt. II , .l(1Nilt ( is fully nasro tlet , them are ItuSu % ' )1li'lC15r1 ) , smuil some , r-tmIllo Is'ilIuIC , % h liii % % Ill cotuufe ummu liIui tile uuikImuu th1rIa , , of uIkeac-s a i'tstty , lucit Itcis hspy tel kto , that nitir ioot twe 'uis , ( I t u-jicnmnt ! , smut Immtclllgouic'o a in.ro inligiitcu , . e'I i Ii' s14 lsi.'ii , of the siulijot , soil tint the Pll3leJO Is , , nl , o utu'ott-s luitnol1 to tvllsilu Clii , ntlictt-t ! aimil pu 11mg tIueui trOt , , womito tutu , ut-au , , Is to' Ieq us 1.1,1' leiutlur opl4 muil l't-nclnclor to hitut rat-c thami ttmn .ur. grout o r ) i'It-Iii iuo ) l'y t-loeo aI'ollcntlomu et-t-s ) In a- , of Iui-r l.rinclu of tiIi l.rofe.slon. Autul fumtttiuuatel v fem htum nsui tt- , I tin 4s I. miluig o lit-i , them fsl'o ll'mI- lsimthr o1ulv ( hut nomuilt-muiturd I ho ' . let hums of tOll ) ' or I rlum , , lit , tli , li'uvrs uuuult'r t ho ira Is ) , lete , to din thmmeatv ut totIis ja'eut me- , A Few Reasons lly , on 'liotull I r I 1w c'klitteit lr I I , IVuiimcr's tuiu'lluts is of rmmru' 1. " Pr. it. IVsguuvr Is a miami-al l4u3hdsu , , " 0 , 5. Iiuaisuu , ' 11w ( insIst lieluig PlumntiologlO. 2. ' ' l'en c\mti ot-el iou s a Oui-tuui' . " I 1mm , .1 , 8i % ius , 'Iluim I'orls % ( irnnts-t l'lt,1igmiiimult. , : t ' ' Vu , , arti 'C , nuuI'ttuliy , I riuflilemit in . ' tutukumou I c.le o t uit'e.t.ti nuul timdIntmui. " lip , , .1. .l tTumrw. I. ' i'mc ) niitietnul flimil _ . " rauly riicf I , , tour n's- nt.e. lIe , I , $ i\ous , ( I. ' 'Hr. I I , IVieuer Ii me ti-t-umlmr gnuit ii mti , tnmn Ik'1te u me I luMjitnl , NuisVore cit v ; lust Ii.iil t' i- ' o [ tcii'-lt o luu-ltal , l'nuetk I' , nuuil l flioumuclui- l'tm'ttl out nil lurn utut-s , uI littaho cut , iclein't. , t'sucnLetly em , eliuouiit m , ll'.ea'it' , ' limus. ltI'taxuu , & ii : use. ( I. Dr. I I. Vu.tmer hiss liiuuortiUieul : limu'It , , , luv s ou nlu-eftit . iii , .t'itt tu'meule- % , for i'd ' tnt , , stu d 'eeml , llu'uu-'u. ' tim:1mi1 : Cit Clunnlclu , , . 7. ' "llmuum'amuli ut Ito lil to , et lmlmmi.Snmm Fismiul' , 0 L'lurouuiuh' ' . $ _ , , lime Ioeior's lomug ei'-riemco , .i a su'rIllst uulmotmlil n-titter himii ' .ery suiet-es'fiml.-lLcky .luium- , tmtlum Ne sis , Plai n Facts Plainly Spoken. At , on e ( lute a , li'cimslom , of the secrct mc. , tumis cm , tlrcj n , uiilei lty time ' , , atiil iuit'.lli'utl cv , ' , 1s tul a t cw tneri ago ci cull lusm-.llv moo , lieu It. ) , I' ( Imo .lpelu-lsti . I-i , uf a .0th-mu t o , flu hum , ; Ito Ii StO that It I-i hIs , luty-iIlau't't.ablum tluuugu ) It muisy tuc - - to liauuillu dliii , , IuaIter u IuJmunt glii t''t uctuil ' : al I ialnlv ' atitnt , It ; amiul tuttlilgemit Ptteumt stud gimam-utla muN 'i1l tilSulk hint toe uioliig so. 'I ho C uMulus attu-iiiiiig ( hit ilcstrtmcili u e Ice es eve tar. tuucrIl m int utuikestuin , ! , or hilt ( iru1 Ci lC t'tiuutt.'ul , ; Suit , ltmtu , ortutm'o lit-lug attatlucil to ii simiujaet a 1mb-I , luy . li.ttu ui C ilue- , not le , , Ito t Iuue I ii e estiguuilouu , It was itIliigl y Igmuomt'il 'I lie bOlt Is gemiciully olmtrfl ( ( titI t' ) the yotumug luil a tteutilitig scIo.ul . t4clcr eehuutCmuIouus through their c.\ auuu , he , moat' ho u twomsltulo , for It , tin IL may tic muotimh , e ul tiir.iuglm men blent. t'lto eacilciumemut once e. . It-itt- cO. ( Iu. , ( - w hit is , flitIl uiguultt uitiuh agnimm , m umuOl mtt lust the lmatult liceouiurs utrmui uuuiI tome' Ictehy umtIt cut tlutm victlmu , . MemiUct uumet itt-rictus at- mllctluuui s are CItmiully time mlmtotu-y u v'iultii iii alliuiuig the lujtmriunus effeet umusy tic ummcumtIouioI hsssl , , l ' , , hi-us . oje'cthu or lIulhity of I cImm.t'r until g-uicrsi uleluluity , The hay , .i'ck cuti-.hiiti ! , smut u-un dy jiulmi , thue s horts of his ( 'tlitIfthiIOllM. If hitu lie a 3'otm iu1 ho 111 lua littic futmttt , ( me eulnauuy w Ithe thu either , ami d Is troutbiol Ci Ithu cxt-t-e.lltig antI uuiuuuiu 11mg lutluImh , umess Imi their im osemmie. Iasrl. Iiitu-i Omt-amut , i'utmt'ulii utut auiul crtmt-tlemus out the f&e&-e & , etc. , mu o Irommuhut cut uymmmtimmms. I tim e 1.nei-tiue is ' . holelitly icriubted Imi , muuoi em serlou ilisturhi ammct-s inks lace. un-ret Iahi.ltatlmnl ii ! thy , o r e , iic1tic , COmIC ulimiomimi , sm a calericuineil , mcmiii selit cu or mumuc' fail huitu , a commit letS stuetu ci Itilcy be- , mim ially , themuthi ri-thai cut luhimi. 'rum mcl i tlioqo cmugngeil iii this uiangerutmus , pnCl tk o , I \ttittld u cy , iltuit uut tell , ittj , it itt , tulmi e ; uumako ci cry t'oili o etta , t t.o iii ) so ; but It you fail , If ) 'our Iuervuuums .i'steutu is icircaily to , , uutuch iuimtttem i.i , mo'd ' t'outsum. iiimt1ihh , your w tll'1tiii er brolen , tah.ti siiuiui uterve to tufil ytumu iI yusmmr eIl'rt. I having ft-coil ) omirbnil , tim e lmaiuit , I 's ouiI turtle-c eommmmMtl yuli Iu go thiruiui t a rt-gumlar course of treatmuiemit , for it Is me gruct muuitahu m tu tom ' , , oo that ammy Oulu nisy , fur 14i0110 tilume , it yi cry iO i u Iiui'ielt , , Cli , to titiut faiualmmieting butdamm geroet. uacteuumeiitwttlmout uutmuiceitmg trommu it. ( 'omt heuitmcuict-Iu itt souuic fnturtm dliii , , . 'I lie iuuuuuihicr yott mg 111011 VthO sic Ittea1.actntvit to tIlt tue iltutlct emIjuuimme ul by ceettlock Is icharmumtimgiy lsrge , ammO hI macst iitI i CILIlOR this utifortommata cotuihltloti of Cliii , : : , ruin trai eui I , , the practice of sclf-nbumsc , .huehi % hiatt been aluaumdo nel years sico , lmuu.Ieai , me few mmuitthmut' , Practice this lualuit It semtltciemmt b , Imitlucu sjiermuiatuirrilit'mc lii c arutuetimi I ilaCu muiauiy of suult cases ummder treat. a t thin jircutcilt day , Young Mei5 m ay be tutufirrimig trommm time effects of youthful o r imhIcretiuims , a iii do dccii to s-aii tiuruimselucs this , Limo greatest hicuit oict' lalut met the mOt.cr of semi- i utumuiauulty , ls. V.osemt a iii guarantee to for' iQ4 J forceery cannot scmuuiimaiackmuclu'tor lurliate , - ii ! amuy kimImi nimul character ccliii ) , imo emmider- t uauiullaiistucuro. _ . . . Middle Aged. Men. Ther e mu-c mnmmy at the ago of AU to till aba arc d with too Irciuc-lu t , , cmecummttiemm , of tim hilaul- oft en acculmuiiamuiotl by a ilght smuumurtluug or burmi- , ei imuattmiji , aitut a a.akt-mutmug ci ( Ito systemli It , a ( ito laticiut caniuot ItcCOtiil t fiur Dii emtmumiu- time Urhmmury , tciutuuits a ru1uy euiImuit'mut 'ilil ouch lie , mouth sunnetlimmes smash i article' ' , of ahhiuutucuu a Ill , or them tsdmir iihi ho iii tlmhuu uimhik-ishu lute , again ig to a , tirk antI t'urtuiui nhut'earam-o. There mure ll itliy mmtcmi V. ho tilt' of this uilmhhetulty , igmumrmcmmt else cau se , % uillchi iii ( ho , , er-omui sInge ut uuemumlumal'w'eak- . Br , IV. ail gelanemitcu mc i'erfyct rune Iiimetl cases a hmcuultluy resturmitium , of tImt geimito-lmrimtmCr3' or' - tiommq , tltptloiu free. 'ihuirouglu exnmmhnstlom , , amuti aul- _ _ 5 . eo , , imimimmulcatlemms huiuihiI hi aiilruu , yii , I r. I fcmurl ) ' Vagner , P. ( I. 2.'ht9 , llcmi % er , loIiraiii , Yotmuug 3taits i'euvket Com,1 , imtmmiiu , huy Ir. ) II r , is wuurthu Its weigiut. Iii gull to QIIII mmmc , , , I I,25. fh'mtby iimaii tip umiy atlru-si. ! _ L et your Light Shine. . I vsgncr the cetehumuebMI jmecIjlt , uf leuicr ) , a El i.murliit'r , street , lit-lice ci , I ii ittumg ( tiuu wui ' a lust Ito ( nil , il , , atuil I , , Iiuimmg fur thtuumieumuuls 'iii srJo fetii uumiii , . I I is troIttluue-mut for lost ii utiuuitiau.i . I. to a iii luini it mmmuumio ( list iustcrlty a iii iihum.4. 'I'ei ul tostlmmoti.ui- , I ruflme all lil t-r time ( lu It , .ii States'A th io.um , liii huts mciii , I , h1T0t titat huiutii.t-s . tim e worst 04505 cut thme..o ilhetes. , 'limo miihiictetl ch mromuio smut sstiah iIist-ast-ui of cvi'ry hihuil , s ill litr e thmtmlr best triomuuh. lion ) hml autyerLbwtutit it , city apers , amid call ou hulma for aiICke , as es e y tuli CCIII currhiirmctum ii , in , uaimimc lie lii the suf Into frbend.-ltuicky iiomimmratui Ne-sut.j R elief to the Afflicted. p , odidncs , tel In uncut-c , the spec-lalitti , nrc tht- , w ho atsas comae , tI ) time fromib mclii a' nrIt.lIsit , , r isumitit. 'liii , reuim-irk Is usiuinlmtiiy ; iuiiiiilcuthimi , to . 11. Wmgmcr , of tIui city. Ito stamuds at tl , , toj , rott'ssloti , maul ( ho curt-mi lie Icuforlns for time mmato e'omili set-ti , wommtiurfui If not iruuteri Iii thuolighitof sclcmmtltio acqumireunemits. lIe I. T . jil by time umiot , 'mnhuiemlt. of tin , unethical faculty. offi ce at 413 fitruummtir street , whit-re lie will s1ucouil ctmt churo for thu suilferitig of eltht-r , sex , no utat' ho w COlmIlihlclLtmXl tit-lr , cuu1ixelnt.-l'otmut'roys , rtt , onic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. ( , , uts at mc tilstmcnco ' .i hum s isha toiiu treatPd luy Pm r liecul mint feel heuIcsarui becituuso of imihilllt hmhume. If they IlI welts to the , ioctor lie al 114 lit tltit-Iiiimuii ( CC hid , culmilileul hull , , ( ii t-tud h ues , cimuisti mcmiii sIck-u to tIlousarmuls liii luau , . VCII , lie liiui jimitiette iu u'.t'ry . city , tosus auto iii ( ulorslo , as sell as mcliner thu ( limited . I-let , lila suidrias lii his mmiii erthst-mimemmt.-icuu ljutmc. Shall We Reform ? flo rcmut'iiius for all , fusacei , is ( lie theory - - u ut Iresciut of uuilmt-zetcI amtl , uhcrlcmieo , am , . , , ui lii till large eomimuuuuiithcs thutmy limiC , ui pctlaltIes , to excel lii es iuleli they uflr-ot , ( liii , uiitl practice , Ir , I'agier , Is Ii suieecssfuui il emu ( if this mimo.fcrs , sciutuci of 5h'I3lt1t5. amid liii edcmteui sunicius imu the truzttmmuvut of - * is mc , omlorteti , as it is ( Litterbug , - I nit. J' F , . ) i tihue meal , uitemdlcuul rihlcf for the immosi ( , i ihisruNs 5 Ill bbul , ii , , accommiillshuvih 51,11 , ieme IIIySI-lam , Iii thu lierm , of Pr , IVtugumer , ? o , tumicr streut , ti ho Is highly rtcouumnedoul , by timi l hrut.iomm at Romeo semi ittimiarul. i'ommmcloy't rmit , Imigotrynumil lgrlorailco imuust. gli U iCIlY t i smut thto a tutu iysiei.cu , . , tieIlycut im , letting lilt 1100 for thu glory of hits fellow mite , , , ( 'rImItt-rt hu torch ito rim , lust use to gold , , ( item wears ic vuuo to tim , , foumitain of heath , If tlulmi articti W be huiutruueitnl , as a "j0itljjjI.Ii1' , set muji h to gUide sulferhimg lmumiumity toBI3 Larliuti lt-mmCer , Colormmdolt muill amscr , thu iuurivme e ) , It wits srlLtem , . Adulnsus On. hENRY WAONEIt , . box 23i4thor , amil iii 313 Larlimer , $ tvet Ilenver , CuO. teaui tltutxilttmnii hiusulcul "lie , Necessity for the OM ' , M AX MEYER & CO iMPOItTElS OF H AVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIO DIE1 AR $ , TOEAOO , PIPES 8IIOKER' ' AETIObE PROPI1IETOItS OF TIlE FOLLOWING JO ELEBRATED BRANDS : Rei na Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. ND TIlE FOLLOWINO LEADINO FIVE CENT CIGARS : Com bination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. W E DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SFNI ) FOR P1UOF I4IST .VND SAMPI4ES. F k L AThfl " ' - h1111 : ( ¶ P . M.tNUPACTVRRIt OP CaI vaDuld IrouCornices Niodo Cas1Fio lals , RkiIhiiuts &o Tlmietccmmtht Street Neb : E , . DEALERS IN H all's Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SA FESVAULTSLOCKS&c. , , , . 1 Q trot. ' wM : : S in r , . . - ; ' - i'i 'i- - I . . , ' e' - 1 - . . MANUFA(11'hJItIIIL 01OF STItiOTIX I.'iitST.CLAItS Ca rriae , BuaesRoad ! , lVaaons ' AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1310 antI 1320 hlutnicy Street aol 403 S. 13th Strost , . . ' U tratail Cntahnuo fmrnf.hoi , treti mu , , , , , to , lie cO e - - O1A'A , NEB PEEOTIO1'T i1L Heating and IN Baking ' ' - . I 1 I Is only attained by using V. , , CHARTER OAK ' Stoves and Ranges , 1N(1II ( IR [ CAUE OVEA DORS . _ _ _ _ For sale by ' JlThr ROWRS & SONS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( hT4\ljft. _ _ _ _ _ - if * _ / Anheuser-Busch ' ' ' ' ; -"C. M4p BREYIING ASSOCIATION I . ; r-- , , . ' 'A 'h ' I.- - - - ' - " " I ns CEI5EBRA'I'ED i- % - _ Keg and Bottled Beer - i ( This xculluiut hoer apoaka for it8elt. ORDERS FItOM ANY PAR ? OF Th ' STATE OR TIlE ENTIRE WEST , 1g2- ' i Promptly Shipped. ALL OUE GOODS ARE MADE TO TEESTANDARD fcii.x c-L1ELrz1Iat. F. SCHLIEF , Sole Agent br Oinmiha and theo West. , r 9Llu Street amid Capitol Avenue. * ranite Ironware. BPOILING. flAKING. FO.1 IIOILING , pRj8ERWNU , j41' , ' LIGHT IIANDBOM , ' 'Is . W1IOL1SOME , DUI1ABLi2. \ ' J\ The Best Made ! 'oi the Kitchen. ' - 1' . ' i'tIRO MANUEACTURED ONLY BY 11111 'I2' sill Lows STAMPING COMPMY ! , ST LOUI& ' . Ii liv ; iIl 1UVI ) , llr-1\va9 \ aii' ! fl11flfll1mnj1j1r , ( lvi. } TELLMAN & CO. , ' holesale Clothiers ! ' ' 1301 AND 1303 FAR/lAM STREET CO/I. 13TH , AHA I V NEBRAS V