Y t „ l'a a o t . : THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . ' . . . _ . . THIRTEEN YEARS OMAII11 NEB. S.i 1 U RIAY MORNING SEPTEMBER S , 1883. NO. rl " ' . . - ; 'Ibdrt - , - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - - - - . _ . _ - . . - - - - _ - - . - - - _ OPENING ! k 'tCl . , I GRUNEBAUM ] ffiOS. r r . , &t cx k + kA s mr , m . , . ' , . : 1309. Faruam Street. 11309. N . Referring to our lntrodilctoi'Y an nouncenleilts we al'e lllease(1 to state that the improvements on our building are completed , and with this issue ' we fol'nlall r anllotulce that our GIAND OPENING will take ) brae , EVonday Sept 10th & 11th. J ' , ' " ' w a trust no lady will neglect the opportunity of visiting our establishment on this occasion as the attractions in decorations and display of + Goods shall and will create a lasting impression on the minds of our visitors and b ' placing before the public an assortment of goods rrl all the dePartments - . . Partments , which our patrons will always find full and complete , we ear'nesl ,1Y hope to merit the patronage of the Ie01)le. , . . THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Will e un er a ersona c ar e o e o owin ex erience a ies an en emen .r ' . The Silk Department---Mr. L Swartz formerly with Lord & Taylor , New York , ( p Black Goods Mr. C , D , S dnor Ae Cruickshank & Co , Omaha. t The Dress Goods Mr. G W. Lucas R , V. Hillas Chicago. A . . The Domestic Mr. P F. Andresen L , B , Williams & Son Omaha. { The Linen Mr. Wm. Barrie " J Edward Bird & Co , Baltimore , I ; The Wrap Miss H , Ruane , The Trimming Miss M Heelan , Our force of assistants 1)ersonallY request the pleasure of a visit from their 'friends and acquaintances , and hope that their endeavors to please and satisfy the wants of their customers will secure for them the patronage. In tendering orey one a hearty welcom/ / will state that our GRAND , OPENING. Monde and Tuesday , September 10th and 11th will be an occasion never before witnessed in Omaha. k Street. . - -i- : i : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. ! . , Au alarming Sprcad of Yellow Forc Amen g the Marines Near Pensacola , The Perquisites of Postmasters and the Drain on the Treasury. Mr. Now's Threatened Resignation- Tim LatCSLTile for Indlaus-- Inports and Export8. CAPITAL NOTES. MR. NEW'H POSITION. WASILINOTON , September 7.-Mr , Now , assistant secretary of the treasury , said to daY the published rcParts drat lee had had resigned were unfounded. Ha had not yet resigned and did not propose to talk on the subject. It is understood efforts are making by his friends , Particularly - n ularly those from Indiana , to have hum 4 reconsider his determination to resign. An Indiunian who holds a position in tlto r treasury said today , after a lei cotvor- satioq with N'ew , that tree latter a friends would not allow him to resign. It is be. hewed the visit of Postmaster General Gresham to the white house immediately on the arrival of the president was with reference to Nuw's rosigliatioll. It is , I r.thought by New's friend's he should be allowed suthcie nt leave of absence to at. tend to his affairs in Indiana , and they believed should this ho dome ho will not want to resign , FROM PENsACOLA , WAHUINGToN , September 7.-Time act- lag secretary of the navy received the following telegram front Pensacola ; ' "Sinco " ast night no new cases n111011 a 1 t I the naval force. Ono death at time hospm tal-Private Cotton , I'OSTMAHTER'S SALAI11P. " Officers of tim Postoflico Department i express the opinion that that the luau. vortemee of Congress in making time bill to regulate postmnastois' salaries go into trect at dice , instead of Ocetobor 1 , the date fixed for the reduction in letter rates of post m o , will cost time government $1,500,000/ , m increased salaries. The system of grading salaries proportionately iu accordance whtit the receipts of oflices , is 518(1 uufavorabl t"ynr c01mnemted upon at " ( the department , the reason that ul + dor this syst01n postniaste's are continu ally tempted to make fictitious sales of stamps iii order to increase their salarhu8 , A TONY INDIAN. I Little Chief , of the Cheyenne Indians , sent a unique appeal to the secretary of the for a now suit of clothes. lie said : f "I don't care much for grub , but I do like to dress in proper style. I want the hest white hat you can purchase in the market , INDIANS ON KYIIIUITION , In answer to time apQlication from Lim o Preach charge do alratrs for permission tea take twenty Indiana from their reset- nation to Franco for exhibition , Commie a sioner Price has advised the secretary of the interior to refuse the request upon the ground that such exhibitions result in demnortlization of the Indians and renders them dissatisfied with life at the agencies , IMroRTS AND ENVO1tTS. The excess of the value of exports over imports for time 12 months ended July 81st , 1883 , is $107,379,236 Jetports - ports of nmorclandise decreased $23,785- 054 as compared with last year , old experts - ports increased $79,489,772 TIIE FEVER INCREASING. Surgeon General Hamilton , of thr Marine hospital service , received to-night a telegram from Dr. Guttman , president of time Pensacola board of health , stating time yellow fever was increasing to au alarming extent on the naval reservation , and asking for nioro man to strongthet and increase the efihciency of the cordon around time reservation , TIIE S1'IKING 1'tH.TY , Villard and Ills GuoHis Going Over lIxi ENA , Montana , September 7.-Tho Villard trains left Livingston this horning - ing and made time ascent of time bolt range of mountains in perfect safety. Time suctions were sub dividcd amid thrum loco- nlotivea attacimed to each. The distance of five miles is almost a loop , and Limo grade is 215 feet to the mile. At this point thopBezonian tunnel is being constructed - structed , which will obviate time necessity of this difficult and expensive lift. From time suuuuit the descent is made into time Gallatin valley , which bas a riclisoil , easily cultivated by irrigation. It has aiongtlm of 130 miles and all average width of 12 miles , Time imeigllt above time sea is about the same as Salt Lake , and time agricultural production is similar. At Bozeman there was a fine display of min , orals , coal and agricultunal proucts , A handsome reception was given Vilhlyd and his guests Thorn were the usual speeches and enthusinsni. 'I'Imo Upper ] .Iissouri 'alloy is very similam to time Callatin valley. Time first two acttunsof time party crossed time Mullet Pass of time Rocky .fountains this umrnhllg and time other two soetiona will follow in the morning , when time cerouunmy of drib'- fug the litst spike will take place. The Dommt is about 40 mimics w cstof Hulona , An , Ilr hum lc the I'Jast. Nlav'Youg . confer- , September 7.-A - Onee was hold hero yesterday between Cemeral.ranagur Stauten , of time l'enm syhania , SGlewotmm ts Now Lnlaud , road , and Gemeral.Iunaor ; Swan , of the Stnrln King bridge , relative to time plaeiu' of age tlenmun from the Storm King rmmil road un time direetoryof time Puansylvania , Stonington eC Now England road , tim 0 clecti01m of Chas. J. , 1211 [ , as llresidollt n E the two roads , and to consolidate time tw ( interests , 't'ime object of this is t ) giv o time Pimiladolphia i % Iteadiug and Haiti micro 1 ; Ohio roads an antranco to lio8 ton over time Now York (4s Now Englan d road , President Gowan , of time Phila dolphin & Iittsburg road , made a tratfi 0 contract with time Pennsylvania Stonhngton & Now England , agreein g to give 1,000,000 tons a year fe eastern consumers. General Manage Swan said this step utoant immediate corn petition of the Pennsylvania , Slonintol and Ncw England road , which required only $300,000 to complete 78 miles , and also meant time iuunodiato building of time Storm-ICing bridtro across the Hudson river , which would make murair line from Boston over the New York and Now England road to Harrisburg , Pa „ which would simurten the distance front east to west over 100 miles and furnish the cast with coal and cotton witlmout break of bulk. In fact , establish a short and unbroken - broken route from California to the east. Time conference will be resumed Monday , LAROIVS GRIEVANCES. I'rouminont Worldngmten llefoic time time Senate Committee. NEW Yong , September 7.-Before Limo senate labor eonnnittee today , Jatrrctt , time first president of time Amalgaumated Association of Iron and Steel workers , resumed his testinmony. lie said time comvpct labor system was very detrimental - tal to time interest of the working classes. Time labor of convicts might be Drope'ly mnployod in coustructiug butter rends tlmrou „ pout time country. ' 'Imo coal umincs of Pminsylvunia were in a great measure owned by railroad companies , which circuumstuco time wit , mess thought was very dangerous to time interests of the pmbhc. The condition of 90,000 coal minors of Pennsylvania , was pitiable andmisorablein timuuxtreno. Tbnir wages were too low , they wore subject - ject to time truck syatmn ; almost uuivur- sally and in consequence their utter do- nmolallzation. They spert at least one half their earnings in drink. Time press of Now York was subsidized by lunge combinations of capital. Timis feoliim was gaining ground llmroushout the eoummm- try. In regard to time prtteetion and tariff questions , ho thought the press was bouglmt , not only by time monopolies of this country but by capital iniporte I front abroad , \Yilliant Martin , of Pittsburg , secretary of time Amalcainated Assoeiutlom of Iron and Steel Workers , was time tmext wit , witness , Hu gave time cmunmittou au idea of internalarramgmnents , Martin thought a system of arbitration could be introduced - duced in all great industries on all ques times wimielm arose hlotwomm workitmgntou and umployos , and that nmuuy of time dif ticultica resulting ( rout time present rdla- tious could be avoided , 1Vi11iain 1V0ikc , n fmuddlur of Pitts , burg , wimo is also presdent elect of time Anualgamatod assoeiutioll , amid John 1)d vie , a puddler of Plttllbmyf , also testiliL(1 before time eouumittee. Davis thought time ostablislunemt of peatl savings banka would be a great benetit to time working classes. - - - - " - - - Tmumnuuuy' fbm' Ilarrnnny. NEw YouK , September 7.-Thu Tam. ) many ! null general counnit'eo to'nieimt adopted resolutions declaring Tammatmy read to lnako every concession consist. ant n itlm hon'r to secure time adjustnont of local diTuronces ( amid IrovidimiK for ih P uppointtnent of a conunitteo composed of 0110 representative from eaclm assembly , district in time city to confer with time county democracy and Irving hall with a r view to securing a single united delega r Lion from this city to the atato couven. , tion. THE OLD WORLD. Franco and China Agrac to Scttlc Thair Disputes by Mutual Concessions , The Yawning Graveyards of Java Blockaded with Pumice Stone , The Ltsnlted HulTerersnt' Ischia Decline - cline All Ald front Prance , OENhRAL PORT iGN NEWS. TREASURES OF TIIE DEEI' . LosnoN , Septmnher 7.-Tiro steainor Jersey City , tram New York August 21 , arrived at ltristul. Sue lust 1071mead of cattle au(1110 sheep , 'l'imo crew of time German brig , Clomuby , fromu Progress , Mexico , arrived at Portland , and report that the vessel , beeoumiug disabled , was abauldummed time 1U instmt , after nutting her on lire. CATIiOLIC coNFEmtFNCE. Thu archbishops of Cincinnati , Now York , Bultiumoro and J'lmiladelplmin , and several other prelates , are expected at time Vatic aim nhortlY to confer with time Propaganda upon time extension of church regulatioua to the clergy of Auiurica , PlIANCY AND CHINA , P.tltis , Septemmber 7.-Thu Nationalo aumouuces that Francu hs ; consented to negotiate with China for a treaty in set , tlenommt of time Tunquin question , which shut ! be based upon that concluded by Nicolas Prosper 11ouTo with time I'orto in 18(18 ( , [ NoTI--Tiunt treaty provided that time goverunmont of Franca should have time right to acquire property in the Ottoman oupime , in return fur which Fradmmco should aid time forte aguinst inroads from strimmgurs , ] 'rho statemnolmt of Cimhna's proposals meferomee to 'l'onquiu , reeuntiy presented thu French muustur of forolgn affairs , contains time following basis of suttlomnumt whichm mappearwl t ) time uminister worm hyof cunsidedunt : Fhratly , settlonmat of time question of Oliiurso suzcraiuty in Amur in a form td bu discussed hum eimafter , , Secondly , duiimeat b um of time frelttier , pruvidiug u mr utrul zone butweet certain poilltu , Adutiral I'ierre , emnnmmulur of time Fremclm fleet in Ilndagnsnmr , recalled , lmus arrived at Versailles , dying , TllE .IA'/ . CALAMITY , B.TAV1A , ' Java , $ eptuumber 7.-Time ofiieial report of the recent disaster is no t yet ; published , 'l'ime Immber of natis'cs killed at liantun , Batavia and Lain , inn is eatiumated at 10,000. The numbur o p Eurupuans lost is unkmdwn , Time Sou and Dutch President at Fulukbetoui g wereaved'l'omribludistress { prevailsat'1 o lokbeton as it is inn , pruaeimublu by son s owing trmtime bay being with bank s of sone , Thu tulogra pl t lineal from Batavia to Tolokbutomi6 mire destroyed , AFFAIRS IN DUWAILIA , Thu manifesto of I'rinco Alexander , k announcing the appointnont of a com mission to draft a now constitution for Bulgaria , is reported forced upon the prince by the Russian envoy amid Russian ( Jmtorals Sobniolf and Knulbars. I'rinco Alexander , anxious to rid himself trout time tutelage of time generals , at first refused - fused the demand of time envoy. The latter then tliraatuued that if time prince pornisted in his opposition a decree would be issued by time czar releasing time Bul gariaua froum allegiamice t , Alexander and that Gomm. Sobololl' would Imo appointed regemmt. Upon this threat time prince issued time umantfusto , AN ITALIAN IICFF. Ntr1.Es , September 7.-At a meeting of the couunittoe of Isclmht survivors , held JD this city today , ii rosnlution was adopted declaring they would refuse mull protfurs of aid , eu tire ground timid. whom charity is ulfored thonm in ntder to servo as a prutuxt for iusultiug their king , they feel it their duty to iujaut such charity , Dot only frond France , but Irma time whole world , TImS COTTON MAIIICET imt001'INe. LeNnoN , Septnuibor 7.-'l'ime blanclmcs- ter Ouaardian say's lime critical comulitiom of rulutiuus butwuem France and Clmina is a source of discnuragomnent in cuttou goods , time market purchiumes being tluade sparingly - ingly , but prices ruwnin firum , OArrIE 1'l.AOCE IN JIUSHIA. Reports from all units of Russia state time cattle plague continues with iumabatcd fury. Over 1,000,000 cattle Imvo ( lien victum s tom time plague within the past four years ill European Itusda alone , GOING FOIS TIIE w11)OW A numher of 4egitimintn intmmd issuing a vigorous ' , rotust against the action of Countess Ghainbord for ex prussic r time wish tlmntt time wsitiom sf chief moiirmur at time funeral of her hubarmd nhoald beheld hold by time latter's ' nearest relative , mid censuring liar for thus traducing tire nmenory of time deceased. Rodnrlrolrr To IIUMUERT , IteMs , Suptuumhur 7.-Au article printed nn limo Paris lntransigeaut by Ilunri Itocimefort , abusing ICiug Roclmefnrt , luc ( aroused great ilidigtudtlou throughout Ill . 'I'Iiu article accused time ICimmg of havmim , pocketed time nmuu subscribe b Fruitclm N whiiu time t ) the Iscimia hue at time sumo wits urging the amnihila- .ion . of Franco by Gurumuuy' . A n itaiium , otllcer wuited upon itocitufort tnmd dd- mnnded ( " for Limo insult to hie King , but Rochufo't refused to gratnt lmimm a hostile awutiug , Iitdiivoarl Itymmhmlmms Imm Illlimois , Ct11uADO , September ( h , = 1'hu Daily News Spriuglieid (111 ( , ) Spucinl says time iafiroud and ivaruhousu coduumission lave meaehd time ( xnmulusiom that time recent elussilieatiun of freight made at time nmeet- ing of Lime general freight agemmtm in Clmm- cage known mks time "j(1iut wosturdm classh- ficatiuu , " nmakes tin mauyradiclchaimgus to be entirely adopted. If time cbdssitiea Lions adopbd by Lido mauls was carried I out , ht would operate to give thonm an mncruuau of from ton to fifty per cont. in m m rates , as comerred witim time uaximur n ratesowallowudb tltoboard , Rhanboe decided to ratify so much of the " 'oimm western classifiction" its is practicable r without hicreaso of rates. Thu railroad d board Idss issued a notice to all railroad managers , calling attommtion to Ume passage sago of the act by time legislature requlr lug all railroads doing buniuoss in tim 0 state to keep open mm public cllieo for time transfer of stock. Throe nmuths in at- lowed by law imna now expired for time roads to observe the atatnto. SPORTING NOTES , UAHI ; nAIL BAY CITY , September 7.-Springtiold mum Bay City gmue postpuuul alt account of rnhu , EAHt SAUINAw , Septemuber 7.-Pont- pouetl On account of rain , PmmiaAmELi'IiIA , Septounbor 7.-Phila. delplmia 11 , New York 9. PllevmENCE , Soptumbor 7.-Provi. deucu 8 , Bostous 1 , 11AliTF01tn IIACES. IIARTFlltl , September 7.-The Charter Oak park races omided today. Yestor- day's 2:25 : races was completcd. Sleepy Juu well , Louise second , Iau third , Stu- pimeu 0. fourth ; tinme 222 ; , 2:22 : , 2:25 : , " Y :22' : 2:22 : ? . Ub1sN 2.Jno , B. w uu ill straight heats , Pearl second , Kitty I'atcitmm third ; tiilme 2:22 2:23j : , Ohmss 2:20 : , Westnnomt 1Votm , Billy S. second , Eddie D. third ; time 2l6 : , 2:17 : , 2:18 : 1 , , 2.3 21. Clus 2:1Vilnon : won in str.tight heats , Phyllmum second , Anmel'a ' O , ( lis- tumeed ; timme 211)217 ; ) ; , 2l85' : ' , .Iyrtie Peck defeated aadaumu.furmum- tatte n time ton milo runningrace , ehaug ing hornen each mile ; time 22 nmiuutes , t ! , sucnmd , 9'ho favorites won trlny. TENNIS T0WINAMIINT , C111eS(10 , September 7.-1'imo open lawn tmmis tmmrnain01mt to halt three days began at Pullman today. Time oum tire day was occupied by time mingles. There were eightoem entries , Time following - lowing wore time wiunorsduring time day's 'limy ' ; J. W. Spalding , Clmicavo ; A. 'mV. ' Stewart Konwaol ; G , K , Browmo , Chi cage ) U A , Neidlmnnl , Pulhnaim ; T. 1V. O'llrady , ICunwood ; L. V , Leumo nine , Fairview ; .fiss Julia Lomeyno , 1'air- view nod .fiss Emrmi r4. Chase , Fairview - view , The wimlers will piny fr the clmmnpinnslmip tu nmorrow mmld this will ho followed by doublen. TIIE 11011 ? 0FF , CIIrAno , Soptonlm' 7-.roln Waco and Rice , mmanagor of time party , started for New York this ; evenns , no agreeneut having been reached ill regard td the prize fight butwuun Slade amid .hitcher ] , l'areua D.ivirs . this uveming re euived the folluwing teiegramm from Billy Dlnddon , truinae ( , f .Iitcholl : " IVuu t WI t ) New ( h lauds ; .IOxloo iS time only dace where a light cram take place. You have imo usstm'ancu itt Now Orlatumum or Ktulsas City ; you have uo cunditiona ox- enpt wimat we agree om nod you know it , 1 his is fmnl'John Itishop , of lcansas City , telegraplmcl Davies that the I t 1'miso party would start fo' Chicago to uight to try mud induce .lace to uumku time fight mllmh askol ( if lie would wait amd see timonm , Dnvies forwarded time dispatch to Rico , who umkwerud front Niles , Mich , ; " ! have givem a ducision , 100 miles front New Orleans , " It in uwluratood Rie3 and Macu are going to Now York to claim the stakes ( rota hairy 11111 , Shudu preceded ceded tlman mid is trainhmg et Doug Island. . . - Fi'OHLIIIIIIfmuIH. Clnctuo , Soptcambor 7-relegraims from various points in Central lllinols mu port frost last night , but not heavy otough to injure corn pronpocts. RADISH HAPPENINGS. A Frieudly ( lama of Cards Precedes a Fientsll MQFdcFI A Nebraska Hanging Temporarily m Postponed by the Supreme - promo Court. t The Roae Clark llyrstmv , Delitlcu- ' dons , and Police Itaids , CRIMINAL ItECOItD. WIIISKY Dill 1T , 1 Nlnv O1uLEANH , September 7.-'ho 'J'imen 1)outoernt'H ' Plague Slims spacial , says : Henry Dickerson , enlorel win haimgcd to day for time uturder , April last , at Alhambra plmthttion , of IIuury Steele , k ill a druukei row over a banme of cards. Am aim interview this Imlormllmg Dickerson said le killed Steele , and was sorry tor i it , 115 Steele was a feiommd. 1Vhinky did it , 1 MARION'S LEAHE OF Lira. I LINCOLN , Supteluber 7.-Jnek Marion , j wino was t ) have boon lunged at Beatrice to-luorrow , has ubtaiuud a stay of exocu lion pending time motion for a new trial , TILE 1108E CLARK HYHTilty. liulucrm'muD ; Cann „ Septcmber 7-r. Detectives havo'nn imumportumt clue in the Itesu Clark murder easo. 'rho reward was increased to $1,000 , Prominent New York detectives are at work on the case , ANOTIIKR 11KFAVLTEit. Or.Iv1I.ANn : ; , September ; Rev. Thos , II , Oakley , general delivery clerk in the pustoflice , was arrested today , charged with stoaliug from time prepaid parcels time stamps , selling then and pocketing Limo procees , A RAID ON T11E GAMBLERS. BRIOIITON BEACH , Septumbor7.--Tho police of Cowy Island raided gambling ah ips totlight ; , but as time the prnpriotors bad u timely warning nM arrests were ruado. ID time Jumbo mind Iroquois estab- lislmmemfs the gannbliug inmplemonts were secured. They lend been removed by Ute oavmers from all Miter places. HOOD'S ' SflPR1tLA Iesearetullypretarodnlrartor mw Lest mmemee of to vegelablu kingdan known to medkal rd. cute w AIn'ratiyilmloal 1'urtfem , Diuteeu un4 Tonics , ouch as Saraaputmia , Yellow IMck , Stifiugba , DaadeUonJmdperlterrite , MaiadrakewUd Cher ? Darkunduthrrrelede4 root. , bauks anti lien. , A. irwdldaw , like unyaiing elw , can lw falrly Judged aalyCylnrc + uils , SVpotutwllhsatbfaeaoatoIL giorIoarecord ( hood's ' .arU1a has eutend for Itself upon the hearts of tbousamu of people in New ingRndwhohu.uirsouallror ludhermy been re Uevdof terrlbieadfotugwhlcb aU oilier utmasdies talkdtonarb f J ' ) leers , 0. f.Iixd.t Cal Oents-rieaw send rm t LY erpm sc two mamas llnod's Kurup urUa and u ew Look iloek + for dletrlbatiou , Your pre'tuaem oaf worked > , ouIem n the ( sue of myvrtIU , wh.xo I kO Ick ' mUouws yLeeeunnR.etiC wafheuendo feeyrz knoILeensewe1tforavoyeanuaus , ubb s fouu4thtt winds a week utter t ixmug m ; she fits vorr wiwl..IW % : suit la aow cadre yfnv rvw those se- verel.e dwf es Stu has not taken anyot mwyao toquiMud ttpdngaridwtnUttme ILO had m ent , { tlpatbe , a n ' la eltlaltehoueo , Yamus wlyyl1Uwdhnd , , lk' , n 1,1 ttamte asa r vtiiis00LsiomI , s c mryisusruAluees