- - - - - . - - - - - - - I _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . - - - - --T--- ' i ' . . : : / . . ' . . . ' , i : S jg . ' i : - ' . . ' . . ! - . ' - ' , . . . ' .f.- . t * r : TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . t , flhItTEENTII [ YEAR. ' ( ) MATTA , NEll. FRIDAY , MO1tNNG ( , SEP'I'EMBER 7 , 1883. ' , O. 70. ! ; SAVACE GOT THERE ! ; Aii OYerWh81fflill Euorscmcut of Jiido Sayago Iy the hut-Mo- noiloly Coiiycutioii , A Spirited and Rather Personal ' ' Debate on the Merits of ? Candidates. . , ti Iho Firebrands of Buffalo and / Pawnee Gently Hushed by : the Chairman , : A 1iztrt aiil EtLthutdnsLIc Gather- f Lug , Nt'arhy 12vcr Couaty Being ItepreHeuted. _ 4 , . Special Di1)ate1I to Tiu Br.i. ' : . ' - GIu41) ISL.At ) , Nub. , September 6.- Thu SLito AlItt-M01101)013' convcnLioa as- _ utnb1ed % t LieUorkranz hail at 10 o'clock : Utis morning , atfto the atljourittnoiiL of tJto State Farmers' alliance. The attunil. : , anco wa .iuh1u . respectable , nearly every , county being repruuiitod. The Bouth- t , wo tern coutnies anti Platte valley had fuildelogations. The discussion waa at 4 once quito 81)111tet1 , and aoino of the ; speeches oariieat and eloquent. 4 The conventioiwas called to order by : ' S. P. RuynoltI , of L1.unilton . county , : . president of the Anti.Monopoly league. i , ' . JM. . Burrows , of Gage , vas chosen : a k ( temporary chairman andi. S. Armstrong , 7 of Boone , temporary secretary. This or- ' ganizatioii was subsequently made per- maitont. The following committee on credentials were flpOmtCd B. Alloy , of Saline county. y I , T. Q. Jones , of Nanco. . \ Kollar , of Adams. D. L. I3ruen , of Platte. J. Whitm.ro . , of Gage. . The following conunittee on permanent organization : Thomas Vilkinson , of Boone. Powers. of Hall. JE. . Miller , o Buffalo. The committee on credentials did not report until noon. During tim interim rousing speeches wore made by Messrs. . Patt , Chamberlain , E. Rsowater , , Sena- / thr Reynolds , and ox-Govcrnor Butler. . On reas8omblihg , at 1:30 : p. m. , the report - . - port of the committee on credentials was ' received , and , with some modifications , , h zulopted. , I The following committee onrcsolutions - was appointed : F. D.terall , , of Dodge. , E.-ThsowaterofD.iug1as. . t . . . F : 1rolltf Ad.iic : . . G. Ptiutor , of Boone. . ion , Moore , of York. . ' " N. C. Foley , of York. I. Hon.Vni. . Dodd , of Howard. . . . , A motion was introduced to proceed to ' timenomination of Supreme Judge. Mr. . SavilloI of Bufflulo , offered the following , b amendment : : "No miian shall bo nominated by this convemition , for any position who lu not bee : : identified with tIm muiti-monopoly . party , and who will not pledge himself ( to support the nomnilmations of the con- : : . . : vontion. ; . . Timma was time signal for a most exciting and animated discussion. Judge Barndt , of Butulilo , protested that the mover of this resolution did not represent the anti- . mounpolists of BulflUo county ; that lie had wornied liimnsof ! into this comivcntion in the interests of Mr. Hawes , who would ho a candidate for supremuujudgo before the repubPean convention. This was a move to choke off the indorsement of Judge Savage. Saville retorted with persommal attacks , and was tinally called to order by the chair. Ex.Gov. Butler made a frantic appeal . in support of the res.lution. Three or four delegates spoke against it. They insisted that the main object of the anti. 1 monopolista was better government. This they could not achieve by looking up to Inca who were committed to them already , . so * 0 utilized Judge Savage , as Savage , p an upright , high-minded irma. If 4 lie was endorsed time republicans would , be compelled to nominate a bettor man . to avoid defeat. Thu republicans had , .J , , put off their convention to the last main. , i , - ute and therefore Limo anti-monopolists I cannot endorse their candidate oven if they wore acceptable. After a protracted discussion time amendment waz voted down : An infernal - nal ballot resulted as follows : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croumio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . Butler..4 A mimotion to make the nomination of Savage unanimous was 01)pOSed by Gov Butler. A formal ballot was ordered and resulted as follows : , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cmummo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C. II. Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Butler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Savage was formally declared miomni. misted amidst much cheering. - - , ' ,1lto , BONO I'UIILdCO. " A JtefOrllICritIVtw11em4 I lie Comnumumial Syblomn ( , l G nyciumnunt , Control : ? . uw Yong , Soptomnbcr 6-Time senate coimimmiittco on labor amid education ye- . / summied session to.day. Joimim S'nimqton df' took time atanti and testified at consider. , 4i bl length. He recommended a revival - of the income tax as originally in force , , . establisimmuemit of a nationil board of in- I dustry oflpoWorcd ! to collect statistics of ) ivory description amid including power to enforce time eight hour law , estoblisimment of effectual boards of health , education A and public works , immdustrial schools and clIeges on the French system , Public control of railroads amid telegraph on the Jiolgiuma mmystemn ; freedom of patents , and potsl banks under the British system ; land laws which will Pravomit time holding by private individuals of great tracts of , laud ; public ownership of coal , iron , gold and cther mines and all oil wells. Every. Ii. _ _ _ _ - - - - - - on "nasmmres have beemi Put in ' . . another altl I' litry or , ( tile1 instance proved sue- ceesiul. Joiimi Jarrelt , presidmmt of the Amnalga. mated Association of Iron and Steel \Torkors , of Pennsylviuiia , said he limit ! been uimgaged 25 years iii the irmimi imidus. try of PeimmiyIvmmnia. 'limo object or the association of which he was president waste to secure tim mimonti , soemmil and imietital , and the finmimmcial lmnprovomuemit members , atid to bring about comiditious whereby the rights of workmen are rcco- nizeti , amid that they get it fimir day mm wages for a fali day's work. There vero many mills in l'emmusylvzumia which vuro miot under the control of the ullion. Iii tlius.m . mute the rate of wages rmts ittvatiRliy lower timami III the union iiiills. 'I'ltsmre himive been mmmi. amorous strikes before the s'mmremiituy ' , of tue Umliolt vas ackmiimwledged. Now methods of arimitratiomi were pursued largely with satisfactory results. 1t.piu. . sentativos of the woikmmmun toni miimmmitmfmto. turema mud. omico a ye.tr anal dccided on a sc.mlo of itmiti wages. 'I'io } iron workers were in favor ot l- , cause it protimeted themmi iii their wages. I'rotectiumi did not imicreasu the price ( it steel , but if it did mint exist there would ho no oumployimitmit , fur in.ii . alit ! steel workenm. Jurrett said he believed time laboring classes simumiki be coimipelled to mtttuiid school. Time govermnuent should mim.ropriate . Immuamis to carmy out the systeimi of 1uhuie educatiomi. Lie stid if the iiidumtry of timi tilate mmianufaettmrera vits cam' : icd on in this cumitmy it would give emupioymnumit to 4,000 mmmcmi. Thu oie could be obtained frommi Calafornia amid Austr.iiia as Cliciply as Emmgland could oh. taimi it froimi her own minus. Umider the premmemit tasifi mates timi pluto mnumufacturo : could miot be carried omm. Itwns tittunipt. ed ycnr. . ago iii I'eimnsylvania but failed emi aeount of the reduction of time tarift Suvemiteen immillion dollars vmn piud to English inantifacttircra last by Ammierican merchants fur tin pluto. The taritl should bo incroMed so that Amnerienmi mnaimufacturer3 ouId afford to pi thu vages of macmm ongtm cd in time imidustry. .Nnw Yomu , Suptcmnber -Senator Blair imiquimed of Mr. Gould whether he could give an approximate udimnato of the value mu the \Vcstern Union company. Gould replied Ito was not. in position to give such an estimate. flu did mmot trou. blo himself viLhi details , but judged of tiio value of property ott a broader basis , that being its earning power. Time valuu of franchises imossessed by time company at tim prosontcould not be estimimated by ally known mnemmns Ho thsuglmt 7 i or cent was a fair estimate of thu earnimmg power of time Vestern Ummiomi. if time . puoplo thought they yere getting too mmmcii they could buy the stock Thu stock of all safe pay. ing enterprises was being distributed all over the country. This class of iimvestors held about sixty milliumi dollars of West. era tiiioii stock , wimieli was comitinimally becoming scarce iii the mmmarkut. Within two years Gould thought time remaining shares now upomi time market would be ab. sorbed by investors. lie did not think there was as munch water iii time stock of tim9resterii Uztion. ts. in immnny1)thvr COmnhiafliCs. Time yaluu of time Western Uimmon vms very nearly equal to its capi- taiizathm. A railroad like time New York Central probably could imot be duplicated - plicated fmr its lrcselmt cziliibtliZatiofl. "Don't you think timmit New York city cost more than it could soil for ? " asked Semiatr Blair. 'tIdon'tthiimk my opinion on thatsub. jeotwould be very valuablo"roplied Mr : Gould ; . t'At ammy into , I do not timimik I ahouldearo to buy Now York even if I could get plenty of cormmer lots. " Mr. Gould stated that in mimny cases competition Imad reduced rates for fares amid freights below time limits fixed by law in states through which the roads pass. He did miot believe in government mntorferetico , as rates would almimost always be regulated by comimputition. Time aystoIIm ofpouhing had undommlitodiy saved a good iammy corporations frommi being seriously injured. Its otibet was nieroly to protect roads entering time 11(101 ( front ruinous 'omnpetition. A pool could hot cilect i atos very materially on accoummt of various eleimmemmts which entered immto time systemn. There vore ouUut.s by way of time Iiesissippi liver , time cammais and time lake routes , and Canada railroads for freight , amid with timesu tim existence rates could never be mnaimmbiimied huyond a cer lain pmiimmt. Gould expinimmed the iool syatuimm jim a geimurah way. Semmator Blair asked Gould. "Do you think time price of food is influenced by stock Bliocuintiomi or speculation imi food productl" "It might to a certain extent increase the price for a simort tummu"ropliud Gould , "but the supply and dummmmind will always regulate these timings and kooji up a bail. ance. If there is a large croim time irico will be so mimuch below time average that spcuhation to keep ui time lirico will al. ways fail. Gould said lie was not familiar with time methods of speculation in corn and wheat , amid thought there was nothing unfair in stock speculation. Each traimsaction rujresoutcd a sale mumd deliy. cry amid time imifluenco of the transaction did not go beyond the Parties. Gould said it was a fact that time Wcstorm Ummiomi vaid its umployoim better ages than any other cotmipany. Laborand capital if left to timomsels'ea would brhig about satisfac. tory adjustmnommt , There was always mnoro or less dmsaatiafj.mction and there was no Pamiacea that would remove these foolimmgs of discommtcmit. Street Cit i'n iii Cimlengo. Cu 10400 , September 6.-Five years ago time city commeil 1massod ama ordiumamicu imposing mmmi aummummi taz or hiccimso of 50 a cite on each streu car opcniteU iii time city. 'limo matter has lieemm puimdimig iii time courts , mmiii ! time street raulwmmy cumhhlma- hiles limivitig agreed to desist emimmtestimig time itiatter iii thu courts , ; irnvided time city would comnpromniso time matter ott a bamis of 425 a car for time jiast live years. 't'iiu comimprumimise ordinance to this uikct was passed , amid time conipahhies yesterdamy smith to.day paid to time city treasurci 4lOOO , 'I'iiu fifty dohiams hmeumemo vili hereafter be collected mmniiually. Thin Iowa Iol. OIrzoAoo , September 6-Itcproseuta- tivus of railroads constituting tue Iowa trunk line pooi , hold a session hero last night to commeider various umatters effect- mug the relations of time 1)001 with time Ummmon Pacific railroad. There has beomm arm understanding to the efFect that. time pool roads could make tiarougim rates to Points on time Missouri I'acifio and vice versa. Latterly time Union Pacific hiss been allowing a rebate of four cents ior hundred pounds on certain business to points on the pool road and recently pro. seated time pool a cmty bill for $5,000 , the monotint of such rebates. After a warimi tlisctmsstoit it. was decided to allow the amliflUmit , but it was also decided to allow mm , , ftmrtlmor rebates , mmmdc at the expense of time P0l. - TILE MCGlt.t % ' MLLd.IONH. Iteopeimlng a ' . 'ii1 lit 'hmlchi Cornell Is Itilomesteil. ITIIA.t , N. Y. September (1.-TIme ( Jotitimimi hits live coimmimmns of an account of time attt3mmipt to , annul time will of the late Jommimie 1'ilcUntv ' Fiske , whereby time Car. mmii l'miiversity roceivcd $ itiOO,000 , at time imummt1tticu of imur. lmtmsbnmmd , l'rofessor \Viliatmd Fiske , ox-librarian of the mmmii- vorsity. Time mmattmre of time lmrtscImt tic- tiumi is a iiiotiomm to oiion time is nil no- cOiiiitmn of ti u executor by mviucim lie imnul mtitiidy : jti.t . SOOOOO to time imimivea. i4ity auial to : mec'mtmh [ for the mooney iii his iiamitl 'o Ac iitmi' mu time eluirtor forbid time tmimivoraty tO hold propoity in excess 'I'ho university mmiithmotitics refuse to tliseloio time outline of olefcmmst , . Time decree opemmimig time Ilimal account. imig by eonsuimt of Executor homed. iimtii : amid time tmmmirorsity was Imimitte tI.tlay at the imoarhig in time surrogate's court mit. Ithaca. 'I'lao issue involves time title to time celebrated Fiske nmaimsiomm on University hill and utimer irompurty , iii : mtl. olitiomm to porsinmal estate. Pif. Fiske is how residmmmg at Fiorence , Italy. l'icz dent \Vhmitu intuimded Ieiiim : Sotmtiitiii hum , Emiglimmid , for ithaca yesterday. Ex. ectitor iloardimmaim embodies time following mtmreemtmutit iii aim auhidavit , replyimig to tIme jietitiuli of Fiske for renpemmimig : "Logntinim of time Ummiteil States of Aimmotica , lhmrlimm , .1 ely 18 , 1880.-hi coma- silenttiulm of mum mmgrcemncnt of .Juimmiio 1t.1c. . ( iraw , of itimatca , N. Y. , to marry mmmc , amid other conshieratiomis , I do comitract. ammmd agree that site shall have posscssiomm , emmuttol mmmmd dis1os , of her property after , omit. siid niarrimigo iim the saummu mmiaammmcr ammd to ama perfect amid comnpletu extomit as if simo had renmaimmed simmglo and ummmmmar- ned. \Vithess may hand : mmmd seal time day amid. year first aforesaid. ( Si'rmmcd ) ' , Vmaamimu Fismcn. In time presence of Ammdruw D.'hiite and D : Boardimman. Time ditto is not yet agreed upon for time hearimmg on the roopommed nimal accomumting. E'iio action of Fiske is characterized as irrecommcihmmhlu with time public address in laying the corner atomic at the last. corn- mneneemnommt. TIlE SECOND 'WAShiNGTON. UnveilIng the Statue of Lafayette 1mm Frunec-Amimerlca's TiIhimn ( to . time . 1'meimclm i'atniot. i . PAltn , September 6.-Time unveiling of time statute of Lafayette took place to- nay in Lupuy , imm time prcsoimco of mmmi mu- macmisc , crowd , desimite time severe nimimi. TI,110 streets were decortud with Amen- can amid French flags , amid triumphal arches were erected over the proimminemit avenUes. - MisistereMorton and Sargent. were prcsoimt , together with a uunmbor of distimmgmmislmed representatives of French official life. Semmatur Viesmimigel delivered time opening address , iii whmlchm lie cub- gized Lafayette as one of time principal authors of French liberty , amid chiamuictur- ized hminm as the forerunner of time French ropublie. Minister Morton said lie desired to express time interest. of time govcrzmmnont , amid time mmIhctiuim felt by the citizens of time Ummited States for time patriot uvhmo , next. to % Vaaimimmgton , humid aivakemmod time gratitude of mill American imearts as an murdemit lover of liberty. Would that lie could zmow sea the noble result of his work. Ammmermca had attained thmmit lrosperity and splendor which LaIn - In ) otto hmmud predicted. Time mmatiomms of 1"rmiiico amid Aimierica were imovor mimore mimmited timami now , nhml may time friummdslmip wlmielmVaumhingtomt mmd Lafayette huid foummded icimiauim forever uimbrokemm be. twcemi time two republics. Suimator Lafayette - fayette , iii a lrief address , returned thanks to time immemorial commmnuittee ama ! to Limo cimmimment mmmcmi pmesemit. for the honor comifeired upomi time mmmumory of his amices tar. IOWit'i ; iiia itiit. Stihihuig Clouds ofiust l'timmrthmo Picas- UiCSO1 time Show. Dais M0INIs : , In. , September 6.-The sm'aii time sixth day of time Iowa state famir , how boimmg held hero. Time attendance was not. so large as on yesterday , but is estimmmated at imot less timan 40,000. A strong wind prevailed during most of the day amid time dust. was almost stifling. Time awarding commmmitt.ees have their work a little mmiore than imalf done. The pnimmci. pal races were a tnuttimmg taco for luirsos that have mmovor beaten 2:37 : ; a four year ( lid trottimmg race , a free for all pacing race and a hurdle race. Time first wan won by Exception , a bay gelding owned by Emmicry Jackson of Eidona ; time second by timugmymmtalhiomm Cioliaim , owned by B. A. Lakon , of 'iobstor City ; the third by Daisy D. , a browmm inane , owimed by L. 'aS' . Sinclair , of Salem , Lid. ; time foumrsim by time brown stallion , Maurice B.fornmenly ' [ 'ciii Moimtai'uo , niddemi by imis owner , Miss Burke. An imitercetimig ( astute of time mrugnmnmxie was a reunion of time ux.iimcmriliers amid present niemimbers of time liresemit State Aricmjlttmnmul society. Ill wmus largely attomidud , mind a vonmmianemit orgmmnizatioii mviii be eliucted. To.mnorrow will be time cioaimmg ( lay. IL is already cmniccdcd to be time largest amid 01041 successful fair in time history of thu society. A iii erbium I'ark I mm Pramu cc. \VASIIINuToN , Soptemimlier -Commaii Itoseveit , ( if lionmicatix , Fraumco , line soul. to time 1)upartumment ( if 'hmte 8(11110 extracts frouui the uiolo couicenhming proiuiliitiomm of i'aImionieahI pork , which lout recently been lUIuiWl , time nuimuister of couimlumorco by del. ogutiuhima of time chimumnhers of conumnemee ( if l'auis , Marseilles , Bordeaux amid liavro , 1mm tiats umatu time clmauuiborms ruiresemil. ; timeless loss caused by time prohibitiori to mimer- hmant , nmanimmo , amid time couumtry in freights , eta. , loom been very great ; timat. time s.'umitar' ojmmomation had 1)0011 decided by a conuumittee of public hygiene adversely to prohibition ; that. by 1rohibition time working classes lowe boon deprived of cimeap food , and the price of food has Increased with other results amid olifilcuitios , and that as long its prohibition last retaliation may be 0XjCCtCd from time Uimit.ed States. Timoy ask that American pork be mastic free amid the irohmibitiomm an- mmullsd. DOES HDTECTION ROTECT ? The Fallacies a ! the Recant Tariff llOYiiail Exose 1y enter Vail Wyo. Corporate Wealth Sustained by the Courts to the Dotrhuont of the Producers , The Concentration of Capital a Greater Danger than all Other Elements Combincti , Time Grievances thom \Vom'klmmg Chmasses Tcr4eIy t4tatcit-A ite. : imnmiciitutom (1iitc.N. 1)L.1'mtchi to Tmix Has. PLA'trSMOUTuI , Nub. , Sejitemuber 6.- Time Ciss cotmmit.y fair , iii Imngmuss here , has Imeomi mm success boyomol1tiio , expecta. tiumme of the immaimagom's. 1uummmt of mit- tcmmdmtmmco nmmd exhibits it. fmieuseeemls that. ( .f 'my year. 'I't1hmiy Iluim. 0. I ' \Vyck , our SeimiOr s aitor. tlehiv- U , . _ .111 address which vmms listened to mritim mimaukeol attommtiun imimd mvarumily ap. 1ilmmtmdel. It was mmitirl. , , sharp aumot do. temmt as vill be secam by the fuhbowimig extrmietn : limit there are other comisidermitiomuma. 1very mmatiommaul qtmcsti.ii--t'tuimumce , taxa. tioia , tanitr-is of immteveat to ) agriemmitmmro. I'Oti cmmnmiot raIizo wlmmmt Xiii 1wommitu your owmm umiless tmmmdcrmatuimdnmg : ate rein- tiemmit with o.timer . great imuduatnmns. Of cotmrae mummummy ammo disgusted if it fmirimmer devotes his icisum e imtthmiumits and active timotiglmt.s to aim ) ' oilier subject timmami cultivatimmg thmegroimmad amid mmmipm'ovimmg time grade of stock 0mm an . 'ccasiumu like tlmms nutlmimmg is expected outside of toiling all time day mumd .rl. . of time night , slmtvimmg children with the herd and al time plow , stcaiimug front them time privilege of a comumnomi aciiool olucntion pnihmeihiahly for time imemmdfit of others. A great industry immvolving mimoro of populatiomm timaim all others immust not ommiy be miuborolimmato but be content uitim and enforecal silemice This should cstmmblislm the policy of time gay. ornrneiut amid not meekly receive it iruimm stimers. lalammufacturers , few in miuliubenmi , great ill wealth and powo , must diqtnte tam'itIs. Believimig timmut a liberal intbrchmammge of commumiodities between muttiomas is of time greatest advnmmtmtgo to all , you de..maimdud mu reductiomi of taniIl maul. trod' trade ; you asked for bread , timey gavo.itm a atomic. l'hme farce of a tariff cumumm\ssiomm ' camimo from that interest. , , Ethu : 4limmt yeeommm- mmmotmded a reductionif fruui tOte 2por ceut , yet s'hmcn mctumtl.lgii4u'tIon cimiie . . _ b. I ' ' True , taxes were reduced on tobacco amid removed front banks , quack mmmcdi. cimmes , perfumuiery timid mimatcimemi.'lmeme lowe time peo.le ! . bcumm bermulitted ? Is to. bacco cheaper , or less nmmtes of immtcrest mum Limo banks. Medicimmes 'mm e mmot reduced iii Ii.ico to time ummfortuimatetl coimsumnor , amid the little fellows who pmrt. : their humuir in time umiddle , immuve not discovereol mtma vcakemming in the price of erfuummury , wlmibe time mmmatcim mmimmmmufmicturees are wrestling m'itim time pioblumn whether time taxes fonmmmeriy 1mamd liii mnmitcimes shall imoit fluid its way immt.o their capacious pockets. No reduetiomm on clotlmimmg or bimmkets for your faummihics , wlmmlu timmut aim ltmumibcr could imot be reduced ii fartimiumg. it me- quireol all time ellhrts mumd votes ( if time cc- forimmora in congress to lirovelil. an increase aim sucim iromm amid wime met emmtcm imito time mmmmmntmfmmctume of barbed viro for femmcu , amid time proposcl mmiodificmmtioum amid. cc- duction have muot bemmefitted time hietiPlo a lieimny's wortim. Time great PrUtm1S0 is to protect Amimori. can labor , mumol 1rotcctioui is sugar-waited with timis simaolowy illusion. They umtigimimi tire foreign ama piuper : limber , amid imisit timat time hurativemm who nimimmuftioture our goods should be fed fmoin our limoduic. ti.nms. have we imotby time iiiormml : imlicy of otlmor natitmima been fuedimig Euighiamhi aumul Gernmmmn opurativesi Mark time result : time ummnnufimcturermm dictate tariff imitca to commgrcius , such as will rucompeimsu tliommi , amid thou uvitim time sauna patriotic regard for macif ixmtemest , timey dictate time hinico of labor. \\'imcn time Anmericammm opemators romnoim- strated at tIme noductiomm of pay , which barely provides simbsiatmmce for wife and cimlidreum , those wealthy bexmtuflcauiumm of time miation's bounty imidigmmmimmtly spurumtimu cry , and suddenly boise all timuir horror of time pauper labor of Europe , amid act U- ally iuuiport it uumder contract , and use it not wily to compute with , but. actummily starve mund destroy American labor , and timoum ask you to forgo amid rivet tue chains which bind Ammuenican labor to their gigantic - gantic wealth. 'Tie true now as 'wimomi Burns wrote 'tis truc how of limo Aimmenicun , as well as thin Scotch amid English Lord. "See yommdor Imoor o'enisbored wlght , Sc ) aljcct , mniian anti vile , \'liu beg. . . mm br..tlior . of the earth To give iilimm leave to toil. Aunt see lab. . lordly fellow worm 'l'huo jmor Intl ficmmm immm. 1Jmimmlnduiil , thought ma wooi lug uvlo ( And hmollelus olliqinimig mimounmi , " 'aVo largely imroimibit time iumtuuitiuctioum of ( lenimmaum amid Euglmsim goods , miimd witlmout any metmilitory iegislaitiumm time 0 eriummum aootm discovers nohiiiturmitioim 1mm our baird , mind tmichuiumau iii Aumierican at once there is mm drop iii time hrice ) timero amid lucre. 'Viie slow Engiisimmaum soon Iircoivcs pumoumnoumia , foot amid ummeutim diBease , umud time lirico of Auuioniciimm cattle declituos timertu cud lucre , so thimit time vmmiuo of your Products 35 fixed 1mm Liverpool , timid wimeim Imostulo tanilIs hero pmoduco retaliation timero , time famnmer hero mimust ho time vie. tint , Yet you are aduumommisimed that these subjects should not receive your coumsid. cratiomi ; that timoso amid railroad problomna ale so iuitricato and couumliicatod timmit those win , delve iii the maine , toil jim time worksimops amid farina , are warned imot to mumeddlo withm them , After time cniuuuinal and wasteful dona. tioums iii 1871 of time ; , ublic dornaimi to railroad corporations , all poiltical parties iii national coumvenmtiomma donouumcod that profligacy aumd contrived to ole so every rccurzlrmg four years. That wimoleeaio partitioning amid plundering of time Public donnalmi was universally condonimmod , yet corporations at thus day are insolently do. - . . - - mmmanding ommipires of lamul never canted , mutt ! time grant for which immum boeui for- foiled these mimany years. Atternpt. mite annie to vitsmiizo every dead gramit by fratids as limlaimuous an these of it creatioim. The Now Onloans I'acific was to , be time emutoring weolge , the 1mrecodotmt tosteal over 100,000,000 mires of imimomiruicol lands. lit that. case time Attorney Gommoral wan ready to aid time plummnlorimtg schema amid gave nm c'phti'momi to assist time robber , whmemt lie should immivo 'kmiowiior commit ! immuvo ascortaliucti that time wimobo ummattor was tmummtod witim fmuutud. 1)ounitimmg vutblie lamuuis uvas upon time timeory , that time immilf romnumiimiumg would i.e . doubleol iii value by thie propoaed roami. blow suddetmhy time theory 'vaumislios him time muitcrcst. mmfcoriiamrntmmms. 'l'miko time Nortimormm PoiciIl , its gruit amid hmitmds becammie forfeited because of its lrnmmkruptcy , wait timimublu to flumisit time ratio ! mvmflilim time time desigmmateti. Time imuids by lapse of time , by time mutvmmmmco amid ialor of thotmaaumds of mtomioers % vmtmm doubled iii ahtm ammo ! time forfeited grunt ntmd frmmmm- ehmmso becumimmes so vmmluablo thmatt time cc- qtmmsmto mnomicy iS eaiiy oilmtmtimmcti. haiti Coimgremms treated time poojilo vitim mum mmmtmcim justice as the road with liberality - ity , tiuP would himivo thmmt. corpora- tiout oumt.imaif of time original gritimt nut ! no- stared time uouimauiiiimg hmmtif to the public doummaimi ; nmi-himiif mt.w . is as valumihlo as time whmolo if limusimed at time tmmmmo apeci. fool iii the grammt. Look itt. time other lmicttmr. In all time states of time mmurthtwest are mutiny earmmest , homiest toiling settlers , who fur years have labored to iliiproVO a hmoummestemul , myiiiehm time goverumummommt urgemi timeiim to mmii. oleitaito , aumut for whmich iii mummutmy eases vit- emits hmavu beoum issued , mm'hiicim ham hoemm t't- nimbly wrested frommm them by time Ummited States atipremime court at the suit of a car- lomumtin ) wim'mcim time miation immms emmricimed by gifts of mmuiiiotms of lammds. lit our owmu state amid othmers , arc lain- olrcda who commtldimagly trtmstiiig time gay- enmmmmmeuut. imauve 1enmi treated mmmore villain- oimsiy tutu time 1r18h pcsamimtry. Yet for those just clmminmammtja it will require immure limber mmd anxiety to aecuro a fair umica- mire of m'ocoummpemmso timm'mn to obtaimi mmm'iliiomms of acres for wealthy corporations. Corporate wealth b.comncs . corporate l)0ver , strommg enough to coumtrol cunmgress , time dopartmemmta , time executive aimd. time judiciary. " \S'lmat timoni" It is idle to talk of time sacredness of courts , wimeut their decrees are repumlaivo to time m'cuutmumaeuits of comimiumnimu imummimimiity. You roummomnbur wlmomi time govcrnmmmeumt. 'was ' coumtrohled by slavery mummd time sum- promime court mnikiumg : Dred Scott decisiomis time mimask uwams toni away by Limo strommg murmu of time p0OllO , sacredness of commits miuud its decisions trammmpled in thmo duaL Since thou ducisiomma as revolting as iii time Dred Scott case Immivo ieomm mmmade. Time country kmmowa timmit imm all hand gnmmmt roads immmmmmonse fortummcs are mmmado tlmrutmim a commstru tion ring or Credit .Mobilmer ; othmer iuimmitomiso fortunes fromim illegal cimp'mtuiiizimtioum , besides fortuimes fromim poohiumg amid eiim'ar menus to hireveult eoimiitititiim. Yet with all this kimowl- comumts ataamd ready Lb iresummmeafl tiuing in time Taitemiit"of &rpoed1ii7iT. At. onu tunic thus cotmmmtry. oimdommvoreol to comimpol a road to pay tmmxos oim land owmml time saumie mis its citizumms , auth die auprenmu cJUrtI lih delimammco of mm previous ducisioum timat time samime momul hind absolute title so tiimtt it could mortgage and dispose of its hmnmds , acturmally clmmingcii froumt , deciding iii time interest of time saLine road that it lund mme such title mae could be subject to taxatioum. Tmubk about sacredness of courts wimomu 60,000,000 immtehligeiit. ieoimbe wommld spurim amid despise such duciaiomms. Poumdur timesu timings well. Timoy comm. cerhm you equally with time tariff amid mtllet. time Price of your iirodueL , time value of your humid , Memo party m'osoiutiomms will be of imo avail. Time glories of time imast is a feeble rommiedy for time evils of time present. \Su mumust commence ummioaolimmg itt time to1i ; if mmot , mmeceasarily we will be forced freumma below by oruptioums , volcanic fires muuid lava tides. Lot us be wise by beimmg t'mnumm amid joust. Wimeim syndicates of a few muon iii Wail street calm iii oumuycnr mmld $1,000,000,000 of stock iuimd bomads rc.rcsuimtim.g . mmotimiuig -worse Liimuu imothmium-ruprcauuitimmg iiic- gaul vatitmatioum of railroad prpcrty far moore ummjuriomla to time hirsl1cnuty of time mmmmtiomm tlmmim : time issue of $1,000,000,000 of forged hog.ml tuumder imotes or govou'im. miieimt bonds , auto ! urlmemm iii mmuamrkutiuig this volume of fnmiuduleumt paper ubsumbed frocum cimaumumeis of legitimnate trade and iii- dustry time curroumey of time country , amid thmuim to make usuccesaftib their sciicmimcs calm coiumpei time treasury of time Ummited Status to bcconmo subservient to their vii- inuumicus by uscattenimmg mumiilioums of unoimey to tiie over time fortumios of maucim wreckers , in not time dmmumger timremmtenimmg ? Capital most. to bo dreaded to-day ma that whuichi is created amid protected by iegislatiom-mmmaumumfacturea , railroad , and Iatemuts , such as used In telegraph amid Leiuphmoume. 'aYe are warned of time dangers from labor as wi wore formerly of dangers ( noun tim slave , when it proved to be time slave huolder who imperilled the mmmi- tions imeaco and life , It is timis , mpeciaily protected capittil , and mmot ummtlurpaid Aumu. unicaimm labor which today timremitens time praiority of time Republic. Certainly we nimimit unload at. time top If we exiecl. limo foumudmitioums not to weaken by time strain. Wcstoiii Ummiomm with capital of $80,000 , . 000 on expemmolituire of $21i,000,000 , , refuse to m'ccogmmuze time iirotlmenhmoiocl of labor whuilo Limo brothuemimood of cimpitni iuimist be recognized oveim timomighm defying time law ivhuielt creates mmimd jirotects it. . . 'l'hie amulawer to those usuggostiommus hi time tmsimal o1dtiuet of comuumnuumimuim , mi2rarmmmmisuim. 't'iiis mi ho longer mmii mumguiummemmt , it hum coaseti to ho mm tiumuid scare. 'I'lmu struggies of time oppressed amid every churl. to vreservo whmait hue been secured linus nlmvmuya been mute. by the do- femiders of wrong imi term. . . of irony mammd reprommmcim. Siiliatmmtiaily these questiommus have beoim discus 1mm miii ages ammo ! remote tirfiCil. ' At. time comunrnmcomnomml. of time Chmnistiimn emit , Christ svoil kmmowimmg time mimeamia and lmractices of great weaitiu , ivais forced to cxchauimi it. was easier for a camel to timrougii time imeedlo's eye timaum a ricim mmuimu tim cutter time kiuigdomnm of Imeavemi , Time hihuarisoes of those days , not so sharp or export iii mnud.timrowummg , imurloil no o1d. thmet of conimmmumuiammm ; timey used gentler terms , caliimmg hiiumm a glutton and wiumo biber , Probabhy hmocausehmo ate green corn ( him time Sabbath day. So itt mill agnus. Gray in ida elegy ad. mommiusimems Engiand'us umobility : ' 'Int not amntdthti nmock timeir useful toll , Their imouimely jiiys amid ( loatlam % ' ohcurn. Nor gruuumtlour hear with a hlsdstmifmml sulmilo Time shirt but slmmmpio animals of the juor. " Amid ] iu.ims , whmo hind felt time iumsolcnt power of earthly loid amid oxponiemuced tlmti som-mm of the tmiier : " \Viinre hmmmndrstl. , labor to tmpport 4 haughty lorolhimmg'.m ; rIdo. " Time wily editors ammo ! huiior.tlman.thon lawyers of Eimglamni's nobility hover mro- mamimimeil to demmatmuco imiumm as an agraniamm. 'I'hmtm fnrmmmcra of this nation have done well whmeim timey caused two blades of grass to grow whore one grow before , l'mml. they uvill do better when they cbuk time hewer - or . .f stocks amid bommoi4 , to reimrcsemmt two titmhhars wimeim but. oimii hind boon expemmded. THE THUONOF TROOPS. Thirly-Fivo Thoilsanil Pco1o Uathcr iIl all Alloilt Haslllls , Thu itomimuiloim by SI atcs-t I'ano- raimmla Ski'luhi nt Cauimp Idtb , S1ieclni lipautcim ) to Tuiui lien. iLmaTiNus , Scptummmher 6.-Time day oliemmoti vitim a ustrommg suimtit wiimd , wlmiehm tilled time air with clotmuls of dust , immakimig CamimI ) life very ( lisflglCcmlbhO. Tint cadet. dm111 ttmoiay was well attcuidcoi , uuumol time iamrformimammco heartily aliiccciatud. ) Thmo immiltix of jmomjil comitiumucn. It ii ; oath ummateol timat there are 85,000 pch1lo usoumla here , .immd mmmamly ummoro out route , To- mimorrow a simmimim battle is to lie fought , which will draw time largest. crewel of time week. Exciting imown froumm Camp Slmerhiamm will be reserved uumtii time intelligent comutrambaimd arrives or mmmdii sommietimimig ecitiumg hmmmppomms. 'aVitim time exception of a graimd display of canvass ommcirclcd with mmmi endless mow of teaimma amid wacommus , Cmummp Simonidaim Imnosents an appearance so varied frsmmu a iilmtary post that ammo calm scarcely recogmmize time s'itut. tkmm. Tim reader caim immumigimme twemmty thmousamnd 1)001)10 ) , mostly commmlmosed of WOiiiOfl and children amid parasols witim ummmmnt more civilians tlmamm soldiers , all surging to amid fro without. any appareumt object , to'etiier with time tummmuit ammd chmittorof time life amid drama amid a dozen brass bammtis playing proummiscuously about time grotmimd'm , witim mmmi ocean iommai slual of mmmcii , imarcimimig about , and you imavo Catnip Simeridami aim it ma. At 4:30 : i' mmm. a grand rouuiomm by statcso ourred. Sommmumuinutcon tatemm are reprosemutod , of which lihimuds hiss registered over twelve huimdreol on time ground , time imiost by fur of ammy state. while Nebraska aimoiva two hundred amid sixty present. Time ox.troups wore I omrnmed into 83 commmpmuaieA , one of which wore mnoummted , amid they gave timt weary watchers a gniummd sight amudloft time hold to parade. Ours rodoemnablo feature i timohcssomjioro .tauhtmthme r1mtuim. ernti'im ' of time .jummouuit of practice and skill ium time muammagemmmouit , aumd provisiumg reqmmired , to control amid smmport a vast truly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - Time Ohmuseim FmIeumois. Cimuchoio , Soimtenmber -Time suimnomno couuicil of time Order of Cii isomu Fnieuids , vimiclm 1mm boon ium aessiomm hero time lant two days , elected suproummo oli'mcors timia mmiorning its foibowmm : howard II. Morse , Now York , auprenmo coummciiior ; 0. D. 'V. howell , Califormmimi , ansistamit. couumciilor ; 0. Bmmidfortl , iuuhimtmmn , vice couumciilor ; P. B. Lewis , Indiana , recorder ; SVa.b.ou .1. NcwtoumVmushmi'iigtomm , troumsuirer ; J. P. Nuimm North , ( . ) hmio , mumursimati ; SVmmm. ilaummi- bong , Nebraska , wnrdumm ; W. B. Wilson , New Jersey , guard ; S. Nickoraomm , Imidi. mtimmi , semmtry ; B. B. Edwards of Micimi- gimum , 'aS' . it. D. Glascoymie of Virgimmiam , 0. A. Crosby of Missouri , B. N. Rogers of Indimmmmmm , mmmiii .Ioimmm G. P. L. I'ayime of iimmiimummm , tnimatees , ltepresommtqtives fronu twcimty.aevcmm atmitos are imi mmttemmdauco , 'l'ime report. of time secretary shows timat time lmmsemmt mimommiberusimip 28,000 , amid Limit $500,000 iuivo been cxpemmolcd in 1uimelits , during time past four yours. Lomb coommeils , thmirtuemm iii nummmber , gave a baimputut to time mnommubera of time supreummo commmicml thus ovoumimig. TI. . men P.mm'mmimis Uurmmcd to Iciith. Sm'nxNum'j Sam ) , Iii. , Scptonmber 0.-Time imouso of .Johamu Events , ut-Itucitoim , seveim mile's ' east of this city , bummed to.tiay. Mrs. Phoebe hlomtgiammoi , mmiotimcr of Mrs. Events , aged 65 yearn , amid two children of Mr. Evorts , a boy aged 4 amid a babe , were burmmcd to death. Time fire occurred in time lower pant of the houao , wimich wan used as a carpoimton'ms simo1 , , time famumily living UI ) stairs. Mrs. Evorts was km the yard washing at time time. As soon as time fire was discovered alma rushed up stairs amid tried to rescue lion mactimer amid cimildremm , amid was badly burned. Finally dime Was forced to heave timeum to timeir fate tO ) save herself. Tile old lady wmis very fleshy amid would mmod trust imurnelf to time stairs which were timeim in fiammios , amid woumid not give time babe up , which sue wa's imoldimig , to its nmotimer. Tim fmutbmor wan absent. at time coal ushmaft. amid knew mmuthiimg of time fire until its dread work was accommmplisimed. 'rime i'miglllsts. ChImuAoo , Soptcnmbcr -Join Mace , Shade , time Maoml , amid other members oh Limo pugilistic lmmmrty , arrived imoro thai. . mnorimiimg , but. cmmnmmot state wbothmcr time light butweemi Slaide amid Mitchell viil oc- cmii. . Fm'imm time tommu of their coimversmi tioum , time hackers of time Emmgiisimummmmmi nine unwiiliumg to hmmmve iuiimu mmmvot time Macri , Timum Ihutch Party. Sr. PAul. Septemumbemltmmfus ( I Ilmitcim mmmiii latrty of gmmostus returned from time YulmOWtStOmiO National limmik today , mimmol heft tu.mmighmt for Ohmicmmgo. ilmutcim ox Jiressous hiimumseif Imigimly i.icaaed . with time geiieral prosperity of time coummtry and cx- cuiluumco of time railroad , - At 'ihimmoiomuui Ioctor , MmNDorA , iii. , Suptommmbor 6-Dr. M. ltitchio , who fatally aimot his uvito last Mommday , amid lied , totunimed imommme yestor. day witim his tlmrout cut frommm oar to ear. btmt mmoumu of time mmmaumm arteries svero severed - erod , lie was mimmich cimmaciatod , having halt ! in a hay loft for ( oiLy-eight hmours. Ho is ummdcr iwrcst. . ami'l ' will recover. - it Floittliug "a'tmmit Is It ? " 3I0NTIIV.at , Septeummbor 0.-Capt. Bour. gades , of time seimoomier Marie llemmnlotta foummtl mmmi iromm box iii maid ocean , 'l'ime beimmg IiiIed open , ii. lot of gas escaped , wmmlchm caused time uxarnhmmem-mi to rummm no iik of furtimorcxarnimimmtiomm , THE MONCOLSQETTIIIC MUP China Proscts Her Ultimatam t. Prailce , Withdraa1 From the fine Treaty , Which the Latter PromptLy but Politely Doolinos for Btatod Reasons , Timmu rrenehm Nmmvy Comiccntratlmmg om the Coam.t. ut Clulun. ' . 'lthm Shiotteul Guns. GENIiUA1 FOtt&itGN NEWI3. Al.voNso IN PAUIH. Pmnms , Soptoimmber 6.-King Alfonsc iiiid suite arrived at 5:30 : this mnurmming. lie mvium recuiveut mit time tmmiiway statiomi by Geimormil Pettie ama behmmuif ci Presioint. Grevy unit ! by Duke Do Fornamu Nuumox , Spaumisim ambassador , amid a large doputal tiumm of Siauimisht reusidemitmi. mn : ImEMAND cm' cimiNA. Marquis Tzmmg , Chinese ammulmassador , , has , mmmmtior imistructimm of his govemi-moment , doummammdcd time witiidratwal ci Fnumce from. tim hue treaty. Furry , French pnirno muimmister , refused to co.mnpiy . , but ansureti the mmmarquis timid Frammee is williumg to give China the necessary gmmmmrammtcczi for time imitegrity of her frommtier. 'flmi ruummor is cnrremmt that ( ham. Thobaudin , mnimmistor of war , vil1 remmigmi. rica nor Tuumoxv.iuo. LON1)omt , Septemnber6.-Tiio Standard' Houmg-Kommg srcial says the ieopio Ciminim scout to imavo little fear omf time no- suIts ofwnr with Frammoc , and bcliovotimat witim thmeir new anmumaummeuta ammd time vastly - ly ilmmlm'OVCd disciphiumu of timoir forces , the mmmution is fair better able to cope with i foreign enoumy than mt was iii the war of 1860 , A Chimmeso l > avcr urges immimediate action be taken to prevent mumnoxiution by time Frenmchm of mummy iortion. of Chinese territory and expresses in- ohigmmntiomi thuit such attempt ahmomuld have. beomi imuadu mit time time when Olmina waw itt ; ; , eaco with France. Thu Times llomag Kong special advices have becim received from Haip- hmomig anmmouncing timid. time French admi- rail will biockmmde tim. , Imorts of Canton and. . Pakol unless the Ohmimiese troops are with- drawmi front the Tommquin frommtior. A Paris disimatclm front Bong KomiK says : No ) Chmimese men have arHvot hmoro trYini time mmorth. Three Cimimicuso traummsporta readied Pnkoi a fortnight ago withm 7fi0 regulars ; 1,750 militias arrived. at ; Cmmimton Saturday last. on board a mimer- chaut. ate4mmmer. Large quantities of sup- lilies amid ivisioias are being collected. amid stored at Cammton. A corrcspommdeut at flaiphoug writca that the floods prevent operations of trwps Oh both sides. No steamer from N nmdlnge or Hanoi in six days , . and. thui imtmchi Unmeanmmtsi , Time hioJoadO causes nmany vague ruiumons. It is believed time Freumch immtond block- ' adimmg Cammtoum amid bomumbardimmg it unlesa time Oiminrsewithmdrmiwfruin the Annanmeso fromitior , Gunboats agaIn advanced to Soimtmmg mmimol weroropuimmed ; twelve French killed. Time gumibomats had no effects on time earthworks. This confirms time ru- muons reaching hero from Chmiumesosources CIIA.MflOmtD'8 WILL. The will of Coummt do Cimambord give 000,000 fnmmmmcs to time Societas do Propa- gmummda ; 100,000 framucs for the benefit of time poor of Paris ; 150,000 franca to Lime conveimt at Gorits. Time countbequomtha imirgo iont.iorm of his fortune to Duke do I'armmmomm1 amid a smaller portion to Coumut do Bardue. lie devises the income of hita estate to imis widow. uva-nyn , iUclIAn.n. Hon. , , Richmard O''iiaughmmmesy , who no- contiy resigned his scat in I'anliament , hams issued mm valeolictomy to the electors of his district in Ireland , expressing Ida comivietiomi tiiat time mmmasscus of thu Emmgiish. veovle are honestly anxious thiat Inisk affairs be regulated by Parliament witlm a eartful amid generous regard for time con- ditiomi amid necessities of Irclammd. Lewis Omit. cmi huh. Dais MOrNEH , Septoniber 0.-Hollio Lewis , norm of J. B , Lewis , who killed. . omit , Fmmgamm for attemmuptiug to thnow lum out. of hum ( Lewis' ) rooumi , was let. out of jail omm $7,500 bail furnished by the rich fanner. of Cans coummty , at 5 p. am. yester- day. Public umontimumen is in Lowia' favor , mis it. was proven that Fagan humid. beemm drinking and was abusive Judge 0. 0. Cole , MoHeury and Ivy will defend Lewis. Hollie and his father loft for home last night. The boy deeply - . ly regrets his unfortunate deed , and saya timat. imo wishes ho humid let Pagan beat hum up. Lewis lass imundnouda of friends lucre. - Suit Agatimat. Simmiw lirothmermi. Naw Yomix , September 6.-The Na- tiomual Park bank , this city , haa brought miction in the supreme court. against tha tnmn of F. Shaw Bro , of Boston , the large : eather house which rocoumtly failed. for a couple of nmiliiomm. Time boiuk seeks to recover $42,900 , ioaued time firm be. . tweemm January lust mid Judy 1st , ems promnissory notes. Time bammk alleges that hmasv Bros. assured timeumi timoy wore aol- venit at Limo timmmu imf time mmegotiatiomm of time lomumm , whmeim they wore imisolvcmmt. Other' bmimikms iii time city have begmima aimimiiarsuita. lUlioti by ii Commstuubie , ChicAno , Septemmmberll.-MartimmKahior , imgct ! 31 years , womB suet ammd killed by ( Jommtnlmlo , Johmiissii , ut the suburb of hliglmlamul l'ark , last nigiut. 'lime coumst.a- tile lied mifter tim shooting. Amm attemmipt. ivan made iiy time fm'iemmds ( if tue dead mmmmia U ) burn Joimmmsoim'a imouse , clamming that. . time kiihimig was unprovoked. Johmusoit put 1mm mimi mmpoaramice thus mimorniumg , suireming from kumife woumids cimuimned to Immuvo beemi received by iiimmm iii attummmptimmg to arrest Kauier amid somnu of his boy coma- iumniomis. Iteti.raii&g nuighmtmi. Oiumo.tao , Suptemuber 5.-The Atiantia club of Jialtimmmovo , conupuising Maryland. comnummamidery No. 1 amid Columbia coma- mammdery of Washmlngtomm , arrived fromim tim west thus mnornimmg mind rommialu till tu.muor- row mumonning , Colltaluu . , o td.d Trauma , Ra.tnnra , Pa. , September 5.-'rwo emupty coal trains collided this umorniu near Big Darn. The cars wore piled up iii great confusion , Fifteen uvere throwis hmmto time daum , The accident is'duo to a. brakeman uvimo cI ) asleep.