' 1 I : TiTI ; DAILY I3EICUUNCIi. . BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5 , If38i. : _ _ _ _ _ I y i t rHE DAILY BEE. i COUNCIL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning , Sept , 6. HUBHC1urTICN RATES : ap order. - - - - - - - ro tenUer xM k M t , . OFFICEt o , T Fears Street , Near Broadway , - - ' Itepuhllcnn County Convcntlun. The ie'ru1)licltna ' of I'ottnwattani e count will tiwet in dole nto cotivcutint n at the coutt house in Cauncil Blulfd , Thurodn } ' , Sepfuubur 11 ; , rat 10 n.neck n , m „ Gr thu purpose of plnctng i n noutinn tion cnndidnteB for lho fullewtug wNccs. W wit ; Ouo atntu aeiintr , twn 1epresea thus , ahertll' , tl'eJ1elI1UC , nudtfwr , sur Yuynr. nipcrhitetn1uht of IIUiIIIC RChwUla , I fatten , and luuiburs of thu banrd , of aupcrvisols. Enelt tow ahip will ho ult. I titled to thu following ruptueuututimI : KMlr , 1st prrehlct..b 1.nyttm. , . , . . . . . . . .4 ] ino.1dptrdnct..8 ] .India. . . . . . . , . . . , 2 Kane , 1,1 ImGtt.7 , Lewe ( , . , . . . . . . . . . . 2l Kane , 1111 pncilmtU bincefluula , , . . , , , , . T 1kMnuer. . . . , . . . , . . .1 Alludett. . . . . , . . . . . , Balkuup..3 Nellta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cnwceut..3 Norwalk. . . . . . . . . . . . Careott , . . . , . . , . . . .a t' ! @ , + Aunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' CeuGr . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Itockfunl. . , , , , ' ! Gmvv. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; t Sltver Creek : : , , , , , . t Oaruer , , , 2 Valle , , , , . . . . . 9 lhmUu . . . . . . . , . . . . .2Vuli ngt"m ] hvello1L..2Vuvnhod . . . . . . . . , , Jnnlei . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 wrl ht. . . . . , . . . . . . . Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 York. , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' _ YcrCrenk,2 , The rittinriea in each tuwnallit , , unlc n rnuno + I durd l Iy rho tow'tr od ) cunt . arittce , will be hold 111ondu ) ' , Soptumbu r 10 at 7 P' l , By erdul of iOIINV. . BAIRI ) , Chairman Co , ltup COO. Cunt MINOR MENTION. See .Tnaoph Iteitor's fall goods. Additional local on auvonth page , , School books rat 11. E. Seaman's. ' Cheap ItailmndTrekote , at Bushnell' s Kate Shelly , Iowa's heroine , is t o be ptoaunt at the situ fair. Thu inatitutioti for the deaf nod dum b opone Wodueeduy of next week. General fund wnrrnut were yestrnla Y M being coaled at OJ cents on the dollar. The young rcpuhh"ans nru to meet n t I Smith , Carson & Ilart'B ulilcu this oven lug he orgallixu a club. Two or three roller skating rinks nr u h , pro tised Council Bluffs , but none Beet u to gut in operation yet. ' Justice Slmrto is the oral one of tlt o 1' trio who auemD to stick night at hotnu nu d attend to court business , + ' There was only one plain drunk to sti r d the mnnoGniy of the pwlic0 court yvatu r , , day nurrKhlg , and that stirred it unl Y ' gently , It is propoatd to clove the stores an d .b aillC9a liouaea on Thurad + ty nftturnuu u of next week t ) give all ! muds n eltuuc w P to tsko fu the fair. The city couucil ltas decided not to pn s ally longer it half of the salary of S , \ Ztfrao , the special polieuma at the Un , , ion Pacific depot. Fourth avenue has boon ordered t + radu. The property owners wanted tit filled up about half , but thu council woi It in for te whole thin is or none Among the marriage licensee oaturda were 0.11. Twanbl Y and Sarni Obtrk ur Loth of this city ; lVin. Aamua and Dc rotllu fieutuunr also of this city. The board of eupeevieore did little yes I terday bosidoe diaeuulng road t utters a In the afternoon they took a drive on t u alto buttn to sou abut road there. TIe county board is now waiting t o I at ao whether the Union Pacific will gob . i fJlo up' the bridge on ( .71110)1 ) avenue , n r will pay rho ouunty something for ! t ahoy nuodti t wait. It will be gobble. Thu young folks arc looking fulwn with high expectations to next Tuesday I which will be 'chiWt ons' ' day" at tin fair , all children under 14 to bu udutittel i "freo gratis , for nothing , witlwut an Y PayTho The Harmony Band willgivoanother o f tlieireu o'ablupartlua next. uvon lug'inS Joseph'e Academy. Thu bun ll Lavu ntadu arrangements to give n acne. of Ilartks in theuhuvu hall every uthu r Friday , and all wishing to have a good ! into should endeavor to attend. A colored met named Dtmaoy , frou n Avoca , wawa yeatorduy adjudged Insau 0 and aunt to the nayluut at Mt. Plotuant ' charge of Sheriff Uuib r and Deputy Mu Fudden. This is the first iustncu h this part of the country of a colored put aun being found fount . Thu jury iii the circuit court wad yea tenla dischargud for the tern , A nuw our ) rubaW rnatton and t n toll u ru disItowed u f , and ad'uuruuunt feus tuk ut I Loofbotiruw , which will unable Jud' to visit home and the stt fair , and then return hero to finish up. Some ladies are canvaeeing the city fo r aontributiaua to ruliuvu Mr& Elliugur whose husband wad recently killed in tat I Nortltweaturt yards , She Unvu birth t o a child a few days ugu , and is said to It u without thu eedud comfort. , and in 1 fact necuasitlee of Duch u tune , Policeman Covalt , of Bayliss park compluiue at thu way melon rinds , nuw e of plhpor and nthur litter are thruw n around on the grusa , especially at nlgl , nt If 1tu would male suit of thulu caruly folks cleat up their own tausaiug it wuu a be a warning which porhala the other would hued. Some of the parcnta who send taw it c1 ildruu W thu llultsuhool , complain tin at tae little falls htvu bueu soot buck ugul n lueauuo tliuru were nut Dead uauull , hG U furniture nut having coma U aouu u tlatt thu bound has had nil sulluucr i It which W thlu schwal gut louses lfittud u p for thu full tuna , and the puruuta utu i ally are fueling that euuw uxplunutwu to , , iluedud. Itiy niud R Camitbull prnposn tw p tit in the shin street bridge , GO ft ot , wit II vuoi buauu , at 81,700 , or wth ino ' blame tit ,1o0. Thu council luha n ) sueidud whoiliur to gn'o the contntc t o nut. Opt thbtg is curtain , List brid rat waaltrnl out Jay tlto flood uught to be p in. Ihnd that lgtlt speedily , and as u ktlow ltaylnuutt air Ouutpbull eland at tl I t tread in their lute , 1. J 1)I Phillips , before the council it its b fo day urmninb ousting , mode a aLroui $ hoxurg of llle cauw of coutpbtit tt on the action of the council in euttie ttg + dowMPi6 ee a d Blutfauotta. Uu bet o a duar history of thu case from bo.l , . , ' mug to sad , i u tsucceedud in imprtlain g r t u aldunueru with a aufhiciunt rUtut tit 1L14 JJ4htv / induce them to euapen d Ft work , tinlil n written ratottof ) the matter from the city's atandpotnl , dull 1)o pr@ l > utd by the city attorney and engineer , The Globular alopped over itaclf badly fit it tlenuucintinn of ] lov , bin , Ann st rong , and much iudiunntion is , iz pressed even nnnntig thins. . , who ddfur 1n opinion bout that reverend genflemml ( , n time i itohihiUun qustiwn. If time edlGrr hod seen fit tt criticise , and criEiriao sharply , ho would bore received nnuw ondnrneuetil , but to nhnply cell n mml nu na and n lint , shown nu Gtlnnt. Even n nunko' can make faced at n wise Intnn , T he Olobulnr brae proved time ( . E , L. Shugart , of the board of trade conuntteo ; nppuinte(1 W punch up Uncle Sntn about his now pnsiullice bore , has Iccuivel n 1wtWr fmm the supervising architect \VDstingGnt , atoning that the plena are all pi'opnrod ' , and as a m as specilicnhonnnru outdo oat the nrrnne H I eat for bullditi will 1)u rut iu nutlvu w rerntiouanal that work frill undnubt Bill ho c nnnenced this bdl. A little mono haste will have to ho ahou n , how. e ver , to gutmueh of it done "t11ia full , " 'fho gambling bnsino s is getting back httn the old ruts , Thu council brushed up ngiainst limn mnr hnl fur not abuttiut ; p lea t uy ( and Q1rudetcd , iugicneh uent lout when it. enunu to the teat , bnukurl down , sn } iug thura ssn uo low to wnrrnut them in doing it. Thu regular monthly line .hllaitlfaA wad stnrtud t'unh + rduy , taw nneeasnncut buiu ( ; $2iI cavil , Now it i " buiug widespread Hurt IF Polka nro ref rtttialctl ( lltuyCI complain uudur ! hu HGllO blW. All know % % hunt fault wenua , It uumns n lung drn nod little xntinGna lion. 's'he work of grading up hrondw'ny i s being nttndul by unary dillluulucs , 'Clore mu n ntuubrr of pmpolty aavu who hav. give ) nutieu that they wilt nil in ( rout of their usvu lots , n right whiel , they certainly huvu but Ihuyu liana nr v n int I oiu ouulr , toot the contractor can not o mend told fill ur in opens , Io.aiu R aids travelled ahueGi in hnwIla tort 1 hunches. About tlorody way i ar uu + k u the ptnporty oanets till up ua fat ne th 1 , cmG netor rcnchrs timer 1)1)1(01 ) ) , and III I footer , au na to lot rave work progress nut furndy. Just now each is waiting for tan u uilrur. Aldorntau Sirdeutnpf , who keeps n n englu eye out an the city's tiuaoe + , h not npparuntly liked the way Judg d , lunure uT1e building hid nuw siduunik t he lumber being cluuged t ) the city nut i t he stduwnllt ourrvisnr , cunsEructiug tin nttlk , 771u rcanLttinn wnluriuq the aide walk , nut ! intruQneee by AltlurilnnJnmu s himself , did not pntvidu that the prop ' arty should 1)u chntled xith it. Attun liItl VJ ( ) LIllll 'd ill this eII11a91U11 and lu bona tilndu n part of thu record. Judg e .Coned Bays that of cuu ea lie expects b ' ley far the walk himself , but thinks th city can build it n little cheaper and but fur than lie can. The city council was' shocked on pro soutaGu of thu tulephuuu 1)1115 for lie , nunlth to and that tliuru s.na thirteen u fourteen dullnrn ehurgcd for couucctiut t with Outaha noire thou what vein aluugc ( I for the tine of the iushunonL Thu count oil ruse in its ire turd nt duued the tole phunu token nut , 'I'bis clutrging in usury cwuuuutiuu with Uutnhu see wa to b t pwwr pwliey w ale { lnrt of ale luhgrhou c neon 6mount , to H oary iustrummnta bun nrn taboo nut turd kept nut uu nccirurt o t i t. It is Maimed that heta uuu llnvut . part nud Rock IsLuul there is nu anal , extra charge , turd why with Ontehnl Ott . businusa noun ye futdny rumnrkud that h u would nut iii a tulu , hone ut once if it w1 is not for that. A uthur said ho Iroalu d two , but would not ( nut tltunr in until tli u tutu cent rata was 0(1110 own with. 11 t urGloin' ouch runutrkx arc huunl on thuetreu t and there fa little doubt but thn t wittrin ' mono inatrumenla would 1)u put it 1 a mouth , iuatuad of oh oue.t ben g t aken out. 'l'imn ' nuw umua uulunt hn s greatly iuqmvud the u'orknrgs of Ih u aetum nu nthur respects , told uwat of th uu uold dudes tit cnugduult art , now don v with , and if the tau cunt extra cluurg u veto rumored , oven if there was n sligh t advmlcu its alto regular mtnltbly tutus , tin te roan'Ihwtu ' hudiuuas iu Council Blutl' would buout. Prairie chiukoua aul A. Bnutli a sense t oysWre ro7uivud daily tit \V. ' 1' . Braun's , 1tUL1'llti ItY ItU1,1. , T hose lYlut Arts Nfuv Iluvy lnatructln the Youth tit' the City. The city schools tire L + irly opened to r the years work , anti while the aupurin tmldunt , Prof. Jnmus hluNnughtwu , in r , n ew man hero , and sane of the tcaelw rB . a re now , yet the auhuole ore fast guttiu into u wall orgatiwd state for aetiv u work. The following is the list of tatob era fn the several duitartuienta : Blwunnur school- Miss L , A , 1YobsWr 'truletpul ' ; Anna Squires , htias Vul + nUinv bars. 1)l , If , CUI'tltl Miss \\'ickhu Misses Lilian hunger , dgMiss Fenton , Cut t ie Sbo thunl , Amy L , Iflddwin' nud , ' t itle LYn bird , liuu Cooper anti hiIt & , IuglutGt 1Vnro , usnietuute. Iigh School Iuilding-Diaa DLud a binngutu , principal , blia us Carta Ib owkn , Mamtu Dale , Lela PuWrsuo Oltu Youd bury , Kate Guruur , Lena \Yilduu aeatst alit , \Yneldngtou Avenue ( Mill ) School - ' Miss Aguas Forsythe , pruogxtl ; bloods hury J , Vl'hrnnpaou , Suu llndullul , au Bar1)nra Anderson 1 assistant a. Sixth Strout ( l/uutut ) School-Mist B belle I''nlrutiut , prutcipal ; hfiscoi broth u Sa ; ut , 'l'dliu Autuuruith and Iiautu ] llix sun , ludist + mt. , Stutsmtut Strout School-Mies Co rn Fluuliy.g . , princi Ial , MISSeS Lillie Swan Ida Gralt and lea flarria , tss'tDGuda , , Eighth Strout ( ifull'D ) Suhool-Olaf u Ollburt , prinoi"d { ; bfissoa Mary 1Gteu rr Etlfu ouu and Ida Unvts , itasidnulta , FmU t Avenuu Ourtin stzeut ) School Miae JmuitY situ , princilual ; Miss , ? a ' ' U011u'l'hrnll and Mary ] liuttuz , usai ' ' Lulls Iw'ultth Strout ( Court ) School-A1is B Vialn O.Itliu , puincupal ; ltlisa Alliu A ' linker , nuafaGunt , 1'ivrcu Strout School-Miss 1'urui U ltu'nwlda , ptincipal , and bliss llutti u Gardmcr , nsstaG + ut , StruutsvilluSahunl-MissStnllit ( fttvO e , p inclpl : , rand bliss Lou bhkvaull , aasi curt , tYu + "lhury Schaal-bliss rote Paine. (111)111 ( ) School-blind Itxaiu Uunnhuy , (1irk Schn + ul--bar , C , / . Jacobs. 1)1 Ba Loucks bltua Jutl'urius aunt Mi d9 Drake tutu Dukcfed na law tcuchurs f ( the nuw auluol un'1' + sunltth avenue , tl Ie building of n hitch w1II 1)u completed sumll C ttutu iii Nuvuulbor , Cull for the 6uptumbor etylne at IIar k , ' Il@DD Brea , stir , Il b'nduoyabflantteFralae yr the tuerchaut taller , and ( other tit J , yrJ I rafaey , has just retuned front as ext@uul 1n tour through the ttrst and south. lie w kept busy baud ahaking with his nWtlCfO t o frlr da here yesterday. FATAL FIGHT , A Council 111a1 Boy K111s a acs 1 6iICS 1iaa , A Great Burprlao to thin Many Prienuls of Ifunoy bowls. A sad aurpnse flashed over the wires ycstmdny afternoon , bringing to J , 11 , bowls , time well knatvn saddler on tippe r B roadway , the startling news. that hisann hod killed n man hi Des .Tnites. Time te legram was from \V. It. Vaughan , who is at prcaont in that oily , and w'na anon followed by others , giving a taw uloru of limn facts , Time tolegrans atntu + i briefly that two ern hod untured hid room , chtinling j)5. ) auasinu of it , mud a quarrel outdo in which young Lowl killed n tnnn unuuvl Dngn . Luwi cbtinutl it wnadnnu luault dufutau , but urns phtced m julh Thu Ittnt tulugnun hntier at ded lbnt puhliu aympnthynud ii i , . press w'eru ill ayunputhy with young Lewis , Mr. Lewis started last evening for Due bb/iuu . 'I he young titnn is svcll know here , suns h its Haub n rcpuhttiuu Jul ucneuahlu lord lud stt iwun , that lhnsu who larva known hhn from cbddhuud wurv gnaatly sur pt i + cd , utnd , without wnitiuu for Huy dt' t ails , Benne free to express tlo Iulitf that if Ito hod killed n uuuy the noun nee t huvu dusut vcd killing. ANOTIIaU AICOUNT. Dis , 14oINEn , IewASeptumbor 4.-Tim o shtbbiu g'of Arthur Fugun by his room , tn , 1J , Ii. Lewis , undud to the duutlt o + nguu , 'Phuqurtel arose about ad mitting n cousin of Fngnu to the noel t vend lad to slap during the night , Luw i 9 , as'u htmaulf up UJ the pol'tcu , and th 9u coronur'n iuquust is nose uptugrnse. . Dr.Yaat , dentist , 141'uarl etrcuL A 01'lih'lltla I t Clvca Another Nhutvhrg of rho Dc 1'cutlvu Alarm Hyr.teut , ' Yest@rdny mornitig about 0 o'clock nn alone of tire wait corded by thodiecuvu ot suuku pouring from the upper port u u nne etnry ( tome ht.uso . oil Avenue Ii 1)uEs + ecn Eighth and Ninth streets. Th house w na osencll 1 > y Pus4lmatur Annou r nud nccupful by Juauph 1ink , a urrpeu fur , Thu'firo apparently caught frumth cooking ntnvo , Thu ( ire dupurtwent go L nut iii pretty goad alutjro old worked a twlivuly tluttunly the roof was borne d LudIJ , The liroularm ) atenn is mltnL d hI u credit , huwovur , Thu ulrlrm wu R turned w Iruw hex 10 , but it struck No , 1 l , cu the gong , nud did not regatu tiny number , as tlotu is no box of tin uuulbur struck on the gong , the alurw b esides being of tin pulp , wits uu the utlo baud , n cuusu of cuutuanuu , 's'alt lint has t mooed ugntn called attentiuu to tin u nreliability ul the present ulunu en oat , told ulnnuetevery fire illustrates it 'L'imo ' cluulces tire that smuo day ft may b u i llustrated too forcibly. It a eonfuso ud alaru scuds the stuauete u1f m1 eaulu wl d g oose chase away .rum . rho neon tire , giv u1g it tiulu to get under big headway fleas may 1)o a destruction of pmpart Y + shich would pay fur set oral alnrnu ) Yr tome. Thu trouble is , as in many uthu r mtturpriae5 , the city wanted to be to 0 , couomiutl , and it. got chuup hriz@s nU d applinucus , run his wires on polue when there wurv other wires , nud in fact got u ( / n botched ntl'nir which tiouda to b thoroughly overhauled and clumgud 'ftturo to an economy which fa uzlrnua gam o , and this savors of Elwt kind , Not c only mire the bozos swap 1)ui rho yogis ( Airs used are roc suuaitivn , and requi ewnetAllt adjustment anal bh1I11Bt IIiOtllelll my wntchulg. The systuni at ( Jrosont ii worse than the nld fualliuued yell of lira , which svus about tam oul alartin aunt in Council Bluffs It B one of the hest nn d met ulUcimlt dupnrhnuute of any city it t rho west , and t he too had to mgrplu it B usufulticeB by asking it to rely tin such fltulty eyetum of tllurute , ltunl Istutu'Prnnsti + rs , The following deeds svuro tiled for re c Inl iu the rucunfur'e ollicu , Soptumbu r 4 , ruportud for time BEE by I' . J , MO . binhuu , rural estate agent : August Brack to Martin Durmody , part u , w , , n , w , x,12 , 77 , 42-$100. 1 hnuuu Otheur tit al to Uunriettt t Rugure lot 12 , black 34 , Bnylies at a t ulnwr s add -$60 , C , It , I , & P , It. B. Co. toV , It O Connell , e , w. } , n , u , } , -4 , 16 , 43. J.noplt . Boiler to Bartlett , par t it , u. } , e , w , } , 0 , 77 , 38.-$12f1. Ehxth I' ' ; Folsom to IV. 1' , Wuhstor ' putt It. u , } , s , w , , 0 , 74 , 43.-$1150. Win. Anbfyustur to bbtrin Mytlstur , port of ltiurugulul plat11,000. . flays Shurunn , ruu'r. , to Frank [ i Crun1 , port uf blocks 34 and 35 , Avuc u -.4J00 , \V , ( [ , bnntuith to J. N fns ndy , to t 8 , block 3 , Euhtutk's lot odd--00 , Total sales , $8,286 , Total sales fur time wock , $64,4.43,80 , 1)IDsunu on , The { wTrinorehip huruulturo azieting ho txuuu taw tutdurntgned , uudur taw Gnu uunu0 tit Nugvut tL South , btu this du Y hunt by mutual cnnsuut dissolved , tan u Ih m of South tC'1aylur to eucc0ud Chum South tC'ruylur ugruu to pay all nucouu tit the old brut , and they ore hereby an tlnn'ixud to collect all ilCC01111Ia able sal d IiruL 'pY , A'vaElsr , J , M. SN1Tat. Council BIuQe , Sept 4th , 1883. [ 'ICIAL NO''ICIS NuT'w&-slurl.l ulvenlwareuts , ouch u i.w t5nuul , To 4.un , Fur Hale , T + 11.111 , wants , Ilrott I. UIg , rte „ will be Iwwrtwl iii thls reluuut at the lu I.a tofu of TNT Ct : 7u I'I + It LINE fur the flat luwrtb a , and FIVE Ct.ti : 1731'Ell LINInn rarh sulwwryent b r wrtluu. Ixa1e a hcrllwnxnG at ouruelro , No. rT I'aarlHlrcetnarltnufaay WANTS , l AN'ntU-I : % rry lerlya l tend tslnb to tat e T5e'Iiss. Udi + cnd by tanltrat only tscnt ) tvute a veto ; . TAS'TEII-A toy' , wnhwlly , to de1110r'ltilaUa x 1 7ANl'tU-7riTlLtUh : Fnr tMldonro pngvrtp I n t U undl Inner , rbnire lands lu It. 3 uui b county , Mu , Addre.a Nugent d : Sudth , r semi Ia Slat bs smut. V 'TANIEU-A ant dau lust dal shoo axle r , 1 None other uwd afply , ne t. . . Mau alrcet , 'ANTEIliuuinil.tear ridaicba'oouk miy - Tvdrrral , , at ltty 1'arior restaurant. FOB BALE AND RENT , TtOIttlALE-llauw and lot , uotthwcat comer of I1 Trulh and Unwlray. Joax 1i' . Udla 0. ran uE. 'T tUmtahMl rooms ttti , , ai 0.e' Tao Myaatrr a eot. J. N , CASAUT F , IL uitCUTT. CAS AnY & ORCUTT f 1)02 Broadway , - - Council Bl'ufls , Iowa ' WIIOLESALB AND itiTAIL Oi l Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures f , AND A COMPLETJ' r T''Ch ' OF CIOiCE ] s a Novelties I Mail Orders FromptlY Filled , CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iow a . Aa H. I AYNE & CO , f Dt 'Eltn IN Liffle Louisville MII'IIIUANMAHTEIIllAllIANU HEWY.ItI'll'EIIAIIUANUSOFT (9IALATLUiYtYTI'ItIC& N o , 539 IIraadwaq , - - - COUNCIL TtLUFFB , lOW A NUGENT & ? MITH , ' I 1 a I I < + aw ® w CD w I s , ' ° ' " I r1 , e e I 1 , _ _ CD 1 ' ' K { ' 7 _ oE - - t - - w Merchant Tailors. s 7 and J Multi Street. mZR C7TORS , c70U'NCJIir ' 18LTJFk' ! , Imo. . JOHN BEN O & Ci I OENBItAL ) IEIICIIANUISE. , Is Maln street and 17 I'rael street ' cttESroN lto sE. MAX Ml flP' . , On + cery , rla Mnle HtreeL Ifotrl , 217 and EINsln etreel - J M BAliS IOw Mll nFTCK , , , , , Comdr Fifth drcet and Fifth iv. . I ) n , J , F , WHITE , ( : erne Bata and Fifth up etalre. OFFICE Iloetdentro , , Gtr/ Willow avenue. JUSTICE IF PEACE , N URZ au i , Oelro mar Erpreee. a w A G N E K , w1U dotal fur funerals LlvEuv at AND rca + unabl. FEEII , ate. . ! ! Fourth inset. J , M , s11.JOH' & GJ.Ca H BUYJ'ha , " : ndfrultrHh1 { + 'tiwu Unlt by ntura maU. tae Uraadwsy , + KgNBOOTANDDIIOEIf'OhtE , S .a. P1E1tC : , Corder Y.tn ant TSM anon. , D , A. BENEDICT , BION Otltty warTEit eiT pwlea AND C.uaoSl , . Silas. rm JAsTUB l CH , Stock Coedate , duffs IIEIw1IANT made d nawnabl. TAILOR. pelt. . . 11. . to3 IIalt + HI. CONTHATmt ( AND NuuUE1I , G , F , S 1TH . Corser7thandIIroadway. Plana andayeol5oattaneternlehsd. ( y UEALEIt IN FINE IIAItNEJ3. , I Y SH thF M9 N , 1 Ana Lhe variety that brands patronage , 124 Mats etroN. JAMES FRANEY , Att4t1. work and SIEItCIIANTTAILOR. reaennahle charge. . 572 Br 1 .dxa y . H WE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , 5 and Iluusrbnlmi Supplies. Dpi Urnadaay. L I N IJT & HART , Jams Bludt , ATTOIINEVH 1'raetlc. AT In LAW etsl. and federal court. . S h.TAR UiV1 And bath hone , art and 423 Uroadway , I. . Unterelgu , Pro ! . . F. J. Man t. gomery , M. U. l'hpeldan , AD I ( A Y , Dmre , tiny. stands. VITEHINAl SUltOFoN xa , tr Scott atrcot. EL V91N J , A BBUTT , Notary 1'ub11o and JUSTICE General OF TNEy'FACE , Qt praadxay ' Li SMITll R NOttlIN , 1\EV r.1 E HU'OS f , Uroadway upp + wlte New nlera Ilnu ° e. nelitted Ol , 81.50 vr d ' SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALEIt9 1N I 'li'ocei'es ! , FfO1siOlls , Boots iii Shoes ITYI31aYIGFR. [ TION A GI. z1'JP B. UMFl9 ON TIIE DANK OF IWM ANU , UUULIN , FJlt SALE , 543 UItUAUWAY , COUNCIL ULUF CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETO 21G , X17 nail. S1O 1 . Maim atroot , couNClc BLUFFS , - - - - - - low A ' : MRS. D , A , BENEDICT , ' Tll& LEAlllNO UEALEIt IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SKELTONf HENDRICKS & RICE TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE f EMBRACING' MANY NOVELTIE ; NOT TO BE FOUND ELSE HEP E YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITE D , , , 'V : V V To The Trade I . We take plevtu'e in calling yourattettiet to time fact that weharetuade auclsaxrmttgo tueuta as will @tiablo us to sell you i Boots Slioe I , , ' , Isere , as Low as you can buy them East , ' "Writs for further infonantion. ' CO. a a , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. t Em kie Hardware Coe . 'Ur.er a.4 St rJ . ' + , , ' < t 'gIOL 1 1It.is73 ' , f a. Hardnre I 109 and 111 8. Main Street , - . } VV' COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ' T etc , L1 " \VIIOLESALE DEALERS IN . t . 342 and 344 Broadway , . COTNCIL ) BLUFFS , IOWA. f 1 a PFii1t & CollIect iolie 1 j Patties , Soctnblea and I'ICU1ca auppbed ml short entice , and goods d@11Yar@d to all part of the city , Viutula Bread , and Pies , Flue Oignrs. W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 west Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS 17Bou ht , cttin.d Bold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished . ' . 1 oMA g30N No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS " . F . t .C71 .C11 [ .LZ 1V , + ' _ Special Sale or Thirty a s -CUbbENCING- i , t l'rrtli.rd + , .a .1. . ! fit To reduce elan stock and mttle room for n large stack of . t FAILwe 4 ; we offer at redueedprices ; our stock of ¶ Eoys , tllOliy , isco1alleOUS ! llOOS PHOTOGRAPH AND AUTOGIIAPII ALBUMS , . Pocket Books , Purses & Lathes' Arm Bags . t FANCY CLODS Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photo graph Frames , Parlor Easels , t Fire a Breen. r ress I WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , 1Mllll , BOLL BUIEB MTB IIUO { Of5 y I Consisting of till kind of ; Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. . 1 ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. r r M > ; Pill Pay You t o Call' and ( I Look at Our Bargains. ' W. E. SEAMAN IOo Broadway , - - - tOUNCIL BLUI + . Na , IOWA 1 ' S