Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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i 1 4 t ) J I I Y lil.f , nnNra tA , CTY ' 419EL l ' er l r ( ble
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This space will be occupied by Bedford
& Sorer , who w > 11 make a special announce-
moot nest week. Watch for its
i ,
A Real EState Ageiicy !
14th Street bete Farnam and Douglas.
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IT COULD Nor fl ! )1 'hE TKItfIel t
ULAN DY 1111 : TO tTUItKB F 1 . E9Till ! ,
will. eNUURTnl'tt rVKnY I.srrrllc
ALT. DIUU01S'1S. ?
The Criminal Bnsiucss for the Mouth
of Al nst ,
Now UnlMrtns-'I'ht ' 1'utleCI000'r ,
Bntl F lc.
The report of thu 1loliee court cork ,
Mr. Juruato Punzul , fur thu mouth of
Attu ii t , ii as f"Howe :
Sta l tog whh tut ut to wotutd,1
Cruukyto VIII.tl4 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I
Vagr. ut. atni lu l.ICItIUI perautI . . . . . 21
Asnullt and battnry 13
LutC Ily. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . 9
ll UtlOZZIOlllmlt ) 4
F'ube preWus ( . . . . , , , , . . . . . . , , . , . 3
luulxlaad.a . . . . , . , , , . , , , . 44
lintnlug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
1'cfloI taug a iwlItu1 ; % n. . . . , . , , , , , , b
5lalidnus dw tnnctiuu of prupurty 3
I'turtltltiuu , . , . , . . . .
Uuutrnglt vi court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 1
Currylttg cuuvu fled wuapm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Disnrhacetif , theplnce . . . , . . . , . , , . „ 50
Ubatuctiug , au ullicur , . . . . . . . . . , . , 1
Pwjuy , . 1
Tuttl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Thu fullowittg is the asaignuient made
by City 3Lrrh.11 Guthriu for the tuunth
of Supteablr.
Iiinchery , at city marahsl'a OLlco ;
\Vulkir , oil Duuglaa , butwuun Eluvunth
and ! ' dtuuuth ; ltuight , on Pariah , bu
Iweeh Fdtecutlt uud EluveuthVhalen ; ,
Eluveutlrand : ' 1 wul/'th / atruuta , north of
Duuglaa ; TiluEuery , Ninth u11d ' 1'uuth
atruutsnorth of Douglas ; hrough'r'untli
atroet , auuth of Furnen to U. 1' depot ;
Duuglaa , Sixtuuuth etreut , uurth
of Fnrunul ; Armour auuth
of U P.'depnt to B yd's pauking hou4u ;
A8bmal , Cumiugetr'uut ; 'Iurubull , Thir
tueith atroet fruit E'ariii n to huheaian
't'own ; Desue11d , Ilueuuy uud lluwurd ,
botwuen Eluvt'nth and FifLcuuth atruete ;
Donahue , eupttiu.
W F. Flynn , poliuu court officer ; A.
T. Sigwtut , on licenses ; Owuu Iluekley ,
on struuta and alleys north of
Furmuii ; Th.Is , Ruanu , utruetl and
ulluyn of Fnlnnm ; W. A
Lnine.nif9ublti , atrtut butweuu
Eluvoutht + nud , Fifteenth ; Putor Merzt.
un 1'"atnant hutvn eu Eluvcnth and Fif
touut i ; Iltorgu IVittiuutek , on duty at
U I' , dupot ut twin time , and ptr01s
'Truth ; Spceidl 1 olitu1111u1 Gr11utchur , un
duty at thu uutrahnl's utfitu , mid jitlitur ;
Ed. Gurluan , deputy I11 sluts and jaitur.
Thu depnrtnuut will ahurtly nppear in
spick 1111(1 spoil now uuiblru ( ( nud ht ,
both of whteli hnveiilrcadyarrived. ' 1'hu
buys will bo out iii , tleu' uuw hots tr
Iuurroty , and aouw of thuu , ulruady 11ltvu
' 'n their uo v silica , C.rpttin O'Duuuhuu
luukimgr ; espueiully wull iu hie.
A grand ball will bu given at Crntlnso's
hull nL the uvuuing of thu 11th of OJtu
but , fur the bemlit of tltu fiin u uud t.1
utst them in paying for tie now wni-
furitiy. Evury citlzu11 uhauld buy atkkut
mid help out in sure wily , ay a luudur
worked nut of uiun h nut to bu found
unywhuru Thu following will , ) how the
pnlieu bu + iurea dnuu iii our sister city
last ulnutlt and it will bo iutcrusting to
cuuqaru it with our own :
Thu number of arrests nude by the
Council BlufTs police during
August nlunhurud just ninety and
nine , and Chief Field ie
mourning greatly because ono black
bhuup is missing to tnnku it even h um
bura Front a glancu over thu list it lx.
cones"ovidit that all thu cla4soa did nut
till as they ought. Thu claaaiticaL10i1 19
as fullowa :
Drunk . . 44
Disturbiugthepe.wa. . . . is
ilnault uud battury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 *
Vngrrmcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
Iunlutaahuusoa pro1titutimt . . . . . . . . . 1
Cun11uittind a uulaunce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1 al ruin )
Peddling without lieunao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .
Corr Iuvcuiiiualedweawas ; „ . . , . , . , . ; 1
Udving over hoau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
Kuuping.nltun0peil SUUday. . . . . . . . . . . . I
Uuulbllug. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
The New Qaartors of the Autignariau
Book Store Mau ,
IIo EnlargeH 11TH Bualnosa and An.
bwc1Td the l euland fur Ooud
About four years ago there was a anuJ
ittlu place on Farnaul etrout , a apace bu
tween tot largu atbres , where an Anti.
guarian hid estJlbliallud himself. Puoplu
who lutvo aeon thu picturu of 'fhu Auti
quariun" perched plocarioualy on lop of
4 Htcp ludder , bookk under his arils , 1w.
tweutl his knees aunt mlderhia feutwould
ii la ilte 51r , Seloafeld , Onmhn'8 anti-
/lunrian / , to bo soututhtna like this. Ire
is , ue far as his lava of books ie con ,
corned , but lie to uctivu and wide awnku
IA ) thu duuuutls of such a city its Oulahu
fur thu beat kind of loading nmttur.
I + naut Furnam etreut , Mr , Schunfeld
went ovur to Duugl uM , isn't now is a limo ,
wull lighted molli in Cruumyu's block ,
whuru Iw ig visit d by hid old cuatoanera
and u1LUI new oaca in auarch of the
in hooka , hta well as thu ueertl tun of
current lituraturu and fiction , Ll thu
center of thu store has been erected u
cherry dais , with six seats , an nccominu
lotion to cuatumola buth ormunicntal told
clnnfurhtblu , wlluru they ulny it andlotul
or glance over thu latcat Lreusurus of thu
nutluarian'e trnvu , 7'le htole iii lit a t
night by thu electric liglut , and for cur ,
tuners Mr. Sehnnfuld hex imported es
pucially fion Oorniany a largo Ilnount o f
plcturca to bu given away.
Thu etl'ady incrcauo of art study in
Oinnlia tuna created a doumnd for woe k
of a highs clala on thu artistic and on
artiste , s0 Mr. Schonfuld has provider
lame stuck of those , as well ae ulogaui
gift books of various styles of biudin 6
and rich etlduna do luxo. Anloug theeu
we noticed \Viueklutuul'acOlubrttol
IIiatory of Anciunlt Art , Mra , .la nu oo' (
Sacttd.und l.ngeutary Art nod all 1110
list III good buukN , Lucbku'a llletury' of
Art , all in thu very fittest editiuul ,
'I'u stay III this store a mvlun'ut is to b ,
0VC1C01n0 Kith a IdsuiuJtnlg Resits t
buy , u ) many aru ( ho htteruiting buokl
presontcd Tllcrd is a fall raugo 0
Hurke on phiblaphy ) and ICIOlcu , ouch its
uanuut be futlud evurywhctu , uvenl in
' , tics of this aizo , A stuck of articles
attraetiru iQ childruu till also heels 1(01
in , uud all hnotedu iltvuiud at item : nc
urualueuta uttd picture [ . ' 1'lto nuti'pla'
Filth book ( tile to indeed , as it nlways
wile , the "flendqunrlursof the Literati. "
OI'L'Y JIOutl'AI,1TY. ,
Tho1BIrt11H and leiltlla lu Qulaha tin
The report of the city phy9icintl , 1)r
P. S , Luiseltring , for the month of Au'
ghat , ehuwa a total of 47 dunthy and 07
lirrtlte. ,
The deattlia wuro pmpurtioued through.
nut thu city its folIu :
hint wartl. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 1R
Rt'c ud , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
'Tltlydwtrd , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,4
hntrillwar.I,4 ,
I dell wi tl. ; t
1tt11 vtanl , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4
llu pltala , . 1
Male 26 , fuulnlo 21 , nlarrled 0 , ei6
90 , Widnwal 2 , colored 2.
Dipthuria 1 , uutlarin 1 , pnerporal die' '
ua'o4 2 , diarhual diaeuyea 13 , dyseuter3
1 , iuanitluu 1 , pu1n10uat ) ' diseases 4
uulranuua J , euunhgftia 2 , cunvulsiuue 5 ,
ltup.thtis 1 , enturitia 2 , prunlatuto birth
1 , accidental eauret ( drnntiug ) 1 , con
i1st'ou ; ' of bruin 1 , fulliut : firms 11111
aubunl building 1 , lupus 1 , old agu 1 ,
van'iolle cilhhIa 4 ,
lutertnet t-holy Septlcllor 5 , Pro'
puct hill 21 , county 4 Laurul hill 12 ,
rwnovod 2 , Bohemian 2 , German Catho
lie 1 ,
Total deaths undur 1 your , 29 ; under
5 , 27 ; betweun G and 50 , 18 ; ovur 70 , 2 ,
Auuual duath rite pur 1,0)0 , 1
'r.knl 97. ) Lilo 47 , funllu 50 , colored
3 , white 01. Thrdu pair of twtuu ,
The Ccnatp Trcasarcr's ' Opiuiou of the
NCw Rcvcuuc La rl
Romarknbin IIIcreaNu in the Total ar
Tuxca III Ono ) tear ,
Thu force in tllo county treasurer's
utGeo was found by a Bag reporter y catur
day nutking prcpiu.tlinua for thu fall
wo'k. Tuxes uru duo the first of Octo
her 4(01(0 by the uuw haw becuulal ( ulfu
quest the first of Jutu try , au a big rush
will occur befwcan these dates ,
' Aftur the flout of Jnuuury , " acid
freasurrr Rush s "u 1a + naltY will ho at.
ttchud of 5 pur coot hcsidua thu it ) pur
Lent inturost per annum. 1Vhuro this
abatcy will go Is alit yut curtain ; it will
p1ubably bu divided 101)001 IIIL I various
fnela. But tie law will bu uhnost in.
.1perutive for thu very reason that it will
le iugnssblu ( tl Hulks to maku reccipta
drtud u d .y. All we can do is to take the
fnatwuugh . 1Vt'aunod 11Lakonve lilt hnu
orders of the htxpuyuri , till thuut and
, u.1ku out , the receipts , "
"el'llu bu + itwrs ut the dMcc nnlat be
then , " suggested the iuturviuwer.
"Yua , thu iltcruilso is something to
spank of , said t11r , Bush , 1(11(1 h o pra
ucedud to take duwm sumlu figurea from
hid hooka. Thu total tax for tltu luvy of
1882 , uxclusivu of special tuxes , was
$ ? 05,05,1.88. The total levy of 183) , ex-
clusitu of special tit rns , is $ ' 0i,8O7:04. :
showing an fucrtaae of X45,811.10 That a
.tlutu . all incr. nsu for unu year , [ ululost
forty' six thnusaud 410 btro. Thu tuxt of
rho now hew is as follolva :
Suction 105 , of chapter LXVIIi , rf
thu sresiun larva of 1881 ; , says : ' 'Oil the
lirat day of .1 nolnrv of tie uur aft. . r
which tixes shall have been al
unpaid atatu , county , tuwin hip , pruuinc' ,
uit y 811(1. ( village , uxcupt city ttxoi in
ulttes of the first class , ahdl houauto Flu
linquortt , rued thu trcnsurur or cnlluct'r
shall add n pmutlty of live pur cent to all
titxea ru11minitug due and unpaid lit the
limo the saute , hall bucunle dulingtont ,
nud such dehing110nt ttxea ahtll draw
thereafter , tutu her cent iutercat , winch
mlturest stud Iwn.tlty shall be collected
do salnu asthu taxes so due. "
'this exception of cities of the Scat
clays duos nut apply t1 Ouutha , because
ill nuu ndnent to the city charter , Sot' .
11 , of chap. XII , provides tltnt city taxes
Ihall bucunlu dulinqusut January tirat ,
EVENIN ( , hCl1O0la
or Wyman Onnnnerclal College ,
The evening aeeaiuns ofleis Inatitu
tioh are for the purpoao of alfnrding fn
( truction , in the branchoa t s.t used its
huaineas , to youths and young and ntid
Ilu aged zilch and women , who are em
played during the day , 'l'hoao aeasinul
were , tlpu1ar last aenson and pruparatk ilia
have been enmletcd fur runderitl' then
more satisfactory the coining year. A
, uettor undurstu dioB of thu of
( tudonta attu11ding the Nuutr SCHOOL hit.
tor.Lested ; . such hnpruvenlunta ill thu l.aks ,
to ho tisod and in the division of thou fur
Rudy 1111(1 inlstructunl as to iusuto the
nest rapid progress. I' nir tatchorn will
ho in colIstaut atteubtnco , giving etas.
( till individual 1115tluetion , Spucmll tor.
A'ill he taken to aid tie backward pri
t'utely ,
ITl'hIM. )
The brnncho tmght are lfonK Rerl'
RRAUINa , 5I'CLLINO , ( JNrraa { Vmur1Nu ,
This School opens annually the first
5luuday uveuimg ill Suptombur ,
h11Sa111NN ,
Seaeloh am hold ( tool 7:15 : to fl5 ) ;
St un'hlt''Fit''s ' ' lav , ll'etlneunhay , ' 1'litlrs ,
01(1 Friday uvethugs , for suvon months ,
bt'ginui ng with the dale tf nPhi ( in „ with
at iuturtilissi'rll of i ( svuck dmrhltg holiday
Suitlon ,
Instructionis btiug Iprgely individual ,
000 nluy Inter lit any lulu iuul let its
timu rot Ovum , till the tiext InlliUni lCaliOll
ii desired. Oaty thu thou in actual nt
telIIIUlee ( f9 eouttud , uo allowaueo being
, ludo for abseuco of lesa than tuo week ,
( I'uvahlo in aulvance.l
I I1ook keepfug , tlute nwntIIS. . , , „ 25 00
'to include any or all of time other
I1ook keepingeevenmonthi , . , . , , , . , . , 4000
To include atiy or allof , the other
brancho. ,
c 711 ' G7 l l S l f I N G U 7 ' S
, t. o Uleanae thh akin.
Ncal , , alit Ill n.l . ill
n t , l , . . ltchhtg , ikaly , I'hntll ,
: = Pctniuloup Ibhcrlin
I ti ; ' and rout.glour Ilumnr ,
( ; Illno4 i'ol , o.s . , lik'ew. ,
c -4 Alsries , and bl a tub'
. ' Kkln Tnetnroe , the'cn
lt'aa ItRMrt11R1r . , .
k'z. -r I.Il.
; ; yf hbt. . ( ttICVat ItytnL
y , tt.tiwION111004l1u
tlfer etxls ; Ili ense
gent. fmm the U sxl
end Ivnlmlton , uud
.1i' ' ' Culm'cithe caste ,
1i'tamth 1411) Itch , ,
t5ultnir t ; ll a grtRj CUn ( 'utu , .
IngmnllnflunnuttuCA'ra huSkluatulics.t ,
Inden and 1nrei , re.torel the ronrlcvl'.u , ' , Cutteur , ,
otp , an egatt4lc Sd11 ltatultfler and Toilet nnuls ;
Its , is blb , In lrcating .411 dlsua're , ant fu
rcugh , ch. , l'nl or gteasv eklu , bhckhtad4 hi dele' ,
aid heby hutulna , 1 ullcura Nrme I e err the onq
infatllble btxxI urlflera and ekhl l eauttt en.
Chas , Ilougllton , Eaq „ law3 er , Ya state Street ,
Iln ton , to nets a tree n1 .ill Itheuit uhder his oh
senatlo11turtenycare , ulddr'avuud the Indent' . and Roils , cu I tutrhlch all huan leeth.slt 01
tn aintuit bed teen a , . Iled wlthnut Icueltt , whir
was uHilli ( ) ' . ,
It'tttltig a PhillIld hcahl.y ekhl ,
DIr. Intl Mrs. Kverutt Stebbtnl , Itekhertoa'rl ,
Mats „ it , Itc : Ilnr lit s.I.q as turrtbly alllietul 0th
dcrohda , u.tlr Ihhcnnl , and Iry.I : do etm
s11ushwas born and nuthing wo nods ghehlm
hill ti thnUntil w' . ti i.rlCulcuru Ilein'.Ilcs , whhh
gaduatly , awed hhu , uutii hu Is now as tslr its any
child ,
! t E , Carpenter , Ileutlcno , , N , Y. , ruett 0
I'a.ilasi. or I.erusy , of taco' ) ' yrals' sb11dl..g , by
Lllilcnla Itenwllet Tlw tend w'nulcrhd ' cu o of
Forms. A dust lll full I'f ea lethell loin hl a duly.
I'hy atria , . mJl lit' h luuls ht I , . aunt die , UI t
nv 01tubeturua JIlStlru ut tlujrate ail Mender
.ui , a iost , prnndnvut ti irrnr ,
lion , iVnl'l'sylor , shalt , Cluuni + dmrr , II pi
toil , stye : After I ii cc utndin' u.c of Lu horn Hun
riles , aid tacit. 3tarsofasevnbtsut sunertog Iruu1
acrwtul us Hunt w of the face , nun t , and owl , , u1 was
etarendu ol , I ern uy that I ant cund , aunt sin. .
uuuutwutyrnClll' + Inostruin arkn Iuuruund.
S dd by all degglste , Cuticula , MIc ; Ilesulveut ,
) IS. ; , ,2 , c ,
1'O rrEII UtU(1 AN t ) CIIKMICAL COL , motion , line ,
Sanford' , Radlcal Cure
b.etaully' ulleu. uud her.
, unrnlly cues every funs
itdarn , truea ( lead Cull
I ) I atardml C buns dl w ,
( ' 010 let. Tteatueld , , ' atth
Inlu,1er , , aI ,
Pmranehlp , , anc tnontb , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6 00
pelllUltllelllil , three uumtl a. , . . . . . . , . 12 00
L'cnut uehlpaeveuuunathe. . . , , , , , . . , IS 00
Pcutltatlshlp , Atithwotlu suit Spelllug
tuaeuluntla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Peuulwa ldp , Arithmetic and Spelltug ,
three nwutlll , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 00
l'ellulaienip , Arithmetic atld Spulliug ,
enreu wuuthe „ $2S 00
Peuuaau.ldp , Noadblg and Spnlliug rho
auuo as Pnutabship , Arit.hunudu
and Belllug ,
All bruucues , eava Bouk keepiug , one
nltlutil , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9111
Ul branuhea , Kaye Buok keeplug , three
uluuthuli , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 21 00
All brtucluW , nave Book lee 4ug , euveu
tnuutlu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 00
A Cataltiiuo of the college , containing
clfull description of the Day School , in-
it udn l r Course of Study , ILttue of ' 1'Ili
Linn , lyauea of Students , ltud other in-
fnruuttion , will be Itutiled to rely addresser
or suppliud at thu Callegu otlce ,
A L. 1VVUAN , President ,
1114 a tl 1110 Farntnt St. ,
flnuhn , Nubruaku
The Grand Lodgc of the Statc of Nc
braska Mcc1s Ill Omahas
Thu Proceadlm4 1Yhlln lit NOS1 OII
Meru uudIhe ; Craud Bull ,
The annunlseasionof the Grand Lodge ,
Knights of Pythias , begitn yestrrdoy
nt'4 o'clock , at the castle hull of Ncbrlska
Lnl'gu ; No. 1 , ill Central Ilull building.
fltouiumheeoouwIe11celltonrrivu 1..11141"3
night nud Jingo dulegatiolha rue expected
up from LinculIL twilight nud to'11urruw
l hosu regiaterel at eu hntols yust.'rduy .
were Past ( iVnlld Chamcullnr , II. F „
Downs of Lincnlu and Grand Vice Chito
collar , S. C , Dunn , of Lincoln ; Grand
ahancullor , J. G , Jones , of 'I'uenusuh ;
F. A. ( ; uo , Ellie Cruuk ; W. M. Seuley ,
13uanutt lane Oppuulluiulur , 1' U. C. ,
Nubrlska , City ; .1. G. Jnhnaon , Ahiduui ;
Curl Pupper , Ashland ; Uthriul ltas4or'
shik , I'lattmwuth ; Julia Mnrrisom , Lin ,
c.Iht ; It. O'Nuil , I'htttso'oulh ; .lnlul Q
Cuss , Bellevue ; S. It. Csntphell , 'fucu11l
cult ; Jacob JIII1119o11 , AHI41aud ; Uuorge ff.
furuer , Fairbury.
Tim proccasiou occmvl thirfh after
110"11 , at 3 o'clock , ' 1'llu hue will h)1111 u11
1)auulua street , counturninrch themcu to
Ninth , w Farnnn , to Fifteenth , to Da'
tumpott , to Sixteenth , t ) Ilsiwnrd , Lu
Fifteenth , to llatriey , to Fourtuunth
north , prase the Paxton hotel in ruvie s
illd dlNilliee , George lL Or.c ur is Imtr-
aha1 , ftnaha Ludgo No. 2ti , N'ubrtakitNu ' ,
1 , and l'hulut No , 4 , will nluet n1
their halls at 190 ; p , in. Thurso art tin
ritrcu Omaha hod us. Thu bauquot nuu
hall occurs at the Paxtna holdl to'mure
ro.r ovouing uiftar the Tasttllatiun of tie
new officers ,
I.ItTtat'i lt'19a1N '
, ' "
Oopcerning the I'rugrevs of SLatcjg'plE'
Arrangements. . , ,
' ( I
The general superintendent cant be
found at too fair gruundaevery aftcrnoml
from 2 until 5 o'clock.
It. DAniula , of Gilmore , Iona got his
usual large mmubor of entries in Blase 2 ,
the cattle dcparhuunt ; over fifty put oil
the books yestet day.
Exhibitre had beet apply to President
Slchttyru for booth , stock and exhibit'
lira' tickets , i11steud of the pecrutuy or
truasu'ur , us lucre tafo'e.
Mujtr Chuuthurs null Dann IiWhoelcr , ,
fr. , wunt over liin11day to the Iuwn
ditto Stir at Des ] minus , and this ufter
11nnu I'residelt Mcintyre , 'I'reasmrur
IIartlmml , Cllnru fill liaknr7 hat ,
D.til' , nod 0 , F , Druau and W. IIClnrk ,
of Lincoln , are going over nu u flying
trip of furty.oight hours. 'J'11is meats
tllut the whole party will cnmu back nftet
haying aecurod a nunibor of exhiibits to
ertml , to nor fair
( EVER FAILS. 6Jxiarru , Cuuvul
1 axons , . "Lung
blckruu , SL Vitus
"t Dance , dtcohwb
Opium Eat
61l1G611 dug , hvpAtllf4 ,
Scrotum , htngS
p Q ! Tvet , Ugly Elood
kJ G t _ ' 1llscaaee , llykptp-
ata , Acrv'ousaeas ,
S Lek lwdurhe ,
Jtheuina1Iain ,
A'm'ou 11'alma. , lirulnVOrry ; lanai /Soma ,
lllllnuancta , , Nervous 1'rurtrntloa ,
lifduy Truu6'u ' and trrcqufarltes. 61.50.
$ n Inplo 'feet ( , kiln In I. .
" 9amadtan NenIncI. Luing wuuderr , "
Pr. J , 0 , MrLemoln , JAlcaendcr Clty , All ,
"I lcJl 1t myl r. I ) 1" , I aughlin , CI , ' 'de , I aaese ,
"lt cited pptiydclane failed
) ter. J , A , Idle , Reiser , Pa
z.-Ilerre.peadeace freely aoewered.'GR
I JrkntmonIYbarIIclrculare.end stamp.
ml * . . , t Jes.P
fool b ; all ts
. .r.
. S
a' PA6 , i , 1i
Thirteenth , , ream and Douglas Sts.
r Sr islihlatt M1 D1 ,
21'ii Reason Why Di' . Plshblatt is Enjoying Such U pnrnllcdS'ucoru ,
The aetoetddng am arect.d by hr. FIYhh'Latt , lit sWvue. f.rwery , thought l.cursLle , haveglva Afro
a ltlyh rack In thus uasllal profntou.1 tWa eoua/1y. ile h3a well rush sieeerltl cilebllly , lit. euiil.of !
U u far wtwl uu longer tluew I eeceesery to vii II eu.ten oltiee to fled phyelclaee cite , steel I. treat ouuyU.
catrd dlwtuet
Our Tole + tixnoxi.icalm/
The teattnoatale cost alraote hem letterr published ( e these eotumuv a , . only a few nt the trany
thou.aude Dr. Plehbtatt la anulantly realrbg , u d throughout the northwest anus to every ciauty of Ne
braela.onbe found pantos who ens testify to tb. etflaroy or fib tratawnt.
.L. A , Sictlsa , n 1 romhmerll Druggist andt larul AgcTlt'of the B , and Al ; R , R :
Deuatr , Nebrzau , March 2 , V153.
Ida , flanaLArt-Uoe 9r Apprecleting thus value of tho"cinlce. you have rendureJ mu I dnJrait bib
all act of dald.ludi'gtuysetiuxlruIs ( hi 4.1II , of grltltttIs I ti ii IJN.eJ ya. ARur s wh.IQJdllt , us I
Ii u ii ha ltm 11 iiltarrIIaltttielitterl'it ' I , from vlluhslsdu.trdnI hurl ituro'afen dine it asfiii1t'e
relic em. , h ratty a gear th ) disasuhe'iuuly dbupsual utter year treaty et i1
arrcdyteoInilms.cutImthattlieJ'I ' , ltlu11lelnwe'gd ' , Cunsilurasduardtaq :
( utter U eriMUug ubllgasluneto you and by reforringany one b , we , aintetod as I was , I.haii anal brit as
actufkluJuuutotheta taalrlwttm(14110.11tyurtr + Ame.nL Iivaryour fri.iiJ , b'.t.afuLl.9.
A Ttrrlblo Case of Catarrh Cured , honei of the Noac Dcenyeel. Cured ira
lhrec Months.
Fawo1T , Nob'Angus ) ! ,1893.
I ) . . fleteLarr , Omtllu : in view of the atmolt mlranul sir cure you hav , muctod In my er e , l feultb
) nydutytynIaIdtu1Je111)'alarlhtvubauItot.tItJlitralsowhim It is luc , Fur soar , .
.IQs c 1 from CAAlrrh in thu wwdfjrm 't'ut disuhlru vus u'cu , ' t vary otrons.vo , wtltho b ales nr
11111,0 , w'e a ill a hit.tutu of .1331' . AttonlltitragreIt : deal lntiU natcun , I was lndncu.h to apdy
10300fartroutntenL ( 'lure.IaaltitlhlvulWd/ar.'sloesiJIsIticuyoltWc'nar.ooftoyc ' te , enIItune
Ilaqytarpainos'ItaIIIUwlrmr , , , 4ofthltItrJIUuoath.lyun Isn.utxl.astInrJul
blwl avith'aL.rrh ' ; , wh nn I 'at 11ii lunuu , uvAl tluuw yes lit y nw kcanumlt. 'I'u.uking ylu'n.d ho ur0ly
forthsgrealbJJtlyJJiIJreL' ours. MA3.J.ICdJJNuVILLLtua.
From n Prontitlcnt Cilizcn of Boone County.
nR. rls'luLArrUcar 31r : I II , ) Ilia kuov u < acttr tune to mptrJtu my a nulution wlthyon wltlaue ,
.nlo , , snnwth Ile toe'cp uw lily gra uftunusl fur relict brought by your trutnne11t it iii. My perdduuey
lu trylg'uvurytiut.1 gottml by uUlac f.r t'lu curs of ddarrit , ill Walu I me tu ( h s.lnuwhlt iii too
ptwur lit 111)0 w brlugiut n bet. I urml ndstrtutu 1 th at ysur IrotJs4l , ills wuru bvJ t a nlply.lrthe .rywhleh
Yunde lrudtol.rnct'cu ' , ii aruulya'06atltg I.llgnt , ' wtet'uivcJ. Your ru.aullusl..ItrcationtwrsuC .
Ibescihrul , Iwanl.t0drr011urill.fttu.ltdruedngilnutCatrrebbutwit , . 'nttrelyulJIbullwuIer-
f , ctly Iestnral t , healer. I a n nmv u l Info trou'b t with thu a Teits of thu diiuu a whtuh .i ullllete I mo
the11l , ltJ"twr.tuthis . purI uyfotyuru.swlnlucunmertoteityuur ,
eklllIi thsrbuhdfhl thin enmy.1l.ytunatuiius shduf a1 uouuwluJg , nunI tr11lhIta.lduals . ,
ut hjw unroh g aiJ you Rico uunu nu la your nil ccfl tuu truu'uueut ut a uistresjing uwimlp.
t , J , IY. UUMDLE.
Tcstimonfal from IlumboJdf , Ncb
Mn. ( t eonoi 1t , S uand , of Ili n ill it , NJ'rss'ta , says : I h r'u suTan , I fora bar tt ns with rhe'tm t.
the , Ivldch fits prstnt , e , to t l s w , o , urtot , tint l .ri ubllti l t , goo u . .uy . f tr n , 'ty Iit 'I is wee.
, IucidiynQuctedait di rtrybig iauir ti 1ui rs vluuuu nluivlnluty ruliuf , l Yabmttal t' , your'
tlean11cutab utt.u11uuthsng , , Iluhtqyt.etyittltluuvnt'IV , , vuu. , ail u.nG. ( iii 7,11
ii.tusrhwuled sit ill , ) w 11lrful cure. I hlICJ gulisi eight 1smujj ant am 11Ja abiJ tJ xtw1 t. nu'
0004 stthuut 1017 IuconvoulYwtw.
, happiness Follows Despair , '
TATIAR STA110x , Tore , February 7.
Inn , Fi.ltetArr-Dear Sir : i feel colaldurably batter noes than whin lint I Nrotj ( ty.u . , and dto la
btginlg t. , huts x)400C ia"'wr , mJ utab , . Actor having quad bi 1 r1IJun so Ing , partnl tlw liua , gives , ( , I
II , , nllhx.ufuverbd lulu t.gruparul11itsoJn + sulJoICi'ihantiyroaliLSI , tata1001yutui.white
t gnu.l sppotltu , n ( utuvu aiaslt Ii < e .ttiur poule d , with nit , , ains end tones , ail to hive uvvr lbudIwoo-
.Imtu'atauleu11ulyimprnvulappuarsuco. . ' Amlat t'dJuaurtb4l1YY ' to yur trialulunt , wtiuhshalt
.IwuY , ha. eilutchol nw lrotu ulu.htduwa of dusth , Mini. 4 T OIIAVENN
r A Ll cuU Case of Luna Trouble Cured.
E000YLIa , Nobraa'ra , Fob. 7 , I95 ,
MT Draa fin. FISIIALArr : I owe , sou a doht gr.'It'rlo ' which i nurse w'li ' b , abio to ru cc for the
e'Iubnfa.alll yon 111140 digdarel In tra.tDI ; ills. IItvu for a I Illg Ilins 11.111 c iU.l truJ a talcteCOe -
unlptivu , ill l uvcryh , y , Inel uJbl { ill/suit , cJ „ I Icr d my day. a on , Jrnd. My go s I fonwe h l ow w aply
en you for treuuwnt last Nara 11'.crall I Its thl llro , iii , y sitrt Iilleydu I11rduifsIJJ elttitlu ieciua et tot
Its tor. huv. 1x11.1 hr a c , a dcr. .11 It rat4.n. 1 ii 1u .lieu g d1o I II turn , , JU11' , to I o uuijsr , uywlt
lorough.yeur.l. , Yuuuruatlihulytaus5thlausacicr.uc.f.ur.thsrs.hnIGrlyatnict
four. Uiat.tully , ALt.X IIchNTOSIL
- - w
It fa Lbcouraghfg to Read the Pollolaing front n Long .Sufercr 1Vho has been
Undcr Dr , F'ishbtatt's 1rtatn.'ut for About Two Llontlis ,
lIAcanoalA , Iowa , Janua'y t0,1589.
On. Flantatrr-Dear sir : M' fnikeny I epyov to hate ainn'1 twenty pnwld4 , hc. , I ua.lmUaee }
taklug your uluJtcino. Aral we all thlnk titan , ors never aiy'thhug like your treatwmL , 1 km.w that hell.
Jiue you .unt ow was Just what I neeJel. Yuur + truly , lnw. N 11 , LONU.
Cured of Catarrh ,
Ilooraa , Nabrnkc , February iii. IS x.
flit , nsuatarr , M , D , , Omaha , Neh-fl tar Sir : 1 have horn ruTJn Ig vith cutu'h n ( hi tlu I everYi ii s
Icanranleubur , anlnNlSilt ( w.ltynlnuysirrotatu. Iha tlQll IIiOtirta cars was lul.4ribb , bat
nnuerthslenpl.tu'iimy wit untar yuuv rsatnuItuudwlthrathur mull faith I in it clute ta I rnpus
lapy'uaythat , lsulrsa'ly fuserulullurhlstniluupro/airfotcure. / ilure nureru.elaly
. , : ; t.twsist tithe ilisa its ( hid mujLJauyJJ gar. w ) . ti , 'lust uuy ,
othersuuy and reIh f el your htiie , l remalu your. r.e.ectlully , , w. M. MuYell
A Veer4ggratated Case 4l female Trouble , ) .
The lady who gives tb. I ill Twin f ii.I'n mid d. . nol wish her uama Ipear Inprint , but it'e act
, bjet1tuhays her.llra.igtvelocapIfcutlou. ' ' ' 1'ubruaryIhiaa.
A , S , FICnuLArr-K n ) ilr : Arttn I wut tr a hat et the faro oil arlfurre 1 yon In , . iiiisitllees
vowsoilgreetWhetruethenl'eauu'el , wsr1ltautoardr.ayg'.Otulit.yl1anlhalItuetken ,
or ru U.l only kn.WI w ua I wul t b , new. I'crhare you tnlnt I holy Yay Ohl. meruly Gr thf ease .t
aIng eoutcUling , but , hullers mu was I I.Ay , lteA 10anr ii. in , life hive 141.agrutsfeu tosarleuy. efor
sti .et of alndneu , u 1 fvd $ uwul you MAy hailusu.ul , proiyedty attoal yes through ills , ray bsua
" "at ,
2 jofeed Over Ills Permanent Recovery , ,
Our Oernaan fdnd fm 'tuna hOle , Nubra'en , writ. . Jane 9 , I'I.
lie. FasuaLtrr : i Tai hI nit Verguuml 1111141 11dlalaheu au koenuendesoh Jotg1Itto we as '
ulsl von nlan.r a ten keahut , colt lLu.ra , Icnta rue hr gCYpurCht habu , leh tu.WJ diuast Frusljeir , .ue
ulchvoriauaruilgotuddthtbe , Auhtanpvsl. MAILTUf tTUN11 : ( .
A.abhor etatlnnedat leort'ii ban , wh n frleel was be I nil ten , though a oTmllptton of dlioou
tilts. under date Joy 401 , IS 0 : I a u pie u d to Inhna yJ t lit at ins trim 1-h u , a ; tin , w I Is ruluu
dculytiruughthsotlpof you rvsiJ + ubroill luua , IEJ nntatupbtulrldtlnyouussaIIai.troOuoo
Mii. Wu,1--rr , of hoer ley , wriloe fui.91,1.311 I hire boon ta'dng your mudioinet according ( .
lirectimu unit filet m , so I gruully Inlpru..l. 'ran idu I" lily head en I my Yluep much bettor , and 1 1m4
.try much ti itSrn all rus.uttt 14111 ca 1 go about my work with pksuru.
. pprcolallug IVhat Dr. Fislsblalt has Doyle for Incr.
Oitxu IsLasu , Nebrasla , Juno 17 , 1593 ,
flit , A. S. FlsmrLsrr : I am feeling quite strop and lo&iing Iiweh Iettsr Mute gains 1 the puuuda&
welrhL Wi.h 1 cuu.l tell evuryboJy uuw liul,1 tell and Iwo wuq I Isul new , Yuuls ,
111N3 II . Ii EItih 1'ItEEE.
iaturshewrilns froitsLoup lily : My friend. her , had not ccell mofor slit month. ; acre dcllahtiJ
wfth thu hnprvtsmtttu ht uiy lit lth , A young trleiid e11yY ha licYOr eaw ii. . lohI. g Yu w dl.
Mr. it. A. Inwosiot Lynden , NYbml'cv , writuv ut lerdatenf April 23.1933 ; The which I re
relrclof you atlurJatgraut relict ; ; fell as thouh 1115th bean m , uuerated.
A ynltltg gentleman from Exetur , Nubrorta , wrlleluilu1st : 1cnaratl.flol that your mudlcinc ,
err helping me ; I ail lint as ue1Yuu. , nor have the dizzy s , this. In loot , hector , I feet ai though 1 was aa
other buy ul"'gatltur
Kidney ! 'rouble and ireous Prostration-ARcmarkable Cure ,
Nciiuneu , Neh.July1,188f
flit. A. S. I'ltuuLAtr , Omaha-noarRlr : I'ennlt me h , elpres4 to yml city anknnwl.lgnr'nt of the great
rcrvlcupalllavuduiwnl0luru4in'K ilinneunwrutohuult11 al.trugUr , WhenI lirstcm.uitud you
sutfeieii vyuwl du.cripti el fru11a ii tiutlsutu ill I ilr is Irlatli ( yllu II Witt I l aY tutu of cu I1 , t0'o ' pr stra
hut , 'Thu uuttsro.g . of uiv heart star the ellhtad exurti0n , waS bnyund aidnmucu 1'hn.ugh . your trval
11u ut i alit new tn1.ivtuly ruRoruJ all I a ni.l Orr mtnu u udracnluus cm , . t feel butter than h I au fur tetra
ahd ttaruaru iiututcect my oil Wnipi.ilit kits Vcry tnllyyuuri , JuhhN D , NMIfu ,
IL will hi observed that nt1 above tostlmonbls are the q.ontanooae exproadonsof those aho are o
bare beenlur , l'l.hblatt'a patl0ll. ore not of en anelunt data cod from aline Gruff plate , but reproaeul
Iru. sentiuents of those who through hl , tr.atinent hero haven restor.d to health and hapi Incas
AS Iloru , aufI dug from Chrome Msnuesof Ile watts haw Ioug .tan.Uug , tea have an opportunity o
eonultingDr , ' S
OON9ULTATIoN FItRg Ohar es malertte sod wlthln the roach of a0 who used aclendflo mrdlaa
aaeuL Tha.whowhorosldeatadl.tauouandunnetcall , will r.ceivu urvwplatt.oUoatbrou to luxe
mply cindlut thdr eyle Pow with patsga.
A44n Leak hex II , Ow.he , ll.b ,