. . . . : , : : 4 . . . S . . 5' 5 . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . H \ I . . T I Ri'EENTFIYEAR. o1A1.ri : , NEI3. TUESDAY MORNtNG , SEIT1f13ER 1 , l83. NO. 67. ou Cannot' 1iy It In the i r18 Bar-rooms. What an absurd idea it s to send . a sick man , with an ailing stomach , ; a torpiA ILver , and impoerishcd ' blood , to a bar-room to swallow some stirnulatmg stuuT and call it .lflCliCiflC I L J An enormous amount of mschkf 4 . isconstantly done by men who thus . trifle with themselves. Instead of p. healing their diseases , they make them worse. Instead of ganig ttrcngth they only acquire the dis- : g raceftil habit of tippling. t It is a point worth noting in con- flcction with Brovn's Iron Bitters , that this valuable medicine is not I sold in bar-rooms , and vill not be. . : It is not a drink. It is a remedy. It is not made to tickle the palate of old topcrs. It is made to heal dis- . ease. It is not made to pronibtc the S iood.fdllowship ofa lot of bibulous fellows standing around a bar and asking each other , " \Vhat vi11 you \ . , _ : akc ? " It is a true tonic ; an iron medicine containing the only prepa. .i ration of iron which can safely and f beneficially be taken into the systeii i nIo'e , and agfa .J. nSTETTEb' & tilet , , In troIcnl . 11(1 tthr rCgjII ) CELEIIATED i iteti b o . : d Itdeei , In all I Iocalitie where the cotidhtlnnB are ufl favoralia tO health , , I : I thu taninue c1t5. bla Invigorant I .1 . ait4ratRU , lI.'stc. - . tCr' itonach lIlt. : . ' : hera , ha hweii found S S r a potent safeguhrd . " . . - even to ftlIe consti. - . jutiong atid fragile fraies. while na a cure for htidigeatloli , bIiIousIO9 and tin. STOMACH thod eolnplainta , It ' I , yIthiut a rival. IIr..IuIE mr 'ale by all : flruggIts and . . Cr , , . - $30,000 for $2. . , Begular Nonthiv Drawing wliltke plare I the 1.Ia.onlo Ifaul , Maaoulo Temple Build. S I lug , In LoulvlhIc , Ky. T/iuisday , September 27 , 1883 , : A Lwfu1 Lottery and. FaIr Drawings , chartetel by the leglataturoOf iCy. , and twIe. deciar. oh legal by the hlglic4 court In the State. Bond given to llcury Cotint In th sum of iOOtOU ) for the ' . . Vroi11Lt lay1etIt of all prIze t.old. A 1tFWOLUTION IN SINOLE NUMBER DRAWINGS . ( EVur % ticket holder hlown eucrvIor , can a1i ot the iunibcr on hib , ticket and 800 the corre end , log , unber , on the tag jlacel in the wheel In Jile , eence. Tieso draalnge vhII occur on the iaat . , _ J . hureda of every month. Read the magnificent September Scheme. I Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ S'O I I'rlze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0(0 " . , . I Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , l : ' _ , - ( 2 Vr1ze , 2LOUCaOh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 i'ea2'Oca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ; 20 Prize.6r0caeh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i h'5 100 , rizc , 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2IJ Plze , r. ' each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00C t too l'rlzce , io each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 ; IW ) I'rlze , 10 each , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 ( , I 0 PrIze 4 , Suu esch Approximation PrIzes . 2,7t % 9 i'rlzea , 2a ( ) rneh ' ) 1,8(1 ( a 1'ilze , 100 each " .J " _ _ _ _ - fr . . 1.85. Prlzee. $110,10 ( WholeTicketB , $2. HafTickete. 81. 27 Tickets , $50. 5 Tickets , wlOO. . S Remit money or flank Draftin I ctt" or Cfld by , p'\ . cx rt88. D'T SlNI ) BY 1tOdt1ltE1) I.FTTRII , .5 oit I'OT OFFLEORIEIt , 1I.Il turthernotice. Or der. of $5 and upward tu cxjres ( , can je sort at Oul exi.enee. Address LU ordeia to .1. .1. POUGT.AS . LouIv1lleKy. d pat-tu.th.kwlet Ow sea , . _ , .g ; . ; . ron NN I &INVA . . ii I Only Perfect aubatituto for Mother'i $ 1k. The inut nourlehilng , 'Iet for Invalids an' ' 4t nurllg mothers. Coeinedc't ( , by all l'hvelclann ( ( , . - Ke4'e In all ClilnatLa. Sold by all drugglate. 6 coot. . 'V. i1TIAfF & CO. 5n4' ( for tim ialillCt. ( , , I io.tu&tli.2fJt 41 Central Wharf. looton , Itsas. Broom Corn 'a I /iACIIINEIII ! / A PULL lANg-CONSISTING OP _ -c DOUBLE CYLINDER ISCRAPRS ' - p S/ j/ HORSE POWERS ! rXlc The Best in the Market Manufaotnre4 by byC. C. 0. COLTON t CO. , OaleabUzl % , Iii. jj5.nd for Circular and l'rlou I lt. TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Notke i , hereby glvc tlIt the Board of Count ' cQInhlelonors 01 t.oguCoUity Nd r.eota , % I I recoil ) ropo.al. witl , , lan * ani s .o ( fh 41ui $ , for the ore of a brIIgencroo the ? g 1lu.i filler on bectlo 13 , tUllil 4 zaorLI , range 5 coot , hear the Caldtve . MulL IO lurldgo to conbt of two spans of one hiundre (100) ) fiat ClClllf wui Iron , or ojiiutfnatiun , , Wit roat'eav f O'.r , (18) ( ) fed , an I to rout tlOh , ( a cut atructuro of thirty throu (3 ( 9 oak luhlu , 1weled an jor ugIily . S i'hlee 10 ( O (1. ludl cixtean (10) ( ) lncho In dlamet at biut aid tldrtl (3 ( ' ) feet hi loiagth 10 ho fIrmly drhi en aol th ° r ) , tjcultd arid bra ci and cape IthitlunI ercoot iea than , ( ) by twely (11) ( ) lflC C , . Ia , twil ap roacluco , one of fcrty (4u ( ( ) feet and or of enohundre' and twent.tIvu ( h25)feet. ) All makrl.alc to hue wubjoct to the Ins ection of lii COUfltyCOllllIaO1000M ( orthlr acccptaneo or tion. tion.I I he bridge and ap roachc iiuay bo let together . 1' I 'flue eucaee.fui biller or bhdder * lll hue require 4 I t 'I' tjoiitI to the county litt ( at Ieaat t'.u goc I and .ttfcleiit ( Mureut ice , Ii a cum equal to double II : I ainoutit of the contract. to Iu a roved by tiuc con miaInvrc , conditioned for the laiiuluh lerforunC of the tMUtract ( The ointii1oners ronorvo the rIght to eet an or ill bldo. All Iroi' , must becoalo I and endorod "Heidi Prjoaai' and addre..eui to the hoard of Count Commlailoners of OagoCoiwty Ileatelce ' Nebrask on or before nooci vi October ib , 28iu3 , at'wtulcb lien and 1ace all ) Will be opened. Uyordcr of the County Cuenuui.sooners thu 291 dy ( uf August , 1883. (8eAIi ( A. J. P87FIIOUD , , uvi4.1l.i8.5 County Clerk , 11W ICEOTHERMAL OPENING fly. The fl1ll with Lake IIPCFiQF CC1CtI1'titu. Paul au Iuuco1is. . The Oapital and Metropolis of Minnesota Ehvolopod in Bunting - ing and Shrubbery. Magnificent Arches , Expressive Mottoes , Gilded Pioturos and Plowery Pathways. Distinguished Natives Mingle With the Titled Nabobs of the Old World. \VhIIo thin Conaiiierci.nZ . itletliotlil of tine l'ast ItIC L'npatiIettVithe tIm l'reNCllt. ST. PAUL , September 3-Tho Villarci Iarty ) lelosu early this lnoriliilg , bruak tttCl ( net the hotel Lalnyotte , then ro lInLirud to Lake ISIiiiiittoiikto dukt ; , whore a tniiit of e11t3 was in reatlilless to teku ( Lii to St. 1"iul. It run to ia destination inside of (111 hour. Upon arrival at St. I'aul , a grand reception was given the ' ' lntllflbtltS of the p'Y 'I'liu inlayer , COIUIC11 and distiiiguislicd citizens were OIL luflid with am abundance of carriages , into wlnch the jarty procccled. Soldiers were drawn u in front of th depot , presehiting an innposilhg appoarahico. ( did nuht.ary bands filled the air with music. As the prcc8s1on iflOVOd up Third street from the depot Rfl ovation of the nuost elegant character greeted theiR OR every side. The buililhgs were IflOst profusely decorated with flntgs and banners streaming ; beautiful arch ways were at sverycornur. At the julictiOll of Cedar street there * .is an archway of unusual size surmounted by a gilded dome which was supposed to represent a semi.hernisi > here. Upon this archway Was a likeness of President Villard , and thcgreeting"St. Paul welcomes horgueste right heartily and does honor to the Iortheni Pacific railway. " Some beauti ful young ladies in white occupied a stand beneath tim nrchway and showered bouquets of flowera UpOn the guests. Imntediatey following tine archway , on either aide of the street , were long stands gaily decorated , and there stood hun. thcds of fancifully dressed little girls , who also showered bouquets into the carriages. Down every street so fal ac the eye could reach , wnu soon dense crowds of people pack ing either side , while every building wai literally draped in gorgeous decorations tu "This is the greatest St. Paul has yi known , " was reniarkod bythi. ldctt ' izens. The ) r0Cess1011 II3C1 WitS twc hours passing a giveD point , includut I the lflilltal'y , tiro.dePartlnUIlt , leading cit I and winpflS ) .rejreselitfllg every in ; dustry of tlie northwest. It was roviuwe . by President Villard and party atRico' ) Iark. Aft4z viewing theprocossioti the gue3s wore driven all over the city I'resident Villard nd General Grant oc cupied the foremost cerriaga. Froiii St . Paul the ltY left for Miiiiionejtoli a half petat 12 , there to receive a ocoin . grand reception. The St. Paul receptiui was characterized by elegance , complete ness of detail , and order. it cost tlii city over five thousand dollars , whici was appropriated for the purpose by thu council. 1IR CIILtIIRATION AT MINNIIAr0I.Is , MINNBAP0LI8 , September 3.-This ha boon 11111 iitost ovuiitful day in the histo ry of 1Iinlioaiolia. The aliiiounceiiwn that President Vihiard and guoets wuuli atop iii .thliIlllet1)oIiS ( ) 011 their way to wit 11085 thu driving of the golden spike oi the Nortlicrii i'acitic , caused tile citizen , to stretch evei'y nerve to iiiake the vlsi I a memorable one. 'l'Iie day dawihed clea . ( hid bright ztiid not1iiii occurred through out ; to iniar the festivities. For severn - days every out' line becie busy fashioiiiiig niottoing , desiglhiihg fold executing novel ties in the way of decoratioii and adorn ineiit.Vlicii tim hour of jiooii ciilhhO al business houses on iriiicipal thieirough fares wcrolnlvishlyadorlhcd with einbieinn flags , and mottoes. At the intersectioi of Nicolletd from the First National baiil across to harrison 11(111 ( , VRS a section o I the Northern PaCifiC bridge over th Missouri river at llisinarck , with a ininia turo traihl of cars upon it. Between th batik block and thu Jackson block acres tIho alley , facing the Nicollote house , wit p ( in acc r.itu rcpreentatioi1 of the Minuc halia falhs , water failing over and throug tl lu liiass of evergreens , Across Ilount ) lll , Lit tile lUtelittiCtiOhi of "tYas1iiii toil , was a suction of the Man tuba viaduct , how being buil across the river at Minlicaimlis , an ) over which , on leased tracks. 'I'h Northern I'acifio trains vihl run froi their eastern terminus in tihie city t. coi' ' ilcet with the St. Louis boats at the iaii l1g duwnat the river. Across tliouvenu ill front of Anthony lCelloy's was aiiothic ' ningulficellt arch , and still aiiotii 81)aliIlud the street iii fiont f the \Vjl dutti block. AhI along thu nvenuo ver novel lihottors. Tue pi ottiest. was on t1 Viiidoin block , where , aniong otlit - thtii.gte . , as jtiled a huge stack of flowc beds with iisottoes ' ' ( livouS thewlienet ; w will feed tile world. " iii front of tii I 0 Nicollet house , facitig \Vnshiiigtoai in ; onue , ii grand ataini with accorIhIllotletior l I for 1,000 loolo ) ihall 'liceti erected an elaborutoiy decorated for tim diatiii4iiiesh ; : ed visitors. From the elevated positiet ' . the guests had a iiiagiiiticent VIeW of th a decorations oji the other side of thestree ur cOilBl)1CUOUS nhhiolhg whicii were large vi ( . tures of Vilhard and .Jny Cook , hiatidsonie ly wreathed iii flowers and eve greens , mid large ; .uiitings ropre I0 muting scenes aloiig the Nortilern i'acii IC railroad. 'I'lie llOWft thiat Presidoiit A > thur , Geiis. Grant and Sheridan and Set r rotary Lincoln would be 1rcsent , its spread far tOld wide , and the tr.nins con lug into the city went crowded to the ' 0 utitiost. It is estimated fully 40,000 vie . ttrs vero ill the city to.day. One hui o tired aiid thirty carriages , containiti I ) ' Villard and guests , were drawn up toti ' Nicollet. house , preceded by a coinpar 'C y of mounted police nndDareeze'a full bain a , As the company alighted they were gfee 10 od withprolongcdcheereby thu thou tu dn who occupied every avaiiabio iihCh space in front of the stand and wiudon Of adjoining buildings. The appoaranu of President. Arthur oii the jtlntforiii wait greeted with roulld upon rotitiel of cheers aiiil when Oew.'ashtiurn steped for. ward and introduced Rolort Lincoln , tim son of the martyr l'resident , the vntt. nudknco aave hilhl a greeting un loss deluohlstrath'e titan that which followed tim appearance of Oriult and Sheridan. A llloiiloiit later the appearance of Vilhanl was tue signal for an outburst of ap. llltthSO ) 1111(1 cheering tihat wait renewed long itfter that , golitlellIftIl bath acknowledged hts intrntluctinii and was ligluil taiioit tip tvheii ietrs. Villard. ceuno forward (111(1 took her sent beside lilii. Pronklelht rtiiur's 5lCCiUl train arrived fniin the west. the caine lflohilcllt tihat Villard's train caine , and he received Sheridan iiiiel LiiICOlfl at tile ( lopot. At a given sigiiitl the vast vroccssioii witicli had been waititig over an liettit ln'gall its lihltrch Inst the graini statiel. The first vagois caiitniiitel rulIhinclul's of early days of lstiiiuesota , representative ( If Indialls ill nil their ailupliCity , sonIc rented in birch bark canoes aunt log cabins. 'l'hio early ( lily tago coaches , the inuvitablo ' 'Jrairio on" coiita'iiiiiig the eiiiigrititt , lh'is fatiiily and possessiohis ; tilun caIne a wagon filled with baggage reprcselititig early days oxIvvss business , followed by a wagon Oil which a car was tlaced marked ' 9'eIilI. ' iit'8iRhis ) to l'ertlitlIdViit ) the iIrt1ierl1 I'it cifiti railway. " After these CaIIIO ieeitt inodelt , coin1luto to the hlliIliltest detailof the iminelisoVfl5ltlhlrli ) mud Pills. bury 1111118 , iiiitl iiniiiediatoly follotn lug twero wagons coutaliting machinery fr.tut the nulls , cinitrastilig tile early days of ( Hilling vit1i the present , shlowilhg the grcatinlroveulent ) which had taken ) itinco. The lumber interests were fully repre. edIted iii a series of wagons. I'hiu first contalihing a larL'o log-un. hewn , tinsawed , aIId etiding with a IlOtisu iii process of erection. Many of the vehicles containing uhachinory , in these divisions , were arrntiigcd with leather bands attached to the hubs of the wheels , so that the inuiclilucry vai kept running during th eutiro parade , and wheat was threshed and ground , anti ' lumber sftWCd and planed , ali.ng the whole route. It required nearly four , hours for tim procession to hans a given Pohlit. Ill the line were 14 band8 15 companies of military , 134 men on horseback , 829 wagoni 2i13 , horses and thousands of nen en gaged ill the various tWur and lumbei mills of the city. Such a vast industriit I procession has probably never been seel in hue country , and in it were represent cii every vocatkii in life. Not the less attractive object vts it wagon contalilitil a band of liidians , listening intently it Father Hennepin , the first missioiiarl II this country. About 4 o'clock , l1art I and his guests were drivento _ Lindalu . hotel , on the banks of lakofCalIIoun , alit ianqueted , , after which they returned tc chiejr tr.tin auth were t kehl to hotel La fayette , whore.they iiro tIidercd a ban I qutit to-nigIit. S - , Till' BANQUaT. - C JAie1tMINNETONKAMinfl.n Soptombo . a--Hotul Lafayette is hhed with tli guests ( If St. l'atil , who , attend"Lh banquet this evening in honor of H nt t ) Villard slId party. The distinguishe . ' party which had already gatliero to aid this city in her celob'iitio L was this evening augmented by the ai . rival of President Arthur , and ( eneni , Sheridan aiid varty. The inagnificon diningrooiii of this beautiful hotel wa : . urofusulY decorated with flowers , streaiii ers and shields1 slId iilOttC3 of varinu b states and nati'les , from which the city 1 guests are gathered. The following at the tuacta : I . No. 1 Adcire.s. of welcome by lIon. C. I O'Brien , inea'nr of. St. t'aul. No. 2-"lhe Northern l'acitic railroad -u 1 hail its comiuletloil heralditiga brighter futui S for the country. 'khi royal iufenut , though I her cr.sdie yet , iiuw proinlutee upon this lucid tilIULliltl biestings which tune will briug I , " - \TiIIard , 5 . No. 3."Thee city of St. i'aiil , the eqtoi terminus of timNorthern l'ucihic It. IL"-Iloi t Ii. F. Drako. I No , 4.-"rlio U. S. governocunt , by ci - couragicig tIne traius.contleeaiital hues , ateiigt1 oils the uiiion.-llun. 11 , Id. Taller , I No. 3.-"Our foreign guests , the ri'pn'aont S tivee of iiatioii whose lictIlele arc liecunihug LI t , treigtii ( n(1I glory of the great iiorihwest. " . r lion. 14. Sack' illo West. . No. G.-"The Latc of Mlnnesota.-Goo. I I Itulibard. No. 7.-"Iho army , holding tim savage i , check while the shores of is conthciunt we . ueiitad.-lajur ( eiaernnl Terry. . 8th.-"Tiie IIeIV northwest , Its bouiidIes r 11 sources now thrown 01)011 for devcloiinioi t Iii avoItit1uieiio the collineerce of ti - % % orlel. " . lion , AJax. Ianiey. ( I , fJtli-"Tho city of MiIIueulleolis-Hon. . Il A. Amen. k loth-"rlie railroad syitem of Mimiesot f the catise ( if tine oudcrful development of ti tatc.-J. ii. U . llth-"Th Prcss-iIon. Carl Sdiurz , C After the gucath had well pariaken s the banquet , tile ahairinami called , upc 8 all present to rise to driiik tht.htf'liealt I. ! ) f President Arthur. : rIii.a Wils done wit It ciitiiusiasiii. 'l'iie presIdent spoke as fo I. lows : N ItIit CuAIII83AN-I thank you cordiahl I. ( or your kind greeting. 1 am glad I Its titk plirt in these festivities. 'Flio geci d work which they coinnit'iiiorato iluty we 0 he celebrated , and Itlr. Mayor , scull iiiii n the residents of your city , whichi static I. itt the gateway Ut tliiit hiigiiwity , stretch I. lug far out to thu western aci 0 congratulate thiuinsulvcs , as tinny ni ii. hiout. to enter Upon a career i ur renewed jirosperity. Coilhilig to you froi 1 thiatwonduriand of America , I havu tnt' .0 oIled a thousand iiiilcs by the Northei e l'acil'ic railway , iiothiiiig I have rout r iiothiiiig I have over head , have celuahle ir wiiutt I hitivu scull , wideli convirces iii e of the iiiiportance of this great enterprii 0 ilihU that it hue notbetiii ovcrcstjiiiuitecl I p. ff5 must suutgu'iilo friends. All hiono Ut then , tel the zeal and en rgy which It ci LII'UII tO that. enterlirise such trelihelldot 1' tilCCtJSS. LI4oud chitiers fllowed , by thsie II chieCl'd for Preidduit itrthiui..j J1r Vi 0 larch itt ictly to Arthiur'.n 51)eCcl ) ( a.iii ti "I CLII ) itlinost staggureti by the weigh : . gneti.ut1u you have heutpctl UOIl iii j. i : huaru uiycady oiico before to.tlay ( Miiiiiei4tolii ) 1)0011 cornpeIled i.e Itiote j. that titu 1toifir , ' was being showered tim ii , (1W ( beyolhd idy iiieit. it was iiiy gin r fiirtuiyi coittluet. this eiiturpi'nw , tb d 4tlIrttj 13 yearn ago , to a successful co el elu4IoIi. Btit _ 'there ire otlmra eiit'itht ! tut 1.reat deit pf credit for title aucce 1.1' liutidc8 myself. ' Ciciinst.utiices called ii I. 3i ) tile dlrttLUon , of , tiht1Nl tliurii Pacific I. the 111981 utue1tici.wi ritid of hirospurit ig rite tiitit could . au't have been me ( U 'favflrabl _ than Pffriuiltl them. My an ly cesB lii W ) far duo to my predecessors the Nortilern i'ac'itid , and to that of ii t. associates in the directory. I found h lis'ing ' body-riot a dead one. Tue en ui coBs of the enterprise wae assured befo Ce I became president. of it. Now that t 10 road i3 completed , it was incumbent the nutnscement to make it satiafacb.r' to tlio shCkhOldOi'S ahld CeltIhiiIhIiity ( , viln have looked forward to its cehupletioll , Villard c'ncluded by ahluilbig iii feeling terms to the generous lIolqt'ttahity extefld. ed by Sb PAIi1 and ! ! iulIeapohis to tile foreign nini Adneticiut giieiets. Vihlard's remarks wore loudly apthstided. Presitlotit Arthur and natty left or Chicago at lii oclock this uvolihug via the Northwestern. They cili reach Chicago at 11 o'clock to.morrow , spend one there anti thioncotitiiitio tilt \Vitshinc. . toii , 'i'hte varty in iii the heat of heuthiii , aiid veIl lilbaSeil With the trip. THE HAS11NS REUNION. A Larc aiii1 Eiithuisiatie UathcI'1ll of Vuteratis , itrigaden ainil BaIIIln Art'lvliig ILourly. Si'claI Diepatch LoTtie lice. IIASTINC1S , Narn , September 3.-Canip Shuridahi at this writing , t ) p. III. , isfutirly alive tvitht soldiers and eivuhins. SLtteell coaches of veollie arrived tt.thity , accolu- PaIli1'tIbY ought butuds , 511(1 leave beeci as. 8iLllCl quarters. It is eStiliIltted tlmt . thi'rti nro,3OOO poohilo in tile cutmnim. ( liii 5.'h'til,5 ' prtiouiiee tile ratlli'ion thtin far I ito , sttccessful over itelil ill Nubras. kit. The enthusiasm in bpth cuunp stid city is.hhinulnso. Everybody except time hilulhiuigOl'S scums satisfitni vitIi tlloar- I runigenteints aiid the latter iegret the . iiiin.mnrrnvnl of 300 tents which Ilavo becit lost on thu track between tItLe lilutcel mitni St. Louis. Tim CfltllI ) is now ill the ltalil of Cciiernl J. C. Boniuili , departnient : collunnllder , to whOllI it. lute Just boon I transferred by General Bowen , chairman L o the reunion conunittee. FATAIJ , : Destruction oraitiegVnr&umiiso anti L Lose ofl4overal ijiveit. . CzNctNNATzV5PtOmllbOr 3. - Shortly c before 3 p. iii ; a fire broke out in tias lower story of McCall's live story rag Iwarehnt'use , Oil WahhiiltstrOet , iiear Sixth. : it rail U the elevator in atwinkhiitg , aind cnlnnluiiicmttel with Drelhlilan's rag tvitt'e. house , aiticto size , on the north acid upper 100015. Tue Timcs.St.ar hiutvapuljtor olhicu vmtB Oil the south. The two warehion.swo were Ithilhmnit burned out. Thu tipper roonis of tim Times-Star , includiiig tim Coiliposiilg room , were also burned 'nit I . Titers are ruthiors of loss of life , witicli . cailhiot be verified yet. Everybody froni the Tiiues.Star oflico eacaped. Mary Flynn , terking on the third floor of the waroliduso , . jum1ed to the r ? rOtltld and irokit.lt'g ILIICI was injured I ) .iiiternahly. GuBjavs ilubber , lultilliger , 0 tried.Io , uet'do'n/ / ' atoiritybut fchI I uii oiiscitiit oil tIldFt'rstflor. ) His lionel ii mid face were burctd to a crisii lit ii 'will die , Metry Meinkon nid Stelin Cl Micra were cut edrfrt'ui the stairway oh , . the aecomiti floor , They jumped to tim il pavelnent safely. They said aiiimor girl it ofl tht aamno floor , but was a'ra4'h ta us jUiml ) . ' .L'ihmgiaveat fears arem entertained I. for the sa'ety of live .injiloyes of them rag II warehouse-litre. O'Doiiitul , 1tsei Liddlo , ' 8 Mary Burke. Afl0 Lynch amid Nehhic 0 Kelly. They 11:1(1 : iiit reported at thou homes at tile usual hour , and are thought IA ) be in the ruins. 'Henry Ilearrutchi ' . was crusiled to death b the hook and re ladder wuigoil , A ltrtioil of the wall re fuitwitule this iiremiieim werq on the iadnera It Two lirommieli were iiijurtd Lose on the a rag warehouse building , aiid contonti o $05.000 ; partly izmenired ; 1os , qitttes'Stai .n colIllialty $10,000 , building 1OOOO , ; 1)1)1) ) ii , imletired. The 't'imcs.Stnr will issue ti morrow through the kimiel nerinitamico ( ) i : ' 2lio Vulksblatt natiTim Enquitur , Thin iCitlglilmilci Chikago. 1 ; CmIIoAoo , Septener 3-Tue return o - Emniiiuiit Coinniuumder Iltuiii'y 'I'urncr from. . . the Suit Francisco conclave this after d. IilIlU ( the occasion of a etreu ill display by local cninmtianderies fornied ii Co 011(3 buttahlioii umiul miulnhierumlg 400 util foixtied Kmugbts. Imi the coittijilt win C. the victorious Dutlolny colhinlalidery o ut Louisvilleand time Baltimore icitelVuh'h me iimgtoim cotnniuiimtlet'ies viic , IlItfllettcd t.be ii time city alIt1 who joined in feriimiii the escort to time oiiiimteiat cocmiiimiminlu ; m , froii'm tue dojiot to the imotel. Subee to quwitly the hc1Ioisy collllllmumlery ( gilt' a display drill mm time lake front witici wits witnessed by thousands vhio iieuirtil ? f , ippltuded time splendid ovolutloims of tb ill. ill.im \ _ _ _ _ , ii TIU OLI ) MAN'S SECRET , .Wlint thmo' ipltei. Jispatelies ; Reall : y 1'.leutt , , 'L'ohtI liii' tImt First ; Tiammo by'Oiic Who Smayni lie lflOtH , Iii . ly is Special to the Cominercjal Gazette. I. Niv Yhitl { , Suptimjmber 1.-Time fol 1 , iowieig 18 fr.tiit . Suimdmiy'it.Truth , A. Oske : u iLill's vuiver : f Truth will to.morrowuresent to tim lit poojilu a story of stupcaidus jmhitica V. corruptioil , uitpnruilluhed in tbq ihustory o ' 11 the republic. It is Ihot alt.og miuii' an uit I , Iniowu story , but it limits been thiost for ill gotten. it ) it iS interesting as aimeitv1ii iiow.tii 3 democratic vartY % vlhl istruiii itt a gilu J mifter itutviiig cheerfully swallowed r , canto1 , I Its Dtiiitey'a entire clmsrgoito ( urns time us hut of lisoitey lii t lie I ud jolts eutiiipumgn is celi nu CCI ned , is t imuit a lirgu fund wait raised umu i I . ' .1)011 ) t iii t Ii a Citil 1(185. 'I'here' e itot on ii : iota of evidence that the inoiiuy wait ute it ; jim bribes. 0 If timeic was aimy purcimasot of votee iii the purchase wiLt mituitlu of the voter di at ject. It tyits only his owim veto that we ) it paid her , ' , iti lim tue case of 'rIdoii , in i$7ui , a itt 'l'riitim's 1uhmljcntiohi t.O'iittbl'fOW will ithitta mt thmousutnels of dollars svoru spoiL iii dic d amd uimhluahi'ini. brlbel'y. Iot thigh 85 votes tvero tiathiciled iii , but whole state lie were tluhuuc1id. 'l'iio soltiiiim'tgu4 , est at ed by thotisatmds cml voters in the hIlemlOr , y. of time clocUr4l college Wurutipproaelted re and they were temlIpted iytnimlellsO ) 511111 IC. of inoitoy to sell out their coiistituurstt Dli and deliver over tAb Tildon tip otcs the Fly wore , beyond nih doubt , given timoin i. L a cast lim favor of hayes. IC. 'I'ihden iii laying thmwiros for a renom ire itatioh ) , Oil tile ground timat ho wi Its defrauded in 1876-Ihammu's denials f. tii Dii contrary notWjtiiatllfldill , The Sun iii 1)ttitiliIletl tiio proceedings in the hayes oloctomi iIitestigmltioil , and it Is but fair that time Pilhmlic should khlIW the extent amId time villainy of time plot ( lie 1101)ubli. canhi had to counteract , 'riiuy shah have tile nth'ammtnqe of reset. lug time testhtnoity tvhmhcit inmplicates Ti ! . . I don in it tieshmorato ehlmrt to itiy vlmnt Ito I could not ethorwiso galil , amid leant proh ) . ably for time first t'mtmmo what the Tmltlen cilmhmer dispatches really umenut. VATEItE1) STOCK NI ) WAOES iutercsthmmg Te'sthtnoity by t Ito 'tVest era thtium ( elllutmly. Niw YORK , Scptoiimher 3.-Tile Sell. ate ammh.coiimntittou ( Ill laLors aiid etittea- Unit resmIlIleet St 851011 to.tlay witlh tiimiy Sociuttot's ilhutif smut Cobb ptoseilt , Scout. temi'et George alit ! Peigh having goito to New Iiiihuind to iltitatto the ittvestigmttion there. Dr. Norvin ( ireelt teeth the stittiti itgaiim smut in regard to \Vlteatatoiio ( , lmURlttt said time \Yesturn Union colnpa It ) ' citgngetl hillel breitightt otitjhmcso opera. toi at a salary of 80d itommttela nycar , mid tell thesu ohteruetot's ier , still in time eumploy of thu CtihthmutIly allti their salaties Imuid in 'Ito case Iicit icthemeuti , niul lIt rugiuti to tin1 my of rut'iironet opeiator , tue 'vitiicss sutid aciclt ( ijIurator. tscro paid ten ver comet. CII the htmns'mimoss in addition to time sumiery ( front time rue'tlrouid colnp..hiy. Scimati' ) , . Blair asked wiiuthum' time -V'esterii Uithuii coiisielurimmg time extent of its busimmess 511th pmti , hilgimen wages could Ilot be paid it.'e 0111. h1lttY0. Witness replied the olnpioyes tycre paid as tvull as Ltl1 tither clits , enim- sitierimig time Imotmi's of limber aimd service roimdurcd , excepting iiubi'mc school toneim. era of. time city. Suimittor illicit''Now , doctor , to 1)0 htltlult in the Imlatter , can't your contpuuiy the soiiiothmiimg ut time % vue ) ' of improving the COlldititii of your ehilt1oyesl" Dr. Groen-"Corporaiioiia are orgnml. izod I.e. imuike imlulicy suet there sic fot'r tutu. 1. kiitttt' timatuxist lire ) bento PtmllIUO. " Iii reply to iuttieitlilt whether it wotmld ilot be wise for corporations to provide for emmmployos reimdcriimg lotmg eontimiuid service , witnesn stilt ! it was contrary tet tim guiius of Ammiuricait inotitenioiis , Init timought time immatter worthy of cousitlera. tiodi , Dr. Green said , in Eimghumd cia- pinyce wore 1)eiieiolicd ) after thirty years service. lie thought tlmoplan would iii a tneareimre obviate strikes. Seiiuttor Blair-"Now , doctor , can you give us 501110 iiIfOrnhiItiOli iii regard to what is known as Wmtterillg stock ? Dr. Greumi said Ito- would iut like to testify on that immntter , as aimytiiiimg ho could sit ) ' on the suljoet wesuhd only be a mmliii tom' tef oiimmioht. lie said Limo capitmehi. nttietim ( if the Vustorn Uimioim dtd hot ox- teed , time mectuni cash paid for thu steele. lie also said time , cohltpueaiy realized 10 pr ccitt oct their ittvcstimluimt. Seimittor lJIidr-"Aimd the publ'mo pay for timial" WltmlcIa-'Yes , 1)UI. Limo stockholders have a right to chuhtim it all the naimm , ' ' Sbimator lihuir-"Your dividend - , you say , is 01117 7 nor cent. . . L have a right to utilize the reinuiimder by C accuimiulatimig it. for a stock dividend. " I Senator lihnmir-"Your surplus , this I year , Is 8OOOOOO , and the interest is I P111th howl" I Vitutema-"Sowon per cemit in cash to I stockholders atid three i r cent , is ye L taiiied LA. ) be given to thmein in one siumpe , or another soiiio day , either as stock , iu increased alu&i of ProliertY or other- ( wits. " . , CAPITAls NOTES. I liavnNuz lBDUcr1ot , L VAsmhiNaTo , Suptelhmber 3.-It ii I tlmouglmt at the internal revenue burcau timab time chains for rebate of taxes oci C tobacco , anuffamid cigars. growing out of I the recent internal rovcimmic act , have r mmearly all becti preautitod mcmiii it is intl. I . nmuite'd they wihi iegrtigiite 3,6OOOOO , . 'I'hmo total annual ledUetioli cit rovenhm. I. ( Ill tobztcc. , aiiutf und cigars is iiomy celia puted at : iuooooo , h4ilUOILIN ( ) STOitIRS. f Supervising Spuciuml 'mguimt Martin , of I time CltStlmIis ilivisium , of thu treasury thu. . lulrthiit'lit , said to.duiy it wits not. proitiltI I. itiiy ofilcial notice % tOUld be takeim of ti e I reCcilt 1)UbliCatiuli ) alleging uxtuitsivu . sImmtlggi'iIg ( Ivies hieing cuu'riud oim butwueii Li Cunmnda and t ii is cotmimtry , in time lithe s I' districts , itt Soiltit Ste. ! ehlnriu and on tlmu . St. Liiwreimco River line. flu tiiougimt : ) time reports vel C revivals of the old ste. lies tsimk'hi imo iimvestiguited it year imgo ( did r foumiel without foundation. . r. r.U U 'rlI ( , Wreck of IlsliImIg ( rafts , m Joiirs , N.F.Septinbcr 3.-Capt. V Nickursoim , of the aelhetolmur Besisy , just C terriveel froln Oiitlld ibuiks , left tjit , fish. aig ledge 20 timilca nortim of Rodgers' shbala meimel lihO ittilea off Cape Spear Nickersun describes ime8eing tliiomcghi a 1ierfect sell ci aitatterud dories , biokoim I' boonle , spars1 giiffls mind other gear of uisim 11mg vessels , No further reliable 1)itrticU- ) liirs yet U ) hand. Time Bossy narrowly e'scuepud going down with all imautis , Situ if badly utmtiiiie'tl ieiid leaking. Sr. JOUH , N. F. , Sotmtutnbor 2-In. - teiligencu from Tiepassy be to the elect timat several vessels froimm New FoulIdhaimil V succutimbed LII tue storium 'I'imursday litet. l'ortlnmia of t'oasuls , Ittilis , water cueki auth tioricis are Iiu'4rly ' diivuii inshore. f Quninu : tit,1)tulhibtmr 2-'l'imu veitt hier . is cold amid toughi. 'l'itu , isteatusimip , Caii . ueda , clue t.o.diey , witim , I'riiicu . ( Juorge on board , lisa not yuturrived. ' - U llmbmieihiu' $ ( iItlmiit Iiim , , ' DIJISIJQIIn , Suptunhier 8-'L'iio $01111. ceIltoImIiml of tito first white suttIomImuiht ci 'Pubiiqiiu % viuc celebrated to diiy. 'I'Jlci (3 city trims ilhelihmlriIU'Iy : ilecruetud , in cotti. I ; hlUihtHultitlm ( , I tf t hi u e t'uimt. I ii time mitorn. ( I btg a lmru ! ' comimitsmid 1)1 maihi. ; fiery maid civic Hod 'ti04 1ueraded thu streets , wiiicim score sj.iiii , uud hy arches hieni'ing mliii tal d u I i teen jiti 'lie , 'limo ceru I 111)11 ) ice I , . were held ut the .efr groinmde , 'I'un tie"ii. 1. mneittl ethilligurs are jim the city. Judge if , , , , \'ihsoim tvns prtsiduitt , iii the day. l8 Cetaist , SAN FimAr'olsco , SptoliIbdr 3.-Quiet. 'O aimtiimo Ofhicur MuMli4ur , of tlmia city , re. 5 cuivtii iiiIormmiatiit , iif time existence of : _ yellow fever lit Mue'i.othful , Moxit'o. : 'liuportulit nickle diskuvuriue hiavo beeti umiedu iii Cimurchull couty , , Nov. Spec i 1110115 assayed yield 3t cent ? UIC 5 , imicklo. Time ANNAI'oLs , Supteiimbom3.-Titu court I. inamtial fur Limo til ci ci amaval cadets Is cimmarged with violating thi itct of con- it ) grois to haziiig , 1 uiimud aesaton Is to-day , THE OLD WaRLD. The FiuoraI of I1o ; Crowniess KInK AtLcnc by the Royally ot' Naliolls au' cioral Thusaut FFCIIC1IIIIdII. Prance and Ohina Drifting Apart Preparatory to a Oollision. A Dostruotivo Storm Does Pamino Work With the Crops of South Ireland1 IUIM ( and 1tot'l4 in limitmgam'3'-i Speeulm ti' Davltt-'i'lmo Glasgow lyimanmmhtern. OENEit1ts lOIt1lO'J NEWS. ToqUiyt ; urnziw. LONtKN , Se1teinberA , dispatch froimm liomIg 1t.IilJ ) states that time French ( lemierni , Bullet , tluhmlhtmmtIud of time win ( lupartlmmellt ndtlitioimitt reimlforcolnemut of 5,000 111011. Thu couiitt'v is still eutrer. 1110 ftotn the tioimeht. 'I'iio Freitch Ad. 1111151 Imas issued a notice declaring nil time pemrts of Aiiimiumm , iticludimig Saigon , in a state of bhoekiulo. A dIspuitchm to Time Thmmes front Ilflllg Kollg 8113's ' ii is reported tlinet lhi,00t ) Olmimmese troops crossed Mohhgkni amid vr- ceeded tel Nnidkoimg. A squndromm of vessels ale lolulimlg at Slntmigimu'i witIm ! troupe , alitltitmllitioml amid torpedos. Time Chinese Oovormiuieltt immteimda to issue it formal protest to time great pow- Cmli , declaring time treaty of imeaco 1)0- twceim Fi'aimceitiid Annuumm , aigimed at is voint , us the Kimmg of Almilutmi Was forced by Lime Fretmeim to sigh it. ThU OL.tSUOW DYNAMiTflhi4. Time 111110 lmkimuluim mtrrumsted at GIas gow , chierge'tt tvithe Lsiitmg ColIltootod with the atteitipta todestroyproperty bydyna. mite , , are known to time imolico as taims , and have been under eurt'ehllance for several yceks , CA1'TUItEI ) Dititi/oNDII , Two hundred iioroims vero arrested in time proVinCe of ( lirgouti , Italy. cimnrgcd with brigammdatge , amid among otlmcrs a priest , several land owners amid maen bore of coinmntmiinl councils. ciiMuou'ri FUNERAL. Time refusal ( If time Orleans ii'iiices te attend time obsequies of Chambord created commeiderabie cotmliilellt. Over &O,00C Freimchmmmen are at Ooritz. Time ruinithila of Olminimbord were con veyed frola Frohsdorf \VohiconselorJ On Suntlay morimin , They were somil fruol timero to Goritz in the evening. All the inhmnbitanth of Frohmsdorf meccoum 1ianted tue procession froma the cliateat to . . , tile depot. , . , . . . - ' -'s. Time 1P's. 'waSrRC .1ohiows All zm'enmbera ' of corlnratiohis Of the towi 1)caruamg fuileral tapei's ; the funeral ca drawn by six imorsue , nhmohilorvelhiclofol : lowed laden witii ivioatiie ; Ptiimcoa Tiluri and Taxis alone , rupreeeimting time cia veror of Austria ; Duke of Purina , Oran Duke Tuscany , Don Citi1osDojm Alfonao and Count 'of Bardi. Fohioiiig wore hi,000 Fremmcimroyahiets , Fremicim degtmtat'moni bearing banners and wreathe slm1l dolega tiflilS of workingumohl front Paris , Lyoimi and Bmttaimy brought lii ) time rear , Thi route of tue processiomi was lined witi iufamltry , Fifty thmousanel foreigners war. . liresont to Witilesa time obseqiies. i iimeotiiig of French royalists was held thu nftMriIlon tem prepare aimmict of adhesion b Comiimt DeParis. Time flag of time Pontifical ? nuavo floated over the fumloral car. 0mm Liii arrival of time funeral cortege at tilt cathielrah time body wait 1ilaccd cii a inrgt catafalque. ThIe arciiimishmop colubratea limes. Time cortege thmumi re.fornied ala 1110111 tIme tolling of hulls stutrtel with timi he ely for time IhmlliflRttIry of Cinetaqut Vizni. Oii time arrival met time ilmimiftSter : thme Itlommica acIng Limo fulmeriml ciilemIt site time cotilim was carr'mwl litto time buildiilg I'lmo coumpnlmy timuim tiiiiporsctl , Ai Aimmericumu geimorsi w.us sillolig time foreigm representatives at time fimnersi. 1telUiuthi llULBH Wflht coieirated at timu cimurclm of St. ( ] crmllain , ill l'aria , to.dny for the repose ( If time Sohhl , of Count du Cimaumbord. Time church tita filled temmd crowds stood outside. No disorder , A MILl ) RilAKit. A simocic of eartimqti4o was foiL at Fm giata yestordimy causing veoio to tic froimm their houses , No diumiago , Tini AMEICIQUE SAFE , 'rime rumor timmet Limo ateaiimer Amimer'mquc wiichm hue aim bound it cargo amid passeli gums of time dbcabiud steaumer , St. Gum 111510 , hiss fouiidurud , prt'U5 uimtruu. ' ' ' works Aluxitiulmi 'I'ime cottoim h' ° , City , wins dailmagud to timu uxtoiit of 60 , . 000 by lire. 'l'imu Paris National denies timat Ad timiral Courbet'is flout will proceed ti DAV111'H LATEST Si'EliCif. A mass mmmeetiimg wits imoid Suiiday a Cmef'ahoru ) , Iretitind Miclmmeel Divitt do I hivure.'d an address stating that iy tim . tyriiimimicui of iiirullordisn , ii I rehiniul , (1,000 ( itotisulmoidurs have beci iluitriveti of their hoitmus witlmiim time qtiar I tur uiitii.ug . time let of July. Dav'mtt. coim - tieijde'd timu ( jilestloIm of coimmliutu mmbohitio , Hf iiitmatejrilisimm imitmet be kept before thi , iieoiilu , 'FmItjfLmld ) itet , lie stated , if imot filihlIrt ) at tue lresuiit tiimmo wins rimpielh , I ltucomimiiig $11 , uimd imot onu.sjxtim ( If tit Luimiiiit fimrtlleiis of time coummti'y have yc succeeded him Imavitig timuir rimte fixed lie urged time lePle to bu resolute , cain mmimtl amot luau sell control , 'rlil $ i'ANISII A delay in the uxecmmt.ioii of eentomlcc was ordei'ud of one mtmoimtlm for oflicers fill I a week for sereueiits uimgaged lit time me ccitt inmsmimrectmoimary nmot'eumeiit iii Spumi to allow ajipeale for clumimonecy. ANNLVEIISAIIY Ol'flhiiAN. lim tue nitimh'ersaty curOlmlohties of tim battle of Sedumil , 1immpurorViihiaimi imit Count You imlolthuo visited time 1iuinttraiim Colilmilcimlorittillg time battle , iii liorliii. IIUNOAIIIAN ritoumnxs. Serious nutm.Juwisim riotiilg took Iliac t at Szegutvar , ilumigary , best imighmt , fit 1(1(11) coimimimittiiig terrible imayco upi I property , 0110 iereomm was killed am four wounded , 'I'roopis arc cmi route. ' Tue citizens of Agrain resolved ti drape their Imiluses , ellut aimopa and etol all trttflio if time Ilungariumim eseuteimooim are restored in public Llacca , , A Imunlbor of 1)caant5 atteimdlng till market at Gorricon destroyed tim lien- garian cactitcimoon at tim postolilco 511(1 barntcka , Dimming the melee one Insa was killed amid several wounded. Time Russian government 1153 forbiti tue l'olea colobmatimig tim b'i.centonary of Sobioskio' raising tIme soige of Vienna , Tile government of Now Caledonla so- colved a potitiomi from notables of Non- miles , urglni France to take possession of time ilew Hebrides , Two French inca-of. war startot tilitilor. Admiral Piurro is ( Iii motmto imonio fromn Madagascar , bciimg attacked by serious illness. ' [ 'Ito goverilinont of Bat.avbt vote(1 6,00 I atid tile government of Java. 1,001) ) for time relief of time sufl'urcrs by time volcanic eruptions. Two amlccossfmll avilihmm1iim ciitainmnents wore given at Lamlmbotim iii aid of this fatimily of Captain Webb , killed in Niagara. raliltis. Time bishmop rend town council of Strat- forel.on.Avomm strenuously oppose time ox- lmumlmatiolm of tile renmitillis of Siiaicspoaro. AFFAIIns nr iitFLAND , The recant setormns slimIest totaily do- atroyed time grain amid other Cfl)1)2 ill time soutlm of Irciuumd. Time atmtinritios fear a rcmlewal ( If tile rent agitation owitlg to time distress consequent 111)011 Limo loss of' . ci.ops , A genum'mtt strike against roimta i timoemgllt. itmmnimmemmt. , Time boards of guardians of the poor- thiromiglmuut Imoiammd demand' an aimmuimd. iiioitt to the mini act. It is relimrtod the vomttn who tostifie(1 agumiimat , liallyard mimoonhighters , lim ? tlareh5 1882 , , lisa beemi aimot dead in. Australia. Time Irish of Glasgow are inucim excited amid scared 111)0mm tile report that Burimmird. Gecihagimur is to turn infnrmer. Nine prisotmum's imm custody on suspicion of being Feiiinims were exitmmmincd pinnately to'day All attemmllltim itt tleimmimtisti'uttioii will bis suppressed. Special police vrocautions lowe betin taken witim a view to prevent ammy attummlpt to rescue time riaoners. Ap- llh11th1'05 for llmakinqcxlmloaivcsamld infemn. at macililica were dmscovereditmtlie houses of thme'lrialm prisoilora. .5. VIOLENT stonif is raging timmougimout Austria. Two iron electric light staimds , 2 metres high , outside - side of thee electric exilubition building , jim Vianimmm , were broken off close to this groummd. Stammilard lolhem'n amid hogaN StIlls. WARHtNOTON , Soptemmibmir 3.-Standard. dollars issued for time week ciiding Sep. teimmber 1 , 188:3 : , aggregated $327,497 , . against $423,000 the corresponding imuriod I lint year. Colmlmnissiohmer of lntemnmtl . Revenue Evans received a letter froni Collector itrutyton , of Coiumnbus , S. 0 , , litterimal revenue collection district , do- I nyng time charge that revenue officers. I intel been itupomhihlg on time govermminent by , I itud dustruetlini of 5115111 stiihs. In a few iimatanccs officers hare boeti hnpos- . ed upon , but there imas boon imo collusion or bargain. ! _ _ _ I A Now Base Oct11 % enoolation , Nmew Yotig , Soptenibor 3-Time now 1 butso ball aszmoe'mation , known as the Ammiericiut leagno .f Lrofossionakbsse bail . clubshmaa oaizodaudwi1I'ileIm insett S. , inset- Ii imlg at Pittsburg , the I2tIi , forstlio purr - r Pose ofarrangimmg a solid foundation.fos1. , . time how Iusguo tviiicii usa the aujost ot' I i majority of base ball playora in the . , present league amid the Amnoricaim associ- L , metibn. It will itbohiahm y1iat is known as a eleven reaurvo rule. Thus fare time clubs entered arc : 3 Now York , llruokiyim , Pimiiadeipimia , Bal- - tiinomo , Wmusim'mntjtoii , Pittsburg , Chicagis a aiiil llmdianapolie. In imdditlon it is cx- d PeeLed St. Leuia amid Cincimmnati clubs 1 will he teirsumited at time mnoetiiig shad- ud to. Jiummos .Jackson , of New York , is time projector of thomlew association. ) TIme , h'ar ltookmtwiy Wreck. NEW YoitK , Sopt.'iitbcr3.-Timo secqnd a vict'miim by time collisinim of tiar Far Rock- I away and Long Bruumch trains , Sunday LI uiglmt , was iduntitled as- bury Bolt , of LI New York. Time immjured arc doing well. 1 'l'iie railroad olhicihila lay all blalmle 0.1 I Coiiductor Jolmiisoii , of the Far Rook- Li tttYii ) ' train , wimo has been arrested. I , Joimmmsomi cleiiiimc lie foilowud. instructions , imm stopiimg time trueiim to put oil'a puns- 1 euimger witimout a ticket. Time wife of , .Joiiii hurt , thme other passemigur killed , m with her lmtmbammd memid was seriously I injured. LI TEIjEGILAPII NOTES. LI i'oihco Officer huh , of Norwlhm , Comma. , was , nimirdurctl last imight while munkhmg aim arrest of . a icamm for a i1uttY olfeimsu. Time murderer sterteti to rumm , bun was eliot down by cItizens. - 'l'iio mmumrderem Is dying , . . U Ste1Illen A. Dtmegiaaa , whose condition was docineel erliheumh , is ziotv showimmg cigneofetcady recmIIIer.ntiemm , _ _ . , I ( Time sister of Captain Webb , recently drowned in time lstteimlI.1 to swim the Niagara. , IteellhthS , bees ste Immeammo when she hoard of tier . brutiinr's dum.nthi , itud hits bemi found drowned . 1mm tIme river Lady Semilthi , at Natal. Time sOVWmtIl mumnunel general assembly of the it ICtuights of Labor beghims its sosshoii to-day in . C luuciminitti , 'i'ho session. will ho strlctiy so- crot. . Time fiftim annual session of time Select 1Ciihuiet.ut of the Anchemmt Order of United ) Workmimen boimms cit [ 'lccsbuzrg to.inorrow and cinmtlnues suvoral days. Tmo condition of Limo district of Lamponlf , I. Sian itrum , Ia a temrrlbie one. Everytimlmg ( In this I . district for a distance of tivy Lu mue is huetmd is dostreych. 'rho isamids of lmurim cmi e btilimgus ( load are lying omm thlogrouunl atiti it Is I imiliH.sdhhJl ) ( ) to ulimenmcIm for their immtorimmuimt. ' it . Tile anmoiint of time At3imheon , Topeka and - 55ettit , Vu stock just traemsfi'rrd to thu Eimgiishi I. hiommes of Baring & Co. , for lmmvestuieuit p- mi i 84,300,000 or 2,300 , nimaros. ( I 'riOl city CUmmCil ( If Sprlmi4tleltI , llh. , P8t1I liii cerdhmmanco est.abhislmi.ig $ Ol ) an LImo ummhforui ml rate of salon , i iicImm.es , to take effect at time oxy - y iulrumthitmm of all liceiise 110W iu force. . U - PURIFY i' DL 00/3. miin marvelous resuhi. of IlooiV4 Sarupaxilla I on all humor , mount losv condltiorui of ( be blood is yrove it the best.lmLOOi ) MEDICINE. Such has d been the success of Unis rmmcIo/ , / at hoenu f. that uearlT CTI7 faInhIlI tim whole nelgnoonieoouis leave baeaI / taking It at mm lIce caine tlmmie , It. real./ . / rico , vitalizes Sent enriches the biood.COrel dypep. ilabWousneu , nda1hderangements _ of thiostoniaehcausedby/ lmnure blood or 0 debilitated condi. / lion of the nervous ii system occailoned CY by excessive mental a or physical a1m / " labor or dissipation. It erdlcalesscrot / ' 5.54 all tout humor. . sewI rstocescml renoyate thewholo ytem. A I (3 peculiar point tim hood's 0 I ' ' is Ii Iliad 'It ' creates on op. . petIte anti / ' build. up seal elreugthens tin. I. I.mtem.andinroyesiflvaiimabieaa a protectiomi trout a eflseuece. thai rlg1nate Ia clianegee of the season' , at climate end of his. A ifesers. 0 , 1. 1100.1 & Co.m flenliemn-lt alfords inomuchpleazurehorecommend iluudsSar.ap.utlt. , , Ilytueattliinasbeensuch that torlouco yenr pasta a inv beencnhuimged to takeS tonia of come en.men lbs spring , sOul lnaye never ( oun4 anything uni oil my' I vatutssyourtampoctmia. ltunesjnp my'yctesu. B ouriftesiny Woodpnarpen ( * iysppcume cntt ceenas iomnkemeycr. itesi'ecUuUl ' our. , j.r TUOr- sole Lowe0Msu..itejt.lcr o siikidiesx ( a , ;