! , , i FRE DAILY BEiJ aw MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1333 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i\ ' Palace A Music Hall ! 1\LH' ' r vri . ® 1e's 1 L d _ 1L ® t 311. I t .t:7lzEI , COUNCIh BLUFFS - - ' IOWA. Proprietor of Music' hall and General Manager fQr the Celebratol ' , Western t Co1 h . f Of Mondota , Ill , for Western' Iowa , orfllorn K tnzg9 and M's nnri. N ibr tska , Southern Mianorota , and Duke a Irerritory , and Dealer in the MutchleAs i f ev WEBER , , . , s , e a J t ' ; T lanes + . . ; : Y h s _ 1 ' ORGANS ! F . ' ' . , ' -ALL KIN Da bF- t . J i. MERCHANDISE t -SUCH' AS- VIOLINS , GUITARS , AOCOtDEONS ! r -A FULL LINE OF- Music Boxes Beat Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders , Sheet Music Etc , t Goods1 , Kinds Toys. Ae a specialty in the Piano line , I would reeommen most heartily the Ilardrnaii Eia ci ! I , A. fine tone , finely finished , ftretwlass instrument in everyy respect ; they are not the cheapest Pianos , bul within the reach of all who really desire something that will Inst a lifetime , TRY TIIEM. They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS , SHODDY PIANOS AND ORGANS , ' eo largely ndvertised like patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particulnr , 1 D O I NOT KLEP IN STOCK , Icannot afford to sell them , fog I live too near home. But if dtAlC ' d , I nm pre pared to furnish any of these cleap ( Pianos ' ] nd OrganH at eastern pricco , nave freight , provided I am not het responsible. In connection with this ( 'will state that contain 5 t ; my Organs full octave 9 o f Reeds , to one set rr : E and do not call a siuglo octave of reeds , n full . set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers. 1 I sell Pianos'and OrKnns On Montlily.and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra dIACDUn L t Send for ciiculurs , Addiess . ' . J. , ,44' I + a No. 102 South Mafn Street , Council Bluffs „ Iowa I SCQNL ANNUAL Fair ! OF TILE Council Bluffs OAIYING PARK & FAIR ASSOCIATIO N 1 SEPTEMBER , 10 , 11 12 , 18 , 14. $15.000 , in Pi omiumo 1 ISSpe FOR srsrD. iiheral Proutiums for ovary i'roduct of the Farln\Vorkshop east Fireside. The hotting , Bunnblg and l'acing Itaets wUlbe The Most Exciting ! IVFii : SVITNKNSII : ) , CllAll1O1' AND IIUItDIAI : RACES L'tcrytday , 71101'rnck , Expoeltlou ltuildlug and grand etallll equal to any In the ( Vest ISCUItSIUN : IIAltS on all rafnrab cxtremdy tow , IION , TIiOS A. 111NttttCI : 1 , of Indhirill , del to tutu ortNtNU AIiat SS on thoatlctnoon of Illesday. LxrFor pronluul llst ad'Irrvs 1'1IUMAS flt VMAN , Iecrctary , CURE OR NO PAYN l IL/O.A.I Mineral Springs ! tVe gmsrnntee the curd of the following nsnmd ills. uM1 + esorlb , , ay : I111ountatisntSerutult , Ulcers , Ca. Wrh , all ltl si.land ssln lh oa + es , t ) st a'isla ' , lhcr bnu I.dnt , litdsoy cold 111 d ter Dleeasca , ( lout , Neu ralgia and AMtlni s. 'I hest S , rhige are rho favorite r ° + ott of the tlrct u14 debllitatud , utd ro thu Feoba i dies' last' h lead. ( boil Ilotel. Livery atol lhthtng neeotuuuitktlona t.oeallty hlgldy Idcturusquo and healthy. CorropwuJenco wliclted. .lddrese itev. 'it. M , TI101t1'SONnanager Silumu. UeulryCbMo AUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE , The fnlluwhlq are the ties of arrlva ) and departure f trains tams the local depute , l'ho lntins start from he liulon I'actllo depot about ten ntlnute + earlier hall below statej , and salsa at the depot about ( vu 'dnatev later , Proles nn pool tines utd t. C. run nn Chtragn lhuo , hall hour faster tkan local , tVnhaah truly run on a , testis tpno , ttomty nduules Lt + ter than Lwal , U. ad Lblcuhl tralus rout on Cowlcll Illutr + time , CIIIOAOO , ROCK ( eLA.D AND YACIYtC. Depart. Arrlve. ttlnntle lixt.SLTU p , m. Pacille 11x1 . . . ,0140 m x coil Matt . . . . . . .Os ln , li , and Mnll'.0:5 : p. m .04 MOIIICead'.7:15a.tn , Ics Mo111ee a0.t 53 ; t , in. chIlcano , IIULUNONN AND itUIRCT. Depart. Arrive. htcago 11x',2 , 5:35p.tn. : , Couuall U'IIKNox..0.45 tall anti lx. . . .O 45 tit I Mull tied tx'.7:00 : p. Iii cIIICAOO auct smtntwzsrsfN. Depart. Arrive. ttlantle lixt , . ,515 ; p. m , raclflo Ext . . .0115 a , in. Tall and tz'.O1) ; a "I. Mail and Ez'.6:15 : p. In. ttxunr ( Sat ) . . . . . . .54) p. In , Accent ( non ) . .1:45 : p. III. KANNA' City , er. Jos AND COUNCIL IILUTr. . Depart. Arrive. Jail sndEx. . . .0:55 a. in. Expross,5:35p.m. : Cxprees. . . . ,3:25 pnL Mal and Ex. .0:45pnL : UNION PACIYIC. Depart. Azrlvo. 'verland 1sx."t1:30a : , in. Overland Ex , 4:00 : p , to. Inc.ln Cx..11:30 : a. in. Denver 1x. , .8:110 : a. In , 'silver I X..7:00 : p , in. Local Ix,0:81) : ) a In. .utnl 1x.,7:25 a. In. " Ex,01115 a n1 , tndgrant. . . . . .5:20pm. " Ex. . . . . . OW a.nl. WAIIANII , sr. WUIs ANN eCIYIC. 1)epnrL Arrive. fall and E i . . . . .0:45 a to. Mall and Ex..4:30 : p m , 'aunou DaII..4p.in. : I Cuntuon flail i1:05a.in. : Sioux CITY ANU 1'ACIYIe. Depart. Arrlve 'or Sloux City 1:55 : a , in. Fret 5bnu , CItyO:5A : P.10. Air F"rtNiolimm Fret Fart Niobnua Nub . . . . . . . . . .7:5&'a. : in. Neb . . ' 0150 p. u1. gor St. Paul. . . .7W p , to. I Frun1 St. ( 'ail , .5:50 : a m , 01Ileaulu , uILWAUKE5 AND HT. PAULL i eaves UDxtlla. Ashes at Omaha. daft and Ix. . . 7:45 : a , m.1 t'acflclix. ) . . . 0:45 : a , In. vtlamitic Ex. . . . 8A0 P. III. I Mall and Ex , . 1:25 : p. m. All tmhu daily , CIIICA00 , KIL'YAUKNK AND ST. PAULL braves Council mutts , Arives Council Blues. ilatl slid Ez.0:21) a , m. Marl auutlyx Ot : ! . p , m. ttluntlc lx , . .15:15 : p , m , I Atlantic Ix. .19:11) : a. In. OOPNCIL eLUYYN AYU OMAIIA tlTRKaT RI LWAT. teavu CouncU It1ulf. Lcave Omaha , I a , ur. 0 a. ul in a in. 11. . I S s. m. 0 a , tn.10 a. in. l l Ii. I p. m 2 p , m , 3 p.ln.4 I a nt. 1 In. 2p , in. 3 p. m. , , n , 5 p , tit. 0 p. m. 14 p. nl. 5 p , m. C p. In. Street care run halt hourly to the Unlon raclfle le.et. On Sunday the Care begin their tripmstI 'cock a. m , and rout regularly durlug the day at A , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 0 0' clock , and run to city time , R. Rice M. D. C &NCERS 1 arathertumon knife or drewiug romovedwthuutthe of blood. ) CHRONIC DISEASES eckindaa upedalty. ( leer thirty years practled ezperleucsu Oflioe No , I I'earl street , Council Uiuea , , tlGulmultatlou free. Mrs , HI J , Hilton1 HI D , 1 PHYSICIAN & SIIRgEON , 929 Broadway , Council Dlnfls , Wholesale and Retail N. . 1041 Nil. Sirest , Next Block Southof roetoele. flnutwU Blurts , low. , Taus. UTrlraa , a , L ruur. OFFICER & PUSS BANKERS , C.wtdl Blue. , 1L Establishea - - 185 6 Dealer. In Ferpd.a a.1 I > .wcML. Rithaag. , Rome Securities. W. R , VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Ikal estate and collection sgoa ° y , a odd Fallow block , use , HavIe. Dank , jaldip MOROAN KELLER & , , CO. , UNDERTAKERS The Onest quaiity und target stock went of Chkag of Woollen aunt Iletallo Cures. Loll. attended to a alt hours. We defy rompetltion In quality of goal "r pricee. Our lit . .nrgami peas served as undertake for forty year. { na thoroughly tutdcr.tasd. his bust lies. . Warer.wmen111dlallway. UPII01.YFKiIIN ( In till Its tlrail = Ilc , prumptiy sttcndeJ to ; ktul cape leS.lug and Iaunurequlna Telographlu m d ma alen filled without deaf , , .A T + III thr.r.h. Ir.m het alte , , aaru , a , met ear..Of art. e.envrd , I.phllld. r Alrl.nl' d"Ier4. a.duibt , N l .H.rm ile ! . Aallr. Pr. Sue 4. rttr.el . , . a .h lvA . . y .d.rnd i n .lslrkry let + N. pea j The N.u..4 leat lruUern ' TDr oft d4. fU Itar tic { u DTLIIII PL I.al hay Ao. . , rAM , xr,1..4 ' ( . ( ) ) . : , tree ! 4tte + .taa. ' . . ei,4 eerrleln t. At.na 1. ran sal , w4 wenkuaI. tt. ti r , retell r. . oi..oli.uaal. c d , v ' .11 , . ( ' a , I'a'I .i.de ptgnk u e , , . I o. , . . . , rl IC w th Pt , N. , . va , I.I /h / Itoi ( ' . 1lii'1'ia ft . , ae cur , of do anarmna f f of rho Rtnrrntlu elaml ( ; , 71 , rrbaondalatrnL.w ear bnrinu'out , Ike rnl + nnn"u a4 tam rf F/.la / Tllr'ITY ( Prnnratlu p R , . uw n mL f hula Orm , I a health . .nos . Ii „ col rmdnnn 11m .Ith Llrolrlc n + ll , iIr.H1wJ to run' all II remhAaroao D l. fa / Iiee ll.ONrp.ein. r.rr. sr ; PS urrlr.llmeld , Iwllafnaal/ea / addrn.l'A. . , w FT..Yfe atN Lb. , NrtifaalNlt.a K,1,1 < lerp. , tA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , Thu t'tty''H Vluanor" , The following l the repnrl of City Auditor Burke , which1 is to be nnlrlnitted to the coumicil this evening , Thu alt. parent discrepancy 110tWCU11 the polfcu warrnnls issued and the amount of bills allowed front the pulico fend is duu tut the fact that police warrants wore issued in part payulont of the row jail and grvnuuls and inchutcd in the amount of bills allowed for that purpose ami not in the atnount of police bills nllowcd : 'Fu the Ilomnnlblo Mayor mtd City Cunnctacf ( Council Built , , luwnt ( lutitle ten : i herewith submit the following report of city' tvarrnnts issued during tlo month of August,1S33 , as wolf as the tot = tl mnotnit issued by order of thu peeseut council : Foi August. Total. Gomernl fund.$1,115 62 $20,018 , 8l ; l'ulleo witrrauts. , . . . , 1x2'60 ' 7,11''S 3(1 & ,13S 29 $ ; w,1Stt la Bills WI re audited and allotved during the saute tune on tilt following nceutatts , viz : For August , Total , Now Jail and grouudK , $ 74 (10 $ 3,41'2 , 10 Pnlico. . , . . . 718 27 4,11)2 ) tS Gas. . . . . , , . , „ . . , , 691 50 " 411 ( t' Prhtting , . . . , . . , . . , 71) ) Its 3tni III I'ark. , . . ; t'i 241 85 City mtgiueer's utlicc , 1k8 ; 83 013 70 dndgnmut. . . . . . . . , . , , 1,12115 Fire dupartinmd. , . . , 711127 3,020 II StrnCt4 and alloys , , . . 1,149 80 0,100 23 Stduwniks , , , . , , , , . . . 203 US 1,201 67 Sower.t ro , . . , . , . , , . , . , ' 1S7 5t ) 4,288 18 General fmuu ; . . . , , . . , 023 10 3,473 50 Coudoinutton 1,015 75 . . , . . . . . , . . . $ , ; 20 33,250 00 ] tea ueetfully submitted , T , .1 , liuinn : , City Auditor , Punk' , weak , mid sickly children , need Ilrmuts Iron ltittura , it willetrungthun Bud iavigoratu tltuur. One l' 3'e out Them 'Little ( lute , " across the river does nut lose sight of his Council 1lhdls friends , amid in his last issue , among the pursuit' als gives : I'raf , Slattory , of Council 111ulFN , re turned 'after duvotuig his t'iu'ation hunt iug u ! ) the nnnrlorer of his brother , turd have liar broubght to justice. tir , B.1' . Conner , of Cotncil lllullk , was over hero this week. Report Into it that our friend Conner hits It swertltunrt hero. hero.Rev Rev , Father McMunniny the genial pastor of Council BlutI'ss , climbed up to this bower on 'rhttradny , looking and feeling hearty , we are pleased to say. David Bownuu ) , far a time clerk at the Paxton , is now the poliulnr guest stcurcr at the Ogden at Coumicll Blutle. - - - - e WAItNINOf. how man people ruin their stomachs b swallowing cold drinks on u hot sutumler tiny whoa they could avoid all dutger by nddbtg 10 drupe of AIIIostura tlltnrH , bnNllles hnpnrting a delicious flavor to their stunts ur beverages , r A horse loft hitched to a board out Pearl struot , broke into a run yesterday , drttggiug the board after Gist' . Thu horse Collided with the hamltinuio delivery wagon of Meolurg's cracker factory , frightening that team' into a mu , but they were quickly brought to a stop , MOTtrttits ItUOIIET WIZEN TOO LATE tlto death ' of their infants , cnnsod in mnuy instances by hupruper fond , There mood be no hositatltn r in usblg tlellju'sFond , tot lung trial has lroved ittho very best u ft f the naturnl fouut. It is Indoreml by oudmeti t pbyafoialS , null may be luul of most drug. gists. t'ERONAL. Robert Koontz is back agals from the west. ern ranch. Cu ! . Cochran huts started back to his Ltttlo Sioux form , George I. Miller , of Audubon , was in the city yesterday. Ii , 0.1'omeroy , of Chicago , was at the Pa' cificyesterday. J , T. Brown , of Lincoln , reached the Pa. ciSc yesterday , A. T. Fllckinger has gone to Carroll on pre. fessional business , C , II , hart and wife , of Waehinglon , D , 0 , , arc at the Ogden. Frank Keeline has returned from his Wyo ruing cattle ranch. Ira Scofield and John llohn bays returned from their chicken hunt. II , N , McGrew , the lightning lasuranc e man , was in the city yesterday. Mr , and Mrs. F , K Lawrence , of Omaha , spent Friday at their Council Bluffs house , John Kost , of Tbbitu. ( & Kest , luau. genie t u Springfield , ill , , to visit relatives and friends , \V. II , Merritt , one of Des Moines well blown tourists , was at the Ogden over Suu day. day.A A Bowdish and son , 0 J. Cates and K C Gates , all of Fort Seott , Ken , , Sundayed a the l'adflc. E , C , Cole , the real estate mss , has returne d from a mouth's stay iii Cultirado , where he h u landed interests. The names of Jacob H. Rogers and Georg Feigua.a appear among the arrivals at th Ogden Saturday , Miss Nora Brown has started for Nott Dame college , South Bend , Ind , , to coatiu'I her course there. Superintendent if ammond arrived Saturda and will at once take charge of the institut for the deaf and dumb , 1 , T , Lindsey , the boot and shoe man , ha returned frmn a succo + sful business trI through Minnesota and 1)ukota , 't , 11ev , T , J , Mackey , the rector of St. Paul' church , has returned with his family fro xi their eutnuler vacation and trip to Califond ° It , A , llungerfurd , representing a l'hilade I l , phia boot and shoo factory , was bt the cit 1 yesterday , makbng headquarters at the I'acili c 1 tiiss Mary McCain , who leaves this wee It for 1)ubuquo ) , Iowa , was yesterday presonte with a handsomtu workbox by her lady friend tlrs. Lou Smitit , of St. Josopli , and tfhl Jessie Powell , of Now Haven , Coo = , , are v ] s Iting the dty , the guests of J , I'tV. Chapman ' daughters , Mies Sadie Pryor , who has been visiting 11 brother In Dakota , is here on a brief visit brother , P , M. I'ryor , and fatally , before t turning to her butte In SVlscnu ° In. Tlto following Omaha people visited tl Bluffs yewtorday : Mies Lulls Lanagun , Festner'sbhldtry ; Mfea Agues Kelly , of Ohu It folder h Co. 's , until her sister , tBss Sara hell : Caller , of the ( iarnsan cracker factor : Mr , ] .d , Flayeu , of OberfeMer' . , J. D , Ttadley , the New York , Kent of $1 li American Exprue , coptpany , snd W , 1' , Ce t.nbrad.r , superlntuadent of the hank No cad Yoyravlag cewaai r.f hew Ysrhy rim " FURNITURE ! 1 -THE---- - - - - - CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -ts nr- D : 'EY ' & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT' PASSENGEIC ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. hi the city yesterday on their return ( m iii Sun , Francisco , and dluarl at the Ogden as tlm guastso ( IL t.'ells. . tlissas Kato and lfattie lliatu'lin have me. tented honmo ( rum their vidt cast , ltnving been gnun n mouth A part u1 the time w.ss very pleasntdly spent iii Cldntgo with friouds , and the roi ududer In ) nvuupurt , ttia4 Ilnttio graduated tut time Sisters' Acadonny shortly be. faro cuing , and Miss Kato Is one of the most popular teacher , la tlm rlublie schnuls here. llorslhrd'H Acld Phosphnto , Malces a cooling Drink. Into half a tunlblor of ieo water Dot a tcaspouuful of Acid Phosithatundd ; sugar to the baste , - - - ® - - - COMMl' It0lAin coui elt IILUYVH 1IAItluzT. Wheat-No , 2 spring , 7Oe ; No. 3 , 63c ; me. jected , 50u ; good tleltmtttl , Corn -1)onler ) ° are pnying 31@82c ; reieetnd corn , Cldcngo,40(04tie ; new udxed,4Oc ; wldte aunt , Mc ; the nevi Its of corn are IIght. Oats-Scarce aunt in good damm ll at 30a luny-4 i9) ) ( u pap tau ; SOe per bale. Byu-40 ight supply. Corn Meal 125 per 100 puuude , 1Vood-Good supply ; inicurntyards , Ii00Q 11 00 , Cnnl-Ioliverod , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft , 5 50 per tan. ] btttor-Plenty and hr fair demand at 25e ; creamery 80r. Eggit-bendy sale and plenty at 10 illo per dozen. I.nnl-Fnirbank' , , whnlesaliug at IIc. 1'nnltry-Firm ; dnalere arc paying for chickens lOe ; live , 2 50 per dozen. Vegetables-Potatoes , 50c ; oulons , SOc ; cab. bums , 30@ too por' dozen ; 14)11105 , 3 5014 00 per barrel. ] 'lour-City flour , l f10@3 40. 1)rouuts = 2 00@3 00 imr doz. I.1viz HTOCK. Cattlo-3 00 0 3 50 ; calves , 5 00 r 7 50. llugti-tbtrkot for Fos quiet , as the pack. lug houses are clotted ; shippers are pny'iug 4 00 o I 75 , A STILlNG11 INCIDENT , An OIQ S'nI i'ouowu4 IlurCaptivo OW. Spring Eighty Miles , Santa Barbara Press. An interesting fncidunt , illustrating the ulaturunl atluctlon of the mriuud fur its young , was brought to notice during the visit of nit excuraiun party tA ) Aunat- pa Illni 1 , A young seal puponly a few months old , wits hruulmt way from the island by little Ernest 1Vhitullead , w119 desired to take it hues for a put. ' 1'hu little ruluuni was secured by n rope around out of its has , and tied within a enallyawl belonging tothesloop. Short. ly before sailing a largo sent wits noticed swunuling aromul the sloop auelored Rif tlto COVO where the capture was uuulu , uiterin g laud barks and at tines howling piteous Y. No Ilartieulsr attention wits pail to the auinml at the tiulo or to time little enptivo , tvbicli at tinmos barked in rospoueo to the old datum's plaimits. Thu boat sailed away , hulking far Ventura shore. 1Vhun oil San Buennvcmitura a calm in the wind decreased the speed of time boat , when a large seal wag noticed near by On reaching the wharf at Santa Barbara at 2 o'clock next morning a seal was again discovered awimuming about time boat. It was not supposed that this was the mother of the captive , or out of pity for its nmiscry the pup would have boom thrown evorboard. Fo bettor secure the pup until daylight , time rope was taken front its /in / and ft was tied up in a jute. sack amid lot loose on the deck. Soon after coming to another , the seal ro- spolidcl it ) its ntothur's invitation by castiu itself overboard , all tied up as it was within a sack. It is assorted by the mm en duck that the mother seized thu sack , and , wilh hot sharp tooth , tore open the prison of her offspring , This , however , is a Inure conjecture , If it did , the little pup was saved ; otherwise it would drownttlcd up in time sack The Incident was time more interesting fromu time fact that the old seal hind to follow time sloop at least eighty miles over thus , ocean iii a imopeful endeavor to rescue its young , EPREBBMEN LIABLE , II , , A , H , Merrill , the popular.xpns.nl.nof limn { wick , Ifs , , writer us out May Is , 1883 , u follows , "having been severely afflicted for abut ( so year with Infla oatlon of the kidney. sud Ltadtkrao called by my pigeidaua , I sueerml with distressing la/n. / II t a my back and reteanon of urlit.caused by a ° toppa g ° of the neck of the bladder , and acompiteatlon of othe r e diseases. I was hstdly able to attend to my bu.uue ° told at tune. would be completely proatratal. 1 wal e ale aeoeted with incetitloence of urine to an alsml tog degree ; Indeed , It detnauded my attention fifteen y or twenty ( taus pcndght , and at Huey It would seen 1 e Iuglos 1ble for me to ride down to the depot on In y wagon , for every jar from thu wagon would slimmest seem to tdke my Ills , iaylug fatted to obtain rulte I ° trout my doctor , I finally consulted our drugglet , Ur I' Merryman , of ) trunswcik , and requested him to fur nislt into with the trust reliable and .pcedy cure fo a such sickness , for 1 was sullurlug too much tea a huutannature to endure long. 'rite doctor recotu , meudcd one to use limit's Itenlaly , as I ' had lice , used with remarkable success 1 a good many ( 'sacs In ltruuswick an y vicinity , I pureIias d a bottle , Paid received sue , great rand that 1 ondhtu ° d , and hnd tick used tw k bottles before began t Improve beyond my oxpx c I tattoo. , 'rune pun. bl ury kidney. and lobte disa ) geared. I gained strength , and my water began t pass naturally , anti I was auto to sleep soundly , en s obtain thu greatly oeuded rust which , for a long tun I could not. 1 am fully restored ( A ) liositli , suit Ca 'a attend to my busines. . Thanks to Hunt's auuud for my restoration , and I highly soconuuend It to ' tthoaretroublolsitu kldnuycomplaluts , " CP tJ COULD NOT LIFT A POUND. Time above are thu word. of Mrs , ltarrtet Palley , I'utnun , Conn , Shu writes May U , 1SSI : 'l hiss beeti troubled withi k = dnuy and bladder disease f ° f twu years. i suffurud.es eruly ht the Lack and lout s Ilatnru taking your wonderful ntwliciuo , hunt's lieu r edy,1 could not lift a pound. After glving it a fa ; trial , l organ I. Improve , and can now truly say i wau.'OodeeLd to nu ; and 1 am now able to do m household work and enjq the beat of hatth. 1 ho n recommended hunt's liamedy to two of my n.tg h s Yon , who hasp been greatly ben.atlal by 11. 1h ietkr I send voluntarily , with t e hop. that It l t. b. the laesasef educing some sueusr I. es. N w t re a.a.dy , awl le seed u 1 tare Ise"y ' The tun of the term "Shout Ltue" In mnucetloo ulththe Fl U 11 1 corporate mmflu of M1 great r uwl , Wmirer a at idea of I ud whsU re Iuired by ( he travelhig , ulr I N tie -a BIUr ( Lhte , Qntek 15me suet the host tit aus + nnulala. ' = B tltnls-sll of which are turn. , bhal by the greatest railway a ADmrla. C HLOA00 , [ LWAUKEE And St. Paul. itnwns and operates over 4tOO mtlosof roadie Northcnt Illinois , v'lgeousht , 5lhuto + ota , Iowa sod takotn ; and alts utain llua + , braueha and cutnee. ( Inns reach all the great buslueee centres of the Nurthamtand I'arlVert , it natumuy an + wera the i descrlptlnn ut Short Llne , stud Beet Route between ChlcagnMilwaukee , 8t I'aulmtd lllnnealetia Chiengu , > 111wmtkco , is ( roam and a'Inuna. Chicago , SUI aukeeAtmnletmand 13tetslala Chitegu , Mihsntikcu , Kati Claire aunt Stllhvatcr Chkngt + , It liwauhee , tyasau and Merrllh Ctit ngo , Milwaukee , iluaver pant suit Oshkosh. Chltngo. Milwaukee , tt'aukesha Bud DC.moulowoa. Chicago , rlihraukeo , Ma.llon aunt rrairludw Chico. Chicago , Milwaukee , naalumta and calrlhault. Chtcagd , lieloit , JOlleisrle M1ltd MltiCral l'Olllt. Chicago , EI bglut , Itocdonl and Dnhuqua . Chicago , Clltton , hock Island auul Cedar Rapids. Chitngu , Counetl u1uQe and Ilmaha. Chbngo , Sl'Iux Citl , Sioux Fntiq and Yankton. ChteagokllleaukcullltehcllandChamburlsin hawk l.lstwl , tubuquu , St Paul tint IlluuenIlulls Dascoped , Calmar , St I'aul stud Minneaplulla Pnllmnn Sleepers situ the I'luest Dining Care In the world tire rut , an the mahl Imes of the C HICAC Q MILWAUKEE & T. PAUL RpILWAT and Story atteutluu is i'M I to petssongas by course. one cngdo3CS of the Cuulauy. ( 8.8. MCftIILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , llen'l Mulager , Oeu'1 Pass. Agent. J. T.CLAItI ( , OEO.ILt1EAFF01l ) , , lluu'I Sut'L Asst Gen'I I'au. Ag'/ . , , 1 Swift's Specific Is not n trlu'n du of sclonco , but h s revdatioo through the Instluct tit the unttttoro I smvao , and Is a cum lulu antitlotu to ail kinds of IltJod Potion and Skin Ilumors ' Swift's fii > oclfe has core l mu of Serohlh , we.ua re hereditary lit mg faintly. 1 have su0aro 1 with It for flatly years. and have tried agreat rusty phylclane utdnit sorts of treatment , but is no purposoanti ; ; rvhmt I begot to ta'to ' Swift's 9peciflc I was ht a her rlldounudition but tltanksto this great ruinedy.i ant rid of tie dleuvcu , ' 'hero Is uo d tuht thst it Is the grated madirhtu In exlstenee , amid I tnow , any wlto doubt will write to me. IL 0. IiAWES , Jr. , Clarksville , Oa. ) Altar ° nRoringtwentyflve years with a painful dry tetterand trying corny ylcians , I wts at last re Ilevod by ( tie use of SwifCs4Hpeclfe , and cheerfully , Ica t mend It to oil similarly atfllctud. SI,000Reward willbe IalltoanyChemist who will timid , an ( tic anatysh of 100 bottl.a S. S. S. , ens partia a of Mercury , 10.1W. l utasslum , or any tlneril substance. substance.TILE SIVIPI' SI'FAIF10 CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , „ Write for acepy of the little b a't-fro , . ( 'rice : Small size , Itoo 1ror bottle , Iargo 11x2hold. ingdouble quantity ) 1415 bottle. All drugglsa.ea It NOTICE ! To the Traveling Public ! k -TIIE - COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- O/slooo1ii , Neb , ( e cow undergoing throruugh repairs , both wilhla { ud without , tied the ieoprhotor Intends It shalt be SidO- oA I TO NUNS In the sate , next to Omaha. I : IL BLA'RWELL ; , aug21.2m Proprl.tot. a , Cornice-orks , mON AND SLATE ROOPINO. ROOPINO.PROP C' SPECRT , PROP . 1111 Doti St. . Omaha , Neb. ' ' " NANUFAe'nmEa or Oalvanirea Iron Cornices ' tdDormer Wtn ° ows , Finials Tin , Iron and Slate itoutlug Hperht' . patent Iteafllo skIIght , Patent aljuoterl Ratchet liar and Bracket Shelving. I ar. the genera ) agent for the above lute of good { . Iron , Fencing Cre.thigs , Balustrades , Veranda. , Iron Dank . Italungs , Window Illinos , Cellar Guards : also general agent for I'e ° rson & dull iwtelut Inside Blind. r r A regular graduate ie . DR , HENDERSON rneditte. ) Over atxteea tiosutdoosWyandatteStl years' practico-Iwolve Is t KANSAS CITY , IbO , Chicago. " Authorized by the { tats to tau. d ChronicNervousanoll'tlvatodiseasew , 1n 2h" ' Aethma , Epile t y , Itheutnattun ( 'lies , ( 'limps Worm , llriaary and Skin 114. ° casts , SernlnatWeaknesenlghtleases ( j , . Sexual Debility Ocss of sexual { lower/ , I. eta Cures guaranteed or money refunded. Charges IoW , ' lruusutd ° of eases cured. No Injurious modl ° oinasfurnishedoven to patients at adisance. Cun- d , ultatloi tree and confidential-call or write' age and experience tire hn edam A BOO fur both sexes- e Illustrated-stud circulate of other things sent sealed n for two 3 oeut stamp. FIIEE NUHKUM .Cy : y eiodeod w 11 DUFRENE & MENDELSS9HN , of ARCHITECTS . r aY'lll.YUVID TO OIIAIIA NATIONAL BANK UIrDINth It MANHOOD .RESTOREOI Ay la t Im a f ea l r Im P rudenc. , ea w s nervous shut : y . ea „ having tried every j ownr . Ills d laeoverod amy , means , . w.6 watch b ° will send ( ' ! ( Elea Is fsllow eaamn. s ladrerJi.L2 VYS OChathamSt..N.wYork. g ANNOOD-Podtlv.ly lte.toed In front two to N ; M days 1y ) foxier = Vegetable Conacuoc , the t , yasroWra addres. gam Y.ba Il.dfai Co. P. 0. Daze , 4s , Gt. IaaY Yes * l .IM , 1 C