' . , + . 'J 'yaaaaf + .dall . + latiWh..r. , . . . w . . . ' 4 n " ' # n . . . wai qn. . . r r _ I p Gt'g PHR rM1L ' BEE..MONDA tR . ' } - ) a l" . u i , . , . r + r'x ' I , ' , , Hr , + Y t ' , ' h + , . . ' , ' # , v p ) : ' ' k 1 , 4 . + A s l' + .r ' s v av e rirlp , , . qI r r''d i / wti'ig r'h t , . . „ ' _ . .e. : t r - --I . ' " i . will be Bedford This space occupied by 1 & Some r who will make a special announcement - ment next week. watch for it. /1-f' . BEDFORD & SOUER' ll/ r Real Estate Agency ! 14th Street beta Farnam and Douglas. , .n k , . a + „ 4 , d 1 , " , , z ) , ( \ - - - t r,1 , 7 > t ; , , W , . , ' : * , , - - _ - _ _ r _ i - 4.- . . : . ' , " . . . , ai . , Is 4 " ' ; < .f a ; w1' rte ; , ' + ' IIti .N . k t r' ' ' . s - , ; . t i e- 4 . r. , ' h - II .f . I , j a ' ' , 4 ' , ; , . ' ' w ' xr N , . I tr , , ; L F + L , r P „ t.a.a . , . . I , - , rw . , r , I - ' . 14.- . AN'lf + ' 'io 'td 'i , . ' ' 4 t . _ i .t - ' - / l , / - - \ . ' - , , t , # dS. ii , . I x > : , t t I 1 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FIREWORKS AND FUN. A Jabilalioa is lloaor of the Vlctorloas Tharsloa those Company. Speeches by the Fimumitlrr of the Or- ganlzatlort anti Otltera. A string of bright colored paper Inn. torus across Farnham atrout at city hall , the dischnrgu of bombs and sky rockets and the martial uursio of the Union Pa- cihc baud , infuruted Outnha people , Sat. usday night , that tlio ffro deinrttaout tVmu doing fps best to "aot'cut up" for the boys-of the Thurston hose company , who had come hum. from Lkeoht with the cart of the tournament , 1Vhon . J , M. 'rhttrstou , the fuuudor of the eompa n entered the hall whuru ovurybudy wits a.sumiddrd , lie was clouretl nod miladu a speech , having lrst , on account of the lent , TAKEN OFF 1(14 COAT , lie had been plnyimig ball , lie said , and 80(10 oxpectul to apply for a clmimce ( it the tetra. [ Laughtur.j ilie puaplu of Omiabn , ttht uyn proud of their mngntti cmtt lire dupartulunr , were dufglitudw'ith the late reuurd outdo at Liueuhi , lie theii niadu a graphic rules emico to the constmimt pert of a litodnnmi in hit battle with tire dwstroyimig ole mutt , and praised the pluck , of young thou , particuhu'ly tlto young men of the west , 4vhure there stenta to bu 8omietllitrg in the air tl0at makes them conic forward. Speaking of the Bilk bamiiicr width MRS. TIIUIWTON is nbtnit to presout to the company , ho said that s the motto slo would gperhnt choose might n' ' be the samiie as that of the b0 s but that whatever it should he they 0iuet consider it the feminitie of the miutsculiuo cxpres8imn , "Gut thuro'Ras ' tus. " [ Laughter. ] Alf. D. Juuus road some ' 'machine" poetry , bringing in the names of the team ; IV. J. Kemiudy presented a large boquot on behalf of Alms Mitchell , anti a check from Assistnnt Chief Illitchehl , nod then till full to and attacked the cold lunch whichl was served up. 110111. AGAIN. The Union 1'aufllo llaso Ball Club Arrive in Onntlta. The Union Pacific base ball club arrived - rived from the oaat Saturdayurorningand wore not at the dupe' by a hoot of ad. miring friends. After a hearty handshaking - shaking and welcome hotne they were driven to the U. P , headquarters , where each member of the club waa presented with a beautiful boquot of flowers from tloir lady ndmirers. They then drove up town and dispossod to their various hnnucs. The club since leaving have played some of the strongest nines in the comntrj' and love wont 10 games out of 23 , a record rarely equalled. Starting at St. Louis 6 to 4 , victimized Evamisville 10 U , 8 , Dayton 8 to 2 and 18 to G , Vimiecn0oa 0 to 2 , Terre Haute 10 to baud G t" 4 , Cluicige U to 0 and 7 to b , St. I'aul 6 t" 1 and 3 to 2 , Mh0mieapo his G to 3 and 12 to 4 , Cedar Rapids G to 1 and 23 to G , Dos Moines 14 to 7 and 8 to G. ' Losing at Indianapolis 2 games out of 3 , one in Clnclnuati and ono out of 3 in Chicago. The playing of the club Inns been brilliant liant througlu utes poeiallly that of Sauls- bury , Bandle MCKely and Baker. Fnklouser leads the nine in batting , McKelvy second , Bundle third. Briggs , McKelvy and Handle lead in the field , Foley and Baudle are ahead in baao running. Large and enthusiastic audiences have greeted theta everywhere The boys wore highly pleased with the receptions iven dent at all oiuts , ex- eo p Terre haute , Ind. , where the played to a hoodlum crowd , a fraudulent Pmpiro 1 and a managrouiont of the stune class. They are all feeling splendidly and confident of victory in the approaching - ing gamines which will be looked forward to with great interest by the public. Tnsgreatdtstinguishing feature of Ilodding' . Iiue.iaSalve hs its power to reduce Inflamatiun , G IAItVEY BOYD , Funeral of u Promising Young Man. The funeral of Harvey Boyd , the oldest on of Mr. John Boyd , was hold at 10 o'clock Saturday from the residence , corner of Ninth and Harnoy streota. Thu service was road there by Rev. Mr. Haraha , and "Nearer My God to Theo , " beautifully sung. .Tho eiyikot was a maasivo metallic case heavily trimmed with' uilver and covered with f1owora. Thu pall bearers were E. E. Whitmore , Arthur Brigge , Chat Morgan , F. S. 'oohing , E. S. Bair , A. L. Wyman and C. C. Chaao. The uncles of the young tnan were all present , Hon. Jamea E. Boyd , Thou. Boyd and Samuel Boyd , of Chicago The lace pact intrment took at Pros Hill cemeta . The circumstance of the young man's death , so euddon and so ioletr being gored by an infuriated animal on a weetyrn rancho , made thu last rites very sad and deeply affected all who participated. .era--- Psdlee Court. Judge Anderson had an hntoresting sossionof mourtSaturday morning ; do the first round knocking Chas. Johnson and 1Vm. Parker onto the rock pd1e for being found in a state of beastly intoxication. The aged couple referred to elsewhere , Mntthiaa and Mrs. Grose , ware among those occupying the anxious seat , Mrs. G , evidently wears the unmentionables , and did the talking for both. What their umnos wore called they getup up and linking their arms together as if approaching the nuptial altar , they advanced in ( remit of thu judge and both bowing very low , said , "Good noru ing , your honor ! " " Jowl morning , " respondodtlio judge , with a gleam of good humor in his eye , as lie [ proceeded to questimt thorn as t0 thin charge of drunk.nI roes 1irnforrud ag unat thorn. TJ'o old lady told the story very frank- ly. She said her husband wanted a drink and wont mid got.a battle and they wt t down m1 n box rtoguthur. She took a drink , after him and tlion both took a , drink of water. The water cvi- dontly did the buainose and nobody would drink wuer out hero but a tenderfoot. The next thing they know they were oc eujpn quarters in the hotel de Gorman. ! ha judge thou delivered them n u loc. tune eallin g attoqtie n to the tact that they wore now on the down grade of life and that it would be safest for thont to shut oil steam , call for brakes and 01)0 ! ) the sand box wide. lay so doing aimil utakurg a slot. run across the big bridge of eternity they might pull up safely at the Union deItot in the New Jeruaalenh These words had a deep effect on the prisunurs , and an sludge Anderson gave the signal "all right , " they coupled up again and ulled alowl out of time court taunt , bowing as they reached time ( loot and saying ; "Thank you , your homier. God bless y ntt , your honor , Frank Nichule a haldt i dal disturber o f the peace , who married a wonuu of doubtful reputation , woe arrested for die. turbimig the peace aunt paid a hue. ilia tvifo then "aworo her life" ng midst 1'n l u and lie was required to give $ I00 bonde to kcop time peacu which he did , Trial 'l'ucadny ' , One plain drunk , discharged , The case of t410 'l'welftlt street women , cut Gr to day , is put in ii doubtful post. Lien by time rucout resolution which lofted the blockade front 'l'welfth street. OMAUA II0:1EOPATlt9. They Meet and Organize n Clinical Suulety , A meeting of the luomcopathie physi clone of Onuahlt wits Fuld Friday evening , August 81 , at the office of Dr , Auolia Burroughs for the purpusu of diseusaimig time feasibility of urgmutiziug a clinical society. Dr , C. Itt. Dinsnioor being appointed chairman , the subject was brought for. ward mind met with the hearty approval of all present aunt the ' Omaha Clinical society" was organized and ofliaers elected as follows ; President , C. Ili. Diusnoer , ill. D. Vice president , 0. S. Wood. M. D , Treasurer , J , Al muausun , lit. D. Secretary , Amelia Burroughs , Ar. D Censors , Drs , 0. S. Wood , J. M. Burgh. uan ) , Antolia Burroughs , Time object of time soetet } is "far thin ndvauiceuett of ulodieal scncuco rand the estnblislumiett amid tnhintutmanco of a free dirpomiaary , " which lints lung been needed by the your of our city. It is thin intomi tier to meet orrice a month , mibenbes lire. seating papers at each immcotimig for die. cussiomi. Dr. G. II , Paredl was appointed a coin- mitteo of immio to secure time miicurporatiuu of the "Omaha Clinical society , " after which the society adjourned to mount at time sane place Thursday , September G , at 8 p , tit. Fort Findings. To the Editor of TnE BKs. A few days sines Mr. Leanlow , while in Onmaha oar business , was thrown front his buggy and badly injured ltia head. He is r ecovoring very rapidly , however , and will soon report for duty. It is rumored - mored that the bad condition of the streets in your city contributed greatly to the accident. Iii the fort we have one temperance arganiz.ulion with a nrenmbership of about forty. It is composed of time sub. atanlial class of moon at the fort and will prove , we have no doubt , a complete success. It is reported from a very to liable source ( lint a secret nrder of totn perance proclivities will orginiize at tithe place about the first of next month We certainly wish it success. Very etn'iugemit measures urn being enforced at this gar. neon by the comtmmding authorities to prevent drunkenness and its evil eeiso quonces. Last Tuesday eveningtfill , long be ro- mcuibered by the social lights of the post as the date "f otto of the mast enjoyable occasions of their lives. At 0 o'clock p. in. , the 29th inst. , by Father Richmarils , at his church in Omaha , was joined in tire bonds of matrimony Clarlra Mayor and Abby Knickerbocker , both of Fort Omaha , Shortly ofter 7 o'clock they , in consImartY with Mr. Bogard amid Mies Scanlan , returned to the residence of Mr. Mayor , in the north end of time garrison. On their arrival they ware greeted , congratulated - gratulated and kissed by their ninny waiting friends. Mr. Mayer , in aumtici potion of tide event , has furnished lids dwelling in the most becoming , convemi hunt and comfortable manner , and being a very diligent , imduetrious , frugal and intelligent man , wo timer for him thin choicest blessings and rewards of deserving - ing efforts ltofreeltmne nts , consisting of ice cream , cake , sandwiches , nalt liquors , of cetera , were served in time most houmiti- ful and liberal manner to the guests , who , in return , lavished upon time happy couple many ornamental , useful and valuable presents. The bride was tastefully attired , and during tlmo the entire evening displayed great tact in rendering the occasion what should be denominated the social event of our poet during time season. We have known Mrs. Mayor for many nrotnthe and so favorably that to say that she iej in our humnbla np nion , one of the moat refuted and " "worthy of our lady acqUalntancee only re0acts the opinion of all'ivhn ' are en for. tunato as to.know her. Site is amiable antiifargiving tea fault , u Wcb ; , in the wife , is known and worshiped as the brightest jewel in time dia I inn of char acter. ' 2110 guests cnnsiatod Of Charles Wig. gins and wife , Mr. Stenoy and wife , Mrs. Scanlow and Misses Callie nod Maggie Scanlow , 3leeere. John mind Thomas Scan. low , Messrs. George and Jnmee , Stoney , Mr , Oscar James , Wnm. White and Mrs. Ruet , Mr , Bayard , Miss Cusick , Mr. William Cusick and Mr , party dispersed near 1 o'clock a , m , this morning , feeling the samnu event was not likely to occur the second tine , Wu beg to remain yours , &C , , Lxnnmlr ImA , FORT OMAIiA , August 31 , Clumgo of llrmm. Time old and popular firm of hearon .C Cola have dissolved parhtureltip amid are succeeded by Branch & Cole , wh will continue to carry on a general produce cnnunission businose. Mr , 1. B. Branch brings with him a throrugh knowledge of amunorcial bubi nos. , laving been foranerly in thin banlt dog bmieinees at Fuirntount , Nub , , latterly with time Nebraska national bmtmk of thus city , amid taking full charge of time ne counts and tinallcOS , time now firm feels ctntident that they can give time full at- tontiei to their : ustuumurs which their business deserve. Mr. Ihavdd Cole , being for three years and ouo hitlf time jtmiot 'martuer ' of Fearon & Cole needs nn furtlmur introduction. Hu is n thorough business man and a gentleman tloman in ivory ermine of the word. Time rutiring partner , Jllr. Fuarot i retires with the hearty good will and es teens of all with whom he cane in contac t and both his successors and imitnself have the beat wishes of all for their future success , THE AOONits OF r1L10UE COLtO , Inn iNDI31Ciu11At. & l'ANUnor CIIOONIOINnb O &YI1O f , Tiin DEOIt.iTY orUKNTAL 4TlirOK KR'tULTmNOtnoll A cosnvntIA111TMAY IIK CLITAiNLY Av01DElt Dv ItFOUDATINO TITS eve Eli iTflI 1'11AT AOfEF.tIIIK ANh 1tC FIIE9111N(1 ( sTANIA1tU 1'KKI'AKATiON , TAR RANTS 6ELTZER AFERftNT , PKOCUIUflLE AT ALL DIIUUu18rc. U RASTUS GOT THERE ! " Roars of the Victorious Dose Com py to Omaha , 1 % Ith Broome and Itibbohs Flying nod a liran Now hose Carl. The .1 , Al , Tlulrston hose company , of the Omaha Grudepartment , time elantpiou rummers of Nubraeka , came up from Lin colmiat2l6 : Saturday afternuun laden with their spoils , Iii time rumiuimg race be. tweon hose companies during the week'e touraunout at Limeolm they tvou the 800 yard race and nmde coupling in 43j seconds , The vmu ino of their train was flying tinge mid frumit every window et the spe citi car which c mtamimed "tire bn s" wmus protrudiui g a new brouuu decked w itlm rib. buns. At time ( idiot , to wulcome the vie hrs wore lieu. J. . Al , Thurston lllnvor Chase , members of the city council and a large numbur of tiromimeum with time U , 1' , band. Time buys came out with o cheer amid mimarclmed up town , Intl by thin band , to No. 3 unghno house , dnuwiumg time elogatrt ; , hose carriage whicht the won. Behind tie .1 , AL ' 1'liurston'a ca no carriages , nil decked with brooms mid time rmtnr6 art with which time race one wan. Omaha w'elcome's her fast runners with a hearty shako , amid is proud of themi , Birthday Party , Time retidence of Miss AumioShorn was- the onjoyumetit'f mursdoyevening , the gatlorirmg being to celebrate Miss , Annie's thirteenth birthday. Quito n miumiabur of her frieuda uvoro presuut , cord matter a tastyful auppor , daumciug , gnomes singing etc , , wore indulged in. There ivere present , Miss Mary AfcCnulif , Miss Nellie Hill , Miss Auua Coyle , Miss Lottie Steversmi , Mies Evaltedtiuld , Miss Clara Bruiiimm 6g , Miss Amumu Roberta , Miss Amina Redtluhl. Measuts : David Sltanomm Otto Shure ; Ilarry Gntuwood , Richard Mc. Caulif , Neal llclllelun , Janos Daulton , Jusopli Gatuwood , SnmtWl McCmiuhif. The Htorm uu time Lianics. TonoNTol September 1.-A well iu- fornod , reliable putty at St. Jolmn , Ii. F. , havimig buem tulugraphed yostertbty to make statement ab amt time loss by etornt curd tidal wave , sort tine fnllowimi 6g uuox- mected reply : "Storer Thursday last not here ; heard of n(1 casualties worth miieumtiumiimig. SeOo rumors of suspected hisses oti bunks. No tidal ware wlmiit ever , " 'limo Cathullu Uetr'al Vareit , EvANSvILLE , had. , Septerllbur 2. Thio meeting "f the Cuthimho eumitntl vureiu hero today wits a great emmeuss. Thu processiuu wav time largest of time huiumd ever witnessed here. Societies from Cin einmiati , Louisville , . Peoria , Chiemigo , 11111- waukee mud other cities , were preeeut , twenty-one states buimig represented. Time crowd im thin city is very large , but well cared for , THE OYHTI' it SEASON. An Abumdnnt Crimp or the Best Qunllty l'rotniscd. Now York Past. Oyster growers , dealers , and shippers arc nuking every preparition for an unusually - usually good business this season. Ex- aniuatiee which have beery made of nil the oyster-buds along Elmo north amid southt shores of Long Isimuid , where time cunt oysters are found , show that the crop will be uncommonly large , amid thin eye. turn will be much tumor amid fatter thnn for tinny seasons past. Speculations have bcutm made to account for time vari- atiotne iii the quality and ; , growth of oya- tern in different eoasonsr but as of uo eatishtctory reason hat buen given. Onu deaier said : "Extuuuuationn made of the oysters taken last season showed that front soumo unknown cause there was n scarcity of the food supply. This sea. sou , oysters lawn boon taken from their beds slow that they have grown twice as nmuclt as they did last year , mid are solid and plump. The cool wather durimy time lust two mouths line mmdoubtedl been favorable too sters. It has curtaiti. 1y increased the d namid for them dttrimu tcmo last month. Time trde in 'Shrews. buryt hue boon very good , and many of the uummimor resorts , which have never be. fore furnished their guests with oysters , have put theta at time regular bill of taro. taro.A A number of oysters exhibited by another - other dottier showed vigorous growth. Many ' 'Bluo points" bore a "growth" mark of two or three inches , Blue pint o stars' romlee to be very fine. This is duo partially to time facf that the crop was a failure last year : Similar roportri are rocioved fromn all thin other hiarbors acrd bays almmu the northern amid south. ern shures ) of time island. ht Rockaway bay man oyster-beds have been destro I'd b sludge w id from the rendering factories eft Barret islmrd cord thin owners of oyster beds in Ifemigi stead Harbor clnim drat many of time beds in those waters have been destroyed by Una refuse from lie starch factory at Glun Cove. 'lire planting of oysters have increased very rm idly in limn last two } 'oars , 001 the authorities seeped to he dis usedt , treat the deaden nmoro fairly. 1District Attorney Dee of Queens county , snd thms mnruiug : " ' 1'lo law of this state in snf lcieut to protect the pbuitura of oyster buda , 'l'imo utu dtainl it videa thmit mummy found guilty of baking oysters ( rein or imterfor ii mg ith the buds shall be punished b fume amt ium , risnnmeit , ' Time oil , ro catltimt whielt time ) hamiters must take is to sue that there is n0 natural 0 etcr beds 0n the 6ground whun the artificial bode are hutted , " 'l'ie lores act for time export trade in butter thrui fur man cars , Large or. data hnvu beumt rucuivcyl front agents in Europe , anti it forwarded , that manY o } aten il' bo to California , Thin drouth to eastern Now England which t bee lasted tram five to six weska , bow becotn e so minus that cropd have been greatly in vd , witty a prospect of still further damag e ifurthe drnutii 1s not broken. Farmers er e compelled to take cow. from the pastures awl feed them upon winter bay. OMAHA MEDICAL 0-ISPENSRYI - I a OFFICE AND PAIRL R , OVER TILE NEW OMAIIA NATIONAL PANIC , Thirteentb Bet. Famam and Douglas Sts. i A1 S Ashblatt , M1 D1 , l r PROPRIETOR. . + 5 p , l The Monson JVhy Dr. Fishblatl fa .injoghlJ Such utiparallcdSuccc&s. Th. , .tonhhing cares slfceled by Dr. Ilciddstt , of di.ea.ee formerly thoegbt lacvrabl. , hate given hits a high rank In the nudlcal prole don of this count my. lie hoe war such lkrsntd celebrity , the ; enpleof the far w.et no luuger dicta It aeteasary to vie It cuterrr ettie. to fat ! pby'Mcians soon .tent to treat compli- cattd dl.ea. . . . Our ToettimolniaLe. This tatimonlal. and extracts fNm loiters pubtlshed In thess'columni are only. scar of oho runny thousand. Ur. Fiabblatt Is oondsntly revolting , aid throughout the northaat and laev.ry county of No- braka eau bs found punona who can tcitlty to tbu otfaacy of hbt treatment. i FROM A PItOM1NEr1T ! DRUGGIST' OF BENNETT , NEB. , I ; A..STdlcs , a J'ronlncnt ( Drugggi8l anti Land''A1jcnl of'the B , and aL It fir 1Vrilcsr Jt ,1 ' loamnrNebraln , Ifech2,1483. nn. Fixunin-t ) + nr Slr ; Apprcclating the value of the"aorviree you h.ve ret 1orod moo I dcuurltbu/ an act of .Implo Jti4I.u to yan to oxiruo , chi rd vii ut , riUi mTo f feel tuward you Attar r mdm.uaurht ; a I htruhadfromuUarrttnlllthrrittnrlhluItramwhtch iii .1ctprint i irul huroroforo duo m l titian. ' ' reile. a mu , h .woer tntrrclour It 'nit ' a giomr , the dlwaiu ha- nearly dl.atpaarid'after your treatment of andy two nrmthi , and 111 that tlure l have grlne1 eight pomade in weight. t.LndJor nwdcari1 tov , littler uerlaitlug nldikatiuim. to youand by rcfaring any ate to mime ; atUlctod as 1 wai , lshall cm + lder it au , act of klnitweeto th"w to n lvbethutn to arhmlttryour treutnenL Kvuryour friend , F. A. SIULhy. A' Terrible , G4isc of Catarrh Cured , Bones of the Nosc Dceaycd. Cured in lhrcc Alfontha. FanmoiT. Nob. , Anggst 2 , Ia93. 11a FleitsLArr , Omta : in view of the atnaoit nirnettiolre cure 'oi have eatat-in - my to + e1 ; feel lb my tuty to you a el thar a11Iolc I ai i Im eve tUaa tob ai m i Jima Irare whuru ii I dime. For years I hive . taarol front Utt..rrh . In the wurdfant ' 1'uo dl.uharge wai o-aletaat amsl very uauneivo , wdtho bonus of Itmy 1040 WOiU lot a hi. ! etnto of dJ ray. Anur.iJUturinigrott dual withoutruccud , Iwas indcad to a , dy to you fortraatuut. Tluue in mth + hwvno v aaraly cla ii m I .Inou you t o i harge uhny ca + e , an , ! Tarn happy to rep art- it o ) ii.lotJiv cttrd'it ii , a. dro lln mit.ii ly , an , l on. uxinu , to hard all ihi so trou- bliul with iat rrh , wh.n , I slim Iilhiuluoav.Ill mmmOolvo of your treahnunt. 'rh inking you muit heartily forthugreat boniyouhave ouufurrudonnoIaumuvorgrotcfuiiyyount. Min. JACK.oN1V1LLiAMS. From a Pronincnf Citizcn of Boonc County , In. ) risnutsn-.Hoer ilk : I do not know uiauliv how to .uparato my connection with you without .nyln g eentethhit toeaproI my i awhdnoi. far relict brought by your treatment of time. My pentatetry lu trylitg m'oryttratt .ii tgetud by utltur f w the euro tit Catarrh It ii Jo.tlu I my filth s"nuwhat In toe ! pawuof nuyo w hringlmx rdlef. 1 even Inbtn"tu I that ymir 'uotanl3n ' wuru bait ishnptyontheorywhich d veil dcdrod toraet , cc. Dai h' nay ovorlaEI idelight , m w" di + oivod. Yuur ruWudieiaud treatniuntwurkud like a charm , I want 00y rutluvu I of Ow dldrai.brg Ili tit Catarrh , but wnr rntlruly mud , I bellovet.or ' fectly rusturotl t , health , l a a now nn m ) rO trotblo I with the uaoets of ( ho diauau which eo atalcto1 me tlmn I , 1 never Ind too cam dtluh Ida not writ , this purdw1y foryaur use , to in Luce other to twtyour .klll Iii thow bulnll , but thin' < ttnty duty t s nrr' < e sumo kind of an soknelviudga'nunt , trDliia and .hnple , of how uauel , g.oJ ) you have uoue ma in your safe mad certain trem tuct of a dletreising malady. J , W. DUItIILk. N 4'csibttoniai from Ilumb6ldf , Ncb , Ica Oranes it. Sgutnamot Ito nhol It , NubraPn , Hare : I have suaurdl fors long time With rheuma tl nt , whielt h"pr .tra'o I oar t0 d w 1 It I.ttU it tit it I wa. Obli lJ I tJ give u t nay tart , . ity iafm side was espucl.lly afdctod , mat , tLrr tvyIi miuuiuruul ii tors witlmatit rouuiviag any rollt , I ubnditod t ) your treatment at , sic tvu an mthi agu I a n hapy t ) s ly that 1 a n , min ii itly will , and o uulIor that you i uperfunnod in ins awuriurfulcura Ihavdgalnud eight puunib sailamnew abiutoattaud to may worn without aimy ineunvadcuce. , Ilappirtcss Follows Despairs ' t t TATLOL S1Aue1 , down , February T. . ; ° Da.uuuLAn-DcaCsln I foci con.Iderably better now than when nrnt 1 .vroto toyou , mullit.ie begtmiingta hare noon charms for me anltt After having been beJ riddun eo long , partof th. time givla up all huge of uver bsloguble h ) got uparaln , It .cuntm .a nicd , I cur tnrdiy reallto loan take my meah. will a giaxl appetite , to movu about Ilko other peodo do without palne amid aches , and. to- have averyhad' sea. grutuiate lime u , , my huprnve l apararenco. And al , this , doutur , Ihanke to your treatment , which I .haZ [ aiwsy. believe , haa matched mu from tbo shadow. of death. ItltS. J , T UItAYYN. [ A DIeuU Case of Lung'Trouble Cured ; . Scnortaa Nabrask. , Feb. T , 1883. 1iv ISAC Aa.FtsinLArr : i owe you a debt gatiludo which 'I never wilt ba shie torupayfurtte .clunttao aklli you have dimdayed ; iii hatin mime. I h the too a lung time been eonddurud a hopulo.e eon. eunptive , , to I everybo ly , lududing tny.obf , ee"IJur d my days tnmbered. My good fortune lot are to a ply + ocher to you for treannunt tail Nuv.mhequmd ht thl i Incrodlbly short time you have eadatud wiainuitwruus doetor + have galled Iii ; a oomoluts reitoratwn. I have .Inca galned Ilftuan poumm. anJ , . thoroughuycoaxL YuuareatlthertytaueuthL.searulareucefor.thera.imliarlyamUl l Your. Orstefully , ALEX MciNTOSiI. If is Encotdragtug fo Read the Following-from a Long Sufferer 1VImo hair been Unrltr Dr. I ? iahbatt4'8 ( T reatntcnl for About Two Months , MACX.oxmA'lowa , January 20 , i3. Da. Frsuswrr-Dear air : Mr folk. .ty 1 ap car to bar. gained twenty pound..htco I commencci ) takltg your t mxhcine. Anil we ll lhlnk there was noyer amtythlug like your trsatmuut 1 know that medi. 1 clue you.501 too ww Jot what I needed. Yourd truly , lilt. N. ii. LONG. t Cured of Catarrh , Ifoorce , Nsbraks , February 1. 1883. Pa. Fasnsi nr , MI fl , Omaha , Neh-Dear Sir : I have boen.ufuNig with catarrimIn the head eveuin.a can rn.mber , , and new I sin twenty nine year of ale ,1 In I laig thou-ht a cure was Impielbi. , but noverthvlees plau d myieif undoryuur treatmu d , htui with rather . null faith. I mud eanfeta. I sw now hapI.y to ay that I eta gra'iy red avU1 emi havIi , .prong hupJ.of a 1,01-fact I have serer u.ed my Inedlcine bet.re witldr went right t , the sat of the Jlmenu as the weDaue yuu gave mJ. lloping many .thursway and reitsi at yuur hands , I rsuuiu your. ru.olfuUy , W. ii. MOTEL + A Very Aggravated Clae of Female Trouble. The lady who giver lbw f dlowhtg te + tlmnnlal doe not wish her uaruo a jtmar In priot , but doe. W tt obJect to h.wu liar aJdrda , given on ap dicatlon. February 1,1885 A. H.IhsimLArr-111nd dlr : Alain I wish Is .pen's .f the favor ou oonforrol yea me. it wwett. . .amrrtoogreal tob.tro.that Isuncure L Wordsfall to.xares.toygratnulet.you , amidbadllnotbe. < t for T..u U xl Daly kn aw , WI. , . I w ) mi I bJ now , 1' , fha , ' . you think 1 ugly may thi. waiq1y for th. aka i f ayliig + om.thing , but , balm. in. Wises I ay , that 1 ueysr In my Ilse late. felt eograt.ful toward aay.aefor as at 01 kluidn.ii , e l f.el toward yuu. May bap tiniu sud pcup.rlty aUsod you through ills , may too. . tutor. Rejoiced over Ilia Permanent Reeovem j. Our Oerlnaa friend from Iina.lUla , Nebraska write. June 9,1981 , ' Da. Fi.nnLATT ; F. rnatht air Y.rgnuegun ihnen udtth.llal au ko.nuen des lch jest gut to a b' undvonmeneraitenkraihelticittia.ranlchis to.hrgospurehtbabe. 1dmfuehlbdleam truehja wee a : ' 1d m vor taugar alit gefuehit babe. Achtungavuli. MAItTIN WEONEIL A soldier .tatfonedit Fort Niobrara , whin. friend was bed rWden , through a complication of disease writsi under date July 411m , 18-1.1 ; 1 am pleisxl to hdono you that my friunJ-I , u , agaln , and 1i ga1im ° nie.ly through des held ui your valuable nwlleluse Its ionuwplatei viiUug you ac .oon ad strong uoug Ma. Wpm , L.-rr , of Knniey , writes ynn.25,1s11 : I have been taking your medicines according to dir.ctluns amid Md nry.ed greatly improved. 'time pain i i may head and my ds p touch better , suit I feel vary touch butter to all re. , + ucla and cargo about may work with plessur. . Apprcclaling IVlial Dr , Fishblatl has Done for Her. GRAND I.LAeo , Nebraska , June 1T , 1885 nn. A. S , Famlrr ; I am feeling quite vtrong amid Iooking much bettor , have gahted five pounds I1 { wvlehL SVI.h I could tel everybody bow Lad l felt soil huw wall I lend now , Your. > Miss. M. IIEMarREET. latcreha writes from Loup ( ltyl My friends hers had not seen we for six months ; s-era dsllgbte& with thu lug + rusent nt its my hsrith. A young friend say. ha hover saw we luukhm 6r euIIi I , " l lflas IIi .II [ 1STltEh"11 ' Mr. It. A , Rhona. , of Lynden Nobrarka , writes undardatoof Apri123 1883t The remedy whisk I ra coivudof you aaordal great relief ; l foul as though I had b.un regeueratedd. , A' young gentleman from Exeter , Nebraska , write. Juno 1st : isinsatisfied that your medicines l are ) ieldog ant ; l am nut as nervuuu , nor have limn dizzy spelt , In fact , Dater , I foci ss though 1 as en. nUier boy stugethur Kidney Trouble and Nervous I'roslralion-ARcmarkabte Cure , ScuuytsaNub. , July 12 , 1885 Pa. A. H.FmsIluW1TOmaha-UcarSir ; I'ennitmootoexpres.toyoumay'aokmvrotodgmentofthe.gree $ servhayou have dale Ills in ruturiu ; . , me once more to health arid.trength n'hus I not consubted you .uacre.i beyotul do criptt at frmu kiiwy dtsuaio eel Lou' n inous.ystorl was lts a sate oflco ut leto prsatra- t mt. Thu fiuttenug of nay heart miter time , tlhtost exertion , was beyond a darunc + s , r b a your tr 1 mend I eta new cotndotely restored en I ouusldur mitlou a miraculous cure. I lest bctta' titan I bavu for icara , andthereerenotracusotmyoldoompldnt.left. Yetytruly ysm. , JOHN 13.SMIAD. It will be observed tint the above tostlmoniell are the . ; wntanooa oxpres.lon. of those who are , o hays beealnr. YWmblatt'i ltatlont. , are not of an ancient date amid frotasums tarot ! place , buJ nprosent . of those who Ulrough hi.lrustnoai have been r4storvd to health and lppplpa.s AU thus..uffaring ( rota Chronic Dleuauad no mattct how lotmyatawieg ; , can luvw m epportmMy q resulting Ur. Flshblatt at hi. l'1UYATJ8 OFFiCIOI , oyF.IITIIEOMAiIA NATIONAL DANK , OMAUA , NfDUASKA CONSULTATION FIUtL. Charges moderate en4 within iii roach of ill who neeJ scloatido r nmL T1a. who who re 1dc el a dlstaucs aad cannot i1il will neeira 1mostl aitgtt9n t i o K6 i rmply.enJingtheir symptoinn with patnxl , d Addtc. . Lock Inez In , Otwlia , iisb , r i11 ' St y t r /