- - - - - - - - a-- - - - . - - - - - - - - - -f . - - - - - - - - - . - - ' - - - - _ _ _ ! , H DAILY EILOMATIA , WNbA' , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1883. . - T111 O1AHA BEE. PulM.bd ? ? mnrnIn , eoe $ Ri.d * . fl . * 310dAy morang ilifly. atl a , MAt I. Yeti $1flK)1Thre.Me1lt $ . Mirnths. . . . . . . & .OO I One Mimth 1. 1 , . , n.T RI , FUlt4flIIUT VIAT. On.Yeu tot ThreeM.nts , $ , 8ttMnth. . 1.00 OnsMonLh Ametcan New. cntnpny , sole Ae.ta flew.ilM ) . sci Ia the Usited 8ttt A ntmn.estlons re1atin I. flee nd E1Itoth1 * t4ct. skolikl b 4IrriI t the E.4t v TIU ! Iv.txi LITltU. : Al ft..tne.us totters and ItesnlttnCeI AMIW Ii I4dII'd t4Tu. thu PVl.tSttINa ( ralIT , OiAIIA. Drfta , (1CkI ir1 I'n4 ifloe order. I. be ib40 pa ; able t. the wder nf the rornvany. THE BEE BUBbISllIU COG , PROPS. E. noEwATEntditor. IT Wft8 ominontty for the ropub Iicn gflVOVflOr of Nobrnk to npuinL a judge of thi * district a diinocrat who ro lflftillUI at 110100 during the entire wat and WM CIM8Cd in those titnc8 amol3z IICOIJerlICftdS.hI ) iltit. it is high troasoii for Tiii IIRC to dccbtro that it wouhi under ccrhin conlltionis aupport foi * U1)rOfllO judge a 1CU1OC1flt WhO gallanUy want forth to save tlio union and 1)ravCd the porila of war for Inur long years. r KNEVALS' agent viafted this place th ( . firstof the week , ana a lot cif deeds for thee who had signified their wi111ngtIoFl tA accept his tyramcal ( IO mands.-Supcrlor ( Nuckolls Count'j ' ) licrald. S These settlers evidently do not fooJ gratified over the compromise made on their boliall by the lion. James Laird lonlo weeks ago. Knovals was well iatiaficd , anti treated Mr. Laird and his associates with a champagne sppr at D.1rnonfco's TIia ou1it to have satis fled the settlers also , but they evidently do not appreciate what was done for them. TN the beginning of the century there WM ft most bitter prejudice among a large dMa of Georgians agailist the oaLabliih mont of a aupremu court. The small number of judge and tim moagro salaries ailowed thorn mark the deference to this prejudice on tIm part of those who finally succeeded in having the court created in 1845. It is a curious fact that the hostLi. fly shown to tim establishment of the court began with the Virginians in Georgia - gia , who wcro.Lho most influential public men in the stale , and who virtually gow- ornod it in the early part of the lrosollt century. They had carried with thont to Georgia a contempt for the "law's delay" s exhibited in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. A bill is now pending before the Georgia - gia legislature for the relief of the su. promo court of that state. IL is proposed t4) ilicreaso tim number of judges te five and furnish each judge with a stenographic - graphic clerk. Like Nebraska , thu supreme - , . promo court of Georgia has only three judges , but the Georgia court litis a vast deal more work. There is io pecuniary limit in Georgia and the docket of its high9st court has contained cases involving - - - , ing as little money as one dillar and a quarter. There is naturally an abuti. deuce of work. About 600 casosaro , ad. judiated each year. Thu decision is required - quired by the atato constitution to be niado at the term to which the writ of error is brought , with liberty to the judges t4i withhold it , whoa necessary , until the next ; term after tliucaso is aruod. Iii other words all cases must be decided ed within twelve months after they are carried to the appellate court. For this amount of work , done with this "consti. tutional the judges receive a sal- all of $3,000 each. TJ.I1 GRAND 4/MY ICI.UNION. The reunion of vo4crati defenders of the Union , under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic , bogine at Hastings to-dy. Nebraska is pro-coil. . . nontly a Boldior 8tAtc and the reunion promises to bring together a greater concourse - course of thg bo who wore the blue : than has over boon soon at any provioua gathering. Over 6,000 veterans have sig. uifiod their intonion ( of sharing togothoi . . once more the pr.vatIon5 aiid comforts of army life. Camp Shoridad , named after the hero of Winohotur , Is located - o a beautiful pint of ground , and tin u.lnohundred large thuts will aflord ani plo acconiodatiuns for arospootablo army , The reduced rate , of fare will onabli thousands to come from the most dis tant section of thI4 atate to roilvo tlu lthtorio momorics of twenty years ago au share with the aurvivor of a bloody clvi war tim reminiscences of glorious deedi of valor , patriotism solf.abnogation The programme for the reunion , si outlined by Commander Bosinoll iffords every assurance that the reuniot will be entertaining. ; We append below the outlines for tu ) week : Tucsday-Pruliminary work in state , organization and meeting of priwnora o war , and camp fire that night under thel ftUS1)lCOS. Band parade during the day , Wednesday-Grand Army day , luclud big formation of the G. A. It. of Nubras ka a a division , to be rovl6sved by th Deputy Conunaudor , and marching pas in review. At night a rcdliot camp firc 'Thursday-StaUs Day , including grand chariot drawn by a dozen horsea and carrying 38 little girls dressed i costume and representing the variou states , together with the voritabi who Is a live ol oldlor , measuring seven foot nail tw . ' inches in hi stockings. At zilglit , atato camp fire , ' w Friday-Morning , the competitive dril drill of posts , and iii the afternoon grand simm battle , in which cavalry , in f&Mtry and arLllory will engage , cloain 'p with a dreu parade. M nIght , goo4.bye camp fire. Sturday-Leayo taking and good.byoa U - . rIIM4flY IDUCATIOZ Our iUl1l0 schools will reopen Mon. lay , a'id we deem it proper to urge upon the superintendetit. ad bosrd of educa- ti.ta the primary importance of the primary schools. In Omaha , as else. ' hero , the relative Proportion of those rho coniploto their elementary educatioti ' 7 graduating in the hgli school form a very rmsll fraction of those who receive tlitir education at. the public expense. l'ully fifty per cent of the pupils in the public schools do not pass beyond the , .rimftry grndei. In other word. , out of 100 boys and girls who enter to the 4mary schools only about 50 go any ( tirther up tIi educational grade. About thirty rulianco as far M the grsmmsr schools while not inoro than three of the original 100 who began at the bottom of the ladder over roach tim top ti' enter the high schools. The important fact which these statitica demonstato , is , that about nite-haif tim children who go to the public schools f this city enter upon their ifo-work with no more cihication thaii Iiiny can pick up at tim primary schuol , wliilo the roin'iIiing 25 per cent leave ichool when , or perhals before they have gone through a secondary course. The iiioral of these facts is so plain that thor can bo no disputing it. Since twice am many pupils attend the primary schools its go to any otliordopartmont , and about one-half of them go nowhere else , the primary schools doscrvo and deniand the argoat share of attention and their .flicioncy should be raised to the highest ittahiablo standard of excellence. Juirr as we are entering the month with the regulation "r" in it the report comes all the way from Chesapeake bay that a fatal deacase has broken out among the Oy8tors , This is sad news but we suspect the report has merely boon sent abroad to afford excuse to oyster dashers for dinps'eitig of last years stab crop. 1FEs21 ; oi TMB Misso c/hi. The recent decision of Chi f Justice Senor , of Vyoniing1 in the case of the United States vs. Alexander Swan ot al , enjoining squatters and cattle men from fencing unsold public lands , is a most important one to the west. During the Iaat few years stockinen on the Plains have fenced in thousands of acres of pub- lie lands. Tim evil spread to all grazing districts and increased to such an extent that the poorer cattlemen and actual sot- tiers were forced to seek redress in the courts. Tlio concentration of the cattle interest in the liatids of a few non-roi- dent syndicates added to the pbwer of the usurpers , who , last spring , defied the interior deirnrtineut by refusing to take down their fences , in southern Icaiisaa wheu ordered. to do so. " &uJ. out the Iniitaty to take theindown"thoy answer- oiL but a siiiill : biu1 of determined nien , wli had been cut off from vator couvses by the aqluittons , tore dowi the fetices and liavu since unjoyod equal rights on thio public lands in that region. Outside the raiichnienof Wyoming , the decision meets with unquallied approval and Pniisc. 'Fhie Cheyenne Sun , speak. lug of its efFect on the territory , says "It will remove the barriers heretofore erected in the face of immigration , and vilL accomplish more in the work of do- voinpitig and sotthiiig up the territory thnncouldbo broughf'about in any other way. The roinos'nl of these fences really will work good to all cattle nien , because It will Iut all on the same lovol. Every man can thou take his own road uiiless , perchance , tim actual settler intervenes All of the streams will not have been closed to range cattle , and , in winter , when the storms cause them to driftthcre will not be M tininy fences to bar their progress and cause them to huddle iii herds anti perish in tim pitiless storm. " The defence set up by the stockinon , stripped of its legal phraseology , was that tin , land was wortidess for other than grazing purposes and that no attempt had been iiiado to homestead or Pro.oniPt. lilly portion of thto tracts involved. Yet it was ahiowzi that the fences 1)lovntod the free passage of stock and debarred others Luau those occupying the inclosod tracts from the benefits of the land. The dcci. siosi 15 lU accord with two decisions ol the United States Supreme Court , and tllO statutes of March 3 , 1807 , which pro vides that the President shall "ronsovi I all intrudora from lands the title ol , which hiss not passedout of the Unitoc States. " At high noon next. Saturda ) ' , the 8th , I with wine , windand a golden spike , thii I junction of the Northern Pacific will bi UHidO at a point about fifty miles west o Helena , Montana , and the road will hi I formally declared open tothe eornmerci . of nations at rates already fixed by tb ) overland pool. The ceremonies will begii I at 10 a. in. andend at noon. A deloga I thou of assorted nobles from German ; and England will be thoro. Hon.Yiii . M. Evans will open the ceremonies wit I one of isis choice paragraphs , and Secrc I tai' Teller will pronounce th benedic I Lion , The intermediate spaces In th programme will be filled out with wit : addresses by Ihinry V'ihlard , lrosident c the road , and the governors of the statc Mid territories through which the ron S la05. ) f St. I'aul , 'tim eastern headquarters c p the road , vihI celebrate on an ohiborat scala-principally by banquets stud pyrc tocliiilcs , at an caUniated coat of $75,00C - Portland , Oroon , will join in the Ire I. jubilee and drink to the highway thu 0 lInks her to the lakes. 'l'huo chief citiv 4 of IIoutaua have iamb lavish prepars tious for is grand spree , and the old stag i coach wilt be hut 011 exhibition as a Ii lug reminiscence. It will ho a day c , great rejoicing iii the northwest. The rumor is again abroad that thu B Union Pacific Is to bo extended to thu Pacific coaaL While It Is unlikely thu the main line will ho thus extended , it 0 quIte vrhiabIo that the Utah Contra' a vhiichi is controlled by the Union Pacifli zany soon ho built on through southor ' l Utah antI Nevada to the coast near L a Angeles , Such a hino would ho profitabi . and would enable the Unlous Pacific obtain all ooncesious It might desire o If California business , Is . - Wyoming covers an area of nearl I. 1OOOOO square miles , and 1,000,000 boa j of oaths and 200,000 head of sheci' I ire pastured upon it. . Thoughi scarcely fifteen years of see a a dstisict portion of the nation , it wealth over grouad is est- mated at OOOOOOO , while the wealth in th coal , copper , gold and silver mines , thin new oil fields nuid soda lakes Is local. culablo , The Laramie plains rank next to Texas in extent of range. Tim grasses are superior in fattening and bardonhiig iiropettiosand the dry and wanu summer clituuato cures the stalks , they retaining' ' all their nutritive properties , so that stock find plenty of good food through the winter. Many other itercsbi , which naturally come with the stock interest are making stcdy progress. An extouu- sivo abbatoir huts been established at Sherman , with cold storage and packing houses , from which dressed meats are shipped th all larts of thin country. Next to the stock industry Couule tim fatuous Wyoming coal mines at Itnwhtns , Green River aniL itock Springsownml and oper. ateci by the Union I'acific. For years they have supjihicd Nebraska , Wyonuing , Utah aitul recently ? ltuntauua V.'iLIL a superior article of fitch , and the supply has scarcely been equal to the demand. A large inouuitain of iron ore has been moutuni but a short , distance from Larninio , equal in richness nuid quantity to the ccl- olrntod ' 'Iron MoUntain" of Miswuri. it is roasonlililo to suppose that titus line hmdy of ore will not long remain idle , and u itli the abundance of coal deposits in the territory , stnehtirg works atid steel works ill tuon sttpilemtunt the rolling tuillis now run by the Union Pacific road at Laratnio. A great many rich veinsof gold , silver , copper and lead have been found in all p.irts of the territory , and inoro partucu. lady in Bramol mining district , whore Cuinmins City is situated. Copper , also , is becoming prominent. The unities at llartville are shipping copper mat reu- larly. and a new district , termed the bih. ver Crown , only 20 miles from Laramie , liids fair to be a produciug one within a very short time. Several large deposits of chemically fturo sulphate of soda exist some twelve uuiijes west of Laratnio. These deposits arc knowui as thio "soda lakes , " which torus is inisnonior , however , for they are tiot lakes , but beds. The doposite covers an era of ZIuGIC Luau ioo acres , being a solid bed ofcrystahizecl suhphato of soda uibout nine feet thick , suptlied from the bottoni by springs , wlioso water hold thu salts iii solution. The water rising to the surface rapidly evaporates , and the salts with which it is imjregnuitcd readily crjra- talizes into the foruti mentioned. Upon removing any of the material the water rises from the bottom , fills the ox'nvntion made , and thio salts crystahiziiig replace , in a few days , the unaterial removed. Hence tIm deposit is practicably inexhaustible , and it now contains nbout 50.000,000 cubic feet of chemically pure crystalized sulphate of soda ready to be utilized. The Union Pacific is now putting up works by menus of whiichi it , is Irolsed to convert the sulphate of sodainto the caustic soda of cotnlnerce-a mitaterial which the house. wife calls ' 'coiteentrated lye , " and which ill used for a thousand difFerent purposes , 111111(481 ( , by inauiufacturers. Those workt' are an ' 'exIucrilulunt , " but the experiment ropresotita between $40,000 and $50,000. Time output of the works now being erected vili be from twenty-five to fort ) touis of caustic sodui per week , and it will tiiki about two timia , of the sulphate to tutuiko umie of ciutatiC. Caustic is sold in Now York at from $75 to $80 vor toti fully $10,000,000 worth of soda us annti lilly uuimported front Europe. Tue duty ' , n siuda is 830 per toim , and the above figures , added to cost. of transportation across the ocean to Now York . give the reader some idea of the advantage of the 1ti.mtltict over that of foreign manufacture. The works will conmuienco operation this fall. The luraneli railroad to the works will be completed soon so that thitro will be no delay froun lack of trans. iiortiLiun facilities. These fuits iiimd fiures , condensed from a detailed review in a recent umutim- her of the Laruitnie Boomerang. make an excellent shmowiag of the steady growth and ProsPerity of the territory. Its pro. duets bent the imirint of permanence , mi'l with a continuance of the present influx of eastern and foreign capital , it will be but a few years before nuituro's storehouse will ho thoroughly explored timid worked for all it is worth. Twenty-five yotrs ago the present inont.h the first discovery of gold was made in Cherry crook , where Denver City now stands. Time announcumeuut was not slow in crossing the plains , and I thousands of fortune.hunters iuninecliuitoly . itarted for the now eldorado. It was ' "Piko' Peak or bust" ithtall. Onuihui I then in her swaddling clothes , though a vigorous infant. Many. of her eitizcns wore struck with the mountain p fever and started west , while those rimS I mahiltug wore profitably occupied in out. ) tiLting the thousauids pillg through. ii I was not until the following spring and LI that the tide of iinnuigratlo LI reached its highest. The press of Chica. C go anti the lake cities attempted to turr i the stream of gold-seekers , but it availed . , nothing. The Missouri river press do voted itself to refuting the assertions o I the eastern papers and dilating on the su I. potiority of the route leading from earl Ii particular town. Time Omaha Nebraiskior was the mnouthpioce hf the North Phutlt ( I- route , amid its argtititetmta wore so ciFut t I- jy that a mutajority of pioneers of Deuivi I 0 and Colorado mumado this city their restit Ii ) both goitmt and coining. W , N if Ilyers , Villianm Chess , A. Deaum , W. Do a frcps and J Stanwell wore among ilui ii hi-at to return from tim gold diggit gi with substantial evidence of the hiddom if wealth at the base of the itocky imiowit C The Nubraskian of Julr5thm. 1859 I. announced their arrival , with flauiln1 t , timid pictorial headlines , in the followjit1 Ii lan1ungc : 4 "Nery latest from time mines ! $7flOi a gold dustYe ! have seen time gliter - lug precious unutal I 11)rummPr m eport 0 authunticatedl The Otmmaha Nebrnskiai I- stilt bovu earth , numil tim western mre ' if trhmnipltantly indicated iii their abit timotits about gohi in Cherry creek inn the niountainal North Platte thu rout e Lot the lltmrhington llawkeye , Chicag 'Press IIIIII Tribune , Chicago Times mu 0 Itacino Journal prepare to liuiwll" it With the discovery of gold in Cliorr is crook dates the settlunmomit of Douiver an I Colorado , amid in tact the entire itock , I mountain country. Dotivur hiss grow ' to a well builtatici wealthy city of 00,00 'a inhabitants , with eight lutes of nillion Is to carry'away Imer niineral products i lo exchange for the nmatmufactures and ugr .0 cultural imnmilucta of time cast. it. is usti U mutated that the Rocky mountain countr coimiprising Colorado , Now Mexico , Wy ( mniug , Idaho and Motitana have produce y In tweuty.fivo years $100,000,000 In goh 4 shlyor and copper. Of tins amount Co - ' _ _ _ _ l _ _ - - - tnmcio alone produced two-thirds. With lnmjroved miunchtinery it is tint unlikely that Colorado will dujhicate this amount ill tim lmext quarter cefltury STn'1E .JOVrINGS. 8outhm Auburn has started a board of trale. Strumsburg has base Incorporated a.s a v11 lae. lalrinoat Ii enjoying another fight. I hi Odd Fellows of ilyrsct.so are building a ball. ball.A A machIne shop ts the latot addition to the industries of Sthulur. 3enator Vae WCk will deliver the address mit the ( Jass cuuftty lutr. Vork will be countumenced Immediately on a new elevator at Fairfield. Omuaha hi.is beeti selected as the llC0 for the next fitoiiem' t&iur.suimwit. . The old settlers of 1).kota county picnicked to 1ma number of 2Vth ) Iwit Week , Falls City Is .tlti In imeed of a fire engine antI a eII organized tire cutulpatly. The U. 1' . depot at Wahoo uv damaged by fire to the extct , of l.0U last week. Thieve In a great ruhi fur land iii the lunme- diute vicinity of tstumg , 11ot cuummty. I'liu libel Nuts egaluist the Ahuim herald wa. dlstuilssed at time 1-etitteat of time plaiutitf. Chins. Zihirthim , a brakesmuman on the S. C. & P. , was cruImcd by the cais ui Vafemitiuw. The body of tIme toy dru no.1 a l'Ltnunuuthm , Suuday neck , was recovered at l'orclval , Ia. The Iuuth I'Jatte imuiber men have poul.d their receI iitid f'numud a joint stouk c'umcern. Bob hlustoti , of johmutstomi cunnty , lost S0t ) by tire heat cuktiiosily corn unid a now buggy. 'flue urgent ti'ed of a now cemetery is felt ut t'awumce. ¶ l'lie cuuuuty election appruachi. hi ' . 1h1e new 111. E. church at Pleasant 11111 , Saunders county , will be dedie.itud September - ber 16. The country iresi are devoting twenty-three hiuur and sixty minutes of each day to county politics. The young Hon of Frank Everluart , living near itimaca , fooled with a corn sheller uimd lost hits life. The Burlington & Missouri line put In a statloti four tuilo south of F.irbury mind calls it Kesterson. Bu'glmirs rded several stores in Humboldt last week , aud got away withabout $5i)0 worth of in operiy. It is thought the railroad ( ruin Chester to ilebron will be Iti ruinuulug order in about ibro umomitli. The citizens of hastings arc accuting artil. lery fur euutcrtaluuitug a possible overflow of thieves during the reunion. A colony of vtato bugs tackhed a patch tf tobacco in a garden near Facimmouit , and jier. ished. 'Twas thretu cent filling. Forty farmers in the vicinity of Grand Island have futmi notices iii the jiiflers that hunters iuiust keep off thouruuuise. . lit. Rev. Jilsimup O'Commnor administered confirmation at Frenmuuit , Sunday , to 150 can. didates horn Du&lo , Saunders , aimd Colmax counties. Lincoln county has nearly 1,000000 acres of vacant government land subjei to entry uuuder the liumimcste.id , pre-emnptiou and timber culture laws. 'flue first annual fair of the A elope County .griculturah s.iciety willbo , held at Nelighi on Thursday , Friday and Saturday , October 4th , fich anti titli. Tue wreck f two freight trains at Waterloo wa complete. N. oiuo w..l3 hurt , but Engi. neer Barry crawled out of a ui.ighty uuul1 hole Iii the cab of iii , , overturned ougine An attempt was iumad by tluee of the girls confined iii the reforiut school at Ko.irney to escape. Timumy gut quito a distance off , but were apprehtm..ded . by time sulieriuutoludent. Time Burliugion & Missouri ndhromul survey. , , i.a have run tIitir sirvey north of Ilebrun , in- turserthug tim St. I.isejiliVeatcrmm railroad .thout two auid cisc half iuulles vest of liulvi. doro , Time republicans of 'Buffalo county have do- chutred f.ira uuuifirmui syetuaI . , f t Ixatiuzi and a Iiiw counu'Il1tig r.iilroads to pay t.ixu iui Lund r.uuute , and rither t , , take out futuuits or fur- melt tIme muds to time govurumnuoLt. A now church i. soon to ho built at Olean , ( olfax county , that 'viii , wimoum cuuupioted , ec1iite sutluluui of tIn , kind in that varc of the ouliity. } he ulilnelibhnui are to be 40xtJ foot , azid 2Ufoet high , with a steeple 100 feat hthm. ( Jdeli Is located itu about time center of what was known as the Utuo Indian reservation , .uuud hi three mumifes from the umurtim hue of Kan- 4iU. Time town luuu the thirulm line of the i3urlimigt.on & Missouri ltlvcr railroad to Dou- ver. ver.A Kearney merchant recently chartered a car at Omaha to take his merchandise to Kearney for 845.00.Vimeui it reached time latter city the bill vas 870 , or 820 for over weight. Merchants uhm.uld iwovide themselves uitim carseales. Attain Coumrad , a German laborer , working at a brick yard west of Lincoln , was caught on mu bug trestle by time liucomiug train about 11 o'clock Saturday evening and killed. lie hcardtho train c.uning and started torun , but stunmbhd and full between time rails. The surveyors on \Vakefield branch of tim , , Sioux City & St. Paul railroad , are in the vicinity of lilyvilie , Kimox county. They are following the o'd survey of the Coviuigton Columbus & I3hack thus narrow gauge , toward Niobrara. Straws indicate , etc. , etc. 'Elmo editors of the two Falls City papers are a'mxiuus to lulut their characters oum a substan. ti 1 fuoutlation before they reach mnetmI)4)hltaum frAurt1o1u. , . The News chtef has sued time uumud veysor of thu Observer fur $10,000 to lint a uorUa plaater on his lacerated tumorahu. A l3utTaIo county office seeker ; roclahtns lila wants lit time iaIrs iii plain Words thus : " 1 want time ottice of hrobato judge. i run Inde. leadent. I have imo tune to coumsuht flitI. clans , to buttonhole voters or to make political . speeches. If elected siil serve to the best of muyphillty. If nutshall not cry over it. " The notorious humboldt hog thief who got safrhy away 3,000 worth of idi neigbburs' , was an expert atthe , bimsiumesu , . his method wits to saturate a u.pohge in cioruform , ipi ue it oIl the end of mu stick and bold it to thaimuse of a sleepIng plg4and when under time I imuflueuuco , would load ; hismn iuto his wagon and drive oil. I I. .1 Governor Dawes baa appointed the follow- ioim iwuimed delegates to tbp natlummal conference I of Ciiuurltl.us and Corrections , to be held at I l.ouisillO. Ky. , conumimeiucitw September 24 , . 1883 : Dr. II. I' . Zulatthowaou , Dr. George W , r Collins , l'rofeasor J. A. Gillespie , I'rofessur .1 , . 13. Piurnialeo , Mrs. David Newman and Miss Mary McCowan. An exile of F.rin , located at Donipluan , I Hull oetmtmty , endeavored to clinch aim arguS - S went with a fellow laborer with a revolver , . Lime citspiayof anus wasenougim , but time police uti , hued him O and costs which lie refused r . to pay , lie was acuit to jell , but In a few , imotirs hail the window gratiimg wrenched of ! . .tmd was oiijoying time fresh air of liberty Lu . time umeighboulime tielits. : 81151W hall Couu r Corn , I Donipiman Index. We happened into time oflico of J. W. , Small yesterday aftem-mmoomi , ammd while : , tiiero our lioliulat county attorimey , J. M , itmigmum , dropped in , amid in the course of sonic reumaiks , said thmuit he bad just 0 seoul a imiecmi of corn south of Dr. Ly. , . luau's farm that would yield over seveum a iuimudred bushels var acre , This state. im Ifleuit CotItitig ( toni the lips of a utumn 'a whose ruputatiin for tmutlm and veracity I. l 5) vull established ums Mr. itegan's , I completely atmiggerod Small , who unado ii bottle feeble atatetmieumta about umleuisuriulg 0 t crop of corn once that went 108 bush. LI cia iicr acre , amid of having a field this year , down below Fairfield , that would y go at least 112 bushels to time acre , Mr. ii Itagami reiterated his statement and said y there wore from four to six stalks to a a imull amid four or five cars to each stalk , 0 stud furthermore , that each ear was near- d ly asbmg as his leg. Now , if tlmore is ana - a other lawyerdium the state who can boat Ithis corn story he can call at this otuico I. amid take the cake , m Nothing was done at the directors meetIng i of the Denver & Itlo Grand. road In New I York yesterday , The regular monthly moot- I , log will be held Monday next , wiman some ac. I. tion La time mttu of reidsnc , wiU be takea , - - - - - - _ 1 _ _ , . _ ROMANCE BY THE SEA. Searto Brother an Sistcr Uni- ten y Affinity's ' AtIratiou , VItluout 1 nowl ng Their Itciatlon. , , lilp. They I'orimi aim Acqunin. taimee Upon time leach , Correspoudenca of the I'liliideiphl& l'ress. ATLATIU CITY , August 27.-The prr' . in-ictor of thu Gerimmantown Iliutel , well kumown in Atlantic City , atud other ropu. table persons attest time entire correctness of tim following ronmanco in real life : Some in Gernmantowti twenty years ago lived a i.laiii , huard.wturking ulmumn haul d Orton. lie was not , or , mit least , ( lId titt ciainm to be , related to that Arthur Orb n whose romnatutic chaimn to thu English baronetcy of 'ricimluorimo once agitatoii the civilized world. Time Ortoums of Gurumaui- town were blessed with a boy , whiotmm time3' imauuied lticiumirti , amid orni afterwuiruis their hmunuble Imoimmo va mmmdc glad by time birth of a daughter , whun wits umatned Churn. Time chm'uI'lren wore beautiful , mmd evemm in timeir cradles uumanifested for caehm other a degree of affection which was touchmitmg uiitd renmrkumbho. IlutMr. Ortomi died and then his wife followed , At time ago of three or four years Itie1mrd amid Clara were left or- Phmans , A chmmmrit.umbio 1)hlYsiCiuimm in Chester - tor county hoard of their ummfortuumuite tredicamueumt and took Clumra to lire with imim , site being timeti of yenta so tender as scarcely I , , realize timat she was chmammging cno home for another amid receiving the brim' care of au adopted father in place of time mother-love of which deatim lund deprived her. Time frietmds of Ida parents took chmarge of thio boy Richard amid gave him a home. Ho scarcely knew lie lund a sister or time imecessity which hind torn her front Imis arumis amid decreed that their Imoummes slmould be difl'ereumt. Tim anorimna's counar. i LIFE. As Ricimard grew up he bocamea hand- mimic , intelligent boy , but his life was lonely ; often he had stratmge fitsof reverie in which a VoiCe lie did not kmmow. spoke to hmitut iii tones which waked famumiliar echoes iii lmia hmearL He wits sent to school , and aoiiui unammifestod his corn- iietotmcy to take a position of trust anmong time young business muon of time vicinity. For several years luast his home Imas been ammmong the friomida of his immothier. About a week ago time charitable Chester county doctor came to Atlantic city amid stopped at the Chester Couuily IIOUMO , withImis nclopte4 daughter , Clara Orton , a pretty , dmmrd.eyed and dark-Imumir. ccl maiden of eighteen. Last Saturday uftornooum , as the young lady was strollimmg ( 'Ii ' tIme beach , her eye lighted casually emi a youth of twetmtv , whuiso hair mmd eyes. rather graceful figure , of medium size and weight , amid smooth , dark complexion , ttuumdt , hmiumm a pleasamut object to look upon. tie saw her aimd , inmpelled , its ho says , by sommitu irresistible impulse , the strangers s1mke and walked down the stnd to- gether. They conversed without hmesita- tiwi , each trying to read in time othu'r's eyes the nmystery of their mumutual attrac. tioum. Itichumrl asked timoyounglady if lie iuuigiit coutue and call nim her that evening. SIme said yes , adding , "lam staying at time Olmester County House. " Sumiliug iii turn , itichard said , ' 'I sup- 1)050 ) 1 ought to tell you that my namimo is Itichmafd Ortoum , " ' " .Vlmy , " said she ' 'that is my Ilarno , too , how very strange ; where is your honuol" And time story of their early years leak&l out little by little ; timey Icimew thmmit. they lmIust be brother and ais- ter , amid the scahea of ignorance and fit- berm years' absence foil froimi their eyes. That uvenhlug time strange story of thto two young iC0Pl0 was told to Mrs. May , thin projuriotriuss of the Germnaumtown HIUSO , , who humid known their father and mother in Gurmaumtown. lticluumrd hind intended to go Imoinu by the Narrow Guavo Sunday night , but Sunday itiorui- lug Tie and his sister wont to Pimiladel. phia together , united after a lifetime of absence. TWO LADS' ADVENTUREI. At the Lafumyette excursion house this afternoon while thousands of families were enjoying , the bicycle tournmmniemmt and Japanese fireworks , there were two young nba , or rather boys , atnong the throng who had forsaken luxuriant Irnimmes , influences by a atranco spirit of adven. Lure. Wearuimg the wimite apron and short coumt of waiters and serving beer to tIme thirsty Jeiseymen , wore Harry Owinu aimd Hanmiltoim Crankahaw , both Sons of wealthmy aimd highmly esteemed families in Atlanta , Ga. There was , indeed , something in the appearance of time boys which indicated timat they wore moore or les out of their element. Their hands were white and delicate , their skins smooth amid soft , and thmeir features chmaractcrized by refine- inent. Time story of Crankshaw is as fol. low : "My father and mother know that I nun here , but Gwinn'a do not know whore ho is. Ve wore tired of home and its restraints ; yet neither of us is specii4ly wild , neither of us drink. We ran away from Atlanta last spring. When we get out of mnoumoy we have to work at anything we can get to do , as you see now. We have been through alt the principal citie8 in the south , sometimes living like princes , at other times waiting iii saloons. ' Barry Gwinn is said to , be the son of a woaltlmy clergyman. Ho is about five feet live iumchues high , of unediunm weight , has reddish hair and blue eyes , a fair compiection , without froc4lev. Hamil- t.oum Cramikahaw in said to be tIme son of a business muman of Atlanta worth nearly half a tiuilhion. Ho is about five feet uiltie inches higim , of light weight , line dark hair and eyes amid a anmootim , fair cuunlmioxioum. frJ % 1 * THE GREAT ii Ld,1AN REMU : u'cx. RheumntismN0uraIhIa , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache. tlcadacl'e , Toothache , * oreTi , rut.H ; Unrtes. NrJl . * m. 1 s-u. 551(1 a. . IiulIt.Y u'5t. $ 5I' atlirs. aLL urlisil Lao . . . ( C..uls 5.1 5. 'oust , : : : , . . ( , IIAIutF.li a , oiuit.Lui . .rttut , . . * _ , . _ _ - JAMES MaVEY1 Practical Horse Shoer. hL&N a 'p.clait ; of Roadik. &a4 t.ndsrtooi hot. . S. . hiuspi. Dodji itesel Stf 1IUI 1a4 11th , 014 asnTsMoa& wToiiE Dry Goods ! SAM'L C. DAVIS & CO. , Washington Avciiue and Eluili Street , - - - ST. LOU/S. iO , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND Jonunne IN FLOUR , SALT. SIIUARS , CANNED D ALL GROfERS' ' SUPPLIE3 A PULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO A Anheuser-Busch : ; ; ; : Ot BREYIING ASSOCIATION ' ' - _ - _ _ - e CELEBRATED . . . Keg and Bottled Beer . , 1 ' ' ¶ Iila Excellent Beer speaks for itselt. . , I , ) ! t OI1DERSFItOMANYPAItTOFTHR t LgisLrk- Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD cf : tL3 ? GEORaE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Ilarney Streets. SPECiAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Cround Oil Cake , It l the best suud cheapest food for stock of any kind. One round Is equal to three pound. of corn' ' $ tnek fed with Ground 1)11 ( ake Iii the Fall a'd SVlntur , Instead of ninuutuig ( iOlI , Sill increaee ifl ytigh stud he iii gi.'d umarketaite c'uu'litItn ' ' , In the sjring. lalryneui , as salt as others , nbc use it mu , test1t , , . , . it iuierit , . Try It suit judee fur your.elues l'rire i5.OO er tutu ; no charge for .acka Address . . . . . , . . , . . .4..t.in- V.lflilA ' N 1.tSEEItOlI ( 'OStPANY. l'nv.h II ' . 5L&NUFAfl1J1tEIt OF FINE Buios , ! ill Srill ¶ Oli My Repository ii constantly fiime with a .elect stock. Best Workmanship guarante& . Office and Fcctory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Apnue , Omaha : : ( rn Booth's 'Qyal' Brand D. D. MALLORY & CO'S "DIAMOND" BRAND' 'roI. 'iJ at Wb.1cza1o. ' ' . D. B. BEEMER , flmstha. IAMN-cDSd3 On Long Time--Small Payments. At IMIallu1otlffors ioos. A. lloo Jr 1510 ) { ) fl ( 'TRE SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE. Company. IIiicOrozsru.J orders tot Building Purpoe , And will mate Oguse. on round Iota for prompt dsi.iv' .ery , The coiap&i 7 Ii ililpplng Paving Blocks to both Chicago and Omaha , md lolicita COriCSpOnd ears and orders fronu contractors engr.gd Ia paving etract. In any of the western cities. TniT1atONIAU. SOPIIINTZND.1uT's Occurs , Chicago , West Div. Ison Railway , Chicago December 5. 1882. D. Elwell , I'reLdemui tiloux Falls Water l'oser Corn. viny. IsaP. Sia-l have received from your cipny since October 1 , 1882 , aboUt 200 carloads of granite laying block. and have laid tiue&nbctweeui the riie of "U , street railway track. Iiu time heart of the city , I hive bCCII tm.ing va big immaterisi in this city for many years , suid I tau.o l.teasure Iii .11)11mg that in may ui.imm. lou the granite uiuig blocks furnished ii ; yomur co'mi- pany Are the must regular In aimaje auuil terfct in lone , .uid as far a , 1 ) u5O been able to judge , iii 1o..5od of as durable feature as any immaterial Limit has cmer been oCceed or laid In the city. Yours , JAb. K. IAglL 'lcouiy.l hr. teems , Starch 23 , 1883. 'To WhOM IT MAY CONCElI- This to certify that I lure summed a litcee OS granite taken from the Sioux Falls tiraulte quarries , amid , in inyopimulon , it I. time best stonefor street var. fur I imame iu in Anmerica. ( slgucd SIENItY FLAt ) Prs. floarul Public improvunenti. Stone for Paving Purposes. 'FAnd any i'ron Interested in .ucim improvement wilt foul it reatly to imis advintigs to communicate with us. We inytto corruii.szudeccO On the subject. Time general nuanagenmeot anti supervisioru u4 toe oomnpany' business Is now in tha hands t Wimi. Mo. ham. ham..Addroos y.nr Icttus to A. C. SENEY ' isI-m.-U Pies. of Jasper Stone Co. i _ , I I Have 'Found It I Was the rxciamnitlon of a man when he got a box of Eureka PUs Olotniemmi , whtch Is a .lmpie and sue. ours ( Or Files and all Skin Disease , . Fifty cent. by uail , postpaid. The American Diarrhcea Curei Hi stood the test for twenty years. Ours cure tot alt. Never rail. . Diarrhaea , Dysentery , and Cboii ra lfotuus. ilcauc's ' Focr all Aue Tollic & Coria1 , ft 11 impossIble to supply the apid vale of the .a& suna CIJium WARRANTED To , First sad Axu. , and iii Malarial troubles. . ' PitlOil. $1.00. - W.J.IWHITEHOUSE LABORATORY , 10Th WV. , OMAflA , NEE. For Sale by all Druggists1 I ient by Eprua on escoipt of prios. meO BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. An excellent sppctlctng tonic of f . exquluitetlnvormmow nsedover time - . whole world. cocci Dy.prp ! ; . - _ Sc Jlarrh.xa , Fever itch Acne. sad ill . - ' diurdursoftimu , 1)lgeatise ) Organs , - , -.4 A few drops Impart a deflcions I , , I1 toalleumnmerdrlnims , 'Ityitbut . - hewmireufcounterrult't. ' Ask 'sour - ! - L : goccr ordriigglet for the grnulno . - artucle manmmtactured by 5)11. J. . c : : : i. ii. hinuiiit . _ _ 14' : _ _ J , , VIUPrERHAHN , Sole to J. W. tts.cei , lzIenrea snao 11 1 1hxoadwe. . N. BELLEVUE COLLEGE. Under the care of time I'resbyttriaru Synod of No- rasLa flegin. September 10th , Claialcal mu ( Sdeuutitio course. with preparatory de'artwent ; aimo , Musical and Art Dcps.ctuumemut , all upon to both .exe. . Thition low. Location beautiful amid healthful. Only aim. . mile. from Omaha on thc U. & Si. ii. It. Ad. dree.Ior circular. , PIIUF , W , .1. IIOLLMAN Bell. . rue , Nob. jylRI-eo.i iu&e&v.2rn ( ' JOll I CLARKE. , Oldest Real Estate .Ageiit. ' Notary Public and Practical Con voyancel' . Ciuk. semis IIOUIC. 5,4 1s41 , Residence Lots Bu.inta Lots ill cm the city , and , eU &ddltIna sides lumproved aed. unkmipoovsd finns owet oyotlmsrvwmi , sse1G' .