g . 2 ' TrJE DAILY BEMONDAY , EP I EMBER 3 , 1883. : C . - - - _ Know That BROWN'SIRO BITTERS vil1 cure the worst case of dyspcpsia. Will itisurea hearty appetite and incrcascd digestion. ' : Cures general debility , and ' gives a new lease nf lifc ' , Dispcls nervous dcprcssion , and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurse - , ' ' e ingmothertofullstrcngth and gives abundant sustenance - tenance for her child. . Strcngthensthemusclcsand a : , nervesenrichcs the blood. Overcomes wcakncss , wake- fulnessandJack ofcnergy 0 Keeps off all chills , fevers , andother malarial poison. ' ; Will infuse with new life p the weakest invalid. . 37 Wa.flcer St. , flattimoro , 1ee. iEr. ; ' Foi six ye3r I have been * : . sufferer from IMood 1)ea , , , 1)ys. pepila andConstlpatlon so debIltated 1h21 I couh r.t.t nythhig on my itornach. in ' 1it ha almot become a bjrae , . Finally , whci hope had amou left me , my huiband seeing IROIl IhTTIIRS adyertied l the paper , Induced ma to lve l a triaL I am now takln the third lott1e and have not felt ao weU In six . , reara ax I do at tha present time. : BROWN'S IRON BIrrERS ' vill have a Lcttcr tonic culbct upon any one who needs l bracing up , " than axy medicine made. . , AMERICA'S FAVOR/i E NOVELIST TIfl EVIIt POPULAR MRS. MARY J. HOLMES. h'- . , , . No.4&orni New York Wcekly NOW.1tIADY. COtTAtN8TII ! + flXINO CltAPTItftflOY A CUARM INO DOMIST1C STORY , . xNTITLItD BESSIE'S ' FORTUNE t liv Mas. MAItY J. IULMIS , Author of ' .Marlon aroy , " "rotito isrid unsfilno , " "Lotiafli 'ers , " 'Daly'Fhnruton " " " F , , "flcra Dcaiao , 'O.ntero.i I'rlJo , ' : "lIllbatt , " 'JlugIi t t lngton , RIM. Cu iucixaa itt iiR ironr or "neaaiuit oawn. " tk BCIaTON JERRoLD , the man ttlio thinks a , hix lfe t ( _ . ' , who bitterly ntono tot ttIio sin f her ( a ' _ : -.youIli. I ( lRRALDtItx Gax whoso Illo I , alt a docotlon , and : j whornarrira iacauJo her horne ldud. OLD Ma.JRftLD , a atrango man who Itax a dltrca. Ing aucruteuJ irls to ioop IL JILaNAII JJtEtaoLD , the little gIrl who witnomes a ahooklng coiio , and becoiiies > rotnaturdy aged. Miax HaTafty butzIeitaoN , an lndoiienilent old siald , who admliux "the nakud truth , " and Ix sotnetiniox ahoklngly blunt. t Oftar JagRULO. tin , boy of fourteen who unox cct. ? odly leer , . . a torlblo , secret. end , kneeling u.on the , now In the leatltas woods , cake Clod to ar ; . don tile all , . . Aftoni. McI'ileaso ; leer and proud , a dcacondi1.t of family inuolt averse tu work. DAIaT MCPttaILtO ( , a , .ushlng and aggroeals'o young lady who I. protiy ax ilie l ahrowd. She ha , u chllJish , affecto1 w sy , that women doteat , but wtlch "takta'roniaikably , wIth the men. Vs.osstaMeaantTII , who is ii froilcaume ai a kitten , and .ayx what she * Inka. ILCk TCVILLtAx , manly aid generous , with s heart U lIght a hi. urou. EsL Mct'iienaot , who knows the girl ho would like to If she had fortune. marry , a _ _ _ _ . who haY Tuljtoaarrxe.IlaowNea , suddenly become ticli , and sire anxious to lot 1.00,10 know it. LOaD Ifagoy , who ap.roeiatve riches , and ha. alco an eye for beauty. 4 Baume McPjieaaua. amiable , r.fectlonato , tender amid - true ; bowltchlngiy shy and tnodi at , tbrrofore wery unlike har mother , the "fast and eggreesito Palsy. flo sure to road the opening chapter. of tire. II lmnes Row story , "I3aaamea FonTuxa. " Just conunoncod amid cow ready in No. 4' of the New Yoaa Wxeitr.y , and toeaaloby eyory N we agent. Time NRW YOtI % VEIKL.Y will be sent to any ad. dye , , In the Ueited SLateS ( i ° e ago free ) 2 $ muomath , 16 .ent. ; 4 moniha , I ; d months. $1.1. ' ) ; I year , * 3. Tb 'so sending for a club ol F.igt , eli sent at Sn. time , will ho entitled to a Ninth Copy Faxa. Getter. up of c.Iubn can atarwar add single copies U $1.bo e4cb. All ordorsabould be addressed to . aritIE1 SMITh ' P. 0. flok 2736 31 ito , . 1IL , New 'ork. . ' 14PATH1ZCWlTHT THE HOPZ 'qI ' . . RACEI ) , - . : . , i , , 4q _ , . YDA E. PINKHAM' GETALCOMPOUND _ nre Cure for sill IrL'MALE % VUA.I ? iESSES , luclutfliig Lencorrlux , Ix. ' ' VciuIar miii l'uliiul tIena1rpaIla * , Iuflamiatlost nod Ulceration uf limo Vunb , flooding , 1'lLO. r1AI'SIJB UTL'ItI , &c. r-me&Mnt to tb tamte , e51cXqus and iwme4ts.ls ' Itacifoci. Uiiagrrotbeipta prrnczwy , und et , es p&Zn dmuini Ia.bor and at rctu1a.z portodg. IUTEWZAil tall it 3D 1RLSL 5111 $ IT )1ZZLT. ty'Fo * ALL , YnApJaamr.s t.f the gvosatIv. orja eltborex,1 $ iiaocondtono imytbati..m.s 'a betom , the pubtisi aM for .11 dsw. e UI siitat.h.tho..S..nedyda1k. Irorid. ruuy COMPLAINTU otEitber Sat - - ti Ilxmd Orea , UelIettu Its IJao. LYISI& .I'1NIiux : : IILOOD ) 'LTILfllrL In era4oai every seetmgu at i1umnc.i tstx tt4 * , , pod , at (1w same time wlU gtr tOll anmi rtroith ' - ayiesn. Al iiman-iiUoatn reitdta as Liii OOWPOUcJ I ' iJotb the Conmprnmn Roo4 Fiuiflcr are ; red at 53 p.Ld g Wttern rnue. Limfl , Ue. of 1tber , 81. 8ix bottles fur $5. Tb. Comnp Mat byUaaS IatbsforumutpUlorot loxenge4 _ p $ of price , $1 per box for either. Mm' ' , LS tag , aniwaru Lii Jattem's of Iwub , Enclosi 6 Ialp. g.a to , .iuptsXvt. Moulton 161. Jbper , rrfam * E. PIW.LtYr11u4 ear. gmssu..iamm4orpi4itscfUaiUvcr. a-.zg bar gU flrtJI. . . i' 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : _ : : - , . - - ' - - . - - - OUR CARD Noc1 ci1diii llccep1ill Oil Board a pcciI ai1ay Car. . Striotly Olassloal Ooncort Suo- cosBfully Given by Homo Talent. A Troubled Telephone Begins to Soliloquize in a Sliakea- ' pearian Key. Tfl1C8 ftf It 'JcIeIIIsOflO. Number Tvo. A mmtnogrr tat In an uneny choir , tic waim 30u1g-olmly , twenty-but aged with care , And liii Iiod wai crowned with Iron grey hair. Unmarilrml hrm va , , but I declare lb looked like a llcnetlict fIfty ycara o14. A tileimimoimo hung imot far fromm. the iloor , Anmi mommy a tacar hurl that teloiilmommo swore ; ( But they nay they vtn& do s , any more , ) At IoMt that lx what I'vo been told. VcIl , the young manager romul till the clock struck one , And the bundle Of letters wa not then done , Asid they wore coxnjmlititmt.s attil throats , every one , 'Cause ye telephone wouldn't behave. Ii , wh st in thu world itimi I to do ? " Cried the wo.try youth , as time clock struck two , ' r am tiroil and sleepy , but not near tliro'- To ye public I am a slavol" As the sicopy man gazed ahently 'round , IIm hoard a peculiar , wIilperlrig imoumul , 'rwmtmi not trimtn time ceilimig , nor yet from the ground , But the imeigliboming olnphnne. As ho aktrod mtmn izeil at the silver bell Time tories anti ac.tmtmt soomned to swell , Anti ho know it must hive a ttory to tell , So ho lietemied ti every word. "To ring , or not to ring , that is tl Quoti.mn.'Imat is this wrld , toMe Mo , or I to it , that ft should Cleave immitmn oar with horrid speech , I'tmiko ' mad the guilty , c.nfuumd Thin ignorant , and amaze Indeed The very faculties ul eyes amid earo : Am I coward ? \V.m ) calls nm a villain ? Broakit my jm ito across ? twoiika me I By the crank ? gives me the Ho I' The tranemnIttmr Zoumda ; ! I will not have IL To mIne , or noUn rimig , That is the question : whether 'Lis Nobler Itt time mimiti to ammifor the Stiimgaimd arrows of ommtregoomms Fortutmo , or to ttko arms agmtinL A sea of truuiles , , and by opposing End thorn. Bitt there's the manager ; \Vimo , like him , o.tit bo.ir the whips and Scirem. of Uii.m . , the olhrosslIr's ) Wrong , Time iroimd man'm , contumely , the Laws delay , the ismsnloiicti of office , Ammi time spurmis that imittiout mmmorit Of time unworthy takes ? Hello , Old fellow , I luvoil time once ; I love thee now , anti I would have Tlmee spared time liisjlmou knnw'at Not of. Got thee to a monastery. I toil thee , Lispimommes hove come Toopoon ; befmr.m timejr advosmt . On tiiiascono 'twos micet I Time lmeavommly iower hami made Antmtlmet m.rce-a race without Time daily imecile of ordinary mortals- Ummdlnem. and immarbie famimma \ViIlm never ma anmil toam&ve-or Sidrits wimose needs for sieep and R014t WOrO naught. I tell thee , Boy , time public form 1oth change. Whoa I firsi came great praise % Vas given us , of wondering A'lmlration there was much , but Now , alas , the facts would aknv The wortimy Dublic body hath degen.rted Into a mohiuso , and all stomach is. \Vhsro is the pmmbilo mind which Gloried over ny dioovery ? Whore the public ho.trt which throbbed In sympathetic Iriumih ? Gone , I tell thee -by the gas trio .Iuice of oritlciimn amid unreasoning Impatience 4bsurbed. Get thee to a monastary , Pray for omniscience , omnipotence Anti Immortality , and wlmon obtained Thou mnay'at rotmmrn ammd rest quietly Upon that mighty lap which now Shows aLna of IAIU and indigestion. Go thy ways quickly-farewelil- And he weist. A merry party of friends accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. llittmcock } Imart way on their bridal tour last Thursday- ton miles cmf the way-frRmmm Ft. Calhoun to Onimiha and then across the river. It was in a pocial car , aim l everyone agreed that it wee a very delightful way to hold a reception , less fornmal than when cards are issuoti for the imouse , and affording more latitude for the vleasantrlea which grace such happy events. Mr. Hitch. cock imas arranged a wedding trip such ii few enjoy and which ii certain to be ao companied with fewer of the annoyances which besot those wIo ; visit Europe , b. . cause the groom is an experienced tray. olor on Lbs continent. They will first oiaiimine the picturcsqiie portions of England - gland anti then go to Germany , stopping at time priuclimal musical centers and at Iiadon.Baden , where Mr. hitchcock was educated. Then throuih Switzerland , tlmrough Italy , and a sojourn iii southern France , 'Jho Vassar 'dtmcat1omat concert was vary satisfactory , both as to rendition smut results , Miss Janice sang very beau. tifully , mmd , wo expect , very carefully , because Omaha cnplu are critical , There was a liberal display of instrunmemmtal music , of a t'overuly classical type , the reception of which was ileasant snore be. cause the imcrformmmers were favorites in this city than on account of imitense ad. miration of the sonata form. Evomm these vlm l.rimfoss . to ndndro these studied and imailmiuhly difilcult pimumo.forto immovemmionts confess that so-called "classical" mnusic wore better , were its seloctiomma almortor. 1Iowovor disinterested omw may be , Imowever , iii time piece in buumd , however weaxisomno it rpay become , timers is nuver time siijhtest excuse for opening a conversation - versation during the execution of a con. cert number. While this is barely per. missablo at a PlaY or aim opera it should bo severely frowned down at a concert. Ant1miimg more than an occasiommal whispered remark is an annoyance to all in the vicinity anti a possible disturbance to tlio Iorlornmers. Thu stage at the opera house was sel f.i. time Vassar concert with exquiiiti taste and adorned with bznks of flower , from private conservatorIes. Mrs. Frsn Lawrence anti Miss Nellie Cimspman , . Ui Bhitifi , are this 0DM W wh.ra irodli in due for the artistic arrangonmont of the decuratiomme. CARJ Time Los Ajigoles , Cal. , Daily Times of Aug. 24tim says : "Among the arrivals fromim limo cast 'osteulay wore Mr. amid Mrs. M. a. Mcltoon nimil Master Merritt ? mlcKtun , , also Mr. amid Mrs. King , Mrs. I'ilcbamd and son , ? mlra , anti ? ttias , Iacob. soim end ? ilr.Vihliam , Iloriier , all ( rout Omaha , Nobraska. All of theun will In. cate Imoro. Mr. MolCnou hs Immrchasoil , imear I'naadena armd Mr , llnrimor will reside with his soim Mr. John Ilorimor. " Time party stopp'd off ono ( lay at. Salt Lake city ammd one at Sacrainmto. Mr. ( leorgo 'tV. ' IUII , the asaistant auditor of the Union I'mmciflo , and vi1u , have come back from aim extensive tour in Colirado , , City attorney Connell and wife , v1uo accompanied timum , roturimeti a day or so ogo. t'imo party did time moult. t.aiims in a special cat. 'limo marrirmgo of Miss Jennie Jowolt , aim.1 . lmIr. , Jmmiiuei Clmanulors will occur next 'I'iiurMlay cvcililmg at Limo residence of thu bride's 1aromits. It will ho quite un. with. with.Mrs. Mrs. .1. 13. Lnzcar of Central City , who Imas bceui visitimmg Mrs. it. 11. Wilbur , rc tmti mied Friday. 11cr lmtmslmmutd is casimiur of the first national bamuk thturo. lessrs Kennedy and Thmrbcr prommoummco Spirit Lake a simlemmdid ilnco , to ( nice life easy amid with swarmmma ot fish waiting to bo cauglmt. I'rosklunt Saxo imarm called a bushioss mneetiiig of Limo Samma Curumnoimkm club for next.Vednuaday evening. -y Misses Fammimie and Mellio Bimtterfiold havu c'mmu ' baelc fromim a sumnrmior Ilk I'oiv York atato. Miss Carter , who has been time guest of Mrs. Wakefield , lmmum returned to St. , Jusojtlm , Miss Mary Lake will remain in CImi cage another mnomitim , visiting hot sister. Miss el1io Sackett , of Coummcil B1ufl' , is at Mrs. 13. E. [ I. Kennedy's. Liuutommammt Mason amid wife have returned turned front time sveat ' Major Annmrmtrormg and Ewing came in from Spirit Lake yesterday. Mr. Warren Rogers Imas returned from a sojourn atitit. Desert. Lynn , Mass. , alwaya was a good place for imcalth , but. it lots become a nmodern Bethesda simico ? mlra. Lydia E. Pimmkiimmtmm of 233 Western Avenue , 'mimulo lmcr grea discovery of time Vegetable Coimmpound , or Imtmlacen for' time principal ills that afilict the fair croatiomi. Timis dilrers , imowovur , from time aimciemmt scene of ntarveioumm cures in this immmportant imartietmimmr : Time lmealimmg mtgeth , witim all its virtues , can be sent to order by express or Iflail over time world. PLACING PEDAGOGUESS . MIISIOF Of the dhoo1-Iarffls to Gharo llio Ilifailtry. Opciiimg or tlmo Public Scimools of Ornitima Next. Moimtlmay. T1'mo public schools of Omaima will opomi this mmiormmimmg for time session of 1883-4. Time nasignmemit of time toacimimmg force to various btmildimmga has been made by Superintendent Jammios , as follows : 111011 SChOOL Homer P. Lewis , vrimmciiumit Lena L. 11111 Alonzo N. Ilcnsiusw , Nelson Learned , Ida B. Street , CENTImAL 1ICIIOOL Homer P. Leivis , l'rincipai. Mary E. Quackemslush 8tlm C and B ; Villa B. Shiippoy , 8th Ii ; lilamicim IL. Coimmstock , 7tlm 0 and B ; Ellen M. Wimito , 7th 11 ; 11. Eva Lowe 7th A ; Artlo D. Cllimms , , 6th C ; Lizzie M. Elcock 7th A timmd 6th B ; Elizabeth B. Siiiry , 0th A ; Laura V Morse , ( ith B amid titim C ; Jenimie McSoutlm , ! tim A ; H. Adeila Anderson , Otlm B amid A ; Miuimde it.Vilsomi , 11th A ammd 4th 0 ; Jcimnlo Stmiii , 4th A ; Annie 1' . Trmmiand , 4th 11 and d C ; Einmzm B. Mc. Chicaimo , 3d A ; Villa A. Cuslmmnmtn , 3d B anti 2d ci Dude A. .Ioimmmstomi , 2d 11 and A ; Ida E Mack , let 0 and B ; Clara Schlcslnga. , itt A. FOitrit E4CIIOOL , Tames B. ] onmmer , principal. James 13. Bonner , 0th ( i amidlthB ; l3elleII. LewI , 6th A and tSth C ; Emma \Vlmltmnan , 5th B : hattie S. Eddy , 4th 0 ; hattie H. J0008 , 11th li and 4th U ; ileilim Schmaller , 4th A ; Sadie Thinker , 3d C ; Maggie McOague , 3d B anti A ; Canmilla Elliott , 3d A and 2d C ; } 'nmmnte hurl. limit , 2d A ; Mary B. Newtoum , let C ; Minnie Wayman , let 11 ; Anna S. Bloom , 1st A. CABs SCHOOL. 5 Grace IT. Wilbur , imnimichimal. Nellie Bennett , 5th A and 5t B ; Sarah K McOlmeane. 5th A and 4th 0 ; Emnmxmmm A , Ken. dali 4th B , umd3rd 0 ; LIllian A. Littleilek 3d Iamm A ; Ada B. Schoonmaker 2d C aim B ; Grace H. Wilbur , 2tIA and let a ; Nora Ii. Lemon , let B ; Lizzie II. l'erkins , 1st A. ZAST SCHOOL. Anna Pees , principal. Anna Foot. , 5th B and A and 4th 0 ; Fannie Buttenield , 4th B ammd 3d C ; Carrie M. Hart. by. 4th A ; Catherine Fees 3d B amid A ; Mrs. G. Vi. Boyden , 2t1 C and ] I ; F'ramm M. imnigge , 2t1 A ; Mary J. Buchaaau , let C amid 13Exunua ; Cane , let A. 501t7iI SCHOOL. 1 ! . Rose Melmmtvre , Princtph. M. Bose Mcintyre , 6th U mmd A and Sib Cm Charlotte Id. Trimnble , 5th B and A anti 4tIm C. Rose 0 Eddy , 4th If anti A Mary B. Thomnps.n 3d C and B ; Mimttie d. hale , 2d OandB ; Maryontimnami , 3d A and 2d A ; LiiIle 1'rkfi , 1st B and 0 ; Ada II. Turner , idA. was ? scutoo Jennie IL 3oKoon , pnin ipal. r Joismmie itt. MoKoon , 4th 0 B and A ; Mar. timzm l'arratt 3d B smmd A and 2d C , ; Dora hlarmmey 2d Ii antI A ; Mary Fitch , 1st 0 and B ; Esther Jacobs , let A. IIAIITMAN SCHOOL S. P. Beals , vrLuclpal , S. I ) , heals , btls A , aimil 4th 0 and B ; Mary Tj. Alto ; , , 4th A amiti 3d C and B ; Sarah b. Tlmomnpaon , 3d A mtmmti _ ti C ; Hattie Allemi 2d Ii and A ; Bnmmmmms Curnoy , 2tl A ; Aggie mtc. Douald , let 0 mind ii ; lmluggie Latey , itt A. cnrma SChOOL Maggie McCarthy , principal. Mi.ggiu ! , lcCimrtlsy , 4th 0 , 11 atmti A ; Annie Quijley , 3d C ' It ammd A Lmumra Atkimmsuim. 2tl 0 II anti A ; , 'Iemmmmio.L. ltctltlelti , let 0 and II ; ? iiitry II , Lomnax , let A. JACKSON tQhiOOL. Mi 1 J.'ood prlnciiial. Miii mb J. Vi'ood , q A amid 1st 0 ; Stacla Cr.wloy , let B amid A. 'LAKE AU ! ) SChOOL teilmt ? sf , Cimmmmmmplimm , iriimsiimal. Stetla M. Cimmuimpliti .id B and Q , C and A ; Mary it. ILmrris , iatdii ammd A. Reimmaricablo Eacapo. John Kulmmm , of Lafayette , Immd. , had a very narrow escape frommi .Leitth. 'flue Ii. his own story : "One ys ago I was in the last tt.agex of O4)nbumnptiomm. our best iihyaiciana gave my case uim. I finally got so low that our doe tor said I could not live twemity.four hours , My friends then purclmmm.sed a bottle of Io , i WM , IiALL'it BALSJIM ton vine I.mrnas , whici benefited me. I continued until I took miltmt bottles. I am now In perfect health bmmvin used no otier medicine. flenry's Carbolic 0. lye , Tb. BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts I Bruises , Sores , Ulcers Salt Ithoum , Totter Cajmpsd hand. , Chilblains , Corn. anti al kinds of Skin Eruptions , etc. Gd fllNIt"i r CAItBOLIO SALVE , as all oezi ar bu I ou , ! 'nios ) - WYMAN'S WOFIK. Pontin ! Oat the Royal Road to Fortuoe. A Choice Ijocatimum in tlmo Commmmmmcr- utah Canter of Limo Mis. noun Valley. In the fall of 1882 Tira Bss announced time opening of a now mimatitution in our midst , viz. : t1o Wymnoim Commercial College , whiclm was started up ummdcr time most favorable auspices by Prof. A. L. \Vymn , time president. We predicted at the timno a brilliant success and time ro iiIt has shown time Correchiess of our views. Prof. 'Wyman came to Ounalum an en- rino stranger , but appreciating the toca- tion of time city as Tilt. COMMSRCItL ( jP.NTE1L of time Missouri valley and the natural seat for coummnercial cducmttimnm. 'l'im. , varied character of time wholesale aimd retail tnuiu mid mmmtmufmtcturilmg iimttmrests , time number of ramlroacs tnnmuimmttihmg mit thin point nmmd time large clerical fircu , commatamitly chmmployed at time various rail- WILY mmd Milit amy iueadqtmittors , together with the rapidiy growing busimtess of time city , nil cimmiviuuced imini that as a poimmt for such aim cmmturpniso OMAHA IS UNEQUALLED. his gooI jtmdgincmmt was soomm proven for 212 studemits were entolled during tim.m lirat year amid how , at time tlmresliold of the mtcw year , imia second one , the appli. catioits are coining ut fast and the Proslmccts of thu college most flatter. ing. Such imumi beemm time gratifying rtauit of the lust year that time imcsiduimt has felt justilied imm going , to comisidomablo ox- vemmsu to ftmnmmishi a tImmrouglmly t'qmiilud commmnerciil , : college atmd one wimichi would compare favormibI' botit lit the strummgtli of its faculty and h5 coimmfort , Comivemuiemmec amid elegance with ammy simmmilar college in the east. \VYMAN COLLEQ proper OCCUIies time emmtiro third story of Lytio'a block atiti is ommo of time best iigimt. od , best voimtilated amid imiost clicomfuml lo. ctitioims in time city. Jut thu front are time Prositlemit's otlico , time Elocution roouum ammd Itecitatiomi roormi , all of wimicim are imnirited , jmapored , ammd ctrpeted in tin. liin.at style , with commufi rbtlio stmatsbroad blackboards and every facility to encou- ymmgo ammd educate time studeimt. TImI : COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT occupies a commmuimodiomms immill a(1joming time dopartmneimta umammiod. It is funimialmed with bug rows of study dcskM of so1id black walnut , contami- immg drawers for each studemmt's books amid etatiohiory. Tlmero is also a large imurmiber of counting.roommm desks , a imiagumiticemit uprigimt grmumd lmiatmofmmr iracLice or son'zs ' , ittid , ranged about the ntmouimmill time mniumor amid iniportant oflices conscquezmt to tue bank or busimmcss imouse. lii fact , time roomn is a miuiatur6Vmmll street in all respects - spects , with its conmmmiissioii , jo1mlnmg , trammaportatiomi mmd otimur ohlices. Thu yIltsT NATIONAL COLLEOF. DANK is an attractive feature of time roomn , with its imnndsomno iron railing amid virm- dews for omrcii oflicial , just as iii any of our city bammks. llertm a regular baiikiimg business is carried on , dealing with time other oflices in time roolmm mmd drawing checks , etc. , on othmer college bammks. Time simipiimj. mmd wholesale busimess , is Colt- dtmoted withi'tlmc'aid of cimeeks represent. lug goods of various kimids. Title rooumi will seat 130 studemmts mmd its entire ar- rammgemncmmt is simuply Imerfect. TIlE FACULTY has beomm added to this year and is made UI ) entirely of mmiun wimo arc experts in time various brammclmea taugimt by thiemmi. A NEW OEI'AitTUItE. This year a new dujmartnmont is added , called time Preparatory Dcpartmmieimt cf time \Vymmman Commmummcrcimtl College , which is located iii time large hall below the cot- hugo proper. Frequent applications for adummissioim to this college are mnade by timoso wimo require traimmimig in time comn mon English branches. ' not hess titan in comumnercial studies. The imigh stammdard of the collng'e , as an immetitution devoted strictly to commercial educatiomm , renders it iimmpracticable to immtroduco into time course of instruction communon.solmool studies. Therefore , to , mccomnmmmodat thmoso wimoso Engliah is deficient , this acimooi ha been established.Vhilo alto. gtmtlmcr dtstimmct fromn time college , as rca- pects studies pursued , it is andor time sanmo muammagenmeut. TIhE EVENINU SCHOOL is another iuiupmrtant fepartinent of this flourishing immstitution aimd is imeld in a room comufortabio and well lighted , with four compotemmt teachers in chargoto start with amid assistants whmenrequired. Timis department is for the purpose of afford. tog iimatructiona in bramiclmes mmmd used in business , to timoso emmmloycd dumimig time day. A circular contaimming full particulars as to timis do. partmemmt is issued b' time president. It is on heavy card board with steel ehmgraving on time covers , of the moat. artistic style , an elegant timimmg. T1IZ OPENING. All these departimments wilt be open and in rummnihig order on Monday imext. anm we cami aafoi say that anyone who visits time institutmon will feel a nido in it amid admiration for the commimdeumco of its founder in our timnivimmg and prosperous city. . A Uappy Ysnnly. Pulled from the brcut , squeezed from the botUs tttoua.cims Will sour ammd milk will curdle ; Baby hallelujah ath that smlglit , Uouuhoid bummipimig heads in awfu' fright. Do , , t deny twai thus with Victoria. Ight was Imidoous without CASTOmIIA ; WHem , colic left ; fyr peucefuh slumber , AU saId their .rmeyers amid MeIi imke thsmtdsr. - TilE DE MOLAY'S. Time Plunmed ICuigluts RtLIL Travelling Towamd time East. Time Do Molmmy Commmmmmantlery of Kmmiglmte Tounplar , Imailing frommi Louisville , ICy. , caimmu in fzotn time west on the regular overland train on time U. P. Saturday. Time train was dohayoml on time emmtral Pacitic amid dirt zmot reach Onmaima until 11 o'clock. As tlmia was too bite to mmmako comimmections for time cact thu Sir Kmmigimta stopped over in tlmis city until thu 1:40 : , train , bcimmg emmtertaiimed by Limo Clmicngo , Milwaukee & St. Paul ltailway Co.'s represomitatives , ly the PmPnictors of ' Paxtomm amid time imdividumml , sir kmmigimta of Mount Calvary commmmnaimdory No. 1 , of I this city. ) The Do Molay drill corps took time first r prize at San Frmmmmcisco for perfect drilling and consequently now rammk as time crack commnammdery of time United States , They I number 30 sir knights , and are acconips- I nie b' several ladies. It was hop.d 3 that they could give i exhmbitmon drill t hero , similar to that of the St. Bonmsd' . , whi , i.c.ii pri& . 1 * the . - - - - - - - - - 1' 12 WOMAN'S SECRET. She is over-worked , poor thing ! Proud , honorable , faithful , womanly , hmc determined to keep expenses downand dothe work herself Right nobly has she done it , but at terrible cost. The sparkle that was itt her eye'when sime was a bride is gone. Her once plump and rosy cheeks arc now hollcw and colorless. She used to step higlmtly and gracefully , but now she drags one foot after the other with painTuhvearmness. For the sake of the family she doca not incmlt'ion her aching back , ncr acutelypainful nerves , her rheumatic - matic twinges , lierdyspcptictro.ib1es , or the heavy weiglmt the feels in her right 3idc , that tells her her liver is going wrong. She thinks nobody knows about all that , and she vill suffer on in quiet and unrcpinmng pa- ticnce Alas I her secret is an open one , for it tells its own tale. Whisper this in her car , she ought to know it A/adam , Drown's Iron l3illcrrwllhliealyonrback. ralmour UeYVCS , kil/yourrhcnmaiismdrve aid j'ottr iysfieJ.iaandccrcc1yourlzver. Dob..r a bottle. Nearest drugit. contest , but time lateness of time imour of timeir arrival , and time slmnrt timie of their stay prev'umtud it. 'I'ltcy left fur Chicago via time Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul road at 3:40 : , ammd will attire there at 2:15 : p. m , to.mimorrow. Time Aecalon club of St. Louis Kmmiglmts Ttimmphmir missed tlmrougim on a special train Friday nigimt , ammd time Boston commi- mmmammdery iii tWo specials the niglmt before , This about svimmtls UI ) timia greatest of modern imilgniimmages. Time mmmot popuiarmmorvmmmc tonic mmm the tronimi is Dr. Iticimmmmomid'e iS'amarlian 4\rcrlfine. 81,50 "Fits rcmmmlered my dmumghmfur detf , , Iumnb and lartlyzcd ) ; , .S'amariean Nir- vine cmmrcd imer. " Peter ituss , Spring- water , \yj3 At Drtugists. Diocesan Letter. Ommmaimn , August 81 , 1883. To the Clergy of the Diocese of Nebraska : DEAR BItETumuN-I : : imureby appoint Sunday , Si'ptemmmber lath , as time Elari'cst- Hoummo festival of time church , imi this diocese. I rccnmimmnend thmt all time cimurcimes be decorated on timmit day witlm fruits , grain amid flowers , amid all time ienp1o be invited to jiim iim a service of tlmttmmksgiving to Alinigimy Gid for time bountiful harvest with wimiehi ho has blest us. Time collects npponmted for Tlmammksiving Day amid sucim lessons as thu clergy nmm'y timink ap. lrolriato h1mav he used. Very truly , Your friend and brothmor , RonmmT II. CLARKSON. Beitmmtiful skin , ammd fair compiexionro- bust health , nud Tmoars of cimdum'ammcofol- low time usn of Browmm's [ room Bitters. Stmietlv Bmmsiimess MOtlmO(1S. Detroit Free Press. "Mr Smmmithm , wiil you endorse my note of $201" "Vimy , I should expect to have to pay it if I did. " I ' " 'Oertaiimlycertain1y "And s < I mmmiglmttrs wehlhctmmti you $20h" "Exactly , you are quite correct. " "Aid 1 shouldn't expect you ever to pay it. " "of , courac not ; of course not. " " i imemm why didn't yomm ask mc direct to give you ? 2O' "Because , sir , I do business in a busimmess way. I imever borrow mnotmcy of a mmmtmmi who will endorse moo , mmd I make all calcuiatioims on time endorser - dorser payiig , the mmotos. It's time same thing iii the end , but we arrive at. it itt a busitmesa way. I believe 1mm mmmalcimmg the imoniso draw the cart. You can't ivo mmmc $20 , sir , but if you will imavo time kindness to endorse a note to that ammtouumt , I will see timat yoim arc $20 otmt of pocket. " Hood's Satsapanilla gives an appetite , and nmmparte mmev life amid energy to all the fummctiomme of the body. Try a bottle and r alize it UTIOEI Itegtmiar meeting of Capitol Lodge No. 3 A. F. A. M. Monday oveimimmg Septomn- bet 3rd. Installation of officers and other mmnpor- 'tant business. A full attondammes is ro- qtwstca by order oftho Master. 2t. heal Estate Transftrs. The following deeds were tiled for rec- cord in the county clerl. ' office August 31 , reported for Tua Bsx by Ammies' real estate agency : John W. Hugus and wife to Julia It ! . Cain , w d , lot S b 7 , Siminmi's add. $ & 0. Geo. P. Beimmis and wife to Andrew Benstmmm , w d , iota 1 , 2 and 3 , b "D , " Lowe's let amid , $325. TjniommP. fl. It. Co. , to Jolmn B. Piper , w d , so 5W SOC 21 , 15-10 , 20O. Sarah J. Donecken and lmushand to Villio 0. Martin , w d , lot No. 2 and 3 , b 1 , and lots 8. 9 and 10 , b 1 , Doneck- en's add to Walnut hills , $2,125. \v. J. Commnell ammd wife to Fred Nye , d. , lot 4 , block 345 , Onmaha , $2,500. Isaac Vamm Kuran and wife to John L. McCague , w. d. , sv. lot. 1 , block 93 , Ommmahma , 81,200. J. B. Fimmiay to Mrs. Phmebo R. E. E , Lilmtomm , ( I. C , ii. , part sec. 20 , T 15 , It 13 , $1. $1.Ohms. . "V. Dorr and wife to Lydia 0 , Aittiersoim , w. d. , lots I ammd 2 , block 1 , ! , Lowe's add , , $300. S rA II1'1:4 : , A41) INPALLIIILI DC cumumm EVEIIFAILS. k Ejfleptfc Fits , 'LRVU4 Spci.rns , Falling Sickness , Couvul- siomie , St. Vitus Dance , Alcoholism , Opium Eating , Seminal Weakness , liii. pmtcncy , Syphmihis , Scrofula , and all Nervous and Blood DIsooes , tTTo Clergymen , Lawyers , LitcrnryMen , Memvlmnnta , Bankers , Ladies mmd all wlmose scdcmmtarY cinploymcnt cmuscs Nervous I'ros- tratiomm , Irregmmharitlcs of the blood tcmac1m , bowels or kitincys , or who require a mmcrvo tonic appetixeror atimulemit.anmartai Frr- Iiltd 13 luvahuable. luvahuable.THEGREAT ) wonderful Inygom- ant that .yer sustain. cml a sinking system. _ _ _ _ _ _ $1.50 , at Druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OR. S A. fllcHMONDflNqRon pricier. , St. Joseh. Mo. yor testimnonUli anti circulars send stamp , (18) ( of the bmmman tiudy emmiargoti , developed and atren5thened , ito. , is arid Itee.ttng advertisement Ing run In our paler. In rertmi to inquirte wi wili y that thei ji no evidence I immuimbug about this. On Sims osotrary the edserilsers a , . very highly Indomed. Intereete. ! ireo. ay it , eaIed rOcula.zs tvtng aIt&rtIcuIa'i Ii , a4dreusixi rri.sit4Li Cs.P.O.be& MI , LmIaio w. i , . . ' ! More Special Sal ? . .nd. the Last fo This Year. Until September 1st , we vill oiler some S1ecia Goods in all Depart. mouts of our business &t Grentiy Reduced Prices , Lo Close Out. No such BAROAIA1S , have ever before been Offered in a General Line of FURNITLRE. . . TPassGll81' E1ovator CHASI SHIVERICK1 , I To 11oo. J I 2(16 ( , ' 1 ? 08 , 1i1 Faruhiun Stri ci , Otniilin. Pes INrIIcD:1I3 : , IIANUFAj'rultEIr ( OF IvDiled IroCories , NindO CasFiDiaIs ; ; Skvlimrhts &o Thirteenth Street Neb - - - ' _ _ I "BURLINGTON . HOUTE"l ( Chicago . , Durilngton 4 Qulnoy Paltroad. ) ' - - - C - ' - - - - ' - - - - - ' 0 DAZ TA'- " . , - . 'a - w 1 IiJ. J' , _ p , . . _ _ _ . ' -'I 0 .9. 1.'I " + 5' \ \ _ ' o\\\ \ . I .4 , S. - . , . .an . . - ' I - I 0 , . x. . . . . - a ' - ----p .t- _ _ t. . _ _ b - - - - COINC EAST ANt ) WEST. COINC NORTH AND 3OUTH. Eh'gant , . Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with Rechin . Solid Trains of Elegant Va Coaches and Pull In Cimairs treats free ) , SmokIng Cars. with Re. man I'alace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and volving Cimairs. i'tmllman F.aLmeo Sleeiinr Unrs anul from St Louis. via Hannibal , Quincy. Keokuk , the famous C. it. & Q. Dining m aN run datlyto and flm'rinton , Cedar Rapids and AIJert Ia to St prom Chicago . Kansas City , Lbicao & t'ouncii i'aul antI MiuineapoUs. 1'anlorCaiwith Iieclinin Bluffs. Chicago t lIes Momnes. ( 'imicago. EL Jo' Chmatra to and from St Louis and Peoria and to 'oph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line be 00(1 ( mm St Louis and Ottumwa. Only one tmvc'fl Chicago , Linnoln .t Denver Through cars cimange of cars betwoe St Louis aol Des h'tween Indianapolis & Couneil Biutfs via Poorma loines lows , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver All connrttions mail , , 1mm Union Drpots. ii mis Colorado itnown as the greatTlIttOUOII CAR LINE , It mx universaUytmdmhtted to be the I Finest Equipped Railroad In the World forali Claoaoa ofTravOl. -F : yorrER. 3d VIco-Prcsand Ocmfl Manager PERCRVAL LOWELL. Con Pass. Ag'i , ChicagO. _ I' Boiler Slieet Iron [ , - - - - - . - NEBRASKA. Build all kinds of Steam nomlers. Smoke Stacks , Ureechlng lArd , Water and Oil Tank , , and d. a gesers 4' . piate.lron buaiieaa itepidrimig dune In City ammd Country. All work " Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted 1 Second4mand Boilers will be kept on hand. ifaving had many years experience In the trade In differsat parts of the country I ama confidant 1 can gmvesatiaf&sctiou , having the best shop and toLi In tIme State. Skop cor. tth andl1crceStreets. J. M. WILSON proprietor. I- . Double and Single Acting Power and Hand , PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmtngs , Mimming Machinery , Bolting , Thee , Brass and Iron Fittings ' Steammi Packing at wholesale and relail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , 0HUR0 tND SVHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam 'St. ' , Omaha Neb. J. A. WAKEFIELD , ( WIIOLESAL AND IITAIL DHALZH IX Lubr ! , Laili , Shg1e , Pickets , AIIJ BOORS1 BLINDS , MOULNG1 LWE , CEMENT1 PLASTER , &C. STATE AGENT FO1 MILWAUKEE CEMENT OOMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , . C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I ' AND DEALEIt IN Pllts , Oils , Yaruislias aild thdo fflas OMAHA. NEBRASKA : HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF a11 Paper allifVo \ SIaffe. EASTERN 'PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FAItNAM STREET , - . . OMAHA NED . M. HELL1VIAN & co : , a Wholesale Clothiers ! S 1301 AND 1O3 PAR//AM STREET. COR. 1ST ! ! . OMAIU , . - , a _ _ . _ _ - - - - - S--- - - - - ' - -