Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _ _ _
rU1 TAT1V PT1M1flP
Saturday Morning , Soptoinbor 1. ,
IfltllCfttlOnR for To.tlay.
For the upper Mississippi valley , partly
dou1y weather and local ratn , 8utIIorl )
shifting to wctcrJy whid , falling fo
'lowed ' by rng barometer , atationary or
aigiay ) falling tomporaturo.
Per the MIM0UrI valley , partly cloudy
weather and local ra1ti winds generally
shiftitig to northerly , rising barornotur ,
atationary or lightlyfalIing temporaturo.
-Who ire LlppltLec & Co. m.o&w.
-Tho Ft. Calhcrn braM band will be at the
flortoShoo Lake plcnlo groiintb on SuntliW
Eozt , and R1 ° rarotroatin the way
of fine mu8C.
-Thorowa. a ) lO&aflt party at the rcI.
deuce of MT1. William Lawrence , on Knob
Jim on afternoon. 'liio Mrs.
rtnco , Elliott and Jonci ontera1notl tliolr Sun.
day cliooI Pcbo1ar from 2 o'clock unfit 7 a
o'clock. Thee procnt wcrn tim Mfsc Flora
said ( race Jieffloy , Anna Thompeon , Anna
Traynor ; Clara l'lcrco1 'l'lllfo Lclonrlng , Ma.
blo Pratt , Ana , ttltott , Lula and Miunto
'hompson and others.
-The obtnictlun In front \Vhttolious&s ?
drug toro have bean roinweit and tIm street
paved whIch ' ill greatly addtu the convotdiiico
cf tha lUbllC. The block In which Vblteiouso )
Ig located looks gorgeous now. as
-Everybody WM out with hone yesterday
Lornklg and all the afternoon kncpliig the
dust down. The ii. P. hoadquarten mon had of
2.iuch hose at work , which made things
coot arcntnd the buttdtng.
-ayor Chasa wads a little speech of wet.
cosne to the St. Barnard Conunandory In front
of the Paxt.on Thursday afternoon , and one of
Io Teutonic niembers , speaking of it after.whic
wards to a knight who had been absent , said :
Hit was short-but brief , very brief ! "
-Pmvlsions for' the W. 0. P. U. stand at we
UMtLngs , are to be taken to Mrs. 1asLinan ,
1417 Casa street , September 3 , next Monday.
' A committee will be there tozecelvo all conStaiflu
kibutlon and pack the same on that day , so
they may be In readiness to accompany the tru
delegate from Omaha , Tuesday morning.
. -Tho trustees of Brownell Ifall had a moot.
kg Thursday aight arid considered sites forars.
Mio location of their now boarding school
buIlding. All of the members seemed to be
very favorably Inclined towards Grace street
auaroon 18th street9 the property of Colonel
cliMe. If this block is chosen a sIxty thou. c f
iand dollar building will be erected. f
-Mr. F. 3. McShano has Just received a
beautiful present from Ed. A. Boots , manager
.f Creighton and Co 's ranch ; which is quite a
curiosity. This is a long watch guard
TcAdlul3dcararound bts iiek and Is made of
Enoly platted stTIfs of calf.akin , eight strans , eng at
In ttdckness. The work Is a marvel of logoVesti
* uity. There was also a lovely pearl and stool his
dg ar cutter of unique shape and Mr. McShano
Li ; justly proud of the whole gift and Mr.
' .Loot s isrthUo work.
-Next Sunday , tim feast of St. Philomona ,
tko patroness of the Cathollo Cathedral , will
be colabratod with Interesting anti imposing hio
religious services. In the morning at 7 o'clock itcos ilie
Isolomn high mass will be sung , Fatber Roth' '
( 'U
' .ctIng as celebrant , Father McCarthy as dea. j java
I Father Culanera as sub.dcacon , and Father loto
nglish as muter of ceremonies. The pane. MS
Lc. : . _ yr1o will be delivered by Father McCarthy.
At this mass , thoAltar Society of the larIsll , 0
consisting of about t00 members , vll ! ap. f ho
broach Ho'y ' Communion. A shrine Is now n
, . . eingcroctedInthoaanctuaryta the patroness , U rdor
and when finisbaci will be beautiful sped. U"V
* 00 of docrativo work. The ornainontatiwi t 1w
, k in the hands of Misses Thompson , Heolan , "
' Oroighton anti several other ladies of exporl. ery
once and artistic taste. ilfuro
-A large force of mon for some time back v 'ory
1uI been engaged on the now ech tel of St.
Philomona , on the corner of Howard and P rinci
Piltitli streets. The foundation is Just flu. U mflllO
tehod , and the erection of the suporetructuru ranc
Ii about to be commenced with the hope of 'lie
avlng It comitlototi about the first tf Novom. urop
bet. Tim bulldiita will comprise three stories Ii .
and baamont. It will be of proaod brick t.e
with cut stone trltitinIns. On each of the
' : .rst and socnnd sterics there will ho four class Wo
rooms , while the tltirtl floir will be a large ball 'ate '
to bt , used as may be tlolrotl fur lectures anti LU
. . - other public gathOIIntd. 'rite bitiltitug will tur
sst $2t,000. 'l'lto classes will 1)0 under thu iou
d1rctton of the Sisters of Mercy , anti the i mad
aoh9ol itself tinder t'io ' ininotnott of itur. J. I ocom
R..English. It. will be a gradvd school , and ii iid
In this respect differ very nuLterlally from thu r oid
Btylo ef most arOcIilal schools. It vilI sup. Ass
4 plyftvant that has lop boon cell Iuthe Par. ormne
lab 6YSt. Philoinona , nut alone since the do. hioc
tructtou of the former bulidIn. At 1)rosott ) york
t&tere is no Catholic school In that lart of tim Ighti
dty. ' Tlo success of the old school was aitoni roigl
a less interfered with with becauita of the idrum
1st-ge number of IUl)11 in attendance. The Is br
building will also be an ornament to that vart
01 the city , because It is Intended to make it
handsome as welt as a useful and duTable A
tructuro. Mclqulst & Drexel are the stone who
contractors ; Dice Is the brick mason ; hugh 3totn oot
JifcManui the painter , while Phelps & Son are ust
the carpenters 4 uro
. rouL
- -
mess ,
fluuken' itrntca SaI. lily
The greatest medical wonder of the world bottle r mime
Warranted to s1)eedIiy cure Burnauts UI.
mrs , Salt liheunt , Focr Sures , Cantsrs'Pilo. ' , .
Chilblains , Ctrns , 'l'etter , Chapped handsaud
$11 skits eruitUons , guaranteed to cure in ovary
Instatce , or money refunded. 2i ucuts uw i. Y
bo %
) tcal Estate Tratisroro. A
Tue following dcod svoro thud for reo synmn
cord in the county clorl"d oflico August Iimomml
$1 , reported for TuE ] 3uu by Amos' ' real Soim
eatMo igency : sanit
Mary M. Putnam to CIia , H. Ilawes , Ju
w. d. , lot 1 , block 3 , Ilaniacom 1'laeu , ago ,
$777. isiimg
PiorcoO. llknobauglt and who toDavid tona
H. l3owinaii , v. d , , part of lot 0 , Bat't. Abe
lott'o add.1 85O. vres
FiercoC. fliinobauglz and wife to F show
. B. Sclteidor. ; w. ii. , Part of lot 0 , flaxt. mnimmd
lett'5 add. , wors
' - , JuBuo F. Fiieljs antI who to Catherine 1ma
* 'Scliwallcnborg , w. iL , part of lot 1 , Mock vast
. 54 , 1,6OO. actu
Alfred B. Dufrono and vIfo to Sarah whic
B. Elliott , w. tL , n. of a , of 1oL4 and We
Ii. of e. of w. 4 of lot3 , blocklO , scho
, zoo.p . Uni
Jeremiah Mulveliill to John Mulyoltill , final
V ( I.e W of lot 6 , block 174 , Omaha' , apri
flunton to Vim. W. Cor'.ott , w. unti
& 4 ; Mt Cnd 7 , b1oct 0 , Boyd'a iidd. , appa
$100. into
Can tract Made With Four Paeillc
Ri1oas y tile Woslillliollsc
To Supply All Proight Trains
With the Automatlo Air
Wo rk to 1)0 Coinnienced on Union
Pitolfto Freight Cars liii.
Ju st before Mr. George Wostingh use ,
jr. l oft for his
, western trip Thursday , a
ntoin bor of the BEE aLaff who happened
t4) b o in conversation with him learned of
som o very important contracts that have
just boon made by \Vestinghouse air
brak o company , which will be a ourpriso
to ra ilroad circles as well as the general
publ ic. Their automatic air brake hiM (
com e to be so imporLiut. so iridioponsiblo
pa rt of tim passenger aurrico of railways
that managers are beginning to soc the
nece ssity of applying them
" We have lately made contracts , " said
Tr. Vcstiiighioiiso , ' 'with the Union Pa
cilic , the Coiitral I'atcilic. the Northern
l'iici flc and thu Atchison , Topeka and ( A
Sitiit tt Fo railroads to nply , the air brake
s' oii as iosaiblo 1,1) alt of thuir fruight
oligi nus and cars.Vo expect to coin- bee
niunc o work on thu Union I'ncilic within a
tow weeks and by a gradual aplicatiIni ) it
th e trako ) to dilrcrciit cars hually to
etIiip tim whole road. "
4a' lhIU railroad citnpatly buys the
brak es of you , does it nuLl"
"Y ea , we soil thioni the brakes for
Freigh t service at in
i'i-ry flOLT.AW AI'IP.CIi ,
whic h is a good deal cheaper thaii they
ca1 manumacturo thoni , We gut twice
that for tim regular passenger brake , bUt x
l iavo no royalty on the freight. uut
brake . "
"i' hiis Is very much like that. "
"T ue freight brake is osciitfally tlio I
taiflu as that for passenger cars , except 1mg
801 110 tumor points. 1'lio cohinoctiona
n iado by thu rubber tubes and thu
Lwnko is automatic so that if the traFu I imo
mute s apart or there in any trouble the
rake instantly sets iteolf and stops the
ars. Tim brake is worked from the on-
ino , but when Is ho
au plied with the brake so that the t
onno ction will be continuous to the rear
th e train , thou the brake can be sot minI
rons the eabooso. Until the system is [
oinpl oto the cars with tim old fashioned
rake will be strung on behind. "
"H ow long will it take to execute the
ontr act with the Union Pitcificl"
"It ; will not ho entirely uittishied for a
L imo. You can see at a glance whitit imo
en ormous undertaking it is , " Mid Mr. L
Vesti ughousu , "and then reinenibur that
is only oiio road , There are ten or
th e Union Pacilic system. We will r
legin woric on the Duisvur & South
arlc division , first on the narrow , '
ungo mountain lines whore r
b rake baa become nlinos.n absolutu I larn
sit.y Thou we will supply the maui
a nd thin Kansas l'aciflo division , but
B oo that not until all of their cars sh
brakes can the systum ho cornt ion
Thu Unioli Pacific , by the way , c aim
C ilk
oNn e TUH Y1104r XtoADI le
giv e our company a regular order for
pa ssougur brakes. As soon-as it coin.
monco d operation , or ehortly after , it
ed our brake. "
"V ere you out itoro then ? " inquired c ray
re porter
1 : % vLts hero in 1870 , when Omaha WM
d ilforoiit from what it is now-very
nt. I ant nstomiishied at the growth ( "
tim place.Vo drove nrouudaitd wore 0 vettin
m imuch interested in the city. " ) Wor
The \Vestinghoueo company has its b
pal worko at Pittaburg , whore it ciug
ya over fiwo hIUIIdIUd mmmcmi , with
h factories in London itud Paris. Ii oth
brake is used in the comitimiont of u aromi
o , in Australia , South America ,
fac t wherever there is a railroad thoru lalimm
th e
\VEt4TINGI10USI IiiLAKE. t lmoimg
naked Mr. S. IL Sragiw , time sri. U imiity
a u'rutmy of \Vustingbouso , if I 110y
co uld give us figures as to tIme nuus I , imtcu
o f brakes how in misc , mid Imu an- ,
d thimit thu last tiinu lie hint occa.
t o make the total Imu found that they
e quipped. about fourteen thousand I ha
otivu omigiiioi amiti fifty.tivo thous.
p assenger care in the United States
E urope.
istant General ? itammngoriCimbalt iii.
il a Bmn reporter yt'atovday that mf
omitract lint ! been niado and that
would be begun on the freight cars ito
; away. Inquiry at the general immive
it chico resulted in Ioariiimmg that vlmer
eb ango would not. mnako any immaterial t itize
omico in
i mis
Woil Rewnried. A
li beral reward will oo patti to any party yeste
w ill prodtice a case ot i.ior , Kidney or mtery
ach complaint that Electric Bitters will i blo
l oodily cure. tIring thorn along , It. will fimli
y ou notlilmig for the mimediclima If it fails to throu
and you will be veii rowartlod fur your
io basitles. All Blood . , ltllltnms. the
. Jaundce ( , Constipatiomi anii general dub. bOUiU
a re quickly cured. HtIiacUoit gauratitoed body
ney refunded. I'rico wily Ility cents ior tlmigi
. For . sale by 0. P. ( IoomnlA.
. trtme
ASil ) CSt31. nil
oung Bualness Man of Onutha svislm
Gucti Daft. will
muisfortuno that will draw forth time \\r
athy of mill hits befallen time junior nbotm
lur of the firmu of F. 0 , Festimur seve
; against whom an iimfurmmmation of lii. o'clo
y was lmtst ovenhimg flied. Ito
lius Fostuer vas , until about a year 100
ommu of time brigimtost amid moat iromms. imavim
young busiiicss mimeim , anil aided itiaIde
lly itt time lrosPuriti ) of his firm. seVe
ut tIme tiimiu they umoved into their for t
ent qumuters he
began to Y1u
sighs of a weakness of vamt
, which constantly grow tunti
e no titimo vomtt on. lie onlargel time brid
citio8 of time hauso and juroimaaud read
quantities of mmmchlmmery vhic1m they
ally had no use for ttimd time order for TII
h YIth cuuntermnndod at coimsidora. ituss
c oat. ho plaimned a now chmurcim amid
ol amid wrote to time president of time
ted States for' a subscription. Ho NOV
ly wont to St. Louis it is supposed to of
vato asylum , and time lmartllorsitiP we
dissolved. It was not long Fu
l ho returned and being lit ,
rently cured again wont orn
business , And ws once more taken Frie
bac k into the firm. Since tmmtt ) time lii ,
ecce ntricities have been renewed , and
yest erday especially , on tim occasion of
time Knights Templars' stop hero , imo
she wed decided ovmdonces of insanity.
'f imis morning ime took time litmriington
( ' M issouri traimi for Lincoln , with the
idea of obtotning arms from time state to
o9a fliZ0 a drill corps for time state fair.
his father telegraphed to Imvo him ar
rest ed , and ho wa. , last ovcniimg brought.
back and a charge of imisnalty flied
agai nst mm , lie will Imrotaimly be taken
to a private MyluIn at St. Louis , anti it
is to ho hoped his immalady mummy ho vornla.
mmon tiy cured.
PIie Last SdllS1iOll ' of North Omliawith
Tim Sheriff and Undertaker Go to
Iloiti nil iimtittct.
A bout 1 o'clock yesterday it telephone
mess age was received at imlicu iicadquar.
ors statiimg that a man had been fouimd
drew ned in North Oinmmima crock near time
old s itu of time 16th street bridge.
Se veral policemen wore at omico die.
patch ed to find Sherlil' Miller , the acting
core ner , nmmd notify time undertaker , and
SOOil after some of time pout o , the aherifi
and % 'i1i linker , of Mr. Lncb's , , under.
takim ig cstabiislinmuimt , were omm thou wmiy lit
) tb spot with tim uimdurtakitig waioim ,
nimd ice box , to secure tlum rwmutmiie
Sher iff ? tlilior thought. it muighi its
a iiniti c..uso and Imo
iimqmm ommt be required but left word timat if
wa s in doubt lie would try to hold the I
iiiqii cst iii tIme evening.
Af ter driving up tnt far atm Izard street i
mmmd i nquiring ovm.rywitero they fat ed to
linmi the body and returned.
Tim e Bnn reporter was mnoro successful
hi s search amid found that thu whole
ainrim i was time result of a hoax. Some i
joker stuck a couple of sticks into time i
1mond Up there Thur4day night , jiut on I
pai r of patmth amid booth wliiclm stood I
i n a reented but. natural style. It
mvmis t hou reported au over mmorti Omaha l
Lhat a man had been drowmted and seine
morse ti hearing time rumor , amid not him' .
it explained , innocently suimt in time ,
tlarmr . , t
Th is will tie time cheapest. inquest for c ) f
c ounty on record.
4 % Run emi a Drug Htoro. )
Nev er was such a rush made on any drug store I
Is n ow at C. K Goodman's for a trial hot lie
of Dr. ICing's Now ] ) iacovory fur Con.
iumpt iou , Coughs n'uI Colds. All persoits
tifecte d with asthma , bronchitis , persoitscries ,
iovcro coughs or mny affoctlom , of tile throat
i tmttgs , can got a trial bottle of title great Vita
omod y rCC by calling at above drug storo. tue
torimi si size. 81.00.
1lnrvtyBoyd. tad
Tim remains of time late Harvey Boyd ,
midost soma of John Boyd , arrived from lie 0
vest last uvoiiSng , in charge of his r
mdc , Thomas F. Boyd.
It will be risienmbered that time unfor- OWIi
unat o boy was gored to death near Fort L jive
ctte rman on Monday last , on the Boyd '
mmcii . 7 2
The funeral will take piaco at 10
'cloc k title znornimig , frommt his father's
OsilC nCU. Oil the northwest cormmer of
oy amid Ninth etruete.
. - 1o
Ma ny ttntus you want. to keep moat or C iO.
fo r several days. Lay it in a solu. ti lie
o f Rex Magnus over night , immid you
k eep it fsr weeks. You can also keeim
b ot
, a week or immure by stirrimmg in a lit. itct )
of tIme "Snow Flake" brand.
- U 0011
V ENEfltBLl VAGABONDS. ti att1
Hairotl Guzzlers on a Connubial
0' renin
"fli cora Wittomack and Douglas last 3timrn
g arrested a man and womnauon , b ringin
Tenth street for drunkenness , both ti er
old enough at least to know bettor. Tobras
Time couple were husband and wife , Mr.
h ad silvery hair and wore each all. erma
tly about sovetity years old. J
The y vere very drunk indeed and olutm
od to be on their way front their g imusts
) in New York atate tu Denver , C.
h their coimibimmud assets vmts aim t : lie
) whisky bottle and a huh dollar. Lcoimtl
ceve taken to jail as the safest it oalth
they could o put away. IitmmIt
_ _
C oMMI8slONJ1t O'ICEEPE. ' JoImi
I nJuriet4 Less Semimnis tlmamt wn 1'iiim
Feared , but Hati Iimmommgh. f time
Tim BEE'S nutmouncoment yesterday ° t time
tim e injury to lion. lliclmtnd O'Kuefu , Mrs
p opular commnty comnnmissioner , caused htlllar
rsal exresSiemiB of lion
, regret every- diliar
o , both among ofFicials and private
ns. It was at that t'mmno feared that I ) .
w ound would Irovo fatal , but Imappily
is mmcl. the case. Joh
Ilium reporter drove out. to see imitmi opoli
rday , immid found imim lying lit bed Mrs
weak anti atiiI'eriug a great deal , butte ho
to converse imm a firm voice aimtl Mrs
of thu 1iluck that wt1 twit moult
gh where others wotfid "throw imp ity
sponge. " ? tlr. O'Keufo'a injurk's 14.
to be riiiciimi1iy iimtormmal and his Slotro
from the arni pita to below time Joim
ms is sore boyoimd description , lie .iItii
k ott thu entail of imi back but for II ,
th at does not scent to immive bcomt hurt trofes
t in that r egion. Ito is still e. ing
d as sommie bottt.r nimd we echo time rii'ed
of idl when we say thmmt. wo hoim be be l'd '
soomi rally amul be able omico lucre to
umc his duties. ll ia
e learn frommt himmi that lie was hurt hmo
t 1 , o'clock itmid then had to ho driveim N'oa
n miles \Vmterloo station whui'o tIme [ staimi
y arrived jtist. 1mm time to catch time P 1 , iiotit
ck train fur Omnaiimm. At time depot I nm n
vas moot 1).r Dr. Pealody anti about i mmmt1
friemmd , time imows of thu aeeideimt. I keepi
mg boon telegrnihed home. 'l'horu ilu is
another bug drive to ommduro to rcadm hoW ,
im uimm imear littacall's place nmmd time two \v.
re rides no doubt. minute ide commdltiomi
ime titmie much worso. 'I'hie bridge yciter
aim old itisteaLl of a now ommo anti time 11.
' immmd drivomi over it wiieim tlmuir at. the i
on mM called to the condition of the !
go and time root of time story Imas a- front
y been told , , lug at
iI great distlugtmtshltmg feature of lloddiimg' . \Vfl
iza t3alve is its iver to reduce limttawatiomi , weeks
- steno.
IIil ) . lili
atK-Jn this city , August 3t , Louis , son Coun
Mr. and MeL Louis Novak , aged three side
tmeral vIll t&ko idaco to.dy , September Mn
a t 2 p. mu , , froth the residence , miortheut west
or of Sixteenth ant WIIUsmns street. K. 0
nds Inyitod. A.
The Orcon Short L1116 to o Ready for
Busilloss ithin Fifty Bays.
Con dition Ot4tfraimn Along ( ho Route.
T imomas L. Kimball , general manager
of t he Uimiomm Pimcific railway , recently
retu rned from a tour of inspection over
time road and its many branches , includ.
in11 the now Oregon Short Line , and ro-
port s time latter as perfect in construction
WI a ny line Ito ktmowa of.
li i conversation witha reporter ho said it.
was expected to have immadu a connection
with time Qrigci Iiavgatiomi timid ltmmilway
com pany's ' rOfti iiiBuriit river tiii stmiim-
nier , but time iattur cotllpafly havitmg nil
its a vailabie forces on thmo Northern P1i.
chic , coimiiectioii will imot be mmiado for
soni c time. ' [ 'hero will boafter tIme Oro.
gamt Short. Line a coniploted , about 75
immilo s of road to be constructed , and this
bein g largely iii Burnt river cimiyoim , vilI
requ ire several iUmltims , to grade. One of
time Oregon Short Line grade contrmtctors
is no w lookimmg over time limie with a view
of ta king a contract to grade 40 miles.
Ti me cud of time 0. 4. I , . track is mmow
Oppo site Btmie , % 'ItUio time old iioito amid %
Vmn tieimmucca road cioses time track , timid
sixte en immilea by sthge from Boiro City.
Stag es vill run fi.mmi . timat loimit , soon ,
Froti m that imiaco to Burnt River is sixty-
five i tmilos ; timid ita time roimd is going dowit
th u ratu of two mimilea her day , amid tIme
gradi img being mmeam'ly coimijileti , d , the rotid
tvjil ho renily for bimahiess timrougimimmmt go
w imeto length itiiin time next fifty
atlys lens.
'l'lm e Union Pacific will build a road %
rromim time Oregon Short Litmuto Iioisemtmmd
iltimo ugim the distance is emily Iifteeim B.
titles by stage road , it vill require about.
imirt y itmiles by ti'mtck.
W hen Burmit River is reached , the If.
igree d point of junction of time Oregon
imor t Line amid the Oregon Navigattomm
tmilw ny , there will be a b8I of about. 75
utIca to close before the Oregon Slutet
Line wiil have a connectioii to time
VLtciC c.
Go od depots are being provided at nflgo
irom inont points along time road , and go
hope are being erected. Time water
mimks are all of time iatest and best vat-
erims , and the road vilL be equipped
qual to its traflic demands , with t1iobest
eim gincs timid cars. 1.
Tim e Salt Lake Tribune says :
" VIiiIo we realize time tact that. the LI.
rego n Short Line will becomno a great I
miglmw ay for travel botweemm time east mmd
n orthwot , serving amuck of Idaho ,
1oiit aima , Oregon and Washington turn- EL
cries , we caimmiot help regret that the
aster n end was constructed where it ird
; for if it ; had had ita eastern termi.
a t Ogden , wimbre it waa originally iii-
emidu d to have been , we would now have l ; .
all rail to Portland , Oregon , and
Jtimh would imot. lmtive beemm cut off froimi I Iowa
nm uch trade as sue now is because of
li ne cast of Pucatullo , mimukmimg a new
cute of travel eastward. "
Fnt crprisimig local agetits wmtmmtod in this
for an article that is sure to sell.
dniigt ste and grocers preferred
Lddro sa Iluniimmton Food Pru8ervativo Co. ,
K ilby treut. lhston. , mii&e.kwliii
hii itreovoort , who travels for the whole-
iia rtlwaro house of Simebergon , Broakay &
C hicago , is at the l'axton iid lcaro.i fur
eas t
Fran k Groenendyko , head of the largest
a nd iiuo house in Lafayette , md. , wan It ,
y yosterdiiy , and called at l'mmx Ban
. lie left for Des MoInes in the after.
w here , it Is said , there Is acme strong at-
nfor him ,
Ilon ry'Voss leaves forLincoin thhm morniug.
Prof . B. A. O'Brien left for the west lent I
I'etu r Coos , propniatonof thoflotol deGoos ,
od from hi European tour yesterday ,
g with him about Forty moneyed sot.
to swell the pojuilatlon and wealth of
. Henry Bolin Is oxpoctotl to rottmrn from .1 '
ny iio.t Tuesday. be . .4.
D . Crane , of hastings ; .1. N. 'raylor , of irulth
, bui , antI II. L. Nissloy , of Beatmiceore tbd
at tlio l'axt"ti.
1 1. Wells , for a long tima night clerk at ' tsp
I'II ettololitamm hotel lii til city , tuitl yIi.
y went \Vulilngt.on , Kansas , fur liii
, dieti there a few dayn age of quick cenT
) IOIi. lIe WAS a Imno follow.
i llarnloy , of Fairmuont , In at time Mit.
l if. Cimisedrick , of St. Louts , I. a guest
Millard. A
d A. Gregory , of Indianapolis , registers
. E. I. Calkius , of Oakland , Is at the arest I1OY
d , It aI.I
' 'V U.
. Ed. McIntyre , of Seward , b at the
' \ yeingarton , of Nw York , Is a guest of
M illard. , iv !
mm Ryan , of North l'Iatto , is at time Met.- 1O
taim. I
. Frammk Dushm , of Denver , Is a guest. of
M etropolitan , 'TA
. A. Lucas antt children , of Neitraska
, are at tIme Metropolitan. 17A
S !
l lomamiti , of Norfolk , registered at the work
1' . 0.
poiltaim Ituititiiiht.
% % '
n E. llniiof Cimeyenno , is at tlu Met. ' . T !
ttitm. LOtca
A. B. WIIlianms , better known. . 'to ' the
siiimm mum ' 'Alihabetlcal , , " now repreectit. I
th e ponmhar Katie l'utnam comimp.'umy , . IITA
in the city yesterday aimd Isstoltilng at V !
illmmrtl , " 4tipiitmbetlcal" iiaiiifrom nearly '
rte of the globe , having travalled all over , 1
U nited States CULl Cammadas , Timsmmmanla , Iienmll
Guiuea , time South Son and Sandwich 1'7A
ls , Australia mmii New /.oataimd , always 1 !
tg sonic mmutabio stage attraction. lie is'I
greo.blo gentiomimamm , a 1mleaummt talker , 'I 1
mi to all the wilmikies of hi&trado , alwaysTA
' \TA
ng iiti weather eye open' for busitmoss.
doing time Mibbourl valley circuit just 311
% % TA
II. ltomuingtomm of tlmti Iterald , arrived - S S
tiay from St. l'tmul. % 7A
1 1
p. lLmtliiway , One of the of
tate Journal , Lhmcolmm , Js at tIme Millard. 1) 7A
rs . 9. W. Archibald amid daughter Mabel 7A
F , I. . Abrahaimi , Litmeola , D.ik. , are vkit. . I 1
D , , Armastrongs.
lain ( ( I , llatiaiii , after tin illness of three l
, bi aa1n at his iontiu Baumer' . jewelry
ss 'Rosa Itohorts , of Oniaiis , formerly of V 1
cil Bluffs , I vislUu old friends on that corne
o f the river. T
' 1
, Paul Mortemm and bunting party went street
Thursday evening In a special car of th. ss'
. St. J. & C , B. It. It. UT
1 1'
II. Swan , of Cb1cso , Robert Urquhart , 11R0
- -
- -
and Johii Donitelly , members of the Enghiim
syn dicate which 1. to Put up the Omaha laek.
lug house , went to New Yerk yesterdmsy.
B . P. . II. IConnely and wife , D. M.'elty ,
wif e ammd f.unllyC. . .1 . Harbor , wife and dtuighm.
tcr , T. C. I'.rtimmer anti sio ( , and It. N. Vlti-
nell atmd wife , were a party of Omaha peopio
tlmat Caille lim yesterday from Spirit mice
who re they iimve had a gand tiimie for the last
two weeks. Major Anmntroiig arid his son ,
Iii iig Armstrong , arrive temnorrow.
J. N. McConnell , mayor of Beatrice , A. V.
S. S aunders , clerk oftitodistrict court of Gage
cou nty , Byron llramit , a stock man , amid C , 0 ,
flnt , cs , adjtmtant of the first reglimment N. N. G. ,
all started from Onuha yesterday for Salt
Lak e and the smid of the Oregnim short line.
Time last. the Bait mnau saw of timoni oae cit the
lIart y was inquiring at. the I'ullman office if
they crnmhii not charter mm whole state haute iii
the l'ulltnan car.
T he following are among time arrivals ut the
Pn ton yesterday : Id. GImtick , K J. Swords ,
ltud oiiii ICroft , hi Levy , New York ; W. it.
N.ia ke , Cleveland ; 11.V. . Kirklmamn , llelyuko ,
Mas s. ; .1. 0. lleynoimii , St. Louis ; W. 11 , '
Mag ill , 11 , 8. Holbrook , lCansas City ; Mr4.
J. IC lttIieIt , hludsin , , Micim. ; A. ileiler , Clii'
eagn ; A. IL. I'iety ( tiugel ) , heaven ; \V. F.
Aibn igiit , ] hiooitilitgtoim , Iii. ; ] is romi Bradt ,
Beat rice ; Dr. 0. 11. Dayton ammd lady , I.immma ;
J. S . hoe. CiiicLIgo ; 'IV. 1. Ilyle , Steuben.
'ille , Ohiht ; Mrs. ' 1 Iltoim , Chicago ; Mrs. Bun-
kit , Mmuicimeter , N. IL ; A , 11.Vood , Citica.
go , \ V. 11. Meire , S. (1. ( 'I'erry Now York ; .
Arthm urS.Varner timid C. \Vuoclwurth , Clii-
c.mgo ; L.V , Ifumucra. Pttitnatm Conipaimy , St.
Loui s ; C. S. Dawson auith wife amu ) Mrs. G. B.
Iiove y , PlattMmoutli ; . 11. Brovort , Citica'
; A . lit , Gaylord , miii B. Ezickel , Non'
York , J , 1IcFaddemi iimtd Iatmiel Collins ,
i'liiit eloljihm'ma ; . .ToiiuVcar' , Cedar Iiaiiids ;
v. W ears , Chicngo ; .1. L. l'tirker amtd 11. B.
Cady , ehiityiar ; 11. M. Oliver , Nebraska City ;
. W . Otlerinan , St. 1.outs ; C. C. Henley
timid 8. 0.Viikiiiu , Chicago , liiitiufs ;
Miss J. A. limeimards , Cortiand , OhIo ;
. G . Dailwig , Non' Yorlc ; F. Veith ,
New York ; \V , S. Weltzien , Milmuan ; C. A.
Fowl er , Chicago ; 1' , Iliebtor , San Francisco ;
v. O womm , Chicago ; W. ii. Aimderson , San
Franc isco ; 0. K. Eckwohl , Chicago ; John
Metit zcr , Sitelbo , Nob. ; S. McSeehy , Chicago ;
B. Fimumoy , St. Louis ; 0.Vheetur , ChicaFul
; George S. McelInmi $ , Scotiamid ; C. L.
hlumn susdion , Now York ; 0. B. Tlmurstoii ,
Now Yoik ; Ii. P. Bogmie , Davenport ; H. 14.
neecr of ; anti wife Demiver ; Maria C. idanms ,
Dave nport , Iowa ; I. H. Culver , Milford ;
J. Bn1gi ; , Milford ; B. N. Grenell , Fart
aibo un ; C. H. Van Wyck , Nebraska City ;
LI.V . \Velhs , Chicago ; H. W. Ockor , St. ;
Louis ; T. Tucker and wife , Cincinnati ; , T. H.
imirsi iall , Council Bluffs ; .r. G. Everest , T.
Cu rrier , J. B. Morton , Charles 0. hall , V
hica go ; C , Shmuitt , Peenia ; Mrs. 0 Mills ,
; J. A. Kelsey , St. Louis ; W. It. Towne ,
ValezI tine ; John C. Poor , Dubuque ; , Ianies V
Prest oim , City ; B. N. Morris , Now York ; 0.
Ch amberlain , fir. Kling , Chicogo ; Win. M. (
Cbgg , Sioux City ; J N. Corziihi , hamburg ,
; 0. B. Maxwell amid wife , city ; J. J .
Jude rwood , Iticlimnond , hid.
B ALL'S1 ' I t a
, -
' ( I _ V
' S
. 1
1 bj. , ' ,
w 0
.o ' ; . j
Ito , t
I V. , , .y
t ,
Every Corset is warranted sat- )
leotony to its wearer in every way , 1
or the money will bo refunded by mc n.
the person from whom itwas bought.
o nly Corset pTOn0000e4 b onr ics4in rthitctsr. .
iuij itrloua to imiowearer , andcnOorsediy ladies s '
' m Oi oomforublo and perlcct fitting uoiloi ve' I'
. .
PftIOESby atmt. Po.ti&ie P.dd
i'reoervtsg. $5.50. 5eIt.AdjuUnt. I.6' 1
, . ihau.i ( extrhoavy ) $2.00. $ nrdg , I.6'U
PreeerTlsg ( One couCil 2,00. L'za.
8klrt.uppQrUDr. i.a. , . 1'
s s1 b te.4tng IIVV i 1) veryWD.ez _
7 U.WAUU 00W ' ' 'ym t\exe' Lt
O ! VROPE ! ; )
Buy your Europeaii Seaniahli. 'flckcts via the
AT. ST1'i'U1S1Jh1.whIch iitIt shortest ant' 'I
route. For tttfermathm , , circular. , etc , cali om -
. rcss If. B. iitny usv. cor , Faratn , , an.1 itt ) .
. H . liMiTli. lire flhIcu.'p'.naIis. ! . N..Ii. f
' ' , ,
p J4J.jrfJ , OES. : E2-1
o Nr.y ANEn0iCbU'mortgigeroom 1
N ebraskaNation.J flhkflu3idlntr. 184-U .2i
NF.Y To LOAN-J. ' . Beatt oans on chattel' 1' ZO
p roperty. 213 South 14th $ t. 544.lm' I
UEL ? WN'rlu. F bit
NTgl-Cook nima dliv ) aber , man or wotum , , IIt )
. t I'seItlo house , Jut ) . sod t'a1.Itol aio. 351.m'I sin
I ni imil'n
NTED-A young lady ho Is expert iii ien' 103-I
, uai,4Ij , , and accurate at figures to do otlt u
I n a wholealu storu. Addressby letteeC. & Cu. . _ 'pmt
box 40 Umalta aOl ! 3 ,
7'A NTEI-Three first class tailors , 2 coat niaksrs ' ' $ ' )
aiim ! I halIte imuiker. Steady w.rk. Al'i ly .4 .
t o A. 0 , ltuc'itcn , North l'Itte , Nub. aII 4 -
7A Nl'E1)-A ( liriforsecand work at 920 llarney F 'molt _ i
li t , Call litiutodlatchy. aoe.1 -'oil '
NTED-A uitietemt , girl without delay , A1. - 1 cU
ly at O5 N. lit ) . ateum , , ( up-stairs. ) tsi3 tf Iit
'A NI'Ffl-.A young gui t , ) ) i.1j in a tatmtll $ . att
1)jtto or cclu ) .hierred . , noctlinw4 corner 'ijili
toeiitt , , I'erhltlnts ) , auditl.'n , 4L5im' I
NLID-couk ; inn iteitauraut . 14 nouth 13th
Pt. 4t.L' 11
NI11)-CarIsnteri. 14. N , IIEL.L ,
mi.'J1 l'ark aye , amid aomgla sheet. F OR
NTt1.nmnctllateiY. . a girl of 18 to assist In -ml"iIt
l , uuawomk , 5l.s , Crook , .4IxSt. Mary's acau , , Fin
3 11 au-t
NI1U-llcrd boy at &natoga pairy. , ro
3T5.1 it sid
- .tr teLe
NTIiA girl for genorclhousunorklrt aiiia1 ' -
t.titiily , geoJ bUt St. 3S8 31. F ,1tlt
rn : _ old lo smnafl fatally , 3T ) Douglasbt. t rt.
NTE1)-ili1ng , rooni gir ) &t the Omn&hs hauic F
mmes.meoi Jtart.uytit. 335.l , ro
mutt twugiri. at 'OIL
home ! , t3
I ,
' ' tim
at mioo rartism t'
ANTED-A good womnsn cook In ssoi&ll f&mliy , . - , . required , g .od .ges P' ltuuIrq J tI4t
c lxtccttth ud Jscken SttcU. P. F. . iLtL. an
ANTuU-A gooddru clerk , ' 01t
Uenu&im . CSII or .ddreu Ut N. itt bu
, OutahL J.ZE11 UINO.
' sm , ; iol
: '
AN1'W-A good Oseman nriforgener.mhous. ( . tz ccc
work. luqulec at Mrs. Ii. Dorns resume. ,
57 strati , tmctsucn2Oths.a4t1stts. $3 2 $ 3
- - - - - -
ktgil1,1.J V
, .
for InfantS and Chfldren. .
Cnstoriapromimc'm Dkrestlon
. ( ' Flutuleuey , Iioimntipa-
lion , Sour Stomach , Diarnimcpa , amid
Feveninhinegs. It Insures health and
unturat sleep , 'ivithiout morphine.
I I , Castorla ti , so well tuumptodto Chlidren that
recommend ItaSsuperlor
loony prescription
known 10 illo. " ii , A. Aaczmzn , B. P. ,
8'l'ortlnd Ave. , Eroklyn , i. Y.
CENTAUR LlNIMPJT-mtn absointo cisro for Ithouma. . '
thOm ) , Simmins , IJiirii , Gulls , &c. The most Powerful antI lono-
trating I'nuii-reliivlng , iiiitl healing Roumely known to man.
- - - - -
Fh e Product of American Industry I
Ful l assortment constantly on ilanil anti for sale by
HENItY FUHRMAN , Frmnont , Neb.
7'A NTED-A smart young loan for vortmr at
I.i Tstroii anh .
_ ! ± ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' A NTED-A g..od clinlna roorm , girl. Apply at
t hu Planter's Iluuia , cor. 10th and Dddgo Sts.
i64-3 t'
i"A NTEI-A C01111)CtCflt engineer by the $ chuy-
I ic r mtIgar 511(1 $ yrum. Manufacturing company.
tI.ea s 'iVclig & Nlcutan , 5c11U3Ier. Net , . 363-31
(7A NTEL-A nurse girl about 18 years clii. Call
I at bit S. iali street or achire , , b x 613.
L7A NTaD-Man to work In garden.
Sii3't TOUSLF'.Y BRos. ,
ii3't f Next mslr Ground. ,
(7A NTEI-Olrl at No. 1086 Sherman avenue.
1 ' 3lmtS.J. .i , COUNSMAN.
IJA NTED-An exlierlcnee.tcomtctent and veil
C r econimnetded drug clerk. Zoiia other itced ap
m'.lY to A. Su'eion and Bro. , Eearney Net , .
't NTED-Lady agents for the 'Quoen l'rstcct.
or . 1111W Ulider garnent for ladies. matte of
, Oe .iblo rubber. Sure protectiom , to the under-
or , a but , necessary to be scott , . iletalis for $ . ( x )
fa.t as agents cat , .how it. Large proilts..ddress
h t a1)Ip , 't.atties' Uundem-ganuei.t iIa.iufactuilng .
Nn , Ii c M , , . treet. ' ) i'm' ' . lii. 7iitJ-3n
TA N'IIID-Immnsdlatclyby 2 hung men a
l uti.ished . . located viti. or with.
boa rd. Addreai S. hair lieu otilco. 401.311
A N'1 mi.l'oiition ' as stenographer and typo
v rlter. Address 'B. A , ' Itc ottico. 35.6
tTA N'IF.D-ituation In r ii Insurance , Law , foal
E state or Abstract otliec. I own amid can oer-
a t ype writer. Beat of references gii'eu. Ad.
VS " i.C , VrIter , ' care Bee oitlc. 3T8.l
ltA OTlCAL stinugmpherof ioyars oxpe lance
Pre pared to htl.o one or two more evening Pul.Iis.
iO 'Iitcin' shorthand thoroughly taught. 'rerms
Iii , HIVflttS. A.tdrrs A. It. Itceoffico. 160.31 *
% ' ' I i.i" Gu4t pr.ctieam Stinter , . .tedy . Job , 4e
p orittooth. LOUISciVANm3ON ,
P37-b it Uiybaes , Nab.
LT'.S NTEI-A istner withab uttc.)0. ) capital for
a iaYtig busliteva. ilecan he chv or not.
dm'w- s "A. 1t."Beeoltlce. 40131
'A Nl' . t-\'i hum two blocks of 0th and Casm ,
t ikely turnlhed ruom or room , for two gentle.
. 11cfrtnces exchanged. y. z. Beot1tce.
tTA NTmD-A : few t..b1 boardsr at 1U15 Clco )
s treet. 3--3it ;
L1A N'IEti-1'.at1ie and gentlamen , ' bcok.
I .ee Jig amid have sttuations , J. Ii. SSIITII ,
Io ugla St. 542.1 $
LTA NTED-3.nlO bubels of fresh.pickcd , ripe to
SiIi atoe'datfl..rrI , & Fl.hers. 327-ti
7A N1'E1)-Tno ufurnlshed , rooms suitable for
l ight 1ouao hee.Iiig. Mtdrei IC. E. it. . otflea ,
tltig tero.s. .
FoR RENT--Bouscs and Lots.
ClL IIENI-Tite sccod , story of houoo 1214 1)od
stie ct , imiqulmu e u mitemulocs. 401.1
elI ltuNr-Ijommse of 10 rooms.
4 02 81 oao I. ( IILIIEItT.
: Piano for iont , Inquire ttt Edhoitu & Erkic.
so il's mnuoic s or , 13 north 10th mit. 405-6
fN'-'lJrlck ' , , . , 2 a2xm 0
fe et , tsar 11. U , track. - Suit VEIl .ic filth.
olt 11F.NT-lI use , Droomstwodoictq and good
baa emcnt. ifard and soft Water. * 26.00 mime
Ut . Cur , 14th and Webster. .
- 1 J.ts. CALLAIIAN ,
0t' ! RuNT-Front turnLhed
hionor , elegantly ,
5 CIlcago. ,
RhY Furjabed 4rorjt roomi large an s.Xry 2117 , .t
W . - - - - - . . -
c11.t.rft. - ' _ _ 382.1 of
- ' - - -
itEbT-Furni.hed room , 1nnlre at Ilospo'
iti thiic amid art store , Dodge mtreet. I _
I1ENT'l'ho large house INi
boarding , if room , ,
flodgostrcar. nextdOwto the corner of 10th.
' In the atuir. J , IIANNINUTON , cl Ne
- tt
1tENT-Unfurnlcd ro mute , 1724 Douglas. _
. .l
iI itIl4 l'-A hOW store , lttb anti Caplt.'l ' aeiiue.
l OS 31'
IIRNT-A rooni and. barn at isee Payrstiort
. 23131
RI'V-lirick store. Iitqulre at drug to at
r. lOll , * ) It luugllcs .treet. 3iUU ing
IulNr-.Two floors mud
l'asamei.L . Elevator
ache , ! . ILO ? Fainatu itrect , 2'Dtf
ItlT-jjThheI roomne Ith boeni
ba th .tc. I'Ittest location in the citv , 2428 ga
im $ t. ITO-ti 0
ll o1I-4:4 : ANII STIitIS-I'or rent cieal' , . Ilol : obo ina
li ii , & fottr , ro.umm . 20 , Oumaita NatU.nal , flank. tad
IIKN'F-A i.ii-ai'uit fruit m'noni ; also .miialie ,
om , wit ) . bjar.i , 1f12 Iodgu , St 045-tmimui
ltlN'l'-'unilod ) , aniF'imfurnlshed rooms.
e location. lECIO. Opp. 1' . 0.
i Mo
IIEN'l'-lf.jlcijces .umd . storobuildings. 1IK1i add till
itim 8011E11 , lies , ) 1.tatu . Office rej
e 14th sheet. betwven Farmiam and Douglas
. . 792.1
IIENT-Nuw roouis funilehed or unfurnished ,
h board. Iteferences required. 1610 lwen.
, 43-t1 T
IQA hALt. .
om-a Lot 7 tt.x12' . IL 14,1.50. 312'1 L
SALE.-itestauratit and flxttmres to run tart. . ICi
) varderean..Idolmig rtlentIIil buaimten. 'VII
I.aym.iu..t Lu suit i urchasers. oat lstactosy
c for sclflug , i.ddrcss "lleataurnt , ' Bee ottice. I
f' f
ItAt.l-A aba'galami somali osierIlahataun 1
d Cus lIre liroci safe. luq'.ire at this oetcm. J.
hALf- Barber shop with three chair. , goo1 E
siness , low remit. Inguir. lie. office. 173It *
t SALII-SpvcIil bargain-il room house with I A
od lmnl'ro.emeuts , umar .trcet tar. . Full lot am
a nd abrubber , tio. Easy tiring. 13
1t OmiliaNmitlocia ) fink. lo
What gires our Children rosy cbeirs
What cures their t.on. , makes them * fep
'Tim CstnHa.
Then babies fret anti cry by turns ,
What cures their yolk , kills their worm. ,
lint CastorJ. .
What quickly cures Constipation ,
8oui Stomach , Colds , Indigostlo. ,
1t'areweU then to Morphine Syrupe ,
Castor Oil and j'arcgonic and
flail CitoytI
- -
( ,
F omt SATf-Shvk and fixtures of a flrit.class ros
taurant. 'IVIJI pa ) ' for itself dum4ng state fair
Go od ecimsomie fOr selling. Address "liestaurant" osm
De c 0111cc or 1518 Dodge street , 28l31
F elt sAha-cholce acre lots In city limit , very
cheap at fran' , seed store , 14th and Dodge
. ' 582-1
'TJ "out SALIO-A car load of Coo young driving and
Iba family horse acidyoungbroodmare. ApplyBlue
rnl5thdt. 301.11
F oIl SALII-Complete home hold. outOt for aolr ,
31322nd between ChlcagoandDavcnport.
TJ "omt SALE-Large assortment of houses , lots and
.I _ buittes property at I'AULflEN & CU'S ,
3 501 1509 Farnaxn.trcct.
J 0lt SALE-Comp'etc en of household good , .
Inquire at 1513 Dodge street. 161.31
1- ; 1oft SALf-Four lots in south Omaha. Good 1-
_ L catIon , $200. cacti. Inquire at fce'otlico.
1 7 ' 0it SALE-A clean stock hanlware. lint-gain.
j _ I-insy . terms. , Addres 31. J. Virk , Milford , Nab.
3 1t.lui
I Olt S.LE-A veil establishi I business-of 10 years
standing , In the heart of trlml and trade. Ad.
dro , , " . . "
"A. 13. ( A" omaha , 304-31'
L "olt SALE-Ilouso and two lots It , south Omaha ,
.1 chea1 , and easy i.aymenb . Inquire Chits , Joseph ,
10t h amtd Castellar street , l0och's Boor Uarden.
2 95-7'
I ° ' SALE-One fresh iiiilk cow , ale young calf
Inqwre at Edholtu and Erlcksoims Jewelry store
'ott SALE-A bay mare , flue stepper. 180.3 SV
t olt SALE-A number one hot-sc , will drive sing ! .
J _ or double and vIll be sold at a bargain. Inquire
at time 0111cc of the Grand Union Tea Co. , 1W S. lath
8L . . _ 162-If
j on SALE-Smnall house , new , about one-half aa.
lot. Easy tines. Price only 3 0.
1 44-tf 1506 Farnamnstroet. .
D Olt SALE-Rostaurantand lodgh.ghonse OroomL
I Apply or address , 9421' . St. Lincoln Neb. Q97.3
fl OItSALII-200 Ewes.
U ' tJ
B ItICK FOIl SALE CIIEAI'-At 15th street , south.
of liellevue road , or 008 North 13th at. 080-lint
I ' " Oil SALE-F2ne farm cloio to thu city.
.1' ste-ti I'ECK. Opposite P. 0.
300 yenning heifer , .
2" two ) ear old helicre.
40Q mixed calves , Ut tuber delivery.
200 heid 3earilslg steers , October delivery.
70' head sinooth two atid three year old steer. .
Iowa . - sb. l.
STRANGE 11110'S.
CatS tle Contractors , hide , Wool and Tallow dealers ,
S iux City , lutes. 3o3.lm
No . 1-Isaics & Shcldcmi addition , ott Coburnatreet ,
. two lots 10x124 i-ac ) . . Good lmoUo , six room ,
at 82,300. A title , .ulmurbam , home ,
No . 2-A residence ot between Farmiani and Itarney
streets at 81,700. A fine locatlomi , , -
No . 3-Four lots amid hmoo 3 blocks south of SI , . '
fury's avemnle at $2IJIJO. Cheap.
No . 4-I Wi , lots om , t'ark avenue , Thu boat . values oa
ttmuat-cmtue ,
No . 5-Itetlich's Second addition. Good lot and first '
cia , , jnipruveiiier.ts. 'i'v'o housei , east. fronts.
Look at thIs at 82O0
No . C-A 1120 acie farm , 12 miles wet of Omaha.4
mullen from Elkhurrm Station at $8 tier acre.
No . T-fleautlful resldevco bite , 200 feet eaot front.
144 led .outlilroc4. k'Inctt clew ii , the city.
Call for price.
1 84-31 Opitaltu l'otofllco.
' tOll dALE-A fleet class .t-uuiati i..uii lop tiuggy.
Call at 1319 haney street. IOltf
I 'olt SALE-Iteildence and business property i
all parts of Omaha , and Farm , . Lands In all parts
t he iltato. UtilFOltU &SOUlilt ,
7 93-If 213 S. 14th St. bet. Farnatu smtd Douglas.
1i- molt HALE Oft EXCIIANUE-Fuil lot amid thre.
' , _ _ _
dwellings corner of 11th amid l'acifio street. . .
ne lots In so.tb Pmaha. Also 100 acre. of land
nea r Satiton , Ncbrituui , sod building and stoek of
, thlmmg No. 804 'lwntlm Itt-eeL VIli exchange for '
braska farm linde. Further particular , i 0.0. 'v
. l'etersoi' , Clothing fibre , 104 Temith street. ,
. 466-eod.ti "
zj .olt 8ALi.-Old , '
revapapers iii merge situ sman
i , entitle , it th ! . eftice. tf g
and a itilIk cm. Owner can 11.00 eania by cullIng'
fSmli anti Hunter' , bilekyard , India , .
charges. 370-5 *
lmAVED-Asnail _ dark brindle cow , about four'
years . old , fruit , C. V. Smith , 1514 nerO. . 19th St.
M iu.ti
TUA'5'lL ) ott STOLENAbay ltor.o,4 yemu-s old'
about ii lands 1.1gb . , a black Itusty tall aiJ
ne , a lull . -et of lies Informuatini. . of his where.
uts mt-ill lu thaitifully recuisol by I' . Ilonaghan ,
and lit. Mu y' . . avemtuu , Oziulia , 101. . . '
A Select Primary School aimd board forcltildeen at
2311 CalIfornia itreet. 201.1 *
' EALi'lIl 1'ltUt'OA.S ! will ho marched at my oIII
( S V , c roar Douglas and Foitrteotttb $ unt
nday next , So.tersheg-3d '
, atS o'clock p. iii. . to
tlto pond om , lots 9 , 0 and 10. block t , Ii , l.ko'a
itIon sli fur 3 amid for 4 feet. lloserving tn. right to
ert bILlS. JOlilM. CLAIIEE ,
3 37.31
* iteal Latate Agent.
fAt71iEmts allifinda good home at 1014 wli'
street. 34,9-ti
OT-Aso1dlsr's diichazgo apcn in mm bundle of
2 4 63tf shirts. lletvan to Jairv-ts iireunan , Slavsu house.
EAVE OltOfitS-Fee baggage , express or
rlagua , to enY part ii th. mity , It 43 II. lath at.
elihOflO No. 149. , A. * ' . KELLNEIL
2 -zm'mtmil
F"1wacit piles dosmu So ; any purpose , moo
floyd.Cam.tielil .
AKEN Ul'-Twe P1f5. will t ) , deiIic main , to
. owner on laYIetit of damagrs and '
_ Ce.t& NV' ,
Hahn. Court house. sea-st
- lewk.
& 0Ilt 0 * ' i'ALiiYS'1'RY AND CoNlimos.
LIIIT , 493 Tenth Street , between Vsrnau sad pat.
y , will , With ibm aid of gu.&rdltti spirits , obtala to :
7 005 L glac. of the past and peasant , "ad ce
rtalo oondliloo. in Lb. tutur. oct and Shos
ad. Is ordor. L'.xlect maWgj
- - -