Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1883, Image 1

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    i7i w
' YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. SATURDAY DiQltviNG , SEPTEDI73EIt 1 , 1883. 1 NO. 05.
' SVG Z Alnbert GR U NE BAU M B R 0 S e x
' . . ' , , . -I aD : Et-YT c + o c D s w i . . . \ . . , x
.1 1.309. FarnamStreet. . 1309. I
The improvements in progress on our Building will soon be com e e an in a short time we will announce
. , ; . : e a an date.o . our .
. : . . G RA l1 D 0 P E N I I1 G . ' ' . . : .
r . p
We will make our o ems an even never before wsnesse in Commercial circles in Omaha. Our enormous
stock is arriving daily an will soon be ready an in position or public inspection an consideration. . . t s ,
C . .
i i i . ' - . , .74"w e''vr' . . ' , + : , rt. ' * e ; Ctc.11 ' , p' ' N , t
. . . BROS ;
Paroxysmal Eruptions Continueith
Lessened Bestructioe Power ,
.Mighty Crater , in the Height of
Its Glory , Split in Seven
Pieces , '
And Seven Columns of Fire and
Smoke Spread Ruin on Surrounding -
rounding Valleys.
Land and Water Thickly Covered
With Ashes and the Air
Charged With Car-
bonio Gas.
Fourteen Mountainous Peaks Itise
Up From the Ocean , Where Novo
Were Seen Before ,
Special dlepatch to TUE DES.
LONDON , August 31.-Reports from
Batavia received tonight , are of a were
encouraging nature , although the details
of time horrors of tire eruption continuo
: to come. After the sudden subsidence
of the disturbance in the Kingdom of
tntam , Monday , the eruptions seemed
o lose their force for some time , and the
e0plo of Batavia experienced a fooling
of relief in the mope that the worst had
passed. The quieter condition continued
until about 10 o'clock when craters once
were began to send up great masses of
destructive matter , although without time
force of the former actions. The orup-
ti0ps Seoul to be more violent at night
than during the day , fly 11 o'clock the
Pal andayang , which is 4034 feet high ,
was in a very active state of
It was accompanied by detonations
said to have been heard many miles away
in Sumatra. Three distinct columns of
\ flame were seen to rise from the monu-
lain to a vast height. The whole surface
' soon appeared as if covered with fiery
lava streams , which spread to a great distance -
tanco on all sides , humus fell for miles
around , and the black fragmentary matter -
ter carried into the air caused total dark-
In 355 , while wind accompanied this erup
r. ' Lion by which houses , roofs , trees , men
and homes Hero carried into the air.
The quantity of ashes ejected
'ewe such as to cover the
ground and the roofs of arouses at
Dummo to a depth of several feet O
Point CaaY a floating pumice on time sea
' through which vessels forced their way
kith great difficulty. The rise of vapor
) produced the appearauco of a column
rp \
. .eW' . . ' . , , . . ,
several thousand foot high based on the
edge of the orator. It appeared from a t
disuanco to coitsist of u muss of innu
nierablo globular clouds of extreme
whiteness , resembling vast balls of cotton -
ton rolling one over the other as they ascended -
cended impelled by the pressure of fresh
supplies incessantly urged upward by the
contmucd explosions. At a great hight
the column spread into a dark , turbid ,
circular cloud shaped like an immense
uuibrella. Forked lightning of great
vividness and beauty continually darted
from ditterunt parts of the cloud , Suddenly -
The mountain was split into seven
parts without a moment's warming , and
whore time Papandayang had stood alone ,
there rvero now sevuli distinct points
looming up to a great height lu the
.earns opened could be seen great balls
of moltuli mutter ; from tlio tiasures pour'
ed clouds of atuatn , and black ejected
lapillo flowed in steady streams down
the mountain sides , forming beds two
or three hundred feet in extent. The
exhalations of carbonic acid teas were so
abundant that birds and animals in loge
numbers were killed by it , and n few ,
human beings lost their lives the same
way. 'r'ids proved I to be. the turning
point in the irruption , for the great fissures -
sures opened seemed to act as safety
valves , through which streams of lava
gently flowed dosvn'iuto the valleys.
Volcanic fires , though stilt burning at
last advices , had lust most of their fierce-
floss , and the atones generated found vent
without being foxed through comparar
tivoly narrow mouths of the old craters ,
was time sudden rising during Tuesday
forenoon of fourteen nuwvoleanre mount-
ales m the straits of Sunda , and forming a
cumplate chain in almost a straight line
between PointSt. Nicholas and the Javanese
nose coast and Hogo Point , on the coast
Sumatra , almost on the top of what had
been the Men k and liflddlo Islands ,
whiehisunk in u time sea Monday. There
wag no surious changes in time coast or
formation of time straits of Sunda. Tlme
British government and the Lloyds have
telegraphed from Lr'ndon to all foroigu
points , warning vessels that navigation in
those waters had become exceedingly
dangerous ,
In time city of B.uttau where 1,600 per-
soils were at first supposed to have pur
ishcd , the bodies of .1,8110 have already
Loon recovered , Bone 000inhabltants 0t
the interior town of Lvarorga are now
known to havu been killed , and at T.da-
nuita , on tbo coast , 300 bodies have been
found. From all over the island come
rolorts of loss of life and property ) and
it 1e thought at Batavia that time estmnntu
of 76,000 killed will not Provo excessive.
On the lowlands of Batavia , where the
waters have receded and quieted down ,
hundreds of bruised and mangled bodies
are lying exposed. A sanitary corps has
been formed , and time co tom are being
removed and buried as fast as possible ,
iii order to recent the breeding and
e ) road of contagion. While there is
cause of anxiety on this score , it is
thought the greater umber of boies in
the interior so dried and scorched
by time hot lava and stones that they will
not putrify , and time bodies of those
drowned by the tidal waves can be taken
care of with reasonable facility by the
coast sanitary corps , now rapidly getting
to work.
WASH iNGTON , August -Commo- -
dora English , actin $ secretary of the
navy , today cabled instructions to the
conunanduig officers of the Juniata and
Enterprise , now at Singapore , to proceed
withm those vessels to tire straits 05 Suudu
to exanino time condition of affairs there ,
and particularly as to the effect of the
recent earthquakes amid eruptions in that
vicinity. The are ordered to warn all
unerch t vessels of time danger to navi-
! , gatiou which may have been caused b Y
The Union I'aellcs Again Beat time
Des Dlohnes-Other Deluge on
Turf mind Dimuuund.
Siodal Dispatch to Tins oes.
DES MOINES , August 31.-Time Union
Pacific base bull club , of Omaha , beat tit
Des Moines again today by a scorn of 8
( t. The Des Moines club was primped for
It victory today by fair or foul ulemls.
The umpire was outrageously biased and
done all in his power to beat the Omaha
boys , but the latter were so far superior
to their oppanonts that they snatched
victory from them in spite of the unpiro
and a large crowd of howling backers.
The boys have battled against many
prejudiced.unpires during their trip , but
the one tu day possessed were ignorance
of the rules of time game and loss courtesy
than all others put together ,
Time Omahas made 18 hits , 14 safe ;
Des Moines 12 hilts , 10 safe.
McKelvoy , Whitney mid Brigs were
the batting battery. Baudlu did fine
work behind the bat. Time score is as
follows :
Union P aclads.1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 28
1)e + Melaea.0 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0-0
rrurs-l + uur each ,
INIhIANAi'OLIH , August 31.-Indianapo
his 0 , Cluvelauds 2. The Cleveland club
played cite innings and time Immdiamnipolis
BAY CITY , August 31.-Bay City. 7 ,
Quincys 6 , an exhibition gone ,
I'UILAIIEI.I'IIIA , August 31.-Provi
dunces 0 , Philudelphias 3.
NEw YouK , August 30.-Bostons 4 ,
Now Yorks
Time Hloux City Fah ,
Sioux Crry , August 31.-Active prop-
aratnnms are making for time fair , Septum-
br 25th to 28th , rime ba.trd has author-
mad $7,000 in purses for s1iecd , making
at attractive prugrummno , mud has also
a'ithurizcd time secretary to arrange for
, hariot racoi , ladies' equeeirian races , In
dian races end other specialties ,
The linl µ ats of Iaibor.
CINCINNATI August 31.-The general
assembly of the lxni htte of Labor of tlmo
United States will begin a session of
several days duration So ) tomboy
4th. It is stimated that from 80 to 100
delegates will be present.
The Butch Arctic Egpodition Ectarns
Laden With Frozen Feet and Coa-
tractod Bowolsr
Shttkspeare's Bones to be Exhumed -
humed for the Purpose of
Comparison ,
A Largo Variety of Itmns Front All
LoNDoN , August 30-A dispatch from
Nardoo , Nurwuy , states the atcumur Ohio
arrived tharo luiviug cu board nmmubora
of lima Dutch expedition to time Arctic
which sailed in time stcaumur Vurmi. Time
Varun foundered July 'ttlm in latitude
71,4' north , lougitudu 03' east. Time
mmumbers of the expedition were rescued
near time island of Wa rgatz. Tutu Ohio
reports time steumur Dljunblina ice bound
near 4Vargatz througtmuut the winter.
All on bumd are Hull , 'ime captain is
confident of reaching open water , Time
crow of the Varmi luft time Dijenbhna
August let meld were rescued by time Oblo
August 26th. They go to Ifannierfcst
by time steamer Nurdcnskluld.
between Franca mid Anam was signed on
time part of the latter country by Her-
phenia , who represents time peace party ,
because Nimrlmul , who aucceeded ICing
Tuduc,0ed with time arny at time approach
of the l + 'reneii sudiurs , whom hu fuuid
at Hue when the French reached there ,
with time exception of time palace guards.
Time meeting at Salshury yesterday , be
tweolt Bismarck and Count Kulvuky , time
Austro Ilungarian minister of foreign af
fairs , lasted two lours. Lismarck lelt for
Gasteiu ,
Time govormnummt of Morocco apologized
to Italy for the recent trouble in Algiers
and time dilliculty turmrminatcdl
The Vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon ,
signilied his willingness to i4low time rim-
mums of Shakespuure to bd exhunod.
'lire object is to compare time skull of the
poet with the bust and portraits of Linn ,
Orders have been given to prepare time
castle at Stettin fur occu'pane ' o Ear
urur 4Villian iii view of thu expected
meeting of the czar at that cif' ,
It is reported that time hornn ofilco authorities -
thorities severely cousured tho'otliciahe of
Queenstown for faihiu g to protect James
Caer wllu was killed iii south Africa by
Icing Alfonxo , the minister pf marin o
and the minister of works have gone to
Time president of the Hungarian coup
cif , in order to put a stop to the outrage a
upon Jews , has decided upon severe un-
orgetle mcaaures ,
Admiral Inifiold of the British navy
asked pcrtmsston of time Porte to make
surveys for a canal is Palestine , The
purte declined to give assent.
It is stated Cuumt do Chambord directed -
ed that his body should always remain at
Goritz mid that it should never be taken
to Franco , " 'l'imey would not have mo
living and will not want sic dead , "
A dispatch front Ilong'Kong says the
uneasiness over the Touquiu affair is uti
abated , Muvements of Chinese troops
continuo mild time Frcbcli admiral is
watchiu $ events closely.
Six Inislunen suspected of being cam-
nucted with dyuanrite attenipta in Glus
gow were arrested in Glasgow last night.
Deaths frcum cholera'I'lmursdny , 327 in
upper Egypt.
Time treaty bf' emnnu + rce with. Spain
passed its second reading in the reiehmatag
by a large nmojurity.
Homo Tall Swearing by time James
Faintly anti Fmiciiils.
GALLATIN , Mo. , August 31-At the
npmmiug of court this morning , don.
Shelby : ' 'If amm thin' that I
aid or dune yesterday , olbndud tie
dignity of time court , I regret. it exceed-
ingly. As to I have mum re
ruts , " Judge 4loudueui replied : "Our ,
dhelb your conduct. ostemdu in a
pearimib % efoe time court um an unfit cou-
ditiou and showing an insubordinatu
spirit. , was ro rehousible in time extrennoy
ait as Ilot upl dohanco of time dignit
of time court , butcaieulatod to prejudice
time interest of time defendant , " For his
cunduct in court cold threats outside , the
court fined him $10 for contemn pt of
court. J , 0 , Lason Anmnas Duvuf W.
D , Rico and Jmunemm Duval gave testiino-
ny in time attempt to impeach time vuraci-
ty of time Fords and Bultens ,
tetra. Snmueie , time mother of Francc ,
testified dart tmole did not como to her
house immediately helene or mdlor time
Winston mobbury. Othurs mcumbers of
time family testified to time samu ofruetnnd
in eoutradtctiou to Dick Liddil's state-
mounts. Thu duformdnut was put upmn
time stmuul amid gave mm detailed history of
his career , cl. Min ; , with the atatenleut
tlmat he was in Do Haon at time time of t o
Winatem rubbery and hurried buck to Ins
sister's residoumee m ' 1'oxus so that he
could mint ho chaged with participation
in itVhon asked to doseriuu the route
from Douisorm'I'exar , to time house of Imia
sister , ? .lrs. 1'nlumer , dufuaaant could not
give it immediately , or the naves of parties -
ties with whom he stopped while in Clay
county , Ile ut acmmimmted
cow bo + by time nulno of flu nos. Defense -
fonse timon ested their case aiyd the court
adjourned ,
Time 1)s ; liters' foul.
CHmoACo , August 31.-Time executive
committee of time Western Export associ
atiun , colltrelling all distilleries north o f
time Ohio river , mot today with Peori a
distillers , ono or two of whom wore die
inclhmud to sign Ube agroeiuent for limnit
hug productions during time coming year ,
Some concessions were made to +
time nature of which leas not transpired
and the agreement was signed. This
agreouient goes into effect to morrow ,
and II. B , iller president of time nsso
eiatioue teiebraPimod all distillers in time
agreement to limit their production to
26 per cent of time capacity. Under this
arrangement tlmo cotubinnd production of
time association will be 170,000 gallons
daily , coneulnimmg 43,000 bushels of grain ,
- -
A Now Telegraph Company Formmicd
on limo Co ep , l'Ittu.
BOSTON , August 31.-Time Citizens and
Teiegraihors' , National ( luiun ' 1'ulegran
and Cablegram ; , couimen i s annnuucod.
The cn Iitill stock is $ fi 000 s000l shares of
$ 'd6 ouch. No 1 ersoms to be 1e rumittud
to hold morn tbnn $100,000 worth , mho
object of time compmly is to Irorcimm o or
cuustruct nod opurute Hidepondent tub.
graph mid cable lines iii the United States
and Caada and across the Atlantic.
There are to be 13 trustees or diri'etora ,
( if whnum sovonahallropresenttime citizens
mid six time telegraphers. Subscription
books will be opened Soptuniber 15.
Lincs will be built or purctasud ) and
opornted no faster than the subscriptions
to tie stock ahahl provide time terms.
Ever em luYo amid otllcor must be a
stockholder. Time cor orators named in
time document arc Eugene J. Skiunor p
Clmarlea E. Chute audT moruas W. Greene ,
of Boston.
Time Iowa Hinto Fair.
DES Mo1NEs , August 31-Tina state
fair conunomiced today with a much
i larger list of entries tluut in the history
of time association. The display of machinery -
chinory is twice as extensive as last year ,
I Time show of blooded stock will be unusually -
sually fie mid large , for time acconnnoda
tion which additional buildings are being
eructed ,
The Bornards nt'Bome.
CHmAco , August 31 , = 1'he St , Bernard
Connuanderyy ICuights Tom dnr rgacimed
botuu fro111 San Francisco this uveninbg ,
'l'imo wuro , i et at the depot b a de utim-
tion of 4001Cui gilts from local cnnmman-
duries mid escorted to time St. Bernard
Noce not get well of Reiff ; ft requires careful , pen
shunt attention and a remedy that will assist nataro
to throw off limo causes and toua up the dlgesUvo
organs tlmltheypcrtonntheir duties wifhigly. Mrs.
liuworlh , of Amherst , N , I ! . , after tgbpg many
, 'sutocures wfhoutbcncatfoural that
hood's Sarsaparilla
idt the nail on the ; cad and restored her to I eaIUI.
Among tie agonles erpedenced by the dyipepUcare
dUtreucforeorafrceealinglouof appeUte , Irregu
iarfy of limo bowel. . , wind or gas and pain In the
stomach , heart-barn , sour stomach , ac. , cauaing
mental drprculon , nervous nrttablilty and sleeplas-
Real. It you ere dtecouragedbeofgoodclceerau4lry
hood' . Sarsaparilla. 1t tea cured hundreds , II wilt
cure you It It a tai. cloaca.
I Maus ller ncu = hove ' np a' dsd to try peod'e e
D.rUm form W1o lHOlaas beep rrouLed Wtaui
digestUonen eWtl r Nv e 7 un i
rrre S er e
n ails rem to m la
taken tbean Villa 'lerhrsta" ton
'ro e. Ste is w Q lug the four " Nt ' t r
} IC , Uatae tea 1I . d bmzaae tl m
] tlrml y teY freer' harwuprd pleen t p9'uthe
c Nt USSYOIt' ll tuhent N 11 .
m lb C IJ 00a&Co.howeuMals.I'rke
I /tiN tee m , oudhrlruggvu. , . . . . {
The Coo 1 Command of a Burt Coast .
Highwayman kith ills Artillery
Primcd ,
Two Aooommodating Farmer
Compelled to Uncover by a
Fellow Passenger.
Time Boldl Turpin'n Flight Suddenly
hula hm Bhilr's
Jail-Hate Crack-
lug at Lyons ,
. ,
Special Dispatch to 'runs BEE ,
OAKLAND , Neb , , August 31.-Among-
time passengers on thu train from Oalaha ,
arriving lucre about noon yesterdaywer ?
four men who stopped ofrand wonttetllo
St. Paul hotel.
During time aftormioon Mr. 0. J , l3ok-
anson , who also came in on the same
train , lefttown in company with his son-
in lmv , Mr , A , F. Samuelson , who came 1
for him with a double wagon. One of ,
the above mentioned four men , who
registered as J. Brown , of Chicago , asked
for a ride to go out in mho country and.
look for work. When out about a mile ,
i Ott time Lyons road , Drown purposely
dropped hie satchel , and time halt to recover -
cover time sane was made an opportunity
to present his revolver to limo heads of
time other two men and demand their
money and watches. One gave up his
watch and $25 , and time other hia watch tt '
and about $6 imp ntonoy. After this 'this
highwayman took t0 n Ins acorn field by
time roadside and umade and Lie esca pa
from all 1mursmers during gbtime afternoon ; 1
but lowing boarded mho south bound . , > .
Hi glut freight train soniewhoro , he was ar-
reatod at Blair. Time other tlmreo sus- '
) ieiuua messengers are reported to be the
nun whim blow u 1 Imo a safe at LYouts last
Higlmt ,
Mr , Ilnkatson had just purchased a
Yi ulblo farm north of Oukluud , and car.-
nod a large sum of mionoy , wliiclm was is
a side pocket , apd unit disturbed when +
' called fur , Slluritl Buekumam , in answer
to a telegram , has gone to Blair for the o
rubber , l
Dr , Green on the Strike ,
NEW YomtK , August 31.-At the sea-
sine of time senate subcouunittoeoulabor ,
Dr. Green continued his lime of tosU-
Immony , amid declared it would have beoa
fatal to this- interests of the 4Voatern Un- 1
jell havu to time
compauy to yielded
I strikers , as it would have bon as admix. t
suns that it was in their power to dictate {
terms to time company , ' 1'imu relation i u
botkyeemi time company and their omplo - 1
Os was regulated b time iapv of supply I I
ad daunauimd. Time salaries paid eree 1
equitable and just , and he declared that
no other company hind paid shuilar wa $ oil ,
amid made mpeY . , .