Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 fTTE DAILY isErUMAIlA , 11fUNDtiY , AL GUS' ! ' 27 , 1893. _
rahn.hd emery morning , except Snnda7. The
enly Monday morning daily ,
xxw. IT pun.
ne Ycar10.00 TbreeMentbet300
Blx tontbe. . . . . 5.00 011. Month . . . . . . . . 1.00
tim wuxi. ! eIIe , ruBuaaee'xvxat ' 1rxDIrrADFT ,
, txawe I'OetFAID.
One . . . . , . , . . , . Three lfnntht. . . . . . . $
t $ IIMontha. , . . . , . . Lee OaeMonth . , , 20
American Newe Company , Sole ) Agents Newedeal
at , in the United State. .
roaexarosoescn ,
A Commoniatlon , relating to Newt and Editorial
taattentdiould be addrosecd to the EDrroa or Tn.
eoeltx.a Lxr7Zxa
All Redntee Lotten and Remlttancem ahnuld be to The its rc.usmsa oowuwr , OMAHA
Drafts , Cheek. and Poetofnee onlen to be made Pay
able to the onar of the company.
Tun snnclstono nine confirmed Mr.
Wileou without rein8 from their neat .
DE CnAStntntn was baptized in water
frmn the river Jordan , but ho died nil
the same like any other conminon mortal ,
Tuts Union Pa.ffic etfil rotnine its grip
on the board of public works. They
own one member and plow with the
SENATOU Ptu tn , who plumca himself
at ltomo ne an a A monopolist , will lmvo
to drop the mask now that Jay Oould has
str'tod in his letter that Plumb w'as the
only eenator to whom ho apponlea in ho.
half of Stanley Matthews ,
Tun city can't afford to hire an hispec
l tor of sewers who would stop people from
choking the sewer pipes with brushes
brickbats , cats and dogs , but they can
4 afford to squander $10 a month far a
: man with bras buttons and blue coat to
stand on dross parade in front of the
mayor's ofico.
I Tin : trial of Frank .Inmos began at
i Gallation , Mo. , Monday. Thu interest
: in the coo is as great now as at the first
tern ! . The indict lent under wliich thto
famous bandit is on trial is tlioWinston
t , 11 train robbery which took place about two
i years ago when conductor Weatfull was
j killed. It is feared the trial will end in
a fareo unless judge lynch stops in to deal
out oven handed justice to the cutthroat ,
Tim Bun says that the governor is the
ombodiitent of certain hxutd political
i I principles , which are usually enunciated
4 in the party platform upon which hto is
elected. " Is a Judo noworelected upon
n platform of "fixed. . Political I ) rinciPlest"
Not in this state. The republican cei
velttion that neflhtated three aupreno
lG ° judges at lCenrnoy in 1875 adjourned
without adopting a platform , and nuc
e ccoding judicial conventions Intro fol.
p lowed that precedent.
y Tint compomndora of patent bitters whc
were relieved of the stamp tax by the re
' " viand tarifl have discovod that they wil I
not be allowed to shirk all revenue taxes
When Clio now coutmissionor proposed t o
t ; compel thorn to take out licenses , upor
s the ground that they were in reality coin
poundors of liquors , they found comfor
is a belief that they could collect from tin
t government the stamp tonoy which tlto
had paid in excess of what would liar
boom the cost off licenses , but now the
arc confronted by at old decision , mad
0 by the first controller of tlio treasury , i
which it is hold that a manufacturer
such goods , whose tax has been changed
' has no right to prefer a claim of th
i kind.
li - -
' Tan democratic leaders are lookil
anxiously for tie coming man to car r
Now York , Nine months ago Govern
Cleveland was regarded as that mat. H
veto of the elevated bridge bill an
" general subserviency to monopolies hit
knocked lhfm out of too ring. A ioadit
i democratic daily thoPhiladclihin.Tccor
conunette on hum as follows :
Governor Cleveland , of New Yor
may be "a coming uuut. " Ho csnie
fast , to begin with , and no eonsib
slackelod lira pace after h0 roach
Albany , that his movement is no long
t apparent , Ho blazed like n comet
perihelion as ho rounded the turn am
/low / up the homestretch ei the dy
electin' but the white boat of that iii
I' huts now all faded away. We are afr
Mr. Cleveland is not "a stayer , "
- - - =
T11E high handed attempt of the ri
road monopolists to destroy the b
packing industry by extortionate tolls
dressed and packed moats has aroused
atormi of indignation among western pa
em. It has long been the policy of
railroad despots to build up any induce
that yiplds thous heavy rove uo mid ti
down every industry that dues not p
thou its full share of tribute. The po
Lion of the railroads on dressed buof sh
mcmita carries out this policy in its nn
obnoxious form.
The cattle miser's of time West have
advautago of bettor facilities for kill
cattle , tanning hides , using bones ii
hoofs than the east , therefore a prop
tory tax Is paid upon dressed aloof by
railroad task masters to chock product
hi the west aid stimulate it in time o
Because the cast formerly ship
hides to Cincinnati , to be tanned ,
now those hides are slipped trout Cln
. godreaaod they should pay higher Irei
.rates than live boofl
i llocauso the railroads , in scud
dressed beef , lose the freight on hf
bout on the live cattle .and whumi ( iv
ported back to the west to be ( anti
dressed should pay higher freight
than live beef.
. o , Patriots of New England starto
.revolution oncoagaiust Great Britain
j caueo a high tax was exacted on tea ,
the poltroons of Uio west allow Corp
tiotu created by the state to Impose
densomo taxoa on thorn that would
0 , ho taler ( Od in Ituasia or Oermauy.
P { a wna.ea
' . q . , ea r/A ' > ai9l.eyardi4f r + > + :
NXMJI'OUNR ) IfhN ( W lrJ87'J
Horseo Greelay's advice to young men
is often quoted as ( ho best that can bo
given to ambitious , ! rushing fellows in
he cut who only lck opportunities to
become wealthy. There is mitloubtedly
much in it worth a young man's ntton
tian. An energetic , pemovaritig , honest
aM amfablo youngster can herdy fail to
make his mark in the great west , and
oven if ho only "grows up with the
country ho does well The country
grows fast and surely out ther. But it
is a mistake to suppose ! hint prosperity ,
oven the curly ripening variety , is a fruit
of westonl growthi alono. It is not nec
ossa to it the broad acres of I'onn
e Ivanin y ( lie rich lands of Delaware , or
too cozy farms of Now Jersey to find
Dame ortuno. '
* * * Indeed , it is questionable
whether a bettor return cannot be hind
from intelligent and thorough cultiva-
tioi of the small "hone farm'loin from
ono of the great prnirio ventures in time
'L'ake the case of a moan with $1,000
who buys n farm of 160 acres in Nobras
kit at thin nimfuiuut ) rico of $2.60 per
acre. Ills farmn costs luiul $400 , and ho
line 1600 left for his house , furniture
stock , farm itnplemetits , seed and fomi
until lfnrvcnt time , Naturally ho in
obliged to stint htmsolf in his purchiscs
to suchn an extent as to be unable to
work mono than sixty acres , and that
amount only in a shiftless way. Even
it ho gets his homestead from Cho gov
or inemit frco , ho still has an insuflbciont
sou to cultivate ( lie whole of his holding.
1Yhon his crops are gathered lee is at a
distance front all nmrkots. lIe' is at ( lie
mercy of the nearest railroad etatiei
grain dealer , wpm frequently has no competitors -
petitors iii te trade.
* * * Wheat in Omaha last Thurs.
day brought 83 cents per bushel , and
Ihihtdolplua on the salute day it brought.
$118 a difference of 86 cents per bushel
in favor of the home grower. Corn iii
Omaha brought 80 cents per bueliol , and
iii Plrilndol hia it brought f13 cents. 'J'une
dinlidvanba + a of the Nebraska farmer ( Its.
taut free n center like Omaha would be
still greater , while within Otto or two
hundred ninon of 1'htladel chin the differ-
etco would be trifling Not only flocs ho
rot more for his ) ( but on a small
frmnwell tilled , he can gut muchlieavior
caps to ( lie acre than on a largo tract in.
sufllmently cultivated , 'I'huaou 00 acres
producing 40 bushels to ( lie acre , he
would raise exactly the same amount as
on 1fr0 acres producing only 16 bushelsfo
the acre , But his selling price in ono
case would be 42 per cent more ( tai in
the other , while correspondingly his living -
ing ox'petsos ' would be much lower-
J'/dkidcl1)lifa 1ccord.
This sounds very plausible but it pro.
sells only one side of the picture. Thorn
is no doubt that tin ambitious , pushing
clear headed young mom will achieve site-
cons in the cast as well as in ( ho west.
But how long will it take him to make
his mark if ho only depends on his inus
coo and braimil How many thousands
if not abnost millions of young
ton in too east are crowded
to the rear and kept there
a whole lifutune lecausu all the avenues
to wealth are monopolized by mon who
have either capital or great influence at
their backs ?
The highwny h , famine amid fortune is
not only brdmler iii the west titan it is in
the cast , but it in not half as crotvdcd.
' There is elbow rote on ( lie broad prni
rimes for the ambitious , pushing young
emu who would abnost ho jammed t
death ( in the sharp struggle for oxistenc 0
i iii the older anil more populous cast. Ith
trite ( hint ( ho western farmer pays heat T'
( tribute to the railroads for carrying hi
e products to the seaboard roar
k' ket , but time Nebraska fareo
0 who cultivates ( ho fertile soil mainly b
y machinery , turd raises immense crop
0 without manure , car double discount th
In Petsylvatia , Now Jersey or Delavar
farfier on a smaller invostmdut amid lea
, labor. Thin is not all. The pushimi
is young man that couea west to grow u
with the country feels nuro ( lint over
acre of laid lee buys will double , trebl 0
ig yon , quadruple in value witli'n ' his ow
) ' lifetimo. lIe sees grcnt cities buildin
0r up all around him , aid hi
18 Iiows that ( lie centres of com n
(1 inerce and industry are sure to ce
s ate a better market for his product
tg I'etsylvatia , Now Jersey and Delava
d , tanners may got rich by raising garde
truck on a 10x12 garden patch ( , but tl
kt young mat who will own a 100 ac
; Nebraska farm in 1800 , will be ab
mid to buy out a dozei young memo who su
or in the east oh 20 nerd farms ( lint take
in half their time pulling up stumps , diggh
id up rook and splitting fcuco rail
And the young nian who follows horn
aid grooley's advice , also knows'that the tin
must come , sooner or later , wlion ti
great railway monopoly will ho restrict
iiby law , if it is not compelled to gi
oof cheap tranaportation to meet compotiti
oil by rival hues and unproved watorwa
okTuner must be much relief to the d
the tressod Froneli nation in the fact ( Ii
try Count do Clmanibord , n ldng without
ar crown , a ruler by divine right withou t
ny people , and possessor of a stage propo
osisceptre , died without willing away
ii ) . this regal rcgalfn. That will lenvo alit
oat claimants to too crown of St. Louis out
fair footing for playing ( 'King inn
the from home ,
id Iv ( ono vigilant marshal of Idaho 1
Ibi discovered a horde of hungry politiei
tlio on time trail of the president , the eoumi
ion might have felt some uneaninosa , but
ant , report that a gauge of nountain cowb
pod 'hnlo ceicocted a plot to lasso the pr
but dent timid hold hini for a heavy runs
leais too prupostorous for anything ,
SuNSAv10NAL canards mibout ( lie pr
fug deli , scattered broadcast through
den , associated press , puny be called ant
ills. prise , but such enterprise should be 1
ed , to aclass of journalists who live by tau
iton wits. Tim nasopiated prose should stric
confine fie sphere of usefulness ted
d a trausmiasion of news founded on fact ,
but TILE Colorado pool can't ' agree up
ara the division of time trafiio , but tlioy ar e
bur- perfect harmony on rho high old mutes
not - - - '
CAL1roENta fruit would be a drug In
.xw. . . . . . .y. , . . -
. . .L..4.1r.11AR7atfEO .YW : IMe
market if ( ho Ltnion and Central Pacific
did not charge eight hundred dollars to
express a car load of fruit from San Fran.
cisco to Omaha ,
lrrsr OF TffI Mf8Sowr.
The impetus given to rho settlement
and development of Montana by the
buildfng of time Northern Pacific is a
counterpart of what has boon accomplished -
plished by tlio co atruction of the Union
and Southern Pacific lines. Thousands
of people are hocking to ( ho "now
northwest , and ovary business and
foesion nro represented in rho thtrong.
Now towns arc springing up on prospoc-
tire branch railroads , while ( Ito old
towns-Helena , Bozeman , Butte , Door
Ledge and Missoula , arc onjoyfng a ro
viral of trade surpassing all expectations.
Bouton , for the time being , retains her
supremacy as time commercial metropolis
of the Missouri , but ( lie railroad him nl
ready practically destroyed couunorco an
tlio river , and in a few yearn steamboats
will ho its much of a cariosity there as
they are in the hewer Iilissourf to day.
The 1)bssibilities of Montana are
scarcely known T e valley of time Mis-
nouri in as fine an agricultural region as
can ho found , Ex Seumator Saunders secured -
cured saumples of wheat , barley and oats
while there , which , for bulk and perfcc.
tiott of grain is unequalled , One sample
is n seven headed wheat which will yield
a lmundred bushuls to too acre is othe
bearded variety and largo white grain ,
time exact counterpart of rho White
'l'ouse variety , whicli is a smooth wheat
aidvory popuhar with too fnrnors of
Montane. The two rowed barley him a
very IonJ , head with about 46 grains
each , nn(11Vlmfte Itusvian oats that Promise -
ise alnnidrod bushels to ( ho acre. 'These
siecinueis were taken from tlno faun of
Biddlo Reeves , whose crap this year is
valued at $1r,000.
The mineral deposits of the territory
arc scarcely uncovered. A good article
of coal has just bean found in the Galla-
tie valley , vnhmble deposits of silver ore
wore discovered in ( ho Muhlnn tunnel , in
( lie very heart of the Rockies , the mines
around lfclena and Butte are paying and
improving right along , mmd with better
facilities for movitmg the crude nnetal ,
many minus of what is low considered
low grade ore , will bo worked and made
to pay lmandsonely. As an agricultural
and mnnoral country Montana today offers -
fers time best inducements of any region
to the west.
The Colorado Coal comiipany is to ( ho
Denver and Rio Gmndo what ( lie Wyo
mingCoal coupany is to the Union Pa-
cifmc. The mines of tlto former are four
miles frmn Trinidad. T1toy have boon
worked since 1870 , yet the veins sonii to
increase ( rod ( lie quality of tlio coal ta-
prove as greater depth is attained. The
thickness of time main coal scam varies
slightly ; in some places it is only six feet ,
+ n others it is ten and twelve. The mine
is developed by three main entries or
tunnels , from 3,000 to 4,000 feet it 1
length , amid from these runs off a laby
riutlm' of cross tunnels leading to roomms ,
each room being 21 feet wide , 300 fee t
bug mid 20 feat front the adjoiuia g
root , with pillars , 10 feet thick , of soli d
coal supporting the roof.
About 260 amen are otploycd , wag oI
varying from $1.75 to $3 aid $4 ur day
Coal-cutting by niwliiues is none b3
contract at 8 cents per ton , each ma
I chute cutting about 160 tons daily. Cos
of production is estimated from 03 to 7
cents per tun or inoro , and from 800 t
s 1,000 tons is the tinily output. A roug tfm
' estimate of profits on 1,000 per day i
s about $310,376 per anuuni.
The colliery is a little city in itsel f
The company has built 100 Mouses fo
the miners , and time surroundings tare th
Y pink of neatness and conforL
S _
a 1Yy outing is struggling bravely to keo
0 peace with her inure fortunate neiglibor s
a llcr onorntous plains arc not efirol
g gobbled np by limo stuck moon , thought
I ) the present rate of increase it will not b
y many years before iierds of branded b0
, will feed en time streets of bier cities. Tim
ml Boomerang , of Laramie , a paper note
g for its purity of truth , says there in
o imnonso tract of land lying in Laranti
Albany amid Carbon counties , south
m and bordering et the Platte river , vi
a ono day become the garden spot of ti
re vwcsl. It is well watered , the altitude
n low enough to permit of time growth
to almost nil vegetables and cereals , and (1
re soil is of time best. Thousands of far
to will eie pay be located through this beef
of country whore now only cattle n mi
a Y wild ganio dispute for the right to Otte
up it. If time emigr mite who manually pa
mg through this city by hundreds , knew
ono imalf ( lie imhmononts offered t1
settler iii this favored section ,
co lyould soon be occupied !
10 Imi the mantles of mineral wealth , W
id omimig " pinta with pride" to tlto Sily
and Crown district scar Granite canyon.
miles front Laramnio. Thu Copper 1Ci
vo niiime in this district is a deposit of ii 1
on tallic copper , which , front the iudicatio
ys , appearing ottime surface in thought
b e bout 0 foot vide and from 5,000
. 0,000 feetlong. This shaft has reached
in. depth of 70 foot. At about 75 or 80 ft
t a crosscut will be run to ascertain t
a widthh of time body of ore in time clni
The shaft rune down through solid c o
trty lpor ore of a bight grade , 'o'lio at4pecitne
rty lately taken ( rein the Co p or ICii1g ii
nil vonY icht amid indicate ( hint silver will
lie foumi(1 in considenahlo quantity , in t
a lode. Some pieces of ore taken front
mina are believed by exports to emit
ay 7G per cent of copper. SYitluin two nu
in a northerly direction fa a deposit
galena , silver and ijold , Ono tulle nb
mad of ( life are two vomits , both of which
catsbeing worked. In oto is found sulplh
cats eta of copper , amid in time other coPj
try pyritos-ono of time richest ores knot
tIto All these claims are looking well , ' 1
) a dd velo tuiont of these nminosh as beers
ydimetetl quiety but pursiatemtl and t
1st- district will on be heard frame ,
ant - . . -
An inmiemso aiuommt of litigation"in
prospect in southern Montana , growl
nil- out of too recent feud filinga ht hear
Limo Mend county. 'l'imo coutedions in L
orIloh ua land oflico lately for preccdei
oft in coveming certain tracts in lmcaverh
cir valley wore many mid lively. Tim
lauds wore ortieis of the broad acres
fly ] eased by time Nortlmenm Pacific f cid
Limo to time clingo ht the route of thug re
'limo tracts in Madison and Bea'erhi
thus reverting to government and opo
an to sottloimiotlt under tine various acts
p incongress , are considerable in extent
in estimated to be worth from three to
. dollars an aero ,
our The Frumnent Herald pictures u
. . , M. . . . , . , .
turo railroad from north to south or
vice versa , and geuorounlq saves time ox-
pOnso of preliminary survey by setting
stakes on Limo following route : Time
Salina , Fremont & Decatur railroad
would be about 260 miles in lonth , The
road is constructed as far as Topeka , and
Mr. Morford will go down and get it under -
der headway as ! loon ns possible. The
whole length of the line will run through
n most rich and populous country , and
for the most part over an easy grade.
From Fremont the lee could be extended -
ed to Iiooper and up the Logan to Oakland -
land , and thence to Decatur , From Decatur -
catur it woulu bo but a short distance
across to Spencer , on the Chicago , Mml-
waukee & St , l'aul line , and this and time
Minneapolis v& Omaha line at Oakland
would give us two independent lines to
time north and east , by time way of Chicago
and time lakes. Such a line amid cannot-
tions from time north would give us batter
rates from time lumber regitni and bettor
rates on grnitm slmipmcnts , while the south
would open to us time coal fields of ICami
sits. Cheap fuel aid cheap lumber will
give its manufactures , amid ( limo are ( lie
test basis of a city's growth and pros-
Time tniticral "boonms" of Colorado have
about disappeared , Inflated amid overstocked -
stocked mines have reached their natural
level , ninny are closed and abandoned ,
and time bunfucss is now being done on a
legitimate basis , .Tine salted wild cats
arc banished Hart , persistent labor is
uow required to secure paylirL Time development -
velopment is greatly retarded by time
picions of capitalists ; too genuine article
nest be shown now where a few years
ago sales of urines ag regatiug millons
were lnnle b tule r0. rut Time various
taut ) s are gr.1 lually losing their surplus
po ulatioiaid fictitious growth line giv
on wy to slow but sure
this way time state is returninb to first
Like all wcsterncttios of sudden growth ,
Denver is uow struggling with a relapse.
Dliuing ntilliouaires are not ns nunorous
as of yore , and steady golden streanis
that flowed toward her have gone dry.
Time exposition is divided against itself
amid carrot' stand. Contributions arc
badly needed to pay ofItito Cl. A. It. indebtedness -
debtedness , and hundreds of louses go
begging for tcniuite iii the city today.
Last but not least , time municipal treasury -
ry is nearly bankrupt , The indebtedness -
ness exceeds $300,000 , and the demand
for cmlt is imperative. The city falm-
em are conaidcriug aut ordinance which
proposes to tax all classes of business and
professions , bout permiahont and ( ran-
sront. Time measure is an extrardinary
omte , born of necessity amid creates much
dissatisfactiem. Besides licensing all
classes of shows , drummers , peddlers and
vendors of any and all kinds of wares , it
levies a tax of ono per cent on time capita 1
of banks and ono per cent on ( lie value of
goods in time hands of aorelants , on the
first of July of each year. Time measure
will add greatly to the burdened busines ,
of time city.
'rime non' amt. E. clmrclr at Lincoln will cos
Oaki.umd pas $ :0,000 worth of building
underway ,
Time Baptlsts of North ( Braid rill hnvad
, Lincoln on the „ Otli.
Cohunbus is taking ntcpn towards time esta b
t lishfnmut of a normal school.
J Time circus and diluted lemmmade capture
55,000 of Dodge county's mnouey.
fm In time absence of agin mill York yaarns f
n cider umill of the hard shell variety.
Dolgo enmity will put a $1 ; 00 bridge ore
. tImeEikhormfn the Crowell ucighborhoud ,
r The B..t Itf. are replacing the iron wit
e steel rails on tlio l'uieake routu to Denver ,
Ferdiimnd Shika of Fillmore count y
threshed 1,780 bushels of wheat fromn 70 acre
P The B , k M. company have ordered twent
five .mow engines for work on its .into .
' Nebraska ,
y l eto , taw oldest horse in Gage count
nt belonging to , John Barrett , died of old ago
the lath inet.
0 Tim North Bond Flail is time Langtry
mf Nebraska papern , an bight its a rodwagmt an
o 1l sharp as a safety pin.
Nearly every comity iii the state is circuia
d iug patltk ns asking the county cmnmissfona
an to order a vote on time gtmestiom of tuwnshi
' A farnernoarBla@ has abandoned the plo
of for time pick and Is diligently delvlug for co
11 iii his cornlheld. 'rime "mdicatiohs" of suet
mile said to be flattering ,
l0 Time creamery cunupauy at Schuyler are h
is tomuling to ram a cauun factor in tonne
of tioa with their avtablislunomt. fifoy wdl ca
me corn and tunuatoen principally.
The tinge County Democrat thinks the bop
Is of a pulitlchui , espechuily a democratic poll
clan , "is generally uovei elghutlan wind at
d uno eightlm sv'ater or whisky , us tlto occasi
py may require. "
as IIarvanl is stlrrbmg a wnrmn pot of tar
of decorate some milnowm malicimms vagabot
mo wiwdlstributesilthyletters through time stre
it attacking time character of time wives em
mnotiuers of time town.
North lionl umorclmnts arc tired of " 1Yh
ytime traffic will boar" frelglttretcs of the Uni
or l'aofilo that they have ordered their goo
20 shipped via Blair and Sioux City to Frenio
ug au ( trout there by team.
0. The llluo Springs school house wlll be 70x
us feat ha.izo , two stories high , witlm elgimtscho
rooms , prlucipal's roan aulfourlarge list n
cloak rectums. Time bujldhmg will cost svlm
to completed about 319,000.
a J. IL Isimoll , of Alum received a shower
et buckelaotlu his face anti breast while restl
he on bps own doorstep. It was the result of
In , feud , but fortunntmly the wounds are n
fatal , Two amen have beat arrested amd lmo
11B fur trial ,
Pvo umcm at Norfolk have invent
'e ' n very excellent thing he rnllreading , viz ,
autdumatlo brake that can be attached to n
ho car , passenger or Irciglit , worked by the
iris gineer or auy brak0han , and costs oo1
Lin snall ; figure.
lea This Fremtnmt , I'slklmora and Missouri mall
of railroad company filed a ducnmemmt with
county clerks of nortlmorim countiea to seem
nth bards issued to build west froum Valeumthmm
arm . adlee , ! toads at the rata of $ :5,000 a n
tti. . will bu issued.
per Time bnm0mse influx of 1)001,10 of Fillm
rU. county , mud Imm fact to every cwnity iii Nobr
lie kit , is eufticlent amid flattering ovid0co t1
sun the nbundant yield of wheat situ ail sin
imps grain , is having its effect ayou capital Ice
forelgn states.1''uirumont Ilulletiu.
Among time many refreshing cxmunente
in time Stout capitol steal , tlmat of 'limo Ii
llemld Iswimini to a Manitoba sur a hot d
mig it soya the building coummtttoc "Wore star
or- lug between time state tromusury and a ju b
Yen , but se far apart. that Stout amid his c
ho mitt laborers vtahI cd in and helped the
ice selves ,
ant1 'l'imo "caunun ball" train was ditched u
llrmrdy , ca thu 18th , by time ivator washlng
eau track out , and Limo worst wreck the B , k
ro over hied out this dlvision occurtvd , Tim
omit cars and the twitter were badly broken
mid , Sore six persons worm more or less injur
sal but only moo nerluusly , who wan quite eover
Wort aid perhmalce fatally hurt.
Ioulevflo has pmct ed a stock of
of feathers to decorate the brutes amid bun a
amp the town. The OLservor waree "a ccrt
ton mean in limo south part of town vvho geve
wife a beathtg ate Saturday night last.
menu who will stoop so low as to beat his
and thou musics her stand out of doors time
fu- Beat part of the night is no bettor than a
and should be treated to a coot of tar and
One of the self-announced candidates for
sheriff is ono of the western cooties , looks
out for the po.nlbility defeat by displaying his
present business on his political platform.
hear him : "If elected sheriff I propose to
collect every etoro bill 'mt ' Into my hands In-
chuling my ownt and if defeated 1 pledBo
myself to sell groceries lower than over. If I
run nn time anti-monopoly ticket this fall and
get defeated , next spring I shall be straight
republican , and sell all goods way down' but
If i run on the republican ticket this fall and
et busted , next spring I shall throw suit s full
edged antimonopoly chicken , and groceries
will be said lower than over. Having planted
my big feet on t1mis platform I will any to the
votems , one and all that the City Grocery is
my headquarters , where syrup and votes , and
cod fieh and proxies are dept on Land , and
fresh fish and tickets are cut anti dried , and
dates and candidates am sugared and soft-
soaped to order , "
A Civil-Service School ,
A Washington special to the St. Louis
Itopublican says : Early last spring an
enterprising ox-British naval officer open.
ed a civd service institution in this city ,
lie went to considerable expense in fitting -
ting up roans amid engaging teachers.
His umalitute was inoaled ; after those in
England. Ile has met witlm poor encouragement -
couragement , and yesterday retired in
disgust from ( ho field , "The scheme
commenced nil right , " he said , " amid I
had hopes . of building u ] p a proitnblo
school , .There are several la institu-
tiomis of time kind in London and they all
make mono , The people } more arenot
educated to that idea et. I hind a large
nunber of a p licauts at time start , t
they expected too touch of uo , To e giu
whim , tiwished to be crannucd for time
civilservice examination , and asked mete
to get thorn rho official list of questions.
I could only do tlmia by bribing seine of
the clerks , and not being in time bribery
business I refused to do it. Then they
thought that I ought to see to it that they
were all provided with a fat dice if they
condescemided to take a course at time in
stitito , 1Vliei time applicants found ( lint
I could only prepare tlmolu for the examinations -
inations aid could not guarantee to got
auy of thea positiems in time departmcuts
they commenced to drop off , I have to-
ceived imundreds of letters from parties
asking mo to get tltuui clurkslmips. It has
been time coalition error to suppose ( lint 1
kept am ollicc brokerugo shop. I might
have continual my school , notwithstanding
ing tilono draw-backs , butt I bccallio con-
vtnced that the civil service-law is a fraud
as it how attends. Nearly all of time officials -
ficials that I have talked with treat time
civil-service regulations as a large joke.
There is no need of may school To continue -
tinue it would only be giving color to time
farce. "
Caiifortdn IIOOtluutt
New york 'runes.
Time hoodlumn is as distinct a product of
California as the big trees or the large
and incipient fruit or time brag about the
cliuate , hits name shows that he is a
new species. If pie were simply the rowdy
of time eat or the rough of Europe , hie
would have been called a rowdy or a
rouplh. But his peculiarities were two
distinct to permit of grouping him in any
nomtnelature that pretended to scientif-
to exactness with -eitlmer of these species ,
amid ho has accordingly been classified by
naturalists among time fauna of Californi a
as time species ltoidlumt , time habitat o f
which is exclusively time Pacific 3101)0 0 f
too United States.
We have had the opportunity of study
t ing the hoodlum n in time person of Dmmi s
ICearney , who is vouclmed for nsa remark
I ably perfect specimen , and who was ese
hibited in the cast sonic years ago. II o
o in now em cxitibitiott again as time proper.
- ty of time Central Pacific railroad , bu t
since lee has costa into time possession fh
d that corporntiom lie bas attracted muc h
less attention than lie attracted before her 0
orwas partially domesticated. From obser
or ration of Kearney just after he had 0ry
caught , it was concluded that too hood
r luu bears to the cenmonblackguard ve ry
much the wino relation that time Tasman
h fan devil sustains to the domestic cat
Tlmo habits of time rough are nocturnal
, He is seldom aeon in daylight in popu
a bus places where there are any police
y and seldom attacks titan uilesa the mat
fn tor invades his lair or unless he is actual
ly sulfuring from hunger. Time imoodlum
rr , on time other hand has no fear of man
on whoni ono often attacks without provoca
tion , and , so far front shunning huuuu
of d society , lie delights to flaunt himself i
its ( mice , and may often be seen in time pri nn
t cipal city of Sun Franciscoc running nr
rn olhico and addressing public meetings.
Build Dugouts ,
iv Chkago News.
ti If cyclones continuo at the rate wit
asn wlmiclm tlfey .lave . visited us for time pan
two years we might as roll return to tit
: practices of the cave-dwellers that inha h
t1 ltcd Europe a million of years or so ng o
All time supposed maws governing times
i storms have this year boon niost rudel
ti- and elfectually broken , and we arc one
d were at a period when time wisest ca
u'i only say : "I do not know. " q'lmat cot
pncros huniami knowledge npou time subjc
mil to of these sornn. A few years ago time
ots were only known in an elliptical-shape
tl region extending front central Iowa
central lllimtois , and from time Ohio teat
at point not far from Clinton , Iowa , La t l
torly time ellipse has tilted to the south
and extends from near time lyuhf o
tit nest to Manitoba , while time length o
7) its shorter axis him proportionately it
) lcreased. . It used to be an infallible is
mid that a cyclone never approached or iv
en found near a large body of water , b
that at Racine time reset season aho n w
of that ( lint Inv is no loner o obeyed.
Utww.lruwswwawuuuw a ' i THE CREATCERMA
id fnfflFBtElltlmrcI' ;
wuuuucmu p , f
ad tliI I
on In fl'pij ' u U Itellovesaudcures
y it It1tl' ' UDi rl'IS N
iii I i Neuralgia ,
my i ' Sciatica , Lumbago
the Ur09lIIW d +
rtACU.t : xsx : ,
lrto re 1r dr' ' " t1i I I f1EABA0f1E'r00TiIACB
dlo I i crtntiusu.tua
i'i.Jmmm " : I QUINIIYssc. . . . . . . 0
Ituuu. muu
nro i Jim'ItANS ,
as. luhil ; 19mm a Soreness , Cuts , Itrulaes
tat ,
' ! e"II' ' ' 1,1tQyTllITFl ,
tall i i
l ImEitrs. NC.tLiS ,
flue tifuu IJ tc . of ; I
Amid ull"Iher Isp111y nth
II'"r " r ( rt , and pools.
ply li 1)enltulinrileeon In
m ll s.1
ell-X- 1 i t to6 u0.gca
, n , ! , i . The Charles A. VDBelcr C
'UIi , dflrll NWo.wi. . wWCLLaa Ill
i t
thu Under the core of the 1'resbyterhn Sy no3 of
M , brasaa. 1k6tne September 10th. Claudcal a
coo Scienllao courses with 1prcpamtory' deparimcu ; a
aIi itusieni amid Art De nrtmuut , all open to Loth sex
ea , mwonlow , Locationbeautlfulsadbcalthfut 0
ubia miles from Otn.ha on the It $ M 1t 11.
sly , l'ItOF. W. Oct
ruu , Nobclrcmdan Jy1Bd0 1 m
"r JAS. H , PEABODY , D ,
A Rteldonoe , No 1401 Jonas St OMct , No. 1507
wife , ettoot Omen boon , 12 mto 1p m. , and a
bigui. . to 6 p , to Telephone fez otfue , 9l , Ridden
dug II.
, Goods ! t
4y I
SAM'L c , . CO. ,
Washington Avenue and ElIth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , l
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Shuiia1e , Pickets ,
Now' Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist I
f Yal'llislies , aild ¶ iido Glass
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
a.oso 'arzaca.m trccvt. ® zncahsa.
Wholesale Clothiers ! l
hi Anheuser-Busch
o t Ot r . MgA.k r
Y - A
r1\:4 : : ! -
re Keg and Bottled B ear
a ' ' ' . This Excellent Boer speaks for itself.
' a
t '
w IAt . , il . , l
ns 5T L0015 M0 , Promptly Shipped.
® fOurGuara .te ® .
Solo Agent for Omaha and..tho Wont.
Office Corner 13th and Harney Streets. 1
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
a tit Cake
' It le the beet and cheapeet food for stock of any kind , One round Is eluat to three pounds of corni
Stock fed with Ground Ott Cake In the Fall and Wtnter , instead of runniag down , x111 increase in velglu i
and , be in good marketable condlUon in the spring. Dairymen , ae well ae others , who use it can tettlfy
rs it . merits , Try it and Judge for yourselves. 1'itcu Q2a.00 per ton ; no charge for eacks. Address
f4.cnd me wO0n11ANILINSEIIN01L : rnsn'ANY.Omaha
E ,
mid fl
e e
t w' m
40 ,
Ad e
Call and get Our Eastern Prices before
, , , purchasing elsewhere.
rn.a. .wat.atr ryrwy'dt' , " # i 4.'b , , . . .