- - - - - - - - - - - - - I THE OMAHA DAILYBEE. ' TIII1'1'IENTII YER. . . OIAIlA , EB. FRIDY IORNING , AUGUST 24q I88. Nt r THE STORM' Frailien of the Wrc's fraiii . j Run ! lleion : of Sothell : Minilosola. \ The Habitations of the Poor of . RoohostorRao or Scattered by the Winda. r The Death Rite Increases with the News from RamDto Ooun- try Ditriots. . Iiurgo II II4c.4 IJILLC(1 flnttUy attt Cau. 110(1 OIl' In ( in , . .LIght.VhIrL. . 1)I ( of'IIIII. . ' L . Ciircuo , August 23.-Gentlemen just 111 Iioiii 1tucIietur ZIiini. , say thu uitiru , iiorUi IaIt ; of thu 1)11tet frotit thu Chicg i arni Nnitlnvcsturu trucks i a 1iias of kbris. Scarcely a IIIUSO ) iB 1tft ! I stntiding. : ' 1Iiu few tIi are , ate inovud I _ _ % .I'I ; froilL Lisuir touihitiois as if slutkeii by ao U1rLII(1t1Ikt3. 1'ho tfrtigIited I Were at VO1k i11 iiiglit. teKcuulg thu I iiijttrccl &iiut icoruriiig thu bodiui I , of the tluad. . Btiorc , iiiidtiiglit 23 corilMes had Ieu11 recovured. Ttot of tiloilL were ( horribly iiiuiih&tud. It ws thought nt S 1eat 30 bcit1iu ruwaiiicd iii the ruitus. p The l)0rL101L of thu city 8Wc1t by the cy- CI000 coniprised about oiie.tliird of it cxt43I1L Tim StrIIL ( ahJIeared to have foriiiud abuut egIttuuit miles forth. , 1 west of ltoehe8tur , and gathering S violence 1ti it progressed , ( lostro ed snv eral farm liotisus iii it.a eutirac. A tower. ing dun.cohrud , fuiiiiol cloud wxu sou t ' npro.1cIIing the fated town. ad in a few i 1noiiinh the Blaughter Inol been necoin . pushed. No t.inw was giveit for any propa' athni , } td it been . 'I'Iiu ; i scene aininig the devastated (1itrict . and place where the dead Liy Wa8 IIade8cribIhIy sad. IIotIiura S wildly auaichtd for their children , whilu \ little htIIICIth3S ) wuf were itiinid whom thu t4In1)et3t Iiie ir1Inuied. One child w.i ' the onLy Burvivur of a f.miily of seven. The passoiiger on this tuala Yuro ; not ILvltru that a frightful cyctoiw hati 1)aS4Ud neav thuii& until their att.efltiul3 was directed to feather beds Hfld articIu ofvcariflg ap. I parol 1udgel against the Liuhett wire foiiec , vIuelt jijilicateci ioinutIiing of a blow.Vheat am ] other straw which was blown fiwn stacks was twisted about the raih4 Ill large ( luantities , presenting a iiigular aipuar.uieu. V1icre the death deatiiig funnel crossed the track shortly befotu the train arrived at 1cIieter , a freight train was wrecked at IL trestle at thu vcsterii approach of the t platc. 1'lie a'iiul twisto .1 thu switch lur % . fI OUL its place , throwing I1)CI1 ) thu switch. Thu exiiiicei siw his pe ; it when c1oe at , hand atol j Ilili peci , aiviiig his life. Thu I fireman was entried over. C ra.tMENra OF v1tEcK. RocniraMinu. . , August' 21.-One third.ot the buildings of 1toeIieter arc : in ruins. 'rveiit3'.four peujile are dead , t J. : * _ _ . . . . _ . _ .btitii. nuuiiIea.uf thue liavh ut yet been : identified owingto their frightfuL innUlii- t:411i by the storii. * L'hu strILl swept / through Dodge ninE Oliustead cutlilties , t _ causilig grelter t1utructi'ni thin the cy. . ' - . ' ' . - cloiio , of ai jittilatli ago. 'l'lie dkItIIage in K ' Itochester will reach fully $300,030. Wlicti the storiU struck the Cn&oa. tional church , tliirty.livo cliikli'un naI just returned friiit a IicIuc , but hone were liutt. ' [ 'he 16t of ticad and wounded - ' ed is the sane as alto uly repJrttul. helen Back , of Alilaiiil , Do Igu county , v.ts tkeii Ui ) ly the sterol while in a 1101(1 , and 1its nit silice bceti heard from. 01. Ben , wife and ( Lt'hghtor ' , of O.iuistur , Dodge coUtity , weie killed. Great da n - a.e : was (10110 iii St. Charles , ( Jtic.i and ¶ the soutlierii juilt ofVabt.sii ! cuhhIItiu3. 'J'lie 1hItIL f the stortn ihttiugli It icli- ester is stItiWIi with wreaks , but hhIIt1) ' in thu ii'cr 1)ttioh1s ) ( It the stzbur ) . On the iinitli MItIC a. huge elevator. hear the ( bind , was lr.,1ezi , , in two , and Ior- tiOhls of ilie tipper half , an iInhhIenu IIHISS , .vts ( eariiecl aeriiss tiLe raiIroi(1 aihl ! Over two traiiiis of caas atniiding on the track. 'I'lte fatail cloud swept tWaIItl St. Charles , lieu anile southeast , cutting ' a wit1 aavatla I JirotigIL the tinibor and fauiais , touching thu skit ts of the little liaanlut vit1i laitul ulfect , leaving two coIpst S aitad tl cc fatally iaiainaed. T1111 IKSrltlThT1N , AT W'1NoA. \ViNA , A1IIIII. , August 2L-I'Iio cy clone Struck here at 7 o'clock lait taight. ( The depot was unroofed and badly wrecked. 'L'Iio haiuo.11Iuso is a tot. I I wreck , tunl a covered bridge ivar towii is I gone and at nuatiber of cars iii the yards s , airo completely sitiaslied. IIo1ton' ole- \p _ 'ft4)r is a total wreck. Ilatif of it ob- p . kb. strucks the 1111(111 riilroad track. The d streets are filled with trees and fragments of btaiditig. : Five cars an Lugino were derailed at Zuinbrota Junction. 'rho fireman - man , Vin. 1 ] Iga.ih1s. jumped front the cars and was buried under the wreck. lie isdead. fIYWED flY nEATII. Ionai ) CfsTElt , Mitiii. , August 23 - I Crops in the iat1i of the cyclone two miles south , wore all destroyed and heavy ( lahnnge % 'aS (10110 to buildants. A uiat , named IL Elbrcclat and his wife wetu . ivorlihh in a field WIlOth they saw the 1st4)rhaI ) and clung It ) each oIlier \Viien it struck theta he was knocked SCItSI anl bhlu blowii to a 4onsillurabIo disbite. She svas fnuiul this luornilig iii a horribly intitilatecl cundititi , nile aria twihhtc(1 oil and the ithier iiearly so. A nunihui of . oilier acre utoru or less badly in . jured. ThI1 GLP AT JASSON. K/KSON , Mniti. , August 23.-The CyClone 1)tBSC(1 aLlout six titiles south of this place , tloittg great damage to persutas , , , buildings hLhhd crops. Chiristi.tn Olson's . & I wife was killed ithll his oldest dAughter ' L huaal a leg broken. W. 4ndersou's wife vas badly hurt audi cannot live. his F mother-its-law rats kjlloh. His brick I liouso was unroofedI and all other build. ) IJIgS destroyed. James (1. Van Frank's l , I house was destroyed and some members of the f.unily badly injured. ICittleseum's ' 1 sliedas and machinery ere all blown over , J horses and cattle are found dead ut all directions over the prairie. The loss will foot up IUay thusand dollars. A eucczrr ACCOUNT. Ciiicoo , August -Congressman Mark ii. Dunnel tolograplia the follow. ing succinct accouimt of the great calauni- ty at flochester , to the Morning News : " 0wToNNA , Mian. , tugust 23.-The I cyclone str&uck Itochuester sbout (3:30 ( : iii the afternoon , Tuesday , la.tel a initititu ' hutf , nmul largely 51)01tt its force on ' half of the city. All the IIIUSVS but two on thu north Sitit. Th track , embracing nm onti o wani , WaiS wholly tlostroyed , auial miiost of them blown into atoms. On ( ho same side , one flour mmmiii was ( lemnoIlsImed mual another umuroofed , aunt a large foundry wholly detmumlishmetl. Thu destruction from the depot north WAS SUfSTANTI.tLtY COMVLfTF. . The bridge ever thu ? .umn llrota river near the depot svas wholly destroyed. Thu demtriuctiouu on the south side of the track W&L3 very gloat , but itot as swoojmihmg. TIme Court houo 101(1 the Cook house vuro umuroofed. All the ehurehucs were lully dauumaged. Ot ur one hmundreti buildings ( HI thu southi side of the track are moore or less ( hiuhmageul. Dmrkmiess set in snoim after tIme tormmulo ammul limo sot no svai tor- zublo , ' 1'ruumty.live dcuL bmlies were tat- ken front dmu mini , mn.ulmy of thomuu p.t1ttt with children. Not less titan tiiU btiiltl. ings vuro wholly or jmamtLtLly rutned , Ltams , oOU,0Ui ) . TIIh 1OS OF 1.1Ff vas very great ; 25 wine killed amid fire htaivu timed simiec. SlmIt3 70 immurud are hLahf' being cared for by tIme cithieIf and imiumuds , Of those imu thie hospital s. mime th ) were terribly cut amiti mimauiugled by ilyimig timuberam mid pieces of wend. 'l'wo iacrsImhms wciu killed itt Kassoim. Cattle in 1 uge muimmbei-s a ore killed ; grain iii stae aummd shock tvts t.tkoam soamewimere atiuci generally imot leaving a straw balmimmd. it is iimiiiiutsibc fc inc to give a more ( ill- taaieti htCCItlilt at this tune. St. P4u11 imuist $5,000 to the stmll'orurs , Otvntonima viIl sumid $1,000 , iithmur cities amul towmms will scud relief. Tim veer of the city are time greatest. stmirerers. FUE1tAL OF Thif VICTIMS. ROCIIESTEIL , August 23.-'l'hmirsday mourning d.iwned bright nmni beautiful. At nit e.urly hour stratmigurs begaum to jmur iii front all directions. By noon time streets tvtaru crowtleml tritli a aur4iig miss of huuiimaumiity. 'l'iie expressomhi ot saulness alit every l.iee told tuiiru Imlammnly thatti Iltitturitig crau or tolluig hells the tale .if iiuiuhiiiiiig , ilCSOhattiuIt ataid death. 'Fun bodies were interred mu 0.ikwood cemimu. tory this altornooii. Time preessin Was funned iii front of time Cook lioue , amid starteul fsmm limo ceitiotory. Fifth street , frotim Broadway to the ceumetury gate , vits literally j.tmummmied with teaumms. Time following 1 , ii list of thu victinis interred : m1r. % 1,7cattlieriice , Nellie Irwin- Maiiuhai : MeiJi arimuiek , Mr. I I ubgeh , Mis. lm1eQmmiliiauim , l'thms. Quick , l'tlra. ( Jiough , Mis. Zjtr.itii , uugtmst uir.ithm , Mrs. Os. brno aunt child. ' [ 'hmu ceremnommies 11cr- fraiietL , t ore of time simnialest ciiar.ietur. Nim diigo wits sung , no soumul was Imeaud but time huiamhlu pryer amiid amnotlmured IrOat115 of unutterable aumguish. Time only lribue iut uott the climso elingimmg clay were sileimt , scalding tears. It wats by f.mr time SilICt fiiiiuntl tlmamt ever oc' curred in Rochester. Mr. ilimek , ammotliur Of tim'a d.mmigcrotisly immjtmrd victims , dmed amt 3 p. iii. lteiorts front time town of Saleum imidi. C ito at large aumoumit of damimate in that Ic. . . c.ulity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K1T4Ij1'g ) fly TI1I ( JA1tS. The Sleet ) tiac1Ciiotv NoVaiklng. . . . - - . , . . , , - - - - - Sp.ichd Duipatdm to the BEE. - GRAND ISLASINOb , August 23.-Tho body of a Orimaim ntmiud Godfriod Belt- run vats 1aicked mp a mile and 11 half east of hero this morn- iamg , horribly mimauigieil. \Vimen last sceim alive Ito was trying t buy a ticket for Lockwood , wimich ho was un able to do , ala the Doaiver train ( Ices not 8101) there. It is 5m11)posod that Ito started to walk to Lock- wood mid laid dowim on time tr.iek atad wont to sleep. lie was struck by the tvcst boumid Deliver traiii a short tiiiic muter. Time coroner's jury ox- oneratted the rmilroatl company. The deceased - ceased was about tlikty-fivcyeara oki and uiiimiarried. lie had becum working iii a browej-y hmuro fursomamutinmo 1)aat. oil , SIJAW 1' A 1)lsnppeaiaimcc'lmielm V4)irIC $ ihis. lull .ititI Nemv YJVIC. BoSToN , August 23.-I. Shaw , of tim liria of 1. imaiw Ilios. , which recently lulled , hiatt left. town , which fact imas givehi 1-iso to coimtlicthmg opinions as to tim cause of departure. It is bunted timat ohm time day before Simaw's departure , an attorney for thu National Park bankof New York caine to Boston amid made a firnaa1 demand on I. Simaw & Bros. for humoIimay which tim bammk claims was furnished through fraudulent i-ebresentutiomms made by 51mw regarding thu liuiaimcinl standing of his firm. 'lime bank is creditor to the amomount of $133 , . 000. This demand iijmui Shaw's 11mm was known to be a PrehiuihiumaIrY atej ) to the coiiiuiiemicomneiit of criniiuial proceedings , i which time bank iroiiosed to iumatftute a agaiiist 51mw , which it is understood 5111Cc has been begun. Tim departure of Siiiim so nmim after this is looked upon with strong sus1micion by mnammy umturested. On the other hutuid , time aissiguicoVymnaum , nmakcs the flhlYihlg ( statumimemit : ' 'Slmatw had becum I imttuumiptiimg ovum' sincu time failure to find I aim oipin-tmmIity to gut to 1ihitimie , New Brunswick and Cumada , to flint out time coiiditiiiii of hiis liusimiess there. lie started away for that. purpose 'l'ucsday , amid is how either at Itise txmnncriea of 51mw [ Irims , iii Cammmaulai or oim his yaip thither , via Idainu nimd New Brunswick. ' \Vymimaui fuitimer says tim creditors believe Siiaiw' lirmn iicted Imonomably amid done notiiimmg crimnhliall , and thmat Now % ork Imam'tioi are seeking to bmmildozo aim advami- talgo out tif hmini , MONTIIF.AL , August23.-Fayetto Simaw , who familed. iii IJomitoim , is here visitimmg his hrothmer. lie states time object of coming here was to consult witim his brotimor. Cutting the Queues Iii .leaaoy. ThIfNTOf , N. , j. , August. 23.-Five Chminammmemi , recentiy incarcerated lit state prison for killing a fellow countryman in i I'attersoii , timreateui 14) bring suit amgaiumst the state prison board of inspectors , claimniimg damages for depriving thiemmi of their queues. 'rhmoy claimmi time constitu- lion declares that rio imerson shall be do. privcd of the privilege of worshipping tHeir God according to time dictates of his I concienco , and that the queue is an ole. I mont of thu Chinese religion. A EVICT IN EQUITY. The Orate and llTcrdll CeF , Chief Jilsilce of ¶ Offl1llff , Gets Off the Fdllcc And Deoido3 that All Enclosures of Government Land are a Trespass and Nuisance. An lailmiborato Iouutneimt. ofl'iirtieuiamr Iittci''st It ) Stoekmmiim-1't ol' time Olmimiimi , CiIf'ENNII , W. P. , August 23.-Tue fitimitims "Feimee" case 111(5 tteciduit ut time district cotmmt Imy Cimmuf J 'istiec ' 3. II. Cmmcr. 'l'hmu tatse hits Imecim thu simtjOeL oi imimmeim discussion ammmomig stok imiemi hiutu itmitt by time immturor autitI taiw dupamm Limmuhits \'mmsimiIighmmu. . 'l'hmo tlceisaomm , if upimoid by time stmj'icmiie ' court , will atliict 1mm mi rmulteal mmmuimimur time stock.ntisisig buimtu \Vyomimimmg , Cultimattlo , U niti , ldtiio , i1mthtmiat ) , 4tlZOiiam Noti' 1iIuxlco ammd Kaimsas , No tlccis'iomi has es'er boomi mmmadc on time (1tiCStiiit ( nmul , J mmtie ummor's op'iitiomm itmrmmms it iruceilummt. 'fhmu case is that , 01 time Ummited States migaimmst A. it. Swain amid othitirs. it is ii lull iii equity asking for mmmi iimjtmmmchioa to abate mm tummce yhmieit haul , as alleged , mmmmiatwftmliy emmelincti ulovuim sectiomms ( if govem-mmmnuhit Iammda atmot to rim- stiamimi Limo duleimmiaiiits frommm uicctitmg ( itimer such fences on like tmmmoccupicd seu tiomma of time 1mublme clummiamitm 'l'his stilt wami brought as a test case ammd wits twice vumy elaborately argued by Ummiteti Stimts Omitrict Attummmmmy lJrevmm of amiul Umiited St.mtes Distract Attorney liraizee of CoItmr.ido for tIme goverimimmemit , amid by Corlutt mmmiii Itosumi. dali , of Cheyemtmio , for time tl.'furdaiimts. 'l'ltu case 111mb bemm mmmmdur mmdvisuimmumtt fur am mouth. 'Fimu ( htJCiSiOfl is iii favor of time goverimmnent mud to tIme cli'uct timat time fences immust. be rcmmuvcd. 'l'Imo ' tmmmiomi is elaborate ummd careftmliy pm-epamred. It cites nut ! relies cit time mmtmtiurity , of ducis- 11)115 of Lords Edomm amid Catteimimami iii Emiglaiid amid the ducisiomma of the supreme courts of i'umtmisylvaumiam ( eorgiai , AhibaummaViseonsimm mmmiii fIthicimi. gamm , amid also time case of time Uimitm'd Lamtcs imgaitmst Duluth. 'I.'imo deebmiomi COImCIU(10s that time unlawful femicimig of large tracts of public lammuls commatitimlus- lirst , a great pimlitie wrong ; second , a imuimlie nuisammcu ; thinl , that it is in time mmattito ( if pmmrmruaittiro' at emimummimmim laity , 1111(1 50 15 runiudiable amid relievable by time mmli iitvei fiml imijuiictiomm issmaimig omit of a cm'art of u(1umity , mis immore aroprmhtre amid coimsoimamit with time right imf equity amid timatim - - law jmlstice IIIIy into-u i-comedy alt It resort to imlmysmculfom'cu of time war do- laatrtmmmemmt. A S\Vidti El I'1) . The flewiirl Of l.i..y . Virtue and Too 2ilnuiy .ommmeim - katk1y ityimmi 54 hOt. Cmiiaoo , itust 23.-A report was received at psmimco headquarters a little milLer tttmt p'CLIICk , to.mmiglmt , to.tltu uffmat that Paddy Ryan , time pugilist , hind beemi imliot. Imivestmgatiomm thus far shows ; if Ityaim was sh , t , the woumid is not serious. l'iio police 1(11(1 imuwspapor mmmcli have been eimduavorimmg fur time imamst hommr to obtain the exact ficts but imaivo been prevented for ono cause or another. 'i'ime mmtorv current - rent is that a young woman of the towim , with mvlmomum it is amsaurtcd itymum his bueui 'In easy terimi.s , atemmmptcd to commimimit suicide cido to-day. ltyamm drove up to his salooum att seven o'clock this evening in at hack with his head bandaged amid lyiumg supported on time cusiminimmi. lie was timumi di-irca away , amid word mi-mis given out timait liii mid goime to a imnsjmitaml , but mme duo to his whmercaboutmi could be ascurtaimmed at aimy of timommm. His ommi imloycs are reticent , amid refuse to umimiko atum stamtcmnoit. 'l'imo lolicO adreet It ) iio- hove tiaat if Ityan hams sust.aiumcd aimy in. juries , it grow out mif his relations with thu wmnmatmi in 1mtestiiii. iii this cimiumec- tioim time fact will be publishmed hero to- himorrow mmmormiimmg tiiat limo immeoting be- twecim ityamm mud Sumlilvami hats been ar- rammgcd to take place iii Bostomi iii Dc- emmibur. CAPITith , NO'L'1S. TILE ULL IVf.TIOAT1ON. \\'AShiINflTOI' ( , Augmmst 23.-Time lull imiveatigaitimmg comnhmmittee to.day rocoiveda report on Lime condition of time imoatiumg asp- parimtumi of the custoni.imousu from Messrs. ' Itobert Russell amid Albert Galloway , ox- lieits aipointed by time collector of ens. wills at Chicago , at limo inatammco of As. tistant Secretary I'4ew , to examine time mpparattua. Thu comninittco dechiumo to disclose time cimaractur of time report. It ; is umideratood , however , that it corrob. Ifl'litus time testimnoiiy of Woodimman as giveum before the comnmnittoo. Ills tush- imiony was in ofltct that. time apparatus put iii by Bartlett , Itobbiims & Co. did not in tovural immatamices intuit limo rcquiroiimeumts rf , time contract as regammds quality and juaumtity of immaterial to ho used. Time rclrt of ( Iroeui , time ctimor export aunt. u , oxaummine time witd , has umot yet becum ru eiVL'1i. Goim. Now , chmuiruman , says the ' report ( If time commummittee will be submitted - ted to time secretary of time treasury oai-iy next sm'euk Cauimadiatu l'aclflu 'II4Itoru. Ciruc.mao , August 23.-A ( hiStikIgLiishIC(1 marty of English ammo ! Cauiadian tentle- mmcli , lirilicipatily BtIckhIldci's ( imm tIme ammatliiimm l'acifie railway , arrived imuru to. lay over time iichmigamim Central roa(1 , atmiin mimeimmburs of Limo party are Presi. lent Jeorge Stejiimeum , Vice Prcsideumts D. Mcintyre amid it. B. Angus , of tue . Ciaumaulaammm i'acific ; Priimco 1 lnimemmioime , Jomitit ( ileicimtmii , of Loumdon ; Earl Latimamim , Lord Eipiimmmtoumu amid Lord Caistiudowim , Lommdon , amid a large mimimninmr of Caumamuiimmi iflicinis. Time party 1avo loire for SI. L'amul to-iumorrow aumd go thionco to W'inno- peg , from timero on to ! lIimmmmutnka amid Emmmorsoum whore they will strike time ammadian Pacific auttl will proceed over it o l'aigaraly , 900 umillcs vcst of "iViuimmv. eg. 'Piie party is traveling iii a spleum. lilly equipped speclami train , c - - Time Mystery Solved. \VEST FA1MOUThI , Mass. , August. 23.1 1 ¬imur body was found at Pocassot I Umis afternoon and the Glen and u 3argent ( smamiiieam started inunediato- ly for timat place. On their arrival - z rival they easily Identified time remains us those of Robert It. Ilatwicimis , of time yacimt My8tery. The tirticies found out time body afforded easy mmmeaims of hiouttifi. caticim , timouh time features were Havoc. ogmiirahlo. Lime bbdy was decotmiposod more than wits timmmt of itmiperl Sargent found at.Vest iaiummouth. Mr. Ilatwkins was about 26 ycarmi old and tmmimmiarmletl , 'Fimo Giemi lmu-ty , ohm teCCLving a clue ( nun Now lkdfortl , took time mmext latin for liii' city. I'armmiaieo and Swt'asy will remimaimi at Ptcnsset until tt'mmtoiTmmw to mnmko ar rimimgemnents for the l'pr ' cammo of the rumminins. 1. . - A L1TTlmIiF'i't' Kit 1811 , Time ) iu'mtso at I'iMncoiam avy Yam-ti I'm-ut my 'ei 1 Commilmirul. _ i- _ - 1onri.n , Ala . , August 23.-Upon ro- cuipt of time umtiws of time ( lisclVery of yel. lmmiv fever at l'emmsauia , time Mmmbilo beau ii lIf iiem1t1m rccotmtimmoimdod time estamtiiislimmmuimt of ( ltmammmmtimme agmtiimst that plaice , audi time g.mt'eritmmmetlt. reservhttmOmt amiti l'rociitmmmath.mm . t'a' . aecomhimmgiy itiadu , S'Ai4ht INOTO. ' , AtliltIlt 28-Thmo imctiumg secretary of time mmwry imii received time foliowitmg teitim.ratmO frummi l.itmteimaiitt Comim. immamidur Vuicii , at Pemmsmeim , dateti yes. heniai ) ' ' 'Simrgooim limtrtmrm admiseil to'thm hi , ask time mmimumiimsi hmosmihml ; sum-mice to its. sist time 1)Lti.i0 . Of' time reserve , as ummie ( leittim ocetmri ed this nmormmimmg \Votmlsoy , mmmiii titurt' are itt. least t.wt , mmmot-ususpicitmmm tatses \Vmrmmimbgt0hm , all believed to lie ye low fever. 'l'lto ) will uli'citto tlmls afturmmoomm. I cmmmmmot 'mammniie tJmti resort-u amimil yatmd with time fomcu alt mmmy disimosimi ; 8 * ) 1 imaive wired IIammiiltnm timait mo ere delayed iii Immuring mmmar'mmmes , html they got OUt List , idgimI amid nto muml loeimted. Stir. coim ? mlamrrin iii imtumkmtma. every ciiin't to stmmmm1s umtmt the diseaamo. _ m\'c immio soon tcm hare time citizens aetiitg iritim its emmergeti. c-Lily , though mmtimmty mire very destitute. Time imut'tmim ttimdur trcamtmmmummt \Vouisuy died of yellmnv fever , immatainm two deamtims to ilay. I regret to amimmoullco lime miemitim of Surgeon Owoit , of yellow fever. " \VAHhIINOTON , Augmmst 23Time cmllec- mit Pemisaculis tolcgramims tiiamt the Imotise omt Pohmfmmx wharf , where two cases of yellow furor mveru discovered , laid been bunmod. Dr. Guttmuaumm , of time ioar(1 of imemuihhi , does mmot believe it will be epi- domnie. Time following teiogramat ( rout Pensacola wits recoiveti t.fligimt ( by time surgeon general of time Maurimmo imospibmi service : "Ommu sailor died at qnarammtmmie last miigimt. Time lPst imuirtoma uxaummmimmatiomm by Dr. l'mlurraiy , of time Mnrimme imospital service , aimd Dr. Leommmmrd , pmommommmmccd limo cimmie mini yellow fever , iut pernicious smvammm furor. ( Sigmmed ) Gurrmas , ' 'Prusideimt Board of [ leaultim. " POItTA10UThI , August 23.-Mailamrimm 1mm aujipuamed at sover.d Now llmmmmmpsluiru bcamchmeam. l1ammmy people atm-u ilL Leo'is , am wealthy Plmibmdeipimiamm , died at ide cot- hugo yestordaiyof imialigmmamit. typhoid fever. his servmummts mmmiii fatmmmiiy ammo ill. Fufect. lye d.mmi"imgu . is supposed to be time Caluisu of time trouble. Mrs.Vard , a guest. at Rye Beach also died ostei-day. TIIK 'I'1.IL'LjtLt4 AT 'Ilt18CO. Elect bit o1 Ofilori's-Timo Fommmitlat 01' mime Gurhichti ] tlummuummeumt mmmiii ( ho Iimsci'lptlimi. SAN FILtSCISCO , August 23.-Thoi lowing were uleced , officers of the nigImtii Ttmmmipi&m'4lramm4 : ummastr ; Robtm- B. Vitlmers , Virgimmia ; deputy grammml , Charles Roommme , ltumv Yom'k ; guimorimlissi. immo , Joimim P. S. ( inimin , 'ieimmmsylvatmmiim ; C1)4)taitm ) geutorami , hugh McCamrdy , Micimi. gaum ; seimior warden , .1. Lormmu 'l'imomimas , lCemmtueky ; jumiiur warmemm , ( leo. C. l'um- kmns , Camlmfom-umia ; treasum-er ammd recorder , ro.eleetcct. ' [ 'o.mnorrow , time iimammgmmramtioim of time Garfield mmmoimummmummt. sumiti lamyimmg of time coruitirstone , liars lmeumm detalaired it statIc holiday , anti miii bumsimmeami yill be sLum- potidud. The fallowimmg iumscription trill be en- raived on a copper ilatO mid imiclosed iii time box wimich will ho 1m1uced 1mm time cor- amerstoamu : 'I'o limE MEIu0RY or .TAMES A it I tAM OAR FL EI4D , \Viai , t.dtiifiaiiy sorveil iiis oUNT1mY o mtf li.tmrmi : Fmmu.mi , ma Conuauss naid as L'JtES11)1NT OF 'l'iE UN1TID STATES O } ' AMERICA. Itarn Nomemiater 10 , A. I ) . 1831 , Iied etLuaaiImer ) 19 , A. 1) . 1881 , Iroin vutiimti reed veal att ilie iaaiiitis , , f mmmi a IaamsuII. I'.lay iibm iliwtrioams caimeer s"rvo us ama i taiimpio auth his mmiemiaory icaimadmi maicrod iii his lmuLmrts of Ilus CouNTnrlmNi : Tiiiscornor.utoiio tvaat i.dd Jmamgust 21 , A. 1) . 1883 , by Clay \V. 'I'.myior , Most \Vursiaipfiml LJruitl 'miaster , Face amml Accejmiud tlasuaa of Imu it.mto ( If C.iiiformiiam , t , hold a eeoa-ds ammitl tm idst 1mm timc lImhilJIIt ) lIt tiiii iIOeafNr , Erected by time volimmatatry oamtraImmtiommmm of time l'Eom'LIi Os' Thil I'Aeu'ie Cosr or TIIJ UNITIu : STAfla4 or AmjEiamct. 'rank Iliqapersimuiger , n. iiiitlvo of Camilformila , Desigmier ammul Arihmt. riffitii Urifiltimt , builder of limo gramilte ivork. Joimim Vrlgimt , Ilemiry 0. Micy aunt Usury Kemmitzcr , Supervi1umg Arcimitects. "CDI ) ANI ) Ova COUNTRY. " - The lilimmois Hiato Fair. CIIICAOO , August 23.-A meeting of lie Illinois state board of agriculture was mold this mmiorzming at. thu Sliurmmmasmm house or time purvose ( if discussing atrammigu- umeumta for the commmimmg state fair , which is ( I lie held omm the grouumds of time Cimiciugo ) riviumg l'urk association from Soptumimbur 4 to Septommmbr 29 , iimciusivu. 'I'imere vcru prosumit amt time nmeetiimg ox.Sooator tidrigamm , of Albany , jirosidumil ; .1. II. bolt , of Olmammopaigim , cx. itrusitloimt ; .1. rring Picitco , of Cimiam'o ; Jr Grif- itli , of Ihutaria ; Samnuol Dysmirl , of 'rammmklium ' ( imovo ; B 0. Lewis , ( ) ttaiwai ; uiimm Virgin , Fairbtmry. D. V. Vitleimmi , r. , Cammbumm ; Aiiamm C. Itusim , I'attsiaoid ; ( I. Chester , Cumaimmipauigmi ; Davhl Come , imriimmviI1u ; 1) . II ( iiimiiammm , Upper Allen ; 3. l'uilemi , Cummlrahiam ; J. : ii.Ymudmbmirmi , Yarliumviiiu ; amid Cimimries F , lIiils , cidef 1cm-Ic. 'I'hie mnootimmg was calied to omder I my limo presitlommt , mmnd , on immotiomi , ad. oimrmmod to visit time fair gm-ommmmd. Members state shills have hecmm ommgrg- d for 200 imtaad of Ciytlumaiatio , amid a i rirger umummmber of Normmmammm mmtimliimsmms. talis have also been emlgamge(1 for ' .15 trimt. t.hs. 'lime mnuunagern decided to pursuit 10 gamames mif cimisuicu oum time greumuids and viii also lirolmibil time saio of alcoholic I iquors. - On to Ilmihinlu 1iii $ ) , CHICAno , August 23-A iassoumgerwur i mf limmmited unagmiitudu was developed bore o.day on rouimd trip ticketafroumi ( ilmicago I e Buffalo , Time tariff rate iota been 22 , m mut it was dmacovered that sevorsl roads i maid been allowing assongors $1 comim. niimsiomm , ummaking timoratu $21. Time ( it-amid L'runk railroad to.day ainmouumced nut ito of 820 , and oIlier roads imavu followed imis load. THE WORLD. Moncir DIMCIIitCS nrronnin the French 1nyaers hi Tall Intl. Ton Thousand Mon Necessary to Oopa Successfully With the Enemy. 'rho Coollo , Threaten Canton-Ills. mimnrch'.i At Lack of' l'rammcmm droatcs a Scmmsmtl tutu. GINiIL1 Vi iltKl(14 NKVH. hilMAIICK'i ( AtTACK ( IN tILNCIa. LON tHiN , Atmgnst 23.The 'l'imtmes , oemm. ohm time But-him Neil it ( iem-immum : Gimatitte nmt'mciu , referrimmg to time muttitik I , f I"rci jniirimiuis tim , (2 crimmami y itmmtt tutu' elamriiig Fmummee niomme tiim'eiitmi time iltuatcu iii ittrtle ) , s.mys time ii-ritimtiimmm i4mtiismm by t lii ) latter maillotCliii I U it , hu ox tuiiili I eti by time reaumoim assi4uIud , mis time Fruimehm ) rtas , U iomi tim e mviii do , hmtvo lit-elm very hi. . slur. iltu mum regards ( iermimatmiy. 'I'Iio article is rmmtiiur aim expuessloim of gumionml immmliam. hloimee itt. time coimitict. of time 1"rtmimcli , immiti .mtmimt . II ) C'iiiV'immeu timumimu t hit , timeir tlxlmedmtinmms iii rum louts hurts of time w.mritl uiti limit multi mu tue smimmullumI tiugm'ue to their mmmltmtummee iii ltmrope. 'l'iiu mum-tide of time Noitim ( lermmmaimm hJazette iiliti'tit'tt Pium-is , mibirimiet ! 1iumniimu , mImIL CaIisL'i in boat eu time hoiit-e tif Paimis , Vieiimmi itimul item-ibm to ( mmii , 'I'hmu 'ss tivumy usimiaru exIuIe5svR s.mrpriso itt. time ( lmixutto'smittack omm F'miummmu , , tumid wonder its to vimat its object mm. . "I'lmu Fremicim lalmurs meimol time uiiaurges comitamimiet ! iii time article , amid immtimmmate timaut France is butter 1mm-u. mammed mmuw thami ever for self dcfvmie , I'lmcy say ilismmiaurk1 seeing apm-oluxt fur it qimarrel , will use it fur time iimilimmsitimmmm of Im-usim unity bumrdeummm Time itmstrimimm press ask if time article immonums trar. Eu. glmsit jiitit-mimti tlmiiik time umau , miiuug is over. domme mmimd the caumsu fur it iimamtmtiiciumit. It wouid umot him wise , they mimmy , to muttiucim too mmmumclm mm sigumil'mcitmice to time airticie. u TIIf FIIF.N'hC IN TONQUIN. LONDON , Augumit 23.-L'imo 'I'iimae cor- ruspoumuiommt at llommg lCIimmg. m-iifeu-rimmg to limo mmmovcmmmemmt of time Ft-ui icim i mm ' 1' . i miq i u I mu , says : Tue ummumity is mmmamimmiy comumpmneil of CImimmeso , airmumetL with ltuimmimuitt..uu rillea' . ( icim. Bmmvet comnmumummiietl time Ic 1. etiumummmm of Fm-cit ii troops I I k beliuvut ! that time eimuummies' ioss ttits simiaiii , Fruuicim .ioctmmmm , coiumpimtimi muf wammmt iii mmmt.'tlic'mmmei tumid mueiru , 'I'imu ' iif time 1reuich Imitro becim mmtoilutl , , fmr , time in-dell , time trompim Iwjii iuustmilieiummt IA ) itttimck o itlig mmmii lb : oiumt which artu time mmtr.immt.est IlIsmitimnis iii t lie Delta. 'liii' ruinmlso Of time Fu-ummclm ills. hmotrteumed timumum muiti omucoimm.tmjuul time tome. mmmy. l'tmtit' tiu'usaumuml ' , mmativu clumlstimmimmu mire lid mug mu-mimed. ' [ 'Imo S rauumibirtis corrosiuommmient at IIummui iuhls : ' 'It is gummunuily iuiummitteml time Fremmeim will re limit-c it fumes. , .if . 10,001) mmmcii to iO utile to COilU witim limo uumuimiy SIlO- cessfumliy. 'l'ime mtuti.mIur . of gammmb matt imurti are immauleqimitte. Five tii'IImumt1 ' : co 'lie i Who auccomiutmatmmiea ! time Fremmcim c.mhmmmimmm III cairriors lied at time ilrst. sit it. It III stitted time emmummmy Iris uuitremmclmmmmemmts , ( limo mm. imimud time other , over time aim "a tmveumty- live mii1us Ihit .t'titIut 11 tmm i'm aumil S .mmbmg. . but itia timougimtthu i1.mLtimavu $ dcmtruyuL mmmamiy. ThifIOo1.1p.SCxcxTIII ( , . : A special tliiipattcim froimi llimug Kommg says : A Euromluammi itt Osmitoum 1mm mmmi auitur- dIllOn rcetuilly tithm smiumie ctm.miiem ilrow am revolver tIhi(1 killed omme mmmiii winmmmdud two mitore. lie trims aurresttal mmiii ! mmIIIy awaits tm-ial. 'l'hme outrage haiti alt cx is. ' iet-a1timmg oliicL mm time i ' ° i' ' ° 111cc , my iuo were atiready greatly excited by time ametinim of time l'memmch ium 'I'.miIIimmiii. i'iatetrils trove lstOti ) ( omm time mmlii of time city Vet1 hmutIIiy sum um mmmcmii ilmg tim e pp to Ii m rise am iii slamimi. ii I or time immrisiriammus ; , 'l'imo imiameaurti SI ) 'uhlud to time Iiuiiio timamt tue Kim ' . miItamms , 1mm Cmumrint iecaui mmii gmcamtly ilutmiied hOld Lime II ii tist' ci 'm mum I Hull I amum hill I ucail to time Iri tisi m com mm I i ml ida ro fi ' teetioui . 'lime It . tisim tc f I li'I m.m s ip trite Swift hits left fImmm. IttIlg for Cummtomu. Arvo'iso tm' EASi. 1mmg ; AlfilmIato lull limirculommam fem Sara- } gi , ssI : , to. 1 i flji u t. 'l'i am imniie ciliugrait mm imit mid tue kiuig ( iii time cml of time outbm'ciik ( If tim u mum u I I timmy i ii Sjsd m u. liuit Aifimimsi , , emi imi' ; arrivati aut Batrco- immnam , imid ii mmmist satisfactory recupti. . iii ( ruin time autimim-itics ammud nil classes mu time imiimmuiautim , , im. 'I ito voik img cusses j List I I lit of time ii mm i imun mus fimetomicat , mmimtl limo seamfammii mg II IjI mmlamtiom , out time qIIays , I IhS ti iy ulmeurud time kimmg act it , drove lImst wltim time ummamyor , ii mm item ! Iihcr.m1 , mmmd atccommmlnm- t lied II ommly a meimall eseort. rimlmiag just biiumluiit imis carriage. 'l'lmu 1)Cplti of ll.mr. o1ommi : , as ii rdlu. kept amb.slutuiy apart [ ruuim time imimlitary. Time lIrmmummci1mmmmontt ) of time working- mmcli's uniuhill , as well as time frmummds of Dastohmr , commulemummi time re.mopuamr.mmmco of Limo maiilit.ary , wimosu immiubortlimmatiouu iiused a mmmaist umifamvoraimiu iimmpmulusioum tmnong cIlmmmmmercial ( amid mnanmmfacturimmg , ii des. 'i'iio uuuilitary ummtlmom-ihius believe iuiit time extoiml of time contemumpimited t iimovouiieuml wits greater timaum its ametumml mmitbroaik , amid mimivocautes am cumitiummmimhi'mmm ' mt time state of siege fur soimmo timumu. 'Flue immtuuuiled royal trill to GurilmImihy will be datmitlommeil , mmmiii Ii P irhiatl m mm mu i Iie.tthutm of imu c.mbimmot is coumskitqetl certamiim. A T1IONU EN1)0It(3iMiNT. ) ( Ferry , pm-iimme mum'IImlmIter of F'catimce , iii 111010 umg time \'ge s CI ) (1 ( ii cii gemuu rail , dc. I at - . ' tuiim result of Limo luOmit uiuctiomms yams ii sbroim amlImrVJil lit time gisvermmuimummt , m mmmd a mmaltlolmal tlummu.nm tratmumm jim fautur , t imu repmm die. ummi.ul 1008 mmuoro. 'I'ime r'nmtimmg butweumm Caitimolici amid ) rtmmgummmuii w.m4 rummuwutl iiu.ir Coat. iridgo , imt1 mmmd , lam ml mmiImt 'l'mmu ( ) 'I aimockud time disturhummcu : imlmd mmmaile 31 .mr- esta. 'l'imirty.ommoleatlmsfrun cholera ocurred mm Aiuxamidmia yesterday. 8iaiighm ui imi' I iuil Immuis. LIMA , VIA ( LtLvIKm-oN : , AuAumst 23.-- Viiu Cimlilen chief mmt ii Lmauuucayo , imuing imm. : orumuid limit at large bumiy of lummiliuums 1mm- emm(1el ( to sack time city tumid rout time flair. y jim favor of eum tlmooce1mimiomm of time ivacmmamtioui of time lIlILCO by time Oimiiiammms , I irprised : iooo Iimdiamms , kiilimmg 400 amId a'ouumdimmg 400 others. 'I'ime Chuliamm lots iii ium8iglmifieammt. 'I'iuire is great excite- II Imiutmt ammml a general feeliumg of immsecurity t prevails ium tile , muit'1mirrimood. , IsmsIor'H ( Arlevammoemt. Nsaw Y0IIK , August 23.-Charles Frederick - erick Adams , mm Brookiymm lawyer , ap. imaged below time soumatu sub-commmummittuu on labor and cducahlon to.day. lie salt ! he is of time sch"ol of eo.miommtists . ied by ProI' . Fmtwcott amid Csirums , liii pri. .oset1 to 1mm-event the presommt nbsolmmto tiepemidemicu 0mm wages by metrictltig limo , ZiOpOiiaitiO fmnehiscs. Such fraumchfes sliOUl(1 ho given for Used terumis , at time emmd of which timno timy slunuuld be tlmrowmm ( ' 10mm tip competitiom ) . 'tVltmmesi fvored time estabihiimmmemmt. of i'osbul ' saivimmgs banks amid time salts by thmemmi of simmall iuummimmitlea to lmor people. ItfltLIilitNT SCiJK IN NKVI'O1tT. Gramiti Hail at time timtgmilctumt. ( , Now 1itmmsltmim u,1 atm' , ltmit'i't ( mulct. Nuvrouur , Atmgmmst 28.---Tlmo bali liToum- day mmigimt mit time mmciv mmmamuiuml of 'mlr. aimmi iIrmu loburt ( iimelut , m time ciiiiu , wits iii ket'imimmu with time mummmuii1ccumt-o tf time mis- tnhuisimummtmmit. mmiii ! time great tycaitim of liii , youmng Nutv'o m ii imitil h a mali rim. \'it imi u m amid wmtimiimmt. time scemme aims am ium-iltlimmit one Streaummus ( If mum i mmye iirtiul , , I 'igim Is aim 'mm e fri nit t ime uulutmisi. . imm , III Id t ii e ig , em pci m tim me cam rIu1u ! ii mivo mu-its bull I ii u m tiy I iitmmmm 1. miatteil. 'l'Imn vurluuuhimvmui emmetineti iii tultils Of cammuvai , sum. ! flircmul ( mu cmiii ittm't'at v I t im I ts 'mmmvi Ii I mg d I vmimm-m lmiteed iii I lilt clmms t eriumg iimm mm t a mmmiii III Ilium's , ( i me t imti useamk'mi daummeem's. A rmuimy.coioIet 1i.lmt. mmli eamumi-il ( Iii I. frtiuii t lie large , : tk , iii mm mel teti imai I , uvimichu Wits tuamul lot' Limo b ill m'uim. ' OIl either side ( If tim. ' umiais5i'u oak hot-tim ! _ iltim-c mecessos filled whim iltimIms mtumd exiities , Wit.OIU u'tiituisiteiy slmamd-d f.ml'uamtm . tm-its eumutimutmod to time iroImI ) mutimii'- case that cut-vet ! mllnvamtl tim time imatlemimmy over 10,11(1 , ( , amid to time left , ( If time i'imtniumce to time iuiIhtrt ! roomlm. Neamm- time stmmum-eauamu Wmuu nut mumlililme raibiwl dlams ( If oath , tritim tliv4imms covered mm him imitmabiu limits , eoit4tntstimmg witim time siim-eaiifmmg f , diamge. 'lime ii raitri mm rimommu imailL rumimy. colored lmamumgimmgs amid fumu-imittmru , with imimlumts 1mm time mmookmu , cilt-miura must tim-u. iiimmccs , miumd tue ummimimhiepieco iviO ; cremcd , tti.im mm bammic of cut Ilotrerim. 'lime hrtiiui wilmdlnm' 1mm time tower wits filled wmtim t'iimiegittem1 Iii iwomis li.mm ( ! cailiautimmlmm phmttit , HmLl Limo imuiemIy % VilS 1tiiit1d tritim aim-u hi1iimms iuimil VhimiIs. Om timu sec mmmii flumum' Ii mvimvimug mumass of fcrmms. ilatimmls &tmuii uxotiemu omiuaiied thu mmmmlsjOiimims imm time lIaiCOimy. Fnimum time ( lath- i iaiutelim-tl c.mi tutu lmlu mug linstorii tilaileriuS , wimosu silver mmmiii git1 emmmbrui. dory glittuiemi mmml muiiurkImi jut lime gtu. ligimt. 'l'ime billiard r.IIImmm vaii tiocom-imttl jim red , time mimimuitul iluihmg ( limo biamze of molly CIiol'etl Ilmuvers , mOld i.iaimmts . wumu imiaccim mmbemmt time lmlsuu-tlImuhlt. lii timestumillo hitS it citistem' of laihmIms iii time cemmtur oh time r.moumm. . 'time mumauumtul aims ( limo iliflIS of iviuitu gtauhiolmms , uummd I he hirei.htco . trims tIiivtL vmtim jt1miimt. Cimauiii I m's iS igimt' ' mum i ti ' 'mti mmmi mug' ' imti tug aumimiti K usturum him mg ii mgi ammd m'mclmiy emu1ir.iitlei-toL tiraimumies , It , .it'm it tmui-k , f itt mum uu'um' respect. Amimmiimg time gtmuststvus Mimmam , Campul. 'FtL1 i'1ItCit.tN L' $ O1tClAN17F. 4 _ ictei-ummhmmat h.mmm . to Comumluit Limo 1'nyer Ut' lhmmtim-immtml l'ooiH , , - - -I 0mm ucano , Augmmst 23. - lcprrsemitntivcs ! ( If 1ii' iuauhillg WimIIJa81e ( ( imiImmsuti Of limb' city Immald a mimeetihmg hot-u this auftormmnomm to f , IIII i am i as.uiauti. . . imm mm iii , ( j tiefi m 101 1 pmr- I " jam to iPrum'uu m 1. isem-jummi i Iltti ( imm by mmmii. m'iiiuis. 'l'ltu cimmimmi tmams immmmde at time umioutimig timitt time ergatuuizitiummm of ratiroatis limb ) iIOIis lint ! srveal tttmpjimlmlo uumuor cimimum Is mit ( It hue m' Ci mmmi jIOt iliLt P ° im m lii to oh. tiuimm hotter lorummat fnmmm time imstiIu timimum trims time case imm this city. A cIiuummmittuu SVLS mmlllltiimtl'd to drimit a uionstitutiouu , itiid fE.iIm time tuumur m if time slIceulles , it iii pro- imimseul to omghuumize WhmILt will bu kmuowmm mis ( " [ 'lie Fm-eight Blireammi , ' ' flmm(1 ( time griuvummee uf amy mmieimmbm'r vii1 be mumamde timugriovammco If time emitiuo lilt ! ? ' . 1mm f'iiiiitvimmg time lead Lf' time i-ammirmmauls , it is commttmmmmpiittetl to amp ) Ii ii t a comlumu I ilihlli immur mir umt.uI it. tI ( sliom k I i r time ci i ti ye b idy. 'I'Iit , tussoelautiom i 0 I mm - lraces , mIL'tmiy : et'ory luauliimmg imrImmsu Iii time 1:113' : , amid time IulmmVattioim is doummmed ito miumumstmml ; mimic MI'Oit'l'ING No i'14. Moxauou mum PAimic itaeis. : 1\1o \ : imiui-im l'.tRf , Aumgmmst 23.-'l'iuuue 1 mmaumto' : m mm ul , , 2 3emm' : (11(15 , 1 1 mm em I hi ( ioU u I my f'Iii ' , ieimgtimas , Eco ! m utceommil ; tiummu l:1t : ) . 'l'Immmt , tull 1101 0 ( Immiy itiumtui'tI. ! iiiie amumd ammm eighth , muiiLzImim uroum , 1mm. rii'il iieeIIiIi ( , .1(11111 ( 1 iuury ( I'aLVIritu ) mmcv- ui-ni iclIglilt iiclmimmd ; timmio 1 ; ii8. 'l'im mcmi II I murters ( if it iii i it. , 2 year ( ) lds , Ilimmebell Well , Reid mmecommti , 'I'uric timjm-d tilumu 1:18. : I lu , Volmhmmill womm , Cattlumlortm second , ( ti'triimu hum-mi ; tiummo 1 : .13f Stutiple Cummise , mmuiiu 1111(1 ( im iiauif , Ito- iimcstur Ivumu , Cimster mmucuumd , Doily titled ; iiime 2:50. : huASEILtLL. Ciuuoaao , Atmguimt 23.-Cimicagos 3Buf. iuimis I. iaTnoIr , August 2-1. - Dutrotmm (3 , Jiet'eliiumtlmm l , . EAST SAOINAw , Augmist 23.-S'aginawmm 1 , l'eoriua 6. TIll : 'tItUMI'ElUi , KANSAS City , Augumist 23.-Herbert 3iiuiu with 1mb' tram'mmmur loft Immdupoodoumco ildim ) ? , hLIii ( , it js stated , imimvu gumc to ' I Cimilulmi , ICiumi. , tim Imullamu-u for time coumm mmg prize figimt. 'I'imis tii'Cea time casu out if time lmiuuids of Vie ilfissomuri autimoritica. 1 tm-aiim I .miis 1'sOml ) ( , I3utauimnuu , , l'ii. , Augmmmml 23.--'Fime I , itm.ktirs' . Express" train , mui tim Now l'oik , l'omimusylviimmiam auth I limb Iaiiroald , i-umm timromm.Om am switeim lit , fled lIImiIIu , IL mmmmimil mItmmtjIum II few mmmiies west of Satin. muluilCht , tim 1mm mimorm I lii m. 'l'im e trail im tvau iiaiiieti tyitim It. tm-its rumimmihig it ii s1Iued ( if 00 mum lieu iii m imou r. 'l'imu milgimmu ratim oil time ties for am tiiatnmice ( if my. ) rolls , gnimmg mit greaut speed , cvossimmg L ( ltiu ) mint ! ( ialmlgum-oumm cmiivui'I , tiurowiimg imtu imeaury wimuciam of time tOiIiur ( 100 feet l'ioit. there trure mme hives lost mmccmmms ilimlmost mmiuaetmiomms , its ii imuuimmiier of cars were iamdly mmmmmmmmimud : iuumd wiecked. 'ri I iiimmois Ilium-vest. Jhm.OOMINITN , 4 muguist 23'l'iio Pan- agi-nimim _ iii tim o mmuormmimmg 'vii 1 lIumli isit a iIll ) report ft-eta lb jihmicca ilm IcLeni , ) u\ViLt , 'I'iuzowoll , Logan , 1'mlacoum ' , Mitsoum , ou-d , C1imumijmamigim , Livimmgmmtomm , I'corjamamid Voodfortl coummtics , showing quite a sat- sfamcthry commdition imimd lroslmect. It is amitimnatted tiutt time croji jIm these coummtiemm yjil average timreo.fourtius to a full aver. ige crop. Somimo of time cot-mm is simootimug iimward mmliii witimout sighs of car8 , but of imis timeru itt Ito commiduraibie ummumoumnt. ( loverimlIr Simernmaug-easum this lust-vest Iltuamo festival ut Fancy , Iowa , yesterday ; 1,000 i'mimiu wore presemmt. 'Fimu address WM 100 mIIIropriate to tiio oeeamsiou1 nmmd commtmulnud ic roleroamco to Politics. , jj. A PARADISE OF PADBABIUTIES Wharo All Grades of ; eatheF Can B Ha In a' Pay. The Presidential Party Gro ted by a Ohinook and a Gonu- inoProezo. Two Nutcul Artist , . Angling for Trout. -Nemirliug time Park. OAiuI' 1IAMI'TON , 011 Snake River , . _ _ _ Ammgmumt 20 , via Fort Wiuuimakio , August. _ _ :23.-'i'iuu : ' - presiulemmt's varLy reatuimod timig CumulI after tntvuhimug milutmt ) 18 mmmilos along time toot hills botwecum time Siuouimone anti. L'tmm ) imuutmuitniums. 'l'lmo camimim is mmatmncd. _ _ _ _ 1mm luommor of SommatorVado Iimihmpton , muimo witS expected to accoimujiammy time iar- 1.1' . 1 tam lociutloim is gm-amid , on a bitmtl'of time Sumiuke river aumd facing time entire r.mulgu ( If lime 'l'ctomm immoummilitilts. .Itmdgo ltuhiiums shot itimIL hrutmgimt iii imis first an- ut'impu. ( til kimids ut gatmmme ambotmumd iii. thu caummup. Nearly mull time plirly lime cmmgamgcd to.timiy iii immmgl'mmmg for- tr'ILmt , time imrusidemmt nut ! acumntor- \t-ust ouutstripi'uuig time rest amud vyimug for smulmrummmatey. Emicim litmmtleti tart ) aunt a half imlimumilis mu tnmmt Oil time time bimmir fecimug time aummllm ; it tits witmiesseti by time emitiru p c'imumummmmmmd. ' 'l'imemr cautcim fur to-day is. mmmmmcim burger timaumi ammy tiny ( lull 11mg lImo tm-il ) . At our lust ciuumip time temumlior of mmli time v-trty was serum-ely tm-jet ! by time ox- mm oammes of weautlmer. hot weattimer. in tin , ummidtilo of time daty , timid mm severe gab of Cioiiouik tu-iuitls thmruugimouut tiaty amm& umigimt , mmccommmpaumiiiitl with biiumdiimg clotmda ( if duit. Ice formmmed one immch _ _ _ _ timick umm , tyatur buckets before hmmormlimmg. L'im.ihty time wmiatimur iii clear ama ! bramc'ung 1(1111 mull time Party am-u in cxeeliemmt health olm.I spirits. To-umorrow time immatreim will take ImsWt , time aouitiiery boummdary of Veiiotvstoimo ian-k , CltiMtNl11 IIECOU.D. SUICIDES. CINCINNATI , Augumst 23.-Time janitor ( If Saxoum hat to.mmigimt discovered time dead body of Dr. .1. S. Mamrtimm in his office , witim mm revolver imm his immimmd mumul a bullet iiliLI ( iii imilm tumuipit , . Time doctor imaid been living aelmaritto fm-omit imis wife fur seam timummu , ammd it is beiiured the atu'mcjdo wa * time m-estmlt of domumostic troubles. l'uoutu.t , Amuguist 23.-Tiiomumms MclCimm- - , mmgemL .18 , atmicided timis iimnrmmimmg by Imumigimmg l"IiIhImre to 01)tmu'mui ehmmltoyimmuait mm believed to be time camumse. Till : PIItNht JAMES. TILIAI. . GAI.I.aTIN , Mo. , Augtist 23.-Time cpn ulmumuilty ' Wits timrowmi into am hmigim stamte of _ _ _ _ _ oxv'mtcmutelml to.miigimt by thu fiuct becomnfmg kmmotvhm timait tWo of time ummost. prommiuet-kt citiaemms , II. Davis amid Alex Irvimug , whim ammo wilmmesames iii tIme .lammmea trial , lund re- cci red tlmrmatoumiimg mmcl cs I Imioughm tFo iIistOillCO. ( llodm mumeum u crc actite jut their- uIiiiits to cmqttumu , limo immtmrtlerers of Cap- taut Siieetam iim 1860 , timid tomk part iii time immum-Ammit mmmiii hind a muimmmimig f'mgimt with time .Jimummes iarty , mit time residence of Mi-s. Saummmuuis , Timese umutos were mu 01)1111(1 ) immto limo otilco to-dity addressed to emmuim ummaum , wm-itttnm by timo''samumo hand , mmumti raIl timus , t1Yotm butter be carefmi [ about youi-.videmmcu agmmint Framik . Jamites. ( Sigmiud ) A Fitmnn. " 'l'hmese umntos mmroused a strong feeling of ilidighmatiomm iummmmmng time o'utizumms. l'tlany it. - of iii- regartieti Its a cowasm-tlly systommi - tiimidmutimm , wilmmusses , while lime theory of JItmIies' frmeimds is hiatt the notes trere writ- teim by imis emuounies to iiroduce public son- timimummt aigamimist imimn. One timimmgs is as- smut-i'd , time wituiesses for time state eammimot be iumtimmmidmutod by such a commrse. Ihorl : ! , umomimluit RUN IOWN , Cuinlaun , August 23.-Richard Faum- mmiuig , twoumly yeaums olti , emmmpioyed as hall boy jim time Siuormmiatn house , trims mirrcstetl Lo.mmjuiit umi limo cimamm-go of imamviumg commi- liiilleII mm heavy robbery while euumployed iii mm simmtiiar capacity iii timel'mmrker house , flostomm. Detectives deciatro Imo is tmo ! siuummo who robbed &tmstimi Cot-bin ium Leximiglun Fiats , Now York , and timat lie amiso robbed it laurgo ummummmber of guesta , It II Saratoga imotol , 'J'lme accumsed immaudo II imamrtiatl commfcssiomi. lie yams tailten to Ilosloim to.mmigimt iii clmimrge of mm detective frommm that city. A JULiOS CONVItITEI ) . LI-rrLui Iloeg , August. ° 3.-\V. It. AimiIImN ( , ux-mmtlgo of Faulkner cofluty , lots ilceim convicted by limo ciremuit court of Vitmu iluren coummly of stealimmg $150 froims Simoriti' Towmmmmemmd. lie was semmtencedto oume year iii lImo peuiiteiitinmy. TELEQRAI'IL NOTES. Don Caries 1mm arrIved at Frosdorf , the rot. Itilmncli of Commqmt.u Do Cimniambord , Disastrous buim fires are raging in Annapo- . 115 couumty , N , 8. .Foimmm A. Bmmrnimatm mm prnmmminent rahimMi mmamm amid capitalist of lostomm , (110(1 at his sum- mimer resideamcu last mmigimt , of heart disease , afjlli 72 David \Voods RumIl imis teaun were stung to- t1hirtim by mm swat-mn of lmommtmy bees at Matoomi , A fire in time woomis sommti& of Milford , Mass. . iiiriitlai ) ( lyot01111 immimiiireti acres. Dwelling hot mma are mmow timreatommed. Droumhim Is very serliams I mm hiatt Ileetlilum. 'I'm Nortimem'ui l'Iteiiic track beimig completed \VmmiIausIhamy , lust cumnpatmmy is iimW riiceivimmg tiIrIII5II ( rulgiit for iollmts lam Oregomm auid \VasimtIIgtomm 'I'errrtot-3' , St. I'amaml is nmaskhmmg great prejlaratiomIs fur it gramjad jmmIIiIeo (1mm time I I IChil IaC ( buy of timu Northmturmm Patci lie. A. iiAfl ( iliet mviii 1)11 ) ivcum I time Viliaril party and. thu city will ho iiiuummimmamtc(1 mull ! ( beet-dod. Now Yom'k lemmocm'atti. SAintronA , August 2.-TIme deimiocrat stiute commvommtiomi is called for SeItemmiber 27 , at Buifhimlo. A resolution by Itoosu. veil , of time New York coummmtydummmocm-.tcy , trims adopted providing titait pm-ilnatriea iii New York city for time olcctmomm of delegates - gates to timat commvoumtiomm be comiducto 1. I' ummior ( time diroctioum of time state commillit- _ _ _ _ _ _ tee , peimtlimmg mmutthouncumt of time dill'eromm os ( If time several famctiomms. Time resolution brougimt Ui ) a imot debate , and. was Ilnally- amdo1mtud , 18 to 12. , , j I 'l'imo Vaimoo l'uibiic Hoimool Burmmett Sjuciai Dlqastcim to Tni : liEn. WAHoo , Neb , , Augtmst 23.-Time public acimeol building at this lilitcu was burned. at 2 o'clock this ummoriming. It was time work of immeemmdiaries , Nutiming was savet hut a lot of mmciv furniture which hail not ' been set U ! ) , Loss about $3,500 ; inaur- alice , $2,600 , 1mm the Springfield and. llonio , ttI Nuw York. . . _ -4 --z , - . . . -t . CU 10 U4 U1V U. L _ I cV ; o nimPothiC ; IUimswt- , iOU to 5 Q ; i o ; . em Ia. ounoaoz ro _ I ? - - - - - - - - _ 545-mew ; yvmt : Ih - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - S - . 1nmLr Imnucn . uvia unnK. wc ; - - - - - -