I 6 rl3E DAILY BEE -COUNCIL BLUFFS , TIIURSVAY. AUGU5T 23. 1A.6.3. . - . ' 1 PI r > J , r.n trx BELT C OUNCbL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , August 23 - - ,9Uf9CR T1ON IIATE:9 : ply Canter - ro ante pet jak By Mot $10.00 per Year OFFICE : a. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. Itcpubltcnn County Convent km. The republicans of Pottawattamk count will moot in dole ate convention at the court house in Council Bluffs Thursday , September 13 , at 10 o'clock a m for tlho u ese of dacin in nomnfna tion candidates for tim following ou lcea. to wit : One atato smlator , two represon tivcs , sheriff , treMuror , auditor , aur voyor , superintendent of public schoola , coroner , and mentbora of the hoard of su tetVisot $ . Each tow ship will bo cn tUltld to the following ro1iresontation : Kane , let product..5 . , . . . . .4 Knna,2dprodnct..8 Lbcolii 2 Kano&Iprecinct.7 Lowle. . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Kane , 4th precinctU Mnee donla. Doonier . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Dftnden.2 ] Ialknap. , , . . . . . , .3 Neoln. . . . . . . . . . .3 Crarcont. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . .2 Canon . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Ploanont. . . . . . . . .2 Contcr . . . . . . . . , .4 Rockfurd , . . . . . . . . .2 ( bore. .3 Sliver Crock..2 aarnor. . . . . . . . , . . ,2 Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . .4 lfarliii , , . . . . . . . . ,2 Wasliington. , . . . . .2 1lwollcll , . . . . . . . . . 2 Wavolaud.2 , Jahncs . . . . . . , . . . , 3 } Vriglit , . . . . . . . . . , . Knox. . . . . r , , . . . . , 0 ork . . . . . . . . . . . .2 KcgCrck. . . . . . . . . 2 Thu primark5 in each lownslip , nBless otherwise ordurcd by taw townslhi l cenSe - miLtvo will bo hold MoudnY , So 1 ptonibor 10 , at 7 1p , in. By order of Ju1IN W. I3einn „ Chairman Co. Ilup. Con. Coin. MINOR MENTION , Sec Joseph Reitor's fall gooda. Cheap Railroad Tickets at Buehnell's. Itomenber the Harmony band dance . tomorrow evening , The city coprcil is to moot again next i Tuesday eveufng , f Not oven ono also in thu police court yosterday. 'J'ltis ' city ii iot so bad after a11 ; Kirkland , 'the , roadtit ny , jowblsir , is displayingsomo very flue goods , nutvu- days. s ' Lehvo to niarry was Yesterday to ran to c 1 I to C L Noiinas and xlioroea IIartinan Loth of this city. The Chicago Ideal o Lora coatally pro. deedd. "lolantho" at Mohan 'a last oven in8 and 8avo touch satisfaction. Charles J. Homer' was tiostorday brought in as an "unknown' drunk , Ho was sobered up and lot out on bail to appear this morning , Miss Myra Abbott ; daughter of E. J Abbott , cokbratod her birthday last evening with a joyful gathering of young friends under the Parental roof. George Blaxsfm , the Mahn street boot and slice mini , is getting in an unusually large and fine stuck of now goads and 5001115 GI ltavo firm faith in a big tall trade. Pro' ' arty along Main street has ad. vanccd greatly in price 5inco that atrcot 1)0011 priceproperty inns ) filled up , property o trnmut s holding lets at an advance of four or five times as much as the work of filling cost tlhoui , Lena 1'olzer , a younJr girl living at Ayocr , who was last sprung kicked by a horse , has not only survived the tro'pan- ' ning operation perforated by Drs. Bulllu- or and Doutkin but netlY recovered usual health mid vigor 1Vo learn that Mr. Larson , of Stock. huhn township , whose house as 'torn to pieces , and hi : wife killed b the stern : f tho7th inst. . has also died from th u injuries 'received at that timo. Thour soh was saved by going into the collar , i Donison Bullotmii. $ The supreme court Wfis very quiet yes. tq dNy. Judge Ayleswurth sat umi thu Lv can rendin r out loud to a foe idle wi- it.i ra a stirring democratic editorial t'11i1 tire clerk was to use wlhat'Germun vocabular h0 oud command to nlak iu r two inoti utderstaud wheat the lad r # to s'w'ear to in takfug out their oitimi1 shiIt o pujporn , ILis pretty well understood that as- 4' corm as the Union I'auifle gets its track aid along Union avenue it will purchase the street car line , It will thou huvo the entire central of communication between hero and Omaha. Those who have howled about the street car line being a ' monopoly will thou fail hhto the hands of a worse one. The aldermen scout very slow about comfng'to the front and getting the back pay they voted thimusulves. Perhaps they are so flush that they don't ' care for the money , n If so , they ought not to have voted it to thumsolvcs. Perhaps they arc now convinced Hutt they hind no rlglit to vote themselves back pay. If eo , they ' should take back the action like lit. tie mcn There wan a largo and brilliant social atlhering at the residence of Major and Mrs. J , L'yeau last ovedng A teapo nary floor was laid on the lawn , for the plcaauro of thoeo who delight in the dancer the rounds were brilliantly light. r bd tlho parlors filled with : guoata refresh. rhente bountiful , excellent music , chatting ; In fat there was everything tied all tlmin a to make it a most Tucceas + ful and enjoyable social event. The funeral of Mr , John Taylor took place yesterday front the family rue ! . dunce , near tIe asylum. Ho was 78 years of ago , and line been a resident of WMtern Iowa for clove : : yearn. Isis aged wife has beat sulfuring from tlio sane disease , a very violent mid ratlmpr unu aunt type of d3'aeutery , and her coalition was so low that slue lies not boom : In. fernned of the death : of her hhusband. Time faro departieut 5001118 to be neglected lected b : u city ofleials , although it is vile of too mot taipportaut of all. ' 1'hu lira alarm s .stout is tinrulinblo amid nta ninknd the de partnhont at any time and uhal.u tlnvni .u ut tutu wrwm diteutlou at the vote wren timiic. Now attention is called to the condition of the hose , of while ) : there is only 2,050 foot on had , annd of this amount 850 is defective anu unfit for service , while time coat has bowl tleh ± hl for yoare , lnoh0 of it less titan four yers. It is liable to burnt , or ctuso delays lays , and even if it were all good there is Nohough of it , fi t" In the circuit court yesterday the case „ of Jock vs. Rand occupied moat of the time , it being a trial by fury. The trou n r 14e e ern to 1 * about some cetray cattle r' wkkk Jack picked up and wlvcrtiscd. „ Ka : d attyrward clahngd them , and after payiDi Il&o cat of keeping maid adverts. t WI. took Pctat ! ewloa 4f Aiclnr , on cwldl y . ' . i it et G _ _ - . A tion that ho would file an afidavit with n ustico , and provo up that thocattle wcro his. Fniling to make the affidavit , Jack has now sued him for the value of the cattlo. Gcorgo Holmes appeared as attorney - tornoy for time plaintiff , and Jacob Sims for tlho dofondant. 'limo man whoa an Illinois sheriff was herp after on Tuesday has skipped the city. Ho was a carpenter , and wenthore by the name of Cloland , though in Ste. tnmtson county , Ill. from wlanro hr came ho lforo ather name. The sheriff for that county says ho has boon afutr him for several months , but has thus far always boon a little too Into. The mnu Is wanted for having too grant a heart , ii tppcadng tlmt he loves not wisely , bu two or more well , and that lie left a wif. .a Illinois tvhilo Iho has falcon up with nether , amid n'pparcnt'y ' ' to bin : a darter I'ho ' carpenter hind not been hero long hurt hindformed smno acquaintances wlii will bo nur prised to leathat so seriomm . a charge loans over iii : : : , as ho 150(1 Lb. tp1ICarnncr of being a ery strailihtfor- ward sort of a man , A Dakota correspondent , in a personal hotter to a Council Blur friend , says thin , a big storms : struck Sioux Falls on 1i ridn last , blowing down live or six houects , liglileniug striking the tolophano ofliee. m n l also killing several cows and r1horseq. Into same correspondent says , I saw Doe Felkor last we ( k at Kimball. Ilia olt friends wouldn't know him , lie wears a suit of ducking , has an acre of ground , on which : ho farina ; and runs a stept y' laundry , and drhvva a.pair ot little grey liinles. 1 asked him what he had (11)110 with hisavhite vest amid gold-headed cane and lie said lie had traclad time : : : off fortnrnip , scud , and hind time : : sown it n > thick as wheat. its worth a quarter to see hie : farms : it. " lThis picturu will ba m : interesting one fur Dees old acquaiut minces here. - - - ® - - - J. W Iludofor laving boon olectud eecrcbry and treasurer of the Mercantile Loam : , Trust and lrsipruvonment company of Council Bluffs , hoe accepted the ( mess. Lion amid assuoed the mamma omont of the company's business. Time following waled uraonsaru oh the board of directors ors : Tt A. Kfrklaud C , S. Lafferty J , > V. Rodefer , I. A. Miller , E. L. Slhugart. T A ICnucr. i , , President. A CIIANCF' 11''OIt ' CGOTIIES. An Euterprlsor'.Vhluli % VhIl Interest ThosolV1in Want toJrr , + t ; WeIL A utodol tailoring. establiahtnont limns boon opened at 102 Main street , by Slid- tom : , Hendricks & Rico , a now cenbina- tion rf namcswhich are familarly con. meted hero in that business. Their card appears in another column , and those wino visit this establishment will find it complete in itn furnishings , and the stock of clothes already received are such as to enable every customer to find what will sown to himn "just the thing. " These gentlemen are wide awake , thoroughly experienced , and have a wide ncquain tawo , and time manner in which they start 1n indicates that they are to hare u liberal patronage and a growing busilluss The enhiblialmont is certainly a credit t : Limo city , as well as to tIme firm , and ihost who watlt to dress WOII can surely accost , . phial : that by getting their cluthing made to under by Skelton , Ilo.tdrieks & Ricu , Dr. West , tluntist , 14 Pwnrl shoot. L'1ItSONAL 1Vi11 Crce , for some time ( n the outploy of ] B. A , Becker , but lately in the employ of the Pucfllo Express company , in their transfer office , leas resigned tire latter position to accept - copt a bettor ono with the American Express company hr Dos Moines , 1Vill has becn in tbs express btwinoss for a number of years , uud le thoreforn posted in every detail of the business. IIe Is also a thorough gentlennu and a flue fcllgw. Darlmig bus stay in this city every one ho bin mot he hres made a friend of , and all an sorry to see ldm leave , Litt are glad ho is bettering himself. J , P. Banes , of Colorr1u 9 sihii s , Colorado , was at the Ogden yesterday. Chnrlos J , Vestnvrr , of fit , .fno , reached the Ogles ) 'esterlay. E. D. Listeohn , of BosGm , pat in at thq Ogden : yesterday. Albert J. Glass , hrynugersir the .tauosvillo , 1ti is. , slediciuo ceup..uy , ww : lii tlp + dty yes. terjnybitervloiving thh atrlctlltiirtl : intplo mount nicn. hr , and Mat , siclueu bnro returned fron : Olds. ' Mr. IfelrySwan has retnnrcd from Chero kee Springs , th abetter is h. . ; ilth for hits going , 11' . S , Goodell , wlfo L.tl : oust , of Emerson , were l'ndtlo house guests yestorday. E. J. Iiutue , of Bdstm , wait onruihod on the big brok at time Paolo yesterday. C.1. Ifurloy , of Schuyler , Nol , . , was at time PacUle yesterday. 1Vllhiaut Kempton , of ( Ilonwcod'was , fn the city yesterday and made headgnartere at the Pacific , , Judge Walter G 1ayes { , of Clinton , the domtcaatlc aspirant for the supreme bonds , ' was in the city yoatenlay , and wan given a hearty welcome by those who arc suppurdng his cause and duo courtesy by all. A Y , Rawson , of lies : Moines , made himself - self comfortable at the Ogden yesterday , 11 , J. Casady , George 1V. Brooks , and 1V. J. Higgins wore anuug the Chicagoans at the Ogdoma yesterday , J , D , Ellwood , whose nano'is funihliarly connected with time m anufacturhmg buslneas of Sycamore , ill. , yeas ntthe 1'aeifa yesterday. A. 0 , Freemnu , of Cldeago , wav a 1'acifho house guest yesterday. 1' 0 , DaVul , of the harmhraro loose of Do. Vol ck Wright , fa aoF rsmhsigatColfax Sprhmbs. Corn Cobs for sue. Address , L , B , Cousins , box 100 , city , heal Estate 'Iramisslers. Tle following deeds worn filed for reCord Cord in the recorder's ' office , August 22 , reported far the lin mi by P , J. Mc- Mudhoi , retiil estate agent ; L. N. Bates to Carrie MLyme : , hart of nwj a v 175 , 40 $1.5 Fmncia Guittar to Sarah McMickons , let.0 , block ; l , Jackson's add-$0,000. U , H , Peterson to United Brethren church Part of nwj noj 12 , 77 , 30-P25. 'fetal odes , $0,875 , Ilorsfirsl' . Aoid 1'lrosplrate , Drakes a CoollnrDrink. Into hnhf a tumbler of ice water put a teaspoonful of Acid Plioaphatoadd ; sugar to the taste. Prairie chlckon3 and A. Booth's select oysters received daily at 1V. T. Braun's. : . . c 'iELEI'IiONE TAIdC. The Council lllutTaMnnagonent 1)cny Some of limo Assertlons of tire Renal of Traclo. The management of the Council Bluffs telephone ofllco rises to correct some of tube matters sot forth in Limo protest of the board of trade , which body line officially declared Limo business as conducted hero an impositimt. In regard to conmuni cation will : outside Iowa towns harir.g to be made through Omnalia , crossing time river and tlon : back again , a stout denial is made oXOOI L as far ne Glonwood is concerned , It is stated that Pottawat omfo county is tinder Limo control of the Nebraska 'I'clephono company , but that the rest of Limo state is under time control of the Iowa Telophonc company , btun are now out strotelung a line from here to Avoca , and it will there connect with tlmo lines of time Iowa cowpony , so that there will be direct cpnununlco- tiou between Council Bluffs and the auuulor towns , tvhilo Oiialma will hate to got its canncctiona tlmrougli Council Naffs. Time umanaau nmtt is quite set against time propusiLiomm set forth in the board of trulo meeting tlmat Limo taleplmotmo is n colmilnom carrier , and any limo should have the right to use any tclophouo for scud. ing a nhussnge , oil paying the price of acudhng a nmesagu. It is clnuned on "thu lighhhitmg" nude of time house that the company would take out its toltphomw rather than subunit to it At present ii a uun aubscriber wnnt.n to summit a niessage Iw utust go to time central oficu or to soma public telephone station , but undo the proposed change Imo could drop into any private ufico where there was a tube. phone. 'I he mmuuageneit say this would uccessitato time narking of every umn who hind n telephone an agent of the ' couhpaiy to receive money niul kecjp accounts , and that there having to oplmmnhcs will not submit to any such muioyancu. Otherwise , the cunlra , office , every time there was a ring , would have to ask who it was to learn whether the ringer was a subscriber or not , mad then have to charge it up nncl keep ac counts , a large portion of whicht would , either be not mid or blso disputed. TImoro is one healthful ofrect to be look. ed for resulting , from : , time discussion of the tnanngemnent and the airing u p of bgrioVuices. It will doubtless lcault in haviifg real Caimsea of contphaimmt rectified , and sucicbntigcaald improveniciitsmadc as , illgivu satisfaction. Every telephone which is taken out hesaenn time value of every telephone tvhjch is in use , as it decreases the number of connections which it is possible to make Mahy de not think of this. At prescut there are few places in Council B1tilf which can boenlled up if needed. Neitho the Ogden nor thu Pacific huvo tale. Phones ; only two doctors have time : : : ; the court house lhts none ; smno of the depot. have none , amid few business houses lmvt lily fn eomcparisol to the numbor'that should Imavu then , if mauagod rightly thou should be three times as many tel uplieies in use hero as thieve tiro. - - - A ST1iANGEIt STItANGLEI ) , A Drunlcct Itimin ICihletj by a Chtutlt of Denison I3eef.ttath , The news of time strnngo death : of n stranger comes from Denison. TIm man canna there of the express train from : : that ; east , being put of at that station fop stenlimmg a ride. At the doimt , after time trait : pulled out , le was vary excited and tore about in a violent ntannor , threatening - ing fleet one and than another of the by- standers. Ho throw off his coat and hat and danced about in his rage like a wild man , Marshal Ellis told himn to put on Lis coat and lint and go along tvitl : hinh , as ho was an officer. This rather cooled bin hewn , although ho kept narking mill sorts of threats , and walked along with. out any jmhysical violemconad was locked up fu jail. After a tiuw a pail of water Wmis give : : him , ahmd a hot supper , consiettmig of bread , mid butter turd beefeteik. the attacked time food in a ravenous manner , as though ho lied not hind anything to eat for cuv ermil days. Soon after time tmn ehal had ate p pod out of tbu cull and shut time door , lleaving time mnu to Iinisl : his nheJ a u. . collar wlwezimm r sound wits hearth tutu omm the dour boimi6 mined the Iirisutier shy 6 ge ect cut strmg : ing terribly , nod before aid could ho hmut Iw full to thu floor timid was dead. Time post mortonh exnumiimtio : showed that apiece of neat about five inches in ieimgth was fast in his riiud pipe , and was concluaivuy ! the cause of ( loath. The luau wits about 25 years of ngu , nod ifs mono hu supposed to bu Jmnes Cmunpbull , as a I ) : : ss Iook was found in ifs rocket with that name and seine memoranda indicnt ing that iw belonged at Ames , Iowa , 1'e1e fnuna sent tlloru , however , elicited time utfornation from : : the umayor of that place unit Campbell was a wayfmuing man , and load no rvlativea or frimids thoro. Ho was , therefore , buried as a straugor , tlwr5 being mio further clue to his identity or time whuretbouta of his friends. End of Chmiptee I. To the surprise of n'1 , the Blackort as. anult case reached n dncislon yesterday , though not a timid one After sixtuem : eontinumeos , two or three claugcs of venue , a dismissal , a revival and uauy other moves in the tussle between Attor nay Sears , who appcarad for the prose. uuthon , timid Johu Lmiudt , Lebo appeared for time defense , a limiring was reachud and yesterday eudod before Justieu Ab. Lott. 'limo caau was souewhat mixed , the plaintiff , mmAued ltuuier , tvho is a amts , testifying that lllnekert limit hie : ( limo tunes very hard with a heavy ax , . and yet tie uutn hearium ; no bruises or cuts. Omi time otierhand } , lllnekert test- ! fed to tnlldnt ; to hunter ion sign Inn. guagu , amid clamhmg that he understood emmouglt of lb to talk easily with uutea , while by nut expert put on the atahd it was shuwu tlmt Blacken understood hammy any of time sign lauguago Justice Abbott waded through time eotiiietiug toatimouy as beet Ito could , tutu cuuclmled to bind illackert over to the district court in 8250 bail , His attorney , Lithdt , theuut- nouneed that he should proceed to get 1:1n released on a writ of lubeas corpus , An information has now beam : fled turning the tables and charging the uhuto Ruiner with assaulting lilackcrt audMra , Blackort. Thu latter is In an insanu any- tutu now , ait is clahmed , from : : the r. suit of the assult made by Itelnor , 'l'imo whole afoir , ii : fact , eooummm to have beet uuly a neighborhood quarrel , and oc Burred two months ago but the lawyers unto to give up amid time case line boon dragging along , It taken two mmttlhn to fhmilsli onne cla rotor , how long it will take to make up an otlmor fa a Putxlinir query. J , . N. CASADY F. If. onctrrr. CASADY & OROUTT 502 Broadway , - - . - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpats and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS . , Curtain Fixtures , AND A Ct MLETE'r ' CK OF CHOICE 0 a i. Novelties , a . S 1Vfail ® 'ldeTs r . .pl" r Filled , sl CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. H. AYN E & co. , DEALCu ; IN Liffie Louisville ktIClfIOAN 1'LASTEII , IIAHt AND SEWCR I'll'E , 11.4111 ; AND SOFT COALAT LOWEST PRiCE. No , 639 Broaewav. - COUNCIL , tILUFFS , IOWA. NUGENT & SMITH , , 'q _ t 1 1'i"1 f fi , I " n 4' 1 d 0 4z2' , ; . r 7 .t Merchant Tailors t 7 timid 9 lsIn'm Stl pi't I ITB CTO-l'P - , COONCJICJ Sx VFI' , IA. . JUH F O & U ( OE EIAL k1ERCI1AND19F. : , 18 Main sticct and 17 earl street L. B , CLARK & CU . . Proscdptlons ; DUGOittih , LOO Broadway. i VAxVliLL ( : : [ 111 CItESTON 1IOUSE. _ , Grocery , 21& ) ialn Strect lintel , 417 and 219 _ plain - street J'M. B tRf1TOW M , D. , Corner OFFICE t'UUstreetandlYfthaye. , , - h j it , J , F. W Hi E , Cornet thin and Fifth up stalre. Itoelduna. 009 Willow avenue , - - - { - - - 7 JUST1CEOFTiiEPEACE , N tiCHURZ , Olmlee o cr Amorleeu Ex press. r LIVERY AND FEED , S WAGN E { tvlll contract tar funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street J ' JUHN & Cit. o bH BUYERS mesa fmiut. o. M S'i wary , . . , , try and . Shipus. Oraft malt. 140 Broadway. pJ A . P I ERGE. NEWBOOTANDSBOESTOIIE Corner Main , and Forst avenue. - StUN WIUTEII AND URAINEm : . D. A. BENEDICT. Once 337 bn adway. Cumel nmuac. Iowa. J At I. ) S CH , Stock Complete. Suit. 11EItCIIANT made at reasonable TAILOR , prirem. No. S05 51aLn St a. . F S ITH , corner 7th mud Broadway. CON'TRACT'OR Ptans AND and BUILDER speciacanons , furnished. w , w . SH UR MAN , I have the variety DEALER that bring. IN FINE patrowge. IfARNSS. 124 Mate street. JA M F. S F H A NE- ; ' ? , Artietlc Work and MEIICIIANT reasonable TAILOIL charges. 572 Broadway. BI iWE & SO N. and Itot elinld Supplies. FURNITURE STOVES , 303 Broadway L IN DT _ & N A HT , Janice IIloak. ATrQRNEYS i'raetko AT LAW state , and federal courts. ll auuhcturera Fina Furniture , Upholstery Goals , Curtains , Sr , ST CXE _ & CU , , _ nndWindow8hadcs 307 Broadway. 7 Amid bath homo , 421 mill 423 Broadway. L. Soterolgn , Prop. P. J. Mont. ti 1NLA ) R t U i v1 Lamcp' , ii. U. I'hysldm. . Y Y ADI j JA Y , - Ohre , Bmy's stable. VETERINARY SUIIDEON , No. 12 Scott street . J , yN NESS Y , Tmdo Eu ; Iled. _ of Sthstreet.butweea IIOItSC COLLAtw 6ths and 7th are. - - - tn JUSTICI.OF Tin. PEACE , iW7N ) - BB jT 1 , t + olpryrnblloandooncrai . 415Ilrnadway. . SI11T11 h NOIri'ON , - tEViSE1 - - ' Ht I , - opposnoNow0lerarlouso. Refitted - $ l$1.SOperday. - NIw' : AND SECOND UANip IIOUSEIIOLD.UOQDS. H , ALNiY , lmmtghtnudsuhh 212Droadway SPTCIAL NOTICES. _ _ _ _ _ NOTICE.-Speclal advertkements , such as Lust , Found , 7b Loan , For Sale , Ts Rent , \aante , Board. Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In thus celumn at the low rate of 'fEN CENTS I'Elt LINE foi the first insurtlon mud FIVE CENTS I'Ett LINE for each subsequent In. sertiun. Leate advertleemente at our onlcuNe.7 fear ! Streit , near Broadway - " . WANTS. ANTr1p-Every bc.aytn Council tilr.ae to tats vyTIIsBrx. Delivered by carrierat only twenty ants a week. ' JAN'JED-A competent girl for general house work In small faintly. food wages. Address P , Bits Orncca. { 7ANTED-Agood sr rl. Apply at Uthe SYfndsor I1 restaurant , 531 Broadway. 7ANTED-A boy , with potiy , to deliver Ton hiss. 7ANrED-Sixteen first class tailors , coat , pinta 11 stmdtestseekers. JuseEh Itelter , 910 ! ro d way , Council BluSe. 'x7ANTKD-A situation lu atraery sow , either 11 In Cuunell ! hoar or l maim , by one who has had ex' erimao. Inst references. Address w' , hiss olllce'.Onmieil Bluffs , FOR SALE AND RENT. 'Ainl Foil SAi.E-Idt , hty acres lugrosed , eight 1 + tuilu from Cuuucil muffs. Address II , Lice uttite. 1OItRINT--'rsnstoros,40bydpon : lower ! rain 1 street , orposttu touidry. Enqulru of Jolt : : But. queen. OIISALE-llnusu and lot , northwest conwr of i 'l'ruthand Broadt ay. Jvmu W.Ilsmu. rnos. crncrn , ' U. at. rassr. OFFICER & FUSEY BANKERS. Council IRufle , - Ja. Esfablishea - - 1856 Dealers In Forgien and Domestic Exchange and Itomo Securities. w VAUCHAN. Justice of the 'Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. heal estate and In Odd Fellow's block , over Savior. Bank. Janstl MOROAN , XELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , 'The Snest quality and largest stock west of Chlrago of Wooden amid Iletalie Eases. Calls attended to at all hours. Wo defy coopedIon : hp quality of goals or prime. . blur Hr s.organ hue served as undertaker far forts years anu thorouzhly underatauds hue husl tic's. 1Yarersonu,311 Broad.ey. UI'IIOLSTEIIINO In all its hnnchcs pronqtly attended to ; also earm et laylmig mad lambroqulna 'rclcgtaphio and mail j .ter , Sited wIthout delay. SIELTON , HEYeRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE I8 SOLICITED. . ; , - y. . ' 4.4&FR. , , f' ' : , . , , i , , , i ' : . ; ; . S ( I I : . , .i 5. T The Trade e We take ploanuro in calling your attohtion to tlhu fact that wohaiomade such arrange. meats as will enable us to sell you Boots ; Slioes , Etc1 , Here ) as Low as you can buy them East. rWrit3 for further information. i CO. . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs' Iowa. I S S ' , ' ; w4s' ' 410 ol. eu Mtge + " ,1 1,3 0 C. ' ? - Em i ie Hardware Coa 1 frti r .1 I , , : ( I r 't7sT ] < OL1.f E flZtZ ; . jr j a en.1 ' fl . . r < " se 100 and 111 S , Main Street r G .x- COUNCIL BLUFFS , - I01V A. 9 t WIIOLESAJ/E DEALEItS IN - .i HATSCAPSBUCKGLOVES , , e 342 and 344 Broadway , - - COUI OII ; BLUFFS , IOWA : , , Soctables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city , Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , p ( p4 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' DEVQL & WRCHT ® rdiriaie. 5041 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON .MAIL . ORDERS , Broadway steam Laundry ! 754.W 3Z : 'I' tai O L I3 V [ A Y. ' A. C. LARSON - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. . JOHN R. MARTIN , pilIo1io11 I Fio. Has a'fuU line of Bath Tubs , Sink , Boilars , brass and Lead Goods , Lead and Iron Plpcs and fittinga. Jobbing - bing promptly attended to. First elass work ; uamntea4 No 11 Pearl Street ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , , - - - e HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Il c UGlzt 4zmac1 ec 1c1. one $ Loane l Abstracts Furnished 12' . T. IQ2ole/sAZT sT No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS sULLIVAN & rITZGERALD , DEALERS IN [ i.r000lles ! , rovisolls ! , Boots M Slioos5 I1VIrMIGtRATION L4r7GN'It'B. DRAFIS ON TILE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 313 BROADWAY , CO UNCILBLVFYB CRESTON HOUSE . MAX MORN , .r - - - - PROPRIETOB. 2 ] . , 217 cs. sc1. S1D IE1. ML5isl IBltx'oot , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , , a TBE LEADING DEALER IN , s 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. R. Rice IV . D. CANCERS orothertumors removedwltlmoutthe I knlfu or drawing of bloat CHRONIC DISEASES of kind , a epocialty , ( Jertldrtyyears pmetln.experience ( , 001ccNo. 5 Pearl street , 'Council Bluffs , gn'Cnrmsultatlon free , IIrS H Jr 11111011 l B. , , , u , . , PHYSICIAN & RGEON , 432 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Wholesale and Retail 'No. loll Rata Street , Nut Block South of Feutomce Oouadi muff , : , Iowa. ltdraraCi7D N.iY 1 , .tL Fair ! OF THE Council Bluffs DRIVING PARK & FAIR ASSOCIATION I SEPTEMBER , 10,11,12,13,14 , $15.000 in Premiums I bbaoo FOR STEED. Liberal Premiums for every Product of the Fans , Workshop and Fireside. The 'lrottiugltunuingand l'acingltaceawelbe The Most Exciting ! ' EVER 1VITNESSED. CHARIOT AND 11URDLE RACES EYerylday. The Track , Expo.IUon Building and grand stand Must to any Intl.eWeat . EXCURSION RATES oa all railroads extremely low. low.LION. . TIIOS. A. HENDRICKS , of Indiana , will deliver the OPENING ADDRESS on the afternoon of Tuesday. tgF9r preudumlbt addreu THOMAS 140WMAN. Secretary. . . . - - . . . : r , .