- - . - - - - _ - - - - . -U-- - : . : , I BEE -MAHA , WEDNESDAY , AUGUST.22 . B THE DAILY - ) , 1883. - _ _ _ - THE DAiLY BE& OTAHA. Wednesday Morning , Auguat 22 . . tfldIfttIOflR for To.iIiy. , Far ho upper MiMiMIPIi ) a1Ioy , parUy ckudy wohor 1Th ( ! ocL rains , aotitliorly , sliifling to westerly winds , falling bammotor , stationary or rising ¶ temperature. Fr tlio Missouri 'ralloy , generally fair wet1ier , winds shifting to northweRcorly , . . M.attnnai or rifling IartiIeter , ) nntl fall. iiig temerature. _ : - - LOJAL BREVITI3I ; -Who are Llp1 , 1.enk & C. fl14&W. -ugent & Luca. will again ontertnln on ctfl7.ons with 'ar1oynnit coiiioly pcrfiriunticos ; t a legitimate way on Twelfth strent this winter. They lIrnmlo the ) est in th , , land nil sointMndIIlg , we wish them ucce.s. -l'rsik , Ilibbard was yestertlav nrrstcl n the coniplaint. of tolin TIiipcrly , for aault . anil lattcry , nut ! wa. mnlctol iii tlio sum of 27. -1)e1lI2t ) SlierilT 'i. Ii. bach , of 1.aiicntcr connty , wa In the city la4 iiigiit on ofiicit , Iihiep's. -it 'vas reportd yeMerday that Tini ( rIN. vo1d , a Welt known tra'e1iIii&r man , ha , ! lmozi tmwned in 1kt , Clinmpliilgn , anil that it % va a cao of l4flIIOCI iiilci.le. The rumor cauel , ciused much comment ii , the part of lii , , nian ) . frionils in this city. --Tho members Of the Sndisi * llhrary : . ' : no latlon arc untified to attend a meeting to. night at tIm hail In leytlo's block. . , -1 t rumon1 in this city laMt tiiglit that. Jim lIoii1 , a JAncolti bar tender , hind shot atiil kiiiaI Joc. 1lalonu , , of that city. -No court until T1mrday , vhicti Judge Davhlun. of the First ilistrict , will hucar thu celebrated divorce cao of TII0IDM vn.Thioinas. . -A train ! ) over at 1)enismi , Iowa , last week iliad by being chokud to ileath with a p1 eec of meat , five inches long , which lie was . trying to swallow. Au Ozuiahuu druggist vouichuesfor this. -'rho Thermometer at ra Mcyor & 1iro. fldiCtAlI the following froni 12 M. yust rday until 12 1. to.day : 12 a. in. 81 ; t ' . iii. , 8G ° ; in. OO ; Vp. in. vao ; 'Jp. in. 73 ° , 7a.m.7tI ; 1On.m.tO ° 12a.m. 'JI ° . -Clean shari , bank 8amt ulelkared In dl . LU iarts of the city at tn1co that lefy COIuI. Petition. Call on or address John Steel at . : ° office of the Nebraska Ice Company , 1412 rarnham street , a183L -There will be a meeting of the Omaha Auxiliary society for the home of the Friend. IMionVodnosday afternoon , August ? 2 , at 3 o'clock , at the reshlenco of Mrs. ] ) r. 1)Ius. more , 1(13 ( Capithi aveinlo. All members o , pected to be proscnt.-J. E. Gisit , Roe. -The Sleepy Ilbhlows were defeated by the , Faniunn Street iulne Monday-scoro,14 to 10. The game wa hotly contested until the sixth n inning , when heavy hitting by the Frrnaun Sruct.sdecldeil the result. . Iii tlonlnth , inning the Seep1os scored sbc runs after two utieu ileolareti out. -A one armed man witAi an , uvun dozen white iiulce , which ho was uxhlblthiig , was one of the objects which iuiado up the city's life yesterday. The little oreatuirus were very tame and ruin all over his sliouttlers and an , , 2 and seemed to have a particular uliru to hub under his coat lappol. -Notwithstanding the fact. that eastern dniumuiers are working all Iuart of the west they ibu not. seem to be able to siiu4y oui merchants with goods n some of the latter have buyers constantly ln'thclr eiufloy Jo the eust. A. CrulckBhank & Co. , for Instance flow hnuive three purchasing nv-cuts In thu mar- . kebi of Now York and Boston. -Agents svnuntetl for Mrs. Owen's Cook Book and Ijousoholti Ouldo , tIne best ztiu1 onsi. oat selling hook In the unmarkut. Over 20 , . 000 soul alnuco first. iiuibhlshed less thiaui two years ago. Iteconthy revised mud enlarged. Evoryrecio has beau tested. Reliable , econ , . . omicuil iiiitl iractical. Lang. , profits tt live agenits. , -Thero Is one chamber scenic ainmoung tim , uw scenery at lloyd's Opera house , In which n jrfhianlsoimie steel engravings arc rehire. i.njo1nihangIng on the wall , ainil tim vaint. luIsqiikIllfu1ly , ilonte that a vaity of gentle. men vislUng the opera hiouso last uuighit got up ot iw.o whothd they wuru real or valnted. 4 One of ho gentlemen , , a pronilnient niusician of this'cIty ' , wotuil , not bo suitistled that they Woni not either real or oonl.cut inutod In friumiesuntli ho houl gone ( ins the stag , , , niount. ed a u.top.hiuidcr and felt of tine cinuvnui bun , . sell. . - A Blessing to all Maniklnsil. Iu th so tinuos whom our Newspuupem nuro floodel withu Patent muetlicino * drertisemoiutu , It ; Is gratlfyinug to IUIOW what to procure thuu sIu. uetatiimly euro you. If you arc Bilious , . blood outof or4er , Liver Inactive , wgeiueruibly tIelAUthted , there i nothing In the world that ill curb you so qiulckiy as Electric hitters. . Thuoy.aru is tiliisIiig to all inauklnid , and can be Ladfuoiily fifty cents a buttheof C. F. ( uod. mn's. - - I . L'IiIU3QNAIi. . T. L,8hortell , estern vasbengt sgent of the Louisville , Evaursvhllo & $ L Louis rail. waywith hueft&tuazterstt Knuisas CIt ; Capt. Wilson , .be popular Missouri l'acIIic coiuduc. ( or. and Moec Loch , a Cincinnati conninerelgub traveler , are In the city , and wore last evuninug tendered a banuutuet. by their frIends. Mr. Lool , is unfortunately quIte sick , thitu result of overwork , and will be lutalnod nit the Millard soeral days. Harry hi. Lingafolt , wit ) , aiuiier , tue grocer , is u ecelvhig congnxutulnti.iius iiyer inn ehwenu POund senIon , Iunilay night. Mother . aud baby iu o botTu doling well. it.uiuong the arrivals at thie Metniqsulltaii hotel yesterday wino \V. ( .1 , Butler , Tiusnus ; 1' . J. Koodon , New \'urk ; Cinas. Matthiiui , , ew York ; .T. J. ( iieesmi , NU % York ; . .1.Veslciy . . Welch , Chicago ; .1. .V. Barker , ( lieyeiuno ; 0. 11. 'nVihianl , Ilaiuiluiljihi , N. \ . ; .1. A. luterrlck antI wIfe , Now York ; A. \ . , Juhinsoni , Jos Motnues ; J. H. Ilaxter , city ; fl. flyer , New York ; Li. V. Jhustlnigs , Aurora , Nob. ; L. i. Archer , Carson , Iowa ; I % ' . i. Thsorp , I ' , nrsi in , Io % $ 11. 1)ermander cmii ( cuidly , Norfolk , Net , . ; Hannuel (3arhnart , 'tYost Point , Ne ) , . ; F , G. JfIei'hunau , Ret ! Cloud , Nob. ; Colonel J. : u. Smith auud wife , Now York ; Mrs. Kyu , owJIawpsiulie ; V. N. Mointrenl ; w. ' .i011 and wife , Lcayenuwurtli , Kan. ; J. v. Long , hlanunibal , Mo. ; J , B. Weuwer , IowsiD ; , M. IIaxdJer , lows ; J , M. OuhIan , Llauolui , Neb , ; F , Dunit , city ; 4. N. Goner , KanbIi City ; E , 1. ltagsdale , Kansas City ; Cluas. sY , 1)ownie , ChIu ; H. J. iCey , i.e Boy , N , Y.1 J. W. W. Garrett , New York ; tb. ii , Cook , New York Vs" . M. Johunnatou , , han. clohiuhu. : N , Y , ; B. (1. Dy and wife , yru&cuse , Nob. ; It. hi. hall , Fredonis , N. V. ; T. K. Budborougb , city , REFORMINGTHE ARMY. A Liycly Lotley from Gon. llowar 10 the COffl1llllllt 'dt Fort Omaha. Urging the Formation offloci Rib ben Olubs Among the o1c1iors. A 1)leg.isled Oflicer on tine Situation. lilt znakn me sick , " ronimarked an offi. cer from Fort Omaha , mat evening , as ho banned against tim porch of time l'axtoui house aunt 1ilckeI his teeth wiLl , a quill , ' 'nn(1 yOU call nlojmoiiil upon it that I am not the only ollicer in the Dopartuient of the I'iatto that inns luceun troubled recently - ly with chronic minusca. ' ' " \'hiat's t1IV' naked a relmrter of tine BIE : , Its the expressiohl of nlisguiat on the officer's face faded away unto ii look of settled nuolanclioly , ' 'Anytininig wrong ivith tine commissary pickles , or JIM tine suppiy of frendi hoof given out ? " ' 'Its that dd tonnipennunce hnisiiiess that's knocking nine , " respoiiclcl tine ofli. cur , who vourod tine folowinn tale of woo unto the ear of tine syinnuat1niv.nng inowspa. Per muLti : "Sinico its cluanignu of collnnanlerun , this ( inpartuliouit hUbs beezi undurgoinig i sine- cossiolt of PottY and tuncalled for uunluoy. anices eauis.d hy idhicious and ollicial nuneil. ( lung with , tine j'mrsonnal habits aunt hire. forences of thin ollicers to which mo otliur deinartineitt is cntlle(1 uipnini to stibitnit. . First. we had tine order iro1iibitiiig tine irining ) of military cQnvicts , tine very mini. tural coinsequenicu being tine escape of twelve ; inisonlers inst mouth , vinunn tIne order wins revtkud. , Then canine an order from tine connininninding goinural forbidding dress parades on Sunday. General Slier- luau sat downi on that witin in incavy tinuti. 1"ohlowinig tinis caine a lursoIlntI iiuuiry unto tine roiigbmiis protbulectionis of tine oulicers , soninetininig which is entirely our owtt hmtismincas ; then a tnrolnihiitioiu of all vork by tine stall oni Suinday aunt to cap the cinna comes a letter to General Carlin at Fort Omaha ordering us to organize - ganizo tonniporanico societies ainoing tine soldiers , tp stop all drinkinig among tine onnhhitod mcii to preserve their sotless iuiorals from city cont.ainiuationi , accoin- paniod with a sngnificaiit mint that if we fail the regiment will be ordered to front- tier nuorvjvo. " - "So General Howard wants you to or- galniz temperance societies does lie ? " ' 5'nVanta ' us to ? Confound it Inc virtually - tually orders Carhin to do it under plum of inicurring mis dispbonuturo. It beats lu-h. \Vhiy man , I've sorveni twenty yeaniu inn tine army under a score of commn- nnauidera and I never iii inny life have been niadu so sick at mnny stomach as I hare been during the past. year. Onto wnuhd. thunink tIne department of I'latte wits inn imnmnunau boy's boarding school and it's comnuandor head mmaskn..1' , " \Vlmat vtm tine form of tine latest. iit ( > ral mnmanifcsto , " (1tmeried time imitercstel reporter amid what. called it forth ? " " \Yo mayo a sissy of an inuspector gemi- oral vhno comnsidorH his chief thinLy is to discover winethor the lnabitmt of officers and mmten comes up to thu Conmgreg itionnal chitnrth sthmidard , and wino busies Itiunsell in limndimmg OUt what officers take nun oc. CAi4iOmiitl drink , 111111 winist or iluehimne to attemnci regularly tine unimnistratiouns of tine chiaplaimu. These are consistomitly re- parted to Oeincrnl howard , wino hnivs appointel himself nhimusiommary in cinnef to tine army for tinti sake of obtaining a little clnonp mnotoricty winicln will hrovu very costly to inlet some day , Sommno days ago tinoOcinural saint a letter to Colomnel Cnrlimn conimphiumnimig of tine amnoumit. of drimikimig at time post , especially amnonmg omihisted muon aini orlerinng ininn to mayo it stoiped. lie expressed tine hope that tine oiicenmtwouidsctawinolesonnie } example to time innemi timid desired tinat tlney aiwuld urocuod to organize rod ribbont clubs linloing tine conninumies. lIe said that tine great. Provabuince of littoxicatiomi amnuonig time umulistod mmmcmi at. tine Pont lunch hwonn brought to his attomntiomn mund tinmLt it mnntmst. 1w stopictl or the rogininumit iotnid ho re- imnoved to a Iniror atminoslilnuru. " ' ' \VehI , v1ny tltumn't you stop it. ? " ' 'Stoji it ? % Vitin six : uloomns withmimn it stomnes throw of tine pnimmcilal gate of tinim post anl ( It city of 60,000 imninabitamnts four nmnileti disbimitou ? imnigint. met well at- temnipt to atop tine wimnd fromni blovitg or tine clouds fuoma imnoving. It's imifonnial btnncommibe.S'u disciplimmu severely munumi will ) hiecommu 3iitoXiCuLtCl , but tinmit's all wo cliii tie , Gonnural Ilowand was raised in Inlaiine mmmd so was Cob. l'nlnusomn ' , annul tlnoy ouiint t ( , knmov inu value of amnti.litiuor laws. I believe ( lemnural howard is a gooti unfit timid a bravo mimamn , but lie is mib. solutoly vitImout tact mind inas a wonder- fumi faculty of mnnakimng inimnnsolf inmimniemnsoly tmtiioptibnr with every ennui with witonun inc conies ins contact. thnriitngii his assumnihmtionn of paternal authority. lie cnmn't stick to lila olhicial uhimtiu hike other comniminamndurs but Inns to go mnosilmg around intzi numatturs with which ho luau absolutely no comnconin. This inns boon mlii experience everywhere.'inun ho left Vcat Poimnt , Ccl. Lassulle refused to shako inamids witin mimi , amid every officer at tine gturrisomn Intuaved mu sight of relief at mis departure , By inuuivon , we'll all throw UI ) our itata Inure whom in goes , and domn't you forgot it for am initnnnt. Army otil. core out in this coumitry iniw'mnt boemi used tO smelt ( nld.WOImnamIiy priIslnmmess , timid winilo we inmivu to grnmn tutU hear it , commnnnnomntmi inn tim lircaemnt muhtniimnivtratiomn would fill , sevt'riil vol. tmmmmes. tin imng got tomnipornmncu societies , a Summday law , a series of iwadquarturs aurinnomis amid a ccnnsnnslniin of arimny inner- tils , nih we need now is twomnnissiomnniry societies - cioties , a yenning icohiio's mnnyor niteetimng amnd a conntrilnntiomu bx to start a br.uncin ( if tito Snnlvatiomn rnny. " "It ; ninnikes nine sie3at tine stonnnaelnf" \Vitiu this naitnmngt rumnnark , two ahotnl. dor-atnillis mttntl a iuntir of Ihmtck-stni1nod , brooches disnnppunneul iii tine motel intiti wcm o inst to view. _ - - - - 1'I IoS1'irI' I I Il.Ij C11BT11tY. hPmnlrgv(9nenitH , hli'Imit tIntft' mt Tinlin t4ilemnt Oily , 4 % . . beautiful mnnomummnnumit. has ; uat hioet erected upomu tine lot of t , . S. Caidweli , in I'rospoct 11111 cemetery tiuut in style amid design equals tine fimnost nuomnumniozits imn ann' of our east. arm cenmneterie.i , mid inn workutamneinip amid finish ii not surjiaasod amnywhnuro , Tine first base cluisfiece tu'o ' finches by ulxfcet ( no inched ( uli clylmtcet isic/nca tlnl k , ucIglIlfIg 14,000 pounds , 'Tent horses wore unable to mnioye it front the foot of tine mill loading to thno cemetery and a house mnio1ng appitus ; was rt. iiorteul to. This bate is surmounted by ninotiner base , ombeifiahned with rich , heavy members or mnetnldings , upon tine face . , f widchn Is cut lit raised six-incin letters tine family name. Tine the Piece rests upon tuft , uirnn which are cut four coitmmns amid CoriimtInian capitals. Pine columns are poilsined and thmo faces of tine die are polished and traced orimatnentally. A roof or cap hlicco , covered with limo carved members , f'nnishnes tlii massive struct.tnro , and time winolo blonds in perfect. harmony synnrnotry and fmnnu proportionnn. It. it roaify a masterpiece inn workmanship and by far tine finest mnnomnumnent we mayo aeon west. of Chicago. It. Is of Westerly , Itinmie Iniannd , granite , was ( lcaignmcl and furnished by .Iosophn l'ajeau , of Clnmcingo , ninth is tiaitt to have cost eO,000. This same gemitiemnan mM contracted with , amni is putting tip for Hon. 0 , 'V. Deane anti C. A. Baldwin , in tinis conic- tory , 811(1 F. C. 1Torgnnn1 in tine Catinolic comnetery , icommne beautifimi mmionumnemmth , that. in designu and costliness sinew that tine immlprovemnomita beinng mnmnbo in Omaha this sumumnurare fully equaled ma these lemntcitienn"atljoinnimmgit. There ma one timing that sinould receive imnmmuedinto ntttomntiomn , amnd that is time street. amid drive to l'ros. inect lull cummnutory , now sadly mieglecteil , amid barely Iiasnilile. : \Vo are informed that. time S'ater commipnmn imitemida lnyinng a mmmaimn oh to tine miii. 'I'inis IS ann mminiriVu. ) uncut. also nnincln mneeded , and should mnot lit , delayed. - - - - Uhickscn'H irmumca Salvo. The greatest medical wonider of the weld , \Varranted to SPOOhiiY cure Ihnrns , Cimts , UI. cons , lnlt ithionim , , , Fever Sorea , Cancers , l'ilei , Cinilhulainus , Cernis , 'I'otter , CInapsn1 ieinillsanni till shinn crnmptioiis , guaranteed to cnnru mu every instance. or money rofunndad , 25 cents ocr box A LIVELY HACKETI T11 Vicissitllcs ( Of lb Police Olllccrs , Ann Ugly 1)runk niniti 1118 Cnnnky Con- 41IIt. , About H o'clock last ovoninmg a mmmi mmnunned George Emmnory was arrested for imntoxicathumi at tlto conner of Douglas and Temitin strsutn , by fIiicer Luunne. 'l'ino prisonmer went jicacofuhiy enough as far as 'I'hnirteentht street , where Ofhicer McEmmery canno to Lamie'nm assistnmnco. By tinis timnno tine fellow hiccanne obatrop- erous , amid tine nipporni had to be put on mum. \S5inomk tine officers reached the Paiton house with tineir mnmamn , ito was hnowiing like a mniammiac , amid a mnumnber of guests rain out , amid seeing the man be. imng dragged to jail , as tiney tinuughnt , inn ni crmneb nma'mmmer ' , they turned in and abused tIne oflicers for doing their duty. Captain O'Domnohoo amnd Officer Witty. mnmiick mow canine UI ) timid anotiner pair of ilippers vcre limit on tine follow , 'Wino WflS carried to the jail , ' ychhimng , cursing aunt ? bins jnincnimmnng. At tine inenid of tine stair steps leading dosvmi to tine jail a minim mmannedVemnt. Gb- strumetod tine massnge amid aonnicd time right. of tine officers to cmnmmnit tine pristimmor Oflicer Ilimiclntmy proceeded to run Mr. \Vennt. in tie well its Emnitiry , bnnt ito was sttliserticmitiy lflhicl out. An innmnieniso crowd mail followed tine ollicers to time doors of tIme lock-imp , mmd 'was with difhicuity dispersed. Time bel- liguient Prisoner romnmaimnod in a bell ever might , and will get. mis reward when JLtdgo Amndcraomn tilts timis nmnornfnmng. 'l'ino.iiitorference of tIne l'axtomn mouse guests was enttrcly umneniled-for and crc- tiLed ito little trouble. If pohiccmmmonn mayo any nigints wimicin time public is bomnnd to neajioct , they should be let alone in tine disciniurge of tinoir duties , amid we bohiove there is met a man on tine force nit pros- unit wino would ho ummnnocesumarily severe inn his troatmmmont of Pnisonnera. Many tumos yu want to keep moat or flait for several days. Lay it in a solu. tion of Itox Magnus over night , ninth you Cain hoop it fr weeks. You can also keei. milk a week or inmoro by atirrinig iii a lit- tIe of tine "Sinew Flake" brand. brand.umi&e&wlmn umi&e&wlmn . OPENING THE SCHOOLS. 0110-Fifth of the TcaoMll Force to B 1ac Up Aiiev. Thno'Iloumm-nL iii' Ethinezit loin l'rovile,4 for tine Supmhinu ofYO(1 mind Coal. Stnporintutu&Icmh Jmumnes was found in his oluice yesterday lnoninimng by it colictor of diurmnal imiformnmation for Tinm lixu , anal wits naketi if uverytinimng wnusin Binapo for tine opomninig of tine public schools of Oiuaina cmi time ird of Soittennnbor , - ' 'Evorytinimng , " said ? nrr. Janmes , ' 'afl- Ieat ui to be ready. Tine buildimng have booni removated ? amnd thu central building amid srcot school mouse rim- painted. We are somniowinat dlsxip. pointed , huwovur , iii our tuaciners , mmiamny of wimomni mayo loft for various roasomis , to mmnarry , to farmnn add so on. I should say fully onto-fourth of our force would have to be made imp ammew , aunt tine minces are already atnijiiitmd , We have inummdreds of applications , amid of tinomno 1 selected winunt I comnaidered tine best , Time ) ' eamnnu , ronnie front the east , nuommmu fronni Omnnnihna. Frotnn Davoliport WI ) have . % I.ON'/.O N , ltENSiMV , wino svill be an asalstamnt in I light school truck , lie is in gniuhimate of JIobtrt : ooi- logo awl a bnighntyomnmng nntann , lie tnmmghnt iii Dui'emnport inst year 'line gonnernil force of teachers is 'ury good amid we cx. poet to nicconnihilisln good mork. " At. ii nincotimig of time boxrtl of edmmeationt last. nnigint hkls for mmmmpplies ivone received. 'l'imosujuiatinng to pnimntimng were referred to tine comnnmnittuo Omt rules , formnma amnil primiting ; tiflse em stnntiomnnry to tine conmi- imnittee emi atnhmimiies. Tine conitract for mart wood was lot to Clnuu , Cinihils , vhno bid 7.OO a cord ; thu soft. iood toVil - semi at 8..4O. Oco , Pattersomi received tine comntnuct for hurt coal at 1O.tX a tom , , Tinu apphicatioim of 31rs. ( leo. M , Boy. den to'be asaistanit twichnor was refused , Tine applicintiont of tine Swedleim Lutheran church for tine use of time school house on Cunnmminng mmd Saknnndurs street for religious services cmi Suniday. wuti refused. Tine nrelnitect'a estimate of 23O8O for work dome emi tine mow school mouse , corner Sovennteentii amid Leavenworth street was allOWed comiti-actor F , S. Potylnt amid a sliccial comnmnnnittoo appoiintod to ace Ly. nnmann lticiuudsoni about iurchasinng tine 40 feet adjoinimng this irovort' . - Is IT TRUE ? Story of the Errill ¶ ays of a Girl From Oiiiaba. As Told hy a t4eimatiomintl Writer emu An Iowa l'nptr. The following lively accomnmnt. of line ( beings of tIne F1U1)1)O5Cd daughter of nun Ommnaima banker is foumnd in a Cedar Rap- ida paper. Our city marshal says inn kmmows nothing fl1)aut tine giricxcopt that sine is not wanted inure by time police : About. ton days ago twoyoumng girls canine to tinis city annd ook rooms at. one of tine city motels. Arrivitig mere iii time might , they were cared for by tine might. clerk , wino showed tinemn I.e their roommns amid attemnded to their wanitnu. 'J'inore was rnotinimigmmi their nhilmearuilnce or actiomis to give tinny omne cintisu to suspect their char. actor. Onne of these gnrls was about. 18 yearn of age , amid suit tlnat sine canoe frommn Des ? nloimnes. Tine ' 'little omie , " as tine boys alluded to iner , is 10 yeap of age , light coninilexitimi , ii lnmntmmtnfuil girl amid vera' captivatinig inn her mnnamnmier , ' 'I'ini , story tlno''iiLtlu die" told to omne wino lmntenesteil hnininself itt inor , was mu. vcn' peculiar omrn , nina ? one mint. without. its nnd idmnsu , Shun gnne inermnamue as Lizzie 1-Irdniciu , timid said tinat. her inomime was in Onmnnuhum. 11cr owmi father died winilin sine vta very yonimig tund lien imnotiner mnnirried a aecomid time to a hunker iii that city. Simice tine mnnotinmir's nnmirriage her home rchntiomis mad not beemm pleasamnt. Sine stmitcd thintt her step-father lnul : iii treated lien aunl until ICrSiI4tel ) inn thu oidiiion tinat tine girl's virtue was qunestioniable. Tine nnmothncr took up lair dammghtcr's side ummtil it bectnmne misciesa to argue nignuimist. time stoji-fittiner unit tine gui , inn ni fit of dcspomndemmcy nund grief , ebtnmimned possensiomn of a iliamomid rung vinichn was the property of her imvmn fittiner , timid which her mumother hind inn icuejimmg. 1111115 sine sold for $250 and inu them wumnt to 1)cs itknimics , At Des Moines situ fell iii with her eomnpnmmniomn cud the two tonIc iodginn' at. tine Aborn house , where they romainned mmnntil tine "little girl" becamine aware that ant Omnmnthncn , detective was on her vatmn timid lint followed iner timere. Frbmn Des Moines they vemnt to J3inrlimng. tomn. anmil tinomico to this city , arriving more a week ago Thursday. Tine party to wiwnmi sine told tints story was umovod to endeavor to learn mnmoro of her-history. Tine story vas such an one as nun evil wonnani inmigini. have devised to invite sympathy from one less susceptible than tine mmmanm to winomn tine "little girl" told it , and he himself doubted it. Thu convcrsatiomn took place ill hair roomni at tine hotel , anti when Inc remarked flint ho questioned lien statements aba vcnt to her trunk amid took therefrom three bettors fronni iner nuotinur , one of wlmich hind been forwarded to her fromni Des Moines three ( lays before - fore sine loft. there , 'l'hcse score mnotablu for tine expressions of sorrow and disap- lioimntnnont whnicin tine umiotiner omntertaincd for her conduct , aunt in each of these sine pleaded with her wayward dauginter to return to Ominaina. In one sine wrote if tine girl would advise her of liar whereabouts - abouts sine would scud her nnommny to pay her oxpcmnscs hmomnw , amid pledged lair that on iner return tie questions mvouid be asked zunnd mudiniing ono inn tine matter. Ii3 time girl showed these letters tears cammto iii her eyes mutt sine cried jitcotnsly. Still sine refusoti to talk about. going imonme anal showed tin obstimnacy that was ovidemico oilier iwidu. While talking aboutwlnnntshte had dli'1io , sine roimmarkod that the rimmg wimicin sine sold to pay her OXOflSCS witin , be. bomngod to her dead father , and at this she cried still more. Sine is yet a ydung girl , and liar appearance did not suggest that of omnu svimo had been through tine experiemico of an evil wonnamn , Sine remnaimied at time motel with her commmpnuiion a few days after thisamid subsequently - soquently founnd lodgings elsewhere , timid is still incro. Yesterday a Republican reporter - porter obtained tIne imnformnatiomi timat. since tue two girls arrived here the older ( into received a tolegrammm fromni Des Muine demniandimig her to go inomnme , aunt sine loft. A detective of this city wrote to tine Omaha munthnoritica nogardiung tine Ilaimics girl , mmmiii they inn return pommcd curve- spomidomnco with tine Cedar B.apitls ammthmor- ities. ? nlarsimal Francis received ant mimi- swer to his letter to tine Ommimihna mmmarsinal , thmnt time girl's nmothmer was very annxious ahiout her , and wits desirous flint thud girl be returned to Ommininni. 'I'hie letter atitteti that tine girl hind imemi a souroe of great nmnmnoyamico to her payouts , amid that if sine simommld roturin they o otmid mint be able to do nmnytiiimmg with her. Thieve is ammotimer chapter iii this story which is faniniliar to time police , mmd it. ma iikeiy tine girl will be taken to Otmmalna to- mmnorrow. - ] uitorprisinmg ioeal agents wanitcd nit this towmt for an mirticlo that is sure to sehh. Lie drtmi sta amid grocers preferred. Address Huniiiaton Food Preservative Co. , 72 Kilby trout , Boston. m&e&wlm A ? stASIfEIt. ' Made tine Vlndow l'arn'a Sul- Ibe Badly. A b burley fellow last eveuniung crc- ated a livolyexcitomnemmt eu Dodge street ly hnuriimig turbo big roka thnrougmn the window jiatnes mi tine doorofa resi- dmtc occupied by Minnie Fhireiiihunm. Tine luau was arrested amid rumn in mind the rocksrwvro milso takomn tip amid placed Oil eximibit'ndn im ; time jaiior's olhico , .OVELV COJ'LEXOfS POSLE TO ALL. IVitat IcfltUI'O (1(111 ( festh flhtllt3' .Ai't seciire to iull. ] Eagiiu's MtlgibOla ! llflIhhI t1ispeb every Jileiuilsli , oveteoiues iletlizess , F'eckes ! , Sallowiless , itolIgh- bless , 'I'iiu , Eruptionti aiitl Blotehien , 1111(1 FOIIIOVOS all ei'i- deuces of heat aimIti excIte Illohlt. TILO Magnoliti liuiliui iihlIhtI'tS the niost1eJIeato nut ! uintural eohubIlexIonal tints- 110 ( loteCtion Jicing possible to tue closest ObServittlOhl. Under those circumstances a faulty COlUIIOXIOIl ) IS IItt1 short of a cr11110. Mugzlolia Hahn soul everywhere. Costs IhulY 75 cents , with 1iI1 directions - rections ii i. : 'you TltI11) IT ? iimr (11.1) Amnkar , THAT "A ? ( nuNci : or m'lig. VIXTII' . ' iii irommihl A m'ousm 01 cvnm , " vas 'ivmnm : : Menu : APTLY ILI.LSTm1ATF.m , un& ny mliii siui TARM imis n 'si : on' TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIUT iiEI "III 'itit : smmnNmr-i ( 3mI.h ( p ( I I NOT ( Nl' OE.N1l.Y imr.aun.'i ES AND i'Ummiimn run svsmn , mimi-v is A I'mIYI mn-i : ION AIAINST ( IISKASt , Which NO ( INg ol'IImr TO Ul5itiOAJmi. ALl. bmwtz. ( lt8ii hAVE IT. SPECIAL NOTICES. r8peclaba will Poattively not be inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. - - - - . - - - - - DAIIInoAl ) TICKflfl-To all iouit at rnluuceii itrates. it , FOiUIAN , 2i3 8outh 13th mit. t4il.nmt , fONIX TO LOAN-The Omelet Snlnvs hank Is tYl now lurcired to lnaiO loan , on Ocialuus city or iougmas count rciii ctae at current rstoot Interest. No cotnmm.tonchucem. ass-tn ; t ONEY TO LOAN-Theluwost rateof Interest _ L,1 neinms' Loan Agency , 1511 , & Dougnas. asiti \ONW TO LOAN-Cahlatlaw ottice et U. L. lu 'Ilnonuss , room 8 , ( irelghton imiook. i oNay LOANgD-On Cittcl mortgage. rocie 7 Ask icirakaNatlonai flankUuiliIn. iS4.tf ONmV TO LOAN-.T. T. Ucatt ) oan. on chattel I liroety , tit3 t4outh 14th St. r44.nni' HELP WMTliu , V Y of nmtm rnil Iaeiiiort ) trcct. , WANII-Ai : CXI rib-no-il CehiIlet-flt arid tIl I CCCCIIIIIIICIIIICLi tug clerk. iii , ntIur ui-ed nj * . I my. . 'm t' ' miii enisoil Pro. , lartuey rt-l , . 2isi-8 .tIIP-.tonnivluuaui I 1 Isiie , to liiiet lOOOiuiil eniagu In buisluit. % i Ili sonic c'.stahIsiui-I firuin. . , kli e- , it , (1 5 Creightoni floun. . . ) - ' , % 2ua , , [ ii. m ) Cafli of age , to do emIernI ? uw-eaork , leone- dlatcli'rut _ llii'kc u IiIat uieirk-t , cor. iOtl and iiit-on. ( ito1 euics. iSO-2it \7tNTCI-FIrst.elass rook. Itlghuest wage mah. I S north mcmli street , i7I.2u : % jJAN'rinThree : glrh at the i'aeUlc lluuw , 10th , a and Cn1'lttI aciiuue. io.2n * 17.tNTEI-Man to , s . 'rk lu , guirtlen , north etuil of V T m8th street. In. IV. 1iL I i1l 2i t \7.4iSTnI-A gmm r t-icraI , iioueui-k at tmie V ilcandinaIai , hotel , 11th street. itm-21 - ° ° ° ' 1 gui In tnall tacitly. % tttlrt-s \TATlU- T II. A. II. tiut.utlice. 100.221 syAN'r1m-A : gIn. Mustunelerstanu generaihoimse. V work. uoon wses ullt bo 1aId. chas. Fleck Iagle house. 100-211 ' 7ANTED-A firet-ciass solIcitor for athertIIng. V ( loud salary for the rIght i'au , Address ikix Si. ian.tf - men of good oddness to solicit or \ \TAN1EO-Two dens cmi coniunuIssion orsaiary. 421 0. mutmu St. moanh , ) _ . good tenant buy. nuust understand ' \7ANTEf Ucrmucui emit Inlnh. Cell at offlee lUll N. 13th .treet. ltDtf % ANTED-A second cook at the Emnuiuct housu. V V Woman , preferred. 9T2 241 , geol iiiacksrnltii eu genierni work at ' \7AST1iuJA Miikiiuzi's i-dio , , 13th and Leavenucoeth street. 174 2it ' - No. 1 itarnens maker at A. 11. Lv- \\TANTEI'-A dick's , WiukmleId , eh. Iiulpnu3inent for one 3 ear , If wanted. None but No. 1 nuee.t . to reily. Conute at once. . 113.21 \7.tNTan-omue good brot.m meeker. % miy to 'ir V 1 address 1. 1 T110311tN , 110.211 Not ) , Rend , Neb. , ' EN wAsTcI-To gall ) out brush , 11 iniIe , _ i , menu 1)Obto11ce. , i2.t $ ) nr acre iIII ti paid. 131:1115 : nn.n. . ai t'rc AU 034-tn iltli aol liouiglas Sis. ui7ANTIW-uIrI ut No. 10011 Shcruian annum. ! vie-tn 311114. J. ii C0UNSMAN. . \ TAT1m-t ) cook anumi dImulmu room gItI at the Crelgnuwn house. 946-ti AflmrnOItYOUNO 5liN jut city or coontry , to Lake mmcc , might nmuit micasalut vork at theIr owls homes ; $2 to 00 a ( lay easily and qumet ' , made ; wore sent by maU ; ii. . e4uivas-.iulg no slant ml ureply. lIcao address Reliable Mamiuliuctur mug C.umpany , Va. , ' ' ' . . . drawer 'l't' . 800-tu.tli.smut.Aug2St I 7AN'FED-Lady avont. for the "QeceIn i'rotcct. V V or.A new under ganmacuit for ladies , made of aoft , flexible ruhher. Sure protectiomi to tuo ) underwear - wear , hcii necessary to he worn. itetail. for $2.00 as fast as agenute can show it. Large Iuroil. Aiidrcsi wntmi stamuulu , 'Ladiom ? Uuumderarnieuut , $ lauufacturlzmg Co. , No. 0 3. Imlmsystrect , Ciuk-ago , IlL 711d-Smui % TANTE1)-Fint.elass , oiuuan cook at the Ilault V house , near goornnicnit corraL & 13.ti W ANTEBTRVBLINGSALESTIIEN. . lieu-dears , Stoic and ilouiu-fuirmlstuimig : trade. our good , , ton't coniftict o Itis anytluinig you beli ; mnOiuO ) in It ; big euiiuimmissloui , PimuuIar artIcle ; nmumw , no conupetitton ; , rnalI uuamnpno. L. 0. Box 232 chnn.go. 119-22 _ _ _ _ \ ' TA Ti-D-Tluree good dining room girls , at the Metropollt4ui hotel. Va-ice--i sirs mIr month. Apply at oimcc. a03-23 , ' TANTED-A first clas-4 imatry cook , at Metropoli. tom , hoteL 21)4-23 , ' TANTCL-iuod liractlrni tInnier , , toady job1O Per nuontli. LOUIS IWANSON , 937-hut unysses. I'eh. SITUATIONS WANTED. -1 ) - byThnufZ1iiermauu we. % \ mmuaii n. cook. Ai'nI3 nit the % i'cstcrmi mnomie , loll , munuil l'feree. )9S-2 - ' 7itNTnl-A gioii jol , linimiter if ettauly habits , a % . ! , situntionu. Address "ii. " lb's ! ! . 3m0..2m1 , ' \TANTEP-Situmatmunl by an experlemuct-drookbeuut lii refereluces. Address cook , Oummi liouce , City. TANTE1)-3't't' ' ' ° ° by a young laly as anlistanut Y book.kee5er. copyist or clerk. Address "hi. Y. " lOstOiflCL. ) 172-23' 5TiXcrIcA1. steinographer ( II 10 years oxper flee Prelri to take cii , , or two sienImim IuulIII. nest .34cm , shorthamitl timorougmuly taught. icrmn-s very nuoden-uutc. Auluiress A. It. Intoofilee. iOO-3t * MIBOELLANEOUS WANTS. jAFEIJ-Afewnmrepnreousto i ; : S 1 keeptiig.eHltuatlotin furnlimed. .1. H. $111111 , 2i123l 1510 iougiam. St. yj7ANTSO-To buy , a seeond.iiandktter at if ® D ugias L 2t2.22 , X7ANTED-Duu ) boarders at 1317 lSui enport St. " ' ) - buy , mu ulemliery horse. CaIn aiN. V I'r. : . 1)uuglasand 10th streets. 2m5.12 TANTEI-t5000 wet-ti , of building anut nt-pair jobs , atunceat 015 13. 10th street. ( hued uork or hO telY. in. mm. mn5tmmuy , i0S.27t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - hot-cIa. . horse atiout 10 imanits ' \ humh. Must be a goo'l trlOirr , 'a.ui a No. cue runinnailni ecry resh1et. hunquIu mit iuiluolumi s son's Jewelry Store. 1000-if FO1 , IIENT--Uouaes and Lots , onLsT-Annuismlftoinroomumtamu 1 for tee geuutienuueun or geuuileuuamn.auutl sdft' . lii. rmuilru at I no N. mini street. 11)6.23 ) - . - - - , -.i-uj--fti-ITvt ) ) IICW lucuiss , ivll , eletciun muid -4 ct-ilsr. llanuiltoui , ulcer Irene btreet , hear roil car linus. Inmuiuiru on , premmilca 2tJ1.21' Fell IIINT-Vuufuruuislmui front ronnie , 1721 Doug. hius. mOO 231 . i-o mmm- ' surahl brick etoro at $21.00. i-I ins-ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. LlIiI.tN. HK4T-Gontt ormmuntuuuitfluse akin U I 10(0115 , Iii good location. iurnlttiro and carpet. 0r sale cheap. Addre is 'i : . c. S. " lIeu entIce. iSS-22' itnNT-Ve11 furnmimhui-d iunisu , % , tlu piano , 4 vnmm rent cheap to llut party , Address F. 8. it-etes , lieu ultIre. 170 231 -I1Omt , liIi.T-Cottage flue nuclei. 10th and hickory .1. 8. J. i'tulpjm. hoc , 5th aid Hiruce. iOU-if Oil hiEs'T-Furni.iutai roouis 510 , boerul , gaa , F batirotan &c. Finest location in the cIt ) . 2423 Farneun St. 170-If -r'olt IIENT-Cottage of seen room. , lit ) , anti L' Chicago trevt * . Mao a .umaU house. ith and Ouul aenue. S. LEL1LtN , iST.tf iWiiOu8noh AND STOi1E-For runt cheap , Itoh. - I U linus & Molter , moons 20 , Ouaslu. National Hank. 1,3-u O ROAN For rent and rentspmmed on purchase. 107.1f l'a13100Tr & (30. A R Itt.24T-Four new house. of 6 rueuua. well and cistern each. iLQO per mantis , U. L. Tbomu , Creighton Ulock. 302-54 a - 1 _ k- - - - a- - - - - - . ' : 5 , . - - : \ ' J I for Infants and Children. Czistorlaproniots 1)igestlon and ovei'conumea Fititulenney , Consti1nn. tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhmcea , amid Feverishness. It insures hicaltim and futurist sheep , without muot-phihmic. 'S Castonfa ft en welt auiapto1 to tThihdrm-n that I reeomumend Ii an superior to stay prescription known to luuv , " 11. A. ARcuinu , 3t. D. , sl-roriianul Ave. , Ilrboklyn , N.Y. Whnt gives our Children rosy choks , Whal cures their fevers , makes theta alsop 'TI , , Ceatarig , . V1u'n babies fret mind ci-y by turns , What cures their coHe , kIU.S their worms , lint Cuestnrlg . What quickly cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , IndigestIon. Imuut CstoiIui. Farwehh then to Morphine Synips , Castor 011 and I'aregorie , and 111011 Castorlal CENTAUR LINlMNT-nmz inbsoluto cure for Ehiouma- tismn , Sprains , Bmmrins , ( hills , &c. Thioiiiost Powerful and ione- trnthmng Ptln-rellovhim uiid IJcmmhlng Remedy known to iiian. _ - - - - - --I- r _ THE BESTTFRE/W / FOfl ShWIN ( MACHINES I . . . . _ . _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------.r- SIXE = CORB SPOOL COTTON Is ENTI1tIII4Y The Product of Arnerian Industry I PRONOUNCED BY EXL5EIITS TO lIE TH BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD 1"OR IIANI ) AND MAOIIINE SEWINQ. . 1"ulI assnrt.nent constantly cnn Ilanmd anti for sale by FENBIY FUHRMAN , Premont , Web. Foil ItENT-iront , furntshed room. Apply cIty editor's room , flee 0111cc. 9f7-tf LjUii nnEN'r-A hmlcsant front n-oem ; tuisomuumaller .L room , with board. 3812 Dodge St 941.lmoi li-tout mtI-hr-Furnialietl amid unfurnishoul ii I Flume location. 1ECE , 01111. P. 0. & , o-tf _ _ _ _ _ I _ ht I1ENT-itesitienees anmul uutorohufldlnig , . DELI. IOmit ) & SOtlEit , lire ! Estate Agency , Olfice cAst ldu 14th street , botasen } 'anumamn and Douglas streets. 702-ti . E.'olt ' IIENT-New rooms furnished or unfurnishued , .1 wIth bound. itoferencee required. IOiO flaxen. i.n-t. 456-tf FOIL SALE , OKSALE-SewhacnIorUht. -4 - . nmtter , nail granar lease cii groiiuut. ui-o. : w. % Illh , 207-21i 15011 Fmuxnamuu , ttret. ( ) SALE-A genii horhe , i.tmitttblti for fumdit or I fat deli hmu. io btggv : amid harness. Addmes- "horse , ' tlui-lotiice. JOii i4ALC-A 1)03imiare , fimme stepper. l8O Web. stersttctt. 197.tf I . 8AL1-Two good horse-i , ti and 7 tars oil. \s.nni sell cheap. Norton's grocery , lOll , antI flay. enport strecte. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ htI ) 23 -'oa SA1.l-A nuiniuer one hunrac , a ill iini u luugYc or , li.uble uuud with be sold at a imargiului. lmmcuiro at the chico of ilium Grand Uniomi 'lea Co. , lii S. IFtit St. 102-if F ° a SALfl omt 11mN'r-u41leumditm ujriglmt Imiano- monthly tmallnicmuts. .tlio a uuoun huiggy on easy terna. . 3. i EiYJiitiln , 14l22I tIll Farugauui sheet Font SAIE-Sumuali house , hew , about one-half acre hot. Easy tennu. Price emily t5.O. 114-tn 1106 Fanmiamo Street. Font SALmi.-.A ONI : . iuu-,4 , brick resiienco h1rPenLY. Very dclrabio. Must be toll . ma'y terms. IIALLUU 1inLt. 120.21 1421 Farnani Street. Font HALE-OAT STRAW-Fresh and lu , bale , , or lo(11e , at E.tairook's Stock Yards , moth. street , between capItol avenue and Ds'.eiipurt street 114 21 Foil SALE-ilestaurantand lotigluighoumuse Oroomus. Apply Oramldrei,9i2 I' . St. Lincoln Nd , . WIT-li -i--'aii SALE-200 iwe. 11 l0ti-ltn .lOhIN 31. S1IIEIX. tit StLE-Slx houses and lots on case mnouuthhy huaynent , . Ll.tLl.OU iimtI5 , 128-2k 1421 iaruuamui Street. JIuOIISALE--Fivc lots in Siminmi's additie , , at $250. each. L.anj Linus. II. I. . 'Ilionuas crelghuton Ulock. 101.21 B 1110K lOft SALC C1lIAn'-At bug street , south of Ilelletumo road. or SOS North 13th ut. 000-lnmt I ) Olt SALE-Nlnety.ilro acrt-s nunar the vater works kuioii a-i the almeeley polurty , thIs is a ummost desirable lulL-ce of suhumrbanu pri.i-rty , aimit w Ill ic sold to"etiier erin Parcels on lomug ttrma.-i. ILtLLOU imitOS , SIlie Amtenbi 14 i2 l'turmiauma Sc. 125.21 Full S.tLi-l'weumty.clght iota lii 110usd iii1 Stc- - humi SubIIvisiouu to hlartletta addition , ' 1 hmesc are very desirable Its near cars , anal viil he sold emi long untie to those desirIng to build cii 8 pt-n cemut Iii- tcrcutumo ailsautee iiayuuieu&t. hiAiLOt1 111108. , Sob' Agents 1121 1-'anmtammi St. i24-2i , "cmi ShE-Frcsh lill l , C'ose at coming street .1i corral.at Military bridge. 034.231 Fall t4ALII--l'our houses cmi based ground , $1,175. % vmlm } n-20 1er Cu nit. IIALLOU munos. , I4oho stgeuits. 127-21 1421 Farnuamui Street. ; 'omi SATE-Flume fame cliTtu tim city. 003-tf PECK , Opposite P. 0. L"Oit S/tLE-ltesideuice and haustimuar , jjwntm I all iart of Omaha , and Farm lAnds lii nU ilarts of the Stats. JIEIFOlW & SOUEII , 7U3-tf2i4thRt. bet. Farnanuanui Douglas. Full SALE-Lots 7 and 8 In Valniut hull , corner of Mercer amuti Lowe aveuuue. , these are thu mumost desirable lots In this beautiful additloni. IiALLOU lintos.SuIt , Agi-nts 142n FannmamSt. i2i-2n ? oi SALIS-200head ycariluig heifer. , eIT.SO , I head 2 and three year olti lucifer. , * 24.00. 400 Callus. AU abuse era Iowa cattle. STRANGE 111108 , cattle Contractor. , Ilido , Wool and Tallow dealers , Sioux City , Iowa. 642-tm I-oIt HALE-A beautiful block of S lots with three -I luouet. Ceuitral , desirable fur lionmo or invot. leant. DALLOCUkOS. , Solo /tgents. 126-21 1421 Farnaumi street. IoIL BALE Oil EXChANGE-Foil lot amid three -I dwellIngs coruuer of 11th .nd i'achSo atreot. . Nina lots Iii south Ouiiaha. Also 160 aertof land hear 8anton , Nebraska , and buildIn and stock iii oiaUuiflgOi5O4 'Youth , tuet. Will exchange for Nebrask * lana iuaia. Fun-thor imartlcuuiani at Coo , 11. I'eter.on'g cmothbg Stor.504 Teuth street , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 460-eod.tf -j'ioht ; SALEDII rosipaperu. in , iaro * uiU"n00l .1. ( jyauitities at thil. dice , U : ; : HALE-A fleet class second lined toll huZy. 11 Call at 1310 lIarlu.y.btroet. FOIL SALE. SE'l-N 00011 INYIST ENI'It No. 1-louses & Shiehden' a.ltlitlonu , cmi Cuburn street , ta-ti lots tldnl2l carS ( lou4 house , six rus.iuuu' . at $2,300. A flume suburhiaui houiuo. No , 2-A resitlenee , ci bttat-u , Farnauin amid ilarmmu'y itreets at $1,700. A flue location. Num. l.I'iuit l'it and house 3 blocks south .1 i-it , . .lanmuvvnuiu at $2,000. Cheap. No. 4-Tao lots cmi l'rlt avenue , 'hue brat salueon the a' , t'nue. No. 5-liedlek's Second WttlltlOlu , ( ) oo.l lot auiti llrst class Improvements. Tao housed , c.ust fronts. Look at thIs at * 2,000. No , 0-A 320 at-re tarn , , 12 miles wtet of Omaha , 4 nub. fronu Elkhormn Station at l0 per acre , No. 7-licautiful remtdepu-v site , 200 feel east front. 144 fret , ouitha front. Finest Iew mu the etty , C LoU for price. MCAOLYI : , 181.31 . _ opposite i'o.ti'Slce , _ tsflUELLAflZOU8. _ I DodCant1l3 iloimir. 201.loa ' 1 A flewarut for the return of my Condom , Halter LU. d t , J , E. MflKEl i04-23t 'tITASIIINO-flone athouKvr takcn home. Mr. , I I Mack , 1310 l'sd.6c street. 193-521 J ) EI100NAL-Wlli tlmoyoung hady with hiluik dres , that met gentlenman last nIght , roomer Webster amuut 19th etreeti , gIve address 1iy nisU 7 . % ug.21 , 1883.20921 _ hi. S TIIAYED-A red cow about 0.car. out , u-ud of one horn meuaemi otT , a utti ap around the horns , medlura slze Strait-ti on 10th , Inst. leamuu-i { for huiforniatlon 'i Ill ho palub by Jo.u-phm l'osplshlh north of Foundry oa 18th St. near 1.3. 1' . track. 105-23f , . -ro STOCK HATSEttS ANDFtItlfEItS-The under. _ 1 _ sIgmund haa large faruui of 1,500 acnteeli watermi amid timuibered and eitujed near three raIlroads. lie' I. enigagmt In raisIng all kinui of stock. anti deMlrut , a 1ertnerto takean Interest amuui nunuo the business , 115 lii- . health is imoor utmiul he has other buslumes requlr- lug hue attenilomu Nuu one imuemi amuss-er lmo has not from i (100 to $ ,00oto luu'.est. Autdni-si Stock ltaistmr , lIes oiilee. 205-tu &ir rpKEN t1I'-Omuelay geltiuuigaltli small star anuia little white 1iot oIl time hose , 14 i.2 hands hulghu , nuuui about 13 year. old , by John T. i'amilsenmear 2lht amid lake streets , nmou-tlu Omumaha. Ow-Itew S TRAYS 1)-About 14th inst froni l-utabrook'sstnck yards moth anti Ia-ouilunrt iit'i a black 4 ) t-ar old 4 hulluil Duane thin lii flcdi with scars ouu gaumibrels and el.ewhmere , ui3 Inforuumatlomi left ut antis suill hi nib. - orally rewarded. 161-211 EEN U1'-Tuce pigs , v1ll the ulelher saimso to on-ncr on paymuitmit of damages amid coto. 3. hahn , Court. house. 800-5t lewk. T AlLEN U1'-A 3 ycur , thiI lilack inane , about 900 PUTu(15 weight. C. A. Jensen , on Military ltoad , 4 mlieo fromit towuu. 800-It lesi _ _ _ t ( tin ImE\VA1iD-Wnlh hiopalul for Information eiR.ut , of tie aicreaiommts ) of one Joluug Smian- dome. a ho dt.appvared July 1 nih front omaha a Ith tIme ulfe of .S'liug Neliriva a Ith tlmo a Ifo of John Neh- - rise. $ hmtntlera -Isycars I iild , of muwdiumu utatuno. nattier stout lii ' , odv. hung face , cliodnut hair , short leut whIsk-cu-s anti mnouustaclic. Mrs. Nehrha 1.33 years old , of large aiiul stout statwre' , hdack haira sear over thierlght eye , face sonmealiat freckleib Shandera hefL- a wife a itli two ciulidreni , onus crlpnleib Mrs. N1ymivaJ took along her three eilliren , a girl 1' ' ) yud5i-s ol boy Ii years and a babe nine month-i old. Thob , ha , a bear aver the IcIt eye. The above rewurd wi be raid by .1011K NEIIttIVA , 15-23i Care of Pokrok Zailadu , Omaha. EDWARD KUEHL , , - 3ttOSTElt Sjt' PALMYSTERY AND CONDITION. Attsr , 404 Tenth street , betweeni Farnaun and liar. uicy , will , with the aid of guardIan silrits , obtalni for any one a glaice of the past ouch present , amid on certaluu conditloums In the fuiturum. Boots and Shoe. noade to tinier. i'erleemt atisfactinn irumarueptoeI. ebraska Cornice -AND- Orllmollt1 1O1t $ ! MNUFAc'Tu7htlitM : ( IF ALVAIZEO IRON CORNICES , raiaor FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , Till , IRON AND SM TE ROOF/NC , . t'ATF.NT SIETAIJO SKYLIOIIT , ron Fencing ! Creutmuige , Ilahuustradee , Verandas , Otlice and lank , itailings , Window mush Cellantluaruis , Fhc. N. W. Coil. NINTIE ANI ) JONES STS. _ s3f. UAISEII , Manager. - . - - - - - - I NOTICE ! To the Traveling Public -ThIS- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I - Al'1 oa.iat , sro' ) . , Iii now undergoing throrough repairs , both within an1 wIthout , amid the murnpnletMr Inttumd It. shall be 81.0- OtiJ ) ' 10 NONE lii time Stateiutmxt tuig 21.2um , Proprietor. HEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST GO ILtSflNCS , NED. $250,000. -Capital , - - , JAg. LI. IIEAmITWELL , h'rcsldezut. A-m. "mAntEl : . % 'leu.i'resldcnt. F. 0. SVEnCrgtTrtasurer. ( C. 1' . WEIISTF.It. ° "ier , DlLtECrOiLS : - Samuel Alonanider , Gsa-all Oliver A , 1. . Clarke , l(3. . Vi'ebster , ( ec. 11 l'ratt , JaR. 11. httau-twcfl , U , 11. McEhlllnmiuy , $ F irEt Mortgage Loans a Spooia1t Thu Conuptauly furnishes a permanent home inatltu .lor. , heru school hionds and oilier Jegaihy Issued Mu cilmal Securities to Nebraska can be tiegotlated as w moat ciug-able tomes Loans made ouul nmipro % . -u.s ii- ail a nil .etthed counties of time hi-ate throu , , . , onmil.leacal corrimsuoudents. 55 - OREAT ENCLISH REMEDY. 4- ( I Er.vous n on m 1ures l'IIYlOAls & V . Cie'uiTAL LOSS j . , OF MANLY VIGOht , Ilperunatore. , hna , etc. , wheu all other rem.- - - l.j . die. lath. .4 cure gsaraNfe.d. S 4 bottlc , large bottle. four \ timed the quantIty , is. 11y as. , - press to say a.ddne.sa. Sold by afidruggisti. ENOIJIIII lIED ! . CAts INSTiTUTE , Frupnirtors. 718 Olive Street , St. ' Sir Asthey Cooper' . Vital ltstoratlva for ) -e&x1. Every custamer speak. highly of It. unhesItatingly endorse k a. a remedy ef true nag "C. F. Gcuooss.x. Druggt.t Oxnab& Tot1 , 1 1863. I ylS-mtc.eo'U- -