Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 7'IIT : DAILY TsRE OMAHA , WEDNESDAY , ALGUSf 22 , 1E83. -
- - - - - - - - - -
Pnbll h,0 , crony morning , except Sunday. The
oily Monday morntng dsny.
f.RN1 RT MM4
r + o 'Trre Monlh + , , , , , , AT tq
OhiMonltu. . . , . . . , t.oo l One Month . . . . . . . . 1.00
Till KUILT axe , T(1RueRDlrxlr ( R1DXRRDAT.
'y1M ' roerrllD ,
O.tYear. . . . . . . . . . # 2,00 ThroeMontka. . . . . . . 1 fA20
! . . . . , . . . . . . . . 20
AmorleanNewaOomp.nySolelAgenta New deal
eel In the United State. ,
tvRal + roroexcR.
A CommgmlatlonlrolattngtoNew.an4F'dltortln
elation u o t d ho aldre + cd to the Rmroa or Taal
xral I LPT RP. &
All L uIna i Leltar. and Itemlttanora should be
eddies rd to Thu Uhl l'vrU iu l ODirAMT , OMItIA.
Draft.tbecki and l'mtoflke order. to h6 nwle psy
b1e to the order of the comtnny ,
E. ItOSEWATEaEditor. N1cEalLgON is the fifteen ituzz o
of the army.
A GiMAN doctor has discovered anew
now and cheap remedy for ague. Shake.
Otto ropubltcane are shouting glory
ever tlio prospocbs of party success nt the
polls , but hard work , end not wind , tolls
on election day.
NRa8AHKA merchants laugh at rumors
of panic while the prospect for an abun
daut harvest continues as it is at present.
Two million of acres of corn will break
the back of any panic that manages t ( i
work its way as far west na Nabranka.
UNiJEl0U0UN1n telegraphy continues t
be something more than an experimen t
in Chicago. The Postal Telegraph coin
many and the Electric Light company are
doing nn uninterrupted and satiafacto ,
business with their wires in underground
Tiri Postal Telegraph company opened
1)USine69 between Boston and Chicag e
with 438 messages the first day and 1 , GQ
the second At thin rate it will not b e
many months before , the I'ostal will b 0
' forced into a consolidation with tln
Western Union.
"Tun best schools tie world over , '
says Professor Wickersham , "are t b
found among p00plu who tax themsolvc
for their support , and education is uni
venially held in the highetict eaten b Y
those who have boon taught t pay for i
with money from their own pockets. "
Sc to hairbralnud corrospondenta a
Lincoln have boon aeiding dispatches ' t
eastern papers to time effect that the cap t '
tal mandamus suit is purely a politi cal
move to expose republican corruption i
connection with the building of the stat
capitol. . If the whole facts were know
it would be soot that democratic m0 m
boys of the legislature had as big a fug
in Mr. Stout's pie es those of the OPP
sit party. Thu democracy in Nebrask
are n6L yet In a condition to boast tin at
Choy possess a monopoly of public mom
amity , 1
The succession of heavy failures thi
' year 11au undoubtedly a11own the need of
a bankntpt law and it is t bo 1m pod U ! ! !
eongroae will not be to busy next aeao
to perfect and enact a good law. All tut
largo failures hare been of firma wit
'business in several skttos and the opo r
atiei of local insolvency lane is not likol
t conduce to the husbanding of the r e
kourcos of the bankrupt Oral the just aa1
'Isfactfot of crodltora. OiiN - ic moioh ;
under ado last bankrupt law was 10
enough to furnish time basis for its it n
provemont aid porfectiou and this wm
emhouki no longer be neglected
Tin : petroleum field of California is r
ported by a visitor from the l'ennsylvan
oil district t be a promising source
future wealth. The surface oil is Uti
and only fit for lullrication , but at 1 (
feet illuminating oil is reached. Borim
ie through hard meek and it costs abe
$7000 t sink a well that distance , but
60 , barrel well will yield $100,000 war
of petroleum. Thu district extends fro
Nowhall t Santa Barbara , 200 mii
Nowhail is the present refining cunt ,
where the oil is gathered by pipe 1iu
and tank cars. Great attntlon is boi
paid t the product as a fuel , u it is
cheaper than coke , and uxporimnntia a
baring gntido to test its use hl reduci
the low grade iron ores of Limo same
Judge lllack's death hata caused n pr
found sensation in Pennsylvania who
poreonal affection for the judge w
united to publie esteem. Mr. Black
without question , the most distinguish
Pennsylvanian since time days of D
] luchanan A profound lawyer With
mind equipped by years of study me
exorcised in the discussion of great qu m
tons of consttuUoal Interpretation ,
uasily led the bar of huts state end w
g Ipeg be remembered as onu of t e gre
mist ornaments of her supreme bench ,
. As tut political eontrovenelal
Judge Black was scare
loss noted than as a foren
debater ! Ho wlildod a trenchant p
] iia style was torcibliind conadons
idniost to a fault. Ills sledge hammi
1' blows broke down ahauu and expo
fallacica in a manner which mad ) Um
author a most dangerous opponent ,
I orgunolt , Mr , Black was especia
powerful in attack. As a critic of pub
stall and mneasures ho never approachoc d
subjuet unless fully equipped for t
diacueipn and his imethod of treatun
generaly exlauatud hits aide of the qu
- , . 1 ersoually Mr. ] ) lack Bras u man
. spotless integrity and unbluabl
f ztiorala. Ja all his muscial relations ho
s hlnlselt as a manly man and a conaci
tioua chdsthum. Time universal outburst
grief which his death has called forth
Yennsylvaila , without reference t par
: IUIM , is the. pest tribute to his worth.
The week which closed on Saturday
was rotnarkablo ru showing the sound
cotiditimi of fim o and Its ability t resist
unfavorable speculative influences. The
rapid decline and MIbsaplent rally in
stocks might have been expected to create
a panicky feeling in legitimate business.
[ hut no serious disturbance occurred and
the list of failures for the week was
smaller than for time one preceding. Time
enly influence of the excitement on the
stock exchanges was to nmake time negotia
time of commercial paLwr more difmct it
in eastern banks rout to roatrain specula.
tion in manufactured goods and produce.
Trade in getmernl is slowing a gradual
and hopeful improvenment. Supplies of
grain and other products caumu forward
more freely , and the call for autumn
stocks of mamfac urodgoods front points
west and south im generally Increased.
The distributive trade of imitoriorcentres ,
especially in the east and northwest , has
comisiderably iniprovod , All things c n
adured ( , time devolopnients of time week
were not unsatisfactory so far as the
position and prospects of tltonmorohandiso
markets arc concerned , and time week
closed with a much stronger amid hotte r
foaling apparent in flnmmcinl and stock
circles. The week's failures nunbured
170 , as against 182 for time wuok before.
Now England had 22 ; time Middle states
21 ; Western status , 67 ; Sotitherm states ,
23 ; Pacific slides , 12 ; Now York City , 0 ;
Camla , 20.
Time grail ) markets were fairly active.
Time I'hilmlolphia RcrOrl quotes time
visible supply at the and of time week sum
ahovingam increase of 1,650,000 bushels
of wheat and aducreasoof 127,000bnslmol a
of corn. Export trade has been condor
ate , the clearances from Atlantic per to
for time week aggregating a little over 1 ,
000,000 bushels of wheat and less the. i
, 800,000 bushels of corn. Time movement
) of corn from country points continue d
liberal , but time large interior con .
sumptiomi prevented any accunrulatioti n f
0 stocks. As tho"season advances nmor o
definite information in rugarl to tim e
year's yield of wheat is coning to limn d
from all quarters. France , which Inn
e year had 106,000,000 hectolitres-aqua 1
9 t 202,500,000 bushels-is expected tlii
year t turn out only 85,000,000 hoc
tlitres , which means a shortage of 60 ,
I ; 1100,000 bushels , As French imnpor
last year were sonotlmingliko , 60,000,00
t buslmeln , it is probable that 100,000,00
will be required during the coning yea r
In England the woatlior has boon min
favorable , and every indication points t
n n larger altortogo that was anticipate
0 a neuti ago. Englislm importation
It last year wore 150,000,000 , buslmel
Time lluugarian crop is now reported t
or be 20 per cunt short. Tlmoreis mio oftici al
o- report coneurning the India crop , but pr m
a vsito cable advices ropresmmt time uutloo
as unfavorable. Tlto same tnny be sai
of Ilusaia. In this country the crop
generally conceded to be bout 100,000 ,
000 bushola loss than last yearatd of th
s aobml yield much is inferior in quality '
Spring shunt by ] most udviuira has boo
t imarvoatod in the belt of country south of
t1 the Northurn I'acilo railroad , aid is gm n
orally in good condition. Corn is ripen
Imumg very slowly , owing to the lath of hu tq
forcing weather tluronghout time corn but q
turd there is sonic npprehmmsinn of po ns i
Y blo iujnry by early frosts.
. ,
r. u rrvr
ell A alimatud and inintresthig dm 1
ig trovony about free trade is buiug carne
oil by ouramiablu , nwrning contenmpora
rk qua. Free trade is about as touch ami ii
sup iii politics to dny as abolitiotmisli
Neither party wznts it , neither con ]
U. sucuro it if tlmey did. IVhat time poop
in are interested in amid what they will def
of mend is such a reduction of time Prose
ck exorbitant trill is will ho , titllcicmlt
0 raise a ro enuo lamrgo enough to suppo
ig time govorunemit on a sound but au oc
ant nomical bais. Those wle know an
a timing , know as long as Pension paynimi
tim aggregate ti Inndred millions a year a1
m largo soma mum required t0 fund the n
u8.tiomial debt and prosecute lmeedud poi
r , improvements , that oven npproxinaa
us free trade will be imnpossiblo. For
ng quarter of n 0untmry at lunst we shill
tar forced to levy a tarifl' upon imports , sm
ru aging from 15 to 20 per cmitun , to old
dmg to moot time dunands upon the pub
r0 treasury. That with the cost of oce
carriage will give a huge amount of in
dental protection to American indust r
0 The fault with our presummt tariff is tl
1'o it affords too much prtection to Amc
as can monopoly. It could bear a rod
was tioi of at lout $60,000,000 a year wit
od out affecting time revenue required
Ir rum the government. That would mu
a n reduction of several dollars a year
ad taxfUot t every mai , wonmai and chi
in the because time street
os country , of t
lie trifFIn provmltiug furuign eonpotiti
tB 18 to raise the prices by eonsidural
at. . more titan the amount of time tax i
Posed of raw maturials or mauufactu
1st articles imported.
ely The country wishes taxation reduced
sic muchn as possible ; but tlmuro is io
oil , nand for free trade , because free In - , '
oil i8 an fnposaibility , and mast remain .
nor for many years to comme.
cir Tur law expressly forbids ouueiln
ht from having any interest in centrally
lly with time city. Is time low buiug obey
lie And do thosu srh c ) disobey it know tl
a time ) ' nmoku thmnaelvoa liable to hive a
hu iumprismunent amid removal Trim uflieu
out - - -
08 GENERAL Itou AUP'A intmmtion of
creasing drnnkunnosis nmmung the enlist
of mnomi under his cuuunand is conminundab
mud Tlmere are too many saloons near F
biro Omaha , and many of thunm are iuisan
0r. whidm ought t0 be abated. Souta
of run in defiance of law and all are cc
hm dueled with more or lose diarogard
ty decency. The refusal of the cow
cwauniasionenu t license saloomu near t
post would do nuoro t stop excessive
drinking among time soldiers than the
temperance societies presided over by
oficers' wlmicln Gmloral Ioward rocour
A rmu tmi time \Vestorn Union offices at
Chicago , which occurred ycstertlaytnakes
our morning report shorter than usual ,
Indirect Tasatlon ,
Galveston News ( Dcm , )
It will require perhaps an carthquako
or a cyclone to bring something like do-
coney or of order amid consistency out of
time howling wilderness of coufmsioi and
contradiction among democratic organs
and l cliticians as to males and purpuecs
of txmtion and as t time claiums of tariff
rofonn t be a leadiiq issue , or any issue
at nil fu currmmt politics. Time authors
of time revenue nks in time Vifoinga
and Peons platforms
insulted ou radar intelligcnco by i os
imi t0 met and mer petnato all Fedro neral
tnzatiou in time indirect form of a tariff
to iep0rts with incidental protection to
favored htdustrics , On time other Imnd ,
there are pr'oumincnt demnocrats , United
States senators and members of congress ,
svho are voting tarifTrefonn a bore wlmiclm
should ho stuulnarily sou Lto.Uu roar of
the grand nmovmnmat for supplanting the
re aldicaui ( mart in time mono'mot ' of
power and tins olfices. NovertlmolcaA time
wlmelo question of federal taxation comes
to the front in political discussion , with
every indication that it will stay until the
ncconplishmmitof abgreat reform , Time
Atlanta Constitution ms one of the demo.
critic papers that do not underrate the
imiiportanco or time urgmmcy of time qucs
tion "IVc are disposed occasionally , p
renmarks the Constitution 'to invest e
matter of state tnxatimon with somctlmiui g
like importance , but whom it is borne iii
mind every taxpayer lpayys $8 to time
federal govorminment where he pays $1,2i
to time state , time real importance of th
discussion becomes appnreft. 11'hilo vu
love all been talking about and arguin
ngainsl. a purely theoretical forum o (
cmmtralir.Jltron , uanmoly , Federal encroachn
ummmt against the rights of the states , th e
corruptionista in peworhavobeen advanc
m g upon time line of practical centrehiva
tion ummtil their levy upon time pcopl e
amounts t plumimor. In lieu of encroach
uwmiti upon time rights of the state w o
have encroachments 131)011 time rights an d
locket of time citizen ; amid these encroach
nlents have grown so gradually , and ye
so steadily , tlot few pco4lo are aware o
. their nature and extent. ' And it ma
1)0 added that in time mysteriousbut max
orabie working of do indirect taxatio >
S of time present tariff , for every eigh
. dollars paid to time Federal govern
uncut as revenue mmrore than twie
drat amount is taken by time book of pro
tetiomi ns bounty to special interests. A
0 people begin to sea how enormous an
0 timequal are time burdens imposed by tin
form of indirect taxation , wimicit tare
rwith one Maud through duties on im ml
ported merchandise , and with time othe
o ! maul through the mmlianced prices of d 0
d m e s tic products or time diminished u 0r
s chasimmg power of nmouo3g + it is no svoudc
that tummy persons are inclined t favo
I. time policy of striking at time root of ti
0 tvtl nod destroying it beyond Limo pose 1
bility of its revival , by nbolishing tin
wimolo tarifF s'stuui. Time New Yor
1Vorld has bold ) bid for popularity wit
peelplc of WILY hinki mgg b ;
d proliosin to substitute an income to
1t1 fur cu 9 t lU9 autiea fvr the sgpo ;
of tlmo goernniout. Time \Vurld is i n s
takeim , iuwuvor , when it argues that b ,
o Lo11linimig time tax to privateiuconmonbov
stated fiIguru to burden of providing
m rovemfu0 for thu overmmncnt would l '
, uncoil a ron the wealth classes. If it
te nded as a scheme to coup wl the rich t
divide-their aecmnnlatious with t1
poor by saddling time former with t1
, bulk of haxatiou , it would nlccosnurily aim
mtteriy fail , lauds inovitnbly egtali
theoselves. No spatter where time fin
direct or first imiditcct incideimt of a h
is , time producer , who is of necessity nl
to somme extent a consumer , nmust pay
at last , lie ufust pay it , eveli spa
trofll Cohaum1Itiun , In the dinumiislme
ti amiuulrt or oxclmnngcablo value of his pr
r ductiomi A tax min time private inconm
5 , rf line rich would irresistiblydifmuse its0
I . until it full upon time limber , time prods
tiers and tim earnings of t11i nmdustriot
poor. This it would do by mmakiug den
1u o eleummita that fora time raw nmtoeia
e of industry , increasing time cost of livin
amt dimiminishing the 1purchasing pm.or
moue' , Nuvorthuloas , iii ) rumei de
to imieouo tax , wisely devised amid homiest
rt and efficiently administorcd would con
a mear than mt oilier metlmod of hmxati
ideal of tax refornmm. Such a ti
Y would cmdornm to Admen Smith's maxi
is that each citizmi might to contribute
and limo public revenue in proportion to ti
a. private revenue wlmielm lie mmjoys mid
tic limo protection of the State ,
Time I'ostal
mi Telegraph
be tilt I.nke Trlbuuc.
ur With that peculiar cmivervatisn whi
or state riglmtn doctruo , a goof ) many jot
lie orals 01)P080 time auggestiomi tihl. a pus
an telegraph shall be established , lost ft
ii. tier ail dangerous eoncmitrution
lm ors shall be bestowed upon the uo
y trml Fovorntnunt. It seems to us that
at fair idea of what would follow is aim a
ri owed forth by limo postuffleo dopartmm
10. Is that a menace to time liburt
of time peo1)lul Would it be b
tor wore time carrying of t
t nui'la ' generally , Placed in t
, min imafda of uxpress companies , as it prime
fu clly was durnrg ; , the early years of Ca
formal 'Vu think not , and umbra ,
timiuk lend the telegraph beun in oo
le lion in time days of time fathers , they wo
on have reasoned that it came under t
ily samuo head as time mails , tlmnt is , lima t
was so essential to tlm businosa of t
In. )001)10 ) ) that it must bu placed iu tin
rd mmda at the lowest ) ouihlo cost , aid
inn oortant that it nmor'ted time dirct 0
of Rime general ovorinemmt The to
na graph is itself time nmost powerful are
du trotvut centralization. It is the de.
-'Jo instructor of the people , and b whim p
so hug each nrornimm ad vunimmgg whatll
been donudurin time preceding tie
huurd , m d the Imou mluate poted a
Coil. , ' ! " oils have not nmch o m ortum
em t' , h tch. Time telegraph and pc vor r
time duiisare t svhur
L 11 u m mumud nmku
t o runt niassus of the men + 1o eonti
etl II o r oducition until tiuir school d
mat e'ow with time failing sight of old a
mid I + ohiug whiclm nmakes rtmtclligonco amu
tl a people ooro apple timid cimeape r
l oiug to iarn our liberties , Thu puu
I OW pay iuturcat on $80,000,000 to
do 1Vestent l niaa to1egrapii c0
td I any , when the ii hole 1 (
le , string of linu5 , time oflieors and all
dirt works could be duplicated for 820,00
000. This is a largo aumml to ho extract
0cs fromn time feats of a nation , lest tun tlmo
are and mcmi nuly destroy the liberties of t
in. p0op1 in case they work for time guvu
tor mnuut instead of a aul of mlmcli who
already so rich that they are stron
that the goverinment stronger than a
lie timing Jim thu Ito P ublico except
awakengng determination of the people.
Time final thought that. will work into
pronounced form will be , that on such
things as live by directly drawing
tribute from the great mass mm
time Pcoplu like the telegraph and rail.
roads , timero must ho no miioro momel coi-
lected thamm will pa a fair interest on the
cost , together with rnnuin8 expenses.
Amid time reason given will be that under
limo old rule a few individuals are per.
mittcd to accutmulate fortmtcs so tremen-
doua that they are a perpetual menace to
time bushmess and contcntrneut of tlmo pea.
plo , and time solution will be time govern-
uncut will have to condcmnn , purchase and
tnnnagt both tlru telegraph amid the rail.
Tho. Htrtke Irmo Mr , ( ; miltl's Staml
The Modern Age for Heptembet.
That astuln and farseeing gamitlonmam
named Jay Gould has probably beun du-
privc(1 of very little sleep by time atriko of
the tclcgrnpir operators. If limo dear
pimbue lmas sutTered Inconveniencu by be.
mg tltrowmi back fifty years i11 its nietlm
oils of intur cotntnuntcatiom , Dir Gould
is doubtless sorry , but than how could
Ian help it if time operators would insst ( on
not working , because they imagined tlmey
were wader-paid amd ovcr workedl No
mnoumit of argument elm his part would
com ince these wrong.imeaded follows that
their grievances were purely imaginary.
Iiesidoa , Dir , Gould is net
an orator , and ho really
1Lnsn't the thno to take each tame
off separately and tell hint Imow much
nmistakon more omlrloyees are apt to be
when dealing with time vexed questions of
capital amd labor. We can picture time
dear man si ghin over the ocrvcrsit' of
Limo olorators amid adjusting himself to a
11ereemnfortable poition n inia steamer
chnir , pprepared Itake a macro gmmmel
view of time situation. The dear public
would doubtless become diunsatislied with
time idea of their electric counuunication
hoing hampered and at times cut oil
, ivhenevor a dispute arose between time
companies mid time operators. To some
mewapmper fellow or otimor would occur
the bnglmt idea that time only way to pro.
vent such occurrences in time future would
1)0 for the government to take
the tole graplm lines into its own hands ,
The Western Union con any would
gladly do all it could to facil ate busines (
ver is limes' but of coup O it could nol
be expected to 'i ld to time outrageoum
demands of the strikers. And poor Mr
Gould sighed again as ho thought of th (
poor puhtic growing more and more iut
t patient as time strike continued mid tit
necessity for time goveruneuit'sowning the.
telegraph became 'mnore and more ap
t parent to the people. Against the tinu
that congress coivmied there might arise
a public howl in favor of taking Mr
0 Gould's telegraph lines away from him
We are afraid Mr. Gould didn't start ut
S withm horror what this thought oc
Burred to him. He doubtless sighet
ii again hero deeply than before
a and let hie mind dwell of all time nice
fresh mentor there was in that eighty nmil
m' lions of Western Union stock. It wasn't
n pleasant prospect t give up all tlma
water for time bulky surplus of gold tingle
r mend stamdnrd dollars with whicit thu
r United States treasury is said to bo over
e flowing , but Dlr. Gould doul tlesa know
how t manufacture some more water
e And then , perlmap8 , Mr. Go'll's ' guiloles
mind turned twardsa calculation of imev
h many comgressmou , at Imoiv mumch apiece
ho would intro to buy to keep the gov
x ornmcnt front going nlmead and buildinl
rt its oiiu lines imisteml of buying time \Vest
' urn Umiiou's plant. Cougreasnlon mnigh
come high but he must hav
e them. Ter per cont. men eight ;
a millions would buy quite a number o
0 coigressmmi , With fifty per cent , e
m svater in time eighty 11ullious and ten pa
0 cent , ( outside tlgumres ) for cnnom easnmom ate
to nmrket rates , poor Mr. Gould would imav
Ia only tlmirty.tro mullions of water to es
Llmngu for gold and silver dollars. One
lO mitore time little mnn si } ion and glance
mdoug time deck of lus yacht as Imo tlromgl
tux what a uu'rcc13ary wor'ki tills is , mad lmoi
so much trouble strikin" operators and a
ml umifeoling publie conmTumu t place of tin
td ahouldors of it confdmg millionaire.
u The Cs , t of S rikeM.
Cs iiutr Rrptbllcau.
If There is something ahnost pattlmetic i
C. time history of labor strikes im the tan
us thirteen years as toll to time U. S , seat
committee now engaged to invostigntin
time relations betwoeum capital aid labor
of Time record shows that there have boor i
this cofnt and Europe 2,624 atrikem
ai lasting in roe aggregate 0,027 weeks k
lY 54,162 days , and resultin iii mu loss i
10 thoatrikericf $22,237,000. Of tine
mi number 72 arc kmowrto have boor wo
ix by time strikers , Ol were conipronisec
I 18o were lust and about 2,000 arc mina
cou11tel for , thought it is supposed tint
m too were lost. Itwould appear tlmon tin
or wlmeum a strike is made time clmauccs am
2,280 to 72 , or 30 to 1 , that it will fai
mid the results of time failure fall upt
time strikgrs amid their fannies.
It is a pitiable showing. It oxhibi
time immnoasmable sacrifices which ti
cl1 laboring classes are willing to make
rn order , if possible , t gain time end of au
il dump capital t tlmoir partial control , m
wringing front it what they hold to be
m- fair rummnerntion for their services.
of hm beun said that when large bodies
r.1 . nor are discontented with their coma
a tion , there must be aomo good reason f
it , that when large bodies of amen dmnam
xt , rights nail privilegosnotirithertoaecord
ioa to tlmeni , time dunummrd itself is an indic
ut lion of Its partial justice at least. If tl
lee rnle is to fold good for time laborin
Inc classes wlmo hvo volwmtaril' sac
ti. field 822,000,000 inn time last 13 ea
tll in their struggle with capital , it sumo
we that time existimig relatorbeteen lab
ma said capital are painfully inbarnioniu
old and discordant. This mull is clear. B
ho beyond it , tie troublu aid uncertain
mt bogimu. Time remimedy for limo inlmarmonio
ho and discordant conditions it is lead
omr discover Enmployes not oily clenuni
so at timnea higher wages tali tom plo'ersa
me also can afFurd to pay , but torsy donnam
1u a curtain amouof control over t
to omployers' business , and a certain cc
iiY trol over their pro rriotaro : ) rivile
ur w'lticlt time latter stmmbborml rofueo to cc
Ins cede-and horn be gins the issue whi
Lye neither strikes nor statosnionshi ) ii
mid boon nblo to nd'uaL It looks like n m q
lay tel g6glu whose cudimIg no one e
ms foreseee
nip -
me HGA1'1y1tY IN IIItsZIL
lo Results tut' tlio Illicit Slave Tra
nte Shmccm 18x1-Ennnneipatton in
rdo tint l'rnlnces ,
mho ' - . - -
Ip A eorrespandemmt of time Now Ye
mg Ifomnld writes from ilia Jmmeiro Bran
the Time gtmustion of time .lfricaus Import
0 , after time proluibitiou of slavery in 1@
ed has boor time only ono of interest sinro
as time pncucdimm , a of the Brazilian lingua
he turn withui time last week , Althou
trn the slave trade was fornmally prohibit
are by a law dated November , 1831 , it v
cr practically winked at until 1850 , win
my. the overnmont of time time , eoeing t
the the issues with Great Britain arising k
of the slave trade were arriving at a
perilous height , issued irnperntivo instruc
Guns t all federal atrthortfes t pursue
and seize all Importations and prosecute
time sl wo traders , which course proimmptly
brought time trade to an end. During time
nineteen years in which the trade , though
illegal , was connived at , it is calculated
tnat 230,000 Africans were imported ,
who with their descendontat had un
dombtedly a right to be cousmdered free.
In fact , from time t time , and especially
of late years , this right inns been warmly
ndvocntel1 and in some cases judges ,
when having t decide upon the owger
ship of slaves , have eliminated from their
number all Africans evidermtly born since
In general this ruling has been acqui
esced in , although a few days ago it wits
overndod in one case by time Means
( lornes court of appeal on the grounds of
imisuflicont ( proof of age amid nationality.
To evade the question the nationality of
time slave was omitted from time list of
particulars t be fturnished at time general
special registration , opened in 1872 and
closed Septmnber 30 , 1878 , which was to
deternmino mho status of slaves , all not so
registered being ipso fact free. Recently -
ly Senator Silveira tin Motta attempted
to bring tire question to a crisis by a motion -
tion emi time registration , and this week
the president of time council was interpol
hated in time deputies upon tin , ' euforce
anent tf time law of 1831. The result of
bout endeavors has , howovur , been nega
tive , ms after various speeches , pro and
con , time senate refused , by rejecting the
motion , to open the question ; anti iii tine
deputies time tnresident of the council
dodged time point by saying that time judi
ciary , not time executive , had to decide on
time vitality of laws and that time tow ,
thouglf in force , had been nmodified in its
nctioi by time after legislation on slavery.
In time province of Ceama time emnuct-
pat0ry 11movmncnt continues t be umged
with great ardor and success. A year
ago , according to time official records , time
slaves ill the province were about 27,000.
But since Limo conmenceatout of the pres.
mat year twelve minmicipalities , which had
of Jume 30. 1882 , 8,896 slaves , havobeett
conpletuly swept clear of slavery ; amid in
thirteen lucre the number of slaves has
boon so greatly reduced that axtinctiom
therein ma now only a question of weeks.
Time government bill for time localization
I of slaves in tlmeir provinces , prohibiting
export t other provinces , will also great.
I I facilitate , and consequently stimulate ,
limo endeavors of localities to uxti ate
I slave within their boundaries as so
. successfully initiated in Ceara ,
I Murders by slaves of time overseers mud
, occasionally of the master or his son are
. becoming w common-three occurred
I last week m time neigliborin provinces-
I that time planters and their friends are
getting furious. This week , about seventy
eiles front Rio , at Valensa , a mob broke
I into the jail , dragged out two slaves just
. brought there for killing an overseer , and
t hewed item to pieces. The same day
' also a party met an escort of police taking
to 'ail a slave murderer , and im likewise
they slaughtered on time spot. These are
t not time first cases of the kind , and
t practically they are unpunished , for the
i authorities and people in the country
I districts aynmpattmrzo with acts which they
. think justified by time barbarity of the
9 murders and by time necessity to strike
, terror into time slaves , so numerous imi
s ninny parts as compared witlm time free.
, Usa Redding's Russia Salvo ht time house
. and uao ltadding a Russia Salvo in the stable.
Try It.
Bow pools are Made.
Manufacturer and Rudder.
In time manufacture of 51)0015 white
i birch bark is used oxchmsively. Time wood
f is first sawed into pieces four feet ii n
p Length and of nine sizes , varying by six
t tceuths free one inch to one and a hat f
0 inches square. It is then dried as tier
uuglily as it can be out of doors. Lsid e
o time factory it farht goes to the rougher ,
d where time strips are ctrl. into cylinder
it time length of a spool and the hole bored ,
; p time turfing mil boring being performc ( 1
a ut one operation , amid time cutting oil' with
e a anal ] circular saw at amninther , all o n
ono inaehino 'rheso little eyliuders droi
Aeni time rougher into a barrel , fron
whoneo they are removed t time roller s
or revolving stated cylindersin which th 0
n line dirt mid fuzz left by the saw mil bi to
it sire rmno ed The pmece5 are then pick
e ed oyur by hand , amid all time irnperfoc
ones m'u sorted omit to feed time ever hun
r , gry fires under the boiler.
11 Time next process is a nioro thorougl
I seasoning of tire blocks in a loft , an a
, r they go to time reamer where time cent'
,0 holes are made to the exact size required
to which cannot be done by time rougher o
mm account of time shrinking of the woo d
1 , after leaving that niaclfino , Until latel Y
time rearing has been domio by an ordi
iv nnry reatnimntool working in a lathe
it limo work being fed by hmida ; but a mot
m machine has been recently put in , which
h will ream the spools as fast as two boy
r.1 can feed than into time spouts. *
At each oscillation of time shaft tso spool
Iii are rearmed , one at each mend , time inn
mu chino turning out about 240 per uninut
in Time next machine is time fiuiaherwiiic
b is an attachment to an ordinary litho , b
and whirlm the spools are turned into shap
a by 0110 operation at the rate of 1,000 t
It 1,600 per hour. Thorn are eight cuttin
of kmiivea mm this machino-onuat each 0nt
Ii. standing up perpendicular to time lengt
or of the ap0o1 for trnnming tlmoend ; one
id each mud , horizoutnlly , for turning tli
cd outside of the fialgu ; between these , tw
a others , standing diagonally , for time i n
ime eide of limo flaugo ; another , horizontall y
ag for turning out time space between tin
ri two flanges , and a small circular curia mi
i a for cutting time ftuiah on top of time spoo
wa Time spools have now received theirahap
or and mood only their finishing tucime
us These are given , first by time polishu re
ut which are time same as te eollem abov 0
time friction of limo spools against cite
us other giving then the required polish
tti After roniainingin , this from four to fly
nil hours they are again sorted by hand m
all inn erect ones rem ved , after whi c
id tire o to the embosser , a sort of rim
lie iim machine , which stain ps the nuumb
of time thread and sane d
es vitae upon time ] road of each _ spool.
ch u. - 1pccELflhi
, .oE . + qRk . ,
r +
u : d , m v °
rh f % THE GREAT
i d a bLRA RM
Itr L ® .i. : .Lys 1 W .
I Rheumatism , Neuralqia , Sciallc a
gum Jumbo o , Uackache : Headache. Toolhaclne ,
ed . N.mroThrunn Nu rrlna + .hPrnbu , Rrula c.
-as Uana , benrd. . t'uu. : idles ,
lea ILL cults auullr ralms tmn tuna
ant . .ldiRr 1innc.uua5.111
hat . . , . , . . i
iut u.aiwui:5ctlei'itwviuwnaia ) ,
China an Glass ,
St. Louis Mo. n)44.Em
Dry Goods !
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST LOUIS. MO ,
Wholesale Grocers ! hA
AND ioimnmt8 xN
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
t 1
Picketg w ,
, r . ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist I
Pll1s , Oils , Yarilislies aM illdO ifiass
I c ,
Hall's safe an Lock ® r 7 . 1
I 10201'taruaam l5tao. ' + t. Osi nhnL.
u i t Paper Sliaffe1
h Wholesale Clothi ers !
1. l t tG M4R
, ! ' +
0ii t1
i' o 1 Keg and Bottled Beer
id This Excellent Boor speaks for itselt.
h " .
'xll ru
' ' i ' sxlouis - --I Will be Promptly Shipped.
O f L1r
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West , , l
Office Corner 13tr mid Harney Streets , k
G rOWerS 0f Live Stock and Others.
. . Our' Ground Oil Cake ,
II b the but lad cheapest food for atock of any ktnda One pound le equal to throe pounds of Dom'
and Wlater , Instead of ruatng don , will Increase 10 M sIgh 1
a Stock foil minim around On Cake to tine Yell
and to to g o d marketable tonditlon In the.prdng , Dairymea , , u aeU as other , bo mile It can tsrttfy
, ol Ile eod marfu w. Try it sad Judge for yourselTeatrl rice WOUDMAIi t15W µ r ton' Litialil na charge lplL to yrdNY , ' ale