Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1883, Image 8

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: londay MorningAugust , 20.
; IiiiI Ien I)11f ftt' TD d
1or the "I1 ° " ? liSSiRSi1)Ii VABOY C1Cit
ing fatr weather , westerly wituiR , 8tatIon
' Ary or rihig barometer , and lower twn
For the Miotiri valley , fair weather ,
variable wiud , st.tiotiary or rising bat-
orneter aiil falling fflowcd by rising
-Who arc Lpp1t , Leak & Co. mn ew.
' -Sqntl for catalogiio of Vymati Comrnncr-
dat College , Omimnlia , Tine 1Ltiitioii b
pcrnu. JuIyeiii.rn&o ) 8t
-1)r. A. Campbell , eye nn4 ear .urgeon
from New 'York City , cwnaq to omaha re
onmntnenhlel by tim best cu1tt of the Metro.
poib ; . Ollico 1803 Farnain St.
-Ir. .tlimm , 1. tcCliire , the imiiular repre.
, ontatve uf tli. & rai1na'I ' lii
thti city , returiiod yesorday froiii a trip to
Cindnnatl atul L4)tIb.t1I1C. At the latter
iilnec ha vbtetl the Art Expo1tIoi , whIch lie
pmnnuhieo.s 8E3 gtaflhl boynnil amiytliiiig tlit :
can le cuflcCtVcl ( , lie liati a scry iiloa.iaiit
trip ftlt4)getlier ) , amiti i wolcoiiie hack to lila old
tamplng ground.
-The board of 1itibllc worki , met Stitur.lay
ccninr , aiiil iieiicil lthl for curhlng atul gut.
tering of Thirtecntli street , from the alloy be.
tween Ilarnoy and Iloward to Loavonworti )
iitrect. It. U. .1eIikliLoit'M blili were to fur-
nlsh Fort. Collinu , tune for cuirldiig atuti Ne
1iriika llinotone for guittering at S2.GG
llnoal foot for fivo.Ioot and ' $2.81 fur , , lx.foot.
\Vllliamn Iack's llll were to fuirnhliInuikato
3toflO for curbing ant ! granite for gutteritig at
$2.83 for fiuo.fuot and $3.3S for Kix.frnt. Thu
bosrd wIll cauiva&q the matter nul mnalco
awards thibu week.
- \ ValtorV. . IUiode.i , the U. 1' . exiurouu aumul
baggage agent , had one of hibu little flrigeruu cut
ff 3nturday while handling hihu froiglit at Fro.
-A. 1)lenuliuI mnotahio caMket WM yesterday
iuluihuIeul to Tekanialu , from the catablisluunomut
Of 7iIr. .10111 , Jacol , , In which wa.s to ho idacud
the remnaln ol thmo late \ V.V. . Latin , the voll
known 5nkeu' of that place , who uhluul Satur.
-day uilgliL
--The side show ulosiguateul n.'u
lruuuio lbItIscuiIuu , " which has had Its can' n
siureaul oil 10th utrect , i1C1t Farnain for soy.
era ! days huat , loft on the uufterumooui train yes
terulay for les Moines. ltuu greatest zmttrac
, t.ioii wa.q ' 1thio maim wtla the Iroim jaw. " Signuui
.Luwanda , who seas really a uumarvol in hi way
Tfto lucarded woman , timum gIuus Idunyorum mmmi ,
, the birds , shm3kes and mnuuukoys , wore
atchuing to the Iruui jaweul umuan. TIme shmo' '
will rcturuu to Omaha ulurhuig state fair week
j -Thuboard of education nuoctu. to.mglut.
I . -1)oputy Sheriff Grebe wtuu roused from hi
iduimuimermu Saturulay night to servo luaiers oil C
E. Suuihth , an Eighteenth mtrect hrnmmruhiu
iuowuu imuati , w1iu was uoiuqucctol of having a
intentiontu ) juumni , the city cmiii leave lubu creul
u torn In the lurch. Smith tried to buy ticket
L i for his folks over time uVzmimuuim Satuuu
day ovonluug , vauthuug timotu to talco tim
I biy express , in order to "sue time cuuuuutry. "
m1 -Stuubbeuuulorf & Q.o. imve iuuurc1usel fOrty
S Jour foot at thu uuurt.huwest cormuer of Elovout
' nii.mI 'Douglwu streets , umuid will at once igImu tiu
m I crection of a fouur.story building.
-The iulat of Duucckeum'mu addition to Wa
nut bill wa.u file , ! for record In time couuuut
' dcrk'u ohilco Saturday morning. It comutahu
ri two blocks of imiuioteen lotum each , being uuoumo u
the Los'o tract up Cuinhuig utreot.
lh } -'lImo west luouunul 11. 1' . traiui at umoon ye
utay was umoarly aim hour lute , time \Vaba.Mim helm
1O minutes mmmd time S. 0. & 1' . uiuarly tutu
liommnu boluhmid tiumo Iii t.lueir uurrivuul at ti
-Time , uin'cial car No. 202 , of time New Yori
1'oniiylvania amid ohio rmuaul , column imu fm
1aranuio yesterday , iumviuig out boarul lms.
:7m : [ . Fermiu , vi1o of Limo gomemmi suupci'iumttumdo
of that nad mmiii sister of trmhum ulbqmatcim
( co. Iicklumsouu , of time U. 1' . , vlmo hum ic
'isitlng her frioumuls out i it time inuumntaiuu
Mr , . Fcrri pmocecdci oat mm time : mIterummu
) -A. citzoui rcukhimug near Elgiutecitim at
( rmmcc strect.m yesterday turned lii at pull
imeamijuartorum timroo cigar boxci hillel vI
poelcut Icimivemu. 'l'huCsI ( were loft with imiun
1rluiay by a uuimalmluy luud < i lug jill vid mumth Ku
isumotl to have been lii ouuo wmmy couutmoct.
witim Cole's circus. ri10 boxes vcro wrapj
111 a gmeoum cloth which wuuu lorfmatoh vI
) S Imules , aid timu uiunim had lU hutiht. been ruunnhi
l hbm bw.luiuss fur souuuo thimo. 'Fimu iuarty vi
' thu utuff was left stateul timat time uuml
$ , . acted curiously tumd umupareumtiy t.oolc umo mu
I of the locality in wiuiclu ho left him Ntck , itt
' vrobably forgot. It entirely 'lion ito id
Oflicer Armour imamu traces of tinotimer lox
1 knives loftium thu uatno mutineer.
n , -Time imoat little drug utomu up out
ii 3ary'u nycuitue 1mM changed imandN , it.s lit
tu : jiropt-Ictor behngMr. G , 'V. l'arr , one of t
. vdeat timid mnest expert drug mutt In tiuo cit
I I u -A. picked imino ( rein litax 1ueycr & Co
. 3ton3 yesterday defeated The lioralti nine 1
k n uro of 18 to 12. 'l'Iao Lord uloemmn't aooui
j be on the shd6 of the only religious.
-A shower of rain fell early yestord
, ( inornhig.
-The front of the Ca.s street school 1mM i
colvod coat of rel vaunt and white lining.
-County treasurer Ruiuim'u Deputy treasur ,
J hoary 1' . llhodo. , has been on the sick hi.t I
. imeyuiral days.
-T. W. Fiantiery , the printer , was bun
; , by the Typographical union , itt 2 o'clock S
iretsy afternoon from Jaoobs imuulentaklug
I -if Mr. henry Ituwloy , the carpenter w
lout hk watefm sonic thou ago , will mmpmly
poUoo headpiartermi , Ito can ruouvor the .au
aim It was taken fwumm Jack Gleason after I
-1emunu. ( ommtlemuan , and Jtbtsuuui w
, ' , ( mu a lmuumt tli other day and bagged thir
' , three cidckemmK In 10m03 thauu five hours' Imu
1r. Gentleman says It was the boat imummt
slyer imail. Every .liot bruuglmt them down.
. 0
-fleouipm II. Giffonul , who accldcntaliy , nl
Llmnmolf at. iih boardlumg imlacu corner Fermi
I and 27th btruet , died there about 1 o'clock S
' 1 * iritay morning.
; - -Tho 1datoI 1)onockon'iu addition to W'
, 4 imut 11111 was tiled for recorul hum tlm coot
. erk' otilce Saturday. It commt.ainii t
blocks of O qt.uu emicli , being oiuio of I
; Lowe tract up Oummilog street. .
-Mr. J. H. MoAlvin , of time Union Ps
, L011WUto7t , returned from lenver Saturd
t1t.h a Jarjc4lecton of cy4allzod wo
auinere4t4hitc1i ao to ho placed hi
, . -(1. P. railwAy zltIb1t. at the State ( sir.
-In the juolicu court Satmurday , Tim
' 0l.
ui'Ymn iktauid for robbing a freight. csr 'f tlio
Northweuitcrn mail of xi nutuber of bottles of
Kennedy's Fat : Inulla bhiteru , wa lotmnul
over to time ( ) ctoIr term of tim u1itnict court.
I In vhil iuM e iAtteru ctuouugim before lie gets
tmmotuii ! _
. -.Tiie mayor sig out six urulinucci Satumnulay
tnorniuig , I nd utlitug. tot o for cumnlui tug anul gut.
tenltug lilteetutli froun 1)oulg , to Cupital iwo.
tulme 010 npprtpdathuug $2l4 froni time , Jonus
utrert power ystetn fmund to iyVtn. . VILcim &
Co. tiul NuIU Kluiowalk onullutaticuvu ,
-The intinwitim the telescoiucls Kimowlngtluo
, uumn IA ) ioPlo on omit Curfleru ) , imrnm it. lii ' . iuuhlle ,
Timti only trouldo Is , 1mm , wun't tuisko time sun
show uiu wlien It is clouuly. In tim mnicrocouo
ho lisi , C3fl b seen onomigh wiggling situ.
inmilcules him otmo .Iroiu . nf water taken from time
ponut at. the foot of Famnaun .treet , to unake
tulle MWOflX oil oti water for a weck ,
- -.A hunting party cuinuistitug of , Tuuuigc
Tisumru.ton , I bury liomnan , Ir , I'uuaouly ) , .1 , 14.
Collins , I luditu I logic an'i 11. 1 ? . 0Froxell re.
tuurnoul Saturday front a uuiccess.futl trip In
time iotti , vuulicy , umortim of Clark's station ,
They killed between 800 amiul .100 chick.'um , to
ma ) . nuitlultug iii Jack malmimit. , , etc.
V Mrui. Marinti It. liaLcr , Zof Clmarlott.o ,
iic1m.iIhi lecture tuttuier tim , , auuiilcos of tie
\v , 0. T. U. , at. the V. 31. 0. A. hail , uti
Ttuesuiay ovotuitug , 4'tugutst 21st. 1 Icr Kumiuject
will be , ' 'I I ammulwnl LI ng oum time va1I , " amid ii
; sketi of 1mm time highest tentmuu by time tnnMt
I urotuul tmeumt tettui ueraumcu iorkcnu. I t Is imupeul
a rome miuidietuce will welcome 'ulrs. Itaxtor itt
ii 'r Ii rat sij ui oaralmco I ii ( ) summmlua. Simo sihi i imisu ,
aululnesol a muicoting tuf tueV. . 0. P. Ii. him time
MaIne at : i , ) 'clock 'J'umesday nfterumootm ,
ll hiulici ituterestoul Iii totuuiucratico mire carim-
o.utiy . in'iteui tO lie Iresomit.
Thc Vthlory . of ftc Ullo ! Pacifics
Oer Ilic Ghicao 11111011. '
Tlu' Cotuultig 's1 Ii ( uhIelI.Slmtic I'm'Iic
vIglm-llne ( , Hall Notcs ,
The Utiuui l'acitic boys scored a spleim.
ulid victory in ( iluicago Saturday , whore
they met mitul routed the Un'mouis emi timeir
OWl ) gi'tuitidn. 'I'IIO ( Tnioiis are a itrofemi.
Biotulti hub , owning regular grouiiids , and
arc miald tj , irn miuconmi otmly to thu leaguc
tulle tt tii8t city.
'I1Imu battimmg of time Oniaha nine wam
heavy , atul tuo pluteod as to 1081(0 Ii recoid
. every tune. MelColvey amid Baker welt
. Limo batters , and the micoro uxplaimum theit
. iyurk. Chicago imiado for seven hits , bumi
r flot. ut ) two iti the umatuic ituhitmg.
. ' .i'lio gatumo opuuteul by McKolvy iumuikiti
1 hit.Vhutimuy followed with an
t other , aimtl Foley brought it1 liommie viti
'p a crack for two bases in time third. in tin
, eighth Simoutl inulu : three iaaemm mtinl Ban
tilti uila(1U It IItt. aunt ymtmi brouglmt lottie bj
McKulvoy'mi lilt to thu left. . Foley mumad
4 two tloubhe.batrgemmi , ntmdSiioed two three
, . b.tggorn. Foley'n vork at timirci vaum bril
g lietit , its wits ltockwell'mi at. . lirmit. Ikmkc
mm caught ttjmlouididly. Ounuulma imeored 2 h
I. the lirmit , 2 iii tltu tIu'mrd , I in the fifth ,
; iu in time oigimtli stud I in time imiuitii. lIes ,
r Imitmi-Otmuilma 11 , C1micao 7. Errors-
0 Ouuiaiia 1 , Chicago 8.
OrllI'.l ( IAME $ .
' - Time followinm is time result of tb
ii leagtio uiuuics Saturday :
Lu At lort Wmtyno-Smritugliebl 8 , For
Wayne 8.
. At Bay City-Toledo 0 , Bay City t.
I. At ltnlfliio-Butfhhio 8 , 1)otroit 2
y At Oiuvulttnui-Cluvuland 12 , Chicago
mu At Quincy-Umumpiro Volz was so clear
If ly sit fault in his tlcciuotis that itt tim
hiftim inn'iutg , while the Qtmiticyo were a
5. thu butt , the cutptaiius tutU itninagurs C
m liotli chuims lucid a coimferetmee , at which I
30 ' .a agreed that Qimitmey mulmould ho calle
iii. 'limo two nines then piti'etl sin cxiii
me 1)itiuIi ) iLltmO , v1uicli i'CHUltOtl in a mieoi'o (
ii l.a 7 mum favor of l'curia. Voix (0(1k ( tIm
k , first traimi for Itoimmo.
tum Tim t irci I tl.8tA I ) 1 ut I 1,1. .
J. .
IcAN.tH Ci'rv , August ) . - wi
it lu talti by thu miccicttry uf time intern :
cm to vruetiL Limo Sluttle-Mitchull lurizo higi :
311 tlie I isd'mmui territory. Cob .1 oliti
H. Bishop , OlUm ( if time mmuumngum' . Of time comm
In 11mg hlIZO I'tgiit , mitutemi there in no fumumtuiu
ti on for tito ic1oi't , , timat time mum i hi iill ci
ml cur at.Titiita , Itmliaum turiiLoty. lie uem
. time locuttioui ham becum miciected intL
; i lcumowtm otmly to Pulitciucil , l\Iimdduui \ sum
1 lmimmiself , 'limo higimt s'ill occur time lit
mum . of Sopteumibor mmd tmuL leforo. 'Fime o1mit
I ) oti lucre itt that the tqoL ehosoti is wjthui
Ld cemummsmtsmti.cly short distatmco of time cit'
( i Sindu is nt limdeimeumdonce timid 1itcimull
tim Shawnee , i'.to. , both iii good conditios
ninctm.ti : , NorE ( .
m .
, , the Atimluticu , cimmitumu to Imi'
Ill the circuit ui thu bases In fourteen se
to 010114 ,
id imItmtmmmcr 14illvaui , of St. . Loths , lnmmutmc
ft. Vhlto Limo best ilteimur wlmci occumlules tim
of Iii Atuerici tt.tlimy.
'limo two battoreu of time St. Loils climb si
nil 1Atneielc Italtammu. ( let ott tA ) their Ilmuui
it. -\luliaumu imuiti iuumloy mini 1mLC ( htmuilu sit
1)olan ,
I me ] ioacli , of time l'hmiiadeliimiau , asserts that
vhhh imavtt ii S30,000 nine next somison. Eoim
y , of time Baitlinorum , Is even hotter oft If spts
. 's incus count.
iv 'i'hmo Browns will junobably challenge CIumci
mitts to ilay tiva gent's at time close of t.
to twoto be piayoul In St. Louts , two
Cincinnati situ time fifth In lumtiiatiiuoiI or Ci
ciy CS40.Latlucumi
Latlucumi , tim thinul bamiotmuati of time St. Lou
. . club , is time dudeof tIme , Auuiomictmmm ausocizitie
0.Vheu oil time field imu always ( Iromnus hum t
latest imumui iuiost approved style uuumul I
nair In timui muulildie.
Time aggreumtim attondimicu , at the last. timi
Cltmcinumumtl.SL JUli gimuimes was over 12O (
' 111114 mIt time film average of 8.'S cents irnr shim
ad tuiuico .iiow , time summmg little smmtmm of $4,2C
t . 'rime visiting cituim oumiy gets $ Lt)1 ) , or * 1
i gautmo of thIs suuimm.
ti14Snyder Ii , time tnlckiest catcher In tim pm
feimulon. Ill , ralith throwing tO bassi roth
urmatmy ii unnum wlmu would otimerwiso imivo score
110 'l'hmere Ii tot a lKuiumt ha the game that muscat
at iii. ( thMOtyAtIotm , muid III si captain Imo has mu
me , perlor ,
Iii , Of time twonty.moutr ilaycu's vim cotmipos
time Athletic tool Jto4oum teitumu whomu tiu
iumaio timeir .uucctusfuui tour tlmnmmmgli Emmgiaimul
nt 1874 , .1cc Uattltu , time thinul hamumumntm of t
t . Allogimeumys , is the mmly tune imoir hi the Anme
y. catm ssocimmtiun.
ut. lirontimers , leitlm time ioaguo In loittiuug mm
ito 1 m.cummul Iii Ieiuihimg , 'I'Iiruo years ago lie su
mlayIt1 for 8 tO a immoimtim itt time 4ttiantIci
iinsmkiyn , i I mu cmiii immune imis imnlco to-dr
mot. lie hails frtnmmVtmuuitmgcr Falls , a stmumil v
Iilmm huge hum time cemitril inut olNow York state.
at- E. llowo staumul soyummtlm hum time bstt
hibt of thu Ammmericcmmm asuciumtiotm , luis ruon
lit ) Lu time eboso uuf last vmuok humbug 31t1 in
alloushlulo boo. 1owiu , 4)1 St. l.ouIs , imuacts t
it ii.t , mind 'rrsiioy mutmmtid. wltlulum twelve ml C
.1 i.Iott4mut. By atm ovidutmt error Mcl'Imeo
wo umnittotl1 but isis inmttlmw Iuureeuntly botxu
lme very Ntwimg. 'I'rsmtiiey heits itowo In fmtuldiui
] Irouthmers imeadu time ioaguo list for hattie
' . 111 imssviag 38 , ' in a lRSilbIo bOO , but Atisoum , of
( Jhicagos. luad imimum two iints in fiuldir
lay hayjn 1)65 ) against 9uG for lb-outliers. Jol
Lid , lkwod fielding record lu 811 bat the Gold
he jiaer 1. week met time bat , Iiaing 214 to I
' crucilt. J1i big brother' . Iieldhimg necorul
785 , and 'l'rauiuy's ! i 8(11 , wIth only 1(41 ( sit t
me. bat.
- - - -
, .
o ; r" V
IlltOFOStill Eciits Iii Ih Rc1iioils
ViorId ,
11,4's' . 'I'Iuiimuiiq ( . I lull ituimlei I 1m- List
Oummn liii 1'sttors.
The great ovetit of yesterday , in religious -
ligious circles , was thu oruliimatiomm of tim. ,
youtlmful lastr of time Soutlmwest. Pretuly.
terisim cotmgregatimm at. time Dodge street
l'rcsbyterkn cimmircim , which took PiflCC at
10:30 : o'clock.
Time ehumrch was literally packed , nimul ,
imutwitlmmitatmdimmg every etFort was made to
suit nil who caine , Imumulrculu wore turned
'away , unable to gaul aditmissioti or cvetm
statuelnmg rootul ,
'i'hu mumusic fmmrimiauued by time choir was
tumagnilicctmt and thu entire service jut-
luressivo and iimterwmtiiig. 'limo tuerulmoim
vmis pruacimemi by Rev. .lolmui I huLl1 , f.itluer
or time now pastor , nuol iii cimargo of time
iiftit Avenue i'tcmihyturimmti clmmirclu , New
Voik city , wimo delivoreti ammothmer largely
attended ( iiscoutmw at 4 .o'cltick at the
sautmo iuiaco.
him time evoimimlg time 14oittiiwest I'resby-
tet'immn cimtmrcli wits crowieui , and time 1mm-
mihalimtiotm : of time how 1atitr yam edo-
bmatwi , umtmsmtimer irirgo attetmuinutco wittiecs-
i1m time event.
rim'is mmew ciuumrcim lmrgatii'/ltm.rI mitmrts mttt
imiuler time mumomit favorable ausju'mces , mitmul
with a luastr couninnimmg eliot gy amid zeal ,
will no ( lttmbt ) take imigim ratmk tunong time
active coumgregatiotms of time city , its locui-
tiotm elm 'J'wunt.y-tirmut and Luavetivortim
being iectmiiarlY favorable , iotim for time
religiously itmehimmed itmlmuibitatits of timat
IOCJiiit. ) ' atmd otherwise.
- - - - - - -
t JlichMhlug to miii ' , Itiiikiumd.
In timese tlmu , when 01mm ' , eWMJa1)arH nrc
fiuxxlol , wltim luat.t1t mnumilcitmo advertisetumetmts ,
it lu gratlfyitmg tim know whit to lurucumro tlmat
will ceratltmiy cure you. If you are Itilhumis ,
iiu(1 mitt of uurdcr I Aver I mmauttvo , or generally
dehilitatci , timero mum ttotimhmg iti tlmu , world that
will cure you so quickly as Ilectnc Ititturs.
'J'imuuy are a blesiltug to mmli tumamikitul , aimul calm bo
ul for eumly fifty cezmtei a bottle of C. F. ( ool-
"taut" .
- -
P. Simeouly , time cattle umsiul , caine in froum
Clmoymuimute ycuutermimmy.
I Samuel lloyd , nccutnianhti by Atmdrow
, Ioimtmnuti mumul C. 1"inelm , two young Scotch cal.
I itailitu vimo arc laguuiy immtcre4cuh 1mm time cattle
L 1)uimiitmOM4 mit veit , arrivel on the overlaid
, train yesterday.
.Tanmeuu Cotimmolly , of tlmt 1mm of Feeney &
Conutolly , Limo boot aol hue tumercimants , left
for St. LmiM , by tlmoVmbaitm last niglut.
p Mrs. 1)olilm Mcmcgor , Mumiter hugh Mc
: ( imu'gor nut Imur,4uu , auid uIr. A. \IcUregot
I left yu'tcrdmmy fur tlm.u St. Claim mineral sriuug
I hum ov York.
- It.V. . lirnckeumniuigc , Eeui. , , vam a vest
I' boumud aetmger yostermliy.
\v. 11. Price , trahlue umanager of tim Ietmvm'i
. & Now Orleaum road , vas among tim vct
r iStHmi assougcru yesterday.
m 1. F. hem svout east. iat oven'utmg.
I , N' . htigiit , U. 1' . fmoight scttt at Louis
yule , ICy. , retummumod yesteruhay ( rout Smimi Friti
ciuco , imayitmg emiertel a laro dolegatioti ol
lCtmigiit4 Tetmmimlmtr tm time coast.
a liOiS HTOLiN' .
t Time Anhitmal nIH ! lUg Carried OtT hi
Uroa(1 1)mmyliglit.
. Alioimt 8 o'clock last evomming a lmursu
' - 511(1 buggy , tied in frotmtof . .1.V. . Nicimols
e store , eu Fifteenth atreot , was itittiec
; : sitid driven away , auid imp to 2 o'ciocl
t.this imiorimimig imad tout iceut discovered
ml 'limo mitmiummal was about soveti years old
weigimed 1200 pumuimmis , was umiarked with
uf sear ott time left imip , where it had bees
C kmckd(1 by a horse. 'lime muggy was
side apniumg veimiclo. 'limo ouutlit hid 110
beumi ticul over teim ummiuttmteu i'imetm it wit
tutketi awity.
- - -
1' Beai Iutsmio Tam,1H1'tr , ' .
; 'l'imo folhowiimg clouds wore tiled for roe
1- cord in time coutity clerl.'s oilice Augur
117 , reported for 'l'miu : Boa by mimes' re :
estate ageumey :
, _ mi Jmiohlmimm ihuilaid to 1tigeiue O'Nuii
ttt'V ttt ( l lot 7 aummi it 82 feet ( if lot , 8 , block
Lb lcommumtze 8tml sulsi , $1 ,000.
ulklmutu1 Summjiek : mmd wife to Eugep
- 0Nuj , iv (1 , )4 ) \ vj -j , lot6block fiIcouttz , ,
L im
, 3rd SUIl , $3U0.
L , Joimmm McCorummick to Lizzie l'uIclce
I . Stumitim , w d , iota -1 sun ! 5 , block 10 , Mm
tm. Corumiick's 501(1 , $1,700
Aumgmtstus Kotmtttic amid wife to Josu
t0 pimiume Bmtilai'tl , v d , lots 7 , 8 imimmi 1 (
c. block 8 , lumiuitzo 3rd amId , $ tI ) 7.40 ,
George \V. 'l'ibbals ot at to 1)oiia 1
eM lapgoud , h C , lot. 120 , Nelsoit's stud , $
t4 iielitu B. IlumpgouI atmd Alimiomi 'D. ' litmi
good , w ( l to Bertha Kluiii , lot 120 , Ne
no sold , 2,400.
; fthitclmull .Flummmitmg mmd 'wife to Joanni
Multlruuum , si' d , mi , lot 1 , liloek 2f1 , $251
imo C.mlbort.M. Hitchcock to Howard itumuci
' 0 , ' d , vart .f lot 27 , Noisotfs stUd , $425.
h. Augustus ICountzo et itt to Froloric
St.ubbetidorf . suet Iiotmry Nester ; w
uiU 44 foot , lot 8 , block 102 , $10,000.
imo , Augmmstii lcouiiitmo nttd wife to Timoni
Imili Maimommo , w el , mm of w of block .15 ,
IE. Itoger's add , soud 80 loot between sa
mis ittid 1mm 581(1 block 15 atul 11 , iii Koutit
itt. 4th amId , $850.
ic ( iUo. P. lhetumi9 'imid wife to Jctuniu. ,
Iu L0u18 , W ( l lot 8 , block Ii , 1owo'uu ad
Vet , ( ; tto. 1' . Ileunimi aumd wife to Citutni
( : . Lundim ) , w d , lot Li , block c , Prospe
llaco , $175.
, um
1XC1tCI Tiiuummiiumdmi.
ro. Allover _ time iatmui are gumtmg Itmto ecstasy
0 $ lr , iiitmg'uu New 1)lsco'ery for Conmuniptlo
ill , Timeir uuimlooked for reeovcry Iuy time tltume
toM . 040 of tiulu great life lieu lug reimmedy , cmtt ;
ill. theme to gem imcariy is lid itt Its praise. IL
guaralmtmuod tem p.o.ltively cure Svne Comugi
eu1 Coitli Astlmuuma I ii ) ' Fever , Itnoumclntii hoax-i
uxY uueu , iumou.u of Voice , or ammy alfoctioum
lii time s linat uuiul Ijlttx- $
m-i NIk1tROW IOAl'I
tiul . A lm'uuikeum 'siuiim Fiiii tuiiiem' ii
cml luuuiummy Traium.
A druumkou mnami at time U. P. tlup
ti : Saturday lmsnl atm oxpuriutmee wimicim wm
mu hair lifter for the puctatoi.
lie 'limo 40-ccitt dunmtuty train wits ju
hiu : pulhitmg out for time Inumirmi i'imutm lie can
lid along mmtmd had atm idea that Ito coul
. Iioartl it. lie nusidu a play ut otmo of ti
ht vlatformmt ralIB but itmissuel it amid as ti
Ru car paxmaed by staggered and full on Li
mn track aqumaro under time coach. Thu em
din gineor % .as fortunately on time watcim ar
aw limo uman fail. lie "throw her ovom
ito 1t liii itmstatmt stud stppud Limo train iii Ic
than Imsif a car Iuii1tiu. Thu drunkt
loan WuiS thus saved ( rota licing imstsiucd
hf ) iimto lumen meat , aim1 hO OWOS Imus life
to time watcitfuulnes mid Imronuit action of
time balm at time throttle.
The Palacc a1oonGOoSllP Ilic P1111110.
tiil lrnvns lumummuttm'rLille 'mViiiiiiit.
Crcdimir * .
A few weeks ° w inaMnifiCeUtly fitted
out salooim was opdtmeul jim Solottmomi's old
luinco aim Farnimamn street , next door to
time Nebraska imational bammk , At 2:30 :
Saturday , after a brief exsiteiico of
two months , time doors of the place were
closed ,
I t npjmuars that Friday afternoon
, , iciuiro gave a cimattel immortgago of all
imis stock atmd fixtmmres to Conimuily aimd
rmtlry for $8,000. 'i'imis lie cinimus ymms
Lii'dtm to sccmtrn titern for etmdom'sutig for
Imitut , for itmore1matidio iuimrcimmtsel of tlteimm
mud. for going out him iuutmd itm ii toiL in
l4aimctstur : cotitity , itmvnlvitmg a teal estate
trntistctiuut : of $2,0)0. { ) ,
I ho StattOl to pmtticsili : time trade , 1' rmduy :
evetmimig timmit. the mortgage vsmms giveim to
lr utect I i I tim fmotim numy j udgutm emit vhmmcim
uumight. imo retmdercul iii time suit slid time
trmule , believiumg tlmmt : putt ott utttacimummcmmts
tim is itmorim 11mg for voriuutla mitmitis.
Max 1ileyer 1)umt mom time l'tnit uittaclmtimcmit
for $350. ( ) rcimn-tt : i' ; : Ui'ami followed with
( tie fmr $170 , Iluimertutaummi for $07 : tltl
Smemmitel Itmirims for $370. IL is ills ) Itit.
derstood that TmIcIuiro ( owes $2,000 itmore
itt time city. lie was tulieuted by Brad.
street's ngetmcy Frimiay and all timese
demicetitmu vero itmitulo utpu > lt imitmi at ommce.
TmtcOmuiro ciaiuns that lie has cattle amid
real cotatu lit Otoe cotmmtty , but tue Bradstreet -
street folks state tiunt all are imtortgagcd.
Between $5,000 ammd $ ( i,000 was put itt
time saloon amid time tabies vuro itiortgaged
to Limo lirtmtmswick flalko Company for
$1,160. McGuire iuul : 8(1,000 ( iii imotes
when Imo coimie IA ) Omaha , but the baimk
refused to diiucoutit thmc'nm and Friday
a itoto and chock both were aulowed to
go to protest.
- -
Enterprising local agents wanted in this
towim for an article that 1mm sure to sell.
Liyo drmiggiissbu atud rocora preferred.
Address ilutitistonFood Preservative Co. ,
72 Kilby treet , Boston. imi&e&wlmn
'iIg nimU Sotu.
Time semmior mucmnbor of time firm of
Wiig S.Vestbuurg is receiving time
congratulations of lmis litany friends eves
time lirtim of a muon and Imeir. lie ima cc
catuioumcul the advent of three daugimterr
immto timis world , hut this i the hirmit boy
mmd time imtppy : father lmu.s ; a rnmuile un lilt
. face that looks as if Ito imnl cut Imis timiott :
front ear to ear. lie wvu corrailci
' hy : t couple of ilium rciuortcim
Sattmrdmmy mid commmimrotmmised tue situma
tiout over zt bottle of Stejmmweimm. lie
ammys he is goitig to bouiimcoVest1nmr
umtmd Imang outt the sigum ofViig Soim
. Our imearty congratulmmtioiumu are uxteimdc
stiitl vu will advertise time now firma at tlmm
usual rates.
Btmcicmeit's tvumca Salve.
Time greatcut mnoulical wotmmior of time world
Vsmmmatmteil to iccc1hl' cure Burimmi , Guts , UI
ers. Salt Ihimoutmu , Fever Sores , Caiicor'mI'ilcmi '
Cimilbialums , Cortm , , Totter , Chaitued lmuiimulmiiii
ill sklum eruptioumu , guaranteed to cure him over
instance , or money 'rofutmded. 25 cents uc
l'Ite VmlmiOlI Actress cut liouite to thu
. . , Ett.
I Aimmommg time passengersi emi time iticomnin
U. 1' . trmiuu Saturday wore Piladammi
Modjcsktm , the ( aimmoussuetresum , her imusbati
mud silt.
I , They eamno direct froimi Suit Franciuuc
mi .titd go straight to Chicago where a milmot
rest. will liti tuikeim amid timeim Idadmeum
t A'u10djeSit will opeit time scmsomm ; , tie luitte
I , part of this xnoimtim at Des IVloiumes.
Mummy timnesyrnmwmmimttokeep itteat c
limit fur several days. Lay it in a salt
, tioli of Hex Pulagnus over uiglmt , aunt ye
- call kee1u it far weeks. .Yotm can also ieee
it ummihk a week or ummor by mitiriiimg in a lii
ml tie of tue ' 'Smow Flake" braimd.
- - - - - - z'V
Timer. weuo fumuty thuatims fromum ycllumw fever
U llavammi : timu Iat vcelc _
o Aim over-zealtuis Jaumitur of a Clm'ucmg , tmatin
buimk emmisiq tar icing iyumclmei by mum excite
II crowd Satumruiay ttimtmtlug , Imuniug been uletcc
. . . mmd lit tiuo act of forc-itug Imis vay imito tlmo tumni
V. iommmlchumg ruuoum. 1 to haul locicel imimusell ci
umumd vuta nimxiolts to ictnlovo his blumtulcm to ti
I. uxtetut ( uf uattemitmg ( hiwn 01mm ) of thu trmmtmsoium
) , Ills iilemmtmty ya.q ulicuvereud sufter lie intl bet
rouglmly immimdied : by the crmwl.
Tue tuwtm of Cunautmicciuda , ut' thu luIaiul
, ) . lmicImtti , wimicim ivam recently .lou.troyetl I
- earthquake , 1 rquldiy beiumg neluhit. Airon
L 15 1 wisudeim Imuouses have Iuuem erected imumil mm
I. cpmed. It has bucum dechticul to immiuumo ti
utrents In ti0 tuuwn after time king mmii uue
Ic of Italy. At Voriu ritmotImor Of time miciolitu
D tmwuuu , Imolmoem have icon erected fur accotumun
duitloit of fifty-two faiuulllcs.
Ic ,
A tire bruko out over time loller rootu of ti
I4ai. immhll of time Neater Imiinlamr cunpaumy , 31
k lute , lii. , Saturday , mumd lit a few nmiumut
LI ovltg to thu comninmtibItus umroutmti , it. w
through time roof mitmil uhustroyiutg time mlii. ¶ I'I
' 3 huM 15 total. 'l'Im imilt cost t)0 ) 000. TIme
V lVlit ( 8200OO ( ) worth ( mf luimmiumur it1 time yen
? ; ' 1 ho colmuimamiy cai-riesl & 0.000 lumimunatmee out t
mu uuihll aumd lOO0O ott time lumber , so timmit. C
-Itt loss will lIe $200,000.
The encaunpmuent of time Nebraska Nation
S. guartiu beidtium at Crete to-day , and will last i
( I , week. Nearly every cotluhuamly hut time state
expected. Five bratum bands ivill cotumpeto
time situ time exercises gotmensuhiy will
Cs Iumtuuncting.
.i lVlittt Nathiro ( leflioslo IllallY
.Ai'L secures to zill. ] Ingitii's
Miigiioljtt Jiiiliti dispels every
Jiloiuiishi , overcomes lletIiieis ,
it , 1"reckles , Sallowiiess , itougil.
hess , 'I'htll , Erultlolis 811(1 (
Jilotelieg , itiitl reiiioves all cvi.
at ( lelices of boat * iiitl exeIte
IILOIII. The Iagiio1iri Ihhlill
imparts the most delicate 1111(1
lintitral coinpioxioziat 1iits
ut tloteclionjjoliig posIbIo to
it , the closesL observation.
Id Under those circu instances
me II faulty Complexion is little
me short 01' 11 crliiie. ManoIia
to : Hahin sold everywhere. Costs
5. ° 't1j 75 cents , 'with full dl-
: :
, '
h1t0Ii YOU TltihI ) IT ?
T111 01,1) AIkfl1 , Tii/mT 'm.t OUNCI OP Pfll.
VENTION IS WOiti Ii A iolNI ) ci' cuiti. " WAS
Nlvglt Mont : A1'tliY tI.T,1.4FItATEh ThAN flY
SILTZER APERIENT lt.iotit , : 'x'iim :
.tuimNi.tu 31AL : i Ott I m NmYr ONT. ? UENTIX
lmIUUIA1'E.4 : ANI ) i'Uitii'Ill TIiI M'8TEM , HUT
UI A 1001 FCTli ( AIAiNT ( UISI.ASI , VIiit'ii
NO ON ( ) Ii1lT ' 10 DlSitIUAlIP. ALL UitUU.
oir8 hAVE IT.
rUec1aIn wIll Postttvoly not be tanortot
tmn1es atd In advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
- - - - , -.a- ; . _ _ V
) AlItUAlu Tlt'KITS-To all i'mrtu sit reducuul
V ' rates. A. FOIIMAN , : lit South 15th itt. tOt-limit
V' fONIW TO LOAN-Tbo Oniahm Ssi1ns flank I ,
yL now IeIare1 to mnakm loaui on Ounats city or
ioiugit4 coutut neat estate at curmumt nstuof intercut.
conmtnIston chareI.
' oNiVTO : LOAN-limo iuwet rates of inturct
m HenIu Loan AgCIC3'iftth&IOigiM. ) 2311 ?
, ' ONEY TO 1.OAU-Cali it 1mw ottico of I ) . I. .
as TluOina , ruoum H , thelulutoti flinch.
' ONES' LOANEII-Out Chattel mortgage , ro'm 7
Al Nelorasta Natiotal lianic Iltuthilur. 18'i. U
' ( ) NFr : To LOAN-J. 'F. Iteatty cmmn4 oum chattel
ih irolcrt3 , 213 South lilt St. cll.Iuum
flELP wM'rEu.
5 ! , 1t1-21
7AsTnl-A oiling mum gin at tie i'Iatitcmm
ilouMe it3tm ) aid ilolge. iOJ4Oh
yNTIi-Oou.1 ) girl in somali fatmuliy. Aldr.s
S u. t. it. tIulmutmee.
yMTIi-A ) girt. ) ti't umulerutamit generaiioum'w'
S uurk. ( loot cages will i.e hail. Cha. Fleck
Ealo lmuu.o.
' ' ' ' _ _
'Vt 'AN'I'ElJVA thlrIimghly ccienIeuccl grocery
1 clerk i ho i4 % cii utjuluiilteOi \ % 1mb tIm , .ity.
( ust itaic good city retert'uice. ApIy to.tmigimt tmuutml
8 o'clock at ciumii' mutetit otticu 217 umortlu ittim St.
% \AsTmI : ) -A csiilablo mri tswork ium a umnall taut-
, iiy. 5immt ii a got euoI. Csll at buIec ! rca-
Soiree curlier 11th ani i'ierc , , , St. 167-151
7AN'rEtA fln.t.eIsq'u .olicitor for advertising.
' \7AN'rEt u.alary fur time night , 'aiu Atidnea. Ik 81.
% yANTnD-A good anart by. list iuuderstanI
Genuuuatm tutuC Eughsu. ) Cmli at otico 10(1 ( N. 1ttii
trcet. 160 tf
: ) - . couli , Iliglet WagC pail.
211 illhu streLt , betteii CalILI nicole aim ! Ha.
% . 171.20
m ' .ANTF.i-A , oeouol cook at. thu luuuuuut 1uou ¼ .
Vouinui Pneimrod. 1)72 ) 24
7ANTtm-A : gust ilachaumittu mum general worlc itt
S 1 MlIooufu 51w , ' , lath nuit Leaseuwontiu street.
\7'ANm'C1J-Onehundrc1 hue , stealy eir.ploy.
1 i cut. ( 'nil for thee day. itt iCtim authS'cm.ter
.lohiu ( Se11t. 155t.O
' 5" TAN rln-niming : rootmu girl at Ounha hou4e.
7ArFiTO ; I , expert umuiil'mueru itt tic t'arldamm
itilluery 16th Street.
' % AN1'ED-A goot baker. Inquire of F. Schor-
! 1 mutug , Geruutulausmc , tear thu depot. 155-1S
' TAN1'iDV.1uuueItiatcty , atm e,1wruccet cook
1 iii lamuiltuss. Aiply atCol. _ Ta1ore , LI. 5. A. ,
, 22V ihodgo street.
17ANT1I'-OiriN. I. cor. Ottm at ! Itarney Sb' .
ii 143.uItt
I1TANTII-A No. 1 lucre , , , soaker at , 'm. II. Li' .
, lick's'alcetlu hi , Nd , liuupt3 icC for o'uu
yc3r. 1 ? wautemL Soc but No. 1 teed to reply.
Clue ut ccc. 113-21
\7ASTflDOume good bro.un maker. Apply to or
! tt1re'u 1' . I , . ' 1'1iO3t1'tON ,
110-211 North Itcud , Nut.
TN1'lI-Fit1Y laborers at iloreluec Cuut-ot.
% Vagcs L4O for 12 ImOut's work. Inquire of J , C.
Murphyat the works. 120-18
TAs'rF:1)1.adIe4 nit young mmcii to attend cue-
h V slug school. Slttuutlutux. J. ii. SMIllI ,
3 103-151 I5lSjiouglau.
EN WAN'I'l-l-To grub out brumsim , I 1,11014
V1 trout loutollico. i312.U ) per acre uuill ic laid.
uuliiIs 1tmAI mst'us : AtiINuY. :
r , 954-tt littli ant iougta' ' tt' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C couid cook at tIle lntuuiet house.
S \S'onuauu Ircfcrut't , 072-IS
a Tts'rno-uIri at So. 10,0 Sherman avenue.
! umo-tf nIts. J. M C0tJNSMAN.
0 ' 7'ANTtL-A cook al dlmmltm' room girl at the
, t
0 T A1)tlsolt : YeUSCI MEN fm city or country , to
it. II take utco. light aol ; us ork at their Os
; $2 to ' 5 a ola ) easly mmmd quiet uuade ; u eric
semi by uuafl ; to. cauva..itg ; no stat m . i reply.
i'Ieasu mtchilrc iicIiaIjIu Mauiulactmr rgContiaimy , in , .
r dra'cr 'IT.'ouug'28f
I. ' 7AN'l'lt-Laty agentu for ti , 'Qteeum m'i'otoct.
Li 1 on. ' . , , tew itutcr garrett for lathes , tale of
soft , t1eilIu rubber , Suuu Protection to thu tudor.
1 ueac , u1ium uuecess.try to ttti ii orul , lictahtu for $ . ( s )
bflu tuo't uts agent. u'om uioo it. Large lurofits. , Aloircss
i ItIu stamj. ' 'laoIIt' , ' Uiuudcraruicritlauuufactmclmg
Co. , No. I , S. Mmyu.trcet , Chicago , Ill. 7mu.3mn
mm _ V------- _ _ _ _
- . V.0131 cook at the ( lault
1 house , neuurgovcrnmmcmt corral. ( o13tf
1 I Iartiu am e , Sti , e nut lsutube-furtIsiumng S tale.
ii Ii Our giits tltli't colOict s him uu , thug on sell ;
(1 lIbby itm It ; big couutssiouu , loolUtIr art lvi' ; tote , iii
( coumuletmtloum ; small . t _ J liux 23(1 ( Ctulnigc.
im _ _ _
- - - - - - - - V V V
it jTANTEl ) _ ( intal lractlcai tinner , steady Job , 4U
me I lcriuioimtiu. LOUIS SWANSoN ,
H. 037 luut Ulysses. Net.
If 11rANTmlSltmatln : , toy iii uxpecleuueticok , best
uy S S ut refcreuue'ex. Admires. cook , hors luouu'uc0
ly City. i6i.23t
C. \'ASTl ) by a ootug holy as asshstalt
mc lunok-keeloer , copyist or clerk. Address "II. Y.
mum 1stohtlce. 172.20'
) ltAC'1lCAI , utLtliugrapluer ol ii ) ) Csit14 cxlenleuucm
0- vreiuarel to tate umuc un tu uu ci enliug Plulll14
Heut uVstetmm , shocttnuuil thoroughly taught'rent
me Very immoderate. .ttidreia A. ii. ilecoiliec. 160-311
( , .
r- : TAN'i1I-wIthiiu : thre'c blocls of ilrowneli
gout louise of at least Muun rocuuuu. Atldre ,
lti. lra. F. Drake , 2406 Iavvuiport stcpet. 14.IB
7'ANTED-An old bulldluug about 20x50 ft. unit
Lu ) y y u.blo for , toru. W lice ottlet , .
TJNTED-iA,000 worth ot building armti'iji
al jobs , at emma , it 018 8. 10th street. ( bed Voct
ill or no ay. 8. 5. liA1tIY ,
1,4 , 103-27t _ V
\7'AN'1'EIA Strut-class horse shout 16 laud
be luIglu. 31ust be is good tcvtrr , auud & No. 01
auitual Ii evcr' respect. mumquine at ldlo1ua & Erkk
soul' . Jeuelcy htore.
LI ) IIION WAN1'SD-I'sirtle iuumviuug oid irouu to
sell in L-an.iouut iota nmay auidrt's no for cu. .
week st Ouuuala , Net. , atmul after tInt Ilium rector 0
iflake stud Ttmlrty-secouuil street , 1)ms en , Ccl ,
UtS.113 JO It. Gl1.ClIIllST.
% 7ANTUD-lay heartier. at 1311 1)auenport ) St.
Felt RENT--houses and Lots ,
I ltIST-Cottage Ove roouuu , , 10Cm ant Iliekor ,
St. . .1. i'tiiiius hoe , Itim aul Svruuco. 151)-ti
1 ; 'uoit iuisr1'uruuisluei : noouuuu him Irnarl , g. .
batlm nooni &e , I'htmct incatloum it time city , 242
l'antuuumm St. ITO-ti
; uolm ItINT-Cottago of , cuet , rooms , 18th alu
Chicugo streets Aio mm mush louse , l7tIm flu
t'umpitol aurnuc. 8. LEIIIAN.
137-ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1"O1t ItENT-Two small brIck storcu itt 125.00.
, ( 135-ti S. i.ImlllAN.
) ittNTlkiroosuu anti sitting rooni. sutth a
I uuietmout burl to two reupctabie lactic. 9
Wlcatn St. near l1iu1ary Ilridgc. 13G-20
-I.'ol1 ' IIEST-IioueS. U. . con , lOll , tim ! i'.eUlc Mi
VIV 142.181
-I (1 ilOUr3tS API. ) STltP.5For rent cheap , Ito
I U tin. : Mutter , room 0. Otathe Stion.l Saul
1IOAN For neat sad ucntapplieol on purchase.
O 107.tlvitIscfl'r : Co.
1it1tET-Your new booM. of I rootu Coo
VI , wrU md cistern catch. 12.O0 per macti , . I
L. Ttuonmau. ( Yrelghton lliock. 1P.24
11011 ltT.NT-Thntr nicely lumnirhud scorns , 101
C'hieago St 801-lb $
for Infants and Children.
Caitorinpromotes 1)Igtmtiomi
sind overcotmies Flatulency , t..olthtipm- :
tlon , Sour Stornacim , Diarrlio.a , antI
Feverishness. it insures health and
natural sleep , witimout Inorloliluc.
'S CasthHa Is moo well suiaptedto Chillu-en tlutit
I recomnmend ltnssuluerlortoanTprescrtltton
known to lao. " 'if. A. Anci .ui , M , I ) . ,
8.i'I'orthuntt Ave. , 1hrbiUyn , N. Y.
CENTAU R LINIM ENT-stim nboliitc jntro for itlmetimirn-
tlsiii , Sprains , Btarims , Gulls , &c. Tue itmost Powerful 1111(1 icnc-
trittimig l'aln-rcllcvlng atIml Ileniltig iteinedy lCIiOWfl to Iflflhi.
_ J
_ _
THE3E3TTHREAD _ iron _
The Product of American Industry !
Full anortuncnt conutantiy on hand such for sale by
I Premont , Neb.
01' IIENThiasenuent , fumniui1ued or ttnturnlsluc1
F 4 far housekeeping puirl'oseu , 1615 ChIcago St.
v.15.15 :
Fu' ' ' " ' IWOMS-lmy the d.Week erA
. A ho for llghtV1lotlselecphug. Iiceuuuer'tu
lilock , cur. Sttu auuti liouvard stroct 104.ltt
IIENT-Frouut , lurtuisiurd rooun. Alulli' cIty
I editor's room , lIce otflce. mIST-ti
Uit IIEN'F-A pleasant front noon ; aloe , oiuallxr
root , M'ltIl bound. 1812 1 > ntlgo St OI5.ltutol
° IEN'i'-I'urih.iucd : and tuuufurmuished rootno.
F F'iuc loucation. 1'IC'K , Oj.p. 1' . 0.
71011 . itE'F--ttiltCtre14 uouud storcbuildiiug'u . Hl1)-
I 1.0111) & SOUE11. Real Eutato Agency. 0111cc
eutht itlu 1 itIm street , lettu cot. . Farmuani aid Douglas
PwiwFtCd1t furuuislued , with guiol llhmau ) ,
4 for sale ctmleim' . JOhN L. MOORE ,
' Nob.
608-lit' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Crete ,
iuort ltt'NT-Now ruouums funuullucol or uufuruulslued ,
_ I uvUli loud. itetomeuces requircul. lOtO 1)areim-
tort. - 45G. : : ! _
- - - - - - - -
1 ; 'olt 1,1.-A uuunuher one louie , uu lit , lrmue1gb
j uur double au ! will ho sold sit mm langatuu. Iutulro
tit the ohtcc of thu 5 1 rail Uuulotu 'l'cu C , , . , 110 5. lM1u
St. 102-ti
E'olt S'I.F-A limo grocery stock nail fixttmrc ,
I cemltrntl3' locatedmiul utolng a gosh cash lnusiues'u
Inquire at J. 1. Marble's emlIoyuuuent oul1cu , 217 N
10th ht. 117.15
I SAIR-A ncuu' Iuou'.e and full lot , mean Re'.er.
soir Situated on am elegant till , ouenlootsiiug
the cit ) anti river. Caslu , $50) .
1 ° lCK's : i0L 1V'.1m'ATE AGENCV.
. , 1918 Opjo. 1. 0.
'iOtt SAIC-At rcatonal,1o Itgurea , h1hmiutrket.
I 2212 Coining itreet. i'mrty uviUu unuall eaputol
uvill do. welL Ituinscom for setlbng , wish to retime
trout tic bunincsg. huiqulro at time market. 11.1S
I "o SALE 011 itEN't'-Spleu1iui tupriglut ilano-
utuotutiuly Pa3'tuteIut. A1u a uuew open btugy on
eaM % tortes. .1. EV } DS'Atm0 ( ,
m41-22t lilt Faruuauum street
01t S.llSuuuall louse , mew , alcott ouuc.htahf acre
I lot. Easy terumu. l'rice oily $5O.
144-tt 1106 Ftruuau Street.
IOlt SAI.E-A flrst'lass lirick resluiciuce prpert.
_ VVuy desirable. hiust be toll. llcoy tern.
llA1Ltjm5 1111(1' . ,
120-21 1121 lariat Street.
I 'Oilt S.tLE-i'Ije , taruuu 177 acres tear m'leuetue ,
h.Suo ouu tie.
Sileuliti re14tdcuc lOtlu St. 9 ruonu , , east trout ,
mucar St. car.
Exceilemot taruuuVlC ) ncrc , good ionprocments.uIcar
Muitart. l'cr aci'it-tO. 011111 'E1t .k IIELL.
1Y4-2) )
I'utlt ; SAIl-it : a great I'arga0um for um tow lays 0,1.1' ,
J lot 3 , block : u , I ianscoutm t'lmce , oi Georgia , tvt tulle.
laut iroit , , neal' ank LII sti met er 1 tue. I huh ti II I a
o.okI ( 'heal , iS I aum about to leame Ito city , lull ii a
rare cluacc to- toy ouuo vls1ulng to build a Joe or
for ViCCLIVtt lu. Call oh or alireso Ito out Atuics' Itcal
1e-tnte Ageuucy , or 232:3 : Inruunutu street ,
13:1.1st : ioWIS s'J'RVF c s , Owner.
I "o .SALI-OA'l' all tm hales , or
loose , at Eiototroulc'iu Stork \'nruls , iOttm strcct ,
ItOcMiii Capitol ncuutuc miii Ilateuport street ,
114 21'
Old S.Ll'fez , to 21) ens asoect uuuilk eucry , ia'
' at 25c icr ma ? , . " .ihlk" 11cc 61cc. 096 201
; uoit SALI-Itestauratutaioi : , ioolgIigluuitso , Orootuus.
Apply or aotdrcs , 9u2 I' . St. 1.ltucolul Nob. toT-lb
dIt 8.tLE-200 Enes.
lOQiunO JOltS 31. SIICCI.Y.
Fuoit S.tL1-slV : iuotuz and Iota ott easy tutouutiiy
, Iauxuemuts. liltOS. ,
128-Itt 1121 t'armaiuu Street.
- ' iota iii Shiruuo asldltiou , at $ 2FO.
cacti. L3ug tiuuc. 1) . L. Tluonas Crt'iglltolm
Block. 101-24
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
thug FOtt SALE CIIEAI'-At 15th , utreut , soutim
ci Ilellevue noumd , or 003 North 13th it. 058-1mb
: 1"OIt HALE-Xlncty.tlva acreu umear the waterworku
.1 , known 54 the mituceley property. thui I. a utuout
0 desIrable 1ltVce of . , ubunluan property , nil uIll besold
together or iuu lr'I on long terme.s IIALIAJU 1.11108.
Solo .tzeuituu , 14t2Frnam St. 125.21
i'olt ' SAIt-'i'wenty.eig1ut lots in IlotuscI saul Hte.
, J ben' . Subdiululosm to itartlettom addition. ' 1 luoes
sue very ulcuirable its near cars , anuiVustll be sold omm
bug tIne to those draining to SoUl OIl II icr cent in.
r terest , to advaumcm latutcumt. I.IALLOU 1itO8. , Sole
C Ageuuti. m421 Fannal , , 1St. 12421
IuoIt HALE -Door frames aid ialu , cheap. En.
- _ I _ quire Elgiuteentim aud heard.
1117.151 O'MALLEY 111106.
tImciCows siVcoving utrect
_ , I corral , at Iltlttary bridge. 38'231
; HALE-Four housci atm leased ground , 11,575.
WllIay2O percent.
u IIALI.Ot1 uno.s. , Solo Agents.
127.21 3421 } 'utroami Street.
'Ol1SAlE-I'inc tarot close to the city ,
- 1 I'ECl ( , Opposite 1' . 0.
- "omt tIALI1-ltc-sidcmeo suu.l biusitoesi. Jeoperty mm
- all tartu of Ouuialout , and Fanmii iambI. tim all I'artu
of tluo itustc. UELF011i ) it I4OIJEII ,
703-ti 213 8. 14th , St. bct. h'unuauuu soul iouglau.
1.'fink Menuo lots 1000 tact , .
I Capitol Aieuuuo ita , ultlOO civim.
- Cluicago struot lot , 1doJt ) ,
0 , Centu Street lots , 1525 each.
0 McCA(1UI-i ,
720-ti V _ _ _ _ _ 0pItui'ostolflce.
OlI SAi.E-I.utu 7 aumol S iii W'oimut luiil , carter cot
( I 'I ! 'tvrcLr uumul Lon e ii euutmc'u , tluesn arc tie just
ml ulcslmble 10114 ill tIul beautiful additlotu. IIAI.LOU
111108. Sole . 'mgetutx 1411 Eumrnalnt. 120.21
1 011 SAI.fl-200 head yearling lichens , 117.50 ,
.it : . head 2 and tire , , year old helfers , $21.00.
400 Comlies. AU above are Iowa cattle.
f STIIANOR 11110'S ,
7 Oettle Contractors , hide , Wool anti TomUow dealers ,
Stoiui City , lows. 652.1cm
; : 1Oit 6/ILE-A beautituiblock of8lots wIth three
V1 itOUsC14 , t'eumtral , desiratol , for boom , or tnve14t.
- . , meumt. JJA1.LOU itOS. , Suls Agentu.
12621 1421 Farnmmeustrt'et.
1'0lt HALE 011 EXCmIAIS-Vufl ( lot almS tIree
. . VIV we1liiug's corner of 11th and l'scIfle streets.
Mns lots in south Omaha. Also 103 acTed ci land
tear Santon , Ncbruks , and bulldlnK and stock ci
- cIoUt1a No. 804 Tenth street. Will cachang. tar
Nebraska lanai lanob' . Further particulars at Quo.
) . 11. l'etcrson' . C1othin hltono , 604 Tenth .treet.
S 10l1 HAL-Old newspapers Pu max'p fld small
_ 1 _ quaumtitle ; at thiS Ofl1c. U
Whsit gives our Children rosy chrekim ,
What ctmrs their feoms , niak'en t.her * sleep :
'Thu Castonin.
When huztloieq fret such cry' by tuIl'lu ,
What cures their colic , killS tluu'ir worms ,
JIut Castorla.
' \hnt qimlckly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigrstloui.
But , Cau.toria.
I'nreurehl then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and l'art-gortc , nedhtnil
htnil Caqtorlnt
1,01t SALE-A tlnst claws i.econd hamU top iuggy.
_ 1 Call at 1311) ) llantucy street. 557(1
V ) TIIAYnP--Ahouutl 4thlustfrouumlstnlunook'Vustock
tVV. yards 10th ant Iavcnprt ) Stu a black 4 cr old
1'oIiY luuaru thulu tIm 11e'.iu uu it I s ar' ui gamulu cl' aid
u'1ewlucre. .kI , } ' iuufortuintiolu kit at yuordausiU ho lib-
emily rewarded. 161.211
' 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ 150:1-2) :
IAICEN UI'-Tu. wIll tIc dehiser sauna t
0141cr 0 Iayuutermt of daimageum ad coata. 'uY.
.1. llahuu , Coumrt ilotusc. 5tio5t Icwk.
T F' you uvat a 1110 fouuomatitoii to your builoiluig see
- \v. 11oi.1 , Cauutield ifouw. 604-ita
r -uAnlN lJi'-A 3 year old black lutare , about 000
pouuudsvciglut. C. A. Jensen , om Military Road ,
4 uuuiles front tflWlt. 5J.5 ) touch
I Fyon VVaiut tiles druveum for ny lurmoso ste Wi
lloyd , Cauflc'ld house. 603-tm
, LtiT. 405 Teumtlu street , between Farlunul nil liar-
no.1' , uslIl , , V1th the aId of guardiau shinto , obtain for
at ) ' One it glaico of the past ad prcsduut. arid on
c-eu talu conditions in the fimtturc. tlouto toll Shooa
unado to order. Pnrfoet . .atIfu'tIn , , , tnrar&o'o't
United States .De'oository.
First Naioll B
Cor.l3th and Farnain Sts. 4 c
Tue Oldest Banking Establishment
in Onniha ,
Organized in 1356.
Organized sin a Nuitioumal Bank in 1863 ,
CAI'ITAIj - - - - - - - $2OO00O
SU1U14US AND PILOF'ITS - $150,000
oyructmas xu ounEcroas. 0
lIrmtw KouxTzz , i'rcsidettt.
. ! euuOc A. Caxautron'icc l'rc'idcnt.
AuUi'onI'4 EOtiaTzi , 2o1 Vice i'resbdcnt.
A. 3. i'um'm'LttTex.
p. r. DVCVIS Cashier.
v _ ii. tirooctra , Assistant CashIer.
Traisactu It general iaumklng business. Tsstuc lImo
ccrthilcatu's hoeauing luuteri'.it , 1iruvs , lraft' con San
Frtunclcuu vu'l principal cities lu tlte lJruitt'l States.
Also Loludcxm Dublin , Edlium im tluo trttuciil
cities of tie LVlittltOJflt of lurou : 'e.
Nati.oiial Paul
Capital , - - 10OO0O.OO'
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. A'
M. T. BARLOW , Cashior.
Accounts solicited and kept subJect -
Joct to sight chock.
Certificates of Deposit issued payable -
able In 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearing
intorostoron demand without In-
Advances madoto customorson
approved securities at market rate
of Interest.
The lntorost8 of Customers are
closely guarded and every faculty
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extondod.
raw sightdrafts on EnglandIro'
Ihd , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
rope. V.
Soil European Pasuago Tickets.
Collections Prompt/j. Made. 0
The Pioneer and only Vapor Cook Stove tlmat h
itood tluu toot of years and goemm euitixe and , poole
Over 100,000 Now in Use I
Now Patent Hull Oven.
I'&teob romoabIo and interchangeabje Jet Ox-tOes
rendering our burners indcetructible. New On Vain.
homer on two Nsw Stoves. New 6afot7 ltfl000VOLZ. .
For summer us. these sieves are inc1iupns&ble.
For terms to sgents. price lIst and catalovuc.
J6dm&m'w10 % ViciandO.
. .