Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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r- - 2 VIII ( , ' DAILY BEE---MONDAY , I LTGU 'l' 20 1883.
yrom the Dolton Wo6e ;
bw. . CJUon r
The aboro U a good Ilkeneea of Un , Lydia K. Mal
unoftynnUL.awhoabo e.rlotherbumanIKI
1 be ttuthtall7 call d the "near Friend otwomsn ,
come of her eonetpondent , loelocdl her , 8 i
) scalouely devoted to her work , whleh U the onteom
I . Itte-study , and la obliged to keep six lu1
sslatanletohelp tier anawertbelarg eornapondenE
ILlehdollyponetoupon herraehb. rtngItosprat
ardea ci marring , or joy at relea.e from It , of
vgctabloCompoundisa medlcine tor good and n/
ra purpoeea. I hone p uonalty InvrattgatodII.e
npttsflod of tholnlhotlhth
Onamountof IIprorcnmerlteIt h reeommerdt
PI ld prcecrtbe t by thebest phydeksne in the Dot ntrf
it no u31 "I ; works like a shorn and a.resmud
dn. 1twl11cnre entirety theworettorm of te111r (
: ' the tttcni , Leucorrhna ( , lrrepdst tad palm.
.rntnittlona110rednnTmuhlre , Inflammetlnn wi
i , leemtionflocdtngs , sill Dlsptacementt end the cos
pucntvplnal wnllnceaud Is espcft'yfJapied : ' a
I le of 1.lto. "
It pcrmrntea orery portlnn of tbo ryd em , and giro
ewlltcandrlgoa iI remoret tnnhiest , na'u1encp
patroya all enrlna to sttmuLantr , and rctleeea wr k.
. + e of the stomach. It eurcs nlontlnx. Uradarba
ltvoua 1towtratlon , Ooncral Ioblllty , Hloplnsnost
i tprcasion and Indigrstton. That terling of bentlnl
bwncauntngpalnwelght and tackaehe,1 * atwayl
P nrnunrntlycured bylleuso , hwlllr4u1Itimreanf
nierallclrcumetaner.actInharmony wilbth
r 4t governs mho feniato vystcm.
.Reuse only St per bottle or elf for 13.and la Doll U
J mgglsta AnyndNcorequlrcdnatuqsWtm.m arJ
Unemesof many who liu obcenreetoraltop wtef
Beath by mho nao of the VegctahleCompounde
btidneJ by addresing Mrs P. with lPnrp for rWl1
$ t her hoino In Lynn ,
For Fldnry ComptoJnt of elf6er vex thh compomdf
aeurpaa rd as abun1ant teetlmonlnle dhow.
" 3ira Plnktuni Urtrt111"upcnowhr , "ae
fie world fur thin cure "f l on.dij tier
: td TorplUly of mho liver. Ilex lanai
I wondnre In lta spect + l line and till. trt
'npouud to lie polndarily.
rt her as an Angel of Yerey wbena nl
m sa a. a D.
[ AL
/ I
Business Property ,
Residence i Property
Suburban Property.
, Lands Near Omaha
Farms in all Parts oaf Nebraska.
1.DDO ,1Loroyi'T too1o
Wlnclt WE oit : n ,
Nac ] of Sereral Tbonsaud Acres '
B1.DFOBD & SOUllt ,
i 314 S. 1411 Strcot
i $200 A YEAR
j by the tue of fix MAoree , The llumtiton Fool Pre
scysatlre. ILprouur roMeetFYrhMSkCream , Eg f
ndallldndeol Aniuml Food bosh and asset I o t
wueke even his the hottest weather- Tide can b
roreithoteatitnonldaof IIundrede whohave trle n
a..Ton au prove It for ) ounulf fur 60 ante. 1'0 u
wu1 find that thus lean attlclu which will .ate you
great deoi of money' .
r l
i i. wif keep thorn treon and .wuee tor many oap
and dooanol Impart thu allghtoft forum to tnstu to ti. :
article. treated. It le ao . inplu In operetlon tha t
a child cos follow the diwctlonf , ( S of ! aradrr/
gait and cata only a fractloo of a tint to a pound o
mint fish , butter or chase or to a quart of milk
' 11111 ii nu humbug ; it Is omlorrod by auch turn a
1't.4 Saw1 W. Jo)1ns.m ) of Yalu Cullugu. Sold b y
druggistsalidgrocen. Samplopoundaacntpro pal d
br waa or expreu ( a. we yr. for ) on teadpt of p1tco
Mmoyour eapreuoflloa vlandutubrand format
Ooeaa lvalofor fish and a o food ; Hnow Flake to
milk , lnllteraridditeeeAntl FuanentAnti.El an.
Autl MolJ , t.Oc. pent. . melt. Pearl for erueutl ; uoo n
line , and AqurVltao for full extrattr. i1 i or lb
T1IF.11ini8TON FOOD I'11l Si 8VINU CO. .
tro'la9cih4m 72Ellbwht , IkwdonMava.
'r. CuresPllyaleti. Debllt
( Jr MANLY Vi001tS rmeto ,
here , eta , wli.n all other rem
' , ' , r : die tail A run. Pwaranta d
'a tLf.O r. bottle , larg. botns , lou
tlmathegIurnty' , S6. Hy o x
pm. . to uy adltea. . Sold b xy
alldrugght , . } NUWSII LED 1
1P tTUTEPropteton,718 Ollrc Strat , iii
Lw4 , lea
. q b.r. r.14 Y1r Asaey Cooler' . Vital aaloratlr
f roue. IIvy ( auto0or apeaka bitty of it.
rrahwltiitlogly tndotae it w a r.wedy o true to.
4eo.1t . . / . . l ipaLnwdl
I. 1 .a.-r- . I
A Cmlcert to be Gildn at the opera
ilouse b Vassar Gradualcs
To Raise Moans for Educating
Pcor Western Girls at
the College.
sl 1)111 } ' ( milt 1VIt11 NntIilu g Ilnt 1110
CIre11H fil' i1IIItHelltlllt. *
Snld the tans with the card basket
l really llsto to nek it ,
] lilt cnn't you drop nn Itout ill tlydsy !
Tall ntonuythlng fur { ntloty ,
Toll inn nnytldng of suctoty ,
Soniothing real or snticthing , itunured hem c , i
pray , "
'I'hssorClerk ; leakedup ( rout writing
} Vitll n frnsrn quite 1111iuItIit ,
And tlnlndered out tit tones Loysn.l . utistnke ,
" 81)ciety ! Saeicty here If , ICaI , , sir ,
Amid fts riitaries hnvo 11n sir ,
To llhiltetodcn ar to Spirlt Lake ,
Ono of thu cards in our basket last
week mnuuneed n proposed concert of
thurt : ar aluluniw nnsocintiou of Chicago -
cage nml ( the west. It will litl o placu lit
Ilyd'H ( pone huusu'J'lnlredlty ovulmiug ,
August 30th , Aruoug tltosu whti cnt
tt ibutu to the pr0gertnuno ltro : 111Hs ] Cato
, Ismael , of COlncil Illltily , soprano ; lliaa
Carrie Atkins , piano ; and ii piano qunr-
Lotto , : misses Itustin , Vatcn , Popplutou
andir.llnyur. Thu proceeds nru to go
to thu "Vassar oducatiominl fund , "
Thu oljcct of tllifl ftlml i6 very clearly
act forth by lliflq E. E. I'oppleton of this
city , thu.gouual chairman and treasurer ,
in a little pa11pldut p rupacd by her for
the use of the fSsOCiatlOU , which IS cOm0-
posed of the ( i ° { western grnthtatas of Vim-
sar. At its last ) meting it srmt determined -
mined to change its character front n
social to a working organization , roll establish -
tablish a fluid , time intorcat of which
MhoUId ho devoted "to the education lit
Vassar of western girls-girls whose
sclaolarallip mud character iuako thorn
worthy the advtrutndus of it collegiate
tnainiiigbutwhose pove'Iy prevmlls their
obtaining it , " Candidates for to butte-
lit of the fund are to be choset by co11t-
potitivo uxamiiiation ; thu first from Chi-
cage , those following from any western
tow it which can prepare an applicant.
In duvisi11 this plat the committee
were mindful of two points : " 1. 'rO Cd-
tablish between the association nod the
college a relation which ( shall b0 n lulu
full coo , and at the Mane thou no iudi-
vidunlandindupundoutono. 3. To form
the plat 5o has to uutko it apeeially fitted
to rouse the interest of western grad-
uates. " Thin entire association hits re-
dolvud itself into n committee of the
whole , auule up of single ntenbe'e in
tOWhM ) whuro there i5 limit one aliuu11n , of
snb eouultttu8s ill bWals whuro there are
seventh , with a general ehnirumn , I'tuat-
d0it Ibtymond 11115 said iii regard to the
School , " 1 watlt to sue tllesu ndvautagus
upe11 to every Poor girl in the laid who
has brains mud a heart , and who desires
to cultivate amid train then , for the se1'v
ice of God and huuumity. "
'l'hu Tveek pdMt has Lee ) extreuloly
dull. 1Vlten the circus cure 0n Friday
time rush of people to at-
tuud it , nutwlthstiuldiiig the
diSCU11)fgrt ) of heat and dust , Hhuwel
Duly too clearly how much iH need of
nmuucutunt out eoPle arc. 'I'liotu hecm5
to be absolutel ) y Hothitib through time
SunOner to iutarest them , Ilo hlOcuptIt
blu would ho a Hutios of Op0t air baud
concerts ! flat 1)011(15 ( will Hilt phty without -
out money. Next , week time upont hatisu
oputts for the Beason w itfi thu Chicago
1(10111 ( Ipura cumstay , mind from 'I'hurs-
( lit)011 , wit simIthl have somethlimi g in thu
theatrical line , with nil the addition of
gorgeetls new Beumlery ,
G'I1l(1)IS :
Lieutunuut " 'alter S. Sehwyie' hitH
beer dutailed to Cornell university for
tbreo yetir5 as instructor in militiu'y
tucticg , lie was n very popltlnr 111olltber
of Oumla society at lime tHOU w'huu eta-
tinned hero snit will at doubt fnru n B
well 0t Cornell nit him pretlecesa r , Cnp-
htfu Burbalc , swho hits beat there live
Gies Birdie Du11lapof New York city ,
whuro passed n lariu ; part of last wintu r
with trends hero , is lying very dangerously -
ously ill lit bur hone , we regret to say.
She ivns thrown from n earriairu host
slriltg and received some brain tnjtmry.
'lime doctors lulu not given up 1101)0.
Dr. George L. Miller , accompanied by
his wife and : lira hobo Thon10s ; etaeted
yesterday far Europe. They will go di-
roet to London null after seeing tlutt
thoroughly will travel fn varioua eoun-
trios , btkiug four , live or sit months , tot
pleuauro dictates ,
Mr. Burt watsou , 'private ' secretary to
: lr.'l'ouzalin who has buemi in Oanhu
for a few days , returned to lhmbht this
aftorum0n , lie tans an un'iehlo I eii-
tiuH ,
Tim n10rringo ; , of Cilborti. IIitchcock
and Miss Jessie Crounso is nnnanneod to
take place at Ft. Calhoun , Thuredn ,
August 30 , Time bridal tour will b0 n
Europe ,
: Liss An11ia W lhitalne , daughter of S ,
\Villiaune , Esq „ was niarrica 'l'lturs
day to Mr. Goo. Barney and loft for a
bridal tour tllrouglt Colorado that noun ,
: tr , lloury Yates Ana \Vnrret Yates
wets u I to Norfolk during tllu week on
a luntsndreturned with ai intiso-worth'
uxltibit of time 1)rttirio binds
Mrs , Judge wakeloy and Miss ? ulliu
wnkuluy have been viaitingeastuntfrieuls
for time peat four wnoehs in New York ,
: fic11ig rot and \Visconsin ,
A party' Wils give ; Thursday o uningat
tltu tesitleeu of F. A. Schneiderr in
honor of : lr , Fntlk Sehneider'n
tueutlt birtlnfay.
Mrs. Col , Stanton tool flintily have ye-
, turned fron Ft. Brtdger , whore they
have buClt for a moutlt visiting ors.
Judge Carter ,
: ir. John A , Ilorbach lutd sun I'iutl
j start in n day ar so for n rapid tour otm t
an the Orogot short lute and return yin
' Colorado ,
Ccl. Royal , new atat'oned ' at Ft , Bay
ard , Now : tuxieo , has boot in time city
: for a few days and returns to his Post to
Capt. 'Vut Ii , I'owull ( If thine Foitrth
I Tltfautr has returned from Fuirhiuldi
. Iowa , whuro le inspected thustatu trootp s
" , o f Iura ,
'Phu Omaha lawn teams club 1t
y reorgantzod for the fall campaign au a
. will u8aht take tie load of social sports
Mr Bird Walceloy is climbing noun
laltu him Colorado rand writi11 eltorthaa d
a' at the dlctaUott of tlto altpitrrre ,
Miss Meguath and Miss Jenulo Meago
ntlt left Thursday for Cheycnno to visit
Mrs , htobcrtaon until Oct , 1.
ldiss Agnes Royal , formerly of this
city , is at 1lar harbor , ML Doscrt , Mo.
Jlrs. Col. Royal is wits her ,
Mrs , , flnncs'Woolworth left this morning -
ing for Sioux City , to visit Mrs. C , 1) ,
( , eiiornl lloivnrd has takot the Brown-
son house amid sill occupy it aoon as his
rcaidemice ,
Mrs , General Wilson and Miss Ettie
W'ilaou returned today from Bayficld ,
\Vis ,
Miss Grace Wilbur is another Omaha
girl wino has gommu to Salt Lake ,
E , S , Dundy , jrl nod wife are visiting
birs , Dandy s rulatives in Ohio.
Master Weir Cotfman is visiting his
grandpa at India11uln , Iowa ,
alias Etmm Carter of St. Joseph , is
time guest of Mts.'Wakefield ,
Miss Maggie wilsuu is visiting Miss
Mcl.oimghlin at 'rukanah ,
lfisa woodie 1lcCnrmick is a1111uuor-
ing at C0loradu Springs ,
lirVamren Switzl0' mum wife have
returned from llihtnetonkn ,
Hiss ( hilbe't , of llurliugton , is rtt Miss
deuiiu louzali11 a ,
. 'rank is at ' ilumituu Springs ,
Colorado ,
Colotmcl Sharp lots come hack front
Ogaitlln ,
fits , .ludgo Savage is at Nanttshut
hunch ,
Miss Minnie Saundera is at Asburgy
Park- .
COptain Foote is at Narragansett Pier.
: iia5 flirt T0t0pkins is \Vyoning. .
* Amung the moat ollicacrous of rents
diltl ngeitta are the medical preparations
from the laboratory of Mrs , Lydia B.
Pilih morn , Lynn , llass ,
- a -
Two houses Struck Last Night at Dii-
fereiit Ends of the City.
Andlhe ImuuntOHNnrrotvlyheeapr hl
Both 111Httt11CCH ,
'Pheru were many things about time
heavy storm lust night that wore untmsunl
01111 the wuir(1 appearance of the sky ,
the rush of rain and the dazzling hashes
of ) teaven's artillury drew ninny to watch
the spectacle to tire mast dangerous
purls of the house , the doors 011(1 win-
dotes. As tint little children of C. 1V.
Preston , it U. P. machinist , who occupies
a cottage at 1110'9 California street , were
leumiug trout a window , watching the
rain , the iiglttuiiig struck the wall int-
11wdiately aljacettt to the window and a
deafoiming put of thutulur folio ved.
lairs. i'restoni , nu itttelligont little vo-
min , , va't sittimig in a rear room , also
looking at the s'ty. Situ said that the
rues lO0kUtl as if it was tilled iritit
IIAiLS or ruts :
Soul everything ens blue for nwhmilo. As
Suet as Bill recovered from the shuck she
iOkCl for her boys , one four and one ten
t0 day , anti folnld then both unhurt.
Site clapboarding next the w'iudow wlteru
tiey sat , Itoivuvur , was ripped ull'froni
thu caves to the ground the bare joists
exposethuui the mulattiultednhIwimurothoy
nojecte(1 tlrouglt Limo wool. One narrow
hoard was driven straie"ht through the
aide of an adjointmig house amid a window
there smashed to pieces , . ' 1'le bolt after
cimtering a closet iii Dir. Prestou'a loilse
seulus to ] 11tvo I"IIOWCll the partiliou ivttll
811(1 passed lilt the other side.
'Phis wits n very narrow escape , tut
there was tutotler just as 11iiaculous at
time hunsu of .Tolut 1lcAvi11at , Eightcuatt
81111 Center au'euta , at tie miller old of
town , Ruth tlo'du accidenta oceurrc(1
just at the
rnt.T l'I. . m' or , 'IrtINI1Ult ,
{ vhicll ivns ronmrked by mnuy at the
time 7 o'clock , as au unusuall g ahnl )
One , ' ' 'his ' att'llek through t the lliuue
of 1icAviis s house nod tore oivn about
half the rout , so that ho , 1)'imi g nmm a bed
in n front roomsudduulY 101 the sky
nl0vu hiul mud thu rain pouring tltrougla ,
lie jumqed ) up ft look for n baby in a
drib , and seeitmg it cohtvulsed , thought i t
dying , but it soon recovored.
: GsieAPin { vus in the kitchmt and
haul boon aluuling near time stove. She
hind n baby in her arms , amid had just
moved over to a chair to gut
'rile u.tn1''s NlourDltEss
whet the blow cane , It knocked tit o
stlvu dwn , tlntturted the ptpo eft like 0
n et's ) a er 1111(1 bored a hale through tim e
1100.1 whore alto hall beuu standui g t t
McCU1id before , two foot square. 1'ot 1t
feet of ) lnatue auc tunmblin gldown , and l
tltu ctunton hko report of the thunder
eombiued with the real don gur , terrified
than till , but aside front tilde they inert
011 mthurt , On which both families ttt' u
to be cuugnthmbttod ,
Sntlslactory Evidonue.
,1 , , } V. ( irnllmn , wholtnlu ( druyggist t. .
ltttatia , Tax , writes : I have Leon IwmliiM
lIt. } Vitt. IIALtS BALSAM FOIt'rll'
L UNGS for the 181st your mud lutvu found t
lieu of thin rtust snlablu utmlielne. I have eve
led tit my hunsu for Coughs Colds still Ovcl
Censutuptlon , always giving entire OStisfnctlou
I'baos0 soul lie 1)110 gross by 3nturdny's .tame
or ,
1'1'LtUti1''UIm SiJiI'il' .
The SalbguamtIH'I'hrolvn Around Ul n
1Venry'1'rnvole' at the 1'uttuu ,
'l'Iwre is pnbnhly n ) hotel in tai
4lnited Status so mull provided for in tai e
way of lire escapes as time Paxton and i t
is iH fact tutu only hotel itt this stat o
which lens any tire escapu at all ,
During the ezeiteuatt following tIm e
terrible holoenust lit Milnmllroe , tht
liteiiel lkos , set to work to devise
menus to innku their guests not oniy
comfortable but attic , nod the lie
culmr nrr'algunlont of the hoes
Iluulu this nu easy Hefter. Stairway
inure constructed from ono story to an
tither , butw rut the broad vurnndns o
thu odsidu of the building , and tin
means of egress fromu any yxtrt of tai
luflditg are tit easy ltd safe to a lady 0
to tau most daring climber. ! n each hal
it posted up a sight directing thu truest tt
the fire eauIe , end in short nuthul geouh
be muru wrlo ( tl nrnuihud , l ho I extol
is a hoe a in wlm eat one cait go to slue
and slumber peacefully w itlqut fear
being bunted to death meriting.
loteotlves and l'vi + atn OllleerH
Usually wear their badqptut of authority can
coa hod tmilder their clothing , but Dr. 7' vw
- tcle lrie 011 wears ltd badges fn the foal o
Printed labels , attached to each and every lot
so that nil may know Its alulon , It f
giton full and lwuylete authority to arrest )
aches and puns , and does lt. duty every tlmr
The BluldcriI Selflshlcss of the
Democrats Proves the Saltation
of Repnhlieans ,
Government Control of the Tel-
egraph--Tho Neat great
Political Move.
The Itnllronds 1111(1 Ilie I'eopln 'rho
COHt01110ingIlle Crop-Aahirt
In Iilitloi' COUnty ,
D.tNlt Ctty , Neb , , August 16.-
Again vso ask n part of your valuable
space for the purpuso of sprcadfng our
Prospects either materinl or "political. "
1Vo have had too touch rnimi for the
snnll ) grain nntl feu' wheat , oats and
barley have been damaged. Corn is
coining ( III nicely oven that which was
pitted withm hail will innku tlucc-fourths
of n crop if frost holds oil until the last of
Septe/nbor ,
Many changes and improvontcnts
might be noticed. Chief among theta is
time retire11elt of \Vtilfemiiuttrgtr , time
uncompromising prohibition editor of thu
David City Itepubitcan. Mr. El , heart
becomes the sole proprietor and editor of
Thu Republican , taw organ of this , Butter -
ter cotnlty , meld we Presuule will be n
a little mere gentle with the prohibition
gtiestinn , if party interests ( luniands it ,
tluut was bias 1V , , while he filled the
editor's chair. Notliihtg succeeds like
slmCcess , and min this principle , or would
say policy , evoli hligil-tomied jelllnals are
run low days.
The three political pa'tte3 are organizing -
izing for the fray this fall. The anti
ntotopoly wuuty convention is called for
time 26th , the rupublieau rot September
1 , and time deuoeruts ore layuIg low for
"ducks , " they will hit on 11e11d of course ,
lvitlt bight hopes until after the light for
president next year , and will be found engaged -
gaged iii their oitl occupation of time past ,
tivcnty years i , a , making blinders and
the country may ho congratulated that
they are about alike evenly distributed
throughout tite htntion ,
lit IOWA they are ' 'Simon" pimre all
their defeat is secured by their ow rot blurt-
dots. Ohio sceus to have the same
variety of "democracy"a d $50,000n0n
inationu , to the uaprojudieed observer ,
will and ought to keep eonipnny with
their Iowa brethren. limey will possibly
gut victoriously to the front , after the
jobbers , tricksters and thieves who come
trol hotim. They mud the republican party
mire driven into an allintlce with each
other to prevent the anti-inonopolisat
free conning into power , Thislr. Edi-
tar , they will do for their "masters. " Tie
"corporatiella" m iii deltand it nod obedi-
uuco to their masters denands is their
0rlly redeeming vice ( should l say virtue. )
Then speed time day ivitet ono of these
establislnneitts far the people's oppr05-
aiOll may he dissolved ; let then 0111-
brace openly and we viii fai11 1101)0 that
the disgust of homiest freculoushall prove
the ovortltrow of the consolidation old
the adnlihtistcatinu of governueut , county -
ty , state 1111(1 national , nlny be cstab-
Balled on taw principles for inhich our
fathers cotenled , and the relations
1vlmiChahould exist between capital and
Inbor1it ' ( djusted' fair alike to both , ; tud
.t liich yoni' huuiblo servant believes to
he that capital should meld the place of
the fruit of labor , and not its master , as
is now praacticahly time case.
'Vo congratulate the good people of
your city over the result of their contest
lvitlt tie j0bbetrq ill ' '
y'Olu' paving iulprovo-
'Vu siueely 1101)0 that the telographera'
strike any result iu victory for the op
pressed operttors , aid that out of it till ,
the goverituielt will ate ! ) in and supply
the country witit this indispensable fac-
tor-not by buying out the present hires ,
unless the iv'ater is well w'rutig out ,
One word more , anal I desist. Tito
rntlr0da' say hint. they must bo allowed
to charge whet the tratlic will bear in
order t0 move products told eonuuodities
at as Inv rates 0s the cost of services ,
which will not bear a rate which would
Pity thuin a profit , Now w o titihtk
that they niight give our state
time boIeflt of this policy'
ill it leas rate all oats this season as this
eroU , only eotuuuand about 27 cents per
l ushel in Chicago now , their rates front
this Point 80c , per owl. which sakes
I ) 3.6c , wr bushelfor freight conuliissi-
One's mud dealurM nnlftsivill take 8c ,
he re wiiieht will o tl heave the producur
014c. . or bushel and after ) a'i11 thresh-
' and harveatin6 ( n othing , of coimsb.
! f we complain in time unnio of the public
they { will got on this dignity and tolls us
the Puble ho d-ntd , yet I tiwught this
11)ohcy ) work nit oats this year-well the
journals of out' last lugislntuire are set , in
80110 Omit luulds , trot the public , uftur time
Cluction this fall. Suppose they will lot
then lilt the will be old tile ) ' think before -
fore next } 'ears oluetion , Ad still time
f blimids will shield them from public
vollgealco , "may ho 511 , " Excuseleumgthof
this utissivo ,
t Anti we will coutimiuo on picket.
ra C1TizsN : ,
a -
l lottle of ftumgos"in t tttttors to Ilarur
yotlr lenunuwlo , or ally utter cold drinks with ,
will keep you free farm 1)yspopsin , ( 'ulic ,
liarrhova ) and nil other dlsoases urighuding
from the dig.'stivo urgtlns. Ba sure and het
thOgemdneingosttirn , 11uuuthtctlucd by
Oa.IB ( S11tihTtSONS : ; ( ,
Ti ! Bti.\NI ) 01'TUi'UAC'ITS. :
I Itatlilgttlsiled Me1h'ItIl4 and 'Their
odd AttenQmult.
Chicago Times ,
A cot yg low erato mass of wool bhuihuts ,
wonder IIUXna , and vilfans ; nuuln nut of
u rarpot mntcrml lay 1)110(1 ) up u ) trout of
the ) end porter inhu stood n front of tie
glass window 0f the eobior's otlieu of the
Pallier house , y'CStordny nfturnotm. 'r'usts
11tiseellaleotla assorhACnt of a traveler's
eapllon(1ugcs wits guarded by a decidedly
unuau ; specuuet ( If the guns 110)1110 that
I is found doing nIunnal service in the laid
that boasts of the "hnlha of llootuzu-
e 11105 , " his but ivies n cross 1)etWCClt ) that
eB usually isrort by 11 filial son of the Emner-
B 1 nld isle o0 St. atrick's day nod a State
stied tough's castor tiller an early murn-
1 fug sttoazu rot 1 % round table fu a loge
dive. It was about three sto'ica high ,
t had 801110 half a dozen Junta fn it , and as
f 1 the owner gesticulated with ottu of the
Portera about what he ivantod done
nn irroveruut telegraph boy "caught 011"
to the man'S the antsuggested that Ito
"gut a derrick and h'istor' Thu cole r
a' of the emu's skin was satrron ; hits face
( was void of ex ) rosslas save when lie
gazed on ouo of the car lot satchels winch
' teed ga ) in gl 01)011 and ox osed to view
' the necks of twvery blackbottles and s
cigar bax tied wills strings. At the
cashier's cotulter stood nyoung melon with
black oyea , n little , black moustache , dark
of comploxinn , and time general appear-
alcc Of the Spanish youth pictltied on n
raisin Lux ill the act. of swcnnditu with
the light guitar several fair son ritas
percied in n svundusv overlooking a balco
ii ) ' . This decidedly Ilaidsomo young
10011 lad two companions , distinguished-
louking foreigners , and the two hailed
from 1Ioxico , one being a lawyer , tuul the
other two proprietors of plantations.
Their napes ware .1 , Lozano , 1'a do
Lovantox and M. Schaur Navarro , They
are on their Inn ) to Niagara Fitlls , and
fron , thence to Europa on n pleasure
trip , 'limo irrepressible interviewer got
iii his work as usual , and the Mexican
gentenen talked about Gen , ) ! ) iaz , what
agtiand Iltan ho waa , and how his popu
larity was certain to snake hiiul preaident
next December , ' ' 'ley said Gun , Grant
was n great favorite in Mexico , that lie
believed 8o heartily in time resources of
Slcxico timat ho had put 501110 money into -
to n lioxican railroad , .lacy Gould , they
declared , was time great blot of enter-
rcia , Thu' told luny lie had been
grnuitcd concessions free the gm untoeit
to build two roads-ouo from Laredo to
the City Of Moo 011(1 fr0u there to
tunteuinla , turd 11150 n cross road from
Vera Cruz to % ihunlauojo , At I o'clock
( lie party seated theawelvcs in a hack in
Gout of the hotel , the ( lull ) face visible , tit
time carriage niuidow being tloU 0f the
satli'on-hued nttcndcut , who grasped the
carpet valise iwitlt the projecting black
bottles , : mild as the sl10des of melancholy
settled dawn spun time camuttenauca the
cut'iously inclined were informed by a
wag that.1'11cle" Itufe hatch hind "soured
ou his assisted e11igrant party , that over
productiot nod Jay Gould hind settled
him for all tiuue , told that Ito hind done
with with time whole blank business. "
. .
- .mat.
I ndivsl l'Itisicinns suit chCHpists baVt , nua-
lyzed i'IZZInrs tileliCatl , ( cennpiexiia ) { ' (
situ rccouunend . use to their mrivrs 811(1 holy
friciuk. } What better could be said of it ,
' A Card.
To taw Edttor of the Omaha Ill , : :
Silt-IBi : its editorial in your last eve-
uiug'a issue , I notice the following shtto-
unmtt : "On Sixtocntli street between
Jncksmt and Leavenworthu , two tctunsare ;
engaged in lilhiug a lot belonging to ono
of our merchants , " nutd further iutitnat-
iug that a steal was being perpetrated
upon the city. I { t'islt to say fu reply
that having recently dug a large cellar ,
I ( ltlmpetl the dirt taken tltereftom into
.Tackson street. This dirt I exchanged
with thu city contractor for that wimich is
being used frolul Sixteenth street in filling -
ing my hot , and I will further say that 1
nut giving the city two yards of dirt for
every ono thirty are tilling into my yard.
'juts you can ascertain from the city engineer -
gineer , street connuissiunor or .
You should be little more careful in mak-
ilug statenlcltts of titia kind , to first ascertain -
certain that yon are right.
Respectfully , I' . E. ILEn.
August 18th , 1853.
Ilorafirlt'H At i(1 PJwsphttc.
K)1t:13Le 3rtcla. (
Dr. E. Cuttcr , Beaten , Mass , , says :
I found it to realize the uzpoctatiols
raised , told regard it as a reliable articlo. "
A Itailruad Itfng's Boui.t.
Ncw York 1Vurld.
It is not often that : 1Villiauu 11.
Vanderbilt unboso11ls hinmself , 'Vltea ho
( lees lie speaks couciscly-etmmphatictlly.
Ills utt-atlccs are oracular ,
' " 'lie peopll Ito d--d1"
hero id the philosoy of the billionaire
rnOtlopolist'd life fn a nutshohl , IIcre is
the ( plintessencc of his principles.
him the recent press interview prepared
for general distribution , air , \randor
hilt wts coached by the flowery Depew
ant ! { was nut u verbose ,
"SS'Il ) ' , the Nets' Yurk Central has rots !
est'tte ' property iu New York city alone , "
said air. Vanderbilt to his interviewer ,
"that is iv'ortlt 1110'0 tltau the entire
pltuit. equipment and every'thiug else of
Monte roads whichl seek to compete with
Ha froth New York to Buffalo. "
Yes , indeed , the Nriv York Cettral's
"real estate prope'ty" in Now York city
is , 011 Mr. Vanderbilt gmnatic ally says ,
' 'worth nlot'c that tic eitiro everything
else of some . '
( did fir. Vanderbilt get this real
estate 1 : Minty by buying up legislatures -
tures and boards of aldermel aul awind-
ling time city lilt of its property mid its
'l'le water front fi'ont Sixty-fifth street
to Seventy-fifth street along time Iludsot
river ivns secured by condutmnf11g the
property Iml tie courts ! alit them fihhtllg Up
the ilswiti the nil of n purchased coin.
moo cumcil.
St , Johu'a park was gives over to the
railroad freebooters through hrilery and
corruption , and for years the duuuny
trains have practically blocked taw west
side from time path to Sixty-fifth street ,
destroy'i6 1roI pertY turd killing nod
wounding nuutbers of victims Ivory
year ,
'rites there is the Forty-seco11d street
depot , which closes three streets absolutely -
lutely old cuts oaf all but passeugor
travel frran two others There is time
sunkut track which the persunsivo Dupew
lobbied through to a legislature , puttitug
half time cost on time city 81ui uiabling the
Vanderbilt roads to Odd to their property
hundreds of thotmstwds of dollars in value
lit the ueoplu's expanse ,
.tll these and maul g nlorosucii jobs jus
tit gIrr Vnndurbilt's boast 1a his extend.
0(1 interviev and full clmimne in with hits
former short but ctlmui nehetisive declaration -
tion of lrincillcs ) "Tie 1)enIlit ) be
The sialdard rchlorativc--esluocinlly to
cases of nurvousnogs-is * Se1)ltn'iaIL
"I un'cd"aaidJim. Corbin
an perfectly , ,
of W'asltburut Iii , , "thanks to Dr.
ltichnlcutl'd Snllufrirln .LVcrefnc , " At
Druggists ,
A Ctuhieso Shoiv ,
SAN F1I.NC1sC0 , August l8.-'Paw ben.
eft perfornlnncotulderu(1 , by time Chinese
theater to the 'J'riuulial eontl0itteo twits
largely' attended. 'I'Itare wore 1,200peo-
ihe Present , IIiOBthy eastern knights , taw
Indies going ; from curiosity All actors
ivuru Cilina11iel , 'i'lle nmauae eissued nn
order that nu Chinnimmen be purmitted to
enter. This { nits indigmutly rosultedby
taw Chinese outside w le made several at-
10011)1.8 fu it body to outer , but wore no-
1)0110(1 by tune police. ' 19111 Chimantuit
throw stones thnuglt wvnidows tend w'ero arrested , Receipts of time
purfornmucu swue $1,000.
Why , use n gritty , muddy , dtsagreta
ble article when hood's ' Sarsaparilla , so
pure , soclcar , so delightful can be oh'
tAinod. 100 doses $1.00.
- + - -
" 'Memo Nana 111 cor ) ere sans ; "A bound
uthil 111 u so'uul body" is time trade ( nark of
Allen's Brain Food , and wo assure uur readers
that , if diaeutleaed with either wuukuess of
Brain or lk.dily towers , tads remedy will
iIIOrtntLflCfltly etrengthen both , ? l-At
iiiT RE !
One More 8peda Sak k
ei7snl the Last fol , Thi Ylaas.
Until September 1st , we will oiler sonic Special Goods in all Depart- I
meats of our business at Greatly Iteduced Prices , to Close Out ,
No such BARGAINS have ever before been
Offered in a General Line of FURNITURE :
To t47I eh' moors. j 1O8 ! , 1 X08 , 1210 Fm'ubanl
Stnret , Oulalut ,
t ooth's OvaF' aid
I'a aE b 'it ] 3. at Wholor lalo.
D , I ! . BEEMEII , Omaha ,
S R7
' ' '
4k 1 / i
Carraae ! , BugiesRoa ,
1310 and 13:0 Iiarney Street and 403 S. 13th Street , OMAHA NEB
dirIm mtratd Catalogue furnished free upon appllcattan. j J
Carperter Vateas
Sash , Doors , Blinds Stairs/ / Stair Rai1 isI Balusters Willow & Door Frallies. &e
Flrst class tacliltles for the nianufncturo of all kinds of Mouldings. Planing and Matching a specialty i
Orden from the country will to ' "mnptly exocutod. 1
A.ldrrsg all rmmundrnllong , to A : i'rnprlrlnr
I.ii. . 7 , y
9 Sprill ¶ aOllS '
7 1 b = , .d
My lnposttory la constantly filled with a eclect stock. Beat Workmanehtp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. V/ Corner 16th and Capitol Artintre , Omaha
A , M , CLARK , '
1' 0 11 TI
r1liiOr rO nIllO
' 1 - , _ " ; , . , , u - „ ' Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures ,
MI ' t pj II 9 I PAiIldTS , OIL BRUSHES ,
r a ,
, .t. 107 South lath Street ,
Je 0e PRESCOTT & CO. ,
Wsololslalo and Xtetail
Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions.
In the f3tato.
N0. IboD Farnam Street - - - OMAHA.
J 11tf HTS.
U1 A.F d.r r r r r N 7S
Particular attentloq Iron to re alrlnr , Sato et'cq gutranteed
: P A1Vai. ® RGA
On Time--Small ,
Long - - Payments
! oos. Ai lloso Jr
1610 i > ODOE STilE
/ f
; . . RFECTSO r
r IN " ,1
Heating and Baking
r" I ; Is only attained byusing
t + .e Stoves and Ranges ,
For saloby ;
9 n. . 1