Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1883, Image 1

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TIIIItTEliVTI3 YEA : : , , NEB. \ IONDAI'IOLLNLTG , AUGUST " _ 0 , 1&93. V0. : i4. '
Judge Jcrc Black the Bistingaishcd
Jurist Passcs Pcaccfniip
From Earth (
1/How / Can I Fear to Cross the
Dark River When My Father
Waits for Mo'I '
A Ilenutifal Christian Irath-ltesa-
ngr's of CondoI. itee-The' 1 umrttl ,
WAS1tINQTON , August 19-Tho font
llns information that Judgu Jcro Black
died a o'clock this afternoon ,
Nmw Yolut , August IU.--ludgo Jorc
Black died at tit miltutes past 2 o'clock
this afternoon. Though not unexpected ,
his death wan it sudden shock to the coil-
nuulity. Saturday mormiing ho seemed
amuewhat better , bit the iaprov01uait
wits too slight to justify the hope of re-
covery. The unfavorable change began
about noon and ho gradually gruty worse
but remained conscious almust to the
lMt and died peacefully , From time
beginning of htsilhess time judge believed
no nt.ver Would recover and was perfectly
resigned. Mrs. Black , Lieutenant Gov.
ornor Chauncey F. Black and tvifo , and
kt Floury Black , Mr. and Mrs. Ilernsby , A.
B , Farluahar and Dr. Ncissenholder
were present. Many telegrams of coi-
dolenee haave been received.
The funeral will take plaeo Tuesday at
6 p. m. Time remains will be interred at
Prospect Bill cemetery , Dr. Powers , of
the Christian church of 1Vashinglon , will
probably oniciato at time funeral.
Shortly before , Tudgo Illack died ho
said to his wife , How eau I fear to cross
the dark river , whom my father waits for
me on the other shore , " and added ,
"would I were as comfortable about all 1
leave behind uulinisled in this world , "
and then breathed the following earnest
prayer : " 0111 , Thou most beloved and
merciful Heavenly Father , from whom I
have nay being , and in whom 1 have ever
trusted , if it 1)u 'Thy will , grant that my
suffering cud , and that I be called hone
to Thec , amid , oh , my Gad , bless and conm-
Thee , my Mary.
A It1V1"14F 01" FXCLTEM1'1NT.
The Recent Tragedy at Hentrice amid
We I'rohahle Consequence , .
Special Dispatch to Tii : Bea.
BrATItICI : , Nob. , August 19.-There
has been much excitement hero the past
four days over the shouting of Mr. Mfl
ter , proprietor of the leading meat market -
ket of time town.
A young man named Ilit1le , a painter
by trade , who has been in town about
two months was visiting at Miller's
house last Tuesday evening , and was
quito profuse in his attentions to one of
the butcher's daughters. When Miller
s returned lionie that evening , he ordered
Rifilo to leave the premises instantly and
never return. Seine hot words passed
between time two. Riffle started to leave ,
'Iv aid as he did so Alillcr mmado a ) ( lotion as
if to boot hint. At this me
meat Itiflle turned with a plstol
ii his Hind and fired , the ball plowing
a hole to Ailler's abdomen mid lodging
in time fleshy portimm Of his back. Alillcr
fell whore he stood , mid Jilllo was soon
arrested and taken to jail.
The wound Was necessarily a fatal one ,
and Alillcr died Saturday. I'rovious to
his death lie made a shtemment to time district -
trict attorney , to be usel men the trial. In
it Alillcr says he Bade no movmuent to
strike Rilile , and was ton feet duatamt
whom time shot nos fired.
Miller has resided hero forseven years ,
and was greatly respected by all. Ile
leaves a wife and eight children , the oldest -
est sixteen.
Itifile is a hard looking customer , aid
is said to have pulled his gun en citizens
nioro than oleo. IIt ) is said to have
"killed his eat in Ohio. "
I - .
IOU1lLE I)17s1Tll
m 6uieide mural Yiurdrt at Nchraslca City
-:111 hrstumo'Vontan's iVorlr.
Special dispatch to tim ilaY.
NEIIIIASKA CITY , August 19-About
730 ; o'clock this evening Mrs , Euw
Douglass quarreled with her husband and
( minion and killed him. Attar time ahooting
site carried her husband to time sidewalk ,
' where ho full dead. She then slot herself -
self twice , killing herself instantly , Mrs.
, Douglass has made three attempts to
commit suicide within time last year. The
coroners verdict is thlat 9110 W58 in8ano.
The Ix.'mchies of time Graduating
Class of 1883 ,
} i CIIAUQUA , N , Y. , August 19-Tho
closing proc0ssiou Saturday ehnbraced of.
facers , guests , cbildrens classes , graduates
of the assemtty normal course , graduat
fug class of 1883 , and nmunmbera of the
.classes of 188 : , 1881 , 1885 , 188(1 ( and
1887 , marching four abreast. 't'he procession -
cession was half a umilu long , After time
reading of time ritual , admumissiomi of 300
grnduatca of the class of 1883 , aid greet.
ings 1111(1 publie recognition of the ser-
vlcua at mho hull ; mild ! n St , I luml s grove ,
time processimt rofornied amid march.
cd to time ampitimeatcr , Gruml Ahmr-
al al 1Villilun A , Duncan , of Syracuse ,
introduced President Miller , tslmu
summed charged of time proceedings. Ray ,
Lynmam Abbott , of Thu Christian 1'nioi ,
4 ,1d delivered time couunencemont addro3s on
the demiocracy of learning.
On reassembling at o'clock in the
stnplhitleatro President Lewis Miller , of
Akr.n , Ohio , a leading Ammericau mai -
facturer , addressed the class. Brief ad.
dresses were made by Dra. Lyumn and
Abbott , and Hey. .J.11. Vincent , I ) , 1) , ,
superintendent of instruction ; Rev , .1 ,
Ili , Gibson , D , D , , of London , England ;
Bishop Henry 1V , Warren , D , D „ of Atlanta -
lanta , Ga. ; Rev , Wm , Clover Wilkin
son , D , D , , of Tarrytown , N. Y , ; all
coun9elors of the Chautauqua literary amid
' ' , ecientiGc circle also from other gentle.
ion from various parts of the world.
t h. '
Diplomas were dta. . . to 300 grad.
antes of 1883 , The Clmnldugmla Literary
sad Scfmmtildc circle has 706 local circles
in the t'nfted States amid Canada , with
about 40,000 students , nbeut 1,300 of
whom are in the class of 1883 , amid will
graduate before October , the beginning
of the next year of study , ( hie of
arnduntesis from China , The C , S , S. C
Imaa stuents in England , Scotland , time
llavaiiau Islands amid Jaan , Time Soci-
et of the ] lull iii time ( trove met at 6
o'clock and time ltenibers of the Order of
time \Vhmite Seal at 7 ( , 'clock Time Atime.
luau watch1 fires were lighted at 8 o'clock
and time camp fires were lighted near time
hall of plmilosophy , About 11,000 pe0plu
were oil the grommds ,
A Few Additional Facts Rolatiro to
the Strike and the Rctarn ,
L'rrsilent Green's Tlmminks-Other
I halm.
Ti ! AS 1(5.
Nnw Tni { , August 19.-Dr. Norwin
Grem1 , president of the 1\'estcrn Union
'I'elegrapln coupaiy , arrived Monte today
fromn F miropo. ' 1'o Gmmeral Eckert , acting
president , Dr. Green uxpreased himself
as well pleased that the strike of time
operators had been brought to a close ,
anti in hearty termms le tlm imked General
Superiutendemtt Tinker amid Superintendent -
dent Ilumestono and other officers of time
company for their able umnnagement of
the trobulous question.
NEw You ( ( , August 19.-At n nmeoting
of time central labor uniomm today it was
resolved to aid the striking operators still
mlemployed , There was an excursion
of operators up time ] [ unison , It
was organized b } ' time t 'm l nloyucs ( ) f time
American ] tapid telegraph commpany , and
time preeeuds will be given to the feualo
strikers who have failed to obtain cm-
111oNrim.u , , August 19.-Au operator
iii the Great Northaresteru otlico named
Eughmd , vvas attacked this morning ou
lmis svay home by four strikes , who
knocked himm senseless and then tried to
stamuiole ] mint , but were frightmmed off by
thio approach of a policmnan. England's
wounds arc daugorous , but it is thoughmt
le will recover. : fie assailants escaped.
i IiII1Ait IN ( Lt1CACO.
Clltctuo , August 18.-Despite the atti-
Ludo taken by time local assembly of tele-
brapheralast night , mornmb ' witnessed
nessed what appeitrs tobe a decided break
iii the ranks. Up to moil to exceed fifty
hind mil the personal ; lpplication to Super-
intcident Tufl's for ruiltstateuient mmd
thirty-name hid been given places. Super.
intmulelmt Cloury has reports fromum
Indianapolis null Cimeimmati to the efluct
that all opposition from the Workmmi is
ceasing there and that full forces had
been on duty last night
OINe1NNATI , August 18.-The striking
operators received- official notice of time
abandonment of the atriko yesterday , but
this nernhug they omit a comnuttee to
Su meriutend01mt Alillcr to know emi what
terms they can return to work. He
showed them time form of a contract they
would him required to subscribe to abjuring
ing the Brotherhood , uud they went away
to report. One of time striker has nigned
time contract amid gone to work. Superin-
temdont Alillcr will act on iudivfdual map-
plications , 811(1 fill time vacancies according
to time ( Iualiications ( of applicants.
Prrsmutta , August 1S-Secretary
Hughes says lie has notilicd all nssemllies
to return to work. li regard to the and-
den collapse of time strike lee was very ro-
ticeut , but said lie was satisfied three
day's after the strike it uvas a failure.
Thu Irotherhood attribute time defeat to
time heights of Labor , who , they say ,
failed to give timenm time suppnrt promised.
CAMi'niLL : ON TimC YAIIUIu : .
N1w : Yom. , August 18.-Prominence
in time ranks of the atrikers , it is cln-
phatically asserted , will have nothing to
do with the acceptance or rejection of
former empl"ycs who nay apply. Time
ammo course will be pursued by time B. & .
O. Time 11'cstartm l'nioa expects to have
all its br.mmelm olliees in time city running
to-la ' .
- ( )
'The other side hail memo therm we
had , " was time reasomm tersely given by
Gamnpbell for , lhu failure of the strike ,
'l'imo strike coat time operators , he says ,
$400,000 in wages lost and money ox.
) elided , amid he csthmmatea it cost the
% Vestern Union in direct , indirect timid
future losses a suim in excess
what it would have cost to have paid its
operators the advance asked for ten year.
'limo moral cfrectlms beentoshuwthupub.
tic that not nnly operators but the public
at largo are at time mnercy of two or three
nmcn , so far as telegraph business is cnmi-
corned , and has aitown time public the
danger of being at the mercy of nmonopo
lists. The \Vesterm Untom will recover
quickly fromn time strike , but in his opim
Ion it laa lost to rival linen a large
amount of business hover to be returned.
PzTTsnunrm , Pa , , August 18.-Mrulagur
Lloyd , of time \Veaturn Union , trims busy
all morning receiving applications fromm
strikers for roinstttmnuut. ( ) it of sixty.
five who quit work at the beginning ( d
the strike all but lifteen wore tletm back
spot promising to ruionncu time lirntiter
AT Nm1v YOmIC ,
Irty : Aoin , august 18--lime main
office of time \Aest01'n Union 't'elegraph
coughuiy was besieged Goni mitt early hour
this miormilmg by nezbrly 100 operators
seckiug reinstteuncnt. About thirty
ivuulenumdgirls ; wore nmong time nunm-
ber , Superintunduut Ilnmettoue was
busily migaged in discrinliltating between
time applications fruni first class
workulemi amid those who were
conudorcd second and third rate ,
only the bust women being taken
back and quito a nunmbcr of operators
were disappointed by being rejected.
Those operators who were taken on after
time strike commenced will be retained by
time company in their preselt po8iton9.
Since time strike waa declared ended yesterday
terday only twelve women have been re
coined back into the mnploy of the corn.
) any , 'I 'Imo total numtberof women who
have applied for reinstatement i9 over
forty ti r 80 that 1lmirti thrco of that
number are left vvilhout work , Superintendent
tendent llunmeslono said 46 umcmi had been
taken back yesterday nfterhoemi. About
30 moro first-class ltmen were reinstated
this morning , lie said nil branch oll'ces '
will be upon for busimicss Alouday mimorn
fig , and every thing will be fn proper
working order h1 _ that tiuut ,
-'AML' A1i'1'ilt'it ,
1'rogr'as of mho Presidential I'art )
' 1'1111 Iil'll the 1'otlow Stoir.
Gmo4 VfNTmiItlvmmVyn , , Aug , 18--
'Via Ft \ VashingtomVyo. . , Aug , Ill-
At 0:10 : o'clock this mulrming time presi
dent timid partyy mnmmted their horses timid
started front carp Islmanm.Vo mumrched
deWmm time valley of time Urea A eumtrc ,
crossing that mitreaim tot ho north side
about tcu miles from our cutup of lust
eight , 't'he trail lay im tmy front time river
through cueus amid over tuomm
taimms of conaiderable elevmmtion ,
nltieuglm time grades were nut very
steep. After nun clmilmg abe ut liftecnl
miles use arrn ed itt a low uu'sa on ilie
river , which svus aim attr etise that the
whole party voted tt u slew ii Immnin hero
tn night , him hourr of the president ,
Gum. Slreridntt huts called time coup ,
Caump Artlmr. Shortly after time arrival ,
rods rued reels worn gotten in slapo maul
time cmitiru party ts01mt tdshimg. ( emmcml
Stager undo time largest catch Smutor
Vest next amid the president third , Capt.
Clark cute in this uvelmiug frumi a two
days' hunt after elk mind bear , lie had
but little suecess. All time partyy well uud
umjoyimg thmuselves hugely.
A llttiiuOmill Seckimg nn Outlet.
Sr. Louts , August l9-A dispatch
froth Dallas , 'exas , says : Mr. Davis ,
treasurer and director , Mr. Crowley ,
monster of trtusportmttiou , and \Vnm , 'I'mu
p10 , chief engineer of the Gulf , Colorado
& Santa Fe road , were ii that city yes
terday , mid their presence is iaterproted
to itcu that time question of a northern
outlet for their road is receiving earnest
c01wuhraiton. It is asserted 011 goad
authority that there is a scheruo eu foot
to cxtond the road front Dallas tlu ouga )
Northuasterm Texas , liaisastimd Alissontt
to connect with time C. B. , C Q , ; that
representatives of ihat system were recently -
cently iii'1exas cnaultiig with time Soda
mmnmtgernout for such arrnmgemtumts. It
is also asserted that the Atchison'ropela
( ; Santa Fe folks lave been negototimg
with the Gulf , Colorado cnnpmumy to
build a connection tvilir them. It is very
evident sou ( impoelamit move will he
made seam.
- - - - - -
The Chin'sr ( ? mesion in Court.
BosTO , August 11)-Ilt ) time limited
States circuit court to'day , Judges Lowell
and Nelson gave nut ophun in time case of , ,
Captain Douglas , of the bark "Ehme ,
charged with tntlmwf ally hrimging Chinese
labor to thus country , in the person of
Aim Sholmg , who cammo as ship carp01tter.
Time opinion reviews the various treaties
witlm Chinn mud the prohibitory act :
ed by congress , timid concludes : "We mire
of time opimioi that time inhibitions of time
act arc not to be construed as applyimmg to
pcrsumla of the Chinese t'acmi who are mint
amid hover were subjects of or residents
within time Chhuese cupire. As Alt
Shong is a person of this description , de-
fcudamtt cannot be guiltyy of violation of
the act , uud therefor is entitled to ho discharged -
- - - - - - -
The Chlcngm herald iii Ne v Ilauds.
( Jim mi , tmo , Aimgust ; , 19-1'lio nmyst01 ious
ca1littliat Who ] ms heat try i6 to 1)Iu-
chase'J'he 1lerald of this city , is pnhliely
declared to be John HVelnh , thru backer
ahd mwrgetic executive head of time
\Vestcrn mtews cuipirly ) , lie has secured
control of time papa : dl r. Alartin .1.
Itussehl , mmri accomplished editorial writer ,
for aunty years cnumectcd svithm Time
'l'ines , becommcs respunsiblo editor , lie
will ehauge the tone trod inmprove time
clmaracter of Ilme paper. It is tutdem-
siood that severed of the irrespomsildti
amid reckless bohlctmmlls vvlmo lave com-
trulled time paper for a year of two will
be relieved , 'J'imu ucw mumnmugcnei : ( as-
summea control to duy.
The fellow I even Seu'e ,
( Luxnsrox , 'J'ccros , August 19.A
ovmming print publishes the following :
" "J'ho belief iA current ii this city
aumoug sore persons who have been him
couunmlicatiun svillm frimmds in New Or-
leana , that there pmts been at tmmtst ( mliu
case of yellow fever ill that city witkmin u
few days , although there has heal no
apical uumouncemuimmt of the fact by time
Crescent City amtho ities , It is morcly i
senor or snppositinu , but it is strong
eumimgh to cause a very aizrked semi-
ummtt ii favor of quumamtimiulg mmgmtiust
Now Orleans , Lack of confidemmce in time
board of health amid physicarma at New
Orleans feuds t0 stewdtlmmn faith iii tie
rumors of yellow fever that cone frog
that city , "
The lllni 119ag eu the Coast ,
ATLANTIC CITY , N.J. , August 10-An
ummkmowll schooner is reported to have
aunk oif time beach Friday oveuming and
time aflimir is surrouudcd with coo5fderablu
mystery. She was of about ii00 ton bur.
den amid aail ( to have been puraucd by n
steamer , 'l'ime report says both ) vessels
were butting for shore under fmll sail amid
steaut trod when about live miles out the
schooner auddarly sulk amid till on board
were sup I ) sed to ho lost. The sterner
romaumed tut the spot where time schooner
samk about half aIm hourtind timun stunned
away , 'l'ime sciloommer is emmiml to have car.
rind time bloc ] { ling.
- -
Texas hterltms.
Soma LAIr'fox..August l9--horn.
do I'nrsona env killed by lightning I""ri
day , Ilia body was fonmd today under
a large true cmi ale prairie , wham le
probably w ! ta HeekIhgslwltor.
\ \ ' % ( o , Tex. , August J O-I ofaunutn , n
just received hero limit cmi'I'hurnday aftee-
turtoun n uyclono slrmek Oglesby , duuel-
ishitlg time station house mull storu , scat.
taring time goods all ever the prairie. A
roam was Moue a distmce of ° 00 feet ,
A young mean named Ilarris , at I'ueamu
Grove , in Corroyell county , time Sarno
afternoon , was strrjek by lightning , Ile
and his horse were killed ,
( , unsecrathu m ol'i'atitrr Itf.rdzmlm ,
CnwAao , August 19-'rime consocra
tlomm of Father IGordan a9 coadjutor to
the bishop of California , will occur iu
this city , Smmdmmy , Septornbur 10 , Arclh-
bishop Feelman bein7g ( consecrating nro
late , M9intcd b Ilislmo ps It an of St.
Louis , tumid Fitz ormtld of Little Rock ,
Iiish ) S lauldiml , of I'eozla ' will preach
time coimsecration sermon ,
Why So Litilc is Known Ahoat Our
Slstcr Rc i hlict
Auit rion118 ill Monterey , a Moxiean
Market , the Sorvant. Syston .
Dlmlcultles of Trim elms Iii 1lrilee
amtl'rropirnl ilo'Ipltnllty.
Sm' lam Corry + poudenre M Tux miss.
AIm TItun. : , Alml. , August 13 , 1883-
1 vvislm 1 could presmtt this queer city-
time capitl ( if Nuevo Leon-to your
minds ryu as it really is , lint we can
judge of things only by eonipatisou , you
know , mid as there is nothing like it any
where else in the world , 1 fear 191mi11 be
able to convey but a vague idea , it
seems staiige tluit so little should be
knuwu of so Old and iuteresting a country
its Alexico. t'mitil veryy recently , since
the railroads have begun to somewhat
lessat time dillicultics uud dangers of
travel , time
LANI el' Tutu ( 'AtTPB AI ) 1'.ilM
iv' alnest tcrr'e ilieof/llita-except its
altcimtt capital , and the lmalf dozen uniam
purbumt ports its whole water lime can
boost. Not only Was there nu menus of
getting about--except by doukey power ,
witlm hero nod there n short stage hue
Imenr the principal cities , over time worst
rondo it ms possible to conceive-but the
laugunge oll'ored a nu less furnmiLiblu bar.
tier than the strange habits 1111(1 cuatouus
of a totally dill'oteut race. Besides , for
more tlm mu a huudmed years , freqummtruv
ohmtiomis umndo hummam life of little valuuin
Mexico , ' 1'o-lay , ma till time roads outside -
side of tovms , time traveller finds ftequuut
rude crosses , each with its pile of stones ,
telling of murder. 'I'ruo , a frlw travellers
ante mid want , lured by love of gold or
advemituro , but were generally of n class
ltot troubled with ClCOCU is scribendi ,
mind few records of their findings were
givomm to time world. 7'ho average miuws-
paper reporter Who comes lucre today
( nod his mere is legion in time vicinity of
time urines nttd railroads ) rushes through
the country so quickly tlmnt le kuews
little Immure of
whorl le gets through tlmami vlmemm lie bogam
-mid his readera learn oven ( less. Such
a sc Isitive , preud , exclusive race is this ,
thatlevery tree of the holno life of time
lmighm classes is sacredly excluded frmn
time publie gaze , nod it is as diflhcult--
nay , immpossiblo-for the straiger to punctuate -
ctuate this reserve in a spirit of idle curiosity -
osity as to guilt admiitttunce witlmiu time
walla of n Turkish larenm. So the enter
prising reporter mdoresaid is obliged to
judge of time people by thopcans ( serfs )
svhoum he niel'ts , mind ho w'nmiders through
these narrow streets with no means , of
kiewing what is behind time solid walls.
The streetss of most Mexican ciar + mm'
as nearly alike its so nmmmmy pens , one
story houses of adobe or plnstored atones
Ivith a thick , umibrokcm lire fromm emend to
cud , time side of each house foruminga par.
titiomm will ; for the next Never nuy
trace of door-yard or fencu appeal , time
fonmt ti ml ! of time house coursing close to
time sidutvalk , the gu ; dcr buiue in time
central l'sunllytime outside
faits mire colored imm time plmater--sly
blue , strawberry red , or bright yellow ,
avith painted pattmvs at top amid hotted
-sonethhng like our immside fresco decorations -
ations ; while others mire painted in
striped , plaided or ligurcd patterns , prey
cisely like printed calico. 'l'imo roods mire
time uvoiwt in time World , paved i'rith
sharp , it'm'eguImr atones piled iu lidll moll ,
and mis ( lie sidewalks are comsequmutly all
ups and downs , nn live hcusos mere ever
exactly tie sane height. Thu efl'aet of
time lung lines of limit roofs , a0 "omit of
plumb , " is emouglm to drmvu a urlsotlcmazy ,
lluwever much a Aluxic mm's taste nay
ram to decondcd rul"1) m , ho has no eye to
painted wood work. . Emcht im"mmse hums htmL
oltI out or (1001' , au enormous out , which
sm'vee milao its mi gate to coum t , eutawl , and
gnrdcn. It opmis in time center , lentil
wimya , like that of a harm , but is generally
such ' door that well-to-do
n s'ey iimahby a - -
tu mei' wuul(1 scorn it for his b81'n
Sommetinmua , especially in time amicieltt
Jmousos of time older tow'ms , time floors are
chlborduly carved , but mire mtlwayu guilt.
less of paint Ur varutsly 'I'huy turn neccs
sttrily so tvidc , because gotirding the only
pussagm ( , milike
Ynlt ouasrt ANI ) mONKSYB ,
provender imnusohold stores , carts
and carriages , 1'hnmk of it , ye dniuty
housewives , of driving a cart-load of veg-
etablea in at your front door , or a trap
of donkeys lad01t with sacks of chnrconhl
Time windows , akao , are immunise ,
hug from floor to ceiling , always withh
heavy iron or Wooden bars before them ,
umd rude unpnnnolei inside shutter9.
Sucim umodurr frivolity as glass is seldom
indulged in , in the brand ouw windows
of upstart ' 'voneeritngs , " 'l'ime wills being -
ing of euorumoua thickness , the adobe
window ludges foram deep wide recesses ,
whuroin time umistress of time Intimate and
her daughters are wont to squat in time
cool of time day. Pardon time imiulegamt
word , expressive 0f silting min anus heels ,
I use it advisedly , for chairs are eouski.
ured ulmont 1111 super/hmus / a luxury us
window glass. Wo11 , all this honks
gloomy arid desolate omouglm frown with.
0nt , aul 0110 clui oulry guess mit blooum ,
verdure amid huummi life within , by great
fig trees Imbed bm'oad-lcmn'eol hmmtmmmutmaa ; LOW
ering tiboVO the itemise tops , thu scout of
roses mnlei orutlmgu flowers 111 the air , and
tnntmmiizing glirnpses of dark oycd sono.
1 1taim iuprlsoltr(1 ) behind the bas ,
7'Ie { Moxhc mmv lmive other rcrosons than
their pmldo for extemime reserve toward
foreigners , aid especamlly- regret to
add toward Auericaua. Perhaps it is
time case withh all Konen ins , thud the umem
muted women who drift river time border mire ,
mts n rule , time scum of society-tho fail.
mires , amid "cruds , " and disappointed
omen , if not those whose actual nnadeeds
have exiled then for their country's
good , 'J'le Yankee nnti.n hus been pre.
verbtal for its abuse of hospitality , since
time days wh elm 1imu Philip saved time
Puritans ( rein starvation by hula geumeroys
gifts of maize and was repaid by lira and
sword. Muxfenus are by nature extreme-
Iy hospitablu , but again and agmiin hits
thheir generosity been abused their trust
betrayd ) by ' foreigners when tlmo hmive
received into their homes , mitt they
have been forced to time wise deterniina-
tioum to ndniit none who are trot vouched
for beyomid question. Naturally this
fecliug of distrust hits grown to uuduu
proportwns , and as in the Bible p181m-
"ln Adam's fall ,
\Vo simnel nil , "
Tito hmimiocent ate obliged to sulfur fur time
sins of time guilty , Shouhl I uudertako
to tell you , over so delictloly , time doings
of sore Amoric mis ( of bolim sexes ) mil
this city , our goad editor wu uld refuse to
print , aid you to rand , time recital , 'I'heru
mu e n tow Anmericnns , chelly sumtlmerucis ,
fu Monterey , 01mgeged um various kinds of
lrtusitmess , but the principal foreign ele-
amumt in Northm'tm lrexiee is l" retch and
I'inglish. All time miunmurous drug stores ,
time iumtrdm o abtldishlllmemmts , 1111(1 tlme
furuitnre depots ii Alonturey are nmunep
olizred by llermrmns , who , in puiul of tom-
erg ) ' mumd nmuuuy invested , rank t'uu L in
the business of time town. The dry
goods trade is generally conducted by
ylexicams , they l eiug uuost u pert iii
'endhng the enormmous duties--not fongot
58Nn i'.1TIt1CO o'mIO II ,
Quid Behind's solo mro presentative , pmn-
1 rrietor of a theiviui g ( Ivy broods house ,
lt'kto humus umlmsumeecssfih ctldeavorcdto dis
wise his mintiumnlity uimdur mm Aloxieauized
iame. Smuu g glmum r is a the mart mid a
irofssion home , as well as mm mrulllahlo
atmmwsemmteuml s and oven time holy church of
Ilene and the custom ( nose ollicials
themselves somhtetttlmes have a land n it ,
't'his stateimeimt ms mint ummero guess work
on amy port , but cum bo wl ( ) nubstua
Bated. As to grocery and provision
houses , which form such mm important
brmincil Rif bumniimess elsewhere , tlmure mire
unmul deser hug time nmiotu muywimeru in
Atexicu , or nuythiug svorth tallimg "a
ummtrket , its emuparel to those of othur
eouutres , Lm every htexicnn town there
is a plarI ( publie square ) devoted to buying -
ing amid selling , where all matuler of
eouuuodilies mite daily offered to the pub.
lie , from ( cheese to jewelry , dry genus ,
vegettbles , shoes , pulse ( nIm umtoxieatiug
bcvorugo mt.ndu front time aloe ) , pottery ,
ulthltry , pigs and goats , alien and
excl etc. , etc. lu time cities the rout-
nicipal goveruneut has routed buildings
to stmield buyers mid sellers Gnat tue
tropical sou , llt the snmaller towns if
nuybody wahtsit simolter he umstnet it up
for lmimumself , which le does by drivumg
two pules into the groultd , tyurg two cur.
ucra of a blanket to deem , and holding
time other corners down by pfaeiug stones
up0u thmu , thus forltriug a slupmug roof.
Monterey boasts of a line mulct house ,
iv'itit a spirt staircase leading to its
tower , amid mu ) adobe roof , four feet tlm'mck ,
supported by Corimtlmim m pillars.
Thu : M.1itKt'tut
nro among time most picturesque
sights in Mexico. Not enly are the trop-
icml fruits ttnd vegetables , time uatiomial
wares and couunodities , strange to see ,
but the iuhabitmuds mire strmtmmgor still ,
' 1'lmu vendor , wkether nun ut vveummum ,
sits otm the groumid , with lugs sticking
stroight out , time wares nrrmutged iii little
piles mt suahl pieces of cauvmuos. If a
mmai , le is silout rand taciturmm , ( htmLnever
neglects to client you out of a ceumtor two
hi cluumge ) a wide mild somumbreio palled
down over his shaggy brows , smimduls
laced with leather thongs , ou his dusty
feet , and n huge bright-hummed y u apa
( wooleu rug ) wrapped cesely around his
0lmtmldurs ; hotvevet hot the day. f the
seller ho a woimau , she is garrulous roil
coquettish , lmer lung , black , umatted locks
rumeovered , a Leese ehUmuise , mot in time
least ( hisguisiug her ligure , to the waist ,
and a scatty red petticoat half eovoriug
liar brown legs.
lu every market placu is always a
fountain , or great stnme troll , maid to it
queer lignres rue c0nstaully coning , Um-
like auylhing out of Egypt. Alischiev-
iOtis , hourly etude bays , umtcli in tie mr long
polo over his shoulder , and pails moo speud-
ed from uilhor mid , take inlimiito pnfus to
deluge sttiy dogs , amid tilt a little water
upon the passer-by , for " 11(1)5 will him
" ii Aluxico , lku'efooled
bops" evert wo-
mmeim , in short , bright putt ieommis , strike
attitulus werlImy of ma painter's study ,
omit haud you time hip , time other long ,
slemdor arm shutehed up to
hold limo great vvmttm'-jar lirmly
upon the shnnldur , li time
fur Oricnt , contmu'icsnpe , ilebeeca carried
Hi mihar l [ tcry , m lust , arch maim iuu ,
whcl .Jacob full khh love uvmtlm lmer at time
Jmm 111exico nobody goes to una kut except -
cept 5ervaiuta mmid sigimt-sceilmg tourists A
Mexican lady or guntlenmum of social
atrumdiug ivoull no lucre hu 5cemm thorn
thou w ( ) mill y'011 (1em11 rcu1ar , at the
Heater conuiipie. In traveling through
this country , at Iudy finds hmernelf atmtmy
iugly hmunprnod ou oveuy Imand , by cos.
Louis tin mm mmchmnlgmitle an time Ines ( ml time
bledc5 amid 1'ermiinun , ivlmicim she ttumnt
comfin ( A ) if ehu aspires to mummy eocimtl
stnths , 01 even to ordiunry respect. A
Alexican f01nnlcaristocrat ! s nekdonl scat
upon tie streets at all , and never ummat-
tundcd. If she walks to church at
i0ou day , a nralo ruativo mmmst acconipa
my her , or a servant follows close behind ,
and slme may mot oven ride iii her owe
cariagu with only time coachnuui ,
TIlU I'LmASUia8 OW U11e1'l'mNU.
with which ladies of other lands divert
thmmunelvc5 timid drain time pockets of
prfrr farmffios , are unknown t ) Mexi
cm wonmemi- ( poor timings--a ! ) fuw of
tiwrn have ievor aeon time inside of a
"store" iii their lives. Whmen mummy tirti-
elu of dress is required , some mule rulmt-
tivu rclmases it ( which perhaps accounts
for tieuvoneruble taste displayed mind time
ghastly conmbinmdinn of ( ulor5) ) or n tier.
rant in dispnteiued for amiumjiles , amid rune
to timid fro until negotiations are coma.
1detcd , A chaining little somurita , uwho
rejoices in the ponderous eognoliun of
( luudmdmmpe ( u favoritu nmmmmme for gielu ,
Snthti ( Iamdaluupe buimg time pmtrouesn of
Mexico ) , complained to mime time other day ,
of great difliculty in mntchiug trimming.
avmring augrily that "mill umcu mire color
blhmdl"VhY ( lon't. You go timid match
it yur5ulfl" I continued to suggw t , A
look 0f horror erupt over her face , ac
tallymm blminim eider the dunk skim , maid
with mammy vivacious gesturemm slme 11x-
plaiued how ucr4Uiettca ( uslmamud ) 9ho
would be to do that.
A Alexieun gelmtloummm would no more
be auun carrying a puckaga of time imuullest
size than he would a hurl 011 his back. 1
men confidentially iuforned , however ,
[ lint it is considered Imo especial huunilia
Lion to carry a book , vrvkhini ; it be tt
sunnil one and ms not wrapped m paper ,
but there they draw time line , Soule gun'
tlunmun ocemmionnlly cotdeacend to call tut
the p0stthice for their maul , but usually
mill suclm onerous duties are delegated to
servants , ' 1'heroforo time smualleat family
trust maintain a retinue of 'hnoxna" and
"creadas" ( servunmts ) , whicha perhapn in
well "in the grand ecooumy of the
w'hole , " since time serfs far outnumber time
ministers iii Mexico. A geutlcnaum never
travels fromi town to towmi en business or
pleasure , without uuu or micro maozas in
attcltd.uee. When he disports lminmself
emi horseback a meta riles-mist so ninny
paces , na Immure or less-bchmd ( mint , tumid
every duty in life which auother can pus.
shblyy perforn for luim is done by two
sdrvmmts , A credo considers hinisolf in
ntlhment circummstaees if lie receives "don
reales" ( ' 0 cons ) pcr limn far his
services , out of which primcel } ' income
ho clothrshimmnnlf mind si ) rtuh is feniil g.
( lu mtlemun who are Imotmehousokcn pin
mid therefore cannot feed their servants
On time eohmse ( f time table can timid fumy
uuumber of sorvaits Who "jump at time
ehaico' of eutploynuea at n niadi a taix
cents ) a day , which is nulileieut to buy all
time tortihhts amid red h'aims required for
fund. An furr other 11'ceasa'ies time Afuxi
can valet bedecks Imiumsrlf in his inesler's
east ofl'clotlit's-thou which Soloman in
mill hha glory wan rover no iu'rayeddc -
peuds upuni his Ots lt niutblo lingers nod
'taking' ways for time ilmdislemmhihie
cigarettes timid sleeps time sleep of time just
at eight , culled imp inn his sarapa , min time
iinitl stones of thou ( limit , with the blue
skyy for a 'ountei ) uiO.
1'ven ' ; such a "tolto lure , " socomid firs ,
( irnmmnmle , an your scribe must pcrferco
defer to pupuhu'projmalice amid sot imp
A rm mAi.n ( 'IInAIO )
to follow her about-a piece of furmitnro
ueitler useful nor urauettmil ( the ereado ,
plrmisu uuderst + umd , not time aunt. ) ) . Sue
ms the turmemt of my life , phifcrumg mp
cinlicest msscssiui9 , ex et'illuelltili g tvitlm
mim ' toilet articles dhetm ibiltimm g my
uwmit auung her friends iii frosueut
bursta of bouurumnit } , and wlmemi not tither-
seise eumgmtged , sitting cross-legged upon
the flour suggestively scratching with
both luumdn numoiig her raven tresnesl At
first , like St. 14tu1 I "kicked n gainst the
pricks' ) " and vowed 1 would notsubimmit to
mm intlietion , limit 1 c mmmu to it
gracefully iii limme , just as you would , toy
nnst hmntidious f'uimdn , milder siuiiiarcir-
cunshumces. Aside fromn time mmattur of
good taste in confornuiuz ; to the customs
of the a mmtry one is living iii , and time
natural desire to be considered "respect-
nble , " oven by shwngets , this comicessm m
to the ty'ranmiy of the Atexieam ser'rut
system is absolutely necessary , iii eider
to gain admimittuee to tie "best uueiuty' , "
ivheso mm steries 1 mini hero OIm purpose to
explore. 'I'hnt you nay hnvo a faimmt idea
Of sonde of the smmtllest
Idl1Ns IN TIII : w'AY
of my mnimtsinn , you nmumst lust numdorstand
tlmnt for a lady to be tavehiii alone , minder -
der any ciruunt5tmlcen , is of itself met til
most unpardonable crime ii Afuxico. To
abide for a day fu a lintel is lee ) din grow
vlticim ft is h81d to 'live down , ' nude Iiri-
v'ate burdilmg houses there are uonu.
\A'ell , ode must omit now amid then , despite
popalar prejudices , amid life is too shor t
to set up leuaekeupimg with a rutimme of
rubminers lth uvory town , It is a wise old
aayiug , "Of till evils choose time leant , "
amid theme sits umy cimoselt evil upon time
Ilo"t' , sei'mttchlilig away its usual. Sure at-
teiilln rime "to mmmlll mlmll to mmmeetitmg , " to
time catkedral services , on my visiting
uud exploring oxpelitious , Lo time rea-
tauraut for nmy nmenls ( wIero I
could not go aloe withuu daily
insult ) , as imevitablo its my aladow ,
nmd as ueuless , Perhaps I do her iujus
tico in,9ilyiimjj site ms noitlior""useful no r
or auimit.l. ' Coltsidored niniply in time
litter light , site is as ullect hvo as much of
omit' holoyed 1 rio mu-iim ic , mmd old
.htpnmeso : jar for iust + umce , with her eyes
timid , aomme like stars mlumd tikiii time color
of rum old shoal Ipou lime colts of bur
tiny broWU feet she wears moandnls of h em-
owu atumuGmeturu ( omit of time lug of an
old has laced fiend mid rou nd her boo
amlmlcs with hits of string , lu doors mmnd
out mule alwtiys iveus a bug imiumo eehm ,
( mho hatiomal cotton shawl ) which with
( Immu careless toss chic wiiida mli'oeImd lie'
5hapcly Loud aid sh0uldors with' a grace
which nut ' to Ile '
mum syomau muuu n'
bream" could imitate if site tried ma lifo
timiml. As to uusefmmlmmess , she watchmen for
cell Lipedos amid tmii umtulrmn , ruin Iho delight -
light she inkus in tortuu iug the
p0isomohu creatures , sticking pies into
thoum , pulling lleir legs ell ; mud
thou grinding them into time grniud , is
ebnracturistic 1Gtviltg oncu gained time
Limo cuuliduncu of Moxicau mu'istocl'ats ,
ono Ii mtin them nmsL eharumitig leuple ,
' Hurd ( to felt--lilt
gmm01'oan hosprmild o a - -
mist rmneamitem- all ' wide
eau miii' a nmr-
gin for the uxubm omL gallantry of southern -
ern rsces. For uxamupie , when you visit
ti fnmrilY for time first Li iiiit , yoiu' Ihont will
ho nu'C to say ( in Imumuieal ( imtntillian ,
iv Ii id I loses itu line shadus of utmeamiiug ii
t amslatiomtour0ul(1urlmumgla ) ( o"Cou-
tidur Limbs house your benne ; all het'o is at
your disponitiomu. Aly casa is yours , tumid
1 amii your vuestYou / tire mot uxpuctod
to take hium litorail at his word buL
haunt lumvu Seiko enll ( ) Zito rim , ( mat
011(1.iIf ou t ox-
our tou guns 011(1. ( -
Yrcae ruhuinmtion for his h0reu Jmis wiutclm
tie mrmuont u men hhn back-tut thin
but ] min wife or dmiu ghterhe is Aare to
sainntuttl " ' 1'uluit ; it is yours , " mutd
time aitlatiom is sUtletiummen very utrmbar-
rassimg ,
' 'toy love to wormy and drive you , mind
load you with extravagant gifts , always ,
however , expecting an equal return. And
thmi they will pot you Lo am uuprece
dented extent , amid op0u their henrta so
uutiroly that you may rend time inmiornost
recesses of Mexleau cluiracterhke anapem
book-aid vastly interostimg reading it
is , but be very careful that time fu' is
mmevet smmuotlmed time wrong wnyl I'hnt
velvet exterior covers time alarpeat of
claws , and uudur thosu suave mmunems are
lmiddun depths of passhom , muiger , jemtl
ous ) , ' , rovumugu , past till sutnmdmg-mw cruel
and rulcutlwus us Limo grave ,
FANNn itmmem1AltVAItm ,
- - - - -
Ilnw'Ols at Ilnt ,
Qumm'ev , Anguut 18.-Thu fit man of
Jrtcksouvillo pim y0d hull withm time fit umemt
of Quincy yesturday , 'l'ime ' visitors ave.
rage in weight ever 360 pounds , tumd Lime
home mu ic e about t lei pounds. The gene
urns time apet'tilmg oteult of the season , mmmd
wmn wont by time Qnimmoys , ' to Ili , q'bu
ton niies are eommposed of time leading
citivommi of time Lsvu cities , After the
gahue time two niuus ran n foot rmco , w h/ulh
was worm by Captain llackiug , of time
Jmuckmunvillu iinu ; uvuight 307 , least
night time visitors uvere serenaded at time
European hotul , maid all Quincy is doing
thorn lellor ,
Grmmt , iii Alarylanti
Dumm 1'mu u , Ald „ August 18.--Gout ,
( iramit uud party visited Elk gmirdun mite
ing regions yesteiday , On euturmimig
Oen , Grant hold a rece Lion at I'iednmont ,
h1 time uvuaium g time general was enter-
tuimed at time cotta of President Oar.
rutt's of tie Bnltinuru ) amid Ohio ,
, . _ r
The Golden Gate Thrown Opcn to
the Plamod Warriors of
the East.
Tile Bornards of Chicago Singled
Out for a Brilliant and
Hearty Ovation ,
A Great Crosvd timid Crush Uurlmg
thin Ileliglnus Servlees ,
SAN FnANrisCO , August 19-The arrival -
rival of St. llernnrl Cominnudery of
Chicago was time event of Smturduy. A
delegation front Smut Fruiciaco coimiinnd-
cries proceeded an far us 'l'ruckee to tvol-
come theum iii behalf of time I'aeitho coast ,
Special h"unrn were teudored them last
evenimg , 'l'imey were met at time ferry
humlimg by tin knights of this city tut
eonnaunieries , tumid necompnuied by time
kmighls of lilinoin raw here , mull iii full
dress uniform , After cxchnngo of greetings -
ings time kmiighta full tutu line led by time
1imiwaiian hand , followed by time California -
nia cotnumnmdcry mouutcd , l'residio band ,
Colder Gate couuuaudery , St. Bermtanl ,
band , St. Ileruanl coumnmudury , bringing
till tie rear. ht this order they imaehed
tlhldtvfu'n lmteml , selected as ime head.
quarters of the Chicago eommimmlory.
An ei'idonco of time nuurked nttcntaon )
nail tlemii , one detail ruuy be mentioned ,
Emuclm cigar purchased for their muse was
provided with a baud an which was paint-
0(1 in colors the name of timej 'omuuuider Yr
while each buz speeiully wide was out-
blazuued with the devtco of St. Ber-
nataln , Alrs. Moulton , ss ife of time coma-
tnmuider , lmreaelmted theiml wills a ( lower
piece tlmree feet long tumid two in breadth ,
representing every variety of the chohcest
( louvers in California , Including time
kmmighta of Oregon mid 1Vashhmgtot territory -
ritory , it is estimated that. 8,000 perauua
arrived jmi time city im , time last ° 1 hours.
A ) IL10fOUS : CutV8u1
Even the wetthmur is doing its beat to +
11uulce time ouatern Inmights fuel at houso.
't'he thermumutur this umorning wits 5eV-
outysuveut with n prospect of further
rise for the proeessinn toauorrouv , 'l'imo
rehikmms ( ) service this uftenmomt in the
pavmheIm tvas a terrible crush , for maury
ahmont mi fatal eruslm , ' 1'hme was eight
thouaand in time building mmd femur thou-
stud left outside who celttiuucd to put
forth every milli rt. to oblailt entrnueo.
Although there was a large police force
presumit it was unable to control time
crowd , time grunter lmuruber of time ollfeera
being mnployod im cury'ing mitt' fmintiltg
uuoneu amid children , limo pavilion was
9o hot that before time services wore half
user the ] eoplu eomutouced atrcuning
oily to Milo wy for others nmixions to
stremumum in. Exnesaions ! of thanks
were rim mitetll heard front those who
hid mmiena gud to rot out , in met being
crushed to demtlm , fThnis is the first cvi--
deneo of amy nlsmauag01ummt cmi the part
of time comiunittu , vvho permitted twico'
too nimumy tickets to be issued. The seomo
hmiside } vas imposing , time fluor of time pa-
vilhou Jsing a class of haudss"ne uni-
fniimi-n mid' baring plunmUs. Tluoexor'yr
vises idpre conducted in time usual
lcuiglmts'J'unm Ilur order , openiug vvitlm time
nocessiouul hm , "Onward Christiau
tiOldims " in such a % mrunl style
mel to ( uickeum time pulaoa of till who heard
it , 'l'ie services lurnmiuated at ii o'clock
emmeh eomuuaidory seolimg its awn head
+ lnlu tors ,
Thr Itemmtlim5 et' a 1S1luvlor.
SAY 1''IIAN'ls'o , August. 19. = 1'he body
of Nicohns Sturrett , a well know real estate
dealer , awns foultd iii time closet of nn
mupty house belotmimg to time deceased.
lie is sigmpuacd to intro heal auirdured
by tierce umcl who W01 u aouu to enter last
Moudtiy far the purpose of renting thin
prommiisen ,
\Veight Lemoy , nn ex convhct and
morly attormuy at Onkh mmd , Calmm. , owns
arrested t0 day , chu : geI with cmnplieity
io time minder of Sh01'rett. Leroy ad. {
emits caul1licitY in a 1)lot to folee Sheaott
t ) 5igm chucks for money dop0nitcl , but
elaimma he knows uotlhiug of the murder. °
Time Lalnl rover ,
PSNSACOI.A , August 19.-Civilimm Snr
gene Ilarhia rimItorts that Naval Surgeon
O vums is very low , uud ncurimgthu crisis , '
Sm'geuu Ow 01t's case bud never Loon
pronounced yellow fever o0kcially. Ile
bas bceui seek for weeks. Dr. Ilargis
also reports tire uoty cases at 1Volseluy ,
tut outlying village ut the navy yard.
ruin nmsEA81 : s'It1AIINI. : ,
Private informatlom hits 1)0011 received
front l'annmeola to the effect that Surgeon
Owens is down with yellow fever ; that
there mire five eases in the yard and three
omutnidu , tumid there is danger of its spreal-
iug , Ansint nit Surgeon Madden and a
chviiian physieiam are looking after titu
sick ,
Toxus Qminrnnt4lc , 1
AL'STIN , Tex „ August 19-Upon dfs-
patches front Galveston stating there ;
reports of yellow fever at Ocean Springs ,
Key Went' and Now Orleans , Governor
Ivelamid fn order to ho oat time safe side
issued instructionn to time ( lalvomutomi
health ollicor to prevoumt time emtrnmco of
vessels front auHpeetud points , 'l'ime gov
urnor titntcd lhmit commerce could atand
twuutyfour bonus cessatou in which
tine le could gut reliable informiumtian , J
Thu order will be reseiud0d tomorrow
Is a rarchety preparai estmrt of is best remedlee
of thatucgrnibie ltngdonl 1110wn to undtuam aci-
cue rim Allernltvee , lllo d 1'urtaen , llumeler uud
Tommtee , urcll ua fiarsalnrlml i , Ydlow mock , Snmingha ,
Iadellon , Juolper llcrries , llandraleWlid Cherry
Itakmind other setcelnl rooulock and herta. A
huik mW. ill.o aythdng c1 , , , men bo tulrmy ludgcd
opdy by till resutts , iVu mohrlwhim . tL twt1on to the
glomiousrrcord llood's8ava.anU.m , has emmtciu.I tom'
ltM i1 union tLu heads ut thousands or meopmo In Now i
England who have pemsommally or indlrectty been ro
lleydof herriblesuacnugwhtdm aim other naimedmeim
rnnaltoroai. ( . , ,
Ilcesrs.0.I.llo01dCo.t . Dente-I'ie. eeM me
by ( tre two1qfllcel ood'snrsapurllaandetew
took Hooke for ( UstrlbuUou. Your prrmrrratloa has
workm waldrra 'n the fate of my wits , who u.aa
been lroubiai wtUeslck lmeamaehe amid bmtousneu fox
y i. . bus mdy t001 ( one-half teeaspooh w d9f
audh notteenaowel to tlv n oeaie
toundthat wmlhl fe o n taking ( rr
mudk u an 11 W e y rco tom .
tote tie dacres. al.s Iuu not tak any of au7N
Cocci here tepnogandwlatatt4shumadislent
to dooms 1(00.1. a wo must hire it hr I house.
Your. truly , 11 , l4AtiIl , L'ltteatkl , aeo ,
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