_ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - . 1--- _ - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - i - - _ _ r - - - - - - - - - U THE DAI.L BEE---WEINESTAY uijsni 18S3. 1 Ti , , Iiob asPr National Bank I OF OMAhA , NEll. , 'a1t tip Catat - - - & )280,000 Surp1u Fund , May 1 , 1883 , " a n. ioitsox , I'reIdcnt , of Stetlo , 3 hnon & Co A. 1. TOUZAt.IN , Vkv 1'rcIdcit , of floMton. v , v. ons , of w. . Moro & Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of (1 II & J. S. Co1lln. J. WOOLWOItTII Couneor intl Attorney t lAw. I. . S. IEI ( : ! ) , of l3ron lecd & Co. v. VAT1L , Cailcr ) , tormny ere CMhICr of thol Flrt fttfoiat flttik of Ornhn. nhI Batik ! for Fu8100s5 AIrfl 27 , 1SS2. dIrcctot ftIId tokho1der rd tmoii the leftI. buInc of Oina ) nit It. tu1ne 1 cornliicted cpecIaI reference to the best md Incrcn. , In of It mercantile patrons. ectiens rocctvo prompt attention &n1 charges ot&Inab1o hcrc or elcwhcro. ' Intervst allowed on tirno dopo5te upon faorbIo anti u.on nccoiiits of baiik anti bankcr , Foreign Ixchango , Uovernrnent floint1 and County. City ecurltIc bought anti i.olil , If. IV. Rodofer , Broker , Mocks , flnntt , Commercial I'aI'er nntt nil other od , ecurltleo IleRit In' Itoom 4 , No. 2S l'carl St. , CouncIl UiifTh , Ia FINANCE AND COMMERCE. F'lN4tNOtATi Ntw YoIu , AtIglu4t 14. Moucy-lu better demand at 4G3,5 11cr cnt ; c1oed offered at 1 Pr cent. Prinit ) Mere.uttilo Pa1)or-56 vcr cent. Sterling 1xchaitgo-Bnnkor' bills weaker ' at S4.8i ; tiemand , $ I.Sflj. ' . , Govertiteicttt-I.ower fur 4's and Stocks-Opoiteil . } to Per cent. ) ovcr than the close of last iilght for thu general list of active StOCk $ , the largest tloclliio being Iii \Va. Ia.31t rOferretl and Omaha referret1 The 1)rCsltrO ) to eI1 wa. at flrt only titoderate , lint wa.q soon IIICIOflel by heavy short selling ( lirectell gaiii.st the Lackavaitna , St. l'tuil , Nurtlierit l'acific preferred , Oregon . Traits- r\ COiltitlelital , Lake Shore , Union Pacilic nitel : New York Ceiitrl. Tue effect va to bring out the pretty I.trgt , 8 of stock of t tllotlaMt sic of the aio' . u 4Io. Ii they all declined , carrying thu test o the titarket with titeni and cau1ng considerable ntnouiiti of other stocks to be thrown upon the market. Among tlico was to Chicago , Burlington & , . Quincy , which ileclineil f er ccitt tnt sales of . , only about 1,300 slitrc , which was probably . itcarly nil the long tnck. Th extiine of the decline was reatlied about 10:30 : , at which tinto the decline on the Oregon & 'rraiiscoiittiioittl was 4A cent , Chicago , Burlington & Quiti. if cy 2 : , Jersey Central 2 , Northern Pacific conunun atiti Prefcrrcl 1 , ? acitic ? IaiI 2 , St. 1aul \7ctcrn Union 1 , Lackavatuia 1 k I1Iiiiol Central 11 , Lake Shore 1 , and \Va. bali 1. From tlieo extreiiie decliiie there wa a general ami very rapid recovery by 11 o'clock , ranging fronL 1 to per cent , the latter on Oregnt & Transcontinental to ( ilge , atici from that time until 12 o'clock the market continued firmim and there was ovidemit recovery of cotifi- deuce , tint only as regards thu day , but largely also a regards the Plosimect for futiite of geim. oral itiarket. This wa. lit seine nicasuro elite to the belief that time break w artificially ltrtlticel and that without the , liamnimieritig of ? the bears the market would only have contin- ned dull and commiparatively steady. ' 1'lii wa' time general feeling Ill ) to 1t o'clock. at vltich ' time time su.spciisiomj of George \V. Balloti & a ' Co. vas announced. 'flie aunotimiccuient of the failure at first CUtbCl ii decline of to 1. . lC ccitt iii time market , front which it reacted in 20 iiiiniite to 1 per cent , tlie latter on Lake Shore. At 12:30 the niarkot was at the highest prices of the day for a good immany ( stocks and strong bitt fevcriIm. T1i total s1p sales Ui ) t 12:30 : were about 3OOOO s1mare. ' After 12:30 : the market was at 1irt stronger \ _ _ \ atiti timcrt was an advance front to 1 per . \ ccitt , the latter emi Oregon & Tratiscontimietital to fl1c , and 1 per ccitt ott Umilomi Pcilic. After 1:30 there n'aim a ( lCClitiO of to 1 pem cent , the latter nil Oregoit & Transcontinental , with 1 \Valiztsli preferred , 1 on Northern Pacific , I emi Union Pacific , \Vaba.sli coin- 111011 , amid less titan on time rest of the list , These changes left the imiarket a little lower than at 12:30. : About tliis time mikmo there fI were begun saias for account of Biellon & Co. ' and during time iimiy 18,400 shares of stock aimil 14OOO in bomidt were closoil out for accoutit of time firm. 'rime majority of tocki cloetI suit were bought in ott short account , anti Ba- ! Ion & Co. state that time great bimlic of their I , liabilities were mitt short sales. Tito feature of ! : tIme titarkot lit the la.st hour was a decline of 3. } ( i Per ccitt lit W'estcrii Union to 72c. Titis s'a.t } a iizzlo to the street , a.s the stock Itad been ' Pretty vell stmteixiecl mill day , tito largest pro- vibus decline belttg 1 11cr ccitt iii the earlier . hart of time day. The explaitatiomi givomi for the break van that a number of stop ordet' were in tIme market , whicit the ImeaN discov- ' creel After thu bear ltressImre wa.s renioveil tIme market itioved up again , clearly imicilcatitig Ute umttiertoime is utitcim stronger thium generally siiiposed. Before the close thuVcsterii Union recavereil per ccitt of tIme decline in the previous half hour. Tim vlioio market. ileclitied In tlmo early part of time last hour to 2. per cent , tInt latter ott Missouri Pacific , aiim ! when the Western Union recovered 4 . . - - . the rest of time iiiimrktt diii likewise tea a limititeil extent. In the flumal tlealittg the e market cloclittoci to per ccitt , time latter nit \Vestermi Union. Time net result of time day's bttsIiiesi lit an advamtco over time closing itrices last itfgimt for the great ittajority of tock , Time Evening l'omt says : 'rite imiajority of h operators are inclined to believe the imiarket lies touched time hottoimi , at least for the pros. f omit , tIiUli ! it is msparoimt it i itow litoro Hub. j oct to mntitmipulation titan at any Previous time for a year , antI t1toitlt there is nothing iii , Iii the general state of ljtisIiios to cause mmml ) ' . very immipttrtatmt fititlior decline , some violetit . , fltmctuatioims are likely tim be cauod yet by ar. tilicial umeans. After tlio oxcinuigu cioMol a , , nimittlier of ieatlixtg battkers exprcsieml tlmeiti. t.elvcs as feeling immure cotmfimleitt of tito future. : J.iquimltetioumH going atm fat soumie tiuuie Itavit ret- uulted iii placing time mumarket out ii Itealtity lutsis r I amid already timoru mire lumulicatioums of iuivest. li , neutt , 'l'ito l mt1Iic both im , ro ituI abroad am l uuirc1masimig. 5 'limo saie of btOCk miccortling to the official ml list of time Htock exchange amnotmutted to bTt'i,77 ( ) 11 imliares , j % . broker imo did miat leave thu i'miomtm c cr all clay eitmimites them at ( till ) ' 100,000 simate& r ' 'l'ito cliaumget in raiitsny imiortgaget is moore ch f iitmlortaimt than for somnim tntio Imast. 'fito lrtnm s 't1otmuttimmt ! geiterals ( irIJllleml ) lO jniiutt to ( ; ( ; c ; time Oregon & 'l'rmemuscouttiumemmttmi fiuumt.i t , to tiOtm ; 'I f t ] ) unvcr & Ifia Graumulo euumsls ( L's , to amid c J ] ) eumv r ct JIb ( h'autdo western firsto 3 , to 72e. p cOtiIONmt. S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4'dC'oulomis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 u 4ut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 1'adfioG'of't)5. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 l tsTOCXt AI ) IiONl3. American Expreism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 B , Cedar Bapids & Northern 77 Ceumt.ral Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I1 Chicago & Altomt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 s do do rid. , . . . . . . . . ' , , . ' 140 4 Clii. , Burl. Qulutcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 3 I rio. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 4 , . o 2'J d a pfdaskel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3 'ort.\Vayno&C1iIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 ) H. H annibal & St. . .1esoplt . . . . . . . . . do tin do hid. . . . . . . . . . . (12 , l llInoi Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 l itti. , lilnouti. & testerut. . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Kitumsas & reas. . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . 121 hake Slitiro & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . l0.u Michigan C'cumtral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Nortiterum ] 'zwiIic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 tb tin I'll ' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 N orthwesturum. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 do imuil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Now York Cctitrim1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 O hio & 1mlississlppl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 tie , cia pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt ) l 'eotja 1)ee.t it & Jvauts illo. . . . . . . . 12 flock isamiul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 S t. I'iitml & Milwaumkco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( It ) do dct cbs 1ifCI. . . . . . . . . . . 1101 I S t. Patti , \Iinn. & mtamiitoba. . . . . . . . 107 S t. Patti & Oumialta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . titt cut lifel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19 ( thiltri l'mseific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 \ Vabaslt , t. 1. . & l'acitio. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 cut mitt do Itfe ! . . . . . . . . . 80 I \'estermt ljudott 'relegrath. . . . . . . . . . . 78 L 'Asked. - GILAIN at1) thlO't.'ISIONS. CHICAOO CHICAnO , Atugmist 1.I.-Vlour--Quiot. mint I ti iiritiumged. : \\'Imeat-llegmtiar wheat imuHettloel ; good tie : n mauul ; clusluig Very strouug ; 1 (12 ( for \tugtit I 03 for Septomulter : 1 0'A for October ; 1 (10 ! : f or Nuvenilter ; I 02 for the year ; No. 2 sprmmmg I 1 Olu ? ; riii 89e No. 2 rem ! sitmtcr I 1 O8. Corui-4ctive unit and Imiglter ; for ensI a uimi August : rjt.Oc for Seimtelulimr ; M ) at' t' Oo for October ; 48.0j40e for Novotubcr p . 4 01c for the year. Oats-Itt lutiprovemi dtitumutm1 amid stronger , a ) 2S 0o for casit ; 201o for August ; 20to foi S epteutmbcr ; 2iii0o for October ; 20o for the y ear. 1yo-Ea.sier ! at ( OjC.O.c. Barley-quiet ; 5'Jc for c.mlm ; flOe foi-Septcitt b oy. Flax Seoul-Quiet at 1 80@t 81. 'l'imnotlmy-Luwcr ' for cimslm seed ; goat ! mealea - b lo at forimier prices ; good old , 1 110. l'ork-Gond cleminenel ; unsettled ; generall ) ' i tigher ; 12 1212 111 for cash ; 12 17@12 2C I f or September ; 12 3212 83 for tcWlmer ) 1 1 l)1&i12 ) 00 for Noveuumber ; 11 5511 CO fin : t he year. Lard-Fair deitianmi ; unmeettled ; m'eumermcil ) h igher ; 8 15@8 17 for cash autO August ; 8 17 @ 8 20 for Septeumber ; 8 211 for October ; 10 12 f or November ; 10 10 for time year. Bulk tEeatt-lmc fair ticutmamni usiul casier s houlders , 5 711 ; short ribs , 0 711 ; short clear , , 7 00. 1mmtter-Qtmiet amid unclmamigeel. Egs-Qutet. aumd umticlmmtitgeL \ \ lmisky-Steaily anti uneimamigeti. CImee.so-'ttmcrket quiet ; choice full crealti c heiltiars , S'9e ' ; full cretumm flats , t10c ) : , f air to gout ! clmeehiars attul flats , 31j11e. Hides Yreights-Comim to IlulFa a firtim , at. 3c. ! TOLiiO. ToLrno , August 11.-\Vlmeat-Stoauiy. No 2 roil winter 11W aa.1m ami August , 1 10k. Cant-i ) uII atimi uioummiucml ; i'o. 2 , cash nih A igust , 1121C hid. Oats-Fitmmm ; No. 2 , citMIt , August and Seit - t eiflhter 27c C1NcI.T ! . Cicu SATI , August 1 I.-'mVheat-Dull mmmii I n tnninal at 1 07 for cash. Corn-Quiet auttl 11mm at 1111J51\c for casim , Oats-Steady at 28@28c. Ilyc-Weaker met fIPe. l'ork-Noummjmial itt 13 50)Jll ) 00. Lard-itt gooil demmmaumd um S O0J8 05. hulk 5m1omtt-Pirmmmer. : Whisky-Steady at 1 13. tT. WCIiI. Sr. IOt'1t4 , Atmguist l1.-W'hoat.-Opemietl t hi twer mtth acivaticed ; closed higher titan yes . tf erday ; No. 2 red , 1 0UI O0 for cadt ; 1 oi ; f or August ; 1 OSj for Septeumiber ; 1 1O for Oc - t uber. Cwrmi-lligiiet ntmd very slow ; 40@lG ftr : c ash ; 40jc for August ; .lGc for Scptcuuiber : , l flc for October. Oats---lliglmer toni imiactivo ; 25@26c f m . c ash ; 2Stmc for August ; 27gc for October. 113'fl - at. SOc bith. Corn tteal-2 40. . Itmttcr-Uumchiauugeci. ( Egg.t-Uumclmauigcd. Whisky-i 14. iioumi.t. 1'Eommi. , August 14.-Corum-Steady ; big ) I t umixod , 5O1tiOc ; No. 2 mixed , 48@jI8c. Oats-Active ; 110w No. 2 white , 28ti29c . \\ThiiskyFiriim at 1 111. MiLWAUKEE. Mi I.t'AUXEE , Augttst 11.-\Viicat-Stoady : ' . c atit or August , 1 O1 , Corn-iriitor ; No. 2 , SOlc. Omits-Steady ; No. 2 , 2S(28c. ( li-Lovcr ; Nut. 2 , SSc. Ilarloy-Iluhl amid lower ; No , 2 , Septeitiber , 0 c. Nuv OuiLEtNS. NEw Onu.E.M , August 1I.-Omsts-lmV'osterui d ull , weak and lower at S1l0c. Pork- I it 11miu iIunammtl amid higher at I 3 05. Lard-Jut fair cicmmtaumd ; tierce , 9 00 ; keg , 9 110. 110.hmlk ] hmlk 't1eats-In fair demnanmi and easier. Wliisky-1"irmer ; westermi rectified , 1 05i 1 EW 1011K. Nw : Y0IIK , August 1l.-mVhieat-Ciatii o pened . @ ] c loner , cfosiumg struumger ; tingrtuhetl rs eti , 9)ic@1 ) 20 } ; No. 4 roth , 1 03&1 05 ; s teaummer No. 8 red , 10311J1 01 ; No. 8 rem ! , 1 151 17 ; steammier No. 2 roil , 1 l0. ; No. 2 r et1 , 1 1'J@Jl } 20 itt elevator1 ; 177z1 17 in s tore. Corn-Cash , scarce and ® higher ; op. ti tnm OICulej ( easier and nmlvnuiceml 1@j1c , c1 osin strumig ; umuigraded 5iQ02c ; No. 2 , lii ? iC3c itt store ; fi3(65c ( afloat. Oats-Firma ; immixed westerit , 379c ; white , 1 0@SOc. ) 1ggim-Wost.orim fresh quiet mint ! weak. Purk-Qiujet atmd ItiIiiiitai. 1.ard-Iiiglmer ; pmiune 14t.eaimm , 8 COfii8 05. Emitter-Quiet mmumti weak. JiALTiMOimE ILtLTIMOIL' ) , Atm ° ' uittt , 14-Vimeat-'mVcsterut le aver , cienluig dull' ; No. tt wimmter rem ! ca.slt aimml A ugust , 1 J5cj1 1r. Corn-\Vestermi dii ) ! ; ixiieed , cash , 6l1G2c b iml. Oats-Lower anti quiet ; vcstermi white , .10 2c ; itiixod , 38t39c. ltye-Quuet ; til02c. 1utter-1)uil ( ; veaeterut itaciccel , 8J'16c ; rcaimmery , 18@23c. Egg-Qumiet at 1lc)17. ; ) Wliisky-Firumi at 1 1861J1 18. ICANHAII CITY , KANt4AS CITY , Aiugumm4t 1 l-Wheat-F1rnm N o. 2 rem ! fall , 'Jic for cash ; ( lob bit ! Septeimi. er ; tlc ) himi fur October. Corn-Steady at : I7&8c for cash ; 38e hid ur Seitenmber ant ! October , Oats-Fmrmmmor ; 20e bit ! cash. r.IvEImI'ooh. LivEnrool. , iugiist I -13rendstuffs-11rmn. I . Wimeat-W litter , 8.m 11diJ9.4 ( lml ; spring , 1e fbi L e.orn-Now , rsjri.m ( ; 11th , IjL'1' STOCK. Cit ICAW. CIrICAGO , August l1.-'l'imu 1)rovers' Jotmrumal epart : 1Iatm-JIcavy aiim ! taught , 10 25o lower ; ght HtttaIiy ; packing , 1 7O(5 ( 00 ; jutck. ; ug mitt' ' ! ttititjtittg , 11 0Oi,11 15 ; light , 11 ( tO ; skijom , : s r'i(5 o. Closet ! stonily. Cattlu- Imisk ; fat cattle 0 rummor ; ioiv itil ; tiXliortsr , , ( i0& Ii 85 ; gone ! to cimoice imi 91 umg 400,5 80 ; coiuiumuomu to tumii , tiumi , 1 10 ( ! ! 20 ; auiuittig maul bmitclmeli hg , stonker ; lumfo. iitr ti ) fucir , cuvmm auth imml.'ioui , 2 4)03 ( ) 1.0 ; uimmi iumime to gisuth , 3 71111s1 10 ; tockes , , 3 ( X)5 ) , I 00 ieierim ) , 8 70QI 25 ; riluigo cattle , 1ileimtifutl meumil low ; grass 'l'cxmiuts , lOc lmjit'er , :1 : 110 ; sw intered 'l'exauts , ' 1 2Mi I 85. Simceti-Jtctia ; lO@20 los'cr ; Itifmriur lii airs 2 1100f8 711 ; inetilittum to I.14'Mi , 5011m1 25 lt'itco to extra , 4 40J I 75 ; lambs ; I OO0.8 2 I er ime.id , KANHAS CITY , 1CANhM ; CITY , August. 14.-Catt1o-Steaily I mativc , 4 80(11 40 ; cows , 2 ( IO(3 711. 1log-1.ighmt steady at 11 OO(112O ( ; imomivy ewer , 1 80@11 00. iieojt-miiet and uncimamigeil , MT. LOUII3. Sr. Louis , August. 1 1.-Cattlo--.Lowor , lot P weak ; CXOrttl ) , 11 106 0(1 ( ; Imeavy sii11uitiui teci IS 40@5 711 ; IHit , 5 0O@5 2t' commuioti , 5O64 711 ; grwi 'loxans anti Jndaum steers , I 75@,4 O ; hulk of sales at 4 0O(1 ( 25. Simeep-.Slow emit ! easy ; umteiliunm t.o gtaoilj t 25Q4 00 ; prime , 4 1O0m4 25 ; lmummbs , 3 7T' 5 25 ; 'l'oxas tImed' , 2 711l 00 , - - - . T1ttFLlC. ) L0t11 AI ) aflA1 , CIIICAe.o , Atiglist I 1-1ecdit.s ! imil shIp. iimeuit.a of ( unit atme ! gralim for time 1'ast. 24 imouni itavo been iut foliowHm 1ecoipt.s. ! StIiu'ts. ) hour , bldq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 10,0(10fA Vhieat. , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 83,000 30,00(1l Cerui , iuumehtelH. . . . . . . . . . . . l6lOOO l.t1tXO ) Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 . 130OO ( ) ltyo , btmshels.13,000 22,0X ) Ilarley , bumehclq. . . . . . . . . . 2,000 4,0(10l NEw \flhmK , 41mgtmmet 14-lteceipts auth ship. liletitit ( if flour autil grain for the Itiest 24 htoitr iutivo beemi mis follows : llecelpts Simlp'ts. \\'heat , liiisbls , , , . . . , . , 04X10 ( . . ( orn , intsiioha. . . . . . . . . . . . (8OOO ( 8XX ) Oats btmshcl . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 . . . 1A'IS.tIC1TT August 14.-iteceIpt mmii shut. ittetits of grain lay time Itast. 21 haunt itmtti becit as ftuhhovs 1eceipts. ! . ShIp'ts , \vhieat , hiit'hel . . . . . . . . . . .17XO ( ) 19,00(1 Cant , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 10,000 LIVE STOCK. Cntc.no , Atugust l4.-leeeiit.s ! aitmi shut. tuieutt.s of live stock feur the omt 2 I hiitttrs itit o been isa followH : 1ecclpt.s. ! Slmiit't.s. llog't . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12)0O ( ) . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t,000 ; . . . , Shicoji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City , August 1I-leceipt ! mul slmipunemmts of IRe stock fur the htat 21 hmours lmavo been mu ; fullowsm 1t'cclpt.mi. ! Shmiii'ts , Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,8X ( ) . . . . hlngM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2MR ) . . . Shmeeji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 . . . . Sr. Louis , Atugmmst 1I.-1cceiits ! anti shut. mcnt.s of live stock for thmo i't 21 Imetmitut have been as follows : Iloceijits , Shtlp'Ls , Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.OO ( , 100 Shmeci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,4(10 ( 100 1)1 ! , ) : 6001)5. NEw \'Oim1C zS.ugust I 1.-Exports of uiotmio.i. tie eottotms the past. week , 21S8 $ pmclcmtges : , mimakiuig for time ox imireml lmotittii of time year a total of tlt.l111 ) tackaget. 'l'lio tienutimd Is lilmt , iflmt tittittighm thtiiicries out aeeouutt of irovuu trauisactioimt , there have itceti a eunti vuthune of sales. OMAHA MA1tICflTS. % 'Itoleimmt1e I'riecs , OImcK Os' 'J'it : OInA lIKE , 'l'umcsilay Bvoumiumg , 4'iIugiist II , C. vms ! ii , WiiCATCash Nit. 2 , 83c ; No. 3 , OtIc ; re. jected 42.c. Jiimi.iv--Casit No. 2 , 13c I'o. 3 , 42c , ltvE-Ca4h1 , 40e. Comm-ihixeml , 80c. 0 Am'm-$0c. 1411C Stock , FAT Sitms-Qmuiet : : : mimic ! tiuicltauigtal at 3 75 FAT Cows-3 O00)3 ) 85. lloas-I 711@11 00. SiiIEi.1rIm.uuI : at 8 OO6J3 50. CAIvE.s-Fair quality 5 t)0L0 ) 00 ; good butclm- stock , 7 00. Cmms'ccl 2'iIOLltH. 1Ans-131 Ic. ] Ltcos-Uumchmaiigetl itt 1213c , SmiouLnEmus-Duhl at S@8e ] ) muEI 1tEEI-10c. l4AIilt-At 9@lOc in ticrce. T.tm.Low-Firmmi at 0&6c iii barrels , Vtmtltly timid uNit , St'iuKo Ci imcic1Nm - Smmnill , uuicliauigcil , 1 25Q12 00 : large. iiiiet. ; at 3 00 ; cud , 8f. Vii Ira Fisut-Umclmaumgeth , tl@lOc. ; pike and lake trout the saumie. General l'rtnl uco Ec.as-Uitchmaugcil at 15111j16c. ] krnut-Qeuiet : ; comitiuiomi to good , 701310c ; cliouco dairy , 140ij1c ; ; sveet , hmigim colored grass , 12013 ; cookiumg , Tc. 1'oTToEsNew e1iuiet aiim ! itmarket vchl slipO jihieti at 30ij10c per bit. ONIoNS Quiet mit $1 0O@4 tie tier 1)1)1. NEW Cumtiw. m-25c : icr dozeim. lioNcY-Cuiifornia , in cumuli , per pitimitel , 20 @ 21e ; metraimmed , 1011J12c. Cii KESE-Qimiet amid imucliamiged.Vo quote 1012e. ' 1ouTocs-Quiet at 711c ter box. Grecut F'mimits. ilu.uEimKmtmuis-1518e ocr quart. lLAcKmmmumtmii:3-8@20c ! : : per qmutrt : , LEiONS-Steatly ; mitml Imughmer at 7 00@8 00 per box , CluE1muumEm-12@15c icr ejimart. Ommau.'m-Caiifummmimi ; 8 50 per box. ] 'FcitFs-Nmmtivcs ; 1 001zJ1 50 her box ; California at 3 711. OI.muo1tNmt 1'Luls-r1i goomi dcinauid at 2 7111113 00 le1 box. C.tiuiommNit Au'IIICoTS-Seurce at 2 711 iii 20 l ti 1)OXCS. 1N.tN.ts-Umlcltamigctl ! ; er bumiclm , 2 0011js 1 00. CmIroiNm. : l'm.vsus-2 ro2 75 ier box , Amm'u.is-4 : 0011J1 110 Pet' itlil. C.nomm'm.t flMm'rLl'r l'iAmms-lmi good tie. m mmiii ! at 2 501j 8 50 per box. CA.1romim.t : (1IIAI'i4-3 50@3 711 per case. Fii > iii' mtitd 11IIIt1ufl's. \ VmTKmt'iit13est quality , patemmt , at : 1 so : os. SECONI ) Qu.r.irv-2 00@3 25. SiituNciViii.ttllcst - - quality , patent , at 3 50@3 65. Smcosit Qu.i.rrv-2 506j3 25. J3iiA-4)SC ) per cwt. . CmuolI'Eu .FCEI-I'Cr 1)9 ) lbs. 811c. CohN Mc.tL-1 00Q1 10 her ewt. ScmEENmNU-60@70c per ewt , Grocers 141St. l CAin : G00I)3-Oysters ( Staumdmsrml ) , r1ier cae , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberrlns , 2 hh , per emote , 2 10 ; raslmberries , 2 lii , per ca.su , 8 50 ; Bartlett s . PCut , 1101. case , 2 40 ; wliortlelermies , imer case , 2 75 ; egg jilmuuns , 2 lii , ier emote , 2 90 ; grecim gages , 2 lb , our case , 2 ( Ia ; do cimoic , : i lb , PCF case , 4 so ; dumo apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 O0tiJ I t ; 711 ; iieuhies , 2 1 ! , , ocr case , 3 00 ; cIa 3 lii , iter 2 case , 4 ( Jt@I ) 50 ; (1(1 ( i'ie ) . 3 II , , vr case , 2 00 ; 7 do 4e , I ; lii , icr ciozen , 2 80. l IticE-1ouisiamma prinie to choice , 7@8e ; 2 fair , 7J7 ; l'atirmmm , 6c. 2 Fisii--No. 1 mimmeckerel , Imnif brlmc. , 7 00 ; No. 1 umuackerci , kits , 1 00 ; family mmiucckerel , half hrhm. , 11 25 ; fanmliy mutitekerel' kits , 85c ; No , 1 white fislm , half urIs. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kIts 1 05 , e Siiui-Stmmmmdmmrd Cinmt. , 3r , huils ; tammt1ard o c li , , 4 gahlout kegs 1 8' ; Stmumilamcl do , 4 gailoum kegs,1C.0. Sop4-lui lb lPirb 30 P ° ' Case ; keg soihmi , Nnw FmcilI.E14-it4eliuiml , Iii barrels , 6 TO ; thu im i ii half barrelH , 8 70 ; sinaI ) , in barrels , 7 10 ; thu hm i ii lmahf imarrels , 5 42 ; gherkIns , 1mm barrels , 8 40 ; do tim mill barrels , 4 70. c 'i'EAii--iiuumiowiicr1 ) good , 45@SSc ; chmolco GO k (711v ( ; ) limmiteruiel , 401j13c ; choice , 00@GSe ; k Yoummg I } ' $ , goatl , $ G05Oc ; elmoico , s GStfbjl 00 ; .1 : tpamt , unto ml lemef , 85c ; , J n maui , J cimoic , GJ@t7Sc ( ; Ooloumg , gmssl , 35 ( bc ; Oocimmg ! , 1i choice , l0Cij115c ; Stniclmiimig , good , 35@iOe ; cimoltai , : I5 ( 1St. . 8 ItoLK-Sisa1 iticht nit. . ! larger , i0o , itichi , I lie ; j inch , 11c. \'ooDKll.tImE-'rwo hoot iaIls , I 75 ; three imittli I 3 tails 9 00 , Tubs , No. I , 8 110 ; 1 'lii' u lcer % ' ) ( ( , 1 85 ; 1 ) ouliu ! Cmmivim , 2 'JO ; \'e1lIiiuckcts , : i so , - a LOA-lkmr ) , 1 ) ' . Sommt-Kirk's Sat'omt lmttperlnl , 1 l ? ; 1irk'r 2 satlumot. , 8 01) ) ; Jirk's tmmumdimrd , 8 . . ; Kit k' ititite I I musimn : , 5 25 ; K irk's eiit..sm , 2 15 : Iirk's l'ralriu Queen , ( InO cmkes , ) 'IOu ; 1Zirk' 2 u mitgumohii : : , mini. I 1OTAHmI I 'enimsyl vmmuiti : camis , 'I ciute , in emote 2 3 85 ; 1 ) aliliitttt , html ) , 2 glitz , iii ciote , I ( JO ; 4IICiitit ball , 2 Im > z , lit case , I so. 11ItNulmihltatt.od : , choice , mcml 'l'emummesseo 12c lit fsumcy t'iiito 1.2o lit ' per ; , ; rew-wii'uttj c Vlrghmia , res' , 1 1 e ; m nastoil , I 1t UANILE.'i ) - ifoc , 40 list lOs , 1tqc ; Es , 1fle ; b buxet 10 11mm , III , ( , I 5u t1ATCIIE.I-l'er cmuhhii , , , 62c ; rtiunil , cases , 10 ; wjuaro cases , 3 l0. C0FI'KIom-rdimtarygrailcs , 8(1Pc fair 10j ( c 10c ; gthi I0 ( tllc ; 1iriimie , 1211'Jl2c' cimolco tI 1'J1l8c ; imimmey greemu imimul yellow , 1 I)1ro ) ; aiJ l goverumuimemit , Jnva , 20sj26c ( ; Levemiuig's moastoil e 1l'c ' ; Amimucklo's roastitil , 14 c ; Mchaimghiihm's 1 xxxx rowsttai , 1Ujc ; imnitm4iomi Java , J6 © I 18e. I VINaaAII-New York ajijilo ICc ; OimIo up' 'I i ° 13c , l 'Lu.r---1)ray bails , ) ter hibi , I 711 ; .Amtimt.on , in HaCkS , 3 ( .0 ; iiljl miulty GO , 11 , a so , Svuaies---Puwdered 10c cut loaf , ; , lOAc ; granulated , 9c ; comifuctiommermm' A , 0c ; Staumil' p mucl extra 0 , 8e ; extra ( j , 8c ; moodiumim ye ) ' q low , 8Ac ; clark yellow , 7c. 1 STAlmcmIl'earl , 4c ; buyer Oloss , Oc' Corn Stareit , tic ; 1xcei1or Gloss , 7c ; Cent , be. n - Sr'icr.i-1'epper , lTc ; fthlPtCO , ISe ; clove.i 2 "c ; cassims , lt'c. Ciiiasa-FnlI : : cream , I Ic. lviAiner1can : 8 lo ; ( Ireemiwich , 8 40 ; \ \'estcrui , 2 7l iittit tir , , 2 00 ; I.ewis' lye 1 65 ; eavel1 lye , 2711. Ilty (1not1i , 1lr.v ( 'ornsss-Atlammtmo \ 8c : Aoi'io fA in XX , Tc ; Atlimitta Sc ; foiit VF c , l btckeye liii , 4.4 , 7c : Cabot VI , ' , 7c ; Cititto- lm attgo 4' ( I jc : (1 ( reat 1' clIme 1. 8e ; I lousier , ( ic I itiutest.t'Idth , 8c ; lutethoi I emt , c ; ItnUnu S tantlard A 8c $ lutillaut Ort'harti , ii. w. , t"c " ; l .avteumce iL , nc : I)5LIO illier , 7c ; I'tqtmttt A , 8c ; Utica 1. , 11c , ; \ \ achusett H , 7c ; Clii A , 8o tin E 48 , l'2c , : BROWN Corcos 4\hlCllmlOlO 1-I 7e , A lligator 8-4 , 8e' 4ttlO 4.4 , 7c' AtLtttIc h , l , fle Bamlgcr State v 4-4 , f1e ! leumumIttgtomi C 4-4 , (1e ( ; Buckeye S 4-4 , ; luidlan Otelmarti t , t 0-8 , 8c ; Luseoutima 0 39 , $ e' 1.eltlghm E 1.4 9 c ; l'cpperohl N $0 , sC ; clii ti 82 , 7e ; ito i 8 4 , , 7c ; do 1 89 , 8c ; l'neas.qot C 4.4 , 7c ; W'auitmetmtta 4-4 , l3ta flt.t.C1IKIS Cottons - . ( Ii .1-I 9 c ; ilaekstotme ! AA itumis'rial S' ; ito cut hafi h lemehmetttl.4 , 1k : ; Cabot I I , See ; Fidelity 4-I , ' . ) c ; Fruit ti time , I , otuuui , lIji ; tli , cniitiirlo I-I , 1 21 : di , t'mster 'l'i'it , 10i' ; ( mt'tt , Falls Q , lIe : I uimliamm I I cite1 , thmruumk . .1I I , 12c ; I , timmstiaio , IOu ; 0 t'iiitmltilc 87 121c ; ' , ew 5 . .rk Mills , 12c : ' Piuot A , lou ; ) ) ci , N U ' 1'wIhl , ; l 'ocalntmmtas I-I , fe ) licotstt. : 5. I , $ ' ; lTtics , I Ic ; 'mtimtstttt.a 0 X X , l2t' . I ) ccis ( Cohtireil , ) ; i lI.imty 1 limitivu , Sc : dii C , elrmi , 1 Ic ; clii meti ij. . ' . . anti pleiils , it ! l-2e ; i lo XXk brtvmt mvitl tint Ii , stripes tutu IulAiils , i t ! 1-2c ; rittgtott ! fmumey. lt'u ' itetiussi kk b row , , , S 1-2c ; Chariot fiutey , 12 1.2e ; elit ox- t rii lmt'a'y , 20c ; Vmmhi Iliver boiwum , ntt , t 1 1 l.2u ; I imdimumts It brttwtt , l3c ; Se1iiiutet. A b rowum , ' 1'icKimms-AmiioskOag A C A 32 , Iou ; ht XX b utte 89 IS 1-2c ; Arrt'wtiiuia , ( I l 2e ( into- i tttitmt 1B 15 1-2c ; Ciniesti.a , etrt , 17 1.2c ; I ( amtmittomm l ) , 1 1 1-2c ; l.ou mstittm u itt m mehtehmmt : 4-1 , ttc ( ) ; Omttegim , sim'cr o'e trim 4 . I , 2c ; , l 'oarl liver { 82 , 10 1-Ic ; I umtutaiu X. ' hihtiet s tilito , 12c' Simtiickot S , 10 I'2c ; do SS , 12c ; \ tt'itttmt'tt iJhiie 21) ) tIc. ) , - . lihuic and brovmtifl l-2c ; i imthiver , 1)1) hlmmeu , 15 l-tc Aihimigtntt X hiliu S cotclm , I 8 -2e : Commcorii O ( ) O , Idima mmmiii h irtavut , I 2 1.2c ; cut , tin clii , 18 12 1 ; clii XX to dit ili , , I .1 1-2c ; I I nymmtmkei's : blumo mutt ! i irovtt 1) ) 1.2c ; "dystic iiiu em I ) I ) stiiitn I ) ! l.2c ; 1 'ttr1 Iliver , bliuci aitmi brenvtt1 htk ; Omnasvillti ! , b lmmmt aiuul hirowtt , 11 142e. CsuiiimicsIbuimarti , Sic' ; hlilymitomto himmiuig , 2 I Itmchm tinublo fiico , 8c ; timrimiur A glmmzeii , he ; \ Immmthmattauu gimtve fitmish , 5c ; Soivisrt clii. I1.e : i bm glazed , 5c ; l'oquot do , tic ; 1ockwitid kiti f uum'msiu , fk. Coumst' , JE.NS-4Uiiir ) ' , Amiilromaiggimm s atteeti , Sc ; Ciamottilout c : Cntiest.iggme m.it t eemtme , 7.10 ; ilumihitwell , $ c : litilimmm : Ouelmarcl1 7c ; Nmmmiagmtnset.t , ittiiroveml , Se ; Piiiiem1i1 smet'I t oeti , lIc ; Ilockitort , ( it : . l'jmm ETi4-4ilCtiH , .uiiCriCmmit , ( nc ; c ruitilil , 0 e ; Ilerwick , 4c ; Coclmeno , 6 ; ( oumttstoga , te ; I ) ank'irks ltiiunnhl , ( ' , ( tu 7e ; lldsUtmmo , U loticester , ( ' , c' I Inrmnnuty , tic ; iuiiekerbomer , fi .c ; .tlerrituimc , h , Vc ; Myte ! , 5e ; Spragimes , ti c ; Stitu timbritlgo , Ge ; thu ( I iuiglmamns , 7c ; t I mimI- i jort , , ii'c ' ; Oriental , 6c , ( I iNn miMs-Amimoskeag tOe ; , , 10.c ; . ttuitie ! : , c ; Ctumti iithiituiI , 7t' ; I I ighilamid , 7c ; 1 etmilwiim tIm , 9c ; Pmtnk'tt ! , 1)c ) ; 4mmssox , Sc. Co11oNuus-Ahilcmviilo : , , I3e ; 4gmito , ttc ( ) ; A utmet icaut , I le ; 4rti5l8mt , 20c ; Cmti , .1 ) mutt ! ' 1' , I 8c ; Clariomi 1) atid 'P , I7e ; ii'caum ) Co. s tripe's 1) : iiuti ' 1' , lIle ; ] eystouie , 18e ; Nati t ucket , Ific ; Ii11iuilnmreil , I Ge ; Oceum I ) mumil ' 1' , I 8e ; linyal , 1fie ; Siotsex , 12c ; 'liogmmVmiclmu. . s ott tihiirtiimg checks , 12.c ; ihit Nmmmikimm 12cs \ 'ork , iid , it Nankium , I 2)ic ) ; do checks , AIr ) lies mt iitl fatmey , 12c' tltt 8 cii. , 20. ' S I m icrmcn : - ' 1 0I I t27c ; dit 0 - 1 , 28c ; do ' 3-i , 32c : Comitiutemital C 12. 1 1 c ; 1 'rimit of tlm l.uonm 10-I ; 2rAc ; New \irk tim Ii , 1 )8. ) 311c ; do 78 , : ! oc ; chit rs , 221c ; l'cmmtbroku 1 0. ! , 25c ; l'eiimmut 1(1-I ( , 28c ; iii , .I , IPe ; lii Ill , I tic ; I 't'ipeae1l . )0 ) , 21)c ) ; tIn 67 , 21 c : tin 1 , lSc ; Utica 'JO , 36c ; do 58,22cthiI ; $ , lie. 1)i'iu gsi , 1)uicas Asi ) CmmEuicu.mtAiiil , Cauhohic , ISc ; .1 ciii 'l'imrtav'ic , ElSe ; I ktlsammm Ctqeml in , jiem lii , TI Oe ; haik , Setafm'mms , per It , , 12c ; Ctmliimmiel per I b , iSc ; Cimmolmoumitiia , PCt Ii ? , : I 05 ; Clilurit. f mimiim , icr Ib , 85c ; Jover's I'owilers , l' lii , $ 1 25 ; .E1isoimm Salts , 11cm' lii , 3c ; ( ceuimme , i tlim0 , item. lii 80cr 1.ezmd , Acetite : , oem iii , 22e ; C ) il , Castor _ o _ 1 , ncr ta1 , I 35 , ( ) i ) Castor , No. 3 , icr gimi _ i1 20 ; Oil , Olive , liergILl. Ei1 5(1 ; O il , Ommgammumim , ( bc ; O tiurmi , 811 00 ; Qimiuti mu , P. , c \v _ mid .11. & S. , i tem. 4)z , :1 : 90 ; l'ota.ssiummmm , I uditle , iier iii , 1 ( ; 11 ; Sal K i mu nr of. , 'toe ; S niphiatti of 't1iirithmimmo , her tiL , : : i 75 ; Smmliltur il ommr , per Ib , Ic ; Stryclmimiute , Ir ui. , 1 25. l'mtlitts , Oils amid \mtritIsiit'tt. Omi.s-1I0 cariomt , cr gallium 13e ; 1110 ° iI i ieamhligimt , per gidlitum , 1Ic ; 175 imehetilmghmt , I tem' giiliiuu ! , ilk ; 1110 ° water wimito , lSc ; hut. s eed , ras' , ocr galloum , rc ; ; I jummiccil , Istileel , i icr sg allen , SUe ; hard , winter , tr'cl , per gallitut , 85c : Nm , . 1 , 75cNo ; , 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX , per gal b itt , I 85 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , 11cr.elluum . SSc ; Et liermu SY , 1 ! . , item gahloim , 1 60 ; Imslt1 11 ! . , 1 1cr gaflimm , ( bc ; umoatsfootextrmc , per gallium , UOc ; N'o. 1 , 75c ; I mmliricatiutg , zero , tier gal itimi , 80c ; It tmitiinem' , I lie ; golden , tmuichmhme , Na. 1 , per giduu 1 (111 , 3t1c ; Nt , . 2 , 211e ; sperm , signal , litr : gallium S Oc ; tumrpemmtimmo , icr gallium , ti5c ; mimiptima , 74 ° i ter gmmllomm , lSc. PAINTs IN Omi.-Vlmite hued , Ommucita 1' . 1' . , G e ; v1iitc Ictiel , St. I iuimis , mmro , 0 je ; \i imn.eil los g reout , I ti , 11 lIicnmms , 20c ; Fromicim zinc , gmecmt s eal , 12c ; Fmetich ziumc , reil setel , liii ; Fremiclm z iuic , jim vmtrmm'tsii tm..st , 20c : 1m emmcii xi muc lit till ti sat , I Sc ; ma\s' nuiti htmrmmt immumla'r , 1 lIt cults , be ; r av until biirimt Sicitmuit , Itbe ; vmemmilyko lirtiuvum I : ! c ; tell umeil hieiii ) iblack , 1'2c ; conelt black , mmmmil I % am'y black , 1c ( ; ; tkt,1 , , llnck , I Ge ; itrtmssiimut it lime , 3e ( ) ; ultriumam , imie blue , iSe ; cimrttitmu green I . ? tI. & I ) . lGc ; bliumi ! mmmiii imuittou' grenmu , I . \ 1. & 1) . , iflcl'tmrhi ; , 'meemm , lSc ; I miii ! immi toil , I fic ; Vemictimmmm icil. tIc ; l'cmitcurm roil , 22c ; Amuemi- c \Temmumilluomi 1 . c't ' 1' . , iSo ; cimrtituii , ytihliius' I i. lii , , 0 , & I ) . (1 , , ISc ; yellow ocliro , tic ; g olmlemm tichtro , hOc , Iieteimt : dryer , lie ; graimmimmg c olors. light omik , tiimrlc oak , 'ahmmmut , cimestumim ) . a tid mislm , lm'y l'aints. \Vlmito lurid , Sc ; Freumch ziume , lOc ; Puns wc limtimmg , 2c ; wimitiuig giblets , 1'c ; wiiltluig c oimm'l I Ic ; limmut liiiltclc , C erimmaumtuwiu , I Ic ; aimmiibinck , orelimucry , bOc ; l'rmmsisitum bimmo , (15c ( ; u ltrumnmmni ito , 18c ; viemimlyico , hrowu , Sc ; umumbor , h iirmit , 'Ic ; itmmher , rJCV , Ic ; sioutmmmm , Iuunnt , Ic ; it.'umnn , raw , 'Ic ; I'uirhi greomi , gomiiiiume , 25c ; 1 'aml gs emoim , ciiumimmiomt 20c ; cimnoutiet greomu , N. V. , 2 0c ; chutmno grettut , J. , 12c ; verummilliomt , Emig. , 7 0c ; s'rmmmilllinm , Aumiericauu , ISc ; liillimuu roil , lk ; rose pluik , lie ; Venetian roil , Cuikustiss , e ; Veutetlaut roil , jtiumomicmtmm , 1jc' ! rod immil , sc ; cimrouume yellow , goumuluiet , 20c ; chnttumtt , ycil. ow , 1 , 12c' uiciino , noclmollo 8c ; michiro , Fremmehm , c ; miciiro , Aumienicaut , 2cViimton'mt ; mulumeral , c ; ieimlgh browut , 2c ; Spaimimthm brown , 2c ; I ninco'is uuilneral , 3c. VMmKINIIEK-lfmertOlmi per gallout : JmunumI. tt mro , extra , 1 10 ; ftunumitunm , , No. 1 , lcoacim , xtra , 1 ' 10' coiscim , No , 1 , 81 20 ; 1)numiar , xtn , ; 1 711.Jnlaum ; , , 70c ; asithimsltumum , extra , SSc ; sh iollmic , t13 so ; Imieril till fiuiltim , $1 ro.I S I4Citt Itor , Oak sole , 38e tip 12c ; beuumlock solo 28o ti ) 35c ; omiilock kitt , bOo to 1 OQ ; rutumumer GSa to Bile ; euniivk calf , 85e to 1 20 ; iiomuilock tipper , 23u ti , 21le ; utmic utiii'r1 2 Ic ; alligator. 4 00 to S so ; alf blil , 8235 : ( , , eiseui khi , 2 110 t. . 2 75 ; onlc i1i , OlIn to 1 ( Nb itaf cull , I 20 tip I 80 ; Frcuichm ip , 1 10 1.4) 1 55 ; Yzetmcit cull , 1 25 Iii 2 00 ; ntis. ets , 11 50 to 7 tAb ; ilumlmigit , 0 00 Ii , 1(1 ( 50 ; top. numgs , ( I 1)0 ) ti 10 50 ; 11 , i. lmirmtcco , 30e to 811c ; oliblo ( ) . I ) . tliiuiicct,1 85c ; mtimmmumt , 2 so Lt : t ( ) o , 1iAImNoss-Nli. I , tt.mr ; oak , 42c ; No 2 th : ; Nti. I Oititm ciak , 38c ; Nm , . 2 tIn , 85e ; Nit. t. t : el ihu'mmukve , :17c : ; Nit , 2 ilti , 3 Ic , , t hit ult 1)01' . WllOI.KI4A1Y. \o q into I try Jietim alit I simi mmgles mimi cau it I t. Otmialin itt thu fttllttiti umg ii ices ; h .1 iiis i , .t rl , S'.NTl.Itm- I II ft. , mcmiii immmdcr 2 IXI ; 1 $ It , : i ji 'l'ttmimiims : - JIt ft'it umuitl iuuilnr , , 22 00. u 'J'htmImIuu ANt : . ( . ! -18 It , 2i : tAt ; 20 It , 2I so ; h 2 ft. , 2(1 ( ( .0 ; 21 Ii , u ; fit , I l FiNeJ : xuNi . , I , 'I nut ! ( I I a , , 2 I 1)1) ) ; Ni , , 2 , I 2 00. h Si I i'.t't I t ; \ti , I (2ii ( eiiiutttmtmh , is 'at ' us ) 21) ) (10 ( ; N it , 2 , 18 ( $1. I mm i -i 'or barrel , 1 25 ; bulk sr , bitsiiti ' 811c ; tummeumt. , 1 hI , 2 25 ; I utIca ilottt'r Ithul , 2 11(1 ( ; iomim 11' liii. rMc ; 'J'mmrmeil felt. , io0ffis , , 50 ; straw oard , : s so. 'I 'Ig I 1.uut ' ' lit ' ' ' l''J i'll % % 'al'o JjIl , g Iron , rates , 2 00 ; ltltW , stool Hhteclal'ciiiit , 7c i rucible , He ; , mjieciiml mir C omuummeum , Ge ; cuset. ttttif li ti , ITi4j20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 21148 ( Xi ; iiuib ien set , I 211 ; felInes , sitweit dry , I 1(1 ( ; tomigmies , acim , 7(10.85e ( ; mmimlos , tm.mcii , 7ttcitijituro mtumt.s lien ) , 7lIc ; wmislmers , ier lb1 Kl8c ; riYuts , lion I , , I I c ; coil cimutimi , icr lii , ( I 2c ; nmailenlho , Sc ; ron wwlgc's , Ge ; criiwbxsrs Go ; Immsrnw teetim , c ; sirlmmg tech , 7Ca.Be ; lltmrjoui'shinrsohceat , 11211 ; w iurtlen'mm mnulosiioes , 8 25. s l.tlmttEgliuEiIm ! car lots , fife 11cr 100 , C NAIJM-liutos , 10 tim GO , 3311. h Mimi - Slut , 1 811 ; buck ishmit , 2 10 ; amlemital imwtler , kegs , (1 ( 10 ; iii , , , immtlf kegs , 3 18 ; dii , , uarter kegs , 1 88 ; lilastiumg , keg , 3 35 ; fmiso , 1Cr 100 feet , SOt. . CoAk CuurtlierimiuiiI blackitmumitim 12 00 ; Mor. it i-nut Blomesbuug , 32 (10 ( ; Whmltefremtht lutimp , I 1 ( \Vliiklireast. ; . nut , 4 (10 ; 1iuum itumup , 4 00 ; i ( % ' % ttimt , 4 ( Xl ; hinek Spring , 7 (10 ( ; Ammtltnmi c itoi , 11 t'O)12 ) (10 ( ; ( auittmu ( 'Ity , 7 00 , oer Lumi. iIt'St'R misuil Mumleti , htra draft horses , 17ti(21 ( ; otunirnetu draft im iirsrs , lk)1jL1t ( ) ; extra faniut hoNes 1lOij)12.1 ) ; V ( iututtimtm to gt.otl fmintmt ittrmees , ( ) ( ) ; o.ttrmu I hugs , 6)11J711 ; comumn'momt phiug , 2O111IO _ MUIitixtna : , 1255mJ 1110 ; gtsttl , 1001.IO ; fa ir , it1@ltO ) ; ctimtlutmimi , (10J711 , lhluum-M , Ai.coHiii.--i88 pncstf , 2 25 ior wlutei gmuhhiin ; o tri California slitrIL , 1S proof , 1 211 ier it uisuf gailitut ; triple i'cfltieii spirits , 187 Frf , I 23 per linRif galhitut ; ie.cilatillcih whiskies , 1 0011fJ1 ( .0 ; fimmo lilcmmmletl , I 5Ob)2 ) 11(1' Kum. t ucky titsuilsimus , 2 OO11J.7 00 ; Kemittmccy ( toni l 'emtnityhi'auila ryes , 2 OXij)7 00 , 1iCAItIKitumptirteel ( , 13 OOJlO 00 ; clomitestle , 1 4011j1.t 00. ( ; lN-Iuiuiirtotl , 1 so6 (10 ( ; tioniestlc , 1 10 (11J 8 00. lIIM1S-llmmltOlt4il , 4 ti0Gfl ! 00 ; Now bimglautel , 2 00i1 00 ; iiummicstl , 1 ttO1J3 110. 1''AemI ) . % Elt AI'i'LE hiimtsov--l 711@ I 00 , CIiAnIAuIsIittlrtetl : lien cain , 28 Oil ® 3 $ 00 ; Amnoim'iuum per case , 12 ( X)1f ) ) 00. \'t1(11. % tr1iltt unuwasimed , light 1 t.JlCtu ) ; heavy , l : ; itlrK' ; tne'iiltiimu ummtn'mi.slit'ml , Ujhmt , l8l'2Ou ; v muslmtnl , chmiiii'ti , $2c ; fitly , : io ; t.tdm aiim ! s'as1memI , 2 8c ; hurry , lilnek mIttet etitteii 'titil , 2116c loss. 1'ollmuctttes. FINE Cur-.Cuuitiniumm , 2011J3le ( ; gotid , 'IS ® ( 't ile ; iltise I .cif , 7(1cm ( Pmouihmiui , OSe ; liaimioumtl C ntvut , SSc ; Sweet Sixtetmi , lie. S\IoKINI- S. , 2le ( ; ultmsktty , 2f'e ; 1)ur. lt imitt , 8 ttz , , t1le ; iitrlmammt , 'I cmz. t"2c ; I ) mmrhtisum , 2 oz. , SSe : Smut ! of North Camittimma , S , 'z. , ' 1 Ic' S eal of Nottlm Ciuuetlitma , 'I ttz , 'tOe ; Seal , i N * irtiu Carolina , 2 az. , ISe ; 0 , k. hur1iatn , 4 ci , , , 2c ; 0. F. littlmnt' : , 2 cit. . , kc ) ; Uncle N ed , J's 2 Ic ; 'l'omn mute ! .1 etry , t28e. itmt.il 1'ctluAt''O-Climtla'c , t0e ; Ilimi unit , fiOc ; h iuiusoslmoo , ' 18e : Star 'lBc ; Ilemibly , I Ic ; lien- tt tV'i. 'ISet hilitek. :11h10c. : II lMl1lAUG 11 , M IltlUAM & CO. , l'tmouterr ums Ijsutms 1m.si'Atons A. .tsm' II. re ecliers nut ! utfmlpwusof gnalumOmtiicliaNei' , Also liuty mu tt sell gralut alit itrou Isloitit out umtungfns , hi New \'ork ( ' luleago Mliauttukctt , 4t. I.oitIit nual Teile4ii. tc tt'griuilu fscllltlo , , lit ottleet , Market re.orti. rc'eli. o l eucry tttret ( mutmititci , iuiilclt te iltiIiituit.tu on imp. li lItatlOit , toet her it lilt our mepceli.i rfneimlar , Imiilleat. it ig the tetitleutcy of Limo Iiiarl.cts. ( ttiit'cm oermien of I l ijilgituM motif 18th stutwL Eititlill4icti ISO. jiittf ) mule SllE\\'AI11C NO'i'ICE. ytit i. It Itorely gh cut to time e'wumer or owuieu.c . cite I h o itilloim ItiK tlesriIcii $ trten1y ; slitmato I , , thu el ) it t ( luitititmi , e'uimmtv , of Ioimglas ) nit , ! , titto itt Seitniuska , li t i'titt.t rime itlijit milks lii rrtimitof niull atijolultig saute 'I ltitlmm ultm temu ( 15) ) ilavit from the 2 I t lift ) of % tugiist A . I ) , ISi. iiul'l slilceiuiks to lie coitstrmuettai Iii neetirtlautce ii lIlt lIiImts nitil itt't'lI1i'ittttiut't tilt lIfe lii lItc timtlet of iit he iltarit iii i'imllt''nrk' , ) . , uuilti iii nnlti.ilnnt'c , s lIlt n cstiltmt , muctiIitei ity I tic city ctiuiiicll if atti cmty , J ttfy 31st . 'i. I' . isi. : su1lElVAiiM Mt ilK m'it'.sTlmtLlKm' . ittts L , (1 ( , .v s , mmiii tim shut of I lit Islumi SL , iii ii.wk , ' i7 ; O It idle. 1,1'1 I I , 2 , 8 & 4 , south sIte of NItluolas St. , lit Iiloi'I. li la Iii It ii tile. 1.ol it I , 2 , 3ie 1 , tiotitit si.Iu of Nlluiti.ii it. , 1mm lilitk lm i7 - - cm mt su Itle. Ltitt , ) , 2 , 8 & a , soiimfm itlile of Nklmolas St. , lii liock 1 ( 11110 II 'tItle. Ititit I , 2 , 8 & 3 , titttmtli slile of NIcholas St. , iii iIitck , i ntl-c tt iililo. Iots I , t' , 8 & .1 , tiotitli itlilo of Nicluilaa St. Iii block 11 )11-6 ) ft itlite. I.ots I , 2 , : i & I , utotutim itltlo of Niclinlait SL , Iii lilnek 11 13-a ft % tile. 1.ot , . I , 2 , : m & .1 , miotmtlm utlilo of Nlclutlas St. , lit block I omi-o : ft itliLe. Mmii N it AmmimTmcCt 1tttti I , li : , 2 , ii vL ittilo of llii St. , iii blili II. ) - ( I f t ii lle. iitt , 1 , 'h ! , 13 & I I Went sub at 1UiiSt , In block m--O ft itItl , lttts 1 , 2 , im : & U n est stile of Hltig i4t , , lii liloek 4 - I ft liIe. 1t.tit I & 2 , ii cot itlo itt Eltug SL , lit Itltteli 36 Ii It Itli' . i'AittKti' $ AilmliTt ( ) . lots I & 2 , 'ucit smlo of Klitt St. , Iii lilitek 111-U ft ' it itlu. iiimJ.TZItiI Amilluluox. L..t.t I & 2 , itest stile of loUt St. imu itlock I IIi I ft it Ide' Iits I south stile of hiavemipont St. , lii blitek 78- Oft iii mil'S'Au.iiM : lii iii : itucm'.o iieui. Ittii , 11.1 : tI , uit.rtli tilt ) ii of I titit neil St. , tim Itloik 151. Lots t , east itltle I , ! I 2t1t SL , Itt IIiek , I 5 ! . JAMES CIIEIUIIl'N , mimic 13 _ _ Iwfltalrinaum IiiianI I'mtlillo 'orks , P ROPOSAI4S F ) U U1'I'Y PUINT- INU. 'I IALI1t I'liOl'OStl.14 sIll be nerelucil liv the imum I iltr'lRuietl buIlt 12 o'clock ultiomi , ilattirilay. A mmgiott 18 , 1t3'C , fun itnluitlmiit of the L egal ? otIce of the cIty of ( ) t'malia , tntiumt unto of t ituitnict to tIme mtiI cit tlit Irescuit iiscnl ) citn ctiillmig J mmly I , ISS I. Salt ! ItItis shall Itti acuilTttliattlcil by the mi ltiutes tif thu limIt seth tiitrtty ittiti , Itt time ovemit oh a lt mirth ti it citmitract , ii III enter tutu a iioutih utItli ( lie ct It ) of I ) iitalia for the trite hturfiintuiamttu tif utalil tiut t ract. 'tutu cIt3 nuserveit thu nIght tit reject auty mutt ) a ll lililit. iumt eloiet ; , t'nuitaliilig : saIl linolosals or iilil shall It o uteinkeil ttl nnit4als for i'rhutthiug l.egai Notlcvit , ' n uiil iulihrcssod ti. titti eummileritlgmitil. J , J. I. . (3. JiWGTr : , uu , r loOt CIty Clerk. I 'ItOPOSA LS FO I t S'I'A'J'I UNit lt.Y , SUI'I'I4IES AN ) ) 15ItINTINI. ( c t.i.ii : : ) i'lt ( )1mSAIH ) ) % 'hl.l. 1i1 II icEi : Vil I li' l J the tmtmilcrstgtteil imuitll 11 It tti. ltiuithny Aiigiu.t2Otli Io 5.l1 , fun fimruih.lilitg the hinicril , il Eth umcimtloum of tlieelfy o f ( ) tiialia itItli imelm sLut , stuj hOes itittl uclitlutu li lt ltiflv hii neilimlreth f.r thu umse of the cit3 scliiiihi , tl imrhmig tIme euisiilii year. I'roosimtit ; ttt lit , cihilirsciI ; lOilit for fimnum isltlmmg ittit I I iiuiiiry iutiti biilihillt'14 iittth ills for lirhuitlilut. 'hitu hiuamii resort cit time nIght. to ueject any tin till Ii lIs. , lb enter of the iloanil of I : il iteatloum. 14tJL tIlAll. CON0'0iI , So.'y. SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. fINCORPORATED. ) T1il coummpcmuty lit ttitw lit0liart1h ti , rci'ctv onIons for IOUX F'AI.LS JAH'Fhi ( 8I'ON ) , for Building Purpoe , A mmil ii Ill make fltures atm riumnil liitiu tot promhit dolly' er' , 'hue coumiliau y hit tIltIlililumS . . . .J Paving Blocks o lietli ( lilcagr , auth Oiasiia , auth solIcIts correspomith . utt.u nuih unItes frituut ctiimtrmictiirs vmmgaeil hum ayhuig mr"cts lit itity of ( lie wcntterum eltlu. ' 1lshJSIONIMH : , IlmIXkiNTr.'ttiR51' $ ( levier. , ChiItao , % Yest Jiy- ) hsiimi flaIls 53 , Chileugim leceuiilier 5 , 18e2. , l8silh , l'reitlhemit SIoux l'ahls 'ater I'tscr ( Jijurm ftui3. I PeAK Sm mm : I have rcccli cii front ytimr , Citimil iiit h iico I let tiiicr I lM2 , ttlii ott its ) citrlttails iii grimmilte St I uK lilotk mimI limii ii hall thieiut licttt'veit thu raIls ii imr struet riulliumiy trucks lit the heart cif thu elf ) . I at em liermi umaluig hOi log mimimtemlah him thilit city fur , iu&mm tiir , mitch I take Plcmestt ro hum sa liii ; t limit hut muty opIum iii time graiiltu huimt ltii ; htlockti fuurmth.littI by mtiir e.ium iy mire tlsu lutist rttular 1mm lumjiu imutii lentuct lii im mti , aim ! as tsr iii , I hint o hiecum mililo to J ililge , ui i , , , tst.Nsvtt mit am tlmrailu , feature as any mnaterltui ( hut t at vu or hicoti otforcil or haItI tim the city. Yell , , , , JA8. 11 IAlC. ( Ct.ty.1 i.e bent , Ilarclm 23 , ll WhOM II' % IAY ( XCiltN- ) 'thIs t.m certIfy tltitt I iut , uuautmluieth a l.lcco ci ruimttu takeim fri.mm , thu Shone l'alhs ( irisumito Limau rho , iiil , hit im'y ' Ithihti , It 14 thu best ttttmu fur stt tot has ii : I imiu seemj lii Auimerlca ( Siguicil ) 1IONILY F1.AI ) 1'io. Iioanl h'ulillo hutihim ot mtiumtts. Sfoiio for Paving Purposes. A ad ammy heruI hmiterotoil hut itticli lumihinos ciimeuit ill fImmil It greatly tim itI a.liaumtago ( ii citummmmttmuiliat i htim us. We hmthto corrvtoadeutct , out thu sitliject. 'Ilmu guttural itiamiaeutiCtmt utumil Mupert lithium of toe u oummpauiy. buslumess Is umow hut time Itmitids of Wet. Mc . ialtu. ' , ddrciits your lottori to A. C. SENEYII Inl.imi&otf Pros , oflasper Stone Co Qranit Ironwai'e. " If' ' 1D ZPOtLINO. DARING , I . .1) J.'li DOILINO , PIIESISflV ± NG , / ) ' \ . LIGHT 1IANISOME. [ S . WIIOLiZSOME , DURABLE. . . s'-s.4 The 1et Wai'o Made l'oi' the icitclteii. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TIlE ' : it/ STI LOUIS STAMPING OOMPANY , SI. LOUIS , Foil . liy 1J gtov , jIllc1taji1 { , ] 1 llollffl1lJ1jhjllff Poa1c11. r"BURLINGTON } ( OUTE"l ( Chicago , Burlington Qulnoy Inllrond. ) ; ' . ' * ' . ' tN . 'L. , . H r. , St . M jk4L IC - . " J" . . . , ' f s ' : _ " " . -d ' ' . - ' I " ' \ ' ' ' ' ' , t z'h _ ¼ " r\ : : ? . ' ' . . ; - ; : ; . .s : ' : - s ri ? . j.i - 0' 5' , . " sti.4- , ; .a ' 'w- ; , . - ' " . " . - - - - I - ' - ' 1" . : * _ COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. Elegauit Iay Coimeltes , l'anlor Cars , with Iteehln $ ollit TraIns of Elrgutmit Day Voaches aumd I'mmil imlu : CImuilr ( iteats tree ) , iltmtohelmig Cars , with Ito nutui I'alacn Sleephmig Cars tine run daIly to amid nolnhrig Chtmilrs L'ullunan Pahiteti ShecphnE Cars mimiit front St Loiths , vhS himmumnlbah , Quihney , Keoktmlc , time fammmotms C. ii. Q. Ihmilng ) Cars nm tInIly to toil lli'rllngton , Cs'tlmir itmiplds tint ! Altiert Le to SI. frouti Citk'go t Kautsa , ; City , ChIcago ( 'emmett h'tuml and Mhuiaeapolhs : I'anlorCorsivftlt ReclInIng l ltimitts , Chicago .t lce ) Molmitne ( 'Iitcago , St. jet Cimalni to mutt frotn SI. tools and I'corta and to I ccpit , Atciilsoti t 'Fopeka. On1) ' thmu'oimght hInt , ito nuud front St I.otth * mimi Ottetmwn , Only one l twt't'tm Chihcitms , Lhmtcolmi , flennc'r Tltroughm emits change of cars between St Louts nail lIes letwct'mu Imittlatuapolk . C imncll hllitfTtt via 1'eorla Moines , bums , Llmicolum , Nebraska , anti Denver , l AO eoumuieutlouis mmrntlt In Uumhon iepolil. it is Coloratlo , I kmmwmt as the groatTlillOCOll CAlL LINE. It IS utihiersatly admItted to be the I Flnott Equipped Rnllrond In the World for all CIaaos of Travol. 1'O1'1'1lt , lit Vlco.i'rva'Lanmt Gem' ) Manager PE1LCEVPiL LOWELL , Gen Pass. Ag't , Chicago , _ _ Boiler aii Sheet Trait 'Workg I OMAhA , . . - . - - NEBRASKA. Iltillil miii IilmaI cit Steamui . licheN , Suiiiiko Stacks , lireccitirug l.mtril , Vaten nuid Oil Taimkti , and tb Ia gcncr Iilato.lroum htimsiitess _ Itepalulmig ehme In CIty aumii Coummtry , All iiork Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I Sccouiiiliaumil Itollens itlIl ho kept.amm itanil , itavimig itiul uumauty years experloncelmu limo tnatlo In dIfferent iante tif ( lie miimuttnv I aiim comtfluleuit I omit g1iu , atlsfaetlttiu , imathiu tIme liest shop tomil toiIs hut tlio Stato. Shop eon. Illtiumiumtii'lcrccStrcets. J. M. WILSON Proprlotor. J. H. CBSOIJ , CARRIAGE ANP V1MON llflCTORY C0ILNIlIaT\vr.LtTlIANoIIoWAltD : I liP till. - - - - - - i'amtlcimlrmr nttommtlon lion to rem a1rln. Rnthitoctcc mitratmtcotl , : , 1LL & II A Medical Lispensary I Offices and Parlors Over the new Omaha IationaI Eank,13th , , Between Farnam and Douglas Streets. OMAHA , . - . NEBRASKA. A. S. FISIIBLATT , IV ! . Ii , PROPLETOR. SPECiAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF TI/BOAT AND LUNGS , CATARRIKIDNEP AND BLADDER , All FC1ll1O Bicaos , as 1e11 a all Ohrllio an llrious Biscascs , ' : IDFL. I I ii : : i "Ill III f'hIas mlhscyorocI tliefrrottcat cure hut the world fur wcakumei , of the back &ad lImbs , Involentany dlscharge lumaitittuimcy , guuternl'dmibmllty umorvommiuluit. , lamiguor , confuhomm of Idene , IialplLioum 01 the hmiiart timidIty trt.'umilithttg , llutuimet , itt utlglu or ghdillumotts diseases of ( Ito imeail , throat nose or .khn , ffect1oumim o ( lie lIver iummgs , stoumiacli sir litiwoli-timoemi terrIble Imabltit minlititig fruit solItary Imablt of youth , and secret practIces there fatal to tue vtctIia ( limit thu ouugs cit Syrens to the mnarlmiorit of Ulyses , bllghtiag theirnioet rsdtaa hmohtea or aumthciltatheute , rouiderhng lutarrlago Iutihtntttmhblo. CauithtiI 'ihttotltataru ( , , .utrerlumg frummi tue evil tractIccs hlc1t destroy theIr mmiemmtah 1and phyitcal rystemi NEII.VOUS DEBILITY , ' FIme aymptouims of wlmlclu are a dimil , diittrciimt.od umilmmml , wlmmc } , ummtlts thumit for ertormImmg theIr bue1nes &nd socIal duties , ummakuit Itauipy uuiarrtago htmi1iossfl.Ie dIstrosse the action of tlio imeant , causln ifiushe. of he& deltretishor , tif shiIrIt , evjl furulx.clhtigt , , cttwardce , feats ' clruammiti , rostlesit nhftts , dlzzhtttiu , fougetfu1umes itmiltatitral ellitchmargos , Italmi Iii tIme back aimil Iili , simort 'brcatlmhuig , utictaitcImol ) ' , ( Ire easIly of coUihamiY hmasu ltroferunco to ito imloumo , ti'chlimg as tIred lum them mutiinmlng as sttmeut rotInhn , soumihumal weakimus lost man' hood , tilto liotmo tlCIoil ( hit ( Ito urhtmo , aorvoiisnoiitt , confumimloum cit thought trvtnblluig , watery imuid weak lyittesila . , cAtctlhiatiom , lialoutees , ) ihtt atith wcuakmmesa him tlmo lltmib , , etc. , 8f1Outi comtult mime lnmmnedtateiy anti I.e restored tim vnIuct hualtim. YOUNG MEN VIto lotte iiumtuuio slctltuis of solItary ylco , that dreadful anti destructive habit wiatca nautnaihy wceps an mmmithmiiely gnus et timittmsaumil uI mitmuig uncut of oxaltuil ialnmt nuid bnIIlIault Intellect who mIght ot.horwhi ontrammeu lmi.tuumhmmg seimator , whim timu tliuuidert , , of theIr w".lt full ctnhhileIiCO eloihimojmetm or imtku toccatacy thei htilmig lyre , mmiaycal M1itIuA(1 : E. Ittarricti iwrituis or oumtt uuiL'n etiuituinplatluim iimmmrrhau I.e atearo tif iIiyitlcitl sieakumes lou of vrocreatlve pitsor , huuihttitemmey , tin aumy mitlmcrdlstiuihlhlcathtmm speicillhy rehluvuiL lIe ohio iilacus lulumitrf uumdur ttmo care o I ) r , ilehllilatI. uminy rellgluimi imtik 'ii ' hum hIs hitumitr . h.h.Hicmtlum . . , y as ii gouttleuimamm , autil cu.uflitcuitly rely upoum his skIll as O1tCiiNAL WEAKNESS InmiuteillatcIy cmmroI ammO vlgtir rmottiireil , 'Jiil .hltrcniluig ahllletlomt.-etlch ) reumders life a burilemi an item rrIao lumititsslli1e , Is t itouualt haIti itt tlimm ilethimi fitr hmumhiroltur hmidtmleiieu Voumig I.eolo tire apt to cotmiumilt uxcotous frumim Immit iohum mutate oh thu dnuaIfiml Ctiiistlihli4tmO ( limit may eimbUe Zion' ( who tha mtmidertttautils tluls subject still 11dm ) ' ( hint lirocratlout Is lost soitmmer by thmiisu falllmi Into imr.iropur imabtti than 1Y lirimiletit ? Ituslihos iilmig tleLtrhteih , of the Il0ttmru of hicaltlmy 4iIfitithitgs thu iuioat bcrlomit , amid tlotructtve ' : , muihittiumis of Itotti hotly aid umil lId arlitu. 'I Ito syst cia liecttmiie iIctaiivtt , the iIiytilesl imuid uiummtai fumictiomis us miaketi , I.iiss of Jirticroatlso liQuors , umurvoums InabIlIty , 'I HJitihoiItd , InlPltaLlOmt of thu heart , lumdhguittlomi , Co stltutlonal Iluthhlt ) , siasthiim of thu tramummu , eimtuEht , Comtitittiilitlomt ueumil death. 4 t CURE \VAItRANTED. i'iirsotmit rmmlmmutl hut ImealUm by uitIoarmm I lirjtuumi ursulmo kucItmmumnAtrllIIhmiiunthIifLer month akIn I summeus amid huiJmirhousomnpeuui h , stt jull imlilily tmmmumiiillat ily. DR. FIS1IBI4AIIVIi , gra.ltiato of otto of the ummoittuuimlmtuui ( colleges of thu UnIted State , , ims eUucteil some of the most astonish. lumi : cttrva thimmI. miru utir kuiowmt' immaumy troubled sultht rlmi'hutg lit time oarsaumd heath , stliummmt.sboop , great umerlohmsuiwis , ( memmig mmlarmimodmct eurtimlum suttuitl , , whtim Iroihuummt utimusimluig , attended sotmiutluit , sultim derange. ummurit of ( Ito mmmlinl ' .t ecu ctmrcjij hmumumiuttiately , 'I'AICE PARTICULAR NOTICE , hr 1' . nililressos mill tIloso sIte hmiive luijurud thiummotelvca , by immttropor humdelgonce amid solitary Iiab1t suhich rnlmm both lmisiy mimmil multi , ] , tmmmhtthmmg titeimi for bmmItiuis , , etmidy , society or marrIage. 'Ihiesu are siiuuiu of ( liii imiuhaitclmuly eitict ItnotiiiCih by time early habit , of youtiu , viz ; YVeakneu of the Itack antI llmumhis , hmahutS hit tlmohuath aunt dItmumus. of sIght , louof nmuitcular power , italpltation of tIme heart , dyspejisla , nervous Irritability , dur.immguummuumt 014 dIgestive fuutctlons , debIlity , consumhttion. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVEIL 'I'IIE OMAhA NAJPIONJth BANK1 OMAHA' NEBRASKA. CONSIJIIFA'rlON F1Ia. ! Cimarge , muuoeluntctu anti witlilum 'time roach , f all who uteed scieumtLfto11udIe troatmumuuit , 'Vimi.iitu uvhiu rosidu at a dltaumccj autd camt.fOt call , WAi EeOc ! ) U 1)eunhitt attetmtlomm Imrough ins ! ) b HlutiiiIy semmdlutg theIr syummttoumtm itlmpostago. : Addtwmi Luck flex 114 , Ommusima , blob , _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ 4/