- ( - - - _ - . . - - - - - - - - p - - - - - - - ( 2 TIIEDAfLY BEE---WEINESDAY , AUGUST 15 , 18h3. . _ _ _ - - j = : : : - I AN' HZALTH cFWGMA c1rATZC THE HO r flACd ) ' : : i % I 6 ' ; , L gg4- . - 14.'L ' ' I .a'c.A ' VA E. PNKHA - - VGTAMi coot. -4--- Cur. COT nil vMAT4U : 'S8fl \.1s41 : , Tncltacllug t.cuenrrh"n , 3 to1111nr miii z'nrui ; 1cntrnn if cn I lnilarniutlon nn1 Ulcernilon nr tl , TiiIp , Jiooitfrg , I'ZfO. , t S LtFSIJ8 urix : , : c. . rr1cijatit to to t3tO. cflt.cIou Lid tlI.Y i , tter& : ct. 1tRn ; reLI.t'ptn ) tflMC7 , .y. pain dnrfn fatorirI a ii ikr riu iuq % s1 IT A.t ) I'fli ( nu. r . crroa AU. WCAtSF. C ti.o gnritth t. nr' . tIj. l Z , : t L cojigi to oo r my th.t L. . . ' 0 I tUre the publt l n.nl tur aU t.fint' ) )4 ) nfl.I U .s the GrafrsS rtintIv ( i lha vflifNECOMPLATn'rsofttlfl : ! , 4 FInd ( rcit 1cIIc(1i , jt. fo. ; "A F ; . ! ' 1NtIt'tM't3 fltftj ) ) iiinrr I.tdIcto Ttr y nittir ut IIiwti 1n ? t I I I1I At1' t Ufl ( ' fli g1 ' tflfl 1 fl'I III tIVI 1 II.yI,1 , A IflaIUit.tn Ic14tt.I c.otlie ( : .mjv' : rIi , u lILA COIO1fldCJ1I1 IUOt ) ' % r ie irtd it U M..I Wcttm vcnue , l.nn , Mm ? 1 , t ? Ithtr , 1. Stx,3ttlei'ror c. ernri f iert b7 mMI lu the form o oi t ? too n'i , .t ) t 01 mr lox tor clthrr. Itr. 1't q tnwen. oil ILer1 ot In'V'1'7. ' : ncio' ptr. ) seu : roi .ft'hlL V4ntiol4 i1t flipe ? . I xIfl& . t'TXXIIA'L1Y7fl ThtT ur t'iv $ , i L s iIIIuitnointtTot1LdIt7 Cr Iho Ltcr O-'ofi h.v nil 2)ri ) Jti BEWARE OF c0UNTERFEIrS , . - An exceIlcntnppetIzlntonIC of - - exqnletto flavor , hoW tICl Over the i c- -4 . - - vIiuIo WUiIf. curce IypepIa - 1)farrtura ) , Vcvcr nI(1 : Agno and nil j : 1lwrdcr ( iftfit if"cftivo Jrgnn , 41 A fuW lropn fmntrt a doIictom r : l1avortonjIaocbnmpngne and ; - 1 L : to nil , uninier drlnk5. ! Fry iut 1 . beroofcoUntrrfcit. Ark tour : - driiggIt tot tim ucnutno grocer or t U - . atticle , mnniitactnred i)7blL .1. ; . i. b3IEUEItP & 80N8. J , w. Y1PPERMAIIH , Sole Ageni SWCIIQT I. 3. V. IIANtO ! , 2grrvaA DITT ; Broadway. N. Y. IT I . regular gratluato In DIII HENDERSOn. i iiicdlcitw. Over i 6OOaiIO)3VvnniIottoSt. ; ' I ycar ? vractIco-tvcio In KAN8AS i1TY , MO. ChIcago. Autliorizoil hy the tate to trca , k Chronic , Ncrvou cniI 1rIvato dIaca.ci , w ,4 Aathiia , EiIIepy ' itficuinathni 1'IIc , Tn1o Worn , , t1r'nary ai , ! t4tdn iis. . cac' . hcnIaI , ; Woaknca ( iiigiit . . , . . fcxtiaI Debility ( Ions uf , oxtai puwor ) , guaraiiteol O ( moTity rcfiiiiiloti. CIiargc . low. ThouaantiH of ca.ci curuJ. No InJnrloua mciii. cimio furnIaliwieccu to , a mc ( lictance. ( iiiti t nittIon frea ammil cniflt , oimtialcall or srItu : ago and cxicrIcfico arc 1cm iirtftIt. , d ihOi for liuth soc- flhiisr.ttei1-niid clrcuiar , , it other thing. brmlt coalci toi two 3 cent t.amIIps. FlU:1 : MtfliUM mu ci coI.w . I Have Found It I . . . Vt , the mgclammiMioii of a loan iimon ho got a boo of Itirua life ( ) Intnmcmmt , which Ia a alnmplo aimi mmllrc cu.ro for I'IfcM and all Skimi Piacaoo. 1 ify ccmit by I mail , potpald. The American Diarr/iwa Cure , M' ' IIM atool tha toot for tvcnty ycara. l3umro corn for 1i. Navur Fall. IIarrhaoa , lyocntary , and Che ! raMomIu. J Pall's ' Fcor aii Ano Tollic & Carial : J It to lmnpooclilo in supply thu rapid male of thu mumo. 8t3Iti CUIU WAitILNTF.D :4 : I'or Furor miiJ tgt1o , omit all MaiarIal trnublca. ifticE , $1.00. ij w.J. WHTEHOUSE bAilOtLT)1W ) , 11i WV. , 4)3IA1IA ) , Nl1t. For Sale by all Druggists Or ixtIrl411 : . ! ) Of prko , , n&,41 I G. W. ROSS , M. D. , Physician & Surgeon OVFICi-.iU1'i1 AND WI1lSTIi ST. IVHITE1IOUSES' DRUG STOItE 001cc 01cm , nil liourim tiny and night. Calls attemidem to iuth f' and commrmtr ) . - 1..S1ITH , Expevt Book-Keepe A Practical Ilook.koepcr ocr thirty ycaro. Wil ' attomid to $ . ( lvmmIuig and Cloalmig iiookm IitLlimcaO macmm can mM U their ionic ! Icpt lMatcIl u nicely at otmmali opcnao. Vm'ili write U i uvciuiiig ate rcturmm books Iii inoritlng m Imeti . ( lIi co In tttct1tin anti turniaimc Ituatlon , , . All vork couf dentiaL nmi'pici : . iri n flflhTflTA'4 ' STil-r. , : ; ntf hA Jr _ _ _ ll . o ; ; v = - : n- -I : ' ' ; , - ; -I . _ - j C. 4 , n : x - - = . $ ' -I m a = ; : : . = . - :4 711 e . I-fl111 w * ) ; rwtra.d 0. ' = ; : 21 0 _ _ s4.fl' ; = 0 W1T' . * r : : = lI4..I. ; ) , % fl.v 1 : ; - VG 77 , ! ; C ) - : . a' . er1r6z' C , t : . . 0 F - - f.Y : . ° . r- : . . $ . ( . . : c.W fn , - . 7' 1 . fl. , . ; v-S1 _ r . , ra 1 O - ' ° ' i- . ; ; ; ' - . r = . : u C ) g = n rt.i - ; D. < ! = : a. -4 , . 7- 0 - C ; wz ? ; , - . - t , h : ° 1 3. _ "p riL -V 0 ? P 9 - . , . = . - - - - - - ' - , - i ( - - - - - SANTA FE. A city Yhoso Ps1 is of Qrot Iii- tcrcstThc Gathc(1r81 ( Bull 300 Ycars go. 1'citiIitr l'cnJIc , Vimn ) ' ( 4 mnomig Itmilitit itmimi It(1ICM'-1)tiMkp Ii'ii % lezm atul 1103's Iii Hum' . Corrcl'oflhIct1co of the Ietmcr ) Nas SANTA FR N. M. , Aug. 8 , 1883.-Did you o er 9k the ftnd linger 80 bug illni(1 ttitmiblo ( hwh1 old nulls tlutL you began tn feel tts if you vere yourself ' of ilend ? If ' a reprcsoiitath'o ages 3'Otl have inidorgonu tins forturo you will be able to nimimrecito our feolfiigswheii tired niitl tlusty , with weary eyes and aching 111111)3 VC drngetI liotel.wnrds , after "doiiig" Santa 1 c , the ? tlecca of tourirtt8 who i cviii iii flhlti(11i0 things. I'orlinpa it is very lCflOflCial for vcoitn , at lCrLIht once in a life time , to inaho in pilgriiiiago to it % ' c01n1)oSed of ruins nut ! relics ; but it is imiost dreadfully wearying , anti last evening wlioii we returned to tlio hotel we felt as if we liaI lived a few htindrctl years , mid bright , actiro , go. ahead 1)onver HCUl1iCl a 11)1mg way oil' . Santa Fe is a city not of the Prosolit or future , but of the past. I'OJlIe do itot tell you of what they arc doing , nor of what they are going to do , lhit over and over ngaiii yuo hear of what was away back in thu fifteenth and sixteenth ccitt' utica. After a little this sort of timing rows wearifionlo to the average Antor- mean , v1to prefers the now to time olti , but for a short time it scouts % 'cry good to drop out of time hurry and confussion of a nimmotcentit century city and find yourself in a place that speaks plaltily OIL all ititieti of its antiquity. Time lintel is about time ( hilly thing that it ; not old , aitd sonic of time iatitlit are altogether too ancient for time comfort of time guests. Time first place timat the tourist hears of and cotiseqtieiitly the first place One starts forth to see is the cathedral of San Miguel. 'rite tnost credulous cannot doubt timat time building is old , dirty and tuiiillo.dowii-a regular ruin. The sign On the door , ' 'Ititig time 1)011 twice for LImo uslmer. AlImussioIl , 25 cents , " is time only immodorn timing one sees. 'rime bell is rung and a youth , J. A. Atmclmotn , ( time bright- it atiti timost wide awake 1Ioxicaii wo have scoim , ) iinmlcca lmis appenrancooclets ) time quarteis , tisimors you in 511(1 hegitis his story. You ore informed that. time hell you Jmavo rung vas made in Spain in 13l ( ; . lt9s a good ioimg while ago , but it is old looking and cracked etmougli to give a roper coloring to time story. AimcimeL' informs you timat tIme cathedral was erect. ed in 1fi82 , ( leatroycl by time Intlitinsand restored in 1710. TIme gallery and several of Limo beams arc frommi time original build. ing erected 801 years ago. The cathedral is of adobe ; it looks as if a good , hard would tumble time dirt right dowim , bitt it imas stood the sternum of cemituries. ilmo uxtormr lrcselmLs the appearance of being little better tlman a dirt hut , but time interior is mitore interesting. 'ihore iii atm ( ld confessional ititeti in 1710 , amid One fuchs a sort of reverence iii looiciimgat the tiny cull wimicli Immis iistomlcl to thu poiiitoitts of centuries gone. Diii they do foolish , wic1ctl ( lOCal as (10 time immimab- itamits of time earth to-day ? I t scouts hardly - ly lOsSihitY. 'I'imoio is a sort of hole iii Limo wall , a I ) lacu not high emmougit for a door , imor is it it wiitdttw , pormg into it , 3011 itee tmat it buds iiih , it low , dark roomim , amid your gililti himfotmns OU timid. hero it was that time dead wore duptmsited during service. 'I'tiri m ing funim this raLlier gloommmy simltject , lie picks uim It iumrdy.gui dy timid liuImtres ) Li , intake ii IttMt awful noise , uniti tells you timmLt tltmtiuig 11013' veok this is tiseti instead of time aitcien' . hell. Around Lime altar arc I tiettires of all ngea , ti , of which , you arc mimforimmeti , nie betweumi kix muid nine imimmi dreil years 01(1. 'lIme buikliimg its mint gull. orally tiscil for service until it is mrobahmie that it will ho kept as itlomig as possible Without 1C1)aIVS. It is interesting outouigh to lopay Otto for it lung amid tetli ims trili. 4 % . . tutu school for boys moot time commvout for yoiiitg WummOll are close at Imniul in fine I btiildiimgs itrrounded by queer old gmtr . domma , 'itlIcd iii by bight brick or mulobe I fences. ( luimig froimi . time hotel to tIn i cathedral you pmtss Limrougim time 1)1(1 quar . Lur which is ItLiti ( mitt after a fasimioum ru . immarkable for its stntrtiimu' origina1iLy . L 'Fimure do mint scout to Ito itumy streets nun all wor the whole cii ) ' it is dillicult to tel wimun you are on the sidewalk or out saute body's gutllury , amid if particular care i I umttt used you timid yourself wmuidurhmg inti 1 - a back yard. Doors nutd windows are 01)011 lutlf time thou intel uveryt1miim wears a sort of fmee and easy air . If in T'Icxicaut woinhtui sues you lookini : I curioimsly at her mulube dwelling imimi L I , throws omt her door and bids you uitet . hospitably timoy ollbr you. None are to I I. i)0r ) to do that. Yet they are a quec sot , thmemmo ISiexicans. Thu womnon wra 1 it shawl , tisumihly a 1)1110k onoaround , titci iiwtds , and time niucim talked of beauty e simmuiar iluapury voiui by thu liIuxiea i seumoritas 1mm l st sight of when time mitsui Liiha is a dingy olti shimwl ititti time tliiii : uycti S1miiuiisim titaitluim iS a old hag. 'I'lio vury chmiidrcmm tue old- evuiyitotiy it timed , time eimildroim mmmc bar tiied , and ' 0hi cannot get immforumumttio fioumi 1111) ' 0110. 'lucy ' are mill poli Lu eitoiigi I but thu probability is if ymmum' imuquirics ii ) iIuiru Ioumg muuawums your iumfoiimmant vi qim to alcuim before lie hulLs told you all yo want to know. 'l'iiu ? ilexicnmm , both time , ttttl V)1titiil , (11(11) ) tIOVIt ( lit tIme tmideval ( if theme hmtmmpeims Li ) 1)0 ) meumy ) iii time stree' ' I 01. ( HI the tl)0istCI ) . 'l'Ite 1tmuiio lou veaty , outly li0V umid thou uflmowi iig aim I itimmt iou euiotiglm to ki ek. I t caummot I I the chiimtumtu , for time air it cleat' umutti bra I lug. No one neutummi to kmHW uxmtct I what is time ummattum' , but evoryluody weir m I sort of iistless , drenmmmy imit' . 'l'lmo ummajority of tIme 1mloxieuums do um IVimk , imummi yet timu ( ) ( ) ) assure yr ) they immmvo jihunty of niommoy , 'lucy gal : i bie a great dciii and luilmuLls mmtiicii of ti flhtil ) ' lucre itt used mtovv' iii thoU vim ihmuttii F'U is ummost hi'uiy at ttigimt. Ci t imutalu lit ItilmYcti lit limo snlonims , gLttmtllii loOlimit 1m10 im'i iliSit thy I ighted Imp , ii ion ni % ) .oimtulm samiimtem' miii mmd tlui'ii time stioc mud until host umuidnigImt time movul 'is ho UI ) , 'limora tire s'er' few bmmildimmga wimicim um iooticumm ot' imtmuttlitoimitm. 'lime , hmomit'3 I time imtoitt halt are built atommimit a tim mmii opeui court or llmm'.itmm hi time cc tur , 'l'liu iulbo wails ore very thick , am time houses imru duIigimtfully cool in simi miter mmml eoimifortabiy wmitumi in thu wint 'Lime ci1iii. ate lmny , numd in mmmaumy imommt time ltoori arc rotigit nun uumovomt. i'Iai I of time garde'mma are Ioamitifimi.fruit tre ticolmis to grow flimuly , amid ummmiimuro orciiumrds imro scull around time city. ' 1' l imisimoji's gardeum it omtu of tlmtt beummutil aimml iimtcre.tiimg places witicim is visited iucariy all tourcstd , iiumd time cathedral St. Yrmmmmeis is a 1)15cc not to be muegiecte Jioro lila ) ' be scuim time ohtl imimmi the umu 'J'iio old building 160 ycar old i huh i tom'ut down and built over by a splutid StOlID structure. Otto very strammgu tImi i about time umow buiitliiig is that over l hOW portal I time Hebrew word Jell0) ) - - A priest % Vlm ( ) lusq travlod much in Europe , 551(1 ito luover bcforo scout imor heard of a Catholic cimurcli with a lloimros' in.crip- titil , This new edifice will ho vcr , ' imanil. solute nimd t1tiit it rohief to time tourist , s'imo sees cihti timing ummtii , as a hurigiut yomimtg lady expressed it , cite niinost feels tito moss grow over timonu. Ituhiauis are to ho scemi ott time street ovary day. Not tim noble red umuan of 01105 iinaginntioii , bitt time dirty , unisor' able spociiimelts of real iifo. Few of them speak English , html if you ask timein the vrico of time wares they sell , they caui Ibid picmmty of ways of letting you know , all about time IflPgaiit wimicim will briuug timorn Limo whmoruwitimal to lumrditase fire vatcr altitaW dry oriunments. Their dress us a sort of ummixture. They voir pauitsaumtl souitetitnes coats , but citimor in cap , sash or a scarf they show timat time love for gay colors is still natural to titent. They have lecomno cis'iliaed oimougim to cimargu good rommimd 1)rcc ) for nih thicir wares and derive a chose bargalim. Tiunro is quite a large liudinit village about ten miles from Santa Pu. Fort Marcy is one of time coummaratIvuly mnomlurn tlmiuugt of Sumuita 1e. Only one rcgiiuiuimt is i1umauLerud Lluumo umow aiml timoy seemut to he taking life very easy. 'I'imis lulornhlug at il o'clock time cavalry drilled , and at I ) tlmere was a dross tmtr- ado , but it is not iutIrolallo ) that time boys iii blue Iiiml titito iimiutgsiueavily upon their imeads amid itotte tiiimcs tlmey so far forget their cotuimti'y as to ittduigu in a lively Ilirbmtiaum viLim Limo femmunic tourists v1ic , mite imuro to.tlay but gone Lrm.nuorrow. For oven soithiorit are only 100r weak itmeum , amid everybody known imow seductive brass bmittoiuim alwayt pro'o to rounatitic young wouiteum wimo forgot to recall time fact that soldiers as vuii as sailots lmavo utttnmerous inveetimearta. Time tortio mutilleutluimu is a thing of thu 1)581. aunl time exlosition ) 80011 will be. It was utot a 'ory big nhmow. Time art gallery - lery was qmtite iumteresting. Time pictures % ere aid , awfully old , stud evideuitly took it sort of artistic license. 'I'imero was a picture of Adaun mmd Eve in time garden. 'I'imo father and unothmer of time Imuunnn race were attired hm time raimnoumt nature itad provided , butt time evil one wore boots , wimicim would scout to indicate titat Limero Vcre shmocummakors at a very early period. Aumatimer oxitibitioti of Limit artistic - tistic iiccmtse was scout iti a picture which ropresemited a womumum stamtdiumg UIOlt ) time grouutrl , amid her arimi was nrouutd time top of wimat was aujmposed to be a voy bill tower. Evidently time mmm.stor wimosu bru8im prodticetl timis picture lived itt tue tiimto wheum giants ieoltIetl time eartlm. The pictures were old , at least tlmey looked nmicicumt , imiut timey were frigimtful to hook lmOmm , amid we felt very tltieuikftml that Denver was ommly It quarter of a ccmmtury old , atul that time art gallery at thu Exposition contalimod new , frealt , denim canvasses , imtstead of works of mmuasters wimosu antiquity dates lack muolody knows or cares imow far. Sauihi Fe is immtorcstimmg and old , but ( mlii age brings tumaut' ( iisagrcealmle things ill its traimm , mmd while it is all very pleas- nut to limtger br a while in time grave of the past centuries , it would be tedious enough to drag omit an existence jut a PItCCC wimose 1tmsL Wits its nil. Before oute had lived tweiuty-Iivu ycuuts it coimld not ho womuicreti at if ammo immmagimmed Noalm amtd time otimot' liilliCfll imoroos vore 1)uisuual umcqmiaimmtumumces. L. L. 1'i. Time Secret. Time Baltimore News , says it is pro- 1titsttuouis to speak of timihistatttitil success witimoumt jimtrimmsie , umiujuestiommed umierit. St. JaCObs Oil , time great paimm.cmmre , is a hImst eXahmtlle. Its imumneutuue sale is elite to its mnet'it. _ - - ItAlliltOAl ) ECONOMY. I Icitvirr EmmiIpmneIitt4 aunt mu ? , imt Sub i4tttImt ml iLtittul-Itcil Now Ibo 'Ilobly , " I uldianaloli , Journal. ? daumageimiuimts of both eastern toni wusterut roads tue now worrying timely brmmimmim of wimero timuy can ccoumummiw.e ill iii oporatitmg expenses ; othico eXpeitses on ummost toads iuueve becut reduced to a utminu- tmtuumm , botim in sahmuies ammd time miuimmiber of mmmemm emmmltlceti. Now utiauuagcmmments arc tumrniuug timemr uutteumtiomt to lmmovimmg traiims mtumre ecOmnImmicflhly. Timis imas led to time hmmiltlimmg of imcavjor locoimmotives , 80,000 oimimds utuw beimmg comisidereti a fair.sii.ctl locommmotive , $8,001) ) tumi years ago boium time stauidard weight for freighmt engimmes. 1 time caacity ) of cars Imuts as vell been in I creascd-15,00 ( ) pumumds 10 years ago win - the carryimmg cumpumeity of iac cars ; muon a .10,000 hmouuttis is time staumdmurtl , motel sommuc ) rtimuis are bumihdimmg cars of 50,000 pouumth Li capac'tLy ' 1 imo weight of a passomigor cat g iota beau immcrcascd frommi 21i,000 to .15,00 ( - lomuimiH , tutu time mauler cars new used weighu 711.000 Imommuida. With tuft there ii i a lroportittmtmutc ) streimgtimitmg of bridges , tlm ; layimmg cml a iteavior rails amtdiumcreasimig tin ) mmumummber of Cr055-tIC'S. imer utile ' [ 'ito lasi r two years all umew rails laid on the Peuiui sylvmutiui systommm , vest of l'ittnubttrg , or ot r thu Viumuluthia , imavo weighed 04 1)'nmmuis ' t f time sqtmutro yard ; time Cimicimmmuati , Indimumi i apimhis , St. liotuis iuutd Chicago uulrcad . imavu .10 miles of romul laid witim a rum - wuigiiiimg 07 iimiumuls to time yard , suit ! timi ii mmtoimti m are 'Itti tti itg iii 17 mu flea umioro. Ui - soilte of time Ptimuimsylvummis iiUls ? timis limu it pmaveimmoumt is to ho emurricul still further mm l'itu l'itihauiuipimia timid ltemudimmg iiuiiroat , coimqmnuiy hmium duterittimied to mmmmumtufactumti . a imnm4cr ammul tmttmch imenvicu' rail theta Limit ii lttmw ttm tutu. 'limo hcmmgtim of time rails mOu it used is 1 ( ) feet , aimul timose of wimicit tie mm C0tmtlItli ) ' vihl fflOIt ) begin to mmmautumftuctit k will jmmst douubhe timid. length. 'Plme weigh s of time hiuttcu' vill be 70 vtuumds to tim k yard uus coimmpared witim 68 1toumitds in tim ' . fotimmer. tti emiluecini feature .mf the umo flu rails vill be tim0 uumitimmg of Limo cmmds b Utilt ltimfulhnr sphico-hur , which i I maui 1 ) CC1 ) ' mimimeim timmproved numd stteumgthcuuemi. It i t claimmioti by thu oll'meors of time comtupaim titat. time immercitsed lemmgtiu of rails vihl p1)5 ) t fonts rmimuummy tmuv fcntmtrcs of ocoummummy mm 'I'ime kcejmimtg up of time joiiite mm t. time uimds of time mails is a cauc timat cumtauh lc comisitiorable extimtse , amid it. is a car y. timat mull ) ' rcuiimctioit iii time imuiumbci' of times ty joiimts vill ho umtteuudcui 1' mu correspoumul mg ummg ecoimniuty. ' 'lite iumcueascul iemigth ti tul time rail mimtm'I time decrinused uttmmmtbor : ts joimmts , it is ciiuiimied , in time language t : lit tmmihrttad t-mmg'mtmcerni , give time vail imictemne life , umimd imm mu eorrcspoumuiimmg tumeasutro tic IC cmeuse time vear nimd tear of rolliimg btocl - or 11) WItRNING ! . It. I [ mitt mmuuamy licoimie rtulmt their htoumuaeit Ii md svahhmn I mig olil iii iimkH tilt ii lmt amminmumuer ii . uvimon timoy cinmhti muvulil nil 1 iliumiger by mutlilbi r , 10 tlrmips of ulliohI mm rim Jill I ( urs , iwbhtht liuiluirtl img mm iltilelimims Iltivttr to tlmuir stiuumimmi L $ . - - - my Oti ( l.ttriei : , if time ihtton lmwmmo , nil , uts timurgel tnn , Immure I imtmmats of time a 'idler ie h iitn amid wliI 4ilhCiUii)0 ) el'imteuii immure e umi ciliucoday. by of tiraimniim , wimohtsalu drumggl4 ti , % tmatiii 'rci. . tn'iItAu I haut beoum Immumdllm w , 1)if ) _ ' ' 31. iIt1l'H ihti.SAm1 1)iL 'ru tl _ , L.UNGS fur the paint year anti imavo fouum.i juI ) ti ( If tito J1-i4Mt , sainbie uzmolInmetm I imino out lma1 Ins uiy hu.e , for Gotugimi Cold. mmim.h our ' u , Cois.iuiimjitlon always lng esmtlroiuutlalactlou ie itrmil ins irmu grcm4 by $ aturday'i steami a. r. UAMI3Ij1NG 11OENSEi ) . NI ) " 1II'C ) ' ( ( I ) be 'ImutIo Ity 1'ohIe 1)Igtullimmli'tt. , . - - - - - - - - - ftaeramncntn nor , Atmu 0. Various mmuuiimbcrs of time police depart- unemmt ure at prcsoumt lit time lOititiOmi oumco occuimued by Otimullo. Timeir occumpation's goumu. No loimgcr will time colit of time realm be loft at tIme ' 'saiuis1uiimg point" to itwell time purses of Limo fittest pohico force mit time world. No ioumgcr will time nuys- tertomts "sack" assert its itotomit sway. 'limit mmumrnitmg Limo board of trustees do. torunmumcl that , time city simommid receive time money wimich , it is assorted , imns hereto' fore beau going into time pockets of' some who simoumid be the bust to Oittiiil it. They caimme to the coutcltision timat gala- bimmug ms aum evil timat cammumotboabated. Tue loVe for speculation is immimoreumt iii mmmlii- kmtmti , amid hiuimmnimity lit gouteral takes to gaines of cimamtce as naturally as \Vestorn ljuiioit ' 'Ihmig" oerator ) duos to bhtmmitlerg. Sc ) this tillllttltg , at time mmteot'mng of time ioani , an oriimtaumco s'as read by Mayor Ituowim , ammd passed ultammiummoumitly , vimicim Im CititCit gamimbiiumg ( louts amid unuukos time owuters comitribtute to Limo city trasumry , imm time place of nssistiumg 1mm time mnmimort of dcfcimdems of time peace. Time ordiimammce goes omm to say that every phutce where gahimes of cimamico are timim for mmiolmey titumst a hiccimse of $100 per qimuirter , or $3O per mnomttim , iimviiriutliy ) in advaumee. Au sutcim gaines mmtust be conducted - ducted on time secoimd story. Minors are Itroimilitted from playimug itt titeso gatmues , shill time owumors ummmmst mmot allow thmetmu to enter. If they do , timoy are liable to a flute of $200 , or 00 days' inuprisoimumicmmt , or botim fume stud iiuuptisoitttueiit. 'l'ruustce Nielsen wanted time words ' 'except dur- hug fair vcek" imiserted aftet tIme sccommd. story clause , pr'babiy timimikimug tlmat time city wouthuln't vear its 1151151 sumi'miiumg cotmntemmauico if routdeaum stud all time otimer costly nmtnmemmmeiits of tltat costly season were not allowed to go mm openly amid above board. Time mmtayor demmmurred , however , mind the lint \vmts umot pressed. Time ordiutnmmce was titeum umnaiminmoumsly iasscti , to go imito force liii- mmmediatoly. it can saltily be assorted tlmat , tlmouigit utammy good cjth'.euis svill ob- JoeL to tue city licoutsimug mimi evil of this cimarmucter , time tnuujouity of time ie0lle will 111)1)laUd ) thus actiomi amid ltllti(1 time trustees - tees timereimi. All time statutes imu the world will not stop uncut frommi gaummbl'mng , and if titoy are to persist ill time prttcticc , time city should receive the gain. and utot rusty of its ollicituis. Besides , tit'us act will not lure atty umiore to time green cloth tlman go titero miow. Itleim love titmut wimich is forbiddout , and observers iii timis lute its- sort thmeir lOlief timuit as muuamty go into gamnblimmg deuss now as would if time doors were timrowum 'aide oiieum , amid eve rybody invited to enter. * Ammiommg.tlto niosteflicacmous of rounu- dial agouita utro tue mumedical preparations from the laboratory of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkimaimu , Lynn , Mass , ( .OMME1tCIAIi TItAVE IjEltS. ' 1'Ltct4 Jinitoseti oil I lie Geuilni " ] ) rmumuu- lullul , " lit itrIouis Stat,4. , A ( jhiCSti0fl of special immtetest to society - ty relates to a imew departure iii couuimuer- cimul aifluirs of cotuquaratively icceumt date. Umidor the old regime , when utmorcliauits ietmiote froimu 'time gmeat coutthrs of tiido : wanted to ropleumisim timeir stock , they iuuud to ummake a jouurmmey to the city wimere timey dealt. Trute , orders could ho forwarded by mail , but in titat case there was great ummcoitaimity iii roguird to quality of goods , ammd 1irices vorc frcqmmeuitlyunsutisfactory. Time bumsimiess of time commimtiorciuul traveler , timeroforo , grow out of time necessities uvlmieii surionuideti time wiuolesale auicl retail - tail iMmSiitCSS , tuid imaum been Of imicalcuuia- blo benefit to all commccrned. Time couit- mmuercial traveler virtually takes time stock of goods of time house ime represents witlm imiimm to imis custoitmers. Time buiyer sees time goods , learmum the price mind ltuicimtue5 umumderstnmtdimtgly. Tie saves time eXlnuitse of ut trip to time city and. also saves his timmme , ofteim of mmmortm immiportammco tintut Limo utlomtey reqmuiretl to itiake tIme joimrumey to mmmarket. having saved unoncy Ito is ium a 1)OSitiOli ) to oiler Imis goods to imis ctmsto- utters at a redumcecl figmmre , ammd imemtce so- I ciuty marticipates iii time mutivantages re- ceis'ed by time visit of tue comuitnercial travclor A nummuber of states imave takeut muit eunimmemmtly wise view of the subject , tumuti cummmummoucial travelers cure invited to I visit timeumi amiti transact buuThtcss withm their citizemma free of taXatiwm. Timese I states are New York , Colorado , Coutnec- I ticut , Dakota , Idaimo , Illitio'ts , luidiuna , , Iowa , ICuumusas , ICoumtucky , Maimto , Mnssa- ) clmumsetts , l'tliumnesota ' , 1ttssissippi , ? mlissou- I ri , Nebraska , New IInmmmlsimire , New .Jer I soy , 01mm , Orcgoum , ltiuode Island , Ver- 3 mmmommtVost Vitgimiiui , amid \Visconsitm. it S ummiuy be well imi timis commection to sitow what otimmmr states arc doimmg to inummlmer coumtmmmorcial travelers iimmd deprive tlme'mu I mmmorcimammts amid citizens of advzumtiugcs ) wimichu otimer states htavu secured by - midoptimmg it vise niud liberal policy. Tim p Commtuitemitiimg umOti timii SmuljeCt time Nun 1 YOrk \\'orhd 1)miJits ) time followimmg fueLs1 u vimiclm are of jmtteiest : Ahuimuuua : hint mme state tax , but Mobile . charges $3 a tiny or' 18.7ii mu year fou . licemtsu. Aikiuumsmus auto hmas mm. stat I tax , hut Little Bock levies one of 5 i uveuk. t Cahiforimimu , titomtgim emmuucttmtg umo goiters I. hiceimute Iuuw , iullovs imer cities to ta , L ) commmmmiurcial travelers. Suutm Fraimcisc Li taxes those doimmg mu butsimmess of $90,00 ( t 5)1 ) lmmmmCm as $100 ut qummuter , tumid pro rmutm 1) for less uummoummmts , timoats doing mi. bmtsiumcs 0 of $20,000 mumd less beimmg tltXCi $25 I I. uiiuuuitct _ . 1mm 1)ultuvare time state tax is $25.50 1 m ) 'Cltu time District ( if Ctmluumibimu chamgc S $0O ii year , and Florkitu $25.t15 ) ' year. - ( icmrgiuu immis ill ) state tax , lint her citme . t1t unmw folimnv her exuitmi1o. A tlummt a' t tax is $100 it year , umuuul Auigmmstu's $3 S t11Y U iiulsial1il luau mu stite tax of $211 tc 0 umttmumtim , to wimiclu Ilatoum Itomugo tuitis 2 L. P ° ' ummuimulmu ammd New Oricaums $0 vc If muimmumuim. f Muteylamul levies a tax of $ l,7tm pc if nmmmmummmt Ott timoso doimmg bmmsiness of $ I ,00 ii or hess , suet lr ttttil umiwiurdti , timose uioiui ) . ii biisiimcss of $10,000 amid ovou' beium , taxed $150. I'tl'melmigmuit ' levies a tuoc of $ ro uc till Itmimmi. : i omit tutu otto of $211 a tluurtou Now 1\lexicu title of $150 itet' titiltillil , muum t y , Nevada outu of $ t5 me umiomitli for CaC 'tf ' coummty. Nortim Carohittuu $100 1. yOur , us t ccitt timose dealnug jim h'mtlimIrti , uuimo loin ur $200 ii year. Su'etal of her citic by ) ' itti atiditional tax , \Vilmmmimmgto . it is $3 ier tilt ) ' . b I'clmuis'll'aluia hits 110 imtatu taX. But i mm immost of her etlittiCs timoro mite itsesh tmuxem Pimiladolimimia hiss time crudit or d'msciutiit luvyummg time imeau'iest taX in time country- $300. Atm evasion of tax is ii mmu'utnlt ) f mmiemmumor pumimishmable witim a flute of $300 sum i iiuprisoutmmmuumt for timirty tiLi'B. It In Soutiu Citrol'mna there is no state tiu ir butt Cimarlestomu taxes tlrmtmiuitteni $10 'mm ueek , Ileaufort $10 a year , Columitibumu $ ' . a day , mud ( iuorgotowiu 81 a dli ) ' . L Tutmmte&aeu does not 1ev ) ' a state tin L but in Nashvilio titero is a license of $100 a year , and au evasioti is pmimtisimable with $ O amid costs. lii Memphis time fee is $10 a week , Tex imas recently changed il license law. It now imnposcs a tax of $25 on every itaicsmmrnmm , with Penalties for evmtsiout fritin $25 to $100 fine. lit Utaim tlmoro is no general law , but Ogdcii city cimarges $10 a quarter for a license , Virgiimia iinioses ft tax of $2iO a year. For viointiomt of time law time mommaity is a flute of $200 for time first ofromise and $500 tlmoreafter. Neititor Proviitcos of Ontario or Quo. hoc tax traveling salesmen , bumt several of time Caiminlinut cities do. In Sorrel the tax is $10 per yeartnQiTh1e ; , $00 ; itt littlufax , $100. Tue sui > ject 1mM of late assumuied so nihucim imnportxumco thmat it * 111 be broumgimt before thu forty.eiglmt congress autd a law u'ill ho demmmammdcd wimicim will IntL at rest time wimole (11105ti011 , During time last coumgrcss a bill was introciutced to rcmmmcdy the eviis comnplaimtcd of by u1r. Brewer , of New .Jcrsey , autd it will bo brouugimt forward agaiim wimen congress mimeeta , In the case of tue Msryiauul law it was tiecided to lie jIm elect umumeoumatituttional ium timat it ( liscrimujumated agaimmat otlmer states. It was arguied that nil laws are umimeonsti- ttmtiomial wimicit iimterfero witim coimiumiurce between states. "i'hme (1uestion , " it is safd , ' 'is itot sjmnly ) mu legiml one , it itas inmportaumt semmtimmicmitnl asluectO. Timese taxes are immmposed omm the imitermual coumt- ummerce of tue commutry , witiciu tue comisti- ttmtioim itas forever declrot1 shall be free. 'l'imey are OIiOSCd to tite sjdrit of Limo age iii which we lise Timey are of time siune utature as time 01(1 fcumdal taxation iii Ocr- mommy , whemi ummorcimamits were comisidered a legitimmuate prey to every peLt ) ' baroim. " Wimat over cisc umtay be said , free trade iOtWeOli states is desirable , a.jid since the comistitution lrovides that it shall be free Limo states simuumld not interfere. _ _ . _ . _ _ - Tito standard restorative-especially imm cases of uiorvousness-is S nzarikrn Z'ert'inc. ' "I situ lerfectlycured"said Juts. Corbiut , of W'mtslilurut , Ill. , ' 'thanks to .Dr. Itichmmmuouid's Saiiarikin . ? , criinc , " At Druggists. United States Depository. First Naoll Bii , -OP OMAhA- Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Om'ha , StJCCESSOI1S TO KOUNTZE littOTIIEttf. Orgaishuod In 1858. Organized as a National Batik iii 1803. CAPITAL - - - - - - - $200,000 suitrjus AND ritopi'rs . imsoooo oyricEas Aso DuaOcrOurl. IIERIIAN Kousizuc , i'rcskicnt. Joins A. CRSIOIIT0N , Vice Proolilent. ACOIJBTUS KOUNTZK , 2d'ico tresIdcnt. , % . , J , I'orrLiToN. F. H. flvns , Cashier. w. ii. lcoouiE' , ABst3tant Cashier. Transacts a general binktng business. issues time ccrttfieate hcamlig interest , lrauvit drafts out San 1'ranci.4c0 otti principal cities In ttto Umilted States. Also Lonoen Dubitmi , Elimilsureli and time miriniciral cities of time rjmntintcnt of Euro ne. UNITED STATES Nationi Bailk OF OMAhA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. M. T. BARLOW , CashIer. Accounts solicIted and kept subject - joct to sight chock. Certificates of Deposit Issued payable - able In 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearIng Interest , or on demand without In- torost. Advances madoto customers on approved socuritlos at market rate of Intorest. The Interests of Customers are closely guarded and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking freely extended. Draw sIght drafts on EngIandiro land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- rOpe. Sell European Passage Tickots. Collections Promptlj. Made. BENZON & COLLIN REAL ESTATE AENTSI 211 South Thirteenth st Opp. Oumishma Natiommal Bank. .TOt 33s100 , 0th street..8 85 3 2 5 coons itotute , lot (4is150 , ittli atrect. . . . . . I tb , t ij5 room mouse , lot ( OttlO , Seth otreet. . . . . 2 10 4 Ii lions house , lot teui0i , 17th street. . . . . 2 00 a C rusim Ituim 101 821sdm , lurras street . I 50 muount muon , 1t4 tiixt2S ) , Iltintania btreet I 50 S 5 5 room itouulot ; tQci4o , both btrcCt. . . . . 2 80 m2 3 ruIn itonu ( III leased grouumi , Cao at. . jr i.ot r3x280 , Cailfuruuli , , trcet. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mIS It 4jul39 , 10th btrl'tt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ( si H 17 but (0x132 ( , 'renitmm btrttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 00 is 2 atory store btmliding , lot 22l52 , iionuiizts S street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. 00 IL 10 8 mmmi itotuac , lOt 4oxttt , 20th street. . . . . i so 20 5 comm imouni in , Itascd gruuitil , Ctmmmttnm : btmect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Pi . " 1 0 room iomme , , lit SOolGO , 19th btrect 4 OIl I. ) 2i 4 rimums hmiso. , lot ( bdom4O , 80th atriet. . . . . 2 20 . 2U 111mm antI lot , 25t100 , Charms street DI ) , i 27 hoUse anti lot , 011c132 , Cit dt.1 aucuno 2 0' ' ) 25 mInute anmil me , 33om22 , C. lfiirnit atreet . 2 bO . 'Jo Itatusu arid iitt , 5mti3 , DtscxmIrt street. (1) II 'lvii hits. i1x125 touji , Sutuari btrtet , : 70 ( I NO , 5k' , house mciii lot N. it ) St. . . . . . . . . . . . I ? N , . at , Inouu itici mt Cailfurnia ) itr. . . . . . . . o. iii , Itoitso ann ! bit N 15th itt. . . . . . . . . . 2,70 ' FarfflIo Land For Sale houses For Reni : Ii BEN.ON & CULI4IN. Im tnm.wthl.sat ; John D. M. D. . Peabody , . . , : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFW ilOOMit , 3 aud it rOT FAIINAIf. :1 : ISIIJrI ( F , 3714 Ti VI7 , . . _ On ale , N ) ALMA E. KEITH , ; : DEAI4EIt IN l Fine Millinery i . IlAilt COOPS , WA'ItS , tiANOti , ITQ. I Stock Entrolp Froth and Mois r , 105 lcthStrcet Opp. Postofilcu. ' . , isa , lE ) ( F'JRNIMI.bkEI ' . ; One More Speoia Sa'e ' .A.iid. the Last foi This Year. Until September 1st , we vil1 offCr 801110 Specimtl 000(15 ( in nil Departments - ments of our iu8i1bcs at Greatly Reduced Prices , to Close Out. No such BARGAINS have ever before been Offered in a 1eneraI Line of FUR14ITL'RE ; I Passeller Elevator CHASI SHIVERICK To .A,11 Ploora. j 1208 , 131O Fnrnhmmi Sti'eet , Olminiha. WVt SJSVDIR I . : , ir . MANUFACTULtEIL OF OF STJCIOThY FIItST.CLASS Carraes ! , BuaesRoaft ! , 'Nagoiis ' AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. .5'Tilustrated Catalogue 1320 and furnished 1820 llarimey frec Strert ulpomi applicatlan and 403 S. , i3tii Street , 1 j , OIV.A..Ii.A. . , N'EB. A. M. CLARK , r ' UI ° I 'll1o ' &Po1hllllio SIGN WRITER & DEOORATOIt. . , $ : WhOLESALE & 1CETAIIJ , ! WALL PAPER WINDOW FHADES & CURTAINS , Cortuices , Curtaiti Poles uuuiul Fixtures. PAINTS , OIL & USHES , 107 South 14th Street , - ; ; OMAhA , . - - NEBRASKA uEJ ' 'I1c05 ooh OvaF fraid AND \ . D. MALLORY & CO'S ' "DIAMOND" BRAND. : 'x-a1i. 'igsu1s. .rst W31oa1c1o. D. B. IIEEMER , Oniaha. S : Ec. --a MANUCACTUItEIC OF FINE Bllios , C1TiG8 S1)flll ) OllS , . . My Iicpository is constantly filled w itil a select stock. ibcst Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S. W. Cornei' 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha J. 0. PRESCOTT. N. P. CIRTICE. J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , Wbcm1ot3n1a zs23.cl. tti1 PiANOS & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. IIEAPET $ MJB IP [ EELIABLE , HOUSE 1:13. t3.a tnto. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OR SEND FOR PRICES. NO. l500 Farnam Street , - - - - - OMAHA. - GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I MANJ7IACT EItS OF I CarpoMo' & ateras . -ALSO- I Sash , Boors , Builds , stairs , tai11 Rai1iiis , Buliistcrs , iiio' & Boor Frafflos , &o Flat-class facilitIes for the manufacture of all kinds . of Slouldinigs. itaning and Matching a apeclaity Orders fronts the country witi be romnhtiv crecuted. 0 Atliress all communications to A MOYER , i'ropriethr 1) I ) ( Tillilol's'itOOk ' 1)I JLi/i4(4jtt itOOk 1) ) * : ) kINDS 0 0 FORSALBY 0g g , _ _ _ OA , I : 0 0 g o , : 4) ' 0 0 \ \ \ 3T.LOUIS.MO Lu - PPCTIO IN Heating arid Baking. . ; : Is omml ) ttttaiimcd by using ' CHATE OAK -i it , Stoves andRanges , I j IIRE UlE OVER D000S _ , _ _ _ uI. For aaluby MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA-