r TIIP DAIT.Y I31E---CUU\CII , BLUFFS , TULSDt1I , ALGL'S'C t9 , 18&i. 1'1iE DAILY BELr 1 _ - - 1t - C OUN'C rL BLUFFS. t - II ITuosday Morning , August 19. ; SUnscnI Tlo : RATrSI Of Cattle r--- ' ' nee I.cr Srr ) Mai - - - - - - - - - - - OFFICE : 0.7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Sec Joseph Reiter's fall goods. Cheap llatlroad Ttekota nt llushnell's. ' There wits nn meeting of the board of trade lnst evening. Conn Cols for sale. Address , I , . B. Cousin's , box 109 , city. The city council lints no rjuonun lust oveningand ndjuunncl wail b relay light. Leave to lvcd wai ycstcrdny granted to i 1V. 1. White and Miss Alida ry. Thu city clerk turned over to the trens uroryesturdny 51,600 received for fines nna licenses. JIenry Ncgus , the ynrdnutatcr of the Chicago , stuck Islauul , ma ricn on Suu day cvrouiu to Miss Oenrgin Bergman , all of this city , .Justico Abbott olticinitug. 1Vi1Iin11 ltnpp keopa an eagle eye out for luny t iulntors of the fish law , he being practically altercated. IIo haR lilua iii fonuntious ngaiust heck , linnuner and others for cneelniug fish ss'Itlt n HCIIIO fn , public wat ° rx. The unfortunate old luau wall n bag- 1)11)0 ) , who lately lost n leg by falling asleep oln n railway switch hits Ho far rc- t covered as to be othe streuta again , ( old clad in a coat of luny culurs is still try. Sag to earn a livimiq by his music. Inquiry of Auditor 1'lurko lends to do finding out that Aldovun Jntuos is time only ole of time city council who huts yet got his back pay. ' 1'lw others appnrontly arc amwaititg duvulopmuuts buforu tnking u the casil they Iuiv'u voted tlmeusulves , Phillip Edwards , or I'dsrrira ' Phillips , was arrested Sunday eight , on tie charge of uscudting n girl at Drs.lncohs'hnusu. ( : Time evidence Hlenod that the girl svns a Bttlu tot full , and of foulimmb auuna ltiu n , when lie ltiaimeli her asva , aua ale tumbled over. lie was set frcu. There is a emup of home traders toileda by Rapti s placu. 'I'liey are stia ; to gut altogether too big trades out of furnuts svlio are returning front Limo city , a little full , purhnps , are induced to spceulntu , i 7hc police lire 'going to wnii theta to break camp 101(1 DevO on. 'l'ima sruuwn hnv0 started tsar on ] Iriho I Nolan , who keeps a saluon of Broadway. They ehiium Ito , s letting their boys piny pool there and gmublo , by butting on the gamin , . 'i'svo co ) plainta are tiled in .Justico Ahbott'H court , olO by Sarah Iluusomi nod aauthur by 11muy i loyt , j it. itichatdson was tried yesterday in thu superior court for disturbing th } oonco , Thu evidence showal that lie a little trouble with old maul ll ) wles time latter having nnileli up time door of a room wlucli II ichaedson ciained u + luas'u routed. Biclutalson tried to kick time door open amid Bowlea Ina 111111 mu'rested , Disclutrged. Ono of time prisolors in the calaboose ycatc'day managed to kick n hole in the floor , CrUVI down into the collar. lie expected to gut out by the frost bascalou t door , bit found dint it was locked. lie could iioe get back either from where he Caine , aura aftur staying there bang omot gh transferred , ImiUly lie was glad elou gh to to by the ollicurs fruit : the dark y cellar bolo to the filthy sous above. Col , D , E , Fisher , of Atlantic , ulcloo f L. D. F. Fisher , of tlliscity amid who ro cuntly was hero emi a visit , wits 1)110 of time hoarders at the Kimball house in Atlmum tic , which bunted Saturday. AuxieE Y concurifug lain : vas , however , allayed b Y time receipt of a telugrant saying thud lm u wins nil right , n fact which time mummy ne quaint Aces Ito formed huro will ho glad 1 t ° hear. George Brossliuhl has caused time nrres t of L 1V. Carlisle omm time clu0ge of haviu g got a $100 mote mitt of Imiut by time fins u prutenso ( If owning n corn crop in Illoonu r township , wlmoii he had already mart gaged time crop to A. Lavurburg for all i t was worth. Carlisle was arrested nut 1 time C ISU will Probably b0 heard by d ustic u Abbott today unless it is settlua bufor it reaches a lumiring. Somlr Allison wits in the city , haviu g a1)Cut Sunday hero , wlme : time terribl u i # nuwa camilo of his vifu a deaths. She hn ua ut heel in poor health fur sene time , bu t at Sunday h ° received a telegram stntimm g Chu wins butter' Yesterday tiorniujg t l ° news of ] tar self-drowning ciuno to lmimin : Ho had not time to reach the out goin blilss'aukeu and St. Paul train bid i t pullud out on time , but time ofieinls o t the road held time train until he reele n it. Arrangements were rondo for n ape cial to nleut himn at Earling and. take nth n to his hone in Dubuque Business is unusunlly quiet at the atoc k yards for this tire of the year , not b ° ' cause Cauleil Blufrs is losing its Ircati ° , but because there is little stock fib km r ahippiimg. Cattle should have a molt h snore grassy mud it Hey be s ° ] ate time n that they cannot move all time stock , It is also probable that there will only h ° time top stock or the best shipped , am : d time rest held over. Some predict thu It the rush will cone soot , and thou it wi 11 be a rush indeed ; but it may not cone t a heavy , for the reasons stated , As it ii + there is now about a train n day beta g handled tmero , Yesterday time police received tot ° ; graphic bistructiotla from City Maralu , j Satltii of Dt'sMoines to arrest n uun g luau on tlmo ipornitm g trtimi , Oflicoye Omit tuck i and Brooks watched time coining a , f the train , ricked a roe the right elan nmi ll waltzed hiin , limo tation ' ' u to ) olicu , 1'h ° telegram did not say what. le was lvautc d for , but limo'oumig atan , Svlio gave hi y flame as ] t , 11. Itanaloy , claunod that ii there was to it , ho hind } upped u week' H board. lie could not huay it and Jima nteto cuou gh to got out of ton's , 11 ° GYnd nuthimigot out.fu could fu Des Motne lib had 0111) ' about threudollurs with h1 ( u when arresee. Under time pm'csont mode of handling d time houses of prostitution , the 1auidlndic H j are required to step to time front uvur ' 1 nmontJl amid pay a fine for timmseives tint c for their girls , Soiumu of tlno koo to l3 ' Have a way of gettimn g rid of their girls } i or mnost ftthunm , gnat before limo thin ° cones to pay ups thus rcdueing tim u autbunt of fames. Notice 1me tow bee } ao s ed of them u tlmat they must obey a curtain ordimanco which provides tla t they must not keep a gin' ] in auCit a heu8 e witout reporting her minute at once tie chief of , o1ice time penalty being il 0 Lees Luau $2G tier immure tlau 100 , h u s 3 , „ 4 . . will have n toldoncy , it is thought , to make thorn tell lima truth a9 to time num bor of inmates nt all times , eta they can li e called u [ l to 1 onY fines ivhrla ale house is full. Some friend of OOicor Warner is given n voice in another columnlint ho does not preland to deny the charge nndu a gainst. R'nner , and for which ho was suapoded , nnr has there yet been aim ) ' . o ne who anula to time front With n noninl to the charges stated iu'J'uh ] lee , 1Vnr Her is act time first officer svle > bas bean suspended far n like 0lrelae , amid hence is n o special target. Suspensions Imw aycrt h ave not Aceuturl i ° aip these occasinnnl f reaks altogether , eta if Huy change is to Lu mm do , it should be for nurro severe puuiehment i1 such cases. Suahonaiou , any d0 until charges are inl esUgntel , b ut tt proven the oa'eulora ahuula b1 laid or ( entirely , end their places filled by me , not given to such freaks. If 11'nr Werra friondA hero proof , as is intimated th at other 1)11iccrn are gulling drunk , 1r a re goubling , limey should bring forward ath eir proof , amid IIIHIAt en having time fo rce weeded out. It tR high flue time pnhlic get rid of such pelicoumr if it has thou , .J , W , Itodufer having boon ulccled secretary untl treasurer of the 111urcautilu L1)aui1'nst nod lmprovauent cawpau of Council lllullx , Las accepted the posn lion amid nsauued the nuumgonoat of the company's businoas. Time following named pursonR are en mho hoard of ( liroct o va : ' 1' . A , hirklnud , C. S. L01i'eria , J , W , R1)dater , I , A , Miller , E. L , Slwgnrt , T. A , fnIIrANI1 , PCusillett. l'LAYINIf 7'III CAitiS. Two Gnwblers 1'ny blurs-Others Shun I ight-1 resh Couq + lnhits AguhamI Olhern , Time gambling question still remains unsolved , belt every say adds n few pnru g raphs to the hiebrry being nndu. Yes. turany Jima Wilaun pleaded guilty to the chnrgu au(1 pals Ilia firm and costs , amounting to $1i 1,10. Time court , night h ave thruwmi oft' rho diuebut it didn't ' , J ohn North's nnmu tuns Rubatituted is eau iuGretlntiun i1 place of lien Ilrarlde , wile it nppatrs iH not running the place. North pleaded guilty fwd nlsu paid $61,10. As time iileea ; ill the city are running right ( flung it will H1)on h1 uvi . atilt u'luutlulr the gflicnnls unttua filing imformntiuu daily , weekly 1r monthly. The questiomi sshutlwr time lenses will b1 a llowed to rum by paying rot Ilan , 1)r what is 1 practically n licemflu , 1t Htntud inio' vale , will soon be Aoh ud. It is nuduratood tilatsonu of those who have net yet paid fume , , pr1)peau lighting the charge. Tluru has always beau ; t doubt as to whether rho city hen the r ight. to fume gtunblera 1r nut , 'l'ima city nttonmy in dtasewg the orliunucu sought to uveul all 'dnulpt , amid yet nvuin the treacherous gcounl , hut. Hero is still r a n onb 1a to whether h1 hna Nl1000ClIt'll II , , /11)1118 A0 , maul thla ( iII ° NtlUll tluly ho forced , into court. ] f it shall b1 decided a atlas t t ime city , then the out recourse would hl 1 u nder the state law , tied thuru would Lu uuich greater delay in gutting cases t 0 trial. trial.Au Au information was filed yoterdny against llnu Catn igg , the well known r1 + taunt of Atlantic , svhu it is damnlcd is running a gaulu , eC ( Ilrllfl n house lure. For the "stylishast" suit. of clothes in t own mud time beat. selection to clues ° [ rum call amid uxonin0 the stock of Nu gent rot ; Smith , murchuut tailors , 7 tuul t ) Main street. 1VIwtAhout 1Vaenor ? To the FaIIW'r of the Itr . Warner is auspendcd. For what ? Is h1 time only policentnu o , the force thud t g ets drunk ? Does 1Vauer gamble ? Ar ° t here any 1u the wLuio force that glue blo ? Is 1Vnner the shinf of time force of t ime ? 1s Warner target n dutiful eflteur 1i n lazy nno ? Ilan 1Vuner , as n citizen , i t g oed rujiulttiun 1r n bad mnu ? Is h1(110 t a n old citizen , nail has h1 nut prove Innmsulf n tooa ; , atralight , leucst ltd hurl 1 worktmig ohzot ? Why suspeul him an t 1 use him 1e a target , bucnusu mnu i H charged with Laing drunL ? If 1Vurnur f s a god 1)11icu { ' , why Huspoid or oust Irvin , f or n few upolitical oltieu acukera ? Duo Y time I nmblieknmsP the colmrua man svho tv 'oortud ' hint , his character mud hiH rupult fief ? If Yo1 urn nhunliu6 Lit. 1Vuruur h1 cnua0 ho is la negro , dischamgu slim ns mm ii olllcer ; but. it h1 ntWnds i1 his ofliuin duties , file n1) complaint against hie , because cause ho is a colored cmtirol. BLUF'r H , Soul bargains still in parcels at hark noes IlrotLurs' ' . _ Itonl Estitto Tcaimsl'bra , s The following nouns were filed for re cord iii the rucordur'H ulllce , Augne E 18 , ruportud for time lisa by l , J. 111 ° ' Dialulu , real uslltu agent : 0 , ] t , L & 1' , It. Il , Cu , to Ennnn 0 Nalglu , lots 8 amid 0 , block 1 , Carson - ' $200. j. Ii,11'oonunnncC to Lincoln Whit. 110) ' , lot. 7 , block 0 , AIRCOI10111A 480 , liuim MoKillin to J , 11. Cron 1tt , l- a u o f 18 , amid w > n w , } 1J , 70 , $9-$2,02U. , Ezra Carter tu'l'les , Marshall , part u f ssv , swf 1 , 77 , 'J4-$1100 , , J , Oluuy t1) I , . M. Arnold , se } of n std s4 swf and nw nuj 7 , 71 , , 10-$7 00 ; A , a , Avery 1t it i1 Cue , V.11ullyl ' fro 18 , 77 , 118-81 , lnLurt POnavnl to Charles Sexoy,1o 1 nu , 2G , 7G , -$800 , Villinml 1S'illiams to hlurncu Everett , sI - aw f ,10 , 70 , -$2,048 , -Laws Cornelius to 15' . SiudOnfopf , lot o 7 , 8 and 10 blidlnnd and-$110 , 7honins h0wmamn i1 ( l , 0. 8 auq + hu ) I , lot 0 , block 111 , fitutsuum'H d add-$3f , Stuphot'Pindnlu , 1t , iii. to AI , 1V , Si u , duntopff tut 10 , LI0c1 ; 1 , Stutsamaml's . d teas-so , Juhu If. Gear , ot , al. , toV. . Siedol b top ! , lots 8 , 4 , il , ' 10 nna 11 , blocs ( ; i 0 , ' 1'ohal snlus-$0 , tlllj , Dr,11'uet , dadid , 141'e1u'l atrwt , ' 19aku a Ottrd , 11'liun you nfhUt' a card to a euatoae r , or one who you wish t0 bu , a eustomilu r ' elrur him one worth lookiugiltand wort h taking It ( > unu to lwup , I'ryur's ] buy jn I , oflicu hale scoured lima /iuuat / line of sou ' " files ahovnt unysvhuru i1 time wust0f litlu + graphed and elrouro cards , nolOltio a , alapoa , conlio turn nrtistio alms , etc „ I tt all prlcas up to $200 a thousand , CAII ii t the 11Ek ofUcu , No , 7 Pearl street , tw d sou thunL 'Ploy are forth looking at , ol ot if you dun t want fu buy , 1tnLce , dusters nun note for sale clod P at Slurwuu's,124 South Diuirr eltcut , iiAVil TIIEY T1IL ItiGIlT ? T he I'on cr of time Cutaicll le ,1msr.lx SUc'f inrproveuleiltn Ii ) Ahlt I hog I'ropcrty , 4 grave doubt for the desciplca of I1lnckstoto to setllo. A nlarkcd change has beet mnlu hero within the bast year i1 regard to the filling of streets. him years gO11U by 1110 CxICIIRCA { of 811C11 filling has been borne by time city , as n whole. N ow it is charged up to time abutting property , ' 1'lma gncstiot lens often been as ked whether time city 11nA the power to Unna assess it or not , amid that doubt still oxiAls in time unlade of many , , ltlmdinu is called to the following suction , 4tii , , of time cado of 1878 ; 'I shell Love to They power provide far the grading and repairs of any streets , avenue or alley , nail time colAtnmction of suurora , nod Ahnll defray the expenses of flora Ant11u nut of iho gowrnl ( ands of such city 1)r town ; Let nu street shall h1 gnul mid uxeupt the dean b1 unlured le b1 Juno by Ihonflirumtive vetoer twu thirds of rho city council or trustees , " 'Flint part of time above section as re- ha tes to alloys was repealed by aecti1)n Ii , chapter fit , 1'titcottli ' general naaeubly , which prvides tluat flan gnuliug of nllu'a sluall be pntd for by thotbuttiug property ty owuo a , 1iy this acctit111 it la elntued that these improvmnentsumst 1O lialll for out of the geacral fund , nod thin is svluat anus out the quustiun as to haw mho city eau charge it up to abutting property , l1 case of , roving , cirrbimg , utc.f the city nppsrently lut9 the ri ght. . Section 460 of the coda providing : ' ' ' 1'luuy shall have power to construct si dewalks , t ° curl , plsvo , gravel , nnttatan wiz0 nod gutter nay highsvny or alloy therein , nod to levy n special tax on the IOtH nod parcels of mud fromitiug on such higlurny 1r allay t ° pay rho uxpmmaus of such miprovmneut. But unless n nmjori ty 1t the reainott owners of the property subject to nsAessmmit for impwvououLy putiti1)n the cautcil 1r trustees to make t he sane , each improvcnicnts shell min h1 Hondo until tht ucd1)urtLs ni all time mouLcrs of such c1)uucil 1)r trustees shnl by vote nssmit to mho making of time cane. " It is claimed that time ion nulls tax to which tliu city is limited for gowrnl nut iucidmdnl expenses is n1)t muuglm tl , nllouv the city to uutlm Hoary impravu molts nut of the goers food , amid this is doubtless so , w'Len prapurty is 1t99eSHf1 a t. Duly forty per cent of its worth. flu t if there is fumy lonbt 115 to time right o t ime city to assess us at presort time nu th1)nties hill better b1 Hwro laid au ern Y with time doubt before gettiug involved it l egal couqlicntious with n possibility o f the objecting property 1)svtutA coming o a' victori1)us. Nu11urous authorities arc being cited to show tint the city has flee right to Ih as it is doing nosy , but it is cfuiuned o t the other Laud that tlmcau authorities , me- f or to quustiuuH of uutcndnmizing , curb- 1r paving , null do not apply to our o fdllllg of streets , llltlfHa it is uieulcd td pave at omen amid rho filling is uncle : part 1)f the paving iwprosoumlt , 0 f unlrau ninny of time atrwta nosy Lein b filled will nut fro paved for years , if over. I'hi RSONAiS , 1V. S. Lewis , of slalver11 , was iii time city ' y esterday. D , If , Snloruon was In the city' yesterday. Samnnel F' . Smith , of Phlludoiphumnrrivel 1 et the Ogden yesterday , Charles ltoxs , of Sioux City , was at tit o Ogdou yexturdny. Ccoigo F , Palner , of St , l'uul , nrrivod a time Ogden yesterday , BaruVobster ouu of Sfduoy'x prouaiucuts Will at time I'nciliu yextardny , 11' . , i. 1)nvmlport , of railway fame , way i1 1 t he city yosWrduy , Itlloy Clark old sir. Itogerx , of Neola , Ion n , were among time visitors at the BhmmhIs yestem day , Attomoy IVllliam Itedick , of ( hnaha ; sum 1 of l luu , John I lludict ) , was i1 rho city yes tordny , Frenunit llcejnmie , of Avoca , wilds Ills bnm 1 i1 mho circmlt court puxterdny with neon I I + rUlllltllertl ; , Attorney J , . ) , Sidon , of Nadn , watt ht tie U city yexturdny looking after legal mnttura , Muijor J' . P. } : Duey , of Glenwood , sun y lammig mho dlsttngulxlmud oudx who viiitml th U llhdix yesterday. Frank Shine , Cnrsomi's well kmmowum attorney arrived lucre yluitenlny to moult muter cases ii n circuit court Ilun,1V , Scott Lewin , of ? tfalvorn , Mill S county's youthful legislator , worts i1 flora cit y esterday min court Luslucss , J , P,1Vmlhico ; ugout fur 1)avhl Iows k Co. , o [ Chicago , way i1 the city yesterday looking after a cane hi the circuit court ha which rho cmwpnuy Is coimceruuei amid him which A. T. Fliekluger is their attorney , S , F. Oonmlg , of Rumersutl , way in the city yl > aturdnp , looking after the hdorayts of Lis clients ht tlm circuit court. TLu fnmlllar face null forum of Attormoy Babcock , of Avoca , were visible him the court runul hero yesterday , C01III11:1101AG , cuumclL nLUF'eH afensct' , Wheat-Nu. 2 npll11g , 7t'w ; No , 3 , 0.9c ; cc. jrct ° d , boo ; gala domain. Coro-1)ealers are { xq hmg 31tJ32e ; rejected cure , Chicltge , 40i4bc ; now uazud L'b ; white turn , hOc ; tlul ieeel d. of unl are 11glmt. ; null sluts-Swirou In gold deuuuul 1t 30e. illy-1 OO. . + G 110 per toil ; tOo per bdu , , ltyu-IOc ; light s1 1)1)1 ) ' ' , Corn sleal 1.'G ; i 1'00 pmuultl , 1Vooml-Uuod supply ; plleas at ymu ds , G 00 x o OD , Cllnl - DOlivored , hod , 11 00 per tulq soft , i GO prr / + 1l , lhuttetPlenty and In fair demand 1t 250 ; creamery 3Oa lg : ; , s-5tendy sale mid plenty at 1 011c per IlULL'll , Lord-Fufrhauk's , wholosaliug at Ilea . Poultry-1.irmu ; deslers are pihmI for ehlekeus llc : ; live , 2O { rer duzuu , 1'egetumbley-Potatccx , GOe ; ommiuns , floc ; cab. hhdes , 304.IOc per down ; npples , 1 lOC 100 ixr bamrel , Flour-City flour , l I'0 h 40 , ] truunms-2 00(3 ( 00 per doe. r.1eT HrocE , Outtlo-300x3tiCcmh ; , osG00n7AC. ( fogs -s6arkut ! 1r hugs qulut , has rims puck. lug huusua nro closed ; ehlpsurs , m 1 pnyiul ; 4 W ( ' 171i , Spotted ' 1'atil'a shirt is oe 1)f ale cudmsi lugs of a store fu Sioux City. It is u vwy LunuliGd Indian fnbricahou , orun utuuled with fftyUtrce scalps free the lends of wmf1)rhnnniu Italians , mud by the tails of mil nna 100 equally uuturtunata weasels. 1 h1 shirt iii wade et antolop0 skin , dyed fn the ruru mmaunor lvlmieh him. dine squaws Nava arrived at , amid is fur. flwr ot nauunjted by lltaaa dui oiler aua uiatiuna , i J , N , CASADY F , Ii. ORCUTF. CASADY & O CUTT 1 502 Broadway , - - - Council Blui3s , Iowa , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets and Oil CIoths CURTAINS , curtain F'ixtures ' 9 AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CIIOICE i Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa A , H. MAYNE & CO. , DnAi.Iilts IN Liffle Louisville MICiIIOAN i'LASI'EIt , IlAllt AND SEw'Elt I'll'I : , IIAImil ANI ) SIIT COAL. AT LOWEST 1'Itl'Fl N o , 539 Broadway. - - - - COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA NUGENT & SMITH , , I 1 lir yr Ik 1 , , ' 1t'III ' m 1 Ig + ' , h e' { ' 5r.s ' , r t r t > , z : ; lwl.r k r . . M . P W ere an Tailors. 71111(1 9 II man Street. ] 7I0FICTOR'Yr COLTIWTC Zs 33YaYJF3"e3 , tai. 'r1 7 ti OENEiL L , MIftCIIANDISE ; JU113 L..r ! ' + U cam , 1H51aluelrectuud171'uarletrccG - - - - - - - - L. B , GL. t RX & CU , . l'rcnrlptiomix Cmuonuul0d U1tt1O015'iS. at all hours. 100 Broadawy , a - CItmSI'ON 111)100 : . MAX : MUII 1 , Grocery , 216 Mann Street. lintel , 217 and 210 Main street. J M BARSTOW M D OFrfcE , , , . , , Corner ! 11th street and Fifth Hsu. DB . J , F , V11flI rE , Corner Main amid 1'ilth up staire. ( oFFI111 Reyldemice : , , 110 willow a oHmic. - ,1U5'fu'FOF''tmIRI'EAl'E ' , , C.U RZ , Olttcu our AulOrlcan li5presy. r 4 I g LIFERS' AND 1'EEII , s. . PPAG NE , lYlll contact for funerals at ronsanaldo rates , : : Fourth street. T M 5I' JCHU f yj GC.C. ry II BUYERS Whulcsalobuttereggspoml , I . , . , try and fruit. Slip tous ; Uraft by rctum math 140 Dmalsny. ' NEW BOOT AND SHOE STnuF : , cm A PTERCF' , , J Corner J151unndFirst SVenua. Sign Wrttcr uul Orahuer. l30O worth of house.paintin j traps for sal e D A BEN EDICT , , , eleap. OlticU 337 Iln'ndxay , CUUUCiI IIIuHU , iUS a , MERCIIANT TAILOR , JACUB KU 1 . Stuck Complete. Suits made at rcasuunhlU prIccs. NU. S05 Slain SL' r CONTIIACTOR AND 111IIL11EIt , G , F , S1Yi , Corner 7th nuJ ilroadsvay , flans and spccltlcatluns furnished. T JInALEII IN FINK l1AttNliSS , W , ti , SHBRMAN , i Lase the variety that briugy patnmsgc , 124 Jinin etrcct. J AME S FRAN EY Sud eaAh' T'r t , Artistic Work and rcasunublu charges. 872 Broadway , r UnNrvlu : srol'rs , HUWE SON ! and Ilourehold Supplies. 3r3lnroadxay , A1T(11tN1YS AT LAW , LTN1)T PJ HART , Jamey pluck , I'racllce hl state and federal courts , ti 1 Slnnnkaclurcrx I'luu 111ndturc , UpLol.tcry Goals , Curtains E STOCKER. 1St' CO. , . ' . , amid Window Shades 307 Itroadway. ID t And lath 11(1111W , ' mud423Iroadxay ] , 1,7Sascrclgnl'ropsl'.JSlant i\ T d'h I ) : i1 J3i 3 I'T gumcry , 51 , h. Iyslclan , Y hnauxAllY SU1wfoN , I UA II , Y , Ulllcu , Ihay'r btahlu , . 12 Scant street. + I Muudacturerof NOftSECOI.LAItS P , _ J , BINNESSY , Trade Supplied , btlistrcutbcts cun etb and 7th are. JUSTICE OF Thin PEACE , EDWIN - . . J , ABBO TT , Notary PnblicandGeuoral Conroyanar , 416 Broadway. r i SS111'll S NrR7alN , REV GRE $ t U SJJ , hnnadx ay uppostu ( New Oxra ; ; lDumsu , Refitted F11,60 pcrdny 1T NESS' AND SECOND IiAND IiOUHEIIOLD 00005. YY g , ALMY. ' Bought mud sand , 212 Brnadssay SI'LC IAL NOTICI + : S. _ _ NO'flCR.-Spcclal aihertiseinenta , such as i4rrt , Fonndlb is'an , For Snlu'lb Itemit , wants , ltn.mnt . lug , etc. , wlli ho lusortod h1 this celunul at IIIu low mate of TIN CIN'18 : I'Elt IJNF : for 11ie first Ins mmtlnu and PIPE CENTS I'Eli I.INE for each subscgneot In. surtluu ( ears atrurtbemmds at our ofiec , No , 7 l'uarl Street , near Itruaduay WANTS , { ; ) ANTEII-IherybatyillCuuaeiiSluesto lake 1Y funlirr. Dcllrnod by currierat oily tscnty ecnts a work. , lAN'l'ID-A : Ca11getemit girl for general Besse V Y lurk In amull tautly , Uual sagas. Addrrss l' , tins ( brier. , 'AN'I'CD-Agaxlgrl. : AI'Plylitl.ltllu ' w'fndsor 1 restaurant , 1311huaisnr. I\rANI Fu-A hay , a Ith many , to deih cr Tlrs Its . FOR SALE AND IIENT , 11 mars Iron Cuumlic111IituRn. d dmess'.l. lieu ntilrn rtltlmI 1' Tssostores , 40by04)en lower Nnln suer ( , opposhu fonndq' . l iu ilmlrU of John II ul 0nnn ommsAid : Ilnuso and lot , uortliwest corner of J 'lenlliaud Itrealh'uy , JuftsVI Imaamn , ' t1ht1mIN'r : Iisellhigliouee - , Ilse 1001115 , closets. 1t 11 , II 0ini rl.mtnl , Iii muitimtit11 walk tr'oiil iramfr. 111quireutillS'tenth asmulu _ _ limos , elIeaa , ii. ii. I'rssr , OFFICER & PUSSY Coumirll llluffs , Ia. EstaGlislea - - 1856 licaleos In I'orglrn and Domestic Eaclianguamid I ImuuSecurities. _ _ resh Fish1 Wholesale and Retail No. let Maui tnut , Neat Bloch South of 1'axtolll ( ' , Council Bluffs , less. j ODELL & DAY , Loans ) Reai Estat AND INSURANCE , No. 39 Pearl St. , Counoil Bluffs I City Property. lVo have vacant lots ii all tarts of the city at from FGool ) up , for sale am nlomlhty µ miients. No , G2. Iluusu , 0 rooms , w ell , cl.tern , 4 large lot pfelity of Init on iluutomi street ; clean , tt , ( W. No. M'-A Jeslrahlu resideucu on hesemitli stree 11cnr ilhsoruer scho.l , huildhlgs neatly new ; t5,000. N0.42.-Ninety feet ( rout , comer Pearl St. and e o coed asenus , op ; osltu court hmisu15,500. Business Chances , No , 26-For sale or trade , a ttock of hardware , 4t n gmi h11shlesx i 11it hl ss osteni Iowa , 11'111 trade f ar faun or city' ' 'r1 eny. Nu flu-hutch , the only our Inatown of 700 iuha itamits , 25 rooms , with goal tam , sell located , w 111 Bell .heap or trade for a farm. No , r0.-A Ihu repuhllean paver hi sestcni low etlieial cuuuty leper amid large patrommgu , wrychu aI' It rout seoti. ' \'u aio hoe a ilunlher of cholcu ( anus 111 wcalcni low a , for side 511051' . LOANS , . 11.0 has o ino ° ey to loan on farms amid city property' , at horn 0 to iO Is'r m eaL Fire and Tornado Insurauco , Iiest of co11Pamiiey reprusenteJ , lypmltahlo rates and fair tcatncut. Lusacs adjusted and paid at this uutee. 11118,111 Jr 1lillou1 111. II , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 723 Broadway , Council Bluffs , w. R.VAUCIHAN Justice of the Peaces Onulma aua Council BIufFs , Ikal estate and mlhxtinaagcncy , 1t Odd Fullew'p block , ulcc basing , hank. jauh4t ' . . . ate' 1 To The Trade 0 4 ? i We take plcnauro in calling your attettion to time fact flint woh womado such arrange- metta as will enable us to sell you Ruiiilier Boots Slioe , , 1I5 Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Writ , for further infonnniiou , z' CO. ' ' . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ) ' Em kie Hardware Co. a , : " 'hors r- { ( , ' 9 , ' ; ; 100 umd 111 S. Matt Stlcet , COL NCIL BLl ' rI S , IOWA. , C11ea111Friit , 1 Colilocliollery f .1 Parties , Socnablcs and Picnics supplied on short notice , amid goods delivered to a Puu'ts of the city. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , , , 10.1 Rest Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' r iy fd a r' d 'v1r ar e ® 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. Broadway Steam Laundry . 4 r . 724 VVL Sr'3' 73R011 V L .S' . 1 1s s A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. i LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. r JOHN R. MARTIN , Protioi1 F1llll18L S EIll S1OllI Filler J r Ilan a full line of Bath Tubs , Sink , nnilary , Brass and Load Geode , Lead and Iron ripe' and fittings. Job. bhig prompn } nttemdcd to. Firat class w erk guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ] HOUSES , NQ t l = louh.t and 3o1cL Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished ! - . 1 JCo1VI11 CON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , , I DEALERS IN i 1.IlooeIhiOs , F1OYiSiOllS , Boots lioesi I IMMGRA.TIOIV : 13G 1V'TS. DRAFTSON.TiiE ; DANR 01' IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALT , 343 BROADWAY , 0 ODNCiL BLUFFS CPFESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR , 2113 , 27.7 rind 22.9 15. Maus 1Jtrootr COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - . r MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , TIiR LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , , Council Bluffs , , Windsor. f 531 BROADWAY. Ietauiaiit And Uay Hoard. Alltholsllaldcsot the scahonandtliu fimuest table iii the city. P. . Overton , llrALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and lied Calar l'III11gCexlar ' Telegraph I'olrsaud Femme 1'ots , Oak Dlmncndoa Stuff , lindgu Material o ! all kinds , at lied hock 1'rlcvs. A Sl eclalty lu WOOD AND COAL for brick varl pui'oses. A full Supply of wood and for coal aissayson llaudat yard a scalaoi Matra street 0111ce,105 , } irrt AY 'stun Slain amid 1'caristreets. R. RICE M. D. CANCERS , or other Tracers remosed wlthout tiu kIl fo or drawing of blood. OJIitONIO DISEASES of s0 khida a spaclaity , lhcr thirty vsr5 .raotlcal ezperlence. 051ca No. G , 1'oan treet , Cooiieil'Dlufle. ta COaaallstton Free. ; m WINTIIERLICH BROS. i llrFIss Foillry Cora Otlt St , amid 11th Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ' MORCAN , KELLER , & CO , , UNDERTAKERS. it The Shiest quality' am I largest stock rst of Chicago of w'oolcn d Metallo Cases. Cullattemdul to f nil hours. { Po defy omlwtltton mu quality of goods or minces. Our Sir aeorgan tins served as uudenaker for forty years aumu tlmroughly understands his busl 'ices. SVareroomus,311 Ur.alxuy. , UI'UIII.STEIBNO In all its branches promptly altendod to ; also carpet laying and Iunbrquina Tclegraphlo .rid 'null tiers IAllal without dciav. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE 0Th xfltEMOYED TO OSiANA NATIONAL BANII WLDINO , r f