Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    t 2 . TIIE DAILY BEE---TUESDAY , AUGUST 14. 18b3.
"lt hag beconio so conunonto write mho
beginning of nn article , in nn elegant , iu
toresting Imanuor ,
"Tltuu run it ; into ammo ndvortisenont
thn we nvoid nil such ,
And Sinn'ily ' Call attention to the mire.
its of Ho ) llitlole in ns plain , homiest
tera5ns nsiblo
"To iniluco fwoI)10
"To give thomonotrial , which Poprm os
their value that they will never tiRe any
thing olso. " -
"Tnn it1nnDv : so favorable noticed in
nil papers ,
rlieii tons mud secular , is
' 'having n largo sale , and is supplant.
in nil ethr Illmile111CS.
"Thom is no dcilying the virtues of the
Hop p1a1L , mud the proprietors of llop
Bitters have slew i great shrewdness
"dad ability
"lt c0upmmiuling n hlodicino
virtuesare so palpable to every one's oh.
aervatiou , "
mild Sir iIc'1
' 'She fingered nail seniored along , hiil )
ing asay all the time for year's , "
" 770 dOctora doing her no good ; "
"Amid at last was cured by this i lop
Bitters the papers sap' se much about , "
'Indce 1I 110100(1 ! '
"flow thankful we should ho for that
. meliciuu. " -
,11)auldcr'H ; JIIHI'y ( ,
"Eleven years our llatlghltdrsuffered(01
a lied of miaory ,
"From n conIhc. ttiou of kidney , liver ,
rheumatic trouble (111(1 Nervous ( lebilit ,
"Un(1er the ciro of time bestlhlYsicir , w )
"Who gave her disease various aalnoe ,
"Bat no relief ,
"And floss she is restored to us in good
health by as simply a remedy as flop Ilit
tors that wo had shunned for years be.
fore using it-TItn 1'.tuNTS : ,
FiU her IH G0t11I1g'VeII.
M ) daughter Way :
" 110w much better father Is Ilnce ho used 1101)
"Ito Is getling well nftor III Inng suffering from a
dlecaso declared lncurnblu'
"Amid wo taro allF'lad that he I1"od your nlttcre. "
A LAnr of Utica , N1 Y ,
aJ t ; , r
1 t
I !
( S
I . . l
, , ,
. 'DA I. . PlNKHAM'
Pnrs Cnre far all RIMALR ; 1V'Rn1C
VEs8I : ! . , tuyhdlag Leneurrhu n , tr.
ecaulsr and 14dn1'ul 1enstrluQan.
rnOnnmntlnn mid Ulcorntlnu of
( ho VV'ntnl , , Ffomling , I'IfO-
iSltStlfA 11T1-i , &e.
ay rlenstnl ( u.onstc ) , onradour : old tmtredt. , "
tt.raert Itlaatgr atbelpln prrenancy , and rl
sir ptta ( iu , Inr labor and at rr , ular par1.U
j. , , l'U bl'tllalmI ? .tii14l'1tifcIT Ierrbt ,
. fp'f'os ltr. tttcnrutrs tat lhorrngtntko erg + r.
, t. ( ; ' .IUhurreriitc ondiunottmlvylIIatlwer.d :
m bninru Ito Iub11o1 , wen for all dhrasea or r <
I rrtalt.elhonrndratPcmcdvinLA.Itirld.
r'i.IDNYCOJt1'T.11NTSuf1.mhor : 6r '
rim ; ( : rou ur ikr'tu Its Une.
1,1'ntIt 1.PINRIiASVa 111.01)0I'tI LIFl t. {
t. rsdmtrvv rp ru0ro of lhnno s tae : ( '
, , " lnnnrvell VIIIIRtoeultaaothOw , O'i ! '
, , " tirsdl' nrrcr at-fl p , (
) rrJ al ia' and r ; . tVestun Artnuo , t yon , tn !
n.ut , 0orf1 , Oxbotllrarorffr. ThoCump (
sent by nndl bl the torn ct piibor of Iu.eu2M
runra om 3. ) 11 : ' . t I 1 cr toxfor either. 115. Ph.1
ern , wl + rnrrall b'ltewof Inquiry. trrlneolo
sum ( AI fet pampldt ( . I1milun U ( JUwr.
U illltaa , + ' ) r Tnlpadltyethaid rr.l V.
Cal tinld hi ran err Y tlatr : 111 'n
I , $200 A YEAR
by the use of ltax MAosvn , Tha Ilmnldon Food 1'r a
rereatvo. I t proton us )1 cat , Firh , M l lk , Cruaul,1tg a
Mud all klude of Animal Fuoti fr"h and sweet to
wake , olcn In thu lottunt weather. Thir tae b
vul thu tustlln"ulalr of hundrrds who lone trio
lt.roV'ns au prove it fur younolf for to contr. Yo
' will mud that thlsirau nrticlo which wiU/avu you
' deal of .
s great monov.
It olil kwptnnn Irian and rsruat hr ) annoy tae
out dooauot Impart mho rlightcst footgn taste to ti :
artloior treated. It l ro nhnplu In oporatlun tli
achlldlunfollow lhu dlcrtlou , ( c al hunnklr
calf mul costr only n fraction of u rout t" a I1ound
mad ach , butter or cheese or to aquart of mll
Mir jr no huurhug ; It 19 undoreod by rucli meet
I'rnf. Hani I V. Julmran of Yalu Colloqu. Hold
drugglrteandgrocwrr. Humplolwundesuntpru pa
by nuS or cxprore ( awu profur ) on recol.t of irk
Aasu v'.tar yapreee tatiku. Vtamlino lhrand for aura
Ocaas tVasu for tlrh and pica food ; Hnow F1aku f
wickbutkruulehuyroAutl ; VcnnuntAntld'I a (
Autl Muld , roc. purlb , each. I'oarl for crwmiie
Guar eg , and Aqua Vitau for hull uxtracte , ll l or 1
Tll1 11UMISTON Fool 1'I11sEiLV1NU CO. ,
! i iO uu&o&wlm 721tlbyat. llost/ai , Mass.
A regular gradnato
rnudlylrtu , ahte
aaaamallO0BWS'aua.i"ttctt. y'earu'practlcu-twelve
Autlmarlrod by lhu slate to try
„ Chrndy , Ncnuus and l't h'ato dleeas
„ ' Arnhem , Epllepry , Ithamintlrtn 1'il
, , 'lhw ; tt'nnn , Urluary and Hkin Ir
h ' ewryrM'adnllWcukucslrdhtlurrc , (
( , ,1 , 'tI $ exty l nebliItylurr of w aual Lowe
etc Cturowguararduydur eunnyrefundod. Ularg
low , ThuuuuJi of uccr cura.L No Inprrlour nio ,
clncu furulrhul even to hatlcutr at a dltaocr , Ci
rultatlou frew cud anilIcnUal call or wa llc ago a
I oxi uriunou cure IontortauiL A i1OUl { for both rya w
l Ulutrabsl-mud clrculan of uthur llnmru rout awl
la' twoBrout rtauhpr , FIIEEllUHEUlt
3 , urduod.w
] TJI't7 d
i I Have I'OUnd J It
wax the rxclatiictlotaof aumiamiwtuetltar gut a 1
of Euruka Pllu Olutmeat , whkh is a rlmnllu amid r
cwu for Vlloe and alt Hklu Dhcalou. } dty cuutu
, omnadgwld ;
The American Diarrhoea Cure
r lbu mood the tat for twenty yuan. Sure curs
f Mu. Norer Falb. Ulmt.aua , Dyrcntarp , mad Cho
; m Lorbuu.
1 Dcauc's ' Fcror and > 9gue Tolitc & Cori
! It 4lmpoellblo to , upply thutapld ralu of thu w , na
For Fever and Ague , Mod all Malulal troublua
flue , ILCO.
I .w TEHous '
r 9 1 for Sale l3Y all Druggists
of seat by itzprae on receipt of prloa .ku0
11r..J.nept , Sbnnuan4 Glvrs an Au
mount o ( ' Ills Voyagr to Ilnlland.
The Iingne , Aug , 4-Tho lnlloou , "Trio
Colonel , wlsich ascended at Ilaldon , Es.
BOX , nrrivod at Flusliimig on R'ednesday
night , 7'ho aoronatlts were Sir Clnudo
d0 Crespigny and 11r. Joseph Simmons.
'I'lie latter gives thin following account of
his voyage : '
Befuru the start from Balton several
pilot balloons were laimmiehed in order b ,
nacertai11 the direction we wore likely to
ttku. 'Time pilots i11dicaled several cur
rents tat a low altitude but met at the tno
melt of stitrthig the wind gave n good
dud of trouble we found it necessary to
leave tIme ground with mat aSconlill (
made utili7.o
owur. Eatto11n , t to .
the currents soldd have l eemi at the ox
itemise of gas or ballast , Wo had desired
to cress time Ocr11mui ocean , therefore
every ounce of ballast mud every foot of
gas 'had t ) be cautiously ried , There
1SIS lint Illtichl time to enjoy time glorious
panor tuna ere we found it liocessary
, roupLly to reach Ilnlland or Ilelgiumil.
Fortunately time atmosphere over E11g
hind : vets clear. 'flee start was undo tat
eluvet O'clock , 1V'o kept nearly over the
middle of time Blnckwater.
At twenty Illliltitospa5tnib we were
over liradwell.
At hnif.paHt 1 o'clock we worn just
passllig over time ahores of Essex , 'L'ak
ing our bearimigs , we found we wore going
striught toward Rotterdam , and if time
sviud cuntilnted would probably reach
Ilnlland before dark , lime bottom of limn
sea was clearly scull in every direction.
Every chaniel null shoal was easily
narked , 'l'imey formed a ctirious nut.
workVo could 500 two eel near llar-
wich very distinctly , Six steane'a be.
nmath u5 nppcared nlnnost in collision ,
7'hu hnll oil time buoy east of Iilackwatcr
wn8 continually ringing , 'l'lmu solmlld was
very clear to us.
We are tat ami attitude of 0,000 feet ,
The lightship east of lilackwnter is about
time 517.0 of alien , but very distinct. Al.
thought the 1)011 is constantly ringing we
ea11 now and again hear shouts front time
decka of the ateanners. 1Ve throw out
sheets of ) apor 811(1 1111(1 w0 are still link-
in8 n tril1e I , southeastward. Our safety
and time 8ttantinoilt of our object depends
upon lacing able to continuo this course.
At half past 2 p. in. We have not spout
nu omatce of biallaHt or touched any valve.
Our nltitudo at this nnomnont is 10,000
feet , Our foot are cold. We appear to
ho overhauling mist to the acuthetlst.
At fife , five minutes past two we are
onallrollied ill moist , 1Ve call see nothing
but ourselves amid time balloon.
A few minutes later we have a lung :
nificelt picture of time bidloon in a cloud.
Wu avu see our via-a-via dulng everything
exactly as we elo-even to our tingors
hanlieg the ropes mud grapplill time ut-
blo , which I have let out , distnictly re-
produced. I call Sir Cl + .uldu's attention
to this apparent mirage Ho carrot scu
it whore lie is sitting , but on coming to
nay side Ito sees tile.ropo its distinctly as
I (1u , lldy blue Beige silk looks now
( tutu greet , aural contitlimes 50 for nuuq'
naimiutus. ' 1'lie atmosphere is mt very deep
blue abtaVO us , 'Time glut iii time bnlloel
is perfectly dear Iliad the great dotnu huts
ti very solid maul assuring appearaneu.
Evarytlmimig is iii perfect tranquility. 1
cull liar time bealitlg of our hmenrts very
distinctly , Our ears rile uccasoualliy
blocked , but we rulrmedy this by widely
opening time Mouth.
At 4O : ! we thick tine is n slight
sound , us 0f surf. 1Ve arc very slowly
descuudiim g. At 4:40 : we emerge ou the
under side of the clouds , timid 11th sue
solllethiilg looking like a eotlst lice to time
auuthctst. VVo are still min the sane
course we started With.
A mitHA1'1'OiN'1'M0NT.
At .1:0 : we have approached near
cmiouglm to tied our inmlgiuary coast lice a
Inng BWCo ) of Himmel , but this encourages
1113 to thick that tvo laud 1ntasot uid ocenu.
Auuther bug line of shoal now appears
as' if by magic. 1Vu are in full view of
six atOatrlei'H. A5 we Hupposo , these are
till eoumiug from time cast. On n nearer
nppruneh We sou tlmoy are sailing vessels.
lley appear to expect that we Hhull re-
( l uire their services , for they are taekliig
511(1 dodgiim us.
At ten nunutus past five two steamer s
are disliuetly visible , both going west
At tuts minutes to abc Sir Claude cries I
' Look there ! Is that another slmoalT'V 0
( liscuss time matter with much interest
Sir Clade enunot believe it anything bu
time mainland. I soon he6gutf ) to think tim a
10(1110 , limit it coutimiues for a lm1i ; tie
very imidistimict , amid mum I look very tixedl y
, tat it for nomu minutes it appears to alto
, its ahapo mud I cuucludu it can be noth
r mug but a stack of clouds. Instead of its
i ereasimig inn db tinctness tlmis long sweei
u now grows ti littlu mo'o thin. At tim
' sane time we havu otlmer indication
whiclm innku us think we have chmiulget
our course , Sir Claude says two or tlmrn
theses tluat ] mu does net des Her 11osv of tie
R. atrmtk turmiimig out to be band. His dis
taut vision WIIH more distinct than name
n INULOUn1.tNn ,
° t 1t fee minutes past six wo nru both
tai perfectly satisfied , 1Vu are in view o
n time coast to time cast. The sun peeps be
by ttVUUU time ulouis ( , mold umidur time inllu
hi emee of his rays thin balloon imist mmtl
; slot upwa'd with fwn'ful rapidity. Si
or Clmu to sold : "D0 ou nut snlull gas us
mil ma iiu g ? " lint 1 ( bid net , ] laid it no
; ' , bun for this safe guard of tie the cense
r emcO might hltvo been serious , hr a fet
, luucomul5 we uuro over ii vast urea of wha
looked lilu mimnnitains of snow , soli
uuouglm to walk oh. Thu grandeur e
Ian this aeutue it would be after folly for 111
y „
In to attempt to describe , Not the sligls t
ust usovuutunt could be detected in mum
a piu't of this vast eloudlauul , Ever
mosndniu peak suemimed to stuul tiler
Hxod forever , Thu tuusptntiuu w'iul to
8 ' , great to go dove and leave this grandee
cr until a groaterlunlpt tiu11eane-thu p0 a
ml. itivo souub of time surf iuunediately b u
„ Ii earth. VVu now upumied time valve an
# rushed dowimwaml with great rapidity.
, qI feu- seconds are sulilciunt to bring a '
doss'n frlnl our highest position--17,00
- feet -lout emugh to haru speuad bofo
our dehigltlud vision time butch of VVn
chores island , on time north sidu of tl
' , 8rimuldt river , tuul time mminlnnd ( It I le
lord shutting its in to time south ,
uru imE CItiNi ( LANII ,
I ) ) VVe hind already pmtssud time nsouth
time Sehddt. I eensiderod we wren no
J safe oeuth , imnd skotehcd VValchuru
or while lbushum just hemunth us. Puap
lo w ere new hulling lustily from all Ioint ,
Time ballouu brought t down aplen ldly m
al , Fluslmiug , tlmo grtppliug iron taking til I
, ueip in a ditolm suroundiug a what timh
I lmu ditch acted mum a funcu reulnd time ha
1(011 to keep off time great crush. Who
we ) mad uuqtied and packed time bahloc
'it we went Ulrouglm time streets , which w'u
J thronged with )011)10 ell the wu to Ii :
r Ilut li Wellington , where we omit rtain
for a alert Lio. After rotting same r
froehnonta we proceeded to time landim
etalia and tlioru Procured berths on ti
Princess Mary for Qmiccusborough. I 115(1
almost forgotten to mention that limo cold
ts Its intense , over time mouth of limo west
Scholdt at nit altitude of 17,000 feet. I
-1001)01111(15 of ballast left when we
came doan,1111(1 our journey could have
bean prolonged but for our having promised -
ised Lady do Crespig11 that we would do
our best to desceuly on reaching the
coast , We 1(01(10(1 at 7 o'clock.
A 1h oker's Good Luck ,
fir , F , Il , Itobinsun , banker and
broker , al Broad street , Now York , who
teas 151(1 up three nmemths with severe
rheumatism , says ; "I bought a bottle of
St. Jacobs 011 , used it , and in two days
tvaS completely cured. I tlioronglily be.
hove in the great remedy ,
, YEltlt'S 01L1 tTVEATH ,
The Noted 13W1111 ,1CoH4 the Euglldl
Channel-A Itrmnrkable
4 c111evepienl.
The Loudon Standard gives Limo follow.
ing nccoumit of the principal mclmiuv'etaent
of time late Copt , Webb : "Swiirnning
would appear to have been a pmtssiou
with nun , tuul in 1870 lee conceived 'time
extraordinary uotiomi of crossing the I im-
glish clmnnel front Doter to Calais. That
elan was , at time tithe , regarded as utterly
iugnncticable , llfaiy attempts had been
11)5(10 ) , all resulting iii failure , but Capt.
Webb refused to bdlievu that ltu should
not succeed , anal , as 8 preliminary trial
of strength nod endunurce , lie su nin
f'omil Blnckwall to Gmavesemul , covering
time distance-1S 11miles-sum essayed time
jttll ioy front Dover to Itanagate , limn 1
hours , 52 minutes old 44 seco11ds. ( Jam-
big conbdesce from this success , lie site-
ceedtng in accomplishing this nmom e tutu-
cult task um 8lmnurs and 16 minutes , ] loth
these efforts of elehtraueo and skill tmk
plncu in 1870 , and apparently satis-
lied with themi Capt.Vebb now frmdiy
deter11lined on ntteaptnig time chmaulol
futS5ttg0 , Friday , August 18 , was time
day lucid upon , 'rime swinunor tvas to
hmive started at daybreak , amid at that
time the sea was calm mud uppnrcmtly inviting -
viting , but sonietlming in the atne&pherie
nppe sauces suggcatel a doubt w imetlner
similarly quiet weather could ho courted
111)011 for twemityfour comiaecutive hours ,
and a postpoieneit tvmts agreed to ; but
only for a smart time. A few naiautes
after G ( , clock on time saute evenitlg ,
thought time sea was luuqy ) std a fresh
breeze blew free time southwest , Copt ,
1Vebb , having provioualy been well
rubbed with porpoise oil , took to time
water , diving from a boat at the'tdminir-
alty.pier at Dover , lie rums closely ate-
coulpanicd all time way by a boat witlm
tWor Ie1'901a1 ) friends on hoard , and n
lugger , in whieit tveru a number of gen.
ti01nel who hind undertaken to see time
completion of the task-if it was cont.
pletud. ' 'ho daring swiunner struck out
strongly timid cheerfully , and fair au hour
or two made good progress turd
seemed in excellent condition.
Isis first refreshutent vats somne
roast beef , which he consumed without
difficulty. limit time sviud increased , time
sea grew nrot'e rough , and a little after
heavy rti11 began to fall. It was now.
111ipastble , to ltttellpt tulkiug solid food ,
usin witim n glass of eod ln er oil time cap.
taut eoutiuued his voyage under time most
disagreeable weather' , llmdeed ho suggested -
ed gtvilag up time struggle , but as a lull iii
time Wind took 1)11100 at sunset ] me treat on.
Again , however , the rind rose , time rniu
full amid the sea became ; greatly immure
troubled , A short further trial ivtts
made , but all agreeing that tlmoro s-au no
hopouf improvemnout , Capt. 'aVehb finally
left jime water tat midnight , feeling w'trnm
and looking still fresh amid vigorous , tint.
withstuuliug bin extrtordtmiary exertions.
Although time sea proved thus too rougim
fin' bini , and time wnmd and weather so
tlmeroughly unpropitious , still more thus
half of time passage tuts ncconlplisimed ,
amll time Gtptian seeiled coliviliCed that h e
could safely luldurtnke time wlelu jour
hey. So another- trial was duturnli11c d
upon , nod successfully umidertthcil on m
August 24. 'J'11un time waves uveve quiet ,
the tulo favorable , the wind ageeeablu
amid wimeii , at 1 o'clock on drat duy , Copt
VVobb dived froul time eel of time Adnri .
rally pier , amid time cheers of a conasider
able concourse of people , it was with t
Httvng belief tlmit lie would accomplish
hie journey in about fourteen hours. A s
it platter of fact , it took hint 21 hours U i
nninutos and 56 socontm. Ile tvas aceom
1)abed ) , met buforo , by a lugger std row
boat , cetttinima6 time judges timid som
of his friends. his refreshments con
L listed of beef-tot , cofluu amid bnmdy ,
' ! 'hero was nothing very mioticeahl
1111 time passage mltil about OJO : on tin
night of time 24th Webb called out tint
y ito had beun stung out the shoulder by
. jollyiish , asking for souro brandy , A
. that tiue , it is recorded , theio was n pur
) ceptiblu weakenimig of his stroke , at
u 0t was feared that flight and a half hour
s iu tliu water 1111(1 Limo chilly air of tie
I e'onimig were beginning to toll upon ] min
e A few ulimiutuslater , howovur , imeshotlte
u that he vats mill right , timid felt no inure o
. time Again , just after miduigbt
time wilttl fr'asiWlleth , and at 2 o'clock tim
repots were nut rurssm'iug. It was sti
I the swiunnur tuns gutting pe'ceptiial
f tvenkci , and time diver prulnu'0d hnusel
h , reudo' pmo11qt assmstnmieo , ] hl
tie ndnlinistratomi of a littl
brandy revived VV'ubb , old lie agmn
, pursued hie 111011et011lla way. As th
Hhoru of Calais eaune into vtusv timid au
E tide both fought against time struggler i
le water. Once more thaio tv'ero sign
I tof WCnltliess , agnlla anxiety amolmg hi
t friends ; butttlastnfteramnoynlisgitimig s
d VV'ebb touched grotnul , and was eordinll
f wulcnmel by tune Ft eueh crowd the
u lined time bench , Omi Innditmg lie wits ve
weak , but , as time boatumus expressed it
ty "jolly in his tailk" up to time erd , 11
y , wcnt to laid iuuua hintuly , slept soundly
mild the medical aid vohultoered urn
( a ( ICell11el 115 1t1111Ucossa'y , On returniu
r to Euglnnd illr. 11'ubb was received wit ]
, great elthusinsn , mud a very eonsidurtbl
soon of nmomiu' tras subscribed and 1Ir e
ul l unted to him ,
A Since timat time Capt. ll'ubb hiss 1)01
furred many reuunkable feats. Ile 0
o n live days' swimming , rice tat time Lan
ru both bntlma ; and iii llhtrch of time eaimi
i year he remained in time tank at tii
Lu VV oshniaistur squa'illmlr dmmriug a pario
i of sixty' hauls , whim an interval of 21
11 untcs. 'J'laun in time Gdlouving Angus
tat Scarborough , ho remained sevuuf }
four huut's ill time rater with only a fe
of ninutus interval. Even th'swits ' eclipse
iv bu'liat lme did last year in Anicrim
n wlmeeo , at time horticulturnl hail buildin g
to Bustumi , lie remained 1281 hours in
5. tunk : , less 1)1 ) nninutes for rust , iii 18
it VVubb war defeated by 1V. Beckwith in
u six days' swim or tun hours a day at li
1. N estnunstor a1uariuul , but on Oct ,
I. 1881 , at liollingwurt0 lake , Lancasbir
im 1Vubb defeated 1flr. A , Jennings iii a f u
u hours' swim , accnn ) lishin n distance
ru five miles 000 yards Ae we have 8hte
u 'uat before luuvhr g for America , Wet
mid was gain defeated b Boekwitlt ha ' 1
loon cameilod
e ) to give up time struggle
comiouaico sutforib congastb
ig ( of n trout g
me of the lunlde ,
1 -
It iH Beim Latl 1lack by illoo1 on
Ilit' l'rlnelpal it roots.
Chicago Tribune.
The system of granite pavemilent recent
ly adopted by tIe ) city amid now boif'q car-
red out on sections of Mntliaon , VV'ash
iiigton , ll11udulph anti State streets was
examimiet bya'I'ribunoroporturyesterday.
'l'wu kin is of granite are being useti , one
front the VV isuomsin qumaries amid time other
from time Fox island Imt 2Vnimiu. ( 7'11o Fox
island granite that is beimig used on Itnn
dolplt street is the sane as that used iii
time new Load of trade building. Time
lolislmcd millers ill front of time nett'
cotmt building tire from the Fox island
quarries. The Fox island granite is gray ,
with a mink tint tvhemi aolislmel
Alml granite is of a stroll g link tint
in the rough. 'Time gm-suite se ius to bo
equally perfect. Time 1Viscomisimi granite
issaid to be wniform iii cimaractor , some
of it lmta beets rejected/ by time board of
pmbiic works for being softer than time
standard , but time kind that is now being
iai(1 down 8001115 to be of uxeellemit qunl
Phu system of htying down time pave.
molt is about as foliowa : 1Vhe1 the old
wood pavenemit is taken away time street
is excavated to n de rth of about sixteen
inches , A layer of broken atomic suven
iileiles ( loch , is lirst humid dow11. 'J'liis
stumie comes fruum Stony Island , wlmere it
is broken b'steam crahers. On tor of
this tlmeroyis n layer of coarse ravel
about two inches doe 1 , . 'l'ime whole is
then rolled with a tweet -ton steam
roller. A Inyar of sand one inch deer is
Init on miuxt , 'Thet the granite blocks
are laid down edgewise , the nverlgo
measttremnent of eaclm block being about
toe inches iii length , four inches in
wtdtll and six inches in ( loptll. A coating -
ing of elc im , light gmnt el is tlmon put on
whicim fills us time niterstices. A coating
of as ) haltic ccnmeit conics next , and a
very bi6ght buyer of spud cool1dotes the
Siiuilsr paving is useli iii Boston , New
York , Portland , liamigor , old some other
Eastern cities , llme asphaltic ceulent
has not hceu used in other cities , that
mode of fiuislmiug having originated with
tune city engineer ] more. Ilia idea is that
time pavetnunt should ho kept perfectly
water-tight ism order to prcveiit any
disimitelrntiomi ; uude'neatlm. This pavement -
ment , it is said , will keep good for about
fifty years. The section atprosent being
dorm are : Itaudolph street , free Clark
street to 1Vabash avenue ; Madison street ,
front Stnto street to W'mibash avenue ;
1Vashiagtomi street , from Dearborn street
to 1Vabash avenue , and State street , free
, Tackson street to the river. Time plum
followed is to work at emily one block on
cutnlm street at a time in order to incmn-
miiodu time tuflic as little as possible.
About thirty met can do me block in a
A Goon 1NS'ESTSIENT.-One of oue
prontineit business man said to us time
otlmer day : " 11 the spring nmy wife got
all run clown timid could net eat anything ;
passing your store I saw a pile of Hood's
Sarsaparilla in the window , and I got a
bottle. After she had taken it a week
she had a rousing appetite , and did her
eveything. She took throe bottles , and
it was the host three dolhu s 1 over in-
vested. C. I , hood ( C Co. , Lowell ,
A T1t10 Ol 'J'ItiPidYT'TS .
A lVomnen who Boor Nine Children at
'three Births.
I'iutladulphln Record.
A unulaer of charitable ladies free
Philadelphia amid Now York spending the
sunminer at Island Heights , a lovely aunt-
lu cr resort on l on s river , N. J , mite ac-
tiveiy elgnged in raising douatiomis of
money amd clotlung for a Mrs. Johnson ,
residing iii a small cottage at that p15w ,
who has just given birth to the third set
of triplets. Time latest arrivals are three
chubby , crowing children , time very pie-
ture of health-amid mill girls. Time-emily
way that they are distinguished free
cacti other is by their clothing , which
smmio of time lades land niischieveously
nnu'ked Fnitiy IIopu , and Charity.
I 'lime parents are bothm largo and well-
form-1 ed persons , and llr. Jolmson is employ
ed as a laborer'ol ii neighboring farnm.
'Piro ' six other children of illr , ami(1 iIrs. ,
Johnson are all stout and healthy , mil d
. are all under 8 years of age.
) 'l'ulu cottagers amd boarders iii tic
neighborhood have gncn parlor enter
tainmitents , taken up collections and hav a
0 reiortcc to various other means of reliev -
u ing tied funnily , wlmo arc poor in circnn
t stammers. A large purse has alwuady beer
n raised.
t - -
* anion time most ollicacious at reuse
d dial agents are the medical preparatio11
H fromii time laboratory of Mrs. Lydia E
Pinkfiamii , Lynn , Blass.
f 'Chic Augnxt iloon.
' ' fulls time 18th
'vl'he Atlgtlst llloelm emm
( , mit 810 ; o'clock. 'Time wtipiug ntooa is im
ti conjunction tv'ith.lmipitornwd 1'omius mil
y time 1st , 1111(1 with Jupiter lot' the Hoeon (
f true ou time 2Otb. She is at her miepres
t point to lllorury on the 8d , mmd to llrt
u uus on the tit11. Omi the 24th alma is ver y
ml near Neptune , On time 2fitlm aloe is in elos
e commjumictiomi tvitlm Saturn at 1:311 : o'clock
ml ii' time afternoon , Passing 1'x 8 nlin. south
Ii hl some portionH of the t lobu , betwee1
s 32' amid 70' south declination , amid wlmer
H time dark side of time earth is tarred to
, ward the lesser luumimutry , time moon w'il
y be soon to occult sstnu'mi , 'Phis will b
t time tifth ocemiitautm a td Saturn that ha
y uecnrrud during time year. 'Thu uwot
, completes time phuetttry circuit i ) ' he
U conjhnction with iiltirs min the 2itim , '
s l1Ol'H1UrL'H Auld 1'hosplntte.
g lbr Ncnou.ucus , ludlge.tlon , Ac.
m Send to time lhanford Chemical Yorks
C Providence , It , l. , for pamphlet. 1llaile
Glel4'cYho 1Vnnt limn lnrlII.
n A Dakota letter in ouo of our uxchang wr
m Imna the follovving nmerry mllnsmon to
u current Hulaject : "Now , as ruguds ti ma
gentior sex u'ho cane here to'hold dow n ,
d their claims. All over time'J'utritury you
1 will IJ11d these little slmauties , ! n miuul
t , of thou atylislm mltul prettrt young ladie
' tmtke up a night's lodging omicu UVei'
w' month mil' oftener. 1 Kato stem uunsbui'
d of nmissos fromn time I'.asturt States , w h
I , 110 stmt hero 'holdiuo ( lowmm' ' a quattc
, s0ut emi , Othemts wle live uuarer , ms ii
a lows , or 1VIinuesotm , or Dakuta , mink
81 nuuitlll } pilgrimages to their raneh , era
a mere likol' ' m omtce hi two nuuitbs su
me runiaht two'uig mhte cmidtmru this m' uerilico t
1 , their comfort amid time shock to tlmei
u , nurses n few tines , mad boeome erns
'o of valuable runt tstato , A Dakota gm
o f that isn't holding diva fl cla'tit ' or two i
od , a curiosity. Time omly drawback to th
b Eastern girls is the fact that they mil m't
mg Publicly declare that they are eve
in twenty one before they can file the
tat li jUcatlon , A hundred and alxty acre
if land you know , ii not much of lm
pot : * . , .
inducement to an Eastern girl for such
at ndtnissielt , lint out hero it is
altogether ditlereni , for it only lasts nix
months atul at time old of that time the
young Indies go right hack to eighteen
and twenty nguanl. Indeed it is looked
uomi as rc all rouinutic ilea aito Line fact
that wolves Inowl around at night amid
ru rimers )1ay iiide aud eeek thmi'o ngh time
shanties like
rats , "
+ - - -
,111,1tIm11 e n Ibuulxonmc hnce.
A pure , chino skin wHl make stay face hand-
501(10. Slataifestly anythbaq which strengthens
mul enriches the hlood tell ! directly atfect time
whole pcaoll. Ail entptiaus of the skle dis
n , pear whorl ! llrrvlork Jibed ! filet , uro emra
played. 'Plmay are a vcgetabho remedy of fu-
estitnablo value.
A b'nthcr W'ho 1''ergol Ills Baby ,
Chicago Herald.
"Yes , we find a great many things , "
said the couduetor , as lie looked over time
contests of a lady's purse tshich lme hind
found omt aseat in time ii xt car ,
" 1Vhat do you do with lhomni"
" 't'urn Umen over to time clmief bngmgc- ;
nmml tit the end of time trip. There ns nl
ways a fuss kicked up and lie guneally.
finds owners for tiriimgs. Yes , uauy pee
halo are very careless whet traveliiig.
They leave all sorts of tlmmgs in time cars
-canes and u11lbrollas oftemest. I suppose -
pose you've lmeard time old yarn about limo
man with got on time train mud felt as if
he'd forgotten sontetlliug. . After time
train lad atartcd , you reuie fiber , lie happened -
pened to think he'd left his wife sitting
ism time do rot waitimi" room , \Yell 1 had
n seal case about as bad as that last
spring. A idol and woman put their
baby to sleep on the seat behind them ,
mud when they reached their destination
a lot of friends met teen mud carried oil
their bundles mad traps , but everybody
forgot time baby. A telegnun caught us
at tune next station , and the agent took
care of time little clap until , tiio careless
father camite witim n buggy. Source people
would forgot their meads if they Weren't
fastened on. "
Tlueulcr tl 1)ew n the Ages ,
That for looseness far rheuemtisnm , for aches ,
for ) : tune , mud for ipraies Dr.97wnuts' lclectric
Oil is a pucitiva snit relinblu remedy , 1)t .
7honus' I rkcfrfc Oil cmtn be purcleased of npp
Styles itt Baggtage SOUlshhig.
l'hilndelphil u'nines.
" 1Vlmere's that trunk been ? " said a reporter -
porter yesterday , pointing to a disntan-
tled hulk that hind cvtdeitly put in to
refit from time sea of summer travel ,
'I should think that bundle was
yanked somevlnero up the Northern
Central , There's a umnn at Elmira , I
tiiimik it is , wlsout we always know by the
way he leaves hiis ] manmdles-always tears
'ea out on the saume end on cue side.
R huu a trumik is split along the back it's
pretty sure to have bcett along the Con
necticut coast , The Stonington tr misfer
splits trunks like a buzz saw , but when
youi.get the truck stove in at both ends ,
with the hinges oil tumid time hock collapsed -
lapsed , you can be pretty sure it's been
its Canada. There's where they do
smash baggage. You see , they get so
dimmed mad handling the chests of draty-
era amid washstands and woolen boxes
that pass for baggage in that country
that they view every trod ; as a mimttural
omemiy , and they signal taut the good
ants like sharpshoooters lay for oflicors.
"Mat's your private mark ? " asked
time reporter.
'Ohm , we don't snash ( baggage here.
Baggage suashin' , like time shakes in
Jeraoy , is always iii the next totvu. But
I Simit got no grudge against these sum
user Saratogas , anyway , " said the ban
gageman , looking um a kindly way at the
model village of two-story wooden houses
about hies.
Of the ninny remedies befora the public far
Nervous Debility mad weaknou4 of Nerve
( aeneratiro System , there fs none equal to
. ' Ilrain loud , wlsich promJmtly' ;
irimieiutly restores all lust vigor ; it louver fails.
S1 . 0 for S5-At ( lruggtsts.
The Second Crop ol'W mtterumeIons.
Charlestmi ( S. C. ) News , August Hth.
Thu list crop of waternmelons , which
was mere numerous than profitable to the
growers , has been exhausted , and time entire -
tire crop of time South Georgia morons ,
wlsich was also unprofitable to the grow.
era , havimig also been exhlaustcd , time price
of time fruit has advanced and time dornnnd
from tire north amid west considerable increased -
creased , The Southm Carolina railway
complusy are dispatchimig extra trains to
transport time melons to Charleston for
slmipument north and also to western
points. Time roeeltraula have helped time
second growth of the melon visas , as
time indications at present are that th 0
melon groweranlong the hue of time Sout ] 0a
Carolina railway , between Branchn'ill
I amid Augusta , will not be mss ' 'short" as i t
was at osle tillie thought they would be.
Time supply of time fruit in time city 0s t'o ry
scarce , ,
The Doctor's Endorsement.
Dr , 1)V. . 1Vriglmt , Cinciemntl , 0 , , smidd 4
the subjoined prnfesstounl endorsmumst : ' 1
hnwe prescribed Dlt. 1V1 [ . IAIL'S l3AL
Su [ Foil ' 1'115 LUNGS in mu great man
her of eases and shvayx with pilaeevs. On
1 C,190 111 particular w'a4 given up by savers
m ] ihysicimsn who lad bean called in fr e0nsul
i tmttiou with insul ( . 'l'lro putieiit had all tin o
I sya11tInH ; ) ) a1J c"Idirmed c0rlaungatlun-colt
I night etvoats , hectic ( avm , luonssntg cough
eta , lie ( mmlemcad inuuediately ten get bet
' ter and worts summ restored to his usual lwaltit
Ihave 51stfound ] ) R. 11'Jl. hIAl I'S IiAI ,
u SAM FOil Tlll LUNG'S the umst valuabl
expectorant for breaking tap distresshg cough
and colds that I have nvrr used. "
a 'I'itu 1)mn e' puhico hsvu declared avm' o1
u vcnlors of diluted tail 1k. 'i'hay must tnko uui
Heenan toad paddle the pare to'ticle.
1 l'tteblo is justly notch ehatal over her tame
straeter. ) '
S I ) nvcr's nuw nrtesimm w'eiis time luwiug m
mitillioe gallons daily ,
e1 colored baby show is ono of time athae
tlouw of heave' .
1 . PLL
I and MALARIA. ,
e From thcsubourccsalsethieuaourtltsol
' limo ( Itsena'J of time hmnma ineu. Tlaeso
tymptomnslndtcato tluoirextetcnco ; L ura of
l Apputile , Iluwrla eualtve , Sick ) Secd
ncltofulnaohoiler cntlnl , tnersro"to
y txyrllan or. body or whin , Ernctetlmt
a ui food , lrrltanlifty ( , t' trtmtpcr , Low
y rpblta , it ferlruui ofl a hag neglected
d llcurtiotstbcfut nIsv cymeltltlil ) uol
a mired ifrluo , t'ONN'I'IPATIO V , sod do.
m' muialydtins useetarauedythat acts dbrootly
mt mho Lhror..taaLlvurmedlolmoTUTT'9
i I'ILLHhave uoo7uul , Thelruatlouontbo
o JIdnuysnndSkin Isalso 'sromnptrenoving ;
nil hnpurities through these throo"rcar
eagerl or thin autemg' praluoitma wear
d tltesound digoatlarl , rcgulur stools , a
a sllnladrtvlgoroushOdy'rIJTTIilILLH
cause tae ntumMi or gtlpinu nor lutarfeto
r wltbdallywork atdareaperfect
r1 boldarrrywlucn,9ao.OMc-s.ltMurray HL,1 , . ? .
a ,
e iurr e
GtuY h ima oft Wlmmsss.R $ clangrod In.
r stand toaGroSPT IILACIC Uy aadagio a1)
tr pllcatloa of tits DYE. bald by DruiRfilte ,
or Sent by express on reoulptof { l ,
s Otuce it urrayStreetNewYork.
_ - _
' r 'd ( rata r a Ir
F0'73 jE '
One More r ! Sa'e ' - '
And the Last fiar This Year.
Until Septealber 1st , we will offer sonic Special Goods iu all Depltrt-
nlents e our . business at Grcatly Reduced Prices , to Close Out.
No such BARGAINS have ever before been I '
Offered in a General Line of FURNITL RE : i
TO A11 tloorS. 1200 , 1403 , 1210 Farnlmiun
Street , Oulnhn.
t ; ; larar r ) rf'T. ; tr r' 1 A . M , CLARK ,
{ NOE5Alr „ Pillto1' &Piioillaiio
PunscllsX ; ; 1 SIGN WRITER _ d r , DECORATOR , I
r/ / WIfOLliSAIJ { .t llT,11L :
Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures.
1 he
rm , ' r lka t ill i. . 107 South 14th Street
, , „ „ , ( r Je' OMAHA , . . NEBRASKA
.6 .1lGV.Ja .m . . F
Booth's Ova' rand
Y'roslb 1'3t b. tat Vcsolov n1o.
D. B. BEEMER , Omaha.
_ _ II. 9
lluos ! , Cirios iM riu ¶ OliS ,
My Repository Is constantly Stied with a select stock. scut Workmanshlp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
. . , -
aIANUFACTUREmuorosT1ttomy nrST CLIsa i
1 ' r 1 ,
- x
IF loose rw i N
, . r
0 , .e
tl t f' ' " t
- a
: -i\
u .
\ ' 3 t
\ 0
4 1
First-class Printing and Trimming. Repairing Promptly Done. 1
1,11 Harney Street , - - - OMAHA , NEB
BRADFORD , ' 4 !
u t s
Ul1llOr , Ss1i , Boors , Blius , hill1OS , ! li i
Call and Get my Prices before buying elsewhere. Yards , corner 9th
and Douglas. Also 7th and Douglas.
Of ! Long Time--Small Payments.
1 ' 1 A1 lloso J
' ' 1
I 'fillers'
. ' fg' 1
t m ®
CarpeMers' MateraIs'
SasI Boors , Blinds/ / Stir s , Stair Railiii n Balusters / ; Vttuao ' & Boor Fro uieSl &
l'irrt class facllltll , for the mauufarture of all kinds of Mouldings. Planing and Matching a specialty
4"ICn from Omu crautdry will Iw promptly erocutod ,
Aditr + rus all connnatri9ltioaa to A IIovxmm. I'rnprietor
, . . '
grhT7rdr.olfsailnit'r r
.r ' IA
Heating and Baking
mn la' Jam only attaincdby using h
C HI A T C R OA k t ,
Stoves and Ranges ,
P +
+ . WI t N WIRE GUlE OVER D00 flS
For saloby ;
Ift . , . . . w. . . k w , ,
cu s y