Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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4 T11L DAILY BEE -vriAIlA , BA7'QItLAY ' , Al. GUST it , 1883.
Pnbllahed crery mominq , except Sunday. The
only Monday mnrnhlq dalty.
One , Three Months . , . . , , ( Ntoo
Sie Monlhe , . , . . , . 'O J One Month,1.03
One \cet . . . . . . . . . $2dA ) Three dsnlheA
Six Monthe. . . . . . . . 1,0) I OnO ] Month. . . 20
American New/ompMIySolejAgcnti Newedcal
Ire in the Unftel SCAIee ,
A Comnnudcntlons rclatlnR to News Ind FAltwlsl
mattershouldleaddreM ed to the EDITOR or TnR
All TIudne a Leiters and IkmlltAncesehoiitI 1w
addrre ed to T1le net I'L'AI.IRlllxm OMIAxr , OVAIIA.
Dnfti , Checke And I'oetotaec onlere to he tnado pey
able to the order of the company.
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
A LITTLE more wnrmi weather tvoldd bu
walcan Lt ( by our farmere.
Tmmr : railroad telegraphers' strike has
failed to umtarializo.
STOCK watering lies at the bottoul of
ninu tmlths of the eenplaints made by
fhu people against the railrnade.
No more cases of cholera hero ap
poured jam Eurnpu and the diaeaee is ii-
IniniRlliug in vinlmicc In Egypt.
SOME tntcee of tie nncadaul at0 still
visible on Farnham street , but Otmaha
hats learned after nn exjCIISIVC experiment
that mnae adatn does not pay mu a paving
TimE presidential party have renclieti
the W'Ind river , en their way to the Yellowstone -
lowstono park. The country scents to
Iuvo n0ected the press ropmrter , rte his
diepatehes will 81(0W.
\Vm1Lr : the preeident is taking lien In
the YelloAtouo he is capturing votes
further east. Time Arthur hoots wells
to bu fairly started , and the leading ro-
puhlicam pnpurs Rltj rapidly wheeling
into line ,
Tnr : Jicrald objects to goverment by
injunction. Dr. Miller lots loon praju-
diced against the courts over since Dr.
Cushing's little scheine , in which h was
a partner , Wn $ blocked by Judge Savage's
Menu Irish paupers arc petitioning for
passage moneyy to Anieriea. We have
enough paupers of our own to support.
Every assisted migrant who b likely to
becouno a charge upon the country should
bu prnnlptly packed back to English suiL
Tnri volume of business list weep : n (
recorded in the statement uE btunkeleur-
immgs was smaller than for any wuelt sinew
Juno , 1880. That wua the time when.
the great business boom haul jeer begun"
and time country , after netrlysnvenywtrf :
depression , h.U1 fully recovered from thtr
panic of 183. ' Two arum a half gears of
overproluction..extrava-tact aad , did
speculation have pr csicafy di-roanfed
the benefits of the rerilal in trade ; but ,
o with economy and fair craps , there ae
Nam no grounds for feaHn3 another ( auuc like
t ( ' .hat which began with .lay Crke's fail.
ure in 7.I.
- '
HASC.tLL has a ring in the mu o of time
t mayor and seven of the council -
cil , and he heads them areund when it
i suits lrten. The latest piece of seulldug-
gery is the ordinance taking , away front
time board of public works their supervision -
ion , public works. Thu onlinnnco w a s
written out in Ilascall's hand , intrslucc ti
by the Second ward jobber anti imuIsimeti
through the council. It is a b.lrefacet
attempt to throw down another safeguard
which protects the cityy treasury , mind h 1
open the doors for barter amid stlo : ham
a twceu time contractors aid time council.
L R E fail to see what right or power tlm u
r council time mayor or any ute else has tt
t i interfere with time private police tr 1iie11 m
number of our merchants are supporttn g
1 for the better 1)rotoction of their 1prloarL }
On general principles it. takes a timid t (
catch a thief. It does mot l oy g to inyesti
gate too closely the character of the average
ago dotective. Any citizen er collectiol
of citizens hits a right to hire bloc k
i watehmmt. It is dolma in every large city
t There is no roasot w'im } ' there should 1)
ally cnltlhict liCLtyeel time avatchmiat rue
n tie regular police force.
it is notorious that our present lmtiicm
1 furcu is nnsutlicimlt t1 prmmpurly l otro
I time streets much leas to thoroughly gear
l p1vah property , r Twenty poliemnem it
t a city of 45,000 people are as dithlault t/
, lmnd as needles in a haystack , if mini
citizens desire to supplement this fore
and to pay itnut of their own pockets n o
t L } me ought to object.
1'r is reported that Mexico anti ( icr
ninny ltavu by secret treaty entered int
an olremsiyc amid defensive political al
Ranee , against time protest of our minis
ter , Dlr. Morgan , with whoa time G tz
101111 minister cane to u breach of deco
run , Time story ' 'lacks conlirmm tion , '
to say time least. If it tvcru true i
would be quite It ( ( rtva matter. It doe
not seem probablu that Mexico , mfto
haimg buun assured her indopundencu u
European utgpiru by time direct inturpasi
tint of tllolUnited States , would culti
veto ullIulleos with miry of th
European / x.I'lmat wp du fear i
m that our delay ii Iutifying time ruciprocit y
treaty with that country will ho takem
i advantage of by Germany' lord Euglaml
t to put in a claim for time trcahnemt of tie
i utmost favored lmutiou , under which the }
nmy either block an } ' concussions t0
American trade or secure equal advum
q takes to thcumselyes. Spoucur St , Jolu
has beou lent from England to re opem
diphimatic itmtureourso , and we nay b
prepared to eau a strong effort om tim
part of our Isliirpeun cuniputitns to gob
btu the trade of that country for thullt
selves , Therm , Is also tl be mut the elute
of Mexico for protection of her nsmtks h 1
tweets ,
1 UTJII'Jrb' f1fRTJfDA1' .
Thu four imnnhoth anniversary of the
birth of Martin Luther was observed on
Friday throughout all of Protestant ( ier-
loftily. The greatest social as well as rev
ligione reformer since the days of the
apostles , it was especially litilag that the
laud which gave hint birth , shotdd cola-
brato hits birthday , By conunnnd of the
emperor , every town and village observed
time day as a festival. Ilistriaal pro.
cessions traversed' Limo streets ;
bands of singers chanted lutlm-
er's hyum , 'Eitmu fesle burg' ;
orators recalled in eloquent language the
days of tire great reformation and thu
history of its ortginatr mud garlands
and Iings front imottsu tip amd contjcu
tcsttlied to thin remembrance in which the
mighty reformer is still held in Limo
country wlmose liberty and prosperity is
die so much IA ) his oxertinus.
Catholic cowitries as well mu I'rotesbnnt
lands have reaped time hmmet1ts of time ru-
foramtiom. Tlechurch of Ltlthar'stimnu is
not time church of to-day. 'rho right of
prit'nto opinion for which lie contended
has aasorted itself in every' church mill in
ovary creed. Time separation of church
and state tins followed as time direct ro-
suit of his crusatle against intolurnmcu
and oppression and igmmoramcc , and that
soparntion 11104 been better for both
church nod state. Catholicisum , in time
w'aris of ono of its ablest bishops ,
rhieedetl time iuthuenco of time reforno-
tiom" maul society seeded still moro n
release from no intollcclunl and political
bondage , which was dotlimatud over by
nit ignotunt amid lorruptwl iiriuatlmuol ,
\\'itlm time adroit of Dlartin Lather
came a now impulse to science , religion
and philosophy.Vitlm the asscrAott of
time rights of teen to think and to act for
theuselves cane ittvemttion aid progress
in all the lines of aentl endeavor. 'l'imo
reiigious results flowing out of time rev
formation wliro great , htmt time political
and economical results were eem greater.
For this rcuot Catholics as tvcll as Pro.
tottamtta could well have joined in doing
homier to a Iltsn who , in the words of
IIoino , was i'a ' brit'o ' soldier in the u'ar
for time liberation of imumanit } . "
The defeat of the tones Est week min
the canal questun w.ts so overwhelming
that Northcmte has since found himmuelf
unable to rally him party for an effective
opposition txi the ministry. The effect of
GLuLhona y victory is seen in the
htrgavunnnnt of business wluelt him been
tr iiammebnU thin week fn the commons.
'Cho frislli lhhnrurs hilt ] amts been pmtssed
by a trammuhne , uutjurity ; the national
debt odhutiumr memm re Iuts gone to its
aalmltll ruuling „ and' ' trite tenant farmers'
bill. fa well ulvuteed in committee. The
frisk laborer ? bill was adopted and
mntrodaced by Mr. T. P. O'Connor. It
pint des the the local smitary authori
ties , which in most crimes in Ireland arc
the brcrds of poor law guardians , nuay.
on ascertaining that a laborer A cottage is
in a bad sanitaryy cumlition , cause it to lie
reiaired or tone down mud replaced by a
new and well-constructed cottage. 'l'ime
mote } . for time rupairs or construetiwm
will be mulvaneed by time Irish board of
public works , and baeone a Large amt
the rates of time district. Thu bill also
provides tint time hoards of guardians -
ians umy attach t 1 eels cottage a
plot not exceeding hvu acres nor
less than half au acre , eu wltieh time Iahor-
or may tuisu vegetithks for ] Lis fnnl-
tifly qsu. 'lie rent to be paid for thn cot-
I tmgu and plot mommy be fixed by time board
of guardians or by time land cnutlimission-
era , lir. O'Commr's hill when intro
ducal wits tvaaly supported by mill sea
tions of time Irish umuniber s , whmigs , tories
ilierde amid 1'armullites. Thu large as
jority by which time tlmnd reading w'It s
I carried , makes it imimuost ccrbmin that i t
a twill pass through time house of lords nut 1
beeoue law bolero time close of time pros .
emit MCSsicu. If its provisions ure humest
ly enforced and liberally ilmterpreteti i t
will euufor a very' great boon uu time lrisl
lrmboremm , wino mire without exeuption
1 time Mast wretelmedly housed peopl
in Europe. Niuu tentlms of time so eallct
, dwullings in whieim they are new lunged 1
o are vrutehu(1 mud robins , belly vcnti
l hltud , badly Lighted , null WitlmmUL au Y
pretunsious wlmntsoever to m a milary or
rtmgeuent. If the local authorities dl
1 their duty 7t per cult , mf time wretche
! herds trill be denulisimud , ntmtl new amid
m comfortable cottages erected in thui
m places. Time ( juht rodtmeliun hill in ii
' time natu'u of our fuutling tuemwmu o
of Besides eedueimig jute est it propose
t ) replace time lunuiunblo anmuitie
expiring in 18811. 'lfio uili'et of this tvil
bo to cancul nearly it timatmsalni nmilllons o
time natiounl debt in tw unty years. ,
new Irislm relief bill has been intr dunce
by Mr. Trweiynm , whuso object hi to at
: the working puoplu by the catuhlislmsun
of tnummvays imm Ireland amd which alsi
1 appropriates $50,000 , to aid ouigrults
Dlr. ( iladstono scored two moro victoria
on Mmndtmy iu the dufont of time eonso r
vativo rusohitiuus coudanuliug time gat'
f n ummm t operatinmms in time ' 1'ransvmal
On 'I'uesd ay' thu premier attundel t11
Lonl Diayor's bamplut meld fn ruse oils
o to time convemtional tonMt to " 11cr Maj
esty's mimmisle s , " ( louvered it notownrlh )
apuecll. IIu nuaonmeod that Englun
lid no intention of purnmamumtly oceu
l pyiug Egypt mud that English tramp
would disupqIoar frvtml time country a
sumo 1111 time needed refurms were neemrll
plisheti. Ile bcliuved that no ditficulty
existed butwoun 1'Swmeo ' mud England ii
conuuction with time 'l'atmtavu ' athitir au
1 that nothing w nuhl arise to distur
n time long accord hehvuem these tw (
friendly mmattne. Culmtimuimlg h
U recorded with thanks time restorateim
o of law amid order imm Ireland , ' 1'im
. continental press couummts very favoni
, bl ' upon tlmu touoof tleprmnior's speech
is believed to presage
It ' forui relations.
' 1 eacu in England's a .
Otter En liall events were the lirad
Leigh dmnonstratlun on DiondaY , and til
begtnmtng of time 'trials of time Irish comm.
silirators at Liveriool ,
Front Frnneo cmmrmes news of time cot.
lapse oEanotimer lamgitintlst pint to salt limo
convnlescmtt C1malllerd on time throne Of
Louis XIV , 'rime action of time
liritislt governmmont ( Ill limo Suez canal
qucstinm gives gemertl satisfaction , tt
1s felt timnt n eommfinued dommial of time
clnims of Do Lesseps would seriously
strnin , if not altogether rupture , time
friendly relations hotweom England and
Frumco. From ' 1'onjuin there are rw
hurts of time bonibardmg of iluo by time
French tronpts , wlmiclm are not yet con.
firmed , Chmn is still mtnssing nu army
on time frontier of Atnmatn , but her plermi
iolcntunrios continue to assert the good
will which time government of the
unmporer feels tosrnrds time French , .
Among other nntablu ev'otts of the week
was the electing of time enmperors of ( icr
mammy ail Auetrut at Ischel , Austria , on
\ \ cdnesday. ( ireetings of the most cordial
dial nature were exchanged and the two
sovereigns attendedl the theatre together
tm time evening. Time mmeutiug wits or-
ranged its much to enphaswe time late
colaact ( betwmmt Gcrntuny amid Austria ,
to wlmich Ital' was a cotmsammtmlm party , as
G , indicntu time comtitmmnmce of the frl nd-
ly social relations botweml time twit eni
pm ors.
Atti .Iewish demtlolnatmntimmms ievu
broke ) out with greater violmIce iii hlun
gary since time acquitt l of Joseph Sclmnrll ;
charged with ( mmnmrderimm n Christian girl
to nmix her bloal witim tie mssover bread ,
On Diondn time .Iewish ( miarter in Pcstlm
tint stormed and same fifty .lows killed
aid beaten , their leusos wecked and a
nuutber of stIros sacked. Time distlrb-
ances Were renewed ( \Vadnesday whcm
tie miiitary ware called out to quell time
riots. Adveas froum Russia , nnnuuuco
simnilar disturbances which tvuro gtelled
by time Cossacks.
\Vesteni Spain has been time score of
a ram mmblicam rising whiclm be gmil on
Mont1nY in time lprovince of iJnda'os
originating amlomm g the SIamimsh
troops. Time arrisun of the town
nromommced fora ro1ntblic , and time con.
stitutiom of 1869 soired time fortunee and
occupied time railway station. A thous.
anti emvihatms joined in time movonment ,
whiclm was promptly suppresaod by the
arrest of all cencormcd upon their arrival
on the Portlgeso frontier. Latest advices -
vices claim that time object of the rising
was to coyer up a robbery of time public
treasury' ,
4 -
\Vhile Great Britain is depiortiug time
inhabitants of Ireland to this commtry ,
time lands mf that islnnd qru relapsing into -
to barbarism. Thu area under cultivation -
tion in time last year shows a decrease of
about 150,000 acres , and 80,000 acres ,
mace amble , line gene hack to bog. Time
p Itatu cram ) was 1,600,000 tone simort.
'rho crunblun6 walls of deserted cottages
nark time failure of British donminatiom
and of Irish
A Hommolulu newspaper has beou pubI
lishing some excessively plain talk to
King Kalakaua. It tells loam that no one
among imis advisers cumtmands public
respect ; that time public ntonoy is being
squandered to gratify pereonai vanity ;
that time public works are sham eftmlly neglected -
lected ; that time govcrntmlemt comtract sys
ten is a se. tndal , anb that the only re-
nlarkable prosperity of lhenationrestains
the pcoplo from giving veimt to their ojnm
ions. "Let tlmat prospe'ity imave a shglmt
check , " itsays , "and time whole atlitir will
drop like a pack of cards. "
Glasgow. imis 35,800 houses of mine roost
eaclm , i12,000 of two rooms , , 17,700 of
thrcu roomms , 6,700 of four rooms , and
( ; , O ( ) of live rooms or over. Two-thirds
of the puuple live in houses of mot muore
timan two aparhnuuts. Thu operative
dmaaa in these close quintets are trey pro-
title , and there are f)5O families of froum
tun to sixteen pesotts. 't'his mmlealms t m
population of about , 10,000 vcm ours im
1,8(18 npsrtmnunts , ( IF amore thmum live to m t
room , IIeeordiug to m calculation by llme L
Itupurts front Italy slow that time can
ditmom of time people in eauy parts of tim o
country is growing nmre wretched iii
cmmseqummcm of time n o ailimg umalit is
'l'imo re gium which nml uia damns as it s
ltvmL bits it wide axtcmmt mind Is filled with
a fmu'nmiug puhullmtiuaTithu , m time ins
twommty yoams time terrilortsl limits of tin
disease have extended with grey
rapidity. , althou'lm formerly it men s
little kmuwn ie and time Pomtimm
ma rslms , 'lime s1/rend of limo disease i
attributed to the destruetion ( If time for
cats , wlmiclm has tvrotm imt so touch nmix
cimief hum other conmmtrmes. 'Vhu woes
uthictof time nimdaria is upou the railrau
emiployes , wimo circulate it upmr tlmui
r umtes. Of 11(1011 miles of rulroad it
Laney 11,000 are witlmin time nutlariai imthm
1 eueu. 'jam spite of time dlumgers of uudnrin
nulltitudes of ilaoplu Work iii time lickl
'in snnuucr witlum its m-mmgu fora littauc
mf fort ) ' or tifty cants a damy'1 and live om
I brown bread mud onions and 1uotcc
theuisulves froum time taramtuls at n'glmtb '
htenimg rosin , tin the province m
Lodigar a hirm hsmd earnsr 17,3
u year bestdus his corms mumd rte
mind imut free of rent. This cone
o dition mf labor iii Italy mdibrds an cos
t explamtutimn of the Itmw of eniguittion ii
recent yams. During Imrvest thousand
of Italinm farm hands wnnde from pr o
t vicce to provimeu mtnd tlmumce to Frame
1 maul moro disbumt leg'uns ' of Europe i
semclm of Wurk. 1\'hem they can soeur
a a passage they moss time ocaanm tttmd lames
bat Castle harden , to Lorin life ammo
s under very diltiormit eomitlmtions Notl
1 tug but dire necessity drives tlemtm forth
f as ltml' jimmmtunally'onuof tietuosthighl
\ favorer rogiomms oil ea til , amid time run
d portinmaof its population hero a slrom
attitelmmmmt fur mativc soil
d tlmuirm
t Tudue , the k'ng ' , has beumm suceeedu
by 1 hmudau , time king , im time kimgdont o
Anon , with trhiclt Fiummee is at wmt r
'ruduo , or immure properly ' 11m Due , wit
S rually mum umperur Witlm absolute putt u p
whose go'enmment was admimistemcd b
, the mmalda iua , 11e w'ms m bitter enem
of Christianity , old wits res1lonsiblo fo
time nnmrler of several nmissmomnries be
e heocn 18111 mud 1858 1'ut amftcr hie mirnmie
u had been eonquoei ill' time Fremmeim ii
1803 he vvns conlpulled to tolorut
' ' that religion in his kingdom , ' 1'u Du
had becaumu awauv buforu ifs death Lima
i1 a foinddablu military' and ma'nl force immu
left Fruce to attack imis kimgdou n grim
s mud ham doubtless foresaw time speedy di )
stvcliun of ie 1osvee. It is not mil n
S likely under time cirmunlst meuS that h
was et ant of the wa' iltime mandarin
of Irmo courtn vu ho nui hav'u mIsseavell ( tim
m info nmatiuu that Imia snecessor Phiuda e
I would save time kingdom froum ruin b
b making p ace with 1 + ramlee , ' 1'n 1)uu we
I mum uuhick king , havitmg lost it grunt par
0 ( If his terrmtur ' ' time French cumuusl
1 twunt 'cat ego so tlml imis country lI
u cane w mmtlul } ' kiiOWmm by time nnnu of tim
Iurovince vrlmicim ho rutuuel'l'ou mtin.
Moro mroeisu data as to time profitable
1 nines of lime Suez comma ! are given 1mm a mu
port b time ISritiah directors en ti
( ward to J.orl Gnamille. Tire 6aou ram
o cuipts for 1882 were f13,400,000 frumes
the net profits 31,679,00(1 ( francs , and the
porcmmLtgu dh mlod nu time slaro capital
16j per emit. This is limo Suez
canal , for which Lord I'altnerston ,
the greatest Emglisli statesniatt of
his tams , 1111(1 such n contempt , 'l'imo
trrmnsitdimes , ttlmich were 12 francs per
tm in 187th were reduced to 11 frames in
1881 and to 104 far the past six months
of tlmis year ; uutwithstamdnl ; , this reduc-
tine time gross revenm ! for that Ioriod is
at the rate of " 0 00(1000 ( frntmce a year.
Time iirltish ilirtctorl nllticl ate su1Ci1 ma
wtiu of busjnuss imsido of eet.em 'ears
nnmtom whet
30 Im cent dividends
time rlites will bo reduced to 8. . hTmmcs.
Put , Sumday law oxpmtemtsim Germany
have met with a serious set-lack. Sonic
six months ago lien 1'onVoltf president
of Prussian Saxumly , attemllptel to settle
time qucsltoed right of Prussian autieri
ties to entirely prohibit Sunday trading ,
and issued an order prnimihitimg trading
em Sundays. Time result vnsamuntberIf
ilrosemttinims , in which judgmmemmt has
just bemm given by time superior
court mf justice ' 19mis court has
doctdcd tlmat there is no laww in existemee
which restricts time right of citizens to
buy or sell on Sundays within their nwmm
dmurs , nltlmouglt the act of exhibiting or-
tides him shop veindows , or at span doors ,
niay be proimibited , as tending to create a
public dtsturbamce. All file cases n aimst
thuue slepkeepiers tvimI ( Lave simply
cit'ucted sales wmthuut mmmnkint' any public
display of their groods have been dis-
ilmissed , whilst a smmita ' else tit wimicim a
she Ikeeper was proved to have nmtiu a
ldie di8rl1t of his goods , ai d' wlmic
Mad imcar urdnaai
been before i urdna ' court
hits been trmsferrcd to ametimer urt
A letter from Itumssia in time New York
Sun says tint time czar is undoing mull time
good work of his father. He is restoring
time partimtiity formmeriy simowmt to time nor
Lies and whiclm imis father fad largely ( lone
away with , Time clmildrmi of all classes
were equal Im the scheois , but time czar
has re-established time tsulet coups for sous
of time nobility exclusively , mud has givcm
secret orders to favor their children iii
time schools. It is proposed to give the
Imobles sm1IIremno coimtrol in the local ov-
eminent vimiclm has beau imitlmerto uite
democratic. They curt chIse schools "if
they timid times lmnrmful , " nod will have
pablie works tinder their control. Time
press is sufrerin ; , ' mew. restrietimns and is
Ib etty effectualY ) numzzied.
'them is min unbelief ;
\Vhoet er pltuuts a seed beuoatlr the null
And waits t ) xeu it pueh away the clod-
III , trusts im lied ,
\Vhuevor says , when clouds are in the sk5
"lie pmdinlmt , heart ; light brenketh byaul iy , "
Trusts the Must illglm.
\Vhneter Hue , 'aeath w'inter's lield of smug ,
The siicnt harvest of time future grow-
( ; od's hewer utmost know' .
\Vhoevor lies duwu on his conch to Illee ) ,
l'otmtemmt to lock eacim sensn in slunmher hoop ,
hmawe God will keep ,
\Vhuot. r suns , " 'fa.mmTOw , " "Tm0 Un-
kIllw'u , ;
" 'Cho Future , " tntsts that putter alums
J In darns dimwit ,
'I'huhoart timtut hooks uu w'imen the eyelids close ,
And dues to live wliculife has omly trues ,
( ; id's colmmfort ktmows ,
' 1'mome is an mmbuliuf ;
And day In' d.ty , and niyght ImimcemisCiolislym
'I'1ul heart lives by tlmat faith time lips deny-
Gnu ! kuow etlm whyl
1'EI'PEltMLNT 1)1101'S.
- - - -
Shnll wo 10,1111 td'iancl-Chiengn News. If
, Inl go to tie tlmoatru much it nriglrt be worth
w'hlle , lily time tray w hat is ' 'Let's go atmtanti
' Frencim.w
soil a marl' amt .
\ a nuut drops a dollar oat of his pocket
ham doesmm t utako Itmireh of n tinme bat telmet Im
lasox a udlar buttolm tvurth 11 c0i 1 ( 1111 gucs air
likoa umndntau.
.lnechmumgocommcspondeimtnsks : "Is there
anytliiog Clout cnu lie horned to keep away
emu + quitues ? " ( ih , yes. litun time auepmitoes.
Tint is Ill keep theme moray ,
Of enurso your ice ham been left With corn
I11elnltlllln Irgllfnity' duomi ; , time cool treatlter
limit just yen wait nutil nnther hot spell
commies along.
IIem is mlotlter 'xoiut ' ht fnvur of 'th ( 1)ar-
tvimdmur theory : ' 'item-a is it buy fn A'nrristotvn
trio "sprang froum a monkey , " 'rho nunikey
beLalged to au ugmrtirinder , imud attempted
to bite the buy , Nelrl'INtotl'll
m " \Vhat is time next thing to tu dnd0 ? " tons
t asked him a fnshiunnbia atrium bast eight lhue
lady Lamswemd an ape , nether an ourautKon-
L thug , but when a little girl snud time cost thing
to it dudc is his undershirt , the subjeet trams
snddemly dropped.
0 :1 man trout lluw ling ( ; reel , Ky. , visited
s the Luniso II10' ' i , + itiamm , got strmtleI , 111111 , lrm
urder Cm get his nsunl numunnt of bile grass
- jlrlco Sold his saectaclus for f0 cents
L tslm cpm aided hmu ummutorinlly fu getting blimp
1 drnuk ,
r A New Volk'Ixdic0 Ilmxpectnr declares then
cm u teary foot dch thloves , tumid that nwtrly all
m dlu mmisurahl0 pnnen , + 1u the prisons. " Et'i
deedy that iuspeeter hits III 'C ' Lull outrca into
Ness fork society ,
s ,1t ouu of tltoVhito uunmttuin hotels he
u asked 10 student waiter for sumo reei tsonl.
t " 1 regret II Infurmit yuu , " said the liiteiltettuai
t sort unt , "tint time supply of that tegetnblu
was nut irdeq"UW to time demiued to dny , nmd
Y imaa hl'Coimmo 0\hnltstd. l'ussibly you may so.
f beet sumo gnrdmm prndnct eumuuertted uu tint-
) uunnl (0m a snhstitnto , (1auto ( tiumulur ! " wan
a mill time duller sold ,
, \ tigoruus old fellow iI llnhm m ho lad
t , lately buried his ( north wife tvu ; ( accustel b ) '
tun acrtualnGuur + , oho , o naw m u of hisbercuvo
moat "Ilow is wife . I'low-
B , 9wketl , yutmr Cn'It. ' -
jlyry gem. I'u wldch Limn cue ) tail tcpllud with it
, erfectly grave fnco. ' ' \ loll , to , toll yer the
o tro oth , l rte ki0ler out of wlvas jest nano , "
n 'rime ehmllmilmg10tiaim of cats is s + dd
m t , Isi frump d0 to lit ) cents. 1hut it w0nldmi t d0
ii nay gum id G , baud np Immtlf a dollar t , time braku
nun vim time rear mmd of time trulu yen hate just
t IlmisIemi , mts It goes milt ( If time depot.
I' 'l'imo jury mturied the follatviti : verdict :
\'o bud ( let Cnpttuiniatthooo \ \ ebb mimic
y to his Booth wltllo attntplmmg til swinm time
ml wblrllodrapids of the Itlagara river , Time
g imm ediato cons ( of imis death time Jury' Is mm.
amble to detenoite , " 11ot likely the ixxmr fel.
low dial of snmalltsx or yellow fver , up pcr
hops of thirst ,
" \Vhut eturtluim diii yen any this wml ? " lu
f quired a passerger of n gruff hrakentau.
, ' Pigety , " rnwiemi time isdihm ompluys , wim o
s w'as nod liecanse imis titst w'as not dlsllnct
euommqh IA ) lxm uodermt od. 'Aim , ' muriled tie
traveler , "tim0n omimnstfeel isrfuctl nthoue
bure. " 'limoirakouutnmlanuunltiedoorfroum
Y time uuteidu mud them bit uif u pleeo of time iron
t rtdling1)rako's lingnziro ,
A remiutrknlu ring has Moen lent fur the king
s of Sinn , 'rho central stew is ono and ahalf
i mmchea mu dlaometer , and Is etcm'cled by mu ruby ,
e nn emerald , n sapphire and fieu other stokes ,
if Dlr , tilnum w ons thus ring wllmm le tislt
i tlmis mumutry , lee tvlll be mistaken . for time
udvaneu mmgmt df it smmku show. . , Nurr ,
1 Ilernld.
I $ ( n time thin young mm n kick himself. I s me
n striker ? N0 , ham is a plug. lie has just ru
ttdved to .mlrmsngeVlmelu is it from ? lialf m
e dnzou Necks (0 + 110) ' . \ \ men was it tiled ? 'I'mo" ,
Ill' throe hours tog ) . t'mum mu real the ntusat'c , ,
S Ili , 1 ° ' . it tuamIsi " 1\'Id bUlts eskm teux-hilt
e utorgugyuL"'illlwgmtU mu with time sot.
, der ? Pau tummu hmitfmig ituto' , \ \ limit will le
Y du ? Iiu is 111 sued mu iiNpntch that at time otter r
iS sad toil ! m u.ul alsiut like tmis : " ( 'atay
L cllunUi mix tut mitt iii tnmrpy dex y' y y , " Ilow
uimu it is tsl iuunt to tuigrtph ( lit a Smilud ( ,
S JlaGtlJlubo ( ,
e A happy Family ,
fulled from the brcmt , elueetud from thu botllo
SWuadMI Will sour oud mtlk x111 curdle ;
lisby helkiujeb an that night ,
Ifoueelmoldbumping iaadtuawlalfrigh
u 1)on'1 deny 'ts w tlmus with 1'Ietorla.
Alght sw hldeou tttthout CASTOIt1A ;
Whom cello loft ; for lxaaful elumber.
AB cull tsIi ) payers and slept hku thundrr ,
Cures Scrofula , Erysipelas ,
Pimples and Face Grubs ,
Blotches , Boils , Tumors , rot-
tor Humors , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Hood , Sores , Mercurial
Diseases , Female Weakness
and Irregularities , Dizziness ,
Loss of Appetite , Juan dice ,
Affections of time Liver , Indigestion -
gostion , Biliousness , Dyspep
sin and General Debility.
Aeou"e or aurdnck mlat ! tuner 7111 utmtfr the
most ( trimmed ( Imam ml I , the Geale t mtlood rudme , un
earth , yotdbY merlldnedeameneerrwherr.
DltetIlunt in emtven language , . PRICE , 1.a. ( .
FOSTER , MILBURN A CO. , rrop'r , Bufi'o ' , N.Y.
'l'imo ( 'mw bmy'mi lione-nnru.
'l'ime cntlsg ttmntilttud hie meetaug ,
And o er time 'Irairio ' + rode ,
Atvny for the tvilds of Taxne ,
Ilemotn frog inuuan mtbnde.
Time jungles of butglcd hi-jams ,
Amid gm-asses that dripped with dew ,
TluTnglm furuats , satntmas amid pntmpmw ,
'l'ime cowhny mid uumvtnng flow ,
stud to lly luotim the nutstang haltedy'
And wh ' loth he suitor amid shako ?
, Uul wiuy Muth Ito mar on hie hind legs ,
And mloulder mud tmumble amid ( nuke ?
Fmr c induct mu strnngo mid mnequimie ,
Somnlf cause tlmero must suteby be ;
Bat toimat is time natter tvith Iltumunlm ?
\Vhat dnth time Iwmstaug KOC ?
110 sous , mmmmil so detlm tits colrbuy ,
al sight meet unconunonly rare ,
IIn sees fito skeletons sitting
Upright ht a carriage there !
Fit o ekeletommY saletmtlt mid shout ,
'rheir lanes all blenched In timesun-
A sort of skeleton fmnily
Ilusticnthtg alone.
lie $ ees two skeleton horses
Standhmg silent nod g1umn ,
Like a couple of lnegatimemnn
Lt time Br'mtmslm musemn ; '
Ttvo stately skeleton horses
Under a big oak tree
Staudiug emct nail defiant
As skeleton lenses can be.
The cowboy jumps down off his mustang ,
And ruing over G , tlmemi
Iieg'tits amt coroner ( munition ' . .n
10 hold a post utor-tcmN '
lie enters the skeleton carriage , ' } ) „ , '
And them with his akeletmut koym ,
Contrives iii open tin rusty luck
Of the skeleton's big valise.
Whet treasures time eotvlx y fuuud there
The telegram does not say ,
For cowboys are not time sort of boys
For giving each timings away.
Iltd le saw how u lmit of thunder
Had riven the'giant oak
,1ud surmised that whole cabondle
Htui beemr stunned by time one fierce stroke.
Aud this is the tale of the cowboy ,
mmml cowboys are not marines ,
Although you nmaytbink that this story
A little bit that tray loans ,
:1nd when Imauun curates here next suuuuer
You'll all hate a clmauco to see
The skeleton tour amt carriage
And the skeleton family ,
-New York Star ,
- - - - - - -
Friends 0f the linivemsity \'irgiuia are
telling witlm undo that professors for elowemi
d'tfercut ' chains of deartrnents ( in colleges ,
1Iolvtocimnuc scuds and other institmmtiuns of
higher learning in time United States hate
rcceutiy been chosen from Its alumina
'l'imo dcstnucti0u by fire of time naiu building
of the Aidiaua State University' leas been a
heavy to + s to schuce. : Time Unitermfty' nmra-
bcretl mnoug it , faculty I'Iofessors.fobmnn ) nod
Gilbert , imdioteeg teed , tbto ttithin tight
y , c i typical t , lopes f300
NIeci'e ( If fihim Ilew to metcnce. This val able
collce0un Was humeri , as well as tunny cullec-
tio"s iii alc"Lul ammt there from other colleges
for exuunination mud clnss'ficatiou ' ,
Fitt' Ixrsnus : hate time kuaek of becoulitig
first clasv shurt lumnd writers , sndm as can oh-
thin uceasiounl employment ou newspapers ,
Rxiierienced mimurt hnlmd writers thenmsettessay
the business us a p"nr one for a young nmn era
a yntng trnmeum to adopt fn time hope of nmak-
ing a living oft of it 'i-ofessinunlly. ' Vobatinm
rupurtimg is hard tturl--hard to get amid hard.
ly paid fur , 'I'hee is not ono Ilcrauu in fifty
Lcginlmimug the study of shomt hand tom itiug tslmo
makes a iythiog tlmat cum bu cidled success but
of it.
'limo Yale miss of 83 has 1 W rues , of nn
average mro amt ° 9 yours L nmemths , Of ttmoso fog
suisdce , li ; iudulgo fn Lazing daring sophomore
year , 70 hate attended all time rashes , li drink
liquor , 41 more cungregatioualiyts 17 a' ' lscopal-
inns , 10 Ire + byteruums , 7 nethotlists , n baptists ,
° _ Catholics , 2 refnruuel , amid 1 .low , As to
prufessiois i,0 toil ] study into' , 12 ned'ciito ' , 0
theology , l surxerh' , Itt will tench , 27 enter
bushiness , C journnlmsm , 3 mit9 engineering , anti
2 I nro undecidal. ' 1'Ime nteraga expenses hate
beet ilghter than ustual-3883 far fresluminn
yem , : f0 I forsupimununc , 1JSl for junior , amid
i 1,0(17 ( for eeliinr.
- - + - -
* 'I'ima term hydra may he used to roll-
resemmt mommy nmmifold evil. If yell troudd
battle successfully witlm this nany-
hcitdcd monster of disease you ts ill timid it
expcdimmt to keep Dirs. Pinkhau'sTcgu -
ttble Compuumd mdvrays at iuumd.Jr. .
; _ _ ® , . _
( ) mm Iii' hloa ] teach.
Of ell time Joy's tint suuuumer brings ,
Thu ono that doth excel , nil
It is tm , lonitge tilxm the beady
llnnunth a big umbrella ,
' 1'hm memo ( 'mdte ' near , and noar0r still
Sono ntstiu belle , uh !
, \nd Watch time girls lot bathmmg snits
Of roil amid 1)luu and yollalm
( lam tltmnSlm all sorts of pretty tricks
T am faseuumtute n feliuh ;
Tamfeel fhuspnq'laduw your check ,
.mud brimy' frngmnncu smash , mmli !
Amitt xe5xlp ( mull out the glistering muuul
A crab ur mussel shell , tilt !
'J'am tmimk you're ht emmehnutod band
! bold by n fairy spoil , nil
Aid dreamily. a tale of lute
lam wiml cored tombs iii tell , aim !
And them1erhulls a kiss to get
'rlmt nmakes yomlr l osonm swell , aim !
oVltimImrjdoautd joy , Tiem's maaght , I sow ,
Summit plemauro men excel , ail
And if you doubt , go sock n beach ,
Find sonic buwit1ldng belle , aim !
mud w hilu away tut lour or tore
Ilnnenth to big umimhmlla
-Ilurixtr's liuzar ,
ulplu ) REMEDY
II IiIihlhid I ncllevtwoudmire ,
! ' llll lhliat'1'ISII ' ,
Iu ; I j ter' J " Na u m s ,
' Sciatioa Lumba o
' ' ' r
f 'hnt 01 , .
Iim , . . Itll 1f00'f11iC11t
' f1lA
i '
P 11EAp1Cl1E ,
ILtnh1'lcms !
' I S01iE THROAT ,
' !
! min I Qim 1 WE1I,1SOst
i Il i tVIjL , , Im I , t + IAra11a } : .
ij , liJalro.e . I Soreness , Cuts , Brtlses ,
ICI , sa11UfI ( tit r'no,1'nrrr + ,
u „ l ISPiiNAI't1.11S ,
dud all uullerlexmttyucbel
role uud pmtmu , .
I l,4 sold bytmmmUruggtstsmind
alrn , . nlrr ( llm" lam 11
Ths Charles A , Yopeler Co.
: sKs.atroasunsnal rs , c.t. s.
China an Glass ,
St. Louis Mo. m2t sm
Dry Goods !
. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO
Wholesale Grocers I
AND ronnelts is
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. S
Je A. WAKEFIELD , , . l -
LuMber , s Peket ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist s ,
Plits , Oils , illdol Glass i a
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y 41
SAFES , VAUL TS 9 LOCKS , &e0 r !
3.020 I'ariuam. trot.maha. I1
Paper s Shafte. ll 1 ,
M. HELLMAN & CO. , ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , "
J Anheuser-Busch
w tpn
T Keg and Bottled Beer
rlije Exculleet Beer speaks for itselt.
SE EYI . " 0 1tllER' . , Fl 1 0\ i AAlP:1sT , OF rIIK
, . . .r , , ,
e 1 Ar > ' ell rlu il rllth \ \ > sT ,
p SMOUIS MO. Will be Promptly Shipped.
E'f Oiir u , r at i '
Sulu .lgeml tor Omimalla amid time \Vest ,
O/lieu / Corner 13th amid lfarey Streets. j
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our 'Ground Oil Cake.
It Is the beet end cheapest food for stock of any khmd. Onu laund ie equal to three pound ) of Corn.
Stock fed with Ground 00 tmke in the Fall and Winter , In.tomad amt running dos n , sal Inerusa la welrtm
uad be to . good lusrketabio condition in the spring. Ialrymen , w , sell as utters , s ho use . it can telttt ) t
its merits. Try it mid judm a for yo uselsos. I'rke $26.00 m' r ton no clam e for esnlu. .tddress
ol eod me 4. WOODMAN LmNSEEu uiL COMPANY , Omaha
' " _ _ '
N.mi'r. - -.4 slp v - + a