Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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, -
r FllE DAILY BEE---MALA ) , FRIDAY , AUGUST 10,1883. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _
Friday o :
-Who uo 1.I1)1)i , Ick & Co. m.c&w.
-'Fbo .Spfrt Jkt czcunIon tciye'i Ornih
; AuguM 1711k it p. . , arrIving ncx rnorn
.g . at hlIf.IMt Through cnch from
U. . P. tr.nfor and no cliango of czr.
. MIg1O 7t
-The " 3Iou City 1outo" oxciui4on for
fipirit 1atk on the 17th ooin to ho thu
cfuwlIflg ; cYont ( if the .eson.
Yor ( nfl hiformatton , tIcket , &c. , for the
Rprit ; I.ako excursion , on the 17th , call on
1Ii-iy 1)eo1I , 14th fiR1 Farnain St. ,
-th-lt , Lake I germ !
-lii our mention of the o lluvCfl4 of 1)ouglM
Grove No. 2 , of tim or1cr of Irimlil. , we
oaiiitteil to OMOO the trustee , v1io are Philip
Lang , Ftl. W'ittig nod John BrAndt.
-Srniie walking msmgn.hoan1i have nppoarod
on thu ptrectJ4.
-CIIMle4 ShiVOflCk i aivertIimIg ( a fine lot.
of Chamber StmIt inst recolyoti. It will ho to
the itmtcret of houm4ekeoIoni ) amul IRrtlo In.
t.omiding IA ) ptircliaso furniture to call anmi imco
-Thu trial of the ltomllck Ntmgent caoo
cmme. oil t44ly. Nmgont's goomln voro
lcmtterolomt on the sidewalk ycuterday morn
Irg-imimtcr , ico.clicstctc. , iii front of the di. .
puted .tore.
-Cinmoty taxes which have boon dolinpmont
.nco the flr.t of Mny nod have boon boariimg
ntere4 , if not imalil by the first of Novonmnbor
will 1)0 COUOCtCI ( by lItreM , IS the nnnouiio
mont mnado by trcoiurcr ltuuh.
-Time city council at m lito meeting ImJ.OI ) (
$ riwlution wlmkh rcthroi to the mnayw thu
rglmt to make all purchaaio for the city and
for the city ofIicer , mccordIng to the jrovIN. )
01114 of the law. Tb ! . increwoii the mayor' .
diltieN very heavily.
-The annual meeting of the diTcrent ! rflo
t.3atuI4 of the department of the Platte occur.
t FOrt Omaha , the 2lmst to 27th of September ,
with tli. vronummno : September 22 , imidi.
vidual nkirrnlslm irnitch ; 23 , regimental team
match , 200 and OO yards ; 24 , .bort range
match , 200 yard. ; 2t , 2G and 27 , comimpotition
for placem on the dopartmon team of twolvo.
. -An Oznha woman wants a divorce on the
mumd of "extreme cniolty. " Simo allcgco her
huibantl pilfered her face powder to iOli.h tml
Li. brrwu chain. 'limo crt'olty to which , orimc
men .ubject their wlvc. I. brutal , that' . ,
fact ; and it I doubtful if our readers ovum
homl of a more aggravated ea.o titan the one
wehavo juitjuotod. A man who cannot afford
ft golti chain almuld not inveigle an innocent
womnahi into mnarriago.-Sato Journal.
-Tho real ttato boom in the , ubtmrl ; . coil
Untie. tim iucmao. Airoady time foncO li ° ti
* 11(1 ( lumber for the fence about the ireiiiiso
of time now lrownull hail are on the gronnil
&titl work will begin there at omico.Vo mili
loam that Dr. Gratlily ha made a purcltiui
upon Coining .trcat , through the Amne. rem ,
ttatu agency , riiniilng up into the tliou.uul :
from Jr. ? derccr. Arhiltiomial iiitmforiiimitio
hi received of time oxtoimiou of the street en
track out to tim roervoir. The lirownell 11:11 :
bwiineii. vromnisc Lu progre. futer oven thai
te $ ( lemIlildodl by the term. of the contrac
itltimu ionhr of the site.
t - - - -
A Life Sftvlllg j'eesomit.
: Ir. M. 1. Allison , ItutclilnI4on , Ken ,
Saved hi. life by a .imnpio trial bottlu of Dr
Kimig's Nriw Discovery for consmnption , whic
cauhwi iiI'n to a large bottle that coil
vlotniv r.'rrod him wlmon tioctors change
cilmnitii umil everything elsa had faIod. AmtI
ala , In.nmchiti. , hoarsonoium severe cotighii , an
all throat and Ititig diseases , it is guarantee
to cure. Trial bottlers free at C. F. Goodman
drug .tore. , Large .Izo $1.00.
A M1'iENIll ) A1PAIR.
The Cuitcoit itt Iiix Iltyers' hal
LaHt. Night.
: Tile concert at Max Puyors' mnusi
. hall Inst miight was aim timiqualifiod succor
in every Particular and mint loss iii pail
of attendance tiumit iii thu umiexcuptiomi :
blem character of lho entertainment.
'l'lio rare treat furnisliuti. the pubic a
this occaaton vrum entirely titro to the em
krpriso of Clirum. Stevens and ho cc :
taiiily deserveii thu lieartiy thanks of md
Ibliss Nellie Bangs vns mLIremuly we
kiioyn to time music loviul , pulmile
( ) imimiha as a splemidni pinmiist and III :
ikultomi as e(1uaIl ( good on time coimmu
bOUt having visited Omnitlia with the ccli
iratcl Litta comimptiy.
.IIiss Bniigm caine to Coumicil Ilitil
LI ) isit her friend Miss Pimsi
fll kindly coiisiited to con
to ( ) iimalmmi aiid ivo a concert , Mr. Sko
tomi also being induced to coimmo out a
tlit , va ) ' front Chicago to lmtrtici1)mtu
the atflir. Miss l'usoy , Limo Polt1ll
Ij)1811 ( ) singer of Council IlluliM , nail 1'I '
rainier , the welt known trniar , ridded I
Uu3 attr.Lctionn of the rgrmIiI1lIlu I
* itigumg 8(11110 fume 1)ieCOs.
. All in all , the concert was ommu of mi
cicellomico , anil those who attondt
eomn theimisolvus asyory fortunate.
. An Itniiwer Wantoit.
( . Dii any one brhmg u a case of kidney
hIer coinhilidlit that Electric Ill
ten4 will riot .ix.edily cure ? We .ay they ci
rut , wi thoumiimd of cMLvi iilruruiy lcnneTmei
! i cus el amid 'whim ic-u tinily rccummmmnomnIii
JtItctmio Ilitteis will ii'u. Bright' . ilsea
dii.botei , veak llWk , or any uiIimmim'ycomnplmd
quickly cured. They purify time hluuil , meg
late timm , bOi'eJs V.11(1 ( net directly on the d
cai.eit iamt. Every bottle gtmraimteedl. F
at 50o a bottle by 0. F. ( lautlimmen ,
A ( itll'VIF'H ( 'UHNiiNi4S. )
I.l aivts ; VoiiilIkom' , . , a IlvcIy 'L'iihii
. A sensation % VM cicated last oveiii along Farmiam street ( mciii 't'citth
city jail , by the arrumit ( if a III
ninixl Taylor , a cripple , siio is miotumic
for his toughness.
IL ts .iateel by the 111ico that Ta ) ' ]
defics any three IIIUIL in town to ta
hun tO jail , amid lie certaitily gave t
qdaTtctto last miight all they could ta
,7 ru of , Capt. Donalioo superiiitiid
the job , audthu , mann was hauled throu
thustrcot howling like Mooro's lieu. I
w5 finally lodged in the calabooso , I
log being carried iii lq nit extra polii
RUfl , 'WiO liiui. a lively with it ,
: the iifCCt of the bad whisky soomnod
ptriiieate the wooden limb itself , and
\a.nd its owner iati to 1w taken in in
, lions. Taylor and Idi leg were IUt fl
( ce1l arid the door thus emi thomri , but
. k W33 still howling at midnight wlioii I
k rsimortoz called.
thiIt i A not.onoLLs fact wztli the PUI
:1 Ethat a cripple , if evil disposed , i wo
thau a dozin ordinary mcmi.
J I--
A Mollt8Ila MII Comes to Grief in
An OuitrltgiMIIM ( nwe of' Outlawry.
Au outrageous case of robbery was reported
ported at police headquarters last night ,
which shows that the town is still infest
0(1 with ii gang of thiiovcs , COflfllOnCO
Inca and sluggers.
It appears that a luau named , Jamcs
Coonoy wont UI ) to Montana sumac time
ago from his home in Iowa. lie had a
learn and after tmavdllmmg about for some
timno sold it and caine ( lawn from iii. .
mnarck to Sioux City iii a imoat , From
there ho caine to Onmima on time cars.
Yestorlay he fell in with a milan Ofl
lower 'remitli street and the two wont
about together all day , drinking at the
% 'ariolms saloomis oil their route , 'l'oward
imghmt 000miey'M commipaimloim led him oif ( III
South Scvcmiteoth street nimmi ( hero imio
coeded to tackle Imiiii amid down Imimmi for
his pile. Coomicy , however , wits toll
much for his rasnilaiit , amid got away frommi
Imimim amid started toward town. Before
lie had gone far lie wa overtaken by
two 10011 , OliC of vliommi dealt imimmi a
terrible blow behmitid tire right ear with ii
"slitig idiot , " cutting the cahio wide
opon. They romidored Imimim immacimsiblu bj , '
tli,3 1)10W ) IIIIOI thou robbed Imini of $170
amid lii. vntch amid left Imimmi. i'lio miioiiey
coimsimiti ii of cue $100 bill , . ts'o $20 bills
maid three $10 bills.
Coomicy was taken I ) ) ' 801110 one to
police headquarters , wimero his votiimibm
wore dressed by Dr. Luisoimring raid lmitui'
iii time evening he loft fomi lii. hotel.
'I'hero s ho clue to the robbur. amid they
will probably escapewithi thouir booty.
PITflIt itUSEIt.
F'maiiernl oftimo l'ainlcv ' .Vlio FolI foiim
I ho high HtIiool.
'l'hiu funeral of Peter Rumour , the unfor.
Lunate paitor who was kihlcl 1)3' failing
front the high Sclmoolroof , 110 feet to thou
groumid , WLt3hLCld yesterday afternoonfmoimi
.Tacob'ms undertaking rooimis. Two broth.
ers hind licemi eiscovored living about
elevoit mnilossouth iii Sarpy county and
were notified yesterday of tue acci
I dent.
: Albert Altemidorf , thto foreman fox
I Wiudhoimmi on thu high School job , sayx
that iiomio ordered Ituser to procceti t )
the roof , thirit. ho found him at work wimemi
lie arrived. lie says tlmmit. the roof vmim
elry and six feet wide amod that 1usor woe
, putting on the second coat of paint wher
it hurt beau safely painted omico before ,
\Yiiidhiciiii's silo ! ) was 1001(0(1 up this af
. tormioun amid all the emmipioycs attemitled
I the funeral of their follow workman.
4 llomiry Eloruimfort , the aupervisimig car
, hunter 011 thu central school , circulated i
ii paper \Vediiesdmy afternoon to raise tin
0 necessary funds to inter time deceased
l amol thou followimig contributions well
mnmiole :
t \Viedemnmui $1.00 , henry Ehirenpor
. lCmeischomimmum $1.00 , 11. Livesc
I. I 50 cents , II. , Jnimmt'mi 50 cemits , if. l'oimiti
I 50 cents , \Viiidhoc'inm , $ t.00 , A. Attemi
II dorf $1.00 , it. Whioi'ry , $1.00 , it. Kammf
ti 2r cemmtom , .J. 'I'ioitzschike 50 ccitt. , .1
itushi $1.00 , Tim. Buck $ l,00 , II. ' 1' . Lu
wiLt 50 emits , it. O'Ccefe $1.00 , G. An
dursomi rmo cemits , .1. it. , Jcimkiiimoon $1.00
1 L. Shiicltls $1.00 , Wimi Archibald I
. . cents , M. Ettimui' $1.00 , A. Polotek $1.00
11 Jolni F. Luhomman $2.00 , 11. Bmumwitz 5
I. edits , N. 14. Brink $1.00 , Dewey & Stomi
If. $1.00V. . Oliver $1.00 , Stubbuiidorf S
1 ( Jo. $1.00 , F. Uhmt'aim ] $1,00 , .1. BroMmi 5' '
( I cemits , Chi. Brunimig $1.00 , John Baumue
'to $1.00 , MiS. Ijanos $1.00 , Mr. JeweL
$1.00. Wages frommi Wintilicimmi to F
Kiiser $4.50 , , Ioa liarbach 50 comits , Jul
Lund 50 cents , Mr. Namicliester $1.OC
Schroeder & Bechot 50 cents , Mr. Bush
II 3111111 50 cciii. , Mr. , Jmtrdhmmo $1.00.
flciI Estate TroiilsforH.
ic Time following deeds were filed for rac
is coiti iii the coummty clurl' ' ollico Amigust7
it reported for TIIR lln : by Aumus' ' run
L- estate agemicy :
r. E. a ii : . D. Woilkor to E. Gruft
mm ' d mm lot 2 , block 0 , Parker's add , $1
I.r WOrth amni wife to II. A. liarri
I maid 0. ( . Fishier , v d varcol . 7. ii
l'l Douglas Co.nimd parcel sea 18 , 14 , II
if Sarpy Co. , $8,000.
r l'mlcCoy miimtl hotisbnimd to j , 1' , Armi :
t , att'oimg , w et part lot 7 , block 247 , $1
1)y ) s. ItSO mimic ! vie to Tj. 1IeCoy , w
n $ PaiL hot 7 , block 217 , $1,800.
1) , I. Thoummirts mimiti wife to ' 1' . Brirretl
I 'V d part lot 232 , Floi'emic'e , $1P.
lt F. Duiloiiu to It , Bm'owii , w ci. lots
ill amid 8 , block 2 , Dallommu's multi , $000.
In \v. Lao amid WIO to .1. Coimneily ,
r D. varaol sec. 3 and 4 , 14 , 13 , $5 ,
r , August 8.
to ci , B. Barker's ailotmuemit 211 , 15 , ii. :
I ) J. Barker's aul div of 34 , 15 , 13.
. C. F , ( ioodmmman amid wife to city
1.0 Omnmshma , wd , part .4 so 27 w of o lime
id 'rontli strcet $1
A. H. Fitch amid wife to N , 1' . Pci
iVIL lot 30 , Tuttle's sub divisiomi , $000.
licisa J. Shull to P. E. havens vd b
4 block 12 , Shnmhl's ' 2d add , $750.
liii railway to J , .J , Browmi , wd. mn
it. lot 24 , 3 , ,15 , 13 , $1,000.
ii B. Aflmmiou to 0 , l , .imtcksomm , ( j a
lu , unreel see 85 , 10 , 12 , $100.
ut Jaimiomo 1I.Yoo worth amid wife to ri
ii. Jots l'iorcuy , wd , hot 7 , block 1 , Oakhiurs
'or $500.
A. Root amid wife to .1. E. Mmu'kulw ,
lot 2 , blk 117 , $7,000.
J. B , Markel to ci. 0. Barton , w dpa
lot 8 , bik 117 , $3,500.
Ic , T.V. . Noomimon mouth ife ot ril to
( htr'cy , w d , hut 8 , hil 223 , 81,600.
U , 1' . Boimois mid wife to L. MeMahmo
ug d , lot 0. blk F , lowes 1st multI , $12
to .1 , 1. Itutliek mtmmtl wife to A , Riley ,
mum ( I , list 4 , blk 5sul.divisiumo J , I. 1tuelic
Us adol , 1,250 ,
( I. I , Bai'ker anti wife to 11\V. Ilmirk
low , w tl , lot 3 , hiarkur's allotmmmunt , $3f
lam ft.V. . ] imirkalow mmmiii wife to J ,
kim O'Itriumi , sv (1 , lot 3 , Iorker's allotniom
lie $7:1o. :
ku _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ed I'E1t.S1'UU'1'EI ) 1'OLICF.
ghi - - -
fe 'jj11 CI(3JaII Swallows All \'Iio go i
'rime "lurchmant'n Police , " eleven
it number. vommt emi their respective bum
DC itgmiimm last 'night , miotwithistandimmg t
il truatmnoii of the ought before , apd
lie wamnhmg that it would ho repeated ,
During time foi'o vart of time night tli
die wore to be soomi everywhere , bub au
050 mimidimighit their lights were uxtiniufshi
by thou regulami , who arrested all who
they found armed with "billy. " and
"bull's eyes , " and locked them imp
, characters.
Sup ! : . } 'olkor we. oxi time street at mid.
imighit aimd aimmioumiced his immtemmtion of
taking care of hm'is mmmcii at all hazards.
lie svas ready to bail thmen out every
imighit if necessary. It is likely that
roommiethimig will be heard to drop pretty
shortly iii this direction.
flhmeKien's Arimicot HalYn.
Time greatest. mnoohlcal wonder of the world.
\Varrmuited to speedily cure J3urn , Cuts , UI.
eel-s Salt Iiheumn , Fever Sorc , Cancer. , Plies
CImibIaIns , Conm , 'l'otter , Chapped hanol.arul
all .kiu eruptIons , gi.marmonteed to euro in every
Iti.temice , ot money refunded , 25 cents ior
A Brilte 'lio Beatilis On 1athor ,
4 mmml % Cilt'itii " The Olil ? , lmtii " to
Thio ilmhlitbitflhitii Ott Cummmimig atreot , be.
twccmm Fifteenth ammol Sixtc'cmmthm , and iii
that vicinity voro imiuchi exercised last
imight over is racket that occurred in time
fmmimiily ( if George ityan.
Time exact shite of aifloirs could moot be
nscurtaimme(1 , boot. as nearly as could be
huirimed Ityan vcmot hommmu a little full amid
hogan thou disturhmimcc. Shortly rifter Iii.
soil , Johmn caine iii tmmml .Johmn vts also
othomit. "three shio.'aL'i in thou wimid. " 'l'hmc
Roil proceeded to joitili into his mother
mmmiii gave her a aevt'mo lmtilmlmiiig , mmmiii , it
Is saiol , loft I m ci' imi a con' 1 iti iii of immsemosi
iihity and withi ii face bruised amid coy.
ectt with blood. Sloe wmio ilumally rescued
by thmt Imeighilooi's mmmiii 'houn carried omit
imito thou air was as himmip as a rag.
, J ohio amid iii. 1ttumimal nmmcestor were
moth pmmhletl by time cois amid lmtmmgimishmed
dmirimig time night in time hotel tie ( Jmitlmric.
'J'hoc casu hO Omit ) of ummcommmmiion occimi.
remico anol both molt deserve to ha severely -
veroly olemilt with , nlthmoui.hi time old immommi's
chief offlimoome sceimmu to have eoim thomit lie
stood by amid let lii. imnuatural somm laimib
his immotimer mmcarly to death.
Emiterprisimmg local agent.'m wanted in this
town for aim article that iii stiro to sell.
I4iva driiggisth amel grocers preformed.
, Address IluimmistonFood I'reservottivo Co. ,
72 ICilby street , Boston. mn&u&wlnm
. _ _
Ommmnimu i'.leii in IAealviIIe.
Time Grant Smnultingand lteflmmiimg Coimi-
I of Lcadvihlo , has been momado a part
I of time Omnahia Smimolting amid Reflimimig
I works. ( by. Grant , time vriimciimal luau-
I rigor of time forimmer conljnumy , momtymi Dillon
: timid Aimmes owmimm two amid twenty fifths of
time stock. The eajmitmtl stock is $2,500-
. 000. Grmtimti , Eddy , .fmuimc's amid thmeOiimmLhiui
L peolmle take one hmalf , mit imo thou joimmt
llrolmerty of tim two commipammies amid $270-
_ 1)00 ) iii casIo. Friemmtls f Gumut Luke abomot
L ¶ I'lmis gives a woricimmg cnpihoh
of $1,500,000 amid loaves six thmousamid
shomoros ( $500,0C0) ) unsold.
L -
I' Mr. E. H. Gmiflmm ! , yanhummater of the St.
I . ; l'mitml & IiiumouaIolIs ) railroad , ham been maul.
. denly caileol : mvay 1mm case of time serious ilinon
Of Imis brother , \Viii. CimiilIiuo , to ) Now Chub
: cothmu , lickemmsnim , county , Kammsas.
. Ex.Governor Nicholas Van Slyck , of lbimoth
I Islmumd , accoumipitmuietl by Id. wife amid dmomghter ,
L ) veuut vest yesterday afternoon on No. 8 , ant
, hue muitleihmates returning tli. way , mu ho im
1) ) mimchm bmhemuotl vitio Omimmmiia.
, II. N. Cobcuurnn , Utica , Nob. , is at tim Mu.
r General P. Sidimoy Post , of Galesburg , Ii
t visiting lu Omnahimi.
, ,
. v. 0. Ii. Allen hmmeo gone to Sargemmt iii tloi
) Lomip valley for mm trip.
: c. ir. Lamubortoouum , U. S. district attorney
took diuummer ott time l'axtomi yesterday.
Mr. mmml ? mIrs. W'ooolrow heft on yesterday'i
tr.tin for mm trip through Colorado ,
: - ' ' l'tmwern , omf ICuarmicy ; C. 11. Touueray
, omf Fromimomot , are Nehraskmiius at. the l'axton.
L Miss Blmtckiey loft aim yesterday mmmnrniimg
trnimm to vhit friumuds mit liimrllmmgt.omu , mlissouri
(3. l. Yost mmmiii .Fmed Nyc have gone ti
I , Spirit I .mtlcc. amid will retmmrmm lmoiumu on Smotmur
5 ( iommermml Jiazemi , who wits hero W'euuiuertlay
, bits gumuo to 1r uimoimmt to isit his brotimor , who
I , is I a time cottlu b mmsl omess.
Mrs. Atutly Borden , who of thu 13. & l'mE. c1t
I. ticket agent , rotmirmueml fromum time \Vedimorobii
I I ii commupmimoy ' . % 'I tb lmei husbimmuh.
a Smith.Vnodbritigo , city editor of Tb
I termoiti mind brld , itmovo returimed ( romim timni
ti , WL'iIlilg ) jmomumt. how Thu 1 Iurmibd's mcmi
, Iteimos will sbarkbu now !
\Vmmo. 'IV. Simmow mual o'ife , of lCmtnsmms City
' are at time 'i1illmtrd. 1Ir. Sloan' is tium genera
tr.mvelling la.sm4eumger agemmt of time limdlmmmmmu
lbiOOmulimigtOui mmmiii vemitormm r.Iilwa ) ' .
I1. i : . Smith , amid 1' . lierdohl , oflovcr , or
at thm Fmxtoui. 'l'hey more connected wit ]
if Imammomimmeuit smuiciting and reliniumg iuteromits ii
Colorado , , Itlalmom amid at Xamu.a. City ,
Mr. Froti , l'mertzhieimner , mummuiter immochoani
of time Colorado ohivislmmn of tim Union Pacific
wont west yesterday. lie Immem been isitIum ,
) t. imiii father-jim-hew , C. E. ] Ialtiwiim , lucre.
\v. I. . Yotmimg.G riumol Lecturer of time (1 rout
rt Ctmmumtmmtmitlcry J. ' 1' . , \Viscommsin , is iii tb
, 1 cit ) ' , vlooitiuug his smmn , Mr. Fred 'omiug. , of th
p liEz otlico , iiavimmg comumo across thus far wit
i : the \Viscunsiuo dehegatioum.
1 1.ieum Get , . \\' , of thuo Fourthu ii
p fmumtry , aim lmi vmm , ti , It. itobin.ou , , is itt thu
ii , city. lie has just tlumlslmeti a three yemors' ' a
sigmumuieumt WI ltmstrtmctur of mumilitary tactics mi
mt Alht'ghuaumy college , Abeadvilbu , I'eimum.
I ) l'uter 'o1eGoochs , time great haril uummiuu , aim
m . Imis fmumuiiy , mime lsitluug iii Omuimmiun , time gumemt
of .oio. . moitol ollmos JotlolI. { 'I'Imo Into obr , Itoti
, oii Wmu furmumerly mi Ilartmmer of m1r , IO1eeocii
ut Nilwmimikeu. Mr. Mviuocli is fuelimug firm
's rate , numol sio , . imo e1ecte to go limta busiuite
agalmi smmmo ,
a- Frruucis Stuiitlt , of Nemm'nrIc , largul ) ' iumtej
0 , ostool iii Oniaiumm iiuilmrtncumiemit. , hut : arrived i
E , tuwmm amoti is mmt.obopiumg at the l'mixtouu. lie Immi
it , imot visited Omummtlimm for tlmreu years niuti is mu
tomohimoti at its growtii uumoi jmroperity , II
hues three brick buililimigs 1mm bmness of ca3o
tion imuw amid tiuoru is a Pth3sibIiity of nmoro ,
) lI :14 : , II , 'rfto'oor , of hlastlumgs , has conum
Omimaha to uoecojmt thou mmmaumagouutommt of tii
liuit.ublc 'mist ummimamiwimichm will opeim I
. thu bmumomomormt roomum of time Nebraska Natiommi
lii bmmmmk a. so.maim as it I. ready for oecupamicy , TI
its couupany bias a imid up caloital of $2toO,00
hoe t , i. 'I'ouzaliuo , lmremItient ; ] Iouim-y Ymite
lie treasurer ,
OIIEAI' AnvixitTisiNo iron PAins. ?
icy Beautiful hithogmamimed ( aims , $7 tier thoi
tom sand , mimcluohmmog priuitimig , Scud etaum
ed for smummi1o , Address "Itotabaia Co
Jill Scomoca 1 ° alls , N. Y , ' alummOt
What Udilerfil 1Iowrt Has to Say
Ali nI \ashi1on \ T1egraiii ,
IIcv'iimciits ComRc'uIuicImt. UPOII1 ' Himerl.
olnim's St rub tom Liuo Geumcrnl-
' 'lii thuimi mmmornhmmg's looper , " said ( lou.
oral howard to TIlE Bnn local this naomi ,
" 1 obomervo a dispatch from some Wutshm.
iimgtoim correspflmilClmt iii regard to ( lul-
em-al Simoridmium's rcummovmtl to WTashuitigtomm
amid oithmor traxmsfcrs , that is very uimjust
tom our nrmny oliicers. "
Time reporter hiatt seoul thmo dispatchm ro-
furred to numd womnlered how ummtmchi of
truthi there sns ium it , It said that imeitimer
Generals Schofield or Pojmo wished to be
roimmoved to Chmicag4 in Shucridami's iloce , :
ttuitl that a umumumlier of ' 'carpet kumighots"
ummder General Shermumaim , captaiuioo wluo
wum'o drawiumg coiouiel's 1)11) ' , were "great.
1) ' distiurlied imy reasomi of thue iimipemidiuig
cimaimgo. "
" 1 have imeani ( jmuito comotrary imm regarol
to ( ; thmuo al Schuofielti , ' ' uiutiol Gemuermil ilomw-
ard ; tmmthimL ; is , tiunt. hue hurts expressed ii
strommg desire to ) go tim Chicago fmommi Smium
Prmiumeisco , mmmmd iii mill irObmililitY that will
ho time transfer immade. ' '
"IJoy abommt ( Jciiei'ah l'opol"
'lfu lroltillY ) ; 'otmhol irefcr to reuumniuo
at. Liaemuwoitim , its luu has ommhy two yu.irs
longer in tIme active service. lie was
imttely mmmxmdo a mimajor gemoeral , Imowever ,
htmt iou loots iuot been assigutoul a divisiomm.
lie hmuts charge of time Departummumit of time
i'd issoumri , whuicim iiucluoles riuissommmni , lCmium-
Sims , Cobormulo amul New 1\Ixico. \ ' '
I I ( ) i % ' iiuichi houmger service hums Scho-
litilol ? " immcricl time leimorter.
' 'Ohm , Sehiofimild is yoiummg yet. Lot mume
see ; hue muimust huavu eleven years before
imimum. lie woulol staimd just aim prouumimmemul 1) '
iii Cluicago , I nuxi immure , as lie tiocs now omo
thou l'mtcitie altpti. ' '
' ' 1mm i'egmtrd to time second part of the
dispatch , is it truu tluutt timeso 'carpet
kumighots' as they are called , otttachmetl to
( omuernl Shiermumnut's staff , are imaviuug too
soft a tiumme of it ? "
' 'Thou stateummcuot does thmcumm mmmi injustice ,
I thmiuik , " answered thuO general. ' 'W'bocim
thou gcmoermtl of time armmmy selects an umiole-
de.caummp Joe thou beconmes ex-ofliclo to
obomiel. It. is no reproachm to aoimnm.
Omnahn'n 1)oatnmaster nmight be made post.
nmaster.gcnoral ammd whmouihoe returned here
take imp his old oflice in time saimme way.
Time nature of their vork varies , same.
times it is ummost iunportammt.Viien time
govermmor.geumeral of Canada passed
tlmrotmgh this CmUumtry , 0110 of thmeso aides
acconmpminied hiiuui , represemitiumg time gen-
errol of time ariumy. Snmmme vrctuiid to
laugh at this , but it makes our cotummtry
appear well before other umations. These
are fmiimctiomms timot umo ommu htmL a gentle.
mail of good Imoimmts could fill. "
' ' \Vhu' are General Siierummnn's aides ? "
lI\rell , otmr geumamal Ions a smmuuilher stall
thrum ally comummmummmmdiiug oflicer in aim' other
cotumutry. 'l'iucro is Cal. .Tohmmm E. 'l'ourte.
lotte , a captmmimo of tlj7 cavalry , omme of
tue mimost gallant of men. lie was sadly
V'otimmlcl at Aimmtooummi , 0mm. , wboeum Ito suc
eessftuihy lucid back a divisiouo of teum
thmotmsaumd of the cmuemmmy. Then thmero ix
Capt. , ] oiumi 11. Bacoim , of the 0th cavalry ,
vhmo , has beemo with time general a great
I . mmmmoumy years , amid Cal. Orlmumdo M Poe , of
the eumgimleers , a valuable muimun , mutt ! Cal ,
.Jolun 0. Tidhiall , mc lieutemimtmiti.comommel 01
I time First artillery. lie relrcscmmts that
lmrmumchi of the service. He 'mts jim tltt
I Mexican war. 'Carpet knights , ' ilideed
I svhuy , timey are mmuiolttle-mmged unexm. Tidbai ]
is mis old as I aiim. '
"Are timeir duties ommerous ? "
"They are responsible positions. Ther
is p. vast aunimummt of corresimondcmice to thm
0 general of thou arummy amid hmu imas but tiiema
four lumen to assist imimmo personally. Tiue
mire , of coumsu , ielieved by clerks , bul
3 tiocy mmmust some timmot evorythmiuig is kept ii
exact order. They are always on duty. '
Germmmaui Itl4HOCiutlhum Picumli , .
Time Gerimman associatioim will on Sun
duty mmoxt , give a grand imiemmic at Hutscahl'm
' park for time boumofit mf time uoew ( lurummaim
Aiuoericmum scimool , Tue 1misical Uuiiou
oi'chuestra , thou Coumcordimi , time 1\Imoiiimui' \
cheer , time lourmicis , time Tourimer Siumgin
. society , mmd time JiOiueuuiimtmm Tumnuoers iv'ii
lmrticiimatu , : oumtl time uomtioo ( iei'mmian 1)01)01
hatiomm of Ouumaimmo will be thuoro. It will bo
: time biggest picuiic ever given iii Liii. vicium
liy. : Amuuoimg thu otter mLimiUsommlumots tioum'
vihl ho dammeluug , gyuuummstics , glmimlex , etc.
i . aumol mm spbummditl uumiinical ) rogrmummmmme 'il
hoe am'raiigcd for thu occasioum. 'rite coumi
muuitteo commsists of lleimry I'omndt , .J. ii. F
) Luiouummomm , 0. B. Buriumeistar , .1 , A. Prime
0 imntmf , A. Dommmmoui : , F. A. Sletmumaum , Pim
I Ammtlrcs , Chmmuiles luotmfuumamm , amid Julio
Moyer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' Mmmuiy times you wmoumt. to keep mmmeat oi
1 fish for several days. Lay it iii a solo
' tiomm of Rex Magumus over night , ammd yoo
camm keep it fear 'ce1cs. You can also kue1
uuiilk a week or mumore by stirriumg imm a lit
I ) tie of tim "Sumow Flake" brmnod.
It mu&e&wlum
_ _
TlIl GIiIi : OliUll.
TIuo Club Tour Up t hoe Eikimoumi l'msilo
1 Time Ommmalma Glee club atao't out em
0 their totmr mmext Monday. . 0mm Tuesday
0) tue 14th , tiucy give a couiccrt at Fremumouit
Ii emi time l0tho atVosL Poimit ; oil thou 20th
itt 'l'ukmtmmmnio , ammo.1 a few days later tioo
; ill give their last tmorforummammco at Blair
I. 'l'imo chomb is adommitteti to be time Iluiest or
t galowtion of time lcimmd in time vcst , ammo
time citizamus of' time towuis mdios'o
ii uuamumed lumivo a yai'o tocat iii stan
8 for tlmeumm , 'l'lio ) boys have butt ii
. lmUihtm'mltiOuo ) fur miauomo timmie a specimi
, ) l'gmlmmimumU for this occmosiomm , commsustiuof
5 (11 PPtulammuiIl lively 801mg. , tlucts , l ° ' ° .
t toRus mood choruses , Our imeiglobors jiavo
5 ot5xmctl special iuitiimcemmmeimta to hoe climb to
seCtmm't ) their incscuee , and sevenmi of thoi
. beat kimowut citizens of Fremumomot , W'es
mo l'cjout. , amid 'l'tikmtimmmoii imave olluned to lca
s nil tue eximomuse of thou eoumctmvta mmmiii gmnr
I. auiteim full houses. 'I'loero mmmc twenty
C eight mumumimbors , iumchutlimug mill time tmmiemo
' . mmudo voices lim Omnahoui.'him their four
horse tcaummoo umumd string of caravmmmms tb
lOyS "iib cremito a sUmi'l.tioui whierove
they go.
: : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 Siiiio'timiO CoiosL oml' Notr4skmu.
ml 'l'iuomumas O'Day and S. P. Thionuotoum , c
i Antelope coummty , were admmmitted to pra
S tico.
5 ,
Evaums vs. DoRoc. Leave to file add
tioimal transcript.
- Wiigocki vs. Thoonseux. Subuimittoti o
1- brief to 1)0 filed. I'jaiimtiil'a brief ium siit
1 days and ilufomidaumts thmirt3r days.
, , Cool vs. Roche & Co. Submitted.
Wilson vs. Shoophoutid. Subuumittod.
- . - - t _ .
1'IiAT ThIOt8ANum OP nUll DtJStNE mN : ( :0 :
TO iumiiut : oF1cuq ) is TIII MORNINIm .IriiIN :
t'NuAxv : SlIaul r on . & i'n ; uuNNnIo , i'ii.ia :
hiti ! , ANI' ' All , ( IUT OF iOmtTH. Tills IS EN.
Ti IilT.1' i'NNoisAuty , : , } 'Out A SlO1.I I)0mE ( ii'
TIRT i'AlKilNu ( FOAM INO su'ICiF1O , TAR.
F)11i , ) lultiLtiC FAST , Vui.I. mm3tImtATIm.y : ; ills.
lnt. A1.t FEIu.iNos _ : Cl' ii EAViNE.8 , mulMovf : :
oFN,1x : litF StiEi.Y TIlE 0A1750 , k Qt'ieEiN
INTo iiAm.TIIY ! AtTION uviutv ; : riuoumr : (11' 'I uui :
s'uoTEM , } ( Jfl 1.ALI : umv &t.u. i'mot'otmusis.
The UotaiIs of the Browning Cac
( 'oroimixu' 1'otoml ioe.s Not ie'uum a ii in-
( pilesi Neeessat'y.
Yesterday's Bin : commtaiumud time stibstan-
tinl facts of time drowniuig of Eolwnrl
Tritz , maid yesterday thou details were oh.
hummed frommi lois comomluauoion , Charles E.
Sd irate.
'l'ritz was boom \Vostpiualia , l'russia
motel had beemo iii Amnem ica iilomit , , three
years. lie was emuuploycd . mit first. iii time
SmueltimugTorks , in this city aimd stilisu-
quiemmtiy iii llOyI'S imckiimg homtmse , after
whoiclo lie zu ; with mr. Scimrote for nhmtmt
Ii immoumthu. lie wan imot a dniumkiumg
uomaim at toll and imo accouuummmitted : quito ouu
ummmiouumt of ImiOlmentY , witho wimiebo hoc as-
slated his oumly hii'otiuer , .Tosebmht 'l'u'itz , to
time full uxteumt of hum immeaums. Time deceased -
ceased was a mnemmmber of Nobuitska Lodge ,
No. 20 , ICumigiuts of Pythmias aumd load tiuc
cstoemim and reslcct of all dmo knew itimmi.
Thou lartictminm's , of time last fatal event 1mm
his life are about moo follows :
Of late 'I'iitz hind becim out of woik
amid was shtyiumg temmujrnrariiy with im. [
Scioroto nimd thou two humtd immad a mait , of
an mtrrmommgeuuueomt to go imuto bmosimoess
together. Time ) ' imuteiuded to 11mm ) ' a teammo
nut ! buy amid sell prodooco tiurotmgim time
country mumol for thmnt mveuot yes-
teiducy to look rot a teaumm.
Time ) ' returned lmouno about 4 o'clock : umd
were sittiumg Scimrote's soon takimmg a looomchu
wboemm Tritz saw a pmtir of oars lying on the
floor , belouigiumg' to Willie Sciurote. , He
at once mroposud that time boy should
take tlmemmi over the time river but \Villie
btOtCStCd ) that time boat was to small.
They therm vcumL dowum to time river and
got a yotmn lad named Tioos. O'I'etcrs to
take timemum umo his boat. lie rowed up
streamu a little and fiumdiuig time load too
hoenvy , Mr. Schroto got omit on time simoro
ammtl followed Trit' ' and Peters across time
river 1mm his eons boat , reaciiiuo time same
shore muot over two minutes beimiuid time
othoer boat.
After lcachming limo heat they crosseU
time sandbar to a clear water pommd umear
where fomuimd Tritz ' 'oVimit-
by , they , l'motscy -
immg ammd a imuti umaimmed Smomith in swimnnmimmg.
. 'l'loe hatter two vet'o experts , and were
, diving amid bantering T ritz to go luito
( lee ! ) water.
: ToIr. Schurote did imot go ) iii swiumunhimg ,
limit uiiei'ely waslmo d himself o11 in time
clgu , mmmmd dressing , startel to walk
across time sandbar. lIe 11:0(1 : goume limit mm
L siuort distammco , wimemi lois miami raim townid
I ioiuiiu amid called hun to cottie back quick.
lie rmmn to time pommd , but Trit
hiatt already disappeared below thou
I surface. A number of mmmcmi froimi Coimmm.
- cii BluiIs ware umear by , aumd ammo of tiocumm
dove domn several timnes , but could imot
find time body. 'J'imo bottoiui of time 1)Ommt ?
I cold as ice , amid the diver was
; afraid to coxmtimmue lois search.
Mr. Scimroto took Imis partumer's clotims
amid. returimed witim theumm to Omnaioa ,
wimore ime reported time cataatrojhie.
I Several jeromis , immcludimig I ito brotimer
I of tboo drowmmed ummnmm , wemmt over amid
I fished withi a seimmo all night for the body ,
r but witimout success. Time search
L rcsimommed tide umoruming nmmd about
I o'clock time remmomiks vero recbvercd.
They wore at once brugiot over to thoix
city amid mid out iii a roomim near Tenth
amiti Farumaun streets , from whelm timc
. fommooral will .fke place at 2 v. imm. Sunday.
'rime dead immim was above thu inoohitumui
I height , stouthy built ammd a flume specimnoui
. of Phmysical uiiammhuood. liemms mmmonmrmr
0 no.1 amid limos iio rehatives iii this commuotry
- excolmti time brotimer mentioned. JIir
, lnmsuuoess imo thou old couimtiy vuts tlmmt : of
, coal mmnimer.
Time body whmemm it recovered guvo
. almost coioclusive proof timat death \ViU
) caused by craumips. Time mtrmuomo ycrc
. drawn togetimer omumol time lists chiuichmet
J with time timnmmbs imisido time l'uimgers. 'I'm
only Intel uumnrk omm time bad ) ' wrum thmat omio
1 of 1me eyco was bruised aimd discoion'eol ,
- Thuis wmms either cruised by ammo of thm
poles used imm time search stnikiumg ioiumo oi
- Ijy cramvl'msim attnchmimmg timeumiscimos to ) till
. eye.
S Coromier Foul , of Council Bluffs , wni
tehcphoommed but imati iearmuel time fmmcts man
did umot deemomami immqmiest imecossmiry. 'l'ioo
r rouumaimms are tiuorefmro at preseimt , ii
- cimargo of the lcumighmtmi of 15'tioias whoi
I vilI bury it with time usturmi rights of tboi
I ( miller , 011 Smmuoday.
1tehmiiug'ms itumssia Salvo is omit I imvmmimoabi ,
dressimmg fer lumflmouimeol aimil Mmre joiuitm4. l'rico
- -
.JIIt ) .
TUItNIIULI4-limmrniut .Tano lmmfmmmmt .iauigiot.e
of Jolumm at l3tio amid Martiums Aget si
. . , miommtio. .
Funeral tot 3 o'clock ttlo ) list. l'roslIeCt liii
RASSMiSSEN-Mrs. Sophula ibaoncmmemi i
, mumotioor-iuo.imtmm' of Frail Fotzmmoouimm , Aug. 'JOm
; aged TO ) OaN 811(1 6 mmuommthos ,
t Ftmumenmml m'1il tmtki * plmco from 'l'mvemoty.tiulr
mmmiii Leaveumworthi streets , Aug. lRim ( , ott 2
iii. Friends immvite,1. ,
YIint Nntiii'o denies to 11111113'
I ) .Ai'L iecllres to nil. JLagan's
t ; ? oIIgiUIIIL : ) Baliii dispels every
r 1)leluiSli ) , O0lcollle $ lleiliiess ,
. Frevkles , Sallowness , ilough-
; lUSb4 , r1i1111 E i'iti ) U o t S mUlti
, ihlotches , ttiitl reimioves all cvi-
U - ( lencos 01' heat and oxclto
r illehit. ' [ 'ito ' Magnolia hahn
iIl1IllliS ) Ilie illOSt ( lolicato &iiitl
ittittirtil coniploxiouni hilts-
110 ( leteetiolllehllg ) IOSSiblO ) to
of the closest observation.
Under these clrcuntstahlces
a flhhiIt3 Complexion Is little
i. short of a erimite. Magnolia
118111k sold everywhere. Costs
mm only 75 cents , 'o'Ith full diy -
y reellons
for Infants and Chfldren.
CnMtorlnproimotrs Dig'ost Ion
and o mercomuius Fimituiemicy , donstupa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrbma , amid
Fovorishmnes. IL imistures lucaltbm and
naturaL ShOd ) , vitiuofmt ) flOrlltIlie.
'I Csst.enia Iq aoi well adapted to Chiidrmi that
I reconimnend itnssup.'rmor onnumy prrscrlptlon
known to moo. " It , A. Amcuit , M. 1) . ,
8'Portianob Ave. , flrk1yn , N.Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absohtito cure for Ehiourna-
1.lsiim , Sprains , Biirums , Gxthls , &c. The uuost I'owcrfnl and rono-
tratliug l'aimi-rehbcvlng * 111(1 licoihimig 1emimedy knotyn to man.
atif3peCtftimt v111 l'ommttzvoly not b mnsortcet
unless patti In advance.
L'OLOAN-Monc3' .
WlIROi ) TICii'l'3-To cii 1oimt at redmmcc.t
rates. A. I11113i.'tN , ' 3 Somth m8th mit. tmIOiummt
'I ° ' TO lOAN-Thu Ouimatma Savlmmg. flak , , Is
.1 now ireirei to momaimu au ( juimalma cIty or
ioimgIa'o t'ommt' % real ctatc at , current ratuof intercmt.
No ( , ouIilmmj'ut ' ciiicc,1. ,
uNiY ' 10 h.uA - The Iowet r.mtu of 1mmteret
j1 lkmiti' Toan g'Imty ' , uitl ) & 1)oiIa , . 2J1t1
\ ONIW To ) : .o.N-cotm at law otilco j ii. L.
A ! , , r'i , x , Cr'tht. , , ummock _
t 0NE' i.oANuu-omm ; Chattei mlmortgagu , to.fll 7
jr Nebraska Nitiomial iiiimkliimtllIng. WI. tf
'tn 0Ni TO L0tX-.1. 'r. xntty loans on chattel
! 1 i.rot.emty , 213 iomtii I Otim t.
, ( 'I book.Icclmmm. J. Ii. S.amtui mrmout.omgmas it.
txitu.lm t
% \ % - ' go.'tl mmmcii to introduce Colliers
V , , tmmimdamui i'mmhlcatloms. itoouii & 7 Ilarkerlioek.
ANTIu-A : ilrst ciassbnrber. ( mood wage'maid.
i mti. : Golu , , , Kvmmrimcy , Ieb. 012.1St
WANTEI-A g.a1 girt for kitchen work. Al'ilIY
V at 1723 iuolgu Street- ii5.9 )
Few hoarolen. can be accommimumodatcol m itli supe-
.1 riorl.oari at 1015 Ioge ) St. 010-14
'I 'ANTEI-A tiiimiumg room girt at th Ornalma
iuse. , 9 2.1o3
'ANTiD-A ) k 0015 ularnxy S
} 'In.t ei.m , , einmoi eec enum uiuiil a mwrmnt000t
.A , .ituutlomm my , eaillig on t. .J. Potter , St. Charles
hotel. Do .tf
y.NTEt-'rwo energetic , reliable mmmc , , to mcli
, goois. Steady cmmiloyummcrmt. , No capitci re-
tliIred. Call 421 Sotmtii lOll , mtrcet. 8O4'J
) \s'ANTID-F'or : cimttIrm time hrmsh oil of
I 311)S 25 ( ) l34J acre , of mamim , , i 12 ummties Ireumipost
ottee. Ast ! , for cittti.g the trees otT of tue strect8
niul amity. .1 saId 1.mmooi. , % p 13' tI.
mimi1S ltiAt. : uSt'ATE AGENCY , litim nimtl Douglas St. .
-1 'ANIouJ--nu railroad giaders for smork Ira tmi ,
) 1 mtmtte. 207 N. i6tliSt. SS3ii'J '
A7mN.rue-m : utrst.clasl tiimier. , Stcadr mmmp1oy-
I 1 umment. Goot m' to thom right ummamu. imiro at
oice , , at laiDNtcIols street , , lUtim street 1rhge.
'I I 'AN'uiIl-Gcrummai , girl to do homework. InS -
S 1 qiulec 005 botmtii lSth street. STI tf
17ANTED-A first class cool , wonman Irefcrrc.1
1 5 Addresser aliply at CcmmttaiCity llouseCemtrai :
City Net , . S7-10'
\rArED-At 2210 Califorimla St. a girl to do geim.
S ermi imomiscov.rk. 05510
% \7ANTEuAuI ox0ocrieiceoi grocery clerk. Au-
V iruss "Groter , ' Iic umuicu. Mu.t coruu , sculi re-
I coineiamcd. , 83.i tf
"YANi El-.t firm.t-ciass carriage biacksumiith ; eisa
1 a laurseshoer auiul voot1woroer. Attdrss Lock
Ihx 175 , Lreto , , , iowa.
LAImE.somtvouNa MEN iii city or conntry , to
take , ee , might ummd i.leasarmt work at timeir owmi
imoimic ; mu. 5 a day caly ) ammd qulot ' , mimado ; worK
L , cimt by ima I ; ii eamimaImmg ; imo stammi I I rdiiy.
l'ieasuatitircss Reliable Iaumutaetur mmgCoummnuly , Ova. .
dras , or VI. 800.tu.thsmst.Ammg2St
- ' 7ANTiD-Lmuiy agents for the " ( mmceu , O'rotcct-
or. ' . ow ommiter garumcmt for iaiIcs , immade of
moft , 1tetb1e rubber. Sure m.rotectmoua to the under-
% % car , % imumI ulocessary to he mrorim. i1ctali for 2.UO
as faht as ngu'lmts camm mimow It. Large pr001th. Address
with , otmumim , 'lAdIes Ummndergarummemt Mammufoetmuring
Co. , No. 1)5. iaystreet , Clmmcago , uiL 7ltmU4limm
TANTuD-Fmrst-ia : mommaui cooc at time ( Jatmit
_ ! ! ilomw , rmeargovormimmcmmtcqrral
m. ANTuD-ooo4 : niacimlujists at Novelty iromm
vi vorks , Fourtocmmtlt street. s59tf
1 , 7ANTEI-Good uraeticaitiilmcr , , , .teadyJoh , IO
0 i.crmmmommth. LOUlm aWANSUN ,
937-hut UIyme , Ne ! , .
% "ANlE1)-A 01St clas. aimetioneer to uotl patemmt
mmme.hclmmo nm btreetm. Addmess 1) . , lie , ; omulec ,
Cauumcmu imlumif. .
3 \'AN1'Ei-ily a ( icriluami gin a situmntiomm aoo cook
, ! iii irivato fanmllv u mmccc aimotier girl Is kept.
umquulre at Vestcrn house 09th aunt iierco Sts. imee
) NamiW..rhs. mi4 0
1' 7'AN1'Ei-1my a vouumg , ummam , of bumsiness expcrieumce
I I sommmetiming to to iii time afternoon. ' 1 cnn. to
nit the cmmmpiover. Addieuo I ) . 1' . lieu otlice. 035 Cj
I " ' ' % N'u Ei-Scpt , ist to IStim afurumlsmmcom or Unfur-
1 umIMme,1 ) imouiu tf 4 to ( I roommms. 4doireuos C. SV.
l'mumflclut 1107 mlarimey.
- _ _
) 'OtlNO ills , , Vili kICI ) set of boo.ksomemmlmg. , . Address -
dress J. II. lieu iitIe.
'ANTIImy two young umoit tel uimfuroiio.lmrmI ,
a roommu muoprusmutu faimmily. Itcfreuuce II deimed.
3 Address A. tiiI. otimec. IY&3tf
TOA RENT--house. amid Lots.
; 'omm bENT-house 0 ruommus $25. ler mmuommtiu. In.
r iumIru 25th St. bctwetuu Imimemiport arid Chicago
-'cit itENF-ornislmcti roouut. , with or mm Itimoimt
housed , at 1717 C'as. St. between 17th ami , 1th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - IJ-20.llf -
-oot liiN'F-A large frommt rnoi , with tires.oiumgrimoui
ott , muttabie for two guumtlemmien or gemtlcnmamiaimd ,
'mite , IlUl0UmSt. O3IJ
ci.s froumt bedrootmu to omill or two
ilrst eI.tss mmmcii , moist chassfuurmmi.imedtlmreosIusres
west ci lust ohilec. Address timl olilcu , Itoouii N. I.
0ttlKN ( O'-Furiuisheom lmt.uu on N. isOm St. Iii.
: I lhuTre narhmol ! . 'I'rmmmmir Imictory Mmiiartl itotel
lulock. _ _ _ _ _ 021.14
Iohm ; bENT-hi a prIvate famnmmy , ( for time su iimter )
front roommi ofth buarti , Ayyhy at 1415 Clmitaga
St. _ _ _ _ _ 021.101
111N'r-Niceiy : fmurxml.imcul roouums oltii board1
1 4 1cautifmui iocumttwi. ikstimrooimms gas &c. , 2423 Far.
ujammmKt. 1)00.1:11 ) :
° " itENl'-I.argo hail , Cemm'rai location.
F iirick .tomu aimut b.isemumemmt. moth st ,
iirick mtorc ruomit 10th St.
SSI.10 ncCAtlUE , t.i.positu lost ouIce. :
° " itIcv-I.argu : , fmmruoimimeu ! front reoum , , lucas
. I . aimtiy IocatuJ , 022 5. W. corumer izard aini 18th
mtruets , _ 853.12'
-oit 1IENF-A iuIcaammt fumrmmt.lued roommu. Also aui
1 ummfmmruml.hmed , cue , frommu 1 to sto. mm. w. curium
Ilarumey usumd 2lttm .treet.
r 'oo'urmIslmc4 , l'arior 1724 Iuu1as St.
582.11 !
; moit iiEN1'-FurisimuI aumti ummufurimlmeil ) roomius.
Flume io.'atlon. 1'ICui : , 1' . 0.
, -
'o1t litNT.-omur : rooimm , mmuw . uuemi
btri'vt car 1fuu. buitmible tar a unnaIl. quiet faint
Iy. I. . V. hOE ,
_ ! t94Ib _ King St. . bet , Chmarhes ammuIdes ant.
1'ut IIENT-3.moomn cottage , miew ; Seamed itreet
.5. betwecum Cammulubeil aunt irumme , Slmhuum's , adulhtuon.'
I OIEN'f-lttldenctj and store buoktiimgs. lIE ! )
bill ) .t SOUEIO , heal Estate Agency. Ofilcu
east aide lltuu itrt'tt , between Farmmmiomi arid Iougm&
L AW OFFICE , mvih tunmt.Imcd , smith good library
fog sJ COlA ? . JOhN I. . ItOOltE ,
600-ha' Orcie , N.b.
F ° a liENT-lew rooms furutahed or unluralshed
sihihu bommd. Referemico. required l10 Daen
- -
What gives our Children rosy chocks ,
What cures their fevers , makes them uibeep I
'TI. Cimatoris.
.slen b1.ks fret and cry by' tumn ,
\VIiat cures their coilc , U ! ! . their worm. ,
But Ca.tor1.
V'iuat quIckly cures Conmtlpatton ,
Sour Stomnmucli , ColiL. , indIgestion ,
fliut Castorla.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and i'aregorie , andlush
lush Cnitorlgmt
Jif .X
forum btreet , Opj nile ( 'iegimtommCohiuige. ! 70.i0t
1 -A mpauIhig little umlamu amid midebar bug.
1.0' 1805'ebster . , t.
O1t Sii- uilee gouti faintly Imonue. luiquire at
Fihulu , , reel Erickuinu , roomer f I It ) , mmii Ioio )
( 'iii.otte ' I' . 0. 0:1-2.15 :
1 'Ohl ' SAlE-large luau of imuuile4 , mmcl. wn"oim auiol 4 .
llmmrmme4. Abe , uuclargo itoroo emu tasoraitre termm , , , _ . ' * 1ju _ #
nIlIrs. ihrret , hear Itmucus hrImt mmriI. fl8.13f '
I VOlt sALi-A berber mimni' , goouui loestin , how i-etmt
dohuig goOL1 bum itmes , , , u easy tom uums luuumls Foist
11,11 , Iodge St. 1)00 101
( - ' iIOAN-s1'ic'IAI. : oFFimm--\Ve : 't iii sehi oil mumbo
' I orgau , U , .to1 , . mm-nrraumteul , for IP12.5' , . h1mi' Is muo
inmummbumg. lull ani ( sce. iIIESCo "I-I & CO. ,
soS.ti : lStml imurimmum , .
FIN1 NEW i'lAN-\hhl sell at a bargain , or
. for u emit , an , ! mmt applied . 'mi iommu chua. .
89,3-tf i'IIE.SCtm'I' ) & CO. , 15th ) l'umrimmunSt.
I ? Ohi s.u.i0mm : rnjmmtiiv paymnomlts , luore , liar-
mucus mumid mmemvphaetomm or ishim eclmaigu , for otimer
u.roeert. J fl1IVAFIS ,
841 0 1111 Farummummi itroet.
'oIt SAIE-l'immo farmn doe to the cit $ . mcK : , Opposite P. 0.
I j'Ohi ' sml.o-umesmdemco cud buslnes'i irolert $ on
all bert. of Omumahumu , ammd Famun Land's in cli parts
of the State. ImEtFOitl ) & SOUEII ,
71) 213 14.l4thSt. bet. F'nruiamm , aimd Douglas.
F ° ' SAI.E-A well eutabhhslmod , Vagom and carriage -
riage shop , located In one of the bout towns In
soutimeastern Nebraska. Address "A."tsre of "Bee , "
Onmaha , Net , . 733i3
arkAvenuc lots $000 each.
Cmupltoi Avenue lots , $1,000 each.
Cimiemugo strest lot , ) .
Centre Street lots , $52 each ,
_ 2tf Opposite i'ostoiflcc.
, out SALE-200 lmoaulycarllmg , lucifer. , $17.50.
I 200 head 2 nru'l ' three ) tar old lmoifor , $24.00.
400 Calm eum. All abom a are iowa cattle.
S'I'IiANn : Duo's ,
Cattle Coutractor. , hide , 'ool aumd 'fmuilow dealer. ,
Sioux City , Iowa. 692 hum
sALI : on EXCItANIE-l'umll lot and three
dwellings curlier of 11th nuid luiethic streets.
Nimme ioto In mouth Omnaima. Also 1Cm ) acres tuf laumd
, mcar Sarmton , Nebraska , and builuliug , emit ! stock of
clolimlng No. SO-I 'I'entii street. Wihh c.chammge for
Nebraska fan , , lands. You-thor mumirticularo Ut Oco.
lb. i'ctcroon' Ciotimimg Store , 501 l'cuutim street.
SALE-.i'roperty ' . . E. corner 13th r.mulcaph.
t.i , avenue , Inquire cmi Pre7luI. 50o.huuu
4 CIt SAL1-Old uiowspal.ers in harge auth small
quammtithes at this omtmcc. tf
U-molt SALl-A ilnot ciam second humit top buggy.
_ I Coil rut 1310 Iharumey street.
" '
, imms : Jnnc Str. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 925.10
o' Merchant tailors mmml ciatluiers , mm cuntonu curt.
ter vith experience wisiuwu situiutiomm imi thuo city
( ii vhclmuity , AuldrcusJ. It. ike omlico. 01S 1u1
I oui sish to dimjioseot your busiues , , , record fuml !
i'articuiars at J. L. Marble's euuujuloyumicmt otllco ,
217 N. lfltiu street. 1)23.14'
I JULIA scIuliomEmt ) , ciuicaguu. time uuiot pow. j
. erfuui magnetic healer , locate-i all iahum and , lis-
ease. Cure'4 all tlmose given uu by other l.myAiciarms. ! , , -
Conutmltatiomi free. S. W. curlier 1thammulCauitoiave.
ltooiu 3. 1)0.3.11 !
OTICE I. hereby gimemi to oil saloorm keepers ant !
liquor dealers not to , , cli liquors of ally itbimul to (
mu ) melfe , lierclmiidren or ummy lmhltrcmm. ! II. .1. IIAKEII.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'4.i1 !
r tEN UP-Two hug' , , will the deihuer sanu , to
owmer oil paylneut of ttauimagms ammd costa. W.
. ! . ibahm , Coumrt house. 000.5 ) ewk.
F you vamt a Pile foumothatlo , , to your buihdimmg see
\v. floyd , Ciimficld house. _ _ _ _ _ 604 lmn
"AKE U1'-A 3 year old bla.k mare , about 000
iouumdsweigiit. ti A. Jeumsen , omm Military Road ,
4 ummihe ( toirm toommm. 803 51 lewl
0UN1-A book commtutummtumg Danish letter , , memo
1iuotorajAms mmim.i otimer mairs. Osuer , en , , have
mtiiie by calling attimis omhico azmd payii g char-ge. .
I 1'you scamit plies drmvei , for aiiy lUriOu mee % VO
Boyd , Cammhleith lIoUse. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F. lit'bS , omemober 'luhumity College , England ,
S glvcs .iuslc 0,1. , ) Smugimig , Lessons. Adtlte , 805
Houuhi 'I'euithm Street. 5U3.lni
r 'AIcEN Ul'-Jumiy 00th , a bay horse. Owuer can
get huforimnuthon by cmmliiuug at timls Ulke
040St I each , % %
itm'm : ilS1'ENSAlt'-'flui free titsJcrmbary .n eon
, mectlomm mdlii the Chmhld' ilompitam amd , I Iommo , lime
loccmi located om tima corumer of lOOm mmmd Iloughts mtretm
until tue umow lumidlmmg I , Ilimlalmeul. Attemidaiiec V. ill
bu ghveum every uiuormmimig ( Stuimday excepted ) mronm mu
t , , 1 1 o'clock fur thu ttvmittmmemt , of thu needy , sick and
At.tsv. t'13 " , , itli street , iuctweon Farmomu and liar.
flu I , 'hh , i'1 ' btho aid of guardian lilulrhts , obtain for
mu , 0 ) O I tCO of thO mIMI and prceit , amid ou
, rtiti _ ) n I lions In the future. Booth amid Shoes
,1s , nrh Psrfect .ati.faetlnn gimur'w'"ai
Capital , - - $250,000.
; ; ; ; : ; : ; ; :
.IAS. 13. , I're.ldent. , II
A. L. CLAIIKE , Vhce-ires1dcnt.
E. C. WEBSTEhiFrcasuror ,
(7. 1' . WE1ISTEIt. Cashier ,
DIIEcrrohts ! :
Samuel Alexander , oswald Oilier
I . L. Clarku , I' . C. Wolustor ,
Ott. II Pratt , .Jas. B. mxeartweii ,
P. 15. McEIhlhnmmey.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Tlmh. Coimupauiy furmmlshmr a permanent lmouno Irmthtu.
tboc mihero selmool ilommuIm anti other iegmmiiy issued Mu.
, , dcluai Secmurhtles to Nebraska caru be negotiated n
In put. " h500miblo Ocr-ui , . Loans ucadu emil thpror-od
armu , . hi. aim mr-eli mottled couimthc of time tate through
csiiomshi.ic .cal concu.oe.lentm. , cv
JOll lvi. CLARKE. ,
Oldest Real ! istato Agent.
. Notary Pub/ic and P'acticai Con-
. C1arke iou. house. ant Lots , Iteeldonco Lets and \I
11uslne Lots eli over the lit ) , Limit all additions , hue.
. ; litei Improved and uuhrolurovetl laruuui oaer than
any oth.r as'ent. moat 16.
Safety Fund System.
Life Insurance perfect ho aecurtty aimd at time Jo. est
possible cost cotmsient therewith.
Ca' . ,
AUS. 11. PIETY , Gencual . % gerut.
: At the lesion.
. , raood Agsnti Wantedt umm&e-lomm