Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
t ThAIiBEE---o AIIA , TTIISDAYGUST 9 , 188. \
Thursday Morning , AuguBt 9.
-Who ro IAppit , 1.cAk & Co.
-A party of i .lozon emIgranL In wagons
. ft long trip from MI.onr1 to WMhlngtofl
kftitory TUMIC l liaft on } nrnMn itrcot yoi
krday morning.
-The general ticket office of the U. P. has' '
. rtct1 cl a sheet pliotogrnph of their coinfort * .
ble San bea4l(1unrtora O. I , ? ! snt
emery trot , with goncri 3iacnger agent
. fllkhc iek' goitini face acen in the ( lHrWy.
-1)r. l'arkcr aays that U. Ii. ( lifTont who
iiitIcnt11y .1int hiniMeifIontliiy night with
a8 calibre rev.hor I very comfortable rncI
the wound I , mt nocoanrily mortal. The hut.
Jet entornh the rhghit ) iypochonthdo region.
-Thu toItiboN ) of Onaht hotigo 141 1. 0.
(1. 'F. will hUh l social at thIt3 roslilonco of
Cluth. 'P. lhiineo , N. . 818 north 19Lh atr. first
door uiitI& of Cmiiing atroct , t1L ( Thurn.
thy ) cvvnitig , to which all trieiiihorn , ex-mom
hen. nint friomln nrc iiiost cordInzIIy Invitoh.
Vei.terdy a prea1l Of whiltu canvn. m
the aeaiit lot next the ( rocn 'rreo hfouo on
:10th : street attracted general attention and
wonder. 3 fliic reporter foiit1 on inquiry
that it. Cfltt111011 ( a iiu.etint ol ctirio1t1es Iii
ciLargo of 1. \ V.V1ggInn ZUUt it wa.
NI with a Ircu oxitibition at ' oclogk last
-Itorso 311011 in Nebraska vhht rejoice ti
loan. that thu veiI knowi. trotting tathiun
llaxcy Cobb , won a hg race lit tim 2:29 : cltw
at Ihiffalo , Now York , 'J'iiosday , In thrix
e atraighit heats.rrhIoro were ohiwon horiei
atarte4l in tin , race , Iaxey winning in 2:21 :
222 and 2:2O. :
-'rho .toiio sidewalk nrouml the NehraskL
1atilIa1 hank hi building iIowly. ( iroa
t.rnIlte IIU'4 boca uxporioncoil in the area
uniter the ioitowalk ( rout % v.ter which I. tip
IlosuLl tO push its way up through the groiiu
111)111 ft hlvospriiig. Thu room nuler the Hidc
walk which cont.titis the heating apiaritu :
Iiwi heoii thoroughly crnnontoI and it i snJ
! lKwsed that thiN svhhi keej , tit the water.
-'rIo train ( ruin Jeiiver was five hours hat
t ot.torday afternoon. 'l'hu cau8o of the iloha
was a terrific hail ami ralit Atorm eiicniintorc
woat of MeCook , last Mniulay I1ighat. Froi :
( one of the aHcIIgen on thu wu 1oiii
I thnt it was mm of the vorRt hail ziiid rii
t sthrni. over witilonsed In thatcoiintry , the hal
caino ( IOWIL thick and fast , followed by
deluge of water that wwdied It in a niasM , corn
1)lCtehY tilling up ravinas. 1h.iiy : cattle am
Iioisos , nayt ; our lnforiiiant , were killed by thmi
Laih.-Stjmto .Tutirnal.
--In acconhmuico Itl. lt usual liberal ctts
. .
I tfln on anichi Occa8lonn , tim 11. & I. wilt inaki
rate of mie aui ono.half cents or iiiilu ec1
vay to an(1 from the (1. A. It. reunion a
1 1Insting. ' 1'lcketM will ho old on tli , 8i1 mi
1 CPtenIber , the firMt thay of thu rolmnhIn , aim
1 vihI lie good to ruturim on or before thu 10th
Jh1bmuUlH I a iiiml 1rzim vih1 ho free. 1hi
] l. & .1. ii. iloing nil In their hlowor to immal :
. time miccawion a grand siiccosaiit1 wu simmjimo
in the mimatter ofrmmtes other roamis will ftmllmmi
: J -Ihillalo 11111 lt traveling tIIr4nIghl thin
; u 'itIi a imuY vriiikIo I mm the sIiov husi imoss. 1 1' '
I litum a tmolm ( If I mIituIuI , nail old I ) >
* , atago coach , ahomit a (101011 cowboys amid 1)r
, Carver. Ills irlilciPal act 114 ft rClIroOfltatiJI (
ol the captiiru of the 1)oiulwooil itagu and i
ci rmcuu by COW15)fl. Thu tronpo lmhLYs on timi
: groimnhc ( if fair assoclatiovmm and drawim iimmiiiiisi
croird , . In Now Yurk ltt week Lormi Mamithu
1 vll1o1intI Mr. Tmaumc Itch , jr. , wore passmnigor
hi th coach. . half way aroummil thu track i
, band of noWu red inemm vommsistimig of hal
, breed Pawiiccmm , Omnahui : \VlmmnehnLgmbes :
. 1xgaii firing at time coach , vhmemi a binul o
1 cowb.iyi. rode mlowzm amid miruvo thmumim off. Ii
thio fracas Mr. Boll was idiot in thu imeck wIti
A itl mumd scareil half to ( heat ) . . ltuffalo.witl
a-wart-on.his.ueck 101(1 Zmlulo.wlth.nochlldrej
ro rivahim for thu honor of having killeil thi
Ow York dude , and Now York society I
fairly lmowhiimg with laughmter over the afFair.
. itii AiiHveL' Vniited.
. Can aimy nib bilmig us a muo of lcidiioy oi
liver coiniminint that Eiectri JIlt
terim will not mqmeethily euro ? Wu Ha3 thmoy cam
. imot , mum thoumumdmm of czues aim cathy ImeilmImIlmelit
ly cum cml tiiid vho are daily remoiiimmmommtl Iii
Electiiu Jhittcrmm will imve. hlRight'H 4hiMeluo
dIabetes , weak lumck , or Lilly urlimary cnImm mlalmm
quickly cum ed. 'flmuy 1)111111 ) thu 1)100(1 , regu
bite the lovelH iiiid act ciirectiy on the dis
1 casemh pints , Every bottle gimarmmatuutl. : 1 :
wile at &Oc a bottle by C. F. ( iaalmmian.
i'EftsoNt 14S.
1' , \ \Iciooch , vifu mmml moii , of m1ilwau
kec , are at the Faxtoim.
J.v. . Chmaptimaim , of Council IhluffH , 11. 8
niarhsal of Iowa , Is mit time I'axtoim.
Gad. Slaughter , of Natmco county , chitof churl
of the ILOtISO of ruvreseiittive : , is in tuvu.
Itepresentativu Towers , of 1Lmwmting , am.
xlved in Ozimahia yomstcrdny. lie i t tlmi
14. ( . Bryan , 11. 0. Scott , (1. ( .1. Itmithisback
Y. J. 1)ennlm. arts an Ashland imarty at thai
! l'sxtoma.
Bir ( ] eorgo Scott , maf l'atersou , N. J. , was t
weiit boumad aeiager at noon cii rotate to tiat
r nim Francisco trenn1al 1a 1)ouvor.
( juiteralV. . II. Ilazun. chief of the ITnitoil
ttate sigimal service , Is at the Paxton , and
iassed time afternooma itt Fort Omaha.
( Jeii.htimuu MoyerH , retired , fmiraaurly
quartermnwmterot thus .hcimartumezi , as ahi.o mat
'sVashlngton , Chiaago mid Fort Himuhling , i It
at the Vax tomi.
S. E. Ioore , hiartiler of Eu , Cimurchi mi tlu
I 4 IAimcolia Opera I Iousu1was III town yInterdna1
bli way cast. 'fimeir hotamie milieus III ahioul
the 11th of Septoamhier with Fimy 'I'cuiphutom
aud ICatlu 1ttisaima who go there frommi here.
. .1. . \Vahscr , of Chicago , ltresiicmlt ( Aimacrl
ULII 'Ileket 1hmokrs massoclatlun , must ! uatumily mar
rto1ipimg : at thu Vmaxtomi. \ a a I veil I ma thuuh
Ii ) esteriay taint leave this iamairiming la 11. & Al
fi for Han FraiicIco to attend Jamighmt 'l'oamaimiu
I Mr. 0. lii. Moore , of. Chicago , wuamtur
znanayr for ( leo. ii. Merrill & Cu , , dealers I
rlntimi inks , Is paying mashiort vstt t.oOinahi
I Mr Muoro haam ma number of old friends ama
located here to whomia hits vreomtvu is a umolari
I . . , of cxo&tIngmIoaiiuru. ialr , iioore is a celeb :
t ty lii JaLu81cl circles In Chicago , u&atl mn
pehapa b held hero vocally hiefor Lii. rotur
- -
t. 1 % . Jitro Having Prcm.ont.
I Mr. ? aL E. .aUliion , Ilutehaliisoxi , Ka
Mrc1 his ills by a siwpho tm.1I Liuttlo of I )
Jthijs N.w DIoo'ery for cozisutnlmtIou. whim
sause1 hiI' to procure a large botu that ou :
pletuly , i'aroml ImitA when doctor. chiawt ,
d1miit , .aud overytimitig ohio had fahed. .tt
n2 , lreuchi1tiu , boarsunesd sewero coughs , ni
iU throat and hung dIeaies , It is guarante
to cure. Triad bott1e frue mat 0. F , Uoodinax
. dnig store. 14u go sL 1.OO.
41 :
: : _
The Bcrlls1iu BobTail Case 111 Cout1
Conhllotitig rstiimiony flm4 hi thac F'aetim
Th.ireln ,
One of the not hiaportani , mul at the
MiflO time IUt. thu Icaat inturoating of time
yoar'8 CMOS ill the police court , came up for
trial yoatorday afternoon , It wai ( that of
Abraham Borntoin against Michael Don.
ovan. The formerly 1 * particularly
known to fame bocati.e lila natiac hIM
often apoaru4I in time 1iubhic prilats , at l
the latter ia generally SlcfloWfl , among
other thaing9 , M thao of the
Creighiton house. Thu auit wa. brought
agititiat the latter f)1' ( histurbance of the
It is not long stiace a like charge was
trcfcrrcl against ilernatuima by Mr. Doia.
ovall. Ihernatein , however , acknowl.
edgct the charge , arni was hued niul as.
sessiil : costs atnotimititig to solmIutlhihIg near
$7. 1)oubttoss thminkimag a similar satiM. :
faction CoUld bo hiatt frian ATe. Donovan ,
Bernstein brought. thu stik first refevrcd
to. To mII1Ui ) it looked like a retaliation.
There were a HUI111)Or of spectiatmar in
about tiho cjurt hiotisu whiemi than case wni
called , amid a goodly iiumnber of witmmessc
Ilernatoimi sought to make a good liii
side of the case by the introciimction am
witnesses of his daughators , Anna niad
ltnchmel , a young colored irny Iaahmmei
Andcrmaon , Ars. \\'iihmt , 1111(1 ( IIr.i. Ap
pletoim , time last. mnontmomacil , is iaoms be
liuved a resicent of the 1I1tmIlmm ,
'rime dauglmtera wore time central figimrcm
I lii the case , as htu ( histurlaucu ) ahlegem
I waS hiaseti 111)011 a highihy interesting mmmii
I demmmonatrativo ititerviosv whjchi thu yoiima
I would seem to have forced 111)01
Imir. 1)onovan. In this interview , that
witness claimmaetl that. ? lTr. D. land liset
a toward time irls thu opprobrious cpithiutm
t f Charist.kmllors , prostitutes , y _ mtmn
V such. Snow of time sitmaescs heard thmes
. alljccti'cs , htmL did mint sea who nIphie
it thmuni. Sonic of the witnesses atlata hmumait
tlmuso despite the fact that amminiry femicu
is zaiad shiemhai niati aLt. least a hiundred feet in
I. torvomied. Oman of thu yitnesaes a Mis
\Vrlght , was omau of tinaso to h0111 iin
Lance Ofrerelt 110 itopedimiaciat 1(1 laur hear
C lug. She hikuwisu testified that she human
, thio girls say macthing ima ruply amad thin
1 sItu pitied limo your , dear crontures
U 'I'imat Air. 1)onovan was ma himani luau , ho
Ii she could not toll what nlao know or
ii she land hmCflr(1 aboUt hmiima. She wan commxum
I to toil what. she hind hicarti about o
ii whmait SILO luau kimowii ldmii do thimat ya
. imaonstrous. 'J'lio dignity of thmo court wit
I severely tested , when , aftur the long do
lily , time witiacas testified that she lou
Mccli thu dofummduaat uncut tIme ( ligits of omai
of his hmands , after time manlier of the iima
. i.rovel iaiiyiako , tuidor thao tij f hi
LI ilOSt ) . Auth of course ovurybotly intmghaud
ti 'l'iio tcstiiiiony of thu platiiatili's witimes
I. hatily imlimatturud timid glaring imacon
ii siatciacies HhmiIi thmrntmgiioiit thu whole o
a I l'mlr. 1)onovmmmi's tcimtiinmnIy s'mts in nirec :
I. thmitt ho wits iiasiiltul muati jeered at iii lii
U yiLi'tl by one of thu gills , lust , to nitrate
0 imia mtthmuhtm01i. I Ic ruimioimstrntutl sit
' 0 lace , uhling her sian shionhi only treat lmu
i ) ' j iiain : I ii t Ian I Initial m or. 'Flie ui iidly ox
cclm.essivo ) itiitl olhiiiisivti o1mitiiots wit
t whelm time young wonian opumiutl time tal ]
vure nbaimdomiud amid ija their alumni caimmu
I , bucket , ii supply of eg shells , a mdcv
I itiatl Iiimahhy am , which. Air. 1) . ward
. eth oil at limo oxjamImso of a lmrimiscd wrist
a ' 1hmcso were followed by time thmieatt tim
I when she got limit ) outsitlu of his ow :
Li yarti ehmu(1 mail time abode of liuizelnmbou
Il.of . hum , the - four.oyed Jrisl
. stilt of IL femmiaho ( log , oven if hmo luau ii
ti tUe in time vommitematiary for it. hut hious
ii vns time vesont of disreputiablu vc
I 1)10 ) , tIme fitir laly said , itiati sit
0(1111(1 ( prvo itVhat ; did Ii
; ill ) ithm imhl time beer that voiaL into it niat
i queries of that hcimad. I'ilr. 1)onovan ic
toned by quietly reimuirkimig that thm
a greatest mlaisrehareaeaitatiomm lie cotild aiiak
I s'itlm itigiard it ) herself svmts that shmo Wa
a lady , mamiti thmztt lie would call her ma hmuly
Ii 'I'Jmis fl5 imtat thu ihtttomimmg imuctioii tim
ml yonhig woimmala tILSiI'Cl to lay to her ng
grieved sjminit , mammal sue comisuiiimemiti
I irok c ou I. aigad ma jim mactimer choice sam opt
of vi to i eniatioim.
I. Air. Iomanvmui tiomijed the use of tia
. ( , hfcetiomaaile , terimni , ' 'OImnist kilhunmm , "
m 1)mamimig this highly spirited immtorvitn
. Al m. Jomaovnma's COOk mead tim rue ( If Ii is ser
itmats mere coaavuiaiemmi html cuamsideraLbi
disgosteal attithitiarmi. 'Fhiuy wan o inothttcei
. Oil the staimaL aimd corrotaoiattiiil es'crythmim ,
. timat 1 % 1 m. 1)om 0)VlIli ) hiatt testi ii ed to. $ ommii
r iiiamilm sords of tlit ' phaimacam
Emmglislt s'ure used daiiimag the mogicsmi ( )
thu case , to that ( hegrco thant amommaebotl
saiti tlmat Ileninitulim tmure soitlomitmizeti thmmi
he'il go foi' iais slaofgamai.
. 'I'iao trial vms : by jury , timati time lnttvratfte
nit : tbsuimcu of aliout tuma mimitatatos ieturmammt
. a vomdict of ' 'hot guilty' ' mtaatl , it. is sniLl
ciaaracturit.imag time ittliti r ax IL aiaaikimatmi :
qmecutimi , ummcmaiied lir , zmmmd aupurima
C ducuil by a atosiro to imajuro the dehumad
aimat. 'l'lmuy masmaeasud time cottam magtiimms
. Mr. Bernstein.
) Thu inst gematlenman nut1 iiaao of hi
famiaihy hitivo now homitlima lii 11w ihistrlc
COLIr ma stilt ngaiitst titti mmiimmae defezmtliua
p for $ O,0OO tar dmumaiago ti ) reJUtiLtliIa
I 'I'iausu stmitW0rO baseti largely impoma that
limIt , nbfl'O referred to. LI Ia not mat iii
a likely titiat the above decision will von
I favorably affect timemai.
flLmuaLIuaI'H ItrmIaumi aaIvi' .
'Fhmo gromatomit naedlcaLi woimdor of tiao world
Varrammtod to speedily ctamu Ilurims , Cuts , Ui
eels , Salt ifhaourn , Fever Sorni , Omutcurs Plies
Cimiliihmaius , Gormm , 'Fetter5 Caiappual ) haammisamat
itil slimm ertiptiotis , gutaraimitood to etim in ever
imitumaeo , or mmmonoy refunded. 25 tommts LMI
t 110b4110'I'3.
: 'Jialm Chalices of Otano ) Lomi JIeIii
t lkimht(1. !
Atthae cotincil imiectimag 'Ftmcsdny uvcmaimq
. \II. . 'liirnaao iiatrotliictmtl am iesolntioia
U ahiicht YILs aithtiptuti , inatructimig the cit
. .mmmutvshmahl to enforce the proviioims o
; 8 , Ciamap , : ii , which mcatl as
HEn. 8 ( Omamiaimag ) ny pei'BomL or Put
ma stimis siio tahamahl keep a house for limo mm
mm of gaimabhimag tlaureiim , Ol What ) alaal
. stiller or pemammit other jurooim to Clia )
iv thacru , or to frequent niad commac togotitu
: o theme for titu lrbt)50 of gammtimlg , maui
1. every tmuomm 'iiu lit aLma ) ' jaubhic lilac
my bitail hala' for naomiuy or otlac
ma. valuable thuuag at clyde , alice , or mn ala
other imamiummaur , or should but at fimrokcim
or matay other gamiac1 ultail bo downed gui
ty of a tuiisdumamuauaor amid eta COItViCti ( )
I. : thmereof slanil ho fisat in mammy uium mid c
cuedimug 2O. "
ma. 'I'imo preceding sctioma iarovide for
of simaillar fine for auay one pcntmittimai
h. house under their control to ho uotl I (
any of time turimomea demsigitatumi in Be
i'll tion 8.
'Fitia rcaolution is , it ia understood1 mm
so niuch for the pmurpoao of
closing lip time gatnbimng hmou8os
U to Ining aboaut a COlititIOfl of affairs
whichi will result ha time charges so freely
circiulateti of late ngahmst Mayor Ciaa.o
being iuivcstignted.
It was stated that time immrslani
WOtall ill nccordaiico with this order close
tip all laouses fotmiul open muati tarrest nil
itumatos of such hiotuses.
A lli oil apt. rc1kc's ' Mechallt
Timi SahmiomaM ? tlImHt Cl)4t UI % lld.
Tue agitatloit begun iii time city council
Timenhiay miightt begama to show its results
hiast iaiglmt.
lii time firAt vhlaco time mayor ordered
Mat-shah (1uthmrie it ) arrest ahi parties who
np1iuttrcd Oil time streets its mmmeimaburs of
tue ' miiemcimaia tam ice' ' amid coin i ma i 1. thmuuii
to jaii las NIlM1miCioUH characters , 'i1iausu
omdurii wore givcmm to Cmlmtmmiua : lomaolmoa
.t1ml imis imiolt iiitiit 10 o'clock , nimil a
[ saicim s as kept for time newly orgaimizeti
I aaul ahhugcd mmmnaithumnii.ed ; umicuambers of 11w
I iIOa force. I I hind hiecim reported for
timrit time ' 'milcu'Ciiflh'tq "
several tinys ' police"
I would go oma ( hmit ) magnum inst uaiglit withi
I tvehvu uuaoum. 'l'hme umanymar imtil : refused to
swear ibmoima iii its special i , : tiad in ( ) ICii
I 01)11 ma ci I imu ti mumateml stromighy t hiatt I me I maul
. i mm formuiatiomm of a dnimaom : a ig ci mtrncter : iii
. regatid to time iiiauimacr ! . 'l'imtis it vats
that lucre was a wiar1imttvcuua , tue "rugit.
4 Inns' ' atuiti t lao ' 'mimorcl imami tim' joh ice. 'J'Iu u
I hatter diti uuot show imp iua great uimmmmabers ,
I html several vcre oam eltaty. 'l'iaey carried
himmhi'ii e''o 1ntunuas , icatimer bolts whit
m ' 'hiilhys1' iii timuimu , n.d : revolvers.
, 'I'wt , of time uammuaiber , 0 eorgo lttarr amid
I Iaiuacs JoiamauilyOto mtmrcstutl itud ttiei ;
I to time city jail , html ] ) onumeily gave hal
I amail With zulcased. It vits tlao iuatuimtioi
) to arrest auiy who were sceat oia thai
I streets during lime nigiat. 'Fhme cimargi
I irefumred is buiumg ' 'stisliciotmH chmarac
a ters. "
: Iimu police mare immo iaotiliod that emi itia
mtftor inst : might. nil saloons fuummd 01)01
1 hftor twoiva o'clock were to lie ' 'mailed , '
1 niad hunt a flue of $100 womaid be asacamsea
for uncit itmid every ollinuu. 'flue enitso
i ( it1buiC0 was that. all thin saloons closci
I ; aromumltiy ) at uuaidmmigimt.
LI Tlu tIAMImt.INl ( iiOiJSP.S
r hand tubt yet heeim ordered closed agidmi ,
0 limit it tvns expected timaat mUm order would
El he issued to4lay to that etflmct.
i rmiu
I ) wihi , it is said , also conic iii magaima for m
racket froria time nimlitonitiemu.
Ii. - - - - - -
. Enterprising local ma'oiats wmuatcd in tltii
It towim for maim antiche tIitt is sure to sehi
. Live druggists imiutl grocers preferred
f Atlthmess I ImmutiitomtFoom1 I'remmurvativo Co.
72 Kiiby street , ltommtomm , m&e&wlim
:1 -
: Frau 11i 1llrky. Iissoilri to th
_ .
. 4 S0OIa(1 I'athithhl ltojnmrh ed In
Ytslcrthmay. ,
t itisia iruismua mLcceptel by rcjorters geumou
ally that ' 'immhafortuuaumm imever cmnimesuuigly
ammd witen mm mwtious nccidumttorcrimneucciar
(1 (
. it 114 aliamost stare to bu foliowed close b ,
0 0110 qr.imuoru.
? 'limo fearful fail of or Peter Itusee
: . time pitimater , yesterhmLy fromai time lug ]
I ) sciaool lniihdhmug hind scarcely ceased to b
U i seumsatioli wimemi time hews of a drowmiimmi
S ruIortel.
Tue victiumu in this case was a yoiiui
. iIiRhi abmom I. iii tiutceim years of age , immtiuie
1tlwartl ' 1'ri'4L , vimo at oiao timuae
e at lbmyl'mi pack imig laomise amul at amiac time
mmumvetl its lLricceier : ) for fare. Scimrotu , him
e mmaiooua.keoimer. I e i1i saul 1' nil va (
. kiio imiumi to have imeemm a very hue youmm
. t follow ; steamily aimd i mail ustrons.
Vest ettlay mafterumiomum lie 'emmt mtcros
time river ha ma lmat ; itim l',1r. Sclmroto aiim
1 little son of Limo iiattcm to go 1mm swiuma
, umm jug , thu spot chmmoiemm for iii u hitthm iieimam
I ) ouao of tIme uiuinemoim little bnyyotas om
I. pUim(18 mtioimg thu river bottou mm on tue e'as :
I 10(10. 'I'ime one imickoil omit. vzas just somiti
V thu time I. P. bridge , wlaumu time ratei
I , CitiLF nuad hauak saimdy : atail cleua. :
. 4 1 omat r o'cla tek Al r. Sehmi otu nmmmh imim
I mutmmrimed to tiais jdu of time rivem
I IlEl lagiug vi lit tl meama , oui mmg 'Fryt7'm
I clothes mmiii ! ru1morted time sat ]
S that iao laud beoum ( irLaviact
while they vera iii swimalunimag. As it sviu
- late 1mm time tivemaimag before tiac word vmu
I brought to tim city , 'my time lmit1ties resid
lug two miles below Farimammm street , that
H details commid mmot be lenriacal , html it is lire
smmuumotl the lOLly was mint recorored.
. it is prolialio that time iumquest will iii
nmay iate coimlo auiitler time jurisdiction o
Coroner } 'atmi , of Ct'mimaeil Ihluffmm , as tin
( hvnhmg ) occurred oat time Iowa side.
Niany tmmnus you wnmat to keel ) uimvat ni
usia for mmoveraal tlays. Lay it iii a solem
. lion of hte iSIngiiimmm over uiighmt , tLfld yom
. cmi keep it fr aeuks. You cauaaalso keci
I mmiiik ma wuck or amaoru lay stirrimu in ma lit
. Lb of time ' 'Smmow Flake" bramid.
- -
Beau Esiattm 'I'vnmmmilbrs.
I Time follo'imag doutis were fdutl iot roe
c cord ut thu eouumty c1cr 'J olilco Atigmimat 7
rolorteml for ' 1'iir hItm : by Aimmes' rca
08(410 ( itCliC ) '
Al. K mmml 11. 1)Vahicer to K
i . a (1 it haIl 2 , imloek ( I , Parker's multI , $1 ,
f r.1. . tJVortit amid wife to 11. 4t. If mtrri
. niad C. (1. ( Fisimmmr , w ii parccl : sue.7. 14 ,
13 , Douglas Comuad hatred same 18 , ti , ia
Sarpy Co. , $8,000.
- Ii. iilcCoy mamiti lmmaabaumml to 11.11' . Armaa.
i strcimag , w at laatmt lot ' 7 , block 47 , $1 , .
0 'r Rose manal wife to i. McCoy , ' ci
lLrt : hut 7 , block 217 , 81,800.
Li , 1 , ' 1'Imoiama and wife to 'P. liarrctt1
U hart let. 23 , 1"lieiteO ( , $40
ir Ji' Dolliiao to It. ' hllowia , taml lots : i
4 and 8 , block 2 , Deilomu' , add , $600.
: . \V. Lime iLulci wifu t-ii J. Coimmaully , % i
a I ) , lareUI sees j iiiitl .1 , 14 , Ia ,
: .
' .Vimat Cnimt be Oimretl Aluimt 1o Ema.
a thtmietl ,
a Title old adage docia iaot signify that wt
) r mittist smmhIr thu lmiyserlos of dyspemm.Ia when
0 zmiedlcino wltia the curatho 'roirfoa { 'of 11cr.
akcL JiluuJ ) lmUrr Is mayialhabi . It I. one oh
. and rehlabis reumudk
it )
C0ll1r ( or ; : Xp0dtS to Flush
iXtCdllth $ troct By Fair
CIOftml tug ( iii' Dlii OfT Farnammi HtriiI ,
I ) iimi'ovvr ) I ho I'avcmmment ,
I'atrick McCmirdhi , to wimoumi time COtifl
cil Tuesday niglat awardedthie contractfor
cleaning Farmmin street from Fifteematla to
Ninth , coimuimietaced work early yesterday
iflonitimIg with a force of about twenty.f'are
inch. There are about two or three
imucimes of hiaril caked earth to remnuve
from the top of time PaVemmaumit. : atr. mIc.
Cardle rolIorts titat. ime haasmi't fommmmd malay
ancient voiii or irQlell statuary yet.
Time imrico hP tlt City for the job
is $725 , and Pcoumic are proiiimesyiimg that
1Ii' . ? alcArdhe will lone mioituy oh his co. .
tract. Such is imt ) time case , howovernncl
witit good weathmur lie viii coniieto
a bhmek ii day , or do time wimole
vork iii a seek , 'rime block hegiumi on ,
that lit front of tiac Paxtomm lintel , is time
umiost dilhictalt of thu whole lot , niad time
force wasummah < iiag good mrgrcss yesterday.
Tin : i'tvia wolig.
Commtrmctor : Orant also hogmaim time paving
of ilium strcetyestoiday morzmiuagmimttimig a
force at. timi Wcister street iiatursectioum.
It , ats his iumtemitimimm to bcgimm at Cass
atmuet , limit acm somuic sewer work ss'ics to ime
bogota imetweemm Cass mamati Califormaima lie
imaoved imortimwamrd tWO liloeks. lie says
I iae can coamillete limo work iii : to tla'n if
lie is imot. iumturrimpteil by bad wcmtimer. ;
1 t imaay be relied iiiaoim timat achi time coim-
tractors viil begin Its soomi as pssihiu , its
thu fitet of 10) amaucia sa ork goimag ( mit wiil
I iuanl-ce it difiie1t to secure a icquisite
immiiuiiitm m ) f umiemm vitlmrim I payilmg higi mei
wages luau can ho ahiortlud. Timiam it was
a cinimmiwl , was time true immwmtrdumess of
fiascail'mm Pi)0Stti1a ) all along , viz. : to
giV ( ) A1rmiai AIomrison , whmose hid was iri
. cemmtim , at iiw 1)1(1 , a clmaiace to get. naomi at
a lt1C0 ) thmat wmuhtl enable iaiatm to alive
iii m m inch F.
Contractor Oraiat viil coimmununce ork
1 on hIanlie ) ' street as 501)11 ftS time stab fair
m opumma , so as imot to be imi time way of
1 travel it ) amid froimm time fair if Sixteuimtia
1 is 1101. WhOlly done. lie will utro liar.
. lacy , bugiiiuiiuij CII Sixteeimthm street aimcl
I workuiig to ] Niiitim strcet. Ho will iao
longer he delayed by lack ( if material , mm
lie lana a large Hmljply 110W of stone and
L Aim Olil ' .Fl.aioi' Smmrpnlml by hIm-i
F'rkmitlm-m. :
a Otmo of tue most. deligimtful 1)arties
. givela of late , occurred at the residence
of Air. Toimi Peiroiaei , emi 5th amid Din.
shout streets , Tuesday : evemming.
Air. l'eironet vais one of time oldest
COlalmiCttF3 On time Umiioia T'aeifie , amid lois
becam 4poinmiar witit time eimmplo3es mumd tiac
tmltv .hIimg 11011110 dimniimg tue emmtiro twelve
yeats if.Jmis wmrk oim tlmit : road.
C lao ia4 to icaivo to.tlay for ? aIIil-
wnukeo , imii'ficmmds dotermmaimiml to give
imimmm a stimpmise , nail about lift ) ' , mf thmeimi ,
'itit IL btimil : of iimtisic , 1)r0ceele(1 ) ( to imimi
. hmonmo and stirpricd time garrison1 wimu
smmircndureI grac fmmliy.
Time evenimi" ' vn. speimt in umusin aumd
dammcing aiul t'Iae emujoymmiemmt of delicious
refresimiuuiatsaimtt time party aid hot break
, _ ill ) till 2 o'clock i. mia.
' 5 Everybody wishes 1STr. I'ierouiet a safe
S and ileasaimt trp tastL.
I t 1)aimgoromis Ommtlook Ir Slantlo , I lie
1mm time Police court 'I'mmestiiy : afternooum
, time pruliimiiumary lucarimag of Simatto , time
ummurderer of 1iaigimt , wits taicemi imp at 2
I o'clock maimd live witiiesscs exaiiaimmcd.
. 'l'hme tcstiuiiomiy wium , it is mcmiii , terribly
I. atraigiat , coumlirammiug time story already
LI tidtl by time imaimer mtittiiag timmi ( aids even
I stroaiger iaiatl time imtmmrlor iaioro ( nhtragu.
.J tmdgo Aimilemson Imebi Simatto witlaoimt
ii ianI : to maIt1)e111 before the graini j airy ut
I Ctm)1mei' iammd ammawor to time cia.trge of
. immmmtclcr 1mm the farmit degrcc. 'I'iie vit.
itcasei : mavo bail ui time stiiam of $500 cacim :
for them mapearaiaco. ) .11 siis regarded
b iy limo judge timiat time vrisoiier wotmiml
a Ctiiae ) jmtmtt3' chose to stmetehaiuig imemuip if
L lie mamissoel i I itt mill.
Ycstemda' ammornimig tivi ) cusonsvere
I Ciiuimmittel ) Iii ( ILifitiult. of $2 itiitl costs for
L distimrbimmg time peacu : mamati two paitl : limo
Cmiu'.u' AiVElLTIsilI ( You PAins.-
I i Beautiful litimogrnplmctl fmums , $7 her timou.
. animal , iaaelanlimmg printing. Semmd amtamimp
I for sauaaplo. Address "lietsiabala Co. ,
. Sciacca Falls , N. Y. ' a4mmi0t
- -
&kmhINliI ( , Court 01' Nebniam-ka.
) Memisra M P. ( lenromi , of Iloit cotmumty ,
111th W.V laVood , of Icearney county ,
were mulmauttoti to pncctice.
I. Timomnu vs. State. Leave to witimdraw
. record amail cause comitimiuml ,
a Itoeck Iloeck. Fifty dohimaram for
. ) cmnaiasul fees aimil fifty dollars for iamaiimte.
imiLilco nliowcd dufeimdent , to be 1inid 1mm
timirty clays.
Stat-i cx rot llahlwimm vs. school district
10 , adtiams : couumty , et iii. Disuiaissetl as
to scimitol district Nos. 86 , till miumal .11.
. 'l'ime fohloivimag catmses wore coumtimmiiml :
State ox rut Yommiig VS. l'uUm.iIOhm.
hull Kearimoy couumty.
lall vs. state.
l4ai a ( VII , Vimmeemit.
, J'iat , folbnwiimg catmames simbimaitted
: hair vs. atito. S.
Lmimu : vs. Siarkoy.
I Siamaimmcrmmman vs. state.
linger vs. Blake.
Slate cx id. Sqtmires.Vrit aleimied.
I .Oiahaioua hsy ihtLxvell , .1.
1 , ' -i'imumo is bit ) mw in limo st-ate
timomizimag a stitiadimig eommmmmmittee ( If
luuse of time legiahatmmro to emmmjmhmy ma
I clumk , tiacrufor am voucimer for somvmees iso
rummderl , tlamlv sigiaml by time ollicers of
thu senate , will immit autimorize time auclmton
I to tirav lais warmamit for time tanmouumt so
2. A clunk ruumdonimig aurrmces to two
. coiimmiiittcea is ift untitled to double commi-
Puimatiomm Umerufor.
- . '
-.t fli'lI ) ,
. OAitltOl4ls.-.trmi. Mimi , wifoof l'at4ck Car.
roll , tat 120o'cloekyestuday , tat $ t. Jesepla
I Hospital.
I Fuiaieral fmoiui tIme cathedral Wmmaorrw tmiorn-
iitij at iatmw o'clock. WIU sthrt from 1m9r daugla.
tur's residence emi 23d and St. Mary's Avoimue
at 8:30 : a. um , ,
- -
TIfATTfflUSAN14OI ) tht hiUsINIss II : o
TO 1l11111 ( mrvmrli : T111 MOIININO i : mt AS
IJNEA5 NlOItr oft A h.AT } : TISNF.R , IEIl.lNa :
. 1)t'lT , ASh' All. ( ItT 0F i-UILTS. TillS IS is :
.Jffly rNcKssthtY : , FOIL A sisoi.i : Dosi : or
TUAT l.tlml.lNmI lOAMISII sl'KciFlcm , TAR.
P0111 : BIICAKI'AMT , SVI LL IMMIblATET. : loam.
l'lTi At. ! . 01' uuIAVISESM : , ImEMoVg
MYMTE.M. roll l.ALE liY Al. ! . hiltt'UUISTS.
Latest from the War on Uoulas
( roct.
Time lIm.trlct C .uti himIenl'ercam ' .VItim
4li injimuetlimn.
Au excitimig tiimio hans been cxpcrieumt d
omm loamgias street simice 'I'tieulay , owing
to a coimtusl bet.wcemm , lolmui 1. Itediek , time
owiiei. , mammal Messrs. , Imtck Naigeimt mind
harry Lucas , time lessees , of time room aiim-
der time Acadcmmiy of ? mfamsic , formiauriyoc.
CiiliC(1 ) l 'l'omma Cahlaut's saloon.
Siftimg time statcmneuits ofbotia parties it
appears tiaat soimw two vceks ago time
roommi rented ly i'alcNmuuiara mmd Dun.
cami of iaIr.Vill Retlick amid by timoiaisamb.
let to Nugcuit maimal Ltmcas , who propoactl
to opeum lii ) a variety mimow there.
.Judge itediek was at time tiane absent
ima Ciiicn"o flhil imail according to his stoiy
rented tIe roomam to A. 11110) ' and Co. for
also as ii wluiesaie liquor warehouse.
0mm rettmrniimg Air. Itedick ascertaiumcd
time state of alihira mmd entleavojed to
obtain imossessloim of the Ilhlice , the keys
of whaiclm land becut imamatled over to Air.
NImgelmtL , vlmo refamsud to stmriemuler posscs
siomi , hmuvimag almeady deposited imiq reimt
iilolmtiy tlmerefor.
Time proprietor timcrelmloui weimt to time
lihitCo muumd takimig a boarI smuasimeml iii one
of time large panes of glass iii time front
wimamlow. lie timeim swat a carpmnmtcr lam-
side to remove time lock to thu door aiad
replace it witim a new one atuid to board
111) the window , wimich dommu.
Later oim Maiaager Namgeiat , with a
Coulile ofineim , obtained zuimmiission to time
room through time collar and amiotimer
trmauasfur took place and ito once more
Imohl tim fort , paitting him as a garrison' to
( lefCiil it Alessrs ltussoll anal flaitim , who
passed1 time uiightt oim guard and still ' 'slept
oil their arms" at 10 o'clock yestorday.
itedick scimt dowmm a couple of carpeu-
ters yesterday to force another en-
traimee and take lIossession , but tim place
was well guarded outsidu as well mis in ,
aaimml they did imot attoiimpt tiae job.
AIeiimtiiuc : lair. ] iediek sated out an in-
jtiiactioik mgaiflSt i'ilcNammmara and Duncan ,
Nugoimt atmid Lucas , and tue watclammieim to
restrain thmummm from further at-
tuimipts to gaul possessiumi of
time place , mtiitl hlIOii ) receiving time mmuiii-
Iiiomis time fortress was evacuated maimd time
door locked oil by advice of time coammasol ,
, and the question of lossessimlm Iassel )
immto time lmanls of .1 ude Ncviilu , wimo
I riil give it a lmcaring Friday imimnimilug at
I 10 o'clock.
As time patties limits ciajoimaud started Ii ! )
street they were imwl by Oflicer
I Flyian , iihmo imlLl it warraimt
for timein on a chmmrgo : of maliciously
naid wiifuliy entering uimd ( laiiimgimig : : lme
, bmmiidiiig. They repaired aut once to
.1 aulgo AImlClsmIi'S eouit wlmcm'e 1ctlick
aiitl somu soflhm appeared : uid a plea of not
L gamilty being cimturod by time ( tefCIulantS
L inotiomi svts : imouclo byVaitor Beimnott ,
tlmeir cotmmmsci , for ma coimtiimutumce : for
I tsi'ematy days , oil the groanad timat : Air.
lmmtacau , aim iimaport.ant witfless , % rias ai-
setat froimi time city mid that certnimm dis-
hatches seumi by Air. Itedick fmoni Chaica.
go could not 1)0 secured. ' 1'imi iitotirnm
vata argued by C. it. Iludick omm
time oaie side amid 1ir. , lhd. mmett
Oh tIme otimor and was imigimly imiteresting
to time aituhitors as porsoimaiities were freely
iimduigod in.
Aiamong time IlcLsaimtrios induigeal in wits
time assortiima by Air. itediek tiaatlleuiumett
' ' ( hillI't kumow time dihiliromico letWeelm
equity , laimuisclf and a vegetable. "
Air. Bommumett replied that lie ' 'know
just time dihYcm'emaco lietweoui Mr. Itedick
and ii lilmiiiikiul ztiul limo hatter I'as timam
lettLei ) immaii
Air. Itediek said lie mud not consider
Namgeimt : timd Lamcas as reliable mmd didmm't
waiat thiemia it ) Imavo time litemilises. ' "I'imey
ought to have been ut u-i ten years
' "limo gematloinaim lrohmtbly : knows immore
8lOUt hell thaimum we do , " saiml Bemmmmctt ,
' 'but we vii1 give timemat Imoil imext F'rimiay ;
iua time district court. "
.Iudge Aimmleramomm grtuiteil : tue contiumu-
alice maskemi mul reicimseti time dofcmmuluits :
imim $101) ) bonds each , it boiiig stilhilatod
that tue ProPerty simotild moat be miioiested
ly aiay ( if timti commtcstaumts pemidimmg time
impaniiag mf tins cause iii time district
Ilig Cihlot
Out Sunday , August fitla , at big collec-
thou was umado at the A. M. E. Cimamrcim for
time bmaildiiag fund , auuioummtiuug to 871,60.
'l'lmo patr aimd trustees wisim to return
thaimka to their manna ) ' frieimds vimo helped
timoum ott Suimmimay evemlilig. A panunt of
$128 lots boemi immde to Stoveums Son ,
nuacl y)3 L3 beimug 1)aisiacd forward nicely.
ltiian MITCIIEI.L ,
P. .1. 'WILLiAMS , l'astor.
Eyorr Corset Is warranted i&tii.
factory to Its wearer him uur way ,
or the inonoy wtU be roluncod by
the orson from whom hiwsi bougbt.
Ti , . only O3rui proouie.t by our i.i4ii t5TsiCtI4
& : : :2
P1UCE , by ( &tI , P..tag. Pill I
UuIL Pu.yiag , $1.50. $4r.A&Ji.d31. SO
* .aLs&I ( .ztzs bsmvy ) SI-DO. NisLi. i.I
N4aI 1't..rtas ( Ba. . .W ) $ .OO. 1'lt5SS
V. , .sl. bym.a41sgi.taHDCaltIS svsrwb.
sMfl1LQO cow-z Vblaio , 113.
. Infants and Children
Without Morphine or Nnir otino.
That gives our Chlldrcn roiy cheimks ,
That cures their fcers , mames them al.ep ;
j 'TI. ( 'astot-ja.
When flabks fret , ant ! cry by turns ,
. Vhat cures their colic , kills their worms.
Hut Castnrlii.
Wbat quickly cures Conatlpst Ion ,
flour Stomach , Colds , IndlgaiUon _
Farewell then to torphIne Ryrups ,
Castor Oil axial l'aregonlc , ansi 3
Centaur LInImoflt.-Ab. .
sointo cure for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Bnrnii. Gn.Ua , ito. , anti an
insazitaneotts PalnrdUovor ,
' - - - -fl
pIjc1 : : :
trSpcclaI:3 : vt11 l'ostttvcy not be Insarted
unless irniu In Amivanco ,
TO LOA--Monoy.
l ) AllllOAl ) TIm'lI1'4 all liOItit4 at rmmimoeiI
1trate. A1 l'ilitI.t , 2ma Sotathm utta : St. bl.lmat ,
i ox1TO TAS-The ( Omaha Sailn litak Is
A hOW to iimake lotus nim ( Jimialo chy or
IoiiZlL , COi1TIt re.iI mmtatn at curmeimi riteof iiitcrat. ,
No commiliioi , , cliircl :
1 f oS 'i' ) I.mAI-Iliu luu't ratci of Ixitorest
11 limml' , tai , Arutmey , inch & D.ula , , . 23ttf
' 1052W TO lIAN-Call mat law ilcc : ! it 1) . 1. .
I 1 1 Tlmoiti : , ro'Iit MCr.tlttiin 8lok.
' 0SElo.Nll : ) -On Chattal iiurtgam , , torn , , 7
NL-l'ra.t.a ' Sal Itiumal liaik , limmIfl1ig. , is-i . U
oNny na LOAN-J. T. ttty loamo atm cliittil
A lrolemt , 213 amotath 14th St. ( ' 1 l-tin
. HtLP WAN'I'k.i.
' AN I im : -One i lattI , , reif laicli and 'Fm eimtyIlm e
! temma , , tim mhmy , itt iiIxtemitli , sti ect.
Ill IS Ii , Ii iIlad Asi'I IA l'l' 0(131 I' . % SY.
% ANTEl-'hw. . ) o-'d taco to Introduce CnlIiem5
1 1 stRilalaul fmibIitiitliii'i. , floomu & 7 iLtmimer hui'ck.
item ) Oh
flrm-t clmis : iarler. ( i.ioI wagespald ,
1 Eu. ( loll , ) , Esarimey , Neb.
1'ANTEh-A guotl gIrl for kikimen iork , A'ily
1 1 at 13 Ilodge Sticet- Omit
A Few boardera can be accotiiiiodated wIth supo.
rlorboarl at iOih lodc ) St. 015-14
ANTmll)1mrglic : actIve boy from 15 to 18 years
, 1 tif age , ititim eperleiico to learmi fancy goods
btaamness , mnuit value isell recoimmmicudetl. , Adlress
Lemi. bo' 76L1 , Omaha. 020-S
1\TtNTEm-A , Iamiy for keeiIiig hoi.u.'i'ao , in fan-
I fly , Omme lmo 'm oak's ( imrefcrred.Apily
v4th remereimces , drugstore lOtla atid Jacksota St.
17ANTEl-A dfiiiimg rain , , girl at the 0ialia , ,
1 5 lmomiso.
W.tNIKI-A CUtIi lOlfi Iharnoy St. ,
t'lrst ila's se'iuItl ceok Comm hlmid a i erinaieiit ,
_ j , .ittamtioii li nliiig , on A. .1. l'ittcr , St. Ulmailes
' lI-liiiedi.mtel' , attimu liieheyu ,
\ \'ANl
ket 16th imiiii . ' . , , a young lady of 2 to t5
ycart rearIles ( If imatioiiallty tim , lo liottie.
vork. 805-8 :
'l , tSTlD-Too energetic , icliablo nien to smdl
1 gimod- . . Steady elim loymmient. No capital re.
ltiire&i , Cull 421 Snithi ltJthm street.
) \VAN'rmtm-F'or : cutting the lriih oil of
about r. orim acres , , f , amiml , 1 1.2 1111105 fromnhioit
" 111cc.Lls' ' ' for cIIttiti , time Uces oil of the streets
aimil alleys of i-aId Imitil. Al.L iito ,
liF\miS' : : : m.5ia'nE AtflSC' ; ,
Si-C-ti 15th and llouglas Sts.
" 'usrio-- : railroail graders for mvork him timis
I 1 state. fi7 N. mOth st.
I TAN1i0-A ii , st-ciaii Ujammer. Steady eiii5iluy-
, 1 bunt. ( boil may to tIme rifmt intai. Itic mitre at
once , at mlii ) Nicholas street , Iieir ICtim streut bridge.
\ ) - girl to do lmoicieurk. In'
I 'imairu 615 south lSUa street. 874-It
A1'CI-A Orat ciai4 cook , ooinara lireferrel'
1 AiIdissor OpIly at CentralCity Iiouevimtral (
City Nmb. - 8.57.10'
- - - - - - - - -
1T1.STEO-At 2210 CalifornIa St. a gut to do gcim-
1 oral Iiotiwnsrk.
- - - - - - - -
' , v A1'Li-Ai , operIeneel grocery clerk. Au-
V dress " ( imuc-er , " ito .iiftcu , .Imist coumac eIi ru.
eoiiuueded. , , 833-tf
- -
yANTE1)-A tIrst-c1ss carriaga iujksuuitm ) ) ; ulao
V a horsestui'er imill wootiworher , Aildres Lock
lii , 175t.m.cstoi , , iowa , 515-if
A1)IESIlt youNG .SIES In city or country , to
, I taiie iicc , light uiui 1lea-.ant ork at their uWim
huoumius ; 2 ti A a day eaiIy slid m1tulet male ; woOc
8ciit by ma I ; us caImas.Iug ; mu , sUmlia I reply.
Iicasomuklrcss iklmable ilaumuiactur igC.iu , mauiv. ta , ,
draoa' 'Ii' .
7AN'mlILalzageiit. ; . for the "Queen l'r.'tect-
, or' . A ilea' tuuicr gaa-uuieumt fur Ladles , mimaic of
soIl , Ileathle rubber. Stare protectiorm to thu tuiuder-
wL-ir , aaleum , Iumae.ary to bu mtotatli for
as fast am agents calm show It. Large lirtuilts. Aldrc..s
vitIi btoum1. , ' ' Ialice Utiimdcrgaruuct , ltmiuufuetti uig
C , , . , : co. I. mi. .lny atreet , , ill.
'a 7ANrmm---F'mrst.i1asa : woumaim eoomc at tie ( iauit
1 1 I loiiu , lea r goa urmnmunt , eoi cal ( .13-at
ANFLI-Oooul mnacluuuibts at Novelty Irmin
t morks , } 'ourteentlm simect. SDtf
Sm 'JuN'IIm-A first class auctioneer to sell latent
, , mucIcluje ( im streets.attdresi I ) . , Itioc ollice ,
Cjialmcll HIuils.
AN'i'ID-A situatIon ly ayouiig lalan 2 years
I oil , who Is tasel to rilu uaui dote horses , hulk
( -0mm b nil % a ork atm-omit house. Address .1. Sluti CII
Iloane , 'idiOm street. 008-St
' VAN'i'Etlty a ( lermoaS gIrl a situation a. cook
1 In trlsuto lainlly wlicru maimotluer gIrl Pm hept.
liuuitalru at-Vccrmm hlouss iStha and Piercu Sts. imema
, mumi Wvrk. i.4 'J
V ) ( PA lll)11t5 SVantcd 1212 Cipltol avenue , Charges
I ) reasonable , .
FOlt RENT--hloummes aatct Lots.
( ,
_ I _ him-st class , uiem , tlrst class huriulshmedtmiree sulusrus
w c-st of m'ust oiiice , Address this utile , , , flouni A'o , I.
elm. "
1O1tltEF-l'mirialsmcil ) lmoaso on N. iStfm 8t"i-
I .mulru % l.arluoms 'hrammk Factory imlIaril hotel
muluiek , 021-il
1,01' 4 IIENT-hiaapmiauato tauuuily. ( fur the wluuter )
fruit ruomia aitim board. Ayyly aL 14th Chil.ago
at. 1121-1(1
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
Olt ltlNT-Nlcely tmmrmuIhuaui rmonus wIth Iwarul ,
I lueaiatltmml Iu'catloui. ll.athuruomns gas &c. , 2123
main St. umoc-imi :
"mOhl IIEST--1argo hail , Cem'ral location.
I -4 liruch btore emil baemieuut , motfa St.
htmlck .turu.rmiouia lOOm St.
831-Id IdAi lh ! , ( ) p)03itiu l'ost ollmce.
I 5011 III:5I' : , furuisued , ) front iooni , jijeas.
ji ciutly luio.itcd , tI2 S. SV. toiler lz.mrd niul IstIm
lIEN ( ' --A tiirmulslue , % riuuia , fur ole or tan gema.
p111 , mama Cas stret. 879-at
IOmt ltESr-A Imltautt tumrnlshcul roumia. Also ama
immutimriuislmed ( mile , from t to smu. s. v. .urnr
iharuicy slid 2mtla strom-b b78.1i
'tO1t lIEN i-lhoUc 11 ruohims uer mmaumit iiii : ;
siuiru tfm St. luetaccia Jteimiurt mmumd Chicago.
r io LIT-Furmlslaed 3rlor 1721 Doaalus St.
1 ; 'ola ia'r'urimlsiueul : 511(1 uiiturmmlluc-f rooms ,
l'int , lucatlon. , i'ECR , CIII. P. 0.
I"oIt ] l1KNT-'our soomuis muew au ! ileaaxt. near
_ I street car Iliac. bUltabie for a small , quletfaumi.
ly. m , , v. mto : ,
$1-9 HIngSt. , bet.Clmarhes and SeutsaL
14 OIl ltESF-NIc , large furmaiamed ) south , trout
1 rucum , ILUI lorimsum , arect. 823.8
"OIL IIENT-3-rooni cottage , new : Seitard .trvet ,
betset-am Ciauupbelh ant Irene , islilnmm' . adlltaomm.
I 401I aILsT.-maosmdemmcs sad , torobiamlffns , DEl ) . I
Foul ) a SoUEIt , mkal 1imtate Agency. Oicu
east sIde 11th ttvc-t , betiituu Farmmamn suit 1)ouglu
T AWO'FICE , well furnliheml , islth good lilrsry ,
, , I4 for sale dmA ? . JOhN L. MOOhig ,
508.lm' Cret. , Nob.
1'O1t ' ItENT-New moon , , fmmIlue'u % or tin furnIshed ,
_ I wIth board. Ilefemence. requIred. llO Dai'en'
ort. - _ _ _ _ 41'8-11
Iomi ) l
I ilomiug good bu.lness Or , easy temis 1.oaalg rsmt f
1511 Itodule St. 010-101
_ _ -
I ItOtSSh'ECIAt OFFEII 5.o Ill scIl nua a nhc -
' , orman , II stop warrantcdfor * 41111' . i5L. I , no
himnuluug Call Snulsee. PItlOT1' .t CO. , 1509 l'arnsin , 1 )
isi : siw : l'IANO-SS'hhI sell at a baraln , or
1 t for remut , and rent s1'l'lled on pmmrchso ,
tt0itf l'htlMC0t & CO. , ItcO } 'sm-nanaSt.
1OIL monthly payment. , horse , liar.
_ 1l 110-55 nd mlCWluhSetOfl or hill exchange for other
luroperto. .1 , t ; EDWA1aD $ ,
8-44-0' till l'srnitn street.
T'Oht HA1-l'ine farm clese to the city.
ji 849-ti I'F.CK , Opposite I' . 0.
LIoIt h4Al.llarti : , hios outfIt. For partictilais
I c-all on or auldrtu.s P. . STmEl ;
830.S lunlsi , lows.
_ _ _ _ _ _
' ( iIt SAI,1--Asmatllnumw oil laed grounul , Calf'
forula street , oupoiltc Creighton College , 77091
tOla AlE-hIeaideice , aid bu.Iness jiroperty tO
' mall parts of Omaha , and l'armi 1atul'i , Imi all parts
of the State. lllIIF0Ii1t ) Ic OOUEII ,
7t' 2i3 8.14th St. let. Farmuamii nail totmglas.
myth et5bhllhit-tl and ' .
' rOll Wagon C'ar.
u-image Shop , lot-sated 1mm 'mao of the boiL towim. in
8OtithuCOterhi Nebmitska. A,1lreM , , , " ( of "hiec , "
Omaha , Net , . 735.13'
I ) a Aienne lot , 3o0 tad , ,
Capitol Aicmmue lts , l,0Ot ) ctem.
( 'lilcaso street lot , (10. (
Ccmatre Street lots , 23 cachu ,
MaCAt' } ,
_ _ _ ( 'iuslteI'ostoillco , _ , , , _ I
I I ' s1i-oo head earhliug huelfer'i , $17..i ) .
20m ) head 1 amud three i tar oil hueifer , 2I.O0.
40t ) Caiues , ii idmoto are Iowa cattle.
} 4lihN ( ) ImitOS ,
Cattle Contcactors , hiluk , Wool amid 'rutuoc , lm-alers ,
SIoux City , Iowa. G2-1ni
1'0It SAT.1 OIL IXCIIANUE-Fiil lmut atul three
_ I _ ibmelilmugs corner of mmtlt and I'aciflc streets.
: ciiuc lots In south Omaha. Msu' 5m ) acres of land '
near Satutiuru , Nebraska , amuui builulliug aimmi stock of '
cioOulmag No. 801 Tcmmtlm street. Will exchaiugo for
Nebraska tumnua lanuls. Ftmrtluer liartletuiars at Oeo ,
11. l'ctemsoim'a Clothing Store , 801 Teimtli street ,
, .
oit SALE-i'roi'ea-ty . h. collier 13th aiidcuipl-
t Ill RI cane , I , immmire oil irniiIes. f.tth4mui
-4 Ok 8AL11-Oid m1cfl-iuapers in marge and
.miaiutities at thIs 1)111CC , If
J lOit 8.t.-A first cltj second laimul tot , leggy.
Call at 1319 llariuuy street. 307tf
ter witlm ( .orlci-q , ilsiies situatIon ha lImo city
0I % Icitit , . .im1&frerm.l. lh. lice tuilice.
l no iu him 1(5 tliuiu'.e of ( 'or liisies' , recorl full
I fartichhlars at J. I. . Manic's eiluh'lo ) iuuent ailice ,
217 5. Ititli street. tm-.nm4
r -iimN ; I'l'-nay tuttle nuul whIte pony. Patrick
011i roe lOho I ttli and Arbor Smith Otaahua.
/1-Its / , SCIII0fl111Clmicago.tlionuostpow- {
i _ I erfiti inagiuotlc hcaior , locate. nil 1uain and dl , .
case. Ctire. all thou.e glien up by other physicians.
CotustaiLitlon free. S. % V , corner ilthandCamltoiavc.
Itoom 3. 903.lit
N OTtCfl it , hereby glvci tO all 5010011 keepers and
liquor dealers not to sell liquors of any kind to
my wile , hcrchlidrcim or inyclulidren. II. .1. hiAKEmi.
8 44lj
r iAKIN 1Jl'-Tho 1,117 $ . iiil the dell'.or sanue to
0011cr 00 uiaLlh1eh1t of tlaiuuages niud costs. W.
J. hal , , , , Court house. 8110-lit hewk ,
r von . want a uilo foundation to your building see
I is. . lloyd , Canileid iluuue. 601.lm
r "ARES Um'-A 3 year oil black naare , about 000
Poliuudi ii eight. C. A. Jen'.c11 , on Military Road ,
4 muulles froLa Lowm. Sci-lu lou-b
BOUND-A book couutmiuihug 1)anish letters , some
mliotcraphs aual other muaper. 0 s nor calm have
sumiume iy cailluig atthls oltico moud muayii , g charges.
I ' you iu-ant miles tlrmvora for aimy m'urio see
il.ttl , , Catuileli house. ( )55mun )
--I F. htS'hS ) , member Trinity College , luugIanl ,
'ivcs , auui .Suiugiuu Leasotus. Address 8O. I' .
oiut1a Tuutbm Street. .63.lnt
'fAKlN lip-July 20th , a hay horse. Owner can
get itiformatloim by calling at this ollice
umo-tu i each iv
; lmaEi 1)lSIENSAICY-The free tltspciuiary .n con
tic-chum , with the Child's tlospital aid lloluto has
icon locatol out thu corhuer , f moth anti Douglasatreets
until tIme fleW building i Iluulsimed. Atteumulaluco will
be giveum every muuorimiiug ( Suiuulay excciutcd ) front 10
to im o'clock for time trcatuuucuit of tluiu imeedy , sick and
suafforiimg. :173-ti : J' -
A heir , 495 'Foiuttm street , between } 'nrnahua amid liar- .
lucy , will , with tIme alit of guardian spirit. , obtain for /
all ) ' oimu a glaimco of the jua4 and prom-oat , amid on (
certaIn cuinditlorus In the future. hoots alul Shoes
liuade to or.ler. i'erfect , uatlslactinii Cnara.toeI.
For ? You9
Madam ,
Whose Complexion Jotrays (
SOlhlO IhlhlflilllhtiIlg imporlec-
bit , ivhoso niirror tells you
that you mro Tainted , SalLow'
amid disfigured in cornito-
mince , or liavo Eruptions ,
Rctliiess , Roii1imiess or lilt-
WIlOlOSOnIC tuii : ' ; of Comjlex-
1011 , .hYO say uSC Jiagan's illag-
nolia Balm.
Jt is a delicate , liarniless
auti deliglitti:1 article , iro-
( lucing the lilost iatural niul
entrancing tihttS , the artlflc1
alit-y of ivliichi io observer
can (1tect , aitti 1vIl'hchL soon
1)ecolhlcs ) pormunent it' tile
Magiioiut.Ualiit lsjudlciously
- _
rn4 _
I Have Found It I
Wae the exclamatIon of a man when he got a box
of Eureka l'Ilc Ointment , whIch Is a sIin1ulu emil sure
cu-ru for l'hles and all 8kb ihfty cents by
nuall , lO.til
The American Diarrhcva Cure ,
liss stood the test for twenty years. Sure cure for
ill. No'.er Falls. Diarrhiaea , Lysemitsry , amid Cholo- 4
ra3iorbus. f t
Beallo's ' Fuvor an Aae Tollie & Corthal ,
It is Impossible to supply that , a1ld solo of the same. '
suiti : eviun WAItIIANTEI ) ' I
For Fever arid Ague , ammi all Malarial troubleL
i'IIICE , l.OO.
LAIIOItATOLIt' , unrii wr. , OMAhA , NEll.
For Sale by a/I / Drugyisfs
Or sent by l'ILress on receIpt of Price. rit.ted
IIASTISOS , mim. :
Capital , - - $250.000.
JAS. 11. hll'.AIITWELL , h'rosidcnL '
A. L. CLAIIKE , % 'iLu.l'rcsldcmit. m -
. ( . WEIIS'1E114'Irea.urer. L
C. h' . SYEI1.s1ElL Cashmer ,
1)lmtICTOlLS :
lamuel Alesnder , Osiisld Oilier
A. L. Clarko. lC. . Webster ,
CI. II Pratt , Jas. Ii. lfe&rtweu ,
I ) , M. ) fcEImItnney.
First Mortgage Loans a peoia1tv
This Colni.ny fumlshei a Iuennanent lames lnstttu.
mior i.hmere school Bonds and oilier legally iau&o4 Mu.
ricj Securities to Nebraska can be negotisted n
he most . .orablo terms. Loazis iad eel auprored
arus tr sO well settled counties of the state thmrougti
esionslt.l. ocal corrvsouitents. 5 !
t. .