Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1883, Image 7

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11 , i\ ' 1 \/\TIT ]
) \ - \ r * If 'Oti ltL3 your
. T , _ : _ Ti ; 1 GROCERIES. & PRO VISIONS
tI _ , OF -
: crc1T ¶ i
In1uiii niul 17 1'&ar1 Street , COUUCII BltitFs.
: The toflqIng tro t1iothiuif rrIat Mlii
of traIii from thu ICtI itopt. The tii tat trunt
the Uiiloit 1&cflo Iejot ftlptlt ten nItflte * erfler
thMl 1)IW stitcJ , ittid arthu at the depot about ten
tnInte lfttcr.
TratIlR ( UI ) HO1 IIIiC IIIIII K. C. run on ChIe time ,
, Iit hour titer thnii local , \VnIRh traizi miii
St. Loii tune , tctlt ) tntnt2tc fa'tcr than iai , U.
p. ind Lincolii trains run on Council 1tiit1 , tune. , koek ItAD lcimc.
. 11art. Arrive.
Atlantic u : t . . .ttO : p. in. l'aclflo } t . . . .fl:4 : °
} : , fttI M'iii' . . .9iO't : hi. E anti iaui. .ti:5 : ' . rn
Des Moiiiea' . .7:15&i. : . m. te. ) Moiie' , ae . . - $ p. tn.
e Iepnrt. Arric.
: cuieago E' . tu1.rn. CeUlaH , IitiIYe D.4
' 1IuI an(1 , . . .045 in Mali aijil I . .7:00 p. in.
ChicAno ailti .OIttIWK.MtER.
Iepnrt. Arrie.
Atitntic Ext . . . t:1r : p. in. i'aeiflc . . . .0:15 : a. in.
Iuu ftflI I' . .2) a. ut. liuIi niul I . .6:15 : u' . in.
i Accoin (8at ( ) . ( ) ; i.ii. , Av&oni ( Mini ) . .1:45 : p. in.
$4 . IAMM Cliv , liT. JOIl A ) COU.CII HtXII.
Ieliurt. Arrise.
Mail anti 1x . 9:5 : a. in. EpreR . . .tS iii.
' . .xire8 $ . .thS p. in. Mali am ! I. . .C:45 : p. in.
I Depart. Airie.
Ovcrlaini I' : ; . . . .I1:30a.Th. : O erlaiitl I : . . .4:00 : ' . in.
' Lincoln F . . . . . I I :31) : a. in. Ieiivr . . . . . . : it. in.
IJen er . . . . . . 7:00 : . in. Ioca1 ic.6 : : ) a. in.
Li ! Ex..7:25 : a. in. " E. . . . . . .flO.S : a. ni
Endrahit { .t ) ) i. in. " 1x . . . . . .0:00 : ii. in.
'AAlI , is. . LOUI. AU1 I'ACIII ( .
Ieiatt. . AiTi % .
, Mall sini i : . . . . . 9:45 : a. in. Mali anti i : . . . 4ao : p. in.
, caiinoii 1Lii..50 P. iii. Canimii flail . . 11:05 : a. in.
sioux CITY ASI ) IALflIC.
eirt. Arrive
For Sioux cty.7rt : a. in. Frti , Sinu Cit6tO
For } ' rtSiobrar Friii Fort Xiubrira
. . . . . . . . . . . : . in , . . . . . . . . : ) . in.
For St. L'aui..74O p. in. Frwiii St. i'&nI . .SO : a. in.
. ChICAGO , MIt.WAWEI AI ) 14 ? . rAn. .
, t.eivet Omaha. Arie at Omaha.
' Mall anti rx. . . , 7:45 : . in. I'acIttca . . . . 0:45 : a. in.
Atlantic Lx. . . . 3:40 : p. in. I 3tatl amnt I . . 7:2.5 : p. in.
All traimi dali ) ' .
I cuicoo , MILWAUKIR AXI ) NT. rAnI.
, Leaves Cunricli I3intT. Arive Council ItinU.
, ' , Mail ais1 Ex . , . . iO n. in. Mali and Ex . . ' 8:5 : , in.
, : Atlantic Ex. , , . ! : I5 p. iii. Atlantic 1r , .19:10 : a. In.
Leave Council lIiutT , Leave Omaha.
I ' & 8 a. in. 9 a. in 10a.m. 21 a. I 8 a , in , mm. an. lOs. in. ii
. In. 1 p. in. 2 I , . n. 8 11,111.4 n. iii. 1 iii. in. 3 p. in.
c , 4vn.5ILrIi.OI1.ilI.
Street carm rim , , half hmoiriv * to the Union Pacific
depot. On Sunday the cars he"iu tjmeir trips at 0
ocIoek a. iii. , amid run regularly Iuring the day at 0 ,
11 , 2 , 4 , , amid U if cinek , auth mu to city time.
, ; j,4
, Hard and Soft Coal ,
SAINT r.ouis.
Pierci & Bradford.
ii , ! H. MARI-JOFF
Ml1ard Hotc't Block ,
. . .
. . Graham Paper Co. ,
217 amil 210 North Maui St. , St. Louis.
BOOK. Th A ( VitiTINO.
- tTCash paid for Itag and I'apcr S'ck , Scrimp Iron
aiitt Metab. .
I'aier Stock Warehou.e 123 to 1227 orttLSixth
treet. mnaV243m
. Wte1D CorDicNorks1
Ifli joiigiam St. ' . Omaha , Xeb.
jANUiAtTrUutIR : 01"
Oalvaiiizeu Iroti Cornices
1u tjriorlner Viiiuon , l'1iita1 , Tin , Iron and tIati
Ituntlii 8P'III' jatefit Metallic hkyIIht , i'aten
aIjti.ttat Ih.Atcln.t Itar and 1Iraeiet ShielbiiI. I an
the eneraI atent for tie ahuic hue md oIdl. Inn
Fenvliig CretIimgs , 1Iatutra4e , % 'eraimlad , levis liani
1taimimi , VI&itiUW lhlindi , Ceilar Guard. : ai genera
agemmt mr ' & Iiiii patent 1nido fluid.
Of thi
human hind ) ' enlar.ed , developed and btrengthene'I
etc. , i anti lntere.ting athcrtl.einent long run in cu
paper. In relily to inquiriel we RiiI ay that there
no evidence .1 humbug &hiout this. On the e.ontrar
the & ire Tery highly Indored. interewto
Irrbons may get sealed clrcular giving iii particulaT
tjY Erie IltUcai Ca. P. 0. box Buff aic
, .
- -
Mineral Springs !
s e gliaramitee the vmlre of the fo1iot lug iiaiueil ills'
( ' 1ti , nr tin ) a ) : lthctiimiat lin,4rrnfula , I'Iecr. , ( 'a.
tarihi , all IiInial amid hkimm Iiscascq ) , D ) , Ptiiia , , 1.1 % Cr
( % miii1aiut , Kidimev _ situ Ihiadder I ) icae. , toiit , Ncu'
raigla aiiil .rtiimna.
'liinie Sprimmr ai the taorito reiirt of the tired
and , heiliitati , aimmi are the lee1)o ) Lathes' best
flood Ii otri. i.iser ) muni itatiiimm aemImnIiIodat lung.
Locality ImihIi ) 1'ietIroiIic * amid heaiths. ,
Corre.piiiiilenre oIliited.
.i1dre''i lies. M. M. TiIOMi'NMamuager. )
Iliuaimm , Ilviiti'y Co. , Mu.
BeIorff &Souer
Business Property ,
Residence Proprty
Suburban Property.
I ) i I'll I ' ii : ) AN I it'Ni M u'lto\'II : )
Lanc1 roar Omaha I
Farmsiu all Parts of Nehraka.
. \v1 , lEAVE A HANOI ! OF
. , OOQ tc1.ac1
tV1IICil'i OFi'iIt
Railge Of Several ThollaI1 c1Os ,
J1)1'OJU ! ) & SOUEII ,
ii : S. ntui Street.
Health is Wealth !
Dr. E. C. Weat' Nerve arid firaimi Treatment , a
guaranteed IO1O for hysteria , ilizImrnoConvui
iiioni , 1'iti , Ncrvu4H Nctiralia , Ifeadaclio , Ncrvou ,
l'roatratiomi cauaed lix thu imo of alcnhoi or tohaeco ,
Vakefuinebi Mental Iejircssion , Snftenlug of the
[ train , reaUitIil in hriaiiity and Icailirig to nil.cry ,
( leca ) ' nimil death , i'rcniature Old Age , flarrounea.
Loss of uio'er iii either sex , Insoiumitary Loene
Siiermnatmirrima caused hi ) ' UC eertloii it
Iiiiiiii , belf.ab000 ur uvcr.limduigeiicc. Each
tab , one mouth's trez.tmnent. I,0 ( ) a be ; ir
lIes ( fur .QO. Sent by mali irtiail on recdpt
price a
To cure any case. Witi ) each order reCClVCl by w
for lx ioae , accomnpamiieii svttli 5.0O , % i ess iliaend tin
: purcllaber our written WsriiiiteO torefummdtho money
it tii treatmneiit iiue not altect a cure. Ouarantcu
lauail only by C. F. GOoDMAN
in&o WI . 1)nn' iL Omaha Nab.
a .4i1\T
I'RE1NTI V t : A N I i I tHE.
TliI.i rCIiici ) bein. iiijcctu.I direvti. tu thu beat
the iilsaae , re'1tmIrtn no ehaii't , , ! gIimt tir miaueoin
nierctirtal or I'u14 ' ilioUn iuie.iicmu ( to iju intcrii
a iJili. 'Iien iiu' as a Iruicmtiiu IJC eitiir vex , ii I
I 1tiiIboiIbio to ciintract 0113 Prisatsseao ; hut in Iii
I L&O ul tIiou airuiIy' iinfurttiiiati aihhictel su
anicu three 1)050 , to cure , or iu tsiii refuiii th
I nmonvy. i'rlcu by mali , i1tagu i.ahi , ur lax , o
three tiue for ,
- ; wIuuvrEs Or.tIOANT1Es :
0 IbAUCtI by au authorized aeimtL
Dr.Felix Le Brun&Cc
LI SOLI i'ItOi'1lii1OltS.
U , I ' . Goodmar. . , I1ru'gist , Hole /sgentlor Omaha
Neb In&C wly
'CIflhIXttltIt ill tIO 1)iIlI'Y , ,
The 1)Alry.
T1ho ituhlorlalIco t'fl t' current of Ptito
air through n IiIi1krooIn where the 11111k
is set for cream is 1101 Mlil'ICiC1It1' mithw.
Rtd. ( It is SUpiUSCtl tlittt if ( ho ap.irt.
iiieiit. is airy , ( Iry [ 0101 dCaII , nud tree
front odors , hhloro or less oft'eiisive or
( CII oljectO1uilile , these are stiflicieiit.
Btit they are 1101 suflieieiit tt1hIeS tilt )
tellit 1ti1' ' i lIl1lCrStOOtt III it. fullest -
est Reuse as utcltuliiig ii t ( i1ll )
large 81)8CC ) , btit also a couIat8ltt.Iy
inoilig atiti rClICtt'Cl 1Ol. ' of fresh , ptiro
nir tliitt liiui Ihilt been t101)1ivct of its
lr11er ) slinie cml Oxygeut by ft113' Pt'0'i0ti5
lmrtmc'ss ( if CihtSIilhlti)1h. % ) This i ilect's-
stry : for the following reitsous : First ,
( 'xlsttrQ ) to 1)tlVC ' PL'oeitts tilt ) ( orion-
tinit Of acid in uiilk. It is thnt
milk ilI sotir 'ery i'niiilly itt the cl'so
titinospliere mit a cellat' iii wlicli ( lie air
has l'Oei ( ( lt'OXitliZCtl lv nicaus of tlec.'ty.
lug vegetable umttcr , or in whicli the
) osts or benitis 1110 aticctcl by dry rot.
CCo)1ill ) ' , 'O kiiow that the first soulitig
i iltie to tlti. ciitiio ; of the milk sugar
iuito lactic aciti , a SlmOuttahIeohIS change iii
which iiti altenition of the eleiiieiit lts
occurreil aiid which ' '
, t'cqtiii'es iiotiiiiig
bore than the inure absence of oxygeit
to affect it.
COiliIIfliflg IIflt'i'iit I'ntti'.i.
Coneiqininlemico No' York Fitriiier.
it is cIlstoliiitl'y ( III lll1i3' f.ti'iiis tO feed
the cittle eiitircly on one kind of iiity ,
such as cliiver , for iiisttitce , until that is
golle , aitti ( lieu begin on another kiiul.
lii case clover itloite is fool the auitniils receive -
ceivo a iiiucli larger ninouut of liroteille
or allituinnoids than tlitiir systonis re-
( hulL' , . itIItI coiiseqiiuiitiy the oocess is
tlirowii oil iii the Ilinnuro :111(1 : vMstel ,
If , inatcad of feeding ( lii clover entirely ,
a portion of straw , poor ha ) ' , such as that
giowli Oil wet iiieatliiws , or cnriishtlks ,
'ere mixed with it , ( lie cattle
ittight be inaintaiiied iii etially as good
coiiditioti at a less cost , 81)1110 of the
Ioore ) kiiids of foltler l'eillg made to
take , the jlitCU tif clover. This 1itiiiit is
el1 iliustutted by rui cxperiiiieiit made
at Moeckern , in ( lurinany. 1"our cows
were fed during it peilod of several weeks
with all the green clovtr they would cat ,
aiiiotiiitiug to 123 ptinds iicr day , cola-
taming live aiid six-tenths lioulitla of
alhuaniiiods and fifteen 1)01111015 if carbo-
hydrates. Din'iaig another perkxl they
were fed with eility-se'eii 1)oun(1B ) of
green clo'cr itiitl six uid se'eii.toa1iaof
barley straw daily , containing three anti
eightteiiths 1i0iiiids Of nlbniniiiotls
and mieventeeti and eight-tenths
PoIitIds of earbo-hydi'ates. 'l'Iae
result w.ns that. the cows while
fed with the clovei' aiiml straw gave a
iaiticli milk , erlaicli was as rich in hotter
aiitl Casilie as they titti 'hieii fed iiii clover
4)nl ) . 'l'hie cost ijf the milk vlieii the
COt'S Wont ) fed ( iii clover alone its ilO ioi'
edit llliIe tlouiT'lleil fed oii the clover
itiitl sti'aw mixture. lleie was a saving
of about one-third in the cost o the
iiiilk simply by coiiibiiiing stiav and
green chot'er iiistcrnl of feeding c1ver
alOlle. \\'licia the clover alone i'aa fed
theic wei t. , iitiily : two piniiids of ithlilli
iiuids per ( lay fed to , each cow illIreTlhlnhl
was iieedetl , niitl this VaS vastedft.1his
incleasing the cost of the iiiilk , the fliii.
iiiiiioids being the itiost costly eleiiiOiits
of food. No fainter can fecil imrIiabl'
vhieii such a waste iif fodder is taking
iiltce. : .
Ti uI I t-.I I tit ( ) il.
Xciv York Tm iirnio.
'l'hie lCSt ldeOli is ililitle fmiiiii pigs
which vih1 not veihi ulure thiut : I 25
jxniiids when dttssctl. 'i'hiu i.tsliers 01'
stiips iou' thaci hiacoji are cut lengthwise of
the pig and about half of the sidet ate
used. The 1)ortion ) next to than intclhone
is fatter and lacks iii imiusele , ; imiil is jint
so good 1)11 this tccotiiit.Vhieii intenmi is
illittC froiai siiii1l ] ) i"S - thoM ) weiginhig
less than 100 imonnd.s the wJo1o < f the
sides ai'e mgseol. Rod iiiad hijack Bikhaii'e
hogs illUke tin' best bneoai , because Lucy
ha'e tins lmirgest pi'c ) )01'tiOI ) I I if lea I i ill eat.
Six x iiiiitls if sa It nod four no iices of
salt1mcti'c shioiihtl be used for 100 1)01111(15 )
of iiicat. Five poiiiuls of hiiiiwii sugni
iiiay alio 10) hI4C(1 , or ttsim i1liarts
of ninlasses. If the haeoii is cured iii a
bai'rel , the salt , saltpetro and svceteiaino
shiotilti be iiiixetl ittiel a s1iiiiik1e
( HI the bottoita of the baird niul some
also between time layers of imicat. amid on
tile to1i , and water ciioughi , after the meat
is packeti closely , hilt Oil to covel' it. In
it lmlltht ) ? the imicat vih1 be reatly to siaioke.
'J'oo iaiiieht 511101(0 W'ihl color the meat itmul
give it a i'amik ta.ste. Another way to
cuie bacon is to rub the nhjove mnixtuio
oil the flesh side of the strils f' btcmimi
itmill thou Pile it UI ) 0110 pieCe aiu'e itii-
oilier and let the iaaixtiimo stilke in.
Aftei' three days tub again aimd pile up as
before. , A week iiftcr rub again io'el pile
it 111) , Jitittimmg the Ilesh sitle tap uvcIy
ti Ill C. 'I'J Ic I I ixti 10 511001(1 lai (1 i vided
illtA ) thiiec equal 1)ai ) tK , tO piovitlu for time
stis'eral itibbimigs. tt the email of a inumith
the imicat will be i nady for sniokiamg , or
before if the stilt hots all struck iii iiid
the suifitco , hits L'ccoaiao coiianomtLivti1y
lIly , which is all indication. After
smmiokiimg , the i'aslicis should 1e suiveil
( ml ) bags iiiItdU of c ttomi ClOth momad
hung UI ) II ! It dry , dtti'k pltee. : I f the
liigs are tvhiiteviHllctt the oiitsidei all
the heLter , as this sill kce. . the woamils
( 'nomiiI or's.
\its1)s ) will teldomu aLtaci stiumag cub.
iliL a of 1)CC8 , but if a weak switrmn is mieni'
a hulaCe frequemated by wtsps ; they will
ahllly the bees coiisidemably.
Sorgillin ) , after beimag cut , ileturimarates
% 'L 1'3 , ' inpiully. I t shiotalti mint lie sihlois'ed
to icinaimi moore than omlu day before be.
iimg worked , amid hess tliami that is piufer-
'l'hiu ( leall leaves oat iuujuitsht viuaessbould
1)0 cariftil1y icmaioctl and inarmied. 'l'hcy
ale usually imifested 'ithi eggs of the
aujimasha hug , amid the lii'st lcitvus that alp.
hC1' ) 1110 of ma. use as Hil as others Iorni ,
niati arc thieii to witlter amid ( lie.
'I'hio ( Iitrlcilcr's % Ioamtbly 13Iy14 let thic
' Imiumidry folks emi uvuiy vnsh day jiiiiai
hoiiling hot suds ithnnit the iiiuts of hicitchi
trees , which will destroy the mimsiuliout
h itt Ic ( a ii ig las tI aat iirtl tiecs t Ia o ' 'yell
I amid tl i ei liseusus ; , and ( ii rim ishi t ha o lam'vm.
of miniects , vhiiehi ai'u so imajtiriolms.
. ' ii ILSCiIgC es' ) , ft ti ( lIlil'3 plii' it ) SC)41 )
shtitiibol gi 'p tVcl aty ptitlilils of n ii I Ic I l
tIny diatimig . OO ( lays of ovtui'y yeu ; , oigbil
. IC lU1itl. I pj.c'c.tii a for every I 0(1 ( i ads ol
lit I II. , ft tItti'e I itls i if Ii ut tei' fmoam
u % cry lOt ) 'if Cm'CitIIt. mituti fully t.iu
I . jtuiiiiiuls of ci cuRe fittati eveiy I 00
I. , -Expurimiiumits tt ( ) aatmuio 2thtnle ,
4 J"nrmta.
I n I 1 iiiii a i il a t.yutemn if ( ; ua i a il ati aimtge
it. in miot gcmaert1y hiest to comaimmiemaco ii
tHu ' * uttest places , hiccauwu these reitlaili
ill , 'st laboi' 111111 yiultl the 5111111 lest ploJl'
tiomuitu reLuraa. 'I'iau voik of tlaoroughalj
renovating oiiu aemu of illItibhi will oftea
I reopairu emioughi labtit' aunt timaic to uataki
p dry five or tema acres of upland that i
just a little too wet for Palitahiiu cultiva
tiiii. 'J'O imiaku any s'ork go farthest I
, should be Put whtio leasL i mieciled
which woulil leave the iiiost. . iliflit
Places for thio last to be reclaimed.
Should a fowl become crisp-botiinl c
the crop well with the itniul , and 011(10.
or to force away the OllstruCtn)1l III 0
% ' ' to the ght7anl. Should ts
fail , tiraw the skin to one side 1111(1 t.
the crop stiuhiciciatly to relio'u it ( if
contents. Sos' amp the ound vith s ,
and thati fowl sihl not be serious1) ' d , .
aged .ftur the cutting , ho sores tt
the obstruction in the passage is remno.l
as ell as the esiiitciits.
i. . Uhiner , of layton , Ohio , a
skillful fruit-grower , who often
alie.tul ( if others iii the itmarket , says tj
omico gathered itoti sold ( rout three 8i
nuiti a sixth 1143 bushels of'ilsoit str.
berties , ) Sllicht ilu1 for 1i011t13' $ 2,000 o
liatl ( ; 2 lnishels tf littatmnuy bhi.
lierries fi'oiii four IICI'CS , selling for llCiy
$1,000 ; oiul froiai thirce.fotn'tlas of an to
of gutes it net sale of $1,000. The
itl.e eXCt'ItiOIOtl ) ( ' 1(505 , 1ItIL Ilitizo IS o
( lotilit thoU exci'ptitiiial trcatiaiout .s
givell ill l1i'tiltItratioai of the soil , sialoctii'
( if plaias , eulth'atioii , picking , iIIICkg
niul inuket imig.
i\hi' \ . C. it. l'owers , a succossftil fIur
111111 stock grower , rcsuliiag a ( ow ills
aaoa'th ( if I Imistings , Xcii. , hits been in o
county mi'iIio yenis and gives it as 'is
opiliiiil thiLtt. the crop of sniall grain liv
being harvested atlrjasses itO ) ' ever i'itid
iii that vtrt : ( if the state. In reformg
to tlit intrinlttctioii of the doiticie
grasses Ito infornied Uit that (1110
ago last spl'imig ho t tied the exporiiiuit
( if sowing lihtie grass seed emi a h1asto
which lout never beeti ln'oken , and lit
the exlnitilllutIt vas so successful tlamitie
this ear soiscul about. c'ighiL btisheliia
thiti 1111111(3'it ) niitl ( lint this last soiiii is
doiiig 1111013' smid that lie ex1iects sottitii
linvo a sixty acre pasture of blue gr.s.
- 1 Ilmistings Nebraskan.
A iIitii SII'II'k Tii'k'e iii Oiii' IiIt'
Iiigliltiiiig Utsys a Bible.
) litutcriimna ( Oin. ) IiL''iiI'tI ,
' 1' iii 1 Ioitstoii County there is at r
1111111 i'lio has htiictoforu. bormio the rout
ntiiimi tf , being the wiekedest fellow ii
the sectiomi 'hioro ho livee. A 'ery inOt
cstiiig revh'itl took place miot long iigouv 1
iaiuchi interest was manifested , Oma ii
tIme iiiimiistei's aiproachod the young rn i
amid asked if lie hind a Bible and he re i
plied negatively. Tue good matitmi aIvse
hiiiai ti ) btmy one amid t.iko it hionio iii i
read it. lie siud ho hmiad lao inomicy
throw away oi Bibles. Thou the iiiiiii 3
( or Ofrereti to give haimat one antI ho reftac ,
to ( mike it. lIe vomit homaic and ropare
to his fuirtii.Vl'ile in the field an nigi
mimi-cloud came , and soomi vivid hashes t
ugh tmiing hcg.tii to play arotnul iii (1 (
ncighiLorhiood of the viekcd young iiiiti I
Soon it litilt. caiiiti : tbomag amid kmiockod lii
vimadimig over thu eotti.ii . rows. 'J'hao ( al ;
ing numidroiis in his face l'eViVCl Ititli it
I ci' it few minutes , mind lie ji'&tCCOlCul ti
ward the house , but just before cnteiiii
the gate lie rccei'oul niirIiOi' shock wliic ,
laid him Pi'ostitte as"1 helpless oii tl
groiamid. 1tevivim' ittiil , lie vomit lot
tlio house tmid zelatcor to his 'ife tiw ci
tleal lie lime1 just litsscl through , amid ho
heat' lie ) enl nppioaclieul death. Next di L
lie ' , 'iit to toivmi , Iniughit it Bible , attemu
ed church diatim ag tlmti gracious iovivn
tiitl Ciilll'IICUl religumii. This is one im
stitimco shicie a luau got relignii by dc
tiieity. ' I
T1ai ) ittui \'it ii Cii. ' \ool'II I.'g.
1jittiltitat I r.
NmvomtI . : u--sumu '
: , Aug. - - si'es o : u
ticiaiely colisciunis of huci' feet. Not oid
because her Spumiibhi : boots , iii the iitj
style , vi LI a t lie m m1i1ior 1 otiomis mmmdc iii
iietii'itrk of Ctiii'O silk , wore No. 1 , i'hi : 1
( lie ctfltei1t IVCI'C I' . o. 'I , cot'iacd , htit fi
( lie : ( ItNiSOli ( IntL her lietitifi
hlii' stoekiiigs iicie visilibe through LI u
jntciticcs of ( lie shines , si ( lint site coimlu
1111(1 did , disdmy ; the tiiieitess of her Ill )
itil ' ii'ithi . itmid
) mieatiio.uii moutlesty. She si
ill the half of a iiilroud : car seat , tnu'ut
( lie ais1-or , to ho exact , I shuoiihul Sn
the fifths simice that. was mibout the pr
portit ni ( if I iei oCcu nim icy as eoIzlIaI'c
iithi the fat mmmii beside her. 1Io vts
stimtiigcr. I minted that she i'ts ; ghuiiciii
at liiiii itiat , of the comlitir of bier 03'e , aim
mmot for lliitiitioia cithiom' , fin' buu' itisittil
grulmally ; licti'iyod ; nilminyItllce , ii'titntlum
amid Immanily , muiger.ulilie 11(1180 i'it5 viutibi Li L
to a cute ilSCt''ei' , uJlie luau hiegami I i
toiieuiiiig lid' prettily itsctl font with ni
if his own. lie i'uts itmi mild fellow , vil
sIliuciolls hot it emi , w'l ii I ti al a e viis yt tin ;
uimiul delicate. I didn't somidor that sl l
iiUI'0ith1y ilioi iivay hici Sliallisli guiLt
iiiitl gtve if. a aiew attitimule. 'J'htoai I
h)111'Hmm ) ed i t. i'i ( Ii Ii is t biick-nutletl ctnvliid
ammul i ) hI , cual ii alt anti iig outi'age ! pushed ( I
cuil f t f his log agmti uist I a'i. I w'autii'L a
tomijuthied , fox' ( lie : uiuhuicity of utoimie (
these case biaideuauid old fellows is cou I
ii lomi. A i a ii I ic I naked us u tlacidly im a Imocci
its it cii ii , i iisttaul of time uti t tutu I i ig lii m
11 oil bitt act iiaulicntcil lii iii to lie. 'II
gui i'outo iiiiligtiutmily. ctosutwl ( lie aisle
her Puthtuu , iii i(1 toltl lii i ai I iO IV she laid 1 ic
iimithcul. I Jo chiutmiged scutts s'ili lit ,
iiiiil gave ( Ii e ttihtiii1ct' ii d iuiul ; fual I iel'uit Imi
tliicatciiud to thing hiiiii oti' the ciii , at
)1'iS i'ithi ihilhicimlty iiidiiced to let tile f
militia say a wiiiul in defciice.
' ' I itm t I it veteran of Lb in i'uii' , ' ' sutiul LIt i
) ( ) ' uern.
' , \'ltaL I ii ( Ii o tia it iiduui' hits that gut
do vi tI a i t. ( ' ' hotly itutmntuu1 ( I a e futthic 1
"Amiy , sci'vice ( luC81i't ivu you ( lie aig h
( I ) iiasiilt yuoiimg gmils. '
' ' I ut i L iiaulu I juilde I t
I mile Lu ; , seoai a 'i ,
' ' ' " 4
'unit' is thiiit ?
' ' .1 tist feel of ( lint log. I I. iii iittsl. ,
lost the oligi aiuil i a i inittle- ii i't you s u
I cam i w'euir ( liii I Kill'S liii I L , mit aiial i n Ii
ittiul i'itlk ititli it hii'eY ( ioll , bitt IL miii
got ii lilt of feeling. I I. wuuiildii't know
gii11i4 itmikle frunia a chaitir leg. ' '
mtiiul cniiy any hiuttible auuiIigy tu , ye
ulaiighiei' . ' '
- - -
t ill. Cr.i 'ia II 'iuiiU iloth.
l'hihliatioljtit'ius i'ie.
' .I'l ic duuiioemitt ii , u tu'(3' ; , I invi a ig lust
otlul btiiiieiltlut niiul acuiluireul ito noi' una
hits huiu3mi piovidtsl by the New Yoik S
antI I ts i iii i itn's vi ( Ii a coi iiptillul i oils b
. tI U Ci' , ) ' vhi cli uieculut a iii u ui i a dpI Cut ma Ii I
hihirutso it(11 ( iepiiblicaii litrLY iiiinst g i
I ) ia i vivacit 'us con t emmi ati'y itijients t h
I 14011 temico ivitli the m iluim a toiaoim Ii iuiilam
of ' ' I 'utlly i'iimits ii ciuucktr , ' ' vli iclt I I
ultiuiiuiciittiui ' . m'eseiiili
liu ) % ii'iti.ciy aptly
iii expressing at omico nil uvur-jitescuit i
I t ti to iuiid aiim calm itust lusi ic futi its giud
eat i 01 i ; I t mit ii i i Lii ciuiuttati t mope ti ti tiii
( I a is iii' ' igt i tl t , S i i ti ( iii Is to give the it
I ie i cli t Euf t I a o mgi im iitui i is vhi I
tbiu next cammipuuigmi , itm'e sitiu ( it iIecu i
taias' iii is lie ii' SCu141'fli iii Lii o ilul it ii t
erati u ciced , t.ha o Puiry ft ii (1 ( iu . dli utu t u
I ii ii uitices ) fuji thu ulujiat uteral iii l" ty ,
ii'if acquain tit'.ictu ii i t ii uitflii is iiIl cmiii
p OU I' dcii ioeiati C cola toiuil tuiinmi es uit 01 ieui
I give ii aftii'iiiatjuiii to ( lid r i uualoiH ii I
I Jtuiiit\to ( lieu' miew cry iiftem' thiiiu f.tuthuu , i
'I'io 1tuhiiiu ViChit SitS Iid''UI' aighio i
, 'I'lio repuhul luai i itaity lml tist go.
Nui mahttiojial ( IU1)t wits ei'tg lti'iul :
1 fmuutur-TIio rcpubhicuuii uinry mitust go ,
B 'i'lio currency of thieuiampn ( icits nevci
sounder iihu1ie-TIio republican iuiii
t must. go.
! llmiiitifacturturs hiuvo $ ovoi hiofori , lu
111o51'O otemu1ed thiati ihIiler ropiiblicaii
Protect'iii 'l'lio rciitililic'ui nrty miiust
go l
lThio federal revenim was hover collect.
ed % itli less cost-The republic-au party
iiuist gui ,
'l'hie ver cent of loss by oflicial ( heffilca.
titiit iii ( lie lnt temi years hiasbeeii less thimua
itinier ally ( ltlliOCflltiC ) liresiddlit fruiiii
lnckson tO Biichnnaii-'lhie roptiblicaii
h1u1t ) ' must gui. S
A rciiiiblicaii louise in the last twu )
) cnrs reuhiced the luirdeii of federal tii.
ittiomi foui' fold inoi't' limit the
( leialocm'ntic majority extending over six
yenlut 'l'hio republican party iiiust gui.
The repuh'hieaii ihiajiiity in congress
has liasseul a law which makes merit ( lie
test of iuhuissiutit to the ptiltlk service
' ( 'lie repiililieaupartyututit. go
MIJICI li i : A ( 'l1't1I.
' Ilelsilteul Saii ui' , I Iau' li.i . oi Svi'tI.
Cit lClIbt 1hIiais'hI
Cii it'.iuui. August. .1 . - Alottit midway
between 25th and tiTthi streets , in the
clinriniiig village .41 1aaglewood , vithi
( ii1ttiiig spire , vhiich heluings to the
Swedish Luthiemitn ileuioiiiinatutii , At
8 o'clock 'E'luirsdiiy aught , ( Itistaf Audei'-
5)111 , ii 1i1tilitlOi of the singing class con.
liL'CtL'l with the church , sent into the
lniittliiig to ttttuiid ielieai'sal , Great vuts
his siu'lirise ttt tiiilulig it bt'ilhiuuitly
lighiteul , and his iutirlir'ise was tunicul to
liori'or siien lie tl'iscovered ( lie tlead doily
of ( mtv NiIdClL Oil ( lie sofia buick of ( lie
ItlilPit s-ith i gliutstiy hole iii hi'iut right
teiiiklle. 'I'hiudend iiiiiii held thinly clenched
iii his i'iglit hiaiid a revolver with one of
tin , live eliutinhiers eliilit3' , iIho htl' i.i1s
cold anul still , uleutthi hia'hig ov'identhy
taken place tivelvo hiouis itt. ilitito lire-
siuflis to ( lie thitueo'ery. l5reparnt'iomia for
thiti uveii ( limiti been iliitdo i'ithi iluhibein.
tittil. 'I'hio cltithuiig wits sci'ttpulously iicuit
uiiiul cleuui. 'l'lIe hut , shiiiiiiig vhiito Cilliit'
iiiitl black necktie had bccii carefully laid
111)1)11 ) ) 1) chair , mind the black cloth coat and
'est i'tmilui\cul utitil miently folded. Then
itsstiiilillg it icetiiiibont. ; nisitluin iapoii ( lie
i sofa , ( he feet placuiti olic Over ( lie uithier ,
thio fatal idiot WitS iii'ed , On a large tiuirt-
able lilackhitiunit , back uif the pulpit , lie
1111(1 ( writtemi iii large helium iilil with
S stead3' lisiul unul wurls : 151)0 ( luldit grata
fcke.1' [ tI'l'lle deaul ci. never. " ]
0 Nlili liati ( teen iii Alliurica ii twolvo-
i.inomithi i. 0111) ' , anul in Eiiglcotid Olilt1liCii
inuiiithis. I Lu wits the
l church society its it teaehu'1t thu uttilu-
miier school comniecteul (1iuruvitht ( on a
I _ ) giiarmiutecd salary of h5 it iiiontli. Thu
school iiiiiaiburel aisiut forty ptiiils , hio
(1 ezichi tiniti a timitiomi fit' of i'ifty.ceiits a
iiioiithi , the church linking guiusl the k. ' ,
Iicieiicy. Iltu also oflicinteti its ( irgamithit
if thu chiiii'chi , , aunt Joel ci mniiaiber of tin.
IC iiiiils. lie 'm iinoly otlticateul
i. uiiuul 'its it yotiiig milan of ileutsiiig nhilieutr.
u mice , muid vits vell liked in thai Svu.tlisii
f. comalnhlluty. I Ic 'ISIUI (11113' 2 1 years of ago
. aiid ruitlier of tulighti. . ihiysituio. I ho iuti
r liii"iied iii ( kittlamol , an island IuIIbjOCL ( u
the kiiigdoin of Swculomi. His fricaidu
sut , ( lint. ho utut the illegitiiiiao ( son ut
a : Oscar , King 01 Svotlcn , itmid wiis t'caieu
. 1111(1 edticatedltythicKiiig's sister.
v T1i' 'Iiti4.itgu" C.ui.
) ' \'itrk % ' ( ) iiIi
ii. \Vithiin ii foss' 3'eulrt4 nil cut irely mier
I iystein oil' ti eaiiig ( lisoulso , auetvuttis weak
I- debility ai'isimig fiunii excess mumu
utvei'iik I ias spi'um ig iii t I a t thi is ci ty. I
is call out ' 'miiutsstge ; , ' ' iiill ci uisist s i ii ti ii
muiamiiniluutittii of the liuiiiiimi tinily by tlti
ham u its uif 'miii u qitii'atuii. Stiletly spuakiiig
itil ii iiiig , ho L cni asists i i i a ueia'
- ' ( if k iuouttli ogs 1111(1 vu uk imig u if ( lie putt ituii Vu
iloshu by vigei'utuuu iiihiils sui mis Li
i excite ut ciiculatittmi uuf the lilttit
1. uii ( ho sti iface u if tim u hiunly iuiul 'it
: thu exti'uiiiititn. I t iii'st ltcc'uiic kiautwi
tO ( ho general jmilihio , in it upilot vity somma
eighi t ) Ctluu ; utgt by titu ni Lb iitu
I o foreigi leis , 'luo suit ! . imp t I m ci t' sigi us ' ' 15mo
, fesutuiiiial " aimul i'ceeivcd ,
iuIitssige ; , utn
tt ( kuits whoa 'oie sumit. . hiy 11l13'udctumiui. Fu.
ii 10)111 0 tiuiie : iii II ) ' 111(11 imind Ic , luuiluLlytle mu ii
, lidliflinhICuiiC iiis'uihitls availed ( haumuisolve
3. uif ( lie boiiui'itut uif 1lltMSLU. ; : Ihit its hiimic
ticial etli.cs weic iiltiiittcly ; fuuiiiuul lut
set'vic'i ' tui ulehiuiehiGi'iu : amiul a great lusist o
m fitiuhiioiial il u iuicm i amid ivuuiiemi vl at i i i viii
.i extraviiguuitly , thank , tiimuutkcd mommul suit ii
.t late nod ohiern'isc ( exluutiisod ( their mioti
; ( ails system i by ( liutueipnti I Oi uir muiol i tuil am
.t eiiiotioiial overwork.
ti Thou the numiiber of iuiaaiipuilitoi'tu lie
l'i gutii Lu , imiciease. Cnidut iippeaied in ( Ii
hi I I (1(4ui5iti5 ( advisi lug tI iui Isiign jul u i.ill i
tlttt'Iiii 1Im. il i oil
, , ; , - ( - - -
sage lit thou' clem.uiiit minus. 'i'Iiore wet
r Ssi'iss , aueuliuth ] m'uiicli iiiitl a iaii line
IC Sitgols , Anti tioscntly it beenimie a fitshiiom
C ithilo tliiiag to gui itiad ho iiiaiii1nihittctl aftc
il Iliglit coiL or a i'eck bourn d a ii nun' 1)1111 )
5. Omie of ( hoie utiteiutuirs , who is ii holy au
if himis her munimi is tim a 'I'siom uty.oigh a ( Ii sLice
i. ( luvues huiself c.xcliiut'ivoly to laulics , ma
Ii ' nit ' sC'eiiLl 'cil ( Ii
it itiuiuuig ci' I i'ummti hU % ;
l I femuitlcs : iihit ) ii liii ( I 1(1(4 iilanly Live iiii
tha rue Li I aics a iveck amid ' ) ( Ii iotigla II
t I Ic ii eittl imi tl u teens. 'h'i 10 . lt0i'uIti' ) III
k Iii ) S'l otlgtuI i I I IL I. ) it i veismutlun a vi Lii ( Ii
m a
1' report er that i I a I i on I ) CiluttiS Qi ( , t nan
, i liitit ii i u tidy I u tok LI : tu itlutue uif that. Id mid
d mmiimseuihuti' tuxeiciutti which thin tatipts nw
itt iiuutisposeul to take futi LhuemmltuolveA. Ai
utl icr iei'utluuj' ( iii t liii Si x LI i itvoii a t
tt cut ii mm hId i Ii ighici uil iio 1111 ( I iui
1111(1 saul ( lie a i uuissutgu i I Ii 1 etrtoui vi (
Lti stie I igtl i 1 ' ( ha o ci ni tict I f ( hue u q ueiuitt
1 hucalluv mituul vigoi'unis u' ' ° ' ° ° . 'J'lu
it comisistuu , its itircutuly uuutl ; , ill kiucatlimig uui
s'oi'k i a ag ( lie II euthi uf ( lie iuiticii I. . iii ( ii Li
S I iilil ) ( i I I Hit el a a I iliii a i'ur liii to fuoce ( I
lii miii iii t ii I hue siui iii I ve i iii mit ( lie uuuiifae
I ' ' to 1)11 ) I . ; itt jiluicul ci tlu
ci amtii' tpiic'hi iiul ( I ic u
e ? imi Ii un oii a , juemiiti
ru thu I iai eul miii ilK ( lien seizes iiuioii (1 (
l' imimiti atid cmi a lilelicos it iiiluiul hiatt. ulex to
ml 011)4 ) tuOl'iiuH of iiiills , htilichicH , iuujiioo' ,
i t lti'oKMuIiCH , utbiovus , limits iiiid iiihtut iiii
ulr every iiichi tuf (1w iuiiifiico has beuii gun I
over mululily tiuiues iii iii the II tush begi
( A ) glow. 'J'jie expert Ii iuiiai1timlutt
s'il 1 ii a ( Ii is so inidul hy nod so guilt
thiiit the cniiihiuicul sonsatioii of the sit
ject are iiiuytbuiiig hut unlileatuauit. Itiulec
i ( S I t iii ilut ( UI I iasiiid fu ir ( I iu helLion t to gu'
en ) I ii ( o it k I iitl of iii usia ionic sleep. JJ10
ill 1 oil Si x ( hi iivui a iio hans a ma ii tuber of ltiiui (
uiL vhuuj Junvui lao iuiliuuoiit whiuitevei' except
he cotiut'i ' t Ii ( liii nil I et bliiigy , iii ud they ii iiulum
i.'S ( I u I s ti'eat imiciut. megi ihuu mIy i'i Lb as i mau
aiti auntifiietioii liii if tjaey itero huiiviaig tIn
iLy h.och Iuuilr coimibed. I ii cortn'iiu eases
hie ulyuuuuupsia ( lie HlihijeCtt4 iou pilL tipom
leut eollelI Iiil ( emuiefu I ly k a icauhuid , vuii'y a I in
1 J I. itS a buili u if ulnuigh I SVOI I hI he by ii sk i 11 I
i i'i F'rciwlu I tutu ( II' .
of 'I'Iiuau ihitum' Iutul ,
jut ) t m ii iulullu-iigeul
iii- nI in , before gui i ug Lu. ii tuiiLy , haui'o ti
l i , ieguihaily minaju ta 1 ' 1 I IC 0 l lb ins' that I
mit. lietiul slujut iiniii. iIuIoa'o they
lu s. j iuiiicueicul : uuiiul d ucomiicul fo I' ( hue ( a
iitl ( lucy have ( ut itu kuiuiuuluiul. 'i'lie haiuieeb )
.1 % 511 'jitiseul 0 i I iij iuuit cilia t etetticuts , ( A ,
Iii e emuatie ( huts itili I id ii css iilul ( chest iii Ly uif I
I u $ U ifitee. anti Lu ' give soimuui tim I a ug uif I
I uul In'illiuim icy uti yt t utl u to t liii fiaiuuu. It
i . j I iCIlhuibh3' shuil by sum iii t f ti iii k a luau
. - OiuCs tluit ) 'ull Cam i tell it 'el 1. k i a Ciil
1iutiLy I ii iii ay cola ii mit I ) ' . 51iioio is , un
oil'ii few weeks ngui , a uuugro tip.tuiwn s
wits regularly uaaujultyu.ud at tl
r iii bimsjmioiiut by uueyem'aI uhiyuuiciuiais. lie l
rt.y lie ncouiis , hunt iuiiuIituul his vrulcess at. I
hIuStubl utftliu Patluuits. I Ic wiis cumisiult m
uJIa by ( lie doctors who euia1uloyed Iiiiuu to
-TIlE- '
They always have tbc largest and best stocic.
till ) ) of the most ( ixhsert loon in the hiiisi
11055. 1 Ic w'utut kept. inisy atht day gonig
friiin hiuiuso ( ii house , nutt uniting his stili-
jects weic soveiltlyi1iiial1elt of faust reuii'
tatioiis , iloi , after a night's excess. i'u-
fornt'd thus mnothuid of t'eeupcrn'itiit to thin
'l'tirkishi liatha. But just iou lutessago wiet
liecuiiuiutg t lie fituthilonithuhe thing , tip dimes
a \iuikeo mtiiul thit'enciaut ( to kill thin whole
tiiisitit'utui witlu a mnuiclaiuit' . 1)r. 'l'utylor ,
OIl I a i tyiliiutlI street , hits iiivuntel vhnt.
he calls ii iiiechaii'icnh miioaseiiger. I Ic
1itits his iatioit iuitti ii niacliimie and they
mire iilutluilnihated by steam liiwoi' . A via.
it. ( Ii lila ostuthuhishiiuiont dischusod its many
us twenty ltntieumti of liothi sextns
going tliti ti'cittamioimt. Suiiuhti of tllemlm lout
thmei r liiimbs jim ( lie iiiacliiitus , amid
it hair of i'iibbor lialids aei7.L'l
(110111 i'iitl uiildeul to ( lie kiieuutnug it ritpitt
'ihratqi'y mntitioit ( limit : ita lmo ) ' ilii't Cut' .
1(1115 , I lute ivei'o mnoif and wonmmm with
nhiotimimmttisiii amiui parithyt Ic ail'uctiomia lao-
11mg slamikomt iii ) lit thu muiost npirovod
st3'lo. The hili'siciamis all sitoak nell of
( lie hiiCRs. ) 'I'hitiy sit ) ' that it. forces ( lie
circtihuttiomi lilt ) ) ( lie cnpillni'ies amid hrimmga
it. atvity from the centres itimul coimestud
1iiit'tn , It. is , iii short , it imew mill iamgoii-
11)115 ) umetlitid of uiitIyiut exorcise ; but it
thirenemrn ( ( s ilo miwity with ( lie immmuii1itil-
mttuii'ii , for uiti' cei maiamiwhmui call ai1ui'd
it gas unglue calm Iia'o hiiiimutolf shimtkaii ii
without hiring it person tui cuimno tout
siiiioriiiteiid it.
\l'buus fin' ( lao state fair : uiuuuiuiit
. ( ' , .
I 'l i'i..1ntiidreul _ ext uut .wu iil tnomm iou ian-
pi'oviumg'itu iiiihi'uiatl yiutl ( if Closutun ,
I 'l'lw ( uiw.if , ( i't'l ( ) ' excited ( lie graiit-
I aug uif suiltioncumise by the town euiummeil ,
I 'l'l iti mien' : depot itt. . ( heii uioti
1 mmeuly : cuiiiuitlMu,1. It. is 80x'IO.
les ishusiuitiut , v'itl.q1l its giettueutui : ,
hiaM a jaLl ( hutt : iivals Cstimcul Bittil's ( iii'
rluoValtashi villliuii1d ) 'utl'tla mit.
Eeuikiak , with a emtiaeit.y of S,00ti4ieuul of
j. Slum lull idoahi is gt'u ) ) Vim ig. i coil oge'iu
1 ECC Vi img ( I a o ii Imi al a ing totiel iou ; , aim $8,00t
, ci (3' 1 uid I is ti , I ii I tumil t ' amid it stemimat hit
S ollgine tins hceii 1)ulughat. )
4 N. .1. Ihuiui f l'iliumiueudut , sues hhioVmi
i'mtili'uiutd for $8,251) ) ditiii.
: i ci iii P" ° Y ,
I' itges saistni mied I uy moasiim i f ( ha o ci uui
I mint fort i i utl ii img cams ( ( I utli I 7,000 I inshielti
I f
LiU' 11103' I in\'o it gm'eui . minick u irgitim u n'ei' i mi
. .1 itutItO I' L'tllil t ) ' % .1 t I a it sl i iii Phil S tti' itt. i ( A
. iumitiuhm end. 't'la a fugim i'eluentl of LI IC ' ' I"at I mci
I' tf lmIi coiiuati' ' ' is sickhicul o'er ei t ha a
LI cast of thought at. ( hue lnte iiiotul tises Ii
S whik'h ( lie Cuimit1' ' Ins descemiuled.
I. 'I'u ho it ulumiiocruttie cutmttliulutt ti ii i I ) )
0 u , iIi iinist. pi 155055 1 i itiC I IC l' U iti iul I 1i timuct
f tliitii the mtvel'uigu of iauutiikiuid inc blL'sset'
it with -mueivo tu , buck a mamajtiiity of tio,00 (
I ) mtm id ltiltliieO ) t ( I S'fli t fu it' vict oi'y. I
- lil'CsCmut ( lie ( leiimutciatuuu emiiiulidittu fuui
1 govoi'muuir is siini'uiiiiuloul with it swionlia ol
ueinihlicai uiuwuupiiporua , niol his ovuii'y itr
I- guiiaiemmt. ilu tmtkeui up , tuti'im to Attcr
( , iuid scuttui'cd to tIm wiiida ,
: : Ahiutiit. ii yeah' itguVihhiuai : l'ntnt , it lui
. hiaqiati hi ty oimmployeul on the I II I iiuiiuu Comm
triti , receiveul mc huumt. in haiuu nrmii.
: . hiituii's fittluer , thiouglu ut I 111111 of aniphu
iuleltmis , iefiiuued to caic for his iuaimi'ou
r amid left huluit Lu ) ( lie ciitii'ity of friommuhu
first. , inot utftorwardtu of ( lie Sietumt' hio
( ( i'i ' iii . 'I'hi e ys iii mig I Iiitmi ulicul hitst Sii a udity
1 amid ( lie ii i a m un t II miii fuithier mofiastid to tlot
Ii i iii Lu I it , luutmicul i i a the ( iii u i ily luit iii tI ii
cuuiu etuii'y. 'I'lie inih i'nmttl mu ci i i n Lunim :
tie cIalitluuul iii uaautiigIu to give thu hotly
tl ccci i L I utaiil. ;
IC '
f u nir , , ) lay I ( I , 1 883 , hrlngtu 0
tutu thu juaruatliti t1 henry Ii luugiutmum , thu ( inueru
- Hiiiieriuutvuuieiut Ii ! t i ii , I ilstrict MLs'.euuer Co. of Ni ,
45 I lai cut , Cmiii , ) ! r , ingroui , is. , ) tim ' 'l'tjr 111511) ittotiti
it i hail isatu isrty 0 otuiieii i ithu a weak muitti tire
t. fui'llttg Rvro liii loIit , tiiiiutt lit i arlabiy itctuuipft
i i ; , , Itlu a huuuiit'iie. ' 1 iiiul must Iced uulnt , ( luatuut , tiitt
ut iWIi(1 ( illitti itt I iieso ia1n. nty iirtuic voilt1 ) I
ie iiliiti ) ciorul , auii 1A ) 0 5 tieRS ) ' lulpu..ctilorad bCI
C. imiusmit ii Ito , allan cii Lii taiisl lit tito i e'cS. I mu
Lii' iiot. wirk , amid I ss Ru iiieou , rageti ti iou aiariuuiitg t1 5i.
ir Nu.tmilutg 11(11)01 itO , I a au 1'rusuriiel for ity aoinui
t.iuu hitsO IluYi'i5it5 ( iii Now Virk city , ii lucre ! 's
itOiteIl at I luat ti mite , lint tltrR cii mitt benefit ur rellt
is ,
Li I Yiuem , aimmmot ( ready tt , gi ii tip lii du.1salr all aciiumtIl
iii t4sncuNalli to , uie , I us uuit you (0 ( trY I I ultit'ti lluiied
liH j Ni1 utiti luartily' tis ciuty'tiuir luoum rti ) uuuii eitiio
liii , hiforo I ohtaitics1 relief , nutd iii three situl. ' thou
h. the aforeahsi aliumuemuts hal dsaitItearesi , anti I ii
tl , . el Iitca.ill ) , aitti us a luufic.i ii itui ties life ,
ii I. i cttuiiieitunu iii ltimiiiesiti again , si luiclu iii one Oh
[ ly .uthtjectii multi to I rainti iii uuii hiiiol , ' , si htit'iu a re ilI.ely
ItAl aifuct thu kliliuuyt' , , uauus I ) ' : Enctiuu tslu grau ) mu :
ii teici hiouto hues' ' . I I muutt'ti Ituruietl muoss iccuilsicu I
go iuuist hutmuttcuii liuitu itt iii ) , ( nihJiIltt if iuicsllciiiesi ,
cIa siotulti not be siltitout it , uuusl I ejaetfuihly situ luemu
ii I. II ) rutu'uiiuuitieiusi It to all is ito am a I riiuiinl vit ii ulisca ,
of uti it liuer , i.iduicy' , or laminar ) ' triIztuiw , It mtuscr fit
to umiru , ¶ 1 L'etutuu ShaLt
I it .
- - -
'iii TOWN C.HK FOhtTY-T'O YEtR $ .
'jilt fdiuiu'iulg if Oomii air. o1uin ( Iuu'.r , thu ' .st
it's i.uuoss ii mumul I tiseetei ' 1(15 Ii Cieu I , Nors Id , , Cot
Mr. ( Jaxer l bO cans niti , uutii I et hells tlul j ositi
I ,
it of I I nit for 12 y ear , , uitu.I iii is ri u a . lto&i l I
Itl ;
iiitii , ( lit May tu , 1S3 , Ito tseltuuu fuilot. ; 't
U ii tar , I haimu i.tiLioruj svjO , slhtat , f thu Iiiuusi ; : a
ay liIttlier , usa I hiss o ito hueItauie ii rocomnuuiumuul I
is uiuit'ti lttuuuuiiy it a ti1tcIflo fur I Ii u ciumullaluit. ,
lii- Ii ii mutumily IsLet , thu iuieumt ni ri I .sImu moo of tex
lie t , , mit luas eurel a utumituhiin I uuty' uueunuIim Ii
1 o 'rila ) I itii i'rl iruiiIll4 thy itIu if tin eLI
iii I Tn .i . it ( ivtk , which I It is ii hell I t f.rtj'tw'o yea
I ig o liii ii I couull not lu 0 do is i.e I itt Lit it
led ituitu of htcuultht iii iuu Li , ( Ito mm'v ol I iuut. , Iteutuody.
Gill - -
' 1w JAS. IL PEBOD .3.
he Itetilcmuce , Nit. 1107 Jones hI. Ol , , No. igc' I"
tuut umm ateet. ( Putiec hour. , 12 rn 04 1 p. in. , sri
an. 0 ! ) ti I' ' . lii , 'Jele1ttutiu fur nihicti In. Itiideii
iii )
'flue u.n of the tersi " Hhor *
litie" imi eomuuiectliiui 5 % lOOt the
S H U Ri
corporate iiaiiuo oils grcttrnatl ,
coils cy an I.lea of Just what Is
rtIiuicil by tue teas i'lumjr ? iuih , -
lie. a i4it.rt lAuiu , Quick 'has.
LI I 11 E
cmiii the lest nt incomtimod-
U tloms , nil of s'Idcii are furmi'
ishirsi by thin greatest raiiwa ) ' in Arnrli'it.
Andit. Paul.
lttoums neil 0hCt(4 flier 4Mis.i iutiits $ of road in
? , 'tttlteriu Illinois , vI,5oii.tum , iliuimio'sita , Ioss'a antI
lhtknta ; aftti fl it.s tmtitlui hue. , hraticitos memot menace.
lieu. reatii all ( lie ireat liusliueiu centres of the
NtitiiWC't nuul l'ar Vt't , it itattiraliy iulswcra the
dusi'rittiuii ; if Short blue , omit first itoiitui Iiitwcn
Chtuu'itg.u , M iiausukcc , St. i'it'i % aumi Mluimie'aitollc
Ciilt'aguuMiluuanktu , i. % ( ssti auuil Vluioiia.
tiuieagti , Mitts nukee , Abemdtwui atil Elleuudale.
Chicago , Miisitihce , Eaui Claire mumil tilinster.
t'huieiti' , Mliuiauiitu'c , Vail'ati ittl Merrill.
ChIcago , M iloaiikau , licas er iiatiu cmii ( imdtkoihu , '
Chilritgii , MI1utuikcc , % 'niiie1iit anti ( ) eonoinnwto.
Chimgo , N Ilivalulico , Masileon niil i'rairiuidti Clulon.
Chicago , Milaaiiltte , Owatonna amill 'miiriiiauilL
tiiIcAitO , lichilt , Jamues tile auil Mineral l'oinL
Cik'agt , , Eliim , Itotiifortl iiuud lumhuquio ,
Cuultagn , ( Llntomi , hiocic lnliitti suit Co.iar itapihi.
Chul'agti , Coimiucii Illuiff , atuil ( imuuithii.
Cliicttgo , $ htii City' , Sitiui i'tiits anti 'aiukto , . ,
( imutagu , Mllwaiiliec , Mitchell ituil Ciumsunbe'rialmm.
flock Islinuil , ISihuuttiuc , St. iiiii amil MlluuucapslilL
I iui inpiirt , Ciehmuutur , 141. t'uOil aist MItumitn.oime.
I'iiilnuaii Sleepers aitdthclimiusit 1)imutiuCars lii the
isorli are rest sni thu iiutlmt llumcu of t lie C H I C AGO , , ( '
itn.i us cry' uttieuut iii , is Pail tti by court.- ; 15
Otis eitul1iy ( ti of thu tuiuamuy.
- -
. '
i , ; 3. MtltitiL ! , A. ' . Ii. CAiti'ENTnii , . e
( icn'i Muiiiu4tf , ( Ion'l i'ass , Agent ' '
J , 'm's ci.iti , ( I io. : I I. I I EA F'oiitl ) . .
' ' ' Uem'I , I'M' . Ag't.
uk'm'l , Sui1i't , , 'i't
. ' 44.
ti , ' .
t .
. ti
. -
S '
/ ,
' Ii " : :
! t
' - ' - .
; - . ,
, \
\SwiftS Specific , , .
lu mint a liuuuipIi if solos me , hut lu a u'Livti.ttlori
3 through I liii II.sI hit tif Outs uuntuutitreI Itavatfo. ii miii Isi
It t'tiuliliiCtU iiitt , , 0 t liii IliiI4 of iiitisl , itimi
Sklim ii iuumiir ,
: :
Si ) ilt'M HtitiIlu ii ' if OjiItii , si liki , Ii
I in , multi . ' uu miii' fici tuIly's Juts u ii ulTaul isItlu it for
4 mitlUm ) S tiurs , u trI.sii l1'(4rett itt iii ) ' llo'ticlaui.
. Iii iii all torti of tm catmimoijt. Iitt ti it u.lrl.ti : asuul
5 % 1mw. . I I r.suu to tittu Sn IIt'ti iciIIu I teas iii ii iutmr
. rilli tnuIitI.It hut thialuliM t. tluO' it meuuuusiy , I s .
mimi , rId of tlto illu.t'o , 'liteur l uiiiii (11111 , it ii tlmti
grcatust mie'lIeIuiu ii. . tIMte'u'e , mcliii I 1uoe auty svio
tlotmht , si ill write ti hit , .
I : . ( ' , , : . . ; . ,
u 'itrk'ivhIIe , liii. .
- -
Aft er siulterl ui to , iity'ult , U ) uIr : ssith a iiiiuiflul : .lry
tijtttjr , uuil tr'Iit milaut' ttlly.lli'Iltui'u , I Wttn at. lit4 ru.
1 ; lIes ci 1i I lie iou tif SivIft'M Siiei'IIli' , amiii cututftully ) .
I' titumiiiiiid It I. , all , dmuliarly , alillctesI ,
S I ,000 Rowtu rd s' ill him iitlil to Rim ) Clicutulist
stIuti is Ill huh , ttmi thu tituitly.i'u if iS ( ) ititttle'i S. 14 , 13. .
into isurtielo ti Mercuir ) ' , icallilo i'otaohiiumi , or any '
itillteiitl tilistutuuiu
'rail : SWIll' 141'ECIVIC Cu )
lnisser i , Atlanta , Ci. ,
. Write fir a co , y of Ohio iittlu imook-Ircu.
l'ritc uumali ijzi. , $ i .0) ) ) bottle. I4ergu aio ( hull.
lug tlonhle mjuiaiitlty ) $ l.7tt I ittle. All ( lruItiI st iuiiil
_ it ,
Jt J1 1
r 617 Sf , C/jar/os Sf , , St. Louis , Mo ,
A 1tlOULAII : GIOAIHIAT1' : of two mmiodleai c'tlicges ,
:1 liasu mini eiiapeil litmiger lit ( ho treatmuicuut ut CI I lION.
1 IC , Nilt'iI ( ) , SKIN ANiiIl.000 ! lkensc than ally
it iter ilm'slcIaIi iii SO , i.inil , a. Cl t ) aper. sltuiw amid s
till uiliI resIdents. kmmitw , t'uiisuiitntitii free aol iuvited.
. . Vlieiu It 14 huiu'om tuutu'uit tti sisit thu dO ) ' fir treat.-
inuiit iuiollelsitti malt lie ccitt it ) ' uiiall itr oxairts. . every.
55 here. Cumuli , cisc's guamamitee.i' viicru doimlit cx.
isti it ii finmikl ) tntcd. Call or ismite.
Ii Nirsott I 'rrutnttlmm , IclIlity , ) lemitnl cmiii I 'iuymuical
ii Vt'iuI.iicn , Meruiurlal auil , sillier atTuctliius f 'flj
1 % ' SkIs mtmiI Ilutco , Ilitsi I mmii unties auth liIsl .
imi , ' , Sklui mtultttltui , Oil Sire , mumuul ijItert , I unleii
lii macmit. tt , luirrliuu , I tlieuiiuuetiunm , l'Iles. Special - at. .
St tmit Ititi to cites. frtimuu iii niss uirhetilirali , . )41J ) ItO IIJAI. '
I' IJASEM rich ii s1echtl mttteuutiiuuu. Iiscaeu ) arI.ii
! ti frumia liii rutileitcu , le'essti , 1iuilui1iemcee ,
0 200liiwo.tIiowiuoio ;
; w oil toil. Many
. rCCU1)tii sili , may
c3-.E7xsI : . imuarry isltiimtanot ,
id why , clint' . , ttliusui1umtulcti : , anil u , mc. aIhisl for be
mu. ltu1stac tsr btuummlpu. 'kI&wly
of iifiiN
if. _ _ _ _ _
I , ' All Ito. . , io ttoi Ii ii. , . fli , . , Ar uir cu.I ire
, il. uIioipi. uw 1.ulsu 1I.kiiI , lril.ed , tid uaabuo is
I. i'rfrii uur' . ii . , i i , . , a. , I. . rusiilj s..4 irma-
iIy , , , . 'silts ) , tow.i t.idfri , p. I. , , icm.i h ) , . . , .
L'ti utit , , mi ii. io' , . . , Ti , i4..M . . , , I " Tb. oil S
plo. cISr.ilo x.'rv.u' . lIhlllu , , i'hv.I.i II. . pu , .1. .
ill ' .u1r..i..i I. $ a'iii ; si Alui.'lON 111,1.1's. " KV
huil. . . si , . , ' * flti , .r . rir , FLit , rr.tor. , i. , I. Cal . ,4 mr.
. rmi . , o.I'l , s. . i. ii , cItrHI. . .iuim am , cmu4
II. ' itoSl. . ii . . . .t Ii , . ) , . Cr. . ,
iso , .j'ox luiliv : ui , . . 4mm IT , Huh iii. , : u. , Yei.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to a mu 111,11 us U , ttt'os.
- . . . . ' . . , , ,
iuI , " I. i'i' % ' br p. 1
. - . A . t _ II , 4n ii ii ii , , . Ussk tt.
li , r i I , iit'i'ni . . . .IsiUitL
'uu , . u . ' .t Itlatuk , 'l.nui
mISIA illtfl into ) , iiu' , .ii.
rt. ' S. ei i ' ' , eim , , , m PitS ) .
i I . i 'm' i. .i'.tlng
em ' ; -9 _ _ _ iiii.'t , II. , ituu , ti'
1 t t I I , , ISsitu , ,
'I. ' 'S lliI I I ' 'it
ii , , , "liii Instil , ' 1.'uo '
111 , , 1st mtI''I ii , it , . 'iii iii.
S , t 'liI i"oi , It'It ii blur
In ' i' I' . . ' ' I , , , 101M.
. ,
t I II .t ' a , Situ , , umiuu , nidm- . I It estt
ill LI II' 1 5 iS I St Iitt it. . tu , t ii 'r' ' ' ill
lit. - - -
(1mm I a
Ili J . . ,
'or ExpertBook-Keeper
itg " l'rieOk'.ai lmook'keeuer user thIrty years.VIIl
mutteill tit Jalitliu lug , ) ) psnIum , nut Cluahit Ukm
I 0 llioiiiti muiema ( iOu luiti e thitilr biitti ! k01't litVd up a
ri multi ) atalluali usiemoc. l1'ill strut , u ' eutiimi fluid
. retmi rn itk lii miiornlii huemi reltulu ii i. ( flcs in-
iii. I u.truchiumiu , amid tturmuiilii , bltuiatlous . , All work cuuili.
Cu S , lViltiltl -
r ( illicE , 1510 IOUUIAS ) S'l'ItKl'I' , OU. HA. '
. ' .
air - - - - - - - -
: ' G. W. ROSS , M. D. ,
1. Physician & Surgeon - I ' S.
, I ( IFFL'-lUTit ANI ) WEI1STEIO ii'l't4.
( a , ( ) mhiiu ( itSi mdl hmiur. , slay amid mmlghlt. Cnliii attemidul
to 110111 cIty amid COtiilIT ,