- - - - - - - . . - - - - - . ii-7 n f fiIII : llAILY BEE -UlfAilA , TIILTItSllAY , AUGUST : ) . 1383. CRAY'S SPECIFIC' MEDICINE. TRADE MARE ; Tm 1giet lrn TRADG MARK I.t.n Itewam . .1n g unlaflingrurofor - Seminal N'cak f % nestpcrmntetr hrnImFstenry , And e11 Ifl en + es that rollun n , n ' ! ( vptenro of srlt lfemorr , Itnher ' ' RIFORETAIIIIIO * allnsdtndePainAFTER TA61N0 , 1 ) nthaItael ohae + , of VIlonPre111alllreOIdAgo , and many nthcrdl + raci that lead to Ipunlty or Con. sumptlon and n i'nmauno ( Irttte. HswAns of athertl enruta to rehmd money , xhen druggmta from whom the mallnn. M bmlght do not refunds Lot refer you bt the nnnullat + jun , Mud they rnpulreoent , arc etch llidt tlaiy are it ) urn , if e'er y eomplled with , n + ti , ud4h'nu mm + ttvr..t t.Inl t of me slu'tlu I.aekagu tt ioiy a + yv.ilk wMl ( tnthav the moxt.keptlcal ntyni n.t1 uxr n. I On nccouut or rylorurtukn + , wU nano alopte I Hw 1 cfow wrapper ; IIi iiiI gtnlill u t4rFullpttlkndnrs ii our pslitgbkt , ' hk i wo do. 1 afro n send free 1 > ! > ofl f < r eYe y + utu. a1 T e tps dtlc Slnllctnu tt' s.tl1 ti sal tktpait c at $1 jar inch. age , or sly parkas .t ht tG , or wdl ba eeltt frtc by i mafl on the reecla ( oL4rta m rttyl ; by nddre..nh TIIImVSnOt(4Nnui : , , utaklln , ' . V Sold in ( hualm by C. k' . ( ko YnMl , Jr n fli&i , co ' l ( , rnRINrANT9 INVA e { h Duly Perfect substitute for Mothcr'e Milk. The rwetnourislling'Ietfor ' inra1hI and nursing ntothcrx. ( lotnmended by 1111 1'hveldans ) NttnaltclhntteM. SoM all dntggIPt , . 1cruts , See for the pamphlet 'F.METCALF'&CO. , , , me tuath 20t 41 Oentrnl wrhnrf , ilurton , Ma + , , + d. T1ePubficartyursttdCurcJuftyfonnttce th , . ntwanduMrped Sehcnetobedrarn Month/v / S i Z TCAPITAL PRIZE $7Booo , Tickets Only i0 , Shares in Proportion. j Lonistana State Lottery Companq "uu doheehy artV/ that uerupert ( Ne the m ' ranyenente For all the Monthly and Seni Aouual f Dratol + Ig , o the 1 at Coip ' N emit State Lotteri inyi add s pe , s + m rn pa and trod t IV t tAevaetetandlhatthesane art conducted with ' i ? y , fatness , and in good Jnith toward all var. tIeRand we authorisethecoinpanyto use thisCer tV 01e , uifhac einlitrs eJ our Niynaturea attached , an rim adoertuenlnttN. " ' tk - ! ' y Giumselo5aaa. incorporated In 185 for 25gcara by the letdelature tovducatinnal and chnrltahlo pnrp > oos-tsith a cap. 1Wuf81,004Z000-towldcha rceeno fund of otar 4650o09 ha , elnce Pwu nddcd , Hy an orcrwhewing popolnr late ( t , fmnchlse was made a part of the preNmlt stalu cunstttuUon ' adopted December .d , A U. 1570 . The onty J.otfery ever toted wt' and toned people aJ any etate. it necer&afre or Postpone Its grand single nwnbor drrtw ings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPI'OItTUNITV TO WIN A FOIL TUNE Eighth Grand 1)rawiog , Clawt 11 , at New Or. tans , TUESDAY , AUOCHT,14 , 1653-159th Monthly Draxing. OAPITAL I'ltiZE , t'76,000. 100,000TICEET3at FIVE DOLL.UtS iACir. : rac : timns , in 1'Ifthe lu Proportion. LIST OF rnIo. . 1 CAPITAL I'RIZ.1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :75,000 ' . 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,010 2 I'111LES OF F11N0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 6 do 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 Y 10 two 1000. . . , : . . . . . . : : : : : : : : 10,000 ) 20 do 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i0,000 q1 . . . . " 0,000 900 do elm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 boo du 511 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,009 loon ilo 26 . 25,000 M I'HUCIM 4TlOS I RIZES. 9 ApprudnmtIo I prircv of t'7t0. , . . . , . . . 0,760 9 do do 600. . , . . . . . . . 4,600 do do 250. . , . . . . . . . , 2,250 t ' , , , $ , . Appllmtlon for rates to clubs should only be made z' to the otnco of llle Coiiipa ly in New urlcaly. For further Information write clearly gIIng hell - " ddross. Addressed I' . 0. Stoney Orders ur ltrgiN / ( s end Lettere to t # ) , xi : OI1LF NATIONAL iIANE , Ncw Orloau + , lm. Ordinary cttcrx b ) Snail or Ixpresr : to 1 M A. DAIII'IIIN , IL A. DAUI'111N , Ncw Orlcans , La. 007 Seventh St. , SVn binldon D. Q 1 f LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO B. Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Formerly 310 and 212 Uruadwny , N , V. ) Now Manager of Chicago 081cu To xhen apply for infarmatlon and llclccht. 159th Monthly Urawhlg , ' Tuesday , August 14. First Capital Prize , ; 76,000. Ticket5. Sold In Etfthsat ei each , Soc full scheure el d wed&Ast w.bw 1 - A Shin or Beauty is a Joy Forever. DR. T , FELI 1' GO'UHAUD'S i 1 Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. TLeOriental Creaut l'urifc.aswe11 n , Dcatttlflet the Hkin , IAnraset Tan , Pimp's , Freckles , Iloth pateller null elrry hlcntlah 'i nu lraaty and , i3Cr- de9cs dctco , thou , It has lf , shxsl the test . , uf90yvarsaud " it x11 harndrse - 4t' , l'L' tnfite n tU + t , prepnratlbn h . . . g . pruperlymade , . . Accept nu , , + rvnntcddt at' F 4 y ' , .melds nawu , S tU' . , . ' r. - Tha dlattto ft ) to alady o ! rh o IIAU Tex ( a patlont ) : "As you ladks will u + u them . 1 recetmnend'Oouraud'e Cream' es ihu lead birndul l. ' of all the Skin prepnratluua , " One bottle alll laxt N .tx month. , uehlg it every dey , Alto I'oudro Jun ' the removed wpertluous lialr without hujary to the ak , Mts 3 ! , B. T. GOUIIAUD , Hole Prop 44 Hood i/ Ht , N. Y , Far .ale by all orugtbti and Fancy OooJe .eal era throughout the Uulted Htatee , Carat and Europe. Lt'Itewarenf laeetntltatinne. $ i,000rews for arrdt and proof of any ono.elling the same , 14.wcow Iuo 2t rw flm . gtTT T VAPOR COOK STOVE I 1 yet ) lr7i , zJ Il ! ) A. Ill # / _ _ _ _ _ _ True l'Imwor and only Paper Caul Store that h stood the te.t of years and gneu unUr0 anti prte satleiactlon. Over 100,000 Now in Use I Flow Patent Hull Ovon. ratant removible and Interchangeable Jet Oriflce rendertL our humeri indestructible. New One \'alv ' Burner on Iwo New Htoses. flew Satet lteaervolr. For summer use these stoves are IndigonsaLl e 1'.r tams to a enla price list and catalogue , Address ) LULL VAPOII STOVE CO „ je dslydeYm wie1 ( Jlnelaed 0 MILITARY MATTERS. Intcrestla Facts Rc ardin Army DEscrtcrs , 't'he Lft.I Millers l otit lh'pnrtnn'nl Ilumulqunrlels. The descriptive list of duserters fu (1w ' ) upartuwnt of the I'latto fur ihu quarter eulittg + 111110:30 : , 18x:1 : , fled u hu arc Stfll at large sluncs n total of eiglltytivu uatues Of this nauibur ( lerutaly lulu New Park slate head ( he list with nun' Imaues each. linssnchusette comb unxt with 8 , 1'enrls'lvali1 furnishes 7 , Ollfo 7 nlul Ireland (1 , I hreo wyd ru Canadians , 4 English , l to S71'195 , 1 was f oiti P111651.1 , 1 from Fnateo , 1 trout \Vnles , I front S s edetl , t ? front Seotlnnd , l Gam .lashnt- din and 1 front fur away mills , lhtine furnished :1 : , Verulout 1. New .1ursoy 2 , Delaware 1 , District of ( 'ellnubim 1'I'en- , nesseu 1 , Jlissuuri 2 , Georgia I , Iowa I , 1Visconsitt 1 , JFcltigittt ; 1 , IIUnoia " , lu diana 8 , llfary'laud 1 , heuhtcky 2' , Thirtyt VO of tin , deserters hod blue eyes , 2io Ind gray eyes , i hod brown or hazel eyes , cue hod dark cyt s nud Otto 1111(1 black eyes. Fortyeight haul biriwvn hair , whllu that of role was red , ele et light , six auburn , eight dark , tun brown , (1)10 ) Randy' nud one fair. The fifth cualry last twenty-lire melt by dcsertiou , the fifth artillery stx , the fourth infantry tweutyonc , the sixth in fnntry nitteteeu , ( lie suventlt infantry eight , 011(1 the ninth infantry six. All wore privat but two , a corporal nud a traatpetot' . 'l'11ey repn seated all bakers near. 1y't Mice1's + cooks , tailors , , zar1pall- tern , wearers , teamsters , blackslllitlis , barbers , clerks , firenun , sailors sand sol- diets , oue embroiderer , painters , brake- m011 , farmeruo , etc. Various distinguishing tuarkM ale given , Ruc11 as Hcars , 111(11 * ink marks on various parts of the body , stoles , vaccine ttuuks , nud birth uinrks , 'Toy arc of ail ages nud sizes and scattered tered from all rho posts in the depart- ment. ment.Major Alfred 'P. Smith , Seventh infal try , lutvitu reported far duty is this db- ipartulcnt is assigned to duty at Ft.Wasli- aide. paragraph i , Special Orders No. 03 , current series from these hcualquarters , directing Cotmiptaty 1 , Fourteenth infantry try to tike stattiun at Ft , D. A. Itussell , Noy , , is huroby so nmeulc(1 as to direct that coup ny to take station at Ft. Frexl StASCIo,1Vy0. , iustead. Paragraph 3 , Special Orders No ( i2 , currvut reties from these hemdqumrters , iucreasfng the bread ration at Ft , Me- liiaieyVyo. . , to tWeitytW ( ) (22) ( ) ounces is revoked ; the ration of broad for 155110 to the troops at that post is herebyy fixed itt twenty (20) ( ) ounces , hospital Steward Max Arcndt , C. S A , , is hereby rolieyeti front duty with the troops Oil 'rhoruburgh road add will proceed - coed to Fort Ottulhm , Nub , , reporting on arrival to time conmemuding ollicer of that post for dutyy thereat. The 4 tuarterutaster's Departmmtt will furnish tilt necessary trauspttrtatifln , 811(1 the Subnistence Deparhneut e0nnnutntfan of rations for the journey if it be iun praetieablO to carry cooked rations. The following maned mcIt enlisted at Ports Douglas , Utnh and Omaha , Nub , , 1(1 0 assigIled as follows : Edward hymn to COn11La11y 11 , pith Itt falltl'y. , lauies Flood ht time 4th Infantry , The Contlaauling Ollice' Furl Oluaha , Nob. , sill scud Private lmuisICortum aim , Jr. , ! ) t)1 ) Infuultry , ( ru e listed ) to time station - tion of his regimeut by time first favorable 0ppflrtuttity. 1lnateBeljaninNichols , cnutpauyB , t' ) th 111famtry , is as6igtwd to duty as IIns- pitL1 Stewad , third class , ws itli the troops on Thurnburglt road , and will report to time cnu uuuuliug ollicer of tlnlse troops 1 for duty. Bh"f.IIL roll Tlli : RIFLE CUNTIa'I' : . Scigcait 1 L = 1 , Junes , truup 1 $ , 6tll cavalry ; Sage ant J , A. Corbett , troop IC , 6th cavalry ; I'iimatoV , pray , troop li , 6tlm ea alrv ; I'ri rate .I , Nilul , trtxp L , 6th cavaly ; I'rieato : , Edtvardr , trnup 1 , 5th cavllry : ; ilirnte H. ( ' . 5uro0va , , trop A , Pith cavalry ; Sergeant .I , .I. Ilavill , cummuuq F , 4th iufluttry ; Cot- ural P. ( pttnlau , conunury Idllm / iuftntr.Y ; ' ' % 1. . 1' , Loose , ( uuquly 11 , dtlm iufnutry ; I'ilvntu I' . iuuahuc , cunu uuly I ) , 1 ti fmfaut- ry ; I'r8ato P. U. I'oud , ennuir uty II , lith ta- f muty ; J'Iiv'nt0V. . U nyio ' , conipary 11 , lith iu- ftutry ; Private U. I''ICmiser , enuuruny ( i , pith iofluitry ; I'aivate .1 , 11arris , cougtall y li , ftlm infantry ; First SergmuttVnu , Ii , lidlvads , crlmpamly 1' , 7tht infnntry ; Sergeant U , Syfnr , anoplV : ) = 1. 7th infantry ; I'iirato I Jhulglc , rouqany Is , 70m iufnutry ; I'riratc.1. 11. Brio , com pany II , 7O1 imfuu- try ; I'inatoV , UcOauul , eullquuly ( : , 7th infoutry ; I'ivntoi. , ( Clark , c nnpduly:1 , 7th slfutry ; I'rivumto .1 , Grob , cuutpauy H , 7th iafultry ; J'IIv to II , I' . Stiuc , cuulpu.y : IC , 7th Infnutry : I'uivato 1I. StorcrosCnmummy fl , 7th infantry ; Sergeant = 1 , fern , ct uumuS 11 , ! ) tl1 iufnutry ; Couppnrltl C , E. \m1tz , Cnmt Irwy 10 , ! Ith infnntry ; I'rircttu \Vestnuul , cuuif til' II , ! ) th hlfuItry ; l9ivuto'I' . Ilugles , rompmty l1 , ! tth 'unfunny ' : I'Iiratn 31. JL trullue , ( madam ) ' U , tILl. iii fnutrS' ; I'lirttu : ( ' , AV , AYilson , roai11ut ) ( i , title Ii. . flint ! ) ; 'I'rnmulcter I. 'I' . \\8T11 , ( nalpuly : 1C , 11th in- flint. ) ' , Ctrs detailed for duLy ii. cnwlectinim with depa1imteut Iifkl cuute.t , add will b0 sent by their islet camunnudanl to tep.rt , nt FoiL lhunhn , Nub „ by Suptenbcr )0(11 , 'itiwt ( , finch lullut n ill Iitiag thu bcddiug lto0essury , 'l'1113 fulhoving paned nun , enlisted at Forts Douglas , L'tnit aid Oliuilua , Nub. , Tara zIRsipllel us frllaws : Clive Stet mrt to time lull ill fnnh'y , Fordimmii dV. . Cluu'ch itud LimwolII Jinu'ch to ti 10 4th infantry. Sulltcict cause hay inlg bt.0u shotvim fur his inability to pry' Iris ow li uxiu11sos , under pt'ori5folls of army ) egulmtiins , ' 2011 thu tIimrturnlastet's tie- pm'11graplm ; , ( ( - pnrtulent will furnish trnlspnrtItioli fr'mn ( Jnlnlln.Nub „ to Fort 1) A , Russell , 11 y u „ to Musician Chnrlcs A. Aekermnn , c1uljany II , 0th iii fmntry , a fit riongllud Rnldler without 11108115 to joill his station , Jiajor.1. II . 'I'nylttr , mssisbultuljuhult geleTtl , will , ill cnu1)lituice with time in- Htrncli(111s herctofnru given by the tie- I umrtnlmnt cutnnauldor , pracuod via Carte r Station and Fort 1hid"er , 11''o „ to Fort ' " , Call , aime1 on o f the duty nSAigllett Jllllm drill i'cttll'Im ti his istittiou at tltesu heudg11nrtori. First Lieutunamt I"ai.icis Jfichlm , Loh diiVmimy ; F'ilst 1 = haltelalt 11ml IIIIR ( i , ' 1'owUsuud , Utim infantry ; first . nut Charles IV. 'ilasou , 4th infumtry ; First Lieutennut i tlwi11 I' . Andrus , frti ( cavalry ; Second Liunteulnt Albert S. tlc utt , . ) th ittfantry ; St.c rani Liuutel illitJaiies .Oondiu , 7th infantry ; ar detatlud as IlSHlstant'4 it low dul.al tnmunt etampetitioIm. 'Thug will report for Uri H Iduty itt 1'urt Onimllm ; , ! l , , , by Sopten lies' 10tH next , - _ Card , To the 1.iltor of lulu flee : At a mass meeting of time colored pee plc of this city , a committee was appoint . ed to arrange and 11lanngu an onturtain Went for time benefit of tllo delegates t/ the National cuvettion of colored ale t to meet in Louisville , Ky. 'J'hfs enter tainlnent fell into the hands of Sirue U 1 Bell , .1 , 11 . 1'arkl r nud Simon \\'illi01as , This eoinluitteq received many' (1(1118t ions to help the enterprise , and itt every wvity' is b all except Bull & Co , 1)nlnotutced a sli tesn , rindlime nlblic hn3 not heavy enough front thmu to knot. whether they prou0uuced the mntertninment n success in n financial pout , nud the public is l' tiently waiting to hoar Gran then. If tile ) ' do not soon make public net item. izmi lelport , duo plo will beculnu suspte ions of g Lein g rotten fn 11er Mark , t JLtN .tNU liltOTlnu. . - - - - A 1Vord of Caullein , Unilreol nlcn , lnechnnlcs , cmntnerdal tlm tier. . , Lae Ii 11itt , , fnrtnec , nud others w'bo lalmr out of dune , an , pecullarl' liable to hl tidentanliajury' . 7'/sutra' Llrtrtm oif for brui + e + , Loral , bites anti s lrahlt , Is on o of tom tiuert nppllcatonr ( Vet tlstlvtvl A NEW CHURCH. Ma llif cant StrlCtllrC to hC El'ccto In North Omaha. The I'utnrt' untie al' 1VomrtiI , holy Fmumlly Church. It will be n matter of surprise to tunny of cur citizens , even to thosa who generally - ally take an interest in ruligioas mattes , that in the north part of this city a beautiful - tiful new church is 5(1(111 to be unrolled among time roligiaus strmlctllr'es of this city , This edifice is to ho IGww n 115 the church elf the holy 1""atmily , add is situated - ted the southeast corner of 18th and Izard streets , 'Tis cintrclm is time out. growth of time religiuus interest ( lint has hest awrnkenC(1 mnung the peuplu of tha t pmt of time city by time .lesuits , u'ho hav e es tiiet e beet in charge for but n few yea s back. Time original culreh of time parish , 1n historic littin structure , still 5(1(11(13 e 1 time corner of 27th 1111(1 Comings , nn ( 1 services are still being lmelel iu it. llut i t wvill be put to other uses about time lirs t of October , wlmeu it is 0xpoctod th 0 structure under cmlsidertiet' will b e opm1Od to the public , R'nF : NRw' cmulm'n is (110 feet wide by 100 feet bug. It avid I anisistof two stories. Iii the first o f these will be five large rooms mod a clap el. The fortmwr will be used for school purpase3 nud will accoi unoelato 800 chil Bret. Iii the second story will be th c clumrclt pr(1por , divided into auditorinn m 1611(1 raumetua' ) . Time latter will be raised 1 about one foot above time rest of the floor , and iu Width will be 50 anti ftt depth 2 4 fact A beautiful altar in gold mid wimitc finish. ° 0x21 feet will be erected bore. On either side of time structure hill be a capacious niche , in which will be placed nitters of the Blessed Virgin anti St. Jas. 01)11. Beitind these uicmes will be time restHes , in one of which time clergy and in thli ounce time altar boys will 11(1)0 , 'l'imo altar rail will be of black walnut. Time auditurnno will be of the oimtire width 1 F the building nud 270 feet long. It will 1)o RUlplled with Jlews of ilaCk lwtlnu mud ash , and will seat oN I : TI IoUSASII 1'1:11m'Id : : . 1mmediateiy ore' the mein emtrutee will be placed time gallery , which will nccommodate nbuut ; 00 people. 't'he roof w ill be supported by trusses of the English coinbiuation style , 't'hey ' will l 1 visible std he highly flrnaulestud , 1uu add cnusideabiy to time cllcet prxludc ( l by the fresco , with which the telling i tube decorated. 't'he western cud o f time building is to be snruttnntted by a beautiful tower 1'20 feet high , decorated with uruunustal' : finials and buttresses. lu this tower will bu a bell of lthmut lOt ; pounds. Thu facade of time building lwil 1 be beautified by soc , ll UlOMlrrall',1I ; , 1)lsiiINS : , lvorkul out in time Trod pressed brick , o f wimlch the ditucim 13 to rw brat. Jt evil I also bo enriched in applarulc U by a large-sized St. Cathmriuo' Ug windorof stainedglasswhicnvihlhuisscrt cdCqui diStnutbatleemI timopedimmueimtof tilt porch and time summit of the gable. Oven the 1118i11 untrtmcu will ho : um ornlaueuhi I potdm : wit Oil either 5ido of it , aim ml trailed will 1(8(1 to the rooms on the firs t floor , 'I'iie buiidilig wVlLL ltd : Itleiml.l' IJHIl1'Ih : by 28 wittdows , of stailtel glass , time hatter tor adding A ) time bemilty of time strlmetllr'e , 't'he ' church is iii the Uoliic , style , au 1 everything cnneidered is oue of ti mu of the kind iii time city. It is also chaste iu ( leHigu 1(11(1 most solid iii con strttctiolm. It is built of Ontaima red pressixl brick and is ornnm0uted with beautiful cul stotw lrittouiugs. It trill bo heated by stuuu , time boiler for which t 1)111'1)050 ! 3 e'Cetod 111 the base111Lllt. Ens J of time ehurci is Till ; I'.SSTOIt.tl , IIIHIDI : N't i , three shn'ies high , std 62xbll feet , 'i'imis i5 of the HattlU material mu time cimurcim and hunuwizes ; wvith it in appeauvlce. 'I'ilu ' cost of both church attd resi deimco , including time flrnituru , vii J l $25,000. . . 't'his would seun I i)0 a 51.11111 ligur0 for so Imuiel1 work nut 511liuleh of general excellence. And , nl though , that Hour , 5(11110 tiu.e . sineewonl ( 1 11ayu been considered di very great tine it drink of vi Lit wilier to build a cum'ch it thnt part of the city , it is 110w lightly considered wlmmm time poopiu sue the re turn they 1(10 reeciyimmg for tilo11 nunwy 'I'his eithusiasml is largely dime to Till : ENEItIY OF FATIIEIL snAFFRL , time pastor. It is nut iumprohabie this in but a few ) 'ears the presort strucCltr u will becoulo nuulequfltu to time Wads o time parish. But when it doom it is Imo l that time expediuney of the pns tor twill be equal to time energoncy , Messrs , Cloves Bros , , of Ol.Itlul a time architucts and time Hupurimmtuuduuts o the building. It is n specilnun o which they Imlay be proud , 'l'imey coum nlwtced it in April last and expect it is ho ready for occmmpnncy Joy time first o next //ctaber / , T11F9 STOIttl. It Ifelpsw Slnrl (110 ( % S'ol'I of Mean IngI'aroun ! + U'enI , : lbouthfti cloek'I'ue , elayuvelingattnrili sl + , rlu of ruin , ncc mlpaniecl by vivo Iighlniug ttnd heavy thnnde' , struck ti i& A perfect deluge full for two kohl's Iuld hlooded seveuul cullers , iucudtu' Ilelhnal's , in which shout tlu co foot set tied , Fwd wias punglud o11f by lion Hteaumie this Inorlmina. ' 1'ho + , nud twaM wit5hud np huvenl iuchUt dcoiI turd the slreemt soflemed up fm ( h wink which be6gun om it ttt da ) ' , 1'holnter Hfalu FapoNlllon , CInoAno , August 8-'l'imo annual inle ' Htatu expo5ithlli will (1pun Suptenbcr t and continuo till October 20 , 1'repara tlvns for it are now in praru55 , BROWNEIL HALL. The Conttioas Ott Which II Accepts Jnd b c Woolworth's ' Gift , 1Vui k nm the t'rernlrw U ) Ituglu 'I'lls 1'1111 , Sipco the recent utuctittg of the hoard of Trustees of Brownell hold , at which limo generous proposition of l lute , , lmnes \ \1'o(111s et tlt to douato a valuable site for their nett school buildiugs teas ac cepted , ti 1lM lili : ; ieportor lens been per. mitred to see time ngreeuient uneit r vimidl time transfer , eossisluig of t velru lots in Oakhurst addition , new 1hlulsconl Park , was uutde. Thu ngrouulet is oule cd iutu Lctweutl Mr , and illy'oblwnVth , ptulids of the fist part , Ilrowiuell Ilull party of the second part tutu 'l'ime ' Cathedral Chapter (1f time 1)iueese of Ncbruskn , party of time tlmitrl pert , Thu Bond of 'I'rmstees agrees fu eou eliUnttiOtlof ( time trousfe uamednbuve , nn or before the 1st day of Nov'ontber next , to crier up(1u the abo'o described n'uu1 ises 111111 cult etltnil trees bl utsil amid shn ubs not necessary for urumneotal purposes or shade amid to grub lulu donut out time Touttd of the sauue , duel to prePiur it to be sown in llltle L' nt.s. Also feulcet elm time , Irelmises with a substalitlitl fence. 'l'ime further agree to plrlcumv draw. its ill tri dicate of time elevitttou of a hliilditu1g lit for n boarelub ( sound for girls , to cost tint less tiImtn & ( ( , ( < ) widen completed , amid by' resolutio11 of the board of trustees alfl pt the sltlmle 115 is lIre posed school bmill.lid . ' 19uty im6nroe within a 'ear from Not' , 1st to couuuewu time orectmou of said building , and witllitt two years trout Noy. 1st to cottgdelu flute wing at a cost of not less duct $80,000 , immd occupy the snumo for a period of Ill- tuei years , pa } ing all taxes and legal as SeSsllletts ntnilo during that time , A failure to coum l wfth 11tty' flr All o f these various ref Iiirmnetts twill forfei t their title to the , whielm umny tu 0 taken possession of b' the donor or his heirs , aeon [ ) ' as reasuuulllu vadu o for iuglrovonlont8 lllllde. Lt' consideration of the se oal promises undagremumlts undertakerthu'niheelrn ( chapter agrees h ) ncalpt and hold time title to tow prmnieuR iii trust , If at.auy timue within the fifteen year the tnumageulet of Itrowneli hull fail ti keep nud maintain a school as n + riuire 1 t the prepcety shall be reconvoyed to th donors free of all iueuubrutces. itut i time 581(1 parties of the second amid third 1 part or uitiwr of tbetti shall uuaitttnitt time said school for the said term of lifter years them the reversietnary interest , fl f said parties 1f time first part slmall cease enmd dctorutiue. After the erection of said 1 bltildimmgs , if tow said parties of time second 1 and third part sluall 1hm1 it iuexpedielt tt 11uainhtin said school t'mey ' or cithur fl then shall have time privilege of buy in r 0 said 1n oumises for temi thousand dutlmtt " { pith iutetst ; ( ] em date hereof. SOUTHERN SOLDIERS. WI10 0 arc MarchiCb oil to thiC Sea , Underni' R11uner of'4lndern'Ini ; hl bond. Ahmust eee'y tiny' WU mre called 1111(11 to clu'nuiclu time 8rrival iii time city of i bntt811inu of 1uigllts 'I'eugdnr fmun ) sotlle part of the u11iun , lint it is suiduu mitt plensmt : n pa ly is smut , Ims that wvimid yestutdny cauw i11 (1Im the \Vabasim from NarUl Carnliultaud lmst'rennessee. 'J'lmuy uumt with bpd luck (1u time rnui up , it tsasliuut near Jlnlrelal , Iolvm , do luyilmg therm mot that timey Imlissed tlm uve lattd conncclion , Ili fact tow trail was obliged to bock np to ihu juneliin ' 1111(1 COImnu ill ( iii time C. , It. S Q. track Thu Union I'aeiilie had made h , scud them ftin eid at tilde ou 1 5pedlml tlittll I s t Oye1'1tko the regular , bu they preferred as Inug as tlmy load hem loft , to stay over a few hours aiiel see time Cittu City , ' 1'Iw party consisted of twenty sevei Sir liuiglttt nud ladies , and tvias in churg u of N. Jlitigilt , U. I' . mgeuit ut Lumtisvihie 'l'imo ie'sUlnwi'1L5 1H r11ilIN'N : Sir : H. It , Sneed , pmrl5tu of l ottkout cum In1udrry No , i 1 , Ciutttunugid ; SII . \ ' , , lamp rnmnuandm'y , aw 3flss Jlmry halt , . 51r I'reed I' , Ilatcr turd wife , Haub , Sir (1 ( , 1) ) . 11errs and will , satnn. Sou. Sir .I. Jl.'I'hnrmhurgh , ryImteunbur .I rnuhresn , of Cunur 1111 Leon euumuuudmy U , Iwnxville. 1'minemt : Sir R' , .1 , Uulhraitlt , cnunmim(1dci I ui sumie , aedumiinulied by hiM tnuthr , tsift un1 si tem , Sir Stun iurr , nonce. Sir \V LVelci et' , sluuu , am.II . Si ice. I"rciiiii , \i'elcilem. Sh Jnhn 11. Ilrubsnn. Sirs ! Su'nlcshiro , 111giu aural Ulustnu , of Cy roil , cnuuuuldcry Nn. G , .1 hvlllo , Norti 1 Cflmmliimm , i Thu Chalttuuuga pn'ty took in Alnnl moth cave oD ( lieu road and joined the run I it Lnnimt'illu , III ( lmmhm they visited m U m Iiigh school grumtds mold nthur plflcc m of ittiurust and loft iii 8 p , iii , fur Dun t ur , Colol'adu Shl'imigm , nud otherp(1Jut5 when , they I1 to time Simlt Lmko City' for d futy days mind Will roman Sinn Frasmsc(1 of time 18tim , the day bufou ( lieu O rmd dent t clmvtt begins , : lttothur Jager pu ; ty will punch phi f city to-day. t - : HEARTS OF OAK. r f A Grove of Druids Plalltcd in Oulaha I IIN mldyvn CriObraU'I .Viol. . a Fpl ( u .1111 Ilangiu'I Thu ( J1dur of iruiu s is lunollg th . Inayt aneiunt in ox ismtcllcu , antu dntiog aim oUm0114 except 1'roewmsonry. Irmidisu is alto ft is clnimud , ii mu of thu bunt from u telluilly , and itt its bunoticial dumarhn0s I (1110 of time heist knotrn iu this (1r mmi uthe' coUUtry , 1114 lucid bodies iii' cal toil ItrercN' ( : and Uiceu lll'e consult , dutOxl into " ( Irmuld Uloyus , " uith juiin n d diction co UxtunsiVO write ihu state ii r lylrielr they ore , those iu turtt huiug gar m med by Ulu Suprene ( l.iuid G rove tt thle United SttteH , F5 Thu oedul' is rpmitu stiotlg hl the ens o and has of into grown very fast in th w'etteim Htates , lows ham iiJliiiml ( Jrnv and Council IflulE' has 'I'ottatrutlamij Grow No , 2f : , " l' ) tip tits present till Nebraska mils had tot one grove Li ii coin No , 1' but inst. 11"h6 'l ou"ha Groru , NO , 2 , ' lyns orgtuiii ed w him inenbursimip of tIiiii' , an annsusl amnl SPECULATIONS , " ( loath nlotnlng , Mr. Ilflncdn ) l" "Vc , , fluty day ; "Tldnk fill rain fo dnyr"'Yell , hardly think It Nill ruin to day ; sell It stn ) ; linie mot. " "hand ) do , 31r , ( l , cold , J.ti tflr' "Vrll , ) M , i Ahonldssy It wat mid , " ( fate some snow I rrrkonY' " { { 'culdiil Nondct at all ; still ft dtxvit IoiIlkc silos. " "hello 1 , , going to get n frrerc , cult "No dunk uotlhhl ; + goingtnPlownpahis , . " Thcrc , whsro eni ru wrong , I tell yon Ill gulag to freer : " The obuec are souls of this' empty whim , and spew ulntiun , so often oil the tongues of the l' 'l'Ie , itur + tiou + of sltal huprrtaure and II filch. tile ) pro httl ulatd ) rontsntnlsuet. . n , Idrellh , uude , of Ih and lnmune it of dl + ea + e , tirein + + a1 ruse little , If nl alt , Ilex much woe eudPlo ttutdd to n query ! a ) fits ltd. " { I'e'llMr. ft „ lion I , your ( ' . 'o of dyyrT"Ia "ill tug one harp y nn found n remedy for It' Ur tilt' ( hie My ntrrnudkiduex ILI ) In their Nirk , I , them anurllrhwlust will a' + kl llleul In wre'ting on tures rrvpdrelttelltlr' If Mr. It. , or tuts other psrty nn'adnl hod uxvl Ilunla'k Ilhasl Itlner + pits aonld tcpl ) : ' 'e. I lmlu found n n nurly Iru , ' m olgtxwlclue that ha , loot IL null , , h hunr 1 , let iuuldthal lit , ' nyndntiun of Ihlnl uk Illurol multi fulllldtrf tllelt the.olld Moor of Fart , unlkri lo.usuit rltuehtrt II ) rhlnuo t'utnirtiuu , for nil dl orler + ari.tug Ruud or n. + t"'Inlet Nlih the .Loci and stolleuh , old + mrdlelnt'I , I el'ulintly nd.ptrrl , snit ghe + nn + aq tug , tli.fm'tlutl , be' of ehnrter tts'mbex fur lull secret eit'dllt' . 'I'ho grovel was instil 11teil by E. Hose. ernes , of l'uttnwuttmuio gm41TO , dislt'icl deputy etf learn , lull special a uunuissioner , ngpuinteei by the sulproutu burly of the United Slates to nlslthltu its first bntuelt erne' iii Ouutha , Jar. Jtosecltuts was assisted 1w J 1) , Nicholson , Nublo Arch ( If l'uttawietiamiet grofu. 'I'ho ' how grove hl'ro is COlll lased etf Idol' lending (1eruuut eitizous , and is ettlicel'e'ei ms fIlhpw's' ( August hiolt11e , 1)istrictlcptuty. Jttu ite'selste'it ' , NItthl Arch , lulitts Nugl , Tieu Nublu Arc. .Imcub Fnlnk'l'rrasurer. IIe lulut lt1vo11 , Soareutaey , 11 , llhuule , llunductur. Joe Samdufor , ltttter ( luud , lme Saley , ( biter ( limn , Clues. Simms' mend henry 1)iolzuu , Nublu .lrcit Supporters. August Suwlliug add JululVessmuul , 'ice Nttblu Arch Sumi au'tera. 'l'hu boll which will Ito electslpied at present ime that of Plmurut lodge No . } t F. of 1' . , 811(0.0 Chits , ( : ruclig's stoic in Jlilhu d hotel block. Thu first two degrees wino conferred (1n time chutrtor uieuber5 curly in the evening turd at 11 o'clock time grove met at. .1uhn 1VirtiiA t'estnurant , , hero they I Ixt dow11 to a sumptuous bauluut , a couple euf h(1mis huiug spent in tow dis I dI1A51011 of the rarities of tow season , in eluditig fresh oysters , which iwett wnsheel doss rill hue uld rhinu w'inu. Toasts nml speeches followed mud nt 10 fl'cflclk time greYu mdjonrneei to their hall , whore the thin nail Inst degree wiis conferred , It is probable that other groves twill be I flhlrteml 140(11) , alit l(1 ( r. } tosucritlms llrediCt5 that ant only trill OImUthfl lie proud of thu nrg1tti7 tent but that the tiumu is ant far ell'wimma a ( lrnud Geovu will be etr- g1sized in the state. t - DR HENDERSON I in nc : ' 'aItIe ' ' 'sl ' tee hmatull(151S ( ) nodwltuL1 yrnr.'practice 1x eh u ii h.tNHAN CI'I'1 , 520 , I t'hlcngu , + Anlharlred Ip the tate to Iits 0 ChnsdeNertouvaall'rhatudieensex y cAldhnlatlpflepvyllhcunmll : + nlt'ilcx I,1 ganpo soup , hrhmry end Shut he x 1' 1H. ' er as , Sculi nnlYelrk uesxuigilt ( lmnos ' ; + to I5onai Uchillty'iuvr ( ofsnsunt poxor rte. ( 'nrcvgnnnuderdurnuncyIifundud , t'hnqe " pun . 'Itlnnvandroftas rcmlri , Nillujurlouxuedl eiucvfurnidhcdoteno mllentcat n dinlancu. Cnu - I sldtlttiun hro nud rrobhlcutini x101 ur + tlltu ; ago not I nti eu1cm . arc lu1 lost 110)1)R ) ) fur hoth scam Iliuvtrat = - + ntuthrrIhhigs : scaler for two 3 rent etanp , . 1'iLll : : JILLSh11M f 1 nt iii oed w. . C 7 A , ' , Jt r A t 1 a f ; , U. . l i ate l ' ' t Il k I. 1) ) r s 1 , i 0 , 1 II , ) ) x I Sl'1'JSItwW f Port Grape Wine ( Card Intliupriudpul ehurhes for ennlrnumlon pu golNex. NCIIJJN'I' : : , I'llil.AIllKS. A N hWISA pi f h' J 1'1:1 : Ls0NS ' ANii TIIE AGID t f Spear's ' Pod Grape Yfi ne a loll It 'KA 111)1.1) . I Tonic and Sfrengfliemng Prop- ' ertre5 are unxnqaasirl h ) all ' other tinlh0 % l foe' . hclu' the pure Jnko of thu (1 rat. , 1riuiurod under 11 r Hpeer's awn prs.inul , time purity all , ge'unlurucss are gnaranttral. ' )1111 y'ouogc t rime ( mu rtakuafItt ucruuxgnatlticx , uud lhe xrakrs inlulhlecl Imo ft 0 , . It Id particnlarl Pent ihlalto thouaged nt11I dubllltated , nud 111601 to Ih tart"tmalluIuntxlhuteihvtthuxealersua , it is Ii i emer ) fesitt Lasum 'itl 111 : RIIJIIIFON-j- ; SI'EEIt'S . SHERRY. u 1 , 'limn I' , .I. HIIEIimty mN a wine of x u erlnr chnrw fe r p mud Itartulcesuf thurhh gsullllei nI thvkrapctoll CC hlt , it is uiwlu. I" r 11111'lilt ) , rhluduss , lialor au. - Iuullclu.i purpuxus , it 11111 he found nuuaurilul , t SI'1'Eit ' : S y u . 'Jut. braob htand'nurltabedlulndscnullrPohl i tar s , It Id a pmts df + tiliutlun urn ihu grope , sal cnm talus t cl uuPlu maliral , rtnJa'rncv ' f I lluru.leilrnlu lit' or , n udtlur t i p uat of ihu g rape meld h It I + dbtfllwl , + unt fit ii , gnat fn , auuIg , , Ilnl rlasx fuudlies , t Hsu that the pIgnaptru /tid'IIEh SI'iUhl ' : , I'asutc U N. H. , b stet tllu cork of uacit leolllu , Sold by Emnard iirils b Cu. , 31. Parr , Hrhrotor U llectdU.w'HatuJaoxl5Fur + llhnand III , 1'Ater. MRS. LOUISA MOHR 4 H Graduated Midwife a 1508 C11lifotlmia Strout , to TI , Flour I , rondo at Salem , Inettanhon ( 'or , N hraska , m the ( Ymtbinesl holler Stone 8ytaul , _ ! 'b t' glue I.NULUS1\'h . Sale of our flour to otte ttnn It. a ttl"s , wo hale opened a brunch et 1018 Capitol Ole l + t 01(15)15. N'rlte for I'rircs , Addres , either V 11Xj WI'IIV ZI t XLrUX'X. wl9nlFo en , tkslem or Omaha , Met . w s III. A FIANUI'ALTCIIEII OF 1aIvdI1iieEI IronCornices Nhidoyi r ! I > ' ; 1 9 Sklllghls tar Thirteenth Street set I I MAX MEYER & CON , IJFPOIt7'EItS OF HAVANA CIGARS I' ANI.1OIiltEltS OF DOMF.S'I'IC , 1 ti { I I 3 u 1'1tOl'iilETOItS OF ' 1'111 ; FOLLO1VING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AN1) ' 1'111 : FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CEN'i' OlGAltS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMi'LES. 1 m r F PiEII ri / a r Is the Sole ( gent for Ouutlm of time Celebatted 6i 1.1iC ® ,1" t 1 I 6ASOLINE STOYE ' , r ' ' . ' ' , is 'fill : SIMi'1.ES'I' And Will Cook a Meal as Quick as a Coal Cook Stove. 'I'hl' ' mvptl { Yill do mL. Ii list wo'k as it bmher'mi oven. 521 South Tenth Street. On Time--Small . Long - - Paymenfs. 1IEllhlfCtll1bO11S Frs. , { C N ioo I 16" ) U(1IOFISl'itl - - - Y - , I. 0. 1' I'SCO'I"I' . N , 1' , CITIt'I'ICI : J. 0 , PRESCOTT & CO. Wholoogralo nou.cl Itotn it . ORGANS ! . Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. l I RELIABLE X13. tYso 15tnto. ( ' .IILI. AND EXAMINE OCR STOOK oft SEND FOR 1'FtiCIS. N0. It3OU Farnam Street , - - OMAHA. CARPET . SEASON ! V I DETWILERt . ; , lnritosthu attotntion of them public to hit I LLarge an Well Selected Stock -OF- 1 e N' - . VV ) II ( Embracing alt the Late Patterns in everything in the 1 , Carpet Line , 1 r { ) I + I aild illdO Shades I bl t'9 : , 1 ) . l IN L5 It ( ii ( l AS'l'I'I'IiS ; ANi ) AT K r LACE CURTAINS A SP ECIAI9Tr ( tj r J L J.J rr JV V IL.J ! iEt 11313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb . 1