ti TILL DAILY BLLJMAIIA , 7.'IIU1t5L11Y , AL GUST 0 , 1883. TIIL OMAHA BE _ rubushed oTrt morningecept , Sumtay. The only ) IondF mornlug dally. RR11AT ) An. One YonL.u.g.Ploa Three Months . . . . , la.00 8IRMonthA , . . , . . . b.Q ) I One Month 1.o0 T1tR WRRRLT RRR , rLeweIIRD aVRRT.-DBRADA . ? MI M roATrAIe. , One Year . . . . . . . . . .tto ( Th reeMsnlhA. . , . . . , $ to 8Ir Monlhc. . . . , . LOU I One Month. . . . 20 American News lHmpanySole3Agcnta Newm + fen6 em in the United Staten roaaesroaDRtal A Cnmmunicatlone relating to NCWA and Editorial enatterahoiiId be ldre sed to the } : mroa or Ttla ; Is. ; euslxRti Lxttaaa. All audncss } , etute and nemlttanee , ; + hotild"he uldre + altoTniifl l'URtlmllan ( ) n/rAxr / , ( ) NAZI t Drafts , Checks sad rottoalro otters to be made pay. Rble to the order of the ronipany. THE BE BUBLISBING CO. , PROPS , E RosWATEREdltor. Tut ; latest fashion nowsfroni Ft.\Vaslh nkio is that the president still puts on his lint with a ahoe horn. FIFEEN : TIIOURANI ) cultured citizoia of Boston attended Dir. Sullivan's open. ing at the 11th ) ] mist night. ( Mas , LANnT1l1' is viaiti g the Prince of Wales nt Snndringhmn palace , It is ru morel that the princess decidedly oh. jecta. NlntllASkA'a ' nagnifocent crap of ( shall grain is nearly all harvested , and Ivithi a month of warm weather curl wi11 average fully 75 per cent with a nearly doubled acreage. There are no eigne of pauie in these figures PAYINf on the cross struots cony ho do. hayed this soasou on account of the dcci- aionin the injunction suit , but puhlicinr prorcmonts will progress all the more rapidly in the spring now that the right of the people to govern themselves under the charter has been vindicated. ltln'UIILIUAN discontent in Iowa in- t creases as democratic 1)01)08 grow atrong- or. The radical prohibitiouiats are throw. ing hlcavy.atrcamss of cold water which it is feared may col.plotcly drown' the ro- pubhican najority Missouri is the latest attto to prove that high license is tow best way to take the liquor question out of politics , Tnn pope is preparing n letter con- donning absolute divorce. 'Plc ' 1)01)0 must have rend some figures from Nu- braska divorce mills ill which six months residence and n pettyfogging attorney is all that is necessary to dissolve marriages that are ulsafisfaetoy to either of the parties most intereatod , 'rho case with whichfrandtilent divorces can be aecureti iii Nebraska is n disgrace to the stdu and tnattpt 91 g iinrnl eommmtt in other cghnniul44lieMt 4 " dYl AEC1tiTA1LY 1"OLOI IL thinks timid thin csti mates for running time govertlmutit tux t , ' year will be less thou at any tlitnu fat many years , probably in time neighmburhoou of $200,000 Ifo believes that tune riex t ( cougress will try and avoid a record fu oxtrtvagancu amid that hotli partica will b e on their good hdma ioe with ecolmoumy n their wntclmword , 'l'imo last spucionol o E democratic economy co qolled doficiuuc ) hills of nuuny milliuistu bu passel by tin j next congress. There is lmu ecuioumy it economy for votes olmly. 1T is Liam that our prupurty owners o business streets stopped laying woudui sidewalks , Now that we have waked iii to the necesairy of iiaki g our atrcet passable a crusade agdist village aide walks is in order. If the Colorado sand 514)110 contractors are anxious t ) do hind Hess in On ahn this is an excellent fief for thou to occupy. Thu Ft. Collin ( 5toue will du very well for flagging. A ordinance by the council foehiddiug th laying of wooden aiduwalka in time mini m miens centre would bo universally mmi p i proved. , Sonn of the true inwnnlness of thi New llampshiro fight , is leaking omit h which it appears that Tiir. Chandler we fmoro or less master of tow situation alto all. It is stated that a tadu was miuul by Dlessrs Pike , Chandler , Muria au Briggs by w'imieh Dlr. 'Pike was to 1 , elected t ) the smote ; Bums was to dim the lmonmiuatiou for Congress in the \Ves i cm district amid Briggs was to bu elect senator two yearn lmemco vvltun Tilr , Blair Heat boconmos vacant , 'l'imo other poiu included the uudiliputtd election of delegation to the next national Coil VOiltiOl which Secretary Chandler summit held ill direct , and n uuitud u11brt to secure f hint the chairmanship of time nation conumiittuo. lie is also to uanlc ii 1)o master at Coleorl , and select M Iiurfs' euccoasom its U itud Stotea mitt fey. THAT Peculiar tYlro of lawyer who it terests himself in finding heirs for chi less millionaires has a rupreseibltivo How York famed Wolf , and tow prey looted by this Wolf is time grout Goa estate , which Peter Goolut , uu uelog arias bachelor , loft to iris nephews a f years ago , Time claim is made byV that Dtr. Goelut nmarriod ill Indiana 1845 ; that a child was burl in 1847 ; tl mother tied child were slerlly uftur ported dead , which wan true as to t i former , but not as to the latter , ) cording to the revealed bt tile child , abandoned in diaiw , grew to WMnanhOOd a Harried ( Joorgu Myers , am(1 thus it thaj D1rs , George Myers now 111)5 con to time Goolet estate , It iH to be hop that her side of the case , which has be an glbpt ) of secret solicitldd to her . tornoy'for three yearn , will dovelol r stratumh of romance sullicient to just time audacious assault on the Goclotatio box , It would almost he worths fo'tu to connyct old I'etor Goulut , known Now York for near half a century am crabbed , crusty old bachelor , with an lair o1 the heart which eventuated matrimouy. Iy I y V 4-- - - 111 SU1.TS ( IF TJIA INJUNCTION Several points of grave iniportamico wore decided in the late injunction suit over which there is so ntuchsatisfaction expressed - pressed by our citirons and tax payers. The first is time entire control which the tax payers call exercise ardor the statute him dotcrntmiing the action of time council elm street paving , A petition from citi- 70)18 ) III n paving district to the council denanding flat their property ahnll receive ceivo the benefit of n iaromncimt makes it the duty of the council , under time stat ulu , to order paving whim hinds requisite for the city's share in time walk are avail. able , \Vhilu time council limo the power ( o order pnving , timuy have not time power to preveimt paving vimcnm n tienmld in proper form is made upon t11em to that effect by the property owuors oil miti cots within time paving district , Another point that tsTta clearly laid dosrii by time court , is that notification to all property uwncra who are to bear time cost of projected i nproseuents , must ho nmrulo by time cotmucil prior t1) time ordinance orlurilmg time ting of cottracts for paving with mmy ape. clued immaterial , All property ownera who are to he taxed for paving and onlythanc , nay join in detonniniig time immaterial which they desire used mid such deter- initiation is binding npun Limo nayor and comrcil. It is only utter Limo thirty days have expired in which thou choice of uma- torial can be nude by lot owners , Ivlw have hoer proviomLsly' notified of their power to make time choice of material , amid in cane n mmajority fail to agree , that ally discretion of nctiom is purnitted t ) time mnyor std council. Thu choice of property ownema is final almd binds time council to its ratificmtolm. Incidemt'dly , several other points condo up for adjudication , It was decided that n lessee , bound by time tunas of his lease to pay for time cost of improvotneuta to time property , luta a right to sign a paring petition ; that time signature of a firma is suficieut IA ) oxpreims time choice of the moulbers ceup6siug time Iirmmi ; that time right of an owner or mtguut to sign a paving potitiou is t ) bu presmmmed unless time contrary is ahowu , and that ill all cases of disputed right Lire parties whose right to petition is elmallemmgel shall have the opportunity to he heard in their own ( leferse. All these were iutportnit questions and it is fortunate that they have beet nettled s0 early ill the progress of public ilmi pfoYUii amts in Omaha , Thu tone of both of tbo deoimmionn rendered was ad. mhrablu. Thu opinion of Judge Wakeley will d illcrlgu cr'iticltmt for Ilm collcisetesa amid its clearness iii npplyilmg to time case mender disemtsglolm the princlpiu that the m ; 1hta 91 4illzeim Ilnlet' limo statute must lie liberally' ioimntrued , and tlint their 1)01M mount not be rmbridged or restricted in favor of time views or interests of Mel who Intvo hecu elected to serve time pub- I lie in positions of public trust , TIfb ; UT.III 1b1 cPION , r ldetn'us front time gouo al eierliot m whielm took phtcu elm Monday iii Utah 1 s proves that in spite of time mnncliiney o f f time Edimmtmnds cummiasiol mind time din. ' frnuchisoment of mill polygahmmists , tim u ehurdi is still politically supreuu iii thi 0 m territory , \Vith a single wxcoption tlm e Mornro"ticket wmta elected Imm every eoulmty by eve whelofig imjurities. Salt Lab e I gave four \lornunm votes for every ( hula m the amd time prnput Liumm holds goods h ' many of time other voting districts. a if time Edunuuls nut was intended tt wrest the political ciutrol of Utai1 fron time juumda of time eluD'eh it hits aigmmail y failed , 'l'hu unelcsn amid expensive coin d missiuu whiclm was created to peuaiou of " n few chronic ollicu seekers and throw a sop to tlutt p0rtiou of time party which e dutnmumdcd that limo Muriupin nntst go , have new performed mill limo dntiu required of thou under time law. . 'l'ime have put jn nuvoral imUpmthn work through u their secretary amid clerks , ill ro iniu' y time regtstrmmtunm lists mihmd glia'rnimteciiig a 1s fair election to time Gcntilea. Accordin' r to their report uvury polyga tist loin boUm u dinemmfranehiiscd mid the leginlative an ml territorial ollicurs who were elected of u llf0ndlty rueemvu their ollicen at time baud e of law abiding citizens of Utah Inid tom t. UHRedStaten. 0d 'l'lmu cuiminisaiomors hmtve Bono ell time ' „ was required of thou under time lam' . S is far as lmioeting thin donands of time Mom 1i amen linters in concerned , they have iii mm , coniplisied nothing , ' 1'Iw territory in mm iii thoroughly Dlornmun tndny as it was her u or fore the election. Time pulygmnistn nut al have been drivot h'unm ollicu , but the air places are tilled byumun who , if not thuml r , selves law brroakcrtl , mime ardunt snppur orart of time right and duty of phlrmtl nut riage. The iulluemce of polygamy is m , supreme iii Utah as it over tins amid ld rnmwt le eradicated by emi uhissl imi or suppressed by Inw , It is difficuit to say whim me- let time , ucxt atop will bu towvart iii. atgipruasiug Diomouisnm , ' 14w aboiitr ow of polygamliy in only a pug upolm whi uhf time Dfortnon hatema Haug their hopes in taking time uulire territory out of ti lmmumds of lime ntun wimo have rcdaiuwd mat mu- from a desert and uuulu a gamlulm out a wildcrnuss. No onu who know t le interne Imatred which exists butweem tl \c ' Guntiles and time Dlonnotn believes for mm'y la. nmeuett that if every polygaulist we nil exchulcd to dtiy from l'tmih that matte is would ho much ] wlped 'I'hu ( tenth hill loops upoll time Dlorumoa pupulati0n an 0d foruiglm olunmunt , mecrimited ( minim the slum en of ISuropo , controlled by iguoraneu am uud to Aumeric .1t pricbtciaft . . j. . rr- dammgesnms % . . . -a _ - ] imtitmtions ; amd time Dlormomm cousid a I a time Gentile am intruder in % iumi , and ify obstacle to time full deoloimod of t 1 mmg chiuioh on earth. Aim Utah is overwhelm no Timm ingly hfornion , aid in receiving culmstt a additions to its saintly populat'sn ' , t lmf church lipids n position of vantage fro in which it will be an uxceodingly diflc mutter to dislodge it. All limo comtu sions created by congress anti time acts pawed by that body calm not eradicate n roligiouasentIment. In Utah politicsaro so closely entwined witlm religion that it is rliflicult to separate theta , It is hardly probable that congress will feel called open to ndopt Senator Paddock's radical progranuno of n territorial government , ill which every office shall be appointive , and it is scarcely likely that if it did that Limo disfrnnchisculelmt of Utahm would bretk the hack of time Murnupu theocracy or atop that spirit of religious pr0sely tism , w hiclm is yearly bringing thousands of a migralmts from Eurmipo amid transporting - ing thicii across time continent t0 the hills anti vnlloya of I'reshdent Taylor's modern Y.inn , i'oMTMAsTIIL GltEall.ln ieiievcs , that two cents poslngu after October 1st will n mku a large defleit in the postollieo du pertinent next year. With $100,000,000 trenaury ntirplus we can milliard to pay omit n few nnillionn annually towards cheaper lug time postage.Vilh a posttl telegrydl added to the snail service time postolicu departniemt would not only prove self sustaining but of infinitely greater boric. fit to time people of time country. 'Phe day in not far distant w llen time goverlmimit will be coiipchled by force of public 5clm limettt hr control every ndlo of t legrapim ill the United States , Tan council have ftually concluded to permit paving to proceed in ( ) mmmaima timid have approved the contracts and bonds for Sixteenth amid Harney streets , Con. tractor Grant , who lies lost several tleusnnd dollars through the needless delays forced upon lmim by time roguu5 who comb'ned ' to force a worthless pave- teit upon our people , will begin work at olcc on Sixteenth street above Chicago amid expects to finiah paving t ) the bridge by the opening of fair week , ( i L \ TAVY'k in harycatiug in Otoe county but hfa weather eye is cocked in time direction of time KIIUTIII latrdn aril time grasping attorneys who are ntteniptilmg to bleed time settlers in southern Nebraska , \VtTU ngtutrtcr of a million dollars of public improvememits going on ill Oiumha , Inboriug idea will have no difficulty in finding steady eupluytticnt w Imile the sun chinos , e a Dfmi. ItAxuA1 L's Pontsylvauia , conv emm tiom with its 'abolish time internal rev. wino' platform omits lost him scvevtl votes ) , el' time shoaktl'911i11 , l'01)i'I'ICAL ' NOTES. .ludgo.ULott , , of Boston , will renuutaato Butler its the dcnocrntie state eoiieutiopt 'limo whisky ring will maim a desperate elturt to persuade congress t" repeal the wldsky tax next winter , 'limo Virgiula roadjnatem say time cnsuiug eanqaigu ) rill h the titost nctiie ever witmiess. cd Immbn : state. linve I uurTmu vis , of NurtltCnl "Iblal , reeomu nmeds ( the horunf ter hangings shall not be conducted In publlc. 1 ( 'mu'ter 1Iarrisui , of Chicago , still insists tlmt thin dmnucrnts should uunmitato hint fa r guvmuorof ipninuuf'ilniuc,1Ihisunof ; , biiaimuliuld ; , of Ohio ; amid \\'iuduul , \Ituuesotn. . went into cuegross together , Rutecrmms , of Cnlifuruia , says that if lie is over pat ins" the list of preaidential a mmididnte it uou't le of hitnivn seeking , I Iowa Iepublicana say thcim majority in tl e legislnturo to be vim' ten tide fall wljl bo inrgc unnughm for all practical I l x Sunutor Cluulfru of Culurado , is for i. o t gnnforpresiduut. Chalice ft unu of ( tun ernl Cr.trtt'a mum oat hmtblumto political friemds. , Sumiter I'ngh , of .1labanm , says time repute ticsus : shniripl muiunto .Iola Shcinun him t presidoney If they wmutt to run their hest mall a 'l'ime Illinois greenhaekera are going to ge I tgutlmer igstate eomvmdiun mat I'curia uu tin u 17th of August to see how many of theme n Tim left. 5 Cumigroesnma ItmLiimtlnl , , \Imssachueetta , i y rognrlud mac time ruin with whomim time ropnbll i ems cunhd utnat osfiy bent Nutter furr guvu r nor. Governor Crittonden , oflisaunml , w hl I ivoat to Utah to iavostigntuaaya time Edmtumd law' is nut duhmg muuytling to suppress time slur d omuitmn , \YatlmLmqtun gossip it to tom effect thin 1 .IttrluyIc orsl Ilrowator will shortly b anccoodod by Geurgu S. Itontwull , of ltatam : m clmusotts. S .1e aattl ( min time I'enesylvauia I.egialatmiro mid lourua Chnirnuum Cu , m r will open time m nd , u liemm stntu boadgMU tern act time St. Claul IIote i'Idlndelphin t nw effort Ia to ho made ii ii isaisai qi t cuu s ul all time ulounmts of " t o Boarlmu tutu nod timku time atatu moray Irop ' , thu 1)einucrats. Tile ntuniov'getwrd : "f Uhlt loin decide that time Sott , lair gives cuunclls of Upwua au s clllua time right to rognl to time hour' of btmsi hless of iiquoe snlenlps , uy' y' Iinunllnd IIamidn ( nwst lava furgotten thiu i tr 1tr. Itlnlnu is wrttbty n hook , for ho is ro aired t od to Lave said he cunsiderml 1)anlei \\'ulntc I the mildest muum he over nlet I : . 1'uik , thin convicted cx traomror of ' 1'muto r , auu is cnmdidont that time anprcumu court , t meineh { tluo case has boon takmm , will rei erxo tl na loci 4uu of the court bedew mutt set hium lice. it Seimtil rl laIlticilnla sat' that fmdxlaa n lit \1lsstssl phi : mad Sueth ( nrollna world , hugely Itupublice in thto event of lien Mull em ioednntieu for presiutent min time Iunmueratf at ticket , is Goven ) r Sudtim , \'ennont soya ii dueau't wamt to go to the if nitud 5antea sum oft mite and umst you Liu outsldo of that state w i hi agree with hint tlmnt hits sonntorini dulegutiu of Is quits good onoughm as It Is , 1u ( 'olu eel .lolmmi . \lnrtiu , of 1 nnsat , seem , teary of the rupubhicau Nutioual tvnnnitto it anuonnces Limcif ms ma culdldatu fur wic of 1 ° esldont lac 18$1 , 1101a said to be time muM pants rlwicu of limo ( band Army of time ilepul hu lie , mu Swung tie fear uid cnbbmet utliceis now ii' ' It big ntu.llm , A. 11. II , Stuart , secretary of ti navy mtdurl'iostdoht % ueiauy ' 1\g lur ; .lotto rim xg m JaaIs ) , soetetary of war under l'rvshle ma l'iomtu , aid.1erulnlpL S. ] flack nttoru0y.ku cr il doing thu Litter part of y'n + idmit li mu uhnmum'a term. u 'l'ime nhpniutaat ( diisluu of the httemior d trteeut u.tinuituana time La + k of time mis Ia that dt'pmrtuted : during the last fiscal yep iii I Ilium list of 2IEi ( capiuyoi , that vacanci aldeh occur frmm mmtarnl caaaua average 1' , Its „ pct week. ] f thla is a limear estlente ti rs chill serIce omuuisaiuu w ili curt.iiuly lta , sumctbiug to du , al l Senator \'Iorhwosmm s that h1 the eluv c. stutoa viuich ho Ills visited siico ( time ndjwur mm. teem of Cuigmeds , ho hinds Ionrxratlc son umont strongly Iii favor \1cimaid , i hum tit lee believes , will surely be numtduntlnl for pr , Ito hlent lilcionald , he declumes it w nun of n free trader titan holarhecca ) , I tor lie favors Lonisvlllu sn time i aeu for holds alt the National 1)eatoermitle ) Cem untiun , at Lb thinks the Bepublieuus will renomiua Arthur , TII1 CtNTUltVIAflAINI' ; Tin' dild tiutrr per Iiulling Century , In keeping vith its mid auuuner lmoli day citaraet r time August Century com trats an unusual number of short stories and striking illustrations , an vehl as 1)001115 amid articles adapted to summer rcadilmg. 'l'ime lmuaber oilers , in additimt to limo most cim o rtaiuing part yet given of Tilt , hlotell o AVonian's Reason , " the first part of a stirring romaico called "Time Iireul winners , " which will run through six miunnbera of time magnaine 'Fho scene of time story may be easily rocC ognized a5 a flourishing city mat Lake Erie. It is nnolmynwus to the editor , as wall mis time renders of time magazine , time author's dealings with time Clitr hlivilmg been cntTicd aim throngli a thinl person. iIunmor i5 thin characteristic of tlmo short stories , whiclm comprise ' "Tho Now Silk Dress Story"hy huncs U. hdague ; ' 'Thu Now Tifinistce'a Grcnt ( ) pportuuity , " by time author of "Eli" and ' Time \'ilingo Convict ; ' timid mmotber grotfp of Jocl Cltaudler lharris's ' 'Nights with Uncle . ' fmntiapicce , mid nu adnnrnhilo ennui ) ' 1) ' limey Inmes , have t ) do witht time leuliD'Freeb novelist of time da - AI lwnse bIaudct- whom dlr. .laacs aces nt the hcul of livimm writers of fidction. Otie cannot look at time portrait of Daudet's nonnative nod roirntic head without caring to know whntrr. ; Jamcs has to say about time man timid his stories ; and after rending the canny , rate feoln less surprise that time author of "Les ibis et Exil" amid "Nurla Roumestan"-two ilm- teisuly lmudcrtm ) stories- should , in outward - ward nuuiblnncu , suggest a provcnciai troubadour born after his time. G. W , Protltero contributes au art essay , richly illustrated by engravings of ideal pictures and portraits , upon the works of "Tifr , \Vatts at time Groavenor Gallery , .foiui Burroughs has au admiring and judicial word to nay of "Carlyle , " apropos of time reminiscences and letters , including those of Dirs. Carlyle. "Rob'luto , time Gamine Bird of Amer. ica , " is the subject of time first illustrated article. It is by Prof. Alfred DT. Mayer , of time Steveims Institute of Technology , who is also a "sciettilic" sltortnnian , and who gives iirlictieal auggostu ms for shooting - ing "fltmail'it miauomor , as time writer shows , for Lime bird which has acquired time pulnllar amid hitting name of Bob V'hite , In "ljmider time Olives , " Mrs' I3iancmardi describes olive culture iii Soimtlwrm Europe , mid gives iuterustiimg infurmntiun regard mg'the successful efiorts to grow olives in Cnlifuruia. A lutnior- otIsly illustrttcd article msRnbort Adams , , Ir.'s description of "Time Oldest Club in Aulcrici , " thin Pbiladelplmia Fishing Asno ciatinn , known as time State in Schaykill , which resuimbles thin London Beefsteak Club. Iii "Time Present Condition of time t1issioh IMliaus its Soutiterf California" ( peufnsely ilhtstl'ntcd ) , 11. 11. comcludcs hint historical sketch of priestly dovOtiot to time tibormgiues and of govermnenttl neglect timid injustico. 'l'ime poetry of the tuuubor includes five Songs of the Sea , hi ) difl'ureiit writers , accomtm pammicd b a full ntge cngrnviu' . , " 'TielBock in time Sea , " by Euliridge Kingsley , which way drawn with the grave : two pages of "Lose Poelmis by Louis Barlma ni , " edited by Charles do of "Poets" Robert Un- htiy ; a jingo by - dorwuud Juiumsuu ; " 7'ho voice of D. ( l. G" ( Dante Gabriel ltossotti ) , by ldmuud \V. ( losso , and oilier poets. " 'Ibpics of time'l'ltmto" discusses "Cau- eus Reform , " " \'icaious Bdnevolenceo nod ' 'Vagrant Parsons. " A wng the "Opel Letters" is a rejoinder to Olive' .Iulntsumt'aletter ' iii The Century for Tilay , by l'rof. Luauud Woolsey liacou , who ii ks , "Did 'Abolition' Abolish ? " The August "Brie-a 11rae"cnuiprifias auunus- lu g satire , by Fr mmk It. Stockton , en auouymous : ultiiorsinil)8 , ei11itlen , " 7'he Aulhot of "lImo Lion timid time Laumm , ' amid a vu'kty of bright amid lnmmorous verses by I I. C. limmimur\Valtur Learned , Periwuas Tilix , George A. I libbard aid Frudd Dampstcr Shevmpim. ' 'ratio Ihl li l ntr'I'aWilme II I N. limdatrret's. 'I'1mcme were JitS failure's ill time United States reported to BradntrcuCs during time past week , 1:1 : less than time preceding week , 1t ( none than time eorre5pondiug week in 1883 , mind 80 more Luau time nauw r wcuk iii 1881. Conmpnred with time pre- Pieus week ill the middle 5tite hind 3' ! , t a decrettsu of 4 ; New Ialglalmd states 27 , Increase of 0 ; nettlmot'tm antes 23 , mm der crease of 13 ; western stiy s 30 , a decrease of 4 ; Pacilic shitus and tcrrituries ; 37 , an a increase of 4 ; Ca)1ala ( umd time Pro incur 32 , a decrease of 1. Thu iuqutt ) lmt failures wee F. Shaw. & lirotllurs , bides , I etc. , C.V , Copulaud & Co „ numtifact- s mars 0f bouts amid shoes , \V. E , P1ut11- Omer , bides , etc. , Tihicoiilur& Grcei wood , iinufacture's of bouts nod nhoea , t Jolm I1. Tililln , hides aid leathue , 1hs u toe flats , ; Charles II.Vuud t Cu. , bout turd shoe iu11umfneturers , Farming tun , N. II , ; C. C. 'l're ia & Co. , mauu factuvr's of bunts timid shoos , Natic , I Thins. ; The United Staten Patents Cu. , liostm , Tilass , ; S. C. A .I. (1 , l'bimuwy , t brat cunnler lmpuDlfitcttrer s , Stouglltun ' Tilimas1iofhe'nar ; ' tl' Co , tvholeaio boot y " and shoes , Norfolk , \'tt. ; 'Puler & Cu. wholesale hoola trod shoes , Baltiueru i Md. ; Stedman A s Cu. , wholenalu boot and shoes , Now \0rk , ; Lancaster \Vatel c nmpamy , uuunfinetures of watchmen , Lam castor , la. , J mimes bunts and shoos t Chicago , Ill. ; amid J \ \ . Murrell t& Co : r wlmolesnlu saddlery , Louisville , h' . 11 thin principal trades time ) wUru as follows Grocers 8 i ; gamed stores 80 ; boots tint shoes lfn ; niammfieturern 15 ; liquors 10 0 Hotels amid rentairammta 10 ; dry' goods 0 hardware 7 ; clotltiig 7 ; bikers and calm fectiuuen 4 ; drugs 4 ; grain 4 ; produc t ; mid prsviaiou5 4 ; butchers ; I ; coal S ; lint 'a and raps 3 ; juwelty n ; loatlmer timid lull 0 puss 8 ; tobacco 8 ; bankers 2 ; cotton 2 fmutey goods 2 ; furniture 2 ; luuibur2 ; mil w li ary' 2 ; oil 2 ; connmisaiun l ; paper 1 , 11 TifulonniA n SL 1"uts netnbllcau , Suuator Jnsuph D1cDolmald of lathers 0 , at prenont time imont prominent euldidat u for time dcuoenttie prenituntial noimmimm n i. tion , was bore hilt quite (14 ( yearn ago i ' Butlet county , 0 „ niiinglo lndinna i hims earl ) ' bo'hiu0d , 'l'hu death of hi ' ' father loft lime feebly sour , mumd time ft w lure suaatoi was mmypl'eltieell to it sad r tiler , Ile loft time rsiddlet'8 nha m to minter tor Anbur' unh eisit ' atudiud lair timid i u 1811 ; was d iitted to time bar. 'l'imo arm year lm wits elected prosecmitilmg nltomimu n of his diatict by tlmudetnuctnts , lm 1St " ( le deeliaud to serve longer ; in 1818 wit ea deett'd to cmimmgretla , lit I850 lie Sr ; , , chosen nttumTey gomenl. 1)tlrmlml' tim me wttt Iw wan a consrstuut l'hiou mm n , tut e led time fotlonm hope of time duilocvtcy h 18oi its a cuulidatu for go ornur ttga m 011 Olmvor' I' . Tilorton. In 1875 le w' ct elected United Status senator , wlmemo 11 , I served min time judiciary couunittee. Tl . rupttblieats cnrriug the state , lie trot rim out of ollco iii 1881. lIe is one of t11 a most umitent lawyers hi # ndimut. 'PI1 ns mina of which he is a Pwniber mak to $40,000 a year and guaranteed to Judb Gresham , as their junior partner , $8,00 BETWEEN TWO FIRE8. The sick If the ) aresgr , an R regtling with great hsrd + hip. They mire between to arct. On the one side Inwtlablo dkea o ran , et up to attack and deatroy , xldleahead of them are the flame and flame of mod iclnal hunu6uggtr ) , quackery , nndextortiun , It I. a place of grog Injnatlee to dereie limo sick ; they merit nor suipallq oral n'4atnnco alwayA. ihomav } clectrlo Oil waa ace , cr sold upnnthe strength of a fnl ehool ; this quallty of Itt Rork and lhethotmt autg of tetimanlnl , reeeI c.l from thou whom it ha i ei r alai are its sole rccommendatinne. For sore throat , cuhdg , n + thoaand catarrh , Thomas' Electric 011 It no nddake , the In t kunwn remaly in the world. " , t few .irola ! missed thr'oligi' the lmo'e , Ite , . I. F , t'mne , of Curry , I'a. , uiltct "will clean ma andatrolhetcry 'tont"fealarrim. " ) trt.1.Ii.l'er. klna , of Crick Centre , N. V. . takethu lalut to 'tate that rhc "nag troubled with nlhma for four years ; ' luunaa' l clrctrln ( III imithnauly cacctal a roouDletc cure , " hr aneryplemm tenmmuninrtioufruml'.O $ hagda.s , a druggltt of Marlton , Ohln , ho at.'dea that ' 0 Ith one lalOu nt Tpmeav L : Iectrle 011 a mielgldapr unit runtl of aura throat of eight year + stnudiuu. ' 'ihe + e are uaiy average + angdet plekeil front ) uummnirclu , of ttatiunrdaig nn tipcltwk ( before u. ; Per anunn nt the outside. lie lies ttvieo IPCet Married and lots two so na living. Ifo is a strict Presbyterian and lmomrable mu every rehatiou of life. He is neither brilliant tar of towering genius , but his immoderate , vigor mid imianlinens , would reeler ) mint a sphendid president. lie is nn advocate of low tnnti , holiest Momoy nod an economical a mnhnirmtratiem , and is a democrat of time Jeffersonian school , i Allt RATES. Circular freer Secretary' Wheeler as to tdliiroal Cnargen min F hmIhlts. 'floe followi6 are thin rates 6ivou by ' time B. amid DI , nun L. 1' , railroads in Nebraska OIL all articles mmd stock cx- hibited at time coming state fair at Onnaha SeptenbS 10th to 15th , inclusive : "mall canes time charges 0u articles intended for exhibition at the state fair ( except ntcn h'aits , grain amt vegetables , which will ho billed free ) , must be propnid to Ohutlma. On presemtttioi to time agent at Ouaba of n certificate front limo secretary of time fair that time goods have actually been oil exhibition , they will be returned free. On preseltatiol of time shine certificate - ficate to time agent of the station at which the shipment was originally nmdc , the prepnid charges will be rcflumdcd ; pro. sided , that ail thin articles shipped to Omaha be/returned , if any part of tlmo originmll cunsignirohmt be disposed of at Oumaha , time agent will retnnn such pro. portion of prepail charges as nay ho duo at tariff"rates to OMaha on the articles not returned. The certilicate of time nec- rettry of the state fair Must bo surren- dLhed to the railroad agent whet the prepaid charges , or any part of them , are refundal , " DANIEL Ii. 1\'nEELEU , Secretary. \ umgt mm , Tiltddlu Abed \lem and .111 -llemm who sutler from early iudiscretiun will liial.llieu s ItrnimiI oal time itintt Iu vem'ftil iri- a'igorant ever introduced : uuce restored by it there is no reinpso. 'I'cy , it ; it never fails. r l ; ( t ) . - . 1)rnggistt. SAltATOIA ( Chill's. A Iluhdie or Gu .Ip l'mu i Oinahn'ps Nurtlu'en SuUuri . August 8th. 1883. Tilt' , Jacob Crowell left to-day for Te- kaunmlr maul vicinity. Tifr , timid uIwa , licmtruoy , of Council Bluffs , uric time guests of Dr. D J. Smith almd wife , Some of the Fort OMaha muddies vunt min is rampage Shuday , breaking into and pilfuting the saloon of Tilnrtin Lawler. Justice Purcell , his brother-in-law , assisted - sisted in protecting Lnwler's property , amid This. Purcell was assaulted while protecting bur aged nMtlmer. Some of the salniers were corralled by order of General Carlin , who tendered nil possi bin mtssistatlce at his coimmnalnd. Preparations are ill progress for the erection of a speed stumble emi the 1ie mio- dy phew , nbw' occupied by Tilr. Jacob Crowell , Somuo of the best horses in time coulmty will OCeilpy it in 5cason for the stmmtc fair. A meutilmg of time district school board huts been called for August 21st , to con- eider the Matter of tom re employnlcnt of F. Ti ! . Bailey , , so u mch objection being rtmsed to their hate action. Cuckoo , A Skellon Ilangh Concert. Tlnn'bdny night occurs time Skehon- lkumgs concert mot Dlax Tileyer's Music hall. 'Pickets ' far sale at Tilnx Meyers , m it t coots for sitlglo adnmissiomi s 41,00 fur gentleman timid lady , m [ ' 'uih nviug is time l tgranunu of tit u concert ; s 1 , " 1'oika do 111 Reinu" hull . . . . . . . , . . , . . Nellie a t . , do ] teriut . , , , , . . . , . . . . , \Ir , , Tohu Rkolti n 1 j , Arta , . . . . . . . . , , \ Kate ] 'uacy ; 4. A , Syria bdlutmusw , Uelmbcs , b , " 'limo hippie , " ' Mss ] Lmgs Titian Nellloliuags r. "lout Clmord"Snlli al.\Ir. Juo , Skelter e a , Duetseloctsd\Ilss Ptsuysud\IrPnluie s 7. Polonaise E tlntChnpin\tisaNellie Baui s , Fantasia iirhfllalltArbamlTi1rhpo.Skeltor 7. 1'mihn Brauchua , ( sacred ' snug ) Fmupu. , . . . . . . . . , \fr. Churn. 10 , aliruid Vnhae , ( Implir , hl4stpminado ( inttachnik\liss\elllulimtg a 11. Serunudo ( with cornet obligntSchulwrt ( „ . . . . . . Miss I'itsoy and \t , Skeltm , L" . itcallcotiuntof Ifunto , t Mills . . . . . . \liss Nellie liang U u u Ci1JWJEs 0 t t MgRk v otruc , , , tO ; ' ' t , y , C T\ I Li f THE GREAT n tlt 7 t 6 1e nt Rheumatism , cNouralgin , Sciatica , lumbago , Backache , Ileadcche , Toothache , U NureTiireulNuenis .tNpruin4lirul.cu , U Itoresu. Neartlu , 1 roar ultra , Aaar iLL Urmlrli uuumLT i'.mma ARIL iirmre. Utl aons1Ututp t. . . . , , . . rmmI Ceut.uboie/ . etr.eauo ( ft 11 t..euae , . . U , TIIY ( 'ml titl.Es A. 1 oayi.Yti to. t ) lr..w + , t + LUarULfCu.i PoAllmw.aa"rILA. . - _ . He W'ESTERN' ANN & CO. , tatronrnns or QUEENSWARE ! China an Glass , 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis , 1 0. rosw am I r i SA1VI'L CO. , Washington Avenue and EiRI , Street , , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , . STEELE JOHNSON & Coe ' Wholesale Grocers ! u AND JOIIBEItS IN FLOUR ) SALT , SUGARS CANNED GOOrL ND ALL GROCERS' ' SU PPLIEa ' ' A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. c AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER Ct9 t . J , A „ WAKEFIELD , LWIIOLISALE AND 1tLTAL DALEit IN , , t Pices ! , tt SASE DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIMB , CEMENT PLASTER ) &C AGENT , STATE FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C. F , GOOD11lL1ildf Wholesale Druggist I DEALER IN Glass , ( .dt11 i . tr OMAIIA. NEBRASKA. 9 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock ® In'o FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF F 1 SAFES VAULTS LOCKS &o , 10 0 Z'n rzxaa m lStro ' t. rAZC , ha. - 1 HENRY LEHMAN tR JOBBER OF , She0 , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 b.1ItIrAD [ S1ItELT , - _ OTiAIL1 [ NEB. ! M. HELLMAN & CO , i Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH ti OMAHA , - NEBRASK Anheuser-Busch , , BOG I'1B : S M w , r CELEBRATED Keg and Bottled Beer v I'rr , Thin Excellent Beer s1 oaks for itself , Y .1 ' , ° Yq q + N / . . , a . . ' OILDri1S FRODf :1AIART OF TITIi uBusc , . . , , , S1APE OIt PIIJ ENTIRE \ \ ESP , w + tt ! 'y 5T LOUIS M0 , Will be Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE IADE TO THE STANDARD ' c 7 . GEORGE HENNING Solo .lgunt for Ontnha tumid time West. Olltco Conner 13th timid Harioy Streets \ ' r r SPECIAL NOTICE TO , Growers of Live Stock and Others. \VE CALL YOUR ATTENTION To Our Ground Oil Cake. It I , the best and cheapest food for stock of any klnd One pound Is equal to throe pounda of ooml Stock led with Oround OU Oaks In time tall and WInter , immstnad of running down , wilt Increaae to w stgh 1 and be In goad marketable oundtOon In limo aprlng , Dalrmen , as 'tell as ulhers , who . ueo it can iestlfyt Its wertmte , Try It and judge tor y'oureeltes l'i ce sr3.eo per ton ; no rhc a for acks. Addroes o { eod , wOUDMAN LINSEhI > U1L WnrANY , Ouulia , i ,