Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . - ' - , - - - cit
Vital QLlCtIOflAU
Ak the most orninent phyatcn
Of ny BChOO1 wint ) i the beet thing in
the worM for quieting nnd nThying all irri ,
tation of tim nerve5 nnd cuthig nil form8
of ncnoU compainth , giving nturn1 ,
chihlliko rofrching sleep twny ?
Atni t11C ) will tell you unlicaitatingly
41Somo form of lIopsV'
Ask any or all of the inot eminent
"What is the besL niid only remedy that
can be reliel on to cure all discase of the
kidneys Mid urinary organs ; Ruch a8
Brght' ( hBase , diabgtcs , retention. or
inability to retAill urine , and all the ( li.
oases and ailmenta peculiar to Women"-
"AnI they will tell you explicitly and
emphatically , "Buchu. "
Ask the nine physicinirn
' \Vliat is the most reliable and Aurcst
cure forall livcrdiseMes ordyspemia ; con-
tipat'ion , ifldigestiOfl , bi1iouncss , malailal
fever , zgue , and they vill tell you :
" [ andrakol or Dandolioni"
hence , when thnAo remc(1ic are cotn
bined with others equally valuabk
Aiitl COI111)OUfldCtl 1fltoIIo1)1litt..OI , Ruch
awonderful andinysterious curativepowor
i3 doelopcd which is o varied in ita opera.
tiona that no dieiuio or ill health can
posib1y exist or resist ita power , and yet
it jg ,
Ilarmksa for the most frail woman ,
wcakest inwaBd or smallest child to use.
"thnost tlad or nearly ( lying"
For years , and given up by physicians
of Bright's and other kidney diseases ,
liver complaints , severe coughs called
consumptioli , have beau cured.
\Vomen gone nearly crazyl
From agony of neuralgia , nervousness ,
wakefulness ana various diseases peculiar
to women.
People ( ItMVfl out of shape from oxcru.
tinting pangs of Itlioumatism ,
Inflammatory and chronic , or suffering
from scrofulal
Salt theum , , tj1oo pIonIng , pepiIft , IniIIc
tion , &nd In tact &lmost all dIvae friR
Niture g heir to
U&vebecn cnrel by flop Thttcr , 3)TO.4 of thlch
can be found In oery nclghborhoo4 In the known
I /4 -
lii a 1'olUvo cure
r.r .11 those rcinaI Complaints .n4
so eommun to our best female popultio' .
I Medicine mr ninn.Inyentt,1 , Iy s
l'rcparod by a Wonton.
fb. OrntsI sdId tti.eotrl De .1 lIIu. ,
F1trevie the droopIni pplrito , Invigorotet s. .
rTnonlLeI flio organic Cutctioiis , ivei caotietV 44
3rinnes to the step , restores the imtnrni iitre .o t
entlphntiOnhop..o Cec.wc.TIIitri ) Lbs IrM
of lltos , .prlng fttd cn.rly suant'r ttno
Phvsiclan It and Pror'JO It Freo'df
U remuco falntnet , , flatulene7 , deotru)5 oil czvIx.
pr tirnul.nt , and rclivoi wea.nss of the St.itmnI
That tetln ot bcarint down , cuiitc etf S
td Ieckaelic , I , aIwo wrinalio1t17 cun4 iy iii ni (
brUte enrorKh1uy CompInintsotitbcr , tl
) Ikis Compound is uuusrpesid.
j JTZTA r. ' 1IffAiiT4 r.r.onn
' yb ersdicSt cvtry tttLWO or JiUlliflid IIOIII t
mood , end ivG t-ono and itronrifi to thu oytsm. .
lion wcinaas or thud. Itu'lBt on LaAvIn 0.
Both the iompund sndVLod PUtIdtT4T6
: 233aad235 Wostora Atsauc , Lynn , iie
ttior1Cl. tx bottles for $ & Bently notti in tint fczi
) tpIUa , or ofiozongs , onreceipIorrio ! , , SI'
torcltiier. Mn. rLnkiJMn frto. , anVer4 Ati Ictor. I
iuIi7 , EncIoso3c.ot4unp. SenJforparaif1c
' LYDIA E. Pi'fl. '
No fnmi1 should to 'itiiout
1.IVEIL IiLLS. fheV euro snstIiwitiot. i.flisu
, d torpidity of the lIvr. n conU ir but ,
I iold by nil Prt'gstu ' ,
IJuy your iuropvaii 8tcainhIp Tickets ' . Ia the
IlOYAL STIAMSI1U $ , % tiI(1i ) IstIio eliottest 01
t , iafestroute. iot Iifortatbti , , , vrcuiars ! , oto. , t'i1I
' nr asUresiI. 13. 1 RIY , H. V. ' . cor , I'nrnain otid 1t
sr ii. S. SM1TI1.Ileu 0111ev , Oiuiheb.
J..i , HOUSE ,
j onsuI1In and Clvii nncer ai
SpeciAl ittentLo to Stifle ) log Town Addit ens
Loti. Furnfshe. E.Umotcs of Exitttozi , , Slaki
Ieiw , Iiaiti , &c.
oYlrlx ( 0v1u4rIin FIRST NATIONATI HAJ
- _ . NIii. _ _ _ _ _
Call eiid look er uty How $ tLre and sea iity s
Under the itIftfla4CtflWIt of Mr. K.Its ) .
1204 Farnam Street.
P. 11. MoGiiiro , Propiioti
JAJVIE8 C. URYAN , Manager.
'The hindsomest Ohiflaril Hell fn Oinaus. ) 'the flu
Vluei , , LtquOrB un ) Cfar arc 1rovldcd torjiatru
. Pine Milliner3
. IfAIR aooD3 , YAV1 * , HANGS , JTC.
Stock EntiroI Fresh and M
105 1thStrect ! OPP. PostoMee.
Safety Fuiid Syste
Life Itisursiuco purfect in sccuurlty sod &t the
1)od.dIAs oostconsiit.ent thtrttfth.
xIJtrn.AJ : CU C
Aua If. VItTY , (3utiI Agent.
At t to 1
JOood Agent. Wantsd
- -
i.o'i ; , GOut ) , AX ) 1)flOflCl.
The Ileiressof a Cattle lCliig Recrotly
% tarrlctl nitil Now 4knxloois ti
. be Set Free.
fn ; Franciwo lIcr1d.
The elite of the state have been thrown
into confusion by the announcement Iliat
Miss Diana I ! , Murphy , of San .Joso , nr
Mrs. Morgan 11111 , as it apitcars in hot'
legal designation , hlal conunoticeti divorce
proceedings in MOlCRtO. The heroine ,
Diana 11. Murphy , is tim daughter of thc
late well known inillionnireDati Murphy ,
who died at Elko last Ouoler. Diana
hal been a Saii , Jose hello for several
years , and many worn the suitors fur her
hand , its it was knowii that in the event
of her father's dentli her wealth would ho
groat. To all , however , hio turned a
( leaf ear , excepting Morgan 11111 , of this
city , upoh whom she conferreti her affec.
Lions , much , however , to the chagrin of
her Parents. No schemes , io entreaties ,
no throats proved of any avail , and whicit.
ever an opportunity olFrcd the young
cotilulo lutet to oxcliangd their vows of
mutual afFcetion.'J
A chiango catute , however , lnt in a way expected. Just prior to hut ( lentiL
the wealthy cattle dcalerrcahzing his sit-
nation , sent for his children , Diana and
Daniel , Jr. 'l'ho foritior returned just iii
titno to receive the juatornal blessing ,
which was csultlel withi the Inst. request
that alto should never marry 11111. The
vroinise wan iltily male and the father
died cotitonted , leaving his daughter
heiress of 8OOOOO. The funeral over ,
an uninistakeable change wan noticcl in
Miss Diana's lohavior. She no longer
was the s1iiiet , sclnto young lady of old ,
but ) ltiIigeI into nniuseinuiit vitht the
recklessness of one vhto hint no longer
any llcaMuro iii life , lull's visits hen-
50110(1 in frequency and thu rumor that
the eiigagciiieiit was severed was reported.
Diana , riot content vithi hier old field of
conquest , attended the session of the
legislature , dazzhitig the lawiiutkors with
her beauty , nut ! the ntteiitioiis lavished
upon iter by a runing netiator front the
orange grove district caused the report
that a marriage hod beoti urranged be-
twucii ; theiii.
Gonp iO\v found moro food to fcMt
UhOil. It was roportud that Miss Mur-
l'1'Y hiittl . beeii clandestinely niarried iii
this city last July , and , though for a long
time Ito contirniatory evidence could be
found , last vcok it leaked out in Modesto
that tito report vtts correct. Last .Jttly
thtu yacht Nellie left this ) for Santa
Orti ; where site reitutiiied for omo tune.
Aititng the party aboard vcro Mr. lUll
and Miss Murphy , and thd lattor's conli-
dant , Miss Mattie George. On the i-c-
tutu of the 1)nrty the ladies registered at
the I'ahitce , while [ r. 11111 remained at
his quarters at the Grand. At the latter
hotel , on the evening of .July 31. the
inarriatu took lilace , the ceremony beiiq
luorforinod by the 11ev. 1)t , Jcwel , of thtt
hliwarl Street ? , lcthiodist church. ihi
lularriago was kept secret 1(11(1 Mrs. 11111
returned to her hnuino. Until the ( lcatl
of her father nothing happened to inai
the blissful cotulitinit & Itirairlu , lAlt , aftot
tiiat tiiie lull lost control over lila wife
anti she chafed tIi1lcr the yoke of inatri
Illolly. lull's ' wish to avow thto niatriagu
vnM tout vith a flat refusal by Ins vifu
mid hue was uiicercinoninusly diniuiisncd
lie luni titade no answer to the bill o
coin1litiiit lihCl at 11utlcsln.
Spoilt. II fly lollavH.
Iii luucturiiug for ilucuutnntiouui hittmoro I tricu
2'/wiuu' ? I1otrie 011. Usoil a tOceuut buuttlo o
tlui iIICliCiul ( , , auth guut. out Iii unto t'eolc. 1u )
I uuiruu itiud suraiuus It bu excellent. .1 an. ] ) uui
lint , , , last I oiuibrtulcui N \ .
it R lNTtT'ICY1iVIlltlltOIt.
't'Iii' 'sVCZtilii 4l'lutrel St'ltt iil tu :
CIii(9..IIiIIii 1tIitsI lIiVii by
lJi , lniiglitoi.
Frotut the Valluctouu , Cou resiudcuut luIl. ) 11 ess.
I saw Congressman .me Blackburii yen
terday , aiitl itsked hiiiui about.the parngrapl
that jut oil its lOtlIIlS l"rtit Ins StiluliflO
wardrobe that his daughter is said to 1mw
sent him. lie laughed , and said it hau
a graill of truth in it. lie ltail lie 1f
hionue for a flay oi t o 01113' , 1111(1 tool
only it atitutll lntg with liiiui. 'l'htu consul
iulatkuit of Interim ! Itevennu ( tistrict
lurouglit him ttiiexpucttttllyto\Vutsltiiigton
- lIe at ( ) Ilco telegruquhied huotite to have
trunk of clothes setit. tu , htitit here. lii
little ( laughter , in the alusuncu of ho
t niother , oputicti the dispatch , anti tlouili
. it wan her lttty to obey iL So utli
itacked ii trtiiik ititti 1ttt a tuote in it , ii
follows :
. \'IiIsAii.i.i : , iv.
I ) l.uu : I'.t i'.t 1 euuul yiuut all tlutu c1t1ues ) I Ctl
full , aunt 1 hope you lou ve1l.
:1ri. : Blackburn saul thuutt the tztiii
containeti the following :
Se'cn wlulto shirts.
:41x : tthuutor scarfs.
I tiu ) tusuthuhiruislu.
- Ouuo lswhokithfe. ,
'l't'u , iet uuhors.
Tltiui is wlmt a Icontucky girl rugar
nut ii uitiilablu uttliflutur warlroiu , for
tl guntlrnnutn. 1'ulr. ' Blackburn , vho iut
chinriniiig gentleman , elaughia its luuarti
( ) VUL tltu ittelilunt as lIlt ) ' of his felu juts.
- - - - -
I I uiiui Iii I ho f4tiiiali.
: I1iichi : of the dintiens tool sickness ii
d ti'ibntcd to lysuuasin , chitonic
itiitl ( uth lot' OttliutCut jut occasioned by hunt
in the LitOluiflChi. Su'tnal casus , with i
11.1 thu chuaiuictoa'istics of thiu.'uuu etuinlulniut
Log hi'u , been cured by I I , oul's Sutrsltnrihi
nc , Other' etirus dfl'uctetl I , ) ' this iuicdiciitu a
- 5 , , ' ( , ilIluVftil thiutt the siiiiplcutt ustatuittu
of thunt nihudut the Lust proof thutt it eoi
lines i-tue ctirtttivu agents 811(1 vhuuit on
tisuti iiectii'cs the contIdeitcu of thte ucpl
Tu ( . ' , . ( ttuiii' lts'g'igi' , .
11111 Nyo.
)7 Over in St. l'aul 1 titut a ittutit with cy
of cadet liltie ititti a terra cotta am
Ills eyes voru tint 1,111) , ' l'eculinr ' in olin
but while ( thU itUuiilCl cotistutittly to l" °
the future the othtut wits ltmrulltly ye
-I sacking the drumny past. \\'ltilu o
rambled aloug'tliu glorious possiluilitios
the roiiiottt , yet golden ultimately ,
D1 other utotight the annuibru depths of
) rC'iItl5ly.
lb told itie Untt years ztg lie hiatt
jitilti cane of statbistinut , mat tltuit bt
) semneti to glatu clown at his in
uo , until Ito got justlesut mat han thient o
I,4 i-fltul on. 'I'hoou tvuio the days vhi
- they used to faatuii ncroclntt httOk under I
ituLornal rectus iiiusclo and cut it a lit
vIthi a 1tair of optical slioej , shtuais. ' 1
ulflct of this course was to utllow the o
to tirift hack to a direct line , but
r 1111111 full ititu the 11811(10 of a cirtint
stu'gun , Will ) cttt the tutuselo too jitti
stid thereby weakened it no that it gt
' 13' . tinIly svIiIig Imat the point it ought
hILLVU tttoiuud at , tuol lie saw with lint
that his eye was going to turn otIt :
- - itrotrudu , jut it vcru , so that it inait co
a. irang his hint on it. 'l'it other fol1o
s tt atiit , and the two orb3 that han for' yt
looked along the bridge of tue terra cc
nose gradtutliy separated , and while
_ hooked toward iioxt Ohtristinns with f
nizticipatioiis the other loved to Ira
over the reinetubraitcus of last fall.
m 'ihii thing continued till Ito had to v
intA ) the future with his off eye closed AflI
vice versa
It is needless to say that ho hungred
for the llOOd of that phisiciaii and stir-
goon. tie tried to huiy violent hands on
htiiui and wipe up the gi'ound withi htitit
atiul wear hint out across a telegraph poic.
hut the authorities always lreelitctl ) the
nlministration of ovift and awful Justice.
Tune lasiicd on till 5)110 night the ab.
normally wall-eyed titan honsened a boarut
iii the slhewalk lip towut so that the
sician antI urgcon caught his foot iii it
and caused an obloquo fracttiro of the
acaitula , tiCl his duuramater , btlstCl his
cornucopia ant trccked his sarabbelluin ,
l'erhulas I ant lit error as to some of these
inolical terms and their orthography , bitt
that is about the way the lutitui with thie
divergent orbs told it to inc.
'l'hic PiuYsicinul nun surgeon 'ns quite a
ruin. I Jo hind to sear clapboards on
himself for tutonthin , (111(1 there vure other
( tcthrs nuid laudable iuuts and threatened
gutuigrone nail ( loCtois 1ills , rithi the
cciutetry lnoiniuig up iii the hear future.
Day after day ho took his own anti-fob
rile ( Irinks aiud rainuneuh his btustcd system
full of iron amid uutryclntine anl hicuf tea
and dover's uovt1ora amid imyotlcmmnic
oliuirt till ho wished Ito could ( lie , liitt
ileathi would itot conic. I he luutwetl time
air and howled. They fed hiuit his own
nttvoiutica , tincture of rhubarb and
1)ltos1)htatcut nitut gruel , and brought Itimmi
iack to life vitli a crooked collar boric , a
shattered shoulder blade and a look of
'I'Itoit lie sued Limo town for $ iiO,000
( lauhrigils because the sidewalk was hit-
jorfcct , , and time wild.eycd utah witim the
inhhnnut'L 11050 got ott the jury
I will itot exilaiit , how it was done , but
there tva a verdict for ( lefcutultlmmt. with
CuHts Oil time Eactslapiamt wreck. Thue bait
with the crookc(1 s'iuioti is imot hmnimdsoimie ,
htmL Ito iii very huappy. lie says time imiill
of the gnls grimmils slowly , but they Inil-
vorizu ittiddhiiig fine.
Tuike Up Ai iuis.
TOLaIO , Omuio.-Mr. 11. Anita , the
prouiuimtemmt ltvcryiimn of Chticno , and this
city , says that St. Jacobs Oil is superior
to atiytltiiig he over used for curing paiti
iii utah or beast iii an experience of twenty -
ty years.
Tlu , Appehlab loins ( Lyon fluid iVoik-
Huh , ly Skilled 1tItli(1M.
Tito telegraphers catl a POr operator a
' 'plttg , " after the little itietni immiplomont
whicit ' ( ti'idcs the switches on the keyboard -
board , imioutinuch nut tIre lug is a coinparn-
, t'ively unimportant iatt ( if the itta-
chuinery. Printers designate tnt unskilled
: tyiue-suttor a "uuhmoeinakcr" or a ' 'black-
ututitht. " Time ( lorivation of the fernier
, appellation is frouti that fact that a cola-
; psitor ( who tmtnke errors is obliged to
, correct theta after the type is set up , by
L taking out the misplaced letters and
' 'peggumg" the proper omies into thou
I. 1)lacen. Tailors also use the word "sItoo
tanker" to distiiuguislu a P0r hand , as a'i
uitskilicd worknmnn bikes Itis stitches tot
Ifar I- apart , aunt is thmoreforo better adapted
to sov leather , vhtere Ito ettit punch thu
3 hioles with alt awl before putting lmiu
, ' ' ' 'black
itcedle through. 'l'lto apitollatioti
'f uuittithi' ' iii utititlieti to IL priuitei wlmost
f'mitgci's arc chtiittsy , ruin ! a Jowulci
utluto tciuiis nit unskilled workel
' 'blitekutmitith" for the saiuu
itt ; his trttle IL
I icasott. A terni of opprolrittmn , whmieh
I . vieu uuactl by old NeW Voik 1uriitters t
I. ( lenigimate nit utnuthilled cottquositor , wat
thte wotul ' 'boarder , " froutu the fact that
hoot' lmttitd WItH geuterally it dritiking nina
ttittl s1uoitt his timute loalimtg or ' boatdittg'
itt h(1ttrr salujoits. All stiikiitg trtules
. vrkurs in common tine the word ' 'scab'
I. to ulistittgttisht worlqtieti who tke tIn
places of sttikots. 'fhic derivation is ob
'iouisly fioimt the fact that tltu scab is
iutorbid growth , atul lives only at the ox
lcttso , ofthie s'ull being of the test of tIm
. hotly. 'Flie 1niittcrs amid tulcgrapltet'stw
t of the toast tntulligcitt classes of work
r muon , are the only tradesmimuit u-ho 1mw
I. ) iiiveitted ittumnes to 1unrticttlnt'izu thu scab
l of their TOS1)Cctivu professiottut. Thtut
t coItIlositorn call a scab a ' 'i'at , ' ' iii colt
k temmtptttotui tuilusioti to the iodcmufs'it ( ) iii
1. fest piintiitg othicca. 'lime telegnuphior
a have oitly recumttlr iuiveitted a tormit fo
. scab operators . r1te' call theta ' 'contti
a tmiists , ' thought titu application is not c
S tochimmical leiivation , but in probably a
r attemttiut to tumnitufacture it vord fiotmu tIt
t Latin comututmico , the root of contunir
0 dnus ) to describe a stubbortt nini ( ) bSt
Lii tiate
Ilop4fort's Acid 1'Iiospluttte.
t'or NerotusIuvu4s , tIuuligCbtltuI , &C
Smut to tint Itumimiford CltuttiicalVorku
ii prOvidence , It. 1. , for iiaiutvhtlot. i\Iaile
free ,
- - -
. i4iisiiii's h4ii'OPi ( ,
i'mitlutiliI 1.1110 Iicril.
Thu recopticit itcCol'tlCt to 1liutut Stisti
Antlmotiy itt Englattit utluluQitiut It ) hmit
I ; lucuti one of coi'tlittl welcome. The lit
a glishwotitatu's Review , in its July mmmi
bur , jublislien , the fill text of her zLldvc
) itt Piinco'a Itall , l'iccuulill , on tIme 25t
of .Juttu , anti Comitltteittt it itt tcrttis
cutttuuideittlle emuthtusiutsun , 'l'htu aditret
. itself vtts u creditailo , nile , ititti itt imten
t , utretoent of the progress minnie by Attuer
; c nttiui ltas imaturally given tli
VOtu1Utl suuhl'ruuists itt Euigltttttl a sort
II ittsliriLtlOIi. IIisn Anthmoity'n stul
8 , ject was ' 'Thtti 1'OliitiOtt ofVotttun I
It. ' itself I
4iitUi-Ctt' ntul cluvtuted ehtichly
it time cbattges wrotighut iii wOtulIiil'ul coid
it. ( iou by thu events of the past foi'ty.hi
bo ycams. In 1810 cooking , setving ittul fit' '
, tory work wore the nitty occupatioi
U to womiteut , 'I'itui'u wan one wonin
tmtorchuaitt in l'huiladulplmitu , vhtotn Liter
tia Mott itseti to speak of with pride nit
hope. Atttoiiiettc llmtuwjt was tlueit tli
'en only woittait YlbO hiatt been o
io uliuliteul to Preach. Harriet lb
uD tutor , twhmuu vas afterward fuitmot
IC sa it scutlpttw , went frouuu college to cello
tmbcggittg iutlimtiSsituL to thto'ir atmatoitmic
mm icctttros , uttul itt every direct'tott womttn
of foundharr'mern to Itur ativancoummont beyot
Ito time itarrov litimits whuicit priittitivo civi
hue ittiim hind cast about her. Titis wits th
uuitttatittm forty yeats ago. ' .l'o.tlay mtll ti
IL itvetittuu of jrogresiu arc oiiott to wotmual
utlm Slat tmnu' elect Iter tunic or profession
150 frt'ul ) ' Its tahtit.uitlutl ' lute toachtci
lriumcilutuls utimul urofussors in iitstittutio
LUfl of luavmtiuug. They utuc doctors , Inwyct
hio prinucliurs , editors , putblis1tor , fnnmtui
tIe umutitrie , tulttgtiuphters. 'l'hcuo is sctticu
lie aetulliitg elused to thtcumt. it tut it lihett8t
ta ImCttuI'O ) tlittt lin Aiutltommy itrcw for hi
ut:4 : lntuloii hmeaturut , tumid tutto that must ha
, umi autlom'dud hut utoiimetltiimg liku a scimsu
cli , iuet'suuuutml triuuiiiuhm. For , view it its i
ad. jiuver losu ut'uglit. of tltu ft
to tlmttt there is au iuttliyitlutul to vhiottm t
coy f Aimmurica arc utmuro itiulubtuti I
HiLl time luhuttiUl i mmmprovuuutummt ii i thu
uld condittoit itn4 eircuuumataumeus titan Suts
u11t 11 Auttituity , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
utta llOiLIst ) ' time Ihost l'olttiy.
) itO lit iidvortlsliugiu moothicinu It h best to
) utd houtest ; deception utill imevor sb ; the pee
, wott't tatiul it. Let the truth be known t
hC r 111cc. ! ) ijUcri cure scrufitlu , antI
eatiuficius of time skin. 'rue nmecliciite is s
cciemerywimero by tlrugists.
A. (1. Vanlerhinuler , an eccentric reshlent of
Oklntiul beeotne heir to an cuttAto In Ger
inriny vauicul at 2tOOO or $30,000 , owned by
a relative vhio ieil recently. '
Thin .rInters of the Call tmnul iholletin nSnti
Fraumcico , struck Iat week because the pro'
itlOt.Oi'ui refiiscl tO dIcliargo ncun-uinhoii taco.
Ituthi iuapers Iiatn beoti heavily Plated MflC
00(1 ( the Irintero are still out ,
4 % , . fine ) , od Of "kaolin , ' sliic1i is a clay
much itcul by tim ( imiuueo anul .laiutneso in
time unanutfnetimre of isircelain eareU , has becit
.hIsco'crsul at ( rasn Valley 'flue ileimsit is
hclieieul tn ho extensive anti % cry valuable.
The Sacratuicuita auutluoritics are in a imtublho
iivcr the gatrubhiuug question. They are unable
to hreeuIt thmo 1ce anul aitlutunghi willing to ,
arc afralul to aiithturiro aumul license the games ,
a. , such action wujlul eoutthlct sitli the state
A rieii strike is reurteul , at Aulen , In the
, Tiiumi Pr iuuhuue. I 0IO airmoulit ( If the dirt
% % Ilh it is teporteil , yielul t'i ; tu , Clue PotuuOl. As
all illustration of the riciune's ( uf the lure , it It
ttated tiunt flute 111811 Is gettliug uit ? 2,000 i'er
Tue shuhiuiuteiit.s ( uf voo1 fruon San Vrancist
tu , the east by rail inul sea fur the six inotutlms
cuidhuug .hitiuo 80 , I8$3 , weie 1 Il44,38l iuoutnths ,
ngihumst 17IM1,8I ( ' , Ioulmul for tim corrcsjuoiuul
slug tcrlotl of I b2 , atmul 21 , 12 I230 l.nitltls for
thue salute luerhiul iii 1141.
'l'lio 1mw resitlence to be lunilt luy J. C.
Fll , ( Iii Caiiforuuin street Sati Fratmcisco ,
will bc the finest tualaco Iii tfue ljuulon , It Is
to cust. about : r , ooo ooo tsltiuuuit the furniture ,
which will cost huerfualus 111010. In
fact. It 1u lielioveul that It will be time moMt gor-
geouts lurivato resiulonce Iii the world.
Time cereal acicagit for the trcscnt , scatoti ,
for the state , is as folluuws'hmettt 2G.14,710
acres , barley 771i,405 , corn oats 12'2 ,
1il8 , rye 2Ut51. 'I'liis Is the actuini acreage
I4OWit to grain , butt iluues not Inchuido uninnumer
fallow laud , which vihi huruluhtico a crop next
year. i'ronu IiufuriuiatIoui recciveul of time
.iituuii ( of crops , etiinatell thu total wheat cr01 ,
vI1i fall twetity luer cent short of last year ,
while the acreage has IumcrCaMCl tout tuer ccitt.
. - - S
The ituuiiumissIncru , , of Yellowstone county
have decided to inilid a jail , to cost ilOOOO , or
It it , cstliuiatcd that \Iumtaiia'8 s'otu1 cliii
vIll reach r0)00,000 ( ) p0iiiiuls per year tim time
uuoxt deca4e.
The Ittini ciuubrmtced lit the (11(1 Blackfoot
agency lumui becut tolul to variout parties at $1.25
to $2.80 ver acre.
1ifteen thousniul dullars of school bonds of
time Mlssouultt , uchtool district were taken at 7
11cr ccitt interest tIer ahinumuuu ,
' [ 'Ime iuuusLh1ico lciutiimcuit , : has ordered the
railway utah service by time Nortlmutrn l'acific
route to lat extended froun Livlutgstout to lielo.
tin , eottuiuueuiciulg August 15th.
Tue rceertt ? .Iiik river uxmilitary expeditiuuii
retuinued to Fort Assliunboitmo luout week.
Notluiiug of iinluortaiuce was accomplished , uI-
though several uutrnggliuig hautds of Crecs
were calutuurcul , llsariuued mmd ScOt north.
At ltuuciutait a gigantic project to reclaim
tlmouusaimdt of acres of ( lesert land auiut furnish
fitrumiers in that utotIuitm aim utijimmidance of svatr
ll IIuV oil foot. It is coumstrimctioim of a cairn1
tuventy.hivo anti ommc.half ummiles long , twenty.
use feet vitlc at tlmc 1ottoimi and to have three
feut . , f water.
: 'imu Butte Miumer says : "A $100,000 fire ,
hmniugi ag ( If 8 jutati for erluumiuni assault by the
L i mInilte.u , iiirayliug of time roughus nairist time
. citizens , between wimommi war was iimunlmmcimt ,
tlmti u4imootitmg of time leader of time thug eloimmotit
nimul time air timick with 3-7.77 imotices imavobeemi
I t1m this etsloiis itt \li1cs City duirimug tlu hiatt
I tcek.
L m'eli ium u1 js.uuiuhtt comutaiuis but
I eigimteeit Incites of stttor1 whicim imever lower
aim iiuclm , thmouiglm t'tttcr is coumstaiutly puiuuiiuetl
. fruumt , it t. ) I4Iulululy IL uiteaiim lotler. . 't.t a ( lepti :
I of tlmiu ty foot solid ice fom'uuus around time iip
ium Clue hottest weather. As tt strong ( Iraft o
suIt cotuies frotut time buttoimm , thu vei1 is sup
1' hiucd to tnt , IL iomiutcnttucaii clmttmiimol.
'l'imo I [ eluima mmii Jee 1odgo stage coach vai
t Itch ! mu ' I eccuutly tumd the uaseulgcms mumut umalim
"relieved" itt time approved style. One of tb
3 rulIberl4 , uideuttly a gtmuimiy.hmuumnorouis sort of
I chmtp : , ttmote across tt letter left Ijeimiud
4 ' 4 ijicuted iuy mistake by tIre roaul agents , " amit
, I tilt it luack intO time immnil iouclm. 'Ihircu of timu
imiglmwuymimemt were ctuiutureul at ( laliatlul.
) Colorado.
minuiitott coiitAtmttot to be time gmclLt i'ci.omt ii
. time state , mmd is Ihlicut uthi icoiuio fmoiui eveuy
timoic. S
'i'hio hnuimers of ] ) mtvcr imitvo melucel tim
cuat o a ucrapti to temi ceitt. Ouuntima stil
0 sticks to war irices.
I ) 1)tuumver simiooiu keepot natmied i'imil , O'Jiomi
- imel I , cltmiimms to a t'umtt coujuti mm of time slayer o
0 Carey. 'lime mcIatiuuislmii lout nit utgrecabl
S effect out btniuets.
4 couiiunotioit iman been ci'eiteul iuuouig fislmer
' - nucim iuy tIme discovery of immuiumiutaiui trout ii
. Cimermy Creek , Detmver , tuud time banks tue muo
ahlvo withm tiItciuies tf tizoukVnlton. .
S 100,000 ieoiulo arrived aimd lepartc
r at the Ijniomi depot in 1)eumvcr duiriuug the cir
Lcaflmlulflu3uit. . 'l'tmeto wits nit average of 15
uf tizduis a day , iumcludimug 118 regular traima.
ml It ; lul estimiunteul sum orchard cut tIme Arkaitsa
0 liver three miles l > eloiv Cmuumon City will thi
L- car unto tImreo tiuouusaimul buisimels of nqules
l'IuIs will be time largest clolu er before raise
t iii Colommulo.
Time sumcccss ( If the govertuiucuut artesia
vclls ium time state lmzts uttliumuulated jrivate ci
terjuriso iii that mhimcctiuui. Sovem'mml turhat
tuelis nit , ijuiw bel mug snuik , aunt iii sonic ii
3 staimcct thawing water lint becim readied at 18
( I foot ,
.sfter utli the gloi' of time ( . /t. .U. ieiimuiuum
1)emuver ill nuns' kickiuug over the oxiteuso bili
which amuoumuit to over $211,000 , or $21,000 turn
thtttu time fmmuiuls coihected by thin citizeums , am !
eumumumItteo hits ; huicti miju1uoimitctl to shumuvo tI :
lure iiiuttt.
II i ui uu etituutty lint immtle ii. tiulcmuuhiul tecor
0 fuut' tue first si. umunumthis of 1883. 'l'imu f.uiiov
I. hug simtmws time ulitiflit : Simioltimig ore soitl.ISu4
I. 175.0(1 ; gout huiuhhiumu , 1ti3,1I00.SO ; taihitmgs tolu
'is $211,210. ( $ ) uuuuitua ! gregory , $35,000.00 ; ni
ii shmiiqieui direct tu ) Jemiver , i50100.00 ) ; tuutzm
If 1,2)1iJi5.i0. _
There lint iuettit it deimmzuul fir iitit-wtitu
18 cocktails itt i ) oumut'r since tiuuu tuivcumt of uhiu
t- istitc Fuehti tvhuu is an tUiOmit nulvocmuto of ti
1 bemiohits t.s ) ti uit'riueul fmuimt diIimkiuig hunt vnte
LU 'l'hio drink comusistt ( If hut iuteslaui ts'ator lit ii
) f orulluuary gla4s aim' ! time hutotler timiuug is to guil
. It clown at a sluuglut tuits. ' .Fime tmiauuduicss suit
: ii'hlclt iu2Irteiuultm charge tifteen cents fume
11 enimimot be eceli d ,
( . ) ightttimit t 'i'tuiuuur , tito foincuis tititty'uti !
t. seimatur lmtis nuuuthmer ilaitiage suit ( lit itamni ,
'O ? iiat iceii tiled iii tiuo su1lrcuuio con :
I , . , if 'csv York City by liciury 'I' . Cumtter , iii b
mM half ef hummiu.ehf ton ! other sitarohtolders if tI
Citryuuuuhlte lumi mug cntmiuaity itt uluicim damm
it tqes to time cktomit. of $10,000,000 are deuutmuu
Li- ott. 'l'iue Cimrysolto ( mmiimio is located lit beta
d sub , nut ! itt ( lita tiune was ( IltO of time grin :
LU iurotijicers Of tIme earbommitte Chill ) , auiut coutrlh
t.- utod its siiitte to bmlitgiuug Lotulviiie am ! in
. minutes lit PiiuuiutrIlco. ' .1 muhor vas luiesident i
time cuimmmuaumy ,
114 _ _ _ _ _ _
'sV3'iiihtlJ. .
Choyemtmis.t thaimius ncr $100,000uiih be iii
I imuto immq Cuuiotmts titeto titit ycal. .
lit . Tue giuveumiumient ummihl at Fort tlciiimui (
' lnurmmeul ( Iii time 2 Itit uht. 1.oso , $ $ . ( )00. )
to otrtiii lu 111eV muatumoil 1 CI , . Chtrk ,
me Ciucycumime , ivoutmiti up hilt careur I ii a gloriuti
II , dtuuuik.
as 'l'ime term ibriut iu' are tugitateti user U
5 , sehucitmo ( If ( bi. Crosby to tuiuiisx flue Nittiout
Its Park to Mnimt.tuua ,
8 , 1'Fiio etate of : l. : ui , Ptuttersu'ii who recot :
5 11 , ' iiilyidcui at Ciucycumue It i ( luelkuini iv
1t yit'hut ii0O00 ivitemi all ( kilts ILIC paid ,
ii I : 'I'huo Sumi , if Cimoycinue , Is at prosomit imuud
CI' ciouiii , iti t in shmtijuti iii a bill for $20tt ngtti
a creditor utaimueti ( .tuip , ivlmii hitus ilIsttii ut'ttmc
iuui'.Iuie.i imtouu Itru ttiio itt otutmlmmg.
h'omtu' immeut lois u tiicui ( ( it lt till mucial cittlumi u'
IS U itatel siuimtu ol 'luty mullet muortim of J litivilu
uct the uiouthmerim uiml uf time lug Ilium ran
lie 'this claiumt uiimiiui'i..cs ntsittt sixty micros of
Itut' tlo1tiutlt 'vimicit 'l'crm itorial ( leologist. Ball
i1i1' lurommoumumees ! surjucju tueld , lltmmu aini uutaguiasiti
lull 'l'iuti wife of a uimmtltiuig luarlwr imamneii ( 1
muckcr trteut tilu stryciuutimue route lat.t WC (
butt toOk atu uverde.o of time uloachly drug it
itat Luuuuiliueui' out. 'l'iuo sitoak itt ' 'I
110 lluck of it imnsbuitiI" isimo lta.4 I
iul3 * telojuosli IttI ) a ' 'tlit iuorut sisirt , " devotimig itt
iumt 01 his tltmmo to fast womimen tumid 41hilowiimg I
all imis suriiltts cash ,
old 'Fiue iucxsmueitt. of time several etuutut'ticn tuft
territory , e.ia'iusIvu IIf raliromuti ttttti telt'gra
- - -
lines Is as foiiowst Lrurtunle , $4'S-tOOST.t ! ;
Albany 2,703 HIT'.75 : Carboii $2,842 021.50 ;
.SWeetwater , $ iG02f,72J,0' t'itmta , $ ftS,717 ;
huimnLon , $2f82,48l1.71 , inafclng tstal of nearly
$ . ,000,000. Time U. P. maIn hoc Is assessed
at $ (1fi25 ( hier nub.
Clark coutuuty lint it isIluuiltLtlOfl of 3'OOO.
'rime telephone Infliction Is sureailIng In time
lihitek hills.
hlcuiry Ward Beecluer is lecturing on lilt
westward tril' .
' : flmo } ing Solomumn umuiuie tucar hlaplui City
lint been nttaduei by creditora.
Tue governineuit land office nt Fargo took
lut uner $20,000 ( limO iveek recemitly.
lituuui couitity farmers hiaso formeul a outturn
tO initko chstlruu juuimmpcrs inucomfortablo.
The litta tin imilute in the linrney district
lint bceui 1401(1 tO English capitalists for $50,000.
Tim iloux Imave , .uumno fine tiehuhs of wluoat
gross log ( , ii their rcservattomt imear Fort Thuomiuii.
rn ,
'fime election : it 4ioitx Fall resulted favorably
to time Proluositioul IA , hssuuc $12,000 iii Idge
1510(114. (
\Vnshubumriu , tue iiruuuoeii ; uuuctrnja1Is , forty
inilet north of Blsuuiarck , Is ltuylumg the wires
for a 1,11(110.
Tue fliuntluig debt of Lawrence county ,
aimuuuuuutiuug , tO ) aluuut $110,000 , Is to but couomvert'
cli liiti hIuuli $ ,
1x.Somiatiur ( oiukliuug was receiveui at Bit.
march by at large ieleguutloim of citizetus headed
iuy mu hurass iuaumi. ,
1)uirimig ) the year etuding .Ttuuo 30 , there ivero
taken In thin lilsinarck dIstrict 511,017 acres of
gos'ormumnemit latud.
'i'lmo govermutnemit land in suumtim 1)akuuta is
11(1W coIlLtimcoI to time iuartly settled cuinmtieuu
ivest of A1erdecmi.
Tue COWisIyI ( occasioinahly eoili'.en timings in
time Black hills. A , uarty recently went a
\vimuoi mng tiurouigii I I ai iul Lit ) ' numul ivouuitd tlbl
lit tue cooler.
Time ruuuu.1.uil ) thin Black hills herds
shtowed the cattle in gooui coimdition auid little
lust dtmring the year. Sitiluinents of the ripe
cattle will luegitm at once.
The agemit of thin Nortimuu'cstcrn Traumsporta.
tlomt conniany is reported to have kIiu1ucd out
frommi leadwuoud i300 short iii his tmccouomts.
lie hind toyeoi wltht time tiger.
The assessors' returns iive 3cCook county
$5:3I,783 : inluinttouu , which is consIderably imioro
tItan twice thu valuatioti last year. Time
assessors' census gives a jmiIatIoim ! of 4,041-I.
Liout. Chmamuce , of Fort Limicolu , hoar Bit-
marck , hint received a clmeck fur his lottery
i'rize of $80000. lie roposcs to iuivest luuost
of the wail iii mortgages , auud will contimuue to
itoh ! hIs arimmy job.
'rho Umulverusity of Dakota is locatetl at Votr-
million ; that ( If uorthm Dakota at ( ranoi
1' orks ; the agricultural cohere at Brook-
logs : time Baptist colleo at. Sioux Falls ;
time Presiuytoriaum universIty at l'icrre : tier-
mal schools at Lar'tinoro , Madison , Minto
iemutb una , Snoarfisli and Surimugfield , tumd
hfturon islil try for time Methuotlist university.
The building of a $40 000 court Imonso lint
becmm commenced at hImdey , I. 'r.
There ivere sixty.seveim doatims in Salt Lake
dumring the imuontim of .lumly , thmirtytuiote of whom ,
is'ere chihlremi.
A. Cimimmose iciuce attclui1ltel ( to columinitl stui'
' chic iuy juimuping iuito thin river front a felT ) "
itlat between lkntlaiid numd Emist l'ortlatmui ,
Om egomu.
Time iuiggest rim of sahmnoum known lii tIme
lower Coininluin riser for five years occurred
last Satuiuday. 'I'hue murcu-mige catch per boat
iv104 200 fish.
L Nevada Iumdiaiit have a good tIming hi being
I nlloivd to ride freeover all tim ralirozuls in
the state , aunt timey uumnke the 1mmIISt Pony
. lmeai , iulayed out.
A bramuchi of tim Central l'acifie railroad
I itill is ) iltiiit front Vimuulouuuulcctu to IdaltI , 0.11(1
I it It timilmuglit that work on time lIaol ivihi be
I comiummemmeoul witimin thin uuutxt sixty dttys.
. Time croju 1r0I1cCtt 0.11(1 time inimuimug unitlook
better titan time ' to-
hi Utah iveme imever ) tue -
( In ) ' , 101(1 there is imo reason silmy bmustmucss diur-
4 iumg time coining fall autul winter slmoulul muot I.e
4 ulmIuitilali ) ' lmisk _
'rime Nevada betted of exainimuers c.Iuumitcd time
111(1103) ' Iii time trcasliry ttnd foiuimul $115,218.10
III Cdfl it , tmini $ : ioosu.7ii i suniclmems ; also a
I $380,000 school buumuul , $115,000 1mm ttato buimuls
i nun ! t150,00O ilL U' . S. bomuds.
C ) regou lund a very ( II ) ' ocasout this year , atul
iil accumuuit of a cold mmd wet spuimmg mmmiii a lmot
amid dry suiuuuuuer , croi us are exceedi iugl ) ' uilitn ,
tumul HIlt itiIIti thaum imaif time gLVCrIIge ii expect-
cii. Fruit is almitost aim emutiro fa'ulumro. Ittismimess
ill till delualtmuicuits utmmifera ill coumseqouc000.
] : amlway IIOStIlliCe service hmas been cstab-
lishmeul on the limmo of time Om egout SlulIrt. I iuue
mailwiiy , between Craiugcr , \\omuuimug , aomd
- SI mosinumue , I daimo-listauice :123 : tidIes , the hint
f to lu kuiowmm , as time ( lrauuger amuti Shmoiiommc
it 11I,4tOtiiCC. Service vIl1 coiuuiuueumco oIl time 10th
of August.
Can't Suty Ilmtigii.
up ' 'I cautmuot iIeak tOO highly iuf Itusri1oc1.
! Jloutl 1JiCt'8.timoy ( have mcii a great Illessimug
Cured 1mm ( If biliousness am ! ( lyspeI.
L _ fnin which I have suffered for tuuauuy years. '
to Mr. .h . Marsh , Baumlc of Turommto , Ommt
C1QIOS lliis'c Clunmigt'I.
t Val1 Street Seas.
8 ' ' \\'itumt $100 thmis iuiorumiumg" celmoed thmt
1. governor , as lie wimeoled around ott hmi
ii ' . . "uVity sir I
20'-ycnr.old son. , , gave yoc
$50 only yesterday ! "
mm ' 'Yes , father , but belonging to a faslu
ioitablo club is expensive , you ktiuw. , ' '
0 don't kitow irnihming of the sort , sir
: ; \Viteim I wits a youilg mmmii I bulottged t (
tint A 1)0110 ) ( .iltlb. It immchmdcd tlte cecait
of thto city , tttttl Iii ) ' ClCItSCS veren't $2
:4 : , a year.
0 ' 'Yes , fittlier , butt clubs are iitui difl'er
mu eimtly 110w. "
RI ' "rhicy tire , ciiVuIl , I can't help that
a lot of fellows can't Itire it toomum owe :
, . a , tmutimery , jtlt iii Mix haututis , two dloci
. citttirs , three fiddles arab a checker board
I , uumd enjoy tltomtmselves in IL m'atioimiil mmmii
c tier , as two did , you hmad luetter _ you
cvettimmgs posting up tub ) ' books. Fashiulu
: - able chmlus I I I uitdt'cd ( hIlIni's ! 1 'd likI
to see yott get it ! "
to The Doctor's Endorsement.
; ' lr. ) 1) . \ V.Vrlghut , Cimucinmituti , o , , uemud
thu smibj uuiiie1 1IuOft'siIuiiitl timidoruemmuent :
II Imavo irescritleul 1)1 ! . \ui , l1AI1'S blAb
SAut FOlt ' 1'1Lh LITIs'US lit a great imumni
her of cases iutuul always svkhm success. Out
cause itt juartictilar was ghrii III , hi ) ' severe
hIiiYsieiaius ivito lout luecui CaiiOil ( ill for consul
tttioii : ivitim uumyscif , 'rite hlatietit had all tim
rt s'mmllltliums of coimfurmumoil ( nttSi1llupt1Iuim-cIh
Ii' iulghit sweats , lmecti fever , harn.ssimmg cough :
in etc. I to xmutmmtciuccil Iiuuimmediately to get luot
Itor iuiid ivas scout retbireti to lilt usual health
1' i limno also foluild Jilt. tV\1. hALL'S 114th
I. SAM 1"Oht 'riti LUNGS tue tuuost valmmall
it exhoctornuut fur broakliig tip distrossiiig cough
1' atuil colds tiuat ; I have ever used. "
} rorn these sources arise tlireo'fourtlms of
0 the iliscasea of tIme Imurtuan race , 'Ilmeso
in sytuiptouumslmulLcato thoboexIstencO I Lois of
I1tCt1t0 , ilutycli uittt7o , Ificic Jirati-
it' UCIivt'UluietS nflercnttiigaversiomt to
III ' eitrtimL of body or mind , EriuCtntiout
of tooth , Irritability of temuper , LOW
ijbrits , A ( relimig 01 1tavtmt zieglectel
solute tlmmt' , 1)Irzluciv , Fiuitteriitg i.t the
Li Jivnrt,1)ot botore the eye. , lmIJlhmlyCOi'
st oa.i Urine , ( 'ONSTU5.ITIOX , ulluul do.
iii , mnj thuo use ofru reonontytimat acts ttbmOtt
011 the Liver. AsaLtvurInoiliohuleTUTT'
. t'ILLS imavo iuo oqual. TheIr action on the
i ltlmuOy8mimuIt Sklit is also proimipt ; reinovinur
It , tmh % imumptuiltics throumghm ttmeso three " tonY-
re , emigres or liio . 'istcin , " producing appo.
it tlt , soutumil digestion , regular stoolt . , a cililut !
' sklnuuuhmuvmgoromlsbofiy. 'rUT.l"S 1'IIJ.S
ci' ciuuiso or ) unumson. or grhptuig nor titterleru
with ththiy work anut are a tuerfect
uk1 boidcverywiieue.2110. OtUco.4 I Murray bt. . .Y.
Ilsi ctmauiged In.
GluT ILuilt 011 WiutSiiilt't
lii" Staidly to a ( JUSSY Ium.AcI by a shmuglo imp.
huitcatlon of ( lila bYE. 601(1 bY Druggisuit ,
or utemIt by express on recelptOf , .
die Ofllco,4tldurray Stroct.MW tOrlC.
- - -
- - - -
Has theBet Stockin Omaha andMakesthoLowestPrices 7 %
FURNITURE ! . ' 1'
linve just receiverl n large lo ol Chamber stiis : ui Nctv Patterns ,
and the itiosf dcsmrnbe styles , and am ofFeritto' theut n1 littICh LOWER.
PRICES titan simelt goods are usuahl ) ' 801(1. '
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb '
- - -
-vc.7--M S0NDii
1' '
\ . \tLLY \
First-class Painting and Trimming. Repairing Proniptly Done.
1119 Harney Street , - - - OMAHA , NEB
Iu. iirr ,
Bllies , Carriages alid Spr ¶ aous ,
My ltcpository is constantly flhtcot aith a select stock. Best Workmanstuip guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
- A. . M. CLARK ,
Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures.
, 107 South Ittlu Street ,
. . . . '
Ammd ivork of this kiumd vilI rccivo prompt attentioti.
J. H0 CBSOi ,
coitNEitTwELrrIiAxnliowAItD ] ' 1 itt E78.
- - - - - -
Particular attention lynn to rut nlrin. Satis rctce minaranteoul.
_ r
Booth's 'Oval' Brand
'xo1i. : F1SI3. .rLt c'1OLi155.
D. B. BEEMEII , Omitaima.
; \ \ \ \UiJJ.//J///////Palltt \ / / Tillnei1s' Stock
I ) / /
ullIIII//If//f2 FOISALE DY -
- .
AA Excelsior
: - - - ,
Double and Single Acting Power and iland
Engine Trittmniimtgs , i1immiuig i1itcii'mimuryI Bcltiumg , hose , Brass amid Iron
Steattu Packing at whmolcsalu nimo.l retail. II4tLLADAY WIND.MILL , OlbiJItul !
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
i _ IN CZ
and Baking
ls omuly ttttaimmedby
. - _ _ ,
- " 3 Stoves and Ranges ,
: " - Forsmdoby