x THE OMAHA. FATLY BED. . . 'THIRTEENTH YEAR. UMAIIr1 , NLI3. 'L'UItSDAY ' MORNING , AUGUST 9 , 1883. NO. 4. . HER MAJESTY'S MINISTERS ( Gladstone ReYte s the Progress of CiYtlizattoh in Ireland and Rtiyptr 'Thu Tautatave Trouble AullenUly Setlled-Thc Cnnou Bernard 8randnl in Belgium-1'ro grcRH or the Cholera , nod Other 11Lttters. 4ENF RAIr FOitl.1UN NEWS , A HI EEII ( 111' ( lI.A1)STONIL 1ANUo f , August 8.-ThoLoni Mayor's batiquut to ministers took phuo at the ] llanslutl house this evening. Gladstone rising to respond 111 the toast "hcr majesty's ministers , " wits greeted with proluuged cheering. After expressing thanks , ( lladstouo sketched recent pub , lie events , lie said the goverment had : gOIIO to Isg' ) t in at unselfish spirit told .deairod simply to acceleraturefornt there. It n as felt too much haste nmightspoil the work. Wheitlme views of the government - ment inn this respect were accuutphslled the British would disappear front the coutttr lie said nothing would ho f - , ! tunic grateful to ever S , one of the umin- istcrs thrum to the earl } and successful acceuplshuients of the great ntovencut towards reform in Egypt. In regard to the 'Panmtm u mttlbtr ( Jadstouu said the govurmneut lmd received fuller advices front Madagascar cuntirmiug the hope that uo difficulty cxtsted , which could not be solved by generous and honorable dispgsitions , which should alvays exist especially between France and England. Ile now felt ever sanguinely conliduut that nothing would arise which would disturb their lengaccord. Gladstonecon- tinning , said he was thankful to be , able to record a great change in the condition of ntl'airs in Ireland. Time authority of law , he said , had been reas- .sorted there and peace turd security pro , vailed. Tim dark dens of assassination had been effectually suppressed and cei- fidenco which had united their unhappy frequenters and ouabled tme11 to execute their deadly purposes had beeml in a large ' degree destroyed. Deep gratitude is due the Almighty , and secondarily the lord .lieutenant and chief secretary. Ho believed - lieved the end of time session would show .a fair amount of work had been achieved. Tame government looped much in the future frpm its new systetit of grand .couuuittces , TIIE ANON IIEItN.tItl SCANDAL. BlwsslL. : , August 8.-In the trial of Caron Bernard , charged withm abstracting - ing papers amid securities reptesentimg several milliei franc from time Episcopal palace of the diocese of Tour ay , counsel for defendant declared his client had a document from the popc winch empower- 4 ed ] mint to take measures he deemed best ' to conceal the tm'easttr'e. lie could not I have supposed such order meant he was only to conceal it iii Tournay. Cation Bernard , ho said , hind heel made e the scapegoat of Bishop itous- , 1 i seatix , who had written Imimm while lee svgs in Now York virtually ordering - ing him to continuo to conceal time funds. Bishop llousseax believed he could a oid rncetimg , in the court of claims , the titan- , mgonnLDunmont , former bishop of too diocese , by scitdiug time funds beyond time reach of judicial power. If he hind been successful ilo would have indemilli- , fled Calton Bernard , who had merely ll atteulpted evasion of the civil law and ' . had nut cenutitted a criminal offense. Time case has caused very painful feeling j iii religious circles , TILE ZULU lUNG. LONnoN , August 8.-l'ersisicnt rol + orts 'nru current that Cetevayo is alive. The son of time late BishopColeimso , telegraphs front Matit'iburg that Cetewayo ( letmamds inquiry lute his treatment by the govern- ment. Time British agent at Maritzbmg discredits time reports. TIlE C11OLiILA. Cuuo , August 8.-Native ofhieinls here .are much blamed eo certiu ; the condition - tion of patients in the madhouse , It Liss hear discovered , despite shemuons denials , that there has been in four clays thirty-two deaths from cholera there , while time nauher of imitates was but 270. English doctors om becoming aware of the condition of aft miry at time iustitu- tion endeavored to remedy it , but even yesterday the place was in a filthy condi- f piton , a number of bodies of victims lying around , besides huudreds sufilning from the disease' ' . ' Till. Eml'61t01iH of Germany and Austria arrived at Ischel Ott noon. Time furmor was met by time latter at Ebuwc , where very cordial greetings wore oxchangged. Thirteen deaths from cholera occurred , at Alcxtmdria yesterday. : A' . _ w _ GOV , Crittendomi anti Limit F'rl. SAN FIIANCISCO , August 8.-Governor Crittenden of Missouri , in tut interview , emnphaticahfy denied time stitemnent tutu , graphned from Kansas City that Ire prom. ised Bob Fed $40,000 reward if he brought in Jesse alive ; $10,000 iE dead , i He says ho did not know Chancy Ford 4 had any conviction with time Blue Cut robbery until after time robbery. It 114 absob toly untrue that protection was oi1ured Ford prior to tire rubbery. lie frequently samv Bob Fiord , Lilt refused to make any arrangement atimer than an- mouucing a proclunratim offering $10,000 for the arrest turd conviction of each of time James boys , .fudge l'hihlips , attor nuy for the Jnnnei buys , is in the city , but declined to converse ou time subject , - Pa' : Conlauuiol ( 'uu0u 1puilfou. : Ns' OILnassAugust 8.-MajmirE. A. liurite , uiamage' of time 'J'iumes-1)emnocrat ) , way appointed timid coufirnmed Director geumr.l of time 1Vorld's Industrial and J Cuttun Cemmtenuinl Expoaitio11 , swiiiclt will I open ill Now Orleans fn December , 1884 , 1 Major Durko had twice declined the a - 1ointlnont althou gam tendered it sally of ' r $ 20,000 , lit however liumillyy furred to the wishes of the public , but , I m1)on him suggestion file salary vas reduced - duced to $10,000 a year. Jim accepting , ) time appointment ho subscribed time ' If , an0)unt of time salary to time stock of time oxIositiomm , , nud gave the stock to time ag ) r cultural and mnecima ical college of Louisiana , Tlno 1alrphono AOn ( q ely , I BOSTON , August 8-The Advertiser will say a powerfnl Now York and Bee ton syndicate has boon formed to cotrol t time Drawbaugh telephone rights , in view , of time aitieipatod result of the litigation t ngninst the bell company. It is leanled time Now Eim Maud Mdddlu amid 1Vcstert territories Imavo already been acquired. A ItUCK1NG ItOVINE. A Jearncy Jutlkt Entnngiiil In a lariat-Normal Lstitimto. Special Dispatch to the Iliac , KaAItNR1 , Neb. , August 8.-This morning County Judge 1Vlmittier received a broker rib and severe inturuml iujurius front a cow v1uclm became enraged s ho was attempting to lariat it , ontanyliug him iii time rope front which , owing to am 11111(10 recoutly sprained , hu was tunable to extricate himself. lluffaio coummty norniul iustitutc began m three weeks sossimt ldonday , and is hsviug very interesting and instructive series of meetings umtler Prof. Alll lien. 1tAIIiltOAI ) MATTIttS. THE IhLINOiS MInhANI IN rOU1IT. BOSTON , August 8-'The suit of the lJhitOll Trust company mgaiust the Ilii' 1101511idlaml railroad contpauy rand Otte ors , cattle up for hearing before , lmstico llarbul. 'I'lie case was iutrolueed in time courts of Chicago , limit owing to the pres. ouco of time jmlge in this state , counsel came hero to try it. Time case is it suit iii clmattcery to foreclose three sue- tiotiml mortgages mud also a getenil murtgngo on time emisolidated road , made up of three sectiuus , known mistime Illinois 111illaud railroad. Time contest is over the clndms of dull rent bondholders as to the legality of $150,000 worth of receiv- er's certilicntes timid time priority of their lion over time rights of bomdholde s ; also , as to priority of claiimms of cortaitm judg- tuent of creditors a'd as to time priority of time lien of about $300,000 floating ( lCltedltea9. T1iR COMINf OPENING OF T1IR N. 1' . NEW YORK , August 8.--Time Northern Pacific railroad will be counectod about 00 miles west of Ilelena , Moutaua , on time 25th inst. , but time formal opening will not tnko place till September 18th , next. On or after time 2litlt inst. time cont- pauy will be ready to receive freight to and front points on the Pacific northwest. The rates between St. Paul , Duluth and Portland will be the sammie as between Council Bluffs and Sal Francisco. Through tariffs to Portland and other Pacific coasts.points are now being prepared - pared , and will be ready for distribution iii it short tiuuc. NO CUT ON RATES. 11lrrwAuxEt : , August 8.-1\luneapolis \ miller who met representatives of time Nortlmvestern roads to arrange for lower rates to tha east because of time ruinous terms by way of Duluth , returned ] menu without accotulplisdnillg their purpose. SOLICITORS ON Tam lmO.uau. CnIeA00 , Aug. 8.-'l'ime IIoosae tuim- ncl line put solicitors om time board of trade to-day. Time Chicago , C Atlautie refusedtowitiidrawtlmeirmmim , Attho head quarters of time cast bound freight come- mittee it was believed all roads will be represented on time board within a few days. TIIE VESTERN ASSOCIATION of gemernl passenger amid ticket agents met to-clay for time supposwd nurposoof tomlkidcring gncsticros involved in time passenger war between Chicago amid St Louis , but adjourned after having prescribed 250 pounds as time maximum theatrical baggage and making a rule that dmmkcys and dogs belonging - longing to traveling troupes be not received - ceived as baggage , but turned over to time express comnpalilen. ANOTIIEia CUT. Scalpers to-day sold Illinois Central tickets , Chicago to St. Louis , at $ G , a cut of 50 cents below time last cut rate. 't'hus far the Habash amid Chicago mud Alton tickets have bceu going at $ G 50. To-uigimt time Chicago tL Alton issued time following notice : ( 'For time last two 01 three days time Illinois Central brokers ill St. Louis have been selling at $ G to Chicago , in conselueuc of which action ou time part of that line we niako rate in in all our oflices em and front to-umorrow , the 0thm dust , of $ li bntwoem Chicago and St. Louis. " Further reduction is antici- pated. s'r , looms TO i ANSAH Cliv. Sr. Louis , August 8.-It mow tour spires that General Devereaux , Mr. ' 'il- liugLnst amid other geuthenelt representing - ing time lice line timid 1'muulerbilt interest , did not leave for Kansas City' last night as nmmouimced , but had a conference witim with gentlemen inert connected with time project to build a belt railroad nrouud St. Louis , to see a what terms they could obtain time charter and fratmchises of time Belt road ccnpamly in order there. by to secure easy entrance into St. Louis and access to union depot for their con , teuplatcd now road between hero and i Iausts City. It seated on pretty re liable autlmurity this road ms sure to be built amid tlmat operationa will be begun as soon as Genera ) Doveroaux amd party return to Now York and have u consultation - tion with other parties concerned. 1 Col. 1V..1 , Parnmore , president of time Texas , C St. Louis Narrow Gauge , wlmo is also vice ) resideimt of time Belt road coma. 1m1)Y , aural who was one of time conferring - ring parties lnst ai hilt , was seen this uvonmmg , but declined to talk about it , saying it was not yet in prppur 5ltapu for i publicity. Gelewl Devereaux and i party left for Kansas City to-day and l av'tli roturm east via Chicago. Runnel i t.siillll , Sr. Id1UIS , August 8-1Vmim. Lannihili , i IByears old , womkiug for IIubertImit't- fam'Inur four unites south mama , a living 1 of Belleville , Ills. , took advantage of time , mbsencu of time family last evening turd , unticed Dfilutiu Ilnrtumnu , 12 years old , mice of time farmer , to men out-house , whore le brutally assmltlted item and , then fled , 'J'ho girl was fomd te ribiy , bruised and s11fl'ered all imiglmt front comm. , vuisdons. 'J'hure is littiu lope of her me- covurV. The citizens are lmutmting far i Lamlhtlh - - - - - - A I.utml Uillulu' . Dnrito1T , August 8-At Grand Ibap ills , time cmmduewr of the Grand Rapids d lmdiaua railroad , having received a visit bey burglars at his house on Monday ought , last night was prepared for a sec , and visit , arc' awaited then in the kitch . eL Ills wife , awakened by time street noise , arose andpasscd through t time streetmade The husband , nustakin g her era burglar , fired. The ball took effect in her ( , coming out near time right ear , 1'Iiero are slight hopes of her recovery , THE IRON WORKERS , import t Qacstions Uadcr Consider- auon 1 y the Amalgamated Association , A .l lmuloly'of\lurle ; ofGrt'nt l'ro. pertlous , um I'Idelt 1Sinnntht- turers hour-N'w'Sclm'um's tit Conqur.t. PnltAUR1.rnm % , August 8.-Seeretiu'y hhmrlilt mud I'residont Jrtrret , of time Amahgiimmtateti nssociatoim comvelltiull , refused - fused to give tiny infe'umation in regard to time busuu'ss fornmlly presented to the couveutiun this moruiug , but from ntuother source 1111)10 impertaut suggvs- tiois were obtained. Ouu of time maim topics wiiich will receive time cunsidora- timm of the eouve tioim will Ito the strike 11155 of the association , tvlmich may ho amended tie nmidelally modifieL ( Several lodges ml a that lumeuthes to wham the aasucialiuu owes time stilru henefits shall rolimgilislm their clniums. If this lie douu , time association will struul clear of debt. A questtu11 nlso to bo cuusnlercd is whether time secretary of time national lodge shall or slutll out bo allowed to aid worthy menbes in distress from cuTemt foods , 'l'here is n dillbrelcu of opinion as to whether tltr aasoeiatiou slutll publish - lish a utontlmly journal of its own or co11- f inue the National Labor 'Pribumu as its uliicild organ. 1luloug time rusolutfons reported by the delegatest'of Allegheny county lodgu meat that prices eo all mills ruunimg thrcu tmrms sim it Ito raised ten per cent. above time regular scale of prices , mud that if the mssucinlion should become involved im a ganernl strike benefits he allowed. Auothe lodge smug. goats that ft be considered a griuvnuco sullicient to shut down a umill within twelve hours if a mmetal requiring loss titan ono told uuu half hours' Work iii puddlimm g or boiling , and time furnace be not elmsr6 ecl after notifying the boss. Another suggestiomt is that time laws of time association be 9O changed that the national lodge oflicers be elected for termis of four years std that the scale to be presented in Juno , 188.1 , be for four years instead of one ; brat subordinate lodges take care of their own nieubes during strikes , nud that time presddemt of time national lodge be directed to appuimt a co11uuitte of utenbers frmn time Fist district to meut at intervals ( , to discuss the situation , cousideritig whether the present nate of wages can be sustained , or witetlmer time conditions of busiucss are stick as to wnl'amtlt an llmcrcnau or ( lelmands a reduction. Another resolution - lution is that eight houss shall constitute a day's work anti that out nacre than ten gross tuns of couuuom sizes bu turmcd out each day , 111110 toes of 1 iuelt round , Beveli tons of inch roiuul , and eight toes of 7-10 inch nxumd , amid all other sizes to correspond with thou. Other resolutions reeottuumtd that uarles be required to teacht : i per cett .e' anon of nail feeders iii thu factory iii whiclm trey work , time feeders umust be numbers of time Atiualgattated association in good standing , at least 21 years of ago ; cad a coinmimittee of wailers will select them , and that nmeetings of sucim hdges be opened and closed with religious ceemmmmies. One of time inmost imiportumt suggestions is emir bodied iii time resolutions that tiu0 mills shall lay idle during July amid August of each year. This is supported by sov- cral lodges upem tutu ground tlmat it w'ill provemit an over supply of the iron market - ket mud a eousequeut reduction of svoges. Time witlmdrnwal of time iron workers' association - sociation from tlmesteel workers is stong- ly rccenuteuded. Otlmer resolutions relate to thugood of ' time society. Jilmuty byIasvs IU'g reported and some imqortant clmmges advocated , Among these are suggestions that any lodge suflning because of adlerencu to time association , shall ho aided by voluu- ' tay sudmscriptiens fromm oilier lodges , t Tile chute for signing the mailer's sale after 1881 will he chtulgc(1 front 'Jnne 1st to l1L u chlst each year , amid time funds of time gener l association fall ho- low $5,000 the president stall hasu J lover to levy assessments from 10 to 25 cents tgtou eaclm member until time fetid reaches $ (1,500 ( ; that lodges with Iimixed Immelllboi'simips sinatl scud delegates fromm each departmmeut to time conveiitiun eu alternate years amid that slmedd clmrges lie irefere l aganisttho presldblmt 1 of the mail lodge time vicelrresiduut of time first district shall appoint suvem each of which small s lodges , , by writeu ballot , elect lime delegate , time i seven delegates to investigate the charges with power to expel k suspend or reprimanu time president should ho b0 tbmid guilty. An assess. ncmt of $2 per head upon uvsry member $ if the association , to ho levied Sept4tule 1st , was also advocated. Conaiduratiou ' of these resolutions will not begin uytil to-morrow. At time afternoon session a petition was ) r esented asking delugates to extend tlmeir support tea miieatiug at horticultural - al hall , Sunday next , in the interest of tlmu striking telegraplm oporitors. The convention ignored time proposition t , llxert its influence in securing puruu9srom ' 10)1(1 social r to ) gathurilmgs Sunday n FSintounE Park , J'Jme road' It mg of time 1mresidelit9 ad lreHs occupied time greater portion of c dtervoou session. Om the question tit I shrikes it clmargos dint thuy origiimte ugely smith time mauuftoturcrs. It criti mass time ltugIect of time president to ajr , ctimt a kibig luau ( Iii time into twill , co11unissiom. It 11190 advocate thu Fron mlety of establishing a natim11si bueenu I , fiudustmy mind 0rgunizivg a felapdiou t , f all trades without imterfe'img withi tistrict trade ergnuizatioms , which noty exist. 'Time unfou of the pass if time working pceple without c 1Jstfnction of time LI'11dCH is i liscountunamced. On time subject of the strike now puudimg in the liethlulle11 roe works , time address embodies a resm lutio11 to time effect timat time strikers mm Should be upheld im their ririmL ; to maiu tai11 their privileges as chzu119 wf time ; United Slates. Lung diimcuasiom was had 'Jim time grievrmeos antlered by time men at Iluthluheit works anterior time strike , l'lw subject of regulating tlmesu was rw s furred to the committeu c1) grievances , and time Canlllittee oil' claims was entrusted with time questium of denmmda made by the hethluhout mcn tin time assn- eintion for support. Owing to the vuighty inlportancu which devolved on n the final imdjustuwnt of thu di liculty at t iletlmlulmeni , it was agreed to draw whiny out refereneo on the surplus funds at present in the hauls of time > vsoeiatiou to satisfy inunedintu wants , CAP1TAla NOTIti8. ' SMvu(1i.INO TIIE IIEATIIEN. 11 AslitsmoN , August 8-The acting treasurer today nc nvsd a telegnia from the collector of eustems of Taamtn , 1V. T , , static' his otlieers , with the assistance - sistance of tint rovouue steamer , \Val- colt , hal captured a sloop runuiug Chi' peso across time line front Itrdtislt Colt11n bin , 'I'wusmugglers wore arrested , loll time nine Chinese passeltgers escaped. 'l'imo tvllector declnru a large uuutber of Clmiuesu are crussiug the frontier , which lee is uuablc to prevent Witin the force at Lis com mand , THE FORESTRY CONGRESS. All 1iii or1allt Assemblage of Tilnhcr AdYocalcs at t. Pant , 'fhn T'mi'elesa ( 'oudllon tit this Coun Im 3 Nhutvn by the t't tidu'lmt Atliire.e-Nerlhtn n ] bur's ( , Ilupully 1)Iwtpprnring. Sr , l'.tt L , August 8-1'lo annual nicetiug of ilie , lumericnn furesh'y congress gross mtssetltlie(1 to-tiny , I'm esulemt ( leo , IL Lorin in time chair. President Lor- ing , iu ltis nnuual 11ddreas , treattul of stae foeeat" ate time United States , f lu stilted that time clemrimge iu time suttled parts of time eotmutry' wore imeiug tilled up with trues , so ( limit 1)t thiu , illnioe , New 'torte mud other states time acreage of forest - est is gm'owiug still greater , lu other status whew time Hubjcct of forestry gained summe attention , dice is also n ; , gain. Iii states wheso 'arbor tiny" leas been established , time number - ber of trees dammted incrunses year by 'ear. Further uncnuraggenmeut is nettled Concern- 111 this enter1)rise , - iug the extent of time forestry iu time Uuitcd Status at present time president said time forest acreage is loss titan one- fourth of the total surface , a less proportion - tion tluul in cast , sveat mad north Europe. Time address treated of time decrease of ofuo timmber , showing thuttho supply u ill Im exhausted in thu nortlmeru states in n few years at time presort rate of emit , so sve auust depcad m time future upuu time triuu forests of the Gulf status for bnm- ber. llluclircuniucd to bu dome for , the care of forests. Illuch timber was beiltg wasted by wanton butting amid cutliltg. Time public ) mlmd simttdd be mUO1mSed to time iuihortimce of time subject. lime president eimdursed the snggestdon of time land etummissioner iii has report of 1882 , im w hiclm lie speralcs of time difficulty of suppressnmg time uulavful cutting of timber and tusks for some getuail nud cenprelrensivu iris' rcguirttiarg who may cut t 'una , a ou „ g tat , rn1ut.11t lauds , for what pnmpuso it ) nay be cut amid provide a penalty for unlawfully tlest'oyuig for- ests. Inc 1 1 ( l'mntc ll omit t1e i effcet of forests - ests uu rain fall to i closed by. sayiimg time United Slates , , inch gems been so bdsily etgagod in lumbering for tlnepast forty ycu s , should dliwote itself cyowto far , . ; catty. ltcsohmtkbls-wero-adrlS , d.iii rlmtiiaory of Dr. J , A. Wardcr au L Il , hedges , of St. Paul , and Art Iu Bryamt , of Princeton , deceased nmeiibers Tice following oflicers were elected ; President , Geo. B , Loring , lllnesachu setts ; vice presidents , IL G. loly , of Quebec , and ( loo. L. Becker , of St. lint ; reco ddtig secretary , N. II. Eggleston , 1Vashiugton ; corresponding secretary , Ii , E. Fernon , Yeumsylvnuia ; treasurer , Chas. lllohe. Executive cotimtittee , B G. Northup 0f Connecticut , Marion Rigby of Olmio , .I , (1. Inapp eF Florida , I. S. Hicks of New York , .1. L. Iiuda of Iowa. A resohumtion was adopted asking time cotnnmissimme of agricultue to call t ur :1)g the wiutcr a umeutiug im Waiimitigton of rcpresetitatives of nil tumsociatioima tutu tistitutions devoted to time ilmterosts of forestry. E 11'right , of Poston , novcd that m comunitteu cumsitier w'liat ulleel da0mnfmg llie surml'ccs of time I'd ' rssi9Hipp1 m'iver would umyu at the fureslH of Nom the u AIiumiw sett. 7'hu notion wits earned. Au Old I' ' ii.I , , , .lo ( ugh I. Cmtonco , Atmgust 8 , imIJchnul 1)mlt11e' , HLatiom pageimt lug timu Chicago , Ilock shuml ay. . J'achic raih0ad at 1FlamsullcH , 11. , twits arrested today for alleged cum- bcrilemurmt of tmmds of time Odd 1"ellows , eovulutit imsn icimiti0m , of New York , vhilu serving as lime treanurur ton yea's ago , 'l'imu stl'y , immllhshull in Lo time edict that time real nan o of lime mar nor under arrest is F 111 , bleumer ; % hrmt rafter he discovery of time shomtne , r1) his accounts , altunmtiimg to between $3,000 $5,000 , hu went to Canada 'land after earclm for him was nbamdoucd ho ru- moecd to Illinois , muumrried and nuttier imis tssmmmed m511me attempted to live down ho munmory of Lis forumer career. Thu urisunur was given m good reputation by le railroad cornpany. Thu ItnlgIiIH lu Chlcugo , Cnlenoo , August 8.-Time Chicago cimights ' 1'cumplar will turn out as n card of ) it mor for time New York amid . Slieu iga cnninuumderics , wlmtoh will arrive here to-marrow morning en route o Stn Francisco to attemd Limo t'ienmial OmClavu , uud will parade tlii'ough time r m'incipml streets uud mvill mitteul thou to Ime , depot - _ _ 'I'ho Iowa 81no k'ah. 1)EH MOINEH , August 8.'l'iiu Ohicngo C NOI'liltvtateim ramlway courpauy , gives mohco that tatcles far exhibition mat time ova i'tate Fair , frmn Septamder 1st to Ito 8Jm , will lie tuusported to Des Moines over its line , at (1110 h111f time used ( mime ; tlumt is , articles will be clmug- ud fur goimig limit swill bu scot ) monmu free of ha' e. Local station ! agents wit ) exlIiallm , nutculurs. lhuigurou , , itifmmo. ( , , Nlw : Yount , August 8.-Chraries 1Vuhl' , ged 23 , found imis wife , aged 17 , in time cengnumy of a etraugu utau iii Central mamI' , I I u followed the puir to Lis nouns , where Jme attacked time time with a knife , I'hu st'aimgu ( nun lied , ad 1Vulll' thus at , taeketl his wife , inllwtiug probably fatal voamllls , Snlb IJleWcr „ ' Work , CmloAOo , August 8.-Thu Journal's McGregor ( is. ) special saps ; Time safe in time store of liuckmimntm e& Jiro , was blown fiiuves burglars early this uvouilm ; , 'i'Ime obtaimiud 84,500 , amid nmadu 6grod their escape , THE WAR ON WIRES , A Mn11i1ndc of Dchcieucics Cogcrod hY the Cry of Gilt 'iViros Tito Trlegrnphw , ' 81mlke iii New ( uarters-.S 1)euIHh111 In ( he huller 8ult , In l'hlla drlplmlm. Nu v YORK. August ,4-least night aim. enter ouslituglmt wins uuulo upon time wins of time 11'estern llltiun 'I'alegraph ennpa- tty , time consegwomeca of ivluclu time far moore dieastr ems limn tout 0f the preceed ing night. Presa Agt'ut Sonmer liie of 11 csteril ( hmiou , said this uol miug Mat twenty wires tin uuu rode , a(1 fuurteuu ou nuotlmer between l'ass de ad Elizailuth 1'urt , Weil' emit. 'I'lu's were wilt's to 1'hiludeiphia and other Points uu time SOntimeiii division , 'i'v uuty of the Mutual t imiom'wires wore cut hutveet hiugshridgu a11d Set ad51e. At't'arrytuwu twelve lhudsou river sires are down , and eighteen svimcs i11 the castumn circuits su'ru deslreyyed betvoom fort Chester uud ftreelmviclm , Coup , 'Tine Crlssaa7lus tvCi1 sawed otl' fu the latter instances , uud too mites emit beside , 'I'ho tiist wires to gu down w eru lhoso on time eastern circuit , whiclm were lust nhuut I1 ; : t0 o'clock last night. Others went dosvuhorny mtfte . At mmidnightm la gu force of lincumeu w e o sett ( lilt to tupnir time dnrnngo. 'l'ime emitting of time trues intcrfurcd with utltur imefess which they fe11 , so timid grunt eoufumsiou svgs created for a lung time thin umurmhug. Sums mimtemdeut Ilumstoime cstimmuted that whoa work wits begimt this itlol'Imilmg mme iltlf time wires to t luindelpltin nmd uuu qunrterof those to time west mid ume tlmird the casturn eiteuit could nut bu mused , 'l'ime whole mmunmbur of wires cut is 80 , but nearly 200 were r'elldered useless hi cnimsequetmee. A tulu- grluu fromu Fort 1Vnshimgtaim said a gamg of men had interfered with time liuemcn who were repairing then stud palieu ptt- tectieu had been caked , in rase the imitur- fureimw is repented , No clime hatu yet butte discovered of time rumthors of time mischief. Time contpauy is cousidnrwbiy put omit by this mew method of warhue. At the imeadqunrtes of time lirothurhual of tulegraphe's , it wits emuplmatictdiy do- hied that time cutting was being done by striking liueuom. T'INti U1' ll'IuB. : Clncnoo , PAugust 8-Bl. C. Bristol , suhel'intemdelmt of the cllmstructiun of time 11'ustern Union Cuutpnmy , reporllu i1)- creased activity iu tying up wires All time IIIutLn1 lmen wires were tied svitli a small capper cord tit Euglowud Iasi night , mind uoly relieved this nfte mouu. There t"eie also sixteeml 11'estelt Union wires cut om time Fim't 1Vnyme to uight , It is fmud ( tutu tea satires cu the Fort 1Vayne ; four On ( ire Chicago , Iturlingtuu mucl Quincy , and all limo 1Vabmish wires eighty ltmilcs this side of Council humus tied togetmer tad it will probably require quire time entire niglmt to relensu them , rum : Fuaaim semi. PIIILAmuLI'IIIA , August 8.-1'lo ' suits of C , B. Yulrer e Co. ogaimst time Western - ern Umion1'clegraplm , congmumy for'rufus- ing to takro-iispatclmes under time usual couditious oti July 25tH , miens decided itgainst time plainlifl' by 11111gimmtrate List today , Thu magistrate lucid tint the act of time asseumbly umde which the Plaintitf Proceeded , did tint mpply to time case ; thilt there svmts ime eoutact , as Emil ter , iii failing to leave either his dispatches or t , ) mouoy Fur their tw11snmissi0n with time company's ' employes failed to commply withm his Part of time contract and tluut therefore time haw binding upon time eu11r poly ill respect to dehvey of mmessages could uml 11pply to time case. Time tiuugis- trmte furtmer held timid time law' was intended to avoid mummy ponvibd ity of discrimuuulioil oti time Part Of time company in favor of one sunder user uuuthler , lord that it wis doultful u'heIiie time gemeral applicntiun of Li mis reshictiou which troy put tin suoding dispatches aubjeet to delay violated time Pruviaiels of that law , Irmller's Consul gitwu notice of nn mppcnl , film : Ii , , SNlt e. ( II'EbLA'FOlLH. l'rramauo , August 7.-lteportn Gum along time lieu of time Pittsburg division of time B , e1 0 received today shave time ordu' for time railroad opuatolm4 IA ) Htiiku milts genemmliy obeyed yestetdny. 'Time railroad otlicinln adnnI this , buL say Iicmrly i mill offices have bean tilted by new rel. In am9svcr to ' a dispatch siguud by Superimlteuduut of 7'eicgrgh , liroavll , of the I'itlsl11rg divisiclm of time Pium Illuullo , received to dny , asking whether time ope'ators would receive western cc11nmumciul businuss , mill but two replied in time negative. ' ' ' . Sl'Olt'1'ING NOTI. A VICTORY FOlt ItNAIIA , CIIiuAuo , August 8.-Tiro Caimadfan yacht , Atluntn , defeated time yacht , L iota , t , dny , im time fimml fourtoun umihe race , for time Fisher cup , HAIIATOIA ( RACES , SAItATo(1AAllgltst 8 , 'l'hreu rillmirturs of a mile , ail ages ; Freehuul woe ; Cabins , Hecomd ; furs , third ; tinmu 11(1 ; ( , blitu mttnd ii fllmltng'hleats , ell ages , Ca. a Pius woe first bent , Idmt h , sucnul tumid Nettiu.li thirdtimmo ; , 1511. Second head ' uml non was wnm by Capias , Nuttie see. end , to Nulsou Li mu'd ; time 15ti1. ; IOU ml A LO I LtUIa. ltuVrAIo , August 8.-Secumd dmuy's s race , Ifull'nlo dtvimg ) pluk nssucatium. 7'eaek ' tine , ; 'l'imice nminute class , ttu $3,000 , IIi m aIJmH meal lidox third 111 runbriummeltu , 1'eael , i s'tuumid I um tlmerlai Ill'aWim ; tiimmu , 2'231 , 2 : t , 2.21 , 2:27.I : lu the 222 : ' class , pursu $2,000 , IVJIHou iven1'uuy ' .r utvell second , Cmuuuliii third , GhuliaturfuuutlmJudgo iuvis also run , Aululiu C drown ; time , 22 ; 2 , 2 ; 20 , " )0A , 2:21 : , 2:2l. : IIO011EsTmlt IIACRS. 1 1t1CaisTsn : , August8Thu maces loru next week Wulf imlclnmbu sPCcial trots ho. tweem Plmillis and 'I'r'imket for $2,000 ; Edwin ' ! 'horn , Faulty 1Viuhespeon rend St , Julian for $5,000 , , ad , lay Eye Sue will trot three beats to lumit his record of :16j : fur$2,000. TIIR A5IAI'EUtt OAIt9SfKN , NEw YORE , August 8-'I'Ime miatio11al regatta of mmutemur oarsnmemm was Iiuished t-day , 'Time day was clear , not too warm nud water slnuroth , 'i'ho course was a I wile and a half straight away , I'nir oramed shells , hlltunbs of Albany wooers ; timmu 8:64 : , Ariels sucetd. Double scull race-time only starter , - - - - time Cortlnud ( Me. ) crow , pulled over the eoutso do 8011 ; , , loafer amid soidor sculls-iray11em ( and Bryan fouled at the uud of the mliie. Killiam won' that 01'0 ; j . Junior four oared ahell-Alcyoues won , blutumnls second ; titre 8i6. : Single scull.nmu of thefraudTrunk of Montreal wag winner , J , ,1 , hturpll3' second ; tins ) 8:44. : Senior four uatrd shells -Eurekas of Newark won ; time 811i ( J. ( sight oared slmpll Ietropolitans of Now York svomi ; time 7:01 : , llmanllmON ItRACII Itdcis. : ItlIm4mlu N fir. t'mi August 8-'Three , quarters mile , huirm G swou , liarlatian second , linadfotri third ; timu 1:18 : , ' 1'hreu quattors of n utile , Itosemmnry illyray 'woe , Dlantio Fields second , Cluw buy liuolpltutd third ; tilmmO 1:18 : , Mile , Ibiiacldumo wuu , ltushnway see , uud , lllusireust third ; thou I:11. : } lmphy utenorinl stakes , hnl-ycnr- ( ids , tln eo qunrtuts lf a guile , l nknoan wuu du a canter , FAws secultd , 11lityur Bneklcy tlmtnl titre i'UI ' ; : I. 111iiu and n gua'tem , all ages , Jolut Lcdfuid won , lyraukIO it second , Lord Edwiwd thing ; tiumu 157. ; Mile cud a threu ' quarte , y'enr-olds , Cemtonuial wren , AlRumso second , Boutm Ictiii tlmimd ; time 212,1 ; , itlilu rued a fuimioug , Catchcart Sou , Nutreboy seoe11(1 , llammie Fields third ; time I c57 L It.lsR luAi.i. FiO1li 4 , August 8.-1'corins , 7 ; Quincy , 3. Nmav 1OImK , August 8.-Now Turk , iii ; I'hiludelphins , I , ib1STON , August 8.-Roston , 10 ; l its ahene , ii. llmn'aon , August -Detoits , f1 ; Chi- cage , 1 , CLEvma.tao , August 8.-Cleveland , 11 ; lhillidOH , 14 , 1'.tUnV 11Y.tN'H 11.1ntu. Culcu o , August 8.-l'addy Ilynim will publislm a curd fm time DailyNuws , sru'ing Iris hacker 1'mrseu Davies , iuforums maul 5 hull caumot be secured in Boston for time proposed glove mumteh with John L.Sulli inn , buforo next Jnnutary ; tlimit Sullivan , havin6g knocked out all nuported talent , slioult give the Anuemictn abuggera m show and I ) n1)Oses time fd ; , gh t take 1 Inca lit llhudisun Square ( Inmrluu , Now York , within six weeks. TUItNAMENr ) AT i'ttLL51AN , Clnu.tuo , August 8 , 't'he horn telumis luuruniiled , open to time entire country , will be told at l'ullnuun Suptenbur 0th , 7th and 8th. Etthiea are peouuised front i'ew York , Bustou , uud othur eieitern cities. At the sane ponce , Septenber 15th amid pith , mm athletic tomnnmett tumid rowing tegnttm , open to time Vsarld far rage money prizes , will to held , Au ellimrt will bu nmdu to have mu race lie , tveuu ] cola nud Cuurhey rowed there at that Iimmme by nn additinunl Iluntis to time stakes , - - - - - - 4i ( iSIH em Ito Spol. Hlu.wtuama : , Aug. 81'le second day's ac/9Himi of time photopS'trpLer's uatio11al c1) nmuutiou wits dus otL ( fc s cussdous cif the feasibility of lixiug legttlar rates for picta'es put dozen , but 11(1 action svns tdcuu. Time couuuitee 011 uomiua- tiuus reported time mutes of .1 , Iii. Bunt of itociwster , . Y. , for 'president ; 1V A. Armstoug , lilwaukeo , secretary. ; A. Y , llnnllu , Boston , tmcasurur ; .1 Douglas of Chicago. 1111(1 , lammen Land i of Cinciuuati , exeeutivu coum- nmittee. 'J'Ime eletion ucctmmu to-tiun row. DiKCmsaiulm fullomsed oti "lilistuts" um nlbumur popes Dryplntes formed the topic n time nftemmoou aural time use of electric light with expueiutumts followed itm time eveilitlg , TEidGIIAI'Il NOT'IS , 'l'imn Aumrlcam riuu tonnm urn term Iona Fultmpn ycaterammy tmmlmhmg. 'I'a'1 , ymmng mteu , SIIIIH of Sumutnrs ( i""rgo Nullcn mud Uumnld tlclmmmis , of ' ( 'eremite , Icit linrmiuin in a bunt Nutunluy fur n ( vwq , ing grolnul fnnr ulllca ditmtt ( Ill ltumparfuldt bay , 'l'imn } , have not boom braid from since , It It suppnsod they w'emo drowuml , ( ient gnS. Ilmmrt 51111 'mVllliuut ' Suultm' , 0f Nov 1'IIIk , avuro elected dimretor9 of the festal telrgrtm Ill to Imo many in the places of bl gim .l , . ) OOett mmd 'I ills. Uielem mesi good. I'budmulidumtwrw nut ubunmm. A Nnuluuml Purr , I.crmgun. ( hmuAUU , Augnst Ituimresenintives 0f time clubs of New Turk , ltocheM cur , lh'uvideicu nud Cluvulnmd , cut ii ohm 1'lllIIIH of time CIIIL11 g0 hl'CH9 ( hlh tilin ilLemiuOU rued tucklrulnmilmaiy ) steps ter award time formuitiom of m natmnnl league ) f jnmll'lmaiistH ( whose obJject will bu oar mitt afliliatiom ninon g ) mean or ganivautiions of the ciu11tr , Ali other mouton g will bu mold at time call of tam executive pmmnmt- Wu. 'l'imo Chicago press club declined ruprusemhuttuu , 1''ii'e'H. BALTIM1O JIR , 111(1. , August 8.-Mnttba , Iugrmm ew Co.'s ti11wnru gentry mind tLruu or four small buildiimgs adjoi11mg hurtled to day. Leas tin building mind stock $100,000 ; iusurancu $30,000 ; three lmun bred hands old of uulploymunt. / - - - - - - IttisInOHN I"itll tires , Clll'A(10 ' ( , 4 umgulst 8- Carl Lotr , coal healer , iotnigimel. Liabilities , $42,1)38 , ; scuts , about $ 5,000 , I t ip rt long eHtth 11Hhb'd 11f111HU , Sturdy 1laneH iu busiuusH 'H tliu ctu9u , . - - - - A Cool II mingi big. iNltiANI ( > ld $ , August 8.-At Itoek. illu , Indiruuu , today , Joseph 1' , Stone silts lnumg far Utu lum'de of ' 1luylmr 1) mum lab. , in Novc11mh er Inst. 'l'ime ' prisoner dis piayCI1 gremut couhmuss ou the scaflbld , . _ _ _ ---o- lt'ruClc ,1Hlluru. CutuAm ( ) , August 8-l'ortioms of m svruclt cost utsharu aura' Gaud louver , Mich , , lord to file Hurmnisu that time 9cluIo11u Nellie rued Anrlto has beat last. Stu wait ungaged iii time Iullbec ( tradu ad 111(1 ii cruse tit live putsnns , 'Tilt alfJl uhers , Plrnt11ultI , August 8.-Wuatorlm uuil us9uciimtiou rout hero to . ( lay sad decided to orde' gunuril mwuugltiom of mills for fins weeks A oimm 11uxt Monday. 'l'ime suspension of time lnst four weeks have res11ltod in greatly dimhtishiug stocks , Cnlllslnn mil' 1'eahta. CAlmo , 111 , , August 8-At 3 o'clock a. n. a train of the { it , Iennia eC Cairo Nar row ( laugu road collidud with time ineon iug train ( iii time Nabrsh road when bay. lug too depot , badly danuuging time narrow gauge tlaiu , Nobody seriously hurt , DOWN TO HIS DEATH. A Yonng Gorman Painter Falls from lhfi high School Roof , And 1H Instantly lulled Upon Strikln' tilt Ground 1tenentlm. "A titan has fallen fromm the roof of tht , high schooll" was the first struck limo reporter's ear on Iris rounds yesterday , and ho hurried up. to time blight selmod building to learn the ptrticuinrs , of such n dreadful occurrence. . Stretched oh time floor in time first hail- wit ) ' the body of ml young Gorman , a. bntrdle5a boy , his lmalldsolmle features 1111- marred , but time left side of his skull crmslmed in snit his slumidor brokemm. IIo had gome to work early in time morning with time force of mulch who are m'gnged by P , 11'iudhuimm in ru mintimig time cem- tesl sclmuol bnimdiim lie leas uima ged hl painting time lime f o thest east of time tvu bull elumuuys that stand at time north aul of time stractutenmd had slanted nu eight- foot ladder frost time roof , which slopes iii this place tmmwarl time ehi muuy. As lie mounted time balder aotllur painter called omit ( o hint , 'Be careful , 1 partimerl" but the young uman , probably not uudest mmding , as lie cold speak lit- tie Euglisly ANHWEREm WITh { A 1.11m m , .lust swlmei ho iemehed time top of ' bill ( mliid slllmllom't , his weight pushed time basu of the ladder ttuw rurl timeclmiuuo' oun side slippucl unit time eaves , tumid ! udder amid miuum went rushing down , striking. lust time manssrd eorldcu , them a stngimg on time third story , when two noun were seated paintumg ; , mtn(1 from that rebound- huif to thu 1l rclu of time north t dw rw hence they full to the ground. Thu unfortunate nmct was killed iustnntly , His ladder , quite a stout one , broke short oaf at the top , amid time heavy Ixilcouy of the porch , which it or thumm 's bud' struck was 11111(1 broker in two pluccs. TIe workulei luirrietl out 511(1 conveyed time body into time bimihdin , ' lltiller Shurill' was stn11noued in tllo nbsemce 0f Corumer Jacobs , turd held at itiquest. Frank Brunck , J , Schawn- ubeg , Ilfmigh Mnliam amid Japes Bayker , who lmwl hues (130 ( witnesses of time accident - dent dec'dbed time eircuustnnces nud Dr. Ptmke onummemwtcd time injuries which the met had received. Ile thought that time fall was mecessIuily fmdnh Time hotly was tnheu to Jnculis undctskiug eabablish- nmcnt miller time verdict of occidental death had been tendered. Time mime had 1CCIl uniplOyed fur alllltlt six weeks 11111119 murival home by 111r , llelry Leln11au , vimo was mach shocked to hear of hats death. I'1Ie w.mm9 it apbendid yelling fellow nbett twumty years of Iige , " said lilt I.elmum mm , 'hrlmu en11m lucre nbout dace tuertlms ago Boon Schceiibemgl llolsteiu , mnd ss'ho knew , muthiimg of Englislm , his name was 1' , tenser. lie was always pm'utllpt at his work in the ntorntng sod tnilhful at it , nud 1 never lytew hint to take a drop of liquor , " 'rime imimtes , who wcrd engngcdunt- work nrtr Buser tin time ecitial"sclmol ' ; building raised a contribution aniong theumimelves yusteday ad purchnscd hint a s't'y respectnblu collie. The fun , cunt will take place ftum Jacob's under- tnking rooul this afteroon at 2 o'clock ; bmuial in Ltumel. Ildll cemetery. AUGUST CROPS , The Figures of the State Statistical Rcliortcr , , Lis L.aoultotl Shotvlmig lim' time 1'res- emL ' lantlt , 'l'ime Nehrnslot.boiutd of Ab riculhiru i1) tends to issue at an early day a full report - port giving acreage mad uthor desirable' ilmfe'llmmrtiull its to stUek , etc , Drumiel H , , 1Vlmeeier , state statistical agent , has soul. Limo f oliuwiug t0 the Uuiled Status De- parlnout of ngrieulttro , received front ' Lime locral sgeimts in time dillieemt comttius' , of time state ; ' ( 'ondUiwt o f J'tn Ctsi ( 'ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO 811rhtg Vlmat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .io ( Muter Ityo , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ! Yx Oats. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 1larlcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Buell 1Vlmat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lot I'otatnaIrislm ( ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 1'utmtnt's ( sweet ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 I'uhacu. , : . ! Il Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0J Sorghum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Sngmr Cnrlu ( not , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Apple , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 I'mmclmos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO /irnpea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 Plmneumy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103' . Clover Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103" Acrenpe , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , 014,125 OrtH 540,1155 Ai callow. . . . , , . . x77,41 Rye ( cut cumpieto ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,147 Lout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,017,7.11 ItSrlu . . . , . . , , . , , , , , , 10U,010 Flax nutuliy ( CpurLed ) , , , , . , , . . , , ' 1,117 POtIItml'a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,7 l Fruit'I'rees ( Imeuelplotu ) number , , , 2,721,663 l omtst'l'reus " I' , , .57,131,188 Grnpu Thos " I , , . 703,578 R rN a 111 marvelous results of lloott'a Sarsaparilla clam nil hutnoflatnl low condllloneof thsIIIOO.I hove It 111(1 gait 111.001) IbImCIN : . Suclm itas mxem the .uccrss of lids artlclo at Ilonto J glut nearly orert ( arnlly S _ , In whole helgblsmboo.ts hn'o beet \ Inking It at lh(1 aarno tlnmo , ! t rrui. Q. rise , aitaiRra tad enrlchce Ito blood , cures dyepep. dal4Uonstcss , aruluU derangements of thoslomadreauscdby CjQ Impure blood era a dcbmlltatol cotmdl lion of oho nervoms system oceasloned by CICeaelye mental orphydcalcaru laborordlssmpauon. , It ' era.licatee8crnt C3 umlaand an foul bumors , and restores DO and renovates the whole system. A peculiar poun0 In 11oo4'e O sarsarurmI. Is le this ii creates an tip- peUte 11114 bullde up a,14 , strengthens the e rem , and rovalavnluable as a protection ( rota o maWX ! ! te lu cbam es of Wo r < aaone , Mean. C. I , hood A Co.s Oentienwn-It affonte III. ntuth pleasure to recomiuneud 1oal'aSanapaDrialla lave boon pl llg hi taketilonloof reins ktn. ' { In ibo s aprtng. meIl Ia c never fount anything tlul l mt mr wan * aayou oampulma. systnmm. urlaQemyblood , dmrpemm toyappemtr mad seems r ematellleover. . ( , _ r TnoHr etatoweit.Mwte Iptiro s , fddesezco. 9 ld by , ru gts. dcubtq bottleor e a foryf. It00U , LO. put eclmrlee , l owell.llnes , , . , + t