Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ti ' rilE DAILY&oinNsInuuuSas. ± 1 3
Thbve1iath' National Dank
OF OMAhA , NEll.
a1d Up Caittal - - 2OOOO
SurpluB Fund , May 1 , 1883 15,000
S U. JOINSON ! , Feldtnt , f itete , Johnon & C *
A. } . TOUZAI.IN , kc l'reIdent , of Ik4on.
. v. v tois : , of V. T. Morse Co.
JoIu . COI.LIN , o U It J. S. CotliM.
'k j. U. WOOLWORTH , Counetor and Attorncy ftt ! AW.
1 _ . . S. REEl ) , of flyron Reed & Co.
Y. YATE $ , Ca1iIcr , forinny yeti Mhkr of the
FIrSt National Bank of 0mu ) ,
Tht Bank opcned for ) 'tistne At.tII 7' IS.S2.
ttIrector and etoc1ho1dcr tire amOng the ) c1uI.
buIni of Omnhi , tt bu1ne I conducted
c1)ectI reference to the bt nd tucrvMtn In
of It mercantile jotrone.
ectIon reecho trotnit ftttentton And hag
ebtatnable here or cIewhcre.
Interet Miowed on tIme depoIth upon favoriblo
end upon eount of banks txid bsoker.
Foteign fchftnge , Oovcrnrnont 1tond , and County.
City SecUT1t1C8 bctiht and polil.
I. w. Rodofer , Broker ,
Stode , Bonds , Cornrncrctal ro1.r end oil other
Cd pecur1tk tkntt 1n
Itooni 4 , No. 2S l'carl St. , Councti 1Ituf1 , 1
NEw YoItK , August 7.
Monoy-'iood stipi1y at 2J2 tier cent ;
closett at 2 er cent.
I'riinotcreatitIIe 1'n1)er.-4 ) ( Ier cent.
Sterilag Exchange-Bankers' bills steiuly
at $4.83 ; leiinuul , $ I.87& .
( overunjoiits-Ianver for 't't zuul 4js.
Stocks-'l'hero .ti an active 8clIilIg inovo
mont in Btock.s in the forenoon , wlitch at times
UI 4 was almost iammtcky , lii the cimdeavor to got rid
p uf stocks. The cause wn * apre1iension of
the concquences of the to1cgrphers' strike.
After 12:30 the market was less active , at.
though there a further decline of to
per cent. in thu general list. 'I'lmis was fol.
IOWCl by a reaction of to 1 Ier cent. , the
latter \Vabashi preferred and Pacific math ,
In the hast hour theme w'a.q a general advance
in jrice of A to jor cent. on the general list.
Iii the final ( leahings time market was strmlg
and with fo exceptions nhl stocks closed
higher than last imight.
cOUi'ONS ,
3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111) )
f Pacific ( , s of 'ti. ) ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Arneiicaii Ex1)res. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Burt. , Cedar Rapids & Northern 81
Central l'adlic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Cliicgo & Altomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
do do jfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10
ChiL , Burl , & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.f
f 1.rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
(10 P'1 , nslce(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
FOlt7miyiio & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Hannibal & St. J05C1)1L asked. . . . . . . . * 40
(10 do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 02
. Ihlinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.
hid. , BloojimVestcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Xnimsas & 1'cx' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
' Lake Shore & lic1migan So. . . . . . . . . . 107
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Missouri l'acilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
' .orthicrn l'acilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
(10 tb jfd. . . . . . . . 87
Northivcstnrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
No' York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Ohio & MISSiSSI1)Ii. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
tb do 1)fl. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
C Peoria , Decatur & Evamisvillo. . . . . . . . 14.
t lock is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118
St. Paul , Mimmit. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 110
, St. Paul & Oimializt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
( IC ) tb lfl. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.
; ; , Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
. .f \\'abashi , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. ( ir3 (10 (10 do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . 3 (
1 VTesteru Uniomi Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 79.
* , tkel
. 'Ihto Post says time InCe ) ofVcstern Union
tO.lay was moore firmly mnaintaincd than of
almost any other stock. It is generally be.
lioved the \Vestcrmm Union was sustained timily
: by the lmIrch1acM of Gould. There h good
, reason tobolieve time nmarket is being mnanipu.
; ; i ' . -.ted to a large extent and there is a large
/ ' .c sjbrtintcrest out.tamlhing , which will have to
, ' be covered a soomi as there i a proslcct of re.
turn. Thu settlement of the present telegraph
dithiculties lee not effect tim general btato of
. trade or finance iii the country at large nor
will it cause any coniderablo tiechino in
k Prices.
. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CHICAGO , August 7.-Flour - Nominally
\nhieatflogu1ar wheat unimproved (10.
umuani ; pee(1 e.isier 11d closed stronger ;
1 OO' for Aumguist ; 1 026131 02A for September ;
1 0tA@i 01 for October ; 1 05 fur November ;
( 1 00 for the year ; No. 2 string , 1 00 ; No. 3
frqrimmg , 87c ; No , 2 zed winter , STe. .
( Jorn-Activrirm and higher at 534c for
cash ; 52g52 a for August ; 50@50hc for
September ; 50 a 50e for October ; 48c for No
ciimbcr ; 45.10 for the year.
Oats-lit good demand and firmer ; 28gl
20c for cash ; 27..27e for Auigimst ; 2iIJ (
. t1i'e for September ; 2tie. for October ;
261(26c ( for the year.
1tyo-Strommgnumd higher at SOc.
' Flax Seed-him good demnamid at 1 33.
Timothy-Quiet ; good to pruiio,1 45@1 .15k.
I'ork-liruner but unit trading ; 12 75uJ (
12 87for cash ; 1275@12 80 forAugust ; 1282
@ 12 85 for September ; 12 95@12 9Th for
Octeber ; 12 12@12 15 for the year.
Lard-Fair tlemntumml and steady ; 8 3S8 37.
for cash amid August ; 8 408 42 for Septem'
her : 8 45a8 17 for October ; 5 30 fur No.
cub rS15@8 ; 17 fr the , iur !
1- . . Bulk Meats-Easier ; shouhiers , 6 00 ; short
. , * " " " 'tIbs , 7 15 ; short cheer , 7 60.
4 . .
. 1. igs-Ummchmamugetl ,
' \ % hisky-Umichamiged.
I '
'roi.xio , August -Wheat-Machot firmer ;
No. 2 red s'iiiter , Cash amid August , 1 00.
Corn-1)uhl muid lirmimer ; No , 2 , cash and
August , Si3je.
Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 , cash and August 28c.
MmIvAuKEm , iugmist 7.-1Vhmeat-Narket
dull ; No. 2 sjning I 001 for cash ntml August ;
1 0l for Seiitenibor ; I 03 for October.
Corn-Market higher ; 51c 111(1 ( No. 2,1
Oat-Scarce and firimi ; Io. 2 , 2SZf30e.
Jtye-.Firmn ; No. 2 , 5ic. (
] harloy-liuit ; extra , 48c ldl for No. 2 ;
Septemnler , flOe. 1)1(1 , TOe. asked ,
C1NcIAT1 , August 7.-'tVheat-lemnamul
fair. higher ; No. 2 red wInter , cash , I 0G ©
1 07 ,
Corn-Demand fair and higher at SOc.
Oats-Good ( lcmnnmml ( at 28(3Oc.
Rye-Steady 1111(1 ( immmchmammgcd.
l'ork-Jull LuIi ( umichmamigod ,
Lard--Firumer at 8 00.
Iltilk Meat-Firmner.
Whisky-Steady at 1. 13.
4 , , SEn. oiuj.tNs. :
t Nw : Oimr.m.t : , Aimgiit 7-Corim-Quiet 411(1
firm at 6O.61c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 iiell mit ' 13c.
Corn Meal-Scarce mtnd firmim ; freit at 2 75
2 80.
I'ork-Lowcr at 14 50.
Lard-Quiet ( (0(1 bteady ; tierce , 9 25 ; keg ,
\ ( U 50.
\y hulk Ieats-Fair .lenIamIl. (
. . I western rectified , 1 051
. N1t' OiK ,
NKw YOIIK , tugust 7.-Whmeat--Casb 1jc
options c11c stroilger anil higher ; ungraihn
reI , 1 0I131 19 ; No , 4 red , U7c ; steamer No ,
3 red , I 01 ; No. 3 red , I 12 ( ' 1 l2 ; steamer
No. 2 red , 1 l3(1 13 ; No. 2 red , 1 15 free
( .11 board ; 1 l8@jI 19 III elevator ,
Corn-Mhl (1o ( higher ; options , No. 2
Ir e\ujoist , fully better ; others ( j1e.
_ A
_ _ -
higher ; Ut1ra(1e(1 , ACdC3e. ; No. 2 , 61ofl2l in
store ; 621a ( ' 2 free on board ,
Oats-tnIrhy active and idrimer ; iuted wo.t.
ermi 89(4lc ( ; white , 41@SOC.
1.g's -\'cstern 1(0511 (11111 aml loss er at 2Ot
l'ork-niot tuid furnu.
l.rnil-h kin ; prime steam , S iOI8 o' .
Ilutter-St.esdy ( hlI In fair driusmut ,
IIAI.TI lORR , Augnt , 7.-\Vhoat--\Vestern
lilghcr atiti inactive , except for cash ; No. 2
red imtter. for I lt1 1S. .
Corn-\Vestern t shade better hut ihumhi ;
uuuixell , for eas1 , 61'c ' bid ,
Oat.-Sten(1y ; westermu vhuite,4lcj43c ; inIed ,
30(41c. (
1ye-Qtuiet { at b.S ( 'Oc ,
] lutter--luhl ; western lnekel , 8@16c ;
creamery , lSc23c.
. Ergs-Qniot at lf' lTc.
\ hmisky-Quiet at 1 i0fi 17.
KANSAS CITY , Aumguust 7.-Wheat-higher ;
2 red fall , SOc for cash ; S@88Ac for
Aui1uustj 80.Ic for September.
( Arn-hilhler ; 39e for cash ; 88c tot' Aum.
guist ; 38jc ILII for Septciiiber.
oats-Show' ; 1t'lc ' IJI1 for cash.
1ivgni'oor August 7-llreadstufts-Quiet.
ahI(1 firm ,
Wheat-Winter , 9tD Sit ; spring , 8 7d@
orn-5@Ss 3d.
, ,
Il:0IIIA. :
l'iomii : A , .tugiist Corui-1irun aunt high.
or ; iiihod , tO@ tOe ; No. 2 IIIIXCI , .i8Q.IS.c.
tats-Scarc ) 1111(1 thrum ; No. 2 \ bite , 35c ,
\Vhiskv-Ste4IIy ; 1 iS.
] tye-'cak ,
ST. I.Ot'1i4.
Sr. Louii , August Viioat-Uighier ; No.
2 VCi , 1 03)1 ( ) for cash ; t 05SJ
1 05 for August : $1 07@1 C for Septeun.
bet ; No. 8 red , t)8c@1 ) 00k.
Corn-higher at 47(17.c ( for cash mumil
4ulgust ; 4747c for clltehmuber ; 47 l7.c
for October.
Oats-higher at 2525c cash' 24ac for
cash ; 2.Ac for August ; 2r2sc for b'eptemn.
ltye-fl to.
Corn Meal-$2 40.
Butter-Quiet ; dairy 125lTc ; creaumuery 18
@ 20c.
Cmiie.w.o , August 7.-Tue ] ) rovcrs' ,1ournnh
re ; > oris :
Iiogs-5'10c off and weak ; mixed , 4 90
S 20 ; heavy,5 20@5 45 ; light , S 405j'5 GO ; skips ,
8 S0@5 ' 10 ; mnaiket closed hteady.
Cattle-Market fairly nctte withi ricCs
htciui ; exports , S ( ; 3T6 ! 25 ; good to choice
mhiiipmlmg steers , (3 ( 15j5 70 ; coummnlun to
hlleIhI1hIh , 4 2@ S 10 ; caiuiii mig niuil butcher.
ihiF , , lov miiul stezuhy ; i nfem iou' to ( au' eovs anih
iiiixetl , 2 S0d 3 15 ; uiediuimt , to geol , 8 85
1 SO ; stockenu , 2 7@ : t 7ti fecilers , 8 85'1 80.
Sheep-Steaily 1(1111 fairly nctive ; inferior to
fair , 3 o0@3 25 ; mmiidiuumm to good , S sot :
choice tO extia , 1 0JCat 75 ; iaiiibs , per heath ,
1 003S5 ,
Sr. LOUiS.
Sr. Louis , August 7.-Cattle-Market
slow autil vrices lower tvitli tjutthity itoor ; ox.
prts , , S 806j6 00 ; good to cimoico shipping ,
S 30@S 75 colmIluolt to fuji' , 4 ( ' 0@5 20 ; giiotl
Texamu nut ! Imidiami steers , I 001 65 ; coin.
111(111 , 3 S03 $0.
Siieep-iood grades steady ; commonon (11111 ;
incthiuimi to good , 3 50@4 15 ; primmie , 'I 355j
4 60.
KANSAS Cirv , August 7.-Cattle-Market
sbo % ' and veak ; natives , 5 20 ; mtockers and
feeders , : i 40@4 50 ; ( . ' ( ) V8 , 2 40@3 75 ; Texas
steer , , 3 70@4 00.
1logs-Lovcr ttt S O0@5 25.
Sheep-Unchanged ,
YLOUI ( ( tNt ) OIAI. {
ChIicAro , August 7.-Receipts an(1 h1p.
mcnts of flour and grain for thu past 24 hours
IW.C been as follows :
lieccijits. Ship't.s.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 13,000 8,000
Wheat , bushel , . . . . . . . . . 81,000 8,000
C.rn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 289,000 159,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 125,000
1yebushels. { . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 2,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 4,000 . . . .
1h'SAS CITY Atmguat 7.-fleccipt and ship.
mnonts of graimi br the past 21 booms have been
AS follows
lleceiltS , Ship'ts.
\Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 37,000 30,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 30,000
NEW YonK , August 7.-Becoipts and ship.
imients of flour 1(11(1 grain for the 1st 24 hours
have booii w ; follows :
lleceipts Ship'ts.
Wheat , 1)118110k. . . . . . . . . . 87,000 217,000
Corn , bushels . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 62,000
Oath bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000
CulcAGo , August 7.-Receipts and ship.
mnctitt , of live stock for the past 24 hours imavo
been as follows :
lleccijt.s. Ship'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,100 , . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 . . . .
ICAN/IH Cirv , August 7.-Receipts and
shiiiimnciiti of live stock fur the lat 24 hioum's
have been as follows ;
Receipts. Shii1'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000 . . . .
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Sr. Louis , August 7.-Iicceipts and ship.
hitemits of live stock fur the tast 24 hours huivo
boon as follows :
llCCOilt.S Ship'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 1,000
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 .150
- - -
IItY 6001)5.
NFw : Yomim , August 7.-Tue utovemmiomit of
gootis is of % 'ery gooil jimntity timitl through
liersouial selectiomi of ortiers for duplicate as'
tortmueitts and ninny deliveries on old eugaje.
mnents , time distribution is ireservol vith
much steadiness , 'rime leimmauul itiosthy to meet
vnmits , wherehty is shwn , that iii ninny Inter'
br markets the joltiting trmle is doing a good
business , Seasonable specIalties of Itattermi
gomls of every kim ! are doing well , through
many mnoderato takings , but , witilo good ag.
rogato sales ant reached , time market is not
WiholeHIlle Prices.
Orici : o ' 1'iIi OMAhA 11EI ,
l'tleslay Evening , August 7 ,
WhEAT-Cash No , 2 , 8te. : ; No , 8 , 69c ; ro
jecteti 42c. ,
IIAIILEY-Casit No. 213c ; No. 3 , 12c.
Jtvi-Cashi , 40c.
Coit-Nlxetl , 36C.
LLIve Sloc1. ,
VAT STEEnS-QthIet amid uncliangeti at 3 75
® 100.
FAr Cowti-3 003 35 ;
] Ion-i 25SJ4 : t.
SinhI-Firjii at 3 2S3 75.
OAL'EH-1Fniri1uia1ity5 0OO 00 ; good
ers stock , 7 00.
Cmi red I 1:1(1(4 : ( ,
hAMS-Quiet tutu uIIIClllhm8el at l2jl3c.
1tAco-LTIlch1IIgel ; ( at 12,48c. (
hiioUI.nmiei-1)ili : ) , at sc8
1)iiiii : , BEIr-i5c ,
J4Ahhh)4t 9@jl0u In tierces ,
TALI.OW-Firjtj at tRj6c In barrels.
Piiiiit iy itmiil Plsli ,
8I'Ih'O CihIcxm' .N tt - Small , unchanged ,
I 259 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 35 ,
W'IUTI : Fiso-Unchanged , 9@l0c , ; luke
and hake trout thu sammie.
6omiom'al I'rwliico
EGcs-Uimchimuugutl at ] 516c.
IILIrr.h-QuIot ; common to good , 7@10e. ;
thittlcu dairy , 141ljjl0 ; weot , idghm colored grass ,
l2@l3 ; COOking , Tc ,
l'orAror.H-Now quiet anti inakot vohl sup.
ithleti at 300j40o ler htu.
tNIot-Qulet at $1 00fJ1 SO ; r bbl.
NEw O.&miIlAoE-25c ler dozen ,
lfoNzy-Cahlfomla , lucoimib , hier pound , 20
( q21e , strained , 10jl2c.
Ciiimsi : : Quiet auui unchanged , W'e quote
'fomIATors-Quhiet at Tt'c er box.
( , tPchI I'riuits.
1'r quart.
l1l.AcK tmImtIIIK-I8@,2Oe ; I'or ( itiart.
1t0NS-Stea(1) ' AIII1 higher at 7 0OJ8 00
per hex.
Cmimitiis-12&'fir'e hur iiuuirL
OmtNohs-Calfornia ( 3 5(1 l' ' box.
1'mAchhis-Nativcus 1 001 SO ler box ;
Califitrimia Ut 2 40f"2 75 l' box.
Ctt.miomuot I'm.usts-liu good ( teunant at
2 754uT3 ( hO er tsr.'oitI.t AI'hiiCOTMScarce at 2 75 In 20
lii boxes.
JiANAtM-UIlchmnugCd ler bunch , 2 OOj
CAI.hI.hINIA l'm.tis-2 , 75 l' ° box.
AI'I'h.44 O0c4 50 ir huh.
Ctm.hIohtNI.t IIAIITLIr 1'IAhlS-lfl good tic.
tutauuh at 82 50fj3 SO jer box ,'omtI.t UIIAI'ni-3 ) tOQ3 75 Iu case.
Flour nuil IIlltttfl'iu.
W'IrII'hhhAT1iC5t qualIty , 1nteiit , at
a 25cJ3 65 ,
SE1'om ( , ttiry-2 Ik)5J3 25.
SIltING \ quahity , patent , at
3 t0I3 65 ,
SIi'oNh : QUAI.ITY-2 t'OJ8 25.
1tItA-55c l' ° ' cwt.
CiIoi'i'ii ) 14Eh-l'er : 1)0 ) II , , . 85c.
( . 'OhtN MEAL-i 006j11 10 h °
SChtImI5G-t0@7tC ) l' ° ewt.
Groceri lust.
C.tNmn : ( iooIus-03'sters ( Standard ) , lter
case , 8 703 90 ; strawberries , 2 lii , bier Case ,
2 10 ; rasphermics , 2 Ui , per case , 8 50 ; Bartlett
HltIs , h1Ct case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , her case ,
2 75 ; egg iilnuius , 2 It , per case , 2 90 ; g1eCU
gages , 2 lii , Iter case , 2 90 ; tb chutleui , 8 Itt ,
case , 'I SO ; IIIio apples , 2 tb , case , 4 ( )05J
S 75 ; ltCltchteS , 2 II' , iter case , 3 00 ; do 8 II' , Iter
ra.e , 4 0)5i'i ( ) 50 ; do ( pie ) , 8 Iii , bier Case , 2 Ct ) ;
( III itie , C it' , er ( i)700 , 2 80.
lticLotiisiatta lurhhllo to choice , 7Q8e ;
fitir , 7tj7 ; l'tttuia , te. ; .
Fisit-No. 1 utackerel , butlf burl , . , 7 00 ; No.
1 iiutckeroh , kits , 1 00 ; faummily muittekerel , half
bris. , S 25 ; Ituidly itiulcerei , kits , 85e. ; No. 1
white fish , half lurl. , 7 00 ; o , 1 kit. , I 05.
Svin.'mStutdamiI : Coimi. , $ 'c , Iatls ; Stantiarti
the , lu gallon kegs 1 S ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kvci , 1 60.
ionA-1Il lb lalter' , 8 30 Item' C8.50 keg souls ,
NEw 1'ICK.t-5ledituIIl ! , In luarrilti , 6 50 ; do
In half barrels , 8 70 ; siitall , iii barrel , , 7 40 ; ult ,
iii half harrds , 5 ' 12 ; ghcrklmiui , lit barrels , . 8 40 ;
tlti itt half barrel , , 4 70.
' 1'i.ts-iuuuiiotvder , good , 45j'ri5c ( ; choice CO
ti75c ; gunid Iiuiierial , 4051J13c ; choice , (0@'iSe. ( ;
Young llyson , good , 86Q50c ; choice ,
6Sc1 } ( Xl ; Japan , natural leaf , 85c ; , lapaiu ,
cliulee , 60)7Sc ( ) ; Ooloiug , good , 85f8J.iOc ; Ooommg ,
choice , 40@ tiSc ; Soiichioiig , good , Z@40c ;
choice , 3@45c.
Boi'-Sisal , itichi auth larger , 10c , Inch ,
lie. inch , 11.c.
\bOOhEvAhIE-TWO lut'oii i'aIl , I 75 ;
thtrea hoop : t'uis 2 00. 'nuts , No. 1 , 8 50 ; 1'm , ,
uueer vasiuhoaitls , , 1 85 ; 1)oublo Cmvii , 2 1)4) ) ) ;
\VClhilIckCts , 8 50.
bin-1ttr : , I 65.
Sot'-1Cirk'uu i'tvoii : liitperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
, ; ttinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 8 75 ; Kirk's
white llussiaii , S 25 ; KirIc's cutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'raiiio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) tOe ; Kirk's
hm1mthutlit : , ( iZ. ,
1 ottsii-l'ciuusylvamiia cans , 1 case , iii case ,
3 : ; Babbitts ball , 2 ( lox. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 ( ItZ. ilk CUSO , 1 50.
1'EAUTShsttii { , choice , red 'l'eiuitesseo ,
12c Iter lii ; f'incy white , 12c perlb ; raw-white
Virginia , raw , lie ; roasteti , l3c
CAmn.Is-li.xos , , 40 hius , ICs , 15c ; Ss , 15c ;
tOXC ( 40 ibs , 1" . oz. , 6i , ltic.
M.vrchIFs-l'er caddie , t)2c ) ; round , cases ,
S 10 ; square cases , 3 40.14
Co'FEI:4-OrdiIIary : gmules , 8@9c ; fair 1O(8J (
itOic ; gotul 10.1Ic ; Ilihilu , 12j12c ; choice
13@13c ; Iaulcy green niol yellow , 14@15c ; old
goveriulimemit .1 ZIS'tt , 202Cc ; I .overing's i onsted ,
14c ; Arbuckle's rtastel , , l4c ; 1cLutighuliii's
xxx , ; : roasted , 1 lc ; iimtitation Java , i6j
York apple 1Cc ; Oltio al"
1)10 , 1'Jc.
SAL'r-lray huatis , ler bbl , 1 75 ; Ashuton , In
sacks , 3 30 ; bbls ( lairy 60 , Ss , 3 50.
SuaAns-l'owdered , lOAc ; cut loaf , I OAc ;
granulated , Dc ; comifectioners' A , 9jc : Stand.
ard extra C , 8c ; extra C , 8.c ; iiiediumn yel'
low , 8c ; dark yellow , 7c.
ST.ucIL-l'earl , tc ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn
Stardi , 9c ; Excelsior ( iloss , 7c ! ; Cormi , Sc.
Si'icis-l'cpper : , lTc ; allspice , The ; cloves
25c ; cuotsia , iSe.
Cmttsi-1u11 : : cream , I Ic.
Li-Ainericnu : 3 4 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; , ortlu Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyu
4 65 ; Juwell lye , 2 75.
Iry Goods.
ililowN CorroNs-Atlantic A , 8c ; Apple
ton XX , Tc ; Atlanta it , Sc ; Boot FF Sic ,
Buckeye ] 41 , , .1.4 , 7c ; Cabot \V , 7.jc ; Cilitte.
umnngo A 6c ; Creut1uthlsJ 8c ; 1lotsier,6.C ;
Ibunest'idtii , Sc ; Indian ) Ietd : A , Sc ; imidiun
Stamitiard \ Sc ; indian Orchard , d. v. , ( nc ;
Lnwrunce 6c ; 1d3'stic Ibivem' , 7c ; i'eqiuit
A , 8'c ; Utica ti , 5cVachtmsett ; Ii , 7c ; do
A , 8cc (10 E 45 , 12.c.
Fii : Bmmoss CorioN8-Ahlemitlulo ' 1.1 7c ,
Alligator : t-.i , 3c ; Argyle 1.1 , 7jc ; Atfantic
1414 ic ; ; Badger State X l..t Gic' Beiimiimmgton
(3 ' 1.1 , ) ; c ; Buckeye S 4.1 , 6c ; liudiun Orchard
.1i 9.8 , SAc ; bacomus 4) : tu , itc. ] .ehiight E .J..l ,
9c ; Peititerell N : to , 7c ; Io ti 82 , 7fc ; do Jt
: it ; , 7'c ; do ] : io , 8c ; l'ocaiset C ' 1.1 , 7c ;
\Vauiisutta 4.4 , 13c.
liIAchmII : ) Com'roNs-Arillrosceggimi Ii ' 1.1 ,
oic ; 1tltckstoito : iimiperial 8c ; do do half
bleuclted : I.4 , tic ; Cabot l.'l , Sjc ; Fiilelity ' 1.1 ,
! 0c ; Fruit of the Looiu , 94c ; do cuiulric ; .1.1 ,
12J' ( It ) W'atcr 'I'wiit , 10c ; Great Falls Q , 9c :
liitiaii ( I feutl shrunk i.4 , 12c ; Lunshtulo , , be. ;
'I ' cutibuic ; 87 , 12c ; Nets' York [ i1ls , 12c ;
1'jtmot A , lOc ; i'ejijicrel , N C 'l'wiiis , b2c ;
I'ocihuumtas , 4.4 , 9c ; l'ocuLMset 5.1 , 8' ; Utica ,
lie ; \'aiiiututta 0 X X , b2c.
I ) cciii ( Cidin ed-A ) litany 1 brovmi , Sc ; (10
C , ( broil , I be. ; do XX stripes : tiitI lthiiltlM , 12 b.2c ;
do XXX lrown muiid ( Ira ) ) , stripes 1(11(1 ithitltis ,
12 1.2c ; Arlimigtoim fancy , bOo ; itrummswick
brtnvii , 8 1.2c ; Chiiuiot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ox.
tnt heavy , 20c ; Full Itiverhuruovim , extra heavy ,
11 1.2c ; Jiuliamin , A bitnvn , 13c ; Ncittumise.t A
browim , I Sc ,
'fmciINGs-4Imiflslcc1ig A Ci A82 , lOc ; do XX
blue 39 , 18 b.2c ; Arm tuwiuuium , 1) 1 .2c ; Cluiru.
iiiomit 1111 , 15 l.2c ; Conestogu , extra , 17 h.2c ;
Jlamiltou 1) , 11 1.2c ; 1uwlston A 80 , lSc ; iiii
itehiahma 'I. . ) , 20c ; Oiiiegmt , sujer extra 4.1 , 28c ;
l'earl Jtiver 32 , 16 1.4c ; I'utiiain XX thmio
stilpe , 12c ; Siietimckct 5 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , ] 2c ;
Ycomiman's blue 29 9c.
1)JNIMt3-AIi&osieag & , blue amid brown,1G 1.2c ;
Anilver 1) ! ) Idue , 15 1.2c ; Arlliigtuni X blue
Scotch , 18 l.2c ; Concord ( iOU , hue muitl
hriuvmi , I 2 1 .2c ; do A 't It , do du , 1 1 1.2 ; do
X ) : t , i .1 , , I 4 1.2c ; I I nyimuaker's blue anti
br.un 9 1.2c ; Mystic ltiverlihtripo , 16 l.2c ;
l'csrl itiver , blue toni iurown , ICc ; Uiicasvlllo ,
blue muid luzovjt , 1. ! 1 .2c.
CAtIttIlIcutihoIlar(1 , 5c ; 1lilystoime lining ,
21 lOCh ( ItIliblu face , 8ciiurmier ; ( t glazed , 5.c ;
\1amiltattamt 4dovu 1111i811 , 5c ; Nows.rt do. 5c
( It ) glazed , 5e ; J'et1uot (1(1 , Se ; Lockwisuti kid
timtlsii , Ce. ,
ConsLi' .IE.)5-Amnory , Anilroscoggln
sutteeii : , 8c ; C'iurendui , 6jc' Conostnggn sat.
teens , 7fc ; Jlallon'eli , Sc ; ImutIian Orciiarti , 7c ;
Narragansett , unproved , 8c ; l'cpperlil sat.
teen , 9c ; Jtockittirt , Ce. .
l'hlI1H-Allchis , t3' ; Aincrucami , tic ; A rttltl , ,
flc ; Berwlck , Io ; ( .Suchieoo , ( ; Ciumitstoga , fc ;
1 ) aukirk , - . c' Ibimminehi , C@7c ; JltIystiumie 7c ;
Gltuuccustcr , i4c ; linriuttimy , 5&c ; Jmtle.kei1uocter ,
tbc ; Ierr1imiau I ) , 7c ; ? dystlu , t4c ; Spriguos ,
( ; c ; 3oumthibrIdge , Cc ; ultu ( I Imightamns , 7c ; \l am I.
Ijor , , , fuc ; Oriental , fie. .
GINuhIMIs-4hmlttskcag Ole. ; Argyle , l0t'
Atlantic , 8c ; Cumohe , 1ttiti , 7u ; I ( Iglilnuid , 7e :
Keiuilnoithi , 0k' ; J'iunktt , 9c ; Sussex. ' .
Cuiri oNAIhs-4iuluervIltu : , l3i. ; .Igautc , 211e ;
Iutel kuti , I he. ; itrtisiaii , 20c ; ( ulriu I ) anti ' 1 ,
l3c' ; ( Jiaritun D aimil ' 1' , J7c ; lecamt C. ' .
stripes I ) mtiitt ' 1' . ICc' Kttysttuiiu , ] 8e ; Nati
tucket , lthc Nonpareif , Ihie ; ( Jecami ii itmuil ' 1' ,
I : t c ; I I oytif , I 6c , i2c ; 'I jugs , Vacliu.
sett sltirtimig eiuecs , J2u ; ( It ) Nitukiti i2cs
Yrk , , luhaimi Nunkin , 12c ; ilo checks , sthipes
and finicy , b2c ; iltu 8 ox , 20c ,
Mu imi : I NO 5--j iitlii.e.tutglii : I 0 I 27Ac ; titi
U. I , 23c ; ilu 8.1 , 32c : Coiitiiieiital C 12 , 11 e ;
i'rolt I1 thu lOuhlt ( 11) ' 1 ; 27c ; Now Vu , k jmi'lls
OS. 35c ; ito 78 , 3c ( ) ; ( It , 5t , 22e ; I 'emmihuruku
ho. I , 25c ; Pejiiut , 10-i , 28c ; ( It ) 7 I , Ic ; do tO ,
1 Cc ; J'eiuiuuieil : US , 2'Jc' ; do 67 , 91o ; do 7 J8c'
Utica 1)6 , 3Cc ; tb 55 , 22e ; do IS , lie. .
I ) r ii 44N4
] )11co8 ANt ) ( .jhhihhcA : i.s-icItl , Carbolic , 'iSo ;
4\ cub 'l'artusc : , S5c ; I bulsani Cojetbia , I bCt I ii ,
70c ; ibark , StIsafr4s : , 1& Ib , 12c' ( alozrie1 , ur
ii , , 75c ; Ciitohionithla , 1ev u , iIl 05 ; Chlort , .
foi-in 11cr lii , 85c ; lover' , l'owilurs , ier II ,
81 2. ; Jiisomui Salts , hur lb , u ; Olycem imie
loire , icr Ili 30cr Leal ( , Acetate , 11cr ib , 22o ;
'iii , Castor. k0. i. per gal l 35 , ( ill , Castor ,
No , : ; gal , l 20 ; Oil , hIve , iergaI , 1 tO'
Oil , driganimut , TOo ; Opium , $5 00 ; QuInine , 1' .
& \v. V.11(1 ( II. & 8. per tui , 'Si 90 ; J'etasslunu ,
lodidu , luer lii , 81 65 ; HalIeiii or Ox , bc ;
hulphato \ioriuhimiu , P ° ox , a Suuhitir
flour , ier lb , Ic ; Strychulitu , ir o , $1 2.i.
Paints , OIhR nmil 'nrnIshioq.
Ohms -I10 caruueuu , lt gahboiu ; IS0
hucadliglut , I' gallon , 14c ; 15 hoailltghtt ,
gallomu , IPe. ; l50 water svhtte , lSc liii'
st'ttI , rats' , 'er gallul , lOCI lituseed , bolletl , er
allui . , 511c : lsrtl , winter , tr'tl , i'r gailtmi , sw
.o , 1 , TAo ; No , 2 , 75c ; cqtor , XXX , per gt1
ltu , 1 35 ; 3 , 1 20 ; tt'ect , Pr } ahiIuu , ' ;
si''rIIt \V , lb. , l' ' gallon , I 60 ; tishu. \ \ . II , ,
l''r gallon , flSc ; iieat.cfootextrii , tier gallon , lke. ;
No , I , itie. : huihirieiutlng , zero , P gallon , 8Oe
sunnhluer , ISo ; gi'lthen maclimo , 'uo , 1 , I'er gal.
htuii , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c' ; sicrmn , slguird , per gallon
SOc ; ttirpontliio , 1' ' gailotu , tstc ; humiluthulu , ,4 0
l'r gahlomu , ire. .
h'.ttNni Ii' Oit'-'Vluito ictl , Omaha P. P. ,
; . ; vliito lead , St. b.otuls , pm' , 6eIu.rseih1tq :
green , 1 to S lt cauu , 20c 1 lOIICII 1iI1C green
i'tsih ' , 12c ; Fromueht zinc , reut tic ; t'm-emtclu
rIOC , lit varnish nsst , 20c : l'toncit zInc. in oIl
a.sst , Ir : raw nuitl buinut timber , 1 It , catus , lOt' ;
ras nuud burnt Sienna , lOti vantlyko ttruwn
13c ; refluued hitinpblack , l2c ; coaclu black , smut !
ivory luhaek , ICc ; drop black , 1Cc ; I'riu'slan
liluic , 30c' ; ultraunarimue ihtme , 18c ; chrome greeht
I . . s1 . & I ) . , iCe. : blimul and shutter green , I. .
M. & 1) . , Itic ; l'atis green , 180 ; huittkuu red ,
ISo ; Veuuetinn roil. Oc ; l'uscaiu roil , 22c ; Auiteri.
cauu'ermnlllu'n 1. k i' . , iSo ; clirtuito ve1loi ,
Il , M. , 0. & I ) . 0. , lbc ; yellow ucitre , tte. ;
gruiIoiu , oehiue , hOe. , 1iatcit dryer , Sc ; ) jraiitiiig
colors. light oak , ( lark oak , walnut , chiestimt
nuiti , 1St' .
1)t'y Pitluts. ,
\i'htite leul : , Sc ; Vremtcht mine , hOe ; l'ari
'hitIng , 2c ; whitliig glIders , 1c : thiltiiug
coun'l lc ; hamphlack , ( ierunantotvii , I Ic ;
luuniitlack , ordliiary , itic ; Prussiaii luluit. t'Se. ;
uuhtrsnutrinti. : I 8 , . ' ; 'nndyko , liros'mu , be ; molter ,
tntrnt , 4c ; uunbem' , ran't 4c ; sienna , burnt , Ic ;
sienita , raw' , 4c ; l'aiis green , gemoluhlo , 25c ;
PttiItt green , eniuiiiituui 2e ( ) : chirtune ieeit , ' . V. ,
20c ; clurituno green , It. , l2e ; ernitiIInn , h.iig. ,
Ttc ; vermitilllini , 4u1erl call , 18e I uttiituu ; i-oil ,
Ilk' ; rtso pink , 1 Ic ; 'eiietIan red , Ctuku..uss ,
2cuuetlaui ; roth , Aunericaiu , 1c : red heath ,
Tie. ; chiroiiue 3Olltit' , gonuiliw , 20e. ; ehirtuiiio 3-el.
low , 1. , l2c' , , chr ( , , rochiehlo 8cochmro ; , Vrt'nchu ,
2c ; ochiro , Anieiicaii , 2c : \ \ inter s uuttiieral ,
2c ; lehiiglt brott'ii , 2.c ; Spauitsht bm'ntvii , 2c ;
1 i-Iiice's mineral , 8e. ,
VA11NISIIIIt.htarreltu PI gallon : Vuiriti.
tort , , extra , $1 10 ; furnIture , o. 1 , $1 : tii'li ,
extra , $1 4t ) coach , No. 1 , t 20 ; 1)atitar ,
extra , $1 75 ; , i mt etu , Toe ; tus1ihitltiiuii : , e\tra , SSc ;
shellac , 3 50 ; huu-d oil Ilitishi , 1 50.1
Lent her.
Oak so1 , 88o to 42o ; Itemitlock soho28e tuu 35c ;
htentlock kit' , SOo to I 00 ; rumiuter ( ISo to SOc ;
hienilock call , 85u to 1 20 ; hemlock tipper , 23O
to 2Cc ; oak upet' , 2-Ic ; nlllgtttor , 4 04) to S 50 ;
cull kid , 82(5t5 ( : Oroisen kitl , 2 50 to 2 75 ; tuSk
klp , 8th : tt ) 1 ( tO : tatk calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; liencht
kIi , 1 10 to 1 55 : Freiuch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ruis
sets , S 50 to 7 (10 ; linitigs , 6 00 tt 10 50 ; top.
lillg8 , 9 00 to 10 50 ; 11. Ii. 1tn'occo. 80O to 3.ic ;
1)0111)10 0 , 1) . Iot'occt , 85c ; slintom , 2 50 to 8 ( J ,
hi.tllNss-No. : I , tiU : ' 12c ; ? , o 2 ( it ) ,
89c ; No. 1 Ohit , oak , : tSc ; No. 2 do , $ . , c ; Nti.
1 Milwaukee , 87c ; No. 2 do , 8k.
\o ipioto lumber. lath muid shtinglcs on cams
nt. Omaha at the following liricus :
.IODtI . 'ui ) C.tTI.INillO ft. amid ittitler
2' ' 00 ; 18 ft , 28 50.
'I'm mtiits-b : U feet muttl nuttier , 22 00.
'l'mMiIIlt : ANI ) , Ioisr-18 It , 23 50 ; 21) It , 23 tO ;
22 ft , 26 110 ; 2 I It , 2(1 ( 50.
VINcixu-Nt : , . 1 , 1 aiid ( I iii , , 2-1 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SItIET1o-No. : 1 (2th ( conunomu boards ) , 20 00 ;
Xii. 2 , 18 00. -
LiiI-l'er barrel , I 25 ; bulk icr liishieh' , : Lc ;
cemmiemit , bid , 2 25 ; lo'a lllutor ( tltl , 2 50 ; hair
ier bun , tOe. ; l'turretl felt , looJbs , . . 8 50 ; trow
board , 3 50.
heavy ItaI'llwnve,1u114t.
iron , rates , 2 ( ' 0 ; ) stool specialcast , Tc :
crumcihlu , Sc ; sltccitI or C' em-luau , 6e ; cist tttih ,
( It ) , lti@20 ; wagon sptkes , set , 2 25(8)3 ) 00 ; htubs
Pe set , 1 25 ; fellocut , sawed dry , 1 'tO ; ttougnes ,
each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 7So' square iluiLs oer
II , , 7(3Jllc ( ; wiushers , item' ltI 8@1Sc ; rivets , Iter
11 , lie. ; coil chaiii , l" Ib , ( iJ12c ; iiuthletbIe , Sc ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crtavltrs , : , Cc ; hittrrov teeth ,
do ; sjtrimig tech , 78c ; ] ltirdeii'slwrsehitesS 25 ;
Burden's immuleshiocs , 6 25.
BAItmtmmVmmimIn : : car ltt.s , Ole per 100.
N.tir.s-ltntes , 10 tt , 60 , 3 35.
Smmo'-Shiot , I 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; . .rkntal
) % ' ( , icegs , 6 40 ; 410. , half kegs , 3 48 ; di' . ,
(1tltrter : kegs , 1 88 ; 1)la.stimIg , kegs , 3 3. ; fimse ,
uier 100 feet , 50e. .
C0AI-Culnberluloh hlncksmnlthi 12 00 ; tlor.
u-is run lllttssbumg , 12 \ ; Initili ,
4 \Vhuitebm-cast ; iutit , 4 00 ; bott'a 101111' ' , 4 00 ;
lo'vti IIIIt , 4 00 ; 1 1itck Spri hg , 7 00 ; .itmithira
cites , 11 S0@12 00 ; Cautomi City , 7 00 , P ° toii.
Ilot'se ituuti MimIcs.
Extra draft bionics , 1713f8j225 ; coniiito' draft
htries , bOO6jbSO ; extra faint horses , ii tkJl25 ;
cOItihiltn to gooui farm horses , 00jJlO0 ( ; extra
lltmgs , 6OJ7ti ; coniniomu plugs , 2051J40 ,
MULI4-Extra , 12StiJbh0 ; gooI , 100140 ;
fair , 75@100 ; Ctnilmnon , 6O@7 ( , .
Am.coimor.-l8S prtiuf , 2 25 ier v'hllu galitin ;
extra California sjtiiits , 188 prlutf , I 25 ier
itrof gallon ; triple ieI'tiied s tim its , 187 proof ,
1 23 icr hi- ° ° f gallon ; re.tiistilled shuIslcies ,
1 OOStjl 50 ; lute blemided , 1 5OCiJ2 SO ; iCttii.
tuicky huotirhiomis , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky tumid
l'oimosyhvriia : r'cs , 2 ( ti7 ( ) (40. (
Bn.tNnns-Imnportetl , 6 0O@lti 00 ; ( loInestie. ,
1 'IO&'j.t 00.
GiNis-iluported , 4 fi0j6 00 ; doiiiost'mc , 110
3 00.
IUlH-1hIlllortctl , 1 50616 00 ; New Eiiglaiid ,
2 00Il 00 ; dtmiestic , I 50& 8 50.
I'Eicml ANI ) Am'I'LG 1tiitii1 Tt'I 00.
CmmAI1'.uN1s-1mlllltlm-teIl : icr case , 28 005IJ
31 00 ; Aiuc"Itaim ; , 101' ( aUto , 1' 00ij1U ( ( JO.
1erhit,7uiiivasltcd , light l-tl6c ; heavy ,
130jd5c ; iiictliuin : , light , 18@2c ( ) ;
w'uihied , choice , : ; 2c ; hut r , : oc ; ttI , anti vasltcd ,
28c ; barry , hiJack amid cotted wotd , 26ij6c loss.
FINI : Cu'r-Coimutns , 2ocjC300'rgtlul ; ) , .1S ©
COc ; Bose Leaf , 70c ; l'reiitiumu , ( iSo ; Diamiiomul
Crown , SSc ; Sweet Sixteen , 'tTc.
SMOIINtI-O. S. , 24k ; Muskovy , 25c ; Dur.
leitmi , S six , , 5c ( ) ; ] ) iirhuuii , i iiz. t'2c ; I ) uriuumii ,
2 ox. , S5c ; ScuI : of North Carifiiiii , 8 oz. , ' 1-Ic ;
Setil of Noi tlu Carolina , 'I ox , ' 14k' ; Seal , if
Niirth Carolina , 2 n-i. . , 'ISc ; 0. C , Jurliain , .4
( ) . . , 28c ; 0 , 1. Durhiiui' , 2 ox. , 30c ; Uncle
Ned , i's , 2-Ic ; Tom 1(1111 .lerry , 23c.
l'i.uo TohlAcco-Cliumax , tuoc ; litmhlion , tuOc ;
horseshoe , 48c ; Star lSc ; Ruddy , ' 1-Ic ; 11cr.
soy's , 'tSc ; Black , 3Sj-Uc. ( )
I'iwritieioits Utio ILr.vATotLs : A. .sm.o H.
reetulters umid i4ilpjtcrsofgrsltiOuiatiaNetu. : Also lutmy
auth i-cu grain auth i'rovlsioils ' on iitarghits hi New York.
Chtlcag , , , , tIhsnilkee , St. lout , auth 'I'ohcdo. Hjechul
tclt'grshlo facilities In ohIIt'o. MnreL $ reports reedy.
( it ti cry flftceii iiilmuiitcti , t hick ii u s iii fuiriulihi on as , .
hhlcat iou , ttgethucr s Itli our iij .t'hul c-lrciiliur , mOlest.
hug the tClItleHt'y of ( hue iitarkct. Otflco corner of
IotIIaN aiti 12th street. J-sta1Jishiet1 1870 ,
ju2Ottiiu ,
United states flepository ,
First Natiollal Bailk
_ ,
-.oIli OMAhA-
Cor. 13th and Farnam St.
The Oldest Banking Establislirneni
in Onwha ,
HIJCOI:8S01114 : 'ii ) mtJtN'I'zI : HlOi'iL 131(4 ,
0rga'ixot ft 1850 ,
Organized us u Natiuiial 1IIIII1 in 1808.
OAl'i'i'1 , . . . . .
I ' ' $900,00 ( )
8tJItI'IJtdf4 1) L'ItOIl'J'H . $ ItlOflO
oIylcEI(8 Mill VIIIEeWILJd.
liEmolAs JOIiNzit , l'rcidkut.
. ! ell , ( A. ( Jitiauiiiou'ico I'rtiilicitt.
I AlUUflIN ( ? lOulutur. , 21 % 'icu i'reItleiit ,
A. J. l'oi''LSItuS ( ,
1. II , DAVIS , CashIer ,
v. ji. lIcojeiKk , Asuatiit ; Csbbtler.
Tranactju it geiteral IaitkIt hitiuIrs , Issues thini
certttlcatts luczrlg , litter , , if. hraw ( drafts on hali
raitclsco oiuI Irtlicipal cltk-s iti the unIt-cu Statcs.
Also LoitIo , , hliilIIii , Ihhsuiircli ) aijil thu irtiIeliat
cities of thu Liluttilcilt it ! ; uru , u.
JOhn B. Peabody , M. D. ,
OFFiCt 1(001.19 , 8 antI S 107 YAItNAM ,
Itesldeiicu , 11141)ouzlai . , . .OinahsNcb ,
Graduated Midwife !
1108 Onlifornia Stioot.
_ _ _ _ _ _ s
Railway Time Tablo.
It , I' , im. IL , MAlNLt
LIIAxL TsssuitI
l'adflo 1l'rt'.l2O. : % p in Atlaiitlo - : ) ft U'
% t eutetti EIrcss smk : ; , mu i-asttrn l-tpreui. . S$4)hi : ) In
( Irsitul ltatl , i'A4k : ) p iii ( I. l.Iitt , tu'ius Ii :40 : in
0MilA JuN11 I.lNCOT.N l.IN.-U , P. IflI'OT.
LRAV ! . , rtIrF.
tAicoln , 1-s . . . . .12ao ; in I tlneolii tx , . , .l2:5 : p in
tmt7Mt' ThtAlS-IIht1ptII ; Il'iSi0N.
tlimnn3' traliuc icato ( ) nishs a , follow , : 8:00 : at ,
9oe a Ill , IOtx ) ft lit , ltOi. : ) s liiti'Op tuu,3.O0 I' in , 4t10
II Ut , 5lti : : ) , in Otx ; ) P lii. , lttO : p. ni.
itmiiny trtJmt Icaiti coumien hIInfls fts foIle , : 5:25 :
ft In , 0:25 : 5 Ill , 10:25 : a at , I I :5 : a in , I :25 : In , 2:25 :
I , U ) , 3.2 ! . ; ' to 4:2. : 3 , iii , , :2S : ; i in , 6'O : j' lii , 10:30 : pItt
Slllltta)5- la' iimnunv , trtiis lcfto ( ) llu5l5 at Ot : ,
1lt : ii lii ; 2a ) , 4i5) Sx'o , &t Suit t0.ttl Ii 10.
1.VMCI Cotiitcli hifutte t P:2. : nut ii : ? . " , in , 2:25 : ,
4:25 : , 5:25 : ftlitt 6'O : slit 10:50 : ii at ,
TIII4OUlil ANI 1.OCAI , I'.tss1oit : : TIIAINS-
1' 2 . . . 7:55 : iii I'ss , p. . , 75 s
Nut. 10..5:45 : , in " 2-ti , ii . . . . It : t ) s iii
I , No. . . . . . : itt " Nut II. . . . ileo : nu
hats. nut. . . . . . . . . . & ) " Nut , 1. . . 73. ; , tu
I , Na. 6.&h5Aun
SIOUX CITY : t m'Acipio-Igt'OT N. 15th Strc.ct.
( I Oittstta for O'Neill i Is St. PattI IIiie
fir Itl.4r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tttiio i-em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p to
C. , bit , & St. . P. it. it-U. I' . iiit'oi' : .
Sloth & i- . . . . . .745 or Stall & 1x . . . . . .7:5 : in
Atlanllo h- : . . . . .11:40 : p iii i'atiflo h-x..fl45 ; a in
Iall3 1)5413' .
' .tlIASil , ST. t.OUIS & I'AlIFIO'it. ( IL-ti. I' .
Onuult . . . . . . . . .7:45 : s in tiii54vt. . . . . . . . 11t0 ; a in
, , 3:40 : p in . . . . . . . . . r.eo : ,
(3. ( , II. & t It. 11.-U. I' . i)1'OT ) ) ,
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a itt h'xi're.n . . . . . . . .fl:45 : sun
. . . . . . . . . . . 1' IU Shalt' . . . . . . . . . .75 : ! 1 , In
N. Y. h-xitrt'ss I.oat ( 't , Ctuincti , liltilT. st 8:1 : ? p in )
'I i iterim es ' ' ' SA : ) it lit )
'ittlitR3s esreitt't. tOittatia tiinu.
(3. , II. I. & P. it. iL-U. 1' . i)13'tT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . , a in - ' . . . . . . . . . : it lit
% . . . . . . . . . : ( ) Ii mu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . i in
0. .t N. V. II. 11.-LI. I' . 1)l-1'O'I' ) .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a In : . . . . . . . . . : ii in
itr-r : . . . . . . . . .3(1 : ii ill Stall ' . . . . . . . . .7:2i ) i'.Iu ,
' 5u11053 , , eXL'C1t'ul. i4iiitiIft3 exc'pted.
S. C. & I' . It. 11.-ti. I' . ilEI'OT.
Slahit . . . . . . . . . . . . (1:00 ( : a III . . . . . . . . . ) : a lii
IsIirt . . . . . . . .6:0(1 : ( 1 Il tahlt . . . . . . . . . .7a'il I' In
$ Sttiitl5)s (0I't'hitetI ,
1)18''I' ) N. 151'II SI' .
No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : i ii , No. I . . . . . . . . . . 4t0 : p ut
Nt. 4 .12:45 : i' m No. : . . . . . . . . . . . : a in
StlluuIa3u , t'SrtPtt'tI.
. , i41' , J)1Ct II. IL 11.-Il , & M. igI'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii - % . . . . . . . . . : a in
: ' . . . . . . . . . , In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p ut
Iomiter Fxprt-ss. . .8:15 : a itt Atlaittlo. . . . . . 6flhi : in
l'aciflc i'iirrs. .tla : I' Ill. ik'ituer 1x1res'.0:40 : a at
hfSs0UhiI i'ACIE'ic-U. P. Ih.I'Ol' )
ARlIVII. ( lIltl'AliI.
: xl'ritss . , .n.rt ) mtl ' . . . . . . . . . : i' in
Mali..0:1 : ! , i' in Mail . . . . . . . . . . . .8:05 : a In
'It-alit. hat Itie. at 7 : ( , in tittil serb lug at ttt : ) a in
' - 115)0 I'ttllitiati sIii -ir
O9CIttIlg ilhid Cloclug o ( ? 1a11iu.
aceTic tii'i'.x. closE.
5,111. 11.111. ) , , .lli.
( 'itleago k Nturthta-cst cm..I I thu 0:00 : t.t0 : 2:1(1 : (
( iuIt'nge , httuck Islaitti & I'aclflr I I :00 : flX : ) 5:84) : 2:40 :
Citlingi' , ilmrlhitgton Qtlhit3 . .1 1:00 : 9:15) : ) 5u : ) 2:10 :
S'atash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:80 : 5u : )
Siotix City & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 72t : )
Uttloim I'utclflc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 :0' : ' ) 1 I :40 :
Otitatta & iteptituhlcan'shley. . . . 2:00 : 1 I :10 :
II. & 40. Iii teIurnska. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : . 7:4(1 : ( 5:20 :
Omaha .Ic Northinesterit tO0 : 7:20 :
lhIsttirt l'at-hlto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0i ) 5:80 :
1.ccutl iuinit for State tf Ions leave bitt oiie a
% Ic : 4 :30 : a. lit.
A 1ttucolii luau Ii niso epenci at fl:30 : a , In.
Olflco opemi StiittI , a friui 12:1k : ) ii , , t o I 811) I' . lit.
C. K. C0tJ'I'AN'I' , l'osttIIabtcr
( lscotiloa.tnl'.l :
ThIs coiniiuiiy is iiuw tii ret-dy orders for
SIOUX } 'AI.LS JAS1'iIt StONE , for
Building Purpoe ,
Aitul will lliakt ) figures on maul 1(115 fir 1roni1it dclii'
er ) ' . 'Ihto Cotiuia , 3' lii shulliuilIR
Paving Blocks
to Ittith Chiiciigii nhtil Oinslia , altO , , ollt'Its etrr'utinul. )
elitsI auth orulers frill , cuiitt ( aitttFs eiiageI In iaiig
, tr-etii in atiy of ( lie it ( ti.rIl r4t4c ,
'IhM'ii ihtN ) itI(4.
SlsI-KltlTiu'Ilie.T's ( bvicr , Chicago , Vest ills' .
15(111 115115 fly. Chk'agu , Ik'rcmtltt'r , 5 , I 882.
1) . IlwchI , I'rcsIIent Sioux i-'alls Water tosser Ctnn.
hall ) ' .
1)t.AR 51,1-I , : Ilfle recelseul frolli 3'ollr cittnpany
dote October 1 , 1852 , uhiiiiit ItS ) ( ariulals if graiuitc
iasIg luluucki , niel hiaio haiti thteitihictusecim tito rails of
, iur street ralisi 53' tracks lii tue hit-art if thto city.
lust , r iuceii itsilig ilus rig ittaterlal In this city for 1115113'
3-cars , tutu i ttulu lit-attiru In itS ) lug thit. lii lilY tiluhli.
it ) , , the granite leg Ijliuck furnisllcii 113' Viillr COIl'
15(13' aru the lutist rugliltur ill sits ; o niI lerfect lii
thrIll , nUll its far us I hutuvo Itceit silo ( ii jtilgo , , III'.I
icussesot-tI if Iii ui tiratihu tenth ro as 1(11) ' iiuiiterluih that
15(1 ( 05cr hui , , ffereh or haiti iii Iltu city.
Vour , , .IAS. K. ! .AK ) .
hr. Loul , Shard , 23 , 1883.
I' ( ) V1i0M Ii' MAY COSUF3IN-
'I'iiis to certify this ) . I 111(5 ( t txitiiilitl , it PIece if
grailtu , takeim frilil thu Hiui x i-'aIhs ( Iranhtu ( uarrics ,
auth. iii lily tIjulilioll , it I. thuu hett iitintu fur street
lug I huasu liecil ii Ainerhea.
( SIgned ) I I INiIV i-IA I )
j'ce , . hloaril I'uldie ililprovlilcntL
'Stone for Paviny Purposes.
Aol any Ierii , hiltLrs itch Ill .iicii iulhiriylneIt ,
S ill huh it greatly to his ad s outage to ciuiiiiiitititto ;
with us , SVu let Ito cIurrclhuliliciico ill I itS , ilihijtct. ,
'Ihi general lliAIlageIiletit tiil iuiier hitii it I no
elullipally's iuiiiiicsi is 110W in the husuui of Wmii. Sic.
Aihilrew. . our letters tO
mnl.mui&o'tl Pros. of Jasper Stone Ce ,
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAI4. II. 116A11'i'W13.I , i'reiihilent.
A. lu. CiA It ic I : , Viro'h'rcsidutut.
i : . ti , SVEIIS'l 131rI'rcasilrer ,
C. 1' . vIilM'i-Iit. : : Caduier.
IIilUihi(4 ( ( ) :
itairtitel Alcaaiuuier , ( ssitii Oliver
I . lu. Charlie , 1. C. S'ehitvr ,
(441 , ii i'ratt , JaIl. ii. ifeartwcIh ,
P. 31 , lhcIiiliuituty.I :
F irot Mortgage Loans a pooia1tv
'IIuls Coliti City 1uriiues ) a lerlilaltelt 1101110 lastitu
I lot : us lairs chitol , , , gtiii tititer Jtgalhy Iseicd SI U
Cieliliui Securities to yeraska ) CUll ho iui'gtuthsti'il 'so
hue jjst I , ' , tiruultlo , tetlilS. I.uaius iua'I iuiit iiiiroveii ,
Sri , . , II , all weli settled ( 'utIlities of thuu stutto through
espouuih.ic . ) caI eorreuoiuiieiuts. itv
1204 Farnam Street.
P. IX. MCIUO , Proriotor
JAMES C. BRYAN , Nlunugor.
Tito huaiihstuiiiut ihlilliurut lIhi In Oiaha , 'fiu ) Ihius
WIiie , Lh1uor aiiui Cigars aru IrOVIOcO for hitroiu
Grnite Iroiiware.
, .L\ J .I ; ' IIOILINQ , PI1ESERVING , . . I
* _ \ , r LIGHT ItANDSOME ,
. ' I W11oL1soME ,
. \
' \ c3 . , . . ' ' Tue Best Wni'c Made for the JCitc1un. ' -
\ .
Iimo1 1o v 811 1oo , IIi1'(1il ' ( ! ! ' , aliLT llolllftllli11iJ1 B1cr.
( Chiongo , Burlington & Qulnoy Ralirond. )
' - -
r * -I' ,
Elegant lay Coutebies , Parlor Cars , with Ucetin SohhtI 'I'ntinq of Illegaiit 1)5 ! Poclics and Full
iIt ( 'itaii"i ( S'Sti ( free ) . Slnikliti , Cars , wIth ito loan l'aiacn Slt'tphrig ( 'ars art , run ttaihy to and
vilivilig ( 'hinir , l'tliuirin 1alien (4lt't'plitg ( ars alt ) front St Isnits , Via ilutminhtial , Qtiimtcs' , 1't'oktik.
tiit ( uttilotlI ( ' . It. . 9 , Iinitugt'utrs ) rtin dallyto alit 1I'rhinglon , Cedar itaphils attit Attert I.t'a to St
fl-iinl L'hul'agiu . ' . -is City , Ciiitotgtu .t ( 'ottiucil i'aui anti Sllmint'apoiis : I'au'hor Cars ts lot liechining
hliitffq ,4' huicago , it"i Moliui' ( 'iilcago , St. Jo Chairs to nlttt fromut St 1ottk iuI l'eorla aitti to
st'ltil , Alehii'itiii .t 'Fotieka titiy thunutlgii hue tie dlii fromiu St 1..ottts nntt Ottunns'a. Only one
ts't'U Ciik'uigo , 1.lnt'ol , , & ! ) ellvt'r 'I'hirotigh cars change of cars between St Louis arni Des
Iit'tsi et'ii inihlumitapotis . : Coiiticll hihimils via I'L'erla Moimu's Iowa , lincoln , Nebraska , nitti Venvcr.
A ii ( 'ttlltlt''tiOiit muait ! In P1,1011 , l'JiOtR. , it IS Colorado.
kllowil As thio greatThIIt000 It Cult L1N } . it is unIversally admitted to be the
Finest Equipped Rallrond In the World for nIl ClassoB of Travel.
11. .1. 1'0VFl11 , 3d Vice.l'res't.nntl ( lou ) Stanager I'EItCEVAI. LOWEhh , flea I'astu. Ag't , Chicago.
Boiler aii Sheet Troll erRs I
OMAIIA , . - . - . - . NEIfl1ASKA.
iltithut all hiatt-i of $4 cab fltdlurs , Hitiilt , , Stacks , lIrteclilag l.nrl , 'ater atiti flit T.tik , , , aitd ito I 1 genera a
hlaIe.lroli ltfl4hliey ( . htcp.t)1iig ) iltuiio in City 11111 Cotintry. All svurk
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
St-ettiitl.Iisttil iIoiIcis u iii lie kept nit ) iiiit , , I has ittg list litutily years oxiorhttiieo in tInt tUtilu iii ihitTt'rciit hartS
of this country I Rli ( 'liii illeiit I t'ai , gis u satisfutetititi , ii.tvliig the hOt shop Still toih4 iii thu State. Shop
cur. 1OtlnhiihterL'tlStrects. J. M. WILSON Propriotor.
MANIIPACT 181(4 01'
Carpenters' Materials
floors , B1iiis , tirs , stair llai1iiis , Ba1tors , ¶ iiio & Poor Fraiiis , &c
First.clas , far'ihithc , for the iuiaiiiriu-tnro of alt klniI of SI - inhttiiigs. 1'laiihiig 01111 MatchIng a .peclilty
Order. frito , the ctiuntry is uI ho' hirtItls' , oxecutci.
Address ati cuiiiiiutiihcation , ti , A. SIOYEIt , I'roprletor ,
- 1II
Medical Dispensary.i
Offices5'and Parlors Over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , Between Farham
and Douglas Streets.
OMAIIA , . . . . I'4EI3ItASKA.
Allrcma1o : Disces , as 'Y111 as all Chroiie ! and' Norvons Diseases ,
ID : E : & . F I El 13 I. A. "P "P
fuss disetimereil thi-frreite.t curs In thu wouhul fir sscakries. of ( lie tack and himahu , , lnvoiuntftry discharge.
hiuptutciucy , general debility , HervotltuchH , languor , conluhom , of idea , , haihitatlol , of Khie hcam-t , , thiildIty
tremiuhliiig , iiilIitIeiiii of IgIut or glddintus di.euu-w , of titu lwsti , tluriat : iisu , or skIn , aflcctlomt. of the lit or
11111g. , istiuianchi or luiueIs-tlcuso terrible Ilabit , arislug frolu solitary fiSilitS of ) iitithi , slid secret Iractlce.
lucre fatal to the tOctiiiis thali this .ung. of iiyreiu , to thta ouiriuers of Ui3ses , bhiglutiiig thelriuio.t radian
iijietI ( or aiitIci1istloit , rellilerhi4c milarriulgu illthosiIhhlhV.
' 1 Iuuusi ? thatace _ stuhlerhug , fruit , this evil hrscticeH 55 huicli destroyj their 1muieiutai , &nd P1'3 ' ideal 53-btem
caush mug'
'i'tto Iiliihittliiti of seluleb , are a dull , dlstrwit.cul inliuti , sutilehi luSts theni tar ierforimihiig theIr busIness and
, , chal , itithc , , iiahoi , happy iuarrlago , ilithiiuiiIih1V ( , this aetiuii ut this hucart , cao.In tlIutlic of hes
ilejircwshini of .iirita , uvji fiircluisiliigii , cintaiuhicu , tear. , dreutii , , rebtietci mIghuta , dlzzhiies , fitrgetfuiteas
tiiiiistiirah ilhiuchuargt. , haul iii the. tack aiuiI hills , shun t ) trcathuhig , iiivlaorlioly , tire easily of counjiaiiy sail
hut u iruferelico tip Itti idoo , , fcelliig as tired lii the iiuoriiitug aim isluemi retiring , eiiihiutI us eaknes , lost nan.
Iuoil , 'is hits 1,1,110 ihlJhilisit I II thus urbuu , liert-iuiiiiicb5 , ctiiftisitin of tlutighit trtuiiiblliug , si atcry aiO , s oak 0305
i135lCi sItu , l'iilIltlhiathtlli , hiaIvess , hoill ititil 4 eakueuis in thu hiiiih , etc. , afuotild cuiuttilt ou Ininuediatehy anJ
to restored to huh feet luvahth.I ,
Viit , luaso hteeollsl victim. ( if solitary sire , that dcealfii , niuj , tleistriictito liatuit ttilcI aiimiually wools an
iiiutiiiehy , gram u thiiiiiiiaitii of yiltillg audI lit etnittuil talent tuii hriillant intellect v. hue Iiilght othorwls
wutralucu listiuruhiug scuustors silt ) , thu tiniiidors if their ehopicitcu or ttaku to cestacy the iisimig 1)-re , IUII cal
w'lu hut ciiiuhitieiuco.
Married persoita tur 3(11111 ben eoiutoi Iulthlig miarrlago is asses of h10.hesh steakiuc , , , loss of Proercatlyc
Ills ttF iiiiiilItCluCi' , fir ltti otluer ilislusIll catiiii i11t10hIh3' I eliot oti , Ito is iuo 1,15cc , hiiiuself , uiudor thus care o
Hr. l'lshibi.ttt lila ) ' rohigii'lil 3' oiiIl. iu lii iuh lutuiitir us a gciitlciuiai , , aitti coiifideiitly Ccl ) 1111(91 Iih .khli as
lbiiliuouhlattl3' ciiruil alit ! vigor reatlIriti. 'lilid ihistreisitig othIictioii-ohilc'u reithur. lifo a burdemm an
macnags Iliuhitilisituk' , t 4 , llIalt3' iluuiti lay tiuo s kthiii fur hiiihirulvr hiudtuhgemicu I'itiiig , i1oo1lu are slut to
ciiruiuit , UXtbbUi ( null muot hsuhiug its are of thu thrutiftil ciiiisctjtielctuiu thuat * iua > ' elusilt. h ow ti lie tha
tiiiierstuuiuihs , liii. sihtjtuct stili iluiiy that htruierathtlll Is 1(1st sCuller by tiuiiso fuuiiiig , liiti , tleiroptr huahilt tiusu
by jriidciut ? Iic.iilo luehiug ticlirli ed ' .1 thus hlea.iro , if hueuultliy uiitsichiigs ) thu Iuuiist serhiuti. aitti destructive
SyllIjtiuiiui ( uf h'tI , Vichy aiitl iiilitI , arise , 'liii s3stuln itcciiiuu ivraigeut , titt hlbi3 slc'iI iitt titciutal function.
ts'uakeii , lois of hlrlicrcati ( 0 illS or. , lien 11115 luatulhtty , , ( I ) SilUllillI , IuliiitltiilI ( 'I ' fliu hauaet , Indigestion1
Co stltiutttuih dthllut ; ' , sasting ut thiu 1rttiiu , elnighi , ctiiustimiu1tituii itud diuthu.
l'cr.ulla.fJrulIIuod his licaithi by utlIearno-l - prutoid sriwhio kcchitIlelnriihiligllIoathl after month akin
I uuiuutis stid liii urluulealuIjiullJ , , tiul 1 .iiii.hy ' . ,
1)lt. FISi I1i1t'1"V ,
grutiumatu ( if ( Ills of thus iiiostuiiuhiuiit ciulhegcs of thu Uititcth States , huuus effected soiuo of this most astoitislu.
lug cures thuuut si up s us or itutiwli' 111511) troubiul is ith rIi.dllg I , , thu cal altO 11(50 , lusts SIO.ep , great
iuvrstil.ue.s : , lusitig uulartioiI a veraiii titiiid , si itli treqtiuiit hhu.iiig ) , iutteiidud boilututimileS us 101 ulcramigo.
iiiuiut of ( lie miiiiuti si ceo ciirvt hiiuiiieiliateh3' ,
Pr , I' . alIiresso all tliu , iuii hao , hiijiiruI thiuinlvos , by hiiiprtipcr hmalulguricu sill solitary habits whIch
ruin ) ioth hotly at iti liuillI , itilit tiii thuiii for iiiiiios , , .ttmiy , society tir iuuarrhage.
'Ilueso aru , uuiuiu ( If ( lie iioliiieiitihy tilects ir000celt by thus early habits of 3'outl , . viz : Yoaklies * of thu
hark slut hhiuih , iiahiis in tiu ) 110511 alit uhluitiussi of sighut , loss of miisculsr 11011cr , iiaiiuhtallun ol this hcaxt , . -
ihywpela , luerviJus hrrttuuiuiiit ) ' , ders'uguineit ' ot digutlso fuiietloiu , debility , collsuuuiitloli.
, 1VrlONAL llA1c , OMAhA ,
CONSUI/h'A'l'ION FiU3. t.1argtus , Iiiotlcratu alit scithuin 'thus rcacht at all who need acluittiflo Sledica ' ' '
troatiueit. 'l'iitlsossuII ) rusitsiut us dlstaiicu alud caniuot oath , will receiyu IirOtuht &ttelltiun through loath b1
illl1hy iuciidliig their $3 IlijitOmliS s-it ) , hioutage.
Addrus l.ock Hex 0natiuu , , Neb ,
. . . . , , .
- ' - - - - - ' - ' - , (